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Challenges of EHR Implementation and Related Guidelines in Isfahan


Abstract and Figures

Introduction: Today, eHealth is base of health services around the world, and electronic health records as an essential core element and its basic architecture for telehealth is considered. EHR offers many potential opportunities for healthcare systems we must focus on its challenges and related guidelines but for EHR deployment. The purpose of this paper is exploration challenges of EHR implementation and related guidelines in Isfahan. Methods: This is a qualitative study and we used the method of phenomenology, a in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 of Physicians, Managers and Clear Sighted persons who had experiences regarding with electronic health record. Conclusion: The researcher divided challenges into two areas of infrastructure and structural. Challenges of electronic health records infrastructure are due to information technology, lack of uniform definitions and concepts, cultural problems, and lack of needs assessment before implementation and the challenges of structural are due to instability enforced, violations of privacy and legal cases, compromise getting information management, and lack of integration and sharing of enterprise-level.
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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2010) 000–000
Challenges of EHR Implementation and Related Guidelines in Isfahan
Maryam Jahanbakhsha, Nahid Tavakoli b,Dr Habibollah Mokhtar ic
a,b Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,Hezar Jarib Street,Isfahan,8176845513,Iran
c. Oil Industry’s Polyclinic,Artesh Square,Isfahan,8174754749,Iran
Introduction: Today, eHe alth is base of healt h services ar ound the world, and electronic health records as an essential core
element and its basic architecture for telehealth is considered. EHR offers many potential opportunities for healthcare systems we
must focus on its challenges and related guidelines but for EHR deployment. The purpose of this paper is exploration challenges
of EHR implementation and related guidelines in Isfahan. Methods: This is a qualitative study and we used the method of
phenomenology, a in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 of Physicians, Managers and Clear Sighted
persons who had experiences regarding with electronic health record. Conclusion: The researcher divided challenges into two
areas of infrastructure and structural. Challenges of electronic health records infrastructure are due to information technology,
lack of uniform definitions and concepts, cultural problems, and lack of needs assessment before implementation and the
challenges of structural are due to instability enforced, violations of privacy and legal cases, compromise getting information
management, and lack of integration and sharing of enterprise-level.
Keywords: Challenges; Electronic Health Record; Isfahan
1. Introd uction
Today, eHealth is base of h ealth services around the world, and electronic health r ecords as an essential core
element [1] and its basic architecture for telehealth is considered[2].
The concept of computerization of medical records was introduced about 30 years ago under different names, such
as electronic medical records, computerized medical records, electronic records and other names. Vision of
electronic health r ecords ar e not fixed in different communities as well as its opportunities and challenges to be
considered. Electr onic health r ecord briefly support the possibility of integration of patient data, clinical decision
support, online data entry by clinicians, access to knowledge resources and multiple information needs of users
while designing interface engines, develop the necessa ry standards, legal and social issues, costs, and leadership and
management, including the challenges ahead in its application that must be considered[3].
Some institutions/countries are currently planning the introduction of a nationwide electronic health record while
others have
actually implemented some form of EHR. However, the type and extent of electronic health records vary an d what
one country calls an EHR ma y not be the same as that developed in another country. Alth ough work has been
undertaken by institutions/countries on some form of a computerized patient healthcare information system, as yet
Maryam Jahanbakhsh. Tel : +98-311-7922029 ; fax : +98-31- 6684799
Email address :
Procedia Computer Science 3 (2011) 1199–1204
1877-0509 c
2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editor.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Maryam Jahanbakhsh / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2010) 000–000
not many hospitals have successfully introduced an electronic health record with clinical data entry at the point of
In addition to the above, resistance by some medical practitioners and health professionals generally to a change
from manual to electronic documentation may be a problem in both developed and developing countries. Most
health administrators and information managers are aware that it may take time to change or at least modify health
practitioner behavior and attitudes. The reason for wanting to change to an electronic system is important.The vision
of the EHR is not fixed. This is both its challenge and its strength in different communities[1]. Therefore, the
researcher tried to investigate the challenges resulting from the introduction and implementation of electronic health
records and related guidlines from the perspective of cust odians and clear-sighted persons.
