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Measurement of the sound-absorption coefficient on egg cartons using the tone burst method

  • Catholic University of Buenos Aires

Abstract and Figures

A low-cost solution for noise level reduction in an enclosed space, such as a room, is the installation of egg carton materials or fruits box materials (for example apple, pear or peach tree). The Tone Burst method may be used to measure the sound absorption coefficient of a material at any desired angle of incidence. The goal for this paper is to demonstrate that egg cartons are a myth when they are used to reduce sound level in an enclosed space.
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Measurement of the sound-absorption coefficient in situ in
eggs cartons using the Tone Burst Method
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Av. Eduardo Madero 399
Abstract: A typical solution in an enclosed space, such as a room, is that the reduction in sound
level is the results from the installation of eggs cartons materials or fruits cartons materials (for
example apple, pear or peach tree). The Tone Burst method is used to measure the sound
absorption coefficient of a material at any desired angle of incidence. The goal for this paper is
demonstrate that these cartons are a myth when they are used like reducer of the sound level in
an enclosed space.
Key-words: Tone Burst – Absorption Materials – Reflection Factor - Eggs Cartons – NRC -
Sound Power Level.
1. Introduction
The basic parameters of acoustic materials
are the impedance and the surface shape.
Other information such as angle-dependent
impedance, porosity, tortuosity, etc., is
required. These material data include all
necessary information required for
calculation of the reflected and the
transmitted field. In many cases of sound
prediction, however, the absorbed or
transmitted energy is a sufficient quantity
The law of the conservation of energy states
that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed, but it can be changed from one
form to another. Absorption converts sound
energy into heat energy. It is useful for
reducing sound levels within rooms but not
between rooms. Each material with which a
sound wave interacts absorbs some sound.
The most common measurement of that is
the absorption coefficient, typically denoted
by the Greek letter α. The absorption
coefficient is a ratio of absorbed (Ea) to
incident sound energy (Ei). The reflect
coefficient is a ratio of reflect (Er) to
incident sound energy (Ei) A material with
an absorption coefficient is 0 reflects all
sound incident upon it. If a material absorbs
all sound incident upon it, its absorption
coefficient is 1 and if a material reflects all
sound incident upon it, its reflect coefficient
is 0, the reflect coefficient is typically
denoted by the Greek letter τ, if the reflect
coefficient is near to zero, then the
transmitted energy is minor. Therefore,
absorption coefficients range between 0 and
1. See figure 1.
Fig. 1. Sound Absorption and Sound
Er: Reflected Energy
Ei: Incident Energy
Et: Transmitted Energy
Ea: Absorbed Energy
Absorption coefficients range 0 α 1 Æ α = Ea / Ei
Reflect coefficients range 0 τ 1 Æ τ = Et / Ei
In practice, all materials absorb some
sound, so this is a theoretical limit [2].
Sound absorptive materials are widely used
for the control of noise in a variety of
different situations. Sound-absorptive
materials exist in many different forms:
Glass-fiber materials, open-cell acoustical
foams, fiber board, hanging baffles, felt
materials, curtains and drapes, thin porous
sheets, head liners, carpets and hollow
concrete blocks with a small opening to the
outside – to create a Helmholtz resonator.
One characteristic common to nearly all
sound-absorptive materials is that they are
porous. That is, there is air flow through the
material as a result of a pressure difference
between the two sides of the material.
