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A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of Dynamic Adaptive Systems


Abstract and Figures

Constructing and executing distributed systems that can automatically adapt to the dynamic changes of the environment are highly complex tasks. Non-trivial challenges include provisioning of efficient design time and run time representations, system validation to ensure safe adaptation of interdependent components, and scalable solutions to cope with the possible combinatorial explosions of adaptive system artifacts such as configurations, variant dependencies and adaptation rules. These are all challenges where current approaches offer only partial solutions. Furthermore, in current approaches the adaptation logic is typically specified at the code level, tightly coupled with the main system functionality, making it hard to control and maintain. This paper presents a domain specific modeling language (DSML) allowing specification of the adaptation logic at the model level, and separation of the adaptation logic from the main system functionality. It supports model-checking and design-time simulation for early validation of adaptation policies. The model level specifications are used to generate the adaptation logic. The DSML also provides indirection mechanisms to cope with combinatorial explosions of adaptive system artifacts. The proposed approach has been implemented and validated through case studies.
Content may be subject to copyright.
A. Schürr and B. Selic (Eds.): MODELS 2009, LNCS 5795, pp. 606–621, 2009.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
A Domain Specific Modeling Language Supporting
Specification, Simulation and Execution of
Dynamic Adaptive Systems*
Franck Fleurey and Arnor Solberg
SINTEF, Oslo, Norway
Abstract. Constructing and executing distributed systems that can automati-
cally adapt to the dynamic changes of the environment are highly complex
tasks. Non-trivial challenges include provisioning of efficient design time and
run time representations, system validation to ensure safe adaptation of interde-
pendent components, and scalable solutions to cope with the possible combina-
torial explosions of adaptive system artifacts such as configurations, variant
dependencies and adaptation rules. These are all challenges where current ap-
proaches offer only partial solutions. Furthermore, in current approaches the
adaptation logic is typically specified at the code level, tightly coupled with the
main system functionality, making it hard to control and maintain. This paper
presents a domain specific modeling language (DSML) allowing specification
of the adaptation logic at the model level, and separation of the adaptation logic
from the main system functionality. It supports model-checking and design-
time simulation for early validation of adaptation policies. The model level
specifications are used to generate the adaptation logic. The DSML also pro-
vides indirection mechanisms to cope with combinatorial explosions of adaptive
system artifacts. The proposed approach has been implemented and validated
through case studies.
1 Introduction
Context-aware software systems that can automatically adapt to changes in their envi-
ronments play increasingly vital roles in society’s infrastructures. The demand for
Dynamic Adaptive Systems (DAS) appears in many domains, ranging from crisis
management systems such as disaster or power management, to entertainment and
business applications such as mobile interactive gaming, tourist guiding and business
collaborations applications. However, constructing and executing DAS are compli-
cated. A main challenge is to cope with the variability that can lead to explosion of
several adaptive system artifacts. The set of possible configurations of an adaptive
system is typically specified by identifying variation points, which represents points
in the software where variability may occur. Having variability at each variation point
* This work was partially funded by the DiVA project (EU FP7 STREP, contract 215412). See
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 607
implies a combinatorial explosion of configurations and quadratic explosion of possi-
ble configuration transitions, which again can cause possible explosion of variant
dependencies and adaptation rules. This makes it difficult to provide consistent adap-
tation rules and to convey optimized configurations for the particular context. To cope
with DAS complexities proper modeling and validation techniques all along the de-
velopment cycle are needed.
Current approaches rely on the direct use of language or platform mechanisms such
as reflection, dynamic loading of code or architecture reconfigurations to build and
execute DAS. Most modern languages and middleware platforms include these kinds
of low-level mechanisms to support runtime adaptation. Using such techniques, the
adaptation is captured in low-level platform specific scripts and tightly coupled with
the application code. The development of these scripts typically comes very late in the
development cycle, is particularly error-prone, and the resulting system is brittle to
any change in the platform or in the application.
To overcome these problems, the state of the art has recently evolved to support
variability and adaptation modeling, and also to make use of models at runtime to
drive and monitor runtime adaptation [3][4][7][10][11]. Two main families of formal-
isms have been proposed in order to capture adaptation policies. The most common
one is based on event-guard-action rules relating environment events to reconfigura-
tion actions (e.g., [7][11]). These approaches benefit from using well-known policy
definition formalisms, they can be implemented very efficiently and allow early simu-
lation and verification. These approaches are very well suited for small to medium
scale1 context-aware systems (e.g., many embedded systems). However, they have
scalability problems related to the management and validation of large sets of rules
when context and variability spaces grow. To cope with the scalability issue, optimi-
zation based approaches have been proposed (e.g., [4][10]). These approaches do not
explicitly capture the adaptation rules, instead they use utility functions to capture
high level goals such as for example “optimizing the performance”. The utility is
evaluated at runtime for all possible configurations to choose the optimal one. These
more abstract adaptation policy expressions solve the scalability problem related to
specifying adaptation policies. However, the problem with these approaches is a
costly runtime adaptation process since the system has to solve a complex optimiza-
tion problem for every adaptation, and weaker support for early validation.
The contribution of this paper is an approach that combines the strength of rule-
based and optimization-based techniques in order to offer a solution scalable to
highly-adaptive systems while providing abstraction, efficiency and early verification
and validation capabilities. The idea of the approach is to combine local adaptation
rules and property-based adaptation goals. The approach provides a Domain Specific
Modeling Language for capturing context information, system variability, constraints
and adaptation policies. The DSML allow for design-time model-checking and simu-
lation of the adaptation models. Moreover, platform specific adaptation logic can be
generated form the models. The approach has been implemented in Eclipse and is
1 To better qualify scalability here: small-scale implies that the complete set of possible con-
figuration can be enumerated by the developer, medium-scale implies that the complete set
can be processed by a computer, large-scale implies that the set of possible configuration is
too large to be enumerated at all.
608 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
integrated in a complete model-driven approach for DAS development. The scalabil-
ity of the approach is evaluated on two industrial case studies. Initial results show that
the proposed formalism is able to cope with large-scale adaptive systems.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents an illustrative example.