2. Methods
The current study is done using a qualitative method in Isfahan in 2010. In this study the method of phenomenology
was used. Thus, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 of Physicians, Managers and Clear
Sighted persons who had experiences regarding with electronic health record. Snowball Samplin g is the method
used in this resear ch work to obtain their knowledge. First of all a content analysis was done on the gathered data,
and then based on the purpose of the research which contained opportunities of EHR, they were described &
presented trough using the subject coding.
3. Results
Based on the comments made by in terviewees the researcher divided Challenges into t wo subcategories of
Infrastructure and Structure .
The following table shows the findings of EHR Challenges and its subcategories:
Table 1: Challenges of introduction and implementation of EHR
Infrastructure Structure
Physicians Lack of users’ training
Weakness of relationship between doctors and patients
Limitation of digital signature
No suita ble forma t for data e ntry
Non-effective services for data retrieval and edit
Mana gers Costs of EHR system s
Lack of common language between designers and users
No acceptance of EHR by many users
No expert staff for supporti ng and mai ntenance of the
Lack of financial su pporting for implementation of EHR
Legal restricti ons of EHR
No readiness for data interchange among organizations
Costs of software and hardware
Costs of buying EDI standards
Restriction for using the Oracle
Low speed of existence information and communication
Lack of management of entered data
No possib ility for exter nal user s of EHR
No attenti on to integrati on data from bir th to dea th
Generally infrastr ucture challenges have been divided into four categories :
1. IT-related problems includes:
- cost of hardware
- Cost of software
-Poor communication standards and requirements
- Applied system software weaknesses
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges associated with information technology from the perspective of
interviewees include:
a. Switch designed for high-volume data transmission such as video data
b. Databases for normalizing data
c. Using SQL server 2008
d. Replace the waterfall model with a cycle model
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e. Use the time limit online access to records
f. Correct defects existing HIS
g. Determine the exact procedures to work on basic layers such as data warehousing or data mining
2. Lack of uniform definitions and concepts and no common language between designers, users and custodians
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges resultin g from lack of uniform definitions and concepts of electronic
health records from the views of interviewees include:
a. Involving trade unions about such insurance, radiology, and etc.
b. Defined localization of EHR
c. Standardization of data in order to harvest all the same
d. V & V (Verification and Validity) of Information
3. Cultural problems includes:
- Rejection by some users
-Weakness of relationship between physician and patient
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges related to cultural pr oblems from the perspective of managers are:
a. Describe EHR benefits to public
b. Advertise through the media about EHR
c. Motivate organizations to adopt EHR
d. Identify users’ perceptions about EHR
e. Improving EHR through training
4. Lack of needs assessment
due to
- Unsuitable platform for implementing electronic health records
- gap between administrative and clinical needs
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges resultin g from the lack of needs assessment from the perspective of
interviewees include:
a. Identify and define information needs of patients, healthcare providers and other customers
b. Exploratory studies in order to implement EHR
c. Meetings with managers of organizations before implementing EHR
Also structural challenges that the researcher has divided into three sections:
1. Instability enforcement due to:
- lack of transparency, responsibility, preserve and promote electronic health records
- competent organs of poor funding
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges resulting from the lack of consistency in enforcement from the
perspective of interviewees include:
a. Create subspecialty committees as subcommittee of EHR Strategic Committee
b. Funding by the private sectors
c. Create a ministry or organization as a national trust with interactive EHR and related ministries
d. Governmental support to run the EHR
e. Participation of the Ministry of Health as the main custodian and telecommunications centre as a supporting
2. Legal and privacy violations due to:
- possible compromise to privacy and confidentiality
- lack of acceptance in the judicial and legal cases
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges related to data privacy violations from the perspective of interviewees
a. Create master card for users
b. Create special password for patients
c. Determine access levels for authorized users
3. Lack of integration and sharing of enterprise-level such as:
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- restrictions on the use of patient information in outside of hospital
- lack of integrity and non electronic health records projects in the province
