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Two models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing were reviewed: the right hemisphere and the valence hypotheses. The first states a dominant role for the right hemisphere in emotional processing, whereas the second assumes that the left hemisphere is dominant for positive emotions and the right hemisphere for negative ones. Different methods, such as the divided visual field technique, have supported both hypotheses. The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex are presented as important structures involved on brain asymmetry in emotional processing. The paper ends pointing out new perspectives for the study of the neural subtrates of different components of emotions. Keywords: brain asymmetry, right hemisphere hypothesis, valence hypothesis.
Models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing
Nelson Torro Alves1, Sérgio S. Fukusima1 and J. Antonio Aznar-Casanova2
1 Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brasil
2 Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
Two models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing were reviewed: the right hemisphere and the valence hypotheses. The rst
states a dominant role for the right hemisphere in emotional processing, whereas the second assumes that the left hemisphere is dominant
for positive emotions and the right hemisphere for negative ones. Different methods, such as the divided visual eld technique, have
supported both hypotheses. The amygdala and the prefrontal cortex are presented as important structures involved on brain asymmetry
in emotional processing. The paper ends pointing out new perspectives for the study of the neural subtrates of different components of
emotions. Keywords: brain asymmetry, right hemisphere hypothesis, valence hypothesis.
Despite the new insights provided by several behavioral,
neurological and lesion studies (e.g., Sackeim et al., 1982;
Adolphs, 2002; Rodway, Wright, & Hardie, 2003), the exact
role of cortical asymmetries in the emotional processing
remains unclear. Currently, two different models on the
processing of emotions and facial expressions have received
considerable attention: the right hemisphere and the valence
hypotheses, which have been supported by a great number of
studies (Ley & Bryden, 1979; Davidson, 1983; Borod et al.,
1998; Asthana & Mandal, 2001; Jansari, Tranel, & Adolphs,
2002; Tamietto, Corazzini, Gelder, & Geminiani, 2006).
The purpose of this paper is to present these two models
which propose an asymmetry in emotion processing.
The divided visual eld paradigm is described and the
participation of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex are
discussed. The review ends pointing out new perspectives
for the study of brain asymmetry.
The right hemisphere hypothesis
The oldest theory about brain asymmetry states that
the left hemisphere is associated with cognitive processes,
whereas the right hemisphere is involved with the processing
of emotion. The association between emotion and the right
hemisphere appeared very early in the neurological literature.
In 1912, Mills observed that damage to the right side of
the head caused a decrease of the emotional expression.
Similarly, Babinski (1914) veried that patients with lesions
in the right hemisphere became manic or emotionally
indifferent. Those initial studies led to the development of
the right hemisphere hypothesis, which states a dominant
role for the right hemisphere in the processing of all
emotional components (Borod et al., 1998).
Many studies have provided support for this hypothesis.
For example, Sackeim, Gur and Saucy (1978) found that
facial expressions are more intensely expressed in the left
side of the face, suggesting a greater involvement of the
right hemisphere in the production of emotional displays.
Adolphs, Damasio, Tranel and Damasio (1996) veried that
patients with right hemisphere damage were more impaired
in recognizing facial expressions than patients with left
hemisphere damage. Some authors have also suggested
that the right hemisphere might contain a store of structural
representations or templates of facial expressions (Blonder,
Bowers, & Heilman, 1991; Bowers, Blonder, Feinberg, &
Heilman, 1991). Once these templates are destroyed, by
a stroke or cerebral injury for example, the capacity to
recognize facial expressions could be lost.
The negative / positive and the approach /
withdrawal models
Regardless of the strong evidence suggesting a dominant
role for the right hemisphere on emotions, a number of early
studies reported a different pattern of brain asymmetry.
Goldstein (1939) showed that damage to the left hemisphere
was more likely to cause a catastrophic-depressive reaction
in psychiatric patients than damage to the right hemisphere.
