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The Roland De Witte 1991 Detection of Absolute Motion and Gravitational Waves


Abstract and Figures

In 1991 Roland De Witte carried out an experiment in Brussels in which variations in the one-way speed of RF waves through a coaxial cable were recorded over 178 days. The data from this experiment shows that De Witte had detected absolute motion of the earth through space, as had six earlier experiments, beginning with the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887. His results are in excellent agreement with the extensive data from the Miller 1925/26 detection of absolute motion using a gas-mode Michelson interferometer atop Mt.Wilson, California. The De Witte data reveals turbulence in the flow which amounted to the detection of gravitational waves. Similar effects were also seen by Miller, and by Torr and Kolen in their coaxial cable experiment. Here we bring together what is known about the De Witte experiment.
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arXiv:physics/0608205v1 [physics.gen-ph] 21 Aug 2006
The Roland De Witte 1991 Detection of Absolute Motion and
Gravitational Waves
Reginald T. Cahill
School of Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences, Flinders University,
Adelaide 5001, Australia
Published: Progress in Physics 3, 60-65, 2006.
In 1991 Roland De Witte carried out an experiment in Brussels in which varia-
tions in the one-way speed of RF waves through a coaxial cable were recorded
over 178 days. The data from this experiment shows that De Witte had
detected absolute motion of the earth through space, as had six earlier exper-
iments, beginning with the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887. His results
are in excellent agreement with the extensive data from the Miller 1925/26
detection of absolute motion using a gas-mode Michelson interferometer atop
Mt.Wilson, California. The De Witte data reveals turbulence in the flow which
amounted to the detection of gravitational waves. Similar effects were also seen
by Miller, and by Torr and Kolen in their coaxial cable experiment. Here we
bring together what is known about the De Witte experiment.
1 Introduction
Figure 1: Roland De Witte.
Ever since the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment [1] to detect absolute motion, that is motion relative
to space, by means of the anisotropy of the speed of light, physicists in the main have believed that such
absolute motion was unobservable, and even meaningless1. This was so after Einstein proposed as one of
his postulates for his Special Theory of Relativity that the speed of light was the same for all observers,
that it was necessarily isotropic. This was despite the fact that the Michelson-Morley experiment did
observe fringe shifts of the form indicative of such an anisotropy. The whole issue has been one of great
1The older terminology was that of detecting motion relative to an ether that was embedded in a geometrical space.
However the more modern understanding does away with both the ether and a geometrical space, and uses a structured
dynamical 3-space, as in [9, 10].
confusion over the last 100 years or so. This confusion arose from deep misunderstandings of the theoretical
structure of Special Relativity, but also because ongoing detections of the anisotropy of the speed of light
were treated with contempt, rather than being rationally discussed. The intrinsic problem all along has
been that the observed anisotropy of the speed of light also affects the very apparatus being used to
measure the anisotropy. In particular the Lorentz-Fitzgerald length contraction effect must be included in
the analysis of the interferometer when the calibration constant for the device is calculated. The calibration
constant determines what value of the speed of light anisotropy is to be determined from an observed
fringe shift as the apparatus is rotated. Only in 2002 was it discovered that the calibration constant is
very much smaller than had been assumed [2, 3], and that the observed fringe shifts corresponded to a
speed in excess of 0.1% of the speed of light. That discovery showed that the presence of a gas in the
light path is essential if the interferometer is to act as a detector of absolute motion, and that a vacuum
operated interferometer is totally incapable of detecting absolute motion. That physics has suppressed
this effect for over 100 years is a major indictment of physics. There have been in all seven detections
of such anisotropy, with five being Michelson interferometer experiments [1, 4, 5, 6, 7], and two being
one-way RF coaxial cable propagation time experiments, see [9, 10] for extensive discussion and analysis
of the experimental data. The most thorough interferometer experiment was by Miller in 1925/26. He
accumulated sufficient data that in conjunction with the new calibration understanding, the velocity of
motion of the solar system could be determined2as (α= 5.2hr ,δ=670), with a speed of 420 ±30km/s.
This local (in the galactic sense) absolute motion is different from the Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) anisotropy determined motion, in the direction (α= 11.20hr , δ =7.220) with speed 369km/s;
this is motion relative to the source of the CMB, namely relative to the distant universe.
