The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowlege
... This study was conducted using a qualitative method with the phenomenology approach. It was a descriptive study focusing on social phenomena based on people's life experiences, presented narratively [23]. The procedures were started by focusing on the ...
... Furthermore, the arrangement of results employed critical and phenomenological approaches. This result would be compared and analyzed using Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann's social construction theory [23] and Clifford Geertz's culture interpretation analysis [25]. ...
... The instrument has assumed the role of a societal symbol and representation of identity. The conception of local society's knowledge is known as the objectification process [23]. The acceptance and adherence to rules, values, knowledge, and culture within a society can be understood as a collective agreement. ...
Kentongan (bamboo instruments), a traditional Javanese communication tool, continues to exist to this day, and its existence is based on its function, especially in the Java mountains. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze and uncover local wisdom behind the social construction of the Kentongan, exploring the practical and symbolic meanings and the societal and cultural implications. It also explored the community's local knowledge regarding the mitigation of disasters (disaster risk reduction), as well as its cultural heritage within the community's social fabric. To unravel knowledge held by the local community, a qualitative method using a phenomenological approach was adopted, complemented by a thorough review of relevant literature. Furthermore, the snowball approach was employed to select informants, focusing on identifying key individuals who were cross-verified through member checks. The village head and the elders were identified as the key informants, and the data collected were analyzed using an interactive model. The results showed that Kentongan served as a telecommunication tool to signal disasters, alert individuals of dangerous situations, and indicate the presence of fire. Additionally, it served as a means to assemble people or initiate prayers, and the conveyed messages could be inferred through the number of beats and the sounds produced. Empathy and social solidarity emerged as the underlying social values embedded within Kentongan. The associated significance and symbolism were actively practiced and passed down through generations within the community. As a form of indigenous knowledge, Kentongan held great relevance in the lives of the local population, thereby presenting the potential to be integrated into educational contexts as a valuable source of learning.
... These three alternative paradigms have been used to add layers of subjectivity while focusing on relationism and relativism through an actor-centered approach. SC can help with viewing the MNE as part of a socially constructed reality (e.g., Berger & Luckmann, 1966)-i.e., studies involving socially constructed national representations such as language and culture and their impact on organizational culture and management practices. The focus is on the social group and its interaction with an external reality (Eberle, 1992). ...
... The focus is on the social group and its interaction with an external reality (Eberle, 1992). It is relational because the group is composed of individuals who socialize and interact with external reality and this relation is transformative-society is a product of these interactions (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). Consequently, institutions and culture, as a product of human interaction, are also dynamic and contextualized (Schwandt, 1994) and the method used needs to grasp those relations. ...
... Reality is being continuously constructed within a socially interactive "process of negotiations" (p. 369) Rüegg-Stürm and Gomez (1994) In consideration of this our study offers an explanation of time as a social construction, which is experienced differentially, rather than an irrefutable and constant fact of life (Berger & Luckmann, 1966) (p. 147) Middleton et al. (2011) Paradigm ...
This paper examines trends, challenges and opportunities in terms of research methodologies in qualitative IB research. In particular, it examines trends for the dominant (positivism/(post)positivism) paradigm versus alternative paradigms (i.e., social constructivism, critical realism and interpretivism) and provides a comparative analysis of data collection and methods. Using mixed methods to collect and analyze data on qualitative articles published in International Business Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, and Management International Review, we examine trends and differences between the dominant and alternative paradigms and use qualitative content analysis to investigate how alternative paradigm papers are conceptualized and presented. Moreover, we interview authors of non-positivist papers to gain in-depth understanding of the findings. We reveal differences across the paradigms and provide evidence of paradigmatic fit between methods and data collection techniques for the dominant paradigm, but more variation for alternative paradigms. Lastly, we provide prescriptions for IB scholars in terms of methodology diversity and how complex IB phenomena can be pursued vis-a-vis alternative paradigms.
... Fulfilling deprivation needs further increases intrinsic motivation for further development and the proliferation of needs (Curren, 2020;Decaty & Howard, 2014;Dewey, 1961;Erikson, 1993;Froiland et al., 2012;Gao et al., 2020;Kaplan, 2018;Martin & Dowson, 2009;Noddings, 2005;. Though both attitudes Psychology contain limits of behavior and are based on accepted structures of interaction (Berger & Luckmann, 1966;Goffman, 1974;Lyotard, 1989), their differences are crucial. In many cases, superego-based education thwarts the development of learning skills and does not encourage inner motivation for learning, while egobased education encourages inner motivation for learning, creativity, and critical thinking (Rimon-Or et al., 2023). ...
... The inclination to rationalize prevailing behavior is a human tendency (Crump, 2008). In addition, individuals become attached to the structures of understanding that were constructed during socialization, and they develop their identity and lifestyle in accordance (Altheide, 2000;Berger & Luckmann, 1966;Bourdieu, 1977). Pressure to conform to conventional practices, manners, values, norms, and authority is a prevalent feature of societies (Smeulers, 2020), and the inclination to succumb to such pressure is a developmental stage in Kohlberg's developmental scale (Gibbs, 2019). ...
... Her approach illustrates the significance of fixation within a normative setting that stands beyond and dictates experience, a fixation which is reflected in Bourdieu's (Bourdieu, 1977(Bourdieu, , 1990(Bourdieu, , 2001 concept of habitus, Berger and Luckmann's (Berger & Luckmann, 1966) concept of "the social construction of reality," ...
... Peter L Berger dan Thomas Luckman memiliki interpretasi dalam teori konstruksi yang digunakan dalam membedah mengenai pemahaman masyarakat yang nantinya mempengaruh tingkah laku dari masyarakat tersebut. Pada teori ini masyakat melakukan ekternalisasi atau ekspresi terhadap sesuatu yang diluar dirinya yang kemudian disebut sebagai objektivitas baik yang berupa fisik atau fiktif seperti pengetahuan yang kemudian diresapi kedalam diri yang disebut dengan internalisasi kemudian dapat mempengaruhi tingkah laku individu atau masyarakat tersebut (Berger, Peter L. & Thomas, 1966). ...
... Pada teori konstruksi ini Peter L Berger dan Thomas Luckman melihat masyarakat sebagai tiga buah proses. Proses yang pertama yaitu disebut dengan eksternasilasi, kedua disebut dengan objektifikasi, dan yang terakhir disebut sebagai internalisasi (Berger, Peter L. & Thomas, 1966). ...
... Sedangkan internalisasi dalam teori konstruksi ialah penyerapan kembali objektifitas kedalam kesadaran subjektif manusia secara sedemikian rupa sehingga manusia dalam kehidupannya dipengaruhi oleh dunia sosial atau struktur sosialnya, terkait legitimasi yang bersifat kognitif ataupun normatif. Ini semualah yang oleh Peter L Berger dan Thomas Luckman sebut sebagai realitas sosial (Berger, Peter L. & Thomas, 1966). ...
The purpose of this study is to describe the social construction of the Dermojayan village community towards the Demangan tomb pilgrimage phenomenon which then becomes an understanding, perception, and religious emotion to form a predisposition in carrying out their religious traditions. In order to obtain accurate data, this research uses a descriptive qualitative case study using a phenomenological approach. The grand theory in this study adheres to the theory of social construction analysis from Peter L Berger and Thomas Luckman (1967) which says that individual knowledge forms predispositions as part of social action. The results of this study indicate that the social construction that grows on the perpetrators of the Demangan tomb pilgrimage arises because of the values inherited by their ancestors. The community carries out tomb pilgrimages with the aim of conveying gratitude to their ancestors, expressing respect for their ancestors, offering prayers to obtain blessings, and as an embodiment of preserving the relics of the ancestors of the Dermojayan village. The social values contained in the phenomenon of the Demojayan village tomb pilgrims are manifested in a series of processions and offerings at the time of the tomb pilgrimage as a manifestation of social life inherited by the village ancestors
... Some Tanggulwelahan villagers believe that putting the terrifying character (Buto) can prevent any bad luck/disaster from entering into house. This news on tradition is still becoming hot topic in mass media, for example Lailil's (2020) Mask, a tradition to expel disease epidemic)", contained in, and other mass media. ...
