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Ozone: A new face of dentistry



Most of people possess a fear towards dentistry. On account of this fear, they avoid the dental treatment. Infact, people fear injections and drills that are used in dental clinics. But, in recent time, dentistry has been experiencing a period of dynamic changes and growth, perhaps like no other time before. The use of ozone in dental treatment is the result of this dynamics and growth. Incorporation of ozone in dental clinic set-ups would eradicate the feeling of pain during dental treatment and also cut off the treatment time, significantly. Ozone has been shown to stimulate remineralization of recent caries-affected teeth after a period of about six to eight weeks. Scientific support, as suggested by demonstrated studies, for ozone therapy presents a potential for an atraumatic, biologically-based treatment for conditions encountered in dental practice.
The Internet Journal of Dental Science 2009 : Volume 7 Number 2
Ozone: A new face of dentistry
Rajeev Kumar Garg
Dental surgeon
Dental surgery clinic
Jaipur Rajasthan India
Sandeep Tandon
Professor & Head
Dept. of Paedodontics
Govt. Dental College & Hospital
Jaipur Rajasthan India
Citation: R. Garg & S. Tandon : Ozone: A new face of dentistry. The Internet Journal of Dental Science.
2009 Volume 7 Number 2
Keywords: Caries | bleaching | ozone | ozone oils
Most of people possess a fear towards dentistry. On account of this fear, they avoid the
dental treatment. Infact, people fear injections and drills that are used in dental clinics.
But, in recent time, dentistry has been experiencing a period of dynamic changes and
growth, perhaps like no other time before. The use of ozone in dental treatment is the
result of this dynamics and growth. Incorporation of ozone in dental clinic set-ups
would eradicate the feeling of pain during dental treatment and also cut off the
treatment time, significantly. Ozone has been shown to stimulate remineralization of
recent caries-affected teeth after a period of about six to eight weeks. Scientific support,
as suggested by demonstrated studies, for ozone therapy presents a potential for an
atraumatic, biologically-based treatment for conditions encountered in dental practice.
Until now, dentists have been convinced that caries can only be eliminated by the
removal of the carious part of the tooth followed by replacement of that deceased
substance with a suitable restorative material. Also, surgical treatment for caries
involved usually the removal of healthy tooth substance, with occasionally ensuing
pulpitic disorders. And, very oftenly, sooner or later, secondary caries appeared and
filling needed replacing. But, all that has changed now. The treatment and prevention of
tooth decay, it only takes seconds, has minimal physical intervention and is completely
pain-free. This has become possible only because now, dentists have in their
armamentarium, ozone. Ozone is a gas composed of three atoms of oxygen and is the
most powerful oxidant. It is one of the most important gases in the stratosphere due its
ability to filter UV rays which is critical for the maintenance of biological balance in the
biosphere. It has been used in human medicine since the beginning of twentieth
century. Today, ozone is used not only to disinfect wounds and improve blood
circulation, but also as a treatment for carcinomas, leukemia, rheumatism and multiple
In dentistry, now a days, ozone has got its own role. It is used in a safe and controlled
manner to remove caries painlessly followed by remineralization of that demineralized
tooth structure.1 This is very much true for the cases of incipient caries. But, still for the
cases of open cavitations, scientists will have to go a long way. But definitely one day,
ozone would be the single only answer to all types of caries.
What is ozone?
Ozone is a gas composed of three atoms of Oxygen and present naturally in the upper
layer of atmosphere in abundance. It has got the capacity to absorb the harmful ultra-
violet rays present in the light spectrum from the Sun. Thus, ozone filters the light
spectrum high up in the atmosphere and protects the living creatures from the ultra-
violet rays.
