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Small temperature benefits provided by realistic afforestation efforts

Springer Nature
Nature Geoscience

Abstract and Figures

Afforestation, the conversion of croplands or marginal lands into forests, results in the sequestration of carbon. As a result, afforestation is considered one of the key climate-change mitigation strategies available to governments by the United Nations1. However, forests are also less reflective than croplands, and the absorption of incoming solar radiation is greater over afforested areas. Afforestation can therefore result in net climate warming, particularly at high latitudes2-5. Here, we use a comprehensive Earth system model to assess the climate-change mitigation potential of five afforestation scenarios, with afforestation carried out gradually over a 50-year period. Complete (100%) and partial (50%) afforestation of the area occupied at present by crops leads to a reduced warming of around 0.45 and 0.25 °C respectively, during the period 2081-2100. Temperature benefits associated with more realistic global afforestation efforts, where less than 50% of cropland is converted, are expected to be even smaller, indicating that afforestation is not a substitute for reduced greenhouse-gas emissions. We also show that warming reductions per unit afforested area are around three times higher in the tropics than in the boreal and northern temperate regions, suggesting that avoided deforestation and continued afforestation in the tropics are effective forest-management strategies from a climate perspective.
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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 19 JUNE 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1182
Small temperature benefits provided by realistic
afforestation efforts
Vivek K. Arora1*and Alvaro Montenegro2
Afforestation, the conversion of croplands or marginal lands
into forests, results in the sequestration of carbon. As a
result, afforestation is considered one of the key climate-
change mitigation strategies available to governments by the
United Nations1. However, forests are also less reflective than
croplands, and the absorption of incoming solar radiation
is greater over afforested areas. Afforestation can therefore
result in net climate warming, particularly at high latitudes2–5.
Here, we use a comprehensive Earth system model to assess
the climate-change mitigation potential of five afforestation
scenarios, with afforestation carried out gradually over a 50-
year period. Complete (100%) and partial (50%) afforestation
of the area occupied at present by crops leads to a reduced
warming of around 0.45 and 0.25 C respectively, during
the period 2081–2100. Temperature benefits associated with
more realistic global afforestation efforts, where less than
50% of cropland is converted, are expected to be even
smaller, indicating that afforestation is not a substitute
for reduced greenhouse-gas emissions. We also show that
warming reductions per unit afforested area are around three
times higher in the tropics than in the boreal and northern
temperate regions, suggesting that avoided deforestation and
continued afforestation in the tropics are effective forest-
management strategies from a climate perspective.
We analyse simulations made with the first-generation Canadian
Earth System Model6,7 (CanESM1), which consists of coupled
dynamical atmosphere and ocean models with full oceanic
and terrestrial carbon-cycle components. This model reproduces
twentieth-century observations of global mean atmospheric CO2,
as well as its seasonal cycle and interhemispheric gradient6. One
standard simulation with no land-use/cover change (LUCC) and
five afforestation simulations are carried out for the 2011–2100
period, all with emissions increasing according to the Special Report
on Emissions Scenarios A2 scenario. These future simulations are
continuations of an 1850–2010 historical simulation that is driven
with observation-based fossil-fuel emissions and changes in crop
area8,9 (see Methods) and has simulated CO2concentration of
381 ppm in 2010. CO2is the longest-lived and most important
of the major greenhouse gases and therefore we focus on
the afforestation response to CO2, which also simplifies the
interpretation of our simulations.
Afforestation is carried out in areas that are at present occupied
by croplands (Supplementary Fig. S1), and which, according to
estimates of potential vegetation, would be occupied by forests if
it were not for human activities (see Methods). The assumption
is that afforestation is not a viable strategy if artificial supply of
water or nutrients, or any other type of high-intensity management,
is required. In the 100% global afforestation simulation, the
1Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environment Canada, PO Box 3065, STN CSC, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia,
V8W 3V6, Canada, 2Environmental Sciences Research Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, St Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, B2G
2W5, Canada. *e-mail:
fractional coverage of woody tree plant functional types (PFTs)
is gradually increased, and the fractional coverage of crop PFTs
is gradually decreased, from 2011 to 2060, until the crop area
becomes zero by 2060. This unrealistic simulation provides an
upper limit to potential climatic changes when the land cover
is essentially returned to its preindustrial state. In the 50%-
afforestation simulation only 50% of the global crop area in 2010
is afforested over the 2011–2060 period. This more realistic, but
still somewhat extreme, scenario would require at least a doubling
of crop yield to feed the human population as crop area is
halved over time. The remaining three simulations are identical
to the 50% global afforestation simulation but afforestation is
carried out only over boreal (48.23N–90N), northern temperate
(22.24N–48.23N) or tropical (18.58S–22.24N) latitudinal
bands. The afforested areas in these simulations are summarized
in Table 1. The prescribed changes in the fractional coverage of
PFTs do not determine the structural attributes of vegetation, or
carbon sequestered over land, which are dynamically determined as
a function of simulated climate and atmospheric CO2concentration
(see Methods). The changes to land cover in our simulations
are less drastic than in earlier studies3–5,10 and so provide
insight into the effects of somewhat more realistic afforestation
efforts in conjunction with continuous increase in emissions. In
addition, afforestation is carried out gradually over the 2011–2060
(50 year) period rather than in a step change and its effects
are inferred directly and not by inversion of results from
deforestation simulations10.
The simulated CO2concentration in the standard no-LUCC
simulation increases from 381 ppm in 2010 to 760 ppm in
2100 (see Supplementary Fig. S2a). Afforestation leads to larger
land carbon uptake and consequently lower atmospheric CO2
concentration in all afforestation simulations compared with
the standard no-LUCC case (Fig. 1a,b). The 100% and 50%
global afforestation simulations yield 93 and 45 ppm lower CO2
in 2100, respectively, than the standard no-LUCC simulation.
