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A General Overview On Manganese (Mn) Importance For Crops Production



Plants quantitative and qualitative yield is strongly dependent on plant nutrition. In addition, in plant nutrition each element should be available in adequate amounts for plants, also balance and respect ratio between used nutrients is important. Manganese (Mn) plays an important role in oxidation and reduction processes in plants, such as the electron transport in photosynthesis. Manganese also has played a role in chlorophyll production, and its presence is essential in Photosystem II. Manganese acts as an activating factor which is causes the activation more than 35 different enzymes. Due to the metabolic role of manganese in the nitrate-reducing enzyme activity and activation of enzymes which play roles on carbohydrate metabolism, use of fertilizers containing manganese increases efficiency of photosynthesis and carbohydrates synthesis such as starch, thus photosynthesis efficiency decrease with manganese deficiency and therefore crop yield and quality will be reduced. Manganese is uptake and transfers the form of Mn2+ in plants, and transfer in the meristematic tissues gradual, thus the young organs of plants are rich of manganese. Calcareous soils, soils with high pH (mainly in arid and semi arid areas of the world), and especially in soils with poor ventilation are confronted with manganese deficiency. Magnesium (Mg) and lime have an antagonistic affect on manganese; therefore manganese uptake decreases by magnesium and lime.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9): 1799-1803, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178
Corresponding Author: Sayed Roholla Mousavi, Aligoudarz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aligoudarz, Iran
Tell: +98-664-223-4731 1799
A General Overview On Manganese (Mn) Importance For Crops Production
1Sayed Roholla Mousavi, 2Mahmood Shahsavari and 3Maryam Rezaei
1,3Aligoudarz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aligoudarz, Iran.
2University of Payam e Noor, Iran.
Abstract: Plants quantitative and qualitative yield is strongly dependent on plant nutrition. In addition,
in plant nutrition each element should be available in adequate amounts for plants, also balance and
respect ratio between used nutrients is important. Manganese (Mn) plays an important role in oxidation
and reduction processes in plants, such as the electron transport in photosynthesis. Manganese also has
played a role in chlorophyll production, and its presence is essential in Photosystem II. Manganese acts
as an activating factor which is causes the activation more than 35 different enzymes. Due to the
metabolic role of manganese in the nitrate-reducing enzyme activity and activation of enzymes which
play roles on carbohydrate metabolism, use of fertilizers containing manganese increases efficiency of
photosynthesis and carbohydrates synthesis such as starch, thus photosynthesis efficiency decrease
with manganese deficiency and therefore crop yield and quality will be reduced. Manganese is uptake
and transfers the form of Mn2+ in plants, and transfer in the meristematic tissues gradual, thus the
young organs of plants are rich of manganese. Calcareous soils, soils with high pH (mainly in arid and
semi arid areas of the world), and especially in soils with poor ventilation are confronted with
manganese deficiency. Magnesium (Mg) and lime have an antagonistic affect on manganese; therefore
manganese uptake decreases by magnesium and lime.
Key words: Manganese, micronutrient, yield, quality
Plant nutrition is one of the most important problems in crop production which have an important role in
crop production and improve agricultural production quality. In most regions of the world the use of chemical
fertilizers is very unbalanced and is not based on plants requirement. Each element in proper plant nutrition
should be available enough for plants, and balance and respect the ratio between used nutrients is also important
(Alloway, 2008). In developed countries 2 to 4 percent of fertilizer consumption is micronutrients, while in Iran,
this amount is very small (2 grams per one ton production) (Malakouti and Tehrani, 1999). In agricultural
development programs role of micronutrients is very important to increase crop yield and quality. So with
balanced and efficient use of macro fertilizers (NPK) with micronutrients fertilizers such as manganese (Mn),
zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) the following objectives can be achieved (Mousavi et al., 2007; Malakouti and Tehrani,
1- High yield per unit area
2- Enrichment and increased concentrations of micronutrients in crop productions and promotion the
health of community.
3- Reduction of environmental pollution
4- Produce seeds with higher viability and germination rate and seedling strength for next cultures.
5- Reduction of pollutants such as nitrate and cadmium concentrations in crop production and increase the
quality of products.
In most of the Iran’s soils pH is high and they are also calcareous, in this type of soils solvability of
micronutrient is less and cause decline uptake these elements and finally requirement of plants to this elements
is increasing (Alloway, 2008; Lalljee and Facknath, 2001; Uygur and Rimmer, 2000; Malakouti and Tehrani,
1999). Also irregular use of phosphate fertilizers in the poor soils of micronutrients such as manganese causes
an imposed deficiency of these elements; therefore concentration of micronutrients will decline in crop products
and its dry matter (Abdou et al., 2011; Ibrahim and Ali, 2009). Today in the world, policy of reduce utilization
of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and efficient use of inputs is considered to reduce environmental risk and
provided human health.
