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Little is known about the phenomenon of multiple orgasms among men. The traditional view assumes there are two stages of orgasm in the healthy male: emission following orgasm almost instantly, followed by a refractory period. Contradictory experiences have been reported by men. Data from interviews with 21 multiply orgasmic men are presented. Men reported that detumescence does not always follow an orgasm, that a nonejaculatory orgasm can occur prior to as well as after an ejaculatory orgasm, and that it is possible to have a series of orgasms. Some of the men reported always having been multiply orgasmic, whereas others experienced it relatively late in life. Others have actively learned to become multiply orgasmic. It may be that our traditional expectations regarding the possible limited range of male orgasmic capacity have profoundly influenced men's behavior as well as research in this area.
... 14 However, Dunn and Trost found considerable variation in their multi-orgasmic subjects' ejaculation patterns with the majority reporting no particular pattern. 5 Although it is not clear what their view was for multiple orgasm in men, Masters and Johnson define multiple orgasm in women differently by focusing on arousal without reference to timing, refractory period or ejaculation pattern. They distinguish between "repeated orgasms" and "status orgasmus"; the former is separated by pauses during which sexual tension and arousal decrease to plateau-phase level, whereas the latter refers to "either a series of rapidly recurrent orgasmic experiences between which no recordable plateau-phase levels can be demonstrated, or a single, long continued orgasmic episode". ...
... 15 Most authors, however, seem to agree that arousal must remain high throughout the multiple orgasm episode. In fact, most definitions proposed 4,5,9,11,14 assert that erectile rigidity should be maintained for the entire duration of the multi-orgasmic episode. Two case studies, however, do not support this view. ...
... 18 The few available psychosexual histories, however, indicate that time of onset for male multiple orgasm is quite varied and ranges from taking place at the first-ever ejaculatory orgasmic experience 14 to shortly after or coinciding with the first partnered sexual experience, or to after 35 years old. 5 Dunn and Trost (1989) have described multi-orgasmic men as either "primaries" i.e. men who began having multiple orgasm with their first orgasmic experience, and "secondaries" that is, those whose multiple orgasm ability generally started past the age of 35, and either occurred fortuitously, or were deliberately trained. 5 There is also even less available data on the psychosexual profile of multi-orgasmic men. ...
Background The scientific literature on multiple orgasm in males is small. There is little consensus on a definition, and significant controversy about whether multiple orgasm is a unitary experience. Aims This study has 2 goals: (i) describing the experience of male multiple orgasm; (ii) investigating whether there are different profiles of multiple orgasm in men. Methods Data from a culturally diverse online convenience sample of 122 men reporting multiple orgasm were collected. Data reduction analyses were conducted using principal components analysis (PCA) on 13 variables of interest derived from theory and the existing literature. A K-means cluster analysis followed, from which a 4-cluster solution was retained. Results While the range of reported orgasms varied from 2 to 30, the majority (79.5%, N = 97) of participants experienced between 2 and 4 orgasms separated by a specific time interval during which further stimulation was required to achieve another orgasm. Most participants reported maintaining their erections throughout and ejaculating with every orgasm. Age was not a significant correlate of the multiple orgasm experience which occurred more frequently in a dyadic context. Four different profiles of multiorgasmic men were described. Strengths & Limitations This study constitutes a rare attempt to collect systematic self-report data concerning the experience of multiple orgasm in a relatively large sample. Limitations include the lack of validated measures, memory bias associated with self-reported data and retrospective designs, the lack of a control group and of physiological measurement. Conclusion Our study suggests that multiple orgasm in men is not a unitary phenomenon and sets the stage for future self-report and laboratory study. Griffin-Mathieu G, Berry M, Shtarkshall RA, Amsel R, Binik YM, Gérard M. Exploring Male Multiple Orgasm in a Large Online Sample: Refining Our Understanding. J Sex Med 2021;XX:XXX–XXX.
