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The accompanying fauna of Osmia cornuta and Osmia rufa and effective measures of protection


Abstract and Figures

The present paper treats species of the fauna accompanying Osmia cornuta (Latreille) and O. rufa (L.), with special attention to measures of protection against the most significant organisms that restrict their populations. The most significant organisms that restrict Osmia populations are the fly Cacoxenus indagator Loew and the mite Chaetodactylus osmiae Dufour. The wasp Mono- dontomerus obscurus Westwood is a significant organism that restricts Osmia populations in paper tubes used as nesting material, and is found sporadically in marsh reeds used for this purpose in the vicinity of Belgrade. However, it was not present in lamellar boxes. Anthrax anthrax Schrank is an important organism restricting populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa in several localities in the vicinity of Pisa (Italy). The other species of the accompanying fauna exerted no significant influence on the abundance of populations of these bees in the vicinity of Belgrade. Species of the accompanying fauna are grouped in the following categories: cleptoparasites, parasitoids, nest destroyers, predators, cleptobionts, and accidental nest residents.
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Bulletin of Insectology 58 (2): 141-152, 2005
ISSN 1721-8861
The accompanying fauna of Osmia cornuta and Osmia rufa
and effective measures of protection
1Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
2Dipartimento di Coltivazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose, Sez. Entomologia Agraria, Università di Pisa, Italy
3Dipartimento di Anatomia, Biochimica e Fisiologia veterinaria, Università di Pisa, Italy
The present paper treats species of the fauna accompanying Osmia cornuta (Latreille) and O. rufa (L.), with special attention to
measures of protection against the most significant organisms that restrict their populations. The most significant organisms that
restrict Osmia populations are the fly Cacoxenus indagator Loew and the mite Chaetodactylus osmiae Dufour. The wasp Mono-
dontomerus obscurus Westwood is a significant organism that restricts Osmia populations in paper tubes used as nesting material,
and is found sporadically in marsh reeds used for this purpose in the vicinity of Belgrade. However, it was not present in lamellar
boxes. Anthrax anthrax Schrank is an important organism restricting populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa in several localities in
the vicinity of Pisa (Italy). The other species of the accompanying fauna exerted no significant influence on the abundance of
populations of these bees in the vicinity of Belgrade. Species of the accompanying fauna are grouped in the following categories:
cleptoparasites, parasitoids, nest destroyers, predators, cleptobionts, and accidental nest residents.
Key words: orchard bees, Osmia cornuta, Osmia rufa, accompanying fauna, parasites, parasitoids.
The use of Osmia for pollination of orchards was first
attempted during the second half of the last century in
Japan with the species Osmia cornifrons (Radoszkow-
ski) (Maeta and Kitamura, 1964, 1965). From the very
beginning, satisfactory results were obtained in using
these species as orchard pollinators, and the practice has
been continued and advanced down to the present day.
Today the majority of apple orchards in Japan are polli-
nated with the aid of Osmia (Maeta, 1978; Sekita,
2001). Encouraged by the successful commercialisation
of Megachile rotundata (F.), and by the results achieved
by Japanese authors with their species of Osmia, inves-
tigators in the United States during the 1970's and
1980's started to investigate the American native species
Osmia lignaria Say as a pollinator of orchards (Torchio,
1976; Bosch and Kemp, 2001), somewhat later exam-
ining the possibility of using a species introduced from
Japan (O. cornifrons) for this purpose (Batra, 1998). At
the same time, investigations were initiated on the pos-
sibility of using as pollinators Osmia rufa (L.) in Den-
mark (Holm, 1973; Kristjansson, 1989), England (Raw,
1972), and Osmia cornuta (Latreille) in Spain (Bosch,
1994), Serbia (Krunić et al., 1995, 2001), and Italy
(Pinzauti, 1992; Felicioli, 1995; Ladurner et al., 2002;
Maccagnani et al., 2003). The technology of raising O.
cornuta is known today, and this bee can be reared in
the desired numbers (Stanisavljević, 2000).
Many parasitoids, predators, nest destroyers, and acci-
dental nest residents can be found in the nests of O. cor-
nuta and O. rufa in Southeastern Europe. With the in-
crease in bee populations, the accompanying fauna also
increases in both diversity and abundance. For man-
agement and multiplication of populations of O. cornuta
and O. rufa, control of certain species of the accompa-
nying fauna is essential, both during the period of activ-
ity of the bees and during the periods of their develop-
ment and overwintering. There are various measures of
protection against the accompanying fauna, some of
which depend upon the type of nesting material used.
For example, cocoons of O. cornuta and O. rufa in pa-
per tubes are often parasitized by the wasp Monodon-
tomerus obscurus Westwood. Insectivorous birds find it
easy to extract paper tubes with cocoons from wooden
blocks. Birds and mice destroy tubes on the ground and
eat the cocoons inside. In this way, in a short time birds
can destroy a large part not only of bee populations in
paper tubes, but also of populations in reeds (figure 1).
They can destroy easily bee populations before and
during overwintering if the reeds are not adequately
protected. Nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa in lamellar
boxes are better protected against some parasitoids and
birds, but they often house the coleopteran Trichodes
apiarius L., the mite Chaetodactylus osmiae Dufour, the
fly Anthrax anthrax Schrank, certain Dermestidae, and
other species of the accompanying fauna.
Figure 1. Reed nest destroyed by birds.
(In colour at
Of all species of the accompanying fauna, the most
significant organisms that restrict populations of O. cor-
nuta and O. rufa in Southeast Europe are the dipteran
Cacoxenus indagator Loew and the mite Ch. osmiae
(Krunić et al., 1995; Stanisavljević, 1996; Krunić et al.,
1999). In several localities around Pisa (Italy) a signifi-
cant organism that restricts Osmia populations is the
dipteran A. anthrax (Felicioli, 2000), which is very rare
in populations in the vicinity of Belgrade. The abun-
dance and diversity of individual members of the ac-
companying fauna vary from one locality to the next, as
well as from season to season. Apart from fungal dis-
eases caused by spores of Ascosphaera spp. (so-called
chalkbrood), other diseases of O. cornuta and O. rufa
are unknown to date. In populations in the vicinity of
Belgrade, we had no significant presence of fungal dis-
eases caused by Ascosphaera spp., probably because
80% of the nesting material used in every season con-
sisted of previously unused reeds, while reeds that had
been used during the previous season represented only
20%. Spores of fungal diseases are resistant and persist
for years in used nesting material. Because of the danger
of fungal diseases and Ch. osmiae, lamellar boxes that
are used every year should be subjected to high tem-
perature or treatment with a 0.07% solution of endosul-
fan before use (Krunić et al., 2001). It is recommend-
able to burn reeds used for several seasons after emer-
gence of the bees.
The following species of the accompanying fauna
were registered in populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa
in Southeastern Europe, they are grouped in the fol-
lowing categories: cleptoparasites, parasitoids, nest de-
stroyers, predators, cleptobionts, and accidental nest
residents as reported in a previously published paper
(Krunić et al., 1995).
Cacoxenus indagator Loew (Diptera Drosophilidae).
This species is distributed on the continent of Europe
(Julliard, 1947; Kekić, 2002).
Adults of C. indagator are 3 to 3.5 mm long. The tho-
rax is light-grey, the abdomen black with light trans-
verse bands. The large eyes are brown to dirty-red in col-
our (figure 2). Females of C. indagator lay their eggs on
the pollen provisions in nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa.
Larvae develop from the eggs and feed actively until
they reach the overwintering prepupal stage (figure 3).
With the increase of daily temperatures in spring, bar-
rel-shaped pupae develop from the prepupae over a pe-
riod of several days. Adults appear after a relatively
short duration of the pupal stage (about 22 days at 20 -
25 °C) (Stanisavljević, 1996). The last instar larvae of
this fly are able to migrate from the internal cells to the
vestibule of the tunnel by perforating the mud partitions
with their mouth parts. Due to this larval behaviour it is
often possible to observe large amounts of larvae or pu-
pae (20 to 40) in the vestibule of the nest (Julliard,
1948) (figure 4). Earlier emergence of bees from the
nest, which is accompanied by perforation of its parti-
tions, facilitates the subsequent unhindered departure of
C. indagator adults. The length of the active period of
adults of C. indagator is synchronized with the comple-
tion of the active period of O. cornuta (Stanisavljević,
C. indagator is very frequent in populations of O.
cornuta and O. rufa in the wider area of Belgrade. In
nature it usually appears 2-3 weeks after the appearance of
the first individual orchard bees, i.e., at the end of March
Figure 2. C. indagator, female.
(In colour at
Figure 3. C. indagator, overwintering prepupal stage.
