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Relative importance of clumped vs experimentally isolated plants in a South African winter-rainfall desert community



We conducted a factorial removal experiment in the arid strandveld on the west coast of South Africa to test the hypothesis that perennial species with a “preference” for occurring in multi-species clumps should derive benefits from their association into clumps. Contrary to our hypothesis, we obtained evidence of competition for water in the clumped non-succulent species studied in the form of depressed water potentials. We were not able to detect any effect on leaf water contents associated with isolation, suggesting that clumped plants are able to compensate physiologically in response to competitive stress. We also found that isolating individuals had no effect (positive or negative) on branch growth. Finally, we showed that isolating individuals exposed them to a far greater risk of damage by wind or animals. In light of these results we conclude that the spatial arrangement of plants in this community does suggest a situation where the benefits associated with occurring in clumps exceed any competitive costs.
Relative Performance of Clumped vs. Experimentally Isolated Plants in a South African
Winter-Rainfall Desert Community
Author(s): Neil Eccles, Byron Lamont, Karen Esler and Heather Lamont
Plant Ecology,
Vol. 155, No. 2 (Aug., 2001), pp. 219-227
Published by: Springer
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Accessed: 25/03/2014 01:55
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^L Plant Ecology 155: 219-227, 2001. 219
? 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Relative performance of clumped vs. experimentally isolated plants in a
South African winter-rainfall desert community
Neil Eccles1, Byron Lamont2, Karen Esler3* and Heather Lamont2
'Institute for Plant Conservation, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa; 2Department of
Environmental Biology, Curtin University of Technology, P.
O Box, U1987, Perth, 6845, WA, Australia;
3Department of Botany, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag XI, Matieland, 7602, South Africa; *Author
for correspondence (e-mail: kje@land.sun.acza; fax: +27 -21 808 3607)
Received 1 February 2000; accepted in revised form 28 January 2001
Key words: Branch growth, Competition, Positive interactions, Risk, Shrubs, Strandveld, Vegetation clumps,
Water relations
We conducted a factorial removal experiment in the arid strandveld on the west coast of South Africa to test the
hypothesis that perennial species with a "preference" for occurring in
multi-species clumps should derive ben
efits from their association into clumps. Contrary to our hypothesis, we obtained evidence of competition for
water in the clumped non-succulent species studied in the form of depressed water potentials. We were not able
to detect any effect on leaf water contents associated with isolation, suggesting that clumped plants are able to
compensate physiologically in response to competitive stress. We also found that isolating individuals had no
effect (positive or negative) on branch growth. Finally, we showed that isolating individuals exposed them to a
far greater risk of damage by wind or animals. In light of these results we conclude that the spatial arrangement
of plants in this community does suggest a situation where the benefits associated with occurring in clumps ex
ceed any competitive costs.
One of the most striking features of plant communi
ties in the arid west coast strandveld (part of the win
ter rainfall Succulent Karoo biome) of South Africa
is that most perennial plants are concentrated into
multi-species clumps (Eccles et al. 1999). This in it
self is not particularly unusual. There are several ex
amples in the literature, many of them in desert sys
tems, which suggest that clumped vegetation patterns
are in fact very common, if not predominant. For in
stance, the majority of spatial pattern studies re
viewed by Fowler (1986) suggested that clumped and
random patterns were common in arid and semi-arid
plant communities, while regular patterns were rela
tively infrequent. The most popular interpretation of
these patterns has been the "maturation thinning"
model which is nested in competition theory (Phillips
and MacMahon 1981; Prentice and Werger 1985;
Miriti et al. 1998). This model involves a combina
tion of seed dispersal processes that produce aggre
gated patterns in juveniles, and competition that will
convert these into random, and ultimately into regu
lar ones (Phillips and MacMahon 1981). The overall
clumped pattern is then attributed to the fact that there
tend to be greater numbers of juveniles in popula
There are, however, two weaknesses with this
competition-based model. Firstly, empirical support
for the model is often not convincing. The possibility
maturation thinning is occurring has usually been
explored by dividing populations into size classes and
characterizing the spatial patterns of these size classes
separately (Phillips and MacMahon 1981; Prentice
and Werger 1985; Wright and Howe 1987). In these
studies, complete sequences of patterns (i.e. clumped
to random to regular) are seldom resolved. The most
common trend is clumped to random. It is possible to
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argue that if individuals are clumped to start with, and
if some mortality is inevitable (as it
must be even in
the absence of competition) then a tendency towards
randomness may also be inevitable. In addition to
this, the failure to identify individuals growing close
together may often bias the interpretation of patterns
(Ebert and McMaster 1981; Cox 1987). For instance,
Prentice and
Werger (1985) made this error explicitly
by exploring the spatial arrangement of clumps rather
than the spatial arrangement of individuals. The sec
ond weakness with the model is that it neglects the
likely possibility that seed dispersal is subject to se
lection (Dieckmann et al. 1999). Evolutionary theory
suggests that if there is a net disadvantage associated
with living in clumps (e.g. reduced fecundity due to
competition) then dispersal strategies that ensure ju
veniles do not aggregate should evolve.
So, while few would deny that some competition
between plants is axiomatic, several authors have be
gun to question whether competition on its own is a
suitable framework within which to interpret clumped
patterns (e.g. Wright and Howe (1987); Schlesinger
et al. (1990); Couteron and Kokou (1997); Evans and
Belnap (1999); Eccles et al. (1999); Reynolds et al.
(1999). One alternative interpretation of clumped
vegetation patterns is the notion of "pseudointerac
tion" (Garrett and Dixon 1997). These authors argue
that environmental heterogeneity may produce spatial
characteristics that suggest interactions even in the
absence of actual interactions. This idea is compli
cated by the fact that
most biotic interactions are me
diated by changes in the environment (Jones et al.
1997; Schlesinger et al. 1990; Reynolds et al. 1999).
Another more tangible framework for interpreting
clumped patterns is the balance between positive and
negative interactions (Callaway and Walker 1997;
Holmgren et al. 1997; Feldman et al. 1999; Herr? et
al. 1999). According to this notion, plants will have a
preference for clumping if there is some net benefit
associated with occurring in clumps (i.e. if the ben
efits accruing through association with neighbors are
greater than the inevitable competitive costs).
