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Abstract and Figures

Training is usually regarded as one of the most natural application areas of virtual reality (VR). To date, most VR-based training systems have been situation based, but this paper examines the utility of VR for a different class of training: learning to execute exact motions, which are often required in sports and the arts. In this pa- per, we propose an interaction method, called Just Follow Me ( JFM), that uses an intuitive "ghost" metaphor and a first-person viewpoint for effective motion training. Using the ghost metaphor (GM), JFM visualizes the motion of the trainer in real time as a ghost (initially superimposed on the trainee) that emerges from one's own body. The trainee who observes the motion from the first-person viewpoint "follows" the ghostly master as closely as possible to learn the motion. Our basic hypothesis is that such a VR system can help a student learn motion effectively and quickly, comparably to the indirect real-world teaching methods. Our evaluation results show that JFM produces training and transfer effects as good as—and, in certain situations, better than—in the real world. We believe that this is due to the more direct and correct transfer of proprioceptive information from the trainer to the trainee.
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Ungyeon Yang
Gerard Jounghyun Kim
Virtual Reality Laboratory
Department of Computer Science
and Engineering
Pohang University of Science and
Technology (POSTECH)
San 31 Hyoja-dong,
Pohang, Kyungbuk,
Korea 790 –784
Presence, Vol. 11, No. 3, June 2002, 304 –323
©2002 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Implementation and Evaluation of
“Just Follow Me”: An Immersive,
VR-Based, Motion-Training
Training is usually regarded as one of the most natural application areas of virtual
reality (VR). To date, most VR-based training systems have been situation based,
but this paper examines the utility of VR for a different class of training: learning to
execute exact motions, which are often required in sports and the arts. In this pa-
per, we propose an interaction method, called Just Follow Me (JFM), that uses an
intuitive “ghost” metaphor and a first-person viewpoint for effective motion training.
Using the ghost metaphor (GM), JFM visualizes the motion of the trainer in real
time as a ghost (initially superimposed on the trainee) that emerges from one’s
own body. The trainee who observes the motion from the first-person viewpoint
“follows” the ghostly master as closely as possible to learn the motion. Our basic
hypothesis is that such a VR system can help a student learn motion effectively and
quickly, comparably to the indirect real-world teaching methods. Our evaluation
results show that JFM produces training and transfer effects as good as—and, in
certain situations, better than—in the real world. We believe that this is due to the
more direct and correct transfer of proprioceptive information from the trainer to
the trainee.
1 Introduction
Training has been considered to be one of the most natural application
areas of virtual reality (VR) (Acchione & Psotka 1993; Badler 1996; Bowman,
Wineman, Hodges, & Allison, D., 1999; Cromby, Standen, & Brown, 1996;
D’Cruz, Eastgate, & Wilson, 1997; Emerson & Revere, D., 1997; Youngblut,
1998). Most VR-based training systems to date are oriented toward learning a
sequence of discrete reactive tasks; that is, “training” occurs first simply by ex-
posing and immersing the user into a virtual environment (with various situa-
tion scenarios) that is otherwise difficult to experience in the real world. The
goal is to train and test the trainee to select the right type of action in a de-
manding situation rather than to teach him/her how it is performed kinesthet-
ically (Everett Wauchope, & Perez-Quinones 1998; Hodges et al., 1995;
Jayaram, Wang, & Jayaram, 1999; Johnson, Rickel, Stiles, & Munro, 1998;
Shawver, 1997; Rickel, & Johnson, 1999; VR Techno, 1998; Wilson, 1994).
Even though these types of training systems do not involve the exact following
of limb motions, they often require navigation and spatial awareness. Thus, in
addition to the effect of trying it out beforehand in a similar environment, im-
mersive VR is expected to give the trainees an improved
frame of reference compared to training with a desktop-
based system (Pausch, Proftt, & Williams, 1997).
This paper discusses the utility of VR for a different
class of training: learning limb motion proles, which is
required in sports, dance, and arts (such as for a golf
swing, martial arts, calligraphy, sign language, and so
on). Our central concept behind VR-based motion
training is called Just Follow Me (JFM), and it uses an
intuitive interaction method called the ghost. Through
the ghost metaphor, the motion of the trainer is visual-
ized in real time as a ghost (initially superimposed on
the trainee) moving out of ones body. The trainee,
who sees the motion from the rst-person viewpoint, is
to followthe ghostly master as close (and/or as
quickly) as possible. Such an interaction is only possible
with VR and strives to provide matching sensorimotor
feedback especially between the visual and propriocep-
tive cue. The training process can be facilitated further
by showing other guidance cues (such as the masters
trail or the third-person view) and performance feed-
back (indication of how well the trainee is following),
and by adjusting the learning requirements (relaxation
of accuracy goals on restricting the motions degrees of
We hypothesized that such a VR system could help a
student learn motion thoroughly and quickly compared
to the usual indirect teaching methods (such as watch-
ing the master and imitating it).
We conducted the following experiments to evaluate
the usability and training effect of the interaction
method of JFM. We organized four groups of test sub-
jects according to the type of the learning environment
(ghost metaphor-based VR versus real-world indirect
training) and by the type of motion characteristic (slow
versus fast). All subject groups were asked to follow the
same set of motion proles (in an increasing level of
difculty or degrees of freedom) and were tested using
the same tracking devices for measuring the respective
accuracy of the learned motion.