Manganese is one of the main micronutrients, which has an important role in plant as a component of
enzymes involved in photosynthesis and other processes. Manganese is part of an important antioxidant
(superoxide dismutase) structure that protects plant cells by deactivating free radicals which can destroy plant
tissue. Manganese plays vital roles in photosynthesis, as a structural component of the Photosystem II water-
splitting protein. It also serves as electron storage and delivery to the chlorophyll reaction centers (Diedrick,
2010; Millaleo et al., 2010). Manganese is uptake by plant roots as the divalent ion Mn2+. Also is needed in
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1799-1803, 2011
small amount and uptake usually is less than 1kg Mn/ha in cereals and around 2kg Mn/ha in sugar beet (Yang
and Deng, 2008; Draycott and Christenson, 2003; Marcar and Graham, 1987; Gupta, 1986).
Manganese fertilizer increases the crop yield and quality, due to improved plant nutrition and increasing
photosynthesis in plants, so crop yield and quality increases by increasing photosynthetic efficiency (Mousavi et
al., 2007; Crosier et al., 2004; Kelling and Speth, 2001; Hiller, 1995).
Manganese in soil:
Manganese (Mn) is the eleventh abundant element forming the Earth's crust. In terms of abundance,
manganese-containing compounds are after iron (Fe) in the earth's crust. Total amount of manganese in soil is
between 20 to 3000 ppm and 600 ppm on average. Divalent manganese is absorbed by clay minerals and
organic material, and In terms of nutrition plant, divalent manganese ions (Mn2+) is most important (Malakouti
and Tehrani, 1999). In soil manganese occurs as exchangeable manganese, manganese oxide, organic
manganese and component of Ferro-manganese silicate minerals, the manganese ion (Mn2+) is similar in size to
magnesium (Mg2+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+) and can substitute for these elements in silicate minerals and iron
oxides. Manganese reactions in soils are quite complex. The amount of available manganese is influenced by
soil pH, organic matter, moisture, and soil aeration (Schulte and Kelling, 1999).
Biochemical Role Of Manganese In Plants:
Divalent manganese ions (Mn2+) is converted to Mn3+ or Mn4+ easily, therefore in the plant manganese
plays an important role on oxidation and reduction processes, as electron transport in photosynthesis. Moreover
manganese acts as an activator of many enzymes, (more than 35 different enzymes). Manganese has important
role on activates several enzymes which involve to oxidation reactions, carboxylation, carbohydrates
metabolism, phosphorus reactions and citric acid cycle. Of the most important these enzymes, protein-
manganese in Photosystem II and superoxide dismutase can be pointed. There is more than 90% of superoxide
dismutase in chloroplasts which about 4 to 5 percent of it is in mitochondria (Millaleo et al., 2010;
Mukhopadhyay and Sharma, 1991; Jackson et al., 1978; Uehara et al., 1974).
Manganese (Mn2+) In terms of biochemical functions is similar to magnesium (Mg2 +), both ions connects
ATP with complexes enzymes (phosphotransferase·and phosphokinase). Dehydrogenase and Decarboxylase in
the Krebs cycle (TCA) are also activated by Mn2+ (Marschner, 1995; Burnell, 1988). Manganese plays an
important role in chlorophyll production and its presence is essential in Photosystem II, also involved in cell
division and plant growth. RNA polymerase is activated by manganese. Manganese has an effective role in
lipids metabolism, and due to effective role of manganese in the nitrate reduction enzymes, nitrate will
accumulation in leaves which are facing with manganese deficiency. Moreover amount of lignin in the plant will
decline due to manganese deficiency, that this reduction is more severe in the roots, this matter is very important
especially to reduction resistance the roots of plants to fungi infecting (Anderson and Pyliotis, 1996; Marschner,
1995; Mukhopadhyay and Sharma, 1991; Ness and Woolhouse, 1980).
Manganese Interaction With Other Elements:
Manganese uptake considerably is different between various plant species, and generally its uptake is lower
than other bivalent cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+. Manganese uptake decreases by magnesium and lime, that its
main reasons are negative effect of increasing Ca2+ and pH. In terms of chemical behavior, manganese shows
the same properties of the soil alkaline cations such as Ca and Mg and heavy metals such as Zn and Fe; thus
these ions affect on the uptake and transport of manganese in plants (Aref, 2011; Marschner, 1995; Spiers, 1993;
Hewitt, 1988).
Manganese and iron (Fe) has an interaction in plants, iron uptake by plants affects with high amounts of
manganese in the soil; the same (Fe imposed deficiency by Mn) can exacerbate the problems caused by
manganese toxicity in plants. Moreover, if the amount of iron in the soil is too much, causes manganese deposits
and manganese uptake can be reduced for plant (Michael and Beckg, 2001; Malakouti and Tehrani, 1999).
