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What Makes a Good Team Player? Personality
and Team Effectiveness
James E. Driskell
Florida Maxima Corporation
Gerald F. Goodwin
US Army Research Institute
Eduardo Salas
University of Central Florida
Patrick Gavan O’Shea
Human Resources Research Organization
Good team players are often defined in trait terms; that is, they are described as
dependable, flexible, or cooperative. Our goal is to examine the relationship
between team member personality traits and team effectiveness. However, to
understand the effects of personality on team performance requires greater speci-
ficity in how personality is described and in how team effectiveness is described.
A hierarchical model of team member personality is presented that defines higher-
level personality traits and specific facets relevant to team performance. Next, a
classification of the core teamwork dimensions underlying effective team perfor-
mance is presented. Finally, predictions are derived linking team member person-
ality facets to specific teamwork requirements.
Keywords: personality, teams, team work
As Ilgen (1999) and others have noted, mod-
ern organizations have increased their reliance
on teams, and this has served to foster applied
research on teams in task settings. After decades
in which reviewers were forced to act as apol-
ogists for the lack of vitality and progress in this
field, research on teams has returned with a
vengeance. One reason for this renaissance in
team research is that effort follows demand, and
only recently has attention been devoted to the
dynamics of team performance in applied set-
tings. Whereas most early research on group
performance took place in academic settings,
much of the resent resurgence in team research
has been driven by organizational requirements.
This realization of the value of teams for ac-
complishing tasks has shifted the emphasis of
research from a primary focus on team pro-
cesses to a broader focus on team inputs, team
outcomes, and the factors that mediate the ef-
fects of inputs on outcomes (Ilgen, Hollenbeck,
Johnson, & Jundt, 2005).
One area that is of considerable theoretical
and practical interest is the topic of team mem-
ber personality and team effectiveness: What
are the traits that define a good team player?
One of the earliest investigations of the relation-
ship between personality and team performance
was undertaken by Mann (1959), who con-
cluded his review of this literature with the
expectation that this work could serve as a take-
off point for further research. However, despite
some attempts along the way (e.g., Driskell,
Hogan, & Salas, 1987), the next steps to exam-
ine personality and team performance were
taken almost 40 years later by Barrick, Stewart,
Neubert, and Mount (1998); Barry and Stewart
(1997); Hollenbeck et al. (2002); Judge and
Bono (2000); LePine, Hollenbeck, Ilgen, and
Hedlund, 1997; Neuman and Wright (1999);
and others. Broadly speaking, these studies at-
tempt to define the relationship between “Big
Five” personality traits (emotional stability, ex-
traversion, openness to experience, agreeable-
ness, and conscientiousness) and team perfor-
James E. Driskell, Florida Maxima Corporation; Gerald
F. Goodwin, US Army Research Institute; Eduardo Salas,
Department of Psychology and Institute for Simulation and
Training, University of Central Florida; and Patrick Gavan
O’Shea, Human Resources Research Organization.
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to James E. Driskell, Florida Maxima Corporation,
507 N. New York Avenue, R-1, Winter Park, FL 32789.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association
2006, Vol. 10, No. 4, 249–271 1089-2699/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1089-2699.10.4.249
Although these results have demonstrated the
relevance of team member personality to team
effectiveness, there are two ways in which we
wish to extend this research. First, there are
specific, lower-level facets within the higher-
level Big Five traits that may have differing and
even contradictory effects on team perfor-
mance. For example, it is unclear whether the
effect of extraversion on team performance ob-
served by Barrick et al. (1998) stems from the
effect of the assertiveness/dominance compo-
nent of extraversion (i.e., extraverts are asser-
tive) or from the sociability/affiliation compo-
nent of extraversion (i.e., extraverts are socia-
ble). Thus, one goal of the current research is to
define specific personality facets within the
higher-level Big Five traits that are relevant to
team effectiveness.
Second, we acknowledge that team perfor-
mance is multidimensional and that different
personality facets may be predictive of different
performance dimensions. This position is con-
sistent with a person-team fit perspective (Hol-
lenbeck et al., 2002) that the relationship be-
tween individual differences in personality and
outcomes is contingent on the nature of the task.
Therefore, we argue that to examine the impact
of personality on team effectiveness requires
that not only do we provide more specificity in
terms of what we mean by personality, but also
provide more specificity in terms of what we
mean by team effectiveness. More specifically,
we claim that the effects of team member per-
sonality on team effectiveness should be exam-
ined in terms of what teams do. Researchers
have identified core teamwork dimensions or
team functions that must be accomplished
within teams. These teamwork dimensions in-
clude activities such as team management (i.e.,
directing and coordinating task activities), inter-
personal relations (i.e., resolving conflicts and
maintaining socioemotional relations), and
adaptability (i.e., compensatory or backup be-
havior). Thus, it is quite likely that specific
facets of team member personality may have
differential effects on these activities that un-
derlie effective team performance. For example,
a team member that is highly sociable may be
quite adept at maintaining good interpersonal
relations in teams, but not necessarily adept at
task management and planning. Therefore, our
goal is to define the specific personality facets
that are relevant to team effectiveness and link
these to the core teamwork dimensions that
define effective team performance.
In the following, we first attempt to elaborate
the concept of a good team player by deriving a
hierarchical model of team member personality
that defines specific personality traits and facets
that we believe are most relevant to team per-
formance. We then present a classification of
the core teamwork dimensions underlying ef-
fective team performance. Finally, we derive
predictions linking team member personality
facets to these teamwork requirements.
What Defines a Good Team Player?
We follow Ilgen (1999) in focusing on work
teams—teams embedded in organizations that
exist to accomplish tasks. In a typical work
team, what Kozlowski, Gully, McHugh, Salas,
and Cannon-Bowers (1996) call “action teams,”
and what Hollenbeck et al. (1995) term “distrib-
uted expertise teams,” each team member pos-
sesses specific information or expertise to con-
tribute to the team task. Although work teams
are often hierarchically structured, our focus is
on the interdependent team member. Thus, our
initial goal is to describe the traits or facets that
define the prototypical team player.
Although there is some divergence on how
personality traits should be labeled and orga-
nized, personality theorists are in general agree-
ment on the nature of the structure of personal-
ity. Most theorists propose a hierarchical model
of personality, with broad higher-order factors
or traits that subsume and organize more spe-
cific lower-level facets (cf. Saucier & Osten-
dorf, 1999). For example, the Big Five factor
model represents a broad set of traits that are
themselves a collection of many facets that have
something in common. Whereas the broad
higher-level constructs offer an efficient and
parsimonious way of describing personality, the
more specific facets can offer higher fidelity of
trait descriptions and greater predictive validity
(Saucier & Ostendorf, 1999; Stewart, 1999).
Figure 1 presents a hierarchical model of
team member personality, defined by the Big
Five trait dimensions of emotional stability, ex-
traversion, openness, agreeableness, and consci-
entiousness. These traits are composed of the
more specific facets that we believe are relevant
to team effectiveness. In the following sections,
we describe each facet and its relationship to
team performance. In some cases, these facets
are linked to team performance through existing
empirical research, and in other cases, we at-
tempt to develop that connection based on a
rational extrapolation from related literature.