The drawdown generated in northern-temperate- and tropical-
afforestation (20 ppm) simulations is more than double the
drawdown produced by boreal afforestation (9 ppm). This is partly
because the afforested area in the boreal simulation is about half that
in the northern-temperate-afforestation simulation (Table 1). The
tropical-afforestation simulation yields the same CO2drawdown as
the northern-temperate-afforestation simulation despite its lower
afforested area because carbon is sequestered at a faster rate per
unit afforested area in the tropics than in temperate regions. Land
carbon uptake increases by 240 and 120 Pg C in the 100% and
50% global afforestation simulations, respectively, compared with
the no-afforestation case (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. S2b).
The 240 PgC of land carbon uptake in the 100% afforestation
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Table 1 |Global and land-only averaged temperature differences between the standard no-LUCC and the five cropland
afforestation simulations for the 2081–2100 period.
Simulation Afforested
area (million
Temperature difference compared
with the no-afforestation case (C)
Statistical significance
Land only Global
1. 100% global afforestation 20.2 0.63 0.45 p<0.01
2. 50% global afforestation 10.1 0.31 0.25 p<0.01
3. 50% boreal afforestation 2.0 0.01 0.04 p>0.25
4. 50% northern temperate afforestation 4.7 0.16 0.11 p>0.05
5. 50% tropical afforestation 2.7 0.25 0.16 p<0.01
The statistical significance of global temperature differencesis also shown on the basis of the unequal-variance Student t-test. Afforested areas in different simulations are also shown.
No LUCC 50% afforestation100% afforestation
50% boreal afforestation 50% temperate afforestation 50% tropical afforestation
Year Year
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 2100
Globally averaged screen temperature (°C)
Difference in cumulative land uptake compared
with the no-LUCC simulation (Pg C)
Difference in CO
concentration compared
with the no-LUCC simulation (ppm)
ab c
2010 2025 2040 2055 2070 2085 2100 2010 2025 2040 2055 2070 2085 2100
Figure 1 |Effect of cropland afforestation on land carbon uptake, atmospheric CO2and temperature. a,b, Differences in cumulative land uptake (a) and
CO2concentrations (b) in the five afforestation simulations compared with the standard no-LUCC simulation. c, Simulated globally averaged screen
temperature from all simulations.
simulation is larger than the 156 Pg C of cumulative land use change
emissions over the 1850–2005 period11 because the CO2fertilization
effect results in more carbon sequestered per unit afforested
area than there was in 1850. Ocean carbon uptake responds to
atmospheric CO2, with highest uptake in the no-LUCC simulation
and lowest in the 100% afforestation case (Supplementary Fig. S2c).
All afforestation simulations yield lower temperatures (that
is less warming) over the 2081–2100 period compared with
the standard no-LUCC case, although the differences are not
statistically significant (p>0.05) for the northern-temperate- and
boreal-afforestation simulations (see Fig. 1c and Table 1). Warming
reductions are larger over land, except for the boreal afforestation,
which yields a slight warming increase owing to the positive albedo
effect2. Overall, the net temperature benefits of afforestation are
small. Even the unfeasible scenario of afforesting all available
cropland yields reduced warming of only 0.45 C, with the still
unrealistic 50% afforestation scenario resulting in a warming
reduction of 0.25 C over the 2081–2100 period, compared with
2.2C warming realized over the 2010–2100 period in the no-
LUCC simulation (Fig. 1c). We define temperature effectiveness of
afforestation (TEA), ξ, as
where 1T(C) is the globally averaged temperature difference
averaged over the 2081–2100 period between an afforestation and
the standard no-LUCC simulation and A(million km2) is the area
afforested. 1Tis used for the whole globe (1TG) as well as only
over land (1TL) to obtain ξGand ξLshown in Fig. 2 for the five
afforestation experiments. TEA values are negative, except for ξLfor
the 50%-boreal-afforestation experiment, because of the reduction
in warming that afforestation yields. Quantified in this manner of
reduced warming per unit afforested area, tropical afforestation is
around three times more effective than afforestation in boreal and
northern temperate regions.
The spatial patterns of the temperature response to afforestation
are shown in Fig. 3. The 100%-afforestation simulation, in which
all cropland area is afforested, leads to reduced warming almost
everywhere except regions of high-latitude Eurasia (Fig. 3a). Here
the regional enhanced warming associated with more radiation
absorbed by the forests dominates the global reduction in warming
associated with lower atmospheric CO2. The magnitude of reduced
warming is amplified in the Arctic because of the sea-ice albedo
feedback. The northern high-latitude warming enhancement as-
sociated with lower albedo of forests is more widespread in the
50%-global-afforestation simulation (Fig. 3b) owing to its lower
CO2drawdown, compared with the 100%-afforestation simulation.
In the 50%-northern-temperate- and boreal-afforestation simula-
tions warming enhancement is seen in northern mid/high-latitude
regions, as expected, because the albedo effect of afforestation in
these regions is strengthened by the presence of snow2(Supple-
mentary Fig. S3a and S3b). These experiments also show areas of
enhanced warming over parts of the Atlantic, Pacific and Southern
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50% global afforestation
100% global afforestation 50% temperate afforestation
50% tropical afforestation
50% boreal afforestation
(°C/million km2)
(°C/million km2)
Figure 2 |Temperature effectiveness of afforestation (TEA). a,b, TEA
values for the five afforestation experiments are calculated using
temperature changes relative to the no-LUCC simulation and averaged over
the 2081–2100 period over the whole globe (a) and over land only (b).
oceans. Tropical afforestation generally leads to widespread reduced
warming but with enhancements over several oceanic regions
(Supplementary Fig. S3c).
