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Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach In Design

SAGE Publications Inc
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Abstract and Figures

Future space exploration will demand the cultivation of human-robotic systems, however, little attention has been paid to the development of human-robot teams. Current methods for autonomous plan creation are often complex and difficult to use. So a system is needed that enables humans and robotic systems to naturally and effectively collaborate. Effective collaboration takes place when the participants are able to communicate in a natural and effective manner. Grounding, the common understanding between conversational participants, shared spatial referencing and situational awareness, are crucial components of communication and collaboration. This paper briefly reviews the fields of human-robot interaction and Augmented Reality (AR), the overlaying of computer graphics onto the real worldview. The strengths of AR are discussed and how they might be used for human-robot collaboration is described. Then a description of an architecture that we have developed is given that uses AR as a means for real time understanding of the shared spatial scene. This architecture enables grounding and enhances situational awareness, thus laying the necessary groundwork for natural and effective human-robot collaboration.
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International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 2008)
ISSN 1729-8806, pp. 1-18 1
Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature
Review and Augmented Reality Approach
in Design
Scott A. Greena,b, Mark Billinghurstb, XiaoQi Chena and J. Geoffrey Chasea
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
bHuman Interface Technology Laboratory, New Zealand (HITLab NZ), Christchurch, New Zealand
Abstract: NASA’s vision for space exploration stresses the cultivation of human-robotic systems. Similar
systems are also envisaged for a variety of hazardous earthbound applications such as urban search and rescue.
Recent research has pointed out that to reduce human workload, costs, fatigue driven error and risk, intelligent
robotic systems will need to be a significant part of mission design. However, little attention has been paid to
joint human-robot teams. Making human-robot collaboration natural and efficient is crucial. In particular,
grounding, situational awareness, a common frame of reference and spatial referencing are vital in effective
communication and collaboration. Augmented Reality (AR), the overlaying of computer graphics onto the real
worldview, can provide the necessary means for a human-robotic system to fulfill these requirements for effective
collaboration. This article reviews the field of human-robot interaction and augmented reality, investigates the
potential avenues for creating natural human-robot collaboration through spatial dialogue utilizing AR and
proposes a holistic architectural design for human-robot collaboration.
Keywords: augmented reality, collaboration, communication, human-computer interaction, human-robot
collaboration, human-robot interaction, robotics.
1. Introduction
NASA’s vision for space exploration stresses the
cultivation of human-robotic systems (NASA 2004). Fong
and Nourbakhsh (Fong and Nourbakhsh 2005) point out
that to reduce human workload, costs, fatigue driven
error and risk, intelligent robotic systems will have to be
part of mission design. They also observe that scant
attention has been paid to joint human-robot teams, and
making human-robot collaboration natural and efficient
is crucial to future space exploration. Companies such as
Honda (Honda 2007), Toyota (Toyota 2007) and Sony
(Sony 2007) are also interested in developing consumer
robots that interact with humans in the home and
workplace. There is growing interest in the field of
human-robot interaction (HRI) as can be determined by
the inaugural conference for HRI (HRI2006 2006). The
Cogniron project (COGNIRON 2007), MIT Media lab
(Hoffmann and Breazeal 2004) and the Mitsubishi Electric
Research Laboratories (Sidner and Lee 2005) recognize
the need for human-robot collaboration as well, and are
currently conducting research in this emerging area.
Clearly, there is a growing need for research on human-
robot collaboration and models of communication
between human and robotic systems. This article reviews
the field of human-robot interaction with a focus on
communication and collaboration. It also identifies
promising areas for future research focusing on how
Augmented Reality technology can support natural
spatial dialogue and thus enhance human-robot
First an overview of models of human-human
collaboration and how they could be used to develop a
model for human-robot collaboration is presented. Next,
the current state of human-robot interaction is reviewed
and how it fits into a model of human-robot collaboration
is explored. Augmented Reality (AR) is then reviewed
and how it could be used to enhance human-robot
collaboration is discussed. Finally, a holistic architectural
design for human-robot collaboration using AR is
2. Communication and Collaboration
In this work, collaboration is defined as “working jointly
with others or together especially in an intellectual
endeavor”. Nass et al. (Nass, Steuer et al. 1994) noted that
social factors governing human-human interaction
equally apply to human-computer interaction. Therefore,
before research in human-robot collaboration is
described, models of human-human communication are
briefly reviewed. This review will provide a basis for the
understanding of the needs of an effective human-robot
collaborative system.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
2.1. Human-Human Collaboration
There is a vast body of research relating to human
human communication and collaboration. It is clear that
people use speech, gesture, gaze and non-verbal cues to
communicate in the clearest possible fashion. In many
cases, face-to-face collaboration is also enhanced by, or
relies on, real objects or parts of the user’s real
environment. This section briefly reviews the roles
conversational cues and real objects play in face-to-face
human-human collaboration. This information is used to
provide guidelines for attributes that robots should have
to effectively support human-robot collaboration.
A number of researchers have studied the influence of
verbal and non-verbal cues on face-to-face
communication. Gaze plays an important role in face-to-
face collaboration by providing visual feedback,
regulating the flow of conversation, communicating
emotions and relationships, and improving concentration
by restriction of visual input (Kendon 1967), (Argyle
1967). In addition to gaze, humans use a wide range of
non-verbal cues to assist in communication, such as
nodding (Watanuki, Sakamoto et al. 1995), gesture
(McNeill 1992), and posture (Cassell, Nakano et al. 2001).
In many cases, non-verbal cues can only be understood
by considering co-occurring speech, such as when using
deictic gestures, for example pointing at something
(Kendon 1983). In studying the behavior of human
demonstration activities it was observed that before
conversational partners pointed to an object, they always
looked in the direction of the object first (Sidner and Lee
2003). This result suggests that a robot needs to be able to
recognize and produce non-verbal communication cues
to be an effective collaborative partner.
Real objects and interactions with the real world can also
play an important role in collaboration. Minneman and
Harrison (Minneman and Harrison 1996) show that real
objects are more than just a source of information, they
are also the constituents of collaborative activity, create
reference frames for communication and alter the
dynamics of interaction. In general, communication and
shared cognition are more robust because of the
introduction of shared objects. Real world objects can be
used to provide multiple representations and result in
increased shared understanding (Clark and Wilkes-Gibbs
1986). A shared visual workspace enhances collaboration
as it increases situational awareness (Fussell, Setlock et al.
2003). To support these ideas, a robot should be aware of
its surroundings and the interaction of collaborative
partners with those surroundings.
Clark and Brennan (Clark and Brennan 1991) provide a
communication model to interpret collaboration. In their
view, conversation participants attempt to reach shared
understanding or common ground. Common ground
refers to the set of mutual knowledge, shared beliefs and
assumptions that collaborators have. This process of
establishing shared understanding, or “grounding”,
involves communication using a range of modalities
including voice, gesture, facial expression and non-verbal
body language. Thus, it is evident that for a human-robot
team to communicate effectively, all participants will have
to feel confident that common ground is easily reached.
2.2. Human-Human Collaboration Model
This research employs a human-human collaboration
model based on the following three components:
The communication channels available.
The communication cues provided by each of these
The affordances of the technology that affect the
transmission of these cues.
There are essentially three types of communication
channels available: audio, visual and environmental.
Environment channels consist of interactions with the
surrounding world, while audio cues are those that can
be heard and visual cues those that can be seen.
Depending on the technology medium used
communication cues may, or may not, be effectively
transmitted between the collaborators.
This model can be used to explain collaborative behavior
and to predict the impact of technology on collaboration.
For example, consider the case of two remote
collaborators using text chat to collaborate. In this case,
there are no audio and environmental cues. Thus,
communication is reduced to one content heavy visual
channel: text input. Predictably, this approach will have
a number of effects on communication: less verbose
communication, use of longer phrases, increased time to
grounding, slower communication and few interruptions.
Taking each of the three communication channels from
this model in turn, characteristics of an effective human-
robot collaboration system can be identified. The robot
should be able to communicate through speech,
recognizing audio input and expressing itself through
speech, highlighting a need for an internal model of the
communication process. The visual channel should allow
the robot to recognize and interpret human non-verbal
communication cues and allow the robot to express some
non-verbal cues that a human can naturally understand.
Finally, through the environmental channel the robot
should be able to recognize objects and their
manipulation by the human, and be able itself to
manipulate objects and understand spatial relationships.