Proposed guidelines to face the challenges associated with lack of integration and sharin g across organizational
learn the views of managers is:
Networkin g and linking health care organizations in the province
4. Conclusion
According to the point of views of interviews , the challenges of the implementation of EHR can be divided into two
categories : Infrastructure an d structure such as :information technology problems , lack of need assessment ,
cultural problems , high software and hardware cost and non-adjustment data interchange standards . Other studies
in this area are as follows:
Seven key findings emerged: users perceived the decision to adopt the electronic medical record system as flawed;
software design problems increased resistance; the system reduced doctors' productivity, especially during initial
implementation, which fuelled resistance; the system required clarification of clinical roles and responsibilities,
which was traumatic for some individuals; a cooperative culture created trade-offs at varying points in the
implementation; no single leadership style was optimal—a participatory, consensus-building style may lead to more
effective adoption decisions, whereas decisive leadership could help resolve barriers and resistance during
implementation; the process fostered a counter climate of conflict, which was resolved by withdrawal of the initial
EMRs are very difficult to construct because the existing electronic data sources, e.g., laboratory systems, pharmacy
systems, and physician dictation systems, reside on many isolated islands with differing structures, differing levels
of granularity, and differ ent code systems. To accelerate EMR deployment we need t o focus on th e interfaces
instead of the EMR system. We have the interface solutions in the form of standards: IP, HL7 / ASTM, DICOM,
LOINC, SNOMED, and others developed by the medical informatics community. We just have to embrace them.
One remaining problem is the efficient capture of physician information in a coded form. Research is still needed to
solve this last problem.
The standards needed to tran sport patient data from one system to another inexpensively are in place. With these
standards we can solve man y of the problems and create a first-stage medical record system from the extensive
medical data that already exist in systems such as laboratory, pharmacy, dictation, scheduling, EKG cart, and case
abstract systems.
Standard mechanisms for commun icating over networks in a secur e fashion exi st, as do stan dards for delivering
structured medical record content like patient registry records, orders, test results, and standard identifiers for coding
many (but not yet all) of the concepts we want to report in the fields of such structured records.
The message standards do n ot specify the ch oice of codes for many fields. They do provide a mechanism for
identifying the code s ystem for every transmitted code. This pleuralistic strategy was the only alternative in the past
because universal code systems did not exist for important topics such as laboratory tests and clinical measurements;
so institutions used their own local codes. Fortunately, universal code systems are now available for subject matter
such as units of measure (ISO+21), laboratory observations (LOINC22), common clinical measurements (LOINC), drug
entities (NDC23), device classifications (UMDNS24), organism names, topolog y, sympt oms and pathology
(SNOMED,25 IUPAC26 ), and outcomes variables (HOI27). Even better, most are available without cost. So, for at least
some source systems, we have all of th e pieces needed for creating EMRs inexpensively from multiple independent
sources, inside and outside of a h ealth car e organization[5].
One-third (35%) believed that the EHR improved overall quality of care, with many (39%) feeling that it decreased
the quality of the patient–doctor interaction [6].
Infor mation technology offers many pot ential advantages over paper for the storage an d retrieva l of patients' data.
Enthusiasts predict that soon all records will be stored and viewed on computer, but others are more sceptical. The
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failure of some computer-based records may be due to poor information design. This paper explores how computers
broaden the range of design options but points out that more attention to design is required for computer-based than
for paper-based records[7].
The Challenges of electronic health records infrastructure related to information technology, lack of uniform
definitions and concepts, cultural pr oblems, and lack needs assessment before implementation and the challenges of
structural instability enforced, violations of privacy and legal cases, compromise getting information management,
and lack of integration and sharing of enterprise-level call to separation.
Overall study results indicate:
* Although electronic health records provides many opportunities for health systems but there are man y challenges
in the way that it has the adverse effects of quality of EHR implementation and should be put through the
implementation of strategies, including strategies presented in this study .
* According to th e resear ch , often hardware and soft ware en gineers have been more fully than others have touched
the practical challenges and offering solutions and therefore must have key role in Executive Committees of
electronic health records.