Section 3 presents the abstract syntax of the DSML and its application using the illus-
trative example. Section 4 details the semantics of the language and shows how early
validation can be performed through model-checking and simulation. Section 5
briefly describes the implementation and usage of the proposed approach. Section 6
presents the results of four case studies. Section 7 compares the proposed formalism
with existing techniques. And finally, Section 8 presents concluding remarks and
future work.
2 Illustrative Example: A Semi-autonomous Exploration Robot
To illustrate our approach we use a simple example of a mapping robot. The system is
a semi-autonomous exploration robot which builds a map of an unknown environment
when in motion. The robot is connected to a central system which collects the topog-
raphic data and can give directions to the robot. The robot has 3 main modes: i) idle,
ii) going to a specific location or iii) exploring autonomously. It is equipped with
three different sensors which can be used alternatively for routing and for drawing the
map: i) Camera, which provides the most detailed map, ii) Infrared sensors, which
can work without light sources and use limited resources, and iii) Ultrasonic sensors,
which consumes limited resources while providing good routing capabilities.
While being drawn, the map is either stored locally in the robot’s memory with pe-
riodic transmissions or directly streamed to a server. To allow for transmissions as
well as for receiving commands the robot is equipped with Bluetooth and GPRS net-
working capabilities. The robot can employ three different routing strategies: i) local
routing strategy that uses the sensors to navigate, ii) map routing strategy that uses
pre-knowledge of the terrain, and iii) external routing strategy that involves interac-
tions with a central computer or an operator. Furthermore, to build the map when
moving, the robot can either use a simple or detailed map drawing strategy.
Depending on its environment, i.e., on its mode, on the terrain conditions or on the
resources available, the robot has to dynamically adapt in order to optimize the map
building and to use appropriate sensors and algorithms.
3 Modeling Dynamic Variability and Adaptation
The role of the adaptation model is to formalize how and when a system should adapt.
The adaptation model thus has to capture the variability in the system, the variability
in the context of the system and rules to link changes in the context of the system with
the configuration to be used. In the following we first present the abstract syntax of
the proposed formalism and then an actual adaptation model for the mapping robot
are build using a corresponding concrete syntax. An Eclipse based editor is imple-
mented for specifying the adaptation models.
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 609
3.1 Overview of the DSML Abstract Syntax
Fig. 1 presents the main concepts of the abstract syntax of the proposed DSML for
adaptation modeling. The proposed languages can be logically divided in three parts:
it provides i) simple mechanisms to model the variability in the DAS, ii) simple
mechanisms to model the context of the DAS and iii) an innovative combination of
hard constraints and property optimization policies to model adaptation. We have
chosen simple mechanisms to model variability and context to provide ease of use.
Moreover, these mechanisms have been sufficient for modeling the current set of case
studies (see section 5).
The system variability is modeled using Dimension, Variant and VariantConstraints.
A dimension typically corresponds to a variation point in the system and the variants
correspond to the alternatives for this variation point. The multiplicity on the dimension
(upper and lower properties of class Dimension) specifies how many of the variants can
be included in order to build a valid configuration. Dimensions and variants can be
easily represented as a feature diagram. Arbitrary dependency constraints between vari-
ants belonging to different dimensions can be expressed by attaching dependency con-
strains to the variants. The application of such constraints is elaborated further when
describing the modeling of the robot example in the following subsections.
Fig. 1. Excerpt of the adaptation DSML abstract syntax
The context of the system is modeled using a set of variables (Variable and its sub-
classes on the diagram of Fig. 1). The objective of these context variables is to capture
the elements of the environment which can implicate a system adaptation. To keep
simplicity and remain at a high-level of abstraction, the proposed approach captures
all the context information in either Boolean or Enumerated variables. If the configu-
ration of a system depends on continuous value such as for example the amount of
available memory, these will be abstracted into discrete ranges such as {LOW, ME-
DIUM, HIGH}. This kind of abstraction has the benefit of decoupling the adaptation
model from the actual values and thresholds for a particular domain or application.
Thus, the actual values might be unknown at design-time, and they may be adjusted at
deployment time or even at runtime.
610 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
The most important part of the DSML is to support the specification of the adaptation
logic, in essence, the relations between the context and the variability of the system. As
discussed in the introduction, existing approaches are either based on event-guard-action
rules or on global optimization of some utility function associated to the system con-
figurations. The approach proposed in this paper is a combination of constraints and
property optimization which intent to provide a scalable solution in order to handle
large-scale adaptive systems, and at the same time enable early simulation and valida-
tion (detailed comparisons with existing approaches are presented in section 7).
To determine the adaptation logic the DSML enable firstly to specify constraints as-
sociated to variants. In Fig. 1 these constraints corresponds to the two compositions
named available and required between Variant and ContextConstraint. These con-
straints are local to each variant and specify in which context the variant can (available)
or must (required) be used. The constraint can be any first order logic expression com-
bining context variables. Concrete examples are provided with the robot example in the
next subsection. In practice, variant constraints allow reducing the set of configuration
suitable for a particular context. However, in general constraints cannot point to the
specific configuration which should be used. The idea of the proposed approach is to
enable specification of adequate local hard constraints in order to break the combinato-
rial explosion of the potential number of configurations to be considered, then, a general
property-based set of adaptation rules is specified to come up with the best suitable
configuration for the particular context.
Therefore, secondly, the DSML enable expressing property-based rules. This in-
cludes associating a set of properties of concern for the adaptive system (Property in
Fig. 1). These properties of concern are qualities of the system which should be opti-
mized through the runtime adaptation, for example, the performance or the power
consumption. A direction is associated with each property to determine if the property
value should be minimized or maximized. Typically, performance should be maxi-
mized while power consumption should be minimized. Once the properties are de-
fined, the DSML facilitate specification of the impact implicated by each variant on
these properties (PropertyValue in Fig. 1). For each variant, a qualitative impact value
can be defined. In practice an integer is used to represent the impact value but this
integer just encode qualitative values such as {0: no impact, 1: low, 2: medium, 3:
high}. These impact values allow comparing the values of the properties for alterna-
tive configuration in order to choose the best suited one.