3. Human-Robot Interaction
The next several sections review current robot research
and how the latest generation of robots supports these
characteristics. Research into human-robot interaction,
the use of robots as tools, robots as guides and assistants,
as well as the progress being made in the development of
humanoid robots, are all examined. Finally, a variety of
efforts to use robots in collaboration are examined and
analyzed in the context of the human-human model
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
3.1. Robots as Tools
The simplest way robots can be used is as tools to aid in
the completion of physical tasks. Although there are
many examples of robots used in this manner, a few
examples are given that benefit from human-robot
interaction. For example, to increase the success rate of
harvesting, a human-robot collaborative system was
implemented for testing by (Bechar and Edan 2003).
Results indicated that a human operator working with a
robotic system with varying levels of autonomy resulted
in improved harvesting of melons. Depending on the
complexity of the harvesting environment, varying the
level of autonomy of the robotic harvester increased
positive detection rates in the amount of 4.5% – 7% from
the human operator alone and as much as 20% compared
to autonomous robot detection alone.
Robots are often used for hazardous tasks. For instance,
the placement of radioactive waste in centralized
intermediate storage is best completed by robots as
opposed to humans (Tsoukalas and Bargiotas 1996).
Robotic completion of this task in a totally autonomous
fashion is desirable but not yet obtainable due to the
dynamic operating conditions. Radiation surveys are
completed initially through teleoperation, the learned
task is then put into the robots repertoire so the next time
the task is to be completed the robot will not need
instruction. A dynamic control scheme is needed so that
the operator can observe the robot as it completes its task
and when the robot needs help the operator can intervene
and assist with execution. In a similar manner, Ishikawa
and Suzuki (Ishikawa and Suzuki 1997) developed a
system to patrol a nuclear power plant. Under normal
operation the robot is able to work autonomously,
however in abnormal situations the human must
intervene to make decisions on the robots behalf. In this
manner the system has the ability to cope with
unexpected events.
Human-robot teams are used in Urban Search and Rescue
(USAR). Robots are teleoperated and used mainly as
tools to search for survivors. Studies completed on
human-robot interaction for USAR reveal that the lack of
situational awareness has a negative effect on
performance (Murphy 2004), (Yanco, Drury et al. 2004).
The use of an overhead camera and automatic mapping
techniques improve situational awareness and reduce the
number of navigational errors (Scholtz 2002; Scholtz,
Antonishek et al. 2005). USAR is conducted in
uncontrolled, hazardous environments with adverse
ambient conditions that affect the quality of sensor and
video data. Studies show that varying the level of robot
autonomy and combining data from multiple sensors,
thus using the best sensors for the given situation,
increases the success rate of identifying survivors
(Nourbakhsh, Sycara et al. 2005).
Ohba et al. (Ohba, Kawabata et al. 1999) developed a
system where multiple operators in different locations
control the collision free coordination of multiple robots
in a common work environment. Due to teleoperation
time delay and the operators being unaware of each
other’s intentions, a predictive graphics display was
utilized to avoid collisions. The predictive simulator
enlarged the thickness of the robotic arm being controlled
by other operators as a buffer to prevent collisions caused
by time delay and the remote operators not being aware
of each other’s intentions. In further work, operator’s
commands were sent simultaneously to the robot and the
graphics predictor to circumvent the time delay (Chong,
Kotoku et al. 2001). The predictive simulator used these
commands to provide virtual force feedback to the
operators to avoid collisions that might otherwise have
occurred had the time delay not been addressed. The
predictive graphics display is an important means of
communicating intentions and increasing situational
awareness, thus reducing the number of collisions and
damage to the system.
This section on Robots as Tools highlighted two
important ingredients for an effective human-robot
collaboration system. First, adjustable autonomy,
enabling the system to vary the level of robotic system
autonomy, increases productivity and is an essential
component of an effective collaboration system. Second,
situational awareness, or knowing what is happening in
the robot’s workspace, is also essential in a collaboration
system. The human member of the team must know
what is happening in the robot’s work world to avoid
collisions or damage to the robotics system.
3.2. Guide, Hosting and Assistant Robots
Nourbakhsh et al. (Nourbakhsh, Bobenage et al. 1999)
created and installed Sage, an autonomous mobile robot
in the Dinosaur Hall at the Carnegie Museum of Natural
History. Sage, shown in Fig. 1, interacts with museum
visitors through an LCD screen and audio, and uses
humor to creatively engage visitors. Sage also exhibits
emotions and changes in mood to enhance
communication. Sage is completely autonomous and
when confronted with trouble will stop and ask for help.
Sage was designed with safety, reliability and social
capabilities to enable it to be an effective member of the
museum staff. Sage shows not only how speech
capabilities affect communication, but also, that the form
of speech and non-verbal communication influences how
well communication takes place.
The autonomous interactive robot Robovie is a humanoid
robot that communicates and interacts with humans as a
partner and guide (Kanda, Ishiguro et al. 2002). Its use of
gestures, speech and eye contact enables the robot to
effectively communicate with humans. Results of
experiments showed that robot communication behavior
induced human communication responses that increased
understanding. During interaction with Robovie
participants spent more than half of the time focusing on
the face of the robot indicating the importance of gaze in
human-robot communication.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
Fig 2. Gestureman: Remote user (left) with wider fov than robot, identifies object but does not project this intention to local
participant (right) (Kuzuoka, Yamazaki et al. 2004)
Fig. 1. Sage interacting with museum visitors through an LCD
screen (Nourbakhsh, Bobenage et al. 1999)
Robots used as guides in museums must interact with
people and portray human-like behavior to be accepted.
Kuzuoka et al. (Kuzuoka, Yamazaki et al. 2004) conducted
studies in a science museum to see how humans project
when they communicate. The term projection was used
as the capacity to predict or anticipate the unfolding of
events. The ability to project was found to be difficult
through speech alone because speech does not allow a
partner to anticipate what the next action may be in the
way a person can predict what may happen next by body
language (gesture) or focus point of gaze.
Kuzuoka et al. (Kuzuoka, Yamazaki et al. 2004) designed
a remote instruction robot, Gestureman, to investigate
projectability properties. A remote operator, who was
located in a separate room from a local user, controlled
Gestureman. Through Gestureman’s three cameras the
remote operator had a wider view of the local work space
than a person normally would and so could see objects
without the robot facing them, as shown in Fig. 2. This
dual ecology led to local human participants being misled
as to what the robot was focusing on, and thus not being
able to quickly locate what the remote user was trying to
identify. The experiment highlighted the importance of
gaze direction and situational awareness in effective
remote collaboration and communication.
An assistant robot should exhibit a high degree of
autonomy to obtain information about their human
partner and surroundings. Iossifidis et al. (Iossifidis,
Theis et al. 2003) developed CoRa (Cooperative Robot
Assistant) that is modeled on the behaviors, senses, and
anatomy of humans. CoRa is fixed on a table and
interacts through speech, hand gestures, gaze and
mechanical interaction allowing it to obtain the necessary
information about its surrounding and partner. CoRa’s
tasks include visual identification of objects presented by
its human teacher, recognition of an object amongst
many, grasping and handing over of objects and
performing simple assembly tasks.
Cero (Huttenrauch, Green et al. 2004) is an assistant robot
designed to help those with physical disabilities in an
office environment. During the iterative development of
Cero user studies showed that communicating through
speech alone was not effective enough. Users
commented that they could not distinguish where the
front of the robot was nor could they determine if their
commands to the robot were understood correctly. In
essence, communication was not being effectively
grounded. To overcome this difficulty, a humanoid
figure was mounted on the front of the robot that could
move its head and arms, as shown in Fig. 3. After
implementation of the humanoid figure, it was found that
users felt more comfortable communicating with the
robot and grounding was easier to achieve (Huttenrauch,
Green et al. 2004). The results from the research on Cero
highlight the importance of grounding in communication
and the impact that gestures can have on grounding.
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
Fig. 3. Cero robot with humanoid figure using gestures to
enhance grounding (Huttenrauch, Green et al. 2004)
Sidner and Lee (Sidner and Lee 2005) show that a hosting
robot must not only exhibit conversational gestures, but
also must interpret these behaviors from their human
partner to engage in collaborative communication. Their
robot Mel, a penguin hosting robot shown in Fig. 4, uses
vision and speech recognition to engage a human partner
in a simple demonstration. Mel points to objects in the
demo, tracks the gaze direction of the participant to
ensure instructions are being followed, and looks at
observers of the demonstration to acknowledge their
presence. Mel actively participates in the conversation
during the demonstration and disengages from the
conversation when appropriate. Mel is a good example
of combining the channels from the communication
model to effectively ground a conversation, more
explicitly, gesture, gaze direction and speech are used to
ensure two-way communication is taking place.
