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A Survey of Data Provenance in e-Science
Yogesh L. Simmhan Beth Plale Dennis Gannon
Computer Science Department
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405
{ysimmhan, plale, gannon}
Data management is growing in complexity as large-
scale applications take advantage of the loosely coupled
resources brought together by grid middleware and by
abundant storage capacity. Metadata describing the data
products used in and generated by these applications is
essential to disambiguate the data and enable reuse. Data
provenance, one kind of metadata, pertains to the
derivation history of a data product starting from its
original sources.
In this paper we create a taxonomy of data provenance
characteristics and apply it to current research efforts in
e-science, focusing primarily on scientific workflow
approaches. The main aspect of our taxonomy
categorizes provenance systems based on why they
record provenance, what they describe, how they
represent and store provenance, and ways to disseminate
it. The survey culminates with an identification of open
research problems in the field.
1. Introduction
The growing number and size of computational and data
resources coupled with uniform access mechanisms
provided by a common Grid middleware stack is
allowing scientists to perform advanced scientific tasks
in collaboratory environments. Scientific workflows are
the means by which these tasks can be composed. The
workflows can generate terabytes of data, mandating
rich and descriptive metadata about the data in order to
make sense of it and reuse it. One kind of metadata is
provenance (also referred to as lineage and pedigree),
which tracks the steps by which the data was derived
and can provide significant value addition in such data
intensive e-science projects.
Scientific domains use different forms of provenance
and for various purposes. Publications are a common
form of representing the provenance of experimental
data and results. Increasingly, Digital Object Identifiers
(DOIs) [1] are used to cite data used in experiments so
that the papers can relate the experimental process and
analysis – which form the data’s lineage – to the actual
data used and produced. Some scientific fields go
beyond this and store lineage information in a machine
accessible and understandable form. Geographic
information system (GIS) standards suggest that
metadata about the quality of datasets should include a
description of the lineage of the data product to help the
data users to decide if the dataset meets the requirement
of their application [2]. Materials engineers choose
materials for the design of critical components, such as
for an airplane, based on their statistical analysis and it
is essential to establish the pedigree of this data to
prevent system failures and for audit [3]. When sharing
biological and biomedical data in life sciences research,
presence of its transformation record gives a context in
which it can be used and also credits the author(s) of the
data [4]. Knowledge of provenance is also relevant from
the perspective of regulatory mechanisms to protect
intellectual property [5]. With a large number of datasets
appearing in the public domain, it is increasingly
important to determine their veracity and quality. A
detailed history of the data will allow the users to
discern for themselves if the data is acceptable.
Provenance can be described in various terms depending
on the domain where it is applied. Buneman et al [6],
who refer to data provenance in the context of database
systems, define it as the description of the origins of
data and the process by which it arrived at the database.
Lanter [7], who discusses derived data products in GIS,
characterizes lineage as information describing materials
and transformations applied to derive the data.
Provenance can be associated not just with data
products, but with the process(es) that enabled their
creation as well. Greenwood et al [8] expand Lanter’s
definition and view it as metadata recording the process
of experiment workflows, annotations, and notes about
experiments. For the purposes of this paper, we define
data provenance as information that helps determine the
derivation history of a data product, starting from its
original sources. We use the term data product or dataset
to refer to data in any form, such as files, tables, and
virtual collections. The two important features of the
provenance of a data product are the ancestral data
product(s) from which this data product evolved, and the
process of transformation of these ancestral data
product(s), potentially through workflows, that helped
derive this data product.
In this survey, we compare current data provenance
research in the scientific domain. Based on an extensive
survey of the literature on provenance [9], we have
developed a taxonomy of provenance techniques that we
use to analyze five selected systems. Four of the projects
use workflows to perform scientific experiments and
simulations. The fifth research work investigates
provenance techniques for data transformed through
queries in database systems. The relationship between
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005
workflows and database queries with respect to lineage
is evident1. Research on tracking the lineage of database
queries and on managing provenance in workflow
systems share a symbiotic relationship, and the
possibility of developing cross-cutting techniques is
something we expose in this study. We conclude this
survey with an identification of open research problems.
The complete version of this survey [9] reviews an
additional four systems and also investigates the use of
provenance in the business domain.
