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arXiv:q-bio/0409037v1 [q-bio.OT] 30 Sep 2004
The dissipative brain
Giuseppe Vitiello
Dipartimento di Fisica “E.R.Caianiello”, Univer sit`a di Salerno,
and INFM, Sezione di Salerno, 84100 Salerno, I taly
I review the dissipative quantum m odel of brain and discuss its recent developments
related with the rˆole of entanglement, quantum noise and chaos. Some comments on con-
sciousness in the frame of the dissipative model are also presented. Dissipation seems to
account for the medial character of consciousness, for its being in the present (the Now),
its un-dividable unity, its intrinsic subjectivity (autonomy). Finally, essential features of a
conscious artificial device, if ever one can construct it, are briefly comm ented upon, also in
relation to a device able to exhibit mistakes in its b eh avior. The name I give to such a
hypothetical device is Spartacus.
1 Introduction
I have been always attracted by the unitary conception of knowledge, which is ever present
in some streams of our cultural inheritance. Perhaps, one of the most vivid expressions of
such a comprehensive view of the world has been provided by Titus Lucretius Carus in his
De rerum natura. There are no territories forbidden to our search and there are no separate
domains of knowledge,
”...we must not only give a correct account of celestial
matter, explaining in what way the wandering of the sun
and moon occur and by what power things happen on earth.
We must also take special care and employ keen reasoning
to see where the soul and the nature of the mind come f rom,...”
(Titus Lu cretius Carus, 99–55 B.C).
Therefore, searching in territories not traditionally explored by physicists should not
require special justifications.
In this paper I would like to review br iefly the extension of the quantum model of the brain
to the dissipative dynamics. For sake of brevity, I will mostly present results rather than their
derivations. The interested reader may find formal details in the quoted literatur e. I will
comment on consciousness in the dissipative model frame and finally I will briefly discuss the
essential features which an artificial conscious device should have, if ever it will be possible
to construct it, and its relation with a device able to exhibit mistakes in its behavior.
The extension of the quantum model to the dissipative dynamics is required in order to
solve the overprinting problem, n amely the fact that in the Ricciardi and Umezawa model
(Ricciardi and Umezawa, 1967) the memory capacity is extremely small: any successive
memory printing overwrites on the previously record ed memory.
The proposed solution (Vitiello, 1995) relies on two facts. One is that the brain is a
system permanently coupled with th e environment (an “open” or “dissipative” system). The
other one is a cru cial property of quantum field theory (QFT), i.e. the existence of infinitely
many states of minimal energy, the so called vacuum states or ground s tates. On each of
these vacua there can be built a full set (a space) of other states of nonzero energy. We have
thus infi nitely many state spaces, which, in technical words, are called “representations of the
canonical commutation relations”. I will refer to the collection of all these spaces or repre-
sentations as the “memory space”. The vacuum of each of these spaces is characterized by a
specific ordering and is identified by its code, which is the value of the “order parameter”, the
macroscopic observable characterizing indeed the ordering present in th at vacuum. Vacua (or
the corresponding spaces) identified by different codes are “distinct” vacua in the sense that
one of them cannot be r ed uced (transformed) into another one of them. In technical words,
they are “unitary inequivalent vacua” (or unitary inequ ivalent sp aces or representations).
In the d issipative quantum model of brain the vacuum code is taken to be the memory
co de. A given memory is represented by a given degree of ordering. A huge number of
memory records can be thus stored, each one in a vacuum of given code. In the original
model by Ricciardi and Umezawa only one vacuum is available for memory printing. In the
dissipative model all the vacua are available for memory printing.
2 Broken symmetry and order
In the quantum model a cru cial rˆole is played by the mech anism of ”the spontaneou s break-
down of symmetry” by w hich the invariance (the sy mmetry) of the field equations manifests
itself into ordered patterns in the vacuum state. The symmetry is said to be broken since
the vacuum state does not possess the full symmetry of the field equations (the d y namics).
The “order” is indeed such a “lack of symmetry”.
One can show that when symmetry is broken the invariance of the field equations implies
the existence of quanta, the so called Nambu-Goldstone (NG) quanta, which, propagating
through the whole system volume, are the carrier of the ordering information, they are the
long range correlation modes: in the crystal, for example, the ordering information is the one
specifying the lattice arrangement.
