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Devising a Classification Scheme for Islam: Opinions of LIS and Islamic Studies Scholars


Abstract and Figures

Libraries use classification systems to arrange library materials in a logical order and provide users better access. Formal structured classification systems have been developed for this purpose. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), Charles Ammi Cutter's Expansive Classification (EC), The Subject Classification (SC) of James Duff Brown, Library of Congress Classification (LCC), Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), Henry E. Bliss's Bibliographic Classification (BC), and S. R. Ranganathan's Colon Classification (CC) are internationally known standard library classification systems. All these systems lack proper placement and coverage of materials being published on topics relevant to Islam. Islam is an area of extensive publication activity. Therefore, libraries with rich collections on Islam face the problem of classification. In response of this problem, different libraries have adopted different types of practices and systems. This trend has created problems of access and retrieval for the users of these collections. This study was conducted to address this problem. Scholars in library and information science and scholars in Islamic studies were selected as participants. Their opinions on potential solutions of the problem along with ways to coordination among stakeholders have been analysed.
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Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
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Devising a Classification Scheme for
Islam: Opinions of LIS and Islamic
Studies Scholars
Haroon IdreesKhalid Mahmood
International Islamic University - Pakistan,
University of the Punjab,
This paper is posted at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
Library Philosophy and Practice 2009
ISSN 1522-0222
Devising a Classification Scheme for Islam: Opinions of LIS and
Islamic Studies Scholars
Haroon Idrees, M.Phil.
Senior Librarian
Islamic Research Institute
International Islamic University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Khalid Mahmood, Ph.D.
Professor & Chairman
Department of Library & Information Science
University of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
Classification plays a significant role in the organization, physical arrangement, access and
retrieval of the library materials. Different standard classification systems, e.g., Dewey Decimal
Classification (DDC), Library of Congress Classification (LCC) and Universal Decimal Classification
(UDC) have been developed for this purpose. Most of these systems have been developed by western
authors. The authors were of such a background that they furnished sufficient provisions to the fields of
western knowledge, but these schemes lack the adequate room for eastern / oriental fields of knowledge,
languages and literature. The libraries that have the reasonable amount of collection on Islam and its
related disciplines are facing problem to classify and arrange the materials in such a way that could help
and support the library users effectively and efficiently. The reason to this problem is unavailability of
suitable classification system, which may cover all the aspects of Islamic literature comprehensively. For
example, Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), which is widely used system in the libraries throughout
the world (Chan, 1981), provided only one notation out of one thousand for Islam, i.e., 297. On the other
hand, this fact can not be denied that literature is being produced very extensively on Islam and its
different aspects. Moreover, many new disciplines and topics are emerging in the body of knowledge of
Islamic studies. This has created a substantial problem of classification for the libraries that have built the
collections on Islam at length. Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah Library of Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad, with a collection of 160,000 volumes on Islam is one of the
representatives of such libraries in Pakistan (Idrees, 2007). Another example of such a library with similar
case is that of Indian Institute of Islamic Studies, New Delhi, (IIIS, 1974, p. ii). The real status and
understanding of this problem was to be established through this study. Two types of population
segments were selected to collect data from, along side the review of related literature. One segment was
the scholars of Library and Information Science (LIS), who had a relationship with area of library
classification as a teacher or author and thus being abreast with the problem area. The other segment
consisted of the scholars of Islamic studies as they were the real, ample and sensitive users of such
collections. Both of these segments have been selected and interviewed to know the nature and level of
the problems and potential solution to these problems. A point was to be found where the real
development in this regard could be started from. This was also aimed to know whether there is a real
and genuine need and scope for the development of a comprehensive classification system for materials
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
on Islam or amendments and expansions in existing standard classification systems should be made. The
LIS professionals have the basic role to develop such a system, if really needed, but, they can not do this
with optimal enumeration and hierarchy without the guidance and support of Islamic studies scholars.
This has also been revealed by this study whether the Islamic studies scholars would render such a
support and guidance to LIS people if they take an initiative to develop a comprehensive classification
system for materials on Islam.
This study was designed to achieve the following objectives:
To know the suitability of standard classification systems in libraries those contain reasonably big
collections on Islam.
To discover satisfaction level LIS and Islamic studies scholars with presently adopted
classification systems.
To know the opinion of LIS and Islamic studies scholars regarding the possible solution to
problem of having a suitable classification system for materials on Islam.
To know about the need and possibility of developing an independent and comprehensive
classification system for Islam.
To know the depth & variety of topics, addition in body of knowledge in Islamic studies and
publishing trends of present and future on Islam.
To know if Islamic studies scholars would be helpful to develop an independent and
comprehensive classification system for Islam, if required.
Literature relevant to the problem was collected and reviewed so that the better understanding of
the problem could be developed and areas of exploration be found prior to field study. The phenomenon
was of social nature and there were not much quantifiable variables involved in this study. The problem
was also related to exploration of subjective aspects of human experience. People perception of the
potential solution of the problem was also to be found. Therefore, it was considered that the qualitative
methodology would be a better option for this study rather than the quantitative methods as indicated by
Powell and Connaway (2004, p. 59). Interviewing technique for data collection was selected, keeping in
view its benefits and suitability, i.e., 1) immediacy, 2) mutual exploration, 3) investigation of causation, 4)
personal contact and 5) speed. There could be three options of interviewing: 1) structured, 2) semi
structured and 3) non-structured (Gorman & Clayton, 2005, pp. 125-142). Semi structured interviewing
was selected. A structure of interview was prepared, but was not strictly followed. New ideas or concepts
evolved during the interviews were also incorporated. Wording of questions was as per environment and
circumstances. A sample of 10 LIS and 10 Islamic studies scholars from major cities of Pakistan was
selected to make the sample representative of the population. A blend of purposive and convenient
sampling technique was used. Practically nine (90%) LIS and all the 10 (100%) Islamic studies scholars'
interview could be conducted.