Porous materials are frequently fragile, and,
as a result, it is necessary to protect the
exposed surface of the material. Porous
materials are frequently fragile, and, as a
result, it is necessary to protect the exposed
surface of the material. Typical protective
surfaces include: thin impervious
membranes of plastic or other material;
perforated facings of metal, plastic or other
material; fine wire-mesh screens; spayed-on
materials such as neoprene, and thin porous
surfaces [3]. An egg carton is a carton
designed for carrying and transporting
whole eggs, no for acoustic. These cartons
have a dimpled form in which each dimple
accommodates an individual egg and
isolates that egg from eggs in adjacent
dimples. This structure helps protect eggs
against stresses exerted during
transportation and storage by absorbing a
lot of shock and limiting the incidents of
fracture to the fragile egg shells. An egg
carton can be made of various materials,
including Styrofoam, clear plastic or may
be manufactured from recycled paper and
molded pulp by means of a mechanized
Papier-mâché process. An “egg crate
mattress”, while following a similar form,
is not used for egg transport. It is a light
weight camping mattress which makes use
of the dimpled structure to distribute and
cushion human weight. This foam structure
is also occasionally used in packaging to
dampen impact of sensitive material during
Fig 2. Egg Carton
Similarly, acoustic foam tiles which help in
sound proofing and the limitation of
acoustic resonance have a similar form to
egg crates. Egg crate mattresses are
occasionally used as an inexpensive
substitute [4].
Sound absorption coefficients are
frequently measured in octave bands, and
the noise reduction coefficient (NRC) is the
average absorption in the 250, 500, 1000
and 2000 Hz. This average is expressed to
the nearest multiple of 0.05.
Reflection can occur when a wave impinges
on a boundary between two media with
different wave propagation speeds. Some of
the incident energy (Ei) of the wave is
reflected back into the original the original
medium, and some of the energy is
transmitted (Et) and refracted (Er) into the
second medium. See Fig. 1. This means that
the wave incident on a boundary can
generate two waves: a reflected wave and a
transmitted wave whose direction of
propagation is determined by Snell’s law.
2. The Method
At a given frequency, the absorption
coefficient of any material varies with the
angle of incidence of the sound waves. In a
room, sound waves strikes materials at
many different angles. For this reason,
published coefficient of commercial
materials are generally measured in a
laboratory reverberation room in which
ld h d d
dctc h
== =
L= 2ct
sound waves are nearly diffuse, so that they
strike the test sample from many directions.
The Tone Burst is a short signal used in
acoustical measurements to make possible
differentiating desired signals from
spurious reflections, The American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) have
investigation with this method; in acoustic
the technique is applicable to many areas
such as measurement of distortion, early
reflections, absorption, and phase response
[5]. In this experiment the tone burst was
generated with the Spectral Lab software
and the loudspeaker is a E-MU's PM5
Precision Monitor.
One of the basic problems in room acoustic
measurements has always been to
determine the direction of a certain
reflection, and more important, its
frequency content. For example, ¿what is
the acoustic influence of an eggs carton in
an enclosed space?
The simple implementation of the Tone
Burst measurement is as described in [5],
the measurement procedure is:
1. Place the loudspeaker and measuring
microphone (B&K Type 2250) along the
longest axis of the room. Center the
microphone/loudspeaker combination with
respect to all three axes of the room.
Assume a room (see Fig. 3.) with the
transducers equally spaced between floor
and ceiling (h, the height of the room is
assumed the smallest of the room's
dimensions). First, we will only consider
reflections from side walls, ceiling and
floor. The pulse length (t) must then be
shorter than the difference between the time
it takes to travel the reflected (2l/c) and the
direct path (d/c). Hence
The criterion that the microphone should be
at least one wavelength from the
loudspeaker gives
d ct (3)
where t is the period at the lowest
frequency which also corresponds to the
pulse length which contains one period at
the lowest frequency. Setting Equations (2)
and (3) equal we obtain the optimum pulse
length and corresponding transducer
The reciprocal of which gives the lower
frequency limit f
At the distance between transducers of
Which is the optimum spacing between
transducers for a given minimum room
dimension h.
For reflections from the end walls of the
room along its longest dimension (L), the
length of the pulse must be shorter than the
difference between the time it takes for the
first reflection to return to the microphone
(L/c) and the time it takes for the direct
sound to reach the microphone (d/c).
