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Ich bin der Musikant mit Laptop in der Hand!? Vom Einfluss technischer Innovationen auf den Produktionsprozess von elektronischer Musik. Ein Rückblick auf die Jahre 1997 bis 2007

  • THM - University of Applied Sciences


Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit steht die Suche nach Antworten auf die Frage, wie technische Innovationen den Produktionsprozess von elektronischer Musik in den Jahren 1997 bis 2007 beeinflusst haben. Dafür wurden im Jahr 2008 Entwickler von technischen Innovationen, Fachautoren, Künstler sowie Wissenschaftler aus dem Bereich der elektronischen Musik mit Hilfe von siebzehn problemzentrierten Interviews deutschlandweit befragt. Dies war mit dem Ziel verbunden, technische Innovationen in der Produktion von elektronischer Musik sowie deren Einfluss auf den Produktionsprozess im Sinne der Grounded Theory zu erkennen und zu systematisieren. Es zeigte sich, dass die zentralen Innovationen die Virtualisierung des Tonstudios sowie die digitale Vernetzung (Peer Production, Demokratisierung des Vertriebs, Reputationsökonomie, Verbindung von Angebot und Nachfrage) sind. Weiterhin bietet diese Arbeit eine systematische Differenzierung des Innovationsbegriffs sowie einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der elektronischen Musik von ihren Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart. This work explores how technical innovations influenced the production process of electronic music in the decade 1997 to 2007. In a survey seeking answers to this question in 2008, seventeen problem-focused interviews were conducted with developers of technical innovations, expert authors, performers, academics and researchers from the field of electronic music. Along the lines of grounded theory, this investigation also served the objective of identifying and systematising technical innovations in electronic music production and their influence on the production process. It became apparent that the key innovations were virtualising of recording studios (native processing) and digital networking (peer production, democratisation of marketing and distribution, reputation economy, linking supply and demand). The study also systematically refines the concept of innovation and provides an overview of the development of electronic music from its beginnings right up to the present.
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... For a definition and systematisation of the concept of innovation see Kondrat'ev & Oparin, 1928; Schumpeter, 1939; Rogers, 1962; Christensen, 1997; Moore, 2005; Vogt, 2011 2 See e.g. the communication chain composer-public (Meyer-Eppler, 1955, p. 136) and the modularised production model (Grau & Hess, 2007, p. 32) a (data)base for this. A first step in this direction was taken in the study by Vogt (2011). This focuses on the search for answers to the question of how technical innovations influenced the production process of electronic music 3 in the years 1997 to 2007. ...
... This paper focused on selected results of the study by Vogt (2011) seeking answers to the question of how technical innovations influenced the production process of electronic music in the years 1997 to 2007. The aim was to identify and systematise technical innovations in the production of electronic music and their influence on the production process. ...
Conference Paper
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This study explores how technical innovations influenced the production process of electronic music in the decade 1997 to 2007. In a survey seeking answers to this question in 2008, seventeen problem-focused interviews were conducted with developers of technical innovations, expert authors, performers, academics and researchers from the field of electronic music. Along the lines of grounded theory, this investigation also served the objective of identifying and systematising technical innovations in electronic music production and their influence on the production process. It became apparent that the key innovations were virtualising of recording studios (native processing) and digital networking (including peer production, democratising of distribution, linking of supply and demand).
... ''Live Nation, Universal Music Group Launch Partnership: Management, Ticketing, More '', September 19, 2011'', September 19, (retrieved 2011. 71 For a detailed description see Vogt (2011). (Garnier and Brun-Lambert 2005). ...
... Faktormenge (Schumpeter, 1961, S. 94 Dabei bildet Vogt (2011) auch das Innovationsverständnis von Schumpeter anschaulich anhand folgender Graphik ab. ...
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The thesis deals with the reasons for the observed discrepancy in the innovation capacity of the two economically liberal and democratic middle-income countries Chile and Mexico. Thereby the focal point are the institutional circumstances for the governance of the desired and beneficial knowledge transfer between universities and or research institutes and private companies. On the basis of empirical work like document research and qualitative interviews the hypothesis of the superiority of a network structured governance vis-à-vis a hierarchically structured governance is investigated. Moreover this empirical analyses is controlled by potentially alternative reasons for the observed discrepancy. Finally conclusions can be drawn for the design of innovation systems, which partly leave the focus of middle-income countries and which refer also to aspects like economic structure and enterprise culture.
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