Finally, the DSML support specification of priority rules (Rule and PropertyPriority
in Fig. 1). These rules allow linking the context with the particular set of properties which
should be optimized. Each rule is related to a context to determine in which context the
rule applies and it specifies a set of property priorities for the particular context. Basically
these rules allow specifying which properties should be optimized depending on the
context. The main benefit of this approach is that the general adaptation policy is cap-
tured at a high-level of abstraction. An example of rule at this level might be “if the bat-
tery runs low, the power consumption should be prioritized over performances”. By
computing the specified impact each variant has with respect to the properties, these rules
can be used to evaluate alternative configurations and to choose the most suited.
The next sub-section details how the proposed adaptation language is applied to the
robot example. Then section 4 comes back to the details of the semantics of the lan-
guage and presents how adaptation can be simulated.
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 611
3.2 Step by Step Modeling of the Mapping Robot
This section walks through the modeling of the adaptation logic of the mapping robot
example to show an application of the DSML and elaborate further on its elements.
We have implemented an Eclipse based editor to support the modeling.
Fig. 2 presents how the context of the mapping robot was modeled using the
Eclipse based modeling editor. We have identified 5 context variables for the system.
The Mode variable captures what the robot has been instructed to do. The robot has 3
main modes: IDLE, EXPLORE and GOTO. The two next variables “Light” and
“Bluetooth Signal Available” specifies characteristics of the physical environment of
the robot. Finally, the two last variables “Low Memory” and “Low Battery” specifies
resources of the robot itself.
Fig. 2. Model of the context of the robot
In general, the context variables can correspond to any stimuli of the system that
should be taken into account for runtime adaptation. It includes user interactions,
interaction with other systems or sub-systems as well as data coming from sensors.
For example, in the case of the robot, the LowMem variable is used to determine
whether the system is running out of memory. When modeling, the actual amount of
memory the robot will have is not necessarily known. At runtime, probes have to be
implanted in the system to compute the actual values of these variables and an actual
threshold for LowMem need to be set.
Fig. 3. Model of the variability and constraints in the robot
612 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
Fig. 3 presents the variability of the mapping robot and the dependency and adapta-
tion constraints. For example, the robot has 3 alternative routing strategies (see the
routing dimension and its three variants). A maximum of one of these strategies
(specified with the lower and upper multiplicity [0..1]) can be used for a particular
configuration of the robot. The External Routing strategy involves requesting a cen-
tral computer for a route, and then to follow the instructions. To be able to use Exter-
nal Routing, communication with the central computer is required either through a
Bluetooth network or via GPRS. This hard constraint is modeled in the dependency
column: The expression GPRS or BT expresses the fact that the variant can only be
used together with the GPRS or Bluetooth variants. The Available and Required ex-
pressions correspond to contexts in which the variant respectively can or must be
used. For example, it only makes sense to consider a routing strategy when the robot
is in GOTO mode as it is the only mode which requires routing capabilities.
Fig. 4. Properties of concern of the robot
At this point, the context variables, variants and adaptation constraints have been
modeled. Next we model the properties of concern. Fig. 4 presents the 5 properties of
concern identified for the mapping robot. These properties correspond to functional or
extra-functional properties of the system which should be optimized through adapta-
tions. Each property has a name and ID and a direction. The direction specifies if the
property value should be minimized (0) or maximized (1). For the robot the directions
specify that we want to minimize Power Consumption, Network Usage and Data
Latency and we want to maximize the Routing accuracy and the Map Detail.
Fig. 5. Impact of the variants on the properties of the robot
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 613
Fig. 5 shows the specification of the impact each variant has on the properties of
concern. The rows of this table correspond to the dimensions and variants defined
earlier and the columns corresponds to the properties of the system. For each dimen-
sion the value true specifies that this dimension has an impact on the corresponding
property. In this case, for each variant a qualitative appreciation of its impact on the
property has to be specified. In the example of the mapping robot only the values
Low, Medium and High have been used. If we consider for example the Routing di-
mension, the model specifies that the routing strategy impacts the power consumption
and the routing accuracy. For each routing strategy variant, values for this impact are
provided: The local routing has low power consumption but only a medium routing
accuracy while the external routing has medium power consumption but a high accu-
racy. This table is the base to make different trade-offs and to find the optimal con-
figuration for the actual context.
Finally, Fig. 6 presents the adaptation rules specified for the mapping robot. These
rules are Priority Rules: they capture what properties of the system matters depending
on the context. For example rules 4 and 5 corresponds to the battery level. Rule Bat-
tery is low specifies that if the battery is low, optimizing the power consumption of
the robot has a high priority. Conversely, rule 5 specifies that when the battery is ok,
optimizing the power consumption is a secondary concern for the mapping Robot.
Fig. 6. Adaptation rules of the robot
In this example the guard for every rule is a single context variable, however, the
DSML allow arbitrary context expressions. If several rules match a given context
simple strategies such as using the maximum value for each property are used to
combine them.
4 Simulation and Validation of the Adaptation Model
The tables presented in the previous section present the complete adaptation model
defined for the mapping robot. This section discusses the semantics of the adaptation
model and describes the tools that were developed in order to simulate and verify it.
4.1 Semantics and Implementation of the Adaptation Model
Conceptually, the adaptation model is separated in two parts. On the one hand the
context variables, the variants and the hard constraints and on the other hand the
properties and priority rules. From a given context, processing the adaptation model
614 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
QoS Configuration ranking
DiVA 2 Alloy
Variants Context
Alloy Solver
Fig. 7. Implementation of the adaptation simulator
has to yield the best suited configuration for the system in that context. In the pro-
posed approach this is done in two steps:
1. The hard constraints are processed in order to enumerate candidate configu-
rations for the system.
2. The priority rules are used to compute a score and rank the candidate con-
After the second step, the candidate configuration which has the best score is chosen
and the system can be adapted.