Hence (7)
Now reflections from the far wall only
become a limitation when the minimum
distance of Equation (7) is equal to, or less
than that of Equation (3). Setting the two
L= 3h=1.15h
and substituting t from Equation (4) we get
Hence the length of the room must be at
least 15% longer than the smallest
dimension in order for Equations 4-6 to be
However, with reflections from the end
walls setting the limits, the pulse length
must be (from Equation 8.)
with an optimum distance between
transducers of (combining Equations 3. and
Fig. 3. The geometry environment
2. Begin with a relatively short tone burst
about 3 ms at about in the wished frequency
and observe the received waveform on the
B&K Type 2250. See Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Emitted Tone Burst and
Received Signal
The size of the loudspeaker must also be
considered in determining the far field. The
microphone should be placed at a distance
at least equal to the largest dimension of the
loudspeaker. Unfortunately, due to practical
restrictions on room size, these criteria are
often ignored, thus leading to non
reproducible measurements. Certain
standards, of course, also call for fixed
3. At a given angle between the
loudspeaker and the barrier and a distance
de d/2 between the loudspeaker and the
B&K type 2250, note that the total distance
is d, see fig. 6. The short tone burst is
emitted again and the B&K type 2250
receives the direct and reflected signals, see
fig 5. Note the point of the first reflections
and increase the duration of the tone burst.
If the tone burst is too long, the received
signal will have overlap.
Fig. 5. The Direct and Reflect Sound
4. With the direct and reflected signals, the
Sound Power Level (L
) are calculated and
compared for a same way: incident angle
and frequency in octave bands. Sound
intensity may be used for measuring sound
absorption in situ.
10log ( )
cos 1
Kx T e T
Fig. 6. The geometry environment
with angles
A tone burst contains not only the
frequency of the sine wave contained in the
burst but also a band of frequencies
centered around the sine wave frequency.
These frequencies arise due to the square
wave by which the sine signal is gated.
Advantages: It is not necessary to have a
reverberation chamber to the
accomplishment of the test; samples of
different material can be measurement in
situ with different angles.
Disadvantage: The tone Burst Method is
effective beginning in 1000 Hz,
consequently it is limited in low
frequencies; it is necessary excellent
measurements instruments.
3. Experiment and Results
The sound power level of a source in
decibels, is given by
Where W is the power of the source in watts
and W
is the reference power in watts.
The reflection Factor R is related to the wall
impedance Z by:
c is the characteristic impedance of
air. The wall impedance Z is defined as the
ratio of sound pressure to the normal
component of particle velocity, both
determined at the wall [1].
The Absorption coefficient, is given by
And the specific impedance
For example for a frequency of 2 KHz with
an angle of 45°, the power W measurement
in the B&K type 2250 was 3.16 watts, can
be corroborated with the Power Spectral
Density of the signal
With the information: The reflection Factor
R=0.31 (Equations 12. and 13.), the
specific impedance ζ=2.68 (Equation 15.),
the absorption coefficient is α=1-0.31=0.69
(Equation 14) and the NRC= 0.4725.
The Absorption coefficients measured in
octave bands are:
Hz α
125 0.04
250 0.30
500 0.42
1000 0.48
2000 0.69
4000 0.69
Table 1. Absorption Coefficients in
octave bands.
Fig. 7. Absorption Coefficients in
octave bands
This method was corroborate with the Bell
Acoustic Panel y the result was similar to
the technical specifications of the material
α= 0.75 for the data show in the example.
4. Conclusions
The egg carton has a good absorption
coefficient begin in 2 KHz. For frequencies
smaller to 2 KHz it does not serve at all.
The egg carton does not have reflected
properties, so it can not use for acoustic
5. References
[1] Michael Vorländer, Auralization,
RWTH First Edition (Springer 2008).
[2] Cyril M. Harris, Handbook of
Acoustical Measurements and Noise
Control, 3 Edt. (Acoustical Society of
America 1998)
[3] Thomas D. Rossing Edition, Springer
handbook Acoustic, (Springer 2007).
[5] MФller Henning and Thomsen Carsten,
Electro Acoustic free field measurements in
ordinary rooms using gating techniques,
Brüel & Kjaer, (Applications notes 1975)
In memory to engineering Fernando von
... 1. Independent testing laboratories, 2. Research organizations, 3. Industrial companies involved in the development and production of absorbent materials. ...