... Berger assumes that human being is in objective and subjective reality world. In objective reality, human being is structurally affected by environment where he lives and stays (Light, Berger, & Luckmann, 1967). From this, it can be explained that the direction of human development is determined socially, since they were born until they are adult, and old. ...
... In Externalization, Berger stated that the social space order is the product of human creation occurring contingently. The social order will always be produced by human beings through externalization process occurring continuously (Light et al., 1967). Berger said that externalization is the imperative form of anthropology. ...
The COVID-19 virus was declared by WHO as a pandemic towards the beginning of 2020. As a result, Indonesia also implemented physical distancing nationally. This condition was responded to quite diverse by the community, one of which was in Tanggulwelahan Village, Tulungagung Regency. Myth is actually an alternative that people use in addressing these conditions. Therefore, researchers apply qualitative research methods (phenomenology) to explain the social construction of myths in the efforts of local communities to deal with COVID-19. Based on the results of interviews, observations, and analyzes using social construction theory the following results are obtained. "Buto" figure is a sacred symbol for the community because it is believed to have supernatural strength so that it can banish various outbreaks of disease. This understanding was formed through the process of externalization, objectification, and internalization that has been going on for generations. Meanwhile, medical information related to COVID-19 is new knowledge, so it is difficult to replace the old knowledge of society which is actually a myth.
... This paper aims to analyze the nature of the community practices adopted by the people of Kashmir as a response to mental health problems. In addition to the psychology of rituals, the present research can also be contextualized from a sociological perspective through the (Berger, 1967) sociology of knowledge of social reality. In the present research, it is the practice of certain rituals in the history of Kashmiri society that may have acted as stress busters or coping mechanisms at a community level. ...
... In addition, to understand these themes from a sociological perspective, their comparison with social aspects of reality is warranted. As Berger (1967) proposed that reality is socially constructed. He explains it through examples of a reality of a Tibetan monk is different from that of an American businessman. ...
... Therefore, the rituals of a man sitting on a 'paend' and that of a woman sitting at a 'yarbal' world provide for the means of socialization in the relatively primitive and serene environs of Kashmir. Furthermore, Berger (1967) notes that besides the ideological foundation of the construction of truth in a society, its economical, political, and knowledge-related factors also influence the construction of social reality. In this study, although the participants gave elaborate details about the ways that cultural practices and events offered multiple opportunities for people to share, de-stress, and cope, conflict, urbanization, and commercialization have reduced or eliminated these practices, thereby, eliminating long-standing cultural coping mechanisms. ...
With a steady rise in mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Kashmir, the need to address mental health in this region becomes important. This paper reports on traditional and current community mental health coping mechanisms among residents in Kashmir. Six focus group discussions (FGD) were facilitated with key informants. Data were analyzed via a thematic analytic approach. Community coping mechanisms reported include social spaces and shared chore spaces, cultural practices, shrines and religious places, faithealers. These findings demonstrate community strengths that can leverage to build additional coping strategies and resilience among people.
... Према Бергеру и Лукману (Berger & Luckmann, 1991) појединац се рађа са предиспозицијом према друштвености. Он се не рађа као члан друштва, већ његов члан постаје. ...
... са одређеним друштвеним и културним поретком, кога му презентују значајни други (породица или значајне особе из његовог окружења). На основу наведеног аутори закључују да је човеков органски развој и велики део његовог биолошког бића подложан друштвеном уплитању, те истичу да је људскост социјално-културна варијабла (Berger & Luckmann, 1991). У том контексту сиромаштво не можемо разматрати из либералне перспективе као одговорност појединца, већ га морамо ставити у шири друштвени контекст, а одговорност појединца проматрати у зависности од околности и окружења у коме се налази. ...
... Тако се очекивано трајање живота разликује у различитим земљама, па чак и у различитим социјалним слојевима исте земље у односу на начин живота, исхране, рада итд. (Berger & Luckmann, 1991). Аутори закључују: ...
Siromaštvo predstavlja dinamičnu pojavu prisutnu u svim epohama tokom ljudske istorije. Iako univerzalna definicija nije utvrđena, problem siromaštva je univerzalan i pogađa sva društva. Ne postoji deo sveta koji je imun na ovu pojavu. Istorijska postojanost ovog fenomena dovela je do toga da su i danas prisutne polemike u pogledu definisanja i merenja siromaštva, te odgovora na pitanje ko je za siromaštvo odgovoran i kako rešiti ili makar redukovati ovaj problem. Fokus ovog rada usmeren je upravo na razmatranja u kojima pokušavamo da sagledamo različite pristupe u pogledu uzroka i posledica siromaštva, te da ih stavimo u jedan širi kontekst koji bi predstavljao osnovu za dalja teorijska promišljanja i donošenje praktičnih mera u ovoj oblasti.
Stoga kroz rad kritički sagledavamo pojedinačne teorije o uzrocima i posledicama siromaštva, ukazujemo na njihove nedostatke, te zaključujemo da se uzroci siromaštva ne mogu sagledavati jednodimenzionalno, tj. da se ne mogu vezati, ni samo za pojedinca, ni za kulturu ili širi društveni, ekonomski i politički kontekst. Shodno tome pokušavamo da predstavimo holistički (integrativni) pristup koji bi sagledao interakciju navedenih faktora u određenom vremenu i prostoru.
Integrativni pristup uzroke siromaštva vidi, ne samo u kulturnim okolnostima, već i u širim društvenim, ekonomskim i političkim okolnostima, a na kraju i u individualnim. Podrazumeva rad na marko, mezo i mikro nivou kako bi došlo do smanjenja siromaštva. Na makro nivou to je stvaranje ekonomskih, političkih i društvenih uslova koji bi omogućili inkluziju siromašnih (kroz političke i ekonomske mere, ali i kroz promenu percepcije o siromašnima putem medija, te kroz razvijanje ideja o važnosti kolektiva i solidarnosti, nasuprot individualističkom modelu); zatim, na mezo nivou rad sa zajednicama čiji se članovi dugi niz godina nalaze u siromaštvu kako bi došlo do promene svesti o vrednostima, stavovima i načinima na koje mogu da se uključe u društvo; i na mikro planu, rad sa pojedincima koji podrazumeva osnaživanje ljudi da stupe u različite oblike organizovanja unutar zajednice i da pohađaju programe obuka, prekvalifikacija ili dokvalifikacija koji su prethodno uspostavljeni na makro i mezo nivou.
... Esquiver une pareille question est peut-être compréhensible de la part de Judith Butler qui peut s'estimer peu compétente sur un savoir relevant de la biologie, mais l'est moins quand il s'agit d'une biologiste comme Anne Fausto-Sterling. 15 L'idée qui prédomine chez cette dernière, et que Butler reprend à son compte, est toute autre. Elle consiste à affirmer que les discours scientifiques sur le sexe « servent d'autres intérêts » que ceux de la pure connaissance. ...
... Elle trouve ses fondements théoriques dans la phénoménologie14 . En 1966, Berger et Luckmann publient un livre qui connaîtra immédiatement un succès considérable : The social construction of reality15 . Comme le remarquent Hubert Knoblauch et René Wilke, ce « livre fut à l'origine du paradigme de la construction sociale » 16 . ...
