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Machine learning in space: Extending our reach



We introduce the challenge of using machine learning effectively in space applications and motivate the domain for future researchers. Machine learning can be used to enable greater autonomy to improve the duration, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and science return of space missions. In addition to the challenges provided by the nature of space itself, the requirements of a space mission severely limit the use of many current machine learning approaches, and we encourage researchers to explore new ways to address these challenges.
Mach Learn
DOI 10.1007/s10994-011-5249-4
Machine learning in space: extending our reach
Amy McGovern ·Kiri L. Wagstaff
Received: 24 March 2011 / Accepted: 7 April 2011
© The Author(s) 2011
Abstract We introduce the challenge of using machine learning effectively in space appli-
cations and motivate the domain for future researchers. Machine learning can be used to
enable greater autonomy to improve the duration, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and science
return of space missions. In addition to the challenges provided by the nature of space itself,
the requirements of a space mission severely limit the use of many current machine learning
approaches, and we encourage researchers to explore new ways to address these challenges.
Keywords Space missions ·Machine learning applications ·Autonomy
1 Space operations: a challenge for machine learning
Space missions operate in an extremely challenging environment, for both human and
robotic explorers. Due to the risks, the cost, and the distance, exploration is most often
carried out remotely (e.g., the MESSENGER mission to Mercury, a multitude of Earth or-
biters, the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, the Cassini mission to Saturn, the New Horizons
mission to Pluto and beyond). For the foreseeable future, our only access to up-close obser-
vations of stars, planets, moons, and other celestial objects will be through the instruments
of robotic spacecraft. Even after we achieve the technological ability to send humans to
these remote locations, they will be assisted by a suite of rovers, orbiters, and other data
collection and analysis tools. Some locations may remain too dangerous, inhospitable, or
remote for humans to access at all. In all of these cases, autonomy for the remote robotic
agents is essential. Autonomy is useful even in missions closer to home, such as NASA’s
A. McGovern
School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA
K.L. Wagstaff ()
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Mail Stop 306-463, 4800 Oak Grove
Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Mach Learn
Robonaut (a robotic humanoid torso recently launched to help astronauts onboard the Inter-
national Space Station). The teleoperation approach currently in place quickly exhausts the
teleoperator, and an autonomous or semi-autonomous Robonaut could be a more effective
assistant for the astronauts. Such a system is under development (Bluethmann et al. 2004)
but has not yet been approved on the launched Robonaut.
Several factors make the goal of autonomous operation in space more challenging than
autonomous operations in an Earth-based desktop or web environment. First, remote space-
craft generally operate under severe computational constraints, with processors and memory
that lag a decade behind the desktop state of the art. This is due to the necessary radiation-
hardening process, which also greatly increases their cost. For example, the RAD750 pro-
cessor used by Deep Impact, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Kepler space telescope, and
other current missions and instruments runs at only 133 MHz and costs $200,000 (Rhea
Second, space missions have an extremely high cost of failure. Not only is it expensive to
develop and launch the mission, but there is little or no opportunity for external aid or repair.
Any autonomy provided by machine learning or artificial intelligence techniques must be
provably reliable and constrained from posing any threat to the spacecraft’s station-keeping,
health, and core operations. This is at odds with the desire, and in some cases the need, to
enable autonomous control of spacecraft position and activities.
Third, space missions often experience extremely long communication times between
the spacecraft and the nearest human expert. These delays provide additional motivation for
autonomy, lest the remote agent expend resources and time in an unproductive state waiting
for a response. However, they place a higher requirement on autonomous decisions being
correct, as there can be no real-time human oversight or feedback.
The explicit need for adaptability, reasoning, and generalization from past experience
renders space a challenging application area that provides a prime opportunity for the field of
machine learning. We challenge our readers to address this domain. What existing methods
are suitable for this environment? What are their limitations? How can we incorporate the
need for safety? How can we trade off between risk and potential benefits? It is likely that the
space application domain calls for new ways of thinking about machine learning problems
and devising appropriate solutions.
