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arXiv:0705.2959v1 [astro-ph] 21 May 2007
Bull. Spec. Astrophys. Obs., 2005, 58, 118-1 29
Current status of the CATS database
O.V. Verkhodanov
, S.A. Trushkin
, H. Andernach
, V.N. Chernenkov
Special Astrophysical Observatory, Nizhnij Arkhyz, Karach aj-Cherkesia, Russia
Departamento de Astronom´ıa, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico
Received November 3, 2004; accepted .
Abstract. We describe the current status of CATS, a publicly accessible database (web-server allowing one to search in hundreds of catalogs of astronomica l objects discov-
ered all along the electromagnetic spectrum. Our emphasis is mainly laid on catalogs of radio
continuum sources observed from 30 to 15000 MHz, secondly on catalogs of objects such as ra-
dio and active stars, planetary nebulae, HII regions, supernova remnants (SNR), pulsars, nearby
galaxies, AGN and quasars. CATS also includes the catalogs from the largest extragalactic sur-
PGC, MCG, etc. In 2004 CATS comprised a total of ∼ 10
records from over 400 catalogs in the
radio, IR, optical and X-ray windows, including most of RATAN–600 catalogs. CAT S is being
expanded and updated, both with newly published catalogs as well as older ones which we have
created in electronic form for the first time. We describe the principles of org anization of the
database of astrophysical catalogs and the main functions o f CATS.
Key words: astronomica l data base s: catalogs — radio astronomy: radio sources
Vast a mounts of astrophysical information are now
being published, based on observations of small and
large sky regions. Typically, this information includes
coordinates of the observed objects and their physi-
cal characteristics in different wavelength ranges in
the form of source catalogs. In fact, every new large–
scale observational experiment produces a new cat-
alog of objects. Modern astrophysics operates with
source parameters obtained in different spectral wave-
length ranges with the goal of obtaining the most de-
tailed understanding of physical properties and the
processes of radiation of these objects. The ability of
using different catalogs makes this problem consider-
ably simpler.
Over the past decades several different attempts
have been made to combine larg e numbers of
astronomica l catalogs and make them accessible
in a unified way, which can be classified gros sly
into two categories : databases of objects and cat-
alog browsers. Examples of the former are NED
(Helou et al. 1990; Mazzarella et al. 2002), Sim-
bad (Egret 1983; Wenger et al. 2000) and L EDA
(Paturel et al. 1997). Examples of the latter are
Vizier (Ochsenbein et al. 2000) and AstroBrowser
Motivated by RATAN-60 0 observation require-
ments, problems of radio source study, and the un-
derrepresentation of radio source catalogs in the then
existing object da tabases, the present authors de-
cided, in 1995, to create CAT S, the Astrophysical
CATalogues Support Syst em. Following the r adio as-
tronomical needs, the architecture of operating sys-
tem and the considerations expr e ssed in the reviews
by Andernach (1 990, 1994, 1999), we chose to design
CATS as a catalo g browser rather than an object
database, given that it would allow us to achieve a
much better completeness in number of records, im-
plying e.g. a more complete coverage of radio source
measurements over the entire radio frequency win-
dow. We thus deliberately delayed the known prob-
lem of cross-identification of all the catalogues, as pro-
vided in NED, SIMBAD, or LEDA, to a later s tage. In
that sense CATS is ideally suited for the experienced
researcher who is looking for the largest amount of
data available, but willing and a ble to work out the
correct cr oss-identifications by himself. His effort will
be co mpensated for by a better completeness of the
data tha n that obtained from other existing object
The first steps of the creation of CATS were de-
scribed by Ve rkhodanov & Tr us hk in (1994, 1995a,b),
Verkhodanov et al. (19 97, 2000a) and Trushkin et
al. (2000). CATS allows one to operate with catalo gs
stored in ASCII and FITS Binary tables, to fit r adio
continuum spectra and to calculate spectral indices
obtained from different radio catalogs. This data base
is located at the server under OS Linux
Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian AS, 2005
Fedora Core 2, Dual Opteron 244, at Sp e c ial Astro-
physical Observatory, Russ ia.
