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What We Know; What We Think
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Proceedings of the Spreadsheet Risk Symposium
European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRIG)
Greenwich, England
July 17-18, 2000
Spreadsheet Errors:
What We Know.
What We Think We Can Do.
Dr. Raymond R. Panko
University of Hawaii,
Fifteen years of research studies have concluded unanimously that spreadsheet errors are both common and non-trivial. Now we
must seek ways to reduce spreadsheet errors. Several approaches have been suggested, some of which are promising and others,
while appealing because they are easy to do, are not likely to be effective. To date, only one technique, cell-by-cell code inspection,
has been demonstrated to be effective. We need to conduct further research to determine the degree to which other techniques can
reduce spreadsheet errors.
Spreadsheets are widely used in organizations [McLean, Kappelman, & Thompson, 1993]. Each year, tens of millions
of managers and professionals around the world create hundreds of millions of spreadsheets.
Although many spreadsheets are small and simple throwaway calculations, surveys have shown that many
spreadsheets are quite large [Cale 1994, Cragg & King 1993, Floyd, Walls, & Marr 1995, Hall 1996]. Cragg and King
[1993] audited spreadsheets as large as 10,000 cells, and when Floyd, Walls, and Marr [1995] conducted a survey of 72
end user developers in four firms, asking subjects to select a single model, the average model had 6,000 cells.
Spreadsheets are also complex, using a large number of sophisticated functions [Hall, 1996].
Spreadsheets are also important. For instance, Gable, Yap, and Eng [1991] examined all 402 non-trivial
spreadsheets in one organization. Forty-six percent were rated as important or very important to the organization, and
59% of the spreadsheets were used at least monthly. In another study, Chan and Storey [1996] surveyed 256
spreadsheet developers. Each developer was asked to describe one of their spreadsheets. When asked to identify the
highest-level user of the spreadsheet’s data, 13% cited a vice president, and 42% cited their chief executive officer.
Under these circumstances, if many spreadsheets contain errors, the consequences could be dire. Unfortunately,
errors in bottom-line values are very likely because spreadsheet modeling is incredibly unforgiving of errors. A spelling
error in a word processing document will only occasionally create a material problem; but an error almost anywhere in
a spreadsheet will produce an incorrect bottom-line value. Unless the development error rate is close to one error in
every ten thousand cells, most large spreadsheets are likely to contain errors.
In fact, we know that humans are incapable of doing complex cognitive tasks with great accuracy. The Human
Error website [2000a] lists data from a number of studies of human cognitive errors. These studies indicate that even
for simple cognitive tasks, such as flipping switches, error rates are about one in 200. For more complex cognitive
tasks, such as writing lines of computer code, error rates are about one in 50 to one in 20.
Research on human error in many fields has shown that the problem is not sloppiness but rather fundamental
limitations in human cognition [Reason 1990]. Quite simply, we do not think the way we think we think. Human
cognition is built on complex mechanisms that inherently sacrifice some accuracy for speed. Speed in thinking was the
overriding evolutionary force for our hunter ancestors, and although occasional errors caused the loss of hunters, new
hunters were inexpensive and fun to make. Unfortunately, error rates acceptable in hunting and even in most computer
applications cannot be tolerated in spreadsheets. For spreadsheet accuracy, we must somehow overcome or at least
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reduce human cognitive accuracy limitations dramatically.
What We Know
Let us begin with what we actually know about spreadsheet errors and corporate practices to control spreadsheet errors.
More information about the studies listed in this section is available at the Spreadsheet Research website [Panko
Spreadsheets Contain Errors
The Introduction noted that human error rates in complex cognitive tasks tend to be about 2% to 5%, so spreadsheet
errors must be fairly frequent or we will have to throw away decades of cognitive research.
Data from Field Studies
In fact, spreadsheet error rates actually are rather high. Table 1 shows data from seven field audits of real
organizational spreadsheets. The field audits found errors in 24% of the 367 spreadsheets audited, and most older audits
used audit techniques not likely to catch a majority of errors. The most recent field audits, in contrast, generally used
better methodologies and found errors in at least 86% of the spreadsheets audited. These numbers are even more
impressive when you consider that most audits only reported substantive errors, not all errors. In other words, given
data from recent field audits, most large spreadsheets probably do contain significant errors.
