
How to Do Things with Words

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... Assim, o desenvolvimento das ideias de John Austin (1962Austin ( , 1970 vai no sentido de considerar também os enunciados constatativos como atosque, tal como os performativos, também têm de obedecer a certas condições para serem bem-sucedidos (p.ex., pressuposição e implicação). Assim, também aqui, dizer é fazer. ...
... Isto é, concretização de um algo com apenas de um dizer-fazer. E assim "dizer algo é precisamente e de maneira necessária fazer algo" (Austin, 1962;1970, p. 107 ), todos os sentidos do dizer estão reunidos na plena acepção do ato de fala, e todo o acto de fala consiste em três atos de "dizer algo" (Austin, 1962;1970, p. 108): a) ato fonético: produção de uma sequência de fonemas, e a enunciação é uma fonação (phone); b) ato fático: produção de uma sequência de vocábulos estruturados sintaticamente; c) ato rético: produção de palavras e frases com significação ("sentido" e "referência"). (Rodrigues, 2005, p. 117). ...
... Isto é, concretização de um algo com apenas de um dizer-fazer. E assim "dizer algo é precisamente e de maneira necessária fazer algo" (Austin, 1962;1970, p. 107 ), todos os sentidos do dizer estão reunidos na plena acepção do ato de fala, e todo o acto de fala consiste em três atos de "dizer algo" (Austin, 1962;1970, p. 108): a) ato fonético: produção de uma sequência de fonemas, e a enunciação é uma fonação (phone); b) ato fático: produção de uma sequência de vocábulos estruturados sintaticamente; c) ato rético: produção de palavras e frases com significação ("sentido" e "referência"). (Rodrigues, 2005, p. 117). ...
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Ao refletirmos sobre o impacto de cooperações realizadas entre vários países e o Timor-Leste, concluímos que, muitas vezes, elas acabam estabelecendo uma relação comunicativa verticalizada. Particularmente, em se tratando de educação científica e tecnológica, as abordagens costumam ser realizadas como um monólogo de conhecimento, marcadamente eurocêntrico, em que o cotidiano e os saberes locais são silenciados, produzindo novas formas de colonialidade, epistemicídios, subalternidades, perda de identidade cultural, baixa autoestima, falta de pertencimento e dependência econômica. A partir dessa constatação, há que se discutir alternativas sistêmicas para a superação desse modelo de “inclusão global” que, mesmo que não seja conscientemente praticado por parte de muitos agentes diretos, promove desconstrução e imposição de uma monocultura do saber, que historicamente está associada à lógica da Apropriação e Violência no sul global. Com essa perspectiva em foco, discutimos possibilidades de alternativas aos efeitos de colonialidade para a construção de um diálogo de saberes que promova emancipação e uma cultura da paz. Nesse sentido, este artigo pretende aprofundar algumas questões sobre um projeto de internacionalização, financiado pela CAPES, o qual conta com a mobilidade internacional de professores e estudantes em vários países, projeto intitulado “Repositório de Práticas Interculturais: proposições para as pedagogias decoloniais”. A partir de reflexões surgidas nesse contexto, no presente texto realizamos algumas articulações entre as bases teóricas da crítica colonial e a perspectiva conceitual de comunicação de Paulo Freire. Os conceitos de colonialidade/decolonialidade também são importantes nesse aprofundamento, já que entendemos que o modelo dominante de educação em ciências pode estar contribuindo para reforçar as desigualdades sociais. Ao mesmo tempo propomos caminhos que busquem superar essas denúncias, o que inclui nosso trabalho em cooperações internacionais.
... Given that determining what fiction is falls beyond the ambitions of this paper, it's preferable to maintain a neutral stance in this respect. For our purpose (which is to evaluate the explanatory merits of the Indirect Nonassertion View vis-à-vis the rival Assertion View), we don't really need to pick sides: it suffices to have shown that there are various plausible options available for 18 Defenders of the former view are reviewed in footnote 7. The latter view has been sketched by Austin (1962), and elaborated by e.g. Friggieri (2014) and Witek (2022). ...
... This is influential view has been defended, amongst others, bySearle (1969;Brandom (1983;1994),Searle & Vanderveken (1985),Green (1999;2000;2013;2017a),Alston (2000);MacFarlane (2003;2005;,Kissine (2008),Krifka (2014), Marsili (2015), Tanesini (2016, andMarsili & Green (2021).11 In the familiar Austinian sense of 'felicity'(Austin 1962) and Gricean sense of 'cancellation'(Grice 1989;Zakkou 2018).12 'C' here stands for Contradiction Test, and 'R' for Retraction Test. ...
... (This verdict is rendered by every definition of lying on the market. For an overview, seeMahon 2015 and Marsili 2021, sec. 1) 24 This is a near-universal consensus in the literature (e.g.Austin 1962;Margolis 1963;Gale 1971;Ohmann 1971;Searle 1975; van Inwagen 1977:301; Beardsley 1981:419-23; Lamarque & Olsen 1994:321;Mahon 2019). For a systematic defence of this thesis, seeMahon (2019). ...
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Can fictions make genuine assertions about the actual world? Proponents of the 'Assertion View' answer the question affirmatively: they hold that authors can assert, by means of explicit statements that are part of the work of fiction, that something is actually the case in the real world. The 'Nonassertion' View firmly denies this possibility. In this paper, I defend a nuanced version of the Nonassertion View. I argue that even if fictions cannot assert, they can indirectly communicate that what is recounted as fictional is actually true. I show that this view is supported by independent linguistic data, and that it is able to defuse the objections that are typically raised against the Nonassertion View. I conclude by showing that this position has some interesting implications for testimonial cognitivism about fiction.
... Such activities can be labelled 'language crimes' [60,71] because they are primarily accomplished through language, rather than through physical acts, and can lead to litigation. All these unlawful activities involve in one way or another an illegal speech act [3,59] to be performed, which means that language is used, not simply to communicate information, but rather to do things-in this case, illegal. Language crimes such as solicitation, conspiracy, bribery, threatening and perjury all differ in terms of the elements of each crime, with respect to the extent to which the speech acts affect the recipient, and whether the speaker must be sincere, or only appear sincere [71]. ...
... (at the time of writing, Conservative Daily Post, News Examiner, 3 and (at the time of writing News Punch), for English; Bombeiros24, Semanário Extra, Jornal Diário Online, Magazine Lusa and Notícias do Viriato, for Portuguese. ...
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Fake news has been the focus of debate, especially since the election of Donald Trump (2016), and remains a topic of concern in democratic countries worldwide, given (a) their threat to democratic systems and (b) the difficulty in detecting them. Despite the deployment of sophisticated computational systems to identify fake news, as well as the streamlining of fact-checking methods, appropriate fake news detection mechanisms have not yet been found. In fact, technological approaches are likely to be inefficient, given that fake news are based mostly on partisanship and identity politics, and not necessarily on outright deception. However, as disinformation is inherently expressed linguistically, this is a privileged room for forensic linguistic analysis. This article builds upon a forensic linguistic analysis of fake news pieces published in English and in Portuguese, which were collected since 2019 from acknowledged fake news outlets. The preliminary empirical analysis reveals that fake news pieces employ particular linguistic features, e.g. at the levels of typography, orthography and spelling, and morphosyntax. The systematic identification of these features, which will allow mapping linguistic resources and patterns used in those contexts, contributes to scholarship, not only by enabling a streamlined development of computational detection systems, but more importantly by permitting the forensic linguistics expert to assist criminal investigations and give evidence in court.