(In colour at
Figure 4. C. indagator, large amount of larvae or pupae
in the vestibule of the O. rufa nest.
(In colour at
or in April. At the beginning, males and females of C.
indagator can be seen in the shelter, but only females
remain after mating, which lasts up to 10 days
(Stanisavljević, 1996). The females appear to be con-
tinuously on “guard duty” at the side of a reed near the
opening of a bee nest (figure 5). When a female bee
leaves the nest, the fly hurriedly enters it, lays an egg on
the pollen provision, rapidly departs, and awaits the next
opportunity (Julliard, 1947, 1948; Coutin and Desmier
de Chenon, 1983; Stanisavljević, 1996). Sometimes a
female bee surprises a C. indagator female in its nest.
Being considerably smaller than the bee, the female fly
readily abandons the nest in this case. Females of O.
cornuta dive frequently on females of C. indagator, but
this has no effect on the protection of their nests. The
placing of strips of sticky paper on bundles at a certain
distance from the reed openings, where C. indagator
females usually wait for bees to leave their nests, did
not yield significant results in controlling this clepto-
parasite. Only limited numbers of C. indagator indi-
viduals got stuck on the paper (Stanisavljević, 1996).
Individuals of C. indagator are accustomed to mass
flight of orchard bees, and in most cases they do not re-
act to their movement. Such behavior allows them to be
collected with an aspirator, during which they make no
sudden attempt to escape. This method yielded satis-
factory results for the control of this cleptoparasite in
multiplication shelters (Krunić et al., 2001). Such a
method of removal cannot be used in nests disposed in
orchards because it would entail a great loss of time
with a negligible result. However, when C. indagator
populations in multiplication shelters were removed
with an aspirator in successive years, then their abun-
dance in the whole managed bee population was consid-
erably reduced (Stanisavljević, 1996). The number of
larvae of C. indagator in nest cells varies. When only
two or three larvae of the cleptoparasite are present in
the nest, the bee larva will develop alongside them and
spin a cocoon, that is noticeably smaller than usual
(Juillard, 1948; Raw, 1972; Stanisavljević, 1996). At
some localities, we found 10-20 tiny larvae of C. inda-
gator in certain cells of O. cornuta. In such circum-
stances, the bee larva has no chance to develop. When
present in large numbers, C. indagator larvae can perfo-
rate the wall of the neighboring cell or of several cells in
a row and consume their contents, too. The number of
cells infested with C. indagator varied significantly
from one locality to the next and from year to year.
Without mechanical control, this cleptoparasite can be-
come very abundant in nests in the area of Belgrade and
significantly reduce multiplication of populations of O.
cornuta and O. rufa.
Populations of O. cornuta reared in almond orchards
in Spain were not infested or negligibly infested with C.
indagator, because bees in those orchards for the most
part complete their activity before the hatching of these
cleptoparasites (Bosch, 1992). In Italy, wild populations
of O. cornuta are infested at low levels, while O. rufa
populations can show high levels of C. indagator infes-
tation due to the differences in the flying season of the
two bee species. Both O. cornuta and O. rufa managed
populations, if released in April, showed high levels of
Figure 5. C. indagator, female at the side of a reed near
the openings of bee nests.
(In colour at
infestation if the nests of the orchard bees were not re-
newed every year or if the C. indagator adults weren’t
captured (Felicioli, 2000).
Chaetodactylus osmiae Dufour (Acarina Chaetodactyli-
dae). This mite is distributed in Europe as far north as
Denmark, as far as the Urals in the east, to the southern
limits of the Balkan Peninsula in the south, and as far as
the Atlantic Coast (including Great Britain) in the west.
It is found in the nests of many European species of
solitary bees (Černy and Samšiňák, 1971).
Mites of the genus Chaetodactylus have very similar
development, with two reproductive cycles that repeat
themselves periodically (Zachvatkin, 1941).
The direct cycle consists of the following stages: egg,
larva, protonymph, tritonymph, adult (male and female).
This cycle appears when the bee nest contains abun-
dance of food (pollen and nectar). The nest then most
often also contains enough moisture for the direct de-
velopment of the mites. In this case, the development
cycle is short and can repeat itself as many as ten times
in a single season. The number of cycles depends exclu-
sively on the amount of pollen and nectar, moisture
content of the surroundings and temperature
(Stanisavljević, 1996).
The indirect cycle differs from the direct cycle in the
appearance of a very resistant stage that enters dor-
mancy, the so-called hypopus (figure 6, a and b). The
hypopus that appears sporadically in the life cycle of
mites of the order Astigmata, is also called a heteromor-
phic deutonymph, while the tritonymph is called a ho-
meomorphic deutonymph. The hypopus occurs in two
basic forms, mobile and immobile (encysted) (Krom-
bein, 1962; Fain, 1966). The indirect cycle unfolds ac-
cording to the following scheme: egg, larva, pro-
tonymph, hypopus (mobile or immobile), tritonymph,
adult. This type of cycle (facultative hypopodia) sets in
when environmental conditions are unfavorable for de-
velopment of the direct cycle, i.e., when there is not
enough moisture and food in the cell. The hypopus is a
supplementary stage between the protonymph and tri-
tonymph stage and in fact represents the deutonymph
stage. A characteristic distinction of this facultative
stage in the development of all mites of the order
Astigmata (and of Ch. osmiae) in relation to the deu-
tonymphs of other mites is that it lacks a mouth and
mouth parts and does not feed, but rather exists at the
Figure 6a. Ch. osmiae, mobile hypopi.
(In colour at
Figure 6b. Ch. osmiae, immobile hypopi.
(In colour at
expense of reserves accumulated in the preceding stage.
The hypopus represents a resistant form which ensures
survival under the unfavorable environmental condi-
tions that occur in bee nests at the end of the summer
and throughout the winter. It also ensures dispersal of
the species.
The existence of two types of hypopus is an adapta-
tion linked to dispersal and preservation of the species.
To be specific, the mobile type of hypopus possesses
four pairs of well-developed legs with specialized hook-
like outgrowths that enable it to attach itself easily to
adult bees (figure 7). The immobile type of hypopus has
short legs, and its parts for attachment are very rudi-
mentary (figure 6b). They do not emerge from the skin
(exuviae) of the protonymph until the moment of their
activation, i.e., transformation into tritonymphs
(Stanisavljević, 1996).
Mobile and immobile hypopi are of virtually equal
significance for the survival of this species of mite. The
mobile type of hypopus is significant for dispersal and
transfer. Its development cycle is synchronized with the
development cycle of the bees. This is the form of the
mite that is transferred from the old to the new nest, i.e.,
from one generation of bees to their progeny by means
of the bee as a host, which carries them on its body at
the time of emergence. Encysted hypopi always remain
Figure 7. Ch. osmiae on O. cornuta female.
(In colour at
in the old nest of the host bee. This encysted form of
mite awaits the arrival of a bee of the same or some
other species that will take over the old abandoned nest.
The immobile type of hypopus has the primary role of
preservation of the species under unfavorable condi-
tions, since it is capable of remaining in the dormant
state for several years until conditions for its activation
are achieved (Seidelmann, 1990). Under favorable con-
ditions, it is activated and develops into a tritonymph,
which develops into an adult female.
When transported into a cell of the host, a mobile hy-
popus continues its development cycle. It is transformed
into a tritonymph, which is very active, feeds at an ac-
celerated rate, and rapidly develops into an adult female.
Females of Ch. osmiae lay eggs from which males de-
velop very rapidly. They mate with their mothers or
with other females found in the same cell. After mating,
the females lay eggs from which the complete (direct)
cycle proceeds and repeats itself, with the result that a
large colony of mites is soon formed.
Under the climatic conditions of the Southeastern
Europe, encysted hypopi appear from the middle of
August onward, while the first mobile hypopi appear at
the end of August (Stanisavljević, 1996).
According to some authors (Van Lith, 1957; Krom-
bein, 1962; Seidelmann, 1990), mites of the genus
Chaetodactylus sometimes consume the contents of bee
eggs and even certain later stages of development in ad-
dition to pollen and nectar. These mites are incapable of
perforating the wall of the bee's cocoon. In certain cells,
we found a tiny cocoon with a developed bee inside and
a multitude of mite hypopi around it. Under such condi-
tions, the bee's cocoon is considerably reduced in size
due to a shortage of food during larval development
(Stanisavljević, 1996).