Ozone is an unstable gas and it quickly gives up nascent Oxygen molecule to form
Oxygen gas. Due to the property of releasing nascent Oxygen, it has been used in human
medicine since long back to kill bacteria, fungi, to inactivate viruses and to control
hemorrhages. Medical grade ozone is made from pure medical oxygen because oxygen
concentration in the atmospheric air is variable. Atmospheric air is made up of nitrogen
(71%), oxygen (28%), and other gasses (1%) including ozone which is altered by
processes related to altitude, temperature, and air pollution.
There are three different systems for generating ozone gas2:
Ultraviolet System: produces low concentrations of ozone, used in esthetics, saunas,
and for air purification.
Cold Plasma System: used in air and water purification.
Corona Discharge System: produces high concentrations of ozone. It is the most
common system used in the medical/ dental field. It is easy to handle and it has a
controlled ozone production rate.
Brief History
Christian Friedrich Schönbein, a German chemist is considered to be the father of ozone
therapy (1840). When he passed an electrical discharge through water, a strange smell
was produced, which he called ozon, from the Greek word ozein (odor). Edward Fisch
was the first dentist to use ozone in 1950. He used ozone to treat Austrian surgeon Ernst
Payr who then became an ozone enthusiast and began a line of research dedicated to its
use in healthcare. At the time, ozone therapy was difficult and limited due to the lack of
ozone-resistant materials, such as Nylon, Dacron, and Teflon, until 1950 when ozone-
resistant materials were manufactured. At that time Joachim Hänsler, a German
physicist and physician, joined another German physician, Hans Wolff, to develop the
first ozone generator for medical use. Their design continues to be the basis for modern
Medical grade ozone is a mixture of pure oxygen and pure ozone in the ratio of 0.05% to
5% of O3 and 95% to 99.95% of O2. Due to the instability of the O3 molecule, medical
grade ozone must be prepared immediately before use. Within less than an hour after
preparation only half of the mixture is still ozone while the other half is transformed
into oxygen. As a result, it is impossible to store ozone over long periods of time. In
order to control the decomposition of O3 into oxygen it can be associated with a vehicle
with aqueous properties to promote the conversion more quickly or with a vehicle with
more viscous properties to retard the conversion.
Dental ozone generators
Recent studies have proven the effectiveness of applying ozone in both the medical and
dental fields and its indications for use in a wide range of specialties.3 Application of
ozone gas has been advocated in dentistry for sterilization of cavities,4,5,6 root canals,7,8
periodontal pockets,9 and herpetic lesions.10 CurOzone USA Inc. (Ontario, Canada)
developed the HealOzone, which is now distributed by KaVo Dental (KaVo, Biberach,
Germany), for use in dentistry.
Millar and Hodson11 compared the safety of two ozone generating systems. These are the
Ozicure device (which is no longer available and is not licensed for use in Europe) and
HealOzone developed by CurOzone USA Inc., now distributed by KaVo Dental,
Biberach, Germany, for use in dentistry. The two were compared based on the amount
of ozone that escaped during gas application. The investigators found the Ozi-cure
device, when used without adequate suction, allowed ozone to reach concentrations
above the permitted levels and, therefore, should not be used. The HealOzone generator
was found to be safe to use following the manufacturer’s recommendations. After the
treatment, a special filter in the generator turns the residual ozone back into oxygen.12
Indications of Ozone in dental
Very recently, in dentistry, ozone has got its role in various dental treatment modalities.
Interest in ozone use in dentistry is due to the infectious diseases associated with the
oral cavity. Ozone therapy presents great advantages when used as a support for
conventional treatments, for example, to dental caries, periodontal procedures, and
endodontic treatment.13
Prophylaxis and prevention of cariesRemineralization of pit and fissure
cariesRemineralization of root and smooth surface cariesRestoration of open cavitations
along with conventional conservative measuresBleaching of discoloured root canal
treated teethEndodontic treatmentDesensitization of extremely sensitive tooth
necksSoft tissue pathoses
Caries prevention and remineralization
Ozone can be used to kill bacteria present in carious lesion, painlessly and even without
anaesthetic. Ozone is applied to the carious lesion in a controlled manner, safely killing
bacteria that have caused caries, thus requiring minimal of physical intervention and
just a few seconds. In cases of incipient caries, ozone can kill bacteria in the
demineralized part and this demineralized tooth structure then, can be remineralized
using a special remineralization kit, containing Calcium, Fluorine, Phosphorus and
Sodium, all in their ionic forms.1,14
In root canal treated teeth, crown discolouration is a major aesthetic problem, especially
in anterior teeth. Conventional walking bleaching requires much more time and results
are not oftenly satisfactory. Also, capping the tooth with ceramic crown is not always a
good idea. But, now, ozone has the answer to all these questions.