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), through the Kyoto Protocol12, enables the
atmospheric carbon drawdown generated by afforestation to be
accounted as sequestered carbon for the emission budget of
the signatory nations. However, afforestation also changes the
physical state of the land surface, which affects the regional and
global energy balances. The effect of these radiative (related to
surface albedo changes) and non-radiative (related to changes in
evapotranspiration and surface roughness) biogeophysical changes
are not easily obtained (see, for example, ref. 13) and therefore
not at present taken into account by the UNFCCC. Here we
decompose the reduced warming caused by afforestation into
biogeophysical and biogeochemical components (see Methods) for
the five afforestation simulations (Table 2), which interestingly
add linearly to yield the net temperature response. Whereas
the biogeochemical component yields reduced warming, relative
to the no-LUCC simulation, owing to carbon sequestration
associated with afforestation, the response to the biogeophysical
changes in vegetation varies latitudinally, as is widely known2,3
(Table 2). Biogeophysical changes associated with afforestation
cause enhanced warming at mid–high latitudes associated with
more absorption of incoming solar radiation and reduced warming
in the tropics owing to higher evapotranspiration. The net result
is that afforestation in the tropics provides double the benefits
because both the biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes
act to reduce warming. This is the reason why afforestation
is around three times as effective in the tropics, in terms of
reducing warming, as in northern temperate and boreal regions.
Figure 3c–f shows the spatial pattern of the biogeophysical and
biogeochemical components of the net temperature response to
afforestation in the 100%- and 50%-afforestation simulations.
As expected, the biogeophysical processes result in widespread
enhanced warming, especially over northern mid/high-latitude
land areas and in the Arctic region, where this warming is
amplified owing to the sea-ice-albedo feedback. The effect of
CO2drawdown in offsetting warming is nearly global in both
simulations, with amplification in the Arctic region. In the
100%- and 50%-afforestation simulations the globally averaged
biogeophysical component is near zero (Table 2 and Fig. 3c,d) and
the net temperature response is almost solely determined by the
biogeochemical component. This is an artefact of the enhanced
biogeophysical warming at mid–high latitudes being compensated
by reduced biogeophysical warming in the tropics, compared with
the no-LUCC case.
Afforestation has been considered as a viable climate-change
mitigation strategy. Our simulations suggest that, although this
is true, the temperature benefits provided by afforestation are
marginal. Afforesting 50% of the existing crop area, everywhere
on the globe (an area much larger than the Amazon River
basin), yields a warming reduction of 0.25 C in the last two
decades of the twenty-first century relative to the 3.0C
temperature increase over the 1850–2100 period obtained using
CanESM1 (for the A2 emission scenario). Temperature benefits
of any realistic afforestation efforts, with afforested area less
than that in the 50%-afforestation scenario, are expected to be
even lower, suggesting that afforestation is not a substitute for
reduced greenhouse-gas emissions. Moreover, in all afforestation
simulations the temperature benefits are not realized until
late in the twenty-first century. However, afforestation does
provide several other benefits and ecosystem services, including
wildlife habitat, provision of timber, pulp and paper, prevention
of soil erosion and, through its sequestration of atmospheric
CO2, reduced acidification of the oceans. When interpreted on
the basis of warming reduction per unit afforested area, the
model simulations suggest avoided deforestation and continued
afforestation in the tropics as more effective forest management
strategies. Quantitative results presented here are subject to
uncertainties, in particular those associated with the difference
in the albedo of forests and croplands, climate sensitivity and
the strength of the CO2fertilization effect, the latter two
of which vary widely between models14,15. Biogeophysical and
biogeochemical processes are influenced by all of these factors, so
both the sign and magnitude of the net temperature response to
afforestation are expected to vary between models. The climate
sensitivity of CanESM1 is similar to that of most Coupled
Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project models16
(Supplementary Fig. S4) although its CO2fertilization effect
is somewhat stronger15. Our finding, however, that the net
temperature effect of any realistic afforestation efforts is an order
of magnitude less than the warming realized over the 1850–2100
period is probably robust.
CanESM1 is a comprehensive coupled carbon–climate model6,7 based on the
third-generation atmospheric general circulation model of the Canadian Centre
for Climate Modelling and Analysis, with horizontal resolution defined by a
T47 triangular truncation for dynamical terms and 3.75horizontal grid for
physical terms. In the vertical, the model domain extends to 1 hPa atmospheric
pressure with the thicknesses of the model’s 32 layers increasing monotonically.
The physical ocean component is based on the National Center for Atmospheric
Research community ocean model with no flux adjustment. The ocean model is
implemented at a horizontal resolution of 1.86such that there are four ocean
grid boxes underlying each atmosphere grid box. There are 29 levels in the vertical
and the vertical resolution increases towards the ocean surface, from 300 m in
the deep ocean to 50 m in the top 200m. Atmospheric CO2is a fully prognostic
three-dimensional tracer in CanESM1 and carbon enters and leaves the atmosphere
in the form of anthropogenic emissions and fluxes to or from the underlying land
and ocean. The biological and inorganic ocean carbon component of CanESM1 is
the Canadian Model of Ocean Carbon, which incorporates an inorganic chemistry
module (solubility pump) and an ecosystem model (organic and carbonate
pumps)17 based on a nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus model18.
Terrestrial ecosystem processes in CanESM1 are modelled using the Canadian
Terrestrial Ecosystem Model6,19 for nine PFTs (needleleaf evergreen and deciduous
trees, broadleaf evergreen and cold and drought deciduous trees, and C3and
C4crops and grasses).
The historical simulation is carried out with prescribed fossil-fuel CO2
emissions and land-use change up to 2010. Observation-based fossil-fuel CO2
emissions20 are used for the 1850–2000 period and emissions for the 2001–2010
period are based on the A2 scenario. The land cover is reconstructed using a
historical crop-area data set8for the 1850–1992 period and its extension based
on the A2 scenario for the 1993–2010 period21,22. Land-use-change emissions are
calculated interactively in the model9.