Fig. 4. Mel uses multimodal communication to interact with
participants (Sidner and Lee 2005).
Lessons learned from this section for the design of an
effective human-robot collaboration system include the
need for effective natural speech. A multi-modal approach
is necessary as communication is more than just speech
alone. The communication behaviour of a robotic system is
important as it should induce natural communication with
human team members. And, lastly, grounding is a key
element in communication, and thus collaboration.
3.3. Humanoid Robots
Robonaut is a humanoid robot designed by NASA to be
an assistant to astronauts during an extra vehicular
activity (EVA) mission. Its anthropomorphic form allows
it an intuitive one to one mapping for remote
teleoperation. Interaction with Robonaut occurs in the
three roles outlined in the work on human-robot
interaction by Scholtz (Scholtz 2003): 1) remote human
operator, 2) a monitor and 3) a coworker. Robonaut is
shown in Fig. 5. The co-worker interacts with Robonaut
in a direct physical manner and is much like interacting
with a human.
Fig. 5. Robonaut with coworker and remote human operator
(Glassmire, O'Malley et al. 2004)
Experiments have shown that force feedback to the
remote human operator results in lower peak forces being
used by Robonaut (Glassmire, O'Malley et al. 2004).
Force feedback in a teleoperator system improves
performance of the operator in terms of reduced
completion times, decreased peak forces and torque, as
well as decreased cumulative forces. Thus, force
feedback serves as a tactile form of non-verbal human-
robot communication.
Research into humanoid robots has also concentrated on
making robots appear human in their behavior and
communication abilities. For example, Breazeal et al.
(Breazeal, Edsinger et al. 2001) are working with Kismet,
a robot that has been endowed with visual perception
that is human-like in its physical implementation. Kismet
is shown in Fig. 6. Eye movement and gaze direction
play an important role in communication aiding the
participants in reaching common ground. By following
the example of human vision movement and meaning,
Kismets’ behavior will be understood and Kismet will be
more easily accepted socially. Kismet is an example of a
robot that can show the non-verbal cues typically present
in human-human conversation.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
Fig. 7. Leonardo activating middle button (left) and learning
the name of the left button (right) (Breazeal, Brooks et al. 2003)
Fig. 6. Kismet displaying non-verbal communication cues
(Breazeal, Edsinger et al. 2001)
Robots with human social abilities, rich social interaction
and natural communication will be able to learn from
human counterparts through cooperation and tutelage.
Breazeal et al. (Breazeal, Brooks et al. 2003; Breazeal 2004)
are working towards building socially intelligent
cooperative humanoid robots that can work and learn in
partnership with people. Robots will need to understand
intentions, beliefs, desires and goals of humans to
provide relevant assistance and collaboration. To
collaborate, robots will also need to be able to infer and
reason. The goal is to have robots learn as quickly and
easily, as well as in the same manner, as a person. Their
robot, Leonardo, is a humanoid designed to express and
gesture to people, as well as learn to physically
manipulate objects from natural human instruction, as
shown in Fig. 7. The approach for Leonardo’s learning is
to communicate both verbally and non-verbally, use
visual deictic references, and express sharing and
understanding of ideas with its teacher. This approach is
an example of employing the three communication
channels in the model used in this paper for effective
communication with a stationary robot.
3.4. Summary
A few points of importance to human-robot collaboration
should be noted. Varying the level of autonomy of
human-robotic systems allows the strengths of both the
robot and the human to be maximized. It allows the
system to optimize the problem solving skills of a human
and effectively balance that with the speed and physical
dexterity of a robotic system. A robot should be able to
learn tasks from its human counterpart and later
complete these tasks autonomously with human
intervention only when requested by the robot.
Adjustable autonomy enables the robotic system to better
cope with unexpected events, being able to ask its human
team member for help when necessary.
Timing delays are an inherent part of a teleoperated
system. It is important to design into the control system
an effective means of coping with time delay. Force
feedback in a remote controlled robot results in greater
control, a more intuitive feel for the remote operator, less
stress on the robotic system and better overall
performance through tactile non-verbal feedback
A robot will be better understood and accepted if its
communication behaviour emulates that of humans. The
use of humour and emotion can increase the effectiveness
of a robot to communicate, just as in humans. A robot
should reach a common understanding in
communication by employing the same conversational
gestures used by humans, such as gaze direction,
pointing, hand and face gestures. During human-human
conversation, actions are interpreted to help identify and
resolve misunderstandings. Robots should also interpret
behaviour so their communication comes across as more
natural to their human conversation partner. Research
has shown that communication cues, such as the use of
humour, emotion, and non-verbal cues, are essential to
communication and effective collaboration.
4. Robots in Collaborative Tasks
Inagaki et al. (Inagaki, Sugie et al. 1995) propose that
humans and robots can have a common goal and work
cooperatively through perception, recognition and
intention inference. One partner would be able to infer
the intentions of the other from language and behavior
during collaborative work. Morita et al. (Morita, Shibuya
et al. 1998) demonstrated that the communication ability
of a robot improves with physical and informational
interaction synchronized with dialogue. Their robot,
Hadaly-2, expresses efficient physical and informational
interaction, thus utilizing the environmental channel for
collaboration, and is capable of carrying an object to a
target position by reacting to visual and audio
Natural human-robot collaboration requires the robotic
system to understand spatial referencing. Tversky et al.
(Tversky, Lee et al. 1999) observed that in human-human
communication, speakers used the listeners perspective
when the listener had a higher cognitive load than the
speaker. Tenbrink et al. (Tenbrink, Fischer et al. 2002)
presented a method to analyze spatial human-robot
interaction, in which natural language instructions were
given to a robot via keyboard entry. Results showed that
the humans used the robot’s perspective for spatial
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
referencing. To allow a robot to understand different
reference systems, Roy et al. (Roy, Hsiao et al. 2004)
created a system where their robot is capable of
interpreting the environment from its perspective or from
the perspective of its conversation partner. Using verbal
communication, their robot Ripley was able to
understand the difference between spatial references such
as my left and your left. The results of Tenbrink et al.
(Tenbrink, Fischer et al. 2002), Tversky et al. (Tversky, Lee
et al. 1999) and Roy et al. (Roy, Hsiao et al. 2004) illustrate
the importance of situational awareness and a common
frame of reference in spatial communication.
Skubic et al. (Skubic, Perzanowski et al. 2002), (Skubic,
Perzanowski et al. 2004) also conducted a study on
human-robotic spatial dialogue. A multimodal interface
was used, including speech, gestures, sensors and
personal electronic devices. The robot was able to use
dynamic levels of autonomy to reassess its spatial
situation in the environment through the use of sensor
readings and an evidence grid map. The result was
natural human-robot spatial dialogue enabling the robot
to communicate obstacle locations relative to itself and
receive verbal commands to move to or near an object it
had detected.
Rani et al. (Rani, Sarkar et al. 2004) built a robot that
senses the anxiety level of a human and responds
appropriately. In dangerous situations, where the robot
and human are working in collaboration, the robot will be
able to detect the anxiety level of the human and take
appropriate actions. To minimize bias or error the
emotional state of the human is interpreted by the robot
through physiological responses that are generally
involuntary and are not dependent upon culture, gender
or age.
To obtain natural human-robot collaboration, Horiguchi
et al. (Horiguchi, Sawaragi et al. 2000) developed a
teleoperation system where a human operator and an
autonomous robot share their intent through a force
feedback system. The human or the robot can control the
system while maintaining their independence by relaying
their intent through the force feedback system. The use
of force feedback resulted in reduced execution time and
fewer stalls of a teleoperated mobile robot. Fernandez et
al. (Fernandez, Balaguer et al. 2001) also introduced an
intention recognition system where a robot participating
in the transportation of a rigid object detects a force signal
measured in the arm gripper. The robot uses this force
information, as non-verbal communication, to generate its
motion planning to collaborate in the execution of the
transportation task. Force feedback used for intention
recognition is another way in which humans and robots
can communicate non-verbally and work together.
Collaborative control was developed by Fong et al. (Fong,
Thorpe et al. 2002a; Fong, Thorpe et al. 2002b; Fong,
Thorpe et al. 2003) for mobile autonomous robots. The
robots work autonomously until they run into a problem
they can’t solve. At this point, the robots ask the remote
operator for assistance, allowing human-robot interaction
and autonomy to vary as needed. Performance
deteriorates as the number of robots working in
collaboration with a single operator increases (Fong,
Thorpe et al. 2003). Conversely, robot performance
increases with the addition of human skills, perception
and cognition, and benefit from human advice and
expertise. In the collaborative control structure used by
Fong et al. (Fong, Thorpe et al. 2002a; Fong, Thorpe et al.