This process is complicated somewhat by the
fact that little research has been done on per-
sonality and team performance at the facet
level. Where appropriate, we note facets that are
similar to the facets we have defined, drawn
from existing personality inventories such as
the NEO-PI-R (Costa & McCrae, 1992), Hogan
Personality Inventory (HPI; Hogan, 1986), the
Personal Characteristics Inventory (PCI;
Mount, Barrick, Laffitte, & Callans, 1999), the
16PF (Conn & Rieke, 1994), and the California
Personality Inventory (CPI; Gough & Bradley,
1996). Because there is no direct correspon-
dence between measures from different scales,
these comparisons are meant solely to be illus-
Emotional Stability
The trait of emotional stability refers to a lack
of anxiety and nervous tendencies. Those who
are emotionally stable tend to be well-adjusted,
calm, secure, and self-confident. Viewed from
the negative pole of neuroticism, those who
score low on this trait tend to be moody, anx-
ious, paranoid, nervous, insecure, depressed,
and high-strung (Barrick & Mount, 2001). In
past studies of military teams, Haythorn (1953)
and Greer (1955) reported that emotional sta-
bility was positively related to team effective-
ness. Several researchers have claimed that
emotional stability is a significant factor in
teamwork or any task that requires coordinated
behavior (Barrick, Mount, & Judge, 2001;
Driskell et al., 1987; Mount, Barrack, & Stew-
art, 1998). The facets of emotional stability that
we believe are most relevant to team interaction
are adjustment and self-esteem.
Adjustment. Adjustment has been defined
by Hogan (1986) as freedom from anxiety, de-
pression, and somatic complaints. Watson,
Clark, and Tellegen (1988) have viewed lack of
adjustment as negative affect, a general dimen-
sion of subjective distress and unpleasurable
engagement. Gunthert, Cohen, and Armeli
(1999) described neurotic individuals as
“caught in a web of negative behaviors, cogni-
tions, and moods. . .They seem to experience
(perhaps generate) more interpersonal stressors,
their perceptions of daily events are more neg-
ative, and their coping choices are maladaptive”
(p. 1099).
Given that those low on adjustment are prone
to be distressed, upset, hostile, irritable, and
nervous, they are not likely to excel in interper-
Emotional Stability Extraversion Conscientiousness
enness Agreeableness
Figure 1. Hierarchical Model of Facets Related to Teamwork
sonal or team settings. In circumstances in
which the organizational structure is out of
alignment with environmental requirements,
Hollenbeck et al. (2002) found that the emo-
tional stability of team members was a critical
predictor of performance. Moreover, noting that
people’s moods are often affected by those
around them, Totterdell, Kellett, Teuchmann,
and Briner (1998) found that team members
reciprocated the mood of other teammates.
Thus, not only are poorly adjusted team mem-
bers displeasing to be around, their negative
affect can spread to other team members.
In contrast to the more specific facets that we
define in the following sections, we view ad-
justment as similar to the higher-level emo-
tional stability or neuroticism traits as defined in
various Big Five inventories. Cognate scales
related to adjustment include the HPI factor of
Adjustment, the PCI factor of Even Tempera-
ment, and the NEO-PI-R factor of Neuroticism.
Self-esteem. Self-esteem is generally de-
fined as a global assessment of self-worth or of
one’s value as a person (Crocker & Wolfe,
2001). Those with high self-esteem view them-
selves in a positive light as good, worthy and
successful, whereas those with low self-esteem
view themselves in a more negative light as bad,
unworthy, and unlikely to succeed. Judge,
Locke, Durham, and Kluger (1998) defined
self-esteem as composed of two core compo-
nents: self-worth and self-efficacy. They further
noted that the appraisal of whether one is good
and competent versus no good and incompetent
has significant implications for how that person
will approach and carry our job responsibilities.
Baumeister (1997) has noted that those high in
self-esteem not only have a favorable opinion of
themselves, but see themselves as competent
and will work hard to succeed; whereas those
low in self-esteem doubt that they will succeed
and focus on avoiding failure.
Team members with high self-esteem are
likely to be confident, self-assured, and positive
toward others, whereas team members with low
self-esteem are likely to be insecure, critical,
and blame others for their mistakes. Vancouver
and Ilgen (1989) found that individuals who
were confident in their abilities were more
likely to prefer working in a team versus work-
ing alone. Moreover, Murray, Hilmes, Mac-
Donald, and Ellsworth (1998) argued that those
low in self-esteem are insecure and tend to
project their self-doubts onto others. Cognate
scales related to the self-esteem facet include
the HPI facets of Self-Confidence and Identity,
the PCI facet of Self-Confidence, and the NEO-
PI-R facet of Competence.
The trait of extraversion has been viewed as
a combination of assertiveness/dominance and
sociability/affiliation (Judge & Bono, 2000; Lu-
cas, Diener, Suh, Shao, & Grob, 2000). Some
theorists view dominance as the primary marker
of extraversion and some view sociability as the
primary component of extraversion (Hough,
1992; Saucier & Ostendorf, 1999). We believe
this distinction is especially relevant in consid-
ering performance in a team context, and we
distinguish between the extraversion subcom-
ponents of dominance (assertiveness, surgency)
and affiliation (social interest). The specific fac-
ets of extraversion that we believe are most
relevant to team interaction are dominance, af-
filiation, social perceptiveness, and expressiv-
Dominance. Dominance reflects striving
for superiority, control, and influence over oth-
ers. This specific facet has also been referred to
as ascendance, assertiveness, or surgency
(Watson & Clark, 1997; Costa & McCrae,
1992). Norton (1983) reported three compo-
nents of dominance: (a) forcefulness (e.g., com-
ing on strong, taking charge), (b) monopolizing
(e.g., talking often and not letting others talk,
and (c) involvement (e.g., taking precedence in
interaction and not waiting for others). Domi-
nance is related to authoritarianism, although
most view authoritarianism as a multifaceted
construct that includes not only dominance but
also conservatism, conventionalism, punitive-
ness, and other subtraits. Dominance is also
related to social dominance (see Pratto, Sida-
nius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994), although so-
cial dominance is an intergroup variable reflect-
ing an individual’s preference for inequality
among social groups. However, to the extent
that those high on social dominance prefer in-
tergroup relations to be unequal, hierarchical,
and ordered along a superior-inferior dimen-
sion, those high on dominance prefer intragroup
relations to be similarly unequal, hierarchical,
and ordered along a superior-inferior dimen-
Dominant individuals have a desire to control
and influence others. Dominant persons are
headstrong, controlling, and combative. They
tend to stand firmly to their own opinions and
perspectives, they view others’ opinions as a
threat or challenge, and they view compromise
as a concession. To the extent that interdepen-
dent team tasks often require exchange of infor-
mation among team members who all hold valu-
able task information, the tendency to be au-
thoritative, controlling, and unreceptive to other
team members’ opinions can be damaging to
team interaction (Driskell & Salas, 1992). Al-
though the dominance component of extraver-
sion may be related to leadership (i.e., leaders
need to exert power and control), effective team
members need to subjugate the desire for per-
sonal ascendancy to work as part of an interde-
pendent, mutually reliant team. Cognate scales
related to the dominance facet include the HPI
facet of Status-seeking (e.g., “I want people to
look up to me.”), the 16PF facet of Dominance
(desire for control of situations and other peo-
ple) and the NEO-PI-R facet of Assertiveness.
Affiliation. Affiliation refers to the individ-
ual’s desire to engage in activities with other
people versus being alone. Persons high on af-
filiation are sociable, friendly, interested in so-
cial interaction, and would generally prefer to
interact with others than to be alone. Persons
low on affiliation are withdrawn, reserved,
aloof, and prefer solitary tasks to social interac-
tions in which they are less comfortable. Lucas
et al. (2000) define this factor, which they term
“sociability,” as the enjoyment of social activi-
ties and preference for being with others over
being alone. Davis (1969) found that teams
composed of members who preferred to work in
a group interacted more and solved problems
faster than teams composed of members who
preferred to work alone. Wageman (1995) ex-
amined differences in preferences for auton-
omy, defined as the extent to which people like
working with others versus working indepen-
dently, and found that those with a high prefer-
ence for autonomy helped other group members
less and learned less from others.