After removing the root canal filler material from the pulp chamber, the canal is sealed
tight at the level of cementoenamel junction. Then, the chamber is cleansed with sodium
peroxide solution to remove any debris, cement particles and the smear layer, leaving
the dentinal tubules opened-up. Now, a bleaching paste or a cotton pellet moistened in
bleaching solution is packed in the chamber and the orifice is sealed with the Glass-
inomer cement. After placing the bleaching agent in to the inner of the tooth, the crown
is irradiated with ozone for minimum of 3-4 minutes. This ozone treatment bleaches the
tooth within minutes and gives the patient a happy and healthier-looking smile.
Endodontic treatment
Ozone oils can be used to sterile the root canal systems and to clear the canals of
necrotic debris by virtue of ozone’s bactericidal and effervescent properties. Ozone oils
are ozonated sunflower oil or olive oil or groundnut oil. This ozone oil irrigation is more
quick and efficient in canal sterilization than that conventional irrigation by the sodium
hypochlorite and sodium peroxide combination.
Desensitization of sensitive root necks
Quick and prompt relief from root sensitivity has been documented after ozone spray for
60 seconds followed by mineral wash onto the exposed dentine in a repetitive manner.
This desensitization of dentine lasts for longer period of time. Smear layer present over
the expose root surface prevents the penetration of ionic Calcium and Fluorine deep into
the dentinal tubules. Ozone removes this smear layer, opens up the dentinal tubules,
broadens their diameter and then Calcium and Fluoride ions flow into the tubules easily,
deeply and effectively to plug the dentinal tubules, preventing the fluid exchange
through these tubules. Thus, ozone can effectively terminate the root sensitivity problem
within seconds and also results last longer than those by conventional methods.
Soft tissue pathoses
Ozone has been reported to accelerate the healing of soft tissue conditions, i.e. aphthous
ulcers, herpes labialis, ANUG and other gum infections. It also reduces the post-
extraction healing time by forming a pseudo-membrane over the socket, so protecting it
from any physical and mechanical insults.
Ozone therapy contraindications
The following are contraindications for use of ozone therapy:13
Pregnancy Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (favism) Hyperthyroidism
Severe anaemia Severe myasthenia Active hemorrhage
Most people suffer anxieties about being treated for tooth decay or more precisely; they
fear the injections and drills. But, now, with ozone treatment, this is all the thing of past.
Studies have shown that 99 percent of all the bacteria causing tooth decay have been
eliminated after 10 seconds of ozone exposure and even 99.9 percent bacteria after 20
seconds exposure. Thus, treating patients with ozone cuts off the treatment time with a
great deal of difference, it eliminates the bacterial count more precisely and moreover, it
is completely painless, so increasing the patients’ acceptability and compliance.11,15,16
Ozone can now be incorporated in various other treatment modalities also, like
bleaching of discoloured teeth, root canal treatment, desensitization and treatment of
some soft tissue infections. Ozone, definitely, seems to be a promising treatment
modality for various dental problems, in future.