2002b; Fong, Thorpe et al. 2003) the human and robots
engage in dialogue, exchange information, ask questions
and resolve differences. Thus, the robot has more
freedom in execution and is more likely to find good
solutions when it encounters problems. More succinctly,
the human is a partner whom the robot can ask questions,
obtain assistance from and in essence, collaborate with.
In more recent work, Fong et al (Fong, Kunz et al. 2006)
note that for humans and robots to work together as
peers, the system must provide mechanisms for the
humans and robots to communicate effectively. The
Human-Robot Interaction Operating System (HRI/OS)
introduced enables a team of humans and robots to work
together on tasks that are well defined and narrow in
scope. The human agents are able to use spatial dialog to
communicate and the autonomous agents use spatial
reasoning to interpret ‘left of’ type elements from the
spatial dialog. The ambiguities arising from such dialog
are resolved through the use of modeling the situation in
a simulator.
Research has shown that for robots to be effective
partners they should interact meaningfully through
mutual understanding. A human-robot collaborative
system should take advantage of varying levels of
autonomy and multimodal communication allowing the
robotic system to work independently and ask its human
counterpart for assistance when a problem is
encountered. Communication cues should be used to
help identify the focus of attention, greatly improving
performance in collaborative work. Grounding, an
essential ingredient of the collaboration model can be
achieved through meaningful interaction and the
exchange of dialogue.
5. Augmented Reality for Human-Robot Collaboration
Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that facilitates
the overlay of computer graphics onto the real world. AR
differs from virtual reality (VR) in that in a virtual
environment the entire physical world is replaced by
computer graphics, AR enhances rather replaces reality.
Azuma et al. (Azuma, Baillot et al. 2001) note that AR
computer interfaces have three key characteristics:
They combine real and virtual objects.
The virtual objects appear registered on the real
The virtual objects can be interacted with in real
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
AR is an ideal platform for human-robot collaboration
because it provides the following important qualities:
The ability to enhance reality.
Seamless interaction between real and virtual
The ability to share remote views (ego-centric view).
The ability to visualize the robot relative to the task
space (exo-centric view).
Spatial cues for local and remote collaboration.
Support for transitional interfaces, moving smoothly
from reality into virtuality.
Support for a tangible interface metaphor.
Tools for enhanced collaboration, especially for
multiple people collaborating with a robot.
These attributes allow AR to support natural spatial
dialogue by displaying the visual cues necessary for a
human and robot to reach common ground and maintain
situational awareness. The use of AR will support the use
of spatial dialogue and deictic gestures, allows for
adjustable autonomy by supporting multiple human users,
and will allow the robot to visually communicate to its
human collaborators its internal state through graphic
overlays on the real worldview of the human. The use of
AR enables a user to experience a tangible user interface,
where physical objects are manipulated to affect changes in
the shared 3D scene (Billinghurst, Grasset et al. 2005).
This section first provides examples of AR in human-
human collaborative environments, and then the
advantages of an AR system for human-robot collaboration
are discussed. Mobile AR applications are then presented
and an example of human-robot interaction using AR is
discussed. The section concludes by relating the features of
collaborative AR interfaces to the communication model
for human-robot collaboration presented in section 2.
5.1. AR in Collaborative Applications
AR technology can be used to enhance face-to-face
collaboration. For example, the Shared Space Project
effectively combined AR with physical and spatial user
interfaces in a face-to-face collaborative environment
(Billinghurst, Poupyrev et al. 2000). In this interface users
wore a Head Mounted Display (HMD) with a camera
mounted on it. The output from the camera was fed into
a computer and then back into the HMD so the user saw
the real world through the video image, as depicted in
Fig. 8. This set-up is commonly called a video-see-
through AR interface. A number of marked cards were
placed in the real world with square fiducial patterns on
them and a unique symbol in the middle of the pattern.
Computer vision techniques were used to identify the
unique symbol, calculate the camera position and
orientation, and display 3D virtual images aligned with
the position of the markers (ARToolKit 2007).
Manipulation of the physical markers was used for
interaction with the virtual content. The Shared Space
application provided the users with rich spatial cues
allowing them to interact freely in space with AR content.
Fig. 8. Head Mounted Display (HMD) and virtual object
registered on fiducial marker (Billinghurst, Poupyrev et al. 2000)
Through the ability of the ARToolkit software (ARToolKit
2007) to robustly track the physical markers, users were
able to interact and exchange markers, thus effectively
collaborating in a 3D AR environment. When two
corresponding markers were brought together, it would
result in an animation being played. For example, when
a marker with an AR depiction of a witch was put
together with a marker with a broom, the witch would
jump on the broom and fly around. Attendees at the
SIGGRAPH99 Emerging Technologies exhibit tested the
Shared Space system by playing a game similar to
Concentration. Around 3000 people tried the application
and had no difficulties with playing together, displaying
collaborative behavior seen in typical face-to-face
interactions (Billinghurst, Poupyrev et al. 2000). The
Shared Space interface supports natural face-to-face
communication by allowing multiple users to see each
other’s facial expressions, gestures and body language,
demonstrating that a 3D collaborative environment
enhanced with AR content can seamlessly enhance face-
to-face communication and allow users to naturally work
Another example of the ability of AR to enhance
collaboration is the MagicBook, shown in Fig. 9, which
allows for a continuous seamless transition from the
physical world to augmented and/or virtual reality
(Billinghurst, Kato et al. 2001). The MagicBook utilizes a
real book that can be read normally, or one can use a
Hand Held Display (HHD) to view AR content popping
out of the real book pages. The placement of the
augmented scene is achieved by the ARToolkit
(ARToolKit 2007) computer vision library. When the user
is interested in a particular AR scene they can fly into the
scene and experience it as an immersive virtual
environment by simply flicking a switch on the handheld
display. Once immersed in the virtual scene, when they
turn their body in the real world, the virtual viewpoint
changes accordingly. The user can also fly around in the
virtual scene by pushing a pressure pad in the direction
they wish to fly. When the user switches to the immersed
virtual world an inertial tracker is used to place the
virtual objects in the correct location.
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
Fig. 9. Using the MagicBook to move from Reality to Virtuality
(Billinghurst, Kato et al. 2001)
The MagicBook also supports multiple simultaneous
users who each see the virtual content from their own
viewpoint. When the users are immersed in the virtual
environment they can experience the scene from either an
ego-centric or exo-centric point of view (Billinghurst,
Kato et al. 2001). The MagicBook provides an effective
environment for collaboration by allowing users to see
each other when viewing the AR application, maintaining
important visual cues needed for effective collaboration.
When immersed in VR, users are represented as virtual
avatars and can be seen by other users in the AR or VR
scene, thereby maintaining awareness of all users, and
thus still providing an environment supportive of
effective collaboration.
Prince et al. (Prince, Cheok et al. 2002) introduced a 3D
live augmented reality conferencing system. Through the
use of multiple cameras and an algorithm determining
shape from silhouette, they were able to superimpose a
live 3D image of a remote collaborator onto a fiducial
marker, creating the sense that the live remote
collaborator was in the workspace of the local user. Fig.
10 shows the live collaborator displayed on a fiducial
marker. The shape from silhouette algorithm works by
each of 15 cameras identifying a pixel as belonging to the
foreground or background, isolation of the foreground
information produces a 3D image that can be viewed
from any angle by the local user.
Fig. 10. Live 3D collaborator on fiducial marker (Prince, Cheok
et al. 2002)
Communication behaviors affect performance in
collaborative work. Kiyokawa et al. (Kiyokawa,
Billinghurst et al. 2002) experimented with how
diminished visual cues of co-located users in an AR
collaborative task influenced task performance.
Performance was best when collaborative partners were
able to see each other in real time. The worst case
occurred in an immersive virtual reality environment
where the participants could only see virtual images of
their partners.
In a second experiment Kiyokawa et al. (Kiyokawa,
Billinghurst et al. 2002) modified the location of the task
space, as shown in Fig. 11. Participants expressed more
natural communication when the task space was between
them; however, the orientation of the task space was
significant. The task space between the participants
meant that one had a reversed view from the other.