Implementation of the database
The present database co ns ists of ca talogs, their de-
scriptions and corr e sponding programs operating un-
der OS Unix. The program codes are created in the
“C” algorithmic language and translated with the
GNU project C compiler. The codes are freely shared,
provided they are used for non– c ommercial goals. The
scheme of the CATS database is shown in Fig. 1.
New catalogs may be added to the system in con-
formity with the fo llowing rules :
1) every new catalog of objects should be pla c ed
in the UNIX directory with the same name a s the
catalog of objects;
2) the description of the catalog should also be
placed in tha t directory;
3) the programs (or operating scripts) for local
operations with the catalog of objects are also placed
in the same directory;
4) brief characteristics, pro gram names and de-
scription file of the astrophysical c atalog are stored
in the database of descriptions of catalogs named
The following information is stored in the
database of the catalog descriptions cats
descr : the
name of the catalog, which is coincident with
the name of the UNIX directory, the type of
the catalo g (radio, optical, combined, e tc.), fre-
quency/wavelength ra nge, minimum fluxes o r magni-
tudes, equatorial or/and galactic coordinates, na mes
of the local programs for the “select” and “match”
functions (see below corresponding Section), the
name of the document file, the number of records in
the catalog, the size of the beam pattern or angular
resolution, a recalibration factor (if available) to put
the flux densities on a commo nly agreed flux scale,
and a reference. Parameters from the des c ription file
are used by the programs that process the input data.
E.g., user-specified limits in coordinates and/or flux
density inform the operating programs about the rel-
evant sky zones to be searched, and thus economize
on processing time if a given catalog is out of the re-
quired range. Whenever a certain catalog column is
empty fo r a given object, a symbol ‘n’ is returned to
the output for the corresponding c olumn, and con-
sidered as an ‘empty’ or ‘unknown’ value. This sym-
bol is acc eptable for the program operating with this
The lower level of the CATS c ontrol system in-
cludes se veral basic utilities:
• c
sel selects objects with parameters from the
given ranges;
• c match lo oks for objects falling within a cer-
tain coordinate error box;
• cats
divide operates with sorted catalogs by
right ascension and produces an index of record num-
bers corr e sponding to a certain right ascension;
• epoch calculates equinox and epoch. The epo ch
is calculated when a given one is different from 1-Jan-
2000 or 1-Jan-1950
, else the equinox is calculated;
The cata log is stored in initial equinox haw it was
prepared, and object coordinates are calculated in to
that equinox;
• cats
base controls the database of descriptions
cats descr and produces input parameter s for the pro-
grams c
sel and c match.
For catalogs in FITS Binary table format (e.g., NVSS
or SDSS c atalogs), special programs for the ‘s e lect’
and ‘ma tch’ functions we re prepared.
To orga nize access of a local user of CATS from
any director y of the OS, the operation programs that
process the main CATS tasks are place d in a com-
monly accessible direc tory of the OS UNIX. The con-
trol procedures cats
sel and cats match, organized a s
shell–scripts, cover all the low-level progr ams and pro-
vide the interface between CATS and a lo cal user,
or requests made via HTTP or e-mail. The described
method of the catalog storage facilitates the database
development, its expansion with new data and the
possibility to tune the supporting prog rams.
CATS has its own indexing procedure cats divide
for object coordinates in a catalog. The prog ram de-
cides on where to start searching records of the in-
put c atalog from an index prepared fro m a right-
ascension sorted list. It allows one to make efficient
use o f ha rd-disk s eeking functions. To avoid the prob-
lems of searching within a few degree s at the poles
when recalcula tio n from one eq uinox to another one
is done, we process total list of objects in these zones
to find a required sour c e . The indexing of CATS lists
by declination is now under consideration.
The main functions
The following functions are currently implemented in
1. Selection of objects from one or several cata-
logs by the main parameters: equatorial or galactic
coordinates, flux densities, spectral indices, frequen-
cies, names, and (for some catalogs) the type of ob-
jects. Parameters common to all ca talogs (coordinates
and flux dens ity) are used in s election.