* Alth ough most users of electronic health records are physicians, but have presented minimal comments about
challenges and shortcomings and if res it resulted from
their weak roles in introducing and implementation of electronic health records will follow harmful results.
* Based on the present findin gs should pave the executable file, e-hea lth challenges by improving in formation
technolog y, electronic health records defined l ocalization, development and promotion of culture of electronic
health records, needs assessment and review requirements for implementing electronic health r ecords, warranties
established administrative and financial support of electronic health records vendors, supporting the principle of
confidentiality of information, improving information management through electronic health records, and facilitate
information integration of patients in different health systems.
* Electronic health records check in other leading countries in this area shows that implementation of this system
requires a strategic and an executive committee but this research study shows unfortunately necessary attention in
this regard has been taken.
Practical suggestions
- Strategic and executive committee prior to electronic health r ecords pr oject
- Customer needs assessment of electronic health records
- Solving the challenges of infrastructure prior to implementing electronic health records
The authors would like to thank the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences for supporting to do this study and the
managers and physicians who participated in this research project as interviewees .
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... The efficacy of EHR software relies on the knowledge and skill of its users. Many different commercial EHR software packages exist, and healthcare facilities can pick one that best suits their needs (Jahanbakhsh et al, 2011). Each given organization will opt for a certain piece of software that it believes will best serve its purposes. ...
... For the third kind of EHR programs, there is the SaaS model. As with this version, the software corporation keeps all ownership rights and does not provide the program to the public for purchase (Jahanbakhsh et al, 2011). Instead, consumers are granted access to the program for a limited time. ...
... The user's copy of the program is stored on the provider's server, and users may log in and use the program whenever they choose. Software as a service allows developers to add new features to the service without having to distribute new versions to customers (Jahanbakhsh et al, 2011). Because of this, SaaS is a very dependable service delivery model. ...
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The research investigates the reasons and the obstacles that hinder the usability of Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems in India. Researcher more focuses on challenges and barriers to implement EHR system for the government hospitals in India. In addition to that researcher discusses the solutions and approaches to overcome those challenges and barriers to implement EHR system for the government hospitals in India to ensure the successful implementation of EHR system. The research is conducted as a systematic review and research data is gathered from the interviews had with the Medical Officers (MOs) in the government hospitals in India. In addition to that researcher accesses to the secondary data which are extracted from journal articles, research papers, websites, blogs etc. to evaluate the research problem. The findings of this research highlights that most of the government hospitals in India have not implemented EHR system successfully and there are lots of implementation failures for EHR system in the government hospitals in India. It is highlighted that usability issues of EHR systems such as user interface problem, lack of completeness of the features of the system, poor user-friendliness, slow internet connections in rural areas and lack of computer literacy of the hospital staff will create the obstacles that hinder the usability of EHR systems in India.
... These challenges have also been identified in other previous studies in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) [33]- [37] . One study mentioned the difficulties of integrating EHRs in LMIC because of non-existent strategies for EHRs integration [38] , while another study also mentioned the complications of implementing EHRs interoperability because of a lack of uniform definitions, concepts and common languages [39] . ...
... Saat ini, telah berkembang sebuah konsep penerapan teknologi informasi yaitu rekam medis elektronik yang telah mengubah pola pikir dan pola tindak dari para perekam medis. Rekam medis elektronik dipercaya dapat meningkatkan kualitas keseluruhan dalam perawatan kepada pasien [12]. Rekam medis elektronik adalah sebuah sistem yang khusus dibuat untuk mempermudah kinerja petugas karena terdapat berbagai macam fitur didalamnya yang ditawarkan untuk kelengkapan dan keakuratan data, memberi tanda waspada, peringatan, sistm pendukung keputusan klinik, dan menghubungkan data dengan pengetahuan medis serta alat lainnya [7]. ...
