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Evaluation of Procedures for Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates Estimated From Small Samples

Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  • MeasuringU

Abstract and Figures

There are 2 excellent reasons to compute usability problem-discovery rates. First, an estimate of the problem-discovery rate is a key component for projecting the required sample size for a usability study. Second, practitioners can use this estimate to calculate the proportion of discovered problems for a given sample size. Unfortunately, small-sample estimates of the problem-discovery rate suffer from a serious overestimation bias. This bias can lead to serious underestimation of required sample sizes and serious overestimation of the proportion of discovered problems. This article contains descriptions and evaluations of a number of methods for adjusting small-sample estimates of the problem-discovery rate to compensate for this bias. A series of Monte Carlo simulations provided evidence that the average of a normalization procedure and Good-Turing (Jelinek, 1997; Manning & Schutze, 1999) discounting produces highly accurate estimates of usability problem-discovery rates from small sample sizes.
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Evaluation of Procedures
for Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates
Estimated From Small Samples
James R. Lewis
IBM Corporation
There are 2 excellent reasons to compute usability problem-discoveryrates. First, an es-
timate of the problem-discovery rate is a key component for projecting the required
sample size for a usability study. Second, practitioners can use this estimate to calculate
the proportion of discovered problems for a given sample size. Unfortunately, small-
sample estimates of the problem-discovery rate suffer from a serious overestimation
bias. This bias can lead to serious underestimation of required sample sizes and serious
overestimation of the proportion of discovered problems. This article contains descrip-
tions and evaluations of a number of methods for adjusting small-sample estimates of
the problem-discovery rate to compensate for this bias. A series of Monte Carlo simula-
tions provided evidence that the average of a normalization procedure and Good–Tu-
ring (Jelinek, 1997; Manning & Schutze, 1999) discounting produces highly accurate es-
timates of usability problem-discovery rates from small sample sizes.
1.1. Problem-Discovery Rate and Its Applications
Many usability studies (such as scenario-based usability evaluations and heuristic
evaluations) have as their primary goal the discovery of usability problems (Lewis,
1994). Practitioners use the discovered problems to develop recommendations for
the improvement of the system or product under study (Norman, 1983). The prob-
lem-discovery rate (p) for a usability study is, across a sample of participants, the av-
erage of the proportion of problems observed for each participant (or the average of
the proportion of participants experiencing each observed problem).
It is important to keep in mind that no single usability method can detect all pos-
sible usability problems. In this article, reference to the proportion of problems de-
tected means the number of problems detected over the number of detectable prob-
(4), 445–479
Copyright © 2001, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Requests for reprints should be sent to James R. Lewis, IBM Corporation, 8051 Congress Avenue,
Suite 2227, Boca Raton, FL 33487. E-mail:
lems. Furthermore, the focus is solely on the frequency of problem occurrence
rather than severity or impact. Despite some evidence that the discovery rate for
very severe problems is greater than that for less severe problems (Nielsen, 1992;
Virzi, 1992), it is possible that this effect depends on the method used to rate sever-
ity (Lewis, 1994) or the expertise of the evaluators (Connell & Hammond, 1999).
Discovering usability problems is fundamentally different from discovering di-
amonds in a diamond mine. The diamonds in a mine may be well hidden, but a
group of skilled miners would have excellent agreement about the methods to use
to discover them and would not need to spend time discussing whether a particu-
lar object in the mine was or was not a diamond. Usability problems, on the other
hand, do not exist as a “set of objectively defined, nicely separated problems just
waiting for discovery” (M. Hertzum, personal communication, October 26, 2000).
Different evaluators can disagree about the usability problems contained in an in-
terface (Hertzum & Jacobsen, this issue). Reference to the number of detectable
problems in this article means nothing more than the number of detectable prob-
lems given the limitations of a specific usability evaluation setting.
The number of detectable problems can vary as a function of many factors, in-
cluding but not limited to the number of observers, the expertise of observers, the
expertise of participants, and the specific set of scenarios-of-use in problem-discov-
ery observational studies. In heuristic evaluations, the expertise of evaluators and
specific set of heuristics can affect the number of detectable problems. For either
observational or heuristic methods, the stage of product development and degree
of implementation (e.g., paper prototype vs. full implementation) can also affect
the number of detectable problems. By whatever means employed, however, once
investigators have a set of usability problems in which they can code the presence
and absence of problems across participants or observers as a series of 0s and 1s,
those sets have some interesting properties.
A hypothetical example.
Suppose a usability study of 10 participants per-
forming a set of tasks with a particular software application (or 10 independent
evaluators in a heuristic evaluation) had the outcome illustrated in Table 1.
Because there are 10 problems and 10 participants, the table contains 100 cells. An
“x” in a cell indicates that the specified participant experienced the specified prob-
lem. With 50 cells filled, the estimated problem-discoveryrate (also known as the av-
erage likelihood of problem detection) is .50 (50/100). (Note that the averages of the
elementsintheProportioncolumnandtheProportionrowin the table are both .50.)
Projection of sample size requirements for usability studies.
A number
of large-sample usability and heuristic studies (Lewis, 1994; Nielsen & Landauer,
1993; Virzi, 1992) have shown that usability practitioners can use Equation 1 to pro-
ject problem discovery as a function of the sample size n(number of participants or
evaluators) and the problem-discovery rate p.
446 Lewis
1(1 ) (1)
Table 1: Hypothetical Results for a Problem-Discovery Usability Study
Participant Prob 1 Prob 2 Prob 3 Prob 4 Prob 5 Prob 6 Prob 7 Prob 8 Prob 9 Prob 10 Count Proportion
1xxxxx x60.6
2xxxxx 50.5
3 xx xxx 50.5
4 x x x x 4 0.4
5 xxxx x x 60.6
6 xxx x 40.4
7 xxx x 40.4
8xxxxx 50.5
9xxxxx 50.5
Count 10 86554433 250
Proportion 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.50
Note. Prob = problem; x = specified participant experienced specified problem.
It is possible to derive Equation 1 from either the binomial probability formula
(Lewis, 1982, 1994) or the constant probability path independent Poisson process
model (T. K. Landauer, personal communication, December 20, 1999; Nielsen &
Landauer, 1993). Regardless of derivational perspective, an accurate estimate of p
is essential for the accurate projection of cumulative problem discovery as a func-
tion of n, which is in turn essential for the accurate estimation of the sample size
required to achieve a given problem-discovery goal (e.g., 90% problem discov-
ery). Figure 1 illustrates projected problem-discovery curves for a variety of val-
ues of p.
Estimation of the proportion of discovered problems as a function of sam-
ple size.
There are times when a usability practitioner does not have full con-
trol over the sample size due to various time or other resource constraints. In
those cases, the practitioner might want to estimate the proportion of problems
detected from the full set of problems available for detection by the method em-
ployed by the practitioner. Suppose the practitioner has observed the first 3 par-
ticipants and has obtained the results presented in the first three rows of Table 1.
Because p=.5andn= 3, the estimated proportion of problems detected is .875, or
448 Lewis
FIGURE 1 Projected problem-discovery curves as a function of nfor various values
of p.
1.2. Small-Sample Overestimation of the Problem-Discovery Rate
In the preceding example, however, how does the practitioner know that the
problem-discovery rate is .5? Observation of the first 3 participants only uncov-
ers Problems 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10, with the participant-to-problem distribution
shown in Table 2. Because there are 21 cells (7 observed problems × 3 partici-
pants), with 16 of the cells containing an “x,” the estimated value of pis .76,
about a 50% overestimation relative to the full set of data presented in Table 1.
Given this estimate of p, a practitioner would conclude that the study had uncov-
ered 98.6% of the detectable problems.
Hertzum and Jacobsen (this issue) were the first to identify the problem of overes-
timating pfrom small-sample usability studies. They pointed out that the smallest
possible value of pestimable from a given study is 1/n, where nis the number of par-
ticipants in the study. If a study has only 1 participant, the estimate of pwill necessar-
ily be 1.0. If a study has 2 participants, the smallest possible estimate of p, regardless
of its true value, is .5. Furthermore, the study will produce this minimum value only
when every problem is idiosyncratic (no duplication of any problem across multiple
participants). Any duplication necessarily increases the estimate of p.
Goals of this research.
In the remainder of this article, I describe research
undertaken to accomplish the following goals:
1. Develop an understanding of the extent to which the overestimation of pis a
potential problem for usability practitioners.
2. Investigate different procedures for the adjustment of the initial estimate of p
to an estimate closer to the true value of p.
3. For the best adjustment procedures, determine how their overestimation or
underestimation of paffects projected sample sizes and deviations from
problem-discovery goals.
In the first part of this section, I provide some background on the different ad-
justment procedures investigated in this series of experiments. In the remaining
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 449
Table 2: Hypothetical Results for a Problem-Discovery Usability Study: First 3 Participants
Participant Prob 1 Prob 2 Prob 4 Prob 5 Prob 6 Prob 8 Prob 10 Count Proportion
1 x x x x x x 6 0.86
2 x x x x x 5 0.71
3 x x x x x 5 0.71
Count 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 16
Proportion 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 0.67 0.33 0.76
Note. Prob = problem; x = specified participant experienced specified problem.
sections, I describe the dependent measurements used to evaluate the adjust-
ment procedures and the problem-discovery databases used as source material
for the investigations.
2.1. Adjustment Methods
I investigated three approaches for adjusting the initial estimate of p: discounting,
normalization, and regression.
One way to reduce the magnitude of overestimation of pis to
apply a discounting procedure. There are many discounting procedures, all of
which attempt to allocate some amount of probability space to unseen events.
Discounting procedures receive wide use in the field of statistical natural lan-
guage processing, especially in the construction of language models (Manning &
Schutze, 1999).
The oldest discounting procedure is LaPlace’s law of succession (Jelinek, 1997),
sometimes referred to as the “add One” method because you add one to the count
for each observation. A common criticism of LaPlace’s law is that it tends to assign
too much of the probability space to unseen events, underestimating true p(Man-
ning & Schutze, 1999).