Armed with this basic prediction that plants with a
preference for clumping should derive a net benefit
through association into clumps, and with the ob
served strong tendency towards clumping in strand
veld communities, we set out to establish whether we
could detect advantages associated with living in
clumps. In this study we focused on mature individu
als rather than seedlings and recent recruits. Our ex
perimental approach was to isolate individuals from
their clumps and to compare the performance of these
individuals against matched controls over a year. In
addition to assessing growth (of tagged branches), we
also monitored plant water relations as well as physi
cal damage by herbivory and wind.
Materials and Methods
Study site
The study area is located near the mouth of the Groen
River on the west coast of South Africa (30?51'S
17?34'E) and is part of the Succulent Karoo biome.
Annual average rainfall is in the region of 140 mm,
most of which occurs in
winter. Records of rainfall at
Groen River [station number 01571113, Climate In
formation, Directorate Climatology, South African
Weather Bureau] only began in 1999, indicating an
extremely dry year with a total of 35 mm falling be
tween January and December. Records from an equiv
alent, nearby station [Sarrisam, 01570357] show that
the previous year, 1998, was also drier than average,
with a total of 79 mm falling. Using a composite of
rainfall records from the two stations, the rainfall dur
ing this study period (August 1998 to August 1999)
was about 90 mm. Fog and dew are a regular occur
rence and may contribute significantly to the total
precipitation. Temperatures in the area are generally
moderate. The average maximum temperature in Jan
uary (the hottest month) is about 20 ?C, while the av
erage minimum temperature in June (the coolest
month) is about 9 ?C. Frosts do not occur.
Wind is a very important feature of the climatic
regime (Desmet and Cowling 1999). Wind results in
high evaporative demands (particularly during hot
f?hn-like berg winds); it
may result in physical dam
age to plants directly or through sand blasting (J?r
gens 1996); and may have profound effects on seed
dispersal. In addition to this source of disturbance, the
area is also subject to grazing. Currently this is
mainly in the form of grazing by sheep. Prior to
spread human settlement though, indigenous ante
lope, such as springbok, oryx and red hartebeest,
would have had much the same impact (Cowling and
Pierce 1999). The soils are red aoelian sands overly
ing an impenetrable hardpan of impervious silcrete
about 10 cm thick at about 2 m. The vegetation in the
area is known as the medium strandveld. It is domi
nated by medium-lived shrubs that
may reach 2 m tall
in places. The vegetation clumps are irregularly (or
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"leopard", Aguiar and Sala (1999)) shaped and are
generally separated by between 1 and 2 m of bare
sand. An average clump contains between 10-25 pe
rennial plants 7-11 species and there is a large ele
ment of chance involved in the species composition
of these clumps (Eccles 2000). The most important
families are the Asteraceae and the Mesembryanthe
Experimental design and analysis
In order to test the hypothesis that
mature individuals
(as opposed to seedlings and recent recruits) benefit
by living in
multi-species vegetation clumps, we con
ducted a factorial removal experiment. We selected
pairs of individuals matched as closely as possible in
terms of size and clump characteristics (Figure 1)
from eight species. As previously mentioned, a wide
array of simultaneous species interactions are possi
ble within clumps, making individual species interac
tions as they might vary between clumps irrelevant to
explaining our results. Besides the eight species be
ing among the most abundant in this community,
these species exhibited a wide range of physiological
traits (Table 1).
We then experimentally isolated one
of the paired individuals from its clump and left the
other with its clump intact (control). Plants were re
moved by cutting to ground level and lignotubers and
rhizomes were removed by cutting off roots at their
bases with minimal disturbance of the soil. Litter was
raked off. Any resprouts of non-target plants were cut
off during each visit. We replicated these 16 treat
ments (8 species x 2 removal treatments) in three
blocks. Replication was intended to even out any dif
ferences in composition between the controls. The
treatments were imposed in late winter (August
Growth of five randomly selected marked branches
per plant was carried out between April 1999 and July
1999. Stem elongation was used as the index of
growth. We justified measuring plants during this pe
riod as an analysis of the seasonal frequencies of
growth of another Succulent Karoo site (Goegap)
showed that growth occurs from the onset of rains in
autumn through to late winter. Moderate winter low
temperatures allow winter growth to go on until the
beginning of spring when mean monthly precipitation
again drops (Esler and Rundel 1999).
Assessments of plant water status were carried out
in October and November 1998 and January, April
and late July 1999. At each assessment date we mea
i 5.0
2 2.5
I 1
Po Sl Ea Su Rf 2m Oc Ss
0.0 1
Po Sl Ea Su Rf Zm Oc Ss
Figure 1. Attributes of clumps and individuals that were isolated
(0 plotted against their paired controls (c). a) Clump cover, b)
Clump height, c) number of plants per clump and d) Plant height.
Points falling on the diagonal line would correspond exactly. Bars
represent standard errors. Po = Pteronia, Sl = Salvia, Ea = Erio
cephalus, Su = Stoeberia, Rf = Ruschia, Zm = Zygophyllum, Oc =
Othonna, Ss = Senecio.
sured pre-dawn and mid-day water potentials using a
digital pressure chamber (PMS Instruments, Corval
lis, Oregon, USA, model 1003) and leaf water con
tents [(wet weight - dry weight)/wet weight]. For the
wet weights, leaves were weighed on site or wrapped
in plastic film, kept cool and in the dark, and weighed
within 2 hours of collection. They were then frozen
at -16 ?C to hasten drying, dried at 70 ?C for 48 hours
and then re-weighed for dry weight. A paired i-test
revealed that overall pre-dawn and mid-day leaf wa
ter contents did not differ and we therefore only
present the pre-dawn results. Finally, we noted any
damage to the tagged branches resulting from either
animal activity or wind.
We analyzed the branch growth data by conven
tional ANOVA, treating each plant as the experimen
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Table 1. List of the eight species used in this study along with their families, photosynthetic mode and an index of their succulence (turgid
mass/leaf area ratio).
Species Family Photosynthetic pathway Turgid/area ratio
Salvia lanceolata Lam.
Eriocephalus africanus L.
Pteronia onobromoides DC.
Zygophyllum morgsana L.