2. Search for counterparts of objects (selected
from one or several catalogs) by coordinate match-
ing within the error box, circle, or ellipse.
Proper motions are assumed to be zero
HTTP access
database of
of catalogs
table (ASCII)
table (FITS)
...... 2
...... 2
...... 2
Catalog 2
...... N
...... N
...... N
Catalog N
directory 1
description 1
programs (select1, match1)
Catalog 1
figure (PS)
Figure 1: This CATS scheme demonstrates the basic elements of the database structure: programs and descrip-
tions unified in the corresponding directory. Information about the directories and programs is stored in the
database of descriptions cats
descr. The database has exchange of information with the repository cats descr.
User requests of selection and matching can be processed in batch mode or via HTTP access. Output tables are
prepared in the “native” or “standard” format (see text).
3. Cross–identification of different catalogs. This
procedure is c urrently available only for local users.
It uses the output from the selected zones of one cat-
alog as input for the matching procedure on another
4. Preparation of receipt with a short description
and characteristics of each catalog, printing of the
total list of catalogs for the required sky areas (for
local user).
5. Drawing radio spectra of selected sources.
This can be done from multi-frequency c atalogs,
or catalogs prepared by the CATS team from
cross-identification of radio catalogs at different
frequencies, or even by individual user input of
frequencies and flux densities for a sourc e (at
cats.sao.r u/∼satr/SP/spectrum.html). This function
is realized in two procedures. The first one is a Java-
script for homogenized CATS data format for single
objects accessible from the web page. The second one
is in the local data pr ocessing system FADPS for ob-
ject lists.
The result of the object selection is a datafile
sorted ac cording to differe nt object characteristics
(right ascension (default mode), declinatio n or fre-
quency). This file can either be displayed on the stan-
dard output o r sent to the user in the following for-
1. The “native” (original) forma t of the catalog
(i.e. columns as published); for g uidance of the user a
header with a very brief column description is added
for each catalog that yielded o utput records.
2. Standard (“homog e nized”) output forma t.
This format is organized to be common for all the
catalogs and used later for unification of data, prepa-
ration of spectra and statistical analysis. The stan-
dard FITS Table format describing data and fields of
the table may be added as a header of the re sulting
The result may then be used for subsequent in-
vestigation of the radio source spectra or statistical
properties of objetcs in a flexible astronomical data
proccessing system FADPS (Verkhodanov 1997) or,
e.g. for the selection of distant objects in combina-
tion with redshift a nd age estimation with the sys-
tem “Evolution of r adio galaxies” (Verkhodanov et
al. 2000b).
Access to CATS
Different modes of access a re provided acco rding to
user requirements and CATS goals , following mod-
ern trends of software development. Thus, three main
modes of on-line access to the CATS databas e have
been prepared:
1. Dialogue mode (no n-graphics) has been
maintained until the present. Several sc ripts w rit-
ten in the UNIX shell lang uage have been created
(Verkhodanov & Trushkin 1994). T hey permit one to
operate with the database supporting progr ams via
TCP/IP and NFS pro tocols in the local computer
2. Hypertext access (http://ca is
provided to allow a user from the Internet system to
operate with the database CATS via hypertext trans-
fer protocol. It allows one to execute a ll desc ribed
operations from the Web-pag e .
3. ftp access ( allows a user
to obtain both the description of CATS c atalogs and
the catalogs themselves. Here is an example of access
by anonymous FTP to the ca talog WISH:
ftp> bin
ftp> cd WISH
ftp> get
ftp> bye
All the catalog names are stored in the file of descrip-
tions cats
descr ( descr).
4. e-mail access allows the user to send batch
requests to CATS. O ne can send an e-mail with re-
quests of matching with lists or s e le c tio n by several
parameters. The e-mail will be read automatically
and sent for execution to the CATS sc ripts. The re-
sult will be sent back automatically to the user via
‘Select’ and ‘match’ procedures
Two main procedures of data selection have been pro-
vided at different levels of the CATS control. They are
the select and match tasks. They follow the first three
main functions described above and a re realized in
different access mo des. As was descr ibed earlier, the
two low-level procedures c sel and c match provide
information according to the corresponding user re-
quests and pass it to the upper-level control scripts
sel and cats match.