The first one-way coaxial cable speed-of-propagation experiment was performed at the Utah University
in 1981 by Torr and Kolen [8]. This involved two rubidium vapor clocks placed approximately 500m apart
with a 5 MHz sinewave RF signal propagating between the clocks via a buried nitrogen filled coaxial cable
maintained at a constant pressure of 2 psi. There is no reference to Miller’s result in the Torr and Kolen
paper. There is a projection of the absolute motion velocity onto the East-West cable and Torr and Kolen
did observe an effect in that, while the round speed time remained constant within 0.0001%c, variations
in the one-way travel time were observed. The maximum effect occurred, typically, at the times predicted
using the Miller velocity [9, 10]. So the results of this experiment are also in remarkable agreement with
the Miller direction, and the speed of 420 km/s. As well Torr and Kolen reported fluctuations in both the
magnitude, from 1 - 3 ns, and the time of maximum variations in travel time.
However during 1991 Roland De Witte performed the most extensive RF travel time experiment,
accumulating data over 178 days . His data is in complete agreement with the 1925/26 Miller experiment.
These two experiments will eventually be recognised as two of the most significant experiments in physics,
for independently and using different experimental techniques they detected the same velocity of absolute
motion. But also they detected turbulence in the flow of space past the earth; non other than gravitational
waves. Both Miller and De Witte have been repeatably attacked for their discoveries. Of course all seven
experiments indicate that the Einstein postulate regarding the anisotropy of the speed of light is falsified,
but that is not in conflict with the confirmed correctness of various so-called relativistic effects, rather it
indicates that these effects are to be understood as being caused by absolute motion of systems relative
to space, as suggested by Lorentz in the 19th century. So it turns out that the evidence from more than
100 years has been that Lorentz relativity is correct, and that the Einstein relativity is falsified. While
Miller was able to publish his results [4], and indeed the original data sheets were recently discovered at
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, De Witte was never permitted to publish his data in a
physics journal. The only source of his data was from a e-mail posted in 1998, and a web page that he had
established. This paper is offered as a resource so that De Witte’s extraordinary discoveries may be given
the attention and study that they demand, and that others may be motivated to repeat the experiment,
2There is a possibility that the direction is opposite to this direction
for that is the hallmark of science3.
2 The De Witte Experiment
In a 1991 research project within Belgacom, the Belgium telecommunications company, another (serendip-
itous) detection of absolute motion was performed. The study was undertaken by Roland De Witte. This
organisation had two sets of atomic clocks in two buildings in Brussels separated by 1.5 km and the
research project was an investigation of the task of synchronising these two clusters of atomic clocks.
To that end 5MHz radio frequency (RF) signals were sent in both directions through two buried coaxial
cables linking the two clusters. The atomic clocks were cesium beam atomic clocks, and there were three
in each cluster: A1, A2 and A3 in one cluster, and B1, B2, and B3 at the other cluster. In that way
the stability of the clocks could be established and monitored. One cluster was in a building on Rue du
Marais and the second cluster was due south in a building on Rue de la Paille. Digital phase comparators
were used to measure changes in times between clocks within the same cluster and also in the propagation
times of the RF signals. Time differences between clocks within the same cluster showed a linear phase
drift caused by the clocks not having exactly the same frequency, together with short term and long term
noise. However the long term drift was very linear and reproducible, and that drift could be allowed for
in analysing time differences in the propagation times between the clusters.
The atomic clocks (OSA 312) and the digital phase comparators (OS5560 ) were manufactured by
Oscilloquartz, Neuchtel, Switzerland. The phase comparators produce a change of 1 V for a phase
variation of 200 ns between the two input signals. At both locations the comparison between local clocks,
A1-A2 and A1-A3, and between B1-B2, B1-B3, yielded linear phase variations in agreement with the fact
that the clocks have not exactly the same frequencies due to the limited reproducible accuracy together
with a short term and long term phase noise (A.O. McCoubrey, Proc. of the IEEE, Vol 55, No 6, June,
1967, pp. 805-814 ). Even if the long term frequency instability were 2 ×1013 this is able to produce
a phase shift of 17 ns a day, but this instability was not often observed and the ouputs of the phase
comparators have shown that the local instability was typically only a few nanoseconds a day (5 ns)
between two local clocks.