A widely used procedure that is more accurate than LaPlace’s law is Good–Tu-
ring estimation (GT; Jelinek, 1997; Manning & Schutze, 1999). There are a number
of paths that lead to the derivation of the GT estimator, but the end result is that the
total probability mass reserved for unseen events is E(N1)/N, where E(N1) is the ex-
pected number of events that happen exactly once and Nis the total number of
events. For a given sample, the usual value used for E(N1) is the actually observed
number of events that occurred once. In the context of a problem-discovery usabil-
ity study, the events are problems. Applying this to the example shown in Table 2,
E(N1) would be the observed number of problems that happened exactly once (2 in
the example) and Nwould be the total number of problems (7 in the example).
Thus, E(N1)/Nis 2/7, or .286. To add this to the total probability space and adjust
the original estimate of pwould result in .762/(1 + .286), or .592—still an overesti-
mate, but much closer to the true value of p.
For problem-discovery studies, there are other ways to systematically discount
the estimate of pby increasing the count in the denominator, such as adding the
number of problems that occurred once (Add Ones), the total number of problems
observed (Add Probs), or the total number of problem occurrences (Add Occs).
Using the example in Table 2, this would result in estimates of .696, or 16/(21 + 2);
.571, or 16/(21 + 7); and .432, or 16/(21 + 16), respectively.
Suppose one discount method consistently fails to reduce the estimate of psuffi-
ciently, and a different one consistently reduces it to too great an extent. It is then
possible to use simple linear interpolation to arrive at a better estimate of p. In the
examples used previously, averaging the Add Occs estimation with the Add Probs
450 Lewis
estimation results in an estimate of .502, or (.571 + .432)/2—the closest estimate in
this set of examples to the true pof .500.
In their discussion of the problem of overestimation of p,
Hertzum and Jacobsen (this issue) pointed out that the smallest possible value of p
from a small-sample problem-discovery study is 1/n. For estimates based on a
small sample size, this limit can produce considerable overestimation of p. With
larger sample sizes, the effect of this limit on the lowest possible value of pbecomes
less important. For example, if a study includes 20 participants, then the lower limit
for pis 1/20, or .05.
With the knowledge of this lower limit determined by the sample size, it is possi-
ble to normalize a small-sample estimate of pin the following way. Subtract from
the original estimate of pthe lower limit, 1/n. Then, to normalize this value to a
scale of 0 to 1, multiply it by (1 1/n). For the estimate of pgenerated from the data
in Table 2, the first step would result in the subtraction of .333 from .762, or .429. The
second step would be the multiplication of .429 by .667, resulting in .286. In this
particular case, the result is a considerable underestimation of true p. It is not clear,
though, how serious the underestimation would typically be, so submitting this
procedure to more systematic evaluation would be reasonable.
Another approach for the estimation of true pfrom a small
sample would be to develop one or more regression models (Cliff, 1987; Draper
& Smith, 1966; Pedhazur, 1982). The goal of the models would be to predict true p
from information available in the output of a small-sample usability problem-dis-
covery study, such as the original estimate of p, a normalized estimate of p, and
the sample size.
2.2. Measurements
I wrote a BASIC program that used a Monte Carlo procedure to sample data from
published problem-discovery databases with known values of true p(Lewis, 2000e)
to produce the following measurements:
1. Mean value of p.
2. Root mean square error (RMSE) for estimated pagainst true p.
3. The central 50% (interquartile) range of the distribution of p.
4. The central 90% range of the distribution of p.
The program could produce this set of statistics for the unadjusted estimate of p
and up to five adjusted estimates (based on 1,000 Monte Carlo iterations for each
problem-discovery database at each level of sample size). A preliminary experi-
ment (Lewis, 2000e) confirmed that the programmed Monte Carlo procedure sam-
pled randomly and produced results that were virtually identical to complete fac-
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 451
torial arrangement of participants for sample sizes of 2, 3, and 4. The impact of
combinatorial expansion (the large number of possible combinations of partici-
pants) prevented the use of factorial arrangement for the investigation of larger
sample sizes.
2.3. Problem-Discovery Databases
The published problem-discovery databases evaluated in this article were:
1. MACERR (Lewis, 1994; Lewis, Henry, & Mack, 1990): This database came
from a scenario-driven problem-discovery usability study conducted to develop
usability benchmark values for an integrated office system (word processor, mail
application, calendar application, and spreadsheet). Fifteen employees of a tempo-
rary employee agency, observed by a highly experienced usability practitioner,
completed 11 scenarios-of-use with the system. Participants typically worked on
the scenarios for about 6 hr, and the study uncovered 145 different usability prob-
lems. The problem-discovery rate (p) for this study was .16. Participants did not
think aloud in this study.
2. VIRZI90 (Virzi, 1990, 1992): The problems in this database came from a sce-
nario-driven problem-discovery usability study conducted to evaluate a com-
puter-based appointment calendar. The participants were 20 university under-
graduates with little or no computer experience. The participants completed 21
scenarios-of-use under a think-aloud protocol, observed by two experimenters.
The experimenters identified 40 separate usability problems. The problem-discov-
ery rate (p) for this study was .36.
3. MANTEL (Nielsen & Molich, 1990): These usability problems came from 76
submissions to a contest presented in the Danish edition of Computerworld (exclud-
ing data from one submission that did not list any problems). The evaluators were
primarily computer professionals who evaluated a written specification (not a
working program) for a design of a small information system with which users
could dial in to find the name and address associated with a telephone number. The
specification contained a single screen and a few system messages, which the par-
ticipants evaluated using a set of heuristics. The evaluators described 30 distinct
usability problems. The problem-discovery rate (p) for this study was .38.
4. SAVINGS (Nielsen & Molich, 1990): For this study, 34 computer science stu-
dents taking a course in user interface design performed heuristic evaluations of an
interactive voice response system (working and deployed) designed to give bank-
ing customers information such as their account balances and currency exchange
rates. The participants uncovered 48 different usability problems with a prob-
lem-discovery rate (p) of .26.
(For figures depicting the MANTEL and SAVINGS databases, see Nielsen &
Molich, 1990. For the VIRZI90 database, see Virzi, 1990. The MACERR database is
available in the Appendix of this article.)
452 Lewis
These were the only large-scale problem-discovery databases available to me for
analysis. Fortunately, they had considerable variation in total number of partici-
pants, total number of usability problems uncovered, basic problem-discovery
rate, and method of execution (observational with and without talk-aloud vs. heu-
ristic, different error classification procedures). Given this variation among the da-
tabases, any consistent results obtained by evaluating them stands a good chance
of generalizing to other problem-discovery databases (Chapanis, 1988).
This section of the article contains descriptions of Monte Carlo simulations of prob-
lem discovery conducted to
1. Evaluate the degree of overestimation produced by small-sample estimates
of p(Section 3.1).
2. Investigate a set of discounting procedures to determine which method best
adjusted the initial estimates of p(Section 3.2).
3. Develop a set of regression equations for estimating true pfrom an initial esti-
mate (Section 3.3).
4. Investigate the normalization procedure and the regression equations to de-
termine which procedure in the set best adjusted the initial estimates of p
(Section 3.4).
5. Investigate the effectiveness of adjustment using a combination of GT dis-
counting and normalization (Section 3.5).
6. Replicate and extend the previous findings for the best procedures from each
class of procedure (discounting, normalization, and regression) using a
greater range of sample sizes (Section 3.6).
3.1. How Serious Is the Small-Sample Overestimation
of Problem-Discovery Rates?
The primary purpose of the first Monte Carlo experiment was to investigate
the extent to which calculating pfrom small-sample usability studies results
in overestimation.
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 453
Table 3: Mean Estimates of Discovery Rates as a Function
of Sample Size for Published Databases
Source True p N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 N = 6
MACERRa.16 0.568 0.421 0.346 0.301 0.269
VIRZI90b.36 0.661 0.544 0.484 0.448 0.425
MANTELc.38 0.724 0.622 0.572 0.536 0.511
SAVINGSc.26 0.629 0.505 0.442 0.406 0.380
aLewis (1994) and Lewis, Henry, and Mack (1990). bVirzi (1990, 1992). cNielsen and Molich (1990).
Small-sample estimates of p.
Table 3 shows the mean Monte Carlo esti-
mates of pfrom the published databases for sample sizes from 2 to 6.
RMSE for unadjusted estimates.
Table 4 shows the average RMSE from the
Monte Carlo simulation. The RMSE is similar to a standard deviation, but rather
than computing the mean squared difference between each data point and the mean
of a sample (the standard deviation), the computation is the mean squared differ-
ence between each data point and true p(based on all participants in a given data-
base). The RMSE has the desirable characteristic (for a measure of accuracy) of being
sensitive to both the central tendency and variance of a measure. In other words, if
two measurement methods are equally accurate with regard to the deviation of
their mean from a known true value, the measurement with lower variance will
have the lower RMSE. A perfect estimate would have an RMSE of 0.
The initial estimates of pfor all four databases clearly overesti-
mated the true value of p, with the extent of the overestimation declining as the sam-
ple size increased, but still overestimating when n=6.TheRMSE showed a similar
pattern, with the amount of error declining as the sample size increased, but with
nonzero error remaining when n= 6. These data indicate that the overestimation
problem is serious and provide baselines for the evaluation of adjustment proce-
dures. (For a more comprehensive analysis of the data, see Lewis, 2000b).
3.2. Evaluation of Discounting Procedures
The purpose of the second Monte Carlo experiment was to evaluate five different
adjustments based on the discounting procedures discussed previously: GT, Add
Ones (ONES), Add Probs (PROBS), Add Occs (OCCS), and the mean of PROBS and
Estimates of p.
Table 5 shows the mean Monte Carlo estimates of p(unad-
justed and adjusted using the discounting procedures) from the published data-
bases for sample sizes from 2 to 6.
454 Lewis
Table 4: Mean Estimates of Root Mean Square Error as a Function
of Sample Size for Published Databases
Source True p N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 N = 6
MACERRa.16 0.406 0.259 0.185 0.140 0.107
VIRZI90b.36 0.306 0.189 0.130 0.094 0.071
MANTELc.38 0.354 0.254 0.204 0.167 0.143
SAVINGSc.26 0.377 0.253 0.191 0.155 0.129
aLewis (1994) and Lewis, Henry, and Mack (1990). bVirzi (1990, 1992). cNielsen and Molich (1990).
Evaluation of accuracy.