... Upaya integrasi aktor-struktur (sosial) dan penjembatanan ekstrim mikro-makro di atas terus bermunculan untuk mencari titik temu agar peran sosial semakin menempatkan posisi yang proporsional. Norbert Elias memperkenalkan konsep figurasi (Cerulo & Scribano, 2021;Liston, 2017); Hans Gerth dan C. Wright Mills ikut membahas relasi psikologi sosial melalui buku Character and Social Structure (Braun, 2015); sosiolog Antony Gidden secara fundamental dan komprehensif berkontribusi dalam topik ini melalui teori strukturasi (Canary & Tarin, 2017;McGarry, 2016;Giddens, 1984); Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckmann mencetuskan konstruksionisme sosial untuk memperkuat fenomenologi sosial (Vera, 2016;Berger & Luckmann, 1966); dan Bourdieu mendesain konsep habitus yang mampu meleburkan ketegangan antara aktor dan struktur sosial (Wacquant, 2016;Edgerton & Roberts, 2014;Bourdieu, 1996;Bourdieu, 1977). Pada esensinya, dua kutub di atas ingin melihat tentang bagaimana tatanan dan struktur sosial terkonstruksi menjadi pengetahuan yang dapat diterima di tengah masyarakat. ...
... Jika ditarik ke istilah paling umum dalam studi ilmu-ilmu sosial, proses demikian terbingkai secara konseptualoperasional dalam terma interaksi sosial yang general. Beberapa literatur yang dapat dirujuk di sini, misalkan, dari Simmel melalui sosiasi (Kaern et al., 1990), Weber dengan teori tindakan sosial yang secara spesifik memperkenalkan subjective meaning (Longhofer & Winchester, 2016;Goddard, 1973), fenomenologi dunia sosial Schutz (Pula, 2021;Schutz, 1967), sosiologi pengetahuan (Berger & Luckmann, 1966;Mannheim, 1954), hingga perkembangan terbaru tentang cultural sociology yang dimotori oleh Jeffrey C. Alexander (Larsen, 2014;Alexander, 2003). ...
ABSTRAK Artikel ini mendiskusikan proses adaptasi pemuda dalam tatanan sosial baru yang diproduksi oleh pandemi, seperti protokol Covid-19 hingga konsekuensi-konsekuensi sosio-kultural lainnya. Interpretasi pemuda terhadap aturan pandemi, memaksimalkan peran dan status sosial mereka di tengah masyarakat melalui proses sosial yang menyejarah dapat memunculkan diskursus penting dalam konteks akselerasi terhadap budaya-budaya baru pandemi. Generasi muda yang identik dengan digital native di satu sisi, dan penggerak perubahan di sisi lain mempunyai cara sendiri dalam beradaptasi dan merespons budaya-budaya baru di tengah pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggali data primer melalui wawancara terhadap mahasiswa-mahasiswa di Yogyakarta. Data primer ini kemudian diperkuat dengan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan media massa. Artikel ini menemukan tiga hal penting. Pertama, kesadaran menjaga kesehatan diri dan keluarga yang kemudian bermuara pada spirit kolektif, yaitu sehat bersama masyarakat. Kedua, akselerasi dan adaptasi terhadap dunia digital yang memberi ruang kepada pemuda untuk berkiprah di ranah sosial. Pandemi mempercepat dunia digital dan sekaligus memaksa masyarakat untuk dapat menggunakannya. Ketiga, ketegangan budaya terjadi karena proses adaptasi yang konstan terhadap aturan-aturan pandemi. Tiga penemuan ini dibingkai dalam proses sosial yang menjadi fokus utama untuk melihat peran aktor sekaligus struktur sosial di sekitarnya. ABSTRACT This article discusses youth adaptation to the pandemic social orders introduced by the Covid-19 protocol and other socio-cultural consequences. While maximizing social role and social status in society through durable processes, youth interpretation of the pandemic rules have created important discourses in the context of shaping new pandemic cultures. Having acknowledged as digital natives on the one hand, and agents of change, on the other hand, youths have their own way of adapting and challenging the new cultures of a pandemic. By using a qualitative approach, primary data were collected through interviews with undergraduate students in Yogyakarta and then supported by secondary data collected through observations, documents, and news. This article has found three important points. The first is an awareness of maintaining oneself health and family which then leads to a collective spirit, that is to build a healthy community. The second is an accelerative way to the digital world giving youth a flash opportunity to take part in the social sphere. The pandemic has been accelerating the digital platforms and at the same time has forced youths to be able to use them. The third is cultural tensions inevitably arising due to the constant process of adaptation to the pandemic rules. These three findings are staged in a social process to see the role of actors and the social structures in particular. PENDAHULUAN Setelah dua tahun lebih pandemi Covid-19 menghantam kehidupan global, tatanan sosial dan budaya baru pun tidak terelakkan telah mewarnai kehidupan sosial masyarakat dengan proses sosial dan budaya yang terjadi secara simultan dan kompleks (Pietrocola et al., 2020). Sadar atau tidak, pandemi telah memaksa masyarakat global beradaptasi dengan tatanan sosial baru secara cepat dan masif. Adaptasi sosial yang super-cepat tersebut harus didukung oleh proses pemaknaan perubahan sosial yang distingtif (Morgan, 2020), bahkan dengan pendekatan radikal (Davies,
... In addition, this study also uses the theory of social construction and symbolic interaction as a theoretical foundation. Social construction theory views reality as a product of social interaction and negotiation (Altheide, 2013;Berger & Luckmann, 1966;Neuman, 2002;Ritzer & Smart, 2001) , While symbolic interaction (Fisher, 1986;Littlejohn & Foss, 2009;Littlejohn et al., 2017;Mead, 1972;West & Turner, 2020) emphasizes the importance of meaning created through inter-individual interactions (Blumer, 1986). In the context of journalistic professionalism, these two theories can help understand how journalists actively interpret and construct their professionalism in interaction with the media's ever-changing social and cultural environment. ...
As an information gateway for the public, journalists now face the demand for speed in conveying information. Information and communication technology advances have changed how people access and consume news. Today's audience needs information that is fast and accessible anytime through various digital platforms. Through a phenomenological approach, this research aims to understand what journalists mean and how they experience professionalism in the digital era. Using qualitative research methods, data were collected through in-depth interviews with informants from ten mainstream online media in Jakarta, Indonesia. Interviews are conducted face-to-face and virtually. The collected data was analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) phenomenological method. The study results show that journalists' professionalism in the digital era is no longer only interpreted traditionally, but journalistic values remain an essential foundation. The professionalism of journalists now demands adaptation and self-adjustment to the ever-changing digital landscape. The development of the digital landscape has led to a significant transformation in the profession of journalism. Journalists' professional identities, journalistic practices, and adaptation strategies have changed and restructured to adapt to the demands of the rapidly evolving digital environment. The findings of this study are expected to provide insight into the dynamics of journalism professionalism in the digital era. They can be a reference for developing more adaptive journalism policies and practices to change.
... This research is studied using social construction theory from Peter L Berger and Thomas Luckman with three inseparable dialectic dimensions, namely externalization, objectivation and internalization [7]. This theory looks at the dialectical process in the implementation of character education for students in Purwakarta based on local wisdom with seven educational themes known as the 7 special Poe atika. ...
... This research uses the paradigm of constructivism with the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman which is explained in three simultaneous moments, namely externalization, objectivation, and internalization (Berger, 2018). This research method is qualitative research by deciphering more data with a descriptive approach, namely describing findings in the form of words and types of case studies intended to examine the specific case of Robert K. Yin (Anggraini & Sutopo, 2021). ...
Since the settlement of the Transmigration community in 1983-2023, there has never been conflict and disintegration, as is the case in other multicultural societies that tend to conflict. This study aims to find out why the Multicultural Community in West Muna Regency is integrated and what values of social integration have been built. Methodologically, the data for this study were obtained using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies, all of which are descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study show that the multicultural community in West Muna Regency is integrated because human nature wants peace where every individual wants peace and comfort of life, which is externalized in the form of behavior in daily life both in family, neighbors and community; as social beings in mutual need between nations of different tribes and different religions; religious reasons in which each community of a different religion obeys religious orders and tolerance with people of different religions; and cultural reasons that are the ancestral teachings of each tribe that each tribe adheres to are different. There is a binding value that represents the interests of all religions and tribes, namely the value of peace. The value of social integration in a multicultural society is the value of peace consisting of social cohesion, namely the unification of religious, cultural, and occupational equality, and social adhesion, namely unification based on differences in religion, culture, and work.