Our evaluation results show that JFM, even with non-
ideal hardware setup, produced training and transfer
effects as good asand, in certain situations, better
thanthe real one. We believe that this is due to the
more direct transfer of proprioceptive information from
the trainer to the trainee; that is, less effort is required
with the rst-person viewpoint to put oneself in the
trainers shoes. It was also found that, for relatively
long-range and high-frequency motion proles (particu-
larly in the vertical direction), JFM did not perform
well, possibly because of the rather heavy HMD that
made changing viewpoints uncomfortable. Thus, when
reinforced and augmented with presence cues, more-
robust tracking, lighter and full-featured HMDs, and
rich informative graphics and images, we safely conclude
that VR-based training methods will be an attractive
alternative to the traditional trainer-in-residenceor
video-based method for learning motor skills.
This paper is organized as follows. First, we review
other related research in general and VR-based motion-
training systems. We also investigate other similar ap-
proaches to interaction for motion guidance. Section 3
explains the central concept of JFM and proposes a gen-
eral architecture for the VR-based motion-training sys-
tem and introduces a sample implementation of JFM
applied to oriental calligraphy. Section 4 gives details of
the usability test conducted to verify the training and
transfer effect of the proposed system, and its results.
Finally, to conclude the paper, we discuss the probable
reasons behind the effectiveness and shortcomings of
the VR-based motion-training system, and comment on
the on-going extension to current work.
2 Related Work
2.1 General Motion-Training Systems
Motion training can be modeled as a process of
transmitting motion information from the trainer to the
trainee through a series of interaction by some commu-
nication media (See gure 1.) Books and videos have
been popular forms for such transmission media, and
recently the large storage capability of DVDs and in-
creased computing power have allowed richer and
more-organized multimedia content for training and
education with text, voice, short video, and images. De-
spite this increased interactivity, the effect of such indi-
rect training is questionable, especially for motion train-
Yang and Kim 305
ing, because the trainee must interpret a large part of
the implicit motor control knowledge and evaluate one-
self. As in any training or learning process, the interac-
tion should take the form of a two-way communication
as far as possible for immediate performance feedback
and correction. It is noteworthy that present educa-
tional trends are moving toward group and collaborative
learning. Thus, it is still quite difcult to surpass the
good old direct trainer-in-residencemode of teach-
2.2 VR-Based Motion-Training System
As a technology that can provide real-time two-
way communication with a multitude of interaction
methods, VR-based training remains a viable alternative
to the expensive and difcult directlearning methods.
To date, most VR-based training systems have been sit-
uation based; that is, trainingoccurs simply by expos-
ing and immersing the user in a virtual environment
that would otherwise be difcult to experience in the
real world. Perhaps the most famous example is the
NPSNET/SIMNET/Medisim, a network-based simula-
tion for tactical military training (Badler et al., 1996;
Macedonia, Zyda, Pratt, Barham, & Zeswitz, 1994).
Others include battieship re escape training (Everett et
al., 1998), treatment for fear of ying (Hodges et al.,
1995), and machine operation training (Johnson et al.,
1998). One can easily realize that these systems are
mostly situation-based training for decision-making; the
user is expected to make decisions to perform a series of
actions, and the particular motion is not very important.
For example, in the hostage-situation resolution train-
ing system developed by the Sandia National Labora-
tory (Shawver, 1997), it is important for the trainee to
shootthe hostage-taker in case the latter does not
agree to surrender in a confrontation. In training sys-
tems for earthquakes (VR Techno, 1998), it is impor-
tant for the trainee to lockthe gas valve before run-
ning for cover. Sometimes, the task may not be reactive,
as in the case of the virtual factory(Rickel & John-
son, 1999). In the VR-based product assembly simula-
tion systems (Jayaram et al., 1999; Wilson, 1994), the
system computes and simulates the exact collision-free
assembly sequences, the associated paths/orientations
of the parts, and even performs reachability analysis.
However, they do not address the required human mo-
tions for assembly. The VET (Virtual Environment for
Training) demonstrates an interesting use of an AI ani-
mated agent for step-by-step guidance and training of
machine-running procedures (Rickel & Johnson, 1999).
Some motion-training systems using VR have been
reported in the rehabilitation domain (Holden,
Todorov, Callahan, & Bizzi, 1999; Kuhlen & Dohle,
1995; Todorov, Shadmehr, & Bizzi, 1997; VMW,
1997). For instance, Holden et al. have developed a
VE-based motor-training system, similar to JFM (third-
person viewpoint, motion trail visualization), to en-
hance rehabilitation in patients with neurological dam-
age such as stroke or brain injury. In their work, they
mainly considered the motion-training effects of the VE
and augmented feedback (especially haptic) on injured
patients, a situation somewhat different from general
motion training (as patients generally knew what to do
but rather were physically incapable). Combined with
other investigation, their research focus was on con-
structing a distributed neurological model responsible
for learning motor skills. The model suggests, among
many things, more-direct stimulations of the spinal
modules or muscle activation (for instance, by haptic
devices) is a good strategy for reviving the once-disabled
motor capability. Jack et al. (2001) have developed and
evaluated a force for rehabilitating hand functions in
stroke patients. Although demonstrating the training
effect, the work concentrated more on faithful repro-
duction of hand/nger forces and considered the effect
of using haptics only (versus the combined use with re-
Figure 1. General model of motion training.
alistic/immersive visual cue and rst-person viewpoint).