This editorial aims to highlight to the research community the challenges of developing
and using machine learning methods for space applications and to point out avenues for
fruitful research pursuits. We also provide a context for and introduction to a new paper
by Michael C. Burl and Philipp G. Wetzler, “Onboard Object Recognition for Planetary
Exploration”, which is an example of this kind of work.
2 Existing machine learning and artificial intelligence in space
Autonomous operation enables a remote spacecraft to observe its environment and make in-
dependent decisions about which actions to take, which data to collect, and what to transmit
back to Earth. These capabilities are still in their infancy for today’s spacecraft, permitting
limited autonomy for obstacle avoidance (Maimone et al. 2004) or detection of certain real-
time events such as volcanic eruptions and floods from Earth orbit (Chien et al. 2005)or
dust devils on the Martian surface (Castaño et al. 2008). Autonomous terrain navigation has
improved the capabilities of the twin 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers, enabling them to tra-
verse significantly more terrain than the 1997 Sojourner rover and to increase their science
return. The rovers can also direct the onboard instruments autonomously and identify inter-
esting rock formations (Bajracharya et al. 2008). The AEGIS (Autonomous Exploration for
Mach Learn
Gathering Increased Science) system provides an initial data analysis of images collected by
a rover, so that features of interest (e.g., rocks with certain properties) can be automatically
identified and targeted for additional observations (Estlin et al. 2009). AEGIS is now in use
onboard the Mars Exploration Rovers and is also slated for use on the next Mars rover, Mars
Science Laboratory, which has a planned launch of late 2011. Details about these and other
advances for rover autonomy were summarized by Kean (2010).
In most cases, deployed onboard autonomy consists of the use of a planner whose pri-
orities can be influenced by newly obtained observations, and possibly a rudimentary anal-
ysis of those observations to derive higher-level conclusions about the state of the environ-
ment. To date, very little machine learning has been incorporated into space missions. To
our knowledge, the only onboard operational machine learning is a support vector machine
(SVM) classifier on the EO-1 spacecraft. Castaño et al. trained an SVM to classify pixels
from the Hyperion instrument as snow, water, ice, or land (Castaño et al. 2005). The trained
classifier was uploaded to EO-1 in 2005 and has been operational ever since, providing an
additional data product (thematic map) in real time that enables the automatic detection
of higher-level phenomena, such as spring lake ice thaw events, which informs automatic
instrument retasking.
Learning has been investigated for future missions, but these approaches have not yet
been fielded. One example is the use of onboard data analysis for the THEMIS instrument
on the Mars Odyssey orbiter (Castaño et al. 2007). The algorithms (including an SVM re-
gression model) were developed and tested but ultimately not uploaded to the spacecraft
due to risk considerations. Because the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft failed in late 2006,
the single remaining orbiter (Odyssey) was designated a key asset for the 2008 landing of
the Phoenix mission and no software updates were permitted. Risk is often the barrier to
further acceptance of machine learning or autonomous methods. Even if it is highly unlikely
for a learning algorithm to do anything to jeopardize the safety of the equipment (or in the
case of Robonaut, the nearby astronauts), such capabilities cannot be fielded until they are
proven sufficiently safe. That process requires close collaboration with spacecraft experts
and a commitment to complete integration with verification and validation activities.
One subject of particular interest to machine learning in space that has received recent
attention has been the impact of a high-radiation environment on the reliability of the learn-
ing algorithms themselves. A study of the impact of radiation-corrupted RAM on different
clustering algorithms concluded that the k-means algorithm can (somewhat surprisingly)
withstand the Earth orbit environment without requiring radiation-hardened memory, which
could lead to substantial future mission cost savings (Wagstaff and Bornstein 2009b). Sim-
ilar results were found for SVM classifiers (Wagstaff and Bornstein 2009a). The clustering
study also found that kd-k-means, a faster version of the algorithm that stores the data set
as a kd-tree in memory, was much more sensitive to radiation and would not be advisable
for onboard use—another result that runs counter to the strategies one would employ in a
desktop environment. This result led to the subsequent development of a kd-tree variant that
was restructured to increase its robustness to radiation (Gieseke et al. 2010). More work on
this subject will help enable the adoption of advanced machine learning methods onboard
Although machine learning for space is a new field, there have been several related work-
shops and conferences that provide venues for discussing new advances and opportunities.
