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The common and uncommon cestodal infestation encountered in routine histopathological practice from a semi-urban population in South India and their public health importance



Parasites are encountered uncommonly in routine histopathologic practice. Among them, cestodes form a major bulk. Cysticercosis heads the list forming the bulk of cases followed by Hydatidosis and Sparganosis. Microscopic identification of inflammation with surrounding reactions along with other morphological features forms the mainstay of diagnosis of parasitic diseases on histopathology. Identification of the parasites on histopathological examination would reduce the cost-diagnosis ratio avoiding expensive serological investigation.
The common and uncommon cestodal infestation encountered in routine histo -
pathological practice from a semi-urban population in south India and their public
health importance.
Ramkumar Kurpad R *, Shuba S , Prakash H Muddegowda , Jyothi B Lingegowda
a c a a
Case Report
Parasitic infestation
Parasites are encountered uncommonly in routine histopathologic practice. Among them,
cestodes form a major bulk. Cysticercosis heads the list forming the bulk of cases followed by
Hydatidosis and Sparganosis. Microscopic identification of inflammation with surrounding
reactions along with other morphological features forms the mainstay of diagnosis of parasitic
diseases on histopathology. Identification of the parasites on histopathological examination
would reduce the cost-diagnosis ratio avoidingexpensive serological investigation.
Copyright 2011. CurrentSciDirect Publications. - All rights reserved.IJCSR
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International Journal of Current Scientific Research
Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011; 1(2): 48 – 51.
* Professor & aAssistant professor, Department of Pathology, VMKV Medical College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Consultant Physician, Vinayaka Missions hi-tech hospital, Salem, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
* Corresponding Author : Dr. Ramkumar Kurpad
Professor, Department of Pathology, VMKV Medical College,
Seeragapadi, Salem – 636 308. Tamilnadu. India.
Copyright 2011. CurrentSciDirect Publications. - All rights reserved.IJCSR
1. Introduction
1.1.Case details
1.2. Discussion
1.1.Case details
Generally parasitic lesions account for 0.1 to 0.5% of all
histopathological lesions in our country. A majority of these are
cestodal in nature. Tapeworms (cestodes) are segmented worms,
the adult forms of which are encountered in gastrointestinal tract,
whereas the larvae can be seen in almost anyorgan in the body.
The specimen most frequently submitted for detectionof parasites
is stool for the identification of ova or cysts. Specimens are
obtained based on radiological investigations or are usually an
incidental finding. The major advantages of histopathology are
speed, low cost and presumptive identification. Hematological
investigations like presence of eosinophilia in peripheral blood
could give a clue about parasiticinfestation [1,2].
Ours being a semi-urban hospital with many patients coming
from rural areas, wereceive specimens resected as a subcutaneous
nodule, abscess, lymphadenopathy, gynaecomastia or labeled as
soft tissue sarcoma ultimately yielding a cestode with tissue
reaction. This article presents an overview of parasites
encountered in our institution overthe past two years.
Cysticercosis is the commonest cestodal infection encountered
in histopathological practice and forms a major public health
problem worldwide. It occurs due to ingestion of contaminated
vegetables and food or under cooked meat. Auto-infection can also
occur [2].
The life cycle of the cestode, T.solium involves an intermediate
host, normally the pig, for the cystic form of the parasite and a
definitive host, normally man, for the adult form or the tapeworm.
However, persons infected by T.solium eggs can also serve as hosts
for the cystic form, which affects various tissues of the body, most
commonly central nervous system followed by sub-cutaneous
tissue, muscle, eye and rarelyother parts of the body [2,3].
Chest wall
Intact larva
Degenerated larva
Degenerated larva
Intact larva with
secondaries (SCC)
Intact larva
Intact larva
Intact larva
Intact larva
(in years)
Location Histopathology
The diagnosis of human cysticercosis can be made by radiologic
imaging, tissue biopsy, or serology. Radiologic imaging, including
MRI and CT, currently is the most effective means for diagnosis
Cysticercus forms the commonest parasitic infection of the CNS
(Neurocysticercosis). In the CNS, they cannot grow into worms,
and remain as cysts indefinitely. The cysts are usually found in
Cerbral cortex, but can occur in meninges of the base of the brain,
in the ventricles and rarely in the spinal cord. Compared to other
sites, diagnosis in these cases is not feasible as routine biopsy is
impossible. Diagnosis usually rests on interpretation of patients
symptoms, radiological studies and immunological tests for
dec tection of anti-c ysticercal antibodies (Enzyme- linked
immunoelectrotransfer blot) [2-4].