For VR-based motion training for any VE in general,
providing matching sensory modalities would be very
important (Graniano, 1999; Magill, 2000; Yokokohji,
Hollis, & Kanade, 1999). Yokokohji et al. has addressed
this issue using augmented reality systems, and this
work concentrated much on the correct registration of
the virtual objects and tracking of human body parts in
the external world, so that the augmented reality-based
training system can fully utilize its strengths in provid-
ing the highly matched sensory modalities (for example,
objects being in real scale and the correct and natural
visual and haptic cues of ones limbs).
2.3 Using a Semitransparent Object as
an Interaction Metaphor
VR systems often employ semitransparency effects
to avoid occlusion and increase recognizability (and
sometimes its relative depth) of important objects in a
crowded scene (Zhai, Buxton, & Milgram, 1996). An
interface similar to the ghost metaphor introduced in
this paper is reported in a system called CAREN (VMW,
1997) that was developed out of a joint European
ESPRIT research program. The purpose of CAREN is
to train and rehabilitate patients to overcome balance
disorders. A patient standing on a moving force plate
must practice staying in balance by looking at the avatar
(in a third-person viewpoint displayed on a large projec-
tion screen in front), which represents the patient.
Transparent boxes bounding the avatars limbs repre-
sent the correct posture/motion. Although the idea of
using ghostly boxes is similar to our approach, their
technical emphasis seems to be in motion capture and
real-time computation of remedial postures based on
exact biomedical data, rather than in technology for
effective interaction. The superimposition of bounding
boxes was also used in a system called ARGOS, a system
for tele-programminga robot (Rastogi, 1996). In
ARGOS, a wireframe bounding box is overlaid on a re-
mote manipulator seen through a camera system at the
home site. The user can program the remote manipula-
tor by controlling the wireframe robot.
3 The Just Follow MeMethod
The central concept of Just Follow Me is the use
of the rst-person viewpoint (egocentric view), which is
the main ingredient of the VR systems (See gure 2).
Therefore, unlike CAREN or the VR-based rehabilita-
tion systems of Jack et al., the display for JFM requires
an immersive display like an HMD; otherwise, the
trainee is not able to see the ghost properly (as with a
monitor display, for instance, wherein the user sees
ones own limb at a distant location and violates the
modality consistency requirement).
3.1 The Ghost Metaphor: Concept and
The idea behind the ghost metaphor is straightfor-
ward and is illustrated in gure 2. The motion of the
trainer is visualized in real time as a ghost (initially su-
perimposed on the trainee) emerging from a trainees
body. The trainee, who sees the motion from the rst-
person viewpoint, is to followthe ghostly master as
closely as possible (in regards to both timing and posi-
tion/orientation). Such an interaction, which takes ad-
vantage of the rst-person view of the masters motion
in real time (see gure 2), is only possible with VR.
The training process can be facilitated further by
showing other guidance cues (the masters trail, a third-
person viewpoint) and performance feedback (indication
of how well the trainee is following), and by adjusting
the learning requirements (relaxation of accuracy goals,
restricting the motions degrees of freedom).
In the usual learning based upon the third-person
viewpoint, the trainee must cognitively convert the ref-
erence frame of the motion to ones own and scale the
motion parameter values as well. In a relatively fast mo-
tion sequence, the third-person viewpoint has difculty
performing this task on the y. The student must rely
on short-term memory to reproduce the motion. How-
ever, this is not to say that a third-person viewpoint is
not needed. On the contrary, it should be quite useful
for observing the whole body motion, which is other-
wise not entirely visible from ones own viewpoint.
The ultimate goal of the ghost metaphor is to provide
Yang and Kim 307
matching sensorimotor feedback among different mo-
dalities, namely the visual and proprioceptive. For now,
we excluded the haptic modality for the following rea-
sons. The type of motions we consider are mostly
free; that is, there is minimal interaction between the
human limbs and the external world except at few con-
tact instants and locations (for instance, swinging a
baseball bat, performing a Tae-Kwon-Do maneuver, or
learning a dance step); thus, the force feedback plays
little role in shaping the motor control knowledge. If
we were to consider a motion like rowing, consideration
of the haptics would become very important. Even for
freemotions, it is conceivable to use haptic devices to
simulate a force eld and prevent trainees from making
wrong motions, analogs to a trainer physically correct-
ing a trainees motion in real life. According to the
motor-learning literature, too much use of such training
methods can actually produce negative transfer effect
because such feedback will no longer exist when the
motion is applied in actuality (Schmidt, 1991).
3.2 Motion Evaluation and Guidance
In addition to the motion itself, performance data
(online information concerning the trainees perfor-
mance) is important in effective motor learning
(Schmidt, 1991). Many performance measures are pos-
sible: accuracy based (such as position/orientation dif-
ference, timing difference, and number of oscillations)
and speed based (such as task completion time).