While data provenance has gained increasing interest
recently due to unique desiderata introduced by
distributed data in Grids, few sources are available in
the literature that compare across approaches. Bose et al
[10] survey lineage retrieval systems, workflow
systems, and collaborative environments, with the goal
of proposing a meta-model for a systems architecture for
lineage retrieval. Our taxonomy based on usage, subject,
representation, storage, and dissemination more fully
captures the unique characteristics of these provenance
systems. Miles et al [11] study use cases for recording
provenance in e-science experiments for the purposes of
defining the technical requirements for a provenance
architecture. We prescribe no particular model but
instead discuss extant models for lineage management
that can guide future provenance management systems.
2. Taxonomy of Provenance Techniques
Different approaches have been taken to support data
provenance requirements for individual domains. In this
section, we present a taxonomy of these techniques from
a conceptual level with brief discussions on their pros
and cons. A summary of the taxonomy is given in Figure
1. Each of the five main headings is discussed in turn.
2.1 Application of Provenance
Provenance systems can support a number of uses [12,
13]. Goble [14] summarizes several applications of
provenance information as follows:
! Data Quality: Lineage can be used to estimate data
quality and data reliability based on the source data
and transformations [4]. It can also provide proof
statements on data derivation [15].
! Audit Trail: Provenance can be used to trace the audit
trail of data [11], determine resource usage [8], and
detect errors in data generation [16].
! Replication Recipes: Detailed provenance information
can allow repetition of data derivation, help maintain
its currency [11], and be a recipe for replication [17].
! Attribution: Pedigree can establish the copyright and
ownership of data, enable its citation [4], and
determine liability in case of erroneous data.
1 Workflows form a graph of processes that transform data
products. Database queries can form a graph of operations
that operate on tables.
! Informational: A generic use of lineage is to query
based on lineage metadata for data discovery. It can
also be browsed to provide a context to interpret data.
2.2 Subject of Provenance
Provenance information can be collected about different
resources in the data processing system and at multiple
levels of detail. The provenance techniques we surveyed
focus on data, but this data lineage can either be
available explicitly or deduced indirectly. In an explicit
model, which we term a data-oriented model, lineage
metadata is specifically gathered about the data product.
One can delineate the provenance metadata about the
data product from metadata concerning other resources.
This contrasts to a process-oriented, or indirect, model
where the deriving processes are the primary entities for
which provenance is collected, and the data provenance
is determined by inspecting the input and output data
products of these processes [18].
The usefulness of provenance in a certain domain is
linked to the granularity at which it is collected. The
requirements range from provenance on attributes and
tuples in a database [19] to provenance for collections of
files, say, generated by an ensemble experiment run
[20]. Increasing use of abstract datasets [17, 18] that
refer to data at any granularity or format allows a flexible
approach. The cost of collecting and storing provenance
can be inversely proportional to its granularity.
2.3 Representation of Provenance
Different techniques can be used to represent
provenance information, some of which depend on the
underlying data processing system. The manner in
which provenance is represented has implications on the
cost of recording it and the richness of its usage. The
two major approaches to representing provenance
information use either annotations or inversion. In the
former, metadata comprising of the derivation history of
a data product is collected as annotations and
descriptions about source data and processes. This is an
eager form [21] of representation in that provenance is
pre-computed and readily usable as metadata.
Alternatively, the inversion method uses the property by
which some derivations can be inverted to find the input
data supplied to them to derive the output data.
Examples include queries and user-defined functions in
databases that can be inverted automatically or by
explicit functions [19, 22, 23]. In this case, information
about the queries and the output data may suffice to
identify the source data.
While the inversion method has the advantage of being
more compact than the annotation approach, the
information it provides is sparse and limited to the
derivation history of the data. Annotations, on the other
hand, can be richer and, in addition to the derivation
history, often include the parameters passed to the
derivation processes, the versions of the workflows that
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005
Use of
Subject of
Data Quality
Audit Trail
Data Oriented
Fine Grained Coarse
Visual Graph
Service API
Use of
Subject of
Data Quality
Audit Trail
Data Oriented
Fine Grained Coarse
Visual Graph
Service API
Taxonomy of Provena
will enable reproduction of the data, or even related
publication references [24].