But between distant clocks A1 toward B1 and B1 toward A1, in addition to the same linear phase
variations (but with identical positive and negative slopes, because if one is fast, the other is slow), there
is also an additional clear sinusoidal-like phase undulation (24 h period) of the order of 28 ns peak to
The possible instability of the coaxial lines cannot be responsible for the phase effects observed because
these signals are in phase opposition and also because the lines are identical (same place, length, tem-
perature, etc...) causing the cancellation of any such instabilities. As well the experiment was performed
over 178 days, making it possible to measure with accuracy (±25 s) the period of the phase signal to be
the sidereal day (23 h 56 min ), thus permitting to conclude that absolute motion had been detected in
contradiction with the Einsteinian “principle of relativity”, even with apparent turbulence.
According to the manufacturer of the clocks, the typical humidity sensitivity is df/f = 1014/%humidity,
so the effect observed between two distant clocks (24 ns in 12 h) needs, for example, a differential step
of variation of humidity of 55%, two times a day, over 178 days. So the humidity variations cannot be
responsible for the persistent periodic phase shift observed. As for pressure effects, the manufacturer
confirmed that no measurable frequency change during pressure variations around 760 mm Hg had been
observed. When temperature effects are considered, the typical sensitivity around room temperature is
df /f = 0.25 ×1013/0C and implies, for example, a differential step of room temperature variation of
240C, two times a day, over 178 days to produce the observed time variations. Moreover the room tem-
perature was maintained at nearly a constant around 200C by the thermostats of the buildings. So the
possible temperature variations of the clocks could not be responsible for the periodic phase shift observed
3The author has been developing and testing new techniques for doing one-way RF travel time experiments.
Figure 2: Variations in twice the one-way travel time, in ns, for an RF signal to travel 1.5 km through a buried
coaxial cable between Rue du Marais and Rue de la Paille, Brussels, by subtracting the Paille Street phase shift
data from the Marais Street phase shift data. An offset has been used such that the average is zero. The cable
has a North-South orientation, and the data is ±difference of the travel times for NS and SN propagation. The
sidereal time for maximum effect of 5hr (or 17hr) (indicated by vertical lines) agrees with the direction found
by Miller [4]. Plot shows data over 3 sidereal days and is plotted against sidereal time. The main effect is caused
by the rotation of the earth. The superimposed fluctuations are evidence of turbulence i.e gravitational waves.
Removing the earth induced rotation effect we obtain the first experimental data of the turbulent structure of
space, and is shown in Fig.3. De Witte performed this experiment over 178 days, and demonstrated that the effect
tracked sidereal time and not solar time, as shown in Fig.4
between distant clocks. As well the heat capacity of the housings of the clocks would even further smooth
out possible temperature variations. Finally, the typical magnetic sensitivity of df /f = 1.4×1013 /Gauss
needs, for example, differential steps of field induction of 4 Gauss variation, two times a day, over 178
days. But the terrestrial magnetic induction in Belgium is only in the order of 0.2 Gauss and thus its
variations are much less (except during a possible magnetic storm). As for possible parasitic variable DC
currents in the vicinity of the clocks, a 4 Gauss change needs a variation of 2000 amperes in a conductor
at 1 m, and thus can be excluded as a possible effect. So temperature, pressure, humidity and magnetic
induction effects on the frequencies of the clocks were thus completely negligible in the experiment.
Changes in propagation times were observed over 178 days from June 3 1991 7h 19m GMT to 27 Nov
19h 47m GMT and recorded. A sample of the data, plotted against sidereal time for just three days, is
shown in Fig.2. De Witte recognised that the data was evidence of absolute motion but he was unaware of
the Miller experiment and did not realise that the Right Ascension for minimum/maximum propagation
time agreed almost exactly with Miller’s direction (α= 5.2hr , δ =670). In fact De Witte expected
that the direction of absolute motion should have been in the CMB direction, but that would have given
the data a totally different sidereal time signature, namely the times for maximum/minimum would have
been shifted by 6 hrs. The declination of the velocity observed in this De Witte experiment cannot be
determined from the data as only three days of data are available. However assuming exactly the same
declination as Miller the speed observed by De Witte appears to be also in excellent agreement with the
Miller speed, which in turn is in agreement with that from the Michelson-Morley and other experiments.