The preindustrial state of the land cover in 1850 is first used to generate a
potential land-cover map22. Any grid-cell fraction occupied by crops in 1850 is
substituted by non-crop PFTs in proportion to their fractional coverage within the
grid cell at the time. This potential land-cover map, with no crop area, is then used
as a guide to determine which of the five Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model’s
tree PFTs are used to replace croplands when afforestation is implemented. An area
is considered capable of being afforested if it is occupied by crops in 2010 and is, at
the same time, occupied by tree PFTs in the potential land-cover map. Land surface
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Global average
¬0.45 °C
Temperature change during 2081–2100 owing to afforestation Temperature change during 2081–2100 owing to afforestation
Biogeophysical component of the temperature change Biogeophysical component of the temperature change
Biogeochemical component of the temperature change Biogeochemical component of the temperature change
50% afforestation
100% afforestation
Global average
¬0.45 °C
Global average
0.00 °C
Global average
¬0.24 °C
Global average
¬0.01 °C
Global average
¬0.25 °C
Latitude (° N)
Longitude (° E)
Latitude (° N)
Latitude (° N)
Latitude (° N)
Latitude (° N)
Latitude (° N)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (° E)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (° E)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (° E)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (° E)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
Longitude (° E)
¬150 ¬100 ¬50 0 50 100 150
¬3 ¬2 ¬1 ¬0.25 0 0.25 1 2 3
Figure 3 |Geographical pattern of temperature change owing to cropland afforestation and its separation into biogeophysical and biogeochemical
components. a,b, Temperature change over the 2081–2100 period in the 100%- (a) and 50%- (b) afforestation simulations compared with the standard
no-LUCC case. cf, The biogeophysical component of this temperature change (c,d) and the biogeochemical component (e,f) for the 100%- and
50%-afforestation simulations, respectively. Negative values (blue colours) indicate reduced warming and positive values (red colours) indicate areas of
enhanced warming.
Table 2 |Decomposition of the net globally averaged temperature response (C) of afforestation over cropland area into
biogeophysical and biogeochemical components.
Simulation Net temperature response Biogeophysical component Biogeochemical component
1. 100% global afforestation 0.45 0.00 0.45
2. 50% global afforestation 0.25 0.01 0.24
3. 50% boreal afforestation 0.04 0.01 0.05
4. 50% northern temperate afforestation 0.11 0.04 0.15
5. 50% tropical afforestation 0.16 0.07 0.09
albedo in CanESM1 depends on the albedo of vegetation, bare soil and snow (if
present). A higher leaf area index of vegetation implies less visible bare-soil fraction
and/or snow on the ground. As vegetation grows on the afforested fraction of grid
cells the albedo changes rapidly (within 5–7 years) owing to increases in leaf area
index whereas carbon sequestration progresses slowly.
The decomposition of reduced warming, associated with afforestation, into
biogeophysical and biogeochemical components is carried out using five further
simulations, which use CO2concentration from the afforestation experiments but
the changes in land cover associated with afforestation are not included (referred
to as CO2-only simulations). The difference between these CO2-only and the
corresponding afforestation simulations yields the biogeophysical component of
the temperature effect of afforestation because they use the same CO2concentration
but different land covers. Similarly, the difference between the standard no-LUCC
and the corresponding CO2-only simulations yields the biogeochemical component
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
of the temperature effect of afforestation (associated with CO2drawdown) because
they use different CO2concentrations but the same land cover.
Received 17 January 2011; accepted 13 May 2011; published online
19 June 2011
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We would like to thank G. Flato, J. Fyfe and D. Blain and the two anonymous reviewers
for their helpful comments. A.M. is grateful for funding from the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council. We also acknowledge the work of Canadian Centre for
Climate Modelling and Analysis members who developed CanESM1 including, as well
as the first author, G. J. Boer, C. L. Curry, J. R. Christian, K. Zahariev, K. L. Denman,
G. M. Flato, J. F. Scinocca, W. J. Merryfield, W. G. Lee and D. Yang for help with
processing model output.
Author contributions
V.K.A. carried out the model simulations, analysed model output, conceived the CO2-only
experiments and wrote most of the paper. A.M. conceived the primary experiments, put
together land-cover data and helped with the manuscript text.
Additional information
The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information
accompanies this paper on Reprints and permissions
information is available online at Correspondence and
requests for materials should be addressed to V.K.A.
© 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
... Additionally, temperature drop zones have also been sequentially found over central Asia [14] and in the tropical sugarcane-growing areas of Brazil [15]. More studies have shown that some local areas experience cooling effects due to ocean currents, atmospheric circulations and oscillations [16], forest carbon sequestration [17], vegetation transpiration [18], surface albedo [19], and the land use changes of recent years [20,21]. Afforestation or logging simulation experiments in China and around the world have also shown that these cooling effects were largely controlled by the surface energy balance of biophysical mechanisms and climate change [22][23][24][25][26]. ...
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The existence of global warming is common knowledge. However, it can be predicted that there may be cooling zones worldwide based on the mechanism of terrestrial biophysical processes. Here, the Theil–Sen median trend, the Mann–Kendall trend test method, continuous wavelet transformation, and the Hurst exponent were used to study the cooling trends, abrupt change times, periodicity, and future sustainability of temperature changes in different cooling zones since the 1900s based on the CRU dataset. We found an amazing result; 8,305,500 km2 of land surface had been cooling since the 1900s, covering five continents and 32 countries, accounting for 86% of land area in China, and distributed over 16 zones. The average cooling rate of the cooling zones was −0.24 °C/century. The maximum cooling rate was −1.40 °C/century, and it was 1.43 times the average rate of global land warming (0.98 °C/century). The cooling zones near the sea were greatly influenced by ocean currents and were mainly affected by a small time scale periodicity of less than 30 years, whereas the cold zones located relatively far from the sea and less affected by ocean currents were mainly affected by medium time scales of more than 30 years. Moreover, 32.33% of the cooling zones, involving 2,684,900 km2, will be continuously cooling in the future, and the rest will probably warm up in 2114, 2041, 2096, 2099, 2119, 2073, 2048, and 2101, respectively. The study will help us to further understand the essential characteristics of global climate change, and to find more theoretical bases for mitigating global warming and exploring surface cooling mechanisms.