Manganese Deficiency:
Manganese deficiency in terms of geographical distribution is widespread, but overall calcareous soils, soils
with high pH (arid and semi arid regions of the world) and especially soils with poor aeration are mainly
encountered with manganese deficiency. Also there is manganese deficiency on the soils surface erosion.
Generally, the amount of dissolved manganese in the soil is influenced by soil organic matter. Manganese in
some podzolic soils is poor inherently, due to excessive leaching. Manganese solubility will decline with
increasing pH, as it is reduced 100 times by increases in one unit of pH. Chloroplasts is the most sensitive
components in cells in manganese deficiency condition, so that the structure of chloroplasts significantly
damaged by manganese deficiency. Net photosynthesis and chlorophyll amounts decreases with manganese
deficiency (Ndakidemi et al., 2011; Ahangar et al., 1995; Polle et al., 1992; Ohki et al., 1981; Honann, 1967).
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1799-1803, 2011
Manganese deficiency has very serious effects on non-structural carbohydrates, and roots carbohydrates
especially. Crops quality and quantity decreased due to manganese deficiency, and this is due to low fertility of
pollen and low in carbohydrates during grain filling. Manganese deficiency is similar to magnesium deficiency,
because there comes yellow in both intercostals. Manganese deficiency symptoms first appear on younger
leaves; because dynamics of these elements in different plant tissues is limited (manganese isn’t a mobile
element); but the magnesium deficiency symptoms is seen in older leaves primarily (Marschner, 1995;
Longnecker et al., 1991; Sharma et al., 1991; Wilson et al., 1982). In dicot plants manganese deficiencies often
are known with small yellow spots on leaves, also manganese deficiency symptoms in monocot plants appears
as tape and gray-green spots on base of leaves. The major symptom of deficiency is a reduction in the efficiency
of photosynthesis leading to a general decline in dry matter productivity and yield. Occurrence and intensity of
manganese deficiency is depend to seasonal conditions, as manganese deficiency will be more severe in the cold
and wet seasons, due to reduced roots metabolic activity in manganese uptake. Manganese concentrations in
plant tissues have been determined 50 to 150 ppm. Manganese critical levels in plant tissues depending on the
cultivar, species and environmental conditions and has been reported between 10 to 50 micrograms per gram for
dry matter (Michael and Beckg, 2001; Marschner, 1995; Batey, 1971)
Manganese toxicity:
Manganese toxicity is different in plants and depends on plant species and environmental conditions.
Manganese toxicity is a major factor on limiting growth in acidic soils, in these soils high concentrations of
manganese in the leaves reduces photosynthesis and thus growth is reduced. Brown spots on mature leaves and
chlorotic dots at the tips of young leave appear with toxicity caused by manganese. These symptoms are
appearing less in up light intensity compared with less light intensity. Manganese toxicity started with chlorotic
in the elderly leaves and make progress to young leaves (Millaleo et al., 2010; Reichman, 2002; Bachman and
Miller, 1995; Wu, 1994; Wissemeier and Horst, 1992; Brown et al., 1972; Edwards and Asher, 1982). Symptom
of manganese toxicity started from the border of leave and makes progress toward areas between leaves, and
leaves necrosis spreads with increased toxicity. Necrosis in the leaves extending with increased toxicity. Cells
size is influenced by manganese toxicity more than cells number. Uneven distribution of chlorophyll and
accumulation of granules starch in chloroplasts is the effects of manganese toxicity. Manganese toxicity can be
eliminated with use of high amount of magnesium (Rezai and Farbodnia, 2008; Bachman and Miller, 1995; Wu,
1994; Terry et al., 1975).
Method, Timing And Amount Of Manganese Fertilizers:
Prevention of deficiencies is the best way to deal with micronutrients deficiencies, choose of resistant plant
varieties and cultivars and appropriate management practices can be used to prevent of manganese deficiency
occurrence. The most fertilizer containing manganese is manganese sulfate, which is contains 26-28%
manganese and is used in acidic and alkaline soils. Manganese sulfate is used as to band or broadcast is roots
depth. Manganese reacts with soil particle and will become inaccessible forms quickly, so it looks much better
to use of band method. Manganese oxide with about 70% pure manganese is usable only in acidic soils, due to
the limited solubility. Manganese kalat (Mn-EDTA) with 12% Mn can cite of organic sources fertilizer. In
calcareous soils, foliar applications of manganese kalat are recommended only. Generally, the use of manganese
as foliar applications is recommended in calcareous soils. Manganese sulfate (MnSO4) is effective inorganic
fertilizer for foliar applications. The main sources of manganese fertilizer are in table 1 (Malakouti and Tehrani,
1999; Schulte and Kelling, 1999).