Some have distinguished between low socia-
bility (or in our terms, low affiliation), which is
a nonfearful preference for being alone, and
shyness, which reflects a social anxiety related
to affiliating with others (Bruch, Gorsky, Col-
lins, & Berger, 1989). In other words, low af-
filiation reflects a disinterest in affiliating or
socializing with others, whereas shyness reflects
a fear or distress of affiliating with others.
Therefore, a low affiliative person may not nec-
essarily be shy, but is likely to be cool, aloof,
and withdrawn. Cognate scales related to the
affiliation facet include the NEO-PI-R facets of
Warmth (affectionate and friendly, cordial and
hearty) and Gregariousness (preference for oth-
er’s company), the PCI facet of Sociability, the
16PF facets of Warmth (attentive to others,
likes people vs. reserved, impersonal) and Self-
reliance (group-oriented, affiliative, vs. individ-
ualistic, self-sufficient), and the HPI facets of
Likes People (enjoy meeting new people) and
Easy-to-live-with (works well with other peo-
Social perceptiveness. Zaccaro, Foti, and
Kenny (1991) define social perceptiveness as
sensitivity to social cues, or the capacity to
recognize what others expect in social situa-
tions. Social perceptiveness has been viewed as
one component of social intelligence, the other
being behavioral flexibility (which is relevant to
our flexibility facet). Social perceptiveness is
related to social insight, social understanding,
or empathy, and can be described as the aware-
ness of motives, needs, and intentions of other
group members and awareness of relations
among group members. Jones and Day (1997)
described two related factors of social percep-
tion (the capacity to decode others’ verbal and
nonverbal behaviors) and social insight (the ca-
pacity to comprehend and interpret others’ be-
havior in a social context).
Rosnow, Skleder, Jaeger, and Rind (1994)
discussed the capacity to infer the motivations
behind another’s social behavior, and noted that
perspective-taking was a key component. Mar-
lowe (1986) described social competence as the
ability to understand the feelings, thoughts, and
behaviors of others in interpersonal situations,
and found empathy to be one factor comprising
this construct. Thus, we would expect team
members high on social perceptiveness to be
more accurate in “reading” others with whom
they are interacting, as well as more accurate in
comprehending or interpreting relations be-
tween other team members. Those high on so-
cial perceptiveness should be more skillful at
anticipating others’ requirements, as they are
more adept at interpreting others’ needs and
intentions. Golembiewski (1962) concluded that
“individuals who accurately perceived the pref-
erences of others were regarded as highly de-
sirable, cooperative and efficient group mem-
bers” (p. 257). Cognate scales related to the
social perceptiveness facet include the PCI facet
of Consideration and the CPI facet of Empathy
(insightful regarding how others feel and think).
Expressivity. Individuals high in expressiv-
ity are interpersonally expressive and commu-
nicative, whereas those low in expressivity are
more reserved, taciturn, and impassive. Emo-
tional expressivity refers to the extent to which
people outwardly display emotion (Kring,
Smith, & Neale, 1994). Emotional expressivity
is one component of the facet of expressivity,
although as Gross and John (1998) have noted,
early work on a general expressivity factor
(Snyder, 1974) has become almost solely de-
fined in recent research as emotional expressiv-
ity. However, conveying emotions is only one
function of expressive behavior. Expressive be-
haviors serve multiple functions—to supple-
ment and elaborate speech, accent or punctuate
speech, regulate the timing and sequence of
communication, and convey comprehension,
confusion, agreement, and interest (Driskell &
Radtke, 2003). All of these functions can serve
to more fully convey information to the listener.
Thus, we describe those high in expressivity as
being interpersonally expressive. In a sense, this
facet is the flip side of social perceptiveness. To
the extent that those high in social perceptive-
ness are good decoders of expressive behavior,
those high in expressivity are good encoders of
expressive behavior.
Gross and John (1998) examined one com-
ponent of expressivity, noting that those high in
expressive confidence tend to exhibit high lev-
els of expressivity in social situations, but do so
in situationally appropriate ways. Gallaher
(1992) defined expressiveness as involving en-
ergetic communication, with those high in ex-
pressivity exhibiting a high level of behaviors
linked to communication. We believe that sev-
eral aspects of expressivity are relevant to team
interaction. Those low in expressivity are more
difficult to read by other team members and are
less likely to communicate effectively to others;
thus, they are less informative. Furthermore,
those low in expressivity may be seen by others
as less likable (Riggio & Friedman, 1986) and
less competent (DeGroot & Motowidlo, 1999).
Cognate scales related to the expressivity facet
include the 16PF facet of Liveliness (animated
and expressive vs. restrained and taciturn) and
the HPI facet of Expressive.
The trait of openness has been described as
intellectance (Hogan, 1986) and openness to
experience (McRae & Costa, 1997), and reflects
intellectual, cultural, or creative interests. Al-
though individual aptitude or cognitive ability
of team members is clearly related to team
effectiveness (Devine & Philips, 2001), within
the domain of personality, group researchers
generally hold that there is little direct relation-
ship between the general trait of openness or
intellectance and teamwork (see Driskell et al.,
1987; Porter et al., 2003). However, some com-
ponents of the openness trait are relevant, espe-
cially the facet of flexibility.
Flexibility. McRae and Costa (1997) claimed
that the trait of openness is, from the negative
pole, related to rigidity in behavior and unwill-
ingness to accept change. We believe that the
facet of flexibility (vs. rigidity) is critical to
interdependent behavior. Paulhus and Martin
(1988) have defined functional flexibility as the
ability to adjust one’s behavior to suit changing
interpersonal situations. Paulhus and Martin fo-
cused on the interpersonal advantages of flexi-
bility, noting that in social situations, the flexi-
ble person can be assertive or submissive, warm
or cold, as the situation demands. Zaccaro, Gil-
bert, Thor, and Mumford (1991) defined behav-
ioral flexibility as one component of social in-
telligence. This conceptualization emphasizes
the problem-solving aspects of behavioral flex-
ibility in addition to the interpersonal aspects,
defining behavioral flexibility as “the ability
and willingness to respond in significantly dif-
ferent ways to correspondingly different situa-
tional requirements” (p. 322).
Rigid persons tend to be stubborn and head-
strong, view uncertainty as a threat, and gener-
ally have a low tolerance for ambiguity. Recent
research has discussed the importance of adapt-
ability to teams (Kowslowski, Gully, Nason, &
Smith, 1999) and work environments (Pulakos,
Arad, Donovan, & Plamondon, 2000). Pulakos
et al. (2000) identified several critical dimen-
sions of adaptive performance, including flexi-
bility in handling uncertain task conditions, in-
terpersonal flexibility, and flexibility in problem
solving. Cognate scales related to the flexibility
facet include the CPI facet of Flexibility, the
HPI facet of Not Spontaneous (“It is always best
to stick with a plan that works.”), the NEO-PI-R
facet of Openness-Actions, and the 16PF facet
of Openness to Change.
The trait of agreeableness is defined as kind-
ness, trust, and warmth versus selfishness, dis-
trust, and hostility. Persons high on agreeable-
ness are considerate, honest, helpful, and sup-
portive. Persons low on agreeableness are
uncaring, intolerant, unsympathetic, and criti-
cal. Some researchers have claimed that agree-
ableness may be the best primary predictor of
performance in interpersonal settings (Mount et
al., 1998; Neumann & Wright, 1999). Thus,
agreeableness seems to have high predictive
validity for tasks that involve cooperation and
that involve smooth relations with others (Bar-
rick et al., 2001). The facets of agreeableness
that we believe are most relevant to team inter-
action are trust and cooperation.
Trust. Gurtman (1992) defines trust as the
belief that the sincerity, benevolence, and truth-
fulness of others can generally be relied upon.