Male and female bees during emergence from the nest
pass through cells with many mobile mite hypopi,
which they carry with them in sometimes great num-
bers. Certain females can be completely yellow from the
multitude of hypopi on their bodies (figure 7). The hy-
popi undergo mass multiplication if they come across
pollen in the nest cell. When the female bee closes a cell
infested with hypopi, they most often fill all of the space
in it. If reeds for bee nesting were used several years in
a row, then infestation with the mite Ch. osmiae in our
populations at certain localities attained more than 50%
of established cells (Krunić et al., 2001). If cocoons are
infested with these mites, it is useful to disinfect them
with endosulfan (a 0.007% aqueous solution) before
taking them into the field. Treating cocoons of O. cor-
nuta and O. rufa during the winter period with a 0.007%
solution of endosulfan for a period of 3 min is a very
effective method of controlling all stages in develop-
ment of the mite Ch. osmiae. It was found that such
treatment of cocoons had no negative effect on the bees
inside (Krunić et al., 2001). In Japan, endosulfan is di-
rectly sprayed on empty and already inhabited reeds to
control the mite Chaetodactylus nipponicus Kurosa,
which greatly reduces populations of the bee O. corni-
frons. If Osmia cocoons are not stripped from the reeds,
there will always remain a certain percentage of mites in
them that survive this treatment (Yamada, 1990; Sekita
and Yamada, 1993). For this reason, stripping of co-
coons from the nesting material and treating them with
endosulfan is a much more effective way of controlling
this cleptoparasite.
In some years with extremely high summer tempera-
tures (between 30 and 40 °C) and no precipitation for a
longer period of time, we observed mass mortality of
mites in bee nests in the vicinity of Belgrade. In Japan
heat treatment is a common practice to control Ch. nip-
ponicus (Sekita and Yamada, 1993). The presence of
mites in our populations in the following years was
negligible. A succession of rainy summers without dry
periods or extremely high temperatures favors mass de-
velopment of hypopi in cells, with the result that the in-
festation in bee populations then increases significantly.
Chrysis ignita L. (Hymenoptera Chrysididae). The
Chrysididae are distributed in the Palearctic and Nearc-
tic, and the species Ch. ignita is encountered virtually
all over Europe (Bouček, 1957). Adults have a metallic
luster and body length of 5-10 mm. The head and thorax
are coloured shiny blue-green, sometimes with a golden
reflection. The abdomen is dark ruby-red. The underside
of the abdomen is concave, which enables the insect to
roll itself up into a defensive ball when threatened
(Kimsey and Bohart, 1990).
These insects develop in the nests of bees and wasps.
Their larvae feed on reserves of food gathered earlier by
the host for its own progeny. They are often able to in-
fest several successive cells in the nest of solitary bees.
The prepupae of Ch. ignita spin an oval-shaped semi-
transparent cocoon, in which they overwinter. The spe-
cies Ch. ignita is sporadically registered in nests of O. cor-
nuta and O. rufa in the vicinity of both Belgrade and Pisa.
Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood (Hymenoptera
Torymidae). This species is distributed in the north of
Europe from the Moscow Province in Russia through
Moldavia and the Caucasus to Central Asia (Nikol-
skaya, 1952; Bouček, 1977; Medvedev, 1978). It was
introduced to North America, where it parasitizes spe-
cies of the genera Megachile and Osmia (Hobbs and
Krunić, 1971; Eves, 1970; Eves et al., 1980).
The adults are metallic blue-green in colour, with red
eyes. The females have a thin and supple ovipositor.
They are 3.8-4.9 mm long, while males are somewhat
smaller and measure 2.4-3.0 mm in length
(Stanisavljević, 1996) (figure 8). Adults emerge through
the single uniform opening (the emergence opening,
about 1 mm in diameter) on the bee cocoon that is in
correspondence of a hole of the same diameter that
these little wasps make in the surface of the nest
(Arundo or Phragmites reed) (Felicioli, 2000) (figure
9a). The female perforates with its ovipositor the reed
nest, and the cocoon and integument of the host larvae,
Figure 8. M. obscurus, adults.
(In colour at
Figure 9a. M. obscurus, Phragmites cane with the
emergence openings.
(In colour at
Figure 9b. M. obscurus, overwintering prepupa in co-
(In colour at
injects a paralyzing fluid, and then lays several eggs on
or near the mature bee larva (Hobbs and Krunić, 1971;
Stanisavljević, 1996). Larvae of the ecto-parasitoid feed
on prepupae or white pupae of the bee. If an egg is laid
in a cocoon with a dark pupa or adult bee, both the host
and the parasitoid will die. Larvae of the parasitoid are
white in colour, equipped with many bristles, and about
2.5 mm long upon reaching maturity (figure 9b). M. ob-
scurus overwinters in the prepupal stage. Up to three
generations of M. obscurus annually are possible in the
vicinity of Belgrade (Krunić et al., 1999).
The parasitoid M. obscurus is frequently present in the
nests of solitary bees. From 3 to 27 of parasitoids (10 on
average) can develop in a single cell of O. cornuta
(Stanisavljević, 1996). It easily penetrates paper tubes
and massively parasitizes O. cornuta and O. rufa. We
found M. obscurus specimens sporadically in bee nests
in reeds, but did not find any in lamellar boxes in the
vicinity of Belgrade. However, M. obscurus is found in
significant numbers in both kinds of reeds (Phragmites
and Arundo), but in very low numbers in lamellar boxes
in the area of Pisa (Italy).
Melittobia acasta Walker (Hymenoptera Eulophidae).
The species M. acasta spread from Europe to many
other regions. It infests a large number of genera of
bees, wasps, and some flies from Europe to Japan,
North America, South America, and New Zealand
(Medvedev, 1978; Dahms, 1984).
This wasp is often found in managed populations of
solitary bees and bumblebees, to which it generally
causes great damage due to its high reproductive poten-
tial, short life cycle, and significantly greater number of
females (95%) than males (Dahms, 1984; Macfarlane and
Donovan, 1989). The sexes of M. acasta differ in size,
appearance of the head and wings, and colour. In addition
to being larger and darker, the females have shorter knee-
like antennae and larger functional wings. M. acasta
overwinters as a prepupa in a cell of the host. Mating
takes place inside the host cocoon, and only fertilized fe-
males emerge from the cocoon. There are several genera-
tions during the season, and the development cycle usu-
ally lasts about two weeks (Hobbs and Krunić, 1971).
In the case of O. cornuta, we found only a few co-
coons infested with M. acasta over the last 20 years.
Figure 10. L. dorsigera, adult.
(In colour at
Leucospis dorsigera F. (Hymenoptera Leucospididae).
This is a Palearctic species (Medvedev, 1978; Madl,
1989). Adult specimens are black with yellow markings
on the body and legs. They measure 6-9 mm in length
and are recognizable by their expanded and elongated
hind legs (figure 10). Females of L. dorsigera lay eggs
on a prepupa or pupa in the cocoon of the host. The lar-
vae of this wasp usually do not spin a cocoon, but rather
pupate in the cocoon of the host. Under European con-
ditions, the species L. dorsigera most often has two
generations a year. It was found sporadically in reeds
with nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa, but did not cause
any significant damage in populations of these bees.
Anthrax anthrax Schrank (Diptera Bombyliidae). This
species belongs to the fauna of Western Europe. Body
length is 10-13 mm. The body is black with an almost
round head, the wings darkly sooty (figure 11). Charac-
teristic tiny white husks are discernible on the abdomen.
The females of this fly are attracted by the colour con-
trast created by a black disc on a different coloured
background (Marston, 1964). When a female of A. an-
thrax hovers in front of the entrance of a solitary bee
nest, it almost unerringly pitches an egg right into the
nest with a flexure of the rear end of its body (Grandi,
1951). The first instar larva of this species is called
planidium and is characterised by a high mobility so
that it reaches the bee pollen provision before sealing
occurs. It is still not clear if the planidium could pass
through the mud partitions as described by Fabre (1937)
or not. The planidium will not feed himself for a long
time until the bee larva spins the cocoon. This is the
right moment for the planidium to parasite the bee lar-
vae. Once the bee has reached the pupal stage, the para-
sitization may occur. In this case it is possible to find
the fragmented parts of the adult bee and the living fly
larva together in the cocoon (figure 12).
This fly is present in almost all the Tuscany ecosystems
(Italy) showing a parsivoltine and/or bivoltine cycle
(Felicioli and Pinzauti, 1998), while it is univoltine in
Spain (Fabre, 1937) and bivoltine in France (Du Merle,
Within some of the managed populations of both O.
cornuta and O. rufa in Italy almost 50% of the sealed
tunnels resulted parasitized by A. anthrax. The pupa of
Figure 11. A. anthrax, adult.