To do early testing and validation an adaptation simulator is implemented. Fig. 7
presents an overview of the implementation of the adaptation simulator. The simula-
tor starts with a set of values for the context variables and outputs a set of ranked
configuration which can be used in that context. The first step is to solve the con-
straints to find valid configurations. This is done by deriving an Alloy specification
from the adaptation meta-model and using constraint solving capability of the Alloy
framework to output a set of valid configurations. The valid configurations can then
be ranked according to their properties. The transformation to an Alloy specification
and the computation of configuration scores are implemented within the Kermeta
environment. The ranking of configurations is done in four steps:
1. Compute the values of each property for each configuration. The value of a
property p for a configuration C is computed by summing the contributions
of the variants it contains. If we denote p(C) the value of property p for con-
figuration C, dp the direction of property p and p(v) the impact of variant v
on property p, then:
nvpCpvvC p
1)()1()(,,..., (1)
2. Compute the priority w associated to each property p. This is done by evalu-
ating the guards of all adaptation rules and combining the priorities provided
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 615
by the rules Rtrue which guard is true. Let w(p) be the priority of property p
and w(r, p) the priority of property p in rule r, w(p) is:
)),((max)( prwpw
= (2)
3. Compute a score S for each configuration C. This is done by summing the
values of all properties for each configuration using weight corresponding to
property priorities. If we denote S(C) the score of configuration C:
pw CpKCS )()( )( (3)
Where K is a constant greater than 1 (fixed to 5 in our experiments). The
constant K corresponds to a weigh associated to priorities. K=5 means that 5
contributions with a “Low” priority adds up to the same score as 1 contribu-
tion with a “Medium” priority.
4. Rank the configuration according to their scores S.
The ranking process involves summing property values and priorities, however, in the
model these elements are defined as qualitative values (such as “Low”, “Medium”
and “High” in the robot example). For the simulation, simple strategies are applied to
transform these qualitative values to integers:
For the impact of variants the values can be {N/A, Very Low, Low, Me-
dium, High, Very High} which is mapped to {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
For priorities the values can be {N/A, Low, Medium and High} and they
are mapped to {0, 1, 2, 3}
We have kept the computation of the score very simple and based on integer arithme-
tic since so far our experiments do not seem to require more advanced computation.
In the literature more advance mechanisms such as fuzzy-logic have been defined in
order to handle qualitative values consistently. As future work we will investigate
further if the proposed approach can benefit from such mechanisms.
4.2 Simulation of the Mapping Robot Adaptation Model
The meta-model based implementation of the DSML allows simulating the adaptation
model. Provided with a set of values for the context variables, the simulator outputs
the ranking of valid configurations together with their scores. The interface of the
simulator is currently text based.
Fig. 8 shows the output of one simulation for the mapping robot. The first line cor-
respond to the context of the system, it is the input of the simulation. The variables
which do not appear (such as “Low Battery”) have the value false. For this simula-
tion, the robot is in exploration mode, Bluetooth signal is available, the memory is
low and there is light in the area. Based on the hard constraints of the adaptation
model, only 8 configurations are valid in this context. The scores of these configura-
tion range from 36 to 182. Based on these score, the best configuration to use accord-
ing to the adaptation model includes the following variants: Bluetooth network,
616 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
-> | Bluetooth | Camera | Detailed Map | Streaming |
Fig. 8. Simulation output for a single context
Camera sensor, detail mapping strategy and data streaming to the central computer.
This intuitively corresponds to what we expected in such a context.
4.3 Validation of the Adaptation Model
Like any specification or implementation task, the specification of the adaptation
model can be error-prone. Before assuming that an adaptation model is correct, it
needs to be properly validated. Besides the fact that it provide separation of concern,
the benefit of modeling the adaptation logic separately from the main system func-
tionality is that this model can be validated before it is integrated with the rest of the
application. Two types of validations can be carried out: the verification of invariant
properties and the simulation of adaptation scenarios.
The verification of invariant properties allows validating the constraints defined in
the adaptation model. The modeler can express invariants using both context variables
and variants and check that these constraints hold in all reachable configurations of
the system. If a constraint does not hold the constraint solver can enumerate the con-
figuration which violates the invariant.
For the mapping robot we might for example express that GPRS network should
never be used when Bluetooth could be used: Invariant: not BTSig and GPRS.
To check such invariants, they are translated to the Alloy specification and just like
for the simulation, the Alloy constraint solver is applied and yields the potentially
valid configurations which violate the invariant. In the case of the example no viola-
tion is found (which is quite trivial when looking at the availability constraints of the
adaptation model).
Checking for properties is a good way of validating the constraints present in the
adaptation model. For the verification of the impact with respect to the properties of
concern and the adaptation rules, applying simulation on typical adaptation scenario is
a complementary way of catching unexpected behaviors of the adaptation model.
Because the total number of contexts for an adaptive application is huge (it grows
exponentially with the number of context variables), in general complete simulations
taking all context into consideration cannot be performed. However, the adaptation
can be tested with representative context evolution scenarios. The way such represen-
tative scenarios can be chosen is out of the scope of the paper and part of our ongoing
research based on software testing techniques.
Fig. 9 presents the simulation of an adaptation scenario for the mapping robot.
Each step of the scenario corresponds to a change in the context of the system.