These include:
The Workshop on Machine Learning Technologies for Autonomous Space Applications
at the 2003 International Conference on Machine Learning. Participants identified robust
and efficient communication, verification/validation, and risk mitigation as the key topics
Mach Learn
on which future machine learning contributions should focus. A full workshop summary
is available at
– The International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in
Space Conference (i-SAIRAS). The most recent symposium (2010) covered methods for
planning and scheduling, docking and capture, robotic landing, navigation, autonomy,
telerobotics, and more.
The Workshops on Artificial Intelligence in Space, held in 2007 and 2009 in conjunction
with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Topics included collab-
oration between multiple robots, onboard clustering and data analysis, decision making,
efficient scheduling, and more.
The need for close collaboration between space mission experts and machine learning re-
searchers has been recognized informally, but there has been a dearth of true meeting
grounds established for these communities to make contact. The successes cited above in
integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning methods into space missions have
come about through direct collaboration in the context of the mission in operation, often
with ML/AI researchers first volunteering to train as rover drivers or other mission opera-
tors to gain direct experience with the mission needs and constraints. We encourage machine
learning researchers to reach out and make these connections, since they are so critical to
the adoption and use of ML methods for space missions.
3 Opportunities for machine learning in space
Instruments and missions that must operate remotely stand to benefit greatly from the use
of advanced machine learning. There is a need for innovative, high-reliability, and resource-
constrained methods for the following.
Image analysis: recognition of features to inform instrument targeting, navigation, pin-
point landing
Time series analysis: fault detection or prediction in telemetry, anomaly detection in sci-
entific sensors
Classification: surface type mapping, mineral composition estimation
Clustering: identification of trends and outliers
– Reinforcement learning: efficient exploration of new environments, identification of
robotic solutions to tasks
Ranking: prioritization or subsampling of data given limited downlink bandwidth
Active learning: selection of new observational targets
Abstaining or introspective learning: to enable high reliability
Multi-instrument or multi-mission ensemble learning.
This list is not exhaustive, and other applications of machine learning to space are possible.
To have a positive impact on space applications, we need to understand how well existing
machine learning methods perform as well as what their limitations are. In order to ensure
that a method will work well in space, the following challenges must also be addressed.
Limited processing power
Limited memory capacity
High-radiation environment, which can perturb operations and corrupt memory
Long round-trip communication delays, necessitating autonomous decision making
High cost of failure, requiring high reliability and recovery from unexpected events
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Embedded operation, requiring minimal impact to computing, memory, and other onboard
resources also needed to maintain spacecraft health and communications with Earth.
The potential payoffs are considerable. Any improvement in autonomy and decision
making for remote spacecraft leads to savings in time, and therefore reductions in cost and
risk. The spacecraft can accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which is not only more
efficient but may make the difference as to whether a specific discovery can be made at all,
since most spacecraft have severely limited total lifetimes. That limit is imposed by extreme
environmental factors (radiation, dust, cold, hazards), degradation of components (due to
thermal cycling, dust, age), consumption of finite resources (e.g., fuel for attitude thrusters,
sharpness of a drill bit, reactants for chemical testing), and cost. Keeping a mission operat-
ing is a constant financial drain, and in some cases even if the hardware is still functional
the mission may be terminated due to limited funds. Increased autonomy can greatly reduce
the ongoing operational costs and may even enable unanticipated extensions in the mission
lifetime. For example, the EO-1 spacecraft was able to reduce operational costs by $1 M per
year, with a 50% increase in science return, by using the Autonomous Sciencecraft Exper-
iment to automatically plan and adaptively re-plan observations as needed (Rabideau et al.
Further, onboard advanced machine learning capabilities may enable entirely new kinds
of missions that are not currently possible. Examples could include extremely long-duration
missions that require onboard adaptation to changing sensor responses, high-risk explo-
ration of caves or other locations in which the remote agent will be entirely cut off from
Earth communications for long periods, or scaling a cliff or glacier wall for which real-time
detection and avoidance of hazards and falls is required. All such missions will require the
ability to detect anomalous sensor readings, adapt to unexpected environmental conditions,
autonomously adjust to hardware failures, and more.