Definite diagnosis on histopathology (Fig 1 A&B) requires
visualization of the parasite. The live parasite has a single scolex
with four suckers and a double row of hooklets. The cyst wall has
an outer cuticular layer, a middle pseudo epithelial layer, and an
inner reticular layer.In excision biopsies, only the cuticular layer of
deadworm in appreciatedon H&E stain[2].
Rarely can it present in the form of subcutaneous nodules in the
chest, thigh or arms. Histopathology would reveal a cysticerci
larvae with surrounding host response composed of fibrosis,
chronic inflammatory infiltrate with eosinophils and sometimes
giant cells. Sometimes, cysticercosis can coexist with secondaries
2.1. Discussion
Echinococcosis is a zoonotic infection caused by tapeworms of
the Taeniidae family. Human infection is often considered an
occupational public health problem for the sheep (intermediate
host) farmers, ranchers, or shepherds in endemic regions. There is
however, a risk of infection from dog (definitive host) contact, dog
feces, or food contaminated with eggs of E.granulosus.2,5
Fig 1(A and B): Section of Cysticercosis showing inflammatory
host response (A) H&E (10x). Section of cysticercosis (B) H&E
Fig 2 (A and B): Gross specimen showing resected lobe of lung
with fragments of laminate membrane (A). Microscopy
showing numerous folded delicate laminate membranes (B).
H&E (10x)
in lymphnode or Hodgkins of mixed cellularity type. Due attention
should be paid to any co-existent disease lest, we miss them. As
similar c hanges are en co untered, it is critical for the
histopathologist to differe nt ia te b et ween i nf la mm at or y
conditions caused by infectious agents from those with non-
infectious etiology [1,3,4].
2. Case details
A 37 year old farm laborer presented with history of cough and
vague chest pain of few months duration. Chest radiograph
revealed irregular masses in right middle zone with specks of
calcification and fluid levels in a few of the cysts. Cyst was excised
with lobectomy of the lung. The cystic mass measured 8x7x5 cm
(Fig 2A). It was opalascent gray white in color. Cut section exuded
about 50 ml of fluid and many daughter cysts with broodcapsules.
Microscopy revealed a lamellated membrane (Fig 2B) with many
scolices diagnostic of Echinococcosis. Surrounding lung showed
granulation tissue and bronchiectatic changes.
Group II
Ramkumar Kurpad R. et al. / Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011; 1(2): 48 – 51.
The most common site for hydatidcyst is liver followed by lung and
others. The cyst wall shows contribution from both the cestode as
well as the host and is composed of three layers. The outer host
layer or pericyst is composed of fibroblasts, giant cells and
eosinophils. The middle laminated membrane is a acellular
chitinous layer 2 mm thick. The inner germinal layer is thin and
translucent. Scolices originate from the membrane in the form of
evaginations called brood capsules. Special stains like modified
AFB stain for hooklets and GMS stain for chitinous cellular wall can
be done. Alternately, the hooklets can be visualized as refractile
structures against background debris. It is the commonest cestode
pathogen affecting the lung.2,5,6
The eggs develop into embryos which penetrate intestinal
mucosa and enters various organs via portal circulation. The
larvae develop into fluid filled hydatid cysts. Daughter cysts may
develop from germinal layer giving rise to brood capsules.
Sometimes the cysts may get secondarily infected with
suppuration. Mode of presentation depends on the organ involved
and location of cyst.2
FNAC is contraindicated in a suspected case as the rupture of
cyst could lead to serious anaphylactic shock. Diagnosis of
hydatidosis in man is made by Casoni's test, by detecting
protoscolices in hydatid cyst fluid or by detecting antibodies to
cyst fluid antigen.2,5,6
A mi dd le ag ed man was di agn os ed wi th unil ateral
gynaecomastia which was excised and sent forhistopathology. The
cystic mass was oval, greywhite in color ms 5x3 cm (Fig 3A). C/s
revealed a worm 0.5cm long and 15 ml of turbid fluid. Microscopy
revealed the worm having thick tegmentum with calcospheroites
in sub-tegmentum (Fig 3 B&C) which was surrounded by wall of
granulation tissue diagnostic of Sparganosis.
Fig 3 (A,B and C): Excised specimen showing cut open cyst (A).
Section of Parasite showing Calcareous spherules and muscle
fibres (B &C) – Masson Trichromestain (40x).