Table 1: The main sources of manganese fertilizer Mn% Chemical formula Sources of manganese fertilizer
26-28 MnSO4.3H2O Manganese Sulfate
41-68 MnO Manganese Oxide
31 MnCO3 Manganese Carbonate
12 Mn-EDTA Manganese Kalat
17 MnCl2 Manganese Chloride
63 MnO2 Manganese Dioxide
The role of manganese on crop yield:
Manganese deficiencies in crop production are most prevalent in the alkaline to acid soils imposing
limitations to crop production and yield. Soil, foliar application or seed treatment of manganese is essential for
better crop yield and quality. Manganese facilitates the production of carbohydrates and is required for optimum
utilization of macro nutrients in plants. Manganese promotes the activity of various enzymes that helps in the
photosynthetic light reactions, respiration and protein synthetic processes leading to better utilization of NPK to
Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1799-1803, 2011
convert into functional seed carbohydrates. Crops yield increases with manganese foliar applications due to
increasing photosynthesis efficiency and synthesis of carbohydrates such as starch. Manganese has an important
metabolic role in nitrate-reducing enzyme activity and activation of enzymes involved in carbohydrate
metabolism, thus its deficiencies decrease photosynthesis efficiency and thereby reducing crops yield and
quality (Diedrick, 2010; Malakouti and Tehrani, 1999). Mousavi et al., (2007) in their study reported that potato
yield increased and storage dry matter improved by use of manganese and zinc. Hiller (1995) and Walworth
(1998) in separate investigation reported that yield and quality of potato increased with foliar applications of
micronutrients such as manganese. Bansal and Nayyar (1994) investigated the effect of manganese foliar
applications on 10 cultivars of soybean and observed a significant increase in the economic and biological yield
of soybeans. Mahler et al., (1992) examined the effects of manganese sulfate on irrigated wheat yield and
quality, and concluded wheat yield increased significantly with use of manganese sulfate.
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... Manganese deficiency (Figure 2a,b) is broad in terms of geographical distribution, although it is more common in calcareous soils, soils with high pH (arid and semi-arid parts of the globe), and notably soils with inadequate aeration. There is also a manganese deficit caused by soil's surface erosion [41]. ...
... In general, soil organic matter influences the quantity of dissolved manganese in the soil. Manganese levels in certain podzolic soils are naturally low, owing to extensive leaching [41]. Manganese solubility decreases with rising pH; it decreases 100-fold with an increase of one unit of pH. ...
... It promotes carbohydrate synthesis and is necessary for optimal macronutrient usage in plants. Manganese increases the activity of many enzymes that aid in photosynthetic light responses, respiration, and protein synthesis, resulting in greater NPK usage to convert into functional seed carbohydrates [41]. Its foliar application boosts crop production by enhancing photosynthetic efficiency and carbohydrate synthesis, such as starch [64]. ...
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Background: Manganese is an essential micronutrient that plays a pivotal role in environmental systems, plant physiology, and human health. This review comprehensively examines the manganese cycle in the environment, its absorption and transport mechanisms in plants, and the implications of manganese exposure to human health. Objectives: The objectives of this review are to (i) analyze the environmental cycling of manganese and its bioavailability, (ii) evaluate the role of manganese in plant metabolism and disease resistance, and (iii) assess the impact of manganese toxicity and deficiency on human health. Conclusion: This review highlights that while manganese is crucial for photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and resistance to plant diseases, both its deficiency and toxicity can have severe consequences. In plants, manganese deficiency can lead to impaired growth and reduced crop yields, while toxicity, particularly in acidic soils, can inhibit photosynthesis and stunt development. In humans, manganese is necessary for various physiological processes, but overexposure, especially in occupational settings, can result in neurodegenerative conditions such as manganism. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of managing manganese levels in agriculture and industry to optimize its benefits while minimizing health risks. A multidisciplinary approach is advocated to enhance agricultural productivity and ensure public health safety.
... Phosphorus (P) is a mobile element in plants that is used in many metabolic pathways, including plant growth, photosynthesis, and sugar transport; increased red pigmentation in leaves is among the main symptoms of P deficiency (Bimal and Karmoker 2011). Manganese (Mn) is a nonmobile element that is required for photosystem II and redox functions (Mousavi et al. 2011); Mn deficiency causes decreased photosynthesis, leading to leaf chlorosis and decreased chlorophyll concentration (Singh et al. 2001). Calcium (Ca) is mainly found in chloroplasts and plays a role in regulating phosphatase activity in the carbon reduction cycle during photosynthesis (Brand and Becker 1984). ...