The presence (the condensation) in the vacuum state of NG quanta thus describes the
ordering. When ordering is achieved, each of the elementary components of the system is
“trapped” in a specific space-time behavior (e.g. a specific space position, a specific oscillation
mode, etc.). Ordering implies thus the freezing of some of the degrees of freedom of the
elementary components. Or, in other words , their coherent motion or behavior. It is such
a coherent, collective behavior that macroscopically manifests itself as the ordered pattern:
the microscopic quantum behavior thus provides macroscopic (collective) properties. We
have a “change of scale”, from microscopic to macroscopic, and the ordered state is called
a macroscopic quantum state. NG quanta are therefore also called collective modes. In the
dissipative model of brain these NG quanta are called “dipole wave quanta” (dwq) since they
originate from the breakdown of the electrical dipole rotational symmetry (Vitiello, 1995; Del
Giudice et al., 1985, 1986; Jibu and Yasue, 1995).
In order for the NG qu anta to be able to span the full system volume and thus set up
the ordered pattern, their mass has to be zero (or quasi–zero in realistic conditions of finite
system sizes). In their lowest momentum state NG quanta thus do not carry energy. For this
reason, the vacuum state where even a very large number of them is condensed is a state of
minimal energy. This guaranties the stability of the ordered vacuum, namely of the memory
record in the quantum model of brain.
Incidentally, I observe that in this model the variables are basic quantum field vari-
ables (the electrical dipole field). In the quantum model “we do not intend”, Ricciardi and
Umezawa say “to consider necessarily the neurons as the fundamental units of the brain”.
Moreover, Stuart, Takahashi and Umezawa (1978) have also remarked that “it is difficult to
consider neurons as quantum objects”.
In principle, any of the ordered patterns compatible with the invariance of the field equa-
tions can be realized in the process of symmetry breaking. This is why symmetry breaking is
said to be “spontaneous”. The point is that the ordered pattern which is actually realized is
the output of the system inner dynamics. The process of s ymmetry breaking is triggered by
some external input; the “choice” of the specific symmetry pattern which is actually realized
is, on the contrary, “internal” to system. Therefore one speaks of self- organizing dynamics:
ordering is an inner (spontaneous, indeed) dynamical process. This featu re of spontaneous
symmetry breaking is common to solid state physics and high energy physics, and it is of
particular interest when modelling the brain: in the brain, contrary to the computer case,
ordering is not imported from the outside, it is the outgrowth of an “internal” dynamical
process of the system.
The generation of ordered, coherent patterns is thus the dynamical result of the system
elementary component interactions.
3 The brain is a dissipative system
In th e quantum model of brain a specific memory is asso ciated to a specific d egree of ordering
(a specific value of the vacuum code). The overprinting problem then reduces to the problem
of making available all possible vacua, or, in other words, to attach a specific label (the code
value) to a given vacuum under the trigger of a specific external input.
On the oth er hand, it is evident that in its continual interaction with the environment
the brain’s time evolution is irrever s ible, i.e., technically speaking, it is non–unitary. Getting
information from the outside world, which is a feature characterizing the brain, makes the
brain dyn amics intrinsically irreversible. I have elsewhere depicted such a situation by men-
tioning the way of saying ...Now you know it!..., which indeed means that once one gets some
information, he/she is never more the same person as before. Getting information introduces
the Now in our experience, or, in different words, the feeling of the past and of the future,
of the arrow of time pointing forward in time. Without getting information there would be
neither forward nor backward in time. However, we cannot avoid getting in formation, being
opened on the world (including our inner world, ourself). The brain is an open, dissipative
system. The brain closed on the world is a dead brain, physiology tells us. Isolation of the
brain (closure to the world) produces serious pathologies. Thus, the extension of the qu antum
model of brain to the dissipative dynamics appears to be a necessity (Vitiello, 1995).
Then, the mathematical formalism for quantum dissipation (Celeghini, Rasetti and Vi-
tiello, 1992) requires the doubling of the brain degrees of freedom. The doubled degrees of
freedom, say
A (the tilde quanta; the non–tilde quanta A denoting the brain degrees of free-
dom), are meant to represent the environment to which the brain is coupled. The physical
meaning of th e doubling is the one of ensuring the balance of the energy flux between the
system and the environm ent.
The environment thus represented by the doubled degrees of freedom appears described
as the “time–reversed copy” (the Double) of the brain. The environment is “modelled” on
the brain. Time–reversed since the energy flux outgoing from the brain is incomin g into th e
environment, and vice versa.