Review of Literature
This section presents a concise review of all the possibly available printed and non printed
literature on the problem in hand. The Muslims have been fond of and attracted towards establishing
libraries since early periods of their history, even before the invention of printing press when preparation
of multiple copies was not an easy job. The library of Al-Sahib Ibn Ibad during the 4th century of alhijrah,
had a collection of 6,200 books, of which catalog was compiled in 10 volumes. Al-Aziz Fatimid had a
collection of 1.6 million books in his library (Dohaish, 1986). The establishment of world fame Darulhikma
library during the Abbasid era, Khazainulqusoor during Fatimid period with a collection of 1.6 million
books and Hakam II's library with a collection of 400,000 books in Spain are remarkable examples. This
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
trend of public and many private libraries can be seen throughout the Muslim history (Siddiqui, 1986, p.
Currently, a huge amount of publishing and emergence of new topics in Islamic studies have
been evidenced. When a search on the books on Islam was made from an online bookseller, Amazon
(2008), the following data were appeared as a result:
Books published since September, 2001 to date were 50,436.
Books published since September, 2002 to date were 42,185.
Books published since September, 2003 to date were 36,523.
Books published since September, 2004 to date were 26,370.
Books published since September, 2005 to date were 18,631.
Books published since September, 2006 to date were 9,858.
Brill (2008), one of the renowned publishers based in Leiden, Netherlands is currently publishing
20 journals on Islamic studies. They have published 39 book series, 219 reference works, including world
fame Encyclopaedias of Islam & Quran, 19 e-publications and 37 yearbooks on Islam. Currently available
406 out of 920 titles on Islam have been published after 2001. This is noteworthy that all Brill publications
are thought to be research oriented. A search on the books available on Islam at Barnes & Noble (2008),
also an online bookseller, came with a result of 12,212 titles. Many publishers and booksellers in the Arab
and other Muslim countries' wide ranging publications on Islam are otherwise. These data show that there
is an extensive demand and supply of books on Islam.
According to Riazuddin (1993), Qaisar (1974), Khurshid (1977), Usmani (1982), Ibrahim, (1981 &
82), Rizwi, (1975 & 1996) and Khan (2004), the devisers of standard and internationally known library
classification systems were from western or non Muslim countries. They were of such background that
they had either or both of two limitations. First, very limited awareness of the depth, variety and wide
range of Islamic disciplines and literature being published on Islam. Second, they had some sort of bias.
Therefore, they provided very limited space for Islam and organization or hierarchy of notations is also not
proper. Example of DDC has been quoted where a wide space has been allocated to Christianity and a
very limited space has been designated to Islam and other religions of the world.
In response to the shortcomings of standard classification systems, many efforts have been made
to solve the problem. These efforts are of three types. Some folks have made expansions in the given
notation for Islam in DDC, i.e., 297. Expansions made by Shafi (1962), Hassan (1973), Shaukat (1970),
Qaisar (1974), Ibrahim, (1981 & 1982), Riazuddin (2002), Eraqi (1985), TEBROC (1971) and Khan (2004)
are examples of this type of work. Efforts were also made to get some of these expansions incorporated
in DDC, but they could not be successful. Some others amended the original organization of DDC's class
of religion and they used the notations for Islam, which were originally allocated to Christianity. Dr. Shaniti
of Egypt (1960), King Abdul Aziz University of Saudi Arabia (1977), Gondal, (n.d.) and Sabzwari (2007)
from Pakistan used 210-260 and Quaid-e-Azam Library from Pakistan (n.d.) used 220-280 classes for
this purpose. Indian Institute of Islamic Studies (1974) made same type of amendments in UDC. The third
type of works is that, which were done independently and they resulted either in the form of a
classification system, i.e., Labhu Ram (n.d.), McGill University (1979, as quoted by Gacek, 2008), Islamic
Research Institute (n.d.), Rehman, Nizami and Shaikh (2003), or provided a framework for the
development of a system as Sardar (1979).
Some authors have mentioned the problem and shortcomings of the standard systems with some
analysis and comparison and have indicated for the further work at some good level in this regard. These
authors are Chishti (1978, pp. 510-555), Bajwa (1969), Hina Khan, (1999), Usmani (1982) and Sabzwari
Dickinson (1916, pp. 29-35), Khurshid (1980), Elazar (2000), Broughton (2000), Sabzwari (1981),
Morgan, (1996), Ibrahim (1982), Khan (1963, pp.107-108), Rehman, Nizami and Shaikh (2003) and DDC
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
editor-in-chief Mitchell (2005) have criticized the standard classification for their emphasis on Christianity
and inconvenience to classify the materials on Islam and other religions.
Results and Discussion
Library and Information Science Scholars' Data
Ten scholars from different parts of Pakistan were selected in the sample, using a blend of
purposive and convenient sampling technique. Interviews of nine scholars could successfully be
conducted. One of the scholars had left the country and settled in Canada. Efforts were made to get his
contact information, but could not succeed. The participants were contacted prior to interviews through
emails and telephone. The recording of interviews was made on audio tape recorder.