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Rumah sakit merupakan institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan secara paripurna. Salah satu pelayanan yang ada di rumah sakit adalah rekam medis. Kemajuan zaman menuntut rumah sakit untuk terus mengembangkan teknologi informasi, khususnya rekam medis. Selain kemajuan zaman, setiap tahun jumlah kunjungan pasien terus meningkat, sehingga volume pekerjaan akan semakin padat. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan penerapan teknologi informasi berupa rekam medis elektronik yang keberadaannya sangat membantu petugas rekam medis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan teknologi informasi di unit rekam medis RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi. Metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study. Objek penelitian adalah pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan rekam medis dengan informan yaitu petugas rekam medis. Hasil penelitian yaitu penerapan teknologi informasi di unit rekam medis RSUD Ngudi Waluyo berupa layanan mesin fingerprint, medical online service berupa SMS gateway, dan sistem informasi manajemen. Penerapan teknologi tersebut telah mampu membantu petugas rekam medis dalam melaksanakan tugas dan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pasien. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi telah menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam penyelenggaraan rekam medis walaupun tidak secara keseluruhan. Penerapan teknologi informasi mampu mempercepat kerja petugas dan antrian pasien lebih efisien.
... EMR implementation can assist in the provision of better evidence-based health care, higher levels of completeness, accuracy, validity, coordinated patient access and communication, safer drug prescribing, and increased efficiency of medical practice (Alsadi & Saleh, 2019). Implementation of EMR in trusted health care facilities can improve the quality of service to patients (Jahanbakhsh et al., 2011). In implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMR), readiness analysis is the first and most important step before implementing EMR. ...
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Regulatory demands to implement electronic medical records in all health services, including primary care facilities, are mandatory. All primary care facilities are immediately prepared for these conditions. This article aims to assess the readiness of implementing electronic medical records based on the California Community Clinic EHR Assessment and Readiness (CCCEAR) instrument. This type of qualitative research is a case study approach. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews with relevant officers. The results of the assessment of readiness to implement electronic medical records based on CCCEAR at the UPTD Puskesmas Kartasura found that three components were in range II, namely components [1] information technology infrastructure, [2] planning and policies, and [3] budget allocation. Two components are in range III, namely [1] human resources and [2] support from the government. Overall, the Kartasura Health Center UPTD is ready to implement electronic medical records according to the demands of existing regulations. Approaches to related human resources and the government are needed for smooth implementation.
... The risk of data loss and data access by unauthorized parties is a concern for users. It is necessary to make guidelines or protocols related to data access rights, for example by determining the level of access rights in hospitals and limiting access to patient information outside the hospital (Jahanbakhsh et al., 2011). Blockchain technology can also be used as an option to be integrated with electronic medical records to ensure privacy an security aspects (Santoso et al., 2020). ...
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Information technology utilization in the health sector is increasingly widespread. One aspect that cannot be separated from the intervention of information technology is medical records management through electronic medical records implementation. The number of healthcare facilities that implement electronic medical records is increasing. However, it is important to understand the various barriers that may be encountered in the electronic medical records implementation so that the success rate of implementation will be higher. This study aims to identify the current state of knowledge about electronic medical records implementation barriers. A literature review was conducted using three databases, PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar using "electronic medical records'' and "implementation barriers" as keywords. There were 13 articles used in this study. There are 8 categories of barriers to the implementation of electronic medical records which consist of technical concerns, initial and maintenance costs, security concerns, lack of technical support, user resistance, system interoperability capability, lack of infrastructures, and productivity concerns.
... EMR is a subsystem of health information that has begun to be widely applied in Indonesia. EMR is believed to improve the overall quality of care (Jahanbakhsh, 2011). ...
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Document management using a computer-based system in the health sector which is becoming a global trend is the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). EMR is a sub-system of health information that has begun to be widely applied in Indonesia. Based on the results of data from the Tarakan Hospital, only 24% of EMR usage was found in July 2021 in the Emergency Room. This study aims to analyze the effect of the transactional leadership style of the head of the emergency department, teamwork and work environment on the level of compliance of health workers in implementing EMR with motivation as an intervening variable in Tarakan Hospital. This study is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative causality approach. By using purposive sampling technique, as many as 100 health workers were sampled in this study. Statistical tests were performed using frequency distribution and path analysis. Most (60%) of the subjects were >30 years old, most (59%) had an undergraduate education level, and most (62%) had worked >5 years. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the transactional leadership style of the ER head, teamwork, work environment, affects the level of compliance of health workers in implementing EMR with motivation as an intervening variable in the ER at Tarakan Hospital. Therefore, support is needed in the implementation of EMR with the right standard operating procedures so that it can be carried out and developed to the maximum.