... In fact, Whipple and colleagues Myers and Komisaruk recorded a multi-orgasmic subject in laboratory setting as he manually self-stimulated continuously to six ejaculatory orgasms, with a time lapse of 36 minutes between the first and last orgasm (1998). On the other hand, Dunn and Trost (1989) found considerable variation in their multi-orgasmic subjects' ejaculation patterns. While a few subjects reported experiencing either "dry" orgasms or starting with an ejaculatory orgasm, the majority did report no particular pattern, that is, the orgasms could be "dry" or ejaculatory, in any particular order. ...
... Additionally, age may be a factor in the capacity to have MO, with Kinsey contending that most men lose this ability by 35 or 40 years old (1948). On the other hand, available psychosexual data show that age of onset for male MO is quite varied (i.e., after first partnered experience or after 35 (Dunn & Trost, 1989). With regards to contextual factors, research has suggested the use of pornographic audiovisual stimulation (Whipple, Myers & Komisaruk, 1998) and the presence of a good partner with whom to feel familiar and emotionally close (Dunn & Trost, 1989), or with whom we can empathize arousal-wise ("empathic turn on"; Haning et al., 2008). ...
... On the other hand, available psychosexual data show that age of onset for male MO is quite varied (i.e., after first partnered experience or after 35 (Dunn & Trost, 1989). With regards to contextual factors, research has suggested the use of pornographic audiovisual stimulation (Whipple, Myers & Komisaruk, 1998) and the presence of a good partner with whom to feel familiar and emotionally close (Dunn & Trost, 1989), or with whom we can empathize arousal-wise ("empathic turn on"; Haning et al., 2008). ...
... In fact, Whipple and colleagues Myers and Komisaruk recorded a multi-orgasmic subject in laboratory setting as he manually self-stimulated continuously to six ejaculatory orgasms, with a time lapse of 36 minutes between the first and last orgasm (1998). On the other hand, Dunn and Trost (1989) found considerable variation in their multi-orgasmic subjects' ejaculation patterns. While a few subjects reported experiencing either "dry" orgasms or starting with an ejaculatory orgasm, the majority did report no particular pattern, that is, the orgasms could be "dry" or ejaculatory, in any particular order. ...
... Additionally, age may be a factor in the capacity to have MO, with Kinsey contending that most men lose this ability by 35 or 40 years old (1948). On the other hand, available psychosexual data show that age of onset for male MO is quite varied (i.e., after first partnered experience or after 35 (Dunn & Trost, 1989). With regards to contextual factors, research has suggested the use of pornographic audiovisual stimulation (Whipple, Myers & Komisaruk, 1998) and the presence of a good partner with whom to feel familiar and emotionally close (Dunn & Trost, 1989), or with whom we can empathize arousal-wise ("empathic turn on"; Haning et al., 2008). ...
... On the other hand, available psychosexual data show that age of onset for male MO is quite varied (i.e., after first partnered experience or after 35 (Dunn & Trost, 1989). With regards to contextual factors, research has suggested the use of pornographic audiovisual stimulation (Whipple, Myers & Komisaruk, 1998) and the presence of a good partner with whom to feel familiar and emotionally close (Dunn & Trost, 1989), or with whom we can empathize arousal-wise ("empathic turn on"; Haning et al., 2008). ...
... Gender differences have been demonstrated in the perception of psychological [10, 11] and physiological sensations of orgasm [12]. Despite less attention paid to male orgasm, literature found that orgasm experiences in men are influenced by psychosocial aspects [13,14] as well as in women, for whom orgasmic satisfaction and pleasure are related also to intrapersonal, interpersonal, and contextual factors [15][16][17]. From a physiological point of view, Masters and Johnson [8] found minimal differences between men and women concerning the orgasmic experience: in men, the orgasmic experience proceeds even if the stimulus that produced it ceases, whereas in women if the excitatory stimulus disappears the orgasm itself also ends. ...