General Information
The five of nine (56%) participants were working professionals while the four (44%) were retired persons.
Five scholars were master degree holders in library and information science while four were PhDs. All the
scholars were serving or had served in public sector organizations. Only one of them was currently
serving in private sector. Seven (78%) scholars were working or had worked as faculty of library and
information science, while two (22%) were librarians by profession. One of the scholars had served as
faculty and librarian at top levels and was then serving as an editor of a journal.
Standard Classification Systems and their Suitability
When the scholars were asked whether standard classification systems were serving the purpose
of classification adequately or not, where libraries had rich collections on Islam, all the nine scholars
(100%) replied negatively. Only one scholar mentioned that DDC had recently worked on this issue in its
latest edition, still it did not serve the purpose, where there were extensive collections on Islam.
Shortcomings in Standard Classification Systems
When the scholars were asked about the shortcomings of standard classification systems, the
following were mentioned, which have also been presented in table 1. Seven scholars said that there was
no proper place and accommodation for Islam in standard classification systems. Two of the scholars
mentioned lengthy notation as a result of less placement for Islam in the systems. One participant
mentioned improper enumeration of Islamic topics in standard classification systems. Biasness against
Islam was also mentioned by one scholar. One scholar also mentioned that emerging Islamic topics were
not incorporated in these systems.
Table 1. Shortcomings in Standard Classification Systems
Problem / shortcoming
Number of scholars mentioned
Improper place
Lengthy notation
Improper enumeration
Non incorporation of emerging Islamic topics
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
Solution to Problems of Classification of Islamic Materials
The scholars were asked about the s olution of problems regarding c lassification of Islamic
materials. Six (67%) scholar were in favor of devising a new and comprehensive classification scheme for
Islam. One of these six supposed that ideal situation was to devise a new and comprehensive
classification scheme for Islam, but he doubted the capability of Pakistani professionals to accomplish this
work successfully. Therefore, in prevailing circumstances, he recommended amendments and
expansions in any of standard classification systems. Three (33%) suggested that we should make
amendments and expansions in standard classification systems. The scholars' opinions have been shown
in figure 1.
Figure 1. LIS scholars' opinion for devising a scheme for Islam
Amendments in Standard Classification S ystems
The scholars who recommended amendments and expansions in standard classification systems
were asked whether expansions should be made within originally allocated portion in schemes or some
other portions, where more space has been allocated, e.g., classes and notations specified for
Christianity could be alternatively used for Islam. The response was as follows: three (75%) were of
opinion to use alternative class numbers and one (25%) was in favor of using the originally allocated
notation and making expanded numeration within this notation, e.g., 297 in DDC.
Who should work?
The participants were asked who should take an initiative to work on devising the amendments
and expansions in the standard classification systems. All the four (100%) were of the opinion that some
committee or group should be formed to work on this issue. There were three opinions to carryout this
work: First, professional organizations and National Library of Pakistan should take the responsibility;
Second, the work should be done under umbrella of OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference); Third,
there should be a group of professionals from different Muslim countries, who should work and build a
pressure on DDC editorial committee for the incorporation of required expansions in DDC. One scholar
also added that Organization of Muslim Librarians should also be involved in this process. None of the
participants preferred an individual to carry out this project.
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
Incorporation of Amendments and Expansions in DDC
A question was asked whether sufficient expansions could be successfully incorporated in the
standard classification systems. Two scholars responded this question. One was of opinion that they
wouldn't include such a work in systems as efforts were made and failed in past, but we shouldn't worry
about it rather we should publish and use these expansions at our own. The other scholars thought that it
could be done if we get support from big names and influential personalities of the field from different
An Independent and Comprehensive Scheme for Islam
Majority of the scholars' was in favor of independent and comprehensive classification scheme for
collections on Islam, so, they were asked some questions, which are being analyzed in this section.
Variety, Depth and Capacity of Literature being Produced on Islam: Is there a Real Need for a
Comprehensive Classification Scheme for Islam?
The question was asked whether there was such a variety, depth and capacity in Islamic topics
and the literature was being published in such a volume that an independent classification scheme was a
realistic need of the time. Seven scholars responded this question, which was 78% of the sample, while
one said that this question should be asked by Islamic studies scholars. Out of these seven, six (86%)
were of the view that there was a real need for such a scheme. Interestingly, one participant, who
previously voted for expansions in standard classification systems, stated that the volume of publishing
and variety in Islamic topics demand for an independent and comprehensive system of classification. One
participant said that the idea was wonderful, but according to him, working on it in Pakistani environment
was not practically and technically viable.
Technical Possibility of an Independent and Comprehensive Classification Scheme for Islam
The scholars were asked whether development of a comprehensive classification scheme for
Islam was technically possible or not. All the seven scholars (100%), who responded this question, were
of the view that the scheme could be devised as the framework of different classification systems was
already there to take guidance from.
Availability of Guiding Literature for an Independent and Comprehensive Classification Scheme
for Islam
The scholars were asked about the availability of guiding literature for developing an independent
and comprehensive classification scheme for Islam. All the seven (100%) responded that the literature
was available. Some of the scholars indicated that the literature was available in the following forms:
Printed literature in the form of standard classification systems and indigenous works.
