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Toxicity of Cyclamen persium (Mill)

  • Colorado School of Public Health


Cyclamen spp contain toxic saponins, although the number of serious exposures is very low. The plant was investigated for toxic and pharmacologic properties in the 1950's and 1960's, but there is little current investigation. Cyclamens have been found both as woodland plants and houseplants in Europe for years, and the plant is becoming increasingly popular in the US. Poison centers should be aware of the potential toxicity of this plant, especially that of the rhizomatous tubers. Additional data on exposures reported to poison centers may be helpful in further defining the toxicity of this plant.
Toxicity of Cyclamen Persium (Mill)
David G Spoerke, MS, RPh
Rocky Mountain Poison and
Drug Center;
Susan E Spoerke, MD
Denver Clinic West, Denver West Office Park, Golden, Colorado
Alan Hall, MD
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center;
Barry H Rumack, MD
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center,
Bannock Street, Denver Colorado
(Received January
29, 1987;
3, 1987)
ABSTRACT. Cyclamen spp contain toxic saponins, although
the number of
serious exposures is very low. The
plant was investigated
toxic and pharmacologic properties in the
but there is little
current investigation. Cyclamens have been found both as woodland plants and houseplants in Europe
years, and the plant is becoming increasingly popular in the US. Poison centers should be aware of the
potential toxicity of this plant, especially that
of the rhizomatous tubers. Additional data on exposures
reported to poison centers may be helpful in further defining the toxicity of this plant.
In December 1986, one of the authors re-
ceived a call from a parent asking if the
cyclamen, a common houseplant, was toxic.
A 14 month-old child had been playing with
this plant, but was not thought to have
ingested it. The parent was referred to the
local poison center where she was told the
plant was potentially toxic. Since none
of the plant material was missing, the child
was observed for gastroenteritis but not given
additional care. No signs or symptoms oc-
curred over the next 24 hrs. This incident
prompted the mother to contact her florist
to complain about being sold a poisonous
plant. Shortly thereafter, the poison cen-
ter received an inquiry call from the
The cyclamen is a popular winter flowering
pot plant in Europe which is finding in-
creasing popularity in the US. The peak
demand time for these plants is around
Christmas (1). Cyclamens are found in gar-
dens, as
house plant, and as a wildflower.
There are about 20 species mentioned in Hor-
tus Third, a standard botanic identification
text (2). Common names used include Per-
sian violet, alpine violet, and sowbread
(2,3). The houseplant is usually Cyclamen
persium (Mill), a native
the eastern
Mediterranean area. Many greenhouse varie-
ties have been derived and named for the
colors of their flowers. Common names in-
clude afterglow (crimson), crimson king
(crimson), rosalie (light salmon-rose),
salmon king (salmon pink), rose von aalsmeer
(rose-pink), white swan (white) and grandi-
flora (white with a salmon base) (1).
We contacted 10 floral shops in the Denver
metropolitan area and found that none were
aware that this plant had the potential to
cause toxicity. Not all texts on poisonous
plants include a listing for cyclamen (4-6),
but others list it as both toxic and poten-
tially deadly (7,8). A Medline search back
to 1965 produced only 3 articles on the
topic; 2 of these were in Russian.
The toxic principles are triterpenoid
saponins, with cylcamin (Fig 1) being the
most prevalent. Cyclamin is fungitoxic and
provides the plant with a barrier to fungal
infection (9). These saponins are irritants
which, besides causing local effects of
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, are absorbed
and reported to cause convulsions and
paralysis. The local irritant effect has
been known for years (12). The herbal com-
pound Rhizoma cyclaminis was once recommend-
ed as a drastic purgative (7). Kupchan et
al (10), while investigating the potential
anti-tumor effect of C persium fractions,
measured cytotoxicity by using the ED5O
(dose inhibiting 507. of control cell growth).
The ED5O ranged from 2.1 to greater than
100 ug/ml, showing great variability in
cytotoxicity. Cyclamin itself is not
volatile, but it is water soluble and may
occur as either small white crystals or
an amorphous, lusterless mass. It has a
very acrid, rancid taste, a fact that may
keep ingestions to a minimum (11).