There is no metadata standard for lineage representation
across disciplines, and due to their diverse needs, it is a
challenge for a suitable one to evolve [25]. Many current
provenance systems that use annotations have adopted
XML for representing the lineage information [11, 18,
25, 26]. Some also capture semantic information within
provenance using domain ontologies in languages like
RDF and OWL [18, 25]. Ontologies precisely express
the concepts and relationships used in the provenance
and provide good contextual information.
2.4 Provenance Storage
Provenance information can grow to be larger than the
data it describes if the data is fine-grained and
provenance information rich. So the manner in which
the provenance metadata is stored is important to its
scalability. The inversion method discussed in section
2.3 is arguably more scalable than using annotations
[19]. However, one can reduce storage needs in the
annotation method by recording just the immediately
preceding transformation step that creates the data and
recursively inspecting the provenance information of
those ancestors for the complete derivation history.
Provenance can be tightly coupled to the data it
describes and located in the same data storage system or
even be embedded within the data file, as done in the
headers of NASA Flexible Image Transport System
files. Such approaches can ease maintaining the integrity
of provenance, but make it harder to publish and search
just the provenance. Provenance can also be stored with
other metadata or simply by itself [26]. In maintaining
provenance, we should consider if it is immutable, or if
it can be updated to reflect the current state of its
predecessors, or whether it should be versioned [14].
The provenance collection mechanism and its storage
repository also determine the trust one places in the
provenance and if any mediation service is needed [11].
Management of provenance incurs costs for its
collection and for its storage. Less frequently used
provenance information can be archived to reduce
storage overhead or a demand-supply model based on
usefulness can retain provenance for those frequently
used. If provenance depends on users manually adding
annotations instead of automatically collecting it, the
burden on the user may prevent complete provenance
from being recorded and available in a machine
accessible form that has semantic value [18].
2.5 Provenance Dissemination
In order to use provenance, a system should allow rich
and diverse means to access it. A common way of
disseminating provenance data is through a derivation
graph that users can browse and inspect [16, 18, 25, 26].
Users can also search for datasets based on their
provenance metadata, such as to locate all datasets
generated by a executing a certain workflow. If semantic
provenance information is available, these query results
can automatically feed input datasets for a workflow at
runtime [25]. The derivation history of datasets can be
used to replicate data at another site, or update it if a
dataset is stale due to changes made to its ancestors [27].
Provenance retrieval APIs can additionally allow users
to implement their own mechanism of usage.
3. Survey of Data Provenance Techniques
In our full survey of data provenance [9], we discuss
nine major works that, taken together, provide a
comprehensive overview of research in this field. In this
paper, five works have been selected for discussion. A
summary of their characteristics, as defined by the
taxonomy, can be found in Table 1.
3.1 Chimera
Chimera [27] manages the derivation and analysis of
data objects in collaboratory environments and collects
provenance in the form of data derivation steps for
datasets [17]. Provenance is used for on-demand
regeneration of derived data (“virtual data”), comparison
of data, and auditing data derivations.
Chimera uses a process oriented model to record
provenance. Users construct workflows (called
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005
derivation graphs or DAGs) using a Virtual Data
Language (VDL) [17, 27]. The VDL conforms to a
schema that represents data products as abstract typed
datasets and their materialized replicas. Datasets can be
files, tables, and objects of varying granularity, though
the prototype supports only files. Computational process
templates, called transformations, are scripts in the file
system and, in future, web services [17]. The
parameterized instance of the transformations, called
derivations, can be connected to form workflows that
consume and produce replicas. Upon execution,
workflows automatically create invocation objects for
each derivation in the workflow, annotated with runtime
information of the process. Invocation objects are the
glue that link input and output data products, and they
constitute an annotation scheme for representing the
provenance. Semantic information on the dataset
derivation is not collected.
The lineage in Chimera is represented in VDL that maps
to SQL queries in a relational database, accessed
through a virtual data catalog (VDC) service [27].
Metadata can be stored in a single VDC, or distributed
over multiple VDC repositories with inter-catalog
references to data and processes, to enable scaling.
