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Abstract and Figures

Communities with high levels of social capital are likely to have a higher quality of life than communities with low social capital (Coleman, 1988, 1990; Putnam, 1993, 2000). This is due to the greater ability of such communities to organize and mobilize effectively for collective action because they have high levels of social trust, social networks, and well-established norms of mutuality (the major features of social capital). Communities with 'bridging' social capital (weak ties across groups) as well as 'bonding' social capital (strong ties within groups) are the most effective in organizing for collective action (Granovetter, 1973; Putnam, 2000). People who belong to multiple groups act as bridging ties Simmel (1908) 1950; Wellman, 1988). When people with bridging ties use communication media, such as the Internet, they enhance their capability to educate community members, and organize, as needed, for collective action. This paper summarizes evidence from stratified household survey data in Blacksburg, Virginia showing that people with weak (bridging) ties across groups have higher levels of community involvement, civic interest and collective efficacy than people without bridging ties to groups. Moreover, heavy Internet users with bridging ties have higher social engagement, use the Internet for social purposes, and have been attending more local meetings and events since going online than heavy Internet users with no bridging ties. These findings may suggest that the Internet - in the hands of bridging individuals -- is a tool for maintaining social relations, information exchange, and increasing face-to-face interaction, all of which help to build both bonding and bridging social capital in communities.
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Weak Ties in Networked Communities
Andrea Kavanaugh, Debbie Denise Reese, John M. Carroll, Mary
Beth Rosson
Center for Human Computer Interaction, Virginia Tech, USA,,,
Abstract. Communities with high levels of social capital are likely to have a higher quality
of life than communities with low social capital (Coleman, 1988, 1990; Putnam, 1993,
2000). This is due to the greater ability of such communities to organize and mobilize
effectively for collective action because they have high levels of social trust, social
networks, and well-established norms of mutuality (the major features of social capital).
Communities with ‘bridging’ social capital (weak ties across groups) as well as ‘bonding’
social capital (strong ties within groups) are the most effective in organizing for collective
action (Granovetter, 1973; Putnam, 2000). People who belong to multiple groups act as
bridging ties Simmel [1908] 1950; Wellman, 1988). When people with bridging ties use
communication media, such as the Internet, they enhance their capability to educate
community members, and organize, as needed, for collective action. This paper
summarizes evidence from stratified household survey data in Blacksburg, Virginia
showing that people with weak (bridging) ties across groups have higher levels of
community involvement, civic interest and collective efficacy than people without bridging
ties to groups. Moreover, heavy Internet users with bridging ties have higher social
engagement, use the Internet for social purposes, and have been attending more local
meetings and events since going online than heavy Internet users with no bridging ties.
These findings may suggest that the Internet – in the hands of bridging individuals -- is a
tool for maintaining social relations, information exchange, and increasing face-to-face
interaction, all of which help to build both bonding and bridging social capital in
Social Groups and Weak Ties
We examine differences in community involvement and collective efficacy that
may be associated with the strength of social ties and Internet use. We examine
these outcomes in the town of Blacksburg, Virginia, home of the community
computer network known as the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV). The BEV
is a well-established community network serving the residents of the university
town of Blacksburg (population 47,000), and surrounding Montgomery County
(population 35,000) since 1993.
Social networks and groups are maintained through communication among
members, whether in face-to-face situations or facilitated by media, such as,
letters, telephone calls, or the Internet. Wellman (2001) argues that when
computer networks, such as the Internet, link people as well as machines, they
become social networks. The Internet, like other forms of communication, helps
people maintain contact with members of their social network or group, cultivate
ties and garner aid and resources, including information. Social networks and
groups with strong ties among members have what Putnam (2000) refers to as
‘bonding’ social capital. Typically, a person’s social network is comprised of
their friends, family and acquaintances, whether proximal or distant. A person’s
social groups are those formal and informal organizations or collections of friends
and/or acquaintances that participate in common activities or tasks on a regular
basis through in a common affiliation (church, soccer league, and other voluntary
Social networks and groups help to build trust among members. Social trust,
also a feature of social capital, increases as people get to know each other, learn
who is trustworthy, and experience things together through voluntary associations
and clubs, such as the Boy Scouts, church, the PTA, and informal group
activities). Williams (1988, p. 8) and Newton (1997, p. 578) distinguish between
"thin" trust and "thick" trust in social networks. In small face-to-face communities
(tribes, isolated islands, rural peripheries), "thick" trust is generated by intensive,
daily contact between people. These tend to be socially homogeneous and
exclusive communities, able to exercise social sanctions necessary to reinforce
thick trust (Coleman 1988, pp. 105-108). One could also expect to find thick trust
within close-knit organizations, such as small churches or within gated
Thin trust is less personal, based on indirect, secondary social relations. It is
the product of what Granovetter (1973) distinguishes as weak ties among
members, and Putnam (2000) calls ‘bridging’ social capital. Weak ties link
members of different social groups to help integrate diverse groups into a larger
social setting, such as a geographic community. Thin trust is also the basis for
social integration in modern, large-scale society (Newton 1997, p. 579). Both
bonding and bridging types of social capital are important for sustaining healthy
communities (Putnam 2000). Bonding capital creates and continues the
connections that keep individual community groups viable. Bridging capital
allows connections between otherwise disconnected groups or civic
organizations. Bridging ties facilitate the exchange of information between
distinct groups, and help to expedite the flow of ideas among groups. As such,
they are important to the process of educating the community as a whole, and in
organizing or mobilizing for collective action.
The strength of a tie is a combination of the amount of time, emotional
intensity, intimacy (mutual confiding), and reciprocal services that characterize
the tie (Berkowitz, 1982; Fischer, 1977; Granovetter, 1973; Marsden and Lin,
1982). Strong ties are characterized by (Wellman, 1992, pg. 211-212):
• A sense of the relationship being intimate and special, with a voluntary
investment in the tie and a desire for companionship with the tie partner;
An interest in being together as much as possible through frequent
interactions in multiple social contexts over a long period;
A sense of mutuality in the relationship, with the partner’s needs known and
Conversely, weak ties are more instrumental than strong ties – providing
informational resources rather than support and exchange of confidences
(Wellman, 1992). Weak ties also provide increased reach for an individual’s
work, such as, promotion opportunities, professional recognition, and social
integration (Haythornthwaite, 2001). People with whom the respondent socializes
exclusively at school or at work or through a common group affiliation would be
considered weak ties, as would be people whom the respondent might ask to be a
reference when they apply to a job.
