Devonian polymetamorphism of the Central Maine belt of sedimentary rocks has been regarded as 'static', the result of advective heat due to sequential emplacement of 'post-tectonic' granite plutons. The following evidence is cited in support of pluton-driven static metamorphism: (1) a spatial relationship between higher-grade metamorphic zones and pluton margins, and (2) a reported random orientation of euhedral porphyroblasts within matrix fabrics. In contrast, our observations of porphyroblast-matrix relations show that regional metamorphism was synchronous with progressive accumulation of plastic strain. Metasedimentary rocks have penetrative grain-shape fabrics defined by mica and quartz. Spatial variations in the style of matrix fabrics reflect contrasts in rheology as a function of lithology, stratigraphy and metamorphic grade. Strain partitioned into zones characterized by a high degree of parallelism between steeply oriented compositional layering and foliation (higher-strain zones) that surround zones in which variably oriented, moderately dipping foliation is not as strongly developed (lower-strain zones). A well-developed moderately to steeply northeast-plunging mineral-elongation lineation is pervasive in both types of structure, and is defined by the same mineral assemblage at the same grade of metamorphism. Thus, we interpret mineral growth to record the accumulation of plastic strain. Biotite 'fish' and quartz-dominated polycrystalline aggregates in asymmetrical pressure-shadows around porphyroblasts, which are elongate in the direction of mineral elongation, show consistent dextral-reverse displacement along the mineral-elongation lineation in the plane of the foliation. Andalusite and staurolite porphyroblasts have preferred orientations, statistically parallel to matrix fabrics, and garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts include a foliation (S(i)) that is discontinuous with matrix foliation (S(e)). In staurolite, the obliquity of S(i) with respect to S(e) decreases through up to three textural zones from core to rim, to record episodic interkinematic growth of porphyroblasts and progressive modification of the matrix. In lower-strain zones, granite plutons are associated with retrogressive replacement of andalusite and staurolite, which reflects preferential contact metamorphism in these structures.