Lineage information can be retrieved from the VDC
using queries written in VDL that can, for example,
recursively search for derivations that generated a
particular dataset. A virtual data browser that uses the
VDL queries to interactively access the catalog is
proposed [27]. A novel use of provenance in Chimera is
to plan and estimate the cost of regenerating datasets.
When a dataset has been previously created and it needs
to be regenerated (e.g. to create a new replica), its
provenance guides the workflow planner in selecting an
optimal plan for resource allocation [17, 27].
3.2 myGrid
myGrid provides middleware in support of in silico
(computational laboratory) experiments in biology,
modeled as workflows in a Grid environment [18].
myGrid services include resource discovery, workflow
enactment, and metadata and provenance management,
which enable integration and present a semantically
enhanced information model for bio-informatics.
myGrid is service-oriented and executes workflows
written in XScufl language using the Taverna engine
[18]. A provenance log of the workflow enactment
contains the services invoked, their parameters, the start
and end times, the data products used and derived, and
ontology descriptions, and it is automatically recorded
when the workflow executes. This process-oriented
workflow derivation log is inverted to infer the
provenance for the intermediate and final data products.
Users need to annotate workflows and services with
semantic descriptions to enable this inference and have
the semantic metadata carried over to the data products.
In addition to contextual and organizational metadata
such as owner, project, and experiment hypothesis,
ontological terms can also be provided to describe the
data and the experiment [8]. XML, HTML, and RDF are
used to represent syntactic and semantic provenance
metadata using the annotation scheme [14]. The
granularity at which provenance can be stored is flexible
and is any resource identifiable by an LSID [18].
The myGrid Information Repository (mIR) data service
is a central repository built over a relational database to
store metadata about experimental components [18]. A
number of ways are available for knowledge discovery
using provenance. For instance, the semantic
provenance information available as RDF can be viewed
as a labeled graph using the Haystack semantic web
browser [18]. COHSE (Conceptual Open Hypermedia
Services Environment), a semantic hyperlink utility, is
another tool used to build a semantic web of
provenance. Here, semantically annotated provenance
logs are interlinked using an ontology reasoning service
and displayed as a hyperlinked web page. Provenance
information generated during the execution of a
workflow can also trigger the rerun of another workflow
whose input data parameters it may have updated.
3.3 CMCS
The CMCS project is an informatics toolkit for
collaboration and metadata-based data management for
multi-scale science [24, 25]. CMCS manages
heterogeneous data flows and metadata across multi-
disciplinary sciences such as combustion research,
supplemented by provenance metadata for establishing
the pedigree of data. CMCS uses the Scientific
Annotation Middleware (SAM) repository for storing
URL referenceable files and collections [25].
CMCS uses an annotation scheme to associate XML
metadata properties with the files in SAM and manages
them through a Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV) interface. Files form the level of granularity
and all resources such as data objects, processes, web
services, and bibliographic records are modeled as files.
Dublin Core (DC) verbs like Has Reference, Issued, and
Is Version Of are used as XML properties for data files
and semantically relate them to their deriving processes
through XLink references in SAM [24]. DC elements
like Title and Creator, and user-defined metadata can
provide additional context information. Heterogeneous
metadata schemas are supported by mapping them to
standard DC metadata terms using XSLT translators.
Direct association of provenance metadata with the data
object makes this a data-oriented model.
There is no facility for automated collection of lineage
from a workflow’s execution. Data files and their
metadata are populated by DAV-aware applications in
workflows or manually entered by scientists through a
portal interface [25]. Provenance metadata properties
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005
Table 1 Summary of characteristics of surveyed data provenance techniques
Chimera myGRID CMCS ESSW Trio
Astronomy Biology Chemical Sciences
Earth Sciences None
Workflow Type Script Based Service Oriented Service Oriented Script Based Database Query
Use of Provenance Informational; Audit;
Data Replication
Context Information;
update data Informational Informational; up
date propagation
Subject Process Process Data Both Data
Granularity Abstract datasets
(Presently files)
Abstract resources
having LSID Files Files Tuples in
Virtual Data Language
DublinCore XML
Semantic Info. No Yes Yes Proposed No
Storage Repository/
Virtual Data Catalog/
Relational DB
mIR repository/
Relational DB
SAM over DAV/
Relational DB
Lineage Server/
Relational DB Relational DB
User Overhead
User defines
Automated WF trace
User defines Service
semantics; Automated
WF Trace
Manual: Apps use
DAV APIs; Users
use portal
Use Libraries to
Inverse queries
Addressed Yes No No Proposed No
Dissemination Queries Semantic browser;
Lineage graph
can be queried from SAM using generic WebDAV
clients. Special portlets allow users to traverse the
provenance metadata for a resource as a web page with
hyperlinks to related data, or as a labeled graph
represented in the Graphics eXchange Language (GXL).