For a community to have many weak ties that bridge, there must be several
distinct ways or contexts in which people may form them, such as a rich
organizational life, with most people working in the area (Granovetter, 1973;
Keyes, 1969). Rich organizational life provides many opportunities for people to
serve as weak ties across diverse groups. Simmel ([1908] 1971) is credited with
the classic insight that, in essence, intergroup networks simultaneously connect
persons and institutions (Wellman and Berkowitz, 1988; Wolf, 1950). Two
persons may be connected through an interpersonal tie. But a single person may
also connect two groups when he or she is a member of both. Such joint
memberships form group-to-group ties that indirectly connect all persons in each
separate group. Thus, a person’s membership in more than one organization
allows them to serve as a weak tie between groups. Leaders of organizations are
particularly well suited to serving as weak ties, as they are even more likely than
members to carry information from one group to another as part of their
organizational duty and role, as long as the information is not of interest only to
one group.
Granovetter (1973) argues that if a community consists largely of isolated silo-
like cliques, each person bonds to others within his own clique, but not to others
outside. Involvement in widely dispersed and instrumental networks provides
greater access to resources than does involvement in highly dense and intimate
ones. Without bridging ties to different groups, cliques lack the interpersonal ties
that help to spread information or innovation conveyed by mass media and other
sources, including newspapers, TV/radio, and Internet postings. Diffusion and
communication research have shown that while mass media make most people
aware of information, new ideas or ‘nascent mobilization,’ people rarely act on
such information unless it is also transmitted through personal ties (Katz and
Lazasfeld, 1955; Rogers, 1962.) Thus, the more local bridges in a community and
the greater their degree, the more cohesive the community and the more capable
of acting in concert (Granovetter, 1973).
Weak Ties and Internet Use
There is preliminary evidence that the Internet helps to increase the number of
weak ties across social groups in communities with high penetration of the
Internet (Hampton, forthcoming, 2003; Kavanaugh, 2002). Prior studies in
Blacksburg indicate that individuals who are members of several social groups
are using the Internet in ways that support both bonding and bridging types of
social capital.1 Interviews conducted between 1996 and 1999 with leaders in the
civic community,2 the religious community,3 and the arts community4 noted the
importance of Internet services (organizational web site, listserv, and/or email) in
strengthening social ties and information exchange within their organization.
Several leaders also noted how the Internet was helping to strengthen weak ties
between their group and another group or organization in the community. For
example, the president of the Arts Council, an umbrella organization of many
different artists and groups dispersed across three nearby towns and two adjoining
counties, has seen members of previously disparate arts groups linked together
through weak ties:
It used to be small groups like the three towns I talked about…Each one of
them had a group of people that talked to each other, but not between the
1 Federico Casalegno, doctoral candidate at the Sorbonne, Paris at the time, collaborated on the design and
conduct of interviews of community leaders in 1998, and on interviews with BEV Seniors in 1996. The
author's research assistant, Evonne Noble, assisted with interviews of BEV Seniors and community
leaders in 1999.
2 Specifically, these are: town manager, the Finance Director for town government, a member of the Board
of Supervisors for the county, and the president of the League of Women Voters.
3 Representing a Presbyterian Church, a Baptist Church, a Unitarian Universalist meeting, the Islamic Center
of Blacksburg, and the Jewish Community Center.
4 Specifically, the president of New River Arts Council, an umbrella organization representing local
performance and graphic arts groups dispersed throughout two adjoining counties.
three towns. Now all three towns talk to each other. They opened up new
lines of communication. Those people then often talk to people in
Blacksburg or Christiansburg. And we have now some connections out to
Pulaski or Floyd County where they never used to talk very much before.
The arts council web site and listserv are new lines of communication that help
individuals act as weak ties between the different arts groups, that are reinforced
by face-to-face interaction at art gatherings. In another case, the web master and
listserv manager (and trustee) of the local Unitarian Universalist meeting,
mentioned that the web site of the Unitarians links to another community
organization with similar values and interests. He said the link to the other
organization’s web pages "allows us to be able to interconnect with them in a way
to make us aware of their activities." Here, not only are individuals, such as the
web master, able to act as links between two groups, sharing information, but the
mirrored web links are themselves 'weak' ties across the two different social
groups in the community.
Hampton (2002) argues that computer mediated communication at the local
level provides an opportunity for local social interaction that facilitates the
formation of weak social ties and community involvement. In a study of the wired
suburb of Toronto known as Netville, Hampton (2003) shows that residents of a
networked neighborhood were able to organize and mobilize collectively, in large
part due to the weak ties among them. He measured the strength of social ties by
whether the respondent classified the neighbor as someone whom they recognized
but did not talk with, someone they talked with but did not visit, or someone they
visited. Hampton and several other researchers emphasize that in a situation
where computer networking facilitates knowledge sharing, weak ties may be
more important for collective action than strong ties (Kraut, et al, 1996; Nie
2001). In this study, we use collective efficacy as an indicator of respondents’
beliefs and perceptions regarding the community’s potential for organizing and
mobilizing for collective action.
Collective Efficacy and Internet Use
According to Bandura (2000),
people’s shared beliefs in their collective efficacy influence the types of futures they seek to
achieve through collective action, how well they use their resources, how much effort they put
into their group endeavor, their staying power when collective efforts fail to produce quick
results or meet forcible opposition, and their vulnerability to the discouragement that can beset
people taking on tough social problems. (p. 76)
Bandura (2001) suggested that new electronic technologies provide “vast
opportunities for people to bring their influence to bear” on “collective civic
action” (p. 17); however, he warned that “perceived efficacy will shape how the
internet changes the face of social activism” (2002 , p. 11). He has suggested
ready access to communication technologies will not necessarily enlist active
participation unless people believe that they can achieve desired results by this
means. Strong personal efficacy and collective efficacy are key determinants of
active participation. While we do not have measures of personal efficacy in this
study, we do have measures of collective efficacy that we tested and report in this
We expect that people who serve as weak ties or bridges between distinct local
groups and who use the Internet for communication and information exchange
(either with the organization or in general) are better positioned to expedite
information distribution, collective organization or action in their communities
than non-bridges who use the Internet. When people are effective in attempts to
influence outcomes in their community, their sense of collective efficacy rises or
is reinforced. Collective efficacy is often associated with higher education and
social status; however, it has also been found to flourish among lower socio-
economic strata. For example, perception of collective efficacy and sense of civic
responsibility explained between 23% and 25% of the variance in grassroots
neighborhood participation in New York City (Perkins, Brown, & Taylor, 1996).