... Data was extracted from the citations in the following categories, which include the main components of an EHR system [2,[9][10][11][12]: ...
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The objective of an electronic health record (EHR) is to collect data for administrative coding activities, quality improvement, clinical registry services, and clinical research. Nonetheless, several obstacles are encountered in its implementation, implying the need for further research and evaluation of the system's structure in countries that have previously implemented it. This study aimed to provide a comparative insight of the system in developed countries with advanced healthcare systems that have successfully adapted EHRs, with the hope of learning a lesson from the different countries by identifying different possible methods of implantation and the common ground required for its adaptation. The countries and different aspects of the system which were compared, were selected according with specific criteria. All major search engines were searched systematically using a combination of keywords and Boolean operators and citations with sufficient data were assessed for quality. As a result, 24 citations were totally included in the study. Comparison showed key differences in the technical and legal infrastructures and the possible causes and effects of these differences are also discussed in this review.
Objective Therefore, the present study was designed to predict the type and outcome of treatment of nosocomial infection patients using neural network algorithm. Methods The study is a cross-sectional one based on the registered data done on the nosocomial infection data of selected hospitals of Hamadan Province from March 2017 to March 2019, including 5,680 cases of nosocomial infections. According to patients' information registered in the Nosocomial Infection Registration System, nine criteria including the patients’ basic clinical information including name of the hospital and ward, infection-causing tool, organism, time from hospitalization to infection, length of hospital stay, age, gender, and weight were used as the explanatory criteria, and two criteria of type of infection and the final outcome of treatment, together with the actual available results, were used as the intended targets for performing the necessary analyses in data mining. In this study, neural network algorithm was implemented using IBM SPSS Modeler Software. Results The results showed that length of hospital stay and hospitalization ward were the most influencing factors on the incidence of nosocomial infection. This network is multilayer and has two output layers and 11 hidden layers as well as 9 input layers. The results of the algorithm, with an accuracy of 91.8%, have had good adjustment with the actual results. Conclusions The results obtained from the model can help take an accurate step towards prediction of the likelihood of nosocomial infection and its outcome. It also identifies and prioritizes the factors influencing the incidence of infection.
The aim of this study is, as follows: to analyze the Readiness of the Maternal & Child Hospital of Cahaya Sangatta Kutai Timurin the use of the RecordMedicalElectronic based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records and analyzes the factors that encourage and hinder the readiness of the Mother & Child Hospital of Cahaya Sangatta Kutai Timurin utilizing Electronic Medical Records to comply with the mandate of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records.In this case the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were 49 people. The results of the analysis show that in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, alignment, responsiveness and accuracy, the Cahaya Sangatta Kutai Timur Mother & Child Hospital is ready to utilize electronic medical records based on the Regulation of the Minister ofHealth of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records.Factors that encourage the readiness of the Cahaya Sangatta Kutai Timur Mother & Child Hospital in the use of electronic medical records are:On the aspect of effectiveness, employees are motivated to improve service to hospital patients/guests. In terms of efficiency, the amount of costs used to procure equipment and technology in work units is not always the same as other service units, this is adjusted to thenumber of patients served by the service unit.In the aspect of adequacy, the application of policies with the achievement of certain effectiveness with the use of certain resources in providing services to patients.In the leveling aspect, the compensation received by employees is very appropriate, based on the completion of the work.In the aspect of responsiveness, employees are always focused and serious in providing services to patients.In the aspect of accuracy, hospital policies can always be accounted for in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.Factors hampering the readiness of the Cahaya Sangatta Mother & Child Hospital,East Kutaiin the use of electronic medical records are:In the aspect of effectiveness, the employee's ability to use as efficient a number of resources as possible in completing the work process without reducing the quality of work.In terms of efficiency, the use of costs to procure equipment and technology at the RSIA Cahaya Sangatta work unit in increasing the accuracy and speed of work of employees to provide services to customers/patients.In the aspect of adequacy, the application of policies with the achievement of certain effectiveness with minimal use of resources in providing services to patients.In the leveling aspect, the compensation received byemployees is equivalent to the effort given in carrying out the work.In the aspect of responsiveness, in serving patients, submitting service prices according to a predetermined budget and not asking more from patients.In the aspect of accuracy, hospital policy encourages community participation in the delivery of patient services.