... Moreover, Macron's euphemism in YouTube is associated with euphemism in Jakarta Post online newspaper to be used as a means of teaching inferential reading comprehension. This study relied on the kind of euphemism by Rawson (1981), euphemism formation by Šebková (2012), perlocutionary act by Austin (1962), and inferential reading theory by Westwood (2008). The findings found that Macron utilized many positive euphemisms with widening formation to maintain his ideology and to shape the views of the world's Muslims. ...
... It is highly enticing to examine the form of euphemism and its relation to the perlocutionary acts of world citizens and also the euphemism relation to the pedagogical implication, which is diverse from previous studies. The perlocutionary act is a part of three categories of speech acts proposed by Austin (1962). The perlocutionary act is an act performed by the interlocutors whom the speaker influences, or it is simply defined as the speech effect. ...
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The prophet's cartoon is an immense controversy for France and a country with a Muslim majority. As the France President, Emmanuel Macron has rarely gained critic toward the use of language when conveying his political discourse in the prophet cartoon case. Thus, this study aims to explore Macron's euphemism expressions in his political interview with Al Jazeera on the prophet cartoon. This paper also examines the effect (perlocutionary act) of Macron's euphemism and then uses them as a means of teaching inferential reading comprehension in secondary school. This qualitative study employed transcription and documentation techniques to obtain the data. Macron's euphemism was taken from his political interview on October 31, 2020 with Al-Jazeera, and comments of Macron's political interview on YouTube are also used for the sample of the perlocutionary act. Moreover, Macron's euphemism in YouTube is associated with euphemism in Jakarta Post online newspaper to be used as a means of teaching inferential reading comprehension. This study relied on the kind of euphemism by Rawson (1981), euphemism formation by Šebková (2012), perlocutionary act by Austin (1962), and inferential reading theory by Westwood (2008). The findings found that Macron utilized many positive euphemisms with widening formation to maintain his ideology and to shape the views of the world's Muslims. Two perlocutionary acts (expression of acceptance and rejection) were also discovered, and Macron's euphemism could be used as a means of teaching inferential reading comprehension.
... Speech acts theory is first proposed by John L. Austin. According to Austin (1962), in some cases when we are saying something, we are also doing something or by saying or in saying something, we are doing something. Austin (1962) divides speech acts into three, (1) locutionary act: the act of saying something, (2) illocutionary act: the act of doing something, and (3) perlocutionary act: the act of convincing someone. ...
... According to Austin (1962), in some cases when we are saying something, we are also doing something or by saying or in saying something, we are doing something. Austin (1962) divides speech acts into three, (1) locutionary act: the act of saying something, (2) illocutionary act: the act of doing something, and (3) perlocutionary act: the act of convincing someone. Searle (1976) supports Austin's theory and three classifications of speech acts, but he states that the center study of speech acts is the illocutionary act. ...
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This research attempts to investigate the in-equivalent English into Indonesian translation of commissive utterances in eight American Popular Films. The data used in this research are 34 English commissive utterances and its Indonesian in-equivalent subtitle collected from Easy A, Frozen, Iron Man 2, Black Swan, The Hunger Games, The Dark Knight Rises, Crazy Stupid Love, and Pitch Perfect. In particular, it aims to analyze the in-equivalent English-Indonesian translation of commissive utterances found in the films and to propose the equivalent Indonesian translation.The 12 data representatives chosen are classified into four types of speech acts: direct, indirect, literal, and non-literal. Each of the data is analyzed qualitatively based on the context, Grice’s maxims of cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relevance, and manner, and Brown and Levinson’s politeness strategies: positive and negative. Then, the equivalent translation is proposed with concerning the style of the conversation too.Based on the findings, the main problem that causes in-equivalent translation is because the cultural differences between country of source language and target language that affect the translation product that can produce pragmatically in-equivalent translation product.
... Tendo como fundamento o fato de que a Pragmática está associada ao estudo da língua em uso, é necessário compreender que o comportamento verbal dos participantes de um determinado evento de fala, juntamente com a intenção comunicativa em foco e com o contexto, são elementos fundamentais para que a troca comunicativa possa ser considerada efetiva (felicitous) (AUSTIN, 1962;CRUSE, 2006). A Pragmática tenta descrever e explicar, portanto, como os falantes e ouvintes usam a língua para fins sociais, ou seja, como os seres humanos agem por meio das palavras (AUSTIN, 1962 Percebe-se, então, que a maioria dos estudos sobre produção oral no LD de inglês tem como foco avaliar até que ponto a prática proposta é capaz de fomentar um ensino com foco real na comunicação, por meio do uso significativo da linguagem, e não somente na prática oral de estruturas da língua. ...
... Tendo como fundamento o fato de que a Pragmática está associada ao estudo da língua em uso, é necessário compreender que o comportamento verbal dos participantes de um determinado evento de fala, juntamente com a intenção comunicativa em foco e com o contexto, são elementos fundamentais para que a troca comunicativa possa ser considerada efetiva (felicitous) (AUSTIN, 1962;CRUSE, 2006). A Pragmática tenta descrever e explicar, portanto, como os falantes e ouvintes usam a língua para fins sociais, ou seja, como os seres humanos agem por meio das palavras (AUSTIN, 1962 Percebe-se, então, que a maioria dos estudos sobre produção oral no LD de inglês tem como foco avaliar até que ponto a prática proposta é capaz de fomentar um ensino com foco real na comunicação, por meio do uso significativo da linguagem, e não somente na prática oral de estruturas da língua. No entanto, algumas questões relevantes, ligadas às normas de comunicação oral e ao trabalho de face não foram investigadas, conforme pretendemos fazer aqui. ...
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Resumo: À luz da Pragmática Linguística (BROWN and LEVINSON, 1987; LEECH, 1983, HAUGH, 2013), o objetivo deste estudo é analisar as atividades de produção oral, apresentadas nos livros didáticos em inglês (LDs), aceitos no PNLD (Programa Nacional do Livro Didático) em 2016 e em 2018. Após a análise qualitativa dos dados, nossos resultados indicaram dois tipos de atividades predominantes: troca de informações e troca de opinião, que cumpriram parcialmente os requisitos do PNLD sobre a produção oral. Propomos diretrizes para a preparação e/ou para a adpatação de material didático, com base na Pragmática Linguística e nas estratégias de polidez. Palavras-chave: Pragmática. Prática oral. Material didático. Polidez Abstract: In light of Linguistic Pragmatics (LEECH, 1983, HAUGH, 2013), the objective of this study is to analyze the activities of oral production presented in the English Textbooks (TBs), accepted into PNLD (National Textbook Program) in 2016 and 2018. After a qualitative data analysis, our results indicated that there were two types of activities predominant: information exchange and opinion exchange, which partially fulfilled the requirements of PNLD concerning oral production. We proposed some guidelines for the preparation and / or adaptation of pedagogical material, based on Linguistic Pragmatics and on politeness strategies.