Nelson Torro Alves and Sérgio Sheiji Fukusima, Departamento
de Psicologia e Educação, Faculdade de Filosoa, Ciências e
Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. José
A. Aznar-Casanova, Departamento de Psicología Básica, Facultad
de Psicología, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Correspondence
concerning this article should be addressed to: Nelson Torro Alves,
FFCLRP - Universidade de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Psicobiologia, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900. Monte Alegre. CEP:
14040-901, Ribeirão Preto – SPBrasil. Phone: + 55-16-3602-4448,
Fax: + 55-16-3633-2660, E-mail:
Psychology & Neuroscience, 2008, 1, 1, 63-66
Received 24 April 2007; received in revised form 26 February 2008; accepted 29 February 2008. Available online 20 May 2008
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64 Alves, Fukusima and Aznar-Casanova
Sackeim et al. (1982), reviewing 109 cases of pathological
laugh and crying, found evidence suggesting a differential
hemispheric specialization for positive and negative affect.
In general, damage to left hemisphere led to the onset of
depressive symptoms in psychiatric patients. On the other
hand, damage to the right hemisphere was more frequently
associated to a pathological laughing condition. Likewise,
Bear (1983) veried that lesions to the right hemisphere
tend to cause an indifference towards one’s own illness,
as well as nancial difculties, interpersonal conicts, and
other decits.
In order to deal with these results, a new brain
asymmetry model was proposed: the valence hypothesis
(Davidson, 1995). This model proposes that the pattern of
hemispheric dominance depends on the emotional valence
of the stimulus. The left hemisphere is dominant for
processing positive emotions whereas the right hemisphere
is dominant for processing negative emotions. According to
the valence hypothesis, fear, anger, disgust and sadness are
considered negative emotions, and happiness and surprise
are classied as positive emotions.
Recently, the motivational approach-withdrawal
hypothesis model has been proposed (Demaree, Everhart,
Youngstrom, & Harrison, 2005). This hypothesis
incorporates evolutionary concepts about the emotional
system, arguing that emotions are closely associated to the
behavior of the individual in its environment. According to
the approach-withdrawal hypothesis, happiness, surprise,
and anger are classied as approach emotions, since they
indicate a drive of the individual toward the environmental
stimuli. On the other hand, sadness, fear and disgust are
associated with withdrawal behaviors, because they tend
to lead the individual away from the environmental sources
of aversive stimulation. The negative/positive and the
approach/withdrawal models are very similar, but disagree
on the classication of the emotion of anger. In the negative/
positive model, anger is considered a negative emotion and
grouped together with sadness, fear, and disgust. However,
in the approach/withdrawal model, anger is considered
as an approach emotion, since it drives the individual to
the ght and the sources of stimulation, and is therefore
assigned to the same category as happiness and surprise. In
spite of this disagreement, both the valence and approach-
withdrawal hypotheses are similar and have received strong
support from many studies in the last decades (Demaree et
al., 2005).
Methods for studying brain asymmetry
Many methods have been used for assessing the
involvement of the cerebral hemispheres in the processing
of facial information. One of the earliest and most used
methods for studying brain asymmetry in normal subjects
is the divided visual eld technique. It was introduced
by Mishkin and Forgays (1952) and consists in the
tachistoscopic presentation of visual stimuli in the periphery
of the visual eld. Its adequacy for the study of hemispheric
processing is based on the anatomic properties of the visual
system. The visual system is arranged in such a way that
the temporal hemiretina sends the image to the ipsilateral
visual cortex, and the nasal hemiretina sends the image
to the contralateral visual cortex. Therefore, stimuli
presented in the left visual eld are initially projected
to the right hemisphere, whereas stimuli presented in
the right visual eld reach rst the left hemisphere. To
assure that the information will be processed initially by
only one hemisphere, two conditions are necessary: 1) the
stimulus must be presented to the left or to the right of
the xation point, in the periphery of the visual eld, 2)
the exposition time must be sufciently brief to prevent
that eye movements expose the visual stimulus to both
hemiretinas (Sergent, 1995). By analyzing reaction time
and judgment errors, it is possible to make inferences
about the functional asymmetry of the hemispheres.