If this plant has been known to be toxic
since the late 1700's (12), then why are
not exposures more commonly reported to
poison centers? First, this plant has
become a popular houseplant only in the last
few years, and opportunities for children
Vet Hum
Toxicol 29 (3)
June 1987
Gluc' Arab-Glue -O
Figure 1. Structure of Cyclamin
to be exposed have probably been minimal
(1). Second, all available references ex-
cept one (13) list the rhizomes (under-
ground stems) as the toxic part, not the
flowers or foliage. The quantity of foliage
and/or rhizome necessary to cause symptoms
may be greater than that usually required
for a typical childhood ingestion. The
saponin content of the foliage is unclear.
The toxic tuberous rhizomes are not especial-
ly attractive, are usually on or under the
soil, and have a bitter, acrid taste. These
facts together would be likely to decrease
the incidence of childhood exposures.
Although it is well established that cycla-
men rhizomes are toxic, the exact danger is
difficult to ascertain. References list
this plant as "may be fatal" (8), but do
not specify potentially lethal amounts. One
reference states that ingestion of only a
small piece of the tubers may produce con-
vulsions and paralysis, but does not cite
case histories (7). Hybrids of C persium
are suspected of causing hand eczema and
other hand dermatoses because of patch test
results, but even this has not been abso-
lutely proven (14). Current investigation
with cyclamen have not centered around its
GI effects, but rather on the use of various
fractions from the plant as an anti-tumor
agent (10), a cardiovascular agent (15),
and as an agent in the management of athero-
sclerosis (16).
Compton J: Houseplants. Bantam Book, New York,
Bailey LH and Bailey EZ:
Hortus Third. Mac-
Millian Publishing Company Inc, New York, NY,
Wilson C:
The Alpine Flowers of Britain
and Europe, Williams Collins Sons & Company
Ltd, London,
Lampe KF and McCann MA: AMA Handbook of Poison-
ous and Injurious Plants. American Medical
Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1985.
Copper MR and Johnson AW: Poisonous Plants
in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and
Reference Book 161, Her Majesty's Station-
ery Office, 1984.
Hardin JW and Arena JM: Human Poisoning from
Native and Cultivated Plants, 2nd ed.
University Press, Durham, North Carolina, 1974.
Frohne D and Pfander HJ: Poisonous Plants,
A Handbook for Pharmacists, Doctors, Toxicolo-
gists and Biologists.
Wolfe Publishing Ltd,
London, 1984.
Tampion J: Dangerous Plants. Universe Books,
New York,
NY, 1977.
Harbone JB: Toxins of plant-fungal interactions.
Keeler RF and Tu AT: Handbook of Natural
Toxins, vol 1, Plant and Fungal Toxins.
Dekker Inc, New York, NY, 1983.
Kupchan SM, Hemingway RJ, Knox JR et al: Tumor
Inhibitors XXI.
Active principles of Acer
negundo and Cyclamen persium. J Pharm Sci
56:603-608, 1967.
Millspaugh CF:
American Medicinal Plants.
Dover Publications Inc, New York, 1974.
Kingsburg JM: Poisonous Plants of the United
States and Canada. Prentice-Hall Inc, New
Jersey, 1964.
Schneider MF: Plants Poisonous to Children and
Other People.
Blue Cross-Blue Shield of the
Rochester Area. Rochester, NY, 1984.
Mitchell J and Rook A:
Plants and Plant Pro-
ducts Injurious to the Skin. Greengrass Press,
Vancouver, 1974.
Gladkikh AS:
Deistvie saponina iz tsiklamena
gruzinskogo na nekotorye pokazateli sostoigniia
serdechnososudistoi sistemy zhivotnykhi, Farma-
kol Toksikol
562, 1966.
Gladkikh AS:
Vliianie sapinia iz tsiklamena
gruzinskogo na razvitie eksperimental' nogo
ateroskleroza u kralikov.
Farmakol Toksikol
28:147-152, 1965.