... This method is currently used very rarely. However, in the available literary sources, it is still found in various methodological variants [1][2][3], it is popular with students who use it in a case when sound absorption is only one of the properties they investigate on materials. ...
Full-text available
The stage of development of absorbent materials, when necessary to verify their properties in relation to established requirements, plays one of the key challenges in current research. Nowadays, experimentation represents the only reliable way to quantify sound absorption. Thus, the determined sound absorption coefficient is used to compare individual development variants, and also, it is used in a selection of material from the commercial offer. Therefore, the main part of research is devoted to measurements in the impedance tube and in the alpha cabin, because these procedures play one of the most challenging roles in practice. All used experimental methods are based on the theory about transformation of sound energy into other forms of energy in the material. Nevertheless, the physical nature of sound absorption and individual measurement principles are not covered in this chapter, nor are any sound insulation measurements. It deals solely with the sound absorption and determination of the sound absorption coefficient. As a results, this chapter further summarizes basic information on a sound absorption measurement, and mainly, focuses on practical recommendations as well as applicability of results. First and foremost, these individual procedures may represent a considerable international overlap in the field.
... However, their acoustic performances have been recently questioned. It was pointed out that egg-boxes provide good sound absorption only at high frequencies, their NRC equal to 0.4 is too low for considering them sound absorbing elements, and the sound absorption coefficient profile is irregular [51]. The experimental tests presented in [52] showed that the sound absorption coefficient of egg-boxes and fruit trays is affected by the material, orientation of the boxes, and by if they are closed or open. ...
... This has made it possible to evaluate how manual skills influenced the panel acoustic performances. Since the acoustic properties of egg-boxes have been questioned in a number of papers [51,52,56], to analyze this aspect, the first set of samples (03, 22) was made at least by one egg-carton 2.79 g in weight made of recycled paper with a density of 355 kg/m 3 . In sample 03, the egg-carton facing the sound source was coupled with loose polyester. ...
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From a construction point of view, neighborhoods with residents living at or below the poverty threshold are characterized by low energy efficiency buildings, in which people live in acoustic discomfort with no viable options for home improvements, as they usually can not afford the materials and labor costs associated. An alternative to this is to use low-cost insulating elements made of non-conventional materials with acceptable acoustic properties. Given that household materials at their end-of-life (EoLHM) are free of costs and available also to the more disadvantaged population, they can be used to build acoustic panels for such contexts. This approach embraces several benefits since it reduces the amount of waste produced, the footprint deriving from the extraction of new raw materials and, by highlighting the potential of the EoLHM, discourages the abandonment of waste. In this paper, the acoustic properties of EoLHM, such as cardboard, egg-cartons, clothes, metal elements and combinations of them, are investigated by means of the impedance tube technique. The measured sound absorption coefficient and transmission loss have shown that EoLHM can be used for the realization of acoustic panels. However, since none of the analyzed materials shows absorbing and insulating properties at the same time, EoLHM must be wisely selected. This innovative approach supports the circular economy and the improvement for the living condition of low-income households.
... Metal packaging, used as beer and soft drink cans, foil and closures [34], includes mainly products made of steel, which represent the 85% of the total amount, and the remaining 15% belongs to aluminum packaging. Since aluminum is not easy to be welded, it is used only for making seamless containers. ...
... In fact, egg-boxes are made with different materials including plastic, recycled paper, cardboard and expanded polystyrene. Even though mainly the acoustic performance of egg-boxes has been investigated in the literature [34,102,103], several studies focused on their mechanical properties [104][105][106]. Egg-boxes' mechanical properties are more affected by shape than material [104], and greater mechanical resistance belongs to cardboard (even if strongly affected by humidity), followed by polystyrene and expended polystyrene [105]. ...