According to Judge, Erez, and Bono (1998), the
opposite of trust is cynicism, the belief that
others lack integrity and are “out to get you.”
McKnight, Cummings, and Chervany (1998)
claim that the disposition to trust has two facets:
(a) faith in humanity, the assumption that others
are well-meaning and dependable, and (b) trust-
ing stance, the assumption that one will achieve
a better outcome by dealing with people as
though they were trustworthy. Holmes and
Rempel (1989) define trust as composed of sev-
eral components, including dependability, or
the belief that others can be counted on to be
honest, reliable, and benevolent; and faith, or
the conviction that others are intrinsically mo-
tivated to be responsive and caring.
We distinguish between trust (or disposition
to trust) and trustworthiness or reliability, which
is captured by our dependability facet. Those
with dispositionally high trust believe that oth-
ers are honest and well-intentioned, whereas
those with low trust are suspicious and doubt
the sincerity, motives, or intentions of others.
Yamagishi (2001) noted that trust is not the
indiscriminate belief in the goodness of others,
which may lead to gullibility, but defines gen-
eral trust as a default expectation of the trust-
worthiness of others. Those with high trust as-
sume that other people are trustworthy until
evidence is provided indicating otherwise.
Dirks (1999) noted that interpersonal trust is a
hallmark of effective groups and argued that
high trust should lead to greater cooperation and
helping behaviors, greater task commitment,
and higher effort expended on the task. Dirks
found that in high-trust groups, higher motiva-
tion was channeled into more cooperative be-
havior and better performance. Jarvenpaa and
Leidner (1999) also found that lower levels of
trust were associated with lower team perfor-
mance. Cognate scales related to the trust facet
include the NEO-PI-R facet of Trust and the
HPI facet of Trusting.
Cooperation. Van Lange, De Bruin, Otten,
and Joireman (1997) have noted that some peo-
ple are willing to give others the benefit of the
doubt and approach them cooperatively;
whereas others are inclined to approach others
noncooperatively. They distinguished between
those who are cooperative or prosocial (who
maximize outcomes for both self and others)
and those who are competitive (who maximize
outcomes for self relative to others). A third
group, individualists (who maximize outcomes
for self with no regard for others), are closer to
representing our dominance facet. Van Lange
(1999) noted that cooperative persons approach
others in a cooperative manner and continue to
do so unless others fail to reciprocate. Thus,
cooperative persons are not compliant, but will
turn to noncooperative behavior only if their
cooperative intentions are not reciprocated.
Wagner (1995) defined collectivism as the rel-
ative importance people accord to joint or
shared pursuits (vs. self interests) and found that
individual differences in collectivism predicted
the extent to which group members cooperated
in task activities.
Kelley and Stahelski (1970) found that com-
petitive persons are more likely to expect others
to be competitive and to elicit competitive be-
havior from others. The fact that cooperative
persons approach interaction in a cooperative
manner, but may be drawn into competitive
behavior by a competitive partner, suggests the
dual disadvantage of having a highly competi-
tive person in an interdependent team—they
may not only act in a competitive manner, but
draw competitive behavior out in others. Cog-
nate scales related to the cooperativeness facet
include the PCI facet of Cooperation, the NEO-
PI-R facet of Compliance, and the HPI facet of
The trait of conscientiousness has been asso-
ciated with a number of facets, including com-
petence, order, achievement striving, and duti-
fulness (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Moon, 2001).
Moon (2001) has noted that some researchers
have emphasized the responsibility/dependabil-
ity component of conscientiousness, whereas
others have viewed conscientiousness in terms
of achievement orientation. Moon argued that
dependability or duty can be viewed as the
other-centered component of conscientiousness
and that achievement can be seen as the self-
centered component.
Thus, conscientiousness reflects the tendency
to be hardworking, prepared, and organized, to
adhere to obligations and duties, to complete
tasks thoroughly and on-time, and to be reliable.
Persons low on conscientiousness are impul-
sive, irresponsible, and disordered. Whereas
some studies have found the general trait of
conscientiousness to be related to team effec-
tiveness (Barrick et al., 1998; LePine et al.,
1997), others have not (Barry & Stewart, 1997).
The facets of conscientiousness that we believe
are most relevant to team interaction are de-
pendability, dutifulness, and achievement.
Dependability. Dependability refers to a
tendency toward planfulness and discipline in
carrying out tasks to completion. Those high in
dependability are responsible, organized, plan-
ful, reliable, and trustworthy. Those low in de-
pendability are irresponsible, disordered, and
impulsive. Borman, White, Pulakos, and Oppler
(1991) found that high dependability among
military personnel led to fewer disciplinary in-
fractions and higher performance ratings. Bor-
man, White, and Dorsey (1995) also reported a
strong relationship between dependability and
both peer and supervisor performance ratings.
Hough (1992) found that dependability was re-
lated to ratings of teamwork, and Barrick et al.
(1998) found that work teams with higher levels
of conscientiousness (broadly defined) received
higher ratings of team performance.
Behavioral markers of dependability reported
by peers and supervisors in Borman et al.
(1995) include “Count on for backup” and
“Trust and depend on.” Thus, team members
high on dependability are likely to be more
responsible and can be relied on to backup other
team members. They are also likely to be more
methodical, to accept responsibilities, set goals,
and follow through with them. Cognate scales
related to the dependability facet include the
PCI facet of Dependability, the NEO-PI-R facet
of Order, and the HPI facets of Planfulness and
Not Spontaneous.
Dutifulness. Dutifulness refers to the ten-
dency to value and adhere to obligations and
duties that are held within the team. Ellemers,
de Gilder, and van den Heuvel (1998) have
examined a related construct of team-oriented
commitment, which they defined as a sense of
responsibility for team outcomes and motiva-
tion to help out teammates even if that required
personal sacrifice. Moon (2001) states that
“duty captures differences in individuals’ pro-
clivity to do the right thing, not only for them-
selves, but also, for others” (p. 535). Costa and
McCrae (1992) define duty as behavior evi-
denced by individual adherence to ethical prin-
ciples and moral obligations. If we extend this
definition to the team context, then we would
view duty as adhering to team principles and
team obligations, and we believe that those with
a high duty orientation are more likely to form
an attachment to the team and the team goals
(see Aube⬘& Rousseau, 2005).
Dutifulness may be especially important for
military, sports, and other work teams that face
active resistance or opposition that must be
overcome to achieve the team goal (see Devine,
2002). In a series of classic studies conducted in
World War II, Stouffer et al. (1949) found that
what kept soldiers going in extremely hostile
conditions was not political ideals or hatred of
the enemy, but group obligations and duty to
others. Cognate scales related to the dutifulness
facet include the NEO-PI-R facet of Dutiful-
Achievement. We believe that good team
players are ambitious, achievement-oriented,
and take the initiative in pursuing team goals. In
performing an interdependent task, each team
member must be motivated to take on those
duties that lead to successful accomplishment of
the task. This includes not only carrying one’s
share of the load, but also carrying another team
members’ share if they are overburdened, as
well as goal setting, team management, and
leadership functions. Zander and Forward
(1968) found that achievement-oriented team
members were more concerned about team suc-
cess, and Hough (1992) found achievement to
be related to ratings of teamwork.
Cognate scales related to the achievement
facet include the HPI facets of Leadership and
Generates Ideas, the PCI facet of Ambition, the
CPI facet of Capacity for Status (ambitious,
enterprising), and the NEO-PI-R facet of
Achievement Striving.