Defining collective efficacy as a composite of informal social control, cohesion,
and trust, Sampson, Raudenbush, & Earls (1997) suggested that “collective
efficacy of residents is a critical means by which urban neighborhoods inhibit the
occurrence of personal violence, without regard to the demographic composition
of the population” (p. 919). The researchers found it “a robust predictor of lower
rates of violence” (p. 923). Hence, some research has shown that collective
efficacy can both (a) help citizens to self-govern and (b) increase citizen’s
participation in governance, regardless of SES.
As part of a larger study of community and the Internet in Blacksburg and
Montgomery County, we administered a survey questionnaire to a stratified
random sample of 100 households. Survey instruments are useful mechanisms for
capturing quantitative data in the form of self-reported traits, attitudes, beliefs,
and behaviors. We stratified households on the basis of education level, Internet
use, and location (town or county). Once a household accepted to be in the study,
we had each member complete a survey questionnaire (younger members
completed a modified questionnaire which is not included in this paper). We also
conducted group interviews (with all members of a given household forming each
group) with a subset of households. Finally, we configured the network
connections of a subset of households (all that were possible) so that we could
monitor household web use (hits, time of use, etc.) and email exchange (headers
only). Focusing at the household level allows us to capture interaction and usage
patterns related to Internet use in the home. This paper reports findings from only
the survey, although we consulted interview data where clarification to survey
data was useful.
The adult survey questionnaire asked respondents about their community
involvement, organizational memberships, informal group participation, Internet
use, social circles, collective efficacy, psychological attributes, significant life
changes, and basic demographics. The questions of greatest relevance to the
investigation reported in this paper are those regarding group membership and
participation, Internet use, community involvement and collective efficacy. Our
survey instrument has six research themes: community involvement, activities
and interests, collective efficacy, Internet behavior and effects, social networks,
and psychological scales. These six themes define the main sections of the survey,
with the addition of demographic data. To the greatest extent possible questions
were drawn from existing survey instruments, particularly the HomeNet study
(Kraut 1996, 2002) and BEV survey instruments. In this paper we examine
relationships among items in the sections on community involvement, activities
and interests, collective efficacy, and Internet use. We also looked at demographic
and psychological factors (life changes, extroversion). Constructs and variables
that were tested, but not significant, are not included in the results, but are
included in the discussion section of the paper.
The section of the survey on community involvement organizes questions
according to three different topics: community involvement, community
attachment, and local organization affiliation and roles (leader, member,
attendee). It includes a set of community involvement measures by Rothenbuhler
(1986; Shepherd and Rothenbuhler, 2001) on how frequently respondents keep up
with local news, get together with others who know what’s going on in the
community, have ideas for changing things in the community, and work to bring
about change in the community. The section on activities and interests uses a
frequency scale (ranging from never or almost never to several times a day) over
the last six months for questions, such as spending time with friends, taking a
class outside of school, discussing politics, watching TV.
We created a typology aggregating variables related to common constructs
(community involvement, activities and interests, Internet use). We ran
correlations on the variables for each construct and conducted reliability tests. We
sought to obtain constructs comprised of one factor, with reliabilities (indicated
by Cronbach alpha) greater than 0.7. We developed constructs for all the main
items in the survey. We tested all the constructs and variables in the study for this
paper, with the exception of social circles and household communication patterns.
Among the key constructs tested for this paper are:
Informed, e.g., keep up with local news, have ideas for change in the
Activism, e.g., work to bring about change in the local community, being
active relative to others;
• Belonging, e.g., feeling part of several groups or organizations, having a
group of friends;
Community Attachment, e.g., how happy to live in the community,
willingness to move to another community;
Participation, e.g., level of involvement in local events, activities;
Trust, e.g., feeling most people can be trusted, feeling people will take
advantage of you, (reversed);
Civic interest, e.g., taking a class outside school or work, helping a
neighbor, keeping up to date on local events, voting in elections;
Political interest, e.g., discussing politics, writing or calling elected
officials, working for a political party, attending rallies or speeches; and
Internet use for political purposes, e.g., online versions of political activity,
including emailing government officials, finding political information
online, discussing politics online.
For more detail and background on the survey questions and constructs and the
statistical analyses please see the project web site (
The Internet use measures include amount of use (number of hours on an
typical day) and the type and frequency of online activity in the past six months
(e.g., get news, play games, communicate with friends and family, bank online).
This set of questions is adapted from the HomeNet survey instrument to
emphasize local versus distant activities and active versus passive behavior. The
frequency scale ranges from ‘almost never’ to ‘several times a day.’ We also
asked about respondents’ attitudes toward computers and the Internet (Likert
scale of agreement with statements about the helpfulness of the Internet for a
variety of purposes, such as, political activities, civic affairs, social engagement,
shopping). Questions developed by Georgia Tech (1995) and adapted by
Kavanaugh in previous BEV surveys provide a third set of questions that measure
respondents’ self perception of changes in involvement since getting on the
Internet. We asked respondents whether, since getting on the Internet, are they
less, equally or more involved in the local community, local people, non-local
people, a diversity of local and non-local people, and local and non-local issues of
To investigate respondents’ participation in local groups and organizations, we
examined the number of organizational affiliations and the level of participation
(non-participant, attendee or member, leader). First, we divided respondents into
two main categories (bridges and non-bridges) who are, respectively: 1) members
or leaders in two or more organizations and 2) members or leaders in one or no
organizations, including non-participants. We further subdivided the bridges into
leader bridges and member bridges, and compared these with the subdivision of
non-bridges category into non-bridges affiliated with one organization, and non-
bridges affiliated with no organization. We conducted independent samples t-tests
on these two main categories, and one-way ANOVAs on the four subcategories,
with the main study variables of community involvement, interests and activities,
Internet use and collective efficacy and its dimensions (active cooperation, social
services, and economic development).