Shorter reaction times and fewer judgment errors are
indicators that the hemisphere that rst processed the
stimulus is more involved in the processing of the
information investigated in the task.
This technique might be considered coarse when
compared to the current methods of study of the
cerebral functions. However, its simplicity and multiple
possibilities of manipulation of stimuli and tasks have
permitted researchers to make important inferences about
the functioning of the hemispheres. Reuter-Lorenz and
Davidson (1981) employed this technique to investigate the
hypothesis of the differential hemispheric specialization to
positive and negative emotions. The experiment consisted
in the presentation of an emotional and a neutral face on
the screen at the same time. One of the faces was presented
in the left visual eld and the other in the right visual eld.
They reported a relative superiority of the right hemisphere
for the perception of sad faces (shorter response times
for presentations in the left visual eld) and a relative
advantage of the left hemisphere for the perception of
happy faces (shorter response times for presentations in
the right visual eld).
Currently, modern neuroimaging techniques such
as fMRI, MEG, EEG, and PET, have revealed specic
areas related to the processing of facial stimuli. These
methods have also permitted scientists to establish
correlations between neurophysiologic activities and
emotional functions in the brain. A number of neuroimaging
studies have offered greater support to the approach-
withdrawal/positive-negative models by analyzing the
role of two important structures: the amygdala and the
prefrontal cortex.
The amygdala
The amygdala is a structure of the medial temporal l
obe implicated in a series of emotional processes (Le
Doux, 1995). Recent studies indicate that the amygdala plays
an important role in directing one’s attention to emotionally
salient stimuli and orienting the processing of stimuli
that have a major importance for the individual
(Davidson, 2003).
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Models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing 65
The amygdala has been associated with negative affect.
Lesions in this structure can reduce emotional responses
and impair the recognition of facial expressions of fear
and anger (Calder, Young, Rowland, Hodges, & Etcoff,
1996). Interestingly, worse performance in the perception
of voices of anger and fear has also been reported (Scott
et al., 1997).
Other studies have shown a positive correlation between
amygdala activation and severity of depression symptoms
in patients with major depressive disorder (Drevets et al.,
1992; Abercrombie et al., 1998). An enlargement of the
amygdala in depressed patients with bipolar disorders
(Altshuler, Bartzokis, Grieder, Curran, & Mintez, 1998)
and temporal lobe epilepsy (Tebartz, Woermann, Lemieux,
& Trimble, 1999) has also been found. In support to
the valence hypothesis, Mervaala et al. (2000) found a
reduction in the volume of the left amygdala in patients
with major depressive disorder.
The prefrontal cortex
The prefrontal cortex mediates the control of high-level
cognitive functions and is associated with the regulation of
many aspects of the affective system. It has been proposed
that the prefrontal cortex stores the representations of
goals and the means to achieve them, working in an
emotion-based decision making system (Davidson, 2003).
Patients with prefrontal cortex injury, especially in the
ventromedial area, are severely impaired in the decision-
making processes (Damasio, 1994).
Davidson (1995) showed that the prefrontal cortex is
a region of high affective asymmetry. The anterior region
of the left hemisphere is related to approach behaviors and
positive affects, whereas and the anterior portion of the
right hemisphere is associated with withdrawal behavior
and negative affects. Neuroimaging studies have offered
support to this idea. Jones and Fox (1992) found a greater
activation of the left hemisphere during the occurrence
of positive affect and a greater activation of the right
hemisphere in the presence of negative affect. The orbital
and ventral areas of the frontal cortex are implicated in
the representation of reward and punishment. O’ Doherty,
Kringelbach, Rolls, Hornak, and Andrew (2001) showed
that left orbitofrontal areas are especially responsive to
reward, whereas areas in the right orbitofrontal cortex are
more activated during punishment.