... The complaint speech act "intrinsically threatens[s] both [the] negative and positive face of the hearer." A speaker performs a speech act by speaking or making an utterance, therefore we utilize utterances to execute actions in pragmatics [3] and [19]. A subset of verbs has been labeled as performative verbs, since they carry out a specific action, such as warning, as in "I warn you to inform him" Indirect speech acts, in which speakers imply something other than what we say literally [20]. ...
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The purpose of this study is to explore the online complaints techniques utilized by Facebook users directed to the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity IMOE platform. This study also attempts to determine the most common techniques employed by Facebook users, as well as to identify the verbal and nonverbal languages utilized by IMOE users about the IMOE page. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap about the expression of online complaints by Iraqi speakers, as far as the researcher is aware, no research has been conducted in this area. The analytical framework of Olshtain and Weinbach (1987), and Trosborg (1994)) were used to analyze the data. In addition, the researcher found six new techniques, which were included in the adopted strategies. The study has ended with some results based on the practical analysis and frequency found in the corpus.
... Seguindo essa concepção, o conceito de "arquivos de dança" não é neutro ou descritivo de uma prática objetiva, eles deixam de servir como relato ou constatação, e, portanto, não se submetem mais ao critério de verificabilidade (não são falsos nem verdadeiros). Esse reconhecimento do aspecto performativo do arquivo (Austin, 1962) Ketelaar (1999) 11 . ...
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Este artigo consiste em numa revisão bibliográfica acerca do debate sobre arquivos de dança, entrecruzando-os com reflexões que atravessaram minha própria formação e trajetória como historiador da dança que realiza pesquisas a partir de um local específico, o Brasil. Os arquivos de dança no Brasil [sempre no plural] apresentam características e modus operandi consideravelmente diferentes uns dos outros, tornando bastante peculiar toda relação entre artistas e documentos e/ou entre pesquisadores acadêmicos e documentos. Embora a proposta possa parecer localizada, penso que há um potencial de generalização dos debates aqui propostos, uma vez que eles reconhecem algo que frequentemente atravessa textos históricos, opiniões de artistas e artigos sobre estudos de dança, tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente, que consiste em lidar com o próprio arquivo como um referente para um discurso que pode aspirar à verdade e fornece um vínculo material com o passado.
... John L.Austin (1962) How to do Things with Words, Clarendon Press, Oxford, s. 1. 8 Austin, a.g.e., s. 2. 9 Bu gözlemimizi destekleyen tespitlerin yer aldığı zengin bir literatür arasından sadece (Kaynakça' da eserlerinin tam künyeleri bulunan) birkaç yazarın ismini anacak olursak:Carrilho, 1994; Récanati, 1970;Rossi, 2002. ...
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... Autonomous agents rely on communication languages and protocols to exchange data and coordinate their behaviour and thus collaborate. Early approaches based on speech acts [8], focused on message types or performatives (e.g., request, inform, and promise) based on a folk categorisation of the intended meaning of the communication. This evolved through the DARPA funded Knowledge Sharing Efort (KSE) resulting in a communication language, the Knowledge Query Manipulation Language (KQML), deining the mechanism by which agents communicated; and an ontology language, the Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF), describing the knowledge that the performative referred to [62]. ...
The study of autonomous agents has a long history in the Multiagent System and the Semantic Web communities, with applications ranging from automating business processes to personal assistants. More recently, the Web of Things (WoT), which is an extension of the Internet of Things (IoT) with metadata expressed in Web standards, and its community provide further motivation for pushing the autonomous agents research agenda forward. Although representing and reasoning about norms, policies, and preferences is crucial to ensuring that autonomous agents act in a manner that satisfies stakeholder requirements, normative concepts, policies, and preferences have yet to be considered as first-class abstractions in Web-based multiagent systems. Towards this end, this article motivates the need for alignment and joint research across the Multiagent Systems, Semantic Web, and WoT communities, introduces a conceptual framework for governance of autonomous agents on the Web, and identifies several research challenges and opportunities.
... Zudem bezeichnet der "Bild-Akt" als "performativer Akt" bei Dubois -so Herta Wolf im Vorwort zu Der fotografische Akt -"nicht nur die Geste des Auslösens und den mit dieser verbundenen Schnitt in Raum und Zeit, sondern ebenfalls den Akt der Rezeption." 28 Dabei rührt Dubois' Einführung des fotografischen Aktes insbesondere von der Konzeption her, dass im Prozess des Fotografierens (die Handlung) sowie im Resultat (die Fotografie als Medium) jeweils dieselbe Intention beinhaltet ist. Handlung und Medium bestärken darin einander. ...
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Im OEuvre des Architekten Hans Scharoun lässt sich ab den 1930er-Jahren eine besondere und spezifische Art der Fotografie ausmachen. Hinter diesen Fotografien liegt dabei weit mehr – zum Teil Brisantes –verborgen als ihnen beim ersten Anblick anzusehen wäre. Anhand der Häuser Mattern und Moll werden diese Fotografien im vorliegenden Text untersucht. Dabei soll gezeigt werden, inwieweit ein Blick auf den Akt des Fotografierens und damit auf die Fotograf_innen sowie auf die an der Fotografie beteiligten Personen im „Dickicht der Kulturobjekte“(Flusser) sich für eine performativitätstheoretische Perspektive auf die Fotografien produktiv machen lässt.
... (Austin 2020, 13) The statement presupposes that the hearer understands (infers correctly) the message conveyed by the speaker. Reference is key to understanding whether the statement should be believed or rejected (Austin 2020). In Mexico, the public and provocative use of the words "Long Live Christ the King!" (¡Viva Cristo Rey!) was an attempt to implement a new Catholic political regime, where Christ would take precedence in and over Mexican politics. ...
The establishment of the Feast of Christ the King on New Year’s Eve, 1925, can be understood as a political statement aimed at censuring political changes in Europe and the Western hemisphere wrought by World War I (1914– 1918). The disorder brought on by the collapse of the German empire, the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires, along with the establishment of communist USSR and republican governments in several European countries, forced the Papacy to look at itself and the message of the Church as a model of leadership in a world that appeared anarchic. To counter political regimes antagonistic toward Catholicism and institute a new political program, Pius XI enunciated, in Quas Primas, that Christ should be recognized as the king of this world and sovereign over all nations. Christ the King was to be the symbol that negated political regimes hostile to Catholicism. Mexico was one such country attempting to curb Catholicism’s political influence. Under the slogan “Long Live Christ, the King!” the laity developed a political message and rallying point to fight the anticlerical government of Mexico. This article explores the meanings of the phrase and its link to the beliefs of the detractors of Plutarco Elías Calles during the Cristero War. Analyzing the words and their various meanings, this article intends to explain the importance of Catholicism and the laity’s particular brand of faith in Christ in the fight against the Mexican government.
... The distinction between 'success conditions' and 'felicity conditions' drawn by Bach and Harnish (1979: 55-56) parallels Sbisà's distinction between 'constitutive rules' (success conditions) and 'maxims' (felicity conditions). Austin's (1975) A-rules (misinvocations of a procedure) and B-rules (misexecutions) are both reclassified as 'constitutive rules' in Sbisà's framework. Austin's "Γ-rules" fall instead under the rubric of 'maxims'. ...