... Internalisasi, dalam hal ini dunia sosial yang sudah terobyektivasi kembali dalam kesadaran manusia ketika berlangsungnya sosialisasi(Berger and Luckman 1966).dalam Tradisi Tegal Ndeso, kemudian diikuti seseorang yang lain atau bahkan beberapa orang turut serta dalam kegiatan tersebut akibat menemukan suatu kesamaan rasa atau pendapat, maka seseorang ini sudah terobyektivasi.Ketika beberapa orang tersebut melaksanakan kegiatan secara berulang hingga menjadi rutinitas, maka hal ini disebut dengan proses Obyektivasi. ...
Abstrak - Kajian ini dimaksudkan untuk menelisik lebih jauh tradisi pembacaan Tahlil dalam aktivitas Sandingan di Dusun karangrejo, Kecamatan Gempol. Pertanyaan utama yang ingin dijawab adalah bagaimana proses adaptasi, habitualisasi dan bagaimana pembacaan Tahlil dalam aktivitas Pagelaran Wayang dapat menyatu dalam jiwa masyarakat Dusun Karangrejo?. Kajian ini merupakan kajian lapangan yang diolah dengan pendekatan sosiologi, menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Lukmann. Seluruh data dalam kajian ini diperoleh melalui proses observasi dan wawancara. Dalam hal ini, data yang diperoleh dari warga Dusun Karangrejo menjadi data primer, sedangkan data yang lain termasuk data sekunder. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa pembacaan Tahlil pada aktivitas Pagelaran Wayang merupakan tradisi turun temurun. Seluruh rangkaian acaranya mengandung nilai-nilai filosofis. Terdapat beberapa hal telah dipengaruhi faktor luar yakni Tokoh Agama dan lain-lain. Apabila hal ini dirunut lebih jauh berdasarkan data sejarah, maka ditemukan dalam tradisi pada masa Nabi. Tradisi Tegal Ndeso ini terbentuk karena timbulnya kesamaan rasa dan kesamaan pendapat antar individu hingga menjadi sesuatu yang tidak terpisahkan atau terpatri dalam jiwa masing-masing individu. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa al-Qur’an tidak hanya memiliki fungsi informatif, namun al-Quran juga memiliki fungsi performatif. Maka, pada praktiknya al-Quran tidak hanya ditafsirkan namun juga hidup dalam ruang sosial-budaya masyarakat.
... The key terms in this dispute are 'reality' and 'knowledge', terms which are not only current in everyday conversation, but also have a long history of philosophical inquiry. Here there is no need to discuss the subtleties of the semantics of everyday use or philosophical use of terms because it is sufficient as an objective to define 'reality' as a quality in accordance with recognized phenomena [5]. This means that the concept of reality construction is determined by knowledge that is apply in society and institutions that legitimize this knowledge. ...
This study aims to track the rate of Zoya Herawati's authorship in accumulating her capital in order to gain legitimacy as an influential author. Her works Prosesi (1999), Derak-Derak (2005), short story Warisan (2005) and novel Jamaloke (2018) repeatedly showing unpopular polemics. Narratives about identity, militarism, minorities and also state discourse are dominant in the construction of the story assuming there is a certain goal of authorship in the literary arena. The text-based qualitative research method with the conceptual tools of Berger's construction and the Bourdieu agency is able to explain Zoya Herawati's capital in the national literary arena contestation. With strong cultural capital as an English teacher, Zoya accumulated other capital, social capital, such as literary and intellectual communities to strengthen her position. The results of this study are the limitations of Zoya's ability to be able to have popular and bourgeois legitimacy because the consecration of her work and authorship have never been offended by a specific literary community. As the legitimacy of a specific community, it is important because this recognition provides an opportunity for the canonization of works to become possible.
... As noted above, dignity-based relations are based on rules. Reddish (Reddish, 2018), Goffman (Goffman, 1955(Goffman, , 1956(Goffman, , 1979(Goffman, , 2013 Berger and Luckmann (Berger & Luckmann, 1966), Adorno (Adorno, 1973), and Lyotard (Lyotard, 1988) use different terms to illustrate that every social interaction and every process of sense-making must be preceded by a determination of rules of conduct and rules of meaning. In addition, every act of learning includes imitation and repetitions. ...
... From the perspective of research, conceptual diversity and the lack of a unifying framework can slow down and hinder scientific progress, for instance, by propelling fruitless competitions among different strands of scholarly thinking, hampering the evolution of a solid research agenda, and hindering the establishment of the legitimacy of a Electronic copy available at: research field (Berger & Luckmann, 1966;Dacin et al., 2010;Palmer & Dunford, 2008;Pfeffer, 1993;Short et al., 2009). Furthermore, conceptual clarity serves as a foundational building block for developing and advancing theory (Bacharach, 1989;Klein & Zedeck, 2004), whereas a lack thereof may result in wrongful theoretical developments and adjustments (Podsakoff et al., 2016). ...
Materiality is a key principle of corporate reporting. However, with developments toward more sustainability-related disclosure standards and regulations, fundamentally different definitions of and approaches to materiality have emerged among central standard-setting institutions and researchers. The current state of conceptual pluralism gives rise to the critical question of whether a unified understanding of materiality is possible. To address this question, we systematically review and examine the conceptualizations of materiality in sustainability disclosure research and practice, utilizing the analytical framework of essentially contested concepts. Our analysis reveals that the prevailing lack of consensus surrounding materiality is grounded in the concept’s essential contestation and not in conceptual confusion. We thus provide strong support for the assertion that conceptual plurality can be projected as materiality’s most probable future. Based on these findings, we elucidate two overarching—although not mutually exclusive—research directions. Specifically, we call for future research that explicitly embraces the concept’s plural character by investigating the similarities and differences between materiality conceptions in sustainability disclosures. Furthermore, we call for more interdisciplinary research on the concept of materiality to support evidence-based policymaking and the promotion of sustainable development. For both research avenues, we offer exemplary research questions following the established distinctions between the measurement, output, outcome, and frame conditions in the context of (sustainability) disclosure research.
... Apa yang ada "di luar sana" (objek) dianggap independen dari yang mengetahui (subjek), dan pengetahuan dicapai ketika subjek merefleksikan secara benar dan "menemukan" realitas objektif" (Chua, 1986) Anggapan ini meniadakan fakta tentang manusia aktif yang secara sosial mampu mengonstruksi realitas kehidupannya (lihat (Berger & Luckman, 1966) (Blumer, 1969) (Morgan, 1988); (Hines, 1989) Realitas (yang sebenarnya diciptakan secara aktif oleh manusia)"diukur", "dianalisis", "dideskripsikan" secara objektif sebagaimana layaknya benda mati. Konsekuensinya adalah adanya jarak antara objek dan subjek. ...
Pada dasarnya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meletakkan peran subjek (akuntan) sebagai posisi penting yang menanamkan bibit cinta dalam diri akuntansi. Salah satu caranya adalah menghadirkan cinta kedalam diri akuntansi. Hal ini dilakukan karena semula kapitalisme berupaya membebaskan manusia dari keterbelengguan untuk menjadi manusia sejati, tetapi dalam kenyataannya justru manusia terperangkap dalam belenggu yang lain, yaitu rasionalitas instrumental ilmu pengetahuan. Manusia tergolek tidak berdaya karena rasionalitasnya sendiri dan bahkan diperbudak oleh karya rasionalitasnya yaitu ilmu pengetahuan dan kapitalisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan rasionalis religius sebagai metode yang menghendaki penghayatan “spiritualitas” yang mengarahkan pada spiritualitas Islam. Dalam penghayatan spiritualitas Islam, kini akuntansi dapat terbebas dari bentuk logosentrisme yang sifatnya egoistik. Dengan demikian cinta kasih akuntansi dalam jaringan realitas profetik-ilahiyat menjadikan akuntansi memiliki citra yang lebih humanis “religious” sehingga kalau aplikasikan akan melahirkan hakikat ontology tauhid.