Being 1st-order in v/c the Belgacom experiment is easily analysed to sufficient accuracy by ignoring
relativistic effects, which are 2nd-order in v/c. Let the projection of the absolute velocity vector vonto
the direction of the coaxial cable be vP. Then the phase comparators reveal the difference between the
Figure 3: Shows the speed uctuations, essentially ‘gravitational waves’ observed by De Witte in 1991 from the
measurement of variations in the RF coaxial-cable travel times. This data is obtained from that in Fig.2 after
removal of the dominant effect caused by the rotation of the earth. Ideally the velocity fluctuations are three-
dimensional, but the De Witte experiment had only one arm. This plot is suggestive of a fractal structure to the
velocity field. This is confirmed by the power law analysis shown in Fig.5. From [11].
propagation times in NS and SN directions. Consider a simple analysis to establish the magnitude of the
observed speed.
= 2 L
Here L= 1.5 km is the length of the coaxial cable, n= 1.5 is the assumed refractive index of the insulator
within the coaxial cable, so that the speed of the RF signals is approximately c/n = 200,000km/s, and
so t0=nL/c = 7.5×106sec is the one-way RF travel time when vP= 0. Then, for example, a value
of vP= 400km/s would give ∆t= 30ns. De Witte reported a speed of 500km/s. Because Brussels has a
latitude of 510N then for the Miller direction the projection effect is such that vPalmost varies from zero
to a maximum value of |v|. The De Witte data in Fig.2 shows ∆tplotted with a false zero, but shows a
variation of some 28 ns. So the De Witte data is in excellent agreement with the Miller’s data.
The actual days of the data in Fig.2 are not revealed by De Witte so a detailed analysis of the data
is not possible. If all of De Witte’s 178 days of data were available then a detailed analysis would be
De Witte does however reveal the sidereal time of the cross-over time, that is a ‘zero’ time in Fig.2, for
all 178 days of data. This is plotted in Fig.4 and demonstrates that the time variations are correlated with
sidereal time and not local solar time. A least squares best fit of a linear relation to that data gives that
the cross-over time is retarded, on average, by 3.92 minutes per solar day. This is to be compared with the
fact that a sidereal day is 3.93 minutes shorter than a solar day. So the effect is certainly galactic and not
associated with any daily thermal effects, which in any case would be very small as the cable is buried.
Miller had also compared his data against sidereal time and established the same property, namely that,
up to small diurnal effects identifiable with the earth’s orbital motion, the dominant features in the data
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Local Time days
Figure 4: Plot of the negative of the drift of the cross-over time between minimum and maximum travel-time
variation each day (at 10h±1hST) versus local solar time for some 178 days, from June 3 1991 7h 19m GMT
to 27 Nov 19h 47m GMT. The straight line plot is the least squares fit to the experimental data, giving an average
slope of 3.92 minutes/day. The time difference between a sidereal day and a solar day is 3.93 minutes/day. This
demonstrates that the effect is related to sidereal time and not local solar time.
tracked sidereal time and not solar time, [4].
The De Witte data is also capable of resolving the question of the absolute direction of motion found
by Miller. Is the direction (α= 5.2hr, δ =670) or the opposite direction? Being a 2nd-order Michelson
interferometer experiment Miller had to rely on the earth’s orbital effects in order to resolve this ambiguity,
but his analysis of course did not take account of the gravitational in-flow effect [9, 10]. The De Witte
experiment could easily resolve this ambiguity by simply noting the sign of ∆t. Unfortunately it is unclear
as to how the sign in Fig.2 is actually defined, and De Witte does not report a direction expecting, as he
did, that the direction should have been the same as the CMB direction.
The dominant effect in Fig.2 is caused by the rotation of the earth, namely that the orientation of
the coaxial cable with respect to the direction of the flow past the earth changes as the earth rotates.