Othonna cylindrica (Lam.) DC
Senecio sarcoides (DC.) Sch.Bip.
Stoeberia utilis (L. Bolus) Van Jaarsv.
Ruschia fugitans L. Bolus
tal unit and using average branch growth per plant
(excluding damaged branches) as the var?ate. In this
way, the data met the assumptions of normality and
homogeneity of variance necessary for a valid
ANOVA. We analyzed the water relations variables
using the repeated measures analysis of variance pro
cedure in the Genstat procedure library (Genstat 5
Committee 1993). This procedure uses maximum
likelihood to estimate an adjustment factor for de
grees of freedom in order to account for non-spheric
ity of data in the "subject time" stratum of the
ANOVA (Greenhouse and Geisser 1959; Everitt
1995). Following on from this analysis, we used nor
mal order plots (Perry 1986; Cousens 1988) to ex
plore groupings of treatments at the "species.treat
ment" level, as an alternative to the usual (but often
misleading) multiple range tests. We opted to use this
approach because we could find no evidence to sup
port our basic hypothesis that plants should benefit
from living in clumps. As such, this exploration was
unplanned. Finally for branch damage, we conducted
an angular transformation on the percentage of dam
aged branches per plant and analyzed this using a
conventional ANOVA. It should be noted that despite
the transformation of this var?ate, the conditions of
normality and of homogeneity of variance were not
met and as such the statistical interpretation is tenta
tive and only presented to reinforce what is clear from
the actual data.
Plant water relations
In terms of water relations our experiment failed to
confirm the hypothesis that plants should benefit by
living in clumps. In the case of leaf water contents
there was no evidence that the isolation of individu
als had any significant effect (negative or positive)
(Table 2). Different species certainly showed clear
differences over time (significant species.time inter
action) (Figure 2). As expected, the water contents in
the more succulent species (Senecio, Othonna, Stoe
beria and Ruschia) were generally higher and gener
ally changed less over the season than the non-succu
lent species (Pteronia, Eriocephalus and Salvia). Al
though Zygophyllum is summer deciduous, prior to
losing its leaves its performance was much the same
as the succulent group. The pre-dawn and mid-day
water potentials were slightly more difficult to inter
pret. Once again there was a significant species.time
interaction (Table 2). Zygophyllum was unusual in
that it behaved more like the non-succulents than the
succulents, which is in contrast to the leaf water con
In addition to these species.time interactions, the
species.treatment interactions were also significant in
both pre-dawn and mid-day water potentials, and
there was a significant treatment.time interaction in
the case of the mid-day water potentials (Table 2).
The treatment.time interaction reflects the fact that the
treatment effect was more pronounced in mid-sum
mer than in winter. In the case of the species.treat
ment interactions, once again, the general distinction
between the succulent species and the non-succulent
species was apparent. Clumped and isolated individ
uals of the succulent species showed no evidence of
performing differently while the non-succulent ones
did exhibit a treatment effect (Figure 3). Salvia was
an anomaly since its lack of response resembled the
behavior of succulents. Zygophyllum behaved in the
same way as the non-succulents. Where treatment ef
fects were evident, they indicated that isolated indi
viduals were less stressed (higher water potentials)
than their counterparts in clumps. Finally, it would
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o 70
-7.5 -|-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
* -7.5
jan apr jul
Figure 2. Time series showing a) rainfall and b) the development
of the significant species time interactions for pre-dawn leaf water
contents and c) pre-dawn and d) mid-day water potentials. The
species codes are as in (Figure 1). In the case of Zygophyllum, this
species was summer deciduous and there was therefore no data re
corded in
appear that within the succulent group (Senecio, Oth
onna, Stoeberia and Ruschia), the CAM Mesembry
anthemaceae species (Stoeberia and Ruschia) gener
ally had higher water potentials than the C3 Aster
aceae (Senecio and Othonna).
Plant growth and damage
While there was once again a significant species ef
fect on branch growth, there was no significant treat
ment main effect or species.treatment interaction (Ta
ble 3). The two Mesembryanthemaceae species (Stoe
beria and Ruschia) responded most to the light rains
that fell during this growth period (Figure 4). At the
other end of the spectrum, Pteronia hardly showed
any response to the rains. In terms of plant damage, it
is clear that isolating plants exposes them to a much
greater risk of being damaged (p < 0.001, (Table 4)).
Senecio individuals in particular were highly suscep
tible to browsing damage when isolated from their
clumps. The damage in
Eriocephalus, and Salvia iso
lated plants appeared to have been caused by either
sheep walking through the plants or wind damage,
while the damage in Stoeberia and Zygophyllum re
sulted from sheep using the plants as a scratching
post. The damage in isolated Pteronia and Othonna
plants appeared to be the result of animals brushing
past or wind.
Our working premise was that clumped vegetation
patterns, such as those present in the strandveld, most
likely represent situations where the benefits accrued
by plants through their association with neighbours
are greater than the inevitable competitive costs. In
line with this notion of net effect, the vari?tes that we
measured did indeed reflect the full spectrum of in
teractions (negative in the case of water potentials in
some species; neutral in the case of leaf water con
tents and growth; and positive in the case of physical
damage). In support of the findings of Briones et al.
(1998) in a Chihuahuan system, occurring in clumps
had little or no effect on plant water relations in the
more succulent species studied (Senecio, Othonna,
Stoeberia and Ruschia). In contrast, the less succulent
species (Pteronia, Eriocephalus, Zygophyllum but not
Salvia), showed some evidence of competition for
water in the form of lower (more negative) water po
tentials in clumped individuals. Lamont and Lamont
(2000) recently showed that these two groups of spe
cies were fundamentally different in their water up
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Table 2. Repeated measures ANOVA results for pre-dawn and mid-day water potentials and pre-dawn leaf water contents. Values are the
variance ratios. When assessing the significance of these, the degrees of freedom under the site.subject.time stratum were multiplied by the
Greenhouse-Geisser (G-G) epsilon value.