Correspondence to
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Garg
Dental Surgery
35 Kishanpole
Jaipur 302001 (Rajasthan)
Phone: +91 9414216475
1. Hickel R, Huth C. Initial therapeutic impressions of the use of Ozone for the treatment
of caries. Deutscher Zahnarzte Kalender 2004; 1-10. (s)
2. Nogales CG, Ferrari PA, Kantorovich EO, Lage-Marques JL. Ozone Therapy in
Medicine and Dentistry. J Contemp Dent Pract 2008 May; (9)4:075-084. (s)
3. Viebahn-Haensler R. The use of ozone in medicine. 4th ed, 2002. (s)
4. Celiberti P, Pazera P, Lussi A. The impact of ozone treatment on enamel physical
properties. Am J Dent. 2006; 19(1):67-72. (s)
5. Baysan A, Whiley R, Lynch E. Anti microbial effects of a novel ozone generating
device on microorganisms associated with primary root carious lesion in vitro. Caries
Res. 2000; 34:498-501. (s)
6. Baysan A, Beighton D. Assessment of the ozone-mediated killing of bacteria in
infected dentine associated with non-cavitated occlusal carious lesions. Caries Res.
2007; 41:337-341. (s)
7. Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuzumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M. Antimicrobial
effect of ozonated water on bacteria invading dentinal tubules. J Endod. 2004;
30(11):778-81. (s)
8. Estrela C, Estrela CRA, Decurcio DA, Hollanda ACB, Silva JA. Antimicrobial efficacy
of ozonated water, gaseous ozone, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine in infected
human root canals. Int Endod J. 2007; 40:85-93. (s)
9. Nagayoshi M, Kitamura C, Fukuzumi T, Nishihara T, Terashita M. Efficacy of ozone
on survival and permeability of oral microorganisms. Oral Microbiology and
Immunology 2004; 19:240-6. (s)
10. Macedo SB, Cardoso CC. [The use of ozone in Dentistry]. 16º Campinas
International Conclave 2005; 115. (s)
11. Megighian GD, Dal Vera MV. Patients’ attitude towards and satisfaction with
managing caries with Ozone as a routine treatment in dental practice. J Dent Res 2003;
82B: 2069. (s)
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13. Nogales CG. [Ozonetherapy: Medical and Dentistry application] [Dissertation]. São
Paulo (Brazil): University of São Paulo; 2006. (s)
14. Abu-Nab’a L, Shorman AL, Lynch E. Ozone treatment of primary occlusal pit and
fissure caries. Caries Res 2003; 37: 272. (s)
15. Dahnhard JE, Jaeggi T et al. Treating caries in anxious children with Ozone: Parents’
attitude after the first session. J Dent Res 2003; 82B: 2034. (s)
16. Domingo H, Smith C et al. Patients’ attitude to managing caries with Ozone. J Dent
Res 2002; 81A: 1337. (s)
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... The half-life of ozone in distilled water at room temperature is assumed to be approximately 30 min. It decomposes into a diatomic oxygen (O2) and an active singlet oxygen ( 1 O2) molecule, whose strong oxidizing properties (resulting from a high redox potential) make ozone one of the strongest oxidants among substances with a disinfecting effect; its redox potential is respectively 2.07 V for ozone, 1.76 V for hydrogen peroxide, and 1.45 V for chloric acid (I) [21,22]. As a result, ozone has a wide therapeutic window, and therefore gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, viruses, fungi, and vegetative cells are susceptible to its effects [23,24]. ...
... Ozone therapy is a method that uses ozone in various forms and its properties. It has been successfully applied in medicine and dentistry for years [21]. ...