In addition, the quantum dissipation formalism implies that the full operator describing
the system time evolution includes the operator describing the coupling between the non–
tilde and the tilde quanta. At the s ame time, such a coupling term acts as the mathematical
tool to attach the label to the vacua (and thus to distinguish among different memories).
This label is time–dependent: the system states are thus time–dependent states.
In this new light, the time evolu tion operator is readily recognized to be the “free energy”
operator, not just the Hamiltonian operator, as it would be in the absence of dissipation.
The free energy operator is made indeed by the Hamiltonian operator, which controls the
reversible (unitary) part of time evolution, plus the non–tilde/tilde coupling term, which is
recognized to be proportional to the entropy operator and controls indeed the non-unitary,
irreversible part of time evolution. In a thermodynamical language this last term describes
the heat term in the system energy.
The doubling of the degrees of freedom in the dissipative model thus arises as a conse-
quence of the irreversible time evolution.
Once th ermal aspects in the dissipative model have been also recognized, the memory
state is found (Vitiello, 1995) to be a non–eq uilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics (TFD) state.
TFD is the QFT formalism for thermal systems introduced by Takahashi and Umezawa
(Takahashi and Umezawa, 1975; Umezawa, 1993) which provides an explicit representation
of the so called Gelfand–Naimark–Segal (GNS) construction in the C
–algebra formalism
(Ojima, 1981). TFD was not devised for the study of the brain, but for the study of solid
state physics, to which it has been successfully applied.
In equilibrium TFD the system time evolution is fully controlled by the Hamilton ian.
The operator necessary to attach the label to the thermal states (the label is temperature
in that case) is not a term of the time evolution operator (as, on the contrary, in the dissi-
pative model). Non-equilibrium transitions (non-unitary time evolution) in thermal systems
have been considered later on in the time-dependent TFD formalism (Umezawa, 1993; and
references therein quoted). The n on–equilibriu m character of the brain dynamics makes the
dissipative mod el substantially different from equilibrium TFD.
One can show that the dynamics now includes, when the system volume is large but
finite, the possibility of tran s itions through inequivalent (labelled by different codes) vacua:
in this way, at once, familiar phenomena such as memory associations, memory confusion,
even the possibility to forget some memories, or else difficulties in recovering memory, are
described by the dissipative model. The dissipative character of th e dynamics thus accounts
for many features of the brain behavior and for its huge memory capacity: now, indeed,
all the differently coded vacua become accessible to the memory printing p rocess. T heir
unitary inequivalence at large volume guaranties protection from overprinting, not excluding,
however, due to realistic boundary effects, the processes of association, confusion, etc. just
The general scheme of the dissipative quantum model can be summarized as follows.
The starting point is that the brain is permanently coupled to the environment. Of course,
the specific details of such a coupling may be very intricate and changeab le so that they
are difficult to be measured and known. One possible strategy is to average the effects of
the coupling and represent them, at some degree of accuracy, by means of some “effective”
interaction. Another possibility is to take into account the environmental influence on the
brain by a s uitable choice of the brain vacuum state. Such a choice is triggered by the
external input (breakdown of the s ymmetry), and it actually is the en d point of the internal
(spontaneous) dynamical process of the brain (self-organization). The chosen vacuum thus
carries the signature (memory) of the reciprocal brain–environment influence at a given time
under given boundary conditions. A change in the brain–environment reciprocal influence
then would correspond to a change in the choice of the brain vacuum: the brain state evolution
or “story” is thus the story of the trad e of the brain with the surrounding world. T he theory
should then provide the equations describing the brain evolution “through the vacua”, each
vacuum for each instant of time of its history.
The br ain evolution is thus similar to a time–ordered sequence of photograms: each
photogram represents the “picture” of the brain at a given instant of time. Puttin g together
these ph otograms in “temporal order” one gets a movie, i.e. the story (the evolution) of open
brain, which includes the brain–environment interaction effects.
The evolution of a m emory specified by a given code value, say N , can be then represented
as a trajectory of given initial condition running over time–dependent vacumm states, denoted
by |0(t) >
, each one minimizing the free energy functional (Pessa and Vitiello, 2003a, 2003b;
Vitiello, 2003). These trajectories are known (Manka, Kuczynski and Vitiello, 1986; Del
Giudice et al., 1988, Vitiello, 2003) to be classical trajectories in the infinite volume limit:
transition from one representation to another inequivalent one would be strictly forbidden in
a quantum dynamics.