Source of variation df Pre-dawn water potential/P Mid-day water potential/P Pre-dawn water content/P
Site stratum 2
Site.Subject stratum
Species 7
Treatment 1
Species.treatment 7
Residual 30
Site.Subject.time stratum
Time 4
Time.species 28
Time.treatment 4
Time.species.treatment 28
Residual 128
Total 239
G-G epsilon
0.27/> 0.05
186.6/< 0.0001
16.91/< 0.0001
5.64/< 0.001
218.5/< 0.0001
23.10/< 0.0001
5.00/> 0.05
189.9/< 0.0001
19.29/< 0.0001
4.93/< 0.001
148.3/< 0.0001
13.63/< 0.0001
4.87/< 0.025
0.34/> 0.05
170.8/< 0.0001
0.4/> 0.05
0.7/> 0.05
411.7/< 0.0001
57.65/< 0.0001
0.76/> 0.05
0.82/> 0.05
take and holding properties. There were, however, no
differences in leaf water contents between clumped
and isolated individuals in any species. If we assume
that leaf water content is a better indicator of plant
water status than water potentials (Turner 1981; La
mont 1999), it would appear that the non-succulent
species are able to minimize the effects of negative
interactions by means of some form of osmotic ad
justment. Osmotic adjustment is a response whereby
tissues at lower water potentials are able to attract
more water to them, maintaining a higher water con
tent and avoiding detrimental water losses. Compen
satory responses to stress at similar time scales (an
entire season) have recently been reported in other
desert systems (Reynolds et al. 1999). In addition,
while one would assume that such compensatory re
sponses are associated with metabolic costs, these are
not manifest in any significant growth response. This
suggests that the costs are either insignificant, or that
some other growth related benefit balances them out.
This still leaves the question of why occur in
clumps and it would appear that our least rigorously
assessed var?ate, namely damage, may hold the key.
Prior to human colonization, large herds of ungulates
were widespread in the succulent and adjacent Nama
Karoo region, migrating to and from areas of high and
low productivity (e.g. Springbok, Skinner 1993).
These herds would have heavily impacted local areas
on an intermittent and unpredictable basis (Cowling
and Pierce 1999). With the advent of perennial pas
toralism in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,
the impact of domestic ungulates is believed to have
contributed to the decline in productivity of the re
gion. In addition, domestic herbivores are seen as be
ing one of the major threats to biodiversity, changing
the relative abundance of species through selective
herbivory (Joubert 1971; Todd and Hoffman 1999).
These herbivores may certainly have influenced the
structural characteristics of the vegetation, such as
clumping which may confer benefits in terms of pro
tection. Of the 24 isolated plants in our experiment,
no less than 13 (or 54%) were damaged to some ex
tent by the end of the experiment. This is in contrast
to about 4 (or 16%) in the clumped plants. The de
gree and type of damage ranged from broken
branches and isolated browsing to wind throw of
whole plants and severe browsing. Although flower
ing and fruiting were not measured, the loss of
branchlets in isolated plants is likely to have an ad
ditional impact on the reproductive potential of all
species. The exception is
Ruschia, which is accessible
to herbivores even when it is clumped, as it occurs in
low clumps or at their edges. It can be argued that by
isolating mature individuals that had benefited from
associational defenses for most of their lives, our ex
perimental design may have exaggerated this effect.
These plants would not have had the need to invest
in structural growth or defense prior to treatment and
reallocation of resources following treatment would
obviously have been impossible over the time frame
of a single season. However, this does not weaken our
main contention that these plants are faced with mak
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CU ?
.s s
Oci Ssi Ssc
S 3
"3 2H
Oci &i
-1 1
Normal order score
Figure 3. Means of the 8 x 2 treatments positioned along the x
axis according to their normal var?ate scores for n = 16, and along
the y-axis according to the actual values for a) pre-dawn and b)
mid-day balancing pressures (-water potentials). The values are
means for all 5 sampling times. The solid line has a slope equiva
lent to the standard error of the mean and intersects the y-axis at
the overall mean. The dotted lines are simply parallel lines (i.e.
same slope). Points falling along any one of these lines form natu
ral groups that behave similarly. The points are coded with the
species codes in Figure 1 together with an "i" or a "c" indicating
the treatment (isolated or clumped).
ing trade-offs between the costs and benefits of living
in clumps as opposed to living in the open. On the
costs side, competition for water is likely to present a
problem for non-succulent species, although we have
shown that these plants are able to compensate physi
ologically for this even during a relatively dry year.
In even drier years, clumping might be beneficial due
to a) mutual shading by overlapping pants (2-5 over
lapping plants per target plant in our study, Authors
unpublished data), b) soil cooling by the extra litter
and/or c) extra capture of dew and fog by the greater
concentration of foliage, stems and litter. On the ben
efit side, plants are exposed to much lower risks of
I i
Po Sl Ea Su Rf Zm Oc Ss
0.0 x
Po Sl Ea Su Rf Zm Oc Ss
Figure 4. Box and whisker plots of branch growth for the eight
species in a) clumped and b) isolated situations. Once again spe
cies codes are as in Figure 1.
Table 3. Results of an analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) for
branch growth data, treating each plant as the experimental unit and
using average branch growth per plant (excluding damaged
branches) as the variate.
Source of variation df P-value
Species treatment
damage and are free to allocate resources that might
otherwise have gone to structural or defense functions
into other activities. In wetter years, water would not
be as limiting, so that mutual protection from her
bivory might become the more important function,
especially as more palatable foliage would then be
Whether or not this simple 'balance sheet' is
enough to conclude that plants experience a net ben
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Table 4. Percentage of tagged branches (out of a total of 15) that
were damaged between April and late July (14 weeks).
Species Isolated Clumped
Pteronia 13.3 0.0
Salvia 26.7 0.0
Eriocephalus 26.7 0.0
Stoeberia 33.3 0.0
Ruschia 0.0 6.6
Zygophyllum 13.3 0.0
Othonna 13.3 0.0
Senecio 66.7 26.7
efit through association with other plants though is
still open to debate. It is possible that the net interac
tion in adults is neutral and that stronger positive in
teractions during other life stages (e.g. seedlings)
have, over evolutionary time, resulted in the observed
preference to clump. Several authors have presented
data to suggest that establishment in
many desert spe
cies is facilitated by the presence of existing vegeta
tion (Yeaton and Manzanares 1986; Yeaton and Esler
1990; Valiente-Banuet and Ezcurra 1991). However,
very often these facilitative relationships become
competitive during adult stages and a cyclical succes
sion phenomenon emerges. While there is little doubt
that facilitation during establishment is a feature of
the strandveld (around 80% of recruitment occurs un
der clumps, Authors unpublished data), it does not
appear that cyclical succession occurs.