To facilitate the learning process, in addition to per-
formance data, other guidance cues and adjustment of
Figure 2. Interacting with the ghost metaphor in the JFM system.
the learning requirements (such as relaxation of accu-
racy goals and restricting the motions degrees of free-
dom) are possible. For instance, some conceivable ex-
amples include a curvilinear or volumetric motion trace,
the third-person view, colored marks at the critical
points of motion, directional arrow (vectors with both
directions and magnitudes), textual and voice guidance,
and alternative and simultaneous third-person view-
points. In addition, a very natural extension to provid-
ing such guidance features is the use of force feedback
for motion guidance. Such a haptic guidance can be
both active and passive: an active haptic interface would
attempt to correct the trainees motion, whereas a pas-
sive haptic guidance might exist as a virtual wall that
physically limits the range of the trainees motion. Al-
though conceptually intuitive, such physically guided
training for types of motion in which the haptic sense
would be missing is known to cause a negative transfer
effect in actual application. Thus, it is advisable to use
such a teaching technique only sparingly (Schmidt,
3.3 Architecture for VR-Based Motion
Based on the features outlined in previous sec-
tions, we have devised an architecture for a VR-based
motion-training system, as shown in gure 3. The bot-
tom portion of the gure shows the essential part of the
system, a virtual environment consisting of a trainer and
a trainee (possibly geographically separated but con-
nected through the network), in which the training is
conducted using the ghost metaphor and avatar (train-
ers and trainees).
In addition to this system, modules for online motion
evaluation, other auxiliary motion guidance objects, and
motion retargeting can be added (shown in the upper
right of the gure). The trainer can be replaced by a
ghost avatar that is animated with motion-capture data
previously retargeted for many different body sizes off-
line. For online training (for example, motion prole
demonstrated by the trainer in real time), an online re-
targeting module may be required (Baek, 2001; Choi &
Ko, 1999).
Even though JFM basically operates in the rst-
person view mode, views from other angles can still be
useful from time to time, for instance, in understanding
the overall body posture (versus limited rst-person
view that can contain only parts of the body) (Blanz,
Tarr, Bu¨lthoff, & Vetter, 1996; Bu¨lthoff, Edelman, &
Tarr, 1994; Toussaint, 2000; Yang, Lee, Lee, Bok, &
Han, 2002). A view control module, thus, is added in
the proposed architecture to supplement the basic rst-
Figure 3. A possible architecture for a VR-based training system.
Yang and Kim 309
person view for an effective observation of the motion
(or the surrounding environment) to be learned.
3.4 A Sample Implementation: JFM
As a proof of concept, we have implemented an
oriental calligraphy training system using the JFM ap-
proach. (See gures 4 and 5.) Oriental calligraphy re-
quires specic postures and movements of the brush-
holding arm and hand to create aesthetic characters.
JFM calligraphy was implemented using two SGI In-
digo2 Impact workstations (one as a rendering client
and the other as a sensor server connected via CORBA),
four Polhemus FASTRAK six-DOF sensors (for head
and calligraphy brush tracking), two Logitech 3D mice
(for other system-related input), and two HMDs (Vir-
tual Research Systems VR4 and Sony Glasstron PLM-
A55). In addition to the masters ghost, a swept volume
and acceleration vector were made available as an auxil-
iary guidance feature, and the online performance evalu-
ation/feedback was not implemented. Figure 5 shows
instances of the student attempting to follow the
ghostly brush of the calligraphy master.
4 Evaluation of JFM
Our working hypothesis was that a VR-based
motion-training system such as JFM would help stu-
dents learn motion as quickly and efciently as indirect
teaching methods (such as watching the recorded mas-
ters motion and imitating it). We conducted a usability
test to evaluate and verify the training effect of JFM and
assess its usefulness (Helander, Landauer, & Prabhu,
1997; Hix & Hartson, 1993).
4.1 The Basis of Experiment Design
The experiment was designed with help from the
human factors group of the industrial engineering de-
partment at our university to answer the following three
questions related to the utility of a JFM- or VR-based
motion-training system.
Does it indeed provide a better or as good a frame
of reference and lighter cognitive load for convey-
ing motion-related information, compared to indi-
rect methods? We compare and observe how well
the trainee can follow the trainers motion in the
respective environment with regard to both posi-
tion (and orientation) and timing.
Are some types of motion relatively less (or more)
suitable for training in VR-based motion-training
systems considering the limitation of VR devices?
Although some VR features may be useful in a
training medium, limitations with the FOV of the
HMD, tracking accuracy and range, and such ergo-
nomic aspects as the weight and effect of the cables
can also offset such advantages. We compare a
trainees motion following performance in the VR
Figure 4. Illustration of the ghost metaphor for motion training (VR
calligraphy education system, first implementation of JFM).
environment using different motion proles and
attempt to link the motion parameters to the device
Does it have a better or as good a transfer effect,
compared to the indirect methods; in other words,
does the motion learned in the VR environment
transfer well when practiced in the real world? It is
one matter to produce a system that is easy and nat-
ural for the trainees to follow a given motion pro-
le, and another a system from which trained
knowledge transfers well in the real world. We mea-
sure how well the trainee can reproduce the skill in
the real world after a xed amount of time (for in-
stance, one day), after initially learning the skill in
the respective environment.
4.2 Experimental Environment Setup
and Task
Figure 6 describes the experimental environment
setup used in the evaluation of JFM. We used one SGI
Indigo2 Impact graphics workstation for rendering a
simple scene, one Polhemus FASTRAK six-DOF tracker
for head tracking
and one Logitech 3D mouse (six-
DOF tracker) for hand tracking.