Space applications research can also yield benefits for machine learning. In develop-
ing innovative methods to meet the challenges of the space environment, we will push the
boundaries of existing machine learning algorithms and gain understanding about their own
limitations and ways they can be addressed. Thinking about problems outside of the typical
desktop computing environment can lead to new advances in machine learning with severe
resource constraints or when misclassification costs are extreme.
4 Example: Onboard Object Recognition for Planetary Exploration
The following paper, “Onboard Object Recognition for Planetary Exploration,” provides an
example of machine learning research inspired by the needs of actual space missions. This
paper introduces an SVM-based technique for identifying craters that directly addresses the
limited computation and memory of radiation-hardened processors. A rich array of crater
finding methods had been developed previously, but these focused on the ground-based
analysis of archived data, using conventional desktop or cluster computers. The authors
of the paper in this issue demonstrate that straightforward SVMs cannot be run within the
memory and processing time limitations of onboard processing, and they introduce a Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) technique that enables the SVMs to run much more efficiently.
They demonstrate that both the theoretical and empirical computational efficiency of SVMs
with the FFTs are dramatically improved over standard SVMs and over neural nets. Their
approach is comparable to that of a human labeling the craters and can enable a remote
spacecraft to quickly focus on areas of interest.
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This editorial has outlined the need for advanced machine learning methods for space appli-
cations. Machine learning has the potential to greatly increase these missions’ capabilities,
as well as to enable ambitious new exploration that is not currently possible. We encourage
the machine learning community to (1) actively develop new machine learning concepts and
methods that can meet the unique challenges of the space environment; (2) identify novel
space applications where machine learning can significantly increase capabilities, robust-
ness, and/or efficiency; and (3) develop appropriate evaluation and validation strategies to
establish confidence in the remote operation of these methods in a mission-critical setting.
Acknowledgements The writing of this paper was supported by the University of Oklahoma and was
carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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... While some have been demonstrated [4], further advancements are needed to make these missions routine and support a sustainable space economy [5]. ML technologies have demonstrated their potential to enhance autonomy, precision, and reliability, but challenges remain for their successful deployment in space [6]. In this paper, we introduce the main technologies behind ML applications, explore areas of opportunity for ML systems in OOS missions, and lay out a roadmap of key developments needed to deploy the future generation of intelligent spacecraft. ...
Conference Paper
Machine learning (ML) stands as a pivotal technology shaping the future across diverse industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for automation, optimization, and decision-making. From aiding medical diagnosis and treatment to revolutionizing transportation with autonomous vehicles, ML has positively disrupted numerous sectors, significantly enhancing quality of life. The adoption of ML for on-orbit servicing stands to provide similar benefits, acting as an enabler for a variety of mission profiles due to improved levels of autonomy, precision, and reliability. This paper provides a concise survey of current ML technologies crucial for advancing on-orbit services (OOS), focusing on solutions that provide robust autonomy with respect to Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO), Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC), space robotics, and ground segment operations. The analysis addresses gaps found in real space data, explores solutions tailored for hardware with limited computational resources, and outlines methods to utilize data rich environments found on ground. Development and quality assurance strategies to deploy robust ML systems in such environments are discussed, accompanied by a roadmap for continuous innovation. The proposed roadmap outlines key building steps towards the next generation of more intelligent on-orbit services, exploring possible synergies among technologies, to ultimately contribute to the broader goals of space sustainability.
... Thus, space missions that operate in unknown environments need advanced machine learning. During the latest workshop on artificial intelligence in Space, the research community identified a critical "need for innovative, high reliability, and resource-constrained methods" for the fields of image analysis, time series analysis, classification, clustering and reinforcement learning [2,3]. Recently, the European Space Agency launched several deep learning projects for space applications, such as Artificial Intelligence for Terrain Relative Navigation in Unknown Environment ATENA which used AI to help spacecraft navigate independently in unknown environments [4], there are also other projects such as geodesyNets which uses deep learning on the edge to analyse the geometry of space rocks [5]. ...