... Les interactions à l'école se sont arrêtées, les cours ont changé de mode, les enseignants et les élèves ont dû s'adapter à ces changements sans avertissement préalable (Lozano et Paparisteidi, 2021). D'un point de vue sociologique, la structure de la vie quotidienne a été bouleversée (Berger et Luckmann, 1966), en particulier l'espace d'échange symbolique qui permet la création d'une culture scolaire (Pérez Gómez, 1998). Le recours à l'enseignement hybride et au elearning est devenu, sinon la norme, du moins une question systématique. ...
Cette étude a pour cadre l’école EPITECH, un établissement d’enseignement supérieur en informatique, fonctionnant en pédagogie active. Comme les autres établissements scolaires, cette école a dû faire face à la nécessité de recourir massivement à l’hybridation numérique avec un temps d’adaptation relativement court. La question posée est de savoir si, au-delà des aspects disciplinaires et du public concerné, la dimension constructiviste de la pédagogie a effectivement favorisé cette transition. Dans ce papier nous proposons une cartographie des méthodes déployées et de l’expérience étudiante dans le cadre de l’hybridation, en nous basant sur les observations réalisées sur le terrain et les témoignages des étudiants et des pédagogues. Notre conclusion est que les méthodes de pédagogie active, une fois intégrées, sont un outil favorisant le passage à l’hybridation numérique. Nous pensons que cette étude contribue à étayer à la fois l’existence de l’effet établissement, et l’intérêt spécifique de la pédagogie active à des fins de transition numérique et hybride.
The performance of interdependent international companies is required to be consistently high, leading to an increase in sectoral competition. Furthermore, they are endeavoring to establish an institutional structure in order to enhance their professional and distinctive commercial procedures while also maintaining their competitive advantages. This study aims to investigate the influence of institutionalization, which holds significant organizational and operational importance, on logistics performance, a key factor in gaining a competitive edge. Specifically, it investigates the moderating role of autonomy and the mediating role of logistics agility in this relationship, providing empirical insights through a model grounded in the Dynamic Capabilities View. By addressing the gap in literature where institutionalization and logistics performance have not been studied together, this research highlights how autonomy and agility can transform the effects of institutionalization on performance outcomes. The data collected through the questionnaire were empirically tested using path analysis in structural equation modeling. Data were collected from 390 employees by visiting 108 companies in Western Mediterranean region of Türkiye. The study concludes that formalization and cultural strength positively affect logistics performance, logistics agility positively partially mediates these interactions, and autonomy has a moderating effect on the effect of cultural strength on logistics performance. The findings provide a nuanced understanding of how formalization and cultural strength can synergistically enhance logistics performance, thereby offering actionable insights for practitioners. This study also emphasizes the critical importance of fostering a supportive culture that empowers employees through autonomy, which is essential for optimizing logistics operations in dynamic environments. It is expected that the results of the research will serve as a guide for organizations seeking to improve their logistics performance through institutionalization and will contribute to future studies by filling the gap in the literature.
This research, examined abortion in Okpokwu, a Local Government Area in Benue State, Nigeria and its socio-religious and moral implications. It considered the reasons why young adults opt for abortion when unwanted pregnancy occurs among them in the community, despite the prevailing religious and moral givens. Procuring abortions comes with dire consequences, including stigma and the loss of human lives of both the fetus and the mother. Researchers have established that individuals' religious, social and moral position influence one's attitude and general outlook on live issues including abortion. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the work asserted that, abortion is not just a medical issue; it also has ethical, religious and social dimensions. This work found out that various contextual and structural factors could shape the abortion decision by women who conceived before marriage. This includes the influence of globalization and social media. The study further identified that socio-religious and structural constraints made no much impact in discouraging abortion; rather, people continue to procure abortion due to wrong advise, shame, fear, peer pressure and the availability of abortion drugs in patent medicine shops. The work advised that religious, political and traditional leaders in Okpokwu, should rise to the occasion to nipping in the bud, this menace of abortion, which has claimed myriads of young and adolescent lives in the community.
The paper aims to explore the consensual and dissident social representations of “anti-national” that has re-entered the media lexicon in India post an alleged “anti-national” student protest in Jawaharlal Nehru University in the capital city of Delhi, India on February 9, 2016. The Social Representation Theory (SRT) is used to analyze the selected media reports of six daily newspapers, three each in English and Hindi language for a period of one year subsequent to the event. Results of thematic anchoring and anchoring by antinomy, a methodology used by Birgitta Höijer, are reported. The results reveal how the intergroup tensions and ideological differences in the polity constitute the conflicting social thinking on the referent. The paper has global implication for opening the possibilities of negotiation and transformation of social meanings related to nationalism and anti-nationalism.
The article investigates institutional narratives as pivotal elements shaping and transforming socio-economic systems. These narratives are viewed as mechanisms that structure institutional norms, shape collective representations and expectations, and influence the behavior of economic agents and decision-making processes. The study focuses on socio-economic systems characterized by interconnections between institutional, cultural, and social components and their adaptability to external challenges. Special attention is given to the life cycle of institutional narratives—emergence, dissemination, saturation, and decline—and the factors influencing their effectiveness in different institutional environments. Narratives are analyzed for their role in ensuring stability, fostering adaptability, and driving transformations within socio-economic systems. The research provides a foundation for improving managerial procedures and strategic planning at various levels of economic aggregation, considering global economic shifts. Methodologically, the study employs an interdisciplinary approach that integrates sociological and economic analyses. Using a sociological perspective, the structure and dynamics of narratives are examined in socio-economic contexts. The analytical tool employed is a modified SIRV model, tailored to capture narrative formation and evolution processes. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of methodological principles for incorporating narrative factors into the modeling of complex systems. The findings are relevant for managing economic reforms, enhancing institutional resilience, and conducting strategic planning. Key outcomes include a classification of institutional narratives, insights into their impact on socio-economic stability and transformation, and a framework for integrating narratives into analytical models. The practical significance of the narrative approach is demonstrated in its potential to improve institutional adaptability and foster innovative management strategies in unstable environments. The results also expand tools for analyzing the interplay between institutional and narrative factors, creating opportunities to study socio-economic dynamics in greater detail and across multiple levels.
This article aims to uncover the realities of the social construction of gender surrounding the profession of nail stylist in Pontianak City. It explores the stereotypes and stigmas associated with individuals working in the nail care industry, particularly for men in their field of profession. This research refers to the social construction of gender theory proposed by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, using an anthropological lens to examine gender and sexuality, with a focus on the characteristics and stigmas associated with being a nail technician. This research adopts a qualitative approach, employing a case study method in Pontianak City, supported by unstructured interviews, secondary data, and available research documents from the internet. The findings of this research challenge the social construction that declares nail care as suitable only for women and that only effeminate men are suitable for this profession, contrasting with the reality found through the accounts of the informants.
Drawing upon case study research investigating the Irish Health Service Executive’s (HSE) response to a fake news attack on their human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign, we argue that responses to fake news should be analyzed from a legitimacy perspective. A model for emotional legitimacy management is proposed in which the HSE and a third-party collaborate to (a) connect with the emotional aspects of the issue; (b) leverage emotions to build vicarious legitimacy; (c) transfer the third-party’s legitimacy to the HSE; and (d) emotionally activate the public. This study contributes to fake news and legitimacy management by moving beyond fact-checking and debunking strategies. We suggest a framework centered on legitimacy in which emotions are used to counteract fake news. Finally, we emphasize the importance of third-party vicarious legitimacy building and the transfer of this legitimacy to the organization.