In summary, we have defined 12 core facets
of team orientation that we believe are descrip-
tive of effective team players. In brief, good
team players are not controlling or domineering
(low dominance). They are sociable (affilia-
tion), perceptive and empathic (social percep-
tiveness), and interpersonally expressive (ex-
pressivity). They are emotionally stable (adjust-
ment) and confident (self-esteem). They are
adaptive (flexibility), trust other team members
(trust) and cooperative (cooperativeness). Fi-
nally, good team players are reliable (depend-
ability), have a strong sense of loyalty or duty to
the team (dutifulness), and they work hard to
achieve team goals (achievement).
The preceding classification attempts to de-
scribe the core lower-level personality facets
that are relevant to team effectiveness. How-
ever, we have argued that to specify the rela-
tionship between personality and team effec-
tiveness more precisely requires that we not
only describe the Big Five traits more precisely,
but also provide greater specificity in terms of
what we mean by team effectiveness. In other
words, teams do not just perform, they perform
certain core tasks, and the extent to which these
teamwork activities or requirements are carried
out successfully is one determinant of overall
team effectiveness. Moreover, we expect that
different personality facets may be relevant to
the prediction of different teamwork dimen-
sions. In other words, we believe what has been
missing in previous models is the link between
team member personality and teamwork re-
quirements. In the following section, we at-
tempt to define the core teamwork dimensions
or team functions that must be accomplished
within a team context.
Teamwork Dimensions
Driven by the heightened interest in teams in
applied settings, recent research has attempted
to define the dimensions that underlie effective
teamwork (Ilgen, 1999). McIntyre and Salas
(1995) described a series of studies that adopted
a critical incident approach to identifying criti-
cal teamwork activities. Researchers worked
with real-world teams, including naval ship-
board teams and aircrews, to identify critical
activities characterizing effective and ineffec-
tive teams (Franz, Prince, Cannon-Bowers, &
Salas, 1990; Morgan, Glickman, Woodard,
Blaiwes, & Salas, 1986). These core teamwork
dimensions were further elaborated by Baker
and Salas (1992) to include performance mon-
itoring and feedback, communication, coordina-
tion, and adaptability.
Fleishman and Zaccaro (1992) developed a
taxonomic classification of team performance
functions. Building on earlier work on the struc-
ture of human performance (Fleishman &
Quantance, 1984), these researchers attempted
to describe the common team functions that
underlie team performance. Major team func-
tions identified include orientation functions
(e.g., exchanging information), coordination
functions (e.g., coordination and sequencing of
activities), monitoring functions (e.g., perfor-
mance monitoring and error correction), and
motivational functions (e.g., maintenance of
norms, resolving conflicts).
Cannon-Bowers, Tannenbaum, Salas, and
Volpe (1995) integrated these research efforts
and proposed that the core teamwork functions
could be conceptualized as eight broad dimen-
sions (See Table 1). According to Cannon-
Bowers et al. (1995), the following teamwork
dimensions are a prerequisite for effective team
performance across a variety of types of tasks
and teams.
Adaptability refers to adjustment of task
strategies or team behaviors in response to
changes in the team or task environment.
Adaptability may include mutual adjustment
among team members and reallocation of re-
sources. Porter et al. (2003) have emphasized
the importance of backup behavior,
which is compensatory behavior to support
other team members who are overloaded or
experiencing difficulty. Hackman and Morris
(1978) have noted that one of the few univer-
sally effective group strategies is adaptability.
Shared Situational Awareness
Team members must develop a shared situa-
tional awareness, also referred to as mutual
knowledge (Cramton, 2001; Thompson & Coo-
vert, 2003) or common ground (Clark & Bren-
nan, 1991). Team members possess contextual
task and team information that must be commu-
nicated to and understood by other team mem-
bers. Cramton (2001) noted that mutual knowl-
edge may suffer when team members fail to
communicate unique information that they pos-
sess, fail to distribute information evenly among
team members, or fail to correct misunderstand-
ings. Some research has shown that the accu-
racy and similarity of shared mental models
among team members predicts the quality of
team processes and performance (Marks, Zac-
caro, & Mathieu, 2000; Mathieu, Heffner,
Goodwin, Salas, & Cannon-Bowers, 2000;
Thompson & Coovert, 2003).
Performance Monitoring and Feedback
Performance monitoring and feedback be-
haviors include monitoring other team mem-
ber’s contributions as well as monitoring team
progress, identifying errors, providing construc-
tive feedback, and offering advice for perfor-
mance improvement. Members of effective
teams must be familiar with each other’s roles
and accept responsibility for providing and ac-
cepting feedback (McIntyre & Salas, 1995).
Table 1
Teamwork Dimensions (Adapted from Cannon-Bowers et al., 1995)
Dimension Definition Subskills
Adaptability Team members use information from the task
environment to adjust strategies through the use of
flexibility, compensatory behavior, and reallocation
of resources.
Compensatory or back-up behavior
Providing assistance
Shared situational
Team members develop shared knowledge of the
team’s internal and external environment.
Shared orientation
Team awareness
monitoring and
Team members give, seek, and receive task-clarifying
Performance monitoring
Providing feedback
Error correction
Team management Team members direct and coordinate task activities,
assign tasks, plan and organize, and motivate other
team members.
Resource management
Planning and goal setting
Interpersonal relations Team members optimize interpersonal interactions by
resolving conflicts, use of cooperation, and
building morale.
Conflict resolution
Morale building
Coordination Team members organize team resources, activities,
and responses to ensure complete and timely
completion of tasks.
Task organization
Response coordination
Timing and activity pacing
Communication Team members exchange information efficiently. Seeking or requesting information
Providing information
Acknowledgement and
Decision making Team members integrate or pool information, identify
alternatives, select solutions, and evaluate
Problem solving
Team Management
Team management behaviors include direct-
ing and coordinating the task activities of other
team members, assigning tasks, and motivating
other team members. These are primarily task
behaviors oriented toward instrumental goals.
One critical management task, planning, is of-
ten overlooked in teams (Hackman & Morris,
1978), although research has clearly demon-
strated the value of planning (Janicik & Bartel,
2003; Weingart, 1992) and pretask briefings
(Marks et al., 2000) to team performance.
Interpersonal Relations
Team members optimize interpersonal rela-
tions by resolving conflicts, encouraging coop-
erative behavior, and building team morale.
These are primarily socioemotional behaviors
oriented toward smooth interpersonal relations.
McIntyre and Salas (1995) noted that positive or
supporting team behaviors are not always ap-
parent in team interactions—tasks demands
may require terse, formal communications at
times— but that a positive team environment
supports these task activities. Moreover, re-
search has shown that cohesive groups tend to
agree more readily (Lott & Lott, 1961), report
greater satisfaction with the group (Curtis &
Miller, 1986), and in general outperform less
cohesive groups (Mullen & Copper, 1994).
In one of the earliest studies of group perfor-
mance, Shaw (1932) attributed the effectiveness
of groups to the capability of group members to
exchange and coordinate information. Janicik
and Bartel (2003) noted that effective coordina-
tion, knowing who is going to do what, when,
and with whom, is critical to team performance.
Behaviors that support effective coordination
include matching team member resources to
task requirements, regulating the pace of team
activities, and coordinating the response and
sequencing of team member activities (Fleish-
man & Zaccaro, 1992).
Communication is the primary vehicle
through which task groups accomplish their
goals (Marks et al., 2000). Team members must
exchange ideas and information in a clear and
timely manner. Research suggests that effective
team performance is related to the quantity and
quality of communications— effective teams
communicate more and better than less effective
teams (Foushee, 1982; Kanki, Lozito, &
Foushee, 1989; Marks et al., 2000). Effective
communication behaviors include exchanging
information in a timely manner, acknowledg-
ment of information, double-checking that the
intent of messages was received (closed-loop
communication), clarifying ambiguity, and the
appropriate use of verbal and nonverbal cues
(Kanki & Smith, 2001; Stout, Salas, & Fowlkes,
Decision Making
Team decision making involves problem
identification and assessment, information ex-
change, generation and evaluation of solutions,
implementation, and evaluation of conse-
quences (Forsyth, 1990; Hirokawa, 1980). Bar-
riers to effective team decision making may
include failure to adequately assess problems
(Moreland & Levine, 1992), failure to consider
others’ input (Driskell & Salas, 1992), failure to
disclose uniquely held information (Stasser &
Titus, 1995), and undue influence from a single
team member (Foushee & Helmreich, 1988).