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(1) Background and Objectives: Oral candidiasis has increased significantly in recent years. Increasingly, we encounter treatment difficulties related to drug resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to search for other therapies such as ozone therapy, which has antimicrobial activity. The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of selected Candida strains to ozonated water based on concentration and contact time (2) Methods: The sensitivity of Candida strains to ozonated water with a concentration of 5 µg/mL, 30 µg/mL, and 50 µg/mL was assessed using Mosmann’s Tetrazolium Toxicity (MTT) assay. Statistical differences were assessed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Newman-Keuls post-hoc test. A p-value of ≤0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. (3) Results: In all the strains and research trials, the number of viable cells was reduced by ozonated water. The reduction depended on the exposure time and concentration of ozonated water. The highest percentage reduction (34.98%) for the tested samples was obtained for the C. albicans strain after 120 sec of exposure at the highest concentration-50 µg/ml. (4) Conclusions: The selected strains of Candida spp. were sensitive to ozonated water at all tested concentrations (5 µg/mL, 30 µg/mL, and 50 µg/mL). The sensitivity of strains to ozonated water increased with concentration and application time. Moreover, the sensitivity of Candida strains to ozonated water is comparable to that of 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate.
... Озонотерапия используется в различных формах: в виде сухих ванн, в кислородно-озоновой смеси, повязки с озонированной водой или озонированным маслом, внутривенное или внутрисуставное введение озонированных инфузионных жидкостей или аутогемотерапии [10,11,12]. ...
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A promising area of modern dentistry is the so-called minimally invasive dentistry (minimal intervention dentistry – MID). The main principle of which is the use of non-invasive or minimally invasive technologies. Currently, not only traditional medicinal treatment with antiseptic solutions is used to combat microorganisms, but also innovative technologies. According to most researchers, ozone therapy is a highly effective non – drug treatment method with bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, immunomodulatory, antihypoxic and detoxifying effects. It is used in the treatment of caries, in periodontics, endodontics, treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (SOPR), maxillofacial surgery.
... Singlet (nascent) oxygen has been known for almost a century for its capacity to render viruses, fungi, and bacteria inactive. Ozone therapy now has many uses because to medical advancements (Garg and Tandon, 2009). It has been proven that silver particles work well in adhesives, implants, and prosthetic materials. ...
Agricultural productivity faces significant challenges due to global population growth, contributing to a worldwide food crisis. Various stressors such as fungi, bacteria, salinity, ozone, UV-B radiation, drought, and metal toxicity further exacerbate yield losses. To address these issues, agricultural management employs diverse practices aimed at minimizing yield loss and environmental impact. In the pursuit of sustainable solutions, exogenous protectants, considered green technologies, play a crucial role in crop protection and nutrient management. Nanotechnology emerges as a promising green technology for soil fortification and enhancing agricultural production by activating nutrients and energy in plant cells. Nanoparticles find applications in the form of Nano fertilizers, Nano pesticides, and Nano fungicides, contributing to improved crop yields. A range of nanoparticles, including titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, silicon oxide, magnesium oxide, gold, and silver, are currently utilised for soil fertility enhancement, nutrient management, and increased crop production. Moreover, nanoparticles demonstrate efficacy as remedies against both abiotic and biotic stresses, providing a comprehensive strategy for stress tolerance management. This review aims to assess the effectiveness and mechanisms of nanoparticles in enhancing soil fertility and promoting eco-friendly agricultural production. The insights gained from this study are pivotal for the development of environmentally friendly nanotechnologies, ultimately contributing to the mitigation of global food crises.
... Thus, treating patients with ozone cuts off the treatment time with a great deal of difference, it eliminates the bacterial count more precisely and moreover, it is completely painless, so increasing the patients' acceptability and compliance. 10 Zhao H et al in 2000 in their study, the disinfecting efficiency of five disinfecting methods to three bacterial: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus sanguis and Bacillus subtilis were evaluated. 2% glutaraldehyde immersion, spray, 5% immersion, spray are all effective disinfecting methods for impressions and ozone treatment is an effective method in disinfecting the gypsum casts. ...