Online literature, which can be accessed through Internet and World Wide Web.
The mother books (ummahaat-ul-kutub) on different disciplines of Islam.
Who Should Work?
The participants were asked who should take an initiative to work on devising an independent
and comprehensive classification scheme for Islam. The six out of seven (86%) were of the opinion that
some committee or group should be formed to devise such a scheme. One participant said that an
individual should come ahead and start work on this project. He quoted Dewey who started the work
alone and now a huge institution was carrying his work on. There were three opinions on how to get this
work done practically. First, professional organizations and National Library of Pakistan should take the
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
responsibility of forming a committee. One participant mentioned that an editorial board, same as of DDC
should be constituted to start this work and then carrying it on in the long run. Another participant denoted
that the library schools had an important and leading role in this work, which they should play.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Individual Work & Committee Work
When the participants were asked about advantages and disadvantages of an individual working
on a classification scheme, compared with a committee working on the same, following were the
responses of the participants:
Advantages of Individual Work
One participant mentioned that an individual could start this type of work in a better way and the
successors could carry it on. Another participant quoted that behind the great works of history, there was
one individual who initiated the primary work; Dewey, being best example for that.
Disadvantages of Individual Work
Participants mentioned that an individual's thinking and approach had limitations and could not be
comprehensive. Two participants mentioned that in case of an individual's work, others would not agree;
so, this work would deprive a wide acceptance from the profession and professionals. One participant
mentioned that the nature of this work was of a long duration, for which an individual could not work till its
completion efficiently.
Advantages of Committee Work
According to the participants a work done by committee could have a collective wisdom and
would cover all the aspects comprehensively. According to one participant a committee's work would be
widely accepted by all libraries.
Disadvantages of Committee Work
According to one participant coordination among the members of committee was a difficult task in
our environment.
Implementation of an Independent C lassification Scheme on Islam
The sampled population was asked, i f a new, independent and comprehensive classification
scheme for Islam was developed, how it could be implemented practically in the presence of materials in
the library on topics other than Islam. The response from three of six (50%) was that it could be done
without any problem as a number of libraries had already experienced multiple schemes. One point was
mentioned that where there were a big collection, already classified, and services being provided to
users, it was very difficult to reclassify. Another opinion was that the new books should be classified
under this new scheme, while the previous ones may remain according to previous classification and be
reclassified on later stage, subject to availability of resources. One of the participant s was of view that
this scheme may be published and sent to the librarians, who may do the homework prior, and then apply
Structure of the Scheme
The participants were asked about the structure of the proposed new and comprehensive
scheme for Islam, whether it should be enumerative or faceted. A majority of respondents (four of five,
80%) suggested an enumerative scheme. Only one was of the view that the scheme should be faceted.
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
The opinion of LIS scholars regarding the structure of proposed classification scheme for Islam has been
displayed in figure 2.
Figure 2. LIS scholars' opinion for structure of the scheme
A Higher Study Topic
The participants were asked a question about their views in case of some student taking this topic
as the higher study research, reviewing all the previous works and devising a comprehensive
classification scheme for Islam. Eight participants responded this question. Seven participants (88%)
responded the question positively. Only one participant disagreed, adding that it would limit the work. He
was of the view that such a research work should be of universal nature, coverage and acceptance. The
opinion of LIS scholars regarding the development of a classification scheme for Islam as an output of a
higher study research has been displayed in figure 3.
Figure 3. LIS scholars' opinion regarding development of a scheme for Islam as a higher study
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
General Observations of LIS Scholars about the Project
The participants were asked to add any thing important regarding the issue. The following
comments were added by different respondents:
The research on devising a classification scheme for Islam can be conducted optimally with the
help and guidance of Islamic studies scholars.
There are two options; one is of career building, the other is protection of national heritage.
Spending life on development of a standard classification system for Islam is relevant to the second
option. One should opt either of these.
Committee meetings for development of a standard classification system for Islam should be
conducted on quarterly basis, devised scheme should be published in a newsletter, it should be
distributed to all Pakistani practitioners and should be finalized after their feedback.
A long time of 60 years has gone past and we are depriving of an agreed standard classification
system, which may fulfill our indigenous needs. At this stage, the seniors should come forward and play
their required role in resolving the problem.
Islamic Studies Scholars' Data
This section presents the analysis of data collected from the scholars of Islamic studies. The
Islamic studies scholars were included in the study because they are: 1) the users of such libraries that
have rich collections on Islam. 2) They can guide from various aspects like the variety and depth in
Islamic studies topics, emergence of new disciplines, the volume of literature being published on Islam
currently and the future publishing trend of this literature.
General Information
General information includes the basic information of the Islamic studies scholars, their
education, age, profession and service. A sample of ten scholars from different parts of Pakistan was
selected and interviewed in this study. Eight scholars (80%) were working and two (20%) were retired
persons. Nine scholars (90%) were PhDs, while one was master degree holder. Nine scholars (90%)
were serving or had served in public sector. Only one (10%) was serving in private sector. Seven scholars
(70%) were working or had worked as faculty, while three (30%) were working or had worked on
administrative / research positions.
Personal Library & Collection of Scholars
All the ten scholars (100%) were having their personal libraries. The scholars had different size of
collections in their personal libraries, ranging from 500 to 100,000 books, journals, audio videos and other
materials. The summary of the collections of scholars has been shown in table 3. Five scholars' data
regarding the ratio of collection on Islam and other topics could be found. Two out five had 100% of their
collections on Islam. Three had 70% of their collections on Islam. It has been shown in figure 4.