Dr FE Russell has a small number of copies of the
Bibliograohv of Venomous and Poisonous Marine Animals
and Their Toxins, which he will make available on a
first-come, first-serve basis. All requests must be
written on University or Poison Control Center
stationery. Please enclose $1.00 for handling and
shipping: FE Russell, MD, College of Pharmacy,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
The Chemical Manufactures Association (CMA) has
established a toll-free phone number -- 800/262-8200 --
to provide non-emergency health and safety information
about any chemical or chemical based product. Calls
received at this number are referred to various
government agencies, companies involved with the
chemical in question. This CMA sponsored service
is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to
9:00 pm Eastern time.
Vet Hum Toxicol 29 (3) June 1987
... Early investigation of the different species of the Cyclamen resulted in the isolation of triterpenic saponins from cyclamen tubers, which have anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities in rats and mice (Speroni et al., 2007). Cyclamen is a houseplant that has a toxic saponin in the tuberous rhizomes (Spoerk et al., 1987), and its pollen causes an allergy (Ariano and Panzani,). ...
... While leaves extract showed inhibition effect less than 70%. Cyclamen spp (Primulaceae) are rich in toxic saponins, known to have interesting biological activities (Spoerke et al., 1987;Çaliş et al., 1997;Altunkeyik et al., 2012;Sajjadi et al., 2016). In a study conducted by El Hosry et al., 2014, showed the remarkable cytotoxic activity of saxifragifolin B (saponin derived from Cyclamen species), against breast adenocarcinoma and lung carcinoma and its chemo protective activity against mitomycin C. ...
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The development of new approaches to increase the efficacy of cancer treatments is crucial. Recently, the uses of natural products to treat cancer are very common. In addition, working with plants that are native to Palestine and determining the biological activities of these plant extracts, is extremely important due to the potential for new drug development. Cyclamen persicum Mill. is used in Traditional Arabic Palestinian Herbal Medicine (TAPHM) for the treatment of several ailments including cancer. In this study the cytotoxic effect of C. persicum tubers and leaves ethanolic extracts were studied against MCF-7, PC-3, and LNCaP cancer cell lines, using mitochondrial dehydrogenase enzyme method. Results showed a remarkable cytotoxic activity of C. persicum extracts, against breast and prostate adenocarcinoma. For tubers extract, the IC50 value was found to be 0.05 mg/ml for the three cell lines. However, the IC50 value of the leaves extract was found to be 0.25 mg/ml for PC-3 and MCF-7 cell lines, while LNCaP cell inhibition was less than 30% at all tested leaves extract concentrations. MCF-7 cells exhibited the highest sensitivity to the C. persicum extracts, compared to PC-3 and LNCaP cell lines evaluated. In contrast, LNCaP cells generally exhibited the lowest sensitivity to extracts. These results displayed that C. persicum is a good source for natural products with antitumor activity that may be further exploited for the development of a potential therapeutic anticancer agent.
... While leaves extract showed inhibition effect less than 70%. Cyclamen spp (Primulaceae) are rich in toxic saponins, known to have interesting biological activities (Spoerke et al., 1987;Çaliş et al., 1997;Altunkeyik et al., 2012;Sajjadi et al., 2016;Stanojević et al., 2018). In a study conducted by El Hosry et al., 2014, showed the remarkable cytotoxic activity of saxifragifolin B (saponin derived from cyclamen species), against breast adenocarcinoma and lung carcinoma and its chemo protective activity against mitomycin C. ...
It is important to develop new approaches to increase the efficacy of cancer treatments. Nowadays, the uses of natural products to treat cancer are very common. In addition, working with plants that are endemic to Palestine and determining the biological activities of these plant extracts, is extremely important due to the potential for new drug development. Cyclamen persicum is used in traditional medicinal to treat anti-rheumatic, diarrhea, abdominal pains, edema, abscesses, eczema, cancer and other ailments. In this study the cytotoxic effect of C. persicum tubers and leaves ethanolic extracts were studied against MCF-7, PC-3 and LNCaP cancer cell lines, using mitochondrial dehydrogenase enzyme method. Results showed the remarkable cytotoxic activity of C. persicum extracts, against breast and prostate adenocarcinoma. For tubers extract the IC50 value was found to be 0.05 mg/ml for the three cell lines. Although the leaves extract the IC50 value was found to be 0.25 mg/ml for PC-3 and MCF-7 cell lines, while LNCaP cell inhibition were less than 30% at all tested leaves extract concentrations. MCF-7 cells exhibited the highest sensitivity to the C. persicum extracts, compared to PC-3 and LNCaP cell lines evaluated. In contrast, LNCaP cells generally exhibited the lowest sensitivity to extracts. These results displayed that C. persicum is a good source for natural products with antitumor compounds that can be further exploited for the development of a potential therapeutic anticancer agent.