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This paper proposes an online continual learning (OCL) methodology tested on hardware and validated for space applications using an object detection close-proximity operations task. The proposed OCL algorithm simulates a streaming scenario and uses experience replay to enable the model to update its knowledge without suffering catastrophic forgetting by saving past inputs in an onboard reservoir that will be sampled during updates. A stream buffer is introduced to enable online training, i.e., the ability to update the model as data is streamed, one sample at a time, rather than being available in batches. Hyperparameters such as buffer sizes, update rate, batch size, batch concatenation parameters and number of iterations per batch are all investigated to find an optimized approach for the incremental domain and streaming learning task. The algorithm is tested on a customized dataset for space applications simulating changes in visual environments that significantly impact the deployed model’s performance. Our OCL methodology uses Weighted Sampling, a novel approach which allows the system to analytically choose more useful input samples during training, the results show that a model can be updated online achieving up to 60% Average Learning while Average Forgetting can be as low as 13% all with a Model Size Efficiency of 1, meaning the model size does not increase. An additional contribution is an implementation of On-Device Continual Training for embedded applications, a hardware experiment is carried out on the Zynq 7100 FPGA where a pre-trained CNN model is updated online using our FPGA backpropagation pipeline and OCL methodology to take into account new data and satisfactorily complete the planned task in less than 5 min achieving 90 FPS.
... Step 7: Any manual data requests and new configurations are transmitted. (McGovern & Wagstaff 2011). Figure 1 visualizes this unique Concept of Operations (ConOps) strategy. ...
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The quest to find extraterrestrial life is a critical scientific endeavor with civilization-level implications. Icy moons in our solar system are promising targets for exploration because their liquid oceans make them potential habitats for microscopic life. However, the lack of a precise definition of life poses a fundamental challenge to formulating detection strategies. To increase the chances of unambiguous detection, a suite of complementary instruments must sample multiple independent biosignatures (e.g., composition, motility/behavior, and visible structure). Such an instrument suite could generate 10,000× more raw data than is possible to transmit from distant ocean worlds like Enceladus or Europa. To address this bandwidth limitation, Onboard Science Instrument Autonomy (OSIA) is an emerging discipline of flight systems capable of evaluating, summarizing, and prioritizing observational instrument data to maximize science return. We describe two OSIA implementations developed as part of the Ocean World Life Surveyor (OWLS) prototype instrument suite at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The first identifies life-like motion in digital holographic microscopy videos, and the second identifies cellular structure and composition via innate and dye-induced fluorescence. Flight-like requirements and computational constraints were used to lower barriers to infusion, similar to those available on the Mars helicopter, “Ingenuity.” We evaluated the OSIA's performance using simulated and laboratory data and conducted a live field test at the hypersaline Mono Lake planetary analog site. Our study demonstrates the potential of OSIA for enabling biosignature detection and provides insights and lessons learned for future mission concepts aimed at exploring the outer solar system.
... According to Torrei et al. [8] and Mcgovern et al. [9], teaching fundamental AI concepts and techniques (including machine learning) has traditionally been done only in higher education. And, although computing education starts to be included in K-12 education around the world, that computing content rarely covers AI at this educational stage [10]. ...
... However, in view of the fast-growing amount of available data, direct human analysis of individual observations is becoming steadily more difficult to achieve. Yet, the steady advances in computing offer solutions to this dilemma (McGovern and Wagstaff, 2011;Ulrich et al., 2021). Machine learning is one branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science, which uses data and algorithms to simulate human learning behavior through statisticalmethods, characterized by the ability to automatically improve accuracy through experience. ...