Table 1: Field Audits of Real Spreadsheets
Study Year Spreadsheets % w Errors Cell Error Rate (CER)
Davies & Ikin (1) 1987 19 21% NR
Butler (2) 1992 273 11% NR
Hicks 1995 1 100% 1.2%
Coopers & Lybrand (3) 1997 23 91% NR
KPMG (4) 1997 22 91% NR
Lukasik 1998 2 100% 2.2%, 2.5%
Butler (2) 2000 7 86% 0.4%
Overall NA 367 24%
1997 and Later NA 54 91% --
NR = Not reported
(1) "Serious errors"
(2) Only reported errors large enough to demand additional tax payments
(3) Spreadsheets off by at least 5%
(4) "Major errors"
(5) Weighted average
Hicks [1995] and Lukasik [1998] audited three large spreadsheets using methodologies that probably caught a
large majority of errors. They found that the cell error rates, that is, the percentages of cells containing original errors
(as opposed to errors based on earlier erroneous numbers in the spreadsheet) were 1.1%, 2.2%, and 2.5%. These cell
error rates (CERs) are about what we would expect from general error research, as discussed above. The Butler [2000]
data, in contrast, found a lower CER of only 0.38% for formula cells. This lower result may be the result of careful
creation and simple accounting calculations, although the methodology used attempted to balance error detection rates
and costs and used a technique that probably could not catch a majority of errors. Even the lower Butler [2000] values
mean that even in spreadsheets of a few dozen cells, errors are likely.
Data from Laboratory Experiments
As shown in Table 1, we also have data from laboratory experiments that collectively had about a thousand
subjects develop spreadsheets from word problems. These word problems had known solutions, allowing 100% error
detection. Across these experiments, 51% of all spreadsheets contained errors, despite the fact that most spreadsheets
were only 25 to 50 cells in total size. Cell error rates for whole spreadsheet were at least 1% to 2%. These lowest CERs,
furthermore, were for a task purposely designed to very simple and largely free of domain knowledge.
Table 2: Spreadsheet Development Experiments
Study Year Sample Subjects Spreadsheets % w Errors Cell Error
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Rate (CER)
Brown & Gould 1987 ED 9 27 63% NR
Olson & Nilsen (1,2) 1987-
ED 14 14 NA 21%
Lerch (1,2) 1988 ED 21 21 NA 9.3%
Hassinen (2) on paper 1988 Ugrad 92 355 55% 4.3%
Hassinen (2) online 1988 Ugrad 10 48 48% NR
Janvrin & Morrison (3) Study 1,
1996 Ugrad 78 61 NR 7% to 10%
Janvrin & Morrison (3) Study 1,
1996 Ugrad 88 44 NR 8%
Janvrin & Morrison (3) Study 2,
1996 Ugrad 88 88 NR 8% to 17%
Kreie (post test) 1997 73 73 42% 2.5%
Teo & Tan (4) 1997 Ugrad 168 168 42% 2.1%
Panko & Halverson, alone 1997 Ugrad 42 42 79% 5.6%
Panko & Halverson, dyads 1997 Ugrad 46 23 78% 3.8%
Panko & Halverson, tetrads 1997 Ugrad 44 11 64% 1.9%
Panko & Sprague (4) 1999 Ugrad 102 102 35% 2.2%
Panko & Sprague (4,5) 1999 MBA (NE) 26 26 35% 2.1%
Panko & Sprague (4,6) 1999 MBA (ED) 17 17 24% 1.1%
Panko & Halverson, monads 2000 Ugrad 35 35 86% 4.6%
Panko & Halverson, triads 2000 Ugrad 45 15 27% 1.0%
Total Sample 998 1170 51% (7)
NR = not reported
ED = experienced developer
NE = not very experienced with development at work
Ugrad = undergraduate students
(1) Measured errors before subject had a chance to correct them
(2) Only measured error rate in formula cells
(3) Only measured error rate in cells linking spreadsheets
(4) Wall Task designed to be relatively simple and free of domain knowledge requirements
(5) MBA students with little or no development experience
(6) MBA students with considerable development experience
(7) Weighted average
These studies, by the way, used a variety of subjects from rank novices to highly experienced spreadsheet
developers. All subject groups made errors, and when Panko and Sprague [1999] directly compared error rates for
undergraduates, MBA students with little or no spreadsheet development experience, and MBA students with at least
250 hours of spreadsheet development experience, they found no significant differences in error rates across the groups.