This effect may be approximately unfolded from the data, see [9, 10], leaving the gravitational waves
shown in Fig.3. This is the first evidence that the velocity field describing the flow of space has a complex
structure, and is indeed fractal. The fractal structure, i.e. that there is an intrinsic lack of scale to these
speed fluctuations, is demonstrated by binning the absolute speeds |v|and counting the number of speeds
p(|v|) within each bin. Plotting Log[p(|v|)] vs |v|, as shown in Fig.5 we see that p(v)∝ |v|2.6. The Miller
data also shows evidence of turbulence of the same magnitude. So far the data from three experiments,
namely Miller, Torr and Kolen, and De Witte, show turbulence in the flow of space past the earth. This
is what can be called gravitational waves [9, 10].
3 Biography of De Witte
Roland De Witte was born September 29, 1953 in the small village of Halanzy in the south of Belgium4. He
became the apprentice to an electrician and learned electrical wiring of houses. At the age of fourteen he
decided to take private correspondence courses in electronics from the EURELEC company, and obtained
4These short notes were extracted from De Witte’s webpage.
Figure 5: Shows that the speed fluctuations in Fig.3 are scale free, as the probability distribution from binning
the speeds has the form p(v)∝ |v|2.6. This plot shows Log[p(v)] vs |v|. From [11].
a diploma at the age of sixteen. He decided to stop work as an apprentice and go to school. Without a
state diploma it was impossible for him to be admitted into an ordinary school with teenagers of his age.
After working for a scrap company where he used dynamite, he was finally admitted into a secondary
school with the assistance of the director, but with the condition that he pass some tests from the board
of the state examiners, called the Central Jury, for the first three years. After having sat the exams
he became a legitimate schoolboy. But when he was in the last but one year in secondary school he
decided to prepare for the entrance exam in physics at the University of Li`ege, and became a university
student in physics one year before his friends. During secondary school years he was interested in all
the scientific activities and became a schoolboy president of the Scientific Youths of the school in Virton.
Simple physics experiments were performed: Millikan, photoelectric effect, spectroscopy, etc... and a
small electronics laboratory was started. He also took part in different scientific short talks contests, and
became a prizewinner for a talk about “special relativity”, and received a prize from the Belgian Shell
Company which had organised the contest. De Witte even visited the house where Einstein lived for a
few months in Belgium when he left Germany. The house is the “Villa Savoyarde” at “Coq-Sur-Mer”
Belgium, and is just 200 m from the North Sea. During secondary school De Witte had hobbies such as
astronomy and pirate radio transmission on 27 Mhz with a hand-made transmitter, with his best long
distance communication being with Denmark.
De Witte says that he is not able to study by “heart”, and during secondary school, even with his bad
memory which caused problems in history and english, he nevertheless always achieved the maximum of
points in physics, chemistry and mathematics and was the top of his class. At University he obtained
the diploma from the two year degree in physics but was not able to continue due to the “impossibility
to study by heart several thousands of pages of erroneous calculations” like the others did to obtain the
graduate diploma. Thus even though considered to be intelligent by several teachers, he decided to leave
the University and became the manager of a retail electronic components shop. He did this job for ten
years while also performing his physics experiments and studying theoretical physics. He was interested
in microwaves and became an IEEE member and reader of the publications of the Microwave Theory
& Techniques and Instrumentation & Measurement Societies. During that period he built an electron
spin resonance spectrometer for the pleasure of studying the electron and free radicals. By chance he was
invited by Dr. Yves Lion of the Physics Institute of the University of Li`ege to help them for a few weeks in
their researches on the photoionisation mechanism of the tryptophan amino-acid with the powerful EPR
spectrometer. He was also interested in TV satellite reception and Meteosat images. He built several
microwave microstrip circuits such as an 18 dB low noise amplifier using GaAs-Fets for 11.34 GHz. He
also developed some apparatus using microprocessors for a digital storage system for Meteosat’s images.
In 1990 he became a civil servant in the Metrology Department of the Transmission Laboratories of
Belgacom (Belgium Telephone Company). His job was to test the synchronization of rubidium frequency
standards on a distant master ceasium beam clock. It is there that he took the time to compare the
phase of distant ceasium clocks and discovered the periodic phase shift signal with a sidereal day period.