I conducted an analysis of variance using RMSE as
the dependent variable and treating databases as subjects in a within-subjects de-
sign. The independent variables were sample size (from 2 to 6) and discounting
method (NONE, ONES, PROBS, OCCS, PR–OCC, and GT). The analysis indicated
significant main effects of sample size, F(4, 12) = 22.0, p= .00002 and discounting
method, F(5, 15) = 30.6, p= .0000003, and a significant interaction between these ef-
fects, F(20, 60) = 29.0, p= .00035. Figure 2 illustrates the interaction.
Figure 2 shows that as the sample size increased, accuracy generally increased
for all estimation procedures (the main effect of sample size). The lines show rea-
sonably clear separation and relatively less accuracy for NONE, ONES, and
PROBS—no discounting and the two procedures that provided the least dis-
counting. The RMSEs for OCCS, PR–OCC, and GT were almost identical, espe-
cially for sample sizes of 4, 5, and 6. The lines suggest potential convergence at
some larger sample size.
A set of planned ttests showed that all discounting methods improved esti-
mation accuracy of prelative to no discounting at every level of sample size (25
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 455
Table 5: Adjusted Discovery Rates as a Function of Sample Size and Discounting Method
Source True p Adjustment N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 N = 6
MACERRa.16 NONE 0.568 0.421 0.346 0.301 0.269
ONES 0.397 0.334 0.294 0.266 0.243
PROBS 0.378 0.315 0.277 0.251 0.230
OCCS 0.362 0.296 0.257 0.231 0.212
PR–OCC 0.372 0.304 0.264 0.237 0.217
GT 0.305 0.237 0.202 0.181 0.164
VIRZI90b.36 NONE 0.661 0.544 0.484 0.448 0.425
ONES 0.495 0.463 0.437 0.418 0.405
PROBS 0.441 0.408 0.387 0.374 0.364
OCCS 0.397 0.352 0.326 0.309 0.298
PR–OCC 0.427 0.383 0.356 0.338 0.327
GT 0.397 0.358 0.340 0.331 0.327
MANTELc.38 NONE 0.724 0.622 0.572 0.536 0.511
ONES 0.571 0.549 0.528 0.506 0.489
PROBS 0.483 0.467 0.458 0.447 0.438
OCCS 0.419 0.383 0.363 0.348 0.338
PR–OCC 0.466 0.436 0.418 0.402 0.390
GT 0.473 0.446 0.431 0.415 0.403
SAVINGSc.26 NONE 0.627 0.502 0.442 0.403 0.381
ONES 0.458 0.421 0.394 0.371 0.359
PROBS 0.418 0.377 0.354 0.335 0.326
OCCS 0.385 0.334 0.306 0.287 0.275
PR–OCC 0.401 0.355 0.330 0.311 0.301
GT 0.361 0.318 0.298 0.284 0.280
Note. NONE = no adjustment; ONES = discounted adjustment with the Add Ones method; PROBS =
discounted adjustment with the Add Problems method; OCCS = discounted adjustment with the Add
Occurences method; PR–OCC = mean of PROBS and OCCS estimates; GT = Good– Turing estimation.
aLewis (1994) and Lewis, Henry, and Mack (1990). bVirzi (1990, 1992). cNielsen and Molich (1990).
tests with 3 df each, all ps < .05). A similar set of planned ttests showed that, at all
levels of sample size, GT estimation was more accurate than the Add Ones
method (5 tests with 3 df each, all p< .05), but was not significantly more accu-
rate than the other discounting methods (15 tests with 3 df each, all p> .16). Be-
cause no other evaluated discounting procedure was significantly more accu-
rate than GT, all additional analyses involving discounting methods focus on
that well-known estimator.
Estimates of required sample size.
GT discounting clearly improves the ac-
curacy of small-sample estimation of p, but to what extent does it improve the accu-
racy of sample size estimation? To investigate this, I used true pfrom each prob-
lem-discovery database in Equation 1 to project the sample size required to achieve
both 90% and 95% problem discovery for each database (true n, shown in Table 6).
Next, I projected the required sample sizes using both the unadjusted and the
GT-adjusted estimate of pat each level of sample size (2–6). The final step was to cal-
456 Lewis
FIGURE 2 Discounting Method × Sample Size interaction for root mean square error.
Table 6: Projected Sample Size Requirements for Each Problem-Discovery Database
90% Problem Discovery 95% Problem Discovery
Database True pan Proportionbn Proportionb
MACERRc.16 14 .913 18 .957
VIRZI90d.36 6 .931 7 .956
MANTELe.38 5 .905 7 .963
SAVINGSe.26 8 .906 11 .961
aTru e pfor the specified database. bProportion of problems discovered at that sample size. cLewis
(1994) and Lewis, Henry, and Mack (1990). dVirzi (1990, 1992). eNielsen and Molich (1990).
culate the difference between the values of true nand the unadjusted and adjusted
estimates of n. These differences appear in Table 7, with positive values indicating
underestimation of true n(the expected consequence of overestimating p).
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the underestimation data revealed signifi-
cant main effects of sample size, F(4, 12) = 21.4, p= .00002 and discounting, F(1, 3) =
15.3, p= .03, and a significant Sample Size × Goal interaction (in which the goals are
90% and 95% problem discovery), F(4, 12) = 3.6, p= .04. As the size of the sample
used to estimate pincreased, the magnitude of underestimation in the projected
sample size decreased. GT estimation reduced the magnitude of underestimation
relative to no adjustment. Although the underestimation for 95% discovery consis-
tently exceeded that for 90% discovery, as the sample size used to estimate pin-
creased, the difference between the magnitude of underestimation for 90% and
95% discovery decreased.
Adjustment of pusing discount methods provided a much more
accurate estimate of the true value of pthan unadjusted estimation. The best known
of the methods, GT discounting, was as effective as any of the other evaluated dis-
counting methods. GT estimation, though, still generally left the estimate of p
slightly inflated, leading to some underestimation of required total sample sizes
when projecting from the initial sample. The magnitude of this underestimation of
required sample size decreased as the size of the initial sample used to estimate pin-
creased. For initial sample sizes of 4 to 6 participants, the magnitude of underesti-
mation ranged from about 1.5 to 0.5 participants. Thus, final sample sizes projected
from GT estimates based on initial sample sizes of 6 participants should generally
be quite accurate. For each of the investigated problem-discovery databases and
both problem-discovery goals, the mean extent of underestimation of the required
sample size never exceeded 1 participant when estimating pfrom a 6-participant
sample. (For a more comprehensive analysis of this data, see Lewis, 2000d.)
3.3. Development of Regression Equations for Predicting True
The purpose of the third Monte Carlo experiment was to develop linear regression
equations that estimate the true value of pusing data available from a problem-dis-
covery usability study.
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 457
Table 7: Deviation From Required Sample Size for No Adjustment (NONE)
and Good–Turing (GT) Discounting
Sample Size (N) NONE 90 GT 90 NONE 95 GT 95
2 5.5 2.8 7.3 4.0
3 4.5 1.8 6.0 2.5
4 4.0 1.3 5.0 1.5
5 3.5 0.8 4.5 1.3
6 2.8 0.5 3.8 0.5
Note. 90 = 90% problem discovery; 95 = 95% problem discovery.
Source data.
To obtain data for the generation of the regression equations, I
divided the errors in the MACERR database into four groups with mean pof .10, .25,
.50, and .73. The use of these four groups ensured the presence of training data for
the regression equations with a range of values for true p. AMonte Carlo procedure
generated 1,000 cases for each group for each level of sample size from 2 to 6 (20,000
cases). Each case included the following measurements:
Unadjusted estimate of p.
Normalized estimate of p.
Sample size.
True value of p.
Regression equations.
I used SYSTAT (Version 5) to create three simple re-
gression models (predicting true pwith the initial estimate of ponly, with the nor-
malized estimate of ponly, and with the sample size only) and three multiple regres-
sion models (predicting true pwith a combination of the initial estimate of pand the
sample size, the normalized estimate of pand the sample size, and both the initial
and normalized estimates of pand the sample size). Table 8 contains the resulting re-
gression equations, the percentage of variance explained by the regression (R2) and
the observed significance level of the regression (osl).
In Table 8, truep is the true value of pas predicted by the equation, estp is the un-
adjusted estimate of pfrom the sample, normp is the normalized estimate of pfrom
the sample, and nis the sample size used to estimate p. All regressions (REG) except
for REG3 (using only n) were significant. For all significant regressions, ttests for
the elements of the equations (constants and beta weights) were all statistically sig-
nificant (p< .0001). The percentage of explained variance was highest for REG2,
REG4, REG5, and REG6. Because the previous Monte Carlo studies indicated that
the sample size plays an important role when estimating p, REG4, REG5, and REG6
received further evaluation in the following experiment.
458 Lewis
Table 8: Regression Equations for Predicting True
Key Equation R2osl
REG1 truep = –.109 + 1.017*estp .699 0.000
REG2 truep = .16 + .823*normp .785 0.000
REG3 truep = .396 + 0*n.000 1.000
REG4 truep = –.387 + 1.145*estp + .054*n.786 0.000
REG5 truep = .210 + .829*normp – .013*n.791 0.000
REG6 truep = –.064 + .520*estp + .463*normp + .017*n.799 0.000
Note. R2= percentage of variance explained by the regression; osl = observed significance level of the
regression; REG = regression; truep = true value of pas predicted by the equation; estp = unadjusted
estimate of pfrom the sample; normp = normalized estimate of pfrom the sample; n= sample size used to
estimate p.
3.4. Evaluation of Normalization and Regression
The purpose of the fourth Monte Carlo experiment was to evaluate and compare
unadjusted accuracy and the accuracy of adjustments using the normalization pro-
cedure (described previously in Section 2.1), regression equations (REG4, REG5,
and REG6), and the GT procedure.
Evaluation of accuracy.
An ANOVA on the RMSE data indicated significant
main effects of sample size, F(4, 12) = 84.0, p= .00000009 and adjustment method,
F(5, 15) = 32.7, p= .0000002, and a significant interaction between these effects, F(20,
60) = 20.6, p= .000008. Figure 3 illustrates the interaction.