To conclude, our results provide evidence that
adult plants in this arid system simultaneously expe
rience both positive (reduced herbivory) and negative
(lower water potentials) interactions with other plants.
While our evidence does not constitute proof that
plants experience a net overall benefit (although it
points in that direction), we are confident that at worst
the interactions between adults are neutral. During the
experimental period, rainfall was lower than average;
thus any detrimental effects of clumping on water
content or growth rates should have been highlighted
when in fact they remained negligible or non-existent.
In addition, we feel justified in advancing the circular
argument that if, over the entire life span of individu
als, the net interactions were not usually positive, then
plants would not occur in clumps because there would
have been strong selection against this.
This work was funded by the National Research
Foundation (South Africa) in the form of a grant to
KJE, a fellowship to BL, and scholarship to NE. It
was made possible by access to a Mazda Wildlife
Fund courtesy vehicle. Thanks to Richard Cowling
for his comments on a draft. NE is an adjunct research
fellow at Curtin University of Technology.
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... As is the case for many arid systems (Aguiar and Sala 1999), an overwhelming above-ground structural feature of plant communities in the arid west coast strandveld (part of the winter rainfall Succulent Karoo biome) of South Africa is that most perennial plants (which constitute the bulk of shoot biomass) are concentrated into multi-species vegetation clumps (Eccles et al. 1999, Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002. It has been suggested that this arrangement provides individuals with substantial protection against damage by wind or animals and that this offsets any competitive disadvantage that they may experience (Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002). ...
... As is the case for many arid systems (Aguiar and Sala 1999), an overwhelming above-ground structural feature of plant communities in the arid west coast strandveld (part of the winter rainfall Succulent Karoo biome) of South Africa is that most perennial plants (which constitute the bulk of shoot biomass) are concentrated into multi-species vegetation clumps (Eccles et al. 1999, Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002. It has been suggested that this arrangement provides individuals with substantial protection against damage by wind or animals and that this offsets any competitive disadvantage that they may experience (Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002). An inevitable question that emerges is what about the roots? ...
... Interpreted in the most traditional sense, regular spatial patterns have usually been used to infer the existence of competition (Ludwig and Reynolds 1988), and we believe this to be a likely explanation in the strandveld communities. This competition-based interpretation is supported, in the case of the medium strandveld at least, by the results of another study where plants of several important species that were isolated from their clumps exhibited higher (more positive) water poten-tials than equivalent individuals in clumps (Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002. It would also appear that these species are able to osmotically adjust in order to mitigate this competitive effect (Eccles et al. 2001, Eccles et al. 2002, and we suggest that the regular spatial arrangement of roots reflects yet another strategy to minimise the effects of competition for water. ...
We address the question of whether the spatial distribution of root biomass mirrors the highly clumped distribution of shoot biomass in two desert plant communities (short and medium strandveld) on the west coast of South Africa. Results indicate that this is generally not the case. In both communities, there was no significant difference between the fine root (<2mm diameter) biomass under clumps compared with gaps between clumps. In the short strandveld, this was also the case for structural root mass. The only exception to this general trend was in the case of structural roots in the medium strandveld where there was more biomass under vegetation clumps. These patterns suggest that strandveld plants are shaped by the trade off between advantages of clumping and the inevitable competition for water that this association brings. In these communities, the competitive disadvantages of clumping above-ground may be offset by root foraging between clumps. Fertile islands do not seem to be a feature of these communities.
... But epiphytic mistletoes occur on desert cacti while epiphytic seaweeds are legion on seagrasses. Any larger plant can serve as a nurse for recruiting seedlings whatever the habitat type, and they especially increase fitness of subordinate species in arid and herbivore-intense environments (Eccles et al., 2001). We must seek processes that enhance the presence of many species under moderate conditions rather than dominance by a few. ...
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A B S T R A C T Ecological theory shows that, as resource availability increases, the number of related species (S) rises from zero at first, reaches a peak (optimum), and then falls to zero again to form a unimodal (hump-shaped) curve. Although rarely demonstrated, I show support for the unimodal, S-environment model exists among studies of soil nutrients and pH, substrate water, air temperature, evapotranspiration, sunlight, fire frequency (as a surrogate for resource turnover), herbivory, and plant density and productivity (as surrogates for resource availability). The rising left-hand side of the curve is due to a positive response to the controlling variable (e.g., soil nutrients) and the falling right-hand side to metabolic suppression by supraoptimal levels (e.g., protein denaturation by heat) or the retarding effect of secondary variables (e.g., increasing self shading). Statistically significant shape outcomes depend on range of the variable tested, scale of the study, taxonomy and life form of the targeted species assemblage, extent that species are distributed along the gradient, type of curve hypothesized, and extent to which the study continues to zero S. Interpretations should consider whether the left tail of the curve will terminate at the origin (0,0). Mechanistic explanations for the unimodal pattern may involve species interactions, such as individual fitness at the microscale optimizing at moderate abundance in the species mix, the inevitable increasing presence of inhibitory secondary effects, and existence of more resource-use generalists than specialists. Six reasons for lack of support for the unimodal hypothesis are noted. Support for the unimodal model is more likely the greater the range of the variable tested and the greater its causative link to S. The concept of ‘prediction’ in ecology needs to go beyond the tradition of (curvi)linear relationships and accept that most relationships in nature are (must be) unimodal.
... (3) Protection from the direct and indirect effects of wind (e.g. damage, abrasion, removal or inundation of sand, decreased fertility and water loss; Eccles et al., 2001;Baumeister and Callaway 2006). (4) Protection from herbivores, particularly under unpalatable or effectively spiny adult plants (Todd 2001;Carrick 2003;Smit et al., 2006). ...