Sparganosis are the larvae of Diphyllobothrium species of
genus, spirometra. The parasite has a complex life cycle with dogs
and cats as definitive hosts. Humans are usuallyinvolved as second
intermediate hosts. It is transmitted by consumption of snakesand
frogs (II intermediate host). Transmission to humans usually
occurs through ingestion of water contaminated with infected
Cyclops (I intermediate host) or consumption of contaminated
meat. Sometimes application of frogs as poultice over burns and
wound also transmits the disease. Once a parasite enters the
human body, an aberrant life cycle starts resulting in a cyst like
The histological features are similar in any tissue being
characterized by a necrotizing and granulomatous inflammation
with or without worm parasite in the lesions. The surrounding
lesion is predominantly composed of eosinophils, plasma cells and
lymphocytes. In the absence of worm, laminated calcospherules
found in the cytoplasm of the proliferating macrophages and giant
cells could be of diagnostic value.7
If the worm is viable, section of the worm would show
dorsoventral flattening, thick, slightly wavy eosinophilic tegument
overlaying a layer of radially oriented subparenchymal cells, well
developed longitudinal bundle of smooth muscles consisted of
dorsoventral and transverse fibres, arranged at right angle to each
The mic roscopi c di fferential diagn osis usually include s
trichinosis, cysticercosis (racemose variant), and visceral larvae
Group III
3. Case details
Ramkumar Kurpad R. et al. / Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011; 1(2): 48 – 51.
Copyright 2011. CurrentSciDirect Publications. - All rights reserved.IJCSR
Parasitic infections are endemic in the rural and semi-urban
communities in developing countries. Utility of histopathology in
diagnosis is well established. Histopathological identification of
the parasite based on its morphological features, host tissue
response and in unconfirmed cases, coupled with serology and
molecular diagnosis could help to successfully characterize the
parasite. Effectivecommunication between clinicians, radiologists
and pathologists often lead to correct diagnosis in many difficult to
diagnose diseases.
Public health measures such as good sanitation and personal
hygiene measures such as washing of hands with soap and water.
Washing of utensils and vegetable with clean water, prevention of
sewage contamination of drinking water, safe disposal of waste,
play a vital role in avoiding cestodal infections. Sanitary measures
in abattoirs and treating pet dogs with Anti-helminthics also help.
Even though this article does not actually represent the incidence
of cestodal infections in a population, it should be emphasized that
pathologists play an important role in identifying the parasite.
Information should be passed onto general public and patients
in particular regarding the potential role of cestodes in incidence
of malnutrition and morbidity in populations so that preventive
steps are initiated and appropriate measures are taken given to
prevent spreadof the disease.
[1] Gupta E, Bhalla P, Khurana N, Singh T. Histopathology for the diagnosis of
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[2] Kradin RL. Diagnostic pathology of infectious diseases. Saunder Elsevier,
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[4] A Histopathological study on human cysticercosis. Chi HS, Chi JG. The
Koreanjournal of parasitology 1978;16(2):123-33.
[5] Human cystic echinococcosis in a Uruguan Community: A sonographic,
serologic and epidemiologic study. Cohen H, Paolillo E, Bonifacino R, Botta
B, ParadaL, Cabrera P,et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1998;59(4):620-7.
[6] Carmona C, Perdomo R, Carbo A, Alvarez C, Monti J, Grauret R, et al. Risk
factors associated with human cystic echinococcosis in Florida, Uruguay:
Results of a mass screening study using ultrasoundand serology. Am J Trop
Med Hyg. 1998;58(5):599-605.
[7] Chi JG, Chi HS, Lee SH. Histopathologic study on human sparganosis. The
Koreanjournal of parasitology. 1980;18(1):15-23.
4. Conclusion 5. References
Ramkumar Kurpad R. et al. / Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011; 1(2): 48 – 51.
The Indian bull frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus Daudin was found to be parasitized with the digenean, Tremiorchis ranarum Mehra et Negi. During an investigation of helminth parasites of amphibians from several localities of YSR district, Andhra Pradesh, this parasite was recovered from the intestine of the host. The morphological and diagnostic characteristics of Tremiorchis ranarum was studied by means of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy along with its pathological effects on the host intestinal tissues to assess the extent of damage caused by them. Histopathogical effects include destruction of intestinal villi, inflammatory fibrosis, inflammation of villi at the site of attachment of parasite, hyperplasia and metaplasia, vacuolation of sub-mucosal cells and degeneration of intestinal layers due to proliferative changes. The pathological effects also include an increase in the thickness and the damage to mucosa.