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
Table 3. Collections in personal libraries of Islamic Studies Scholars
< 1,000
> 5,000
> 10,000
> 20,000
> 100,000
Figure 4. Islamic Studies Scholars' Collection Ratio
Personal Library Classification
The scholars were asked about their personal library classification. Nine responded this question.
Seven out of nine (78%) said that they had classified their libraries according to main subjects, but no
library classification system had been followed. One (11%) said that the collection had been classified
according to languages, then subjects and then the works of special authors. One of the scholars (11%)
said his library had not been classified in any way.
Scholar's Experience of Libraries other than Personal Library
This section presents the data of scholars' personal experiences of libraries.
Scholars' Frequency of Library Visits
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
When the scholars were asked about their visits of libraries, six of them responded this question.
Four (67%) said that there was no definite and permanent routine in this regard. It depended upon their
needs. Some times they used to visit on daily basis and some times once during a month. Two out of six
(33%) said they were visiting the library on daily basis.
Which Library Scholars Visit Frequently
Six (60%) scholars were visiting multiple libraries of multiple cities. Two (20%) normally visited
their departmental and central library of the university. One of them (10%) normally visited the
departmental and central library of the university along with the personal libraries of other scholars. One
scholar (10%) frequently visited the departmental library.
Purpose of Library Visit
The scholars were asked about the purpose of their library visits. The following purposes,
presented in table 5 were stated.
Table 5. Purpose of Islamic Studies Scholars' Library Visit.
Education & research
Personal interest of study
Preparation for TV programs, seminars and lectures
Research paper compilation
Preparation for evaluation and supervision of theses
Adequacy and Suitability of Organization of Library Materials
A question was asked from the participants if they find the organization of library materials
adequate for themselves and for new library users to locate required materials from their visited libraries.
Six out of seven (86%) respondents showed their dissatisfaction in this respect, mentioning no uniformity
of classification systems, resulting different locations of same type of materials in different libraries. One
(14%) said with meager interest, it was ok.
Frequency of Literature Being Produced on Islam
When the scholars were asked about the frequency of literature being produced on different
Islamic topics, the response from six (60%) was that the frequency was very high and it was very difficult
to estimate exactly. Three (30%) said that in Arabic and English, the frequency was very high, while in
Urdu, it was not that much. One (10%) of the respondents said the frequency was unmatched and
unparalleled. One of the first six was also of the view that in Urdu, literature on popular Islamic topics was
being produced in a very high frequency, while in English the literature of research nature was more
evident. This literature was being produced by both Muslims and Orientalists.
Emergence of new Disciplines in Islamic Studies
The participants were asked whether the new topics were emerging in the body of knowledge of
Islamic studies. Five out of nine (56%) were of the view that emergence of new topics and disciplines in
the body of knowledge of Islamic studies was very numerous. Three (33%) simply said yes the new topics
were emerging in the body of knowledge of Islamic studies. One (11%) said, yes the topics were
emerging, but, how many? This was difficult to answer.
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
Future Publishing Trend of Literature on Islam
When the participants were asked about the future trend of literature publishing and the
emergence of new disciplines in the body of knowledge of Islamic studies, nine (90%) said it would be
increased in the coming time. One out of ten (10%) said, it would be ok.
Depth, Variety and Expansion in Islamic Disciplines
In response to the question relating the depth, variety and expansion in subjects, topics and
disciplines of Islamic studies, six (60%) said that there was too much variety and depth in Islamic topics.
An example of the disciplines of Hadith knowledge (sayings & deeds of Prophet Muhammad) and its
terminology was quoted, which exceeds from 200. Another example of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) was
quoted, of which sub disciplines were also in hundreds. A scholar quoted that there were thousands of
authors, religious works of whom were being researched since centuries and still there were many
aspects that needed more research. Two (20%) said that there was not much variety in the sources
available in Pakistan, but in other countries, there was enormous expansion and variety. One of the
participants (10%), less enthusiastically mentioned of much the variety and depth. Another participant,
(10%) indifferently said it was ok.
Comprehensive Library Classification System for Islam
The participants were asked about development and implementation of an independent and
comprehensive library classification system for Islam in the libraries which had rich collections on Islam.
All the ten (100%) respondents agreed with the statement and adjudged the need for such a system.
Three (30%) said it was extremely required. One of the participants advised that this practice should be
done under the umbrella of HEC (Higher Education Commission, Pakistan ). The scholar added that
Islamic studies scholars and library professionals should join their hands to develop such a system and its
implementation in libraries should also be enforced and ensured, for which HEC authority can be used.
Verification and Validation of Library Classification System for Islam
The question was asked, if a comprehensive library classification system for Islam was
developed, would the scholars of Islamic Studies verify and validate it. Nine out of 10 (90%) replied yes
with conviction, while one (10%) said it would depend on availability of facilities and time.