The preceding classification of core team-
work dimensions allows us to take the next step
in linking team member personality and team
requirements. In the following, we predict the
effects of the specific personality facets defined
in Figure 1 on specific core teamwork dimen-
sions. These predictions are summarized in Ta-
ble 2. Note that when we are able to make a
strong positive or negative prediction based on
either existing research or on a logical extension
of existing research, these predictions are
marked as “⫹” or “–” respectively. In other
cases, we feel that the relationship between a
particular team member facet and a specific
teamwork dimension is weaker or unsupported,
and thus we note these predictions as interme-
diate and indicated as “⬃”.
Table 2
Effects of Team Member Personality Facets on Teamwork Dimensions
Team member facets
Teamwork dimensions
and feedback
relations Coordination Communication
Emotional stability
Adjustment ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Self-esteem ⫹⬃ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹ ⬃ ⬃ ⬃
Dominance ⬃⫺ ⬃ ⬃ ⫺ ⬃ ⫺ ⫺
Affiliation ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺ ⫹ ⫺
Social perceptiveness ⫹⫹ ⬃ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹
Expressivity ⫹⫹ ⬃ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹
Flexibility ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Trust ⬃⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹
Cooperation ⫹⫹ ⬃ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃
Dependability ⫹⬃ ⫹ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹ ⬃
Dutifulness ⬃⫹ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⬃ ⬃ ⬃
Achievement ⫹⫹ ⫹ ⫹ ⬃ ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
Note. ⫹denotes positive prediction; ⫺denotes negative prediction; ⬃denotes intermediate prediction.
We predict that adjustment will have a posi-
tive effect on all behaviors that are performed in
a team environment. Although team tasks may
differ in the degree of cooperation required (see
Shaw, 1981), an essential feature that defines a
team is interdependent behavior (Salas, Dickin-
son, Converse, & Tannenbaum, 1992). Team
members who are ill-tempered, distressed, and
emotionally unstable are disruptive of any type
of coordinated or interdependent behavior (cf.
Barrick et al., 1998; Barrick & Mount, 2001).
Moreover, George (1990) found that the posi-
tive/negative affectivity of team members was
related to the extent to which teams engaged in
prosocial behaviors, and Barsade (2002) found
that team members’ positive affect led to greater
cooperation, conflict management, and team per-
formance. Therefore, in Table 2, we follow the
lead of Barrick et al. (1998) and others, and
predict that adjustment is critical to any task or
teamwork activity that requires coordinated ac-
One factor that distinguishes self-esteem
from adjustment is that adjustment reflects gen-
eral emotional instability or negative affect, and
self-esteem involves the self as a reference point
(Brown & Marshall, 2001). Thus, those high on
self-esteem are confident and self-assured,
whereas those low on self-esteem appear hope-
less and critical. Research indicates that self-
esteem affects interpersonal relationships (Mur-
ray et al., 1998) and is generally related to job
satisfaction (Judge et al., 1998), and thus we
predict that self-esteem will be positively re-
lated to interpersonal relations. Further, Erez
and Judge (2001) found that self-esteem was
related to goal setting and motivation, and
thus we predict that self-esteem will be pos-
itively related to team management activities.
Given that those high in self-esteem tend to
maintain effort in the face of failure (Dodgson
& Wood, 1998), we predict that self-esteem
will be positively related to adaptability. We
believe that self-esteem will have less direct
or more intermediate effects on shared situa-
tional awareness, performance monitoring and
feedback, coordination, communication, and
decision making.
We predict that high dominance will have a
negative effect on shared situational awareness,
interpersonal relations, communication, and de-
cision making. Dominant team members, who
view interaction along a superior/inferior di-
mension, are likely to have a different perspec-
tive on team tasks and relationships than other
team members (shared situational awareness).
Dominant team members also tend to engender
less positive interpersonal relations (Driskell,
Olmstead, & Salas, 1993), exhibit more ineffec-
tive communication behaviors (Yukl & Falbe,
1990), and are less likely to attend to the task
inputs of other team members in decision mak-
ing (Driskell & Salas, 1992). We predict that
high dominance will have intermediate effects
on adaptability, performance monitoring and
feedback, team management, and coordination.
Team members who are dominant and control-
ling may be less flexible but perhaps more prone
to backup other team members’ behavior as a
means of control (adaptability), they may be
more prone to monitor others’ behavior as a
precursor to control (performance feedback and
monitoring), and the dominant team member’s
need to direct and influence others may support
some instrumental management functions (team
Given that those low on affiliation tend to
help or assist others less (Wageman, 1995) and
in general may choose to interact less (Davis,
1969), we predict those who are more sociable
and affiliative are more likely to assist and sup-
port other team members (adaptability), share
experiences with other team members (shared
situational awareness), seek and receive feed-
back from others (performance monitoring and
feedback), engage in socioemotional activities
(interpersonal relations), and talk more and ex-
change information with other team members
(communication). We believe that high affilia-
tion, because it may interfere with instrumental
task activities (see Driskell, Hogan, & Salas,
1987), may have negative effects on team man-
agement, coordination, and decision making. In
fact, Barry and Stewart (1997) have noted that
extraverts “have a propensity to seek pleasur-
able social interactions at the expense of effi-
cient management of task demands” (p. 66).
Social Perceptiveness
We view social perceptiveness as the capac-
ity to accurately gather and process information
about others (Costanzo, 1992), and argue that
some people are poor decoders of social infor-
mation (Lieberman & Rosenthal, 2001). More-
over, Nickerson (1999) has noted that those
who are less adept at inferring others’ thoughts
and feelings may be less apt to develop the
shared knowledge or transactive memory re-
quired in interdependent teams. We predict that
those who are more adept at reading and inter-
preting others’ intentions and feelings are more
likely to identify when other team members are
overloaded or require assistance (adaptability),
develop common ground with other team mem-
bers (shared situational awareness), be more
adept at conflict resolution and social tasks (in-
terpersonal relations), be more accurate in in-
terpreting or receiving communications from
others (communication), and be more skilled at
perceiving others’ opinions and inputs in deci-
sion making (decision making). We believe that
social perceptiveness will have intermediate ef-
fects on performance monitoring and feedback,
team management, and coordination.
We believe that those who are interpersonally
expressive are likely to be viewed as more pos-
itive and likable (Riggio & Friedman, 1986),
and are likely to be more energetic and effective
communicators (DeGroot & Motowidlo, 1999;
Gallaher, 1992). Moreover, Ambady, Hallahan,
and Rosenthal (1995) have noted that some
people are more “legible” that others, that ex-
pressivity is related to accuracy in transmitting
nonverbal information to others. We predict that
those who are interpersonally expressive are
easier to read and adapt to (adaptability), more
likely to communicate contextual information
to others (shared situational awareness), likely
to be viewed more positively (interpersonal re-
lations), communicate more effectively (com-
munication) and are more likely to express their
feelings and opinions effectively in decision
making (decision making). We believe that ex-
pressivity will have intermediate effects on per-
formance monitoring and feedback, team man-
agement, and coordination.