4 Entanglement, chaos and coherence
Since we have now two–modes (i.e. non–tilde and tilde modes), the memory state |0(t) >
turns out to be a two-mode coherent state. This is known (Perelomov, 1986; Vitiello 2003;
Pessa and Vitiello, 2003a, 2003b) to be an entangled state, i.e. it cannot be factorized into
two single–mode states, the non–tilde and the tilde one. The physical meaning of su ch an
entanglement between non-tilde and tilde modes is in the fact that the brain dynamics is per-
manently a dissipative dynamics. The entanglement, which is an unavoidable mathematical
result of dissipation, represents the impossibility of cutting the links between the brain and
the external world.
I remark that the entanglement is permanent in the large volume limit. Due to boundary
effects, however, a unitary transformation could disentangle the tilde and non–tilde sectors:
this may result in a pathological state for the brain. It is known that forced isolation of a
subject produces pathological states of various kinds.
I also observe that the tilde mode is not just a mathematical fiction. It corresponds to
a real excitation mode (quasiparticle) of the brain arising as an effect of its interaction with
the environment: the couples of non–tilde/tilde dwq quanta represent the correlation modes
dynamically created in the b rain as a response to the brain–environment reciprocal influence.
It is the interaction between tilde an d non–tilde modes that controls the irreversible time
evolution of the brain: these collective modes are confined to live in the brain. They vanish
as soon as the links between the brain and the environ ment are cut.
Here, it is interesting to recall (Vitiello, 1998, 2001) that structure and function constitute
an un–dividable unity in the frame of QFT: the dwq quanta are at the same time structure
(they are real particles confined to live inside the system) and function, since they are the
collective, macroscopic correlations characterizing the brain functioning.
The structure/function unity in the dissipative model thus accounts for the observed
strong “reciprocal dependence” existing between the f ormation of neuronal correlates and nets
and the f unctional activity of the brain, including the brain’s plasticity and adaptiveness. The
dissipative model implies that the insurgence of some structur al (physiological) pathologies of
the brain may be caused by the redu ction and/or inhibition of its f unctions due to externally
imposed constraints in some severe conditions.
As mentioned, transitions among unitary inequivalent vacua may occur (phase transitions)
for large but finite volume, due to coup ling with the environment. Due to dissip ation the brain
appears as “living over many vacuum states” (continuously undergoing phase transitions).
Even very weak (although above a certain threshold) perturbations may drive the system
through its macroscopic configurations. In this way, occasional (random) weak perturbations
play an important rˆole in the complex behavior of the brain activity. In a recent paper
(Pessa and Vitiello, 2003a, 2003b) the tilde modes have been sh own to be strictly related to
the quantum noise in the fluctuating random forces coupling the brain with the environment.
It has been also found (Pessa and Vitiello, 2003a, 2003b) that, under convenient condi-
tions, in the infinite volume limit, trajectories over the memory space are classical chaotic
trajectories (Hilborn, 1994), namely: i) they are bounded and each trajectory does not
intersect itself (trajectories are not periodic); ii) there are no intersections between trajecto-
ries specified by different initial conditions; iii) trajectories of different in itial conditions are
diverging trajectories.
In this connection, it is interesting to mention that some experimental observations by
Freeman (1990, 1996, 2000) show that noisy fluctuations at the neuronal level may have a
stabilizing effect on br ain activity, noise preventing to fall into some unwanted state (attrac-
tor) and being an essential ingredient for the neural chaotic perceptual apparatus (especially
in neural aggregates of the olfactory system of laboratory animals).
In the dissip ative model noise and chaos turn out to be natural ingredients of the model.
In particular, in the infinite volume limit the chaotic behavior of the trajectories in memory
space may account for the high perceptive resolution in the recognition of the perceptual
inputs. Indeed, small differences in the codes associated to external inputs may lead to
diverging differences in the corresponding memory paths. On the other side, it also happens
that codes differing only in a finite number of their components (in the momentum space) may
easily be recognized as being the “same” code, which makes possible that “almost similar”
inputs are recognized by the brain as “equal” inputs (as in pattern recognition).