... However, other studies have shown that K concentrations are negatively correlated with chlorophyll content, perhaps due to the antagonistic relationship between K + ions and NH 4 + ions in leaves (Coskun et al. 2017;Zaheer et al. 2023;Zhang et al. 2010). Mn is an immobile element that is essential for photosystem II and redox functions (Mousavi et al. 2011). Mn deficiency can cause a significant decrease in the number of photosystem II functional reaction centers, leading to decreased chlorophyll a content (Husted et al. 2009). ...
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Although the spring leaf color change in Erythrophleum fordii has attracted attention, it remains unclear how nutrient elements, osmotic regulators, and antioxidant enzymes synergistically regulate this phenomenon. In this study, we measured leaf growth, pigment and osmotic regulatory substance content, antioxidant enzyme activity, and nutrient element content at different leaf color stages. The third growth stage was found to be crucial for the leaf color transformation process. Trace elements calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), and copper (Cu) had significant regulatory effects on leaf color transformation and showed increasing trends throughout the transformation process. Increases in Ca, Mg, B, and Cu levels can increase chlorophyll and carotenoid content both directly and also indirectly by increasing soluble protein levels and decreasing phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and catalase (CAT) activity. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) levels decreased gradually throughout the color transformation process; in the early period, higher NO3-N levels promoted PAL formation and led to higher anthocyanin content. Leaf demand for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and manganese (Mn) was high during the early color transformation period, and decreased in the later period. The relative levels of leaf nutrient elements were regulated by changes in leaf growth and the absorption of nutrient elements; this trade-off played an important role in the leaf color transformation process.
... Also, Mn increases the performance of photosynthesis and the synthesis of carbohydrates, such as starch. Most of Iran's soils are calcareous and therefore the solubility of micronutrients in these types of soils decreases and causes the lack of these elements [41]. Mousavi et al. [41] reported that Mn foliar application increases the yield and dry matter content of potatoes. ...
... Most of Iran's soils are calcareous and therefore the solubility of micronutrients in these types of soils decreases and causes the lack of these elements [41]. Mousavi et al. [41] reported that Mn foliar application increases the yield and dry matter content of potatoes. The foliar spraying of Cu, Zn, and Mn in the hydroponic culture significantly increased shoot and root growth of summer savory plants. ...
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Background The use of lanthanum (La) as a rare element has increased in agriculture. Summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) is an herbaceous and medicinal plant that has received attention recently. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of foliar application of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and La at different growth stages, including vegetative, reproductive, and vegetative to harvest on morphological and physiological traits of S. hortensis under hydroponic and soil conditions in the greenhouse. The study was arranged in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Results Results of hydroponic condition showed that foliar application of Cu, Zn, and Mn were the most effective treatments to improve the measured morphological and physiological traits. Moreover, La was not more appropriate in increasing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Also, results showed that in soil cultivation, foliar application of micronutrient elements increased the ratio of leaf-to-stems, antioxidant compounds, and the percentage of essential oils, while the application of Mn, Cu, Zn, and La did not have positive effects on the increase in vegetative characteristics in all three stages of foliar application compared with the control treatment. Conclusions Cu, Zn, and Mn in appropriate concentrations can increase growth and physiological characteristics of summer savory in hydroponic systems.
... Te highest level of Mn (1.69 mg/L) recorded at the Yam 1 site could also be related to the use of Mn input in food processing to enrich foods with manganese in Yamrot Food industry. Furthermore, manganese ore or metal is used in food production to produce various manganese salts [43]. Te results of all sampling sites were higher than the recommended levels of WHO [39] (0.5 mg/ L) and ESA [44] (0.1 mg/L), indicating that water is not suitable for drinking. ...
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This study aimed to determine the levels of some heavy metals in the Koche River and the potential health risks. A replica of water samples was taken from 12 sampling sites purposely selected in the dry season. Heavy metal levels were determined using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer following the APHA (1998) procedure. Heavy metal pollution index (HPI), heavy metal evaluation index (HEI), chronic daily intake (CDI), hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI), total hazard index (THI), and incremental lifetime cancer risk were calculated on the basis of the results. The heavy metals detected were Fe > Mn > Cu > Zn > Cr. The Cr, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents were above the maximum allowed limit of WHO for drinking and irrigation water at most of the sampling sites. The HPI and HEI values also surpassed the maximum limit of the study sites. The highest HPI and HEI values were found at the Yam1site. Oral ingestion represented 99.55% and 97.85% of CDItotal (CDIingestion + CDIdermal contact) in adults and children, respectively. The mean CDItotal and the noncarcinogenic risk values were found in the order of Fe > Mn > Cu > Zn > Cr in both ages. CDI, HQ, HI, and THI scores were higher in children. The HIoral and THI values were also higher than 1 in both ages except in DK 2, Sour 1, and Sour 2 sites. However, the HQdermal level was higher than 1 only for Cr in children. The ELCR obtained also indicated a high carcinogenic risk of Cr (0.75 ± 0.44 and 1.15 ± 0.66 in adults and children, respectively). In general, most of the study sites had heavy metal pollution levels that exceeded the maximum allowed limit. Therefore, effective management of sources of pollution and continuous monitoring of river quality to minimize health risks are very important.