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In a world increasingly aware of the environmental cost of the current production/ consumption model, the use of sustainable practices to reduce our environmental impact as a society becomes imperative. One way to reduce this impact is to increase the reuse of materials that are considered, by current definitions of ”waste”, at their end of life. End-of-Life Household Materials (EoLHM) can be defined as household waste materials that still possess exploitable properties, thus making them suitable for reuse. There are several studies in the literature that address the recycling of these materials. When it comes to their reuse, unfortunately, only a limited number of studies are available. This paper aims to fill this gap by investigating the possibility to convert EoLHM, such as clothes or packaging, into low-cost thermal insulating materials for the improvement of the indoor thermal comfort in buildings, especially for households at risk of suffering from energy poverty. For this purpose, a comprehensive literature review and a qualitative analysis of both commercial and EoLHM are proposed. Commercial thermal insulating materials analysis is used as a reference to measure the performance of EoLHM. Important aspects to be considered when choosing suitable EoLHM for a smart conversion and reuse are also investigated. The most important outcome of this investigation is the comprehension that the conversion of EoLHM into insulating material is possible, and it implies a direct reduction in waste production, with environmental benefits and positive social implications. However, some aspects such as adaptability, life expectancy, collection and storage are, at present, in need of further thinking and development to make the EoLHM reuse and re-conversion processes viable on a large (neighborhood/city) scale.
... Contrary to general public opinion, however, acoustics experts have shown that egg cartons are poor sound insulators and absorbers, backed up by laboratory tests, such as those done by Quintero Antonio. 1 Thus, egg cartons should not be used if good acoustic quality rooms are expected. ...
... As guided by ASTM C423-02 and ISO 354, the calculation of the sound absorption coefficient can be done in a reverberant room. The total room sound absorption, A, can be calculated using equation (1). The sound absorption value of the sampling material is the difference between the total sound absorption of the empty room and the one with sampling materials in it. ...
Full-text available
Egg cartons have popularly been used as sound absorbers because they are inexpensive, easy to install and easily available. However, acoustic experts have demonstrated that egg cartons are bad sound absorbers. This study developed Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry and Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet using additional recycled materials (shredded rice straw paper, textile waste, 2-cm cut rice straws) to improve the cartons’ sound absorption coefficient while retaining their original advantages. Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry and Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet were tested based on the ASTM C423-02 method of sound absorption measurement. Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry has a noise reduction coefficient of 0.6 and a sound absorption average of 0.59, while Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet has a noise reduction coefficient of 0.54 and sound absorption average of 0.54. The maximum sound absorption coefficients of Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry and Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet are, respectively, 0.77 at 500 Hz and 0.67 at 630 Hz. Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry has a sound absorption coefficient ⩾0.5, between 315 and 2500 Hz, which makes it able to absorb sound energy of the lower to upper mid-range frequencies. With their high sound absorptivity at mid-range frequencies, Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry and Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet are suitable for mosques and auditoriums, where the human voice is the dominant noise source and where an inexpensive sound absorber is needed. The production of Enhanced Egg Carton – Dry and Enhanced Egg Carton – Wet is so simple that users can do it themselves using basic home tools.
... It irregularly scatters the sound waves and lower the reflections as Aly et al. [20] proposed. In addition, Antonio [21] concluded his study that the sound absorbing properties of egg cartons has good absorption coefficients above 2 Khz sound frequency. ...
... Chenjin et al. [19] proposed that increasing the solid particle increases the sound absorbing value. Another parameter may be the egg carton or viol structure (Figure 1) of the fabrics which helps to scatter the sound and lower the reflection frequency [20,21]. The coated and uncoated fabrics for fabric 1 may be seen in Figure 5. Here, the obvious viol structure can be seen in Figure 5(c) which represents the 40% acrylic ratio in the blend. ...
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Roller blind fabrics are preferred and commonly used in home and office. In general, these fabrics are produced by coating the acrylic blended material, which is known by their ultraviolet properties, onto polyester woven fabrics. In this study, in order to characterize the sound insulation properties of roller blind fabrics, coating resin having different ratios of acrylic are applied onto different polyester woven structures. Sound absorption properties of these fabrics (front and back sides) are measured through dual microphone impedance tube and investigated by statistical analyses. Regression curves are obtained and optimum fabric properties on sound absorbing property have been suggested. As a result, acrylic content in coating material, fabric type, and viol structures occurred by coating process on the woven fabric are found as effective parameters on sound absorption properties of these fabrics. Increasing acrylic content in the resin up to 40% increases the sound absorbing value but further increasing this ratio yields sound reflection from the structure, in general. Optimum sound absorption and reflection values are provided with 40% acrylic rate in coating mixture.