For display equip-
ment, we used a Sony Glasstron PLM-A55 mono dis-
1. Update rate of 120 Hz, tracking range of 10 ft. and accuracy of
0.03 in. RMS with a resolution of 0.0002 in./in.
2. Tracking speed of 30 in./sec., tracking range of 5 ft., and posi-
tion-resolution of 0.04 in./in. and orientation-resolution of 0.1 in./
Figure 5. A trainees view of the Just Follow Mevirtual calligraphy.
Figure 6. Experimental environment setup.
Yang and Kim 311
play HMD
in the VE setting and a SGI 20 in. monitor
in the real environment. In a less formal pilot study con-
ducted a few months earlier (Yang & Kim, 1999), we
used Virtual Researchs V8 HMD, and the subject re-
ported inconveniences from its heavy weight and sick-
ness from the stereoscopic image. We thus opted to use
a much lighter Sony Glasstron HMD without stereos-
Our strategy was to eliminate as much negative bias
as possible in the experiment, and, therefore, tested how
JFM would fare against the real video-based training
system that would not require stereoscopy (minimal
depth perception). Comparing the VE-based JFM to a
situation in which a real trainer would demonstrate a
motion was also difcult because there would be no way
to provide the rst-person image of the trainer to the
trainee. (The trainee either has to see the back of the
trainer or see the trainer from the front.)
The motion task used in the experiment involves test
subjects tracing and following a 3-D trajectory using
their hands. (See gure 7.) For the sake of convenience,
the masters (and likewise the trainees) trace was ren-
dered as a ghostly three-axis coordinate structure to
make the trainee see the changing orientation more
clearly. (See gure 8.) For relative accuracy and low jit-
ter, we opted to use an ultrasonic 3-D mouse to track
the users hand. The user grasped a 3-D mouse on
which an articial coordinate structure was mounted
(see the left image of gure 8) instead of a magnetic
tracker. As indicated in our second experiment design
3. Resolution of 800225, pixels of 180,000, diagonal FOV of
38°(52 in. virtual screen at 2 m away) and weight of 150 g.
Figure 7. Task design of motion following.
Figure 8. 3-D mouse for hand tracking and captured screen images (GM: semi-transparent ghost of
trainer: trainee: 3-D mouse of trainee).
goal (subsection 4.1), we dened three types of motion
proles by their degrees of freedom: a 2-D motion on
the X-Yplane, a 3-D (X-Y-Z space) and a 6-D (X-Y-Z
and pitch-yaw-roll) motion within the hexahedral vol-
ume, dened inside the 3-D mouses working volume.
(See gure 7.) These three motion trajectories represent
tasks in an increasing level of difculty.
4.3 Subjects Skill Normalizing
Before running the main experiment, we rst con-
ducted a VR skill exercise/test to familiarize subjects
with the virtual environment and with the VR devices
(for example, users manipulation for moving the 3-D
mouse and HMD) and to normalize the required basic
skill level across the subject pool. The task involved
overlapping the virtual 3-D mouse (with its mounted
3-D coordinate structure) on its ghostly replica that ap-
peared within the task volume at random locations
(three DOF) and in random orientations (six DOF).
(See gure 9.) Test subjects repeated the exercise ten
times, and only those who showed an acceptable perfor-
mance level were admitted to the main experiment. (As
a result, 3 of 39 candidates were excluded.)
4.4 The Day 1 Test
Four subject groups were formed for the Day 1
test: fast and slow motion in the VR, and likewise fast
and slow motion in the real training environment. The
VR subjects were further differentiated according to
their skill levels. Each subject group attempted three
different motion proles (explained in subsection 4.2)
in a random order to neutralize and minimize the inter-
task inuence. (See table 1.)
The VR environment groups used an HMD and were
guided by the ghost metaphor from the rst-person
viewpoint. (See gures 6, 7, 8, and 10.) The virtual
space was scaled at 1:1 as the real space.
The real-environment group watched (and followed)
the same animated motion in a 20 in. monitor from the
third-person viewpoint. (See the right image in gure
10.) The monitor was placed at 1 m from the subject,
and the view direction of the virtual camera was ad-
justed according to the subjects viewing heights.
All subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire to
assess some qualitative aspects of the experiment. (See
subsection 5.10.1.)
4.5 The Day 2 Test
The Day 2 test was designed to verify the relative
learning and transfer effect of the VR learning environ-
ment. (See subsection 4.1.) One day after the Day 1
test, the subjects were called back and requested to re-
call and reproduce the three motions learned during the
Day 1 test. Subjects were not told to exercise the mo-
tion on their own after the Day 1 test to minimize any
experimental bias (Promoim, 1999). This time, all sub-
jectsregardless of whether they initially were tested in
the virtual or real environmentwere tested in the real
environment without any display (that is, no visual
guidance) and with only the 3-D mouse.
4.6 Performance Measure
The subjects motion was traced and initially
matched with that of the masters using a method illus-
Figure 9. Skill-normalizing exercise.
Yang and Kim 313
trated in gure 11. This process was required to com-
pute the whole difference between the master and the
subject because each subject took a different length of
time to complete the task.
A curve-matching process is an optimization task to
locate a set of data pairs that minimizes the difference
between the two curves. We restricted the search win-
dow of the data pairs within 2 sec. of the corresponding
target datum. Some experiment management was
needed to ensure that the task was completed in a rea-
sonable amount of time. Cross pairings of data were not
allowed, although many-to-one mapping was allowed.