Figure 3 shows that as the sample size increased, accuracy generally increased
for all estimation procedures (the main effect of sample size). A set of planned t
tests evaluated, at each level of sample size, the significance of difference be-
tween no adjustment and each adjustment method and the significance of differ-
ence between GT estimation (the discounting method selected for further evalua-
tion) and the other procedures. For sample sizes of 2, 3, and 4, all adjustment
methods improved estimation accuracy of prelative to no adjustment (15 tests
with 3 df each, all ps < .02). At a sample size of 5, the accuracy of REG6 was no
longer significantly more accurate than no adjustment (p> .10). At a sample size
of 6, both REG4 and REG6 (which included the unadjusted estimate of pas an el-
ement in the equation) failed to be more accurate than the unadjusted estimate
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 459
FIGURE 3 Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction for root mean square error
(both ps > .60). Overall, GT and normalization produced the most accurate ad-
justments in this evaluation.
Estimates of required sample size.
Using the same method as that used to
evaluate sample-size projections based on GT adjustment, Table 9 shows the differ-
ence between the values of true n(see Table 6) and the unadjusted and adjusted
(both GT and normalization) estimates of n. Positive values indicate underestima-
tion of true n; negative values indicate overestimation.
An ANOVA revealed significant main effects of sample size, F(4, 12) = 6.8, p=
.004 and adjustment, F(2, 6) = 4.7, p= .05, and significant Sample Size × Prob-
lem-Discovery Goal, F(4, 12) = 3.2, p= .05 and Sample Size × Adjustment
Method, F(8, 24) = 3.6, p= .007 interactions. As the size of the sample used to esti-
mate pincreased, the magnitude of deviation from true nin the projected sample
size decreased. Both GT and normalized estimation reduced the magnitude of
deviation relative to no adjustment; but this magnitude decreased as the sample
size increased. Although the deviation for 95% discovery consistently exceeded
that for 90% discovery, as the sample size increased, the difference between the
magnitude of deviation for 90% and 95% discovery decreased.
The attempts to develop multiple regression equations for the
prediction of true pdid not fare as well as the nonregression approaches of GT and
normalization. Even if the regression-based approaches had been as accurate (as
measured by RMSE) as the nonregression approaches, the nonregression ap-
proaches would be preferable because they do not rely on statistically estimated pa-
rameters, making them solutions that have potentially greater generalizability. (For
a more comprehensive analysis of this data, see Lewis, 2000c.)
As in the previous evaluation, adjustment with GT discounting consistently re-
sulted in a slight underestimation of the required sample size. Adjustment via nor-
malization consistently resulted in a slight overestimation of the required sample
size. This result suggests the intriguing possibility that adjustment based on a com-
460 Lewis
Table 9: Deviation From Required Sample Size as a Function
of Adjustment Method, Sample Size, and Discovery Goal
Sample Size (N) NONE 90 GT 90 NORM 90 NONE 95 GT 95 NORM 95
2 5.5 2.8 –0.8 7.3 4.0 –0.8
3 4.5 1.8 –0.8 6.0 2.8 –0.8
4 4.0 1.0 –0.8 5.0 1.5 –1.0
5 3.5 0.8 –1.3 4.5 1.0 –1.5
6 2.8 0.5 –1.3 3.8 0.5 –1.5
Note. NONE = no adjustment; 90 = 90% problem discovery; GT = Good–Turing estimate; NORM =
normalization estimate; 95 = 95% problem discovery.
bination of GT and normalization procedures might yield highly accurate esti-
mates of true pand n.
It is possible that nonlinear regression might have yielded superior results to lin-
ear regression. Exploring such alternatives, however, increases the potential for
capitalizing on chance patterns in the data. If the combination of GT and normal-
ization were to yield the expected estimation accuracy, then there would be no need
to investigate solutions based on more complex regression models.
3.5. Improved Estimation Through the Combination
of GT and Normalization
The purpose of this experiment was to assess the improvement in accuracy re-
garding the estimation of true pobtained by combining estimates of pcalculated
with the normalization and GT methods. This is important because even though
the results of the previous experiment indicated that combining GT and normal-
ization should work well, that judgment came from the averaging of average es-
timates—something that would be impossible for a practitioner conducting a sin-
gle usability study. To control for this in this experiment, the program computed
the combination estimate for each case generated via Monte Carlo simulation.
Doing the computation at this level made it possible to evaluate the properties of
the distribution of the combined estimate (which was not possible given the data
in the previous experiment).
The adjustment methods explored in this experiment were no adjustment
(NONE), GT discounting, normalization (NORM), and the combination
(through simple averaging) of GT and NORM (COMB). The formula for this
combination was:
where truep is the adjusted estimate of pcalculated from the estimate of pderived
from the participant by problem matrix (estp), nis the sample size used to compute
the initial estimate of p, and GTadj is the GT adjustment to probability space, which
is the proportion of the number of problems that occurred once divided by the num-
ber of different problems (see Section 2.1).
Estimates of RMSE.
An ANOVA on the RMSE data indicated significant
main effects of sample size, F(4, 12) = 94.3, p= .00000003 and adjustment method,
F(3, 9) = 64.4, p= .000002, and a significant interaction between these effects, F(12,
36) = 36.5, p= .0000002. Figure 4 illustrates the interaction.
Figure 4 shows that as the sample size increased, accuracy generally increased
for all estimation procedures (the main effect of sample size). The lines for NORM,
GT, and COMB almost overlaid one another, with COMB having slightly less
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 461
/[( 1/ )(1 1/ )] /[ /(1 )] (2)truep estp n n estp GTadj
=−+ +
RMSE than either GT or NORM. A set of planned ttests showed that estimates
based on this combination resulted in significantly lower RMSE than unadjusted
estimates for all sample sizes (all ps < .02). A similar set of ttests showed that none
of the RMSE differences among GT, normalization, or their combination were sig-
nificant (all ps > .10). In this analysis, the source of the significance of the main effect
of adjustment type was solely due to the difference between unadjusted and ad-
justed estimates of p.
Estimates of required sample size.
I conducted an ANOVA on the devia-
tions from required sample size for unadjusted p, GT discounting, normalization,
and the averaging of GT and normalization, treating databases as subjects in a
within-subjects design with independent variables of sample size, type of adjust-
ment, and discovery goal (with levels of 90% and 95%). The main effects of sample
size, F(4, 12) = 5.6, p= .009 and adjustment, F(3, 9) = 4.9, p= .03 were significant, as
were the Discovery Goal × Adjustment Type interaction, F(3, 9) = 3.9, p= .05 and the
Sample Size × Adjustment Type interaction, F(12, 36) = 2.9, p= .006. In the Discovery
Goal×AdjustmentType interaction, the underestimation of the requiredsamplesize
for 95% was generally greater than for 90%, except for the normalization adjustment
type, which had equal deviation for both levels of discovery goal (see Figure 5). The
Sample Size × Adjustment Type interaction indicated a general decline in the magni-
tudeof underestimationasa function of the sample size used to estimate p.Thistrend
seemed strong for estimates based on unadjusted p, GT estimates, and the combina-
tion estimate, but not for estimates based on normalized p(see Figure 6).
As expected, across all sample sizes the GT estimate tended to underestimate the
required sample size and the normalized estimate tended to overestimate the re-
462 Lewis
FIGURE 4 Root mean square error (RMSE) as a function of sample size and adjust-
ment method.
quired sample size. For the combination estimate of pbased on sample sizes of 4, 5,
and 6 participants, the estimates of required sample sizes had almost no deviation
from true n. For estimates of pcomputed from initial sample sizes of 2 and 3 partici-
pants, the mean underestimations of true nprojected from combination-adjusted
estimates of pwere 2 participants and 1 participant, respectively.
Variability of combination estimate.
The preceding analyses focused on the
means of various distributions. The analyses in this section address the distribution
of pafter adjustment with the normalization and GT combination procedure (spe-
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 463
FIGURE 6 Sample Size × Adjustment Method interaction.
FIGURE 5 Discovery Goal × Adjustment Method interaction.
cifically, the deviation of this adjustment from true p). These analyses will help prac-
titioners understand the variability of this distribution so they can take this variabil-
ity into account when planning problem-discovery usability studies.
Table 10 provides the average deviations from true p(collapsed across data-
bases) as a function of sample size for adjustments using Equation 2 (the combina-
tion adjustment). Table 11 shows the corresponding magnitude of interquartile and
90% ranges for these deviations. Relatively smaller deviations from true pand rela-
tively smaller ranges are indicators of better accuracy. The results shown in the ta-
bles indicate that increasing the sample size used to estimate pdecreased both the
magnitude and variability of deviation from true p.
GT estimation generally left the estimate of pslightly inflated,
leading to some underestimation of required total sample sizes when projecting
from the initial sample. Estimating pwith the normalization procedure had the
same accuracy as GT estimation but tended to underestimate true p, leading to
some overestimation of required sample sizes when projecting from an initial
sample. Averaging the GT and normalization estimates (combination adjust-
ment) provided a highly accurate estimate of true pfrom very small samples,
464 Lewis
Table 10: Distribution of Deviations From True
as a Function
of Sample Size for Combination Adjustment
Percentile N = 2 N = 3 N = 4 N = 5 N = 6
1st –0.10 –0.09 –0.09 –0.09 –0.08
5th –0.06 –0.06 –0.06 –0.06 –0.06
10th –0.04 –0.04 –0.05 –0.05 –0.05
25th 0.00 –0.01 –0.02 –0.03 –0.03
50th 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.00 –0.01
75th 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02
90th 0.14 0.10 0.07 0.05 0.04
95th 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.06
99th 0.24 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.09
Note. The 25th and 75th percentiles define the interquartile range. The 5th and 95th percentiles define
the 90% range
Table 11: Widths of Interquartile and 90% Ranges as a Function
of Sample Size for Combination Adjustment
Sample Size (N) Interquartile Range 90% Range
2 .10 .23
3 .07 .18
4 .06 .15
5 .05 .13
6 .05 .13
which in turn led to highly accurate estimates of required sample sizes for speci-
fied problem-discovery goals. These estimates appear to be accurate enough that
a practitioner should be able to make an initial projection from a combination-ad-
justed estimate of pusing a sample with as few as 2 participants and will gener-
ally not underestimate the required sample size by much. A more conservative
approach would be to use the normalized estimate of pwhen projecting from
sample sizes with 2 or 3 participants (which should generally overestimate the
required sample size slightly). The increased variation of pwhen estimated with
a small sample also supports the use of the conservative approach. Using these
techniques, usability practitioners can adjust small sample estimates of pwhen
planning usability studies. As a study continues, practitioners can reestimate p
and project the revised sample size requirement. (For a more comprehensive
analysis of this data, see Lewis, 2000c.)