Using these two procedures the cross-
identificatio n of catalo gs is possible by using
the output from the ‘select’–function o f the first
complete ca talog as the input of the ‘match’–function
of the sec ond catalog or catalogs.
E-mail access
In order to economize on the user’s real time and
avoid the delays in on-line data exchange, we provide
a possibility to submit a batch task in the fo rm of an
e-mail letter.
The e- mail re quests may have several formats (as
explained in a file that is returned on an empty e-
mail to, with no subject). Two examples
of the body of an e-ma il (no subject req uired) are
shown below.
• selection task:
mail -s ””
cats select
ra min=10:30 max=10:40:00.
dec > 10’ < 12’ 30"
flux > 0.5mJy
catalogs r equinox=1950
cats end
• matching tas k:
mail -s ””
cats match
catalogs NVSS,FIRST
window box x=30" y=10’
s1 02:02:00 +31:23:16 1950
s2 02:23:10 34:03:00 1950
s3 21:26:33.9 -18:34:33.0 1950
cats end
These examples demo nstrate the use of some key-
words for batch requests (see the results of these re-
quests in Tables 1 and 2). The beginning and the end
of the request are defined by the statements: cats
start and cats end. The first example shows how
to search within certain limits of coordinates by using
the (min, max) o r (<, >) operators for right ascen-
sion (ra) and declination (dec). The keywords expres-
sion ‘catalogs r’ se ts the type of catalogs to be used
for selection, where ‘r’ means all the radio catalogs.
Instead of ‘r’, one may choose ‘o’ for the optical cata-
logs, ‘x’ for the X–ray ones, ‘ir’ for the infrared ones,
or just the names of used lists separated with comma
(e.g. ‘catalogs NVSS,FIRST,WISH’)
. The keyword
epoch sets the e quinox of the input coordinates.
‘Flux’ sets flux limits.
The second example of the e-mail task is the
matching procedure. There are some additional key-
words ‘window box x=30
’, where ‘Vbox’ is
the type of matching window (others are ‘circle’
and ‘ellipse’), ‘x’ and ‘y’ are horizontal and vertical
coordinate directions, r espectively. Note that x and y
are half the side lengths of the se arch box, the value
following the circle keyword is its radius, and those
following the ellipse keywo rd are the semi-major
and semi-minor axes of the ellipse. For the moment no
The full list of the CATS catalogs can be obtained from the
CATS Web–page
Table 1: Example of an output ret urned upon a ‘select’ request. Columns are, respectively, the catalog n ame,
the source name, the right ascension (hours, minutes and seconds of time) of the object, the error of RA (in
time seconds) if available, otherwise ‘n’, the declination (degrees, minutes and seconds of arc), the error of
declination (in arcseconds) if available, otherwise ‘n’, the frequency (MHz), the flux density (Jy), the error of
flux density (Jy), the equinox (‘J’ means ‘J2000.0’, ‘B’ means ‘B1950.0’). Note that the names are based on
J2000 coords. here, but the user-specifi ed output equinox was B1950.0, causing RA and DEC to be different
from those in the J2000-based names.