A series of long-term field and glasshouse experiments were conducted in the semi-arid Sandveld Bioregion of southern Africa, across a wide range of post-mining site and soil conditions, on the two major plant groups, leafsucculent shrubs (LSS, which establish in open micro-habitats) and non-succulent shrubs (NSS, which establish in sheltered micro-habitats). Seeding experiments applied a sequential ecological framework intended to reduce the impact of impeding natural ecological processes whilst incorporating processes that facilitate plant establishment. Experimental plots were scaled to naturally operating ecological dynamics at the patch scale, and various potentially facilitative types of shelter and soil amelioration, tested separately. Results are reported over three or six year periods and from four or seven field sites. Shelter generally had a greater effect on plant establishment than soil ameliorants, but this could be either positive or negative, and varied for the two plant groups: LSS establishment was inhibited or neutral under all forms of shelter, NSS were facilitated by types of artificial shelter that could be removed or biodegraded without impacting young plants. Both groups were strongly inhibited under transplanted nurse plants. Water absorbing gels improved LSS establishment but other soil ameliorants had no effect, while milled kelp or nutrients improved NSS establishment (measured as a biomass index or plant abundance, respectively). Finally, site had a greater effect than either shelter or soil ameliorants, and could not be related to any soil or other factors measured, supporting recent studies that explicitly quantify the substantial unknown effects of site and year. Specific recommendations are made for comprehensive, seed-based, nucleated restoration designs for the Sandveld and similar bioregions, while the over-arching results are of universal import to dryland restoration and ecology.
... On the basis of these ISAR curves, the extent to which individual species act as 'diversity accumulators' or 'diversity repellers' (sensu Wiegand et al. 2007) may be evaluated. For example, in some arid and semi-arid ecosystems, nurse-plant facilitation drives patterns of plant recruitment (Eccles et al. 2001, Gómez-Aparicio et al. 2004, so that local richness in the neighbourhood of nurse plants may be higher than the community-level average (Arroyo et al. 2015). Species supporting elevated levels of local richness are termed 'accumulators'. ...
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In some ecosystems a small suite of species can determine community-level patterns of species richness by acting as either ‘accumulators’ or ‘repellers’; that is, the richness of the immediate neighbourhood of such species departs from that expected on the basis of a given null model. Using the individual species-area approach, we evaluated community-level spatial pattern in four species-rich shrublands (two 40 × 40 m and two 30 × 30 m plots) by assessing the frequency of accumulator and repeller species and tested whether any such species were associated with specific life-history characteristics. Few species departed from the expectations of the null spatial model that we used, although, at three of the four sites, accumulators were more common than repellers. Departures from the null model we assessed were most prevalent within just 1 m of focal individuals and were not consistently associated with specific life-history traits. Model-based clustering suggests that there are distinct sub-communities in each of the four communities, but while internally spatially cohesive, these sub-communities intermingle and their membership is not predictable from the life-history traits of their constituent species. Comparable analyses in other species-rich systems have also detected a similar absence of spatial interactions. The disturbance regime in the shrubland communities we consider is markedly different from those in the forest ecosystems where previous studies have been conducted (recurrent fire versus infrequent gap-phase dynamics) and resources are more limiting. Thus, our results provide further support for the generality of a model of stochastic geometry, likely underpinned by stochastic dilution effects, in species-rich plant communities. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... The observation that the proportion of B. pictus individual plants that grow in association with less palatable species increases with grazing intensity confirm previous measurements (Oesterheld and Oyarzá bal 2004) and supports a general pattern for the Patagonian steppe. It also raises questions about the implications for other population processes, such as seedling establishment, because other local processes, like interspecific competition, increase in importance (Soriano and Sala 1986;Owens and Norton 1992;Aguilera and Lauenroth 1993;Moretto and Distel 1997;Eccles et al. 2002). ...
Most arid and semiarid ecosystems around the world have been grazed by domestic herbivores. In many cases, grazing has degraded vegetation and soil. The possibility of restoring rangeland’s good condition depends, partially, on the ability of remaining populations of desirable species to recover. In this work, we studied the exact spatial distribution of remaining palatable adult plants in fields with different grazing history (i.e., seed sources) and quantified the effect of interspecific competition with less palatable grasses on seedling emergence and survival (i.e., regeneration constraints). We worked in a Patagonian steppe composed of shrubs and perennial tussock grasses that has been grazed by sheep for >100 years. In order to evaluate the location of seed sources, we mapped the location of a palatable species (Bromus pictus Hook.) in paddocks with different long-term grazing intensity. In addition, we sowed seeds of B. pictus close to 2 dominant, less palatable grasses in 2 different years to evaluate the role of interspecific interactions on regeneration and the effects of climate variability. The proportion of B. pictus plants growing in protected places near less palatable species significantly increased with grazing intensity. Competition effects on emergence, survival, and growth depended on the year’s moisture regime. During the dry year, competition with less palatable grasses reduced the emergence, survival, height, and number of leaves of palatable grass seedlings by 30%, 55%, 48%, and 40%, respectively. In the wet year, there were no effects of competition on emergence and height, and the effects on survival depended on the species of the less palatable neighbors. Our study supports the idea that management for recovering degraded rangelands in this ecosystem may benefit from considering the spatial distribution of remaining plants. It also indicates that the susceptibility of demographic processes to interspecific competition depends on the year and neighbor species.
... Our data suggest that intact groundcover provides safe sites for seedling survival in Tasmannia and Trochocarpa by reducing exposure to desiccation. Facilitation or 'nurse' plant effects have been reported in a range of different forest systems (Bertness andPlant Ecol (2016) 217:801-816 813 Calaway 1994;Hoffmann 1996Hoffmann , 2000Eccles et al. 2001;Price and Morgan 2003). The mechanisms of facilitation relate to both the amelioration of desiccating microclimate conditions and protection from herbivores The lack of facilitation in burnt forest appears to be a major barrier to recruitment of Tasmannia and Trochocarpa seedlings in burnt forest and hence a driving factor in their event-independent recruitment response. ...