Perspectives for the study of brain
Some criticism has been directed towards the general
models of brain asymmetry. Many authors argue that the
level of specicity of the theories dealing with a whole
hemisphere is too coarse (Wager, Phan, Liberzon, & Taylor,
2003). An important issue refers to the absolute/relative
nature of the asymmetry. Early cognitive models tended
to conceive cognitive and emotional functions as located
exclusively in one hemisphere alone (Gainotti, 1972).
Scientists are now speaking about relative dominance, as
opposed to absolute dominance. Even strong lateralized
functions, such as language, are known to be distributed
in both hemispheres. The spoken language, for example,
requires structures of the left hemisphere for generating
grammatical sentences and syntax rules (e.g. Broca’s area),
whereas structures of the right hemisphere participate adding
the proper emotional intonation to speech (prosody). Both
linguistic components are important for the understanding
of speech. More recently, some studies have tried to
understand how the cerebral hemispheres cooperate and
coordinate their resources for processing information more
efciently (Tamietto et al., 2006).
Some authors have assumed that the investigation of
brain asymmetry must be focused on small regions of the
brain rather than on whole hemispheres. For example,
Wager et al. (2003) suggest that the whole hemisphere is too
general a unit of measure to be described by neuroimaging
data. Therefore, a more rened level of anatomic specicity
is necessary. These conclusions are based on a meta-
analysis of 65 neuroimaging studies, which investigated
brain asymmetry. They found no differences between the
cerebral hemispheres, when each one was analyzed as
a whole. However, when smaller brain structures were
compared, a more complex pattern of brain asymmetry
emerged from the data.
These results showed good evidence for the lateralization
of withdrawal/negative emotions in the left limbic system
(left insula, sublenticular extended amygdala and medial
frontal cortex). They also found limited support for left
lateralization of positive/approach emotions in the lateral
frontal cortex. Finally, they failed to show right-lateralized
activations for positive emotions.
Besides the debate on the absolute/relative nature of
brain asymmetry and the suggestion of a more rened level
of brain specicity, research must take into account other
fundamental characteristics of the emotional system. This
system can be conceived as a set of subsystems involved
in the processing of different aspects of the emotion.
Accordingly, Davidson (1995) proposed the division of the
emotional system in three distinct components leading with:
1) the perception of the emotion, 2) the experience of the
emotion and 3) the expression of the emotion. Moreover,
different neural substrates have been suggested for each
component. It is possible that some of the disagreement
between the valence and the right hemisphere hypotheses
might be explained by the fact that researchers are focusing
on different components of the emotional system. The
patterns of brain asymmetry for perceiving and expressing
emotions might not be the same.
Regardless of the number of studies supporting the right
hemisphere hypothesis; there is currently more evidence
favoring the valence/motivational model, especially for
the experience of the emotion (Davidson, 2003). Further
perspectives on this eld of study also indicate a fractioning
of the complex phenomenon of emotion into the analysis
of its basic components.
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66 Alves, Fukusima and Aznar-Casanova
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Nacional Research Council (CNPq) to Nelson T.
Alves (200321/2006-4) and to Sérgio S. Fukusima
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... In particular, anger processing showed enhanced amygdala connectivity with the right posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and the bilateral precuneus, while happiness is accompanied by amygdala connectivity with the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and mPFC (Diano et al., 2017). With regard to lateralization of emotions, the amygdala, along with the PFC, is involved in brain asymmetry of emotional processing (Alves et al., 2008), with a general dominance of the right hemisphere for emotions (Rosenbloom et al., 2012) and a critical role for the right amygdala in the evaluation of emotional stimuli (Gainotti, 2012(Gainotti, , 2018. Additionally, it is assumed that the left amygdala is dominant for positive emotions and the right amygdala is dominant for negative emotions (e.g., anger) (Alves et al., 2008;Gainotti, 2012). ...