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The study investigated the adoption of electronic medical records in Federal Medical Centres in Bayelsa and Delta States of Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. One hundred and nineteen staff of Departments of Health Records and Information Management of both medical centres participated in the study. Online questionnaire was used for data collection. One hundred and thirty-four soft copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the respondents via personal whatsapp accounts of the respondents and whatsapp platforms of the Health Information Managers Association of Nigeria and the Association of Health Records and Information Management Practitioners of Nigeria to which the respondents belonged. One hundred and nineteen questionnaires were properly completed, retrieved and found usable for data analysis. This produced a response rate of 88.81 %. The data collected were analyzed using weighted mean and standard deviation. Findings showed that the extent of adoption of electronic medical records in the medical centres was low; benefits derived from adoption, which were not perceived much differently by the sampled staff, were enhanced healthcare service delivery/access to medical information, saving of records storage space/cost of medical care, speeding up of treatment process, improvement of confidentiality/security of medical information/timely communication among medical practitioners, reduction of treatment error risk/ patients’ mortality rate/patients’ waiting time and facilitation of clinical decision making; challenges encountered in adoption, which were seen much differently by the records personnel, were poor internet connectivity or network, high cost of ICT equipment, low technical expertise, lack of funds/training/uniform standards and poor power supply.
EHR systems are core applications in any eHealth/pHealth environment and represent basic services for health telematics platforms. Standards Developing Organizations as well as national programs define EHR architectures as well as related design, implementation, and deployment processes. Claiming to meet the challenge for semantic interoperability and to offer a sustainable pathway, the resulting documents and specifications are sometimes controversial and even inconsistent. Based on long-term experiences from national and international EHR projects, inputs from related academic groups, and active involvement at CEN, ISO, HL7, an analysis and evaluation study has been performed. Using the Generic Component Model (GCM) reference architecture, the characteristics for advanced and sustainable EHR architectures have been investigated. The dimensions of such an architectural reference model have been described, including basic principles of the underlying formal logical framework. Strengths and weaknesses of the different standards, specifications, and approaches have been studied and summarized. Migration pathways for re-using and harmonizing the available materials as well as for formally defining standards development roadmaps can be derived. For providing interoperable and sustainable EHR systems, an EHR architecture reflecting all paradigms of the GCM is absolutely necessary. The resulting EHR solution represents a services architecture of distributed components. The development process shall be completely model-driven and tool-based with formalized specifications of all domains' aspects.
Institutions all want electronic medical record (EMR) systems. They want them to solve their record movement problems, to improve the quality and coherence of the care process, to automate guidelines and care pathways to assist clinical research, outcomes management, and process improvement. EMRs are very difficult to construct because the existing electronic data sources, e.g., laboratory systems, pharmacy systems, and physician dictation systems, reside on many isolated islands with differing structures, differing levels of granularity, and different code systems. To accelerate EMR deployment we need to focus on the interfaces instead of the EMR system. We have the interface solutions in the form of standards: IP, HL7/ASTM, DICOM, LOINC, SNOMED, and others developed by the medical informatics community. We just have to embrace them. One remaining problem is the efficient capture of physician information in a coded form. Research is still needed to solve this last problem.