Results showed that participants preferred the task space
to be on a wall to one side of them, as they would both
view the workspace from the same perspective. The
results of this research point out the importance of the
location of task space, the need for a common reference
frame and the ability to see the visual cues displayed by a
collaborative partner.
Fig. 11. Different location spaces for Kiyokawa et al. (Kiyokawa,
Billinghurst et al. 2002) second experiment
These results show that AR can enhance face-to-face
collaboration in several ways. First, collaboration is
enhanced through AR by allowing the use of physical
tangible objects for ubiquitous computer interaction.
Thus making the collaborative environment natural and
effective by allowing participants to use objects for
interaction that they would normally use in a
collaborative effort. AR provides rich spatial cues
permitting users to interact freely in space, supporting
the use of natural spatial dialogue. Collaboration is also
enhanced by the use of AR since facial expressions,
gestures and body language are effectively transmitted.
In an AR environment multiple users can view the same
virtual content from their own perspective, either from an
ego- or exo-centric viewpoint. AR also allows users to see
each other while viewing the virtual content enhancing
spatial awareness and the workspace in an AR
environment can be positioned to enhance collaboration.
For human-robot collaboration, AR will increase
situational awareness by transmitting necessary spatial
cues through the three channels of the communication
model presented in this paper.
5.2. Mobile AR
Mobile AR is a good option for some forms of human-
robot collaboration. For example, if an astronaut is going
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
to collaborate with an autonomous robot on a planet
surface, a mobile AR system could be used that operates
inside the astronauts suit and projects virtual imagery on
the suit visor. This approach would allow the astronaut to
roam freely on the planet surface, while still maintaining
close collaboration with the autonomous robot.
Wearable computers provide a good platform for mobile
AR. Studies from Billinghurst et al. (Billinghurst, Weghorst
et al. 1997) showed that test subjects preferred working in
an environment where they could see each other and the
real world. When participants used wearable computers
they performed best and communicated almost as if
communicating in a face-to-face setting (Billinghurst,
Weghorst et al. 1997). Wearable computing provides a
seamless transition between the real and virtual worlds in
a mobile environment.
Cheok et al. (Cheok, Weihua et al. 2002) utilized shape
from silhouette live 3D imagery (Prince, Cheok et al.
2002) and wearable computers to create an interactive
theatre experience, as depicted in Fig. 12. Participants
collaborate in both an indoor and outdoor setting. Users
seamlessly transition between the real world, augmented
and virtual reality allowing multiple users to collaborate
and experience the theatre interactively with each other
and 3D images of live actors.
Fig. 12. Mobile AR setup interactive theatre experience (Cheok,
Weihua et al. 2002)
Reitmayr and Schmalstieg (Reitmayr and Schmalstieg
2004) implemented a mobile AR tour guide system that
allows multiple tourists to collaborate while they explore
a part of the city of Vienna. Their system directs the user
to a target location and displays location specific
information that can be selected to provide detailed
information. When a desired location is selected, the
system computes the shortest path, and displays this path
to the user as cylinders connected by arrows, as shown in
Fig. 13. Multiple users can collaborate in three modes,
follow mode, guide mode or meet mode. The meet mode
will display the shortest path between the users and thus
guide them to a meeting point.
Fig. 13. Reitmayr and Schmalstieg navigation (Reitmayr and
Schmalstieg 2004)
The Human Pacman game (Cheok, Fong et al. 2003) is
an outdoor mobile AR application that supports
collaboration. The system allows for mobile AR users to
play together, as well as get help from stationary
observers. Human Pacman, see Fig. 14, supports the use
of tangible and virtual objects as interfaces for the AR
game, as well as allowing real world physical
interaction between players. Players are able to
seamlessly transition between a first person augmented
reality world and an immersive virtual world. The use
of AR allows the virtual Pacman world to be
superimposed over the real world setting. AR enhances
collaboration between players by allowing them to
exchange virtual content as they are moving through the
AR outdoor world.
To date there has been little work on the use of mobile AR
interfaces for human-robot collaboration; however,
several lessons can be learnt from other wearable AR
systems. The majority of mobile AR applications are
used in an outdoor setting, where the augmented objects
are developed and their global location recorded before
the application is used. Two important issues arise in
mobile AR; data management, and the correct registration
of the outdoor augmented objects. With respect to data
management, it is important to develop a system where
enough information is stored on the wearable computer
for the immediate needs of the user, but also allows
access to new information needed as the user moves
around (Julier, Baillot et al. 2002). Data management
should also allow for the user to view as much
information as required, but at the same time not
overload the user with so much information that it
hinders performance. Current AR systems typically use
GPS tracking for registration of augmented information
for general location coordinates, then use inertial trackers,
magnetic trackers or optical fiducial markers for more
precise AR tracking. Another important item to design
into a mobile AR system is the ability to continue
operation in case communication with the remote server
or tracking system is temporarily lost.
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
Fig. 14: Human Pacman (Cheok, Fong et al. 2003)
Fig. 15. Magic wand with fiducial tip and a scene with laser scan
Steinhaus et al. 2004
Fig. 16. Robot follows AR path nodes, redirects when obstacle in
way (Giesler, Salb et al. 2004)
5.3. First Steps in Using AR in Human-Robot
Collaboration Milgram et al (Milgram, Zhai et al. 1993)
highlighted the need for combining the attributes humans
are good at with those that robots are good at to result in
an optimized human-robot team. Humans are good at
less accurate referencing, such as using ‘here’ and
‘there’, whereas robotic systems need highly accurate
discrete information. Milgram et al pointed out the need
for HRI systems that can transfer the interaction
mechanisms that are considered natural for human
communication to the precision required for machine
information. Their approach was to use augmented
overlays in a fixed work environment to enable the
human ‘director’ to use spatial referencing to
interactively plan and optimize a robotic manipulator
Giesler et al. (Giesler, Steinhaus et al. 2004) are working
on a system that allows a robot to interactively create a
3D model of an object on-the-fly. In this application, a
laser scanner is used to read in an unknown 3D object.
The information from the laser scan is overlaid through
AR onto the video feed of the real world, as shown in Fig.
15. The user interactively creates a boundary box around
the appropriate portion of the laser scan by using voice
commands and an AR magic wand. The wand uses the
ARToolkit (ARToolKit 2007) and is made of fiducial
markers for tracking. The wand is shown on the far left
in Fig. 15. Using a combination of the laser scan and
video image, a 3D model of a previously unknown object
can be created.
In other work Giesler et al. (Giesler, Salb et al. 2004) are
implementing an AR system that creates a path for a
mobile robot to follow using voice commands and the
same magic wand in their work above. Fiducial markers
are placed on the floor and used to calibrate the tracking
coordinate system. A path is created node by node, by
pointing the wand at the floor and giving voice commands
for the meaning of a particular node. Map nodes can be
interactively moved or deleted. The robot moves from
node to node using its autonomous collision detection
capabilities. As goal nodes are reached, the node depicted
in the AR system changes color to keep the user informed
of the robots progress. The robot will retrace steps if an
obstruction is encountered and create a new plan to arrive
at the goal destination, as shown in Fig. 16.
Although Giesler et al (Giesler, Salb et al. 2004) did not
mention a user evaluation, they did comment that the
interface was intuitive to use. Results from their work
show that AR is an excellent application to visualize
planned trajectories and inform the user of the robots
progress and intention. It was also mentioned that the
ARToolkit (ARToolKit 2007) tracking module can be
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
problematic, sometimes failing due to image noise and
changes in lighting.
Bowen et al (Bowen, Maida et al. 2004) and Maida et al
(Maida, Bowen et al. 2006) showed through user studies
that the use of AR resulted in significant improvements in
robotic control performance. Drury et al (Drury, Richer et
al. 2006) showed through experiments that augmented
real-time video with pre-loaded map terrain data resulted
in a statistical difference in comprehension of 3D spatial
relationships over using 2D video alone for operators of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The results were
better situational awareness of the activities of the UAV.
5.4. Summary
Augmented Reality is an ideal platform for human-robot
collaboration as it provides the ability for a human to
share a remote (ego-centric) view with a robot
collaborative partner. In terms of the communication
model used in this paper, AR will allow the human and
robot to ground their mutual understanding and
intentions through the visual channel affording a person
the ability to see what a robot sees. AR supports the use
of deictic gestures, pointing to a place in 3D space and
referring to that point as “here”, by allowing a 3D
overlaid image to be referenced as “here”.