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Fire is an important factor driving the position and stability of ecotones between fire-prone and less flammable forest types. To better understand, the recruitment processes that mediate plant persistence in ecotonal systems, we used manipulative field experiments in Australian wet eucalypt forests to investigate factors that may be regulating seedling recruitment and survival in burnt and unburnt forest. We found no evidence that safe sites from predators or exposure regulated seedling recruitment in three of the four study species, but one species associated with less flammable rainforest systems had increased germination rates in response to soil scarification. Seedlings of all four study species experienced higher rates of mortality resulting from herbivory or water stress in the post-fire environment. We found that intact ground cover increased seedling survival by reducing exposure to dessicating conditions and providing refuge from vertebrate herbivores. Our results suggest that shrubs associated with mesic, low-flammability forests have fewer opportunities for recruitment with desiccation risks in post-fire environments limiting seedling survival. In contrast, shrubs associated with high-flammability forests were capable of recruiting and surviving in both burnt and unburnt forests. Post-fire recruitment is likely to be more abundant after fire than at other times, but we found that survival can be highly constrained by post-fire herbivory. The ability of these species to recruit in undisturbed conditions provides some insurance against recruitment failure under stochastic variation in herbivory and desiccating conditions. The capacity to spread risks could be important in maintaining boundary position and diversity in these ecotonal systems.
Southern Africa is ecologically a region of steep climatic gradients and vegetation contrasts. The dry corner of the broad spatial heterogeneity is formed by extensive deserts and semideserts that occupy the western and southwestern portions of the subcontinent. The region is home to three continental biomes of deserts, of which the iconic coastal-fog Namib Desert is the largest and best-researched. The smaller Gariep Desert continental biome was recognised only in 2006, whereas the smallest Tankwa Desert continental biome is recognised for the first time in this book. The semideserts are more extensive and varied (in bioclimatic and floro-genetic terms), although only two continental biomes have been recognised, namely Nama-Karoo and Succulent Karoo. All these deserts and semideserts, except the exclusively South African Tankwa Desert, are shared between South Africa and Namibia. Only the Namib Desert and Nama-Karoo also extend beyond the MBSA study area into Angola. The five continental biomes and their 18 constituent regional biomes are described. The continental biome Succulent Karoo is the richest in regional biomes within the zonobiome S2 Hot Arid Zone in the MBSA area.
Mechanisms responsible for the high species richness of disturbance-prone floras remain speculative. After fire, speciose shrublands in Australia possess mosaics of microsites that vary widely in seedling density and species richness and provide an ideal context in which to test a) the self-regulation hypothesis that species survive and grow better as they become rarer in the mix, and b) the synergistic hypothesis that species perform relatively better at increasing levels of competition under poorer growing conditions. Both processes should serve to promote species co-occurrence at the local scale. We planted germinants of 10 native shrub species in nutrient-poor sands in 30 cm (high density) and 40 cm (low density) square, buried but open-bottomed, boxes. Each box simulated a field-type microsite, containing one individual (solitary), or 49 individuals with each species contributing three (5% of the total, rare), five (10%, equal), 25 (51%, dominant) or 49 (100%, monoculture) seedlings. Best performance per plant (gauged as % survival × shoot mass per survivor) occurred among all ten species when solitary in the box. When grown in the presence of other plants, mixtures of species performed better on a 1) per plant, and 2) whole microsite, basis than monocultures at both densities, and 3) when rare rather than dominant in the mix, conforming with the self-regulation hypothesis, all independent of species identity. Expected niche differentiation of soil-based resources among species mixes would explain increased fitness per plant with decreasing abundance per species. Overall performance (performance per plant × absolute number of survivors per microsite) was maximized when all species were moderately rare (10% of initial numbers among 10 species) in the mix. Under good (low density) and poor (high density) growing conditions, increasing competition (indexed as total shoot mass) from the dominant species in the mix, led to a gradual fall and merging of shoot mass of the remaining nine species at these two densities, but species richness did not change. This outcome provides only limited support for the synergistic model of species coexistence (species richness should have declined at a decreasing rate) but is consistent with the concept of self-regulation. We conclude that mosaics of microsite types maintain biodiversity of speciose, disturbance-prone ecosystems through both isolating mechanisms (in seed-poor microsites with negligible competition) and compensatory self-regulation mechanisms (in species-rich microsites with intense competition).
The success of different rehabilitation treatments following surface mining on the arid west coast of South Africa was assessed. Treatments consisting of one or a combination of topsoil addition, plant translocation and seeding were applied to experimental rehabilitation sites in 2001, while the treatment of another site in 2008 combined all three techniques. Vegetation and species cover, species richness, diversity and evenness, and grazing capacity of rehabilitation sites were sampled during winter 2009 and summer 2010, and compared with a reference site. All rehabilitated sites achieved the objective to attain a minimum grazing capacity of 20 ha per small stock unit. Rehabilitation trials were successful in establishing a vegetation cover, but were unable to return species richness and diversity to reference levels and did not resemble the reference site in species composition. Common species in reference sites were absent or only occurred in low numbers. No treatment outperformed the others and further experimentation is needed to determine the most suitable combination. It is recommended that rehabilitation should be done in multiple stages in future to improve seedling survival and to return species that are unable to establish in the adverse conditions present at the onset of rehabilitation.
The succulent and Nama-karoo form part of the arid south-western zone of Africa, a vast region of rugged landscapes and low treeless vegetation. Studies of this unique biome have yielded fascinating insights into the ecology of its flora and fauna. This book, originally published in 1999, is the first to synthesise these studies, presenting information on biogeographic patterns and life processes, form and function of animals and plants, foraging ecology, landscape-level dynamics and anthropogenic influences. Detailed analyses of the factors distinguishing the biota of the Karoo from that of other temperate deserts are given and generalisations about semi-arid ecosystems challenged. The ideas expounded, the ecological principles reviewed, and the results presented are relevant to all those working in the extensive arid and semi-arid regions of the world.
This chapter reviews the anatomy of stems and then shows how one places a leafy stem in a pressure chamber to determine graphically, via a pressure–volume curve, the two main components of the plant water potential: the osmotic potential and the turgor potential. Pressure is applied to the cut-off shoot, and the volume of sap exuded from the cut end is measured. One then graphs pressure versus volume. The theory of pressure–volume curves is based on the work by van't Hoff, who used data of the botanist Wilhelm Pfeffer to develop his law on osmotic pressure. The chapter also tells how to measure plant water content and relative water content. Osmotic potential can be determined using an osmometer, and its theory is presented, which depends upon knowledge of the Clausius–Clapeyron equation. Direct measurement of turgor potential with a pressure probe is reviewed. Appendices give biographies of Pfeffer, van't Hoff, and Clausius.