... Additionally, it facilitates pollen tube development and pollen germination (Sawidis et al., 2021). It is also essential for the production of chlorophyll and protein (Mousavi et al., 2011). ...
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The contamination of soil and water with high levels of heavy metals (HMs) has emerged as a significant obstacle to agricultural productivity and overall crop quality. Certain HMs, although serving as essential micronutrients, are required in smaller quantities for plant growth. However, when present in higher concentrations, they become very toxic. Several studies have shown that to balance out the harmful effects of HMs, complex systems are needed at the molecular, physiological, biochemical, cellular, tissue, and whole plant levels. This could lead to more crops being grown. Our review focused on HMs’ resources, occurrences, and agricultural implications. This review will also look at how plants react to HMs and how they affect seed performance as well as the benefits that HMs provide for plants. Furthermore, the review examines HMs’ transport genes in plants and their molecular, biochemical, and metabolic responses to HMs. We have also examined the obstacles and potential for HMs in plants and their management strategies.
... Additionally, in this year, the Zn content of triticale was higher than that of oats (Table 9 and Fig. 3) Most of the Mn in plants is found in the cell wall (Spears, 1994). It acts as a bridge between adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and enzyme complexes, is involved in the activation of certain enzymes in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and participates in redox processes in photosynthesis (Mousavi, Shahsavari & Rezaei, 2011;Schmidt & Husted, 2019). The Mn content in plants also depends on the plant species and age, as well as the soil's pH and moisture content (Rayen et al., 2010;Stanković et al., 2015). ...
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Background Small-grain winter cereals can be utilized as early spring pastures in temperate climates to relieve grazing pressure and potentially mitigate feed shortages. This study was conducted to determine the effects of triticale and oat cereal pastures grazed by sheep during early spring on forage yields, nutritive values, and nutritional requirements of sheep. Methods The research was carried out over three consecutive years, from 2015 to 2017, at the Sheep Research Institute in Bandırma-Balıkesir, located in the Marmara region of Türkiye. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design, with the two forage species, triticale and oat, randomized within each of three blocks. The animal material for the study consisted of 24 Karacabey Merino sheep, each 2 years old, with an average live weight of 57.6 ± 0.5 kg, all in the late lactation stage. In each replication, four sheep were included, resulting in a total of 12 sheep grazing in each of the triticale and oat pastures. The sheep grazed exclusively on the cereal pastures without any additional feed, and had unrestricted access to water throughout the entire period of the experiment. The dry matter yields (DMY), dry matter intakes (DMI), nutritive values, and mineral contents of the cereal species were determined. Results The DMY showed significant differences over the years ( P < 0.05). No differences in DMY were observed between pastures, with oats yielding 11.99 t ha ⁻¹ and triticale yielding 11.08 t ha ⁻¹ . During the grazing period, the change in DMY was significant in all years ( P < 0.05). The average DMI of the sheep was 2,003.5 g d ⁻¹ for triticale and 2,156.6 g d ⁻¹ for oat, respectively, and DMI exhibited no significant differences across pastures. Although there was no difference in DMI between 2015 and 2016, the lowest consumption occurred in 2017 ( P < 0.05). Additionally, while DMI showed different trends each year based on the periods, it generally decreased by the end of the grazing period. While both pastures provided similar nutritive values, significant differences were observed in the crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), in vitro true DM digestibility (DDM), and metabolisable energy (ME) values across the years. Over the years, as the grazing period progressed, CP levels decreased while neutral detergent fiber (NDF), ADF, and acid detergent lignin (ADL) increased, resulting in reduced DDM and ME values. The phosphorus (P) content in triticale was higher than in oats, but there were no differences in the content of other minerals between them. Between the years, significant differences were observed in the levels of phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe), while changes in other elements were insignificant. The variation in mineral content during the grazing process differed over the three years. Study results indicated that the nutritional values of triticale and oat pastures are similar, and both can effectively be used to provide sufficient feed to meet the early spring forage requirements for sheep.