# TASK: select
# default input epoch: B1950.0
# default output epoch: B1950.0
# RA limits: 10:30:00.000 10:40:00.120
# Dec limits: 00:10:00.001 00:12:29.999
# GLon limits: 0 360
# GLat limits: -90 90
# Flux limits: 0.0005Jy 1000000Jy
# cat name RA eRA Dec eDec freq Flux(Jy) eFl equi.
FIRST J103242.4-000331 10 30 08.668 n +00 11 56.29 n 1400 0.01933 1.38e-04 B
NVSS J103242-000332 10 30 08.7 0.054 +00 11 55.16 0.89 1400 0.0207 .0005 B
NVSS J103343-000415 10 31 09.468 0.358 +00 11 14.17 12.24 1400 0.0040 .0006 B
NVSS J103352-000433 10 31 18.72 0.281 +00 10 56.91 4.23 1400 0.0034 .0005 B
FIRST J103413.2-000432 10 31 39.430 n +00 10 58.37 n 1400 0.0215 1.47e-04 B
FIRST J103413.2-000442 10 31 39.465 n +00 10 48.12 n 1400 0.00735 1.46e-04 B
FIRST J103413.2-000453 10 31 39.502 n +00 10 36.85 n 1400 9.9000e-04 1.46e-04 B
NVSS J103413-000436 10 31 39.507 0.042 +00 10 54.34 0.73 1400 0.0317 .0005 B
FIRST J103748.6-000515 10 35 14.872 n +00 10 20.65 n 1400 0.01031 1.48e-04 B
FIRST J103749.3-000522 10 35 15.577 n +00 10 14.02 n 1400 0.0038 1.48e-04 B
NVSS J103749-000521 10 35 15.601 0.052 +00 10 14.49 0.81 1400 0.0320 .0014 B
FIRST J103750.1-000525 10 35 16.372 n +00 10 10.34 n 1400 0.01009 1.48e-04 B
FIRST J103846.6-000316 10 36 12.838 n +00 12 21.62 n 1400 0.00132 1.38e-04 B
NVSS J103749-000521 10 35 15.601 0.052 +00 10 14.49 0.81 1400 0.0320 .0014 B
FIRST J103750.1-000525 10 35 16.372 n +00 10 10.34 n 1400 0.01009 1.48e-04 B
FIRST J103846.6-000316 10 36 12.838 n +00 12 21.62 n 1400 0.00132 1.38e-04 B
NVSS J103950-000324 10 37 16.805 0.598 +00 12 14.43 5.87 1400 0.0038 .0011 B
NVSS J104008-000354 10 37 35.191 0.077 +00 11 45.81 1.27 1400 0.0134 .0005 B
FIRST J104008.9-000353 10 37 35.219 n +00 11 45.97 n 1400 0.01254 1.47e-04 B
FIRST J104220.5-000409 10 39 46.783 n +00 11 33.46 n 1400 0.00103 1.41e-04 B
#The catalogue identifications listed are related to the following references:
# FIRST : 1997ApJ...475..479White+ FIRST survey catalogue at 1.4GHz
# NVSS : 1998AJ....115.1693Condon+ 1996: NVSS survey catalog
Table 2: Example of output data returned upon a ‘match’ request. The first 14 columns correspond to the
columns of the Table 1. Other columns are, respectively, the distance from the search position (in arcsec), the
position angle (in degrees from N through E) of the radius vector connecting the search center with the object.
# TASK: match
# Search box 30 x 600 arcsec
# default input epoch: J2000.0
# default output epoch: J2000.0
# cat name RA eRA Dec eDec freq Flux(Jy) eFl equi.dist," pa,^
#OBJECT: s1 02:02:00 +31:23:16 1950
WENSS WNB0202.5+3124 02 05 29.585 n +31 39 07.7 n 325 0.077 .0036 J 453.9 282
NVSS J020529+313912 02 05 29.738 0.071 +31 39 12.15 0.98 1400 0.0170 .0005 J 456.7 282
#OBJECT: s2 02:23:10 34:03:00 1950
NVSS J022526+341006 02 25 26.717 0.374 +34 10 06.63 3.85 1400 0.0037 .0005 J 664.4 125
NVSS J022529+342450 02 25 29.186 0.412 +34 24 50.47 5.6 1400 0.0030 .0007 J 716.3 46
WENSS WNB0223.1+3408 02 26 10.154 n +34 21 30.7 n 325 3.678 .0045 J 301.8 1