Table 1. Subject Group Design
Subject group design
Task Environment
Real World Virtual Environment
Speed of Motion
Fast 9 people
VR experience level Novice: 3 people
Normal: 3 people
Expert: 3 people
Slow 9 people
VR experience level Novice: 3 people
Normal: 3 people
Expert: 3 people
Figure 10. Motion-following task of the Day 1 test.
The simple distance error metrics shown in table 2 were
used to evaluate the subjects performance.
Aside from using the distance error, we also at-
tempted a more qualitative similarity analysis between
the two motions by segmentizing the motion at major
inection points and considering three different metrics.
(See gure 12.) The rst was the regional time differ-
ence,a measure of the time taken to reach the inec-
tion points. This measure reects the amount of delay of
the subject in following the masters motion. The sec-
ond was the ratio between the times taken to complete
each segment. The third is the same as the second met-
ric but also considered the total task completion time.
These metrics were used to assess the subjects ability to
imitate the relative timing and rhythm of the motion in
addition to replicating its position and orientation.
4.7 Results and Analysis
All experiment data were analyzed by the ANOVA
(analysis of variance) method, and the following results
were obtained within a signicance level of approxi-
mately 1% (p.01) to 5% (p.05) (Cortina & Nouri,
1999; Miller, 1997).
4.7.1 Performance: Distance Error. The
general interaction analysis result is depicted in gure
13. First, the ANOVA test did not report any signicant
correlation between the speed of the motion and the
type of the training environment. The gure also shows
that subjects performed generally better when the mo-
tion was slow and when trained in the virtual environ-
4.7.2 Transfer Effect: Distance Error. Fig-
ures 14 and 15 measure the change in subjects perfor-
mance as measured by distance error between the rst
and second day. Obviously, the error has generally in-
creased in all aspects in the second day. Figures seem to
indicate a general trend that slow motion proles were
relatively easier to remember; furthermore, even though
the subjects performed slightly better in the Day 1 vir-
tual environment, the day-after performance was ap-
proximately equal.
4.7.3 Performance: Time-Dependent Fac-
tor. In terms of timing (the absolute duration of time
taken to reach important critical points in the motion
prole), gure 16 indicates that subjects trained in the
virtual environment performed better (that is, the
rhythms of motion were better preserved). Further, mo-
tion proles, which had changing orientation, induced a
worse performance.
The environment parameter showed an interesting
interaction between speed and degrees of freedom of
motion. Although the subjects timing was generally
much better in slow motion in the virtual environment,
it was still somewhat worse than when trained for fast
motion. For fast motion, the difference in the test envi-
ronment was not a factor for better timing performance.
(See gure 17.) In general, adding changing orienta-
tions to the motion prole resulted in worse timing per-
formance, more so in the real environment. (See gure
17.) A similar trend was also found with the analysis of
the ratio between the respective motion segment
lengths. (See gure 18.)
In the analysis of distance error, it was found that,
although the subjects performed generally better in the
VR environment, as for the movement in the ydirection
(vertical, up-and-down movement), the result was oth-
erwise. (See gure 19.) This conclusion was not imme-
diately apparent at rst because the distance error was
Figure 11. Motion curve-matching method.
Yang and Kim 315
summed up and averaged for all degrees of freedom.
This effect seems to have affected the timing perfor-
mance as well. For instance, gure 20 show that in the
second and fourth segment or region of the motion
prole, in which there were relatively less movements in
the ydirection, the overall error was lower. This
y-movement factor had a strong enough inuence to
even reverse the general trend of obtaining a better per-
formance in the VR environment. (For example, the real
environment produced a small error in the rst segment
in gure 20.)
4.7.4 Transfer Effect: Time-Dependent Fac-
tor. The only result of relatively less difference (be-
tween Day 1 and Day 2 tests) we found with the timing
behavior in the Day 2 test was that slow motion resulted
Table 2. Performance Measure (by distance error)
2DOF ()/2
3DOF ()/3
6DOF (})/6
Figure 12. Motion curve similarity using timing characteristics.
in less error than the fast motion in the second day, as
gure 22 shows.
4.7.5 The Questionnaire. Following is the
summary of the main analysis results of the answers to
the subjective questionnaire.
Question 1 (Day 1): Subjects were asked how much
they felt and recognized the idea of the ghost metaphor.
Subjects tested in the virtual environment answered pos-
itively with an average value of 5.222 (out of 7). We
believe that the ghost metaphor played an important
part in helping the user to follow the prescribed motion.
Question 5 and 6 (Day 1): Subjects were asked if they
felt that certain types of motion proles were more dif-
cult to follow than others (See gure 23.)
The results showed that the added degrees of free-
dom did not explicitly make the subjects feelthat the
motion was more difcult in a signicant way, except
for pitch control (for which a small correlation was
Figure 13. Subjects performance by types of motion and
environment (p .01).
Figure 14. Day 2 performance by speed (p .01).
