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Uptake, distribution and elimination of ??-pinene in man after exposure by inhalation


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The toxicokinetics of alpha-pinene were studied in human volunteers exposed by inhalation (2 h, 50 W) in an exposure chamber on four occasions. The exposures were about 10, 225, and 450 mg/m3 (+)-alpha-pinene and 450 mg/m3 (-)-alpha-pinene. The relative pulmonary uptake was about 60% for the higher exposures, and total uptake increased linearly with increasing exposure. The total blood clearance was high, about After the exposure was terminated, less than 0.001% of the total uptake was eliminated unchanged in the urine and about 8% in exhaled air. A long half-time in poorly perfused tissues indicates a high affinity to adipose tissues. There was a statistically significant exposure-response relationship among five subjects who experienced irritation. Short-time exposure to alpha-pinene did not give rise to acute changes in lung function 20 min after the exposure.
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... Friedelin is a triterpenoid found in moderate amounts (0.3%) in C. sativa's roots ( Jin et al., 2020). Terpenes have rapid bioavailability through oral administration (up to 43%), inhalation (up to 60%), or dermal administration (up to 12%) (Api et al., 2013;Chen et al., 1998;Falk et al., 1990), and paired with their potential to freely cross the blood-brain barrier (Sánchez-Martínez et al., 2021), they provide an in-principle pharmacokinetic basis toward the application of full spectrum terpene-rich medical cannabis formulations in a large range of disorders that involve antiinflammatory, antinociceptive, antimicrobial, antitumor, and neuroprotective effects (da Silveira e Sá et al., 2015;Rodriguez et al., 2022). Although terpenes are highly volatile, readily degradable and have limited bioavailability ( Jenner et al., 2011), encapsulation by solid nanoparticles, nanostructured lipids and macroemulsion are recent methods for enhancing stability and bioavailability (de Matos et al., 2019). ...
Изучено влияние эфирных масел (ЭМ) 22 видов и сортов эфиромасличных растений на умственную работоспособность людей пожилого возраста при вдыхании ими воздуха, содержащего ЭМ в газообразном состоянии в концентрации 1 мг/м3 воздуха. Для исследования были использованы тест распознавания слов с пропущенными буквами и корректурная проба. Установлено, что распознание слов с пропущенными буквами стимулируется при небольшой (10–20 мин) длительности воздействия ЭМ, а затем эффект угасает. Напротив, наибольшее увеличение темпа выполнения корректурной пробы приходится на 30-минутный срок воздействия масел. ЭМ розмарина лекарственного, чабера садового, котовника кошачьего, бархатцев мелких, мяты перечной сортов Удайчанка и Украинская, гвоздичного дерева ускоряют как распознание слов с пропущенными буквами (при кратковременном воздействии), так и скорость выполнения теста корректурной пробы (при длительном воздействии). The effect of essential oils (EOs) of 22 species and varieties of essential oil plants on the mental performance of elderly people when they inhaled air containing EOs in a gaseous state at a concentration of 1 mg/m3 of air was studied. For the study, a word recognition test with missing letters and a proofreading test were used. It has been established that recognition of words with missing letters is stimulated for a short (10–20 min) duration of exposure to EOs, and then the effect fades away. On the contrary, the greatest increase in the pace of performing the correction test occurs during the 30-minute period of exposure to EOs. EOs of rosemary, garden savory, catnip, small marigolds, peppermint varieties Udaychanka and Ukrainian, and cloves accelerate both the recognition of words with missing letters (with shortterm exposure to EO) and the speed of completing the proofreading test (with long-term exposure to EO).
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Background Clinical depression is a serious public health issue that affects 4.7 % of the world's population and can lead to suicide tendencies. Although drug medications are available, only 60 % of the depressed patients respond positively to the treatments, while the rest experience side effects that resulted in the discontinuation of their medication. Thus, there is an urgent need for developing a new anti-depressant with a distinct mode of action and manageable side effects. One of the options is using medicinal plants or plant-based traditional medicine as alternative therapies for psychiatric disorders. Objectives Therefore, the objective of this review was twofold; to identify and critically evaluate anti-depressant properties of medicinal plants or those incorporated in traditional medicine; and to discuss their possible mechanism of action as well as challenges and way forward for this alternative treatment approach. Methods Relevant research articles were retrieved from various databases, including Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science, for the period from 2018 to 2020, and the search was updated in September 2024. The inclusion criterion was relevance to antidepressants, while the exclusion criteria included duplicates, lack of full-text availability, and non-English publications. Results Through an extensive literature review, more than 40 medicinal plant species with antidepressant effects were identified, some of which are part of traditional medicine. The list of the said plant species included Albizia zygia (DC.) J.F.Macbr., Calculus bovis Sativus, Celastrus paniculatus Willd., Cinnamomum sp., Erythrina velutina Willd., Ficus platyphylla Delile, Garcinia mangostana Linn., Hyptis martiusii Benth, and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. Anti-depressant mechanisms associated with those plants were further characterised based on their modes of action such as anti-oxidation system, anti-inflammation action, modulation of various neurotransmitters, neuroprotective effect, the regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and anti-depressant mechanism. The challenges and future outlook of this alternative and complementary medicine are also explored and discussed. Conclusion This pool of identified plant species is hoped to offer health care professionals the best possible alternatives of anti-depressants from natural phytocompounds that are efficacious, safe and affordable for applications in future clinical settings.