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Planetary geomorphological maps over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales provide important information on landforms and their evolution. The process of producing a geomorphological map is extremely time-consuming and maps are often difficult to reproduce. The success of deep learning and machine learning promises to drastically reduce the cost of producing these maps and also to increase their reproducibility. However, deep learning methods strongly rely on having sufficient ground truth data to recognize the wanted surface features. In this study, we investigate the results from an artificial intelligence (AI)–based workflow to recognize lunar boulders on images taken from a lunar orbiter to produce a global lunar map showing all boulders that have left a track in the lunar regolith. We compare the findings from the AI study with the results found by a human analyst (HA) who was handed an identical database of images to identify boulders with tracks on the images. The comparison involved 181 lunar craters from all over the lunar surface. Our results show that the AI workflow used grossly underestimates the number of identified boulders on the images that were used. The AI approach found less than one fifth of all boulders identified by the HA. The purpose of this work is not to quantify the absolute sensitivities of the two approaches but to identify the cause and origin for the differences that the two approaches deliver and make recommendations as to how the machine learning approach under the given constraints can be improved. Our research makes the case that despite the increasing ease with which deep learning methods can be applied to existing data sets, a more thorough and critical assessment of the AI results is required to ensure that future network architectures can produce the reliable geomorphological maps that these methods are capable of delivering.
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Robotic space missions have long depended on automation, defined in the 2015 NASA Technology Roadmaps as "the automatically-controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system using a pre-planned set of instructions (e.g., a command sequence)," to react to events when a rapid response is required. Autonomy, defined there as "the capacity of a system to achieve goals while operating independently from external control," is required when a wide variation in circumstances precludes responses being pre-planned, instead autonomy follows an on-board deliberative process to determine the situation, decide the response, and manage its execution. Autonomy is increasingly called for to support adventurous space mission concepts, as an enabling capability or as a significant enhancer of the science value that those missions can return. But if autonomy is to be allowed to control these missions' expensive assets, all parties in the lifetime of a mission, from proposers through ground control, must have high confidence that autonomy will perform as intended to keep the asset safe to (if possible) accomplish the mission objectives. The role of mission assurance is a key contributor to providing this confidence, yet assurance practices honed over decades of spaceflight have relatively little experience with autonomy. To remedy this situation, researchers in JPL's software assurance group have been involved in the development of techniques specific to the assurance of autonomy. This paper summarizes over two decades of this research, and offers a vision of where further work is needed to address open issues.
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We describe four pixel-based classifiers that were developed to identify events in hyperspectral data onboard a spacecraft. One of the classifiers was developed manually by a domain expert, while the other three were developed using machine learning methods. The top two performing classifiers were uploaded to the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) spacecraft and are now running on the satellite. Classification results are used by the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment of NASA's New Millennium Program on EO-1 to automatically target the spacecraft to collect follow-on imagery. This software demonstrates the potential for future deep space missions to identify short-lived science events and make decisions onboard.
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NASA's Earth Observing One Spacecraft (EO-1) has been adapted to host an advanced suite of onboard autonomy software designed to dramatically improve the quality and timeliness of science-data returned from remote-sensing missions. The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE) enables the spacecraft to autonomously detect and respond to dynamic scientifically interesting events observed from EO-1's low earth orbit. ASE includes software systems that perform science data analysis, mission planning, and run-time robust execution. In this article we describe the autonomy flight software, as well as innovative solutions to the challenges presented by autonomy, reliability, and limited computing resources.
Conference Paper
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Space mission operations are extremely labor and knowledge-intensive and are driven by the ground and flight systems. Inclusion of an autonomy capability can have dramatic effects on mission operations. We describe the prior, labor and knowledge intensive mission operations flow for the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) spacecraft as well as the new autonomous operations as part of the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment (ASE)
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We propose a k-d tree variant that is resilient to a pre-described number of memory corruptions while still using only linear space. While the data structure is of independent interest, we demonstrate its use in the context of high-radiation environments. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that the resulting approach leads to a significantly higher resiliency rate compared to previous results. This is especially the case for large-scale multi-spectral satellite data, which renders the proposed approach well-suited to operate aboard today’s satellites.