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Sonographic evidence of asymptomatic Echinococcus granulosus lesions in the liver was found in 156 of 9,515 persons in the Department of Florida, Uruguay. The sensitivity of ELISA and latex agglutination serology compared with ultrasound was 47.6% and 28.1%, respectively, and specificity was > 85%. There was a significant positive association between positive sonography and a personal history of previous but treated Echinococcus infection while those that were seropositive but ultrasound-negative were significantly more likely to have a personal history of infection or a history of infection in their family. Prevalence of infection increased significantly with age. There was no correlation between echinococcosis and dog ownership or home slaughter of sheep but offal disposal was important, with an increased prevalence of infection of 3.2%, 2.8%, and 3.1%, respectively, in persons feeding offal to dogs or burying or burning it compared with a prevalence of 0.8-1.5% in those using other methods of disposal. Almost half the population, when questioned, seemed to have sound knowledge about E. granulosus and described correct treatment of E. granulosus in dogs but this did not affect prevalence. There was a significant positive association between infection and the presence of a fenced fruit/vegetable garden and use of rural waters, particularly the cachimba (a small dam) and the aljibe (a cistern or tank) that collect rainwater from the ground surface and roofs, respectively.
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A prevalence and transmission study of human cystic echinococcosis (CE), due to infection with the dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, was undertaken in the village of La Paloma in central Uruguay. The human population was registered and screened for CE by abdominal ultrasound scan as well as a number of serologic tests. Dogs were screened for E. granulosus infection by arecoline purgation as well as specific coproantigen testing. The total prevalence of human CE (new cases and those with a previous history) was 5.6% (64 of 1,149); 3.6% (40) of the cases were new ultrasound detected asymptomatic cases (mean age = 45 years). Age prevalence increased from 1.1% in the 4-6-year-old group to > 11% in the > 60-year-old group; the 20-29-year-old group had a significantly higher CE rate of 7.4%, compared with younger and older age groups, and there was no difference between sexes. A CE rate of 3.9% (20 of 514) was also recorded by ultrasound for new cases in the population residing outside the village. Most of the hydatid cysts were located in the liver presenting as either univesicular cysts or a solid mass, and of those 71% and 63%, respectively, with such cyst presentations were seropositive against E. granulosus cyst fluid antigens. Two of eight individuals who were filter paper blood spot seropositive, but ultrasound scan negative, were subsequently diagnosed respectively with pulmonary hydatidosis after radiography, and hepatic hydatidosis after computed tomography scan. Of 36 households with a CE patient, 32 were single cases while four households each harbored two CE cases. This did not represent a clustered distribution within families (23 of 117). Almost 20% of the dogs from La Paloma were found infected with E. granulosus after purge examination, with a mean worm number of 67 (range = 1-1,020). An additional eight dogs that were purge negative were Echinococcus coproantigen positive. The study showed that human CE is highly endemic in Uruguay, with one of the highest local prevalence rates in the world. Transmission appears to occur readily within well-developed towns, as well as on rural sheep ranches. Mass screening by ultrasound scanning with confirmatory serologic testing is an effective approach to case detection at the community level.
Comprehensive and up to date, the Second Edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Disease, by Dr. Richard Kradin, is an invaluable tool for the accurate diagnosis of any infectious disease?from the common to the most challenging. The organ-based format makes it an especially useful tool for surgical pathologists' daily diagnostic and management issues. High-quality, full-color illustrations and differential diagnosis tables accompany each lesion, clearly depicting how to recognize the morphology of organisms and the spectrum of histological responses that they may cause.
Taenia solium cysticercosis is a frequent cause of neurological disease in developing countries. Specific diagnosis of cysticercosis is difficult. We obtained serum and/or CSF samples from 204 consecutive patients admitted to a neurological ward in Lima, Peru, and looked for antibodies specific for T solium with the enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot (EITB) assay. 21 (12%) of 173 serum samples from these patients were EITB-positive. In contrast, only 2 (1·5%) of 135 patients attending a public endoscopy clinic and 1 (1%) of 88 patients attending a private endoscopy clinic were seropositive. 1 (1%) of 98 pregnant women living in a Lima shanty town was EITB-positive. 15 (58%) of 26 neurology patients diagnosed clinically as having cysticercosis were seronegative. Routine screening by EITB of all patients with neurological symptoms from areas of endemic cysticercosis would avoid misdiagnosis of this common and treatable disease.