Today there is a profound crisis and problem of representation and meaning while dealing with the historical past, historical consciousness, historical epistemology, narrativity and historical methodology in contemporary historical writings.
„Construcția socială a administrației publice” este o carte despre natura şi scopul
administraţiei publice. Înserează un corp de cunoştinţe dezvoltate mai degrabă în cadrul ştiinţelor sociale, decât în cadrul dreptului administrativ. Categoriile specifice domeniului - birocraţie, interes public, autonomie şi descentralizare ca instituţii
utopice de asigurare a bunăstării, putere discreţionară şi efectele acesteia etc sunt prezentate cu o detaşare considerabilă de abordări juridice şi manageriale, punând în valoare factorii sociali, relaţiile de putere, procese şi logici de acţiune administrativă.
The main aim of this paper is the elaboration of an analytical tool for comparative studies. For this purpose, I used a combination of Discursive News Values Analysis (DNVA) and Corpus Linguistics (CL) to analyse a corpus of British Broadsheets’ news coverage of the Brexit campaign. The four major British broadsheets which were analysed were The Guardian, The Independent, The Times, and The Daily Telegraph. A specific procedure was designed following previous studies on the topic and considering the challenges and opportunities that such a mixed-method approach (DNVA and CL) can face in exploring journalistic discursive practices and mapping the cultural and ideological discourses around certain topics. Some initial results of the case study are presented to show how the suggested procedure works in practice. From the present study’s findings, the procedure seems to work in a reliable manner, although some challenges should be considered and addressed in future studies.
The authors analyzed the protest events of August–September 2020 and January–April 2021 in the Republic of Belarus. The content and technological aspects of information flows, the features of the digital infrastructure of the protest, the characteristics of the key moderator of mass protest actions – “Nexta” Telegram channel – were determined using modern methods and tools of social media analysis. This paper concludes that an attempt to restart the mass protest movement by using the strategies and technologies tested in 2020 was unsuccessful. The reason for this is the decline in the quality of administration of information flows, the lack of results from the activities of the opposition movement, and the fatigue of the Belarusian society from the protest agenda. Nevertheless, in the context of the deteriorating social and economic situation in Russia, the risks of repeating the Belarusian scenario of mass protests using a wide range of digital services remain. This fact actualizes the assimilation of experience in the information space and the development of methods to counteract protest activity in social media.
I present the contours of an explanatory model of legitimacy that directs the focus away from normative questions and onto specific mechanisms of reality construction at play in constituting social orders. The key assumption informing the model is that stable orders rely fundamentally on their capacities to construct separate spheres of social reality, by which they exempt critical parts of reality from the burden of legitimation. I argue that an order's legitimacy ultimately depends on its ability to confine the question of legitimacy by relegating authorship of reality to opaque sources that are separated epistemically from the institutional order. The effective reification of critical zones of reality is shown to be a functional precondition for institutional stability. I show that capitalist democracy, in particular, depends on this mode of constructing ‘passive legitimacy’, which constitutes a key obstacle for any attempt to transform it towards an ecologically and socially sustainable formation.
This service aims to build community resilience in disaster-prone areas in West Palbapang Village, Bantul District, and Bantul Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, through a number of activities to explore a number of local wisdoms owned by the Muhammadiyah Association in the development of disaster-resilient villages. The head of the Muhammadiyah Branch (PRM), Kadirojo, was chosen as the location of service to continue the disaster service program systematically. In the previous year, an assessment was carried out related to the readiness of PRM Kadirojo's human resources as an actor in the formation of disaster-resilient villages at the Palbapang Village level. It will continue to be possible to identify a variety of local wisdoms that PRM Kadirojo owns in this service, both in the superstructure dimension (ideas) and infrastructures like infrastructure facilities that support the creation of disaster-resilient villages. The community service method uses a constructivist approach from Peter L. Berger through three main activities: objectification in the form of preparing an illustrated guidebook on disaster-resilient village development governance; externalization in the form of a series of focus group discussions; and internalization in the form of training for trainers for Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Branch Leaders. All three activities are carried out collectively and interactively. The results of the community service showed that the participants were able to identify a number of disaster local wisdoms, such as Kokoh Bakoh, to be applied in the management of life in disaster-resilient villages.
The Internet of Multisensory, Multimedia and Musical Things (Io3MT) is a new concept that arises from the confluence of several areas of computer science, arts, and humanities, with the objective of grouping in a single place devices and data that explore the five human senses, besides multimedia aspects and music content. In the context of this brave new idea paper, we advance the proposition of a theoretical alignment between the emerging domain in question and the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The main goal of this endeavor is to tentatively delineate the inceptive trends and conceivable consequences stemming from the fusion of these domains within the sphere of artistic presentations. Our comprehensive analysis spans a spectrum of dimensions, encompassing the automated generation of multimedia content, the real-time extraction of sensory effects, and post-performance analytical strategies. In this manner, artists are equipped with quantitative metrics that can be employed to enhance future artistic performances. We assert that this cooperative amalgamation has the potential to serve as a conduit for optimizing the creative capabilities of stakeholders.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a growing public health issue in many low and middle-income countries (LMICs), making up about 90% of the global burden of GDM. Additionally, LMICs’ healthcare systems are already overwhelmed by the prevalence of communicable diseases. It is crucial to understand the patterns of GDM in sub-Saharan African countries. Early detection, lifestyle and medication interventions, regular prenatal visits and effective postpartum management can help avert the future development of type 2 diabetes. GDM services present opportunities for preventive and treatment strategies for women with GDM. However, various factors contribute to challenges and obstacles in accessing GDM services, particularly suboptimal postpartum screening and follow-up. This study aims to investigate the societal and healthcare factors that facilitate or hinder access to and use of GDM services, as well as the factors that promote or obstruct the management and treatment of GDM, in Kenya, using a postcolonial theoretical approach.
Methods and analysis
The proposed study design is a multimethod case study of Kenyan GDM services. Data analysis is descriptive and thematic using SPSS software and qualitative content analysis. Data will be drawn from document reviews from the National Health Services (NHS), conversations with experts, on-site observations, semistructured questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The study subjects are purposively sampled healthcare providers (n=15) working in clinics and hospitals offering diabetes services, purposively sampled women who have been diagnosed with GDM identified from health records (n=15) and NHS experts (n=2). The study will take place in maternal healthcare services sites in national referral hospitals and/or private hospitals (two urban and two semiurban hospitals) in Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya.
Ethics and dissemination
The study has obtained ethical approval from the ethical committees of three institutions: Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (EK2021-03) in Germany and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital (ISERC/1B/VOL.II/558/21) and Maseno University (MSU/DRPI/MUERC/00969/21) in Kenya. A research permit has been granted by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation in Kenya. Participation in the study requires a signed informed consent form. The study findings will be shared with the scientific community and the study sites through scientific journals, academic presentations and public health and diabetes-related posters.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the way in which a “parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder” is socially constructed as a “subject who intervenes” through therapeutic education, based on surveys of parents and their children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at the age of three. Intervention is a device that channels the way of life of “children with disabilities and their parents” under the concept of “early detection and early intervention.”
First, the child's daily routine from the ages of 4 to 9 is analyzed through reports on home life. The function of therapeutic education in the socialization of the parent as a “parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder” is then examined. As a result, it becomes apparent that the comments of the therapist in daily reports on home life served as socialization. At the beginning of the intervention, the relationship between the therapist and the parent was strongly influenced by awareness and acceptance. In this context, the comments from the therapists can be seen as positioning the parent as an “object of intervention,” while at the same time socializing him or her into the “subject of intervention” in the home. However, afterwards, the parent is equipped with the characteristics of a “para-professional.” A “para-professional” is a parent who speaks of disability in technical terms, while grasping and valuing the world around him or her in the same framework of understanding as a professional.