AR also allows a human partner to have a worldview
(exo-centric) of the collaborative workspace affording
spatial understanding of the robots position relative to
the surrounding environment. The exo-centric view will
allow a human collaborator to know where he/she is in
terms of the surrounding environment, as well as, in
terms of the robot and other human and robot
collaborators. The exo-centric view is vital when
considering the field of view of an astronaut in a space
suit. The helmet of a space suit does not swivel with neck
motion so two astronauts working side by side are unable
to see each other (Glassmire, O'Malley et al. 2004). AR
can overcome this limitation by increasing the situational
awareness of both the human and robot, even if the
human is constrained inside a space suit.
Augmented reality supports collaboration between more
than two people, thus providing tools for enhanced
collaboration, especially for human-robot collaboration
where more than one human may wish to collaborate
with a robot. AR also supports transitional interfaces
along the entire spectrum of Milgram’s Reality-Virtuality
continuum (Milgram and Kishino 1994), shown in Fig. 17.
AR transitions seamlessly from the real world to an
immersive data space, as demonstrated by the MagicBook
application (Billinghurst, Kato et al. 2001). This seamless
transition is yet another important aspect of AR that aids
in the grounding process and increases situational
awareness. In a study of the performance of human-
robot interaction in urban search and rescue, Yanco et al.
(Yanco, Drury et al. 2004) identified the need for
situational awareness of the robot and its surroundings.
AR technology can be used to display visual cues that can
increase situational awareness and improve the
grounding process, enabling the human to more
effectively understand what the robot is doing and its
internal state (Collett and MacDonald 2006), thus
supporting natural spatial dialogue.
Fig. 17. Milgram’s Reality-Virtuality Continuum (Milgram and
Kishino 1994)
6. Research Directions in Human-Robot Collaboration
Given this review of the general state of human-robot
collaboration, and the presentation and review of using
AR to enhance this type of collaboration, the question is:
what are promising future research directions? Two
important concepts must be kept in mind when designing
an effective human-robot collaboration system. One, the
robotic system must be able to provide feedback as to its
understanding of the situation and its actions (Scholtz
2002). Two, an effective human-robot system must
provide mechanisms to enable the human and the robotic
system to communicate effectively (Fong, Kunz et al.
2006). In this section, each of the three communication
channels in the model presented is explored, and
potential avenues to make the model of human-robot
collaboration become a reality are discussed.
6.1. The Audio Channel
There are numerous systems readily available for
automated speech recognition (ASR) and text to speech
(TTS) synthesis. A robust dialogue management system
will need to be developed that is capable of taking the
appropriate human input from the ASR system and
convert this input into appropriate robot commands. The
dialogue management system will need to be able to take
input from the robot control system, convert this
information into suitable text strings for the TTS system
to synthesize into understandable audible output for the
human collaborators. The dialogue manager will thus
need to support the ongoing discussion between the
humans and the robotic system. The dialogue manager
will need to enable a robot to express its intentions that
will include the robot understanding the current situation
and responding with alternative approaches to those
proposed by the human collaborators or alerting the
human team members when a proposed plan is not
feasible and provide reasoning for this determination.
This type of clarification (Krujiff, Zender et al. 2006) will
require the robotic system to understand the speech,
interpret the speech in terms of its surroundings and goal,
and express itself through speech. An internal model of
the communication process will need to be developed.
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
The use of humour and emotion will enable the robotic
agents to communicate in a more natural and effective
manner, and therefore should be incorporated into the
dialogue management system. An example of the
effectiveness of this type of communication can be seen in
Rea, a computer generated human-like real estate agent
(Cassell, Bickmore et al. 1999). Rea is capable of multi-
modal input and output using verbal and non-verbal
communication cues to actively participate in a
conversation. Audio can also be spatialized, in essence,
placing sound in the virtual world from where it
originates in the real world. Spatially locating sound will
increase situational awareness and thus provide a means
to communicate effectively and naturally.
6.2. The Environmental Channel
To collaborate, a robot will need to understand the use of
objects by its human counterpart, such as using an object
to point or making a gesture. AR can support this type of
interaction by enabling the human to point to a 3D object
that both the robot and human refer to, common ground,
and use natural dialogue such as “go to this point”,
situational awareness. In a similar manner the robot
would be able to express its intentions and beliefs by
showing through the 3D overlays what its internal state,
plans and understanding of the situation are. Thus using
the shared AR environment as an effective spatial
communication tool. Referencing a shared 3D
environment will support the use of common and shared
frames of references, thus affording the ability to
effectively communicate in a truly spatial manner. As an
example, if a robot did not fully understand a verbal
command, it would be able to make use of the shared 3D
environment to clearly portray to its collaborators what
was not understood, what further information is needed
and what the autonomous agent believes could be the
correct action to take.
Real physical objects can be used to interact with an AR
application. For human-robot communication this
translates into a more intuitive user interface, allowing the
use of real world objects to communicate with a robot. The
use of real world objects is especially important for mobile
applications where the user will not be able to use typical
computer interface devices, such as a mouse or keyboard.
6.3. The Visual Channel
In natural communication, speech is an important part of
grounding a conversation. However, with the limited
speech ability of robotic systems, visual cues also provide
a means of grounding communication. AR, with its
ability to provide ego- and exo-centric views and to
seamlessly transition from reality to virtuality, can
provide robotic systems with a robust manner in which to
ground communication and allow human collaborative
partners to understand the intention of the robotic
system. AR can also transmit spatial awareness though
the ability to provide rich spatial cues, ego- and exo-
centric points of view, and also by seamlessly
transitioning from the real world to an immersive VR
world. An AR system could, therefore, be developed to
allow for bi-directional transmission of gaze direction,
gestures, facial expressions and body pose. The result
would be an increased level of communication and more
effective collaboration.
AR is an optimal method of displaying information for
the user. Billinghurst et al. (Billinghurst, Bowskill et al.
1998) showed through user tests that spatial displays in a
wearable computing environment were more intuitive
and resulted in significantly increased performance. Fig.
18 shows spatial information displayed in a head
stabilised and body stabilised fashion. Using AR to
display information, such as robot state, progress and
even intent, will result in increased understanding,
grounding and, therefore, enhanced collaboration.
Fig. 18. Head stabilised (a) and body stabilised (b) AR
information displays (Billinghurst, Bowskill et al. 1998)
6.4. General Research in AR
In order to develop natural human-robot collaboration,
many aspects of AR should be explored, such as
communication and data transfer. AR requires
transmission of audio and video information, for mobile
remote collaboration, an effective means of transmitting
this information will be required. An effective AR system
requires the means to continue operation in the case of an
interruption in communication. Mobile computing
should be researched to find an optimal configuration for
the components of an AR system.
A data management system providing the right
information at the right time will be needed. An AR
system would benefit greatly from the ability to create
new virtual content on the fly. The AR system should be
usable in various spatial ranges. For example, a system
should be developed that can be used for local
collaboration with the robot, human and robot working
side by side, and at the same time the system should also
support remote collaboration, human on earth or in space
station and robot on planet surface or outside space
station. The system should be able to support a
combination of spatial configurations, i.e. local
collaboration with the robot and at the same time allow
collaboration from remote participants.
Tracking techniques have always been a challenge in AR.
To support human-robot collaboration in various
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2008)
Fig. 19. Human Robot Collaboration System Architecture
environments, robust tracking technologies will need to
be researched. The AR system should be able to be used
in virtually any environment and not be affected by
changes in ambient conditions, such as lighting. Human-
robot collaboration will occur in unprepared
environments, therefore, research into using AR in
unprepared environments is yet another area to be
explored. AR shows promise to be an excellent platform
for human-robot collaboration, much research still needs
to be conducted to develop a viable AR human-robot
collaboration system.
7. Architectural Design
Employing the lessons learned from this literature
review, an architectural design has been developed for
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC). A multimodal
approach is envisioned that combines speech and gesture
through the use of AR that will allow humans to use
natural speech and gestures to communicate with robotic
systems. Through this architecture the robotic system
will receive the discrete information it needs to operate
while allowing human team members to communicate in
a natural and effective manner by referencing objects,
positions, and intentions through natural gesture and
speech. The human and the robotic system will each
maintain situational awareness by referencing the same
shared 3D visual of the work world in the AR
The architectural design is show in Fig. 19. The speech-
processing module will recognize human speech and
parse this speech into the appropriate dialog components.
When a defined dialog goal is achieved through speech
recognition, the required information will be sent to the
Multimodal Communication Processor (MCP). The
speech-processing module will also take information
from the MCP and the robotic system and synthesize this
speech for effective dialog with human team members.
The speech processing will take place using the spoken
dialog system Ariadne (Ariadne 2006). Ariadne was
chosen for its capability for rapid dialog creation
(Denecke 2002).