Histopathological examination of tissue biopsies for the identification of infectious organisms is a very important diagnostic tool. Conventional culture confirmation of tissue biopsies often fail to identify any pathogen as, first of all, invariably most of the tissue samples that are collected and sent for culture isolation are inappropriately collected in formalin, which prevents pathogen growth in culture media. Inadequate processing like grinding, etc. further hinders isolation. Presence of inhibitors like dead tissue debris, fibers, etc. also delays isolation. Microbiologists often lack expertise in identifying infectious pathogens directly from tissue biopsies by microscopic visualization. This review therefore acquaints microbiologists with the various methods available for detecting infectious agents by using histological stains. On histopathological examination of the tissue biopsy once, it is determined that a disease is likely to be due to an infection and has characterized the inflammatory response and hence associated microorganisms should be thoroughly looked for. Although some microorganisms or their cytopathic effects may be clearly visible on routine haematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections, additional histochemical stains are often needed for their complete characterization. Highly specific molecular techniques, such as immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and nucleic acid amplification, may be needed in certain instances to establish the diagnosis of infection. Through appropriate morphologic diagnoses and interlaboratory communication and collaboration, direct microscopic visualization of tissue samples can thus be very helpful in reaching a correct and rapid diagnosis.
A study was made on 258 cases of cysticercosis, that were examined and diagnosed at the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University during a period of 9 years from 1968 to 1976 inclusive. There were a total of 35,363 surgical specimens examined during the same period, thus revealing the relative frequency ratio of cysticercosis among surgical accessions to be 0.73%. The common sites of involvement of cysticercosis were skeletal muscle, subcutaneous tissue, breast, brain and eye in decreasing order of frequency. Painless palpable nodules were the most common initial presentation clinically. Histopathological staging was attempted based on the host tissue reaction and worm morphology. It was arbitrarily classified into early, intermediate and late stages. In general the morphology of the parasite consisted of a well preserved and compact calcospherules with intact subcuticular muscle layer in the early stage, showing a progressive deterioration of parasitic structures, finally undergoing resorptive process or mummification. The host tissue reation in the early stage was characterized by a diffuse epithelioid cell proliferation with lymphocytic and eosinophilic infiltration without capsule formation. The intermediate stage consisted of a diffuse histiocytic proliferation with well formed outer collagen capsule. The latestage revealed mostly thinned out, well collagenized capsule with scanty lymphocytic infiltration. The parasite in the well formed cyst as usually distorted and often mummified. But the hooklets were relatively preserved up to the late stage. These finding suggest that the host tissue reacts to the cysticercus worm in fairly uniform fashion, and this fashion appears to have a sequence, i.e., violent lymphohistiocytic response in the initial phase of infection, and undergoing a gradual fibrotic (encapsulating) self-limiting course, finally being stabilized by a dense, acelluar collagen capsule or collapse and absorption.
Based on 16 cases of human sparganosis, a histopathological study was made. There was a striking similarity among histological features of sparganosis involving different tissues. The histological change of the affected tissues was characterized by a necrotizing and granulomatous inflammation with or without worm parasite in the lesions. There was also a remarkable polymorphonuclear leukocytic mobilization, predominantly of eosinophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes in and near the lesions. Tunnel formation lined by palisading histiocytes was another charateristic feature of the host tissue reaction. These findings were quite distinguishable from those of cysticercosis which were more localized and self-limited. Several features that were prominent in section slides of sparganum worm parasite were also noted. Laminated calcospherules found in the cytoplasm of the proliferating macrophages and giant cells were of diagnostic value of sparganosis in the absence of the worm, particularly when these were accompanied with tunnel-like lesion in the host tissue.
Histopathologic study on human sparganosis. The Korean journal of parasitology Conclusion 5
  • Jg Chi
  • Hs Chi
  • Lee
Chi JG, Chi HS, Lee SH. Histopathologic study on human sparganosis. The Korean journal of parasitology. 1980;18(1):15-23. 4. Conclusion 5. References Ramkumar Kurpad R. et al. / Int J Cur Sci Res. 2011; 1(2): 48 – 51. 51
  • A Histopathological Study On Human Cysticercosis
  • Hs Chi
  • Jg Chi
A Histopathological study on human cysticercosis. Chi HS, Chi JG. The Korean journal of parasitology 1978;16(2):123-33.