Summarizing, the brain may be viewed as a complex system with (infinitely) many macro-
scopic configurations (the memory states). Dissipation is recognized to be the root of such a
The brain’s many stru ctural and dynamical levels (the basic level of coherent condensa-
tion of dwq, the cellular cytoskeleton level, the neuronal dendr itic level, and so on) coexist,
interact among themselves and influence each other’s functioning. The crucial point is that
the different levels of organization are not simply structural features of the brain; their recip-
rocal interaction and their evolution is intrinsically related to the basic quantum dissipative
On the other hand, the brain’s functional stability is ensured by the system’s “coherent
response” to the multiplicity of external stimuli. Thus dissipation also seems to suggest a
solution to the so called binding problem, namely the understanding of the unitary response
and behavior of apparently separated units and p hysiological structures of the brain. In this
connection see also the holonomic theory by P ribram (1971, 1991).
The coherence properties of the memory states also explain how memory remains stable
and well protected within a highly excited s y s tem, as indeed the brain is. Such a “stability”
is realized in spite of the permanent electrochemical activity and the continual response to
external stimulation. The electrochemical activity must also, of course, be coupled to the
correlation modes which are triggered by external stimuli. It is indeed the electrochemical
activity observed by neurophysiology that provides a first response to external stimuli.
This has suggested (Stuart, Takahashi and Umezawa, 1978, 1979) to model the memory
mechanism as a separate mech anism f rom the electrochemical processes of neuro-synaptic
dynamics: the brain is then a “mixed” system involving two separate but interacting levels.
The memory level is a quantum dynamical level, the electroch emical activity is at a classical
level. The interaction between the two dynamical levels is possible because the m emory state
is a macroscopic quantum state due, indeed, to the coherence of the correlation modes. The
coupling between the quantum dynamical level an d the classical electrochemical level is then
the coupling between two macroscopic entities. This is analogous to the coupling between
classical acoustic waves and ph onon s in crystals (phonons are the crystal NG quanta). Such
a coupling is possible since the macroscopic behavior of the crystal “resides” in the phonon
modes, so that the coupling acoustic–waves/phonon is nothing but the coupling acoustic–
Finally, let m e observe that, considering time–dep en dent frequency for the dwq, modes
with higher momentum are found to possess longer life–time. Since the momentum is propor-
tional to the reciprocal of the distance over which the mode can propagate, this means that
modes with shorter range of propagation will s urvive longer. On the contrary, mo des with
longer range of propagation will decay sooner. Th is mechanism may produce the formation
of ordered domains of finite different sizes with different degree of stability: smaller domains
would be the more stable ones. Thus we arrive at the dynamic formation of a hierarchy
(according to their life–time or equivalently to their sizes) of ordered domains (Alfinito and
Vitiello, 2000). On the other hand, since any value of the momentu m is in principle allowed
to the dwq, we also see that a scaling law is present in the domain formation (any domain
size is possible in view of the momentum/size relation).
5 The trade with the Double: a route to consciousness?
We have seen that the tilde modes are a r ep resentation of the environ ment “modelled” on the
(non–tilde) system: they constitute the time–reversed copy of it. And, we h ave seen, they
are “necessary”, they cannot be eliminated from the game. The mathematical operation of
doubling the system degrees of freedom, required by dissipation, thus turns out to produce
the system’s Double. I have then suggested that consciousness mechanism s might be involved
in the continual “trade” (interaction) between the non-tilde and the tilde modes (Vitiello,
1995, 2001).
Here I would be tempted to say: trade “between the subject and his Double”. However,
the word “subject” may be evocative of rich but intricate philosophical scenarios, which here
are absolutely out of my considerations. I have experienced indeed th at using in a simple
minded way that word in connection with the brain (as I did in my book (Vitiello, 2001))
may be highly misleading, pushin g the reader far from the much more modest, but concrete,
mathematical and physical features of the dissipative model.
My attention is rather on the dynamics, the “inter–action”, the trade, the “between”
(as Gordon Globus (2003) would say), l’“entre–deux” (as Nadia Prete (2003) would prefer).
The use of the word “subject” could instead evoke th e idea of something, the “one” (the
non–tilde), pre-existing the relation with the other “one”, his Double (tilde). However, this
would correspond neither to the physics, nor to the mathematics, both of which are my fixed
starting points.
The physics of the problem is, technically speaking, a non–perturbative physics, the one
of the open systems, and it can be show n that in such a case the system–environment “inter–
action” cannot be switched off (Celeghini, Rasetti and Vitiello, 1992). This means th at we
cannot even think of the system depr ived of its physical essence which is its openness (even
the physiology tells us that an isolated brain is a dead brain; namely, if “closed”, it does
not exist as a brain). The physics does not allow the existence of the “one” (non–tilde)
independently of the existence of the “other one” (tilde), and vice versa.