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Speech acts are governed by a variety of illocutionary norms. This chapter attempts to develop a common framework to study them, building on Sbisà’s (2019) work. Four families of illocutionary rules are identified: (i) Validity rules set conditions for (actual) performance; (ii) Cooperative rules set conditions for cooperative performance; (iii) Illocutionary goals set conditions for successful performance; (iv) Illocutionary obligations set conditions for compliance. Illocutionary rules are often taken to play a constitutive role: speech acts are said to be constituted by the unique set of rules that regulates them. Against this view, it is argued that many illocutionary rules are instead best construed as rationally derivable expectations of cooperation. This alternative paradigm provides fertile ground to reconcile disagreement between speech act theorists, and yields a promising explanation of how illocutionary norms are learned and evolve through time.
... Consequently, a pragma-rhetorical approach has been used that consists of a combination of pragma-linguistic, rhetorical and argumentation-based approaches (Ilie, 2009;2018;2021b). Pragma-rhetoric integrates a pragmatic analysis of context-shaped metadialogic practices from the perspective of speech act theory (Austin, 1962;Searle, 1969) and conversational maxims (Grice, 1975) with the analysis of rhetorical appeals and argumentation theory (Walton, 1989). ...
In UK Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs), metadialogic practices can steer the direction and scope of the parliamentary confrontation between the Leader of the Opposition (LO) or opposition Members of Parliament (MPs), and the Prime Minister (PM), which consists of polemical question-answer exchanges. Recurrent metadialogic practices are rationally and/or emotionally instantiated through meta-questions (posed by the LO) and meta-answers (delivered by the PM). This investigation used a pragma-rhetorical approach to the interplay between parliamentary meta-questions and meta-answers, which reveals, through the PM's evasiveness or failure to answer the LO's and opposition MPs' questions, a reluctance to play by the (parliamentary) rules and assume responsibility as head of government, party leader and ‘primus inter pares’ in the UK Parliament. The findings show that meta-questions and meta-answers interact at discursive, interpersonal and institutional levels. At the discursive level, they point to the debaters' appraisal of the urgency and importance of debated issues and to the debaters' commitments. At the interpersonal level, they indicate the scope of the debaters' strengths and weaknesses, and the degree of their adversarialness. At the institutional level, they signal the debaters' compliance with or defiance of institutional norms that regulate MPs' behaviour and verbal performance during PMQs.
... Remetemos aqui ao modelo de interpretação histórica da linguagem política como performance proposto porPocock (2013). Usando os termos da teoria performativa da linguagem deAustin (1962), da qual a reflexão de Pocock é devedora, podemos falar de "Nossa Revolução" como um caso de "infelicidade" performativa, a despeito de toda a fortuna posterior do texto. Não é de surpreender que o texto mais emblemático já escrito sobre Raízes do Brasil, o prefácio de AntonioCandido (2016), valorize o ensaio menos como panfleto político do que como marco de uma experiência geracional de formação. ...
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Resumo Este texto investiga a intenção política do capítulo final da primeira edição de Raízes do Brasil, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (1936). Nesse intuito, examinando algumas referências explícita ou implicitamente ali presentes e seu contexto na argumentação do livro, fizemos uma reconstituição aproximativa do que constituiriam a especificidade local (brasileira ou “americana”, isto é, continental) e o conteúdo do conceito de revolução mobilizado no texto. Procuramos contribuir, assim, para uma melhor compreensão da posição de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda diante do pensamento autoritário dos anos 1930, bem como da inserção de Raízes do Brasil no debate modernista sobre a cultura brasileira.
... Manipulative verbs are o en mistaken for u erance verbs due to their semantic proximity; in both cases, speech is involved. We talk about illocutionary acts (Austin 1975) when the manipulation is permi ed through an u erance, as with 'ask' in English (cf. 420). ...
In this dissertation, we aim at investigating the syntactic complexity of LSF. We start with the well studied (in other sign languages) case of relativization strategies, which instantiates both subordination and recursive embedding. These properties have repeatedly been argued to be at the heart of human languages; hence, relative clauses are the flag holder of every understudied language aiming at seeing its status recognized. Regarding LSF, we describe two manual markers that we analyze as d-like relative pronouns, as well as a non-manually marked alternative strategy, and we show that LSF has both internally and externally headed relative clauses. We show that, depending on the relative pronoun used, the relatives instantiates different semantic properties. We integrate our findings in a generative formal framework. We also investigate the processing of subject and object relative clauses in this language, through the adaptation of a well-known eye-tracking paradigm. Through this experimental study, we find the existence of a Subject advantage in LSF. In the second part of the dissertation, we investigate several complex sentences: temporal constructions, question-answer pairs and sentential complements. While we know from spoken languages researches that temporal constructions surface through a variety of syntactic strategies such as subordination, juxtaposition or coordination, finding their equivalent in sign languages is often a challenge due to the absence of overt complementizers and other function words such as coordinators. This dissertation explores temporal constructions in LSF and frames them within a broad typological perspective. We show that LSF temporal clauses are very different from those of LIS. In particular, LSF constructions use two coordinated clauses, and the temporal marker is part of the second conjunct. Regarding Question Answer Pairs (QAP), a growing literature has emerged on sign languages describing this particular construction, which looks like a question followed by its fragment answer, but which crucially is not interpreted as such. In Kimmelman and Vink (2017), the authors propose the existence of a grammaticalization process, starting with information-seeking questions and ending with a question-answer constituent, creating a bridge between two of the main analyses that have been proposed in the literature to account for these constructions across sign languages. We demonstrate, based on an extensive depiction of LSF QAP properties, that the grammaticalization scale proposed in Kimmelman and Vink (2017) has to be further developed to integrate free relatives as its ending point. Finally, we provide a rather extensive investigation of sentential complements in LSF, showing that, in their vast majority, they are subordinated to the main predicate. We also show that LSF displays various types of complements, either finite, non-finite, or introduced by a complementizer.
... apologizing, thanking, and asking questions) they perform in discourse instead of only looking into their semantic meaning or structure [1,15,36,48]. Among various seminal works on the classification of speech acts, Searle [48] and Austin [2] provided the core classification schemes that perceive speech acts as a basic unit of human linguistic communication. ...
... Los roles masculino y femenino resultan en la teoría de Butler (1990) conceptos tautológicos que se representan socialmente como naturales. De ahí que la performatividad critique estos esencialismos y busque, a través de las iteraciones y "actos perlocutivos" (Austin, 1975), otras posibilidades de transformación social (Butler, 1990;1993;1997;. ...
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El objetivo de este artículo es explorar el espacio de práctica del grupo Arriba el telón, tanto en su capacidad para generar una transformación de sus participantes como en su potencial para desarrollar una crítica frente a las dinámicas de opresión circundantes. La metodología utilizada fue la etnografía, con un trabajo de campo de 18 meses de duración enfocado en las prácticas del teatro Arriba el telón del barrio Terron Colorado en la ciudad de Cali. También, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y visitas al teatro Esquina Latina, mentor del programa “Jóvenes, teatro y comunidad”, al que pertenece Arriba el telón. Entre los principales resultados, se encontró que el espacio de práctica de Arriba el telón permite que los jóvenes tengan un proceso de reflexividad relacional con su entorno barrial, desarrollen estrategias de resistencia frente a la opresión y transformen sus contextos a partir del trabajo con sus voces y cuerpos.