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Orgasm is a phase of the human sexual response, and the possible discrepancies between male and female ways to experience it are still not clear in the literature. There is a lack of tools to adequately assess orgasm perception. This study aims to develop an instrument and verify possible differences between males and females. We constructed the Orgasmic Perception Questionnaire (OPQ) through different stages: first, 316 items selection was conducted on a sample of 96 people, where items came mainly from written descriptions of orgasm perception; second, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on 674 Italian adults with a 63-item OPQ; finally, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on 1100 Italian adults with a 47-item OPQ. In the first study, 63 items fitted an equidistributional pattern and were to form the 63-item OPQ used for EFA. The EFA showed that five factors out of 47 explained 44.01% of the total variance and were named: Ecstasy, Contractions, Relaxation, Power, and Sensations. The confirmatory factor analyses run on the 47-item OPQ confirmed that the five-factor structure fits. Moreover, females scored higher than males with an adequate effect size in two factors: Contractions and Sensations. In conclusion, the OPQ could be a useful tool in both clinical settings and research studies to investigate the perception of orgasmic experience in its totality.
... Wibowo and Wassersug (2016) reviewed the literature and found that multiple orgasms among men is rare (less than 10% among men in their 20s; less than 7% of men older than 30). However, Dunn and Trost (1989) posit "it may be our traditional expectations regarding the possible limited range of male orgasmic capacity have profoundly influenced men's behavior as well as research in this area" (377). Perhaps this explains our single female participant with this ideal. ...
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Sexual satisfaction is important to individual well-being and relationship satisfaction, making it a research topic relevant for sex clinicians and relationship therapists. The current study adds to sexuality literature by asking participants questions about the factors involved in “great sex.” We conducted 78 interviews via email or phone with participants ranging in age from 18 to 69. The sample included a diverse range of sexual orientations and identities, and various relationship statuses. Three primary themes emerged regarding great sex: orgasm, an emotional component, and chemistry/connection. Though some participants equated an emotional aspect as love; most participants made clear the difference between love and emotional elements in sex. Many participants shared their belief that a man only invests in his female partner’s orgasm when he also invests in her emotionally. Thus, some women explained that the emotional component helped them be present enough to orgasm. Others explained the emotional component as trust and affection. Participants also elaborated to define chemistry, which they regarded as out of one’s control and impossible to manufacture. A smaller number of participants stated unequivocally the lack of necessity of an emotional aspect to great sex; they stated instead that physical connection trumped an emotional component.
... As Nicola Dibben points out, "ideas of Iceland as a wild landscape find expression in sonic aspects of the music". 54 Multiple climaxes 23 My first example, by Sigur Rós, is officially called "Untitled #8", but fans and band members alike have ironically nicknamed it "Popplagið" (the pop song). It is an 11'45 song, released as the closing track of the 2002 untitled album generally referred to as ( ), a symbol appearing on the front sleeve. ...
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Effects produced by music and sex are similar insofar as they make us feel the present moment intensely (Frith 1996): this is probably the reason why our discourses frequently borrow vocabulary from the sexual lexical field when we want to name instants where our musical perception is most stimulated. The word “climax” is a transparent example, since it can literally refer to an orgasm, but is also used to talk about the intensity peak of a piece of music. This metaphor comes with unfortunate restrictions, in this case, the viewing of a climax as the equivalent of one standardized representation of male pleasure – the single orgasm. Yet, to see a musical climax as an intensity peak preceded by a crescendo and followed by an immediate fallout has its limits. It is generally relevant in tonal, classical music, but this outline loses its accuracy when it comes to other genre families, like rock music, which progresses step by step, and does not necessarily include one precise identifiable peak.This article focuses on a post-rock corpus and shows the importance of a more flexible use of the notion of climax in musicology. The studied climaxes, shaped as long sections instead of one-time peaks, illustrate how musical analysis can benefit from alternative templates, namely those of multiple and sustained orgasms. Using these two models as formal references, and relying on Brad Osborn’s work (2013), which evidenced the role of terminal climactic sections in recent rock music, this paper stresses the internal crescendos of the climactic sections often – but not exclusively – heard in post-rock. Their form, instrumentation, harmonic strategies, use of technology and performance highlight the main characteristics of these expanded climaxes: an extended temporality, replicability and reduced teleology.