The review of literature and data collected from the scholars of LIS and Islamic studies on the
topic shows that there is a dissatisfaction regarding the classification of Islamic literature. The problem
exists not only in the Indian subcontinent and Muslim countries, but also in western countries, for which
the example of Smith classification in McGill University can be quoted. The scholars think that the
standard classification systems do not fulfil the classification needs and objectives adequately. The users
of the Islamic collections get confused when visiting different libraries and finding different systems every
where that place same materials at different locations. The scholars think that the Islamic topics have a
wide variety and depth, new disciplines are emerging in the body of Islamic knowledge, literature is being
published at length and it will increase even more in future. Different options to resolve the problem in
hand are as follows: a) amendments and expansions in standard classification schemes, b) devising an
independent and comprehensive scheme for Islam, c) reviewing indigenous systems extensively and
developing one system based on all of them. Majority of the respondents prefer to develop a
comprehensive classification system for Islam. This has been agreed that developing a comprehensive
classification scheme for Islam is technically possible and guiding literature for the development of such a
scheme is also available. Almost all the participants appreciated the idea to select the classification of
Islamic materials as a research problem in the higher studies and develop a comprehensive scheme for
Islam. A coordination and collaboration among library schools, professional organizations, national library
Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October)
and scholars of Islamic studies is required for development of a classification system for Islam. This is
very positive and encouraging that if some effort for the development of such a classification scheme is
made, the scholars of Islamic studies would be supportive in this process. Majority of LIS scholars
suggests that the new scheme for Islam should be enumerative. There can be three steps to resolve the
problem; first, development of a comprehensive classification scheme for Islam as an outcome of higher
study research, second, consensus be developed presenting this scheme in a national or international
conference and third step, it can be presented to OIC to make it accepted in the Muslim world.
Amazon. 2008. Books “Islam”: Advance Search. URL: [ viewed March 20, 2008
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... 185). Muchos ejemplos reconocidos de la construcción de guetos de religiones no dominantes en la CDD incluyen colocar todo lo relativo al judaísmo en el 296 (Weinberg, 1983) y la literatura islámica en el 297 (Idrees & Mahmood, 2009). ...
... Existen varias extensiones para el 297 del CDD para temas islámicos que engordan dicho número completándolo. Otro enfoque de alguna manera modular para dar un acceso adecuado al conocimiento musulmán implica rehacer completamente los números de la CDD dedicados al cristianismo, como forma de adecuar mejor los temas relacionados con el Islam (Idrees & Mahmood, 2009). Estas soluciones no publicadas, aunque útiles para las bibliotecas individuales donde se han creado y mantenido, no han sido probadas ampliamente o compartidas, limitando de este modo su utilidad total. ...
... Foskett (1971) presented a (White) feminist critique of LCC, as well as a general critique of cultural norms in cataloging that upheld (and uphold) the myth of "neutrality" in classification work. Soltani (1996); Kublik, et al (2003); Idrees & Mahmood (2009); Higgins (2012); Baker & Islam (2020); and Hart (2021) each presented cases of LCC's othering, exoticization, and erasure of women and people of color all over the world, and put forth guidance to radically correct LCC, or to adapt it to local and culturally specific contexts. A common thread across these pieces is their reminder to catalogers that it is always significant that LCC originated as a system designed for the specific collection focuses of the United States Congress's library, and holds all of that collection's biases. ...
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Despite the fact that scholarship and knowledge about sex and sexuality have grown enormously in the last century, these topics in the Library of Congress Classification (LCC) schedules have remained stagnant, particularly in the HQ schedule (a classification subclass), entitled "The Family. Marriage. Women." In this schedule, multiple structural issues in organization and placement of topics demonstrate a deeply sex negative attitude that has seen relatively little change in over a century. This article takes a deep dive into the negative attitudes toward sex and sexuality in the LCC HQ schedule, analyzing the ways in which sex negativity manifests structurally in LCC, and is informed by a thematic review of schedule editions between 1910 and 2020. It turns critical efforts that are traditionally applied to the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) in critical cataloging literature, to the deeper underlying structure of LCC. Though critiques and shortcomings of both LCC and LCSH on the treatment of LGBTQIA+ topics are well noted in the literature, very few examine the underpinnings of LGBTQIA+ marginalization as informed by sex negativity. This article examines some major issues in the HQ schedule with an eye toward providing a roadmap for future revisions. We aim for readers to realize what it means for structural inequity to exist in LCC, the harm that that structural inequity can impart, and to take a critical eye to the foundational classification used within numerous libraries, beyond the subject headings overlaying and masking that classification.
... Each of these areas o er di erent demonstrations of the ethical complexities of cataloging. Biases and subjectivities have been found to be present in a number of LCSH headings, including those related to religion(Idrees & Mahmood, 2009), nationality(Ferris, 2008), gender and sex (M.Johnson, 2010), and social justice movements(Adler & Harper, 2018). ...
Praktiker:innen stehen bei der Bewertung bzw. Evaluation von Bibliotheken unter doppeltem Druck, den Wert der Bibliothek zu demonstrieren und gleichzeitig die Werte der bibliothekarischen Profession einzuhalten. Um eine Praxis der Bibliotheksevaluation zu unterstützen, die sowohl den Wert der Bibliothek als auch die bibliothekarische Werte anspricht, untersucht diese Dissertation die Praxis der Bibliotheksevaluation durch die Perspektive praktischer Ethik und angewandter Werte. Die Hauptforschungsfrage lautet: „Wie kann Bibliotheksbewertung ethisch durchgeführt werden?“ Ich folgte einem dreistufigen Forschungsdesign: eine Literaturrecherche, eine Umfrage und Interviews. Die Literaturrecherche konzentriert sich auf die Ethik, Werte, Dilemmata und Praktiken von Bewertungspraktiker:innen. Eine vignettenbasierte Umfrage untersuchte Werte und Ethik bei der Bewertung von Bibliotheken weiter. Die Umfragedaten wurden mittels der konstruktivistischen Grounded Theory analysiert und die daraus resultierenden Codes etablierten ein neues Rahmenwerk und ein neues Instrument für die ethische Bewertung von Bibliotheken. Schließlich wurde das Instrument mit dem Namen Values-Sensitive Library Assessment Toolkit durch Interviews mit Bewertungspraktiker:innen validiert. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Praktiker:innen der Bibliotheksbewertung eine ethische Praxis anstreben, aber durch eine komplexe und dezentralisierte Wertelandschaft herausgefordert werden, die viele konkurrierende Möglichkeiten zur Identifizierung und Umsetzung von Werten bietet. Das Toolkit dient dazu, einen Satz von Werten zu modellieren, den Praktiker:innen anwenden können, um eine ethische Bewertungspraxis zu unterstützen.