Overall, then, intensive research has shown that spreadsheet error rates are comparable to those in other human
cognitive activities. These error rates are large enough to tell us that most large spreadsheets will contain errors.
Errors are Like Multiple Poisons
When Panko and Halverson [1997] examined errors made by their subjects, they concluded that spreadsheet errors fell
into different categories. They noted that even if all errors of a certain type could be eliminated, the remaining errors
would still be fatal. They compared spreadsheets errors to multiple poisons, each of which is 100% lethal.
Quantitative and Qualitative Errors
First, there are quantitative errors and qualitative errors. A quantitative error produces and incorrect value in at
least one bottom-line variable. In turn, qualitative errors, such as poor design, do not create immediate quantitative
errors, but they may cause later problems in data entry or from incorrect modifications.
Mechanical, Omission, and Logic Errors
Panko and Halverson [1997] classified quantitative errors into three basic types.
Mechanical errors
are simple slips, such as mistyping a number or pointing to the wrong cell when entering a
formula. Mechanical errors are common in all experiments that looked at them, but the most obvious
mechanical error—mistyping a number—actually has been quite rare.
Logic errors occur when the developer has the wrong algorithm for a particular formula cell or expresses the
algorithm incorrectly in the formula.
Omission errors
occur when the developer omits something that should be in the model. In experiments, this
meant leaving out something in the word problem that should be in the model. In real life, it means not creating
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a complete model because not all factors have been considered. Non-spreadsheet research shows that humans
are not good at considering all factors when considering a problem [Fischoff, Slovic & Lichtenstein 1978].
Errors by Life Cycle
Like any other system, a spreadsheet has a life cycle, which may include needs analysis, design, construction,
testing, and ongoing use. Errors may be introduced (and detected) at any stage in this life cycle.
Note that error generation does not end with the creation of the final spreadsheet. Errors may also occur during
ongoing use after development. Users may enter erroneous data into the spreadsheet, of course. In addition, we will see
later one particular type of post-development error, hardwiring that is distressingly common yet is also easy to prevent.
Developers are Overconfident and Policies are Lax
Given the large amount of data on spreadsheet errors, one might think that companies would implement strong policies
for spreadsheet development and testing. However, that rarely is not the case.
Most studies that have audited spreadsheets or surveyed users have reported poor development practices
[Cragg & King 1993, Davies & Ikin 1987, Hall 1996, Schultheis & Sumner 1994]. In addition, studies that looked at
corporate controls also found a general pattern of little control and of the controls that did exist being largely informal
[Cale 1994, Cragg & King 1993, Davies & Ikin 1987, Floyd, Walls, & Marr 1995, Galletta & Hufnagel 1992, Hall
1996, Speier & Brown 1996].
One reason for this lack of disciplined development practices and policies may be that spreadsheet developers
are overconfident in the accuracy of their spreadsheets. Certainly laboratory studies, field audits, and surveys have
shown a high degree of confidence in the accuracy of spreadsheets, even if quite a few errors were found later [Brown
& Gould 1987, Davies & Ikin 1987, Floyd, Walls, & Marr 1995, Panko & Halverson 1997, Panko & Featherman
In one experiment [Panko & Featherman 1999], for instance, developers were asked to estimate the likelihood
that they had made an error during development. The median estimate was 10%, and the mean was 18%. In fact, 86%
had made an error in their spreadsheet. When debriefed in class and asked to raise their hands if they thought they were
among the successful 14%, well over half of all subjects raised their hands. Although these subjects were students,
overconfidence has also been found among experts in many fields [Johnson 1988, Shanteau 1992]. Indeed,
overconfidence is one of the most consistent findings in behavioral sciences [Plous 1993] and has been linked to a lack
of care in risk avoidance [Rasmussen 1990, Rumar 1990].