(In colour at
Figure 12. A. anthrax, larva feeding on O. cornuta
(In colour at
Figure 13. A. anthrax, “armed pupa” in O. cornuta co-
(In colour at
this fly is characterised by a crest on the head so that it
is defined as “armed pupa” (figure 13). The presence of
the crest allows the pupa to open the cocoon and de-
stroy the mud partitions of all the cells in order to reach
the outside of the nest. Once the armed pupa has
reached and perforated the last mud plug the fly will
emerge leaving the host remains in its place. It is often
possible to find hundreds of them already in the mud
plug or on the floor near the Osmia nests.
The damage that this fly may cause is direct and/or in-
direct: the direct one is that each fly planidium kills the
Osmia larva and it usually happens in the inner part of
the nest containing the future female bees; the indirect
damage is caused by armed pupae that start migration
towards the outside of the nest during August (50% of
the fly population). They crush all the cocoons contain-
ing bees still at the larval stage present in the nest, kill-
ing all of them and causing a very high mortality in the
Osmia populations. In this case A. anthrax could be
considered a nest destroyer (Felicioli, 2000).
In the area of Belgrade, the species A. anthrax is spo-
radically found in nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa. In
Italy, on the other hand, this parasitoid is common, and
in some localities it can parasitize up to 95% of the total
number of cocoons (Felicioli, 2000). Osmia cocoons in
lamellar boxes are much more frequently parasitized
than cocoons in reeds, 47% and 5% respectively
(Pratesi, 2004). A. anthrax is frequently present in
populations of O. rufa in Germany, where it attains a
degree of infestation of about 2% (Seidelmann, 1990).
The use of yellow painted lamellar boxes with only
0.5 cm deep black coloured holes induces Anthrax fe-
males to hover and spray their eggs in these “virtual”
bee tunnels so that the combined use of these “Anthrax
egg traps” and reed nests allows to highly reduce the
percent of parasitization. Moreover, the imago flies usu-
ally emerge one week to fifteen days after the Osmia
females, so that the practice of destroying the nests after
the emergence of female bees is a useful method to re-
duce the fly parasitization (Pratesi, 2004).
Trichodes apiarius L. (Coleoptera Cleridae). The spe-
cies T. apiarius is distributed all over Europe. Adults
are often present on flowers of Compositae, where they
feed on pollen and nectar. The body of adults is black-
coloured, with conspicuously dark-red forewings. Males
are 6.5-13 mm long, females up to 17 mm. Females lay
their eggs in plant flowers or in various cracks, for ex-
ample in cracks of lamellar boxes for solitary bees. The
eggs are orangish-red and have the form of an elongated
oval measuring on average about 2 mm in length. Lar-
vae hatched from the eggs enter the nests of solitary
bees and find eggs or larvae of the host, which they con-
sume. After eating the content of one cell, they go on to
the next cells, and consume their content as well. Larvae
of T. apiarius at the first stages of development can be
found in nests of Osmia at the end of June or beginning
of July (Stanisavljević, 1996). They remain there until
winter, when their development reaches the prepupal
stage. The pinkish-red mature larva is 16-20 mm long
and has a developed black head capsule (figure 14). The
last larval stage spins a cocoon in spring and metamor-
phoses into a pupa in the course of about two weeks.
Depending upon the external temperature conditions,
emergence of adults lasts up to one month. The devel-
opment cycle is completed in a year (Carré, 1980).
Figure 14. T. apiarius, larva.
(In colour at
We found T. apiarius in nests of O. cornuta and O.
rufa in lamellar boxes and sporadically in reeds. It is
most often the case that one larva destroys all the cells
in a nest.
Insectivorous birds (Parus major L.; Pica pica L.; Den-
drocopus spp; Motacilla alba L.) are frequent predators
of orchard bees. During the period of activity of the
bees, some birds feed on them, especially when there
are not enough other active insects due to low tempera-
tures. O. cornuta flies at relatively low temperatures,
when it is an easy prey for birds. However, insectivo-
rous birds can cause much greater damage to bee popu-
lations when they destroy their nests and extract co-
coons before and during the period of hibernation. For
this reason, nests must often be protected with chicken
wire when the foraging activity of the bees ceases. The
large concentration of bees at locations where they col-
lect damp soil for their nests can also attract certain in-
sectivorous birds, so that it is sometimes necessary to
protect those places, too, with chicken wire.
For protection against birds during the foraging activ-
ity of orchard bees, shiny plastic strips or mirrors that
move in the wind should be used to repel birds if it is
unfeasible to install chicken wire.
Nest destroyers
Ptinus fur L. (Coleoptera Ptinidae). This species is
widely distributed in the Holarctic (Bei-Bienko et al.,
Adults are reddish-brown to black in colour, with
yellow hairs. Each forewing has two white fields (figure
15a). The body of adults is 3-5 mm in length and about
3 mm wide. The antennae are long, often exceeding
body length (Stanisavljević, 1996). Although they pos-
sess wings, specimens of this species do not fly. They
are often present in the nests of many solitary bees. Fe-
males lay their eggs between the mass of pollen and the
walls of the cell. Larvae are white and bent. The pre-
pupa develops into pupa and later into overwintering
adult. Some pupation chambers of P. fur are inside mud
partitions (figure 15b), but several can be present to-
gether with the bee cocoon. Adults emerge from the co-
coons at the beginning of the next spring. They have
one generation a year. P. fur is often found in our bee
populations, especially in used nesting material, where
it feeds on waste of plant and animal origin. Under the
conditions of south-eastern Europe, it does not cause
significant damage to the bees.
Trogoderma glabrum Herbst (Coleoptera Dermestidae).
This native member of the European fauna was intro-
duced to North America and can therefore be found
throughout the entire Holarctic (Eves et al., 1980).
Adults are oval-shaped and dark-black in colour. Vir-
tually the entire surface of the forewings is overgrown
with tiny black hairs. Three transverse bands of white
hairs are especially conspicuous on the forewings. In
older adults, the hairs drop off due to constant move-
ment through the substrate, so that the surface of the
Figure 15a. P. fur, adult dorsal and ventral view.
(In colour at
Figure 15b. P. fur, cocoon in Osmia nest.
(In colour at
forewings acquires a metallic black luster. Females
measure 6-7 mm, while males are somewhat smaller.
The females lay their eggs in nests of solitary bees and
some other insects. The young larva is reddish-brown in
colour and covered with long hairs. The mature larva
attains a length of up to 6 mm. The life cycle of T. glab-
rum varies considerably as a function of temperature
and availability of food reserves. The larvae are most
often phytophagous, but it is not rare that this species
also feeds on various kind of animal food, mainly parts
of the bodies of dead insects. The species T. glabrum
overwinters in all larval stages.
The presence of a large number of larvae of this spe-
cies in different stages of development was observed in
old nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa bees (figure 16).
Under our conditions, it does not cause significant dam-
age to the bees.
Figure 16. T. glabrum larvae in Osmia nest.
(In colour at
Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera Pyralidae).
Larvae of P. interpunctella were registered in greater
numbers in nests of O. cornuta and O. rufa in lamellar
boxes than in reed bundles (Stanisavljević, 1996). They
exerted no significant harmful influence in our bee
Eumenid wasps: Ancistrocerus parietum L.; Ancistroce-
rus sp.; Symmorphus sp. (Hymenoptera Eumenidae).
During the summer, these wasps enter empty reed bun-
dles prepared for orchard bees and build cells in them in
series (which they partition with damp soil, as bees do).
They lay one single egg per cell and then provision it
with larvae of Lepidoptera (Geometridae and Tortrici-
dae) and Coleoptera (Curculionidae and Chrysomeli-
dae). When the larva reaches the maturity, it spins a
transparent cocoon. If the wasps overmultiply in the
summer or face a shortage of empty reeds, they are ca-
pable of digging out sealed nests of O. cornuta and O.
rufa. They withdraw the content of the bee nests and
then build their own. Adults are active during the sum-
mer months, too. Many species of eumenids have only
one generation throughout the year.