We noted that flexibility is advantageous in
terms of interpersonal relations (Paulhus &
Martin, 1988), as well as in instrumental or
problem-solving situations (Zaccaro et al.,
1991). In fact, because different abilities and
procedures are required for different types of
tasks, some have suggested that perhaps the
only universally effective task strategy may be
the capacity to change or adjust to different
conditions (Hackman & Morris, 1978; Shiflett,
1972). Thus, we view flexibility as relevant to
all teamwork behaviors.
Following Dirks (1999), we propose that high
trust leads to greater commitment, greater ef-
fort, and greater cooperation. We believe that
high-trust team members are more likely to seek
and receive feedback from others (performance
monitoring and feedback), engage in activities
to resolve conflicts and ensure smooth interper-
sonal relations among team members (interper-
sonal relations), communication more openly
(communication), and pool information in deci-
sion making (decision making). We expect that
trust will have intermediate effects on adaptabil-
ity, shared situational awareness, coordination,
and team management.
Those who are cooperative place the de-
mands and interests of the group over personal
desires (Wagner, 1995). We believe that team
members who pursue cooperative or group in-
terests versus self interests are more likely to
share contextual team and task information with
other team members (shared situational aware-
ness), provide backup support to other team
members (adaptability), perform actions to ad-
dress socioemotional requirements (interper-
sonal relations), and exchange information with
other team members (communication). We ex-
pect that cooperation will have intermediate ef-
fects on decision making, performance monitor-
ing and feedback, coordination, and team man-
agement because, as LePine and Van Dyne
(2001) have noted, whereas cooperative persons
value smooth interpersonal functioning, they
may be less prone to exhibit the more directive
task behaviors required of these activities.
Ashton (1998) found that responsibility was
negatively related to delinquent workplace be-
haviors, and Borman et al. (1995) found that
dependability was related to higher perfor-
mance ratings by both supervisors and peers.
We predict that team members who are reliable
and dependable can be counted on to backup
other team members’ behaviors (adaptability),
monitor team progress and provide feedback
(performance monitoring and feedback), plan
and manage team activities (team management),
regulate the pace and coordination of team ac-
tivities (coordination), and exchange informa-
tion in a timely manner (communication). We
believe that dependability will have intermedi-
ate effects on shared situational awareness, in-
terpersonal relations, and decision making. In
the case of interpersonal relations, although
those who are more dependable are more likely
to follow social protocol (Witt & Ferris, 2003),
those who are more rule-bound can be per-
ceived as rigid and inflexible (Hogan, 1986).
Moreover, being organized and cautious may
detract from some aspects of decision making,
such as idea generation, and enhance other as-
pects, such as the evaluation of alternatives.
Research suggests that those who hold a
greater sense of duty, loyalty, and sacrifice for
the team tend to engender greater group cohe-
siveness (Prapavessis & Carron, 1997), are
viewed more favorably by coworkers (Ellemers
et al., 1998), and are more likely to act in the
best interests of the group (Moon, 2001). We
predict that those who have a stronger sense of
duty are more likely to share common perspec-
tives on the team and the task (shared situational
awareness), contribute to team pride and morale
(interpersonal relations), and perform support-
ive activities related to team goal achievement
(performance monitoring and feedback). We
believe that dutifulness will have intermediate
effects on adaptability, team management, co-
ordination, communication, and decision mak-
We believe that team members who are
achievement oriented are likely to be more mo-
tivated to pursue group goals and to ensure
group success (Hough, 1992; Zander & For-
ward, 1968). We predict that team members
who are achievement-oriented, hardworking,
proactive, and take the initiative in team activ-
ities will be more likely to adjust to other team
members’ behaviors (adaptability), develop
common ground with other team members
(shared situational awareness), monitor team
progress and provide feedback (performance
monitoring and feedback), participate in the di-
rection and coordination of task activities (team
management), manage the pace and sequencing
of team activities (coordination), communicate
more (communication), and participate more
actively in decision making (decision making).
We expect that achievement will have interme-
diate effects on interpersonal relations—
whereas achievement orientation is not directly
supportive of social relations (Barry & Stewart,
1997), team members who work harder for the
team should support team morale.
We begun by asking a basic question: What
makes a good team player? We then attempted
to provide a foundation for addressing that
question, which then became: What specific
traits define a good team player in relation to the
activities required for effective teamwork? We
described the personality facets that we believe
are most relevant to team performance, and then
derived predictions linking these facets to core
teamwork dimensions. This approach offers
several benefits. First, this approach extends
previous research on personality and team per-
formance by offering greater precision in spec-
ifying the role that team member personality
plays in team effectiveness. Second, this frame-
work provides a foundation for further empiri-
cal testing and validation of predictions. Third,
this approach suggests useful avenues for selec-
tion and training interventions to enhance team
There are several general conclusions that
can be drawn regarding team member person-
ality as elaborated in this model. First, at a
general level, this model is consistent with ex-
isting research on personality and team effec-
tiveness. The higher-level traits of emotional
stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness,
and conscientiousness have all been related to
team effectiveness at a broad level (cf. Barrick
et al., 1998; Barry & Stewart, 1997; Hollenbeck
et al., 2002; LePine et al., 1997; Neuman &
Wright, 1999). However, as we noted previ-
ously, we do not know based on existing re-
search if any purported relationship between,
for example, conscientiousness and team effec-
tiveness may be attributable to the dependabil-
ity component of conscientiousness (i.e., good
team players are reliable) or to the achievement
component of conscientiousness (i.e., good
team players are hardworking). Accordingly,
we extended our examination of personality and
team performance to incorporate specific per-
sonality facets that we believe are related to
team effectiveness, and to incorporate specific
dimensions of teamwork. We have defined one
facet, dominance, by its negative pole, because
research suggests that those who are dominant
and controlling can be an anathema to interde-
pendent team interaction (Driskell & Salas,
1992; Driskell et al., 1993). However, the team
member facets that are predicted to be critical
across all teamwork dimensions are adjustment
and flexibility. We concur with Barrick and
Mount (2001) that adjustment is fundamentally
important to interdependent interaction, and we
concur with Hackman and Morris (1978) that
flexibility is virtually universally advantageous.
There are several facets, such as self-esteem or
dutifulness, that are predicted to affect a more
narrow range of teamwork activities. This does
not imply that these facets are less important,
just that their impact is more specific. More-
over, this greater specificity in describing per-
sonality and team effectiveness allows us to
examine both the “bright side” and the “dark
side” of personality—whereas affiliation may
have a positive impact on maintaining interper-
sonal relations in teams, it may have a negative
impact on the more instrumental activities in-
volved in team management.
Second, the predictions that are derived from
this model, shown in Table 2, are clearly spec-
ulative. We have attempted to bring to bear the
weight of existing research, but as Barry and
Stewart (1997) have noted, “relatively few stud-
ies have empirically examined the role of per-
sonality characteristics in task-oriented groups”
(p. 65). Although recent research efforts have
rectified this situation somewhat, we faced the
additional difficulty that very few existing re-
search studies specify personality to the facet
level and very few existing studies specify team
effectiveness to the teamwork dimensions level.
Not surprisingly, we do not have a wealth of
data to draw on. On the positive side, Table 2
presents a framework that calls out for addi-
tional research, and each of the relationships
shown in Table 2 should be verified in further
empirical studies.
Third, the hierarchical model of team orien-
tation shown in Figure 1 was derived by the
desire to specify the link between Big Five
personality traits and team effectiveness. Al-
though the higher level traits identified by var-
ious Big Five models generally resemble one
another, there are some distinctions among dif-
ferent models. For example, Hogan (1986) has
presented a six-factor model of personality, sep-
arating extraversion into separate traits of socia-
bility (outgoing, affiliative) and ambition (sur-
gency, dominance). Furthermore, as Lucas and
Diener (2001) have noted, the facets that com-
pose the higher-level traits often differ in dif-
ferent models. For example, McCrae and Costa
(1997) claim that flexibility/rigidity is related to
the higher-level trait of openness to experience;
Hogan (1986) places flexibility within the higher-
level conscientiousness trait; whereas others
note that rigidity may be related to neuroticism
or poor adjustment (Mumford, Baughman,
Threlfall, Uhlman, & Costanza, 1993). Judge,
Martocchio, and Thoresen (1997) note that
some facets load equally on several higher
level traits. We are not able to resolve these
issues but have attempted to derive a model of
team member personality that is consistent with
existing personality models.