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 617
| Buffering | Simple Map |
| Bluetooth | Camera | External Routing | Simple Map | Streaming |
| Bluetooth | External Routing | Simple Map | Streaming | Ultrasonic |
| Buffering | Detailed Map | Infrared |
| Bluetooth | Detailed Map | Infrared | Streaming |
| GPRS | Infrared | Simple Map | Streaming |
| Camera | GPRS | Simple Map | Streaming |
| Bluetooth | Camera | Detailed Map | Streaming |
| Buffering | Camera | Detailed Map |
| Buffering | Infrared | Simple Map |
| Buffering | Local Routing | Simple Map | Ultrasonic |
| Buffering | Simple Map |
1) Robot is switched to goto mode
2) The robot is in the dark
(BTSig Mode=GOTO)
3) Robot is switched to exploration mode
4) The internal available memory runs low
(BTSig LowMem Mode=EXPLORE)
5) The Bluetooth signal is lost
(LowMem Mode=EXPLORE)
6) The robot gets to a lighten area
7) The Bluetooth signal comes back
8) The robot has some free memory
9) The robot is running out of batteries
10) Robot is switched to goto mode
(BTSig LIGHT LowBatt Mode=GOTO)
11) Robot is back to IDLE mode
(BTSig LIGHT LowBatt Mode=IDLE)
Fig. 9. Simulation output for a simple context evolution scenario
5 Case Studies and Initial Results
A complete environment for the presented DSML to support both modeling and vali-
dation has been developed. This environment includes an editor, a simulator and vali-
dation tools. The environment has been built using the Eclipse-Modeling Framework
(EMF) and the Kermeta platform for semantics and simulation support. The editor is a
table-based editor which allows editing all the aspects of the adaptation model (see
the screenshot figures in Section 3). The tools are developed as open-source and are
available from the DiVA project web page
In the context of the DiVA project, the adaptation DSML presented in this paper is
introduced as the core of a platform for development and execution of adaptive sys-
tems. At runtime, the DiVA approach relies on AOM dynamic weaving techniques to
adapt the running system. A detailed description of how MDE and AOM techniques
are combined for that matter can be found in [2].
The usability and scalability of the proposed approach has been evaluated on a set
of academic examples and on two industrial scenarios in the context of the DiVA
project. The academic examples include the mapping robot presented in this paper
and a flood prediction system developed at Lancaster University. The industrial cases
are an airport crisis management system and a Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) system.
Fig. 10 presents some characteristics of the adaptation models that have been mod-
eled using the DSML environment presented in this paper for the four case studies.
For each adaptation model we have counted the number of elements which have to be
modeled and computed the number of actual contexts and configurations the system
has to consider. The number of context implies all possible combinations of values for
the context variables. The number of configurations corresponds to all valid combina-
tion of variants according to the multiplicities defined on the variability dimensions.
The results show that comparing the academic examples and the industrial scenarios,
618 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
there is an explosion of the number of possible contexts and configurations (e.g.,
884736 contexts and 1474560 configurations for the airport crisis management sys-
tem). However, there is no explosion in terms of the size of the adaptation model, the
factor is only between 2 or 3 for the number of context variables, variants and con-
straints. The differences in terms of the number of properties and rules are minor.
More case studies are need to draw any definitive conclusions, but the current results
indicate that the proposed approach do scale to handle realistic sized industrial cases.
# Variables # Context # Variants # Config. # Const. # Prop. # Rules
Maping Robot 5 48 12 192 13 5 7
Flood Prediction 5 48 9112 935
Airport Crisis 18 884736 27 1474560 33 8 8
CRM 15 98304 20 92160 25 4 7
Fig. 10. Characteristics of the adaptation model for four case studies
The second element that needed to be validated is the ability of the simulator and
model checking capability to scale properly. Early results indicate that acceptable
simulation times can be achieved. For example, in the case of the CRM system, simu-
lating the adaptation model for a particular context only takes a few seconds. This
simulation includes the transformation to an Alloy specification, the resolution of
constraints, the evaluation of properties priorities and the computation of configura-
tion scores. Overall, the approach seems to be well suited for the applications which
were considered. We are currently in the process of applying the approach to other
domains such as a real-time video processing application and to even larger industrial
scenarios. The initial results of these are promising, however, they are not yet fully
6 Related Work
There are several recent state of the art reviews in the area of adaptive application
modeling and execution, e.g., [1][16][17]. [1] focuses especially on surveying adap-
tive system construction and execution approaches that are based on model-driven
engineering techniques and aspect-oriented techniques, [16] focuses on surveying
middleware based self adaptation approaches and related model based approaches
supporting adaptive system design, [17] focuses especially on surveying adaptation in
a distributed service oriented environment. While general approaches for adaptive
system development and execution are contextually relevant for the work presented in
this paper, we narrow the scope in this related work section and compare our work
with existing techniques for expression of adaptation policies. This is appropriate
since the presented DSML is not a complete environment for adaptive system con-
struction and execution, instead our DSML could be an alternative for modeling the
adaptation logic in these broader scoped approaches. In general there are two families
of approaches that have been defined for capturing adaptation policies: i) approaches
based on explicit event-condition-action (ECA) rules and ii) approaches based on the
definition of utility functions to be optimized. The two-level formalism proposed in
A DSML Supporting Specification, Simulation and Execution of DAS 619
this paper has been built in an attempt to combine the strengths of these two ap-
proaches with respect to efficiency, scalability and verification capabilities.
Most existing approaches are based on using an ECA type of rules to formalize ad-
aptation policies [7][11][14]. For example, in [14] the adaptation rules are triggered
by context events and express system reconfigurations. In [7] the rules use guards and
the actions details how the reconfiguration should be performed at the platform level.
The approach presented in [11] uses event-condition-action rules and has a specific
focus on conflict resolution and negotiation between interacting adaptive systems. An
overview of these techniques can be found in [13].
The main strengths of ECA approaches are twofold; i) the readability and elegance
of each individual rules, and ii) the efficiency with which the rules can be processed.
At runtime, rules are matched and applied to adapt the system configuration. On the
other hand, the main limitations of these techniques are related to scalability and vali-
dation. Managing a large set of interacting adaptation rules rapidly becomes difficult.
Validation becomes a major issue: how to ensure that the set of rules will yield the
best possible configuration for every possible context of the application.
To overcome the validation problem, [15] proposes to capture adaptation policies
early in the development cycle using temporal logic. The proposed formalism is an
extended version of linear temporal logic which includes adaptation specific opera-
tors. Formal validation and verification technique associated with this approach are
detailed in [6]. In [5] the authors proposes to represent the adaptation policy under the
form of a state-transition system in which the states correspond to the system configu-
rations and the transitions correspond to the adaptations between these configurations.