... One of the most striking cases of designing packaging also considering its reuse is the one proposed by Heineken [7], which realized square glass bottles that were used to build houses in the Caribbean islands. Also the scientific community has realized the potential of end-of-life materials [8], and several studies have investigated the properties of plastic bottles [9,10], cardboard and paper elements [11][12][13][14][15][16], Tetra-Pak panels [17], textiles waste [18][19][20][21][22], and egg boxes and trays [23][24][25][26][27][28]. More recently, so-called green and sustainable materials made of natural fibers have been investigated [29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. ...
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Europe calls for a transition to the circular economy model based on recycling, reuse, the proper design of products, and repair. Recycling requires energy and chemical products for waste processing; on the contrary, reusing reduces the impact of transportation and expands the life of materials that cannot be recycled. This article highlights the characteristics of selected end-of-life materials; it aims to raise awareness among manufacturers to consider products’ conscious design to facilitate their reuse in different sectors. Panels 7 cm thick, realized by assembling cardboard packaging, egg boxes, bulk polyester, and felt, have been experimentally tested to understand whether they can be installed indoors to improve thermal and acoustic comfort. The panels’ equivalent thermal conductivity λeq measured through the guarded hot plate method is 0.071 W/mK. Acoustic tests have been performed in a sound transmission room and a reverberation room. The weighted sound reduction index Rw is 19 dB, the weighted sound absorption coefficient αw is 0.30, and the noise reduction coefficient NRC is 0.64. The measured properties have been compared to those of commercial materials, and the results show that the panels have interesting properties from the thermal and acoustic points of view. They could be employed in the building sector and in disadvantaged contexts where low-income people cannot afford commercial insulating materials. Although other factors, such as fire resistance, need to be evaluated, these results show that the proposed approach is feasible.
... Egg cartons has the advantage that at the end of its useful life it can be disposed of without any difficulties and without damaging the environment or can be recycled. This paper verifies the possibility of employing the egg cartons as acoustic absorbing material [4][5][6]. The value of the sound absorption coefficient with normal incidence was measured with an impedance tube and subsequently placing the elements of the egg cartons on the floor of a reverberant room, so the value of the absorption coefficient was measured for average diffused incidence. ...
Conference Paper
Egg cartons have been used as sound-absorbing materials since the 1970s for the acoustic control of music recording studios and small private radios. Egg cartons are recyclable materials made with waste from the separate collection of paper and could be valid sound-absorbing systems to be used in a simple and inexpensive way for room acoustic correction. This paper reports the acoustic measurements performed inside a room whose initial reverberation time was over 2 seconds at mid-frequency. After the introduction of 10 square meters of egg cartons, the reverberation time dropped to 1.1 seconds. The study confirms that egg cartons are suitable for sound-absorbing, especially at medium and high frequencies. This paper also reports the measurements of the sound absorption of eff cartoons using the impedance tube and in a reverberant environment.
... In addition, the use of coconut fiber as synthetic fibres mixed with recycled rubber is also used as an acoustic material. Furthermore, the use of the Burst tone method is applied to acoustic material made from egg cartons or fruit box materials as an alternative noise level reduction solution [11]. ...