... Previous studies have primarily focused on investigating prominent radiative and non-radiative factors at the mean state using in-situ and/or satellite observations 29,30 . The outputs from model simulations are typically derived from idealized-world experiments [31][32][33] . In contrast, our study contributes to the existing knowledge by utilizing realistic model simulations to examine the climatic impacts of LULCC. ...
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Land use is key in regulating surface temperature, yet these relationships are often obscured by long-term mean responses. Here we employed numerical multi-model results to investigate the response of the surface temperature to land use change, especially its lower tails corresponding to boreal winter. The surface temperature decrease in the lower tails can exhibit up to ten times greater than the mean response to land use change over both the historical and future periods. Downward longwave radiation has emerged as the most remarkable contributing factor in controlling surface temperature change in mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Land use change can modify surface energy balance through land-atmosphere firstly, thereby regulate spatial patterns of water vapor and cloud cover in the Northern Hemisphere through teleconnection. The unity of local and remote effects influences the levels of downward longwave radiation and altering surface temperature at mid-high latitudes in extreme cold seasons.
... Changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) cover can influence the carbon cycle (Zhang and Liang 2014). It is very challenging to determine the spatiotemporal afforestation and their response to climate change using time series mapping of forest cover (Arora andMontenegro 2011, Swann et al 2012) since the data has insufficient spatial coverage and the process is laborious and time-consuming. Furthermore, traditional methods of monitoring changes in forest cover have several limitations. ...
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The rapid increase in population and changes in land use have led to the issue of climate change, which is threatening the overall human well-being in general, and particularly the forest resources. Recognizing the rapid decline in the forest cover and in adherence to the Bonn Challenge, Pakistan has initiated the Billion Tree Afforestation Project (BTAP) to restore forests. Hence, there is a need to analyze the spatio-temporal dynamics of forest cover to assess the efficacy of BTAP. The objectives of this study were: (1) to develop machine learning methods that combine Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data to characterize forest cover; and (2) to characterize the forest cover dynamics in the study area during the study period. In the study area, the land cover was classified using two machine learning models: random forests (RF) and support vector machines (SVM). We then used the models to create forest cover maps for the period of 2016 to 2022. Based on the classifications of land cover, the study area was classified into forest and non-forest classes. Finally, the spatiotemporal distribution of the changes induced by afforestation was generated. The results demonstrate an increase of 3.7% in forest cover in the study area during the study period. The increase in forest cover was more prominent in the northern and central regions as compared to that of the southern region. In terms of species, the increase in broadleaved forests was more prominent. The results show that RF produces superior results as compared to the SVM, with overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of 94%–97% & 0.93–0.96 respectively. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the SVM model range from 92%–94% & 0.91–0.95. The techniques used in this study are cost-effective for accurately monitoring changes in forest cover.
... Efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impact often highlight forest regeneration as one of the key strategies [1][2][3] . Forest regeneration plans garnered significant scientific attention in recent years [4][5][6] , with a debate emerging on the efficacy of such initiatives [7][8][9] , the temperature impacts of forests 10 , and the choice of high-priority areas for regeneration 11 (see supplementary text S2.2). Despite the ongoing scientific debate on the merits of forest regeneration as a policy response to climate change, several governmental, non-governmental, and private sector organizations are already promoting forest regeneration programs all over the world. ...
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Forest regeneration is a crucial strategy for mitigating and adapting to global warming. Yet its precise impact on local climate remains uncertain, a factor that complicates decision-making when it comes to prioritizing investments. Here, we developed global maps illustrating how natural forest regeneration influences key local climate drivers—land surface temperature (LST), albedo, and evapotranspiration—using models fitted at a 1-km spatial resolution with a random forest classifier. We found that natural forest regeneration can alter annual mean LST by 0.01 °C, −0.59 °C, −0.50 °C, and −2.03 °C in Boreal, Mediterranean, Temperate, and Tropical regions, respectively. These variations underscore the region-specific effects of forest regeneration. Importantly, natural forest regeneration reduces LST across 64% of 1 billion hectares and 75% of 148 million hectares of potentially restorable land under different scenarios. These findings improve understanding of how forest regeneration can help regulate local climate, supporting climate adaptation efforts.
... Conversely, Sampaio et al. (2007) discovered that large-scale deforestation, resulting from rangeland and soybean expansion in the Amazon, significantly alters regional climate, leading to warming and dryness after deforestation. Additionally, Arora and Montenegro (2011), using climate models combined with the carbon cycle, found that if all or half of the world's agricultural land were allowed to revert to forest, temperatures would be 0.45°C and 0.25°C lower by 2100 compared to scenarios in which no reversion occurs. However, these studies generally consider changes in all land types, and, thus, the specific influence of cropland expansion on climate change remains under-quantified. ...
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Global cropland expansion has been recognized as a key driver of food security. However, cropland-expansion-induced alterations in biophysical properties of the Earth's surface and greenhouse gas emissions may potentially impact the Earth's climate system. These changes could, in turn, affect cropland productivity and the potential distribution of croplands, although the underlying mechanisms remain relatively underexplored. In this study, a global climate model was employed to quantify the impact of global cropland expansion on cropping potential utilizing observed and derived cropland expansion data. Our findings reveal that since 10 000 BCE, a 28 % increase in cropland expansion has led to a 1.2 % enhancement in global cropping potential owing to more favorable precipitation and temperature conditions. This suggests that global cropland expansion yields dual benefits to crop production. However, in regions with low growth rates of cropping potential, cropland expansion proves to be an inefficient method for augmenting the yield of local crop potential. As croplands continue to expand worldwide, the capacity to support populations in different regions is altered, thereby reducing cropping potential inequality among nations.