We examined the use of various modes of communication by the organizations
to which respondents were affiliated, including face-to-face, telephone, email,
email discussion list, and online bulletin board. We isolated and checked survey
cases to determine whether leader bridges and member bridges indicated that at
least two of the organizations with which they were affiliated also used the
Internet to communicate or exchange information among members.
In addition to independent samples t tests and one-way ANOVA tests on the
variables noted above, we investigated differences in Internet use and effects
among bridges versus non-bridges by dividing the sample into bridges that are
heavy versus light Internet users and non-bridges who are heavy versus light
Internet users. Drawing from Nie (2001), we divided amount of Internet use into
heavy users, measured as more than one and a half hours per day, and light
Internet users (zero to one and a half hours per day). We conducted univariate
ANOVA tests on each of the study variables (noted above) comparing heavy
versus light usage by bridges versus non-bridges.
The community collective efficacy measure is comprised of a 13-item scale.
Each item pertained to a key area of community challenge and/or achievement
and a specified obstacle (see Table 1). Directions asked participants to rate the
community’s ability to achieve each goal on a five-point scale: (1) not well at all,
(2) not too well, (3) somewhat well, (4) pretty well, and (5) very well.
1. TOURISM: Our community can present itself in ways that increase tourism.
2. IMPROVE ROADS: We can greatly improve the roads in Blacksburg and Montgomery.
County, even when there is opposition within the community.
3. QLIFE: I am convinced that we can improve the quality of life in the community, even
when resources are limited or become scarce.
4. QEDUC: Our community can greatly improve the quality of education in Montgomery
County without help from the Commonwealth of Virginia
5. SETBACKS: As a community, we can handle mistakes and setbacks without getting
6. COOP-FACILITIES: Our community can cooperate in the face of difficulties to improve
the quality of community facilities.
7. VISION: I am confident that we can be united in the community vision we present to
8. COMMON GOALS: Despite our differences, we can commit ourselves to common
community goals.
9. WORK TOGETHER: The people of our community can continue to work together, even
when it requires a great deal of effort.
10. RESOLVE CRISES: We can resolve crises in the community without any negative
11. FAIR LAWS: Our community can enact fair laws, even when there is disagreement among
12. RESOURCE-JOBS: I am confident that our community can create adequate resources to
develop new jobs despite changes in the economy.
13. SENIOR SERVICES: Our community can greatly improve services for senior citizens in
Blacksburg and Montgomery County without help from the Commonwealth of Virginia
Table 1. The 13 Items Within the Community Collective Efficacy Scale.
We used factor analysis and structure equation modeling to investigate the
underlying structure of collective efficacy (Carroll & Reese, 2003). Data indicate
a general construct of collective efficacy, composed of three dimensions or
factors (see Figure 1). The first, Active Cooperation (Cronbach α= .86), is
composed of seven indicators. In general, this group of indicators speaks to a
perception of the community’s ability to cooperate in the face of difficulties.
factor 1
factor 3 factor 2
vision coop
social services
common goals qlife
resolve setbacks work
fair laws improve roads
resource - jobs
tourism qeduc
senior services
Figure 1. Model of Collective Efficacy Construct, Three Dimensions (Factors),
and 13 Indicators
The second factor is Social Services (Cronbach α= .77), composed of items
involving perception of the community’s ability to provide senior services and
education. The third factor measures an individual’s perception of the
community’s ability to maintain a strong Economic Infrastructure (Cronbach α=
.63) through fair laws, creating conditions fostering a strong job market, roads
and tourism.
Group Affiliation and Weak Ties
For the total sample in our study, the average number of local organizations with
which respondents are affiliated is 2.4 groups. This is just above most other
studies, which show two local affiliations to be about average (Edwards, 1973,
Perkins, et al, 1996). Typically, church is one of the most common affiliations,
and this is the case in our study, as well.
Just under half of respondents are classified as bridges (48%, N=75); that is,
they are either a member of two or more groups (N=52), or a leader of two or
more organizations (N=23) (see Table 2). Just over half of respondents are
categorized as a ‘non- bridge (52%, N=83);’ that is, they are not members of any
group (N=39), or they are members of only one group (N=44). There are 7 cases
in which an individual is a member of at least one organization and a leader in at
least another. Since this is such a small group, we included them together with the
member bridges.
Leader Bridge: 2+ groups N=23 14%
Bridge 48% N=75
Member Bridge: 2+ groups N=52 33%
Affiliation: 1 group N=44 25%
Non-Bridge 52% N=83 No affiliation N=39 28%
Table 2: Bridges and Non-bridges: Descriptives
As shown above, a minority (14%, N=23) are leaders in two or more
organizations. The majority of respondents (57%, N=90) are not leaders in any
organization; and almost a third (29%, N=45) are leaders in only one
organization. Leader bridges report a higher number of weak ties (acquaintances)
than both member bridges and non-bridges (approaching signifance,
F(2,148)=2.73, p=.069), and they email a higher percentage of acquaintances than
either member bridges or non-bridges do. Member bridges also have a higher
number of weak ties than non-bridges, and email a higher percentage of
acquaintances than non-bridges. Nonetheless, apart from leader bridges’ number
of acquaintances, one-way ANOVA tests show the rest of these differences are
not significant.
First, we consider the differences in the two main categories (bridges vs. non-
bridges) using independent samples t tests across demographics, interests and
activities, psychological factors, community involvement, collective efficacy
measures, and Internet use. Being online also appears to have different effects on
bridges and non-bridges on several measures of community. Then we consider
differences between the sub-categories of leaders bridges (LB), member bridges
(MB), non-bridges with a single group affiliation (NB1) and non-bridges with
zero affiliations (NB0) using one-way ANOVA.
The first analysis -- the comparison of the two main categories (bridges versus
non-bridges) -- is shown in Table 3. Bridges are more extroverted, better
educated, more informed and more activist than non-bridges. They have a greater
sense of group belonging and higher levels of trust, community attachment, and
community participation than non-bridges. They are more interested in civic life
and political affairs. They have greater confidence in the community’s ability to
work together to solve common problems (measured by collective efficacy and its
three factors -- active cooperation, social services, and economic development)
than non-bridges. They use the Internet for political purposes and civic activities
more than non-bridges. Since going online, they have become more involved in
the community, more involved in local issues that interest them, and more
connected to local people. Since going online, they have been attending more
meetings and events of local groups that interest them.