This technique makes adaptation policies easy to understand but can only be applied
to systems with a very limited number of configurations and possible adaptations. In
[3] an equivalent state-transition model is derived through design-time simulation of
condition-action rules. The state-transition model is used for validation and verifica-
tion purposes. The approach is easier to use but still requires the enumeration of all
possible configurations and adaptations of the system which limits its applicability for
large systems.
The second family of techniques consists in viewing adaptation as an optimization
problem. The adaptation policies are expressed as high-level goals to achieve and at
runtime the configuration of the system is optimized with respect to these goals
[4][10][11]. The proposed approach uses parameterization and compositional adapta-
tion. Each component type describes the properties it needs and the properties it of-
fers, while their implementations are responsible for describing how these properties
are computed. Moreover, each component implementation has to describe a utility
function. These utility functions describe whether a given component implementation
is useful in a particular context.
The main benefit of optimization-based approaches is the abstraction they provide
through properties in order to allow to expressing much simpler adaptation rules. In
addition, utility functions are an efficient way to determine how well suited a configu-
ration is, depending on the context. However, specifying these functions may not be
easy for designers and may require several iterations in order to adjust. Also, while
the approach does not explicitly describe all the possible configurations of the system
a priori, the runtime reasoning has to calculate utility values for all of them, thus en-
countering scalability and efficiency issues.
620 F. Fleurey and A. Solberg
The approach proposed in this paper is a compromise between rule-based ap-
proaches like [3] and optimization-based approaches like [4] which enable for design-
time validation techniques such as defined in [6]. This makes the proposed approach a
good trade-off for large-scale dynamic adaptive system by mastering the combinato-
rial explosion of the number of contexts and configurations.
7 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper we proposed a modeling language and associated tools for capturing and
validating runtime adaptation early in the development cycle. The proposed approach
allows expressing high-level adaptation rules based on properties of the adaptive
system. Simulation and model-checking capabilities have been implemented to allow
for the validation of the adaptation model. The approach has been validated on several
academic case studies and two industrial scenarios.
The proposed approach has four main benefits. Firstly, it copes with the explosion
of the number of contexts and configuration by using property-based policies. The
case studies show that the number of element in the adaptation model only grows
linearly when the number of contexts and configuration grow exponentially. Sec-
ondly, it allows for early verification and validation. The proposed approach allows
statically simulating runtime adaptation at design-time in order to model-check prop-
erties on it or to test it on context evolution scenarios. Thirdly, it permits the auto-
mated generation of the adaptation logic. To implement the adaptation the adaptation
is processed directly by a generic runtime adaptation framework in order to drive the
architecture adaptations in the running system. And fourthly, it provides separate
specification of the adaptation logic at the model level, abstracting complexity and
avoiding adaptation logic and system logic tangling.
Based on additional studies, future work will include refining how the variants and
context variables are modeled. We will investigate the possibility of using well de-
fined formalisms such as feature diagrams to better organize variants. For the context
modeling, we will investigate the introduction of some structuring mechanism (such
as classes for instance). Both these evolutions might have an impact on the adaptation
meta-model but will not change the two-stage philosophy of the approach. We will
also investigate alternative simulation semantics. For instance, the computation of
configurations scores could rely on fuzzy-logic instead of integer arithmetic.
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... However, the optimization usually prevents the approaches from scaling well for large configuration spaces. Scalability is further impeded by complex utility functions, as used in constraint solver-based approaches, so that mostly linear functions are used [Fleurey and Solberg 2009]. ...
... On the one end of the spectrum, there are optimization-based approaches using runtime reasoning. All potential adaptation decisions are determined and then evaluated at runtime by an objective function, which encounters scalability and efficiency issues [Fleurey and Solberg 2009;Kim and Park 2009]. Employing utility functions and utility-driven decision-making schemes have been extensively investigated. ...
... Although utility-driven, optimization-based approaches are the one end of the spectrum for decision making in self-adaptive software, whereas the other hand refers to pure rule-based approaches [Fleurey and Solberg 2009]. Rule-based approaches are recognized to be efficient and stable in predictable domains and support early validation ]. ...
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Self-adaptation can be realized in various ways. Rule-based approaches prescribe the adaptation to be executed if the system or environment satisfies certain conditions. They result in scalable solutions but often with merely satisfying adaptation decisions. In contrast, utility-driven approaches determine optimal decisions by using an often costly optimization, which typically does not scale for large problems. We propose a rule-based and utility-driven adaptation scheme that achieves the benefits of both directions such that the adaptation decisions are optimal, whereas the computation scales by avoiding an expensive optimization. We use this adaptation scheme for architecture-based self-healing of large software systems. For this purpose, we define the utility for large dynamic architectures of such systems based on patterns that define issues the self-healing must address. Moreover, we use pattern-based adaptation rules to resolve these issues. Using a pattern-based scheme to define the utility and adaptation rules allows us to compute the impact of each rule application on the overall utility and to realize an incremental and efficient utility-driven self-healing. In addition to formally analyzing the computational effort and optimality of the proposed scheme, we thoroughly demonstrate its scalability and optimality in terms of reward in comparative experiments with a static rule-based approach as a baseline and a utility-driven approach using a constraint solver. These experiments are based on different failure profiles derived from real-world failure logs. We also investigate the impact of different failure profile characteristics on the scalability and reward to evaluate the robustness of the different approaches.
... The language in Fleurey and Solberg (2009) is used to model the adaptive architecture of an exploration robot. Automatic generation of mathematical definitions supports the use of model checking and other proof techniques to identify optimal configurations. ...
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Current practice in simulation and implementation of robot controllers is usually undertaken with guidance from high-level design diagrams and pseudocode. Thus, no rigorous connection between the design and the development of a robot controller is established. This paper presents a framework for designing robotic controllers with support for automatic generation of executable code and automatic property checking. A state-machine based notation, RoboChart, and a tool (RoboTool) that implements the automatic generation of code and mathematical models from the designed controllers are presented. We demonstrate the application of RoboChart and its related tool through a case study of a robot performing an exploration task. The automatically generated code is platform independent and is used in both simulation and two different physical robotic platforms. Properties are formally checked against the mathematical models generated by RoboTool, and further validated in the actual simulations and physical experiments. The tool not only provides engineers with a way of designing robotic controllers formally but also paves the way for correct implementation of robotic systems.