... At least, three important studies have been reported by Idrees and Mahmoud (2009; on the issues related to the classification of Islamic collections. In the first study (Idrees and Mahmood, 2009), the authors investigated the perceptions of participants toward the classification of Islamic literature. Findings of the studies indicated dissatisfaction of participants with the classification of Islamic literature. ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate and understand the perceptions of faculty members and students toward Islamic and law information resources and services. The paper explored the perceptions of respondents’ toward library buildings and facilities, availability of references, provision of reference services, and digital information resources and services. A survey questionnaire was used for data collection. Respondents expressed positive perceptions toward the provision of Islamic and law information resources and services. The findings of the study supported two of the eight hypotheses and suggested the impact of respondents’ status on the perceived library buildings and facilities, and perceived reference services. Interestingly, gender analysis suggested no relationship with the perceived library buildings and facilities, perceived references, perceived reference services, and perceived digital resources and services.
... The author notes, however, that it is possible to minimize the bias through the use of facet analytical techniques and that the most recent UDC revision of Class 2 can be compounded and can achieves a better degree of specificity. Idrees and Khalid (2009) wrote a study on the Islam classification and proposed amendments and expansion in order to give a better guidance to LIS professionals. ...
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This paper aims to make a comparative review on the classification of religion of the Brazilian Census in 2010, with a specific attention on the protestant groups and denominations. Classifying religions is an arduous task and there is no consensus on the best way to classify them. In fact, there is not even consensus on what differs religion, denomination, sect or cult. Clearly there are ethical issues when the classification seeks to hierarchize or make one given religion more “developed” than another or simply the action of concealment of certain religions within the category "Others". Our analysis starts from the usual bibliographic classification schemes (CS) such as Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), but it also seeks to investigate the used schemes in China, India and other nations with a huge population but not aligned with the Western cultures in the global north. We point the need of ethical perspectives of classification and the necessity to be careful in order to respect cultural issues and not to allow any kind of prejudice, especially in the religious aspect and in the self-determination of religious minorities who do not accept or understand certain categorizations of their beliefs. The case of the 2010 Census is then detailed, bringing with it the context where there has been continued growth in Protestantism since 1970 in Brazil and their steadily rising influence on politics. It also shows the difficulty in determining which groups make up the Protestants according to the methodological choices of the institution that conducts the Census (IBGE).
... This local need-based development of Islamic classification schemes created confusion for the user of Islamic literature because the same materials of Islamic subjects have been assigned different shelf tags. A uniform Deeni Madaris libraries classification system should be developed in coordination with Islamic scholars and LIS professionals to fulfill the need of classifying Islamic literature (Idrees and Mhmood, 2009). To make up for the deficiencies, different schemes were developed by scholars across the globe. ...
Purpose Deeni Madaris of Pakistan and their libraries are playing an important role in educating the large fraction of society. They have always been engaged in the development of social and cultural values of the Pakistani society. This study investigated the organization of information resources and their utilization at Deeni Madaris libraries in the central Punjab, Pakistan Design/methodology/approach Quantitative research approach was adopted for this study. A questionnaire was developed on the bases of related literature and discussions with experts of librarianship as well as Islamic studies in Pakistan. Questionnaire was sent to 49 Deeni Madaris libraries. Out of 49, five Deeni Madaris did not have libraries and four did not respond. Forty (81.6%) Deeni Madaris responded and provided the relevant data about their libraries. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS 22. Mostly descriptive statistics were applied to calculate the frequencies, percentage, means and standard deviations. 2-tailed t-test was applied to check the impact of cataloguing and automation on the use of information resources. Findings It was found that majority of the respondents developed their own classification and cataloguing methods for the organization of information resources and did not have proper retrieval system. Majority of the respondents were providing lending services to readers. Teachers and final year students were the key users of the libraries. They were mostly interested to consult books, theses, and serials written in Urdu and Arabic language. The situation of library computerization was very weak; only 19 libraries had computers and 11 of them have partially automated the library activities. Library automation and catalogue put positive effects on the use of library resources Originality/value The exploration of the literature showed that libraries of Madaris in Pakistan had always remained priority, but these libraries did not get position in the library literature as they deserve. This study will fill this gap.