What We Think We Can Do
Now that the widespread existence of errors in spreadsheets is well documented, the next logical question is, “What can
we do to reduce errors?” Notice that the word is “reduce” rather than “eliminate.” Years of human error research have
shown that there is simply no way to eliminate error completely.
The Tenacity of Error
Human error research indicates that human error is tenacious because people are not terribly good at detecting and
correcting errors. The Human Error website [Panko 2000a] shows that error detection and correction rates approaching
90% only occur in the simplest processes, such as proofreading for spelling errors in which the misspelling is not itself
a valid word. If the result of the spelling error is itself a valid word, error detection rates fall to about 70%. Even this is
high compared to error detection and correction for logical errors in mathematics, which in Allwood’s [1984] classic
study succeeded in only about half of all errors. Error detection and correction for omission errors is much lower still
[Allwood 1984, Bagnara, et al. 1987, Woods 1984].
More directly, the Human Error website [Panko 2000a] has data from a number of software team code
inspection studies, in which a group of programmers goes over a program one line at a time to look for errors. These
intensive code inspections only find around 80% of all errors despite the use of team code inspection by programming
Even more directly, there have been experiments in spreadsheet code inspection, in which subjects examine a
spreadsheet cell-by-cell to look for errors. These studies indicate that subjects working alone only catch about half of
all errors [Galletta et al. 1993 1997, Panko 1999], even when the subjects are experienced spreadsheet developers
[Galletta et al. 1993 1997]. We also know that error detection rates in spreadsheet code inspections only approach 90%
for mechanical typing and pointing errors in short formulas [Panko 1999]. For logic errors, mechanical errors in long
formulas, and omission errors, detection rates in spreadsheet code inspection are far lower [Panko 1999].
Software developers, who are highly experienced with errors, respond to the difficulty of detecting errors by
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engaging in massive amounts of formal testing. About a third of the total software development effort goes into formal
testing [Grady 1994], and even after several stages of testing, errors remain in about 0.1% to 0.3% of all lines of code
[Putnam & Myers 1992].
Given the tenacity of error in the face of intensive code inspection and other types of testing, we should not be
very sanguine about any technique of error reduction that falls short of massive testing.
Cell Protection
However, there appears to be one simple thing we can do to prevent at least one type of error. Earlier, we noted that one
type of error during ongoing use, hardwiring, is very common. In hardwiring, a user cursors to a formula cell and enters
a number in the cell. This generally occurs because the user did not realize that the cell was a formula cell and thought
they should enter the value. One survey of an Australian mining company’s spreadsheets found hardwiring errors in
about 30% of the spreadsheets [Dent 1995].
When a spreadsheet is hardwired, it is likely to be correct for the current user, provided the correct current
value is entered into the formula cell. However, if the spreadsheet is saved and then run again, the spreadsheet will not
be correct for subsequent users.
Hardwiring errors are rather easy to prevent using cell protection. Cell protection only allows users to change
pre-specified input cells, so that if a user attempts to hardwire a formula cell, he or she will be prevented from doing so.
Unfortunately, although cell protection is fairly effective and easy to do, it is only done in half or fewer of all
spreadsheets [Cragg and King 1993, Davies & Ikin 1987, Hall 1996].
Re-Keying Data
There is also a simple way to reduce data input errors. This is to have two input sections, so that all data will be entered
twice. It is rather trivial to highlight differences between two blocks of input data in order to highlight errors. This
method, used in traditional data processing, is called verification. Data entry errors are likely to be random, so making
the same error twice is unlikely. It is easy to check if two input areas are the same and, if not, to determine where the
error lies.
Examining Results for Reasonableness
Ineffective home remedies in the United States are called “whiskey cures,” after the old aphorism, “Of all the things
that do not cure the common cold, whiskey is the most popular.” With a whiskey cure, you take a step to reduce harm,
but the step is largely or entirely ineffective.