GB6 J0226+3421 02 26 10.2 0.5 +34 21 25 8 4850 1.628 .145 J 296.1 1
NVSS J022610+342130 02 26 10.337 0.036 +34 21 30.31 0.56 1400 2.8949 .0005 J 301.4 0
NVSS J022649+340740 02 26 49.391 0.349 +34 07 40.85 4.2 1400 0.0034 .0007 J 715.4 222
#OBJECT: s3 21:26:33.9 -18:34:33.0 1950
NVSS J212840-183008 21 28 40.07 0.272 -18 30 08.45 6.54 1400 0.0039 .0006 J 788.5 228
NVSS J212840-181420 21 28 40.26 0.306 -18 14 20.93 3.08 1400 0.0048 .0005 J 722.6 306
NVSS J212840-182926 21 28 40.26 0.537 -18 29 26.22 6.54 1400 0.0034 .0006 J 759 230
NVSS J212841-181322 21 28 41.531 0.299 -18 13 22.25 5.09 1400 0.0049 .0006 J 744.6 310
NVSS J212855-181737 21 28 55.425 0.035 -18 17 37.7 0.78 1400 0.1092 .0040 J 433.5 301
NVSS J212859-181253 21 28 59.241 0.038 -18 12 53.21 0.65 1400 0.0462 .0018 J 600 328
NVSS J212921-182122 21 29 21.414 0.032 -18 21 22.99 0.56 1400 1.4124 .0005 J 0.3 337
NVSS J212945-182052 21 29 45.696 0.112 -18 20 52.35 1.61 1400 0.0089 .0005 J 346.9 85
NVSS J212950-181500 21 29 50.726 0.387 -18 15 00.03 5.15 1400 0.0032 .0005 J 566.6 47
NVSS J212952-182910 21 29 52.722 0.045 -18 29 10.27 0.7 1400 0.0372 .0015 J 645.2 136
#The catalogue identifications listed are related to the following references:
# GB6 : 1996ApJS..103..427Gregory+ The GB6 catalog;;
# NVSS : 1998AJ....115.1693Condon+ 1996: NVSS survey catalog (updated! - v.40, Jul-02);
# WENSS : 1997A&AS..124..259Rengelink+ The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS).
position angle (PA) of the search ellipse may be given,
and PA = 0
is assumed (i.e. semi-major axis along
the N–S direction). The keyword ‘sources:’ shows
that the following r e cords separa ted by a newline code
are source coordinates to be used for the matching
procedure. Each record contains the name of an ob-
ject, its equatorial coordinates (R.A. and Dec.) and
the corresponding equinox.
Keywords in the batch request may be separa ted
by a space, a tabulation or newline character.
The full information a bout the keywords and for-
mats can be requested with an empty e-mail to the
address (no subject required).
Results of these two sample requests are shown in
Tables 1 and 2.
The main catalogs
The major source of radio catalogs of C ATS is the
collection of one of us (Andernach 1990, 1999), who
has spent large efforts to recover o lder source lists not
previously available in electronic form, using a scan-
ner and optical character recognition software. This
collection is complemented in several ways: contribu-
tions from authors, astr o-ph preprints, tables from
electronic journals and the CDS catalog archive, a s
well as occasional manual retyping o f the original
catalog. About 70 catalogs have been typed and/or
corrected manually at SAO RAS by S.Trushkin. The
largest catalogs (e.g. NVSS, FIRST, SDSS, etc.) were
copied fr om Web-sites of the catalog authors.
CATS is mainly a radio-astronomical data base.
All major catalogs incorporated into CATS are shown
in Tables 3 and 4 (adapted a nd updated from Table 1
of Andernach 1999).