Yang and Kim 317
Question 7 (Day 2): Subjects were asked about their
satisfaction with the training method and animation in
the real environment or ghost metaphor in the virtual
environment. Table 3 shows that the users of the virtual
environment responded more afrmatively (average
4.7.6 Discussion. In this subsection, we sum-
marize some of the major ndings regarding the perfor-
mance of the proposed VR-based motion-training sys-
tem and offer probable explanations. The rst major
result is that users followed the reference motion better
using the ghost metaphor in the virtual environment, or
at least as well as in the real environment. As the major
difference between the virtual and the real environment
is in the use of the rst-person viewpoint and the use of
the transparent ghost recognized as moving in the same
coordinate space, it is quite natural to conclude that the
JFM paradigm provides a more suitable and efcient
interaction method, with a better frame of reference for
the user to absorb motion-related information. The
general nding was that the higher the degree of free-
dom the lower the performance, which seems to sup-
Figure 17. Interaction among test environment and motion
characteristics (p .01).
Figure 15. Day 2 performance by test environment (p .01).
Figure 16. Timing difference with environment and DOF (p .01).
port our hypothesis on the need to reduce the cognitive
load for better performance in adapting to and recalling
the learned motion.
The trouble with moving correctly in a ydirection
(vertical, up and down) in the virtual environment is
probably related to the limitation with the HMD, with
its very narrow vertical FOV and its weight (even
though we used a relatively light HMD). The narrow
FOV made users move their head frequently, whereas
this would not be required in the real environment. The
weight and wearability factor was particularly problem-
atic when the users had to move their heads in an up-
and-down fashion. The general nding that users per-
formed better with the slow motion in the virtual
environment is probably related to this factor as well.
The faster the motion, the more likely that users have to
tolerate higher inertia to move their heads with the
HMD. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the
error increased proportionally with the amount of
movement in the ydirection. In the future, the problem
Figure 19. y-movement factor has relatively large error (p .01)
(left : interaction between each parameter and ratio of error-variation
to speed-variation; right : interaction between DOF and error of x, y-
Figure 18. Proportion of segments length and speed of the motion
(p .01).
Figure 20. Segment-wise timing performance and test
environments/two-DOF motion (p .01).
Yang and Kim 319
may be solved by the development of new lighter and
wider-FOV HMDs (Bareld & Caudell, 2001; Mi-
croopticalcorp, 2001). However, it is also plausible to
think that the ghost metaphor interaction is an inher-
ently time-consuming method for following the mo-
tion, having to consciously overlap ones limb correctly
on the ghost, thus t for slow motion training. In gen-
eral, the literature of motor skill learning states that fast
motion learning should rst be preceded by repeated
practice at slow speed, mentally recounting the steps
and postures (more as a guide). Next, when practicing
in the fast mode, the motion should be already trained
and made almost automatic/reexive without requiring
any cognitive effort (Schmidt, 1991). Thus, the ghost
metaphor might be used more as a performance evalua-
tion tool.
Based on the results from the Day 2 test, we found
that using the VR devices or VR environment did not
produce any signicantly negative effect on the perfor-
mance and its application to the real situation. Our
worst-case setup represents the best-case situation with
regards to the device dependency of the experimental
result, in that the devices can only get better and im-
prove overall training effect and user comfort.
When reinforced and augmented with presence cues,
more-robust tracking and lighter HMDs, and rich infor-
mative graphics and images, we safely conclude that
VR-based training methods will be an attractive alterna-
tive to the traditional trainer-in-residenceor video-
based motor skill learning method.
5 Future Work
Many applications of this work are possible (Yang,
Ahn, Baek, & Kim, 2001). Conducting long-term (such
as Day 3 and Day 4) evaluation tests may be needed to
further conrm the transfer and learning effect of the
JFM. In the evaluation test of usability of JFM-GM, we
manually adjust eye-hand coordinates for the virtual
environment to supply the match of sensorimotor feed-
back between visual and proprioceptive cues as the in-
teraction ghost metaphor. But, to accomplish the full
feature of JFM-GM, we need particular studies for syn-
thesizing sensorimotor feedback, especially for visual
and haptic interface over human factors and properties
of display devices such as stereo HMDs. To further
achieve the goal of the ghost metaphor (that is, consis-
tent and complete multimodal sensorimotor feedback),
we plan to also consider other cues such as stereoscopy
and haptics (Schuemie, Straaten, Krijin, & Mast, 2001).
The current version of JFM assumes that the motion
data is already retargeted for an appropriate display and
employs simplistic similarity measures for comparing
two motion proles. We are currently working on mo-
tion data processing techniques for fast, online motion
Figure 22. Timing performance in Day 2 (p .01).
Figure 21. Segment-wise timing performance and test environment/
six-DOF motion (p .01).
retargeting and more-qualitative analysis of the motion
proles. We need to experiment with other auxiliary
guidance cues and assess their role in motor skill learn-
ing in the VE. Although the role of the rst-person
viewpoint has been much emphasized in this paper, the
third-person viewpoint role must also be emphasized.
As an auxiliary channel of information to observe the
overall posture of the master, its relative importance
must be evaluated. Presence and copresence are impor-
tant in leaving a strong impression of the visited virtual
environment and probably for increasing the learning
effect. In this regard, we are currently investigating ways
to use augmented reality and wearable computing
6 Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a novel interaction
method for effectively guiding a trainee to follow and
learn exact motion in a VR-based training system. A
series of experiments and implementations showed that
the system could achieve a transfer and learning effect as
effective as traditional learning media, despite relatively
low presence and problems with current VR devices. We
believe that this is due to the more direct transfer of
proprioceptive information from the trainer to the
trainee. In other words, less effort is required, using the
rst-person viewpoint with synthesized sensorimotor
feedback, to put oneself in the trainers shoes.