Following this, the role of the parent who expects intervention is explored through interviews with the grown child. It was found that the child whose disability was attributed to “inability” in early childhood was then viewed as a “problem-free student” later in primary and secondary school. However, parents tend to maintain the perception that their child has a “disability.” On the one hand, the child doubts that he or she has a disability and claims that intervention is distressing. This is an indication of the possibility of escaping the parental framework of understanding. On the other hand, as parents reinforce the therapeutic orientation at home, the child's self-understanding is made secure through the parentsʼ interpretation.
Based on the above, the concept of the “small therapist” will be presented to refer to the parentʼs role as the “subject of intervention” when supervising the child to overcome his or her disabilities, and to ensure that intervention is carried out thoroughly at home.
The commentary encourages supplementing the geological and natural concept of the Anthropocene with a cultural and political aspect. These two perspectives are not mutually exclusive but are complementary. This approach can facilitate its transition from the language of academic debate to practical and necessary actions at the societal level. According to the authors, the slightly abstract and impersonal Anthropocene should be shown in the context of cultural, economic and political dependencies and choices that created it and continue to reproduce its logic. This turn also opens up a new area for analysing the Anthropocene from the perspective of a critique of political economy (an analysis of the costs of economic policies that reproduce and accelerate successive stages of the ecological catastrophe) as well as of civic culture (research ‘anthropocentric awareness’ or ‘anthropocentric citizenship’ in entire societies). Thus, the authors suggest rejecting the fatalistic determinism of the Anthropocene as a process that, although originally caused by humans, is now often treated as a phenomenon beyond the reach of social action
Age-old societal beliefs are being challenged and constantly changing with urbanization, industrialization, and modernization, which have blurred the typical family gender roles and structure. The studies conducted 2 to 3 decades back showed that family instability can negatively affect children’s development. The absence or loss of one parent and conflicts between separated and divorced parents affect not only the child’s mental health but also the child’s physical health, overall growth, and future relationships. Single parents are often overburdened with the responsibilities of 2 parents, face social stigma, and lack social support, as a result they have difficulty spending time with their children. Hence children of single parents have poor academic performance, decreased social interactions, emotional and behavioral problems. Newer research has focused on the positive outcomes and protective factors that can steer the child towards better outcome. We need to focus on such protective and resilience-building factors to help the child adjust in the short and long run.
The article attempts to understand the concept of peace through the prism of social realities. The central argument deconstructs violence and peace as a variable of social distance. Consequently, social interactions become the mechanism of inequalities to underscore how asymmetries of power restructure the social distance. However, interactions are not always actualization of the pre-existing vertical social structures (shaped by power) but how agentic dispositions can counter the course of these interactions and the resultant social distance. The recalibration or maintenance of this distance through the agency is then understood in light of peace or violence framework. The course of analysis builds upon “structural violence” and “Convivencia” as a measure of social distance in relationships. Highlighting the Foucauldian notion of “governmentality”, the article concludes social distance enabled “informal” pedagogy as a more intrusive and more insidious form of pedagogy than the disciplinary one because it attends to the affective aspects of learning. The analysis is based upon ethnographic fieldwork conducted at an elite international residential school in India. As this builds an evaluative space of “peace thinking”, it provides for complexities of peace research.
This chapter examines how visible the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is in widely read newspapers in Denmark, Italy, and the United Kingdom, and how those newspapers use PIAAC data. Analysing 83 articles, editorials and opinion pieces, using a common protocol, it shows that press reporting of PIAAC tends to confirm general standards for adult learning. PIAAC data and PIAAC’s ‘implicit’ benchmarking of Level 3 in adults’ performances support European standard setting in adult learning. When national governments ask international organisations to do ‘objective’ evaluations, the latter’s power is enhanced. How PIAAC data is used by different newspapers varies not only between countries but also according to the role each newspaper plays within national debates.
How states develop the capacity to tax is a question of fundamental importance to political science, legal theory, economics, sociology, and history. Increasingly, scholars believe that China's relative economic decline in the 18th and 19th centuries was related to its weak fiscal institutions and limited revenue. This book argues that this fiscal weakness was fundamentally ideological in nature. Belief systems created through a confluence of traditional political ethics and the trauma of dynastic change imposed unusually deep and powerful constraints on fiscal policymaking and institutions throughout the final 250 years of China's imperial history. Through the Qing example, this book combs through several interaction dynamics between state institutions and ideologies. The latter shapes the former, but the former can also significantly reinforce the political durability of the latter. In addition to its historical analysis of ideological politics, this book makes a major contribution to the longstanding debate on Sino-European divergence.
У дослідженні акцентовано увагу на появу прикметної ознаки сьогодення, названої «симульованою реальністю», визначальною рисою якої є наявність «множинності реальностей», тобто незліченної кількості «реальностей», критерієм істинності яких є не достеменні знання, а довіра особи до тієї чи іншої інформації, котра і сприймається як реальність. Показано, що значною мірою ситуація «симульованої реальності» спричинена появою мас-медійного простору, який створив умови для стрімкого поширення інформації. Прояснено, що сприйнятливість особи до тих чи інших впливів, з-поміж іншого, уможливлюється через недостатність знань поза своїм фахом, використання промовцем тих тверджень, що можуть захопити людей (Ґюстав Лебон) та вплив на емоції людей через використання символів, минаючи увагою конкретику (Волтер Ліпман). Убезпечення від тих чи інших впливів забезпечується, зокрема, через високий рівень освіти й прагнення отримати нову інформацію (Дж. Брайант, С. Томпсон).
There is an on-going academic debate on why firms participate in sustainability initiatives. The two arguments often tossed around are either because it supports profit maximation or because it enhances organization legitimacy. Profit maximization and organization legitimacy are not mutually exclusive as past literature states that sustainability initiatives enable an organization to gain legitimacy which enhances reputation and could translate to higher financial returns. This paper explores if the sustainability reporting type impacts the relationship between sustainability performance and organization legitimacy. We study the impact of sustainability reporting on organization legitimacy through two effects. First is the compliance mechanism based on the normative perspective, where a firm complies with the values and norms prevailing in the industry. Second, we look at the disclosure mechanism where the firm can choose what to make public i.e., it chooses what to disclose to maintain stakeholder interest and legitimacy. We extensively study the sustainability disclosure and sustainability performance of 60 Indian firms listed on NSE and who have published sustainability reports for the year 2021. We study how these firms respond to the compliance and disclosure effects over a period of a year. We analyze the impact of sustainability reporting and performance on firm’s media legitimacy. Analyzing a sample of 60 Indian companies over 2021, we demonstrate that sustainability reporting positively influences the firm legitimacy. This is the compliance mechanism at work. We also find that in case of a comprehensive disclosure sustainability performance has a positive impact on firm legitimacy. However, in case of restricted disclosure, sustainability performance has no impact on firm legitimacy. This is the disclosure mechanism at work. Firms following a comprehensive disclosure provide stakeholders with a true picture while firms following a restricted disclosure leave their stakeholders confused and stakeholders are forced to look at other constructs like age, size, reputation to proxy performance. Companies with have high performance are better off following comprehensive reporting while firms with low sustainability performance are safer, giving restricted disclosures in the interim for a short period of time.
Parents are continuously confronted with new challenges in today’s fast-moving online environment. They are anxious about raising their children in times of uncertainty and rapid social change under the added pressure of feeling that parenting with media is something for which they are directly accountable for (Livingstone and Blum-Ross 2020). Parents need tools and guidelines for a more conscious and critical mediation of their children’s media use. This PhD proposes a media educational project that empowers parents to guide their children towards a critical attitude towards media and to show that media can be used towards a common good (Gordon and Mihailidis 2016). The objective is the development of a framework that teaches this understanding and knowledge to parents using the arts as a pedagogical tool.KeywordsDigital parentingMedia educationMedia literacyMedia socializationCivic media literaciesCritical media literacy
Politika inkluzivnog obrazovanja deo je šire politike stvaranja inkluzivnijeg, pravednijeg, humanijeg, tolerantnijeg i demokratičnijeg društva. S obzirom na to da deca kroz obrazovanje usvajaju brojne stavove koji će oblikovati njihov život u budućnosti veoma je važno adekvatno pristupiti procesu inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Budući da se poslednjih godina u pogledu implementacije ovog procesa vode brojne rasprave svrha ovog rada je da postavi jasne teorijske temelje, definiše pojam i otkloni nejasnoće u odnosu da slične termine, kako bi se mogla formulisati jasna obrazovna politika i preduzeti mere za njenu adekvatnu primenu.