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The problem of solid waste and noise faces problems that are quite complex and dilemmatic currently. Thus,it encourages concern for the environment to be very important, one of the improvements in this awareness can be realized with the use of materials derived from organic and inorganic waste. This research was conducted to describe the composite properties for sound-absorbing materials. The purpose of the study is to describe the absorption coefficient and reflection coefficient of the composite material. Two types of samples were made from the composition of wood powder, pulp, coconut fibre and Styrofoam combined with polyvinyl acetate adhesive, which was formed in cylinders with a diameter of 10 cmwith a thickness of around 3 cm. Material testing is carried out in an accredited laboratory using the ASTM 423C method. The results show the absorption coefficient value for formulation A is about 0.59 and formulation B is about 0.82 which works at a frequency interval of 125-4000 Hz. Furthermore, these results are in accordance with the ISO 11654: 1997 (E) standard where the sound absorption coefficient of the acoustic material is a minimum of α = 0.15. The composites obtained in this study still need to be improved.
... These cartons have a dimpled form in which each dimple accommodates an individual egg and isolates that egg from eggs in adjacent dimples. This structure helps protect eggs against stresses exerted during transportation and storage by absorbing a lot of shock and limiting the incidents of fracture to the fragile egg shells (Quintero 2010). ...
This study was conducted to evaluate mechanical properties of ten-egg boxes, which are the most commonly used egg boxes in many countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Six ten-egg boxes were tested, two made of cardboard, two made of expanded polystyrene and two made of general purpose solid polystyrene, each from a different producer. There were no significant differences in basic dimensions between tested boxes of various materials, while the significant differences were occurred in weight and box wall thickness. Test included measuring of vertical forces required for deforming complete box and at particular place for each egg in a box till contact with eggs. According to the obtained results, cardboard boxes can provide the best mechanical protection for eggs. The average force required for deforming complete cardboard box was 83.6% higher than for solid polystyrene box, and even 289.5% higher than for expanded polystyrene box. The average force required for deforming cardboard box at particular place for each egg in a box was 60.8% higher than for polystyrene box, and 74.0% higher than for expanded polystyrene box. The disadvantage of cardboard boxes is that they are not resistant to the impact of moisture as polystyrene boxes and in the case of an increase in box moisture due to storage in inappropriate conditions their mechanical resistance decreases.
Conference Paper
Reverberacijos trukmė yra viena svarbiausių patalpos akustinių savybių. Ilgas reverberacijos laikas patalpose neigiamai veikia kalbos supratimą, trukdo susikaupti ir t. t. Sumažinus aidėjimo laiką ne tik pagerinamos patalpos akustinės savybės, bet ir pagerinama žmogaus fizinė bei emocinė būsena. Augant vartojimui ir atliekų kiekiams, iškyla atliekų tvarkymo problema. Mus supa elektros įrenginiai, kurių, nors ir ilgai naudojamų iki jiems tampant atlieka, kiekiai nesustoja augti. Ši medžiaga gaminama iš neatsinaujinančių gamtos išteklių, todėl pakartotinis jų panaudojimas ir perdirbimas tampa dar svarbesnis. Tyrimo metu sukurtos skirtingų aukščių – 2 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm ir 10 cm konstrukcijos panaudojant dvigyslius (3,64×5,28 mm), trigyslius (6,42 mm) bei penkiagyslius (9,6 mm) tuščiavidurius kabelius. Išmatuota reverberacijos trukmė mažo tūrio aidėjimo kameroje su skirtingomis konstrukcijomis. Nustatyta aidėjimo trukmės priklausomybė nuo konstrukcijai pagaminti naudojamų kabelių skersmens ir ilgio. Rezultatai parodė, kad 10 cm konstrukcija iš 6,42 mm tuščiavidurių kabelių aukštuose dažniuose nuo 1000 Hz gali sumažinti aidėjimo laiką kameroje iki 48 %. Sukurtos konstrukcijos pagal garso sugerties koeficientus aS atitinka D/E garso sugerties klases.
Electro Acoustic free field measurements in ordinary rooms using gating techniques, Brüel & Kjaer, (Applications notes 1975) In memory to engineering Fernando von Reichenbach
  • Mфller Henning
  • Thomsen Carsten
MФller Henning and Thomsen Carsten, Electro Acoustic free field measurements in ordinary rooms using gating techniques, Brüel & Kjaer, (Applications notes 1975) In memory to engineering Fernando von Reichenbach.