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Manifestation of Macroscopic Nonlocality in the Processes of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, VESTNIK, Journal of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, pp. 173-185, 2005


Abstract and Figures

The results of long~ term experiments on study of malcroscopic nonlocality of the solar and geomagnetic dissipative processes are presented. Advanced nonlocal detector reaction on these processes has been revealed. Influence of the solar activity prevails over geomagnetic one. Advancement proved to be of order of value 10- 100 days. Level of advanced signal allows us to put forward a problem of employment of the macroscopic non1ocality effect for solar activity forecast.
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A generalized form of Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory is used to explain the quantum-mechanical paradox proposed by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR). The advanced solutions of the electromagnetic wave equation and of relativistic quantum-mechanical wave equations are shown to play the role of "verifier" in quantum-mechanical "transactions," providing microscopic communication paths between detectors across spacelike intervals in violation of the EPR locality postulate. The principle of causality is discussed in the context of this approach, and possibilities for experimental tests of the theory are examined.
The hypothesis of nonlocal interaction between dissipative processes synthesizes the features of quantum nonlocality, absorption electrodynamics, and causal mechanics. The interaction is expressed through the connection of entropy production in processes of arbitrary nature. In particular, the eigenpotentials of geophysical electrodes can be expressed through the double-layer entropy and, in this way, can be used to detect the effect of nonlocal interaction. A long-term experiment is realized for measuring the eigenpotentials of electrodes protected from all kinds of classical influence. A nonlocal response of the potentials to different geophysical processes, including an anticipatory response to the alternating geomagnetic field and a response to sudden ionospheric impulses and solar activity, have been revealed.
A hypothesis of macroscopic nonlocality of dissipation processes that combines the quantum nonlocality principles and the theory of direct interparticle interaction is experimentally tested. The nonlocal character of interaction is manifested through a correlation of entropy productions in dissipation processes. Three detectors of interactions of this type have been developed. The results of long-term measurements of detector responses to various natural processes including variations in the temperature and magnetic field, sudden ionospheric perturbations, and solar activity are presented. The nonlocal character of responses is demonstrated. The important feature of these responses is a time advance.
We consider a state of N correlated particles, each with spin j, in which the quantum expectation value of an operator A^ is evaluated. This is found to exceed a bound on A^ obtained from considerations of classical realism. It is indicated from numerical results that this contradiction between quantum mechanics and classical realism persists in the ‘‘strong’’ macroscopic limit, i.e., when the values of both N and j are arbitrarily increased. In this argument, the notion of classical realism embodies the twin assumptions of locality (no action at a distance) and noncontextuality (a measurement simply reveals the preexisting value of an observed quantity).
A Bell inequality is derived for a state of n spin-1/2 particles which superposes two macroscopically distinct states. Quantum mechanics violates this inequality by an amount that grows exponentially with n.
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