... In addition to the potential of land-based CDR techniques such as A/R, bioenergy crop cultivation and soil carbon sequestration practices to alter surface characteristics like albedo, energy partitioning, evapotranspiration, and surface roughness (Bonan, 2008;Jackson 635 et al., 2008;Betts, 2000;Buechel et al., 2024), these modifications could lead to potential global and regional temperature changes (Cheng et al., 2024;Windisch et al., 2021;Cerasoli et al., 2021), and in some cases even beyond where the LUC is implemented (De Hertog et al., 2023;Winckler et al., 2019a). Such changes in BGP processes can impact local and potentially global temperatures, with effects shown to vary with latitude and regional characteristics; such as instances where, reforestation leads to decreased albedo and increased evapotranspiration, affecting cloud cover and regional temperatures with latitudinal 640 dependence (Bright et al., 2017;Arora and Montenegro, 2011). Similarly, agricultural techniques that enhance soil carbon sequestration or the use of bioenergy crops have been reported with the potential to alter local climate through changes in albedo and surface roughness (Hirsch et al., 2018;Davin et al., 2014). ...
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Anthropogenic land-use change (LUC) substantially impacts climate dynamics, primarily through modifications in the surface biogeophysical (BGP) and biogeochemical (BGC) fluxes, which alter the exchange of energy, water, and carbon with the atmosphere. Despite the established significance of both the BGP and BGC effects, their relative contribution to climate change remains poorly quantified. In this study, we leveraged data from an unprecedented number of Earth system models (ESMs) of the latest generation that contributed to the Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP), under the auspices of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Our analysis of BGP effects indicates a range of global annual near-surface air temperature changes across ESMs due to historical LUC, from a cooling of -0.23 °C to a warming of 0.14 °C, with a multi-model mean and spread of -0.03±0.10 °C under present-day conditions relative to the pre-industrial era. Notably, the BGP effects indicate warming at high latitudes. Still, there is a discernible cooling pattern between 30° N and 60° N, extending across large landmasses from the Great Plains of North America to the Northeast Plain of Asia. The BGC effect shows substantial land carbon losses, amounting to -122±96 GtC over the historical period, with decreased vegetation carbon pools driving the losses in nearly all analysed ESMs. Based on the transient climate response to cumulative emissions (TCRE), we estimate that LUC-induced carbon emissions result in a warming of approximately 0.20±0.14 °C, which is consistent with previous estimates. When the BGP and BGC effects are taken together, our results suggest that the net effect of LUC on historical climate change has been to warm the climate. To understand the regional drivers —and thus potential levers to alter the climate—, we show the contribution of each grid cell to LUC-induced global temperature change, as a warming contribution over the tropics and subtropics with a nuanced cooling contribution over the mid-latitudes. Our findings indicate that historically, the BGC temperature effects dominate the BGP temperature effects at the global scale. However, they also reveal substantial discrepancies across models in the magnitude, directional impact, and regional specificity of LUC impacts on global temperature and land carbon dynamics. This underscores the need for further improvement and refinement in model simulations, including the consideration and implementation of land-use data and model-specific parameterisations, to achieve more accurate and robust estimates of the climate effect of LUC.
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This study aimed to investigate carbon storage dynamics in pure pine, oak, and mixed forests within a one-hectare area. Tree samples were collected to measure their weight, size, and density. Each type of forest was estimated how much carbon is hold per hectare. The findings revealed significant differences in carbon storage capacities among them. Pure oak forests emerged as the top carbon reservoirs, with 57% of their trees' mass comprising carbon. Pure pine forests followed closely with 51% carbon storage. Interestingly, mixed forests, hosting both pine and oak trees, exhibited a considerable carbon storage potential of about 53%. This finding highlights the ecological advantages of mixed forests over pure ones. Mixed forests stand out for their biodiversity, benefiting from the complementary strengths of multiple tree species. While oak trees tend to store more carbon in their dense wood, pine trees excel in capturing carbon through their rapid growth and expansive root systems. This diverse composition creates a synergistic effect, enhancing carbon capture and storage capabilities within mixed forests. The superiority of mixed forests in carbon storage has significant implications for forest management and climate change mitigation efforts. Protecting and promoting mixed forests can maximize carbon sequestration potential while fostering resilient and sustainable ecosystems. Recognizing the value of mixed forests, policymakers, conservationists, and land managers can prioritize conservation efforts and implement strategies to safeguard these invaluable carbon sinks. In summary, this research highlights the significance of forest composition in carbon storage dynamics. By emphasizing the ecological benefits of mixed forests over pure ones, our study contributes to informed decision-making and sustainable forest management practices aimed at preserving and enhancing carbon sequestration in natural landscapes.
Climate change is a pressing global issue, potentially driven by LULC changes including deforestation, urbanization, and some other anthropogenic activities. The goal of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Project (TBTTP) in improving LULC and on regional climate change using machine learning. In this study, we utilized the Google Earth Engine platform, integrating multiple data sources such as Landsat 8 satellite imagery and Terra Climate datasets. A Random Forest machine learning classifier was employed to process the data, incorporating Landsat bands, vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI, NDWI), and environmental variables (precipitation, PDSI, slope). The impacts of TBTTP on Land Use Land Cover Changes (LULCC) and regional climate were analyzed for the pre-project (2015–2018) and post-project (2019–2023) periods. Our results indicated a significant 3.36% increase in forest area, demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated reforestation projects in mitigating climate change and restoring ecological balance. Average annual LST rose by 0.137 °C during the pre-TBTTP period but fell by −0.0875 °C post-TBTTP. Some districts, such as Dera Ismail Khan, with the highest LST and least vegetation fractional area, clearly indicate a need for more forest land in that region. Post-TBTTP, precipitation increased by 15.33% and ET by 5.52%, indicates that the project successfully enhanced vegetation cover and forest health. These eco-friendly efforts have led to consistent forest growth, highlighting the need for better land use management, although more work is still required in districts like Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan. Therefore, the research findings provide a viable foundation to promote qualified reforestation projects such as TBTTP and also recognize the value of GEE in detecting long-term trends and promoting sustainable development.