The mathematics, on the other hand, imposes a strong limit on the description (the
“language”) we have to use for a quantu m dissipative system: we cannot avoid starting from
two reciprocal (in the mirror of time) images. This “un–divided two”, mathematics tells us,
is more elementary than “the one”. T he non–tilde one “cannot” b e th e subject.
The temptation could be to think that the Double is the subject. But this simply means
being captured by the Narcissus self-mirroring fatal trap (Vitiello, 2001): it is equivalent
to think of the brain as the subject, and vice versa in an endless loop. The Double is not
trivially the system image. It is the environment representation modelled on the system. The
Double cannot be the subject.
Tilde and non–tilde cannot individually pre–exist prior to their being each other’s images,
an “un-dividable two”. They are actors forced (without alternative choice) to be on the stage.
The “one”, the subject, is the action, the p lay, their entre–deux. This is the meaning of the
entanglement: the entangled state cannot be factorized (is un-dividable) into two single-mode
states. Non–tilde and tilde modes s hare a common, entangled vacuum at each instant of time.
In some sense, here we face the root of the (ontological) prejudice that some “being”
might exist as a “closed”, i.e. non–interacting, system, and therefore, capable to exist by
itself, independently of the existence of any other system, complete in its own individuality
(Vitiello, 1997, 2001). If so, it m ight also happen that such a system could be, in absolute,
the only existent system (“being”).
Such a prejudice seems to be intrinsic to our same language, where any action presup-
poses pre–existing actors having the possibility of being fully non–interacting, and thus each
one independently existing from the other one (fully disentangled) before the action started.
Notable exceptions (Stamenov, 2001) might be those actions, such as to exchange, to trade,
indeed, which exclude the separate (disentangled) pre–existence of the actors: to be possible
that such actions could occur, the joint existence of (at least) a couple of actors is necessary
(even if not sufficient, of course). Thus, those actions are special ones in that they pr esup-
pose entangled existences of the actors. Each one of th ese cannot exist by h imself. And also,
actors cannot be separated f rom their action and vice versa. Without exchange there are no
exchangers, and vice versa. Such a situation also reminds me of the rheomode language of
Bohm, whose structure is aimed to allow “the verb rather than the noun to play a primary
role” (Bohm, 1980; cf. Stamenov, 2003 for a discussion on Bohm’s r heomode language).
The unavoidable dialog with the Double is the continual, changeable and reciprocal (non-
linear) interaction with the environment. If the consciousness phenomenon basically resides
in such a permanent dialog, one of its characterizations seems to be the relational (medial)
one, which agrees with Desideri’s standpoint (Desideri, 2003). C onsciousness seems thus to be
rooted and diffused in the large brain–environment world, in the dissip ative brain dynamics.
There is no conflict between th e subjectiveness of the first person experience of consciousness
and the objectiveness of the external world
. Without s uch an objectiveness there would be
no p ossib ility of “openness” (openness on what?), no dissipation out of which consciousness
could arise. Objectiveness of the external world is the primary, necessary condition for
consciousness to exist.
On the other hand, the question Desideri poses, n amely “wh ether it is possible to reverse
also the relationship between structure and function and then if it is possible to consider brain
as a function of consciousness”(Desideri, 2003) also finds a positive answer in the dissipative
quantum model. The answer is positive in a true physical sense, since the brain cannot avoid
to be an active/passive system, and p romoting or inhibiting its activity (summing up in the
consciousness) would produce the creation or destruction, respectively, of stru ctur al f eatures
of the brain, such as, e.g., long range correlations, pattern structures. As observed in Section
4, the different levels of organization are not simply structural f eatures of the brain, th eir
reciprocal interaction and their evolution is intrinsically related to the brain–environment
entanglement, namely to that medial “one” which is the dialog with the Double. In this
sense, the adaptiveness, the plasticity of the br ain is the function of consciousness.
It is also interesting to observe that the dialog with the Double is “evolutive” and never
repeats itself in the same form: from one side, it carries the memory, the story of the past;
from the other side, the permanent openness on the world implies its continual u pdatin g.
Although it might sound philosophically unpleasant, I adopt the physicist’s working hypothesis that the
external world is objectively existing. In rough words, this amounts to adopt the working hypothesis that
we do exchange energy with some other system. For example, we do need to eat. Without eating we cannot
think. Of course, this does not mean that thinking is less important than eating, but simply that neglecting
to eat leads to weak (or null) thinking.