... With regard to lateralization of emotions, the amygdala, along with the PFC, is involved in brain asymmetry of emotional processing (Alves et al., 2008), with a general dominance of the right hemisphere for emotions (Rosenbloom et al., 2012) and a critical role for the right amygdala in the evaluation of emotional stimuli (Gainotti, 2012(Gainotti, , 2018. Additionally, it is assumed that the left amygdala is dominant for positive emotions and the right amygdala is dominant for negative emotions (e.g., anger) (Alves et al., 2008;Gainotti, 2012). In Haller's review (2018) on aggression in rodents, it is argued that the involvement of amygdala nuclei may depend on the type of aggression in question. ...
... Given that emotions are partially lateralized to the right hemisphere, and that negative emotions are processed in the right hemisphere (Alves et al., 2008;Gainotti, 2012), it is likely that anger processing is dominant in the right amygdala. Previous research has not found distinctive resting-state connectivity of the right amygdala for violent offenders (Siep et al., 2019), and decreased activity of the right amygdala has been shown in violent offenders during anger distraction compared to nonviolent offenders (Tonnaer et al., 2017). ...
Neurobiological models propose that reactive aggression is predicated on impairments in amygdala-prefrontal connectivity that subserves moral decision-making and emotion regulation. The amygdala is a key component within this neural network that modulates reactive aggression. We provide a review of amygdala dysfunctional brain networks leading to reactive aggressive behavior. We elaborate on key concepts, focusing on moral decision-making and emotion regulation in a developmental context, and brain network connectivity factors relating to amygdala (dys)function-factors which we suggest predispose to reactive aggression. We additionally discuss insights into the latest treatment interventions, providing the utilization of the scientific findings for practice.
... This left-right differentiation for positive and negative stimuli is consistent to what was found in theta and alpha EEG band-power previously [63,64]. Furthermore, this finding supports the valence hypothesis, which assumes that the left hemisphere is dominant for positive emotions while the right hemisphere is dominant for negative emotions [65]. The finding that our results are significant in the right hemisphere, while they are significant only before but not after correcting for multiple comparisons in the left hemisphere, supports the right hemisphere model of brain asymmetry in emotional processing, which states a dominant role of the right hemisphere [65]. ...
... Furthermore, this finding supports the valence hypothesis, which assumes that the left hemisphere is dominant for positive emotions while the right hemisphere is dominant for negative emotions [65]. The finding that our results are significant in the right hemisphere, while they are significant only before but not after correcting for multiple comparisons in the left hemisphere, supports the right hemisphere model of brain asymmetry in emotional processing, which states a dominant role of the right hemisphere [65]. Therefore, our findings support the claim that the valence hypothesis and the right hemisphere model of brain asymmetry in emotional processing are not mutually exclusive [66]. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate a potential all-year vulnerability of people with seasonal mood fluctuations. We compared behavioral and neurophysiological responses to emotional stimuli in summer between people who report seasonal symptoms in winter and those who do not. EEG was recorded in summer from 119 participants while they memorized 60 emotional pictures, balanced for valence and arousal. The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire was used to determine seasonal symptoms. EEG power was analyzed in the alpha and gamma frequency bands and in early (50–150 ms) and late (300–400 ms) time-windows over frontal, temporal, and occipital sites. Positive pictures were more frequently recalled than negative and neutral pictures, and negative pictures were more frequently recalled than neutral pictures (p < 0.001), but memory performance did not interact with seasonality. EEG power was overall higher in participants without elevated levels of seasonal symptoms (p = 0.043). This group difference interacted with emotional valence (p = 0.037), region of interest (p = 0.003), hemispheric differences (p = 0.027), frequency band (0.032), and time-window (0.018). This differential pattern of activation while viewing emotional pictures suggests a difference in emotional processing between the groups. The absence of behavioral effects but presence of differences in EEG activity suggests an all-year-long difference in processing of emotional contents in people who experience seasonal symptoms in winter.
