Four diets were formulated to contain: 16% protein and 0.4% phosphorus–diet 1; 16% protein and 1.4% phosphorus– diet 2; 32% protein and 0.4% phosphorus–diet 3; and 32% protein and 1.4% phosphorus–diet 4. Forty-eight dogs were fed diet 1 for 3 months after surgical reduction of renal mass, then were allotted to 4 groups of 12 dogs each, with equal mean values for glomerular filtration rate ( gfr ). Dog of groups 1–4 were fed diets 1–4, respectively, for 24 months. Data collected from the dogs during and at termination of the study were analyzed statistically for effects of dietary protein, phosphorus (P), time, and interactions between these factors.
During the 24 months of study, 24 dogs developed uremia and were euthanatized for necropsy. Necropsy also was performed on the remaining 24 dogs after they were euthanatized at the end of the study. Dog survival was significantly enhanced by 0.4% P diets (vs 1.4% P diets), but survival was not significantly influenced by amount of dietary protein. The 0.4% P diets (vs 1.4% P diets) significantly increased the period that gfr remained stable before it decreased, but dietary protein did not have significant effect.
Significant blood biochemical changes attributed to P, protein, and time were identified during the study. Terminally, plasma parathyroid hormone concentration was significantly increased from prediet values in all groups of dogs.
Urine protein excretion was not significantly affected by dietary amount of either protein or P, when measured by either timed urine collection or urine protein-to-creatinine ratio. A tendency was seen for increased protein excretion with passage of time.
Histologic and mineral analyses of kidneys removed at necropsy revealed some significant difference attributable to diet, but differences were more marked when diet was ignored, and the 24 surviving dogs were compared with the 24 that developed uremia.
Overall, amount of dietary P was more important than amount of dietary protein for preventing adverse responses. However, because renal damage specifically attributable to either dietary component was not obvious, it is possible that the effects of P were manifested by extrarenal mechanisms.