The apparent trends in Figure 6 indicated that it might not be wise to use the
combination or normalization approaches when the sample size exceeds 6 partici-
pants. At 6 participants, normalization continued to underestimate p, and the com-
bination approach began to slightly underestimate p. The GT approach appeared to
be getting closer to true pand, as the sample size continues to increase, the unad-
justed estimate of pshould continue to approach true p. It was not clear from the
data at what sample size a practitioner should abandon GT and move to the unad-
justed estimate of p.
3.6. Evaluation of Best Procedures for Sample Sizes From 2 to 10
One goal of the final Monte Carlo experiment was to replicate the previous investi-
gation of a variety of approaches (NORM, REG2, REG5, GT, COMB) for adjusting
observed estimates of pto bring them closer to true pusing sample sizes from 2 to 10
participants for the initial estimate of p. In particular, would the combination ap-
proach continue to provide accurate estimates of true pfor sample sizes from 7 to 10
Another goal was to investigate the extent to which inaccuracy in estimating
problem-discovery sample size using these methods affects the true proportion of
discovered problems. The previous investigations assessed the deviation from the
sample size required to achieve 90% and 95% problem-discovery goals but did not
assess the magnitude of deviation from the problem-discovery goals caused by
overestimating or underestimating the required sample size.
Estimates of p.
An ANOVA (within-subjects ANOVA treating problem-dis-
covery databases as subjects), conducted on the problem-discovery rates (p) for
each of the six estimation methods at each of the nine levels of sample size, revealed
a significant main effect for type of adjustment, F(8, 24) = 92.6, p= .00000015; a signif-
icant main effect of sample size, F(5, 15) = 138.5, p= .00000015; and a significant Ad-
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 465
justment Type × Sample Size interaction, F(40, 120) = 72.8, p= .0001. Figure 7 illus-
trates the interaction.
Estimates of RMSE.
An ANOVA conducted on RMSE revealed a significant
main effect for type of adjustment, F(8, 24) = 120.6, p= .00000004; a significant main
effect of sample size, F(5, 15) = 27.2, p= .0000006; and a significant Adjustment Type
× Sample Size interaction, F(40, 120) = 32.9, p= .0000001 (see Figure 8).
466 Lewis
FIGURE 7 Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction for problem-discovery rate.
FIGURE 8 Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction for root mean square error.
Estimation variability.
The interquartile range is the size of the interval that
contains the central 50% of a distribution (the range from the 25th to the 75th percen-
tile). The smaller this range, the less variable is the distribution. An ANOVA con-
ducted on interquartile ranges revealed a significant main effect for type of adjust-
ment, F(8, 24) = 109.1, p= .0000003; a significant main effect of sample size, F(5, 15) =
10.3, p= .0002; and a significant Adjustment Type × Sample Size interaction, F(40,
120) = 69.8, p= .00000001. Figure 9 illustrates this interaction.
Estimates of required sample size.
I conducted a within-subjects ANOVA
on the deviations from required sample sizes, treatingproblem-discovery databases
as subjects. The independent variables were adjustment method (NONE, NORM,
REG2, REG5, GT, COMB), sample size used to estimate p(2–10), and problem-dis-
covery goal (90%, 95%). The analysis indicated the following significant effects:
Main effect of adjustment method, F(5, 15) = 4.1, p= .015.
Main effect of sample size, F(8, 24) = 3.8, p= .005.
Adjustment Method × Discovery Goal interaction, F(5, 15) = 3.9, p= .019.
Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction, F(40, 120) = 3.2, p= .0000006.
Adjustment Method × Sample Size × Problem-Discovery Goal interaction,
F(40, 120) = 2.0, p= .002.
Collapsed over discovery goal and sample size, the deviations from true nfor
the various methods of adjustment (main effect of adjustment method) were un-
derestimations of 3.7 for NONE, 3.1 for REG5, 2.5 for REG2, 0.7 for GT, and
overestimations of 1.3 for NORM and 0.1 for COMBO. The pattern for the main ef-
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 467
FIGURE 9 Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction for interquartile range.
fect of sample size was a steady decline in overestimation from 3.1 at a sample size
of 2 to 0.3 at a sample size of 10.
Figures 10 and 11 show the Adjustment Method × Discovery Goal interaction
and the Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction. The pattern for the Adjust-
ment Method × Sample Size × Discovery Goal interaction was very similar to that
468 Lewis
FIGURE 10 Deviation from required sample size as a function of adjustment method
and discovery goal.
FIGURE 11 Deviation from required sample size as a function of adjustment method
and sample size.
for the Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction, with the difference between
deviations for 90% and 95% discovery declining as a function of sample size. (Posi-
tive values indicate underestimation of the required sample size; negative values
indicate overestimation.)
Deviation from problem-discovery goal.
Because the fundamental problem
in underestimating a required sample size is the failure to achieve a specified prob-
lem-discovery goal, I also conducted a within-subjects ANOVA on the deviations
from specified problem-discovery goals of 90% and 95% discovery, treating prob-
lem-discovery databases as subjects. The independent variables were adjustment
method (NONE, NORM, REG2, REG5, GT, COMB), sample size used to estimate p
(2–10), and problem-discovery goal (90%, 95%). The dependent variable was the
difference between the specified problem-discovery goal and the magnitude of
problem discovery for the projected sample sizes calculated in the previous section.
Because sample sizes are discrete rather than continuous variables, there are cases
in which a sample size that is 1 participant smaller than the sample size required to
achieve (meet or exceed) a specified problem-discovery goal is actually much closer
to the goal (although just under it) than the required sample size. In other words, un-
derestimating the sample size requirement for a specified problem-discovery goal
might, in many cases, still allow a practitioner to come very close to achieving the
specified goal.
The analysis indicated the following significant effects:
Main effect of adjustment method, F(5, 15) = 13.6, p= .00004.
Main effect of sample size, F(8, 24) = 15.5, p= .0000001.
Adjustment Method × Sample Size interaction, F(40, 120) = 12.5, p= .005.
Sample Size × Problem-Discovery Goal interaction, F(8, 24) = 3.8, p= .006.
The pattern for the main effect of adjustment method was an underestimation
of .113 for no adjustment, underestimation of .068 for REG5, underestimation of
.053 for REG2, overestimation of .020 for NORM, underestimation of .008 for GT,
and overestimation of .008 for COMBO. The pattern for the main effect of sample
size was a steady decline in the magnitude of underestimation from .100 for a
sample size of 2 to .008 for a sample size of 10. The basis for the Sample Size ×
Discovery Goal interaction was that deviation tended to be smaller for 90% dis-
covery for sample sizes smaller than 6, with the opposite trend for sample sizes
greater than 6. Figure 12 illustrates the interaction between adjustment method
and sample size.
Iterative sample size estimation strategy using the combination adjust-
One practical application for the use of the combined estimator is to allow
usability practitioners to estimate their final sample size requirement from their
first few participants. To do this, practitioners must keep a careful record of which
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 469
participants experience which usability problems to enable calculation of an unad-
justed initial estimate of pthat they then adjust using the combined estimator.
Suppose, for example, that a practitioner is conducting a study on a product
with problem-discovery characteristics similar to MACERR (true pof .16), and the
practitioner has set a goal of discovering 90% of the problems. Referring to Table 5,
the initial unadjusted estimate of pcalculated from the first 2 participants would
be, on average, .568. Adjusting this initial estimate with the combined procedure
results in a value for pof .218. Using Equation 1 to project the sample size until the
estimated proportion of discovery exceeds .900 yields a preliminary sample size re-
quirement of 10 participants. After the practitioner runs 2 more participants to-
ward the goal of 10 participants, he or she can recalculate the adjusted value of pto
be .165 and can project the final required sample size to be 13 participants. As
shown in Table 6, the sample size actually required to exceed a problem-discovery
proportion of .900 is 14 participants. With 13 participants, the true proportion of
problem discovery is .896, which misses the specified problem-discovery target
goal by only .004—less than 0.5%.
Table 12 shows the outcome of repeating this exercise for each database and for
each investigated problem-discovery goal. These outcomes show that following
this procedure leads to very accurate estimates of sample sizes and very little devi-
ation from problem-discovery goals—a remarkable outcome given the differences
in the usability studies that produced these problem-discovery databases. The
mean deviation from problem-discovery goal across cases was .006—overachieve-
ment by just over 0.5%.
A similar evaluation conducted for lower, less-aggressive problem-discovery
goals (70%, 75%, and 80%) revealed a similar pattern of results. The overall mean
470 Lewis
FIGURE 12 Deviation from specified discovery goal as a function of adjustment
method and sample size.
Table 12: Problem-Discovery Outcomes Achieved by Using Combination Adjustment
to Project a Final Sample Size from Initial Sample Sizes of 2 and 4 Participants
Database True p Goal % Estp|N=2 Combp|N=2 n|N=2 Estp|N=4 Combp|N=4 n|N=4 Truen
From Goal
MACERRa.16 90 .566 .218 10 .346 .165 13 14 –.004
95 .566 .218 13 .346 .165 17 18 –.002
VIRZI90b.36 90 .662 .361 6 .485 .328 6 6 .031
95 .662 .361 7 .485 .328 8 7 .021
MANTELc.38 90 .725 .462 4 .571 .429 5 5 .005
95 .725 .462 5 .571 .429 6 7 –.010
SAVINGSc.26 90 .629 .311 7 .442 .277 8 8 .006
95 .629 .311 9 .442 .277 10 11 –.002
Note. Tru e p= value of pestimated from the entire database; Est p|N= 2 = unadjusted estimate of pgiven a sample size of 2 participants; Comb p|N=2=
combination-adjusted estimate of pgiven a sample size of 2; n|N= 2 = projected sample size requirement given the combination-adjusted estimate of pesti-
mated from a sample size of 2; Est p|N= 4 = unadjusted estimate of pgiven a sample size of 4 participants; Comb p|N= 4 = combination-adjusted estimate of p
given a sample size of 4; n|N= 4 = projected sample size requirement given the combination-adjusted estimate of pestimated from a sample size of 4; True n=
sample size requirement projected from True p.
aLewis (1994) and Lewis, Henry, and Mack (1990). bVirzi (1990, 1992). cNielsen and Molich (1990).
deviation from the discovery goal was overachievement of .021 (2.1%). The greatest
mean deviation across the problem-discovery goals occurred for the VIRZI90 data-
base (overachievement of .081), with smaller deviations for the other three data-
bases (.000, .006, and –.004 for MACERR, MANTEL, and SAVINGS, respectively).