Construct Bridge
** p<.01, * p<.05
Mean Non-bridge
Education ‡ ** 3.5 3.2
Household Income** 6.0 5.0
Extroversion** 3.4 3.2
Informed ‡ * 3.7 3.4
Activism** 2.9 2.2
Belonging* 3.5 3.2
Community attachment* 3.9 3.5
Trust ‡ ** 3.9 3.6
Participation** 3.2 2.5
Computer interest ‡ * 4.2 3.7
Political interest ‡ * 1.5 1.2
Civic interest ‡** 2.8 2.2
Online political activity ‡ * 1.5 1.3
Collective Efficacy (CE) ** 3.4 3.1
Active Cooperation (CE Factor 1) ** 3.6 3.2
Social Services (CE Factor 2) * 3.0 2.7
Economic Development (CE Factor 3)* 3.4 3.1
Since online, involvement in local issues of interest ‡ * 2.2 2.0
Since online, connected with local people ‡ ** 2.3 2.0
Since online, involvement in local community ‡ ** 2.3 2.0
Since online, attendance at local meetings and events** 2.2 1.9
‡ Statistics corrected where equal variances not assumed
Table 3. Bridges and Non-bridges: Attributes, Interests, Collective Efficacy, and
the Internet
Some of the differences shown above between bridges and non-bridges
disappear when we test for differences among the four sub-categories. The next
three tables consider these differences, by dividing them into attributes and
community measures (Table 4), collective efficacy (Table 5) and Internet use and
effects (Table 6). Considering attributes and characteristics using one-way
ANOVA tests (Table 4), we see significant differences between these four groups
on socioeconomic status and on the constructs of Informed, Activism, Belonging,
Community Attachment, Participation and Civic Interest. The differences on
measures of attributes and characteristics that disappear when we divide the four
sub-categories are: trust and extroversion. The leader bridges appear to be
responsible for most of the differences between bridges and non-bridges.
Leader Bridge
Member Bridge
Non-bridge 1
Non-bridge 0
Education* 5.57 NB0 5.23 4.90 4.52 LB
Income** 5.95 NB0 6.0NB0 5.26 4.70 LB, MB
Informed* 3.90NB1 3.63 3.4LB 3.46
Activism** 3.18NB1, NB0 2.78 NB1, NB0 2.3LB, MB 2.1 LB, MB
Attachment* 4.0NB1 3.75 3.49LB 3.53
Participation** 3.51
MB, NB1, NB0 3.12 LB, NB1, NB0 2.65LB, MB 2.41 LB, MB
Civic Interest** 3.13MB, NB1, NB0 2.71 LB, NB1, NB0 2.33LB, MB 2.1 LB, MB
**p<.01, *p<.05; Tukey post hoc test used on all variables above, since equal variances
Table 4. Bridges versus Non-Bridges on Attributes and Community Measures
Leader bridges are different from the subcategory of non-bridges on most
measures shown in Table 4 above except socioeconomic status and community
attachment (where they are different from non-bridges with no group affiliations)
and being informed (where they are different from non-bridges with one group
affiliation). Leader bridges have higher levels of participation and civic interest
than all other subcategories (both subcategories of non-bridges and the
subcategory of member bridges). Member bridges have higher levels of
household income than non-bridges with no group affiliation, are more active,
and have higher levels of participation and civic interest than non-bridges in both
Weak Ties and Collective Efficacy
Leader bridges have greater confidence in the community’s ability to work
together to solve common problems (measured by collective efficacy and three
dimensions -- active cooperation, social services, and economic development)
than non-bridges with no group affiliation (Table 5). Leader bridges are higher
than non-bridges with one affiliation on collective efficacy and the economic
development component. Member bridges are higher than non-bridges with no
group affiliation on collective efficacy and active cooperation.
Collective Efficacy** 3.55 NB1, NB0 3.35 NB0 3.18LB 3.05 LB, MB
Active Cooperation** 3.61 NB0 3.53 NB0 3.33 3.17 LB, MB
Social Services* 3.35 NB0 2.82 2.86 2.55 LB
Economic Development* 3.55 NB1, NB0 3.27 3.09 LB 3.09 LB
**p<.01, *p<.05
Tk Tukey HSD post hoc test used on all variables above since equal variances assumed
Table 5. Bridges versus Non-bridges on Collective Efficacy
Weak Ties and Internet Use
Not all bridging leaders and bridging members report that their groups use the
Internet (organizational email, listserv, online bulletin board or web site). While
most leaders’ organizations do use the Net (19 out of 23), four leaders report that
at least one of their organizations does not. Nonetheless, three of these four
bridging leaders report that they personally use the Internet. Three of the nineteen
leaders who report their organizations do use the Internet, report that they
themselves do not. We know from interview data that two of these three leaders
in fact use the Internet indirectly, that is, through a friend or colleague (Dunlap,
Schafer, Carroll and Reese, in press). Three of the 52 member bridges report they
do not use the Internet personally. For two of these three individuals, however, at
least two of the groups in which they participate do use the Internet for group
communication. Therefore, these non-Internet users may get some indirect
exposure to online communication, as we can expect the information contained in
the Internet messages would be shared among all members.
The effects of using the Internet are different for the subcategories of bridges
and non-bridges (Table 6). There are no differences between leader bridges and
member bridges on these measures. But leader bridges are different from non-
bridges. Specifically, both leader bridges and member bridges are more connected
with local people since going online than non-bridges with one affiliation.
Interestingly, non-bridges with one group affiliation report less connectivity with
local people since going online than non-bridges with no group affiliations. Both
leader bridges and member bridges report more involvement in the local
community since going online than non-bridges with no group affiliations.
Member bridges report they have been attending more meetings and events of
local groups than non-bridges with no group affiliation.
Non-bridge 1
Non-bridge 0
Since online, connected with
local people(Tk)** 2.42 NB1 2.27 NB1 1.97LB, MB 2.11
Since online, involvement with
local community (Tm)* 2.37 NB0 2.20 NB0 2.06 1.96 LB, MB
Since online, attendance at group
meetings and events (Tk)* 2.16 2.14NB0 1.94 1.89 MB
**p<.01, *p<.05
Tm Tamhane post hoc test used since equal variances not assumed
Tk Tukey HSD post hoc test used since equal variances assumed
Table 6. Bridges and Non-bridges on Internet Use and Effects
The differences that disappear when we separate out the four groups from the
two main categories of bridges and non-bridges are: using the Internet for
political activities, and involvement in local issues of interest since going online.