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The field of gas sensors has been developing for the last year due to the necessity of characterizing compounds and, in particular, volatile organic compounds whose detection can be of special interest in a vast range of applications that extend from clinical evaluation to environmental monitoring. Among all the potential techniques to develop sensors, magnetron sputtering has emerged as one of the most suitable methodologies for the production of large-scale uniform coatings, with high packing density and strong adhesion to the substrate at relatively low substrate temperatures. Furthermore, it presents elevated deposition rates, allows the growth of thin films with high purity, permits a precise control of film thickness, enables the simple manufacturing of sensors with low power consumption and, consequently, low costs involved in the production. This work reviewed all the current applications of gas sensors developed through magnetron sputtering in the field of VOCs assessment by gathering the most relevant scientific works published. A total of 10 compounds were considered for this work. Additionally, 13 other compounds were identified as promising targets and classified as future trends in this field. Overall, this work summarizes the state-of-the-art in the field of gas sensors developed by magnetron sputtering technology, allowing the scientific community to take a step forward in this field and explore new research areas.
Установлена возможность улучшения психоэмоционального состояния пожилых людей путем вдыхания паров эфирных масел (ЭМ) растений в низкой концентрации (1 мг/м3 воздуха). Для получения быстрого кратковременного результата по показателям психологического благополучия наиболее пригодны ЭМ кориандра посевного и чабера горного. Отдаленный, но более выраженный результат по показателям как психологического благополучия, так и психологического тонуса дают ЭМ иссопа лекарственного и гвоздичного дерева. The possibility of improving the psycho-emotional state of the elderly by inhaling the vapors of essential oils (EO) of plants at a low concentration (1 mg/m3 of air) has been established. To obtain a quick short-term result, mainly in terms of psychological well-being, EOs of coriander and mountain savory are most suitable. A distant, but more pronounced result in terms of both psychological well-being and psychological tone is given by EO of hyssop officinalis and clove tree.
Alicyclic hydrocarbons are ring structures comprised of three or more carbon molecules. Saturated molecules, those containing only single bonds, include cycloalkanes, also called cycloparaffins, cyclanes, and naphthenes. Unsaturated molecules, those containing one or more double bonds, include cycloalkenes, also called cycloolefins and cyclenes. Derivatives formed by alkyl or alkenyl substitution are widely known. Some compounds are isolated from crude petroleum refinery distillates or catalytically cracked petroleum products and used to produce reformed aromatics, as solvents or as synthesis intermediates. Naturally occurring derivatives found in plants are commonly called terpenes. Cyclopropane and cyclobutane are gases with anesthetic properties. Cyclopentane and higher members are liquids with low acute and chronic toxicity overall but may induce effects characteristic of lipophilic compounds, such as dose‐dependent central nervous system (CNS) depression, dizziness, and headache. Effects resolve readily when exposure stops. Following ingestion or inhalation, cycloalkanes are exhaled in unchanged form or rapidly metabolized into water‐soluble metabolites, usually glucuronides. Oral administration of high doses to animals resulted in severe diarrhea, vascular collapse, and heart, lung, liver, and brain degeneration. Some compounds cause ocular and/or dermal irritation, and skin defatting (dry skin). Some larger compounds are skin sensitizers, an effect increased with the number of double bonds present. Liquid members with low viscosity are aspiration hazards. Multiple compounds are associated with α 2 ‐u‐globulin‐induced nephrotoxicity in various strains of male rats, effects not considered biologically relevant in other species including human.
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Water/air, blood/air, oil/air, oil/water, and oil/blood partition (or solubility) coefficients of 17 aromatic hydrocarbons and ketones were measured by a newly developed vial-equilibration method, which needs no direct measurements of the concentration either in the liquid or in the air phase, but only the gas chromatographic peak heights of the air in the sample (in which a test material is contained) and reference vessels (containing no test material). It was found that the blood/air partition coefficients for aromatic hydrocarbons are correlated closely with the product of water/air and oil/air partitiion coefficients, whereas those for ketones are almost in the same range as the water/air, irrespective of the oil/air partition coefficients.
Sumario: General principles -- Toxicology -- Theory and rationale of industrial hygiene practice: the work environment, biological responses 3 t. en 10 v. Volume III, Part A y B: 3rd edition Contiene: Volume I, Part A -- Volume I, Part B -- Volume II, Part A -- Volume II, Part B -- Volume II, Part C -- Volume II, Part D -- Volume II, Part E -- Volume II, Part F -- Volume II, Part A -- Volume III, Part B
After a dental operation a former laboratory technician was referred to our clinic because of swelling of his tongue, lips, and gingival mucosa. Patch testing with the ICDRG standard test battery gave positive reactions to colophony, balsam of Peru, and turpentine peroxides. Further patch testing revealed hypersensitivity to peppermint oil (an ingredient of several dental preparations) due to the sensitizing properties of three ingredients: alpha-pinene, limonene, and phellandrene. These compounds also occur in turpentine oil, a substance used in the patient's laboratory.
Chronic exposure of adult male rats to commercial turpentine resulted in an accumulation of the solvent in perinephric fat and brain. The body solvent content remained virtually stable during 8 weeks. Brain RNA content was below the control range initially and it increased to the control level at the 4th week of exposure. Serum non-specific cholinesterase activity was somewhat below the control range at the first and second week of exposure and it returned to the control level thereafter. The present data are in agreement with the small effects of turpentine exposure on human central nervous system in clinical follow-up studies.
Results concerning 1,000 cases of contact dermatitis with positive patch-tests are published and commented. The allergens which are responsible for about 50% of our cases are: turpentine, nickel, hexavalent chromium and mercuri-organic compounds. These results are compared with those of other countries. As in the industrial world there should be information given to the general public to decrease the cases of contact dermatitis.
Results concerning 1,000 cases of contact dermatitis with positive patch tests are presented. The allergens which are responsible for about 50% of our cases are: turpentine, nickel, hexavalent chromium and organic mercurial compounds. These results are compared with those of other countries. As in the industrial world there should be information given to the general public to reduce the incidence of contact dermatitis.