Figure 23. Questionnaire about the effect of motion factors.
Table 3. User Satisfaction with the Test Environment (p .06)
Environment N Mean SD
Real 18 4.111 1.72
Virtual 18 5.056 1.162
Yang and Kim 321
Thus, when reinforced and augmented with presence
cues, more-robust tracking, and rich informative graph-
ics and images, we conclude that VR-based training
methods will be an attractive alternative to the tradi-
tional trainer-in-residence,or video-based motor skill
learning method.
We thank the Statistics and Human Factors Engineering team
of the POSTECH Industrial Engineering Department for
helping us with the experimental design and analysis. This
project has been supported in part by the Korea Ministry of
Education BK 21 program and the Korea Science Foundation-
supported Virtual Reality Research Center.
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... The body of the virtual gripper is translucent, and its edges are highlighted with opaque lines. This display method has been used in firstperson body overlay [33], [34], [35] and in the mixed reality presentation of the robot [36], [37]. A virtual object of a different color reflecting the current input position of the operator is simultaneously placed during this target position presentation. ...
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Intuitive teleoperation enables operators to embody remote robots, providing the sensation that the robot is part of their own body during control. The sense of agency (SoA), i.e., the feeling of controlling the robot, contributes to enhanced motivation and embodiment during teleoperation. However, the SoA can be diminished by time-varying communication delays associated with teleoperation. We propose a visual guidance system to assist operations while maintaining a high SoA when teleoperating robots with time-varying delays, thereby improving positioning accuracy. In the proposed system, a recurrent neural network (RNN) model, trained on the pouring tasks of skilled operators, predicts the input position 500ms ahead of the input from the novice operator and visually presents it in real-time as the end-effector target position. Experiments with time-varying delays confirmed that the proposed method provides a visual representation of the target position interpolated in time and space from the real-time input of the operator, guiding the operator to align with the trajectory of the skilled operator. The proposed method significantly improves task performance even under time-varying delays while maintaining a high SoA compared with other conditions. Applying the prediction system developed in this study to humanârobot collaborative control may enable interventions that maintain the SoA.
... Similarly, the visual presentation of instructed body movements from a firstperson perspective can increase the intuitiveness. Yang and Kim (2002) introduced an interaction method called Just Follow Me (JFM) in which a trainee can observe the motion of a trainer using the ghost metaphor, a semi-transparent avatar displayed on top of the trainee's avatar in a VR environment, and found that JFM can improve the training efficiency compared to real-world teaching methods. Furthermore, Fribourg et al. (2021) introduced virtual coembodiment where the movements of a trainer and a trainee are averaged into a single avatar, through which the trainer can intuitively express their intention of movement to the trainee, who can then acquire the motor skills more efficiently compared to JFM (Kodama et al., 2023;Takita et al., 2023). ...
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Contact sports such as Aikido are preferred to be trained in person with an experienced trainer, as the attempts of remote training before and during the COVID-19 pandemic failed to reproduce the quality of the in-person training benefiting from the trainer's physically present body. To address this issue of replicating in-person experience remotely, we proposed "Sensei possession," an xReality-based training method for contact sports in which the trainer remotely guides a person who performs the physical interaction with the trainee on behalf of the real trainer in real-time. In this study, to test the effectiveness of "Sensei possession" on training performance and examine the concerns about its possible side effects on motivation, we conducted a between-participants experiment with an Aikido training task [N = 10 pairs (20 people)]. We compared the groups with or without live feedback on the proxy trainers under our hypothesis that live feedback would enhance trainees' performance gain. As a result, the trainees in the group with live feedback on proxy trainers had more performance gain than those without live feedback, and no indication of negative effects on motivation was shown. We discussed our results concerning the previous research on micro-adaptive training and reported technical insights to improve the design of Sensei possession further.
Guiding users with limb exercise can assist in muscle training or physical recovery. However, traditional vision-based methods often require multiple camera angles to help users understand the motions and require them to be within the range of the screen. Therefore, we propose a non-visual system that can guide users with multiple-directional limb motions utilizing spatial audio, AudioMove , with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) devices (i.e., smartphones and earphones). The proposed system addresses the challenge of conveying directional information encompassing multiple planes in real-time. We conduct a mixed-method user study to evaluate the effectiveness of the system with three methods combining motion data with spatial audio perception. Additionally, a user interface is built to collect users' comments. The results conclude that spatial audio guidance could create a natural, pervasive, and non-visual exercise training solution in daily life.
Two subjects with hemiplegia were treated using a computer-generated virtual environment (VE) to train upper extremity reach in the impaired limb. Subjects were evaluated pre- and post-VE training using motor recovery and functional ability tests and a real-world test that required reaching to 9 locations in the workspace. During VE training, subjects practiced a virtual task similar to the real task, trying to imitate a virtual teacher's performance. Post-training, reaching errors during real-world performance were reduced by ~50% (mean across all workspace locations). Both subjects improved in the trained task, indicating transfer of skill from VE to real world performance; reaching also improved in untrained parts of the workspace, indicating some generalization of transfer. Motor recovery and functional scores showed little to no change but one subject acquired the ability to perform several functional tasks (not on the formal test). Our results suggest that VE training holds future promise for stroke rehabilitation. (C) 1999 Neurology Section, APTA