Micronutrients are essentially as important as macronutrients to have better growth, yield and quality in plants. There requirement by plants is in trace amounts. Boron, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium and molybdenum constitute main micronutrients required by different crops in variable quantities. The requirement of micronutrients is partly met from the soil or through chemical fertilizer or through other sources. Various physical and metabolic functions are governed by these mineral nutrients. Boron is particularly essential in pollen germination, copper plays major role in photosynthesis and increases sugar content in fruits, chlorophyll synthesis and phosphorus availability is enhanced by manganese, iron acts as an oxygen carrier and promotes chlorophyll formation, while, zinc aids plant growth hormones and enzyme system. Yield and quality of agricultural products increased with micronutrients application, therefore human and animal health is protected with feed of enrichment plant materials. Each essential element only when can perform its role in plant nutrition properly that other necessary elements are available in balanced ratios for plant. therefore in the plant manganese plays an important role on oxidation and reduction processes, as electron transport in photosynthesis. Manganese deficiency has very serious effects on non-structural carbohydrates, and roots carbohydrates especially. Crops quality and quantity decreased due to manganese deficiency, and this is due to low fertility of pollen and low in carbohydrates during grain filling. In the xylem routes zinc is transmitted to divalent form or with organic acids bond. In the phloem sap zinc makes up complex with organic acids with low molecular weight, and increases its concentration. Zinc deficiency can be seen in eroded, calcareous and weathering acidic soils. Zinc deficiency is often accompanied with iron deficiency in calcareous soils. Iron in the soil is the fourth abundant element on earth, but its amount was low or not available for the plants and microorganisms needs, due to low solubility of minerals containing iron in many places the world, especially in arid region with alkaline soils.
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Pakchoi (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis), one kind of plant originating from China is widely grown in Vietnam and many other Southeast Asian countries. Based on the ability of Pakchoi to accumulate a variety of metals, distinguishing the origin of Pakchoi using metal content has been proven feasible. Therefore, the metal content in soil, the main source of Pakchoi's metal content is also a potential source for supporting the identification of geographical origin of plants. This study evaluated the ability to authenticate the origin of Pakchoi at several locations serving the Hanoi market through metal content in the soil. Twenty-seven metals in the soil of 4 regular cultivation locations serving the Hanoi market were determined using ICP-MS, then the data were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis. The results of this study provided another way to discriminate the geographical origins of Pakchoi, as well as a way to support identification of the origins of other vegetable crops in the food market in the Northern of Vietnam.
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A wide-spread subtropical tree species, Schima superba (Theaceae), occurring in a Mn mine wasteland, was found to contain unusually high Mn content in the leaf tissues. A pot growth experiment with different Mn treatments was conducted to further illustrate its Mn tolerance, accumulation and relocation capacity. Schima saplings grew well and showed no symptoms of Mn toxicity with Mn supply below 60 mmol/l. Total plant biomass decreased with the increase of Mn supply, but Mn contents in tissues increased significantly, and peaked (62 412.3 mg/kg) in stem at 150 mmol/l treatment. Under all treatments, Mn concentrations in the aboveground tissues were constantly greater than those in roots. When the external Mn supply was over 40 mmol/l, the Mn levels in the leaves and stems all exceeded 10 000 mg/kg, the suggested value for Mn hyperaccumulation. Most of the Mn taken from the substrates were transported to the aboveground tissues, e.g. over 86% accumulated in the aboveground parts at 150 mmol/l treatment. These findings confirmed that Schima superba is a Mn hyperaccumulator.
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Leaf analysis of corn plants can be very useful when evaluating the adequacy of nutrients required for corn production. Therefore, in order to estimate the concentrations of Cu, Mn and Fe in corn leaf, two field experiments were carried out in Fars province of Iran in 2009-2010. Treatments including four levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg ha −1 B added to the soil and B foliar spray with a 0.3 percent concentration) and five levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg ha −1 Zn added to the soil and Zn foliar spray with a 0.5 percent concentration) in a completely randomized block design were set up. The findings indicated that there was a synergism between Zn and Cu; Zn foliar spray increased leaf Cu content while applying it to the soil had not such angle effect. The presence of a high amount of B in the soil, assisted to increasing of leaf Fe content. In fact, a synergism was seen between the B and Fe. The use of B spraying more effective on the leaf Fe content relative to the B soil application; so that, the presence of B in the soil prevented from decrease of leaf Fe content by Zn use and also, there was an antagonism between the Fe and Zn. The presence of a high amount of Zn in the soil (24 kg ha −1), prevented from increase of leaf Fe content by B application (an antagonism between Zn and Fe).
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A low leaf Mn concentration was detected in bearing pecan (Carya illinoinensis Wangenh. C. Koch) trees growing in an alluvial soll with an alkaline pH. Trees lacked vigor and leaves were pale in color, but there was no discernible leaf chlorosis or necrosis. Three foliar applications of MnSO4 beginning at budbreak, then twice more at 3-week intervals at rates of 0 to 3.3 kg·ha-1 of Mn increased leaf Mn concentration curvilinearly, and alleviated leaf symptoms. Results indicated that three foliar applications of MnSO4 at 2.15 kg·ha-1 of Mn plus a surfactant were adequate to correct the deficiency.