... These researches extend the applicability of model-driven engineering techniques to the runtime environment [66,67]. Approaches to reason and plan based on runtime models can be generally classified into two types [68]: rule-based and search-based. In rule-based approaches, the reasoning and planning process is specified by the form of event-condition-action rules or policies [69,70]. ...
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Autonomous unmanned systems (AUSs) emerge to replace human operators for achieving better safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in harsh and difficult missions. They usually run in a highly open and dynamic operating environment, in which some unexpected situations may occur, leading to violations of predefined requirements. In order to maintain stable performance, the AUS control software needs to predict in advance whether the requirements will be violated and then make adaptations to maximize requirements satisfaction. We propose \(\mathtt {Captain}\), a model-driven and control-based online adaptation approach, for the AUS control software. At the modeling phase, apart from the system behavior model and the operating environment model, we construct a requirements satisfaction model. At runtime, based on the requirements satisfaction model, \(\mathtt {Captain}\) first predicts whether the requirements will be violated in the upcoming situation; then identifies the unsatisfiable requirements that need to be accommodated; and finally, finds an optimal adaptation for the upcoming situation. We evaluate \(\mathtt {Captain}\) in both simulated scenarios and the real world. For the former, we use two cases of UAV Delivery and UUV Ocean Surveillance, whose results demonstrate the \(\mathtt {Captain}\) ’s robustness, scalability, and real-time performance. For the latter, we have successfully implemented \(\mathtt {Captain}\) in the DJI Matrice 100 UAV with real-world workloads.
... Additionally, tools such as SOTA [19], ACTRESS [20] and CYPHER [21] have been presented in the literature. The DSML which is domain specific modelling language for Dynamic Adaptive Systems is another example of work that focuses on the adaptivity mechanisms [22]. Similarly in [23] [24], the emphasis is on modelling the adaptivity mechanisms and their verification. ...
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This paper contains the design and development of an adaptive systems (AdaptiveSystems Domain-Specific Language - DSL) framework to assist language developers and data scientists in their attempt to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms in several application domains. Big-data processing and AI algorithms are at the heart of autonomics research groups among industry and academia. Major advances in the field have traditionally focused on algorithmic research and increasing the performance of the developed algorithms. However, it has been recently recognized by the AI community that the applicability of these algorithms and their consideration in context is of paramount importance for their adoption. Current approaches to address AI in context lie in two areas: adaptive systems research that mainly focuses on implementing adaptivity mechanisms (technical perspective) and AI in context research that focuses on business aspects (business perspective). There is currently no approach that combines all aspects required from business considerations to appropriate level of abstraction. In this paper, we attempt to address the problem of designing adaptive systems and therefore providing AI in context by utilising DSL technology. We propose a new DSL (AdaptiveSystems) and a methodology to apply this to the creation of a DSL for specific application domains such as AdaptiveVLE (Adaptive Virtual Learning Environment) DSL. The language developer will be able to instantiate the AdaptiveSystems DSL to any application domain by using the guidelines in this paper with an integrated path from design to implementation. The domain expert will then be able to use the developed DSL (e.g. AdaptiveVLE DSL) to design and develop their application. Future work will include extension and experimentation of the applicability of this work to more application domains within British Telecom (BT) and other areas such as health care, finance, etc.
... Adaptive behavior is generally specified using domain-specific modeling languages that support the capturing of adaptation policies in the form of eventcondition-action (ECA) rules, similar to our proposed state-based approach [11,12]. In order to cope with scalability issues arising when large sets of rules are specified, optimization techniques have been introduced that capture high-level goals and facilitate the rule selection process [13,14]. However, these approaches focus on the specification, simulation and runtime verification of the adaptive behavior rather than test generation. ...
Control systems in railway, automotive or industrial robotic applications are generally tightly integrated into their environment to allow adapting to environmental changes. This paper proposes a contract-based specification and testing approach for adaptive systems based on the combination of a high-level scenario language (LSC variant) and an adaptive contract language (statechart extension). The scenario language supports high-level modeling constructs as well as configurable options for test generation. The adaptive contract language supports the flexible definition of scenario contract activation and deactivation based on environmental changes or interactions. Tests can be derived from adaptive contract descriptions using the combination of graph-traversal algorithms and integrated model checker back-ends. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated in the context of the Gamma framework.
... The authors show an improvement in reliability and quality of the painting process. Drawbacks include that interventions are typically not optimal and rules have limited expressiveness [17]. ...
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Testing and code reviews are known techniques to improve the quality and robustness of software. Unfortunately, the complexity of modern software systems makes it impossible to anticipate all possible problems that can occur at runtime, which limits what issues can be found using testing and reviews. Thus, it is of interest to consider autonomous self-healing software systems, which can automatically detect, diagnose, and contain unanticipated problems at runtime. Most research in this area has adopted a model-driven approach, where actual behavior is checked against a model specifying the intended behavior, and a controller takes action when the system behaves outside of the specification. However, it is not easy to develop these specifications, nor to keep them up-to-date as the system evolves. We pose that, with the recent advances in machine learning, such models may be learned by observing the system. Moreover, we argue that artificial immune systems (AISs) are particularly well-suited for building self-healing systems, because of their anomaly detection and diagnosis capabilities. We present the state-of-the-art in self-healing systems and in AISs, surveying some of the research directions that have been considered up to now. To help advance the state-of-the-art, we develop a research agenda for building self-healing software systems using AISs, identifying required foundations, and promising research directions.
... Nevertheless, they argue that modeling the controllers reduces development efforts when compared to traditional programming. Adaption of a robot controller at runtime is supported by the work presented in [15] and [16]. The focus in this work is the specification of constraints that define when a controller adaption has to take place rather than the representation of effect of the adaption. ...