... The farewell speech is a performative speech act, as the speech presents the intensified moment of transitioning power and authority. By performative we here refer to the idea first promoted by British language theorist John L. Austin, that there are utterances which not only describe a given reality, but in some sense even change the social reality they are making account of (Austin 1962). Well-known examples of such sentences are a couple making promises, a priest performing a wedding ceremony, or a judge pronouncing a verdict. ...
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When a leader leaves office, the leader becomes impotent, divested of power. This makes the actual moment of farewell a particularly interesting case study in leadership, as the farewell moment marks the transition of power from one leader to another. Many leaders use the point of departure as an opportunity to articulate the legacy of the institution they leave behind. This article offers a rhetorical and theological analysis of the farewell sermon delivered by former presiding bishop of the Church of Norway, Helga Haugland Byfuglien in January 2020, and a shorter, comparative analysis of the equivalent farewell sermon of the former Archbishop of the Church of Sweden, Anders Wejryd (2014). The article analyses how Byfuglien and Wejryd conceptualize the legacy of the church with the use of epideictic and deliberative rhetoric (rhetorical analysis) and discuss what kind of legacy (theological analysis and discussion) they promote. The article argues that both Byfuglien and Wejryd use the farewell sermon as a rhetorical opportunity to articulate the church`s legacy for the future, although their own formal power to execute that legacy is coming to an end. Byfuglien appeals to a diaconal vision of the church`s legacy, with a tendency to emphasize the church`s welcoming and inclusive character. Wejryd addresses the current ecclesiological situation in more detail. By assessing the church`s numerical decline and changed societal status as a crisis, he mainly appeals to the church`s missional legacy. The article concludes that the farewell sermons of both Byfuglien and Wejryd may be interpreted as a sort of inheritance dispute, or better heritage dispute: In their farewell sermons, the departing bishops present their last(ing) act of leadership, appealing to the audience to commit to a particular vision of the church`'s legacy.
... (Butler 1993: 234) Both individuals and communities need certain public identity statements that are often organised as performances or rituals in the broad sense of these terms. There is a repertoire of identification performatives (John Austin's concept -Austin 1975), which are widely known and repeatedly practised (verbal statements, dress code, attendance of particular events, etc.) and all these performances signify a corresponding identity. But performativity is not unalterably attached to preceding norms and traditions, quite the contrary, there is a certain individuality (conscious or unconscious) and contingency concealed in every performance, not to speak of intentional denials of norms. ...
In the 1990s Estonia underwent a process of radical socio-political changes: a periphery of the Soviet conglomerate became a country with an independent political and economic life. The new situation also brought about a revision of cultural identity, which in the Soviet Union had been grounded primarily on the dichotomy between national and Soviet culture. Since these oppositions were rendered unimportant with the changed politico-economic conditions, a time of ideological vacuum followed. Estonia as an independent state and a cultural island between the East and the West turned its face toward Europe, questioning for its new or true identity in the postmodernising and globalizing society. In this article three productions of Estonian theatre as examples of identity construction will be analysed, investigating the rewriting of cultural heritage, intercultural relationships and implicit ideologies.
... The first thesis I intend to sustain is that one or more authors create a fictional object when they perform the act of fiction-making and associate it with our pre-established practices of fiction. I will begin my reasoning by presenting John Austin's (1962) speech act theory in order to make explicit what I mean by performative utterances and how they are related to locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts. In the remaining sections, in the light of Austin's terminology, I will explain what the act of fiction-making amounts to and how authorial intentions and our practices of fiction pave the way to the existence of fictional objects. ...
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Neste artigo eu respondo à objeção principal de Stuart Brock (2010, 2016) ao artefactualismo. De acordo com Brock, artefactualistas como Amie Thomasson (1999) não conseguem explicar como e quando os objetos ficcionais são criados, sendo o artefactualismo, portanto, um tipo de criacionismo teológico. Contrariamente a Brock, e adaptando a teoria dos atos de fala de John Austin (1962) ao presente caso, eu argumento que objetos ficcionais são criados através de um proferimento performativo que, para ser feliz, deve (i) ser realizado pelo indivíduo adequado (um autor ou autora), (ii) com as intenções apropriadas (o ato de realização de ficção), no contexto adequado (associado às nossas práticas pré-estabelecidas de ficção) onde o autor ou autora (iv) nomeia, fornece ao menos uma descrição ou oferece uma imagem para instituir o objeto individual através dos seus atos intencionais.
... The paper illustrates through a discourse analysis of speech excerpts from media briefings by South African politicians how mainstream political communication of English is disrupted, and African languages find official recognition. Language is always a carrier of various social meanings and the switching into vernacular has several functions realised through speech acts (Searle 1969;Austin 1962); some of which we would like to flag in the context of COVID-19 public media briefings and speeches by national South African government ministers; i.e. (1) informative; (2) appellative; and (3) interpellative functions. These dimensions can be seen as similar to Aristotles' (1980) rhetoric modes of persuasion such as (a) logos (i.e. ...
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This study is based on a discourse analysis of official COVID-19 addresses by South African national government ministers with a focus on linguistic choices. While access to healthcare is an obvious issue of social justice during the pandemic, language plays a covert role in processes of access and inequality. Linguistic understanding influences social participation and during an epidemic crisis, access to language plays a significant role in improving responses of affected individuals. Although English is widely accepted as a common lingua franca in the country, it excludes those who are not proficient in the language. In this article, we analyse code-switching practices, translanguaging, and increasing African language usage among ministers of parliament during official COVID-19 speeches and briefings. We argue that the growing use of multilingual resources among South African politicians carries ramifications on language politics, i.e. a shift away from an unquestioned monolingual discourse purporting English as ‘the’ lingua franca which has in the past characterised most national speeches. From this new multilingual perspective, the pandemic has effected an inward orientation rather than the previously dominating concern with international relations.
... Letztere sind Teil der analytischen Rechtsphilosophie und betonen zu Recht die eminente Bedeutung der Sprachphilosophie. Die Sprechakttheorie John Austins, die von John Searle aufgegriffen und fortgeführt wurde (Austin 1962;Searle 2005, 1) Bei aller Verschiedenheit eint die klassischen und aktuellen Ansätze, dass sie die gängige, aber wenig innovative Unterscheidung: Naturrecht vs. Rechtspositivismus zurückweisen. Denn obwohl sie nichts Natürliches an sich haben, mobilisieren Institutionen das, was Hegel im Anschluss an Aristoteles die zweite Natur (deutéra phýsis) nannte. ...
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Der Begriff der Institution prägt das moderne gesellschaftliche Leben und ist dennoch in einer kaum vergleichbaren Weise vieldeutig. Diese Vieldeutigkeit bestimmt bis heute die Debatte. Sie ist immer wieder Anlass für massive Kritik in Theorie und Praxis.