To examine differences among bridges and non-bridges based on Internet use,
we used conducted t tests on heavy and light Internet users (Table 7). Light users
are defined as people who use the Internet 0-1.5 hours per day. Heavy users use
the Internet more than 1.5 hours per day. We do not distinguish between bridges
that are leaders versus members, just between heavy and light Internet use.
Similarly, we do not distinguish between non-bridges who are affiliated with one
group and non-bridges with no group affiliations. The N (125) is lower than the
total sample since this is the subset of Internet users.
Heavy Internet user N=33
Bridge N=66
Light Internet user N=33
Heavy Internet user N=30
Non-Bridge N=59
Light Internet user N=29
Table 7. Bridges and Non-bridges by Heavy and Light Internet Use
Analyses using 2 X 2 ANOVAs show that there are significant interaction
effects for Internet usage (heavy versus light) and bridges versus non-bridges on
several of the study variables (Table 8). These are: social engagement, use of the
Internet for social purposes, and attendance at local group meetings and events
since going online. These are the only variables that showed significant
interaction, and they are all related to social activities.
Social Engagement † 3.47 3.13 2.96 3.10
Use Internet for Social** 3.55 2.16 2.74 2.17
Since online, attendance at local
group meetings and events** 2.27 2.03 1.86 2.00
**p<.01, † Approaches significance (p<.1)
Table 8. Interactions Between Bridge Status (Bridges or Non-bridges) and
Amount of Internet Use (Heavy or Light) on Community Measures
While there were significant main effects for bridge versus non-bridge or for
Internet usage (heavy versus light) on many of the variables reported earlier, we
do not report them here. The effects for bridge status were shown in previous
analyses and the main effects for degree of Internet usage are outside the scope of
the present investigation.
Attendance since Online
NOT bridge
Figure 2. Interaction Between Bridge Status and Internet Usage on Attendance of
Local Meetings and Events Since Going Online.
The interaction between bridge status and Internet usage is particularly striking
for self-report of attendance at local meetings and events since going online
(Figure 2). In this case, both bridges and non-bridges who are light users of the
Internet report that their Internet usage has had little effect on attendance. The
story diverges for heavy users. While heavy users who are not bridges report that
their attendance of local events and meetings has dropped since going online,
heavy Internet users who are bridges report that their attendance of local events
and meetings has increased.
We have examined evidence of weak ties measured by an individual’s
participation in two or more local groups, either as a leader or member/attendee.
We compared these weak ties (bridges) to individuals who participate in only one
organization or in no organizations (non-bridges). We tested for differences in
their attributes, interests, involvement, collective efficacy and Internet use related
to the local community.
The data show that people who act as weak ties (bridges) between groups are
better educated, more informed and more extroverted. They have higher levels of
activism, trust, community involvement, participation, civic interest, and
community attachment. Bridges have greater confidence than non-bridges in the
community’s ability to work together to solve common problems (measured by
collective efficacy and its three dimensions -- active cooperation, social services,
and economic development).
We divided the two main categories of bridges and non-bridges into sub-
categories (leader bridges versus member bridges, non-bridges with only one
group affiliation and non-bridges with no group affiliation). A closer examination
of the sub-categories indicates that leader bridges are highest on all measures, and
appear to be responsible for much of the differences between bridges and non-
bridges. There is a generally declining trend in the level of the means on each
attribute and community measure from leaders, to members, to non-bridges with
one affiliation and lastly, non-bridges with no affiliation. Leader bridges have
higher levels of community participation and civic interest than all other
subcategories (both subcategories of non-bridges and the subcategory of member
bridges). Leader bridges are not different from subcategories of non-bridges on
measures of household income (where they are different from non-bridges with
no group affiliations), and community attachment, and being informed (where
they are different from non-bridges with one group affiliation). Member bridges
have higher levels of household income than non-bridges with no group
affiliation, are more active, and have higher levels of community participation
and civic interest than non-bridges in both sub-categories. Leader bridges have
greater confidence in the community’s ability to work together to solve common
problems (measured by collective efficacy and three dimensions -- active
cooperation, social services, and economic development) than non-bridges with
no group affiliation. Leader bridges are higher than non-bridges with one
affiliation on collective efficacy and the economic development component.
Member bridges are higher than non-bridges with no group affiliation on
collective efficacy and active cooperation. Both leader bridges and member
bridges are more connected with local people since going online than non-bridges
with one affiliation. Both leader bridges and member bridges report more
involvement in the local community since going online than non-bridges with no
group affiliations. Member bridges report they have been attending more
meetings and events of local groups than non-bridges with no group affiliation.
The differences between sub-categories that disappear when we separate out
the four types are: extroversion, trust, sense of belonging, computer interest,
political interest, using the Internet for political purposes, and involvement in
local issues since online. The significant differences that persist even when we
divide bridges and non-bridges into four subcategories are on being informed,
activism, community attachment, participation, collective efficacy and its
dimensions, and involvement since going online.
Many of the differences we find between the main categories of bridges and
non-bridges are not particularly surprising. We know from previous studies that
organizational affiliation, leadership, community involvement and collective
efficacy are generally associated with higher socio-economic status.
What this paper has tried to contribute, having presented the evidence for and
characteristics of weak ties across groups, is the link to Internet use and effects. In
particular, bridges report using the Internet for political purposes (i.e., finding
political information, discussing politics online, exchanging email with a
government official). Compared to non-bridges, bridges are more involved in the
local community, in local issues of interest and more connected with local people
since getting on the Internet.
Further, we compared bridges who are heavy Internet users (more than an hour
and a half per day), bridges who are light Internet users (less than an hour and a
half a day), non-bridges who are heavy users, and non-bridges who are light
users. Heavy Internet users with bridging ties have higher social engagement,
greater use of the Internet for social purposes, and have been attending more local
meetings and events since going online than non-bridges who use the Internet
heavily. This finding emphasizes the social nature of Internet use by bridges. It
suggests that, in the hands of bridging individuals, the Internet is a tool for
maintaining relations and increasing face-to-face interaction, both of which help
to build bonding and bridging types of social capital in communities. As noted at
the outset, social capital enables members of a community to act collectively to
facilitate social and economic development and solve common problems. When
we consider community collective efficacy as a measure of the potential for
collective action, higher collective efficacy among bridges suggests they are
predisposed to facilitate such activity, as necessary. As Bandura (2002) noted, if
people believe that they can achieve desired results by using communication
technologies, they will use those tools to help make their voices heard and play an
active part in meaningful change. The findings presented here suggest that bridges
act on their higher sense of collective efficacy to educate and organize and to
facilitate change by all means possible, including the Internet.