Dental impressions is the preliminary step for any procedure and acts as a microbial source leading to contamination to the operator and lab technician. Hence, the disinfection of these impressions materials should be carried out unfailingly. The device was fabricated which helped in easy and effective disinfection.Aim: The aim of the study is to Compare and Evaluate the Efficacy of Disinfection on Elastomeric Impression material using 2% Gluteraldehyde, UV Radiation Disinfection and Gaseous Ozone. Objective: The efficacy of the disinfectants was compared based on the ability of the disinfectants in reducing the microbial colonies on the impression material. Methodology: Microbiological analysis was done and the colony forming units were evaluated and compared. The disinfection was done with a customized disinfection chamber which can be readily installed in the clinic and has multitudes of use other than disinfection. Result: Dry Gaseous Ozone as a disinfectant proved to be efficacious as compared to the other disinfectants. Conclusion: Dry gaseous ozone can be used effectively for disinfection of impressions without altering its dimensional stability. The customized disinfection unit is portable and can be readily installed in the clinic.
... has been employed in medical field thanks to its extraordinarily sturdy chemical agent property that oxidises nearly all surfaces to the best oxidization stage. 1 ...
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The oral cavity gives the impression of being an open ecosystem, with a dynamic equilibrium between the entry of microbes, colonisation methods, and host defences designed to remove them: the oral mucosa, the gingiva, the gingival crevices, the gingival crevices, the ging Bacteria need to attach themselves to either hard tooth surfaces or epithelial surfaces in order to prevent eradication. Oral caries, periodontal disease, and peri-implantitis are among of the most frequent oral diseases, and the production and growth of oral biofilms, as well as the inside selection of certain microbes, have all been found to be connected with these conditions. The eradication of the biofilm by mechanical means and the use of antibiotic disinfectants or other types of antibiotics as an adjuvant treatment have been the traditional approaches to periodontal care. Ozone, which has the chemical formula O3, is a triatomic molecule that is composed of three atoms of oxygen. The use of ozone in dentistry and medicine has been advised for the treatment of 260 various diseases and conditions. The ozone therapy has proven to be more helpful than the currently available conventional therapeutic modalities. These modalities typically involve a conservative and minimally intrusive approach to dental care. The demonstration of the molecular processes behind ozone's practical functions is of great help to the field of dentistry.
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A ozonioterapia é um tratamento terapêutico opcional com administração de ozônio. Na odontologia é promissor pelos seus atributos biológicos. Apesar da grande aplicação da ozonioterapia em muitas áreas, sabe-se que estudos sobre a mesma podem esclarecer com mais detalhes seu mecanismo de ação e seus benefícios. O ozônio é formado por meio de uma descarga elétrica na molécula de oxigênio (O2), sendo assim formada a molécula tri atômica do ozônio (O3). Dessa forma, estudar sobre o O3 é importante porque ele traz diversos benefícios ao paciente e é utilizado em inúmeras patologias, gerando resultados favoráveis aos casos. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma revisão de literatura a respeito do uso do ozônio na odontologia. Ao final, foi possível identificar suas vantagens desvantagens, benefícios e aplicações na odontologia por meio da contribuição de diversos autores sobre o mesmo tema.
Ozone is used as a therapy to treat many diseases/infections for many decades; one of its major roles is in dentistry. Ozone therapy in dentistry is an emerging noninvasive technology that can be an alternative to many invasive dental procedures. This review article focuses on the applications of ozone in endodontics.
Conference Paper
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O programa ‘Farmácia Solidária’ foi implementado em Maringá (PR) no ano de 2019, com objetivo de receber fármacos doados pela população e redistribuí-los por meio das UBS para quem necessite. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar por meio de testes físico-químicos oficiais, a qualidade de alguns comprimidos distribuídos no programa Farmácia Solidária. Foram analisados comprimidos gené ricos de hidroclorotiazida 25mg e comparados com a referência Clorana® 25mg, este adquirido em far mácia comercial de Maringá. Os testes realizados foram peso médio, dureza, friabilidade, desintegração, dissolução e doseamento. Os comprimidos testados apresentam valores dentro dos parâmetros descritos na Farmacopeia Brasileira 6.a edição.