Large areas of semiarid grasslands in the southwestern United States have been virtually replaced by shrubs during the past century. Understanding the causes and consequences of such vegetation dynamics requires that we elucidate the interplay between external forces of change (e.g., climate, human impacts) and the internal forces within these ecosystems that foster resilience and/or stability. Several conceptual models of arid ecosystems address this interplay by including the potential role of autogenic shrub effects on ecosystem processes, which lead to the formation of 'resource islands' and tend to promote shrub persistence. Specifically, during the process of shrub establishment and maturation, the cycling of nutrients is progressively confined to the zones of litter accumulation beneath shrubs, while bare intershrub spaces become increasingly nutrient poor. As shrub resource islands develop, there is increased interception and stemflow by shrub canopies, confining infiltration of nutrient-enriched rainfall directly beneath the shrubs; the barren intershrub spaces generate overland flow, soil erosion by wind and water, and nutrient losses. These islands are preferred sites for the regeneration of shrubs and herbaceous plants and are correlated with spatial variation in soil microbial populations and soil microfauna that promote nutrient cycling. If further changes in the transition between grassland and shrubland are to be correctly predicted - or if we wish to intervene and redirect transitions - we must develop a greater mechanistic understanding of the structural and functional relationships between shrubs and the resource islands associated with them. We conducted a 3-yr field study in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico to explore the relationships between seasonal manipulations of soil water and its impact on soil nutrient dynamics of resource islands and shrub growth and physiology. At our study site, where total annual precipitation is ~230 mm (~65% falls during the summer period), we simulated seasonal drought in summer (1 June-30 September) and winter/spring (1 October-31 May) by constructing large rainfall-exclusion shelters over shrub resource islands at different stages of development. Our experiment tests two principal hypotheses. The first is that the two major shrub species in the Jornada Basin, creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) and mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), have different growth phenologies, rooting patterns, and physiological responses to resource availability (primarily water). The second is that different size classes of shrubs ('small' and 'large') represent distinct stages of resource island development (i.e., 'young' and 'mature,' respectively) and, hence, different stabilities - that is, as islands develop, their associated shrubs become less coupled to short-term fluctuations in precipitation and more resistant to long-term drought or climate shifts. With regard to the first hypothesis, we conclude that the two species are relatively similar in function despite the different phenological 'strategies' of Larrea (evergreen) and Prosopis (winter deciduous). In the absence of drought, both species exhibited maximal rates of shoot and root growth, as well as high photosynthesis and transpiration, in late spring. This remained as the period for maximal growth and physiological activity for Prosopis shrubs that experienced drought in either summer or winter/spring. On the other hand, Larrea shrubs that experienced drought in winter/spring had maximal growth and activity shifted to the summer period, and in the absence of drought, Larrea shrubs also exhibited high physiological activity during the summer (especially following high rainfall). Thus, Larrea appears to have a greater capacity for shifting its activity patterns to alternate periods to take advantage of changes in resource availability. Shrubs of both species appeared well adapted to withstand season-long droughts. Mechanisms for survival include the following capacities: (1) to shift growth and physiological activity to utilize different temporal moisture (Larrea); (2) to utilize different levels of soil water (both species); (3) to carry out limited physiological activity and growth during drought (especially Larrea); and (4) to compensate for some negative impacts of drought through enhanced physiology (especially Prosopis) and growth (especially Larrea) in the season following drought. With regard to the second hypothesis, we again found more similarities than differences between the different aged (young vs. mature) islands. The stage of maturity of a resource island complex did not seem to be a significant factor to the growth and physiological activity of the shrub.
(1) The regular dispersion pattern that has been reported for desert shrubs could be the result of an inability to recognize individuals that are close together. The multi-stemmed growth habit of many shrubs makes this assertion reasonable. (2) If close individuals are lumped and scored as a single individual then a bias is introduced in sampling such that a randomly dispersed population would be perceived as being regular. This bias was examined using an artificial population that was synthesized by use of random numbers. Number of quadrats sampled, quadrat size and combining rules for lumping individuals were selected to simulate sampling of a creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) population. The simulation showed that the population of dots on the map, though in fact random, was detected as regular.
(1) Most techniques for analysing the dispersion of plant individuals in populations assume that the objects in question are points. When applied to populations of desert shrubs, these techniques often indicate significantly uniform dispersion. (2) The growth patterns of some plants may result in the overlap and fusion of separate individuals to form a clump that cannot be distinguished from that produced by a single individual. This inability to distinguish intimately fused individuals creates a bias toward perceiving uniformity as the techniques of dispersion analysis are based on theory relating to the dispersion of dimensionless points. (3) Simberloff's technique of analysis of nearest-neighbour relationships of non-overlapping circles can be adapted to overlapping circles that become indistinguishable at some critical minimum separation distance and thus provides a technique for pattern analysis under these circumstances. (4) Analysis of the dispersion of Larrea tridentata in the Colorado Desert of California demonstrates that its clumped growth pattern creates a strong bias toward the perception of uniformity with techniques based on the point-dispersion theory.
The establishment phase of Neobuxbaumia tetetzo, a giant columnar cactus, occurs mostly beneath the canopies of trees and shrubs which act as nurse plants. This pattern cannot be attributed to preferential seed dispersion, as Neobuxbaumia fruits open while still on the plant, dropping c1000 seeds fruit-1 randomly around the parent plant. Mimosa luisana is the most abundant shrub in the community. Seed germination was lowest in open spaces. In all treatments, exclusion from predators significantly increased seedling survival. Only shaded treatments had live individuals at the end of the experiment, 2 yr later. Results suggest that the nurse-plant effect between N. tetetzo and M. luisana is chiefly the result of differential survival in shaded microsites with less direct solar radiation, and consequently with lower daytime temperatures and lower evaporative demand. Field samplings were conducted in two Mexican deserts located outside the tropical belt: the Vizcaino Desert in Baja California and the Gran Desierto de Altar in Sonora. In these deserts direct solar radiation has a southern azimuth all year round. Five of six succulent species analysed showed a significant pattern of greater establishment on the shaded north sides of nurse plants. -from Authors