... In the present study, we focus on speech acts due to its salient role as the speech modality in conversation. According to the speech act theory (Austin, 1962;Searle, 1969), language is a tool to perform acts, as well as to describe things and inform interlocutors about them. ...
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The analysis of dynamic scenes has been a challenging domain in eye tracking research. This study presents a framework, named MAGiC, for analyzing gaze contact and gaze aversion in face-to-face communication. MAGiC provides an environment that is able to detect and track the conversation partner’s face automatically, overlay gaze data on top of the face video, and incorporate speech by means of speech-act annotation. Specifically, MAGiC integrates eye tracking data for gaze, audio data for speech segmentation, and video data for face tracking. MAGiC is an open source framework and its usage is demonstrated via publicly available video content and wiki pages. We explored the capabilities of MAGiC through a pilot study and showed that it facilitates the analysis of dynamic gaze data by reducing the annotation effort and the time spent for manual analysis of video data.
... An adage often used in Annang goes thus: Awo ayaiya mbuk akan idem. This Annang adage is synonymous with its Yoruba counterpart iwalewa; character is beauty (for more on iwalewa see Abiodun, 1983 (Austin, 1962;Searle 1969Searle , 1979 and communicative acts (Trosborg, 1995) which acknowledge the performative functions of verbs and sentences in their contexts of use. ...
Academic mobility is on the increase. So are the challenges that accompany it, one of which concerns communication. Therefore, it is necessary that pragmatic studies in intercultural communication investigate communication in academic communities, especially in the international campuses. This study is a cross-cultural analysis of student-lecturer communication on two campuses which represent two different cultural contexts namely, Nigeria and Germany. The similarities and differences between the linguistic realisation strategies of fifty Nigerian students and fifty German students at the University of Bayreuth are analysed using communicative acts categorisation frameworks from Anchimbe (2018), Cohen et al (1981), and Trosborg (1995). Three research questions guide the analysis in this work. The first two research questions guide the analysis of data collected by means of discourse completion task (Blum-Kulka 1989, Anchimbe 2018); what are the similarities and differences in preferred apology, complaint and request strategies in both contexts and what are the social norms invoked by Nigerian students? The third research question seeks to identify transfers of preferred greeting strategies by Nigerian students at the university of Bayreuth, cases of irritations and how repair is achieved. Results show that there are more differences than similarities in group preferences. Nigerian students’ strategies portray social norms, such as consideration and respect for age, gender and social status, social roles of older persons, social value for family and education, the role of finance in education, and religious beliefs, etc. Transfers of Nigerian students’ preferred greeting and address forms are confirmed in the thirty electronic mails collected from Nigerian students at the University of Bayreuth. Student’s metainformation confirm cases of irritation in which lecturers at the University of Bayreuth initiate repair by caution and suggestion of contextually appropriate forms either per email or in class. Based on these findings, group-specific orientation schemes are highly recommendable if relieve on student-lecturer communication, ease of integration of international students and generally, effective interaction on international campus are in focus.
... It is a term of the effort to comprehend uttering meaningful words or speech when the interaction. Austin (1962) stated that a speech act is a speech in a particular context where the speaker expects interlocutor's communicative acts. To find out whether the use of speech can impact the communicative, the understanding of social and cultural context is needed. ...
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Anak Dalam Jambi Tribe (ADJT) lives in the forest, far from the population, and the existence is rare. This research aims to determine whether ADJT uses illocutionary speech act, function, and type of speech act used. This research uses qualitative with pragmatic research type. The data is in the form of an illocutionary speech act, which is then transcript by putting out the conversation context. This research’s data source is from ADJT, who lives in Merangin Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia. Result research shows that ADJT uses three types of speech acts, which are (1) directive with the function of prohibiting, ordering, and asking, (2) expressive with the function of thankful, and (3) commissive with the function of refusing. It can be concluded that ADJT frequently uses illocutionary to deliver information to interlocutors. This research is expected can become a preliminary step in further research, especially in the use of language related to indirect meaning in ADJT.
Ostinning “So’zlаr bilаn qаndаy muomаlаdа bo’lmoq dаrkor?”аsаri nаshr qilingаndаn bеri nutqiy аkt nаzаriyаsidа kаttа hаjmdаgi ish qilindi. Ushbu rеjаdаgi mаqsаdim qo’shmа gаplаrdа prаgmаtik mа’no xususiyаtlаrini tаhlil qlishdаn iborаtdir[5]. Nutqiy аktlаr bo'yichа qilingаn judа ko'p ishlаr Sеаrlning shаrtlilik yondаshuvigа аsoslаnаdi[21]. Bu rеjаdаn mеning mаqsаdim Sеаrlning ishini o’rgаnish, uning dolzаrb vа muаmmoli tomonlаrini аniqlаshdir. O'z nаvbаtidа, bu ish tilshunoslаr tomonidаn yаrаtilаjаk ishlаrgа foydаli bo’lаdi.
The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to the development of scientifically sound methodological ways of teaching students majoring in "Primary Education" appropriate use of verbal means to emotionally and intellectually influence students in the process of learning. The importance of emotional intelligence of future primary school teachers in the context of their communicative activity is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the importance of communicative training of students. It is noted that the achievement of a high level of speech culture of the teacher in terms of educational communication is manifested primarily in the appropriate use of verbal emotional and intellectual means, which are a manifestation of the emotional intelligence of the teacher. It is emphasized that the future teacher must take into account the psychological characteristics of children of primary school age in order to optimize educational communication, which is expressed in the emotional and intellectual features of the teacher's language behavior during pedagogical discourse. The essence of emotional intelligence is revealed in the Concept of the new Ukrainian school, which is characterized as a key competence necessary for successful self-realization of the individual in society. The basis of emotional intelligence are certain groups of cognitive, emotional, adaptive and social abilities that contribute to a positive climate in the team and prevent interpersonal conflicts. The specificity of emotional and intellectual manifestations in the teacher's activity is that it is an integral part of the teacher's language behavior, which demonstrates his individual style of activity and is aimed at activating the emotional and intellectual activity of students. To identify the level of understanding by future teachers of the meaning of the concept of "emotional intelligence" and its significance in the educational process of primary school, a survey of 80 third-year students majoring in "Primary Education" was performed and its results were described. The survey data of students showed that they are aware of the importance of the development of emotional intelligence for future successful professional activities, positively assess the importance of emotional teacher in the educational process of primary school. The ways of formation of emotional intelligence of future primary school teachers in the process of their professional training are revealed. It is noted that it is important in the course of professional training to enrich the arsenal of emotional means, rhetorical techniques of future teachers, to help them form an individual style of communicative behavior in various situations of pedagogical discourse, including its emotional and intellectual component.
This article deals with the notion of performativity through the work of J.L. Austin, Shoshana Felman, and, most significantly, Judith Butler. It examines the intertextual references of the work of the mentioned theorists mainly through the notion of promise which is used as an example, a metaphor, but also as an organizing principle of the performative logic of their texts.