De Witte retired from the Department, reporting that he had been dismissed, and worked on theoretical
physics and philosophy of science, while performing various cheap experiments to test his electron theory
and also develop a new working process for a beamless ceasium clock.
De Witte acknowledged assistance from J. Tamborijn, the Engineer Cerfontaine, and particularly
Engineer and Executive Director B. Daspremont, all from the Metrology, Fiber Optics and Transmission
Laboratory of Belgacom in Brussels, for the use of the six caesium atomic clocks, the comparators, the
recorder and the underground lines, and also Paul P`aquet, Director of the Royal Observatory of Belgium,
for explanations and documentation provided about the realisation of UTC in Belgium.
4 De Witte’s Publication
Roland De Witte was not able to have his experimental results published in a physics journal. His only
known publications are that of an e-mail posted to the newsgroup sci.physics.research, and his webpage.
The e-mail is reproduced here:
Ether-wind detected!
* Subject: Ether-wind detected!
* From: ”DE WITTE Roland”
* Date: 07 Dec 1998 00:00:00 GMT
* Approved:
* Newsgroups: sci.physics.research
* Organization: EUnet Belgium, Leuven, Belgium
I have performed an interesting experiment with cesium beam frequency standards.
A 5 Mhz signal from one clock (A ) is sent to another clock (B) 1.5 km apart in Brussels by
the use of an underground coaxial cable of the Belgium Telephone Company. There, the 5Mhz
signal from clock A is compared to the one of clock B, by the use of a digital phase comparator
(like those used in PLL).
Incredibly, the output of the phase comparator shows a clear and important sinus-like undu-
lation which permits to conclude of the existence of a periodic variation (24 h period)) of the
speed of light in the coaxial cable around 500 km/s.
In performing the experiment during 178 days, with six cesium beam clocks, the period of the
phase signal has been accurately measured and is 23h 56 m +- 25 s. and thus is the sidereal
This result, like the one of D.G. Torr and P. Kolen (Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ.
617, 1984) is well understood with a new space-time theory based on a new electron theory.
It is also the case for the nearly negative result of the experiment of Krisher et al, with a fiber
optics instead of a coaxial cable (Physical review D, Vol 42, number 2, 1990, pp. 731-734).
All the details of the experiment is on my web-site under construction:
/ electron/belgacom.htm together with already a few arguments against Einstein’s special theory
of relativity.
[Moderator’s note: needless to say, there are many potential causes of daily variations that
need to be studied in interpreting an experiment of this sort. - jb]
5 Conclusions
The De Witte experiment was truly remarkable considering that initially it was serendipitous. The data
demonstrated yet again that the Einstein postulates were in contradiction with experiment. No physics
journal has published a report from De Witte, although he did make a submission for publication to
the Annals of the Louis de Broglie’s Foundation. De Witte himself reported that he was dismissed from
Belgacom. Papers reporting or analysing absolute motion and related effects continue to be banned by
mainstream physics journals. This appears to be based on the almost universal misunderstanding by physi-
cists that absolute motion is incompatible with the many confirmed relativistic effects. DeWiite’s data
like that of Miller is extremely valuable and needs to be made available for detailed analysis. Regrettably
Roland De Witte has died, and the bulk of the data was apparently lost when he left Belgacom.
This work is supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant.
[1] Michelson A.A. and Morley E.W. Philos. Mag. S.5 24 No.151, 449-463, 1887.
[2] Cahill R.T. and Kitto K. Michelson-Morley experiments revisited,Apeiron,10(2),104-117, 2003.
[3] Cahill R.T. The Michelson and Morley 1887 Experiment and the Discovery of Absolute Motion,
Progress in Physics,3, 25-29, 2005.
[4] Miller D.C. Rev. Mod. Phys., v.5, 203-242, 1933.
[5] Illingworth K.K. Phys. Rev. 3, 692-696, 1927.
[6] Joos G. Ann. d. Physik [5] 7, 385, 1930.
[7] Jaseja T.S. et al. Phys. Rev. A 133, 1221, 1964.
[8] Torr D.G. and Kolen P. in Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants, Taylor, B.N. and
Phillips, W.D. eds.Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Pub., 617, 675, 1984.