Recurrent resolutions into ”new synthesis” of the non–tilde/tilde reciprocal presence are
thus reached. The mentioned process of minimizing the free energy, namely of reaching the
equilibrium between the numbers of non–tilde and tilde modes, is indeed the process by which
such synthesis are recurrently reached by permanently tuning the constantly renewed brain–
environment ”relation”. The actors are never engaged in a boring reply. And such a truly
dialectic relation with the Double is inserted in the unidirectional flow of time, it is itself a
“witness” of the flow of time. This depends on the fact that its mathematical description is
provided by the coupling term in the time evolution operator and this is proportional to the
entropy operator. It is possible to talk of unidirec tional flow of time because time–reversal
symmetry is broken due to dissipation (cf. also the beginning of Section 2). Then, the time
axis gets d ivided by a singular point: the origin, which divides the past from the future. The
singularity of this point consists in the fact that it cannot be translated, it is the Now.
Without dissipation, any point, any time, can be arbitrarily taken to be the origin of
the time axis, which means that the origin (and any other point on the time axis) can be
freely translated without inducing any observable change in the system (time translational
invariance): thus there is no singular origin of the time. There is no Now. All the origins are
alike. There is n o a true origin.
In the absence of dissipation, we could say that time, in its flowing, swallows those
fictitious Nows we might assign as (non-singular) origins on its axis, as Kρ´oνoς eats his sons.
This destructive property of time (oblivion) is, paradoxically, eluded, avoided by dissipation:
dissipation introduces a life–time, a time scale which carr ies the memory of “when” (the
origin) the dissipative system “has started”. From the observation of a (radiative) decay
process (typically with carbon fourteen) we “can trace back” the time, reach the origin and
say “how old” is the object we are interested in. So we know where the true, non–forgettable
origin (the truth ), not a fictitious, false one easily eaten by Kρ´oνoς, sits on the time axis.
Memory (non–oblivion ) and truth are the same thing, which the ancient Greeks denoted,
indeed, with the same word, αλ´ηθǫια (Tagliagambe, 1995; Vitiello, 1997, 2001).
The Now is that point on the time–mirror where the non–tilde and the tilde, reciprocal
time–revers ed images, join together, in the present (Vitiello, 1997, 2001). The non–tilde
unveils its Double and they conjugate in a circular (n on–linear) recognition, each being “ex-
posed” to the other’s eyes. Perhaps this is intuition, the instantaneous apprehension (Webster
Dictionary, 1968) of the “between”. Literally, intueri is such a looking inside “without the
conscious use of reasoning” (Webster Dictionary, 1968), an immediate, out of time, not in
the past, not in the future, act of unconscious knowledge, an “unknowable act” (Plotnit-
sky, 2002) of knowledge. An act which repeats itself continuously, not trans lating the Now
(dissipation forbids it!), but re–creating another independent, but equally true, Now, in an
endless, d en s e sequence of Nows, all different, singular origins of different paths in the future,
all starting points of chaotic memory paths in the memory space, which then we recognize as
the “identity” or the “self” space. Identity, dynamically living in the memory sp ace through
the dissipative Nows, thus escapes the destructive fury of Kρ´oνoς.
Perhaps, in these Nows is realized the primary property of consciousness, the one of
self–questioning (Desideri, 2003), i.e. the unveiling the Double, and the ph otographer’s “sur-
prise”...“when at the precise instant an image suddenly stands out and the eye stops” forcing
“the time to stop his course” (Prete, 2003): “and suddenly, all at once, the veil is torn away,
I have unders tood, I have seen”(Sartre, 1990; see also the related discussion by Prete, 2003).
Unveiling the Double is th en to see and to be seen, the συνǫιδ ´ως, the being conscious of
the ancient Greeks, which literally is to “see together”, indeed; or, as in the lifting the veil
in the Prete’s photobjects, “ more pr ecisely, to have a perception of this togetherness as a
whole and to understand that it was made of two images in strong relation” (Prete, 2003); or
else Bohm’s self-recursive mirroring loops of the spontaneous and unrestricted act of “lifting
into attention” (Bohm, 1980; Stamenov, 2003): συνǫιδ ´ως then comes to be confidants, secret
friends (Bandini, 2002), to be each other “witness”.
