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Abstract and Figures

We describe several techniques for using bulk matter for special purpose computation. In each case it is necessary to use an evolutionary algorithm to program the substrate on which the computation is to take place. In addition, the computation comes about as a result of nearest neighbour interactions at the nano- micro- and meso-scale. In our first example we describe evolving a saw-tooth oscillator in a CMOS substrate. In the second example we demonstrate the evolution of a tone discriminator by exploiting