When females of O. cornuta and O. rufa bring the first
loads of pollen and nectar to nests in multiplication
shelters, they attract different cleptobionts, primarily
ants, immediately upon installation of the nesting mate-
rial. Attracted by the odour, they enter lamellar boxes
and inhabited reeds. Several days after the onset of bee
activity, a certain amount of pollen spilled by the bees
(and not rarely even whole loads) can be found under
the multiplication shelter and sometimes on reed bun-
dles and in the reeds next to the openings. The ants mas-
sively collect pollen from the piles under shelters and
from reeds, and carry it away to their own nests. Despite
the frequent presence of ants around reeds and lamellar
boxes during the period of bee activity, we did not ob-
serve them aggressively entering Osmia nests, and car-
rying away pollen and nectar. When the bees stop for-
aging, the abundance of ants in and around the shelter
also declines. Although ants were sporadically seen in
multiplication shelters all summer long, they were not
observed to harm closed nests. If the soil under the
shelter was sandy (which was the case at several of our
localities), craters very soon appeared containing larvae
of ant lions (Euroleon nostras Fourcroy), which hunted
ants for food. It was not observed that the ant lions also
hunted old female bees, which often crawled below the
shelter and across their craters. In addition to collecting
pollen, the ants also carried away dead male bees, which
are often found under the shelter. In certain seasons
when ants appeared in unusually great numbers, appro-
priate protective measures were taken (strips of sticky
paper were set out or an insecticide was sprinkled
around the supporting columns of the shelter). The
sticky strips protected the bee nests not only from ants,
but also from lizards (which are often seen among reeds
in shelters) and from possible nocturnal visits by mice.
The ants we observed (Formica cunicularia Latreille, F.
rufibarbis F., F. balcanina Petrov & Collingwood, Tet-
ramorium caespitum L., and Camponotus fallax Nylan-
der) are cleptobionts, and their harmful influence on
bees was negligible. Some species of ants in the vicinity
of Belgrade can attack weak honeybee societies in an
organized way, and "rob" and destroy them. For this
reason, we employed preventive protective measures
against ants on Osmia multiplication shelters.
Accidental nest residents
Osmia coerulescens L. This species is distributed in
Southeast Europe and is a significant pollinator of Le-
guminosae. In the area of Belgrade, it has two genera-
tions a year. In the Pannonian Depression, it often in-
habits lamellar boxes of M. rotundata in alfalfa fields.
We found it very sporadically in narrow reeds and
lamellar boxes set out for O. cornuta and O. rufa. It
overwinters as a diapausing adult in transparent co-
Liposcelis divinatorius Müller (Psocoptera Liposceli-
dae). Adults of the species L. divinatorius (the book
louse) were found for the most part in old reeds with a
lot of pulverized material in them. They did not cause
any significant damage to the bees.
Lepisma saccharina L. (Thysanura Lepismatidae). This
species was found sporadically in nests of O. cornuta
and O. rufa.
Forficula auricularia L. (Dermaptera Forficulidae).
Specimens of this species enter reeds and lamellar boxes
in order to feed on organic waste in bee nests. They are
often found in previously inhabited reeds, and fre-
quently take refuge in empty reeds for the purpose of
overwintering. They represent no significant threat in
nests of populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa.
Vespid wasps: Vespula germanica L., Polistes gallicus
L. and P. bischoffi Weyrauch (Hymenoptera Vespidae).
In the fall, queens of these wasp species often enter
empty reeds in bundles with orchard bee nests, where
they spend the winter. They were not observed to dig up
nests in order to overwinter in such places.
Xylocopa violacea L. (Hymenoptera Apidae). Speci-
mens of X. violacea were frequently registered in the
vicinity of multiplication shelters of O. cornuta and O.
rufa, especially at the beginning of spring. From time to
time, they entered large-diameter reeds, in which they
sporadically established nests. Overwintering adults
were sometimes found in large-diameter reeds in the
The genus Megachile: Megachile pilicrus Morawitz,
Megachile spp. (Hymenoptera Megachilidae). In Serbia
and in Italy the bees of this genus usually appear at the
end of spring, and are present all summer until the be-
ginning of fall. They build nests of leaves, deposit pol-
len in them, and then lay an egg on that mass. The lar-
vae spin a cocoon when they reach the prepupal stage
and overwinter at that stage. These bees sporadically
established their nests in our bundles for O. cornuta and
O. rufa (figure 17).
The genus Chalicodoma (Chalicodoma hungarica Moc-
sary, Chalicodoma sp.) (Hymenoptera Megachilidae).
Species of this genus build nests of fine sand or soil
mixed with salivary gland secretions. From 7 to 10 cells
in a row are found in one single nest. After drying, the
cells are very firm and hard. The females bring nectar and
pollen into the cell and lay an egg on this mass. Species
of the genus Chalicodoma overwinter as prepupae, and
adults appear at the beginning of the summer. They often
build nests in empty reeds in bee shelters (figure 18).
Figure 17. Nest of the genus Megachile in Phragmithes
(In colour at
Figure 18. Nest of the genus Chalicodoma in Phrag-
mithes cane.
(In colour at
Figure 19. Nest of the genus Anthidium in Phragmithes
(In colour at
The genus Anthidium: Anthidium florentinum F., A.
melanurum Klug (Hymenoptera Megachilidae). Species
of this genus build nests in empty reeds for O. cornuta
and O. rufa by first lining the cavity with moist wooly
material collected from surrounding plants. They usu-
ally overwinter as prepupae or diapausing adults. Their
nests were often found in reeds at all the localities
where O. cornuta and O. rufa were reared (figure 19).
O. cornuta and O. rufa have a characteristic accompa-
nying fauna in every region where they are reared for
the pollination of orchards. With increasing abundance
of the bees, the accompanying fauna increases in both
diversity and abundance. Effective measures of pro-
tecting populations from the most harmful species of the
accompanying fauna are being developed. If protective
measures are taken, the accompanying fauna will not
represent a limiting factor to the utilisation of these bees
for orchard pollination.
The research was partly supported by the Ministry of
Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic
of Serbia and Montenegro.
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ZACHVATKIN A. A., 1941.- Tyroglifoidiie kleshchi (Tyro-
glyphoidea).- Fauna SSSR, Paukoobraznue, Vol. 6 (1),
Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Publ, Moscow-Leningrad.
Authors’ addresses: Miloje KRUNIĆ, Ljubiša
STANISAVLJEVIĆ, Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology,
University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Ser-
bia and Montenegro; Mauro PINZAUTI, Dipartimento di Colti-
vazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose, Sez. Entomologia
Agraria, Università di Pisa, via S. Michele degli Scalzi 2, 56100
Pisa, Italy; Antonio FELICIOLI (corresponding author, e-mail:, Dipartimento di Anatomia, Biochimi-
ca e Fisiologia veterinaria, Università di Pisa, viale delle Piag-
ge 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy.
Received August 22, 2005. Accepted November 30, 2005.
... During this entire process the bees are constantly exposed to natural enemies. This increases to encounter of natural enemies drastically, as it is nearly impossible to prevent their entry into the breeding stock of mason bees, therefore considerable work was done in understanding the pest complex of Osmia bees [23]. Some of these natural enemies could cause significant damage but are easily detected and removed with proper cocoon care [7,23]. ...
... This increases to encounter of natural enemies drastically, as it is nearly impossible to prevent their entry into the breeding stock of mason bees, therefore considerable work was done in understanding the pest complex of Osmia bees [23]. Some of these natural enemies could cause significant damage but are easily detected and removed with proper cocoon care [7,23]. However, since these methods were developed for small or medium-scale set-ups they can be challenging to implement on a large-scale. ...
... Moreover, preventative care is not possible for parasitic wasps that attack mason bees. The most destructive parasitoids in commercial mason bees rearings are Melittobia acasta (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and several species of Monodontomerus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) [7,23]. These wasps lay their eggs inside the cocoons of the bees, the larvae consume the bee and overwinter inside the cocoons as larvae [23,24]. ...
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In recent years, insect husbandry has seen an increased interest in order to supply in the production of raw materials, food, or as biological/environmental control. Unfortunately, large insect rearings are susceptible to pathogens, pests and parasitoids which can spread rapidly due to the confined nature of a rearing system. Thus, it is of interest to monitor the spread of such manifestations and the overall population size quickly and efficiently. Medical imaging techniques could be used for this purpose, as large volumes can be scanned non-invasively. Due to its 3D acquisition nature, computed tomography seems to be the most suitable for this task. This study presents an automated, computed tomography-based, counting method for bee rearings that performs comparable to identifying all Osmia cornuta cocoons manually. The proposed methodology achieves this in an average of 10 seconds per sample, compared to 90 minutes per sample for the manual count over a total of 12 samples collected around lake Zurich in 2020. Such an automated bee population evaluation tool is efficient and valuable in combating environmental influences on bee, and potentially other insect, rearings.
... This is a clear example of Eltonian shortfalls, i.e. of the shortage of knowledge on species' interactions that limits a full understanding of the ecological networks (Hortal et al. 2015). These insects often referred to as "natural enemies", have been mainly investigated for their impact on bees maintained for their pollination service (Krunić et al. 2005), while their effect on populations of wild bees is unknown (Danforth et al. 2019). Besides negative effects, a diverse bee parasite fauna may act as a driver contributing to maintaining a diverse wild bee community, for example by reducing competition from the most abundant species (Hudson et al. 2006;Ashby and King 2017;Brown 2022). ...