... have respiratory allergic (111,112) and plant poisonings effects (114,115). Also, they exert several allergenic effects (114,116) and analgesic antiinflammatory effects (115,117). ...
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The mechanism of floral mutation including double flowers in plant species can be explained by the ABCDE model which represents the relationship between MADS-box transcription factor genes and floral morphogenesis. The ornamental importance of Cyclamen led to the creation of double-flowered cultivars caused by the repression of AG-like gene expression in whorl 3. Modifications in these genes also influence the accumulation of different bioactive compounds depending on species and/or variety. In antiquity, cyclamen plants were recognized for their therapeutic qualities and later gained importance due to their content in saponins, which have been reported to exhibit anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and also to alleviate symptoms in acute rhinosinusitis patients. Furthermore, the extracts and isolated compounds are used as treatments in a wide range of diseases. In this review, we describe the transcription factors and their role in the development and ABCDE model formation of organs which led to the development of double-petal and fragrant varieties. Additionally, we describe the potential mechanisms of action underlying the therapeutic effects of saponin extracts against cancers and inflammatory disorders and their potential as a pharmacological agent in clinical studies.
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Floriculture and horticulture have always been two parallel and very distinct agronomic realities. Floriculture is concerned with meeting the ornamental needs of our urban ecosystems, while horticulture is based on meeting food requirements. These two activities have now converged toward a food chain where flowers are conceived of as a sort of “new vegetable” and one of the most promising novelties to satisfy the growing need for food innovation both in terms of an organoleptic and nutraceutical profile. This novelty has rapidly evolved, especially following the growing scientific evidence of the human health benefits of flowers used as food. The typically high pigment concentration of the corollas (especially flavonoids and carotenoids), which have evolved to chromatically attract pollinators, indicates a marked nutraceutical activity especially in terms of antioxidant power. In this review, we first attempted to explore which species are most promising and which should be avoided due to real or suspected toxicity problems. The nutraceutical virtues were therefore highlighted trying to focus attention on those “functional phytochemicals” capable of counteracting some specific human pathologies. Furthermore, the organoleptic profile of edible flowers was investigated since this is one of the least known aspects. The cropping systems suitable for their cultivation were therefore hypothesized and finally the criticalities of edible flowers were addressed in terms of shelf life and marketing opportunities.
This review discusses the following subjects: Anatomy and physiology of the neuromuscular junction; synthesis, storage and mobilisation of the neurotransmitter and the action potential; vesicle trafficking and acetylcholine release; activation of the postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor; inactivation of acetylcholine; synaptogenesis; disturbing the neuromuscular junction by natural compounds; clinical important animal toxins; clinical important vegetable toxins; intoxication's by insecticides; intoxication by nerve gases; disturbing the neuromuscular junction by autoimmune diseases; plasmaferese. Furthermore, a listing of natural toxins as well as the composition of the amino acids of bungarotoxines and bee toxins will be provided.