One commonly seen activity in spreadsheet development is looking over a spreadsheet’s results for
reasonableness [Hendry & Green 1994, Nardi & Miller 1991]. If a few errors are found, the seeker feels that he or she
is very effective at finding errors. If no errors are found, then the seeker feels that the spreadsheet is free of error.
Given the difficulty of finding errors noted above even when full cell-by-cell code inspection is used, merely
looking over a spreadsheet’s numbers for reasonableness must be considered a whiskey cure. In addition, studies [Klein
1997, Rickets 1990] have shown that people are not very good at finding errors when they assess numbers for
correctness. Although looking over results for reasonableness is simple and inexpensive and should be done, it must not
be considered an acceptable stopping point.
Good Development Practices?
A number of authors have proposed good spreadsheet development practices [e.g., Kreie 1988, Rajalingham, et al.
2000, Ronen, Palley, & Lucas, 1989], often modeled after good software development practices. For instance, they
usually advocate a full systems development life cycle, with definite needs analysis and design stages, both of which
often are skipped by spreadsheet developers [Brown & Gould 1987, Hall 1996]. They usually also propose modular
design and the placement of all input numbers in a single “data” or “assumptions” section. Finally, a few propose
something like clean room development, in which equations are worked out ahead of time [Rajalingham, et al. 2000],
although they usually stop short of formal proofs.
One general problem with these methodologies is that they have not been tested experimentally to see if they
really reduce errors and, if so, by how much. In the terminology of the U.S. Federal Drug Administration, they have not
been proven “safe and effective.” Experiments conducted to reduce errors [e.g., Janvrin & Morrison 1996, Kreie 1988]
have found it very difficult to create statistically significant reductions in error rates. In an unpublished study by the
author, when spreadsheets using assumptions sections and not using assumptions sections were compared, there was
almost no difference in error rates. Indeed, traditional “good practice” actually may be harmful. If all input data are
placed in one section and logic in another, the logic may be more difficult to read for code inspection.
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Overall, although good practice in development probably is commendable, it must not be considered sufficient
unless it is proven safe and effective through experimentation. Certainly, we should not listen to claims of effectiveness
in this area until methods have been tested.
Error Discovery Software
Another promising but untested area is error discovery software designed to identify errors in spreadsheets. Error
discovery software comes in two basic forms. One form graphically portrays patterns of connections between cells
within spreadsheets, say by coloring or arrows, to highlight patterns that may indicate possible errors in the
spreadsheet. However, it is not clear how many errors seen in experiments and field audits today would be made more
visible by this type of software [Panko, 2000c]. Again, there is a need for testing before claiming that such tools safe
and effective.
The other type of error discovery software acts like a spell checker or grammar checker, highlighting specific
cells that may contain errors. Again, however, we would like to know the extent to which such software could actually
catch the types of errors found in experiments and field audits.
Another issue is customization to specific purposes. The Butler [2000] software, for instance, has several
error-detection techniques tailored to the ways in which people may be deliberately cheating on taxes, for instance
making a number in a column a label and then right-justifying it, to reduce the column total.
Code Inspection
In software development, about a third of all development time is spent in formal testing, as noted earlier. Testing is
considered the sine qua non for reducing errors in software development. Even when good practice is used throughout
the needs assessment, design, and code development process, there is no substitute for testing.
In spreadsheet development, testing is fairly rare [Cragg & King 1993, Gable, Yap & Eng 1991; Hall 1996,
Nardi 1993, Schultheis & Sumner 1994]. Informal comments often cite the cost of testing as being prohibitive.
However, without formal testing, the cost of errors must be considered.
There are two general forms of testing. One is execution testing, in which known data are used to test the
spreadsheet. However, known data are not always available because spreadsheets programs often allow far more
complex analyses than a company could previously perform. In addition, execution testing is a complex craft in which
out-of-bounds and extreme values must be tested, and in which test cases generally must be selected very carefully. Yet
even when execution testing is done with spreadsheets, it typically avoids such niceties [Hall 1996].