... So far, bee "natural enemies" have been mainly investigated either to describe the biology of some target species or to investigate the impact of parasites on bees maintained for their pollination services (Krunić et al. 2005), while there has been limited interest in the diversity of these associated faunas, that as it happens in general for parasites, is first draft of the manuscript was written by Francesca R. Dani and Elisa Monterastelli; all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. ...
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Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina (Geoffroy, 1785) is a Palearctic solitary bee included in the Red List of some central European Countries. Females build durable nests, reused year after year, by mixing soil with a salivary secretion. Like for most solitary bees, the resources contained within M. parietina nests attract several other insects which exploit pollen supplies or feed on the immature brood. These associated insects have mainly been studied for mantained bees and considered for their effect on the host reproductive success. A very large nesting aggregation of M. parietina in Central Tuscany has been studied for three consecutive years. We have identified 32 associated insect species, which certainly are an underestimate of the species present. Among the identified species, only eight had been previously reported for M. parietina . All the species were classified both according to the specificity for the host taxon ( Chalicodoma , Megachilidae, Anthophila, Hymenoptera, Others) and to the ecological relationship (cleptoparasites, parasitoids, predators of larvae, food commensal, scavengers, and occasional nest users). This highlighted both the richness of the ecological network within the nesting aggregation and the value of studying these nesting sites to fill Eltonian shortfalls, i.e. the deficiency in ecology knowledge, of bees and their associated fauna. Implications for insect conservation. We suggest that, besides their role in pollination, large and stable bee nesting sites increase the local insect biodiversity, and that attention should be paid to their conservation within actions aimed to support populations of wild pollinators.
... The mason bee Osmia cornuta is an obligatory monovoltine solitary bee widespread in Europe, except in the northern countries [1]. This species shows sexual dimorphism [2], and under field conditions, male imagoes emerge one week to two days before females during late winter (February) or early spring (March), depending on the latitude [3][4][5][6][7]. Males patrol the nesting site until mating, which occurs just after the female has emerged and evacuated the meconium [8]. ...
... Insight into reproduction mechanisms and sexual recognition in O. cornuta may support the development of techniques for the rearing and management of solitary bees. Such techniques include the ease of raising O. cornuta in artificial nests [3,7,19], the optimisation of the sex ratio in rearing [25,26], the control of diapause duration [27,28], and the possibility of delaying the cocoon emergence after diapause [6,8,[29][30][31]. Only female bees perform pollen gathering; the success of courtship and mating behaviour, ensuring diploid egg production, is fundamental for the proper management of O. cornuta for pollination purposes [3][4][5]23,24]. ...
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Osmia cornuta Latr. is largely managed worldwide for the pollination of orchard crops, playing a key role in the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and ensuring economic and social benefits for human society. The management techniques of this pollinator include the possibility of delaying emergence from cocoons after diapause, allowing for the pollination of later-blooming fruit crops. In this study, the mating behaviour of bees emerging at the natural time (Right Emergence Insects) and of late-emerged bees (Aged Emergence Insects) was described in order to test if a delay in emergence could affect the mating sequence of O. cornuta. Markov analysis of the mating behaviour revealed the occurrence of antenna motion episodes that were repeated in a stereotyped manner at regular intervals during the mating sequence of both Right Emergence Insects and in Aged Emergence Insects. Pouncing, rhythmic and continuous emission of sound, motion of antennae, stretching of the abdomen, short and long copulations, scratching, inactivity, and self-grooming were identified as the stereotyped behavioural units of a behavioural sequence. The occurrence of short copulations, the frequency of which increased with the age of bees, could lead to a failure in the reproduction of the mason bee.
... Osmia cornuta could negatively affect native North American bees through pathogen transmission and direct competition for resources. Osmia cornuta is known to host Chaetodactylus osmiae mites that infest mason bee nest cells, Monodontomerus obscurus wasps that parasitize cocoons, and chalkbrood fungi (Krunic et al. 2005). O. cornuta are pollen generalists, with preferences for rosaceous trees and shrubs, as well as Salix, Quercus, and Acer (Kratschmer et al. 2020)-groups also favored by O. lignaria (Rust 1990, Kraemer and Favi 2005, Kraemer et al. 2014, Pinilla-Gallego and Isaacs 2018. ...
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Mason bees, subgenus Osmia Panzer (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), are economically and ecologically significant pollinators. In eastern North America, the rapid spread of 2 non-native species from Asia, Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski and Osmia taurus Smith, has coincided with declines in native Osmia populations, raising concern about the effects of further exotic arrivals. Here we investigate the recent establishment in British Columbia, Canada of the European orchard bee, Osmia cornuta Latreille, previously thought to be limited to Europe and its periphery. We document O. cornuta records ranging more than 170 km, including sightings of live adults and the discovery of a multigenerational nest with hundreds of cocoons. We tested whether these cocoons could be discriminated from other Osmia species by training a machine learning classifier on features extracted from images. The best performing model could not reliably discriminate cocoons by species, raising the possibility O. cornuta could be inadvertently intermingled in future commercial shipments. Recent occurrence records of O. cornifrons and O. taurus were spatially isolated, suggesting ongoing anthropogenic dispersal of these species. We predicted the suitability of North American habitats for O. cornuta by estimating its native climate niche. This analysis indicated broad regions of the Pacific Northwest and eastern North America contain potentially suitable habitat. Our findings document the establishment of O. cornuta in North America and the potential for its expansion. Our study demonstrates the utility of accessible biodiversity data archives and public observation programs in tracking non-native species spread and highlights the need for future monitoring of exotic Osmia.
... O. cornuta could affect native North American bees through pathogen transmission and direct competition for resources. O. cornuta are known to host Chaetodactylus osmiae mites which infest mason bee nest cells, Monodontomerus obscurus wasps which parasitize cocoons, and chalkbrood fungi (Krunic et al. 2005). O. cornuta are pollen generalists, with preferences for rosaceous trees and shrubs, Salix, Quercus, and Acer (Kratschmer et al. 2020) -several groups that are known preferences of O. lignaria (Kraemer and Favi 2005, Kraemer et al. 2014, Pinilla-Gallego and Isaacs 2018, Rust 1990. ...
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Mason bees, subgenus Osmia Panzer (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), are economically and ecologically significant pollinators. In eastern North America, the rapid spread of two non-native species from Asia, O. cornifrons Radoszkowski and O. taurus Smith, has coincided with declines in native Osmia populations, raising concern about the effects of further exotic invasions. Here we investigate the recent establishment in British Columbia, Canada of the European orchard bee, O. cornuta Latreille, previously thought to be limited to Europe and its periphery. We document O. cornuta records ranging over 170 km, including sightings of live adults and the discovery of a multigenerational nest with hundreds of cocoons. We tested whether these O. cornuta cocoons could be discriminated from other Osmia species by training a machine learning classifier on features extracted from images. The best performing model could not reliably discriminate cocoons by species, raising the possibility O. cornuta could be inadvertently intermingled in future commercial shipments. Spatially isolated records of O. cornifrons and O. taurus further suggest ongoing anthropogenic dispersal of these species. To determine environmentally suitable regions for O. cornuta to spread in North America, we estimated its climate niche using native-range occurrence data. This analysis indicated broad regions of the Pacific Northwest and eastern North America contain potentially suitable habitat. Together, our findings document the establishment of O. cornuta in North America and the potential for it to spread broadly. Our study demonstrates the utility of accessible biodiversity data archives and public observation programs in tracking biological invasions and highlights the need for future monitoring of exotic Osmia .
... We have found Osmia nests to be parasitized essentially by Cacoxenus flies, and to a minor extent by Stelis cuckoo bees. Both kleptoparasites consume the pollen-nectar provision within the brood cell, often killing the bee progeny through starvation, and were commonly found in Osmia nests (Krunić et al. 2005;Tlak Gajger et al. 2022;Zajdel et al. 2014;Shebl et al. 2018;Cane et al. 2007). Besides providing permanent forage and nesting sites, semi-natural elements seem to benefit pollinators also by mitigating negative effects of parasitism. ...