Averaging over databases indicated overachievement of .047 and .028 for 70% and
75% discovery, and underachievement of .012 for 80% discovery. In all cases, the
projected sample size given, n= 4, was within one participant of true n, with an
overall average deviation of estimated sample size from true sample size require-
ment of –0.17 participants.
3.7. Discussion
The decision about which adjustment procedure or procedures to use should take
into account both the central tendency and variability of distributions created by ap-
plying the adjustment procedure or procedures.A measure that produces mean esti-
mates close in value to true pwill generally be more accurate in the long run. Amea-
sure with low variability is less likely to produce an extreme outlier in any single
study. Usability practitioners do not typically conduct large-scale studies, however,
so it is important to balance benefits associated with the statistical long run with the
benefits associated with reducing the risk of encountering an extreme outlier.
The regression equations (REG2 and REG5) tended to be less variable than other
adjustment procedures, but their accuracy was very poor relative to all other ad-
justment procedures. The accuracy of REG2 improved as a function of the sample
size used to estimate p, but the accuracy of REG5 did not. Their relatively poor per-
formance removes these regression equations from consideration as a recom-
mended method for adjusting p.
The remaining procedures (NORM, GT, and COMB) showed similar patterns to
one another for deviations from true p. When estimating pwith smaller sample
sizes (2–4 participants), the curves for these three measures showed some separa-
tion, with the differences diminishing and the curves converging as the size of the
sample used to estimate pincreased. For these measures, especially at small sample
sizes, the normalization procedure appeared to produce the best results and the
combined estimator produced the second-best results.
The measures of interquartile range, however, indicated that the estimates pro-
duced by the normalization procedure were much more variable than those pro-
duced by the GT or the combined estimator. The results for the RMSE (which take
both central-tendency accuracy and variability into account) showed that all three
measures had essentially equal accuracy at all levels of sample size from 2 to 10. As
expected, the variability of all measures decreased as a function of the sample size
used to estimate p.
Considering all the information, the combined estimator seemed to provide the
best balance between central-tendency accuracy and lower variability, making it
the preferred adjustment procedure. What really matters, though, is the extent to
472 Lewis
which the adjustment procedure leads to accurate sample size estimation and
achievement of specified problem-discovery goals.
The analyses of underestimation of required sample sizes and deviation from
problem-discovery goals also support the use of the combined estimator. After av-
eraging across all problem-discovery databases (MACERR, VIRZI90, MANTEL,
and SAVINGS), both problem-discovery goals (90%, 95%), and sample sizes from 2
to 10, the accuracy of sample size estimation with the combined estimator was al-
most perfect, overestimating the required sample size by only 0.1 participant on av-
erage. The results were similar for mean deviation from problem-discovery goal.
The magnitude of deviation was about the same for the combined estimator and
the GT estimator. On average, however, the combined estimator tended to slightly
overachieve the discovery goal, whereas the GT estimator tended to slightly under-
achieve the discovery goal.
With one exception, the patterns of results for the significant interactions sup-
ported the unqualified use of the combined estimator. The exception was the inter-
action between adjustment method and the sample size used to estimate p. As
shown in Figure 11, at sample sizes of 2 and 3 the combined estimator tended to un-
derestimate the required sample size, but the normalization procedure tended to
overestimate it. The same interaction for the deviation from the discovery goal,
however, indicates that the consequence of this underestimation of the required
sample size was slight, even when the sample size used to estimate pwas only 2
participants (in which case the underachievement was, on average, 3%). This does
suggest some need on the part of practitioners to balance the cost of additional par-
ticipants against their need to achieve a specific problem-discovery goal. If the for-
mer is more important, then the practitioner should use the combined estimator. If
the latter is more important and the practitioner is estimating ponce (not itera-
tively) from a very small sample size, then it would be reasonable to use the more
conservative normalization procedure. (For a more comprehensive analysis of this
data, see Lewis, 2000a.)
3.8. Summary of Analyses and Results
A series of Monte Carlo simulations provided evidence that the average of a nor-
malization procedure and GT discounting produces highly accurate estimates of
usability problem-discovery rates from small sample sizes. The motivation for con-
ducting the research was the observation that unadjusted estimates of pderived
from small-sample usability studies have a bias in a direction that would lead us-
ability practitioners to believe that their studies have been more effective than the
data really warrants (Hertzum & Jacobsen, this issue).
The simulations allowed investigation of three broad classes of methods for re-
ducing initial estimates of pfrom small-sample usability studies: discounting pro-
cedures, regression, and normalization. Accuracy assessments of the various pro-
cedures (using RMSE as the measure of accuracy) indicated that (a) GT discounting
(the best known of the discounting methods investigated) was as accurate as or
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 473
more accurate than the other discounting procedures, (b) normalization was also a
very accurate adjustment procedure, and (c) regression did not produce very satis-
factory adjustments.
An unexpected (but fortuitous) result was that two of the most accurate adjust-
ment procedures—GT discounting and normalization—had residual biases in op-
posite directions and of about equal magnitude. Investigation of an adjustment
procedure based on the combination of these methods indicated that this approach
provided the most satisfactory adjustments (high accuracy and low variability).
Using this combined procedure to adjust initial estimates of p(derived from several
published large-sample usability studies) resulted in highly accurate estimates of
required sample sizes.
The overestimation of pfrom small-sample usability studies is a real problem
with potentially troubling consequences for usability practitioners.
It is possible to compensate for the overestimation bias of pcalculated from
small-sample usability studies.
The combined normalization and GT estimator (Equation 2) is the best proce-
dure for adjusting initial estimates of pcalculated from small samples (2 to 10 par-
If (a) the cost of additional participants is low, (b) the sample size used to esti-
mate pis very small (2 or 3 participants), and (c) it is very important to achieve or
exceed specified problem-discovery goals, then practitioners should use the nor-
malization procedure to adjust the initial estimate of p.
Practitioners can obtain accurate sample size estimates for problem-discovery
goals ranging from 70% to 95% by making an initial estimate of the required sample
size after running 2 participants, then adjusting the estimate after obtaining data
from another 2 (total of 4) participants.
Chapanis, A. (1988). Some generalizations about generalization. Human Factors, 30, 253–267.
Cliff, N. (1987). Analyzing multivariate data. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace.
Connell, I. W., & Hammond, N. V. (1999). Comparing usability evaluation principles with
heuristics: Problem instances vs. problem types. In M. A. Sasse & C. Johnson (Eds.), Pro-
ceedings of INTERACT ’99—Human–Computer Interaction (Vol. 1, pp. 621–629). Edinburgh,
Scotland: International Federation for Information Processing.
Draper, N. R., & Smith, H. (1966). Applied regression analysis. New York: Wiley.
Jelinek, F. (1997). Statistical methods for speech recognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lewis, J. R. (1982). Testing small-system customer set-up. Proceedings of the Human Factors So-
ciety 26th Annual Meeting (pp. 718–720). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society.
Lewis, J. R. (1994). Sample sizes for usability studies: Additional considerations. Human Fac-
tors, 36, 368–378.
474 Lewis
Lewis, J. R. (2000a). Evaluation of problem discovery rate adjustment procedures for sample sizes
from two to ten (Tech. Rep. No. 29.3362). Raleigh, NC: IBM. Available from the author.
Lewis, J. R. (2000b). Overestimation of p in problem discovery usability studies: How serious is the
problem? (Tech. Rep. No. 29.3358). Raleigh, NC: IBM. Available from the author.
Lewis, J. R. (2000c). Reducing the overestimation of p in problem discovery usability studies: Normal-
ization, regression, and a combination normalization/Good–Turing approach (Tech. Rep. No.
29.3361). Raleigh, NC: IBM. Available from the author.
Lewis, J. R. (2000d). Using discounting methods to reduce overestimation of p in problem discovery
usability studies (Tech. Rep. No. 29.3359). Raleigh, NC: IBM. Available from the author.
Lewis, J. R. (2000e). Validation of Monte Carlo estimation of problem discovery likelihood (Tech.
Rep. No. 29.3357). Raleigh, NC: IBM. Available from the author.
Lewis, J. R., Henry, S. C., & Mack, R. L. (1990). Integrated office scenario benchmarks: A case
study. In Human Computer Interaction—INTERACT ’90 (pp. 337–343). Cambridge, Eng-
land: Elsevier, International Federation for Information Processing.
Manning, C. D., & Schutze, H. (1999). Foundations of statistical natural language processing.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Nielsen, J. (1992). Finding usability problems through heuristic evaluation. In Conference Pro-
ceedings on Human Factors in Computing Systems—CHI ’92 (pp. 373–380). Monterey, CA:
Nielsen, J., & Landauer, T. K. (1993). A mathematical model of the finding of usability prob-
lems. In Conference Proceedings on Human Factors in Computing Systems—CHI ’93 (pp.
206–213). New York: ACM.
Nielsen, J., & Molich, R. (1990). Heuristic evaluation of user interfaces. In Conference Proceed-
ings on Human Factors in Computing Systems—CHI ’90 (pp. 249–256). New York: ACM.
Norman, D. A. (1983). Design rules based on analyses of human error. Communications of the
ACM, 4, 254–258.
Pedhazur, E. J. (1982). Multiple regression in behavioral research: Explanation and prediction. Fort
Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace.
Virzi, R. A. (1990). Streamlining the design process: Running fewer subjects. In Proceedings of
the Human Factors Society 34th Annual Meeting (pp. 291–294). Santa Monica, CA: Human
Factors Society.
Virzi, R. A. (1992). Refining the test phase of usability evaluation: How many subjects is
enough? Human Factors, 34, 443–451.