... Medan kvinnor kan få många orgasmer efter varandra är det få män som kan få "multiorgasmer" (Dunn & Trost 1989). En rapport visar att färre än 10 procent av unga män under 20 år och färre än 7 procent av män efter 30 år kan få multiorgasmer (Wibowo & Wassersug 2016). ...
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Everyone, but especially those who work in healthcare or who influences it, needs to be made aware of the consequences of a number of new trends that have to do with sexology as well as the results of recent medical research that is in some way related to sexology. Therefore, this book is mainly about new important knowledge that has been generated in research and outside research from 2015 to August 2020.Above all, research on women's sexual anatomy and physiology has provided significant new and important knowledge of women's sexuality from having previously much been neglected in research and has it in general been mystified and even been taboo ever since the days of Freud. The book is in Swedish and has, at the end of the book 513 references divided into 185 scientific articles and books and 328 non-fiction and other sources. Approximately 60% of the referenced publications in the book are published from 2018 to July 2020. Approximately 15% are from the period 2015 to 2017. Approximately 11% are from the period 2010 to 2014 and approximately 14% are from the period up to and including 2009. The Swedish paper back book can be bought at
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About risks of piercing and tattooing
This gold standard text has kept its readers abreast of rapid advancements in reproductive medicine and surgery since 1983. Continuing this tradition, this fifth edition has been fully updated and revised to provide clear, didactic advice on best practice for a variety of clinical situations faced by practitioners across many specialties - including urologists, gynecologists, reproductive endocrinologists, medical endocrinologists and many in internal medicine and family practice who see men with suboptimal fertility and reproductive problems. Completely restructured to include pedagogical features such as easily accessible key concepts that cement understanding and real-world use. Covering everything from foundations of anatomy and embryology, through clinical evaluation, diagnostic approaches, treatment and fertility care in context within the healthcare system and society, thrilling advances and future directions are also included. This new edition is an essential reference for all who are working in this young and rapidly evolving field.
Thirteen men were interviewed and data collected relevant to their experiences of multiple orgasmic responses during sexual arousal before or without an ejaculatory response. One subject was monitored on a polygraph and his physiological response to sexual arousal clearly showed three orgasmic responses prior to ejaculation. The preliminary results from this study indicated that there can be conscious control and therefore separation of the orgasmic and ejaculatory reactions in men.
When doing quantitative studies, we usually need a statistically representative sample. The same is often not the case with qualitative studies where we need a sample with variations along the independent variables. The technique described here is simple to use and guarantees variations. A statistically representative sample, on the other hand, if small, often gives few variations. Thus, one could say that the technique presented is a kind of statistically nonrepresentative stratified sampling useful in qualitative studies.
Human SexualResponse, Little, Brown and Com-pany
  • W H Masters
  • V E Johnson
  • W H Masters
  • V E Johnson
  • R C Kolodny
Masters, W. H., and Johnson, V. E. (1966). Human SexualResponse, Little, Brown and Com-pany, Boston. Masters, W. H., Johnson, V. E., and Kolodny, R. C. (1986). Masters and Johnson on Sex and Human Loving, Little, Brown and Company, Boston.
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male Psychopatia Sexualis, Physicians and Surgeons Books
  • A D Kinsey
  • W B Pomeroy
  • C E Martin
Kinsey, A. D., Pomeroy, W. B., and Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia. Krafft-Ebing, R. von (1938/1886). Psychopatia Sexualis, Physicians and Surgeons Books, New York.
The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Condueted by the Institute for Sex Research
  • P H Gebhard
  • A B Johnson
Gebhard, P. H., and Johnson, A. B. (1979). The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the 1938-1963 Interviews Condueted by the Institute for Sex Research, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulations of the
  • P H Gebhard
The Kinsey Interview Kit The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
  • J S Brewer
  • J. S. Brewer
Sexual Anomalies and Perversions Aldor
  • M Hirschfeld
  • M. Hirschfeld
What you don't know about men
  • H S Kaplan
  • H. S. Kaplan