The other form of testing is code inspection, in which an individual or group goes through a spreadsheet cell by
cell to look for errors. Code inspection is very expensive, because software development has taught us that the yield
(percentage of errors found) in software testing falls when code inspection is done rapidly [Panko 2000a]. In addition,
code inspection is exhausting work, and inspectors tend to hate it. Finally, as noted above, individual code inspectors
find only half or fewer of all errors, so group code inspection is necessary. Overall, group code inspection is an
unpleasant medicine yet the only medicine that has been experimentally tested to date and found to be fairly effective,
catching about 80% of all errors [Panko 2000a].
At the same time, there can be cost-yield tradeoffs. For instance, Butler [1992 2000] was concerned with
finding incorrect spreadsheets in tax auditing. Each error found might result in income from additional taxation.
However, auditing is also expensive. Given tradeoffs between yield and cost, it was reasonable to use single-person
code inspection augmented by software, and was reasonable not to put limits on inspection rates. In general, the Butler
[2000] analysis method represents an interesting approach for matching costs with yields.
However, it is important for firms to deliberately consider how to do code inspection. If accuracy is important,
single-person code inspection appears to be a poor idea. Teams of three or more are likely to be necessary.
Research on spreadsheet errors began over fifteen years ago. During that time, there has been ample evidence
demonstrating that spreadsheet errors are common and nontrivial. Quite simply, spreadsheet error rates are comparable
to error rates in other human cognitive activities and are caused by fundamental limitations in human cognition, not
mere sloppiness. Nor does ordinary “being careful” eliminate errors or reduce them to acceptable levels.
Now that the reality of spreadsheet error has been established, the next step is to ask what we can do to reduce
spreadsheet errors. Unfortunately, only one approach to error reduction has been demonstrated to be effective. This is
code inspection, in which a group of spreadsheet developers checks a spreadsheet cell-by-cell to discover errors. Even
this exhausting and expensive process will catch only about 80% of all errors. Other things can be done to reduce
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errors, but given the tenacity of spreadsheet error in the face of even cell-by-cell code inspection, we should be careful
about expecting too much from most error-reducing approach. What is needed now is an experimental research
program to determine which approaches really are safe and effective.
Allwood, C. M. “Error Detection Processes in Statistical Problem Solving,” Cognitive Science (8:4) October-December
1984, pp. 413-437.
Bagnara, S; Stablum, F.; Rizzo, A.; Fontana, A.; & Ruo, M. (1987). “Error detection and correction: A study on
human-computer interaction in a hot strip mill production planning and control system.” In Preprints of the First
European Meeting on Cognitive Engineering Approaches to Process Control. Marcoussis, France. Cited in
Reason (1990).
Brown, P. S. & Gould, J. D. “An Experimental Study of People Creating Spreadsheets,” ACM Transactions on Office
Information Systems (5:3) July 1987, pp. 258-272.
Butler, R. J., “Is this Spreadsheet a Tax Evader? How H. M. Customs & Excise Tax Test Spreadsheet Applications,”
Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, January 4-7, 2000.
Butler, Raymond, Tax audit study in 1992, personal communications by electronic mail, August and September, 1996
and in August, 1997.
Cale, E. G., Jr. “Quality Issues for End-User Developed Software,” Journal of Systems Management (45:1) January
1994, pp. 36-39.
Chan, Y. & Storey, V. C., “The Use of Spreadsheets in Organizations: Determinants and Consequences,” Information
& Management, (31:3) December 1996, pp. 119-134.
Coopers & Lybrand in London. Description available at Contact
information is available at that webpage.
Cragg, P. G. & King, M. “Spreadsheet Modelling Abuse: An Opportunity for OR?” Journal of the Operational
Research Society (44:8) August 1993, pp. 743-752.
Davies, N. & Ikin, C. “Auditing Spreadsheets,” Australian Accountant, December 1987, pp. 54-56.
Dent, A., personal communication with the first author via electronic mail, April 2, 1995.
Fischoff, B.; Slovic, P. & Lichtenstein, S., “Fault Trees: Sensitivity of Estimated Failure Probabilities to Problem
Representation,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, (4:2) 1978, 330-344.