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Manganese is an essential element for plants, intervening in several metabolic processes, mainly in photosynthesis and as an enzyme antioxidant-cofactor. Nevertheless, an excess of this micronutrient is toxic for plants. Mn phytotoxicity is manifested in a reduction of biomass and photosynthesis, and biochemical disorders such as oxidative stress. Some studies on Mn toxicity and Mn translocation from soil to plant cells in Mn2+ form have demonstrated their importance under low pH and redox potential conditions in the soil. When Mn is inside the cells, mechanisms that can tolerate this toxicity are also observed, being important the compartmentalization of this metal in different organelles of shoot and leaf plant cells. A key role of antioxidative systems in plants in relation to high Mn amounts has also been reported as a defense mechanism. The purpose of this review is to show the role of Mn as an essential micronutrient and as a toxic element to higher plants as well as to their transport and tolerance mechanisms. The forms and dynamics of this element in soils and the importance of the acidity for this dynamic and availability for plants are also given.
Current research has been focused on the influence of land use on Fe and Mn status in Sohag governorate soils, South Egypt. Soils were sampled from sites including the cultivated floodplain, reclaimed lands, Wadi deposits and the wastewater farmlands at El-Dair, and El-Kola. For these samples total and DTPA-extractable Fe and Mn were determined. Total Fe ranges 3.7-9.3%, 1.3-12.3%, 2.5-5.9% and 1.9-7.0% in cultivated floodplain, reclaimed, wadi deposits and wastewater farmland at El-Kola, respectively. Total Mn in the cultivated floodplain and reclaimed lands ranged from 604 to 2193 mg kg and from 275 to 3505 mg kg respectively, while, in wadi deposits is -1 -1 oscillating in the range 449-1181 mg kg Fe and Mn exhibits positive correlation with clay and -1. organic matter content while it is negatively correlated with the carbonate content. The wastewater disposal practice leads to abnormally elevated values of the available Fe in the reclaimed lands. In the lands applied for wastewater disposal at El-Kola and El-Dair, available Fe ranges from 3.5 to 526.0 mg kg and 25.4-878.3 mg kg respectively. This suggests wastewater disposal increased the -1 -1 risk of Fe loss to under ground water. Available Mn in cultivated floodplain soils ranges from 17.9 to 142.3 mg kg , but in the reclaimed lands and wadi deposit range from 4.3 to 269.0 and from 1.66 -1 to 144.7 mg kg respectively. The wastewater disposal practice has no marked effect on the soil -1 content of available Mn.
A histological method and elemental analysis were applied to study the reaction of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), cultivar ‘Maple Arrow’, to high manganese (Mn) supply under various growth conditions. The main impact of Mn toxicity was seen on the above ground parts of the plant. The brown fleckes on the old leaves and young apical crinkle leaf with chlorotic spots was identified as typical Mn toxicity symptoms. The chloroplasts of the Mn‐toxic plant cultivated in the growth chamber accumulated large starch granules, which on the contrary represented an intensive growth of the plants grown in the greenhouse. Leaf Mn content of 2.80 mg/g did not decrease the dry weight of the older leaves, but 1.53 mg/g depressed severely that of the young leaves. The dry weight of pods was also significantly decreased.
The effects severe, moderate or slight manganese (Mn) deficiency on tillering and development of Galleon barley were examined in field and growth-cabinet experiments. Manganese deficiency delayed maturity in both field and growth-cabinet experiments. In the field, Mn-deficient plants were still tillering when the plants in plots receiving Mn fertilizer had ceased tillering and their stems were elongating. In growth-cabinet experiments, plants with moderate or severe Mn deficiency did not reach the stem-elongation stage of development, and continued to tiller until they died.
Manganese deficiency is known to severely reduce growth and yield of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] plants, but little is known about the effects of Mn deficiency on soybean seed quality factors. Seed from field‐grown soybean plants containing leaf Mn concentrations ranging from 4 to 58 ppm were analyzed for oil and protein percentage. Seed oil and seed protein from selected treatments containing 4 to 44 ppm leaf Mn were analyzed for fatty acid and amino acid percentages, respectively. Severe Mn deficiency (less than 15 ppm Mn in the leaves) increased seed protein percentage and decreased seed oil percentage. Seed from plants with extremely low leaf Mn levels contained higher percentages of linoleic, palmitic, linolenic, and stearic acids and a lower percentage of oleic acid. The percentages of seed protein, seed oil, and fatty acids changed markedly at low leaf Mn levels but remained relatively constant above leaf Mn concentrations of 15 to 20 ppm. Percentages of amino acids in seed protein were relatively unaffected by Mn. The results show that several soybean seed quality factors can be markedly altered by deficient levels of Mn. These changes could have a significant influence on the quality of products derived from soybean seed.