In future research we will investigate how leader and/or member bridges
compare with the concept of local versus cosmopolitan influential community
residents (Merton, 1968). We would expect leader bridges to have traits of both,
but for their Internet use to vary according to their local versus cosmopolitan
orientation. That is, cosmopolitan influentials would not only keep up with local
news, they would also follow closely national and global events, politics and
social concerns. An investigation of email use might show similar patterns
whereby online communication by local influentials is predominantly with local
social circles and organizations. Local influentials are likely to have stronger
attachment to the community than cosmopolitans who are more willing to move
out of the area. Nonetheless, cosmopolitans are associated in diffusion theory and
research with early adoption and spread of innovation (such as computer
networking). The combination of both cosmopolitans and locals – which we have
in the university town of Blacksburg and the surrounding rural farming area of
Montgomery County – may be the ideal combination for innovation and
We will also examine Putnam’s differentiation between the community roles
of machers versus schmoozers in future research. Machers is a Yiddish term for
people who spend a lot of time in formal organizations and work to bring about
change. This comes closest to our construct of ‘Activism.’ Machers are the classis
good citizens: they keep up with current events, attend church and club meetings,
volunteer, give to charity, work on community projects, read the newspaper, give
speeches, follow politics, and attend local meetings (p. 93). Schmoozers are more
involved in the social side of community life. Their engagement is less formal and
goal-oriented than machers, more like our constructs of ‘Social Engagement’ and
‘Belonging’. Schmoozers’ socializing is with friends and family, rather than with
influential people and organizations in the community. According to Putnam,
distinctions between machers (formal community) and schmoozers (informal
social engagment) reflect differences in social standing, life cycle, and
community attachment. Machers tend to be better educated and to have higher
incomes, whereas informal social involvement is common at all levels in the
social hierarchy.
Finally, future research should include a re-examination of Brieger’s (1974)
conception of the duality of persons and groups. Breiger draws on Simmels’
notion of duality to define the value of a tie between any two groups as the
number persons who belong to both groups. Clearly, a weak tie would be one
where two groups were linked through only one person. His membership network
analysis may prove very fruitful in examining weak ties versus strong ties across
community groups and differences in effects of communication and information
sharing .
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... Prior research has demonstrated that community members who experience collective efficacy have confidence in their collaborative abilities to achieve community endeavors (Kavanaugh et al., 2005;Saleem et al., 2023). Collective efficacy can thus build resilience to overcome obstacles and setbacks while achieving the goal of community members (Saleem et al., 2022). ...
... Participants rated their degree of agreement with five items adapted from Kavanaugh et al. (2005) about their sense of collective efficacy with Lyft, such as "by taking action with Lyft, as a group, I believe we can handle mistakes and setbacks without getting discouraged." (W 1 M = 4.34, SD = 1.82, α = .964; ...
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... Putnam et al. (1994) further define social capital as characteristics of social organizations, such as trust, norms, and networks, which enhance the overall efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated action. From the perspective of networks, different types of social ties can promote social participation, especially bridging ties, which are particularly important for broad social engagement because they provide channels for accessing external resources and information (Kavanaugh et al., 2005). ...
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... Morozov (2011) ise yeni nesil haberleşme teknolojilerine yu klenen bu a nlamı u topik bularak, internetin dem okrasiyi inşa edecek bir gu ç olamayacag ını iddia etmiştir. Kavanaugh (2005) ise internet u zerinden başlatılan ve su rdu r ulen kolektif hareketlerin zayıf bag lara sahip oldug unu ve uzun vadede siyasi yo netimler karşısında sonuç elde edemeyeceg ini belirtir. Ni tekim 2020'li yıllar itibarıyla gelinen noktada internetin getirdig i yeni ortamlara karşı 2010'lu yılların başında deyim yerindeyse gafil avlanan hu ku met ler denetleyici ve duzenleyici yasaları zaman içerisinde çıkarmaya başlamışlardır. ...
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Teknoloji ve insan etkileşimi iletişim bilimlerinde en çok araştırılan ve çalışılan konu başlıklarından biridir. Matbaa teknolojisinin basım ve yayıncılık sektörünü geliştirmesiyle basılı medya ortamları doğmuş ve daha sonra telgraf, telefon, sinema, radyo, televizyon ve son olarak internetin bulunmasıyla son iki yüzyıl içerisinde iletişim teknolojileri o nemli ivmeler kazanmıştır. Dolayısıyla her icat edilen yeni aracın sosyal hayat, kültürel değerler ve yaşam biçimleri üzerindeki uzun vadeli etkilerinin neler olacağı büyük merak konusu olmuştur. Kitle iletişim araçlarının birey ve toplum üzerindeki etkileri hızlı gözlenebilen bir süreç olduğu için uzmanlar teknolojiyi merkeze alarak kuramsal yaklaşımlar geliştirmeye başlamıştır. Böylece alanda derli toplu olarak ilk geliştirilen propaganda kuramı veya hipodermik iğne modeli olarak adlandırılan yaklaşımlar teknolojik determinist bir perspektiften ortaya çıkmıştır. Zaman içerisinde bu perspektiften ilerleyen başka kuramlar da ortaya konmuştur. Bugün teknolojik determinizm tartışmaları söz konusu olduğunda medya çalışmalarının başat bir rol oynadığını söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Bu kitap bölümünde öncelikle erken dönem iletişim kuramları olarak adlandırılan 1920 -1950 dönemlerindeki iletişim çalışmalarında determinizmin izleri üzerinden bir tartışma yapılmıştır. Daha sonra ise 1950’lerden 2000’li yıllara varan süreçte medya alanındaki en önemli teknolojik determinist-medya merkezcilerin-yaklaşımları açıklanmıştır. Medya ve iletişim alanında çok önemli eserler ortaya koyan ve inşa ettikleri perspektiflerin bugün bile tartışılmaya devam ettiği isimlerden Joshua Meyrowitz, Harold Innis, Walter Ong, Marshall McLuhan, Neil Postman, Elizabeth Eisenstein ve Raymond Williams’ın görüşleri karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmıştır. Aynı zamanda teknolojik determinizm eleştirisi için ayrıca bir başlık açılarak, karşıt görüşteki yaklaşımlar ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Böylece medya deterministlerinin yetersiz kaldıkları veya aşırıya kaçtıkları noktaların anlaşılması sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada mevcut literatürün büyüklüğü düşünülerek, alanın en o nemli isimlerinin bakış açısı ve onlara yöneltilen eleştiriler bağlamında kalınması tercih edilmiştir. Güncel araştırmalar ve bakış açılarına da yer verilmiştir.