... Many studies are showcasing a lateralized hemispheric involvement of the DLPFC, as it's right side seems to be associated more to expressive suppression than the left side (e.g (Goldin et al., 2008); Dörfel et al., 2014;Anderson et al., 2021). As the focus is mostly on the participants' capacity to downregulate negative emotions, and the right hemisphere is shown to be more implicated in the processing of negative affect (Alves et al., 2008), this laterization could be stemming from methodological choices and is not necessarily strategy-specific. Regarding the expressive suppression's effects in the amygdala the results are inconsistent (Sikka et al., 2022), with most studies showing bilateral decreased activity of this region (e.g [75,55,73). ...
... Besides, more studies are required to substantiate the above finding on LVF. Nague and Moscovitch (2002) also previously cited that, emotional words are better recognized in LVF than RVF [25]. Moreover, it is well known that, RVF (LH) is associated with cognitive processes and LVF (RH) is involved with the emotion (Graves, Landis, & Goodglass, 1981; Alves, Fukusima, & Aznar-Casanova, 2008) [8,26]. ...
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The current study examined how emotional and neutral words affected during visual word recognition task. The test is measured with two different bilingual groups; Group A (SO) Santali first language (L1), Odia second language (L2) and Group B (OS) Odia first language (L1), Santali second language (L2). These two groups are considered as subject of the experiment. The test was conducted with two different languages (Santali and Odia).The multivariate ANOVA technique was used to analyze the data generated from experiment for two dependent variables namely, recognition accuracy (RA) and response latency (RL).The factors considered in the ANOVA are visual field (VF) (LVF- Left visual field, RVF- Right visual field), stimulus content (SC) (EW-emotional word, NW- neutral word), word type (WT) (SW- Santali word, OW- Odia word), and presentation mode (PM) (unilateral, bilateral). The result of this study show emotional stimuli were better recognized in LVF than RVF. Unilaterally presented words were significantly better recognized than bilaterally presented words.
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Estímulos afetivos influenciam o comportamento devido a facilitações/inibições que ocorrem no sistema sensório-motor. Para estímulos positivos, respostas ipsilaterais tendem a ser facilitadas e as contralaterais inibidas. Para estímulos negativos, o padrão é invertido. Atualmente, 34 voluntários foram submetidos à Tarefa de Compatibilidade Espacial Afetiva, cujos estímulos de valência inata foram as palavras “viver” e “morrer”. No mapeamento 1, executaram-se respostas ipsilaterais para a palavra “viver” e respostas contralaterais para a palavra “morrer”. No mapeamento 2, ocorreu o inverso. Através da análise temporal, investigamos se e como palavras que desencadeiam emoções inatas modulam a resposta motora. No mapeamento 1, constatamos respostas ipsilaterais mais lentas à palavra “viver” do que contralaterais à palavra “morrer” (a partir do 3º quintil). Porém, no mapeamento 2, houve diferença apenas no 3º quintil. Os efeitos facilitadores da resposta contralateral ao estímulo negativo estão possivelmente associados a mecanismos automáticos de vigilância para detectar/evitar estímulos de ameaça.