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Despite the increasing relevance of temperature overshoot and the rather ambitious country pledges on Afforestation/Reforestation globally, the mitigation potential and the Earth system responses to large-scale non-idealized Afforestation/Reforestation patterns under a high overshoot scenario remain elusive. Here, we develop an ambitious Afforestation/Reforestation scenario by harnessing 1259 Integrated Assessment Model scenarios, restoration potential maps, and biodiversity constraints, reaching 595 Mha by 2060 and 935 Mha by 2100. We then force the Max Planck Institute’s Earth System Model with this scenario which yields a reduction of peak temperature by 0.08 oC, end-of-century temperature by 0.2 oC, and overshoot duration by 13 years. Afforestation/Reforestation in the range of country pledges globally could thus constitute a useful mitigation tool in overshoot scenarios in addition to fossil fuel emission reductions, but socio-ecological implications need to be scrutinized to avoid severe side effects.
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Eleven coupled climate–carbon cycle models used a common protocol to study the coupling between climate change and the carbon cycle. The models were forced by historical emissions and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A2 anthropogenic emissions of CO 2 for the 1850–2100 time period. For each model, two simulations were performed in order to isolate the impact of climate change on the land and ocean carbon cycle, and therefore the climate feedback on the atmospheric CO 2 concentration growth rate. There was unanimous agreement among the models that future climate change will reduce the efficiency of the earth system to absorb the anthropogenic carbon perturbation. A larger fraction of anthropogenic CO 2 will stay airborne if climate change is accounted for. By the end of the twenty-first century, this additional CO 2 varied between 20 and 200 ppm for the two extreme models, the majority of the models lying between 50 and 100 ppm. The higher CO 2 levels led to an additional climate warming ranging between 0.1° and 1.5°C. All models simulated a negative sensitivity for both the land and the ocean carbon cycle to future climate. However, there was still a large uncertainty on the magnitude of these sensitivities. Eight models attributed most of the changes to the land, while three attributed it to the ocean. Also, a majority of the models located the reduction of land carbon uptake in the Tropics. However, the attribution of the land sensitivity to changes in net primary productivity versus changes in respiration is still subject to debate; no consensus emerged among the models.
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The simulation results from models participating in the Coupled Climate Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project (C4MIP) highlight the role of positive carbon-climate feedback in accelerating growth of atmospheric CO2. The large range among models in the strength of this feedback indicates the uncertainty in our understanding of the response of the land and the oceans to continued climate warming and increasing CO2. Most of this uncertainty is associated with the response of terrestrial ecosystems to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2. The reasons for differences between models' responses to transient climate and CO2 forcing are not easily identified because of their complex parameterizations and spatially distributed processes. In this paper, we show that a simple box model can reasonably reproduce the globally averaged primary land-atmosphere CO2 fluxes and carbon pools of two complex terrestrial ecosystem models (TEMs) over a range of emission scenarios. The parameters of the box model are calculated by fitting the box model to each TEM's response to transient climate and CO2 forcing. This approach is also applied to terrestrial carbon cycle components of carbon-climate models participating in the C4MIP study. The resulting set of parameter values based on a common box model structure yields a wide range of parameter values, which suggests an absence of clear consensus in modeling primary terrestrial ecosystem processes and provides some insight into the reasons for divergent responses of terrestrial carbon cycle components.
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A fully coupled land-ocean-atmosphere GCM is used to explore the biogeophysical impact of large-scale deforestation on surface climate. By analyzing the model sensitivity to global-scale replacement of forests by grassland, it is shown that the surface albedo increase owing to deforestation has a cooling effect of -1.36 K globally. On the other hand, forest removal decreases evapotranspiration efficiency and decreases surface roughness, both leading to a global surface warming of 0.24 and 0.29 K, respectively. The net biogeophysical impact of deforestation results from the competition between these effects. Globally, the albedo effect is dominant because of its wider-scale impact, and the net biogeophysical impact of deforestation is thus a cooling of -1 K. Over land, the balance between the different processes varies with latitude. In temperate and boreal zones of the Northern Hemisphere the albedo effect is stronger and deforestation thus induces a cooling. Conversely, in the tropics the net impact of deforestation is a warming, because evapotranspiration efficiency and surface roughness provide the dominant influence. The authors also explore the importance of the ocean coupling in shaping the climate response to deforestation. First, the temperature over ocean responds to the land cover perturbation. Second, even the temperature change over land is greatly affected by the ocean coupling. By assuming fixed oceanic conditions, the net effect of deforestation, averaged over all land areas, is a warming, whereas taking into account the coupling with the ocean leads, on the contrary, to a net land cooling. Furthermore, it is shown that the main parameter involved in the coupling with the ocean is surface albedo. Indeed, a change in albedo modifies temperature and humidity in the whole troposphere, thus enabling the initially land-confined perturbation to be transferred to the ocean. Finally, the radiative forcing framework is discussed in the context of land cover change impact on climate. The experiments herein illustrate that deforestation triggers two opposite types of forcingmechanisms-radiative forcing (owing to surface albedo change) and nonradiative forcing (owing to change in evapotranspiration efficiency and surface roughness)-that exhibit a similar magnitude globally. However, when applying the radiative forcing concept, nonradiative processes are ignored, which may lead to a misrepresentation of land cover change impact on climate.