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Modern Greek displays two variants of the word min ; one corresponds to a negative marker, and the other corresponds to an epistemic modal. We focus on the latter and provide, for the first time to our knowledge, experimental evidence on its exact interpretation, showing that (i) non-negative min is incompatible with the overt realization of polar propositional alternatives { p ,¬ p }, (ii) it conveys medium speaker certainty with respect to the expressed proposition p , and (iii) it encodes speaker bias in favor of p . Our findings support the novel generalization that non-negative min is uniformly interpreted as conveying that the speaker is neither unbiased nor negatively biased (as suggested by the previous literature on the topic), but positively biased with respect to a proposition p . We argue that non-negative min is a biased epistemic modal that needs to be licensed by an external non-veridical operator.
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Article published in Geopolitical Pulse journal, Romania. Nr.235. An X/19.20 April 2017
Wie funktioniert «guter Konsum» als alltägliche Praxis? Das Buch erörtert diese Frage aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht und fragt danach, was Menschen eigentlich machen, wenn sie ethisch konsumieren, welche Bedeutungen sie diesem Tun beimessen und wie sie darüber sprechen. Als ethisch verstanden wird all das, was die Konsument: innen selbst als gut oder richtig begreifen. Narrative Interviews, das Reden über Konsum, bilden die Basis für die empirische Studie. Die Sicht der Akteur:innen öffnet den Blick auf gesellschaftliche (Aus-)Handlungsfelder, die anhand weiterer Zugänge (teilnehmende Beobachtungen und mediale Quellen) untersucht werden. Entlang der Schlüsselkategorien Knowing, Doing und Showing werden Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Wissensbeständen, praktischem Handeln und performativer Narration auf einer subjektzentrierten, alltäglichen Ebene ausgeleuchtet. Die entwickelten Interpretations- und Deutungsmöglichkeiten erlauben es, ethischen Konsum neu zu denken. Darüber hinaus liefert das Buch Einsichten, wie Vorstellungen und Aushandlungen von korrektem Handeln erforscht werden können.
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Neste artigo pretende-se falar da linguagem como um sistema formal e uma rede de práticas da comunicação e da produção de sentidos. Procurando definir o que é a comunicação e a linguagem, do mesmo modo, a forma como se produz o sentido do dizer de um algo, ou querer dizer (significar) um algo. Pretende-se explicar a produtividade e a sistematicidade da linguagem e os usos convencionais de muitas elocuções na produção de sentido do ato da fala, incluindo ‘dizer é fazer’ numa compreensão da linguagem enunciativa e jogos da linguagem na comunicação.
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Az utóbbi évtizedekben a korpuszadatokra való támaszkodás a nyelvhasználat kutatásának alapelvévé vált, ami a korpuszpragmatika megszületéséhez vezetett (Jucker 2013; Aijmer–Rühlemann 2015; Rühlemann–Aijmer 2015). Bár a hagyományos pragmatikai kutatási módszerek továbbra is nélkülözhetetlenek az implicit nyelvhasználati jelenségek vizsgálatában, korpuszmódszerrel való kombinálásuk gyümölcsözőnek bizonyulhat. Jelen tanulmány korpuszpragmatikai megközelítésben, a Magyar Nemzeti Szövegtár előfordulásaiban vizsgálja a magyar közvetett kérések tud igét tartalmazó módozatait, ugyanakkor számos módszertani kérdést is körüljár. A más adatforrások segítségével nem kinyerhető spontán nyelvhasználati példák alapján eddig nem vizsgált stratégiákat is feltár. A korábbi kutatások a képességre utalással végrehajtott kérések közül csak a kérdő, infinitívuszos szerkezetekkel foglalkoztak, melyek közül a feltételes igealakot tartalmazó pozitív eldöntendő kérdés bizonyult a tipikus formának. Jelen tanulmány a MNSZ2 mint adatforrás bevonásával számos ettől eltérő, nem kérdő és nem főnévi igeneves szerkezetet is bemutat, rávilágítva a korpuszadatok figyelembevételének hasznosságára.
L’étude porte sur les fonctions pragmatiques de la répétition locale dans des entretiens oraux. Nous nous focalisons sur les hétéro-répétitions locales en contexte d’interaction dans une visée pragmatique afin d’analyser la relation interlocutive dans un contexte de soin. Sont sélectionnés douze entretiens du corpus DECLICS2016 conduits entre deux locuteurs : un patient et un médecin ou un patient et un thérapeute d’orientation psychanalytique. Nous déterminons, dans ce contexte interlocutoire, les fonctions pragmatiques liées à l’usage de l’hétéro-répétition locale et vérifions si elles caractérisent le statut du locuteur. Sur un total de 186 hétéro-répétitions locales, nous avons identifié huit fonctions pragmatiques : la confirmation, la précision, la rectification, la réponse‑reprise, le ciblage, le partage de savoir, la reprise de sens en écho, le questionnement. On constate que les fonctions se répartissent différemment selon le statut du locuteur. Les patients utilisent prioritairement la répétition locale dans un but de confirmation (dans 59 % des cas), les médecins favorisent plutôt le partage de savoir (dans 48 % des cas) et les thérapeutes usent de la répétition dans un but phatique pour maintenir l’échange (dans 68 % des cas). Ces résultats indiquent que les voix énonciatives des locuteurs confirment au plan performatif leurs statuts respectifs. Notre étude, en contexte de soin hospitalier, montre que la répétition locale est un indicateur fiable pour identifier chacun des interlocuteurs et pour caractériser la relation interlocutive.
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La présente recherche tend à montrer que la propension d’un acte de langage à devenir fait institutionnel et ainsi à « se faire politique » tient à sa « force illocutoire complexe » et à la construction d’un implicite institutionnel (Anquetil, à paraître). En prenant appui sur l’exemple d’ALERTER, nous déterminerons comment le processus d’institutionnalisation en trois phases – 1. l’assignation d’une fonction agentive aux faits institutionnels ; 2 la construction d’une croyance et intentionnalité collectives ; 3. la construction d’une éthique politique – influe sur le marquage de l’acte de langage et fragilise la possibilité d’en saisir les données à l’aide d’outils de fouille textuelle.
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This chapter shows how Banietemad exposes social crisis in its reordering of gender relations. By examining the vignettes of everyday life which make up Tales , Khamsy discusses how Banietemad’s camera lyrically conveys gender reshuffling, thereby confronting the bigger question of imbalance in studies of gender in Iranian cinema.
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An argumentation profile is defined as a methodological instrument for analyzing argumentative discourse considering distinct and interrelated dimensions: the types of argument used, their quality, and the emotions triggered. Walton’s theoretical contributions are developed as a coherent analytical and multifaceted toolbox for capturing these aspects. Argumentation schemes are used to detect and quantify the types of argument. Fallacy analysis and the assessment of the implicit premises retrieved through the schemes allow evaluating arguments. Finally, the frequency of emotive words signals the most common emotions aroused. This method is illustrated through a corpus of argumentative tweets of three politicians.
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The linguistic method of the New Rhetoric and Argumentation (developed by authors such as Chaim Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca) seeks to persuade an audience utilizing logical and practical arguments, in order to achieve adherence to a thesis that wants to be effectively communicated. This method can be applied to biblical texts to convince about an issue and produce a performative (transforming) effect. This article aims to apply some elements of this method to the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25–37. Jesus, with the argumentative force of metaphor, not only answers the question “who is my neighbor?” but also reveals an eventual attribute of God: closeness. In the Samaritan, who is moved with compassion to care for a wounded man, God’s proximity is revealed. In the Samaritan’s mercy, God is manifested as an event of closeness.