Floyd, B. D.; Walls, J.; & Marr, K. “Managing Spreadsheet Model Development,” Journal of Systems Management
(46:1) May/June 2995, pp. 38-43, 68.
Gable, G.; Yap, C. s. & Eng., M. N., “Spreadsheet Investment, Criticality, and Control,” Proceedings of the
Twenty-Fourth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. III, Los Alomitos, CA: IEEE Computer
Society Press, 1991, pp. 153-162.
Galletta, D. F.; Abraham, D.; El Louadi, M.; Lekse, W.; Pollailis, Y. A.; & Sampler, J. L. “An Empirical Study of
Spreadsheet Error-Finding Performance,” Journal of Accounting, Management, and Information Technology (3:2)
Galletta, D. F., Hartzel, K. S., Johnson, S., and Joseph, J. L. “Spreadsheet Presentation and Error Detection: An
Experimental Study” Journal of Management Information Systems (13:2), Winter 1997, pp. 45-63.
Galletta, D .F. & Hufnagel, E. M. "A Model of End-User Computing Policy: Context, Process, Content and
Compliance," Information and Management (22:1) January 1992, pp. 1-28.
Grady, R. B. “Successfully Applying Software Metrics,” Communications of the ACM, (38:3) March 1995, 18-25.
Hall, M. J. J. “A Risk and Control Oriented Study of the Practices of Spreadsheet Application Developers,”
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Vol. II, Kihei, Hawaii,
Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, January 1996, pp. 364-373.
Hassinen, K., University of Joensuu, private communication with the first author, January 1995. Provided further data
from his 1988 study, so that the cell error rate could be computed.
Hassinen, K. An Experimental Study of Spreadsheet Errors Made by Novice Spreadsheet Users, Department of
Computer Science, University of Joensuu, P. O. Box 111, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland, 1988.
Hendry, D. G. & Green, T. R. G. “Creating, Comprehending, and Explaining Spreadsheets: A Cognitive Interpretation
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of What Discretionary Users Think of the Spreadsheet Model,” International Journal of Human–Computer
Studies (40:6) June 1994, pp. 1033-1065.
Hicks, L., NYNEX, personal communication with the first author via electronic mail, June 21, 1995.
Janvrin, D. & Morrison, J. “Factors Influencing Risks and Outcomes in End-User Development,” Proceedings of the
Twenty-Ninth Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Vol. II, Kihei, Hawaii, IEEE Computer
Society Press, Los Alomitas, CA, January 1996, pp. 346-355.
Johnson, E. J. (1988). Expertise and Decision Under Uncertainty: Performance and Process. In M. T. H. Chi, R. Glaser,
& M. J. Farr (Eds.), The Nature of Expertise (pp. 209-228). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Klein, B. D., Goodhue, D. L. & Davis, G. B., “Can Humans Detect Errors in Data? Impact of Base Rates, Incentives,
and Goals,” MIS Quarterly, (21:2), 1997, pp. 169-194.
KPMG Management Consulting, "Supporting the Decision Maker - A Guide to the Value of Business Modeling," press
release, July 30, 1998.
Kreie, Jennifer, On the Improvement of End-User Developed Systems Using Analysis and Design, doctoral dissertation,
University of Arkansas, 1988. Abstract available through author’s home page,
Lerch, F. J. Computerized Financial Planning: Discovering Cognitive Difficulties in Knowledge Building.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1988.
Lukasik, Todd, CPS, private communication with the author, August 10, 1998.
McLean, E. R.; Kappelman, L. A.; & Thompson, J. P. “Converging End-User and Corporate Computing,”
Communications of the ACM (36:12) December 1993, pp. 79-92.
Nardi, B. A. & Miller, J. R. “Twinkling Lights and Nested Loops: Distributed Problem Solving and Spreadsheet
Development,” International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (34:2) February 1991, pp. 161-184.
Nardi, B. A. A Small Matter of Programming: Perspectives on End User Computing, MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1993.
Olson, J. R. & Nilsen, E. “Analysis of the Cognition Involved in Spreadsheet Interaction,” Human-Computer
Interaction (3:4) 1987-1988, pp. 309-349.
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