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Neurofeedback, a non-invasive intervention, has been increasingly used as a potential treatment for major depressive disorders. However, the effectiveness of neurofeedback in alleviating depressive symptoms remains uncertain. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of neurofeedback as a treatment for major depressive disorders. We conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of 22 studies investigating the effects of neurofeedback interventions on depression symptoms, neurophysiological outcomes, and neuropsychological function. Our analysis included the calculation of Hedges’ g effect sizes and explored various moderators like intervention settings, study designs, and demographics. Our findings revealed that neurofeedback intervention had a significant impact on depression symptoms (Hedges’ g = −0.600) and neurophysiological outcomes (Hedges’ g = −0.726). We also observed a moderate effect size for neurofeedback intervention on neuropsychological function (Hedges’ g = −0.418). As expected, we observed that longer intervention length was associated with better outcomes for depressive symptoms (β = −4.36, P < 0.001) and neuropsychological function (β = −2.89, P = 0.003). Surprisingly, we found that shorter neurofeedback sessions were associated with improvements in neurophysiological outcomes (β = 3.34, P < 0.001). Our meta-analysis provides compelling evidence that neurofeedback holds promising potential as a non-pharmacological intervention option for effectively improving depressive symptoms, neurophysiological outcomes, and neuropsychological function in individuals with major depressive disorders.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder featured by progressive cognitive decline, which manifests in severe impairment of memory, attention, emotional processing and daily activities, leading to significant disability and social burden. Investigation on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), the prodromal and transitional stage between normal aging and AD, serves as a key in diagnosing and slowing down the progression of AD. Numerous effects have been made up to date, however, the attentional mechanisms under different external emotion stimuli in MCI and AD are still unexplored in deep. To further explore the attentional mechanisms under different external emotion stimuli in both MCI and AD patients. In 51 healthy volunteers (Controls, 24 males and 27 females), 52 MCI (19 males and 33 females), and 47 AD (15 males and 32 females) patients, we administered the visual oddball event-related potentials (ERPs) under three types of external emotional stimuli: Neutral, Happiness and Sadness, in which the components N1, P2, N2 and P3 as well as the abnormal cortical activations corresponding to the significant ERP differences in the three groups were observed. Under all three external emotions, in AD patients, N2 and P3 latencies were significantly prolonged compared to both Controls and MCI. In addition, under Happiness, in MCI, P3 latencies were significantly delayed compared to Controls. Meanwhile, under both Happiness and Sadness, in AD patients, P3 amplitudes were significantly decreased compared to Controls and MCI, respectively. During N2 time window, under Neutral emotion, significant hypoactivation in the right superior temporal gyrus was found in AD patients compared to Controls, and under Happiness, the activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus was significantly attenuated in MCI compared to Controls. Under Sadness, in AD patients, the activation of the right superior frontal gyrus was significantly decreased compared to MCI. During P3 time window, under both Happiness and Sadness, when AD patients compared to MCI, the significantly attenuated activations were located in the right fusiform gyrus and the right middle occipital gyrus, respectively. Our results demonstrated visual attentional deficits under external emotional stimuli in both MCI and AD patients, highlighting the function of Happiness for early detecting MCI, in which the P3 latency and the hypoactivation of right inferior frontal gyrus during N2 time window can be early signs. The current study sheds further light of attentional mechanisms in MCI and AD patients, and indicates the value of emotional processing in the early detection of cognitive dysfunction.
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The functional neuroanatomy of unipolar major depression was investigated using positron emission tomography to measure differences in regional cerebral blood flow (BF). A relatively homogeneous subject group was obtained using criteria for familial pure depressive disease (FPDD), which are based upon family history as well as upon symptoms and course. Because of the absence of certain knowledge about the pathophysiology of mood disorders and their underlying functional neuroanatomy, we used data obtained from the subtraction of composite images from one-half of depressed and control subjects to identify candidate regions of interest. The major cortical region defined in this manner was statistically tested on a second set of subjects. Using this strategy, we found increased BF in an area that extended from the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex onto the medial prefrontal cortical surface. Based upon the connectivity between these portions of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala and evidence that the amygdala is involved in emotional modulation, activity was measured in the left amygdala and found to be significantly increased in the depressed group. A separate group of subjects with FPDD who were currently asymptomatic were also imaged to determine whether these findings represented abnormalities associated with the depressed state, or with a trait difference that might underlie the tendency to become depressed. Only the depressed group had increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex, suggesting that this abnormality represents a state marker of FPDD. Both the depressed and the remitted groups demonstrated increased activity in the left amygdala, though this difference achieved significance only in the depressed group. This suggests that the abnormality involving the left amygdala may represent a trait marker of FPDD, though further assessment in a larger sample size is necessary to establish this. These data along with other evidence suggest that a circuit involving the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and related parts of the striatum, pallidum, and medial thalamus is involved in the functional neuroanatomy of depression.