The provenance information can also be exported to
RDF that semantic agents can use to infer relationships
between resources. Provenance metadata that indicate
data modification can generate notifications that trigger
workflow execution to update dependent data products.
3.4 ESSW
The Earth System Science Workbench (ESSW) [28] is a
metadata management and data storage system for earth
science researchers. Lineage is a key facet of the
metadata created in the workbench, and is used for
detecting errors in derived data products and in
determining the quality of datasets.
ESSW uses a scripting model for data processing i.e. all
data manipulation is done through scripts that wrap
existing scientific applications [26]. The sequence of
invocation of these scripts by a master workflow script
forms a DAG. Data products at the granularity of files
are consumed and produced by the scripts, with each
data product and script having a uniquely labeled
metadata object. As the workflow script invokes
individual scripts, these scripts, as part of their
execution, compose XML metadata for themselves and
the data products they generate. The workflow script
links the data flow between successive scripts using
their metadata ids to form the lineage trace for all data
products, represented as annotations. By chaining the
scripts and the data using parent-child links, ESSW is
balanced between data and process oriented lineage.
ESSW puts the onus on the script writer to record the
metadata and lineage using templates and libraries that
are provided. The libraries store metadata objects as
files in a web accessible location and the lineage
separately in a relational database [26]. Scalability is not
currently addressed though it is proposed to federate
lineage across organizations. The metadata and lineage
information can be navigated as a workflow DAG
through a web browser that uses PHP scripts to access
the lineage database [28]. Future work includes
encoding lineage information semantically as RDF
triples to help answer richer queries [26].
3.5 Trio
Cui and Widom [22, 29] trace lineage information for
view data in data warehouses. The Trio project [23]
leverages some of this work in a proposed database
system which has data accuracy and data lineage as
inherent components. While data warehouse mining and
updation motivates lineage tracking in this project, any
e-science system that uses database queries and
functions to model workflows and data transformations
can apply such techniques.
A database view can be modeled as a query tree that is
evaluated bottom-up, starting with leaf operators having
tables as inputs and successive parent operators taking
as input the result of a child operator [22]. For ASPJ
(Aggregate-Select-Project-Join operator) views, it is
possible to create an inverse query of the view query
that operates on the materialized view, and recursively
moves down the query tree to identity the source tables
in the leaves that form the view data’s lineage [22].
Trio [23] uses this inversion model to automatically
determine the source data for tuples created by view
SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005
queries. The inverse queries are recorded at the
granularity of a view tuple and stored in a special
Lineage table. This direct association of lineage with
tuples makes this a data-oriented provenance scheme.
Mechanisms to handle (non-view) tuples created by
insert and update queries, and through user-defined
functions are yet to be determined. Lineage in Trio is
simply the source tuples and the view query that created
the view tuple, with no semantic metadata recorded.
Scalability is not specifically addressed either. Other
than querying the Lineage table, some special purpose
constructs will be provided for retrieving lineage
information through a Trio Query Language (TriQL).
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a taxonomy to understand
and compare provenance techniques used in e-science
projects. The exercise shows that provenance is still an
exploratory field and several open research questions are
exposed. Ways to federate provenance information and
assert its truthfulness need study for it to be usable
across organizations [12]. Evolution of metadata and
service interface standards to manage provenance in
diverse domains will also contribute to a wider adoption
of provenance and promote its sharing [11]. The ability
to seamlessly represent provenance of data derived from
both workflows and databases can help in its portability.
Ways to store provenance about missing or deleted data
(phantom lineage [23]) require further consideration.
Finally, a deeper understanding of provenance is needed
to identify novel ways to leverage it to its full potential.
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SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 3, Sept. 2005