Table 3: Major radio astronomical catalogs of the CATS database
Freq. Year RA ( h) Dec (
) HalfPower S
Name of BeamWidth of
(MHz) publ. or l (d) or b (d) (arcmin) ( mJy) objects
10-25 UTR-2 78-95 0-24 >-13 25..60 10000 1754
38 8C 90/95 0-24 >+60 4.5 1000 5859
74 VLSS 2004 0-24 > −30 1.3 350 32521
80 CUL1 73 0-24 -48,+35 3.7 2000 999
80 CUL2 75 0-24 -48,+35 3.7 2000 1748
82 IPS 87 0-24 -10,+83 27x350 500 1789
151 6CI 85 0-24 <+80 4.5 200 1761
151 6CII 88 8.5-17.5 +30,+51 4.5 200 8278
151 6CIII 90 5.5-18.3 +48,+68 4.5 200 8749
151 6CIV 91 0-24 +67,+82 4.5 200 5421
151 6CVa 93 1.6- 6.2 +48,+68 4.5 300 2229
151 6CVb 93 17.3-20.4 +48,+68 4.5 300 1229
151 6CVI 93 22.6- 9.1 +30,+51 4.5 300 6752
151 7CI 90 (10.5+41) (6.5+45) 1.2 80 4723
151 7CII 95 15-19 +54,+76 1.2 100 2702
151 7CIII 96 9-16 +20,+35 1.2 150 5526
160 CUL3 77 0-24 -48,+35 1.9 1200 2045
178 4C 65 0-24 -7,+80 15x7.5 2000 4844
232 MIYUN 96 0-24 +30,+90 3.8 100 34426
325 WENSS 98 0-24 +30,+90 0.9 18 229420
327 WSRT 91 5 fields (+40,+72) 1.0 3 4157
352 WIS H 2002 0-24 -25,-9 0.9 18 90357
365 TXS 96 0-24 - 35.5,+71.5 .1 250 66841
408 MRC 81/91 0-24 -85,+18.5 3 700 12141
408 B2 70-73 0-24 +24,+40 3 x10 250 9929
408 B3 85 0-24 +37,+47 3 x 5 100 13354
608 WSRT 91 sev.fields ( 40, 72) 0.5 3 1693
611 NAIC 75 22-13 -3,+19 12.6 350 3122
843 SUMSS 99 0-24 < −30 0.72 6 178975
1400 GB 72 7-16 +46,+52 10x11 90 1086
1400 GB2 78 7-17 +32,+40 10x11 90 2022
1400 WB92 92 0-24 -5,+82 10x11 150 31524
Freq. Year RA (h) Dec (
) HalfPower S
Name of BeamWidth of
(MHz) publ. or l (d) or b (d) (arcmin) (mJy) objects
1400 NVSS 98 0-24 -40,+90 0.9 2.0 1810668
1400 FIRST 98 7.3,17.4 22.2,57.6 0.1 1.0 811117
98 21.3,3.3 -11.5,+1.6
1400 PDF 98 1.1 -1.3 -46,-45 0.1-0.2 0.1 1079
1500 VLANEP 94 17.4,18.5 63.6,70.4 0.25 0.5 2436
2700 PKS (90) 0-24 -90,+27 8 50 8264
3900 Z 89 0-24 0,+14 1.2x52 50 8503
3900 RC 91/93 0-24 4.5,5.5 1.2x52 4 1189
3900 Z2 95 0-24 0,+14 1.2x52 40 2943
4850 MG1-4 86-91 var. 0,+39 3.5 50 24180
4850 87GB 91 0-24 0,+75 3.5 25 54579
4850 GB6 96 0-24 0,+75 3.5 18 75162
4850 PMNM 94 0-24 -88,-37 4.9 25 15045
4850 PMN-S 94 0-24 -87.5,-37 4.2 20 23277
4850 PMN-T 94 0-24 -29,-9.5 4.2 42 13363
4850 PMN-E 95 0-24 -9.5,+10 4.2 42 11774
4850 PMN-Z 96 0-24 -37,-29 4.2 70 2400
31 NEK 88 350 < l < 250 |b| < 2.5 13x 11 4000 703
151 7C(G) 98 80 < l < 180 |b| < 5.5 1.2 100 6262
327 WSRTGP 96 43 < l < 91 |b| < 1.6 1.0 10 3984
1400 GPSR 90 20 < l < 120 |b| < 0.8 0.08 25 1992
1408 RRF 90 357 < l < 95.5 |b| < 4.0 9.4 98 884
1420 RRF 98 95.5 < l < 240 −4 < b < 5 9.4 80 1830
1400 GPSR 92 350 < l < 40 |b| < 1.8 0.08 25 1457
2700 F3R 90 357 < l < 240 |b| < 5 4.3 40 6483
4875 ADP79 79 357 < l < 60 |b| < 1 2.6 120 1186
5000 GT 86 40 < l < 220 |b| < 2 2.8 70 1274
5000 GPSR 94 350 < l < 40 |b| < 0.4 0.07 3 1272
5000 GPSR 79 190 < l < 40 |b| < 2 4.1 260 915
Names of catalogs contained in CATS with corre-
sp onding references are presented in Appendix.