MACERR Problem-Discovery Database
The MACERR database contains discovery information for 145 usability problems
uncovered by observation of 15 participants, with pestimated to be .16 (Lewis,
Henry, & Mack, 1990). The first column in the database table is the problem identifi-
cation number. The next 15 columns represent the observation of the experience of
each participant with that problem, with a 0 indicating that the participant did not
experience the problem and a 1 indicating that the participant did experience that
problem. The last column is the modal impact rating for the problem across partici-
pants experiencing the problem, using the behavioral rating scheme described in
Lewis (1994). The criteria for the impact ratings were
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 475
Prob P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Impact
1011101111 110011 2
2101000111 110010 2
3100000000 000000 3
4111100101 110110 4
5100110100 010101 3
6000000000 001000 4
7100111001 010001 3
8100010001 100000 3
9100000000 000000 3
10000000001 010000 2
11000000100 000000 1
12000000000 000010 3
13000000000 010000 2
14000010000 100000 2
15000000000 010000 4
16000000000 010000 3
17000100000 000000 3
18111101101 110110 2
19000000000 010011 1
20000000110 010000 2
21100011000 000000 3
22000100000 100000 3
23001000000 000000 1
24000000000 001010 3
25000000000 000010 3
26000000001 000000 3
27101100111 101101 2
28000000000 001000 2
29100001111 101001 3
30100000000 000000 1
31001101101 001000 1
32100000000 100100 2
33000000100 100100 3
34000000000 000100 3
35000011001 000100 1
36000000000 000100 4
37101100010 100100 4
38010000100 100100 2
39100000000 100000 2
40000000000 100000 2
41000100000 100000 2
42001000001 000010 1
43110000000 000000 2
44000100000 000000 2
45000000000 000010 2
46001100001 000000 1
47000100000 000000 1
48000000000 000001 2
49101000000 000001 2
50000100000 000000 2
Prob P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Impact
51111100101 000001 1
52101000000 000000 1
53000000001 000000 3
54101101000 000001 2
55000000000 000001 3
56010101011 100001 2
57000000000 000001 3
58000000001 000000 3
59000100000 000000 2
60000001010 000000 2
61000000001 000000 2
62000100000 000000 2
63000010000 000000 1
64000001000 000000 3
65011000100 000001 1
66001001000 000001 2
67100110000 000001 2
68100000011 000001 1
69000000000 000001 4
70100000010 000001 2
71000000000 000001 2
72000000001 000001 1
73000001000 000001 2
74000000101 000000 3
75100000001 100000 4
76010000000 000000 1
77000010100 000000 2
78011110100 000000 1
79000000100 000000 1
80001000100 000000 0
81100000100 000000 1
82011100000 100000 1
83000010000 000000 1
84000000100 000000 0
85001001101 000000 1
86100000000 000000 2
87000000100 000000 1
88010000100 000000 2
89000101011 000000 4
90000000100 000000 2
91010111100 000000 1
92110111010 100000 3
93011001000 000000 2
94010000010 100000 2
95001000000 000000 3
96000001000 000000 2
97100110000 000000 2
98000000010 000000 4
99000000010 000000 2
100000000010 000000 1
Prob P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 Impact
101000000010 000000 2
102011010010 000000 3
103001000000 000000 2
104011011011 100000 1
105000000010 000000 1
106000000000 100000 3
107111111001 000000 3
108000001000 000000 3
109100010000 000000 2
110010010001 000000 1
111000100000 000000 0
112000000001 000000 2
113000111001 000000 2
114000001001 000000 3
115001000000 000000 2
116001000000 000000 2
117000000000 100000 2
118000001000 100000 2
119100110000 100000 1
120000010000 100000 1
121000111000 000000 1
122000000000 100000 2
123000000000 100000 1
124100011000 000000 2
125000000000 100000 3
126000001000 000000 2
127000001000 000000 2
128000001000 000000 2
129000001000 000000 1
130000001000 000000 1
131100000000 000000 1
132111000000 000000 1
133100000000 000000 2
134100000000 000000 2
135100010000 000000 2
136100000000 000000 2
137010000000 000000 1
138010000000 000000 2
139001000000 000000 1
140000100000 000000 2
141000100000 000000 1
142000010000 000000 2
143000010000 000000 2
144000010000 000000 2
145000010000 000000 1
Note. Prob = problem identification number; P = participant; Impact = modal impact rating for the
problem across participants; 0 = participant did not experience the problem; 1 = participant did
experience the problem.
1. Scenario failure. Participants failed to successfully complete a scenario if they
either requested help to complete it or produced an incorrect output (exclud-
ing minor typographical errors).
2. Considerable recovery effort. The participant either worked on error recovery
for more than a minute or repeated the error within a scenario.
3. Minor recovery effort. The participant experienced the problem only once
within a scenario and required less than a minute to recover.
4. Inefficiency. The participant worked toward the scenario’s goal but deviated
from the most efficient path.
In the analyses in this article I did not use the impact ratings, but I have provided
them for any researcher who needs them. The database is available in electronic
form in Lewis (2000e).
Adjusting Problem-Discovery Rates 479
... From a statistical perspective, the current estimation procedure is based on a model of how the usability problems are detected; this is considered to be a binomial process. The literature suggests that the total number of usability problems can be estimated from the discovery matrix's problem margin (the sum of the columns) (Kanis 2011;Lewis 2001;Hertzum and Jacobsen 2003;Schmettow 2012;Borsci, Londei, and Federici 2011). However, this estimation is complicated by (i) the small sample size usually encountered in usability testing of medical P a g e 118 | 207 devices (Faulkner 2003) and (ii) as-yet unobserved problems that truncate the margin and bias estimates (Lewis 2000;Sauro and Lewis 2016;Thomas and Gart 1971). ...
... Turing and Good developed a discounting method for estimating the probability of unseen species on the basis of observed data (Good 1953). Lewis suggested that the Good-Turing (GT) adjustment could be used to reduce the magnitude of the overestimation of by increasing the probability space and thus accounting for unobserved usability problems (Lewis 2001). The GT adjustment is computed as the proportion of singletons relative to the total number of events P a g e 121 | 207 (i.e. the proportion of problems discovered only once, = 1 ), and is incorporated in the estimation as follows: ...
... Four did not involve a medical device: the EDU3D dataset encompassed 119 problems discovered by 20 participants during the evaluation of virtual environments (Bach and Scapin 2010), the MACERR dataset encompassed 145 problems discovered by 15 participants during a scenario-driven usability testing of an integrated office system (Lewis, Henry, and Mack 1990), the MANTEL dataset encompassed 30 problems submitted by 76 expert participants evaluating the specifications of a computer program, and the SAVINGS dataset encompassed 48 usability problems discovered by 34 participants on voice response systems MANTEL and SAVINGS comes from the same experiment on heuristic evaluations (Nielsen and Molich 1990). These four studies were included because they have been used in important publications in this field (Lewis 2001) and they enabled us to address heterogeneity in the probability of discovery, in particular (Schmettow 2008). The fifth usability testing involved a medical device: INFPUMP encompassed 107 usability problems discovered by 34 participants (intensive care unit nurses and anesthesiologist) evaluating a prototype medical infusion pump (Schmettow, Vos, and Schraagen 2013a). ...
Introduction. Une information nouvelle possède une valeur si elle permet de réduire le risque de prendre une mauvaise décision. En utilisant une caractérisation bayésienne de l’incertitude, les méthodes fondées sur la valeur de l’information (VoI) estiment cette valeur au regard des conséquences associées à la mauvaise décision. Du fait de ses spécificités, le dispositif médical constitue un domaine de choix pour ces méthodes. L’objectif de cette thèse était, à partir d’exemples sélectionnés, d’illustrer dans quelle mesure les méthodes VoI pouvaient être utiles lors des décisions prises dans la vie du dispositif médical.Méthodes. Deux cadres d’utilisation décrits dans la littérature ont été utilisés : la priorisation des efforts de recherche et l’optimisation des designs d’études. Ils ont été appliqués à deux temps distincts de l’évaluation du dispositif médical : la détermination des études post-inscription (EPI) demandées à l’occasion de la demande de remboursement et la détermination de la taille d’échantillon lors de l’évaluation précoce de l’utilisabilité réalisée par l’industriel en vue de l’obtention du marquage CE. Ces deux applications ont nécessité de préciser le contexte décisionnel (ensemble des choix, fonction-objectif des parties prenantes, etc.) de développer le modèle d’aide à la décision correspondant à la perspective décisionnelle adoptée et enfin, de caractériser l’incertitude. Les exemples concernaient respectivement les demandes d’EPI pour les endoprothèses aortiques et l’évaluation de l’utilisabilité d’un dispositif innovant d’auto-injection d’adrénaline. Ces exemples ont permis d’identifier les conditions de mise en oeuvre des analyses VoI en termes de données requises, de délai, et de complexité.Résultats. L’analyse menée sur l’exemple des endoprothèses aortiques a requis une re-paramétrisation de l’ensemble du modèle d’aide à la décision existant pour : incorporer les données françaises, intégrer l’incertitude relative à l’ensemble des paramètres en tenant compte des corrélations existantes, et prendre en compte l’hétérogénéité des effets selon les sous-groupes de patients. Sur l’ensemble de la population, l’EVPI élevée quel que soit le critère de jugement justifiait d’envisager l’acquisition de données supplémentaires. Les calculs de l’EVPPI confirmaient l’intérêt d’une d’EPI sur les paramètres d’efficacité, particulièrement sur le long terme. La prise en compte de l’hétérogénéité, originale tant d’un point de vue méthodologique qu’applicatif, a montré qu’il aurait été pertinent de restreindre ces EPI aux patients jeunes et en bon état général. Ce qui n’était pas envisagé dans les EPI demandées aux industriels.Dans le cadre des études d’utilisabilité, le développement de novo d’un modèle statistique de la découverte des erreurs d’usage a été rendu nécessaire au regard des insuffisances des modèles existants. En effet, notre approche reposant sur la modélisation de la matrice complète de découverte des erreurs dominait les modèles existants en termes de biais, de consistance et de probabilité de couverture de l’intervalle de confiance, notamment pour des petits échantillons. Cette approche originale a permis d’intégrer la fonction-objectif du décideur dans la détermination de la taille optimale des échantillons, dans une logique de gestion, plutôt que d’évitement du risque. Les tailles d’échantillon estimées étaient plus importantes que dans la littérature (environ 100 participants). L’implémentation de notre méthode est permise par la mise à disposition de l’outil de calcul en libre accès. Plusieurs enseignements émergent de ces applications [...]