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The therapeutic use of ozone has been suggested for a long time in general dentistry and paediatric dentistry for its antimicrobial, virucidal, disinfectant, and biocompatible properties. Ozone has also anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunostimulant properties, and it promotes tissue regeneration. Dental treatment in children is often complex and ozone could support the clinician to enhance the approach and prognosis with young patients, non-cooperant children, or special needs patients. The efficiency of ozone will certainly increase if studies continue to show positive outcomes in a growing number of dental paediatric conditions. This review explores the recent literature of ozone therapy in paediatric dentistry and suggests fields of application for future randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
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The aims of this present study were (1) to assess the antimicrobial effect of ozone from a novel ozone-generating device (Heolozone, USA) [0.052% (v/v) in air delivered at a rate of 13.33 ml.s(-1)] on primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) and (2) to evaluate the efficacy of ozone specifically on Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. In study 1, 40 soft PRCLs from freshly extracted teeth were randomly divided into two groups to test the antimicrobial effect on PRCLs from exposure to ozonated water for either 10 or 20 s. Half of a lesion was removed using a sterile excavator. Subsequently, the remaining lesion was exposed to the ozonised water for a period of either 10 or 20 s (corresponding to 0. 069 or 0.138 ml of ozone, respectively). Using paired Student t tests, a significant (p<0.001) reduction (mean +/- SE) was observed in the ozone-treated groups with either a 10-second (log(10) 3.57+/-0.37) or 20-second (log(10) 3.77+/-0.42) ozone application compared with the control groups (log(10) 5.91+/-0.15 and log(10) 6.18+/-0.21, respectively). In study 2, 40 sterile saliva-coated glass beads were randomly divided into two groups for each micro-organism. One glass bead was put into each bijou bottle with 3 ml of Todd-Hewitt broth. S. mutans and S. sobrinus were inoculated anaerobically overnight. Each glass bead was then washed with 2 ml of phosphate-buffered saline. Immediately, 10 s of ozone gas was applied to each glass bead in the test groups. There was a significant (p<0.0001) reduction (mean +/- SE) in ozone-treated samples for S. mutans (log(10) 1.01+/-0.27) and S. sobrinus (log(10) 1.09+/-0.36) compared with the control samples (log(10) 3.93+/-0.07 and log(10) 4.61+/-0.13, respectively). This treatment regime is an effective, quick, conservative and simple method to kill micro-organisms in PRCLs. Ozone gas application for a period of 10 s was also capable of reducing the numbers of S. mutans and S. sobrinus on saliva-coated glass beads in vitro.
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To assess the effects of the highly reactive molecule of ozone on sound enamel physical properties and its effects on sealing ability. The effect of ozone on sealant tag length, microleakage and unfilled area proportion were evaluated on intact and prepared sound molar fissures. Microhardness, contact angle and acid resistance tests were performed on ground sound smooth surfaces. The samples were treated with ozone for 40 seconds (HealOzone). Control samples were treated with air (modified HealOzone) or left untreated. No statistically significant difference was observed between the control and ozone treated samples in all tests. Prepared fissures exhibited no unfilled areas and a statistically significantly lower microleakage compared to intact fissures. Ozone was shown to dehydrate enamel and consequently enhance its microhardness, which was reversible.
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To determine the antimicrobial efficacy of ozonated water, gaseous ozone, sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine in human root canals infected by Enterococcus faecalis. Thirty human maxillary anterior teeth were prepared and inoculated with E. faecalis for 60 days. Eppendorf tubes were connected to the coronal portion of the teeth. Urethane hoses were attached to the tubes and to the entrance of a peristaltic pump. The exit of the apparatus corresponded to the apical portion of the root canals. The test irrigating solutions were ozonated water, gaseous ozone, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% chlorhexidine that circulated at a constant flow of 50 mL min(-1) for 20 min. Samples from the root canals were collected and immersed in 7 mL Letheen Broth (LB), followed by incubation at 37 degrees C for 48 h. Bacterial growth was analysed by turbidity of the culture medium and subculture on a specific nutrient broth. A 0.1 mL inoculum obtained from LB was transferred to 7 mL of brain heart infusion and incubated at 37 degrees C for 48 h. Bacterial growth was checked by turbidity of the culture medium carried out in triplicate. No solution used as an irrigant over a 20-min contact time demonstrated an antimicrobial effect against E. faecalis. The irrigation of infected human root canals with ozonated water, 2.5% NaOCl, 2% chlorhexidine and the application of gaseous ozone for 20 min was not sufficient to inactivate E. faecalis.