This chapter examines the contours of the religious and spiritual information experiences subfield through a review and content analysis of selected contributions from the past two decades in both information science and related fields. The research question that guides this review is: How have spirituality and religion been conceptualized in information science? Our focus has been on the LIS literature along with the fields of information behavior/practice/literacy, as well as related fields such as human–computer interaction (HCI), media and digital studies, religious studies (including sociology and anthropology of religion or religious tourism). Our aim was to highlight the ways in which the information science literature has contributed to advancing these conversations (using a collections/service/user experience or practice lens), but also how the discussions around the sacred, lived religion, contemplation, conversion or techno‐spiritual practices (to name a few) have provided insights into information phenomena and processes. We also discuss the evolution of, and practices associated with, social media and digital practices as well as a discussion of representation (or the lack thereof) of less mainstream religious and spiritual traditions in the literature reviewed. We end with suggestions for future research directions.
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library philosophy and practice is a well-known online free access and peer reviewed journal in the field of library and information sciences. The online journal covers all aspect of librarianship and library and information sciences. The present study has carried out to analyze the contribution of Pakistani authors to library philosophy and practice from 2009 to 2017. The 86 total numbers of articles has been retrieved from LPP in chosen period of study. The recovered data has been categorized in number of bibliometric aspects like year wise publications, author"s collaboration, papers length, most prolific authors, most productive institutions and foreign contributions.
: library philosophy and practice is a well-known online free access and peer reviewed journal in the field of library and information sciences. The online journal covers all aspect of librarianship and library and information sciences. The present study has carried out to analyze the contribution of Pakistani authors to library philosophy and practice from 2009 to 2017. The 86 total numbers of articles has been retrieved from LPP in chosen period of study. The recovered data has been categorized in number of bibliometric aspects like year wise publications, author’s collaboration, papers length, most prolific authors, most productive institutions and foreign contributions.
Although we tend to see classification as a socially and morally neutral activity, classification systems often incorporate societal prejudices and marginalize disadvantaged populations. These systematic prejudices are not only problematic because they are oppressive, but they also impair successful information access. In this paper, we will discuss our work as librarians at the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization (GLSO), a pride center in Lexington, Kentucky. We will discuss the problems that resulted from initially using Library of Congress classification to classify a library of LGBT materials, as well as our decision to create a unique classification system for that collection. The process of creating a new system was complex, and we encountered many challenges in determining the structure and priority of concepts. However, we felt that we were able to create a system that was better able to serve our users. We will argue that the standard classification systems libraries use are diverging from new knowledge, particularly in LGBT studies, and that the library profession will ultimately have to address these structural problems in order to continue to support our users and the progression of knowledge.
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This paper describes the history of A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica, its development, the process involved in preparing the second and third revisions, and its use in various libraries.The authors of the scheme contend that there was-and is-a need for a classification system for libraries of Judaica to classify and arrange their collections according to Jewish concepts based upon Jewish thought and terminology.
The fourth edition of the late Lois Mai Chan's classic Cataloging and Classification covers the analysis and representation of methods used in describing, organizing, and providing access to resources made available in or through libraries. Since the last edition published in 2007, there have been dramatic changes in cataloging systems from the Library of Congress. The most notable being the shift from AACR2 to Resource Description and Access (RDA) as the new standard developed by the Library of Congress. With the help of the coauthor, Athena Salaba, this text is modified throughout to conform to the new standard. Retaining the overall outline of the previous edition, this text presents the essence of library cataloging and classification in terms of three basic functions: descriptive cataloging, subject access, and classification. Within this framework, all chapters have been rewritten to incorporate the changes that have occurred during the interval between the third and fourth editions. In each part, the historical development and underlying principles of the retrieval mechanism at issue are treated first, because these are considered essential to an understanding of cataloging and classification. Discussion and examples of provisions in the standards and tools are then presented in order to illustrate the operations covered in each chapter. Divided into five parts—a general overview; record production and structure, encoding formats, and metadata records; RDA; subject access and controlled vocabularies; and the organization of library resources—each part of the book begins with a list of the standards and tools used in the preparation and processing of that part of the cataloging record covered, followed by suggested background readings selected to help the reader gain an overview of the subject to be presented. This book is the standard text for the teaching and understanding of cataloging and classification
Qualitative Research for the Information Professional - by G. E. Gorman December 2004
Treatment of Pakistani topics in Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme
  • H Khan
Khan, H. 1999. Treatment of Pakistani topics in Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Unpublished Master Dissertation, Karachi University, Karachi: 61
Expansion of DDC 21st edition number 297.63 for the sirah
  • Sn Khan
Khan, SN. 2004. Expansion of DDC 21st edition number 297.63 for the sirah. Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal, 35, no. 4 (December, 2004): 26-34
Mosque and School Libraries in Early Islamic Period. (Urdu)
  • Ali Dohaish
Dohaish, ALI. 1986. Mosque and School Libraries in Early Islamic Period. (Urdu). Pakistan Library Bulletin, 17(2): 1-19
Decimal Classification & Library System. (Urdu) Lahore: West Pakistan Urdu Academy. r“Title,” Author Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme's Addenda for Islam. (Urdu) Karachi: Dr
  • Sh Hassan
Hassan, SH. 1973. Decimal Classification & Library System. (Urdu). Lahore: West Pakistan Urdu Academy. r“Title,” Author. Library Philosophy and Practice 2009 (October) 14 Ibrahim, S. 1981. Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme's Addenda for Islam. (Urdu). Karachi: Dr. Mahmood Hussain Library, Karachi University
Abridged Decimal classification Scheme. (Arabic)
  • M Shaniti
Shaniti, M. 1960. Abridged Decimal classification Scheme. (Arabic). Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Cairo University.