[9] Cahill R.T. Process Physics: From Information Theory to Quantum Space and Matter, Nova Science
Pub., NY, 2005.
[10] Cahill R.T. Absolute Motion and Gravitational Effects,Apeiron,111, 53-111, 2004.
[11] Cahill R.T. Dynamical fractal 3-Space and the generalised Schr¨odinger equation: Equivalence princi-
ple and vorticity effects,Progress in Physics,1, 27-34, 2006.
... Axiom 1 and 2 foretell the results of Ryong Wang's [5,6], Torr and Kolen's [7] and De Witte's [8] experiments. Let us investigate the essence of these two types of experiments: ...
... When substituting (7) into (8) it now holds that ...
Full-text available
The present manuscript aims to lay the groundwork for a research proposal to open the gateway for novel signal precision technology.
... Axiom 1 and 2 foretell the results of Ryong Wang's [5,6], Torr and Kolen's [7] and De Witte's [8] experiments. Let us investigate the essence of these two types of experiments: ...
... When substituting (7) into (8) it now holds that ...
Full-text available
This is the final version of my replacement publication which will be published in Results in Physics shortly. The present manuscript aims to lay the groundwork for a research proposal to open the gateway for novel signal precision technology.
... In that case, the signal covers some distance during the round trip experiment. It starts propagation from the point A 1 (as usual) covers distance SV twice to reach the point A 5 in the WRF, goes further to the point B5 where it makes reflection from the other end of the measurement device and comes back to the point A 5 where it meets the observer again. ...
... The disturbing device starts the circle of the disturbance at the point WB 4 and finish that circle at the point WB 5 . Therefore, the medium spends some duration to transmit that disturbance from the point of creation to the point of detection as well as in the first experiment. ...
Full-text available
Application of Z-Theory to the area where Relativity was born leads to another way of comprehension with more in-depth analysis of all relevant physical phenomena. The result appears as a new set of categories in the human mind that establishes a proper relationship with physical entities and their attributes. Some of them like pure Space and Time (attribute-lack categories) become redundant and should not be used in science any longer.
... Such could be tested with a repeated Hafele-Keating experiment, to test whether involving more components of absolute motion would seal the gap between prediction and experiment, which was left in the famous experiment. This however would require to know our absolute velocity vector (as the differences would be considerate), which yet needs to be found, though there is evidence for its existence [4,5,6]. Therefore the following analysis compares both assertions on particle collision, in the hope that the maximal distinguishment would be large enough to get noticed. ...
... and = 2 [5] also hold if motion has absolute meaning, we can now employ these relationships into our analysis of particle collision in the sense of absolute motion. ...
Full-text available
This is the CORRECTION on my preprint of the same name, which I made immediately back then, following the discussion on my original pre-print, but I believe did not upload. -- The present manuscript analyses particle collision under the assumption that motion has absolute meaning, in comparison to the assumption that motion has only relative meaning. Whilst closely aligning with predictions made from special relativity, it shows a small departure which may become interesting for future-or other applications.
... Such could be tested with a repeated Hafele-Keating experiment, to test whether involving more components of absolute motion would seal the gap between prediction and experiment, which was left in the famous experiment. This however would require to know our absolute velocity vector, which yet needs to be found, though there is evidence for its existence [4,5,6]. Therefore the following analysis applies the theory presented by Edwards 1017 to particle collision, in the hope that the small distinguishment in prediction to special relativity could get noticed in practice. ...
... and = 2 [5] also hold if motion has absolute meaning, we can now employ these relationships into our analysis of particle collision in the sense of absolute motion. ...
... An offset has been used such that the average is zero. The cable has a North-South orientation, and the data is difference of the travel times for NS and SN propagation [2]. That experiment shows a few critical aspects of RF propagation. ...
... Sagnac-like experiments [4][5][10][11][12][13][14] are independent of the refractive index and are known to follow the formula ∆t = 2vL c 2 which describes the time difference between 2 counterpropagating signals where v is the tangential velocity of rotation of the loop and L the total length of the fibre. . We do however postulate the existence of a drag effect x such that ...