Information technology offers many potential advantages over paper for the storage and retrieval of patients' data. Enthusiasts predict that soon all records will be stored and viewed on computer, but others are more sceptical. The failure of some computer-based records may be due to poor information design. This paper explores how computers broaden the range of design options but points out that more attention to design is required for computer-based than for paper-based records.
To examine users' attitudes to implementation of an electronic medical record system in Kaiser Permanente Hawaii. Qualitative study based on semistructured interviews. Four primary healthcare teams in four clinics, and four specialty departments in one hospital, on Oahu, Hawaii. Shortly before the interviews, Kaiser Permanente stopped implementation of the initial system in favour of a competing one. Twenty six senior clinicians, managers, and project team members. Seven key findings emerged: users perceived the decision to adopt the electronic medical record system as flawed; software design problems increased resistance; the system reduced doctors' productivity, especially during initial implementation, which fuelled resistance; the system required clarification of clinical roles and responsibilities, which was traumatic for some individuals; a cooperative culture created trade-offs at varying points in the implementation; no single leadership style was optimal--a participatory, consensus-building style may lead to more effective adoption decisions, whereas decisive leadership could help resolve barriers and resistance during implementation; the process fostered a counter climate of conflict, which was resolved by withdrawal of the initial system. Implementation involved several critical components, including perceptions of the system selection, early testing, adaptation of the system to the larger organisation, and adaptation of the organisation to the new electronic environment. Throughout, organisational factors such as leadership, culture, and professional ideals played complex roles, each facilitating and hindering implementation at various points. A transient climate of conflict was associated with adoption of the system.
There are limited data regarding implementing electronic health records (EHR) in underserved settings. We evaluated the implementation of an EHR within the Indian Health Service (IHS), a federally funded health system for Native Americans. We surveyed 223 primary care clinicians practicing at 26 IHS health centers that implemented an EHR between 2003 and 2005. The survey instrument assessed clinician attitudes regarding EHR implementation, current utilization of individual EHR functions, and attitudes regarding the use of information technology to improve quality of care in underserved settings. We fit a multivariable logistic regression model to identify correlates of increased utilization of the EHR. The overall response rate was 56%. Of responding clinicians, 66% felt that the EHR implementation process was positive. One-third (35%) believed that the EHR improved overall quality of care, with many (39%) feeling that it decreased the quality of the patient-doctor interaction. One-third of clinicians (34%) reported consistent use of electronic reminders, and self-report that EHRs improve quality was strongly associated with increased utilization of the EHR (odds ratio 3.03, 95% confidence interval 1.05-8.8). The majority (87%) of clinicians felt that information technology could potentially improve quality of care in rural and underserved settings through the use of tools such as online information sources, telemedicine programs, and electronic health records. Clinicians support the use of information technology to improve quality in underserved settings, but many felt that it was not currently fulfilling its potential in the IHS, potentially due to limited use of key functions within the EHR.
EHR systems are core applications in any eHealth/pHealth environment and represent basic services for health telematics platforms. Many projects are performed at the level of Standards Developing Organizations or national programs, respectively, for defining EHR architectures as well as related design, implementation, and deployment processes. Claiming to meet the challenge for semantic interoperability and offering the right pathway, the resulting documents and specifications are sometimes controversial and even inconsistent. Based on a long tradition in the EHR domain, on the collective experience of academic groups such as the EFMI EHR Working Group, and on an active involvement at CEN, ISO, HL7 and several national projects around the globe, an analysis and evaluation study has been performed using the Generic Component Model reference architecture. Strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches as well as migration pathways for re-using and harmonizing the available materials are offered.
Analysis and evaluation of EHR approaches In eHealth Beyond the Horizon - Get IT There
  • Bernd Blobel
  • Peter Pharow
Blobel, Bernd, and Peter Pharow. "Analysis and evaluation of EHR approaches." In eHealth Beyond the Horizon - Get IT There, 136:359-64. Vol. 136. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Göteborg, Sweden: IOSPress, 2008.
Health care informatics: An interdisciplinary approach
  • S Englebardt
  • R Nelson
Englebardt,S.& 3.Nelson,R.2002.Health care informatics: An interdisciplinary approach, Mosby Inc.