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The ability of ozone to kill micro-organisms associated with non-cavitated occlusal caries was investigated. The occlusal surfaces were treated with ozone (n = 53) or air (n = 49) for 40 s, and the underlying infected dentine was exposed. There was no significant difference between the number of bacteria recovered from the ozone-treated and the control sites (p > 0.1). Treatment of the exposed dentine with ozone resulted in a just significant (p = 0.044) reduction in bacterial counts. Ozone treatment of non-cavitated occlusal lesions for 40 s failed to significantly reduce the numbers of viable bacteria in infected dentine beneath the demineralized enamel.
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The purpose of this review is to present the potential for the incorporation of ozone therapy into the practice of dentistry. Ozone gas has a high oxidation potential and is 1.5 times greater than chloride when used as an antimicrobial agent against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It also has the capacity to stimulate blood circulation and the immune response. Such features justify the current interest in its application in medicine and dentistry and have been indicated for the treatment of 260 different pathologies. It can be used for the treatment of alveolitis as a replacement for antibiotic therapy, as a mouthwash for reducing the oral microflora, as well as the adherence of microorganisms to tooth surfaces. Ozone has been shown to stimulate remineralization of recent caries-affected teeth after a period of about six to eight weeks. The future of ozone therapy must focus on the establishment of safe and well-defined parameters in accordance with randomized, controlled trials to determine the precise indications and guidelines in order to treat various medical and dental pathologies. Scientific support, as suggested by demonstrated studies, for ozone therapy presents a potential for an atraumatic, biologically-based treatment for conditions encountered in dental practice.
In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water on oral microorganisms and dental plaque. Almost no microorganisms were detected after being treated with ozonated water (4 mg/l) for 10 s. To estimate the ozonated water-treated Streptococcus mutans, bacterial cells were stained with LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Fluorescence microscopic analysis revealed that S. mutans cells were killed instantaneously in ozonated water. Some breakage of ozonated water-treated S. mutans was found by electron microscopy. When the experimental dental plaque was exposed to ozonated water, the number of viable S. mutans remarkably decreased. Ozonated water strongly inhibited the accumulation of experimental dental plaque in vitro. After the dental plaque samples from human subjects were exposed to ozonated water in vitro, almost no viable bacterial cells were detected. These results suggest that ozonated water should be useful in reducing the infections caused by oral microorganisms in dental plaque.
Ozone is known to act as a strong antimicrobial agent against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. In the present study, we examined the effect of ozonated water against Enterococcus faecalis and Streptcoccus mutans infections in vitro in bovine dentin. After irrigation with ozonated water, the viability of E. faecalis and S. mutans invading dentinal tubules significantly decreased. Notably, when the specimen was irrigated with sonication, ozonated water had nearly the same antimicrobial activity as 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). We also compared the cytotoxicity against L-929 mouse fibroblasts between ozonated water and NaOCl. The metabolic activity of fibroblasts was high when the cells were treated with ozonated water, whereas that of fibroblasts significantly decreased when the cells were treated with 2.5% NaOCl. These results suggest that ozonated water application may be useful for endodontic therapy.
Initial therapeutic impressions of the use of Ozone for the treatment of caries
  • R Hickel
  • C Huth
Hickel R, Huth C. Initial therapeutic impressions of the use of Ozone for the treatment of caries. Deutscher Zahnarzte Kalender 2004; 1-10. (s)