... Once the first usability tests are finished the number of problems available for detection and the number of undetected problems can be estimated. Since, however the estimated p of a small sample series has a bias that can result in substantial overestimation of its value [HJ01] a series of Monte Carlo experiments provides an e cacy and fairly accurate adjusted formula on the initial estimates of p(p est ) [Lew01]. The formula uses two adjustments, on the one hand the deflated adjustment and on the other hand the Good -Turing adjustment. ...
... The Good -Turing adaption tends to overestimate the true value of p, whereas the deflated adaption tends to underestimates it. In this way the combination is considerable accurate [Lew01,150] The formula of adjusted p is: ...
... Probability of an event p occurring at least once in n tries[JS16] The overview ofTable 2.1 is "forming an idea about what you can expect to get from the sample size for a variety of problem probabilities"[JS16, 148], whereas the value of p is not constant in each trial[EB98]. Users di↵er in capabilities and experience even over the time of the evaluation itself[Cau01] [Sch08], which is a constant research topic[Lew01] ...
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When considering the user experience, an even broader concept than the function- ality of the user interface must be considered. Norman and Nielsen [NN20] em- phasise the first requirement is to meet the exact needs of the customer without fuss or bother followed by simplicity and elegance to fulfil joy to own the product and joy to use it. Law et al. [LRH+09] illustrate the meaning by extending the statement to the brand ”you forgive flaws for a loved brand and blame loudly the flaws in the products of a bad brand”. Hassenzahl and Tractinsky [HT06] point to the distinction between subjectively perceived ergonomic and hedonic quality as independent qualities. Thus a successful use of a product evolves in the emotional response of satisfaction and products that involve the user for a personal added value express a stronger emotional consequence, joy. However, the most important task of the graphical user interface (GUI ) is a safe and effcient use. So in order to optimise the user experience of the Digital Cockpit (DC), the focus of the present study is on the identification and optimisation of usability problems to at least ensure the system to be as functional as possible. Nevertheless, during the evaluation, emerging wishes and sensations are taken into account as possible integration of personal value. During the design process, additional attention is paid to compliance with the corporate design and technical restrictions to make a subsequent implementation as easy as possible. The evaluation of usability is based on the recommendations of Nielsen [Nie93], Wharton et al. [WRLP94] and many other authors, who recommend using a com- bination of usability tests and inspection methods to identify a wide range of usability problems. Heuristic Evaluation is used as a method of inspection, there- fore a focus is put on the heuristics to match the application and the domain. Hereby the steps of Quin ̃ones et al. [QRR18] are followed to select, adapt and cre- ate an appropriate set of heuristics. To identify task oriented usability problems a Usability Testing is conducted, whereas the System Usability Scale as a final test is used to obtain an overall score to compare the optimised mockup. Aspects of the hedonic value are taken from the usability tests. As these are carried out one-on-one, the opportunity is taken to identify personal wishes that give the GUI a personal joy - of - use factor.
... We employed the formative usability testing to discover potential usability problems. Building on previous research [14], we defined a problem discovery goal of 90% for detecting the problem at least twice, i.e., we aimed at discovering 90% of the prototype's problems and the discovered problems had to eventuate at least twice in order to be taken into consideration. ...
... Determining a stop criterion as such is important to prevent endless iterations and resources wastage [15]. For this purpose, we calculated the average likelihood of problem occurrence after conducting two iterations [14], because this provided a good estimate for the sample size required to achieve the defined problem discovery goal. The result of the calculation indicated a required sample size of 15 to 17 participants [15]. ...
... We focused on the general public since it is an important target group of dashboards. The Sample Size Calculator for Discovering Problems in a User Interface (Lewis, 2001;Sauro, 2023) was used to identify the ideal number of participants for both studies. From the sample data, Calculator estimates the problem occurrence (p) using the Good-Turing and Normalization procedure devised by Turner et al. (2006). ...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused dashboards to become widely used by the public and decision-makers. Nevertheless, dashboard interfaces have been related to business intelligence since their origins, and the search for improvements in their design is not new. This article's objective is to conduct a user evaluation of COVID-19 dashboards that contain geospatial information. This is done through a formative study to identify problematic aspects of user/dashboard interaction. This is enhanced by comparing two self-developed dashboards that, according to previous tests, have functionalities with different appearances. User evaluation is performed through mixed research that combines objective (eye-tracking) and subjective (a questionnaire and an interview) methods. The results generate recommendations for better-designed dashboard interfaces that can transfer information appropriately. The vital elements needed to achieve this are interactivity, the option to choose the metrics, and the distribution of the elements in the layout, all playing a role in a more user-friendly interaction between the user and the dashboard.
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Usability and user experience (UX) are important concepts in the design and evaluation of products or systems intended for human use. This chapter introduces the fundamentals of design for usability and UX, focusing on the application of science, art, and craft to their principled design. It reviews the major methods of usability assessment, focusing on usability testing. The concept of UX casts a broad net over all of the experiential aspects of use, primarily subjective experience. User-centered design and design thinking are methods used to produce initial designs, after which they typically use iteration for design improvement. Service design is a relatively new area of design for usability and UX practitioners. The fundamental goal of usability testing is to help developers produce more usable products. The primary activity in diagnostic problem discovery tests is the discovery, prioritization, and resolution of usability problems.
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Type 2 diabetic patients benefit significantly if the disease is well controlled through behavioral changes, namely adopting a healthy lifestyle. Currently, there is some evidence that technological strategies can help patient self-management. However, few studies have specifically targeted individuals who solely engage in automatic and personalized self-management practices. This study aims to synthesize the literature regarding personalized feedback recommendation systems to promote behavior change without health professionals’ direct intervention for the management of type 2 diabetes and to verify if the use of these systems improves health-related outcomes. A systematic review was performed from inception to April 13, 2021, based on a search conducted in six databases. According to the defined search expression, studies addressing type 2 diabetic patients and recommendation systems were included. In total, 2186 papers were initially identified, but only 22 met the specific inclusion criteria after screening. Discrepancies in the selection of studies were discussed in consensus meetings. To assess the quality of the articles, two tools were employed according to the types of articles retrieved. Selected papers were summarized regarding specific characteristics such as clinical and technological outcomes. Studies incorporating a recommendation system into their technological solution showed a positive effect on the evaluated outcomes, except for those with longer duration, where the effect was not statistically significant. Although most studies did not report the type of system used, expert systems (rule-based) were found to be the most prevalent among those that did. As behaviors are often difficult to change quickly, it is recommended that future studies extend their follow-up timeframe. Nevertheless, the data obtained suggest that technological solutions incorporating a recommendation system show potential to improve health-related outcomes and demonstrated good usability.
Objectives For medical devices, a usability assessment is mandatory for market access; the objective is to detect potentially harmful use errors that stem from the device’s design. The manufacturer assesses the final version of the device and determines the risk-benefit ratio for remaining errors. Nevertheless, the decision rule currently used to determine the sample size for this testing has statistical limitations and the lack of a clear decision-making perspective. Methods As an alternative, we developed a value-of-information analysis from the medical device manufacturer’s perspective. The consequences of use errors not detected during usability testing and the errors’ probability of occurrence were embedded in a loss function. The value of further testing was assessed as a reduction in the expected loss for the manufacturer. The optimal sample size was determined using the expected net benefit of sampling (ENBS) (the difference between the value provided by new participants and the cost of their inclusion). Results The value-of-information approach was applied to a real usability test of a needle-free adrenaline autoinjector. The initial estimate (performed on the first n = 20 participants) gave an optimal sample size of 100 participants and an ENBS of €255 453. This estimation was updated iteratively as new participants were included. After the inclusion of 90 participants, the ENBS was null for any sample size; hence, the cost of adding more participants outweighed the expected value of information, and therefore, the study could be stopped. Conclusions On the basis of these results, our method seems to be highly suitable for sample size estimation in the usability testing of medical devices before market access.
Usability testing can involve multiple users and evaluators. In such cases, consolidating usability problems (UPs) constitutes an essential part of data analysis. In a between-subjects design, this study aims to re-examine a previous study by comparing the results of novice evaluators merging UPs individually vs. collaboratively and to assess the quality of the final UP lists, by computing the merging rate and the accuracy rate, respectively. Law and Hvannberg compared the results of evaluators merging UPs individually vs. collaboratively in a within-subjects design, revealing a tendency towards merging UPs in collaborative settings. In the present study, 45 novice evaluators consolidated four UP lists into a single UP master list while working alone or with a partner. The results showed no significant difference between evaluators in the two settings, suggesting that the UP consolidation process does not benefit from positive group decision effects.
Conference Paper
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Customer Set-Up is a proven approach to reducing service costs and providing products at lower prices to customers. To ensure the effectiveness of Customer Set-Up instructions and procedures, these instructions and procedures must be studied before being shipped with their associated product. This paper will address several points to consider when planning a study of a Customer Set-Up system, such as procedure, appropriateness of subjects, number of subjects, the iterative procedure, studies vs. test, and development of test criteria.
Technical Report
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Monte Carlo estimates of the likelihood of problem discovery (p) in usability studies showed that the problem of overestimation is potentially serious and can have at least two adverse consequences: 1. Leading usability practitioners to believe that a study has uncovered a greater proportion of
Technical Report
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Overestimation of the likelihood of problem discovery (p) in usability studies is a potentially serious problem because it leads to underestimation of required sample sizes. The current Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate that discounting methods can significantly reduce this overestimation. Using the Good-Turing estimator, the mean extent of underestimation of the required sample size never exceeded one participant when estimating pfrom a six-participant sample. Thus, usability practitioners can use this technique to adjust small sample estimates of p when planning a usability study. As the study continues, they can re-estimate pand project revised required sample sizes. ITIRC Keywords
Three fallacies about generalization are that so-called basic research is more generalizable than applied research, that general findings are immediately useful for design purposes, and that the use of taxonomies increases the generalizability of human factors studies. Some factors that limit generalizability are the use of unrepresentative subjects, insufficient training subjects receive before measurements are begun, inadequate sampling of tasks and situations, inappropriate selection of dependent variables, long-term changes in the world of work, and artifacts attributable to the measurement process itself In designing a study to predict behavior in a specific application, the guiding principle is similarity. The study should be as similar as possible to the real situation. Two principles should be followed to design studies whose findings can be extrapolated to a wide range of situations: (1) design heterogeneity into the studies and (2) replicate earlier studies with variations in subjects, variables, or procedures.