Gesture processing will enable a human to use deictic
referencing and normal gestures to communicate
effectively with a robotic system. To communicate
effectively with a robotic system it is imperative that the
system be able to translate the generic references humans
use, such as pointing into 3D space and saying “go here”,
into the discrete information a robotic system needs to
operate. The gesture-processing module will recognize
gestures used by a human and pass this information to
the MCP. The MCP will combine the speech from the
speech processing module, the gesture information from
the gesture-processing module and use the Human-Robot
Collaboration Augmented Reality Environment (HRC-
ARE) to effectively enable the defining of ambiguous
deictic references such as here, there, this and that. The
disambiguation of the deictic references will be
accomplished in the AR environment, as the AR
environment is a 3D virtual replication of the robot’s
world allowing visual translation and definition of such
deictic references. The human will be able to use a
tangible paddle to reach into and interact with this 3D
virtual world. This tangible interaction is a key feature of
AR that makes it an ideal platform for HRC. The
ARToolKit (ARToolKit 2007) will be used for the AR
The gaze-processing module will track the users gaze
through the use of a head mounted display. This gaze
tracking will enable each human team member to view
the HRC-ARE from his or her own perspective. This
personal viewing of the work world will result in
increased situational awareness as each team member
will view the work environment form their own
perspective and will be able to change their perspective
simply by moving around the 3D virtual environment as
they would a real world object, or they could move the
3D virtual world around and maintain their position by
moving the real world fiducial marker that the 3D world
is “attached” to. Not only will human team members be
able to maintain their perspective of the robotic system’s
work environment, but they will also be able to smoothly
switch to the robot’s view of the work environment. This
ability to smoothly switch between an exo-centric (God’s
eye) view of the work environment to an ego-centric
(robotic system’s) view of the work environment is yet
another feature of AR that makes it ideal for HRC and
enables the human to quickly and effectively reach
common ground and maintain situational awareness with
the robotic system.
The Dialog Management System (DMS) will be aware of
the communication that needs to take place for the
human and robot to collaboratively complete a task. The
Green, Billinghurst, Chen and Chase: Human-Robot Collaboration: A Literature Review and Augmented Reality Approach in Design
MCP will take information from the speech, gesture and
gaze processing modules along with information
generated from the HRC-ARE and supply it to the DMS.
The DMS will be responsible for combining this
information and comparing it to the information stored in
the Collaboration Knowledge Base (CKB). The CKB will
contain information pertaining to what is needed to
complete the desired tasks that the human-robot team
wishes to complete. The DMS will then respond through
the MCP to either human team members or the robotic
system, whichever is appropriate, facilitating dialog and
tracking when a command or request is complete.
The MCP will be responsible for receiving information
from the other modules in the system and sending
information to the appropriate modules. The MCP will
thus be responsible for combining multimodal input,
registering this input into something the system can
understand and then sending the required information to
other system modules for action. The result of this
system design is that a human will be able to use natural
speech and gestures to interact with a robotic system.
8. Conclusion
This paper began by showing a need for human-robot
collaboration. Human-human communication was
discussed; a model for human-human collaboration
created and this model was used as a reference model for
human-robot collaboration. The state of human-robot
interaction was reviewed and how this interaction fit into
the model of human-robot collaboration was explored.
Finally, Augmented Reality technology was reviewed
and how AR could be used to enhance human-robot
collaboration was explored.
The model developed for human communication is based
on three components, the communication channels
available, the communication cues provided by each of
these channels, and the technology that affects the
transmission of these cues. There are three channels for
communication: visual, audio and environmental.
Depending on the transmission medium used,
communication cues may not be effectively transmitted.
Applying this model to human-robot collaboration, the
characteristics of an effective human-robot collaborative
system can be analyzed. An effective system should
strive to allow communication cues to be transferred in
all three channels. Therefore, the robot must be able to
understand and exhibit audio, visual and environmental
communication cues.
Effective human-robot collaborative systems should
make use of varying levels of autonomy. As a result, the
system would better capitalize on the strengths of both
the human and robot. More explicitly, the system would
capitalize on the problem solving skills of a human and
the speed and dexterity of a robot. Thus, a robot would
be able to work autonomously, while retaining the ability
to request assistance when guidance is needed or
In terms of communication, a robot will be better
understood and accepted if its communication behaviour
more explicitly emulates that of a human. Common
understanding should be reached by using the same
conversational gestures used by humans, those of gaze,
pointing, and hand and face gestures. Robots should also
be able to interpret and display such behaviours so that
their communication appears natural to their human
conversational partner.
Finally, Augmented Reality has many benefits that will
help create a more ideal environment for human-robot
collaboration and advance the capability of the
communication channels discussed. AR technology
allows the human to share an ego-centric view with a
robot, thus enabling the human and robot to ground their
communication and intentions. AR also allows for an
exo-centric view of the collaborative workspace affording
spatial awareness. Multiple collaborators can be
supported by an AR system; so multiple humans could
collaborate with multiple robotic systems. Human-robot
collaborative systems can, therefore, significantly benefit
from AR technology because it conveys visual cues that
enhance communication and grounding, enabling the
human to have a better understanding of what the robot
is doing and its intentions. A multimodal approach in
developing a human-robot collaborative system would be
the most effective, combining speech (spatial dialog),
gesture and a shared reference of the work environment,
through the use of AR. As a result, the collaboration will
be more natural and more effective.
9. Acknowledgements
We would like to acknowledge the collaboration of
Randy Stiles and Scott Richardson at the Lockheed
Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale California,
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... Augmented reality (AR) has been explored as a tool for human-robot collaboration (HRC) since 1993 in [1], and research related to AR for HRC has expanded further with the deployment of the Magic Leap 1 [2] and Microsoft HoloLens 2 [3], arguably the most advanced head-mounted displays for AR on the market. In 2008, Green et al. [4] presented a literature review of AR for human-robot collaboration; however, in the years that have passed since then, AR for HRC has evolved immensely. The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction hosts annual workshops on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI) [5][6][7][8][9], further evidence that these technologies of augmented reality and robotics are becoming increasingly used together. ...
... The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction hosts annual workshops on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI) [5][6][7][8][9], further evidence that these technologies of augmented reality and robotics are becoming increasingly used together. This survey is intended as a continuation and expansion of the review begun by Green et al. [4], necessitated by the significant progress and innovations in this area since then and the lack of other survey articles on this particular topic. ...
... Milgram et al. [1] define augmented reality as an overlay of virtual graphics and virtual objects within the real world, and this is the basic definition used throughout this paper. Green et al. add that "AR will allow the human and robot to ground their mutual understanding and intentions through the visual channel affording a person the ability to see what a robot sees" [4]. Whether the real world is viewed unobstructed, partially obstructed, or through an intermediate display, the AR features are placed over these real-world images. ...
Full-text available
For nearly three decades, researchers have explored the use of augmented reality for facilitating collaboration between humans and robots. In this survey paper, we review the prominent, relevant literature published since 2008, the last date that a similar review article was published. We begin with a look at the various forms of the augmented reality (AR) technology itself, as utilized for human–robot collaboration (HRC). We then highlight specific application areas of AR for HRC, as well as the main technological contributions of the literature. Next, we present commonly used methods of evaluation with suggestions for implementation. We end with a look towards future research directions for this burgeoning field. This review serves as a primer and comprehensive reference for those whose work involves the combination of augmented reality with any kind of human–robot collaboration.
... Thirdly, the affordances in the technology affect the display, and reception of cues. (Green, et al. 2008). Some suggest that collaborative robots must become social because they exist in the social space of humans (Fischer, 2019). ...
... There are a few aesthetic morphologies that as stated previously can be inspired physically, interactively, and in the method of interaction. Anthropomorphism, where the robot is inspired by humans was coined by Hanson (2006), Park, et al. (2009), Green, et al. (2008), Wodehouse, et al. (2018, as well as others in this paper. Zoomorphism, where the robot is inspired by a fauna. ...
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Robots are becoming increasingly prevalent in the workplace. As Industry 5.0 pursues human-centric technologies, a greater understanding of what effects aesthetics has on those interacting with robots is needed. This paper sets out robot morphology as a way to characterise key form types, and proposes seven classifications: anthropomorphism, zoomorphism, phytomorphism, artemorphism, functiomorphism, amorphism, and neomorphism. Through an assessment of the current robot aesthetic landscape, design dimensions are identified with examples that can inform future robot design.