CATS also contains observational and com-
bined catalogs of Galactic supernova remnants (e.g.,
Trushkin et al. 1987 ; Trushkin 1996), secondary ta-
bles with objects sele c ted by spe ctral index (Cham-
bers et al. 1996 ; R¨ottgering et al. 1994; De Breuck
et al. 2000), variability or AGN properties (Ko-
valev et al. 1999, 2000). Also the database includes
source catalogs obtained from cross-identifications
performed within CATS (IRAS–TXS: Trushkin &
Verkhodanov (1995) and Verkhodanov & Trushkin
(2000); UTR
ID: Verkhodanov et al. (2000c, 2003);
WMAP: Trushkin (2004)).
Examples of some typical tasks
• Extraction of a sample of steep-spectrum radio
sources from the FIRST catalog.
To execute this task, one may use the FIRST (1400
MHz) and Texas (36 5 MHz) catalogs selection in a
given zone. The FIRST and Texas catalogs have a
flux density limit of about 1 and 150 mJy, respec-
tively. A cross-matching of objects in any sky zone
where these two c atalogs overlap will r eturn sources
with the required properties. Thus, we prepare 2 re-
quests: (1) select a ll objects from a given z one in the
FIRST catalo g with the ‘select’–function, (2) using
the list of FIRST s ources obtained in (1) we cross-
identify selected objects with the Texas data with the
‘match’–function. The resulting list can be used to
finish the required selec tion in the given zone.
• Identification of objects with optical catalogs in
Open the CATS web page with optical catalogs, and
provide the input list of objects. Alternative ly, select
‘catalogs o’ in your e-mail request, provide a lis t of
objects of inter e st, and send the request.
CATS provides a simple and convenient acces s to as-
trophysical data and complements the data available
from other services, most notably for radio contin-
uum flux densities, for which it is the largest database
in existence. Operation with the database permit as-
tronomers to search for peculiar objects and study
physical processes in sources of cosmic radiation.
Until October 2004, we registered over 28000 re-
quests for the ‘select’ or ‘match’ procedures, which
Table 4: Some catalogs of other wavelength ranges in the CATS
λ PGC Publ RA Dec Number
opt PGC 89 0 -24 -90,+90 73197
opt MCG 75 0-24 -33.5 ,+90 31886
opt MSL 85 0-24 -90,+90 181 603
opt SDSS DR2 2004 several Gals: 21690 6
fields QSOs: 2203 3
ir IRASPSC 87 0-24 -90,+90 245889
ir IRASFSC 89 0- 24 |b| > 10 235 935
ir IRASSSC 89 0-24 -90,+90 4 3886
ir 2MASS 2000 0-24 -90,+90 470992970
Xray ROSAT 95 0-24 -90,+90 74301
mix QSO HB2 93 0-24 -84,+86 7315
mix VERON+11 93 0- 24 -83,+85 48921
are the most po pular. The most p opular catalogs for
FTP-copying over the last five years are QSO by He-
witt & Burbidge (20 times), PGC (19 times), and
NVSS (18 times). CATS processes daily up to 1000
HTTP–requests for information concerning the cata-
log descriptions.
CATS is being expanded continuously and
presently comprises more than 400 catalogs includ-
ing all the RATAN–600 catalog s. The database in its
present form occupies about 6 0 Gb of disk space.
Acknowledgements. The authors are thankful to
Alexander Kopylov and Grigorij Tsarevsky for testing
CATS procedures and catalogs and suggesting some im-
provements, and to N.F. Voikhanskaya for useful remarks.
This work is supported by the grants 96–07–89075, 02–07–
90038 of Russian Foundation of Basic Researches.
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IRASSSC Beichman et al. (1988): IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog;
2MASS Cutri et al. (2002);
ROSAT White et al. (2000);
QSO HB Hewitt & Burbidge (1993);
VERON+11 V´eron-Cetty and V´eron (20 03).