Findings from subjects with unilateral brain damage, as well as from normal subjects studied with tachistoscopic paradigms, argue that emotion is processed differently by each brain hemisphere. An open question concerns the extent to which such lateralised processing might occur under natural, freeviewing conditions. To explore this issue, we asked 28 normal subjects to discriminate emotions expressed by pairs of faces shown side-by-side, with no time or viewing constraints. Images of neutral expressions were shown paired with morphed images of very faint emotional expressions (happiness, surprise, disgust, fear, anger, or sadness). We found a surprising and robust laterality effect: When discriminating negative emotional expressions, subjects performed significantly better when the emotional face was to the left of the neutral face; conversely, when discriminating positive expressions, subjects performed better when the emotional face was to the right. We interpret this valence-specific laterality effect as consistent with the idea that the right hemisphere is specialised to process negative emotions, whereas the left is specialised to process positive emotions. The findings have important implications for how humans perceive facial emotion under natural conditions.
The role of the amygdala in major depression was investigated. Resting regional cerebral metabolic rate (rCMR(glu)) was measured with [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) in two samples of subjects using two different PET cameras. The samples consisted of 10 and 17 medication-free depressives and 11 and 13 controls, respectively. Using coregistration of PET and magnetic resonance images, regions were individually delineated for the amygdala and thalamus, the latter of which was used as a control region. Within the depressed groups, right amygdalar rCMR(glu) was positively correlated with negative affect. Thalamic rCMR(glu) was not related to negative affect, and amygdalar rCMR(glu) accounted for a significant portion of variance in depressives' negative affect scores over and above the contribution of thalamic rCMR(glu).
Although the amygdala is widely believed to have a role in the recognition of emotion, a central issue concerns whether it is involved in the recognition of all emotions or whether it is more important to some emotions than to others. We describe studies of two people, DR and SE, with impaired recognition of facial expressions in the context of bilateral amygdala damage. When tested with photographs showing facial expressions of emotion from the Ekman and Friesen (1976) series, both DR and SE showed deficits in the recognition of fear. Problems in recognising fear were also found using photographic quality images interpolated ("morphed") between prototypes of the six emotions in the Ekman and Friesen (1976) series to create a hexagonal continuum (running from happiness to surprise to fear to sadness to disgust to anger to happiness). Control subjects identified these morphed images as belonging to distinct regions of the continuum, corresponding to the nearest prototype expression. However, DR and SE were impaired on this task, with problems again being most clearly apparent in the region of the fear prototype, An equivalent test of recognition of morphed identities of six famous faces was performed normally by DR, confirming the dissociability of impairments affecting the recognition of identity and expression from the face. Further two-way forced-choice tests showed that DR was unable to tell fear from anger, but could tell happiness from sadness without difficulty. The finding that the recognition of fear can be differentially severely affected by brain injury is consistent with reports of the effects of bilateral amygdala damage in another case (Adolphs, Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1994, 1995). The recognition of facial expressions of basic emotions may therefore be linked, to some extent, to specific neural substrates.
presented an overview of recent research on anterior [cortical function] asymmetries associated with emotion and individual differences in emotional reactivity, psychopathologic states, dispositional mood, and temperament sketch the major elements of the theoretical model that motivates the research to be presented / the methods that are common to our studies and the unique methodologic requirements of this research are then described / research on anterior asymmetries associated with the phasic arousal of emotion are presented, followed by a summary of our findings on the relations between individual differences in baseline asymmetry and affective reactivity (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)