Fagopyrum Mill. Polygonum L. & Persicaria (L.) Mill. & Fallopia adan. Rheum L. Rumex L. References
Aim: To analyze the types, frequency and severity of plant poisonings in Switzerland over 29 years. Methods: Retrospective analysis of severe poisonings with toxic plants reported to the Swiss Toxicological Information Center (STIC). Assessment of the causality, severity of symptoms and the types of plants involved. Results: During the period under review the STIC registered 24950 cases of contact with or ingestion of toxic plant material. In 99.4% of all cases the clinical course was either unknown, asymptomatic or associated with only minor symptoms (no hospitalization). Severe plant poisonings occurred in 152 cases. Detailed analysis was possible in 135 cases (23 children, 112 adults) including 5 lethal cases (all adults). The 24 plants involved produced the following severe symptoms: Atropa belladonna (42 cases): anticholinergic syndrome (42), acute psychosis (33), convulsions (2), coma (2). Heracleum mantegazzianum (18): severe photodermatitis (18). Datura stramonium (17): anticholinergic syndrome (17), psychosis (12), coma (2). Dieffenbachia (11): severe stomatitis (8), corneal lesions (3). Colchicum autumnale (10): diarrhea (10), liver necrosis (9), fatal multiorgan failure (2). Veratrum album (8): bradycardia (≤ 40/min) (6), shock (5). Aconitum napellus (4): tachyarrhythmia (2), AV-block II/III (2). Aesculus hippocastanum (3): allergy (3), anaphylactic shock (2). Hyoscyamus niger (3): anticholinergic syndrome (3). Ricinus communis (3): diarrhea (3), toxic megacolon (1). Oenanthe crocata (2): convulsions (1), lethal coma (1). Taxus baccata (2): tachyarrhythmia (1), fatal asystole (1). Further single cases with severe poisonings were observed with Arum maculatum, Asarum europaeum, Chrysanthemum vulgare, Cyclamen persicum, Datura saveolens, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Laburnum anagyroides, Lycopodium, Narcissus pseuodonarcissus (lethal aspiration), Nerium oleander, Senecio vulgaris and Vicia faba. Conclusions: Potential and real intoxications with plant materials occurred in 7.2% of all cases registered at the STIC. However, among all plant cases only 0.6% were severe intoxications requiring hospitalization. Although severe plant intoxications are rare events, a small number of specific plants appear to be mainly responsible for continued serious plant poisoning in Switzerland. The present study has identified the plants with the highest toxicological risks and provides a data base for more rational prevention, diagnosis and treatment of plant poisoning cases in the future.
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Poisonous plants cause significant economic losses to the livestock industry throughout the world from death losses, abortions, birth defects, increased veterinary care, and other related factors. This chapter is not intended to be all-inclusive, but provides current research information on important poisonous plants in the United States, and this resource will be useful to researchers, veterinarians, teachers, land managers, extension agents, and the general public.
An alcoholic extract of leaves and stems of Acer negundo L. was found to show significant inhibitory activity against sarcoma 180 in mice. Systematic fractionation of the extract led to concentration of the activity and separation of two chroma-tographically homogeneous active acidic saponin fractions. One of the latter saponin fractions also showed significant inhibitory activity against the Walker intramuscular carcinosarcoma 256 tumor in rats. An alcoholic extract of the tubers of Cyclamen persicum Mill. was found to show significant inhibitory activity when tested in vitro against cells derived from human carcinoma of the nasopharynx (KB). Systematic fractionation led to separation of a chromatographically homogeneous saponin fraction with significant inhibitory activity against the Walker 256 tumor in rats. Preliminary characterization of the active saponin fractions is described.
The Alpine Flowers of Britain and Europe
  • C Grey-Wilson
Grey -Wilson C: The Alpine Flowers of Britain and Europe, Williams Collins Sons & Company Ltd, London, 1979.
AMA Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants
  • K F Lampe
  • M A Mccann
Lampe KF and McCann MA: AMA Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants. American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1985.
Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man
  • Mr Copper
  • Aw Johnson
Copper MR and Johnson AW: Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man.
Toxins of plant-fungal interactions
  • Jb Harbone
  • Rf Keeler
  • At Tu
Harbone JB: Toxins of plant-fungal interactions. In: Keeler RF and Tu AT: Handbook of Natural Toxins, vol 1, Plant and Fungal Toxins. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, NY, 1983.
American Medicinal Plants
  • C F Millspaugh
Millspaugh CF: American Medicinal Plants. Dover Publications Inc, New York, 1974.
Plants Poisonous to Children and Other People. Blue Cross-Blue Shield of the Rochester Area
  • M F Schneider
Schneider MF: Plants Poisonous to Children and Other People. Blue Cross-Blue Shield of the Rochester Area. Rochester, NY, 1984.