Conference Paper
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Analyzing data on-board a spacecraft as it is collected en- ables several advanced spacecraft capabilities, such as pri- oritizing observations to make the best use of limited band- width and reacting to dynamic events as they happen. In this paper, we describe how we addressed the unique chal- lenges associated with on-board mining of data as it is col- lected: uncalibrated data, noisy observations, and severe limitations on computational and memory resources. The goal of this eort, which falls into the emerging applica- tion area of spacecraft-based data mining, was to study three specific science phenomena on Mars. Following previ- ous work that used a linear support vector machine (SVM) on-board the Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) spacecraft, we de- veloped three data mining techniques for use on-board the Mars Odyssey spacecraft. These methods range from simple thresholding to state-of-the-art reduced-set SVM technol- ogy. We tested these algorithms on archived data in a flight software testbed. We also describe a significant, serendipi- tous science discovery of this data mining eort: the confir- mation of a water ice annulus around the north polar cap of Mars. We conclude with a discussion on lessons learned in developing algorithms for use on-board a spacecraft.
Conference Paper
The Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science System (AEGIS) will soon provide automated targeting for remote sensing instruments on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission, which currently has two rovers exploring the surface of Mars. Targets for rover remote-sensing instruments, especially narrow field-of-view instruments (such as the MER Mini-TES spectrometer or the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mission ChemCam Spectrometer), are typically selected manually based on imagery already on the ground with the operations team. AEGIS enables the rover flight software to analyze imagery onboard in order to autonomously select and sequence targeted remote-sensing observations in an opportunistic fashion. In this paper, we first provide background information on the larger autonomous science framework in which AEGIS was developed. We then describe how AEGIS was specifically developed and tested on the JPL FIDO rover. Finally we discuss how AEGIS will be uploaded and used on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission in early 2009.
Onboard autonomy is necessary for achieving the goals of future space missions, given the communication de- lays imposed by the extreme distances involved (e.g., to Saturn). The high-radiation space environment can have severe negative effects on unprotected onboard computa- tion, for example by flipping bits in memory. Radiation- hardened components that protect against the majority of these errors exist, but whether such extreme protection is needed is an open question. We developed a method for simulating radiation-induced bit flips and quantita- tively assessed the sensitivity of clustering and classifica- tion algorithms likely to be used onboard spacecraft. We found that, for small data sets in a low-Earth orbit radi- ation environment, commercial RAM would suffice; no radiation-hardening of the memory is needed. We also found that simpler algorithms (regular k-means cluster- ing, linear support vector machines) have less sensitivity (more tolerance) than more sophisticated versions (kd-k- means, Gaussian support vector machines). The develop- ment of algorithms with even less sensitivity to radiation is an open area of research.
The Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science System (AEGIS) will soon provide automated targeting for remote sensing instruments on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission, which currently has two rovers exploring the surface of Mars. Targets for rover remote-sensing instruments, especially narrow field-of-view instruments (such as the MER Mini-TES spectrometer or the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Mission ChemCam Spectrometer), are typically selected manually based on imagery already on the ground with the operations team. AEGIS enables the rover flight software to analyze imagery onboard in order to autonomously select and sequence targeted remote-sensing observations in an opportunistic fashionIn this paper, we first provide background information on the larger autonomous science framework in which AEGIS was developed. We then describe how AEGIS was specifically developed and tested on the JPL FIDO rover. Finally we discuss how AEGIS will be uploaded and used on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission in mid 2009.
The vehicles used to explore the Martian surface require a high degree of autonomy to navigate challenging and unknown terrain, investigate targets, and detect scientific events. Increased autonomy will be critical to the success of future missions. In July 1997, as part of NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission, the Sojourner rover became the first spacecraft to autonomously drive on another planet. The twin Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) vehicles landed in January 2004, and after four years Spirit had driven more than four miles and Opportunity more than seven miles-lasting well past their projected three-month lifetime and expected distances traveled. The newest member of the Mars rover family will have the ability to autonomously approach and inspect a target and automatically detect interesting scientific events. In fall 2009, NASA plans to launch the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, with a primary mission of two years of surface exploration and the ability to acquire and process rock samples. In the near future, the Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission, a cooperative project of NASA and the European Space Agency, will likely use a lightweight rover to drive out and collect samples and bring them back to an Earth return vehicle. This rover will use an unprecedented level of autonomy because of the limited lifetime of a return rocket on the Martian surface and the desire to obtain samples from distant crater walls.