Presentation of the special issue. Available at:
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L’étude porte sur les emplois du marqueur de cohérence discursive mais étudié en contexte de soin. Dans le cadre d’un projet, DECLICS, nous nous sommes focalisés sur la distribution fonctionnelle de mais en fonction du rôle du locuteur (médecins vs thérapeutes). En appui sur la littérature scientifique, trois macro-fonctions de mais (interlocutive-interactionnelle, logico-argumentative et logico-sémantique) sont décomposées en 17 types dont 16 sont présents dans le corpus DECLICS2016. Le relevé systématique des 122 occurrences de mais présentes dans le corpus a permis d’étudier la fréquence d’emplois comparatifs entre médecins et thérapeutes. Les résultats quantitatifs indiquent que les médecins emploient davantage mais que les thérapeutes, ce, indépendamment de leur service hospitalier. Grâce à une analyse qualitative, nous éclairons ensuite les mécanismes interactionnels en jeu lors des entretiens thérapeutiques médicaux vs cliniques, en déterminant les fonctions prépondérantes, secondaires et tertiaires assignables à chacune des 122 occurrences de mais. Sur ces 122 occurrences d’emplois, 32 occurrences sont le fait d’une fonction prépondérante unique, 80 emplois correspondent à une bi-fonctionnalité du marqueur et 10 d’une tri-fonctionnalité. Les résultats montrent que les macro-catégories interactionnelles et sémantiques permettent la distinction des rôles des soignants, et on constate un lien entre l’utilisation de la fonction prépondérante argumentative et la fonction secondaire logico-sémantique de type circonstanciel. Les résultats ont permis d’extraire deux patterns d’emplois de la tri-fonctionnalité de mais, utilisée presque exclusivement par les thérapeutes. Cette étude montre que les médecins utilisent mais pour activer des opérations logico-argumentatives, les thérapeutes activant préférentiellement un but interactionnel.
Ce livre tente d’identifier, par les mots et les images du temps (lithogra­phie ou grands genres), un « moment politique frénétique » français (1824- 1834). À l’instar du « drame frénétique » lorsque, boulevard du Crime (notre boulevard du Temple), chacun allait pleurer, et plus encore se livrer aux délices de l’angoisse vécue en commun, de sept heures à dix heures du soir. Maïté Bouyssy interroge aussi bien l’usage des larmes et de la compassion, que la mise en scène de l’horreur. Autour de figures charnières — tel Louis XII, le roi malchanceux qui a accompagné la mode troubadour, avant et après la Révolution — et de l’expression de « flots de sang » qui circule dans les lettres et les arts, des images furent reçues comme politiques. Des Réjouissances publiques de Boilly (1826 pour la gravure de Villain) à La Grèce sur les ruines de Missolonghi de Delacroix (1826), en passant par la célèbre litho­graphie Rue Transnonain le 15 avril de Daumier (1834), l’incessante circulation des mots à l’image montre un dispositif rhétorique qui mène au son. Car le cri donne le lieu social des émotions présentées et redéfinit les raisons du suc­cès de ces auteurs, qui gèrent la dénonciation telle des fables mises en image. Il ne s’agit ici ni d’éluder les périls de la surinterprétation ni de donner un métasystème de clés, mais de rendre compte des vraies raisons du succès de la réception de ces œuvres. Sous diverses formes, cet ouvrage traite donc du citoyen et du genre, des foules et de Bailleurs, du juste et de l’injuste ou de l’ordinaire ordre policier. Quand se trame un ordre prédémocratique s’accroît l’inquiétude de la « montée du cadavre » qu’ont notée d’autres histo­riens. Cette inquiétude semble avoir partie liée avec le processus d’accep­tation de l’égalité symbolique réalisée dans le suffrage universel de 1848.
Surcharge visuelle d’un côté, économie de mots de l’autre, « Allô Place Beauvau ? C’est pour un bilan (provisoire) », le projet de data-journalisme publié par Mediapart en 2019, interpelle à plus d’un titre. D’abord, par sa construction graphique qui favorise l’exploration dézoomée des données au détriment d’une inspection élémentaire. Ensuite, par l’effacement apparent de la parole du journaliste derrière une production visuelle qui engage les récepteurs à évaluer de manière autonome les incidents rapportés. Or, loin de proposer une lecture « ouverte » des faits, pourtant induite par l’approche statistique de la réalité et par le dispositif interactif mis en place par les concepteurs du projet, la data-visualisation fonctionne sur le régime de la confirmation plutôt que celui de la découverte. La navigation libre se retrouve, en réalité, corsetée par un horizon explicatif qui puise sa légitimité aussi bien dans le discours d’autorité journalistique qui le sous-tend que dans l’apparente objectivité d’une visualisation multiscalaire et chiffrée.
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In a precritical text of 1763, Kant argues that “the concept of position or positing [Position oder Setzung] is completely simple and is the same as the concept of Being.” In these lines, Werner Hamacher identifies the formula that defines modern metaphysics as “ontotheseology,” i.e., the determination of being as position, positing, or thesis. As Hamacher demonstrates, ontotheseology conceals an unconfessable and originary aporia—the aporia of positing. Since this aporia responds to a structural inconsistency, the article proposes to designate it as inconsisthesis. The central claim of the article is that inconsisthesis affects not only transcendental subjectivity but also the concept of sovereignty. Sovereign inconsithesis is, accordingly, the subject of this article. To address it, I flesh out the difficult logic of inconsisthesis by turning to Hamacher’s account of the linguistic act of “promising,” which he conceives as the (paradoxical) premise of positing in general—paradoxical, since promising only makes possible a positing act by interrupting it. In light of the linguistic character that Hamacher assigns to both positing and its aporia, the article pursues sovereign inconsisthesis in the notion of “linguistic justice” (Sprachgerechtigkeit) that Hamacher mobilizes in his reading of Hobbes’s political philosophy. Keywords: Hamacher, Ontotheseology, Promising, Sovereignty, Linguistic Justice.
Es un lugar común afirmar que recurrir al contexto es un paso inexcusable de cara a comprender una proferencia o un texto y que tal comprensión es inexcusable asimismo de cara a traducir (correctamente) una proferencia o un texto dados. No obstante, a pesar de que una proferencia o texto puedan ser bien comprendidos, su traducción depende de la posibilidad de (o habilidad para, en su caso) identificar sinonimias entre la lengua origen y la lengua término, especialmente cuando entran en juego fenómenos lingüísticos tales como la ambigüedad, los falsos amigos, la hiponimia o la vaguedad. Cuando tales fenómenos entran en juego las implicaciones y las implicaturas que está permitido hacer de una proferencia o un texto traducidos pueden diferir de las que está permitido hacer del texto original. Teniendo en cuenta estas consideraciones previas, este artículo trata del análisis de las implicaciones e implicaturas que está permitido hacer cotejando textos filosóficos originales y sus traducciones a varias lenguas. Este análisis sugiere que muchos textos filosóficos traducidos crean nuevos contextos, de modo que se posibilitan nuevas interpretaciones del pensamiento de un filósofo dado.
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