This approach further calls attention to the
issue of trait bandwidth and the value of broad
traits versus narrow traits. Stewart (1999) has
stated that broad traits are applicable in several
circumstances, including when the criterion it-
self is broad or diffuse. However, Barrick et al.
(2001) also have noted that sometimes a broad
predictor and a broad criterion can mask under-
lying relationships. For example, we posed the
question of whether conscientiousness may be
related to team performance in existing research
because of the lower-level facet of achievement
or because of the lower-level facet of depend-
ability that both comprise conscientiousness in
many Big Five models. Narrow facets may al-
low more accurate prediction when they theo-
retically align with more specific behaviors, and
Barrick et al. (2001); Schneider, Hough, and
Dunnette (1996); Dudley, Orvis, Lebiecki, and
Cortina (2006) and others have noted the value
of linking lower-level predictors with lower-
level criteria. Moreover, by defining the core
teamwork dimensions that underlie team perfor-
mance, we are able to make informed hypothe-
ses regarding the specific personality facets that
are predictive of these performance dimensions.
At same time, our approach is limited in a
number of ways. Although the most current and
influential formulation of individual differences
in personality is the Big Five trait approach that
we have adopted, it is certainly not the only
useful model of personality, nor does it capture
all there is to say about personality. We concur
with McAdams and Pals (2006), who note that
although the Big Five model is arguably the
most recognizable contribution personality psy-
chology has to offer, understanding personality
in a more finely grained sense requires going
beyond the personality trait concept to include
other motivational, social– cognitive, and devel-
opmental concerns. Our approach, then, takes
advantage of the current body of empirical re-
search on traits within the Big Five framework,
and at the same time is restricted by the nar-
rowed focus of the trait approach.
We have attempted to address the question of
what type of person makes a good team player
(or more specifically, what specific facets of
personality are relevant to specific teamwork
dimensions). We assume, in general, that team
members who possess these personality facets
will be more effective under specified condi-
tions than those who do not. However, we have
not addressed the more complex question of
how personality facets combine. For example,
the impact of expressivity is likely to be con-
siderably different if coupled with high adjust-
ment than if coupled with low adjustment
(Friedman & Miller-Herringer, 1991). Further-
more, we have not addressed the more complex
question of team composition, or how team
members possessing specific personality facets
combine. There are several ways of operation-
alizing team composition. An additive approach
examines the amount or average level of a trait
among team members; for example, LePine
(2003) has argued that a team composed of too
many highly dependable members may exert
undue pressure on those who offer alternative
viewpoints. A compensatory approach exam-
ines the heterogeneity or variability of traits
among team members; for example, Barry and
Stewart (1997) have observed that finding ben-
efits of sociability at the individual team mem-
ber level does not necessarily argue for creating
a work team full of them. A disjunctive ap-
proach examines the highest or lowest trait
score for the team; for example, Totterdell et
al.’s (1998) work on mood linkage and negative
affect suggests that having one team member
low on adjustment can impact the entire group.
Clearly, composition matters, and although we
do not address these issues in the current for-
mulation of our model, questions of team com-
position and heterogeneity are important and
require further examination. Finally, we know
that individual factors often interact with other
group-level or structural factors to impact per-
formance—in fact, Hollenbeck et al. (2002)
have proposed a person-team fit approach that
emphasizes the importance of task and organi-
zational factors. For example, conscientious-
ness may be less relevant to team performance
to the extent that backup or compensatory be-
haviors are institutionalized in task procedures.
Nevertheless, we believe there is considerable
value in developing a comprehensive model at
the individual team member level that can serve
as a basis for further elaboration to address
these and other related questions.
In the model presented, we view the focal
team member as “one among equals.” In other
words, the team setting we have specified is one
in which each team member has specific exper-
tise useful to the team, and the team has to
interdependently achieve a team outcome. We
have described the core traits that we believe
define the effective team member, but not nec-
essarily the effective team leader. For example,
we noted earlier that dominance may be prob-
lematic among team members but useful in a
team leader role. Moreover, it is likely that
effective leadership may require dominance and
affiliation, among other traits. By anecdotal ac-
counts, General George Patton was a high dom-
inant-low affiliation leader. There is no question
that he was a great general, but he may have
been somewhat lacking in interpersonal rela-
tions (his widely reported response to a hospi-
talized soldier who said he did not think he
could take it anymore was to slap him with his
gloves). General Douglas MacArthur, who we
would envision as a high dominance-high affil-
iation leader, may represent a more effective
leader prototype for modern times.
Finally, we believe this model suggests a
number of practical applications. For the pur-
pose of selecting good team players, the type of
classification presented in Table 2 should prove
to be useful, subject to further empirical confir-
mation. However, in real-world settings, teams
are often intact and selection or replacement of
team members may not be a relevant option. For
such existing teams, the model presented in
Table 2 suggests an approach to assessing ex-
isting team member capabilities and targeting
training to support behaviors that may be defi-
cient. For example, if assessment indicates a
low score on trust for a specific team member,
we propose that this will most likely be mani-
fested in activities related to performance mon-
itoring and feedback, interpersonal relations,
and decision making (i.e., scanning across the
appropriate row of Table 2). Efforts to imple-
ment training for this team member should fo-
cus on these dimensions. This model should
also be useful for diagnosis of team deficien-
cies. If assessment of team processes indicates
poor team management, then (scanning down
the appropriate column of Table 2), we can
derive what team member facets are relevant to
these activities. Even if selection is not possible,
team members can be assigned to specific roles
on the team to maximize the fit between indi-
vidual capabilities and teamwork requirements.
Further research is needed to examine the
malleability of traits and the value of training to
develop more effective team members. One
question that is of significant practical impor-
tance is: Can you train someone who is dispo-
sitionally competitive to be more cooperative?
Judge et al. (1998) noted that the fact that traits
show considerable temporal stability does not
mean that they cannot be changed. Moreover, the
success with which well-developed training pro-
grams have led to improved teamwork in applied
settings (e.g., Smith-Jentsch, Salas, & Brannick,
2001) suggests the utility of this approach.
Further research should also address issues
related to assessment. Typically, assessment of
personality is almost exclusively self-report, via
endorsement of descriptive statements. This
may be problematic under some circumstances
for the assessment of teamwork. Although our
society is not as collectivist as some, few would
want to be seen as a poor team player. More-
over, in organizations that have placed a public
value on teamwork (e.g., the military has a
particularly strong team culture), the individual
who would endorse the item “I prefer to work
alone” may not only be nonaffiliative but also
oblivious to organizational preferences. Ques-
tions related to faking as well as research on
alternative approaches to self-report should re-
ceive further attention.
It is somewhat traditional to conclude by
bemoaning the state of progress in the field.
However, we are pleased to announce that the
study of personality and team performance is
burgeoning. Our goal was to contribute to and
extend this research in two ways. First, our
model extends current work on trait prediction
of team performance by linking lower-level
facet predictors with lower-level teamwork be-
haviors. Second, by linking team member per-
sonality characteristics to teamwork dimen-
sions, this model provides a foundation for ap-
plication and testing of this approach for
purposes of selection, training, and team design.
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Received February 9, 2004
Revision received July 31, 2006
Accepted August 5, 2006 䡲
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