U skladu sa tim u prvom delu rada pravi se distinkcija između medicinskog i socijalnog modela, a zatim se razmatraju teorijski pravci i principi na kojima se zasniva koncept inkluzije. U tom kontekstu analizirana su i međunarodna dokumenta koja čine osnovu za kreiranje nacionalnih inkluzivnih obrazovnih politika. Imajući u vidu da je svrha ovog koncepta da se kroz njegovu operacionalizaciju i implementaciju poboljša položaj marginalizovanih grupa, u poslednjem delu rada jasno su određene ključne odlike inkluzivnog obrazovanja, te je napravljena distinkcija u odnosu na pojam integracije. Analiza naučne literature, kao i međunarodnih dokumenata dovodi do zaključka da je obrazovna inkluzija jedan dinamičan proces koji ne podrazumeva samo uključivanje marginalizovanih društvenih grupa kroz pravnu regulativu u redovne škole, već permanentan rad na prilagođavanju okoline i društva potrebama tih grupa. Takođe, zaključuje se da je nemoguće kreirati potpuno inkluzivni sistem. Stoga je važnije stvoriti ekonomske, političke i društvene uslove koji će pružiti jednake mogućnosti i šanse za razvijanje maksimalnih potencijala svake individue. Ovaj rad treba da pruži doprinos ne samo naučnoj zajednici, već i nastavnicima i donosiocima odluka kako bi bolje razumeli koncept i trasirali put za sprovođenje pre svega obrazovnih, ali i svih drugih politika u društvu. Obrazovanje je temelj svake nacije, a put kojim deca prođu tokom školovanja odrediće njihovu budućnost.
The crucial role language plays in constituting our reality, and in achieving political influence and control, has long been known in scholarship. However, appreciation of the role of language in understanding our social realities and power relations has not been fully translated to education or even to research beyond linguistically focussed academic strands. Bringing together well-established scholars from a range of disciplines, this book demonstrates why language awareness and discourse consciousness should be considered a key skill in business and professional life, and looks closely at language in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, human resource management, medical, financial, or business communication, ecology, media, and politics. The authors demonstrate how the understanding of the minutiae of language use in a variety of professional contexts leads to knowledge that will empower future generations of professionals and enable them to develop a self-reflexive, critical, and more ethical practice.
Цель исследования заключается в изучении региональной идентичности как объекта социально-управленческой деятельности. По мнению авторов, формирование региональной идентичности способствует консолидации населения региона для решения проблем, существующих в субъектах Российской Федерации. Методологическая база исследования проблем региональной идентичности как объекта социально-управленческой деятельности базируется на теории социального конструирования реальности (П. Бергер и Т. Лукман), а также интеракционистской концепции управления (H. Тэджфел). Результаты исследования. Предложена социально-управленческая модель, опирающаяся на следующие принципы: 1) разработка уникальной стратегии управления региональной идентичностью; 2) ориентация на принципы децентрализации управления регионами; 3) организация управления региональной идентичностью посредством постановки актуальных задач; 4) предоставление возможности выбора и расстановки приоритетов в решении социальных проблем, связанных с региональной идентичностью, стоящих перед региональными сообществами. Перспективы исследования связаны с последующим изучением региональной идентичности в контексте социального управления и социологическим осмыслением факторов укрепления идентичности.
Video Klip merupakan salah satu bentuk audio dan visual yang terdiri dari gambar dan lirik. Pada umumnya, video klip ditampilkan untuk menggambarkan/menguatkan isi/ pesan dari sebuah cerita. Penelitian ini secara khusus ditujukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana realitas penderitaan digambarkan dalam video klip Betran Peto yang berjudul 'Deritaku". Peneliti menggunakan teori Konstruksi realitas sosial dalam media massa sebagai teori yang melandaskan penelitian ini. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma Konstruktivisme dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis isi dengan semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce sebagai teknik analisisnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa lagu “Deritaku” dapat dikonstruksikan dan mengetahui hubungan segitiga meaning. Peneliti menemukan hasil konstruksi penderitaan dalam video klip “Deritaku”, video klip ini menggambarkan sebagai anak yatim yang harus membesarkan adiknya dengan membiayai sekolah dan memberi makan adiknya.
We aimed to explore experiences of government-led actions on the social determinants of food insecurity during Australia's COVID-19 pandemic response (which included novel, yet temporary, social protection measures to support Australians facing hardship during state-wide lockdowns). During November-December 2020, we conducted in-depth interviews with 24 Victorians who received government income support (prior to COVID-19) and the temporary COVID-19 specific payments. Interviews were guided by a theoretical understanding of the social determinants of health and health inequities, which we aligned to the social policy context. Data were audio-recorded, transcribed, inductively coded, categorised and thematically analysed. Our sample included mostly women (n = 19) and single parents (n = 13). Interviews reflected four key themes. Firstly, participants described 'battles all around them' (i.e., competing financial, health and social stressors) that were not alleviated by temporary social policy changes and made healthy eating difficult to prioritise during the pandemic. Secondly, housing, income, job, and education priorities rendered food a lower and more flexible financial priority - even with 18 participants receiving temporary income increases from COVID-19 Supplements. Thirdly, given that food remained a lower and more flexible financial priority, families continued to purchase the cheapest and most affordable options (typically less healthful, more markedly price discounted). Finally, participants perceived the dominant public and policy rhetoric around income support policies and healthy eating to be inaccurate and shaming - often misrepresenting their lived experiences, both prior to and during COVID-19. Participants reported entrenched struggles with being able to afford basic living costs in a dignified manner during COVID-19, despite temporary social protection policy changes. To reduce inequities in population diets, a pre-requisite to health, all stakeholders must recognise an ongoing responsibility for adopting long-term food and social policies that genuinely improve lived experiences of food insecurity and poverty.
Supplementary information:
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12571-022-01318-4.
The crucial role language plays in constituting our reality, and in achieving political influence and control, has long been known in scholarship. However, appreciation of the role of language in understanding our social realities and power relations has not been fully translated to education or even to research beyond linguistically focussed academic strands. Bringing together well-established scholars from a range of disciplines, this book demonstrates why language awareness and discourse consciousness should be considered a key skill in business and professional life, and looks closely at language in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, human resource management, medical, financial, or business communication, ecology, media, and politics. The authors demonstrate how the understanding of the minutiae of language use in a variety of professional contexts leads to knowledge that will empower future generations of professionals and enable them to develop a self-reflexive, critical, and more ethical practice.
Accounting is a set of practices that are influenced by the world and social realities. Therefore, the values of people's beliefs are needed in its application. The problem in this study is how accounting practices are based on the Ahlussunnah Wal-Jama'ah (Aswaja) values. This study aims to construct accounting practices derived from the values of Ahlussunnah Wal-Jama'ah. This research used an interpretive paradigm and a case study approach at the Nahdlatul Ulama College. The data analysis modified the Seidel and Yin approaches. The findings of this study are the basic values of Ahlussunnah Wal-Jama'ah An-Nahdliyah have an impact on social behavior which consists of the values of I'tidal, Tawassuth, Tawazun, Tasamuh and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. Accounting that reflects these values includes obedience to principles, conformity of the budget with work programs and strategic plans, clarity of the accounting system, use of the concept of budget deliberation, fikroh islahiyah, principle of balance, accounting markaziyah, taqiya, and honesty.
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