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Wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) play an important role as pollinators of many crops and managed populations of Osmia spp. (Megachilidae), through the installation of trap-nests, proved to be efficient in several fruit orchards. In order to optimize the trap-nest protocols, it is necessary to understand which environmental factors play a major role in the reproductive success of these bees. Here, we studied how climate, land use and vegetation affect nest occupation rate (OR, i.e. total number of colonized tunnels/total number of tunnels in the trap-nest), brood productivity (BP, i.e. total number of brood cells built in a completed nest tunnel) and parasitism rate (PR, i.e. total number of parasitized brood cells/BP) in Osmia bees nearby almond orchards in South-East Spain, a largely understudied Mediterranean area. We found that the summer solar radiation positively influenced all three parameters, while spring solar radiation positively affected OR and BP, and negatively PR. Higher abundance of pastures and forests compared with crops increased OR, though not BP, and reduced PR. Vegetation evenness and diversity of dominant plant species also positively affected OR and BP, while they were unimportant for PR. OR was not affected by climate, but BP increased with maximum temperature in the warmest month and decreased with temperature annual range. PR also increased with high temperature, as well as with precipitation. Arid conditions limited OR and BP and boosted parasitism. Overall, it seems that Osmia bees nearby almond field in this area would benefit from trap-nest installation in well solar-radiated, hot and humid sites with a diverse vegetation. Since we have also found a negative association between PR and BP in nests with at least one parasitized cell, environmental conditions which improve productivity will also likely reduce parasitism in these bees. Implications for insect conservation: Optimization of trap-nesting protocols for maintaining abundant Osmia populations is crucial to an effective use of these bees as managed pollinators. In our study we suggest that trap-nests locations should be chosen also taking into account a number of local climatic and habitat factors, given their importance in affecting key traits of reproductive success in these solitary bees.
... El desarrollo de los nidos de O. azteca, por su naturaleza solitaria, es amenazado por especies que algunos investigadores como Krunic et al. (2005) denominan fauna acompañante. Para esta especie de abeja los principales componentes de la fauna acompañante (figura 17) son la avispa Monodontomerus obscurus y como fauna parásita la mosca Anthrax anthrax Schrank (Diptera: Bombyliidae). ...
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Las abejas son el grupo más abundante y diverso de polinizadores en el planeta, de las que existen más de 20,000 especies. Sin embargo, sólo 19 de ellas se utilizan a escala comercial para la polinización de cultivos y otras 40 se han usado, abandonado o se han usado a nivel de experimentación. En este libro intentamos una primera aproximación a la diversidad y posible uso de especies de abejas nativas mexicanas que tienen potencial como polinizadores de cultivos como la calabaza, los chiles, el chayote y otros. Aunque no tratamos grupos de gran importancia como los abejorros sociales del género Bombus ni los abejorros carpinteros del género Xylocopa, intentamos cubrir una buena parte de la gama de abejas que son polinizadores naturales de muchas plantas. Esta obra fue elaborada por tres profesionales mexicanos, interesados en las abejas y presenta por primera vez información sobre varias especies de abejas nativas mexicanas, su biología y su importancia como polinizadores. Todo esto escrito de la forma más amena posible, con la intención de llegar a la mayor cantidad de lectores interesados en el tema.
... Similarly, our observations in extensively-managed fields are in line with the hypothesis that these fields provide sufficient resources for a wide range of farmland species, and an increase in the amount of semi-natural areas may have little effect, if any, in this context (Carrié et al., 2017). The negative effect of ditch length on bee species richness could be due to the lower water consumption of organic farming compared to conventional farming, with therefore less available wet material for solitary bee nest building (Krunić et al., 2005;Westrich, 1996). We also found a significant interaction between crop diversity and pesticide use, with a negative effect of crop diversity on bee abundance in extensively-managed fields and no effect in intensively-managed fields. ...
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Résumé : L’intensification de l’agriculture est une menace majeure pour la biodiversité. L’homogénéisation des paysages et les changements de pratiques réduisent la quantité et la qualité des habitats disponibles. Dans ce contexte, l’écologie des paysages peut être utilisée dans le but de proposer des modes de gestion agroécologique favorables à la biodiversité. Dans cette thèse j’ai étudié les effets des interactions entre les bordures de parcelles et les pratiques agricoles ainsi qu’entre les bordures de parcelles et les milieux semi-naturels. J’ai pris pour modèle d’étude les paysages rizicoles du delta du Rhône en Camargue. Les paysages camarguais se caractérisent par de grands espaces de zones humides protégés en réserve, des zones de pâturage extensif et de marais à vocation cynégétique et des parcelles de grande culture. Selon leur localisation, ces cultures sont entourées de milieux semi-naturels ou dans des paysages d’openfields. En tant que zone humide majeure du bassin méditerranéen, il existe dans le delta du Rhône des enjeux de conservation de la biodiversité très importants. La Camargue est donc une zone d’étude intéressante pour travailler sur des modes de gestion agroécologique qui permettent de concilier la production alimentaire et la conservation de la biodiversité. En étudiant l’effet de l’hétérogénéité du paysage le long d’un gradient d’intensité d’utilisation de pesticides, je montre que la présence de milieux semi-naturels surfaciques et de bordures de parcelles a un effet positif plus important pour la biodiversité dans les paysages agricoles intensifs. Ces milieux sont utilisés comme des zones refuges par différentes espèces. J’ai ensuite étudié l’effet des surfaces de bordures de parcelles le long d’un gradient de surface de milieux semi-naturels dans des paysages en agriculture biologique. J’ai ainsi mis en évidence le rôle d’habitat de substitution que peuvent avoir les bordures de parcelles pour les oiseaux nicheurs ainsi que leur utilisation comme habitat complémentaire pour les oiseaux hivernants. Cependant, la diversité des niches des espèces rencontrées dans les milieux agricoles camarguais induit des réponses contrastées aux variations de la quantité des différents types d’infrastructures agroécologiques. Afin de prendre en compte ces variations, j’ai modélisé l’effet de la plantation de haies dans le but d’optimiser la conservation de la biodiversité et la fourniture de services écosystémiques. En conclusion, l’intensification agricole est une menace majeure pour la biodiversité, mais l’adoption de pratiques agroécologiques peut permettre de réduire ces impacts et même offrir des milieux favorables aux espèces. La prise en compte des milieux agricoles dans les programmes de conservation de la biodiversité en Europe est donc nécessaire. Abstract: Agricultural intensification is a major threat to biodiversity. The homogenization of landscapes and the changes of practices reduce the quantity and quality of available habitats. In this context, landscape ecology can be used to propose agroecological management methods that are favorable to biodiversity. In this thesis, I studied the effects of interactions between field margins and agricultural practices and between field margins and semi-natural habitats. I used the rice paddy landscapes of the Rhone delta in the Camargue as a study model. The Camargue landscapes are characterized by large protected areas (wetlands mostly), extensive grazing areas and marshes for hunting purposes and crop fields surrounded by semi-natural habitats or, on the contrary, in open fields. Depending on their location, these crops are surrounded by semi-natural habitats or, on the contrary, in open fields. As a major wetland area of the Mediterranean basin, the Rhône delta has very important biodiversity conservation issues. The Camargue is therefore an interesting study area for working on agroecological management methods that reconcile food production and biodiversity conservation. By studying the effect of landscape heterogeneity along a gradient of pesticide use intensity, I show that the presence of semi-natural habitats and field margins has a greater positive effect on biodiversity in intensive agricultural landscapes. These habitats are used as refuges by different species. I then studied the effect of field margins area along a gradient of semi-natural habitat surfaces in organic farming landscapes. I highlighted the role of field margins as substitute habitat for breeding birds and their use as complementary habitat for wintering birds. However, the diversity of niches of species found in the agricultural landscapes of the Camargue induces contrasting responses to variations in the quantity of the different types of agroecological infrastructure. In order to take these variations into account, I modeled the effect of hedgerow planting in order to optimize biodiversity conservation and the provision of ecosystem services. In conclusion, agricultural intensification is a major threat to biodiversity, but the adoption of agroecological practices can reduce these impacts and even provide favorable habitats for species. It is therefore necessary to take into account agricultural landscapes in biodiversity conservation programs in Europe.
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Solitary bees provide an important ecological and agricultural service by pollinating both wild plants and crops, often more effectively than honey bees. In the context of worldwide pollinators' declines, it is important to better understand the functioning of populations under multiple stressors at larger spatial and temporal scales. Here we propose building a detailed, spatially-explicit agent-based model of one of the best-studied species of solitary bees, Osmia bicornis L. In this Formal Model, we review various aspects of O. bicornis biology and ecology in detail and provide descriptions of their planned implementations in the model. We also discuss the model gaps and limitations, as well as inclusions and exclusions, allowing a dialogue with the reviewers about the model's design. The ALMaSS model of O. bicornis aims to provide a realistic and detailed representation of O. bicornis populations in space and time in European agricultural landscapes. The model will be a part of the Animal, Landscape and Man Simulation System (ALMaSS); thus will be able to utilise a highly detailed, dynamic ALMaSS landscape model. It will consider the behaviour of all bee life stages daily and use state transitions to allow each individual to decide their behaviour. The development of egg-to-pupa stages in the nest will be temperature-driven. Adult bees, after they emerge from the nest in spring, will interact with the environment. They will be able to search for suitable nesting locations, provision their brood cells with pollen and reproduce. Modelled females will balance offspring size and number following the optimal allocation theory, but local environmental factors will modify their actual parental investment decisions. The model will include the daily mortality rate for the egg-to-pupa stages, overwintering mortality, and background mortality outside the nest. We will also consider the risk of open-cell parasitism as increasing with the time the brood cell is open. With the level of detail suggested, the model will be able to simulate population-level dynamics in response to multiple factors at the landscape scale over long periods. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has suggested O. bicornis as a model organism for non-Apis solitary bees in the pesticide risk assessment scheme. Therefore, we hope our model will be a first step in building future landscape risk assessments for solitary bees.