... The main purpose of an HRI is to achieve effectiveness and safety, intuitiveness, and usability to enable operators to interact, cooperate, and collaborate with robotic systems. The integration of VR and augmented reality/mixed reality (AR/MR) into architectural frameworks promises to revolutionize human-robot interaction for, respectively, remote and on-site operations, offering essential tools to enhance user experience [8][9][10]. The following list outlines the main advantages and objectives of an XR HRI: ...
... I have never felt lost when using the system. 9. Overall, I am satisfied with this system. ...
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This paper proposes a virtual reality-based dual-mode teleoperation architecture to assist human operators in remotely operating robotic manipulation systems in a safe and flexible way. The architecture, implemented via a finite state machine, enables the operator to switch between two operational modes: the Approach mode, where the operator indirectly controls the robotic system by specifying its target configuration via the immersive virtual reality (VR) interface, and the Telemanip mode, where the operator directly controls the robot end-effector motion via input devices. The two independent control modes have been tested along the task of reaching a glass on a table by a sample population of 18 participants. Two working groups have been considered to distinguish users with previous experience with VR technologies from the novices. The results of the user study presented in this work show the potential of the proposed architecture in terms of usability, both physical and mental workload, and user satisfaction. Finally, a statistical analysis showed no significant differences along these three metrics between the two considered groups demonstrating ease of use of the proposed architecture by both people with and with no previous experience in VR.
... Unlike the traditional methods, XR/AR technologies, with their real-time and contextual feedback directly within the user's field of view, make it possible to have more natural and efficient interactions between human users and robots. As a subset of XR technologies, they enable the superimposition of computer graphics onto the physical world [21] and have been increasingly utilized to enhance human-robot interaction (HRI), bridging the gap between virtual and real environments. Recent surveys [22], [3] demonstrate the potential of AR to transform robot programming, providing a detailed taxonomy of AR applications in robotics, including beneficial aspects of AR for robot control, programming, and visualization. ...
Full-text available
As robotics continue to enter various sectors beyond traditional industrial applications, the need for intuitive robot training and interaction systems becomes increasingly more important. This paper introduces Robotic Augmented Reality for Machine Programming (RAMPA), a system that utilizes the capabilities of state-of-the-art and commercially available AR headsets, e.g., Meta Quest 3, to facilitate the application of Programming from Demonstration (PfD) approaches on industrial robotic arms, such as Universal Robots UR10. Our approach enables in-situ data recording, visualization, and fine-tuning of skill demonstrations directly within the user's physical environment. RAMPA addresses critical challenges of PfD, such as safety concerns, programming barriers, and the inefficiency of collecting demonstrations on the actual hardware. The performance of our system is evaluated against the traditional method of kinesthetic control in teaching three different robotic manipulation tasks and analyzed with quantitative metrics, measuring task performance and completion time, trajectory smoothness, system usability, user experience, and task load using standardized surveys. Our findings indicate a substantial advancement in how robotic tasks are taught and refined, promising improvements in operational safety, efficiency, and user engagement in robotic programming.
... This convergence of AI technologies is projected to drive substantial growth in the AI manufacturing market, with estimates indicating a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 57% from 2020 to 2026 [27][28][29][30]. The application of AI in manufacturing is diverse and multifaceted. ...
Full-text available
p>Artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a potent catalyst for revolutionizing manufacturing, promising unprecedented efficiency, agility, and resilience. This research embarks on an investigative journey to dissect the multifaceted landscape of AI in manufacturing, aiming to unravel its current status, intrinsic challenges, and prospective pathways. This research unveils the intricate relationship between AI technologies and manufacturing processes across diverse domains. Examining various domains, including system-level analysis, human-robot collaboration, process monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics, and material-property modeling. The research also reveals AI’s transformative potential in optimizing manufacturing operations, enhancing decision-making, and fostering innovation. By dissecting each domain, the research illuminates how AI empowers manufacturers to adapt to dynamic market demands and technological advancements, ultimately driving sustainable growth and competitiveness. Moreover, it also examines the evolving dynamics of human-robot collaboration within manufacturing settings, recognizing AI’s pivotal role in facilitating seamless communication, shared understanding, and dynamic adaptation between humans and machines. Through an exploration of AI-enabled human-robot collaboration, this research underscores the transformative power of symbiotic relationships in reshaping the future of manufacturing. While highlighting opportunities, it acknowledges the myriad challenges accompanying AI integration in manufacturing, such as data quality issues, interpretability of AI models, and knowledge transfer across domains. By addressing these challenges, the research aims to pave the way for more resilient AI-driven manufacturing systems capable of navigating complex market landscapes and technological disruptions. This research sheds light on AI’s transformative potential in manufacturing, inspiring collaborative efforts and innovative solutions that will propel the industry forward into a new era of possibility and prosperity. </p
... This requires an interactive interface between humans and robots for effective communication and facilitating collaborations. Previous studies have confirmed that AR successfully serves as such a role in manufacturing applications [4][5][6]. ...
The rapid development of extended reality (XR), including virtual and augmented reality, offers promising solutions to mediate human-robot interactions and support robotic construction in various forms. However, there is still a lack of systematic analysis of how emerging XR technologies and robotics could be effectively integrated to achieve mutual benefits and improve overall construction performance. This paper aims to critically review the existing literature on the integration of XR and robotics in construction based on a framework integrating the concept, methodology, and value dimensions, and to identify promising areas for future research in order to unleash the power of XR and robotics in construction. The paper offers a comprehensive understanding of what, how and why XR and robots are integrated in construction. In particular, the review critically analyzes the technology characteristics of XR and robotics, the integration pattern and modalities among humans, XR, and robots, and the multifaceted purposes and benefits in construction. The review indicates that VR is primarily used for simulation, training and teleoperation of robots in construction applications, while AR is implemented to provide additional information to humans for better interaction with robots and environments. The involvement of robots is generally industrial robots or mobile robots, with few studies considering specific construction robots in real-life scenarios. The findings point future directions for research to leverage XR for construction robot development and enhance XR-empowered human-robot collaboration. The review contributes to a new typology for XR-robot integration in construction and provides useful implications for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in integrating robotics and XR to accelerate construction digitalization.
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The design features of an augmented reality (AR) interfaces, in which three-dimensional virtual images appear superimposed over real objects, are described. The design of an AR interface uses principles familiar in other types of interface design. The development of highly usable AR applications is enabled by considering the form and function of the physical devices and virtual elements. The AR interfaces that support seamless interaction and are very intuitive to use, can also be developed using design principles adapted from tangible user interfaces. The exploration with tangible AR interfaces is a first step towards developing new physically based interface metaphors that are unique to augmented reality.
Both stationary 'industrial' and autonomous mobile robots nowadays pervade many workplaces, but human-friendly interaction with them is still very much an experimental subject. One of the reasons for this is that computer and robotic systems are very bad at performing certain tasks well and robust. A prime example is classification of sensor readings: Which part of a 3D depth image is the cup, which the saucer, which the table? These are tasks that humans excel at. To alleviate this problem, we propose a team approah, wherein the robot records sensor data and uses an Augmented-Reality (AR) system to present the data to the user directly in the 3D environment. The user can then perform classification decisions directly on the data by pointing, gestures and speech commands. After the classification has been performed by the user, the robot takes the classified data and matches it to its environment model. As a demonstration of this approach, we present an initial system for creating objects on-the-fly in the environment model. A rotating laser scanner is used to capture a 3D snapshot of the environment. This snapshot is presented to the user as an overlay over his view of the scene. The user classifies unknown objects by pointing at them. The system segments the snapshot according to the user's indications and presents the results of segmentation back to the user, who can then inspect, correct and enhance them interactively. After a satisfying result has been reached, the laser-scanner can take more snapshots from other angles and use the previous segmentation hints to construct a D model of the object.
This paper reports on research on developing the ability for robots to engage with humansin a collaborative conversation for hosting activities. It defines the engagementprocess in collaborative conversation and reports on our progress in creating a robot toperform hosting activities. The paper then presents the analysis of a study of humanhuman"look tracking" and discusses rules that will allow a robot to track humans sothat engagement is maintained.
Automatic target recognition in agricultural harvesting robots is characterized by low detection rates and high false alarm rates due to the unstructured nature of both the environment and the objects. To improve detection human-robot collaboration levels were defined and implemented. The collaboration level is defined as the level of system autonomy or the level at which the human operator (HO) interacts with the system. Experimental results on images taken in the field indicate that collaboration of HO and robot increases detection and reduces the time required for detection.