Such a sudden act of knowledge remains, however, an intuitive knowledge, an unum,
not susceptible to be “divided” into rational steps, thinkable but “non–computational”, not
“translatable” into a language (i.e. logical) frame, which would require its breaking up
(analysis) into linguistic fragments (cf. the traditional language fragmentation discuss ed in
Bhom, 1980, and the related discussion by Stamenov, 2003). (It is interesting that the ǫιδ ´ως
in the word συνǫιδ ´ως (being conscious) denotes the act of immediate vision; the word oρ´αω
is used instead for the act of lasting vision (Bonazzi, 1936)).
In conclusion, from the sequen ce of these acts inserted into the “objective” time flow
a sequence of independent, subjective Nows is generated, which constitute the multi–time
dimensions of the self, its own time space, the dynamic archive of chaotic trajectories in the
memory space which depicts its identity; that spring of time–lines through which the self can
move “freely”, apparently unconstrained by the external time–ordering.
Without such an internal freedom there could be neither the “pleasure” of the perception
(the α´ισθη σις), the aesthetical dimension, that erotic charge of the unveiling, which continu-
ously renews itself in the dialogic relation with the Double, nor the “active response” to the
world. Neither pleasure, nor intentionality could be allowed in a rigidly constrained system.
Active responses imply responsibility and thus they become moral, ethical responses through
which the self and its Double become part of the larger social dialog. Aesthetical pleasure
unavoidably implies disclosure, to manifest “signs”, artistic communication. An interper-
sonal, collective level of consciousness then arises, a larger stage where again the actors are
mutually depen dent, each one bounded (entangled) in his very existence (including any sort
of physical needs) to the other ones, simply non-existing without the others.
6 Doubts and mistakes. Toward the construction of an erratic
I finally observe that the strong influence of even slight changes in the initial conditions on
the memory paths (their chaotic behavior) leads us to consider the rˆole of the “doub t” in
consciousness mechanisms (Desideri, 1998). In this connection I will also very briefly comment
on a provocative proposal of mine: to construct an artificial device able to make “mistakes”,
namely able of taking a step, in its behavior, not logically consequent f rom the previous ones,
or not belonging to any pre–ordered chain of steps or events, an erratic step. For shortness,
and in a provision al way, I will refer to it as to the “erratic device”. Such a device is perhaps
in strict relation with an artificial conscious device (if ever it will be possible to construct an
artificial conscious device!).
My erratic device is not a machine “out of order”, n ot properly f unctioning. It cannot be
a machine at all, since a m achine, in the usual sense, is by definition (and by construction)
something which mu st work properly, in a str ictly predictive way, producing processes of
sequentially ordered steps according to some functional logic. Also, the erratic device is
not meant to be a device exhibiting chaotic behavior: the value (!) of the mistake is in
its infrequent occur rence, an exceptional “novelty” with respect to an otherwise “normal”
(correct) behavior.
But let me go b ack to the d issipative quantum model of brain. There, tilde modes
also account for the quantum noise in the fluctuating forces coupling the b rain with the
environment. The dialog with the Double lives therefore on a noisy background of quantum
fluctuations. “Listening” sometimes at su ch noisy background in the continual dialog (self–
questioning) might slightly perturb the initial conditions of the memory paths and manifest in
their drastic differences. This might be sometimes a welcome event, p ushing the brain activity
out of unwanted loops or fixations (attractors), (which also suggests a possible relation with
Freeman’s (1990, 1996, 2000) observations on neuronal noisy activity). Doubt might well be
such a kind of self–questioning in a noisy background, being tempted by new perspectives,
testing new standpoints by more or less slightly perturbing old certainties, leaving room for
erratic fluctuations, listening to them; in a word, allowing fuzziness in the initial conditions,
the starting assump tions of our travellin g in the memory space (our archive of certainties);
the consequences of the doubt will be then chaotically diverging trajectories in such a space.
Consciousness modes then acquire their uncertain (doubtful) predictability with their precious
unfaithfulness, their secret flavor of subjectivity, their full autonomy.
I suspect that the great privilege of being able of making mistakes fin ds its roots in these
consciousness features. And perhaps here is the bridge between the program of constructing
the erratic device and the one of constructing an artificial con scious device.
Perhaps, if ever it will be possible to construct a con s cious artificial device, it will not
be indeed a “machine”, i.e. its behavior cannot b e like a chain of logically predetermined
steps, it must be an artificial being taking upon itself the best of the human model: unpre-
dictably erratic, able to learn, but unfaithful, full of doubts, fully entangled to the wor ld, but
irreducibly free. We might name it Spartacus.
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