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Plant pollination had not drawn much attention until almost fifty years ago. However, development of chemical industry and utilization of pesticides in agriculture brought about the imbalance between the number of pollinators and flowering plants and drastic reduction of pollinators they need. That is why numerous investigations started worldwide in order to find methods for rearing alternative pollinators. In this thesis we present a short survey of contemporary achievements in management and utilization of these alternative pollinators. We point out new attempts of domestication of several species of solitary bees and bumble bees. By carrying out a comprehensive idioecological study of the subspecies O. cornuta cornuta (Latreille) and O. rufa cornigera (Rossi) in this thesis we tried to introduce new procedures and utilization, i.e. semidomestication of these alternative pollinators. Idioecology of the subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera populations encompasses the following of their seasonal activities in the period from 1994 to 1999 under natural conditions, description of nests and their biometric characteristics, dynamics of emerging under laboratory and natural conditions, with special emphasis on their diapauses. We also studied the influence of various factors on the sex ratio and distribution of sexes in nests, as well as the impact of accompanying fauna on populations of these species, with special attention to new methods of control of the most significant reducers of populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa. In the thesis we present the faunistic survey of the family Megachilidae in Yugoslavia, with special emphasis on potential candidates for semidomestication and their use as pollinators of various plants. It is stressed that the total of 22 genera and 106 species from the family Megachilidae were registered in SR Yugoslavia up to date. All the species from this family were classified into six horologic elements with the following percentages: Holarctic species 10,28%, Palearctic 32,71%, West–palearctic 7,48%, European 2,80%, Euro–mediterranean 44,86% and Balkan 1,87%. A detailed description of subspecies O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera is also given. In a series of morphological characters, we give detailed explanation of the status of investigated populations from the vicinity of Belgrade. By use of statistical analysis of 83 measured characters, it is shown that gray  and orange forms from both investigated subspecies differ not only in colour of hairs on abdominal tergites, but also in many quantitative characters. It was found that these bees could pollinate plants at significantly lower temperatures when compared to the honeybee. However, temperatures below +10°C may be dangerous for these populations during their activity. Having that in mind and also that these species are univoltine we suggest a great caution in taking cocoons from low temperatures into orchards, especially in seasons of very early flowering fruit trees in spring. On the basis of these results we suggest keeping bee cocoons during the diapause at different temperatures (for early flowering plants at +5°C and for late flowering plants at +2°C) and taking bees into fields several times during flowering of fruit trees. Pollen analysis from bee nests from the vicinity of Belgrade and Leskovac showed vi that these bees were polylectic species. Studying different nesting materials of these bees, we found that although the paper tubes were the best material for this purpose, for our conditions the tubes of reef Phragmites communis L. and laminated boxes were the most adequate. On the basis of detailed measuring of nest characteristics as well as statistic evaluation of obtained results, it was shown that O. cornuta nested most readily in reef tubes 180 to 280 mm long, and 6 to 9 mm in diameter. The species O. rufa most readily nested in reef tubes 120 to 220 mm long and 5 to 7 mm in diameter. Following the dynamics of adult emerging over the period 1996/97 and 1997/98 under laboratory conditions, with special emphasis on breaking of the diapause, it was found that these bees had obligatory diapause. It was also observed that they could break diapause at different times. It was concluded that cocoons should be exposed to low temperatures (from +2°C to +6°C) from 90 to 170 days if we expect the bees to break diapause and emerge to over 90%, with relatively short period of emerging from the first to the last adult. It was found that there was a significant difference in duration and way of breaking diapause at different temperatures. In populations of both Osmia species, the number of males is considerably higher. Thus, sex ratio per season ranged from 1.46:1 to 3.22:1 in O. cornuta and from 1.19:1 to 2.68:1 in O. rufa. It was observed that sex ratio was much affected by climatic conditions during female period of activity, as well as by diameter and length of nesting tubes. It was also observed that cocoons with females were mostly situated deeper in the nest, while male cocoons were close to the nest entrance. By freezing bees in cocoons under laboratory conditions we showed that O. cornuta and O. rufa could not survive the ice formation in their body, freezing at temperatures from –22,5°C to –31,5°C and from –25,5°C to –30,5°C, respectively. With such a resistance to low temperatures, these species overwinter successfully in microhabitats of their area. Regression lines of freezing temperatures clearly differ in both species. By measuring oxygen consumption of diapause stages in both species, we noticed that after a certain period of keeping bees at low temperatures, the consumption of oxygen started to grow which is a reliable sign of the end of the diapause. Using this method we also found the difference in time of diapause breaking between the species O. cornuta and O. rufa. The level of measured enzymes of antioxidative protection in O. c. cornuta and O. r. cornigera showed that in the period of breaking the diapause there were no significant changes in their activity. It was registered that the growing of the number of populations of O. cornuta and O. rufa caused the change of qualitative and quantitative composition of accompanying fauna. It is especially pronounced in the cleptoparasite Chaetodactylus osmiae Dufour, which in humid seasons may be a very harmful reducer of population number (up to 50%). In experiments of control of the population number of the species Ch. osmiae we found that 0,007% solution of endosulfan successfully destroyed all developing stages of that cleptoparasite from overwintering cocoons not damaging the bees. At the end of the thesis, a short description of the rearing procedure of the subspecies O. c. cornuta in great populations under our climatic conditions is given. It shows for the first time that this subspecies has been semidomesticated in our country. But, at the same time we claim that under our conditions it cannot be achieved with the subspecies O. r. cornigera.
The growing field of conservation biology has placed a new value on cataloging the Earth's living creatures, even as many of them face extinction. In the first systematic revision of the Chrysidid wasp family since 1889, the authors present a worldwide overview of this colorful group. Some 3,000 valid species have been named and are arranged in 84 genera and four sub-families. This comprehensive treatment presents a reclassification of the generic and higher taxa. It also includes a summary of previously published information, indicated problems in need of further study, and detailed synonomic species lists for each genus. Discussions for each tribe and sub-family include ancestral characteristics, phylogenetically important characters and a corresponding cladogram, keys to genera, and relationships among taxa.
The potential threat of parasites to Osmia cornuta populations managed for almond pollination was analysed. Rates of parasitism were measured in both managed and wild trap-nested populations. Only two parasites, the drosophilid fly Cacoxenus sp., and the clep-toparasitic mite Chaetodactylus osmiae, were found in wild populations, but their rates of parasitism rarely exceeded 10%. Cacoxenus was never found in managed populations, but the torymid wasp Monodontomerus obsoletus caused serious damage in some populations when bee cocoons were made accessible by extricating them from nesting materials in the laboratory. Chaetodactylus osmiae was also present in managed populations but in low numbers. In 1991, a population of O. cornuta was released in an almond orchard. As opposed to other releases in which ‘clean’ populations were used, in this release some cells infested with C. osmiae, Cacoxenus sp., and M. obsoletus were intentionally introduced with the bee population. No cell was repara-sitized by Cacoxenus sp., because by the time these drosophilids became adults the flying season of the O. cornuta population was almost over. On the other hand, the number of cells infested with C. osmiae mites increased to six times the number of infested cells originally introduced. Most M. obsoletus developed normally, and parasitism by this wasp increased slightly (from 20 to 30 cells). As O. cornuta flies very early in the season when few species of parasites or nest destroyers are active, the diversity of associated fauna is usually lower in O. cornuta nests than in nests of other, related, later-flying species such as O. ruf a and O. tricornis.
The following behavioral patterns of three chalcidoid parasites, Monodontomerus obscurus, Pteromalus venustus, and Melittobia chalybii, were compared in the laboratory: feeding by adults, precopulatory routines, copulating, anesthetizing the host, ovipositing, mobility of the larvae, cannibalism among larvae, overwintering, diapause, life cycle, and the ability of a host to support a parasite.