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The use of autonomous robots in areas that require executing a broad range of different tasks is currently hampered by the high complexity of the software that adapts the robot controller to different situations the robot would face. Current robot software frameworks facilitate implementing controllers for individual tasks with some variability, however, their possibilities for adapting the controllers at runtime are very limited and don’t scale with the requirements of a highly versatile autonomous robot. With the software presented in this paper, the behavior of robots is implemented modularly by composing individual controllers, between which it is possible to switch freely at runtime, since the required transitions are calculated automatically. Thereby the software developer is relieved of the task to manually implement and maintain the transitions between different operational modes of the robot, what largely reduces software complexity for larger amounts of different robot behaviors. The software is realized by a model-based development approach. We will resent the metamodels enabling the modeling of the controllers as well as the runtime architecture for the management of the controllers on distributed computation hardware. Furthermore, this paper introduces an algorithm that calculates the transitions between two controllers. A series of technical experiments verifies the choice of the underlying middleware and the performance of online controller reconfiguration. A further experiment demonstrates the applicability of the approach to real robotics applications.
Simulation is favored by roboticists to evaluate controller design and software. Often, state machines are drawn to convey overall ideas and used as a basis to program tool-specific simulations. The simulation code, written in general or proprietary programming languages, is, however, the only full account of the robotic system. Here, we present the RoboStar technology, a modern approach to design that supports automatic generation of simulation code guaranteed to be correct with respect to a design model, and complements simulation with model checking, theorem proving, and automatic test generation for simulation. Diagrammatic domain-specific, but tool-independent, notations for design and simulation use state machines, differential equations, and controlled English to specify behavior. We illustrate the RoboStar approach using an autonomous vehicle as an example.
Conference Paper
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Engineering adaptive software is an increasingly complex task. Here, we demonstrate Genie , a tool that supports the modelling, generation, and operation of highly reconfigurable, component-based systems. We showcase how Genie is used in two case-studies: i) the development and operation of an adaptive flood warning system, and ii) a service discovery application. In this context, adaptation is enabled by the Gridkit reflective middleware platform.
Conference Paper
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Engineering adaptive software is an increasingly complex task. Here, we demonstrate Genie, a tool that supports the modelling, generation, and operation of highly reconfig- urable, component-based systems. We showcase how Genie is used in two case-studies: i) the development and opera- tion of an adaptive flood warning system, and ii) a service discovery application. In this context, adaptation is enabled by the Gridkit reflective middleware platform.
Conference Paper
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Increasingly, software should dynamically adapt its behavior at run-time in response to changing conditions in the sup-porting computing and communication infrastructure, and in the surrounding physical environment. In order for an adaptive program to be trusted, it is important to have mechanisms to ensure that the program functions correctly during and after adaptations. Adaptive programs are gen-erally more di cult to specify, verify, and validate due to their high complexity. Particularly, when involving multi-threaded adaptations, the program behavior is the result of the collaborative behavior of multiple threads and soft-ware components. This paper introduces an approach to create formal models for the behavior of adaptive programs. Our approach separates the adaptation behavior and non-adaptive behavior speci cations of adaptive programs, mak-ing the models easier to specify and more amenable to auto-mated analysis and visual inspection. We introduce a pro-cess to construct adaptation models, automatically generate adaptive programs from the models, and verify and validate the models. We illustrate our approach through the develop-ment of an adaptive GSM-oriented audio streaming protocol for a mobile computing application. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D. 2.4 [SOFT-WARE ENGINEERING]: Software/Program Veri cation-Formal methods, Model checking, Reliability, Validation General Terms: Design, Veri cation, Reliability Keywords: Dynamic Adaptation, Reliability, Autonomic Computing, Global Invariants, Formal Speci cation, Veri-cation
Conference Paper
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Current works address self-adaptability of software architectures to build more autonomous and flexible systems. However, most of these works only perform adaptations at configuration-level: a component is adapted by being replaced with a new one. The state of the replaced component is lost and related components can undergo undesirable changes. This paper presents a generic solution to design components that are capable of supporting runtime adaptation, taking into account that component type changes must be propagated to its instances. The adaptation is performed in a decentralized and autonomous way, in order to cope with the increasing need for building heterogeneous and autonomous systems. As a result, each component type manages its instances and each instance applies autonomously the changes. Moreover, our proposal uses aspect-oriented components to benefit from their reuse and maintenance, and it is based on MOF and Reflection concepts to benefit from the high abstraction level they provide.
Conference Paper
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This paper discusses preliminary work on modeling and validation dynamic adaptation. The proposed approach is on the use of aspect-oriented modeling (AOM) and models at runtime. Our approach covers design and runtime phases. At design-time, a base model and different variant architecture models are designed and the adaptation model is built. Crucially, the adaptation model includes invariant properties and constrains that allow the validation of the adaptation rules before execution. During runtime, the adaptation model is processed to produce a correct system configuration that should be executed.
Conference Paper
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Adaptive systems are able to adapt their properties and resource requirements at runtime in response to dynamically varying user needs and resource constraints. With the emergence of mobile and service oriented computing, such variation is becoming increasingly common, and the need for adaptivity is increasing accordingly. Software product line engineering has proved itself as an efficient way to deal with varying user needs and resource constraints. In this paper we present an approach to building adaptive systems based on product line oriented techniques such as variability modeling and component based architectures. By representing the product line architecture at runtime, we are able to delegate much of the complexity of adaptation to a reusable adaptation platform. To validate our approach we have built a prototype adaptation platform and developed a few pilot applications exploiting the platform to achieve adaptivity.
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Computer software must dynamically adapt to changing conditions. In order to fully realize the benefit of dynamic adaptation, it must be performed correctly. The correctness of adaptation cannot be properly addressed without precisely specifying the requirements for adaptation. This paper introduces an approach to formally specifying adaptation requirements in temporal logic. We introduce A-LTL, an adaptation-based extension to linear temporal logic, and use this logic to specify three commonly used adaptation semantics. Neighborhood composition and sequential composition techniques are developed and applied to A-LTL to construct the specification of an adaptive system. We introduce adaptation semantics graphs to visually present the adaptation semantics. Specifications for adaptive systems can be automatically generated from adaptation semantics graphs.