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The simulation of atmospheric-land-ocean CO2 exchange for the 1850-2000 period offers the possibility of testing and calibrating the carbon budget in earth system models by comparing the simulated changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and in land and ocean uptake with observation-based information. In par- ticular, some of the uncertainties associated with the treatment of land use change (LUC) and the role of down regulation in affecting the strength of CO2 fertilization for terrestrial photosynthesis are assessed using the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Earth System Model (CanESM1). LUC emissions may be specified as an external source of CO2 or calculated interactively based on estimated changes in crop area. The evidence for photosynthetic down regulation is reviewed and an empirically based representation is implemented and tested in the model. Four fully coupled simulations are performed: with and without ter- restrial photosynthesis down regulation and with interactively determined or specified LUC emissions. Simulations without terrestrial photosynthesis down regulation yield 15-20 ppm lower atmospheric CO2 by the end of the twentieth century, compared to observations, regardless of the LUC approach used because of higher carbon uptake by land. Implementation of down regulation brings simulated values of atmospheric CO2 and land and ocean carbon uptake closer to observation-based values. The use of specified LUC emissions yields a large source in the tropics during the 1981-2000 period, which is inconsistent with studies suggesting the tropics to be near-neutral or small carbon sinks. The annual cycle of simulated global averaged CO2, dominated by the Northern Hemisphere terrestrial photosynthesis and respiration cycles, is reasonably well reproduced, as is the latitudinal distribution of CO2 and the dependence of interhemispheric CO2 gradient on fossil fuel emissions. The empirical approach used here offers a reasonable method of implementing down regulation in coupled carbon-climate models in the absence of a more explicit bio- geochemical representation.
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1] When changing from grass and croplands to forest, there are two competing effects of land cover change on climate: an albedo effect which leads to warming and an evapotranspiration effect which tends to produce cooling. It is not clear which effect would dominate. We have performed simulations of global land cover change using the NCAR CAM3 atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a slab ocean model. We find that global replacement of current vegetation by trees would lead to a global mean warming of 1.3°C, nearly 60% of the warming produced under a doubled CO 2 concentration, while replacement by grasslands would result in a cooling of 0.4°C. It has been previously shown that boreal forestation can lead to warming; our simulations indicate that mid-latitude forestation also could lead to warming. These results suggest that more research is necessary before forest carbon storage should be deployed as a mitigation strategy for global warming.
The preindustrial carbon cycle is described for the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Earth system model (CanESM1). The interhemispheric gradient of surface atmospheric CO2 concentration (xCO2) is reversed from the present day, with higher concentrations in the Southern Hemisphere, and southward interhemispheric transport by the ocean, estimated at 0.38 Pg C yr-1. The seasonal cycles of xCO2 and surface CO2 exchange are dominated by Northern Hemisphere terrestrial processes; the ocean contribution to CO2 flux is in phase with the larger terrestrial flux in the tropics and out of phase in the extratropics. Ocean processes dominate the relatively small Southern Hemisphere variability. Interannual variability of land carbon exchange is much larger than ocean exchange; both are comparable to results from previously published models with possibly larger variability in the terrestrial flux. Terrestrial net primary production (NPP) is determined largely by water availability at low latitudes, with temperature becoming more important at high latitudes. Temperature and moisture affect both NPP and heterotrophic respiration such that respiration effects tend to dampen the effect of fluctuations in NPP on CO2 exchange. Ocean CO2 flux variability is controlled by a variety of physical and biological processes with greater control by physical processes in the tropics and a larger biological contribution in the extratropics. Ocean CO2 flux is more strongly correlated with tropical sea surface temperature (SST) than terrestrial, but the variance associated with tropical SST is larger on land, in absolute terms, because of the much greater total variance of the land carbon flux. A novel hypothesis is advanced to explain how biological drawdown can cause recently upwelled water to be a net sink rather than source for atmospheric CO2. This process occurs over large areas of extratropical ocean and forms a natural sink for atmospheric CO2 that is potentially sensitive to both ocean acidification and anthropogenic perturbations of the aeolian iron flux.
The recent NE subarctic Pacific study of the Canadian JGOFS project was designed primarily to address why phytoplankton biomass and production at Ocean Station Papa (OSP: 50°N, 145°W) are not as high as the nitrate concentrations could potentially support. To examine the possible role of iron (Fe) limitation in concert with microzooplankton grazing and physical supply of nitrate, we have coupled a four-compartment Nitrogen–Phytoplankton–Zooplankton–Detritus planktonic ecosystem model with a 60-layer (each 2m thick) one-dimensional mixed-layer model (Mellor–Yamada level 2.5), driven by annual forcing characteristic of OSP. Both the physical and ecological models are forced with the same annual heat budget, mean phytoplankton concentration was tuned with the equilibrium solution of the model, and the zooplankton parameter values were chosen to be representative of microzooplankton. Modelled sea surface temperature ranged between 6 (fixed – late winter) and 13–14°C, depending on the distribution and amount of phytoplankton and detritus calculated by the model. Simulations with Fe limitation reducing the maximum specific growth rate of phytoplankton (for Fe-replete conditions) by a factor of ∼3 best reproduced the annual cycle of surface layer nitrate, although the resulting annual f-ratio calculated from the fluxes into and out of the nitrogen compartment was marginally higher than recent estimates of f-ratio based on observations at OSP. The best simulations with Fe limitation agreed with observations of the annual cycle of surface nitrate concentration, the f-ratio, particulate nitrogen concentration in the euphotic layer, the export production, and the remineralization depth scale for sinking detritus, to within ∼50%, probably within the range of observational uncertainty and/or seasonal and interannual variability. Possible modifications include separating the detrital pool into suspended and sinking organic matter, decreasing the rate of remineralization with increasing depth, and examining the supply of nitrate to the surface layer by means of horizontal advection. The observational basis required to formulate these processes is marginal at present.
1] Historical changes in global cropland area based on estimates of Ramankutty and Foley (1999), and projections of future changes under IPCC SRES development scenarios taken from the IMAGE 2 model, were combined with a simple classification of present-day satellite data. These data were used to estimate annual changes in area fractions occupied by primary plant functional types (PFTs) between 1850 and 2100 using two different approaches. The linear interpolation approach assumed that natural vegetation area varies in inverse proportion to cropland area. The rule-based approach added simple transition rules to define the sequence by which natural PFTs are converted to agriculture (e.g., grassland before forest) and by which abandoned cropland reverts to natural vegetation. In both approaches, constraints were imposed to ensure the simulated PFT composition was consistent with available information. The resulting time series data can be used in coupled biosphere-atmosphere models, and in uncoupled global climate models, to represent time-varying land cover.