... En consecuencia, aumentaría el compromiso cívico y la implicación ciudadana con lo público. Por otro lado, lejos de una visión optimista, autores como Fuchs (2017), Quattrociocchi, Scala y Sunstein (2016) y Kavanaugh et al. (2003) proponen que las redes sociales y los espacios digitales generan la fragmentación del público y fomentan un debate irreflexivo y radicalizado, lo que permite incluso hablar de una polarización afectiva (Iyengar y Westwood 2015) en el entorno digital. ...
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El incremento en el uso de las plataformas digitales y las redes sociales por parte de diferentes actores de la esfera pública se ha convertido en una de las líneas de estudio con más aportes en las últimas décadas en los estudios de la Comunicación. Su uso en momentos de crisis política revela la importancia de la comunicación estratégica de los actores políticos, puesto que la convierte en comunicación de crisis. En este trabajo analizamos la comunicación estratégica digital del expresidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, en la crisis política provocada por el juicio político en su contra (mayo 2023) y la convocatoria a elecciones anticipadas. Para ello, presentamos un análisis crítico del discurso de los tuits emitidos por el expresidente entre mayo y julio de 2023. Los resultados dan cuenta de un giro en su estrategia comunicacional digital y en su relación con el resto de actores políticos tras el anticipo electoral.
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Fear of missing out (FOMO), conceptualized from self-determination theory (SDT), is a sense of disconnect from others that produces negative emotions (e.g., anxiety). Social Cognitive Theory of Internet Uses and Gratifications (U&G) explains the development of social media (SM) socio-structural value systems have created a feedback loop to share content for rewards. We investigate how consumers transfer FOMO to their purchasing behaviors to relieve negative emotions. Moderated meditation path analysis results (N = 873) displayed a direct positive relationship between FOMO with excitement-seeking and deal-seeking. The need for online social feedback (NFOSF) positively mediated these main effects. Connection to community/group, as a moderator, heighted the NFOSF. Results evinced greater connection to a community has a feedback loop to seek and share exciting content. Excitement can also come from the thrill of buying a product on sale.
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In this paper we examine the relationships between subjective well-being, age, and geography before (2019) and during (2020) the COVID-19 pandemic. Utilizing survey data, subjective well-being is examined through measures on i) perceived life satisfaction, and ii) self-reported health status. Given that elderly individuals, aged 70 and above, were at greater risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus, we conduct further analyses with a special focus on this group of individuals. Our analyses show that older individuals have higher life satisfaction than other age groups – both before the pandemic and during the pandemic. On the other hand, older individuals report worse health conditions, and the difference in self-reported health status between elderly and younger people is even greater during the pandemic. In terms of geography, we find that elderly people living in larger cities have significantly lower levels of life satisfaction than those living in small agglomerations or rural areas – but report significantly higher health status – especially during the pandemic.
The digitalization process in developing countries is accelerating, and the Internet has become a medium for connecting politics, society, and citizens’ lives. Previous studies have explored the positive connections between internet growth and citizens’ social participation, but the mechanisms of effects have not been revealed. For young adults, safeguarding rights online is the most common form of social participation in the digital era. In this study, we provided an analytical framework on the impact of internet use on young adults’ rights to safeguard online based on the public sphere theory. Using data from 1,343 young adults in China, we examined the influence of internet use on youths’ intention to safeguard their rights online and the mediating role of functional perceptions. The results showed that Internet use was positively associated with young adults’ intention to safeguard their rights online, perceptions of three internet functions, which are resource acquisition, issue discussion, and fairness promotion, mediated this association, and the mediating role of internet function perceptions was more significant in participation in activities organized by others than in self-initiated rights safeguard. This study reveals the intrinsic mechanism of internet use to social participation, and we argued that the public sector in developing countries should be aware of the influence of the Internet on social participation and take reasonable measures to ensure that young adults effectively and legally engage in digital platforms.
Network analysis has contributed to the study of community through its focus on structured social relationships and its de-emphasis of local solidarities. This paper reports on the analytical concerns, research design and preliminary findings of the East York study of 'personal communities'. -Author
The increasing presence of the Internet in our everyday life raises important questions about what it means for access to resources, social interaction, and commitment to local community. This special issue of the American Behavioral Scientist brings together seven U.S., one U.K., one Canadian, and one North American study that examine the way in which the Internet competes with and complements everyday life. These studies show the Internet as a complex landscape of applications, purposes, and users. This introduction summarizes results from studies in this issue anti other extant recent surveys, providing an overview of the Internet population and its activities, statistics that help define and articulate the nature of the digital divide. The authors more from there to consideration of the social consequences of adding Internet activity to our daily, lives, exploring hose use of the Internet affects traditional social and communal behaviors such as communication with local family, and commitment to geographical communities. They conclude with a look at how these studies reveal the integration of the Internet into our everyday lives.
The role of communication in community processes has long been recognized by philosophers and social theorists and has been a topic of research for a century or more. That research has been conducted under the influence of theories that questioned the viability of community in industrial, urban societies. The relevant evidence has been taken to be the degree to which people develop ties of one sort or another to the places they live and the institutions and people there. One such tie is community involvement, conceived as a communicative link to community process. The current approach offers an interpretation of community involvement as a process with a number of distinct steps. This idea is explored using data from a representative sample survey of 400 adult Iowans. Log‐linear analysis techniques are used to evaluate a number of latent class scale models. The best fitting model is quite different from the usual Guttman models that previously have been used in measuring community involvement. A number of substantive conclusions with implications beyond the community ties literature are discussed.