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When an EM signal travels through a cable which rigidly connects a source and observer, it experiences an altered refractive index by the cable's co-motion with the observer relative to the signal. The present work examines this effect known as the Fresnel drag effect. The examination concludes that Fresnel was on the right track whilst explaining why he was so by drawing context to the work by Maxwell which came after Fresnel's . -- Its a raw draft but i thought to put it out there as people may be interested in what i found - including the context to Maxwell's work , Fresnel's original intend and relationship to experiment .
... This idea is underlying the experiments by Torr and Kolen in 1984 [1] and De Witte in 1991 [2]. Whilst the positive results of these experiments prove the existence of the effect that motion of an observer relative to a signal has onto the length of the path that a signal has to travel, this light-path effect is not yet part of mainstream theory. ...
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Here is the research proposal to the absolute meaning of motion which i have written together with the help of Prof. Paul T. Kolen .
... Whilst the introduction has shown a demand to find the rest frame, which is equivalent to finding our vector of absolute motion, the analysis has shown that we need to do so without relying on synchronization. This need has already been realized decades ago to result in the experiments conducted by Torr and Kolen in 1984 and De Witte in 1991 [7,8]. Whilst showing clearly positive results, working in the frequency domain, the cited experiments were only able to detect vector components which varied over the duration of the experiment. ...
... There are a few of experiments for an example [4] and [5] that support such possibility. ...
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The new dynamical “quantum foam” theory of 3-space is described at the classical level by a velocity field. This has been repeatedly detected and for which the dynamical equations are now established. These equations predict 3-space “gravitational wave” effects, and these have been observed, and the 1991 DeWitte data is analysed to reveal the fractal structure of these “gravitational waves”. This velocity field describes the differential motion of 3-space, and the various equations of physics must be generalised to incorporate this 3-space dynamics. Here a new generalised Schrödinger equation is given and analysed. It is shown that from this equation the equivalence principle may be derived as a quantum effect, and that as well this generalised Schrödinger equation determines the effects of vorticity of the 3-space flow, or “frame-dragging”, on matter, and which is being studied by the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) satellite gyroscope experiment.
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Physics textbooks assert that in the famous interferometer 1887 experiment to detect absolute motion Michelson and Morley saw no rotation-induced fringe shifts — the signature of absolute motion; it was a null experiment. However this is incorrect. Their published data revealed to them the expected fringe shifts, but that data gave a speed of some 8 km/s using a Newtonian theory for the calibration of the interferometer, and so was rejected by them solely because it was less than the 30 km/s orbital speed of the Earth. A 2002 post relativistic-effects analysis for the operation of the device however gives a different calibration leading to a speed >300 km/s. So this experiment detected both absolute motion and the breakdown of Newtonian physics. So far another six experiments have confirmed this first detection of absolute motion in 1887.
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The idea of the Michelson-Morley experiment is theoretically reanalyzed. Elementary arguments are put forward to precisely derive the most general allowable form of the directional dependence of the one-way velocity of light.
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The new Process Physics provides a new explanation of space as a quantum foam system in which gravity is an inhomogeneous flow of the quantum foam into matter. An analysis of various experiments demonstrates that absolute motion relative to space has been observed experimentally by Michelson and Morley, Miller, Illingworth, Torr and Kolen, and by DeWitte. The Dayton Miller and Roland DeWitte data also reveal the in-flow of space into matter which manifests as gravity. The in-flow also manifests turbulence and the experimental data confirms this as well, which amounts to the observation of a gravitational wave phenomena. The Einstein assumptions leading to the Special and General Theory of Relativity are shown to be falsified by the extensive experimental data. Contrary to the Einstein assumptions absolute motion is consistent with relativistic effects, which are caused by actual dynamical effects of absolute motion through the quantum foam, so that it is Lorentzian relativity that is seen to be essentially correct.
  • D C Miller
Miller D.C. Rev. Mod. Phys., v.5, 203-242, 1933.
  • K K Illingworth
Illingworth K.K. Phys. Rev. 3, 692-696, 1927.
  • T S Jaseja
Jaseja T.S. et al. Phys. Rev. A 133, 1221, 1964.
  • A A Michelson
  • E W Morley
Michelson A.A. and Morley E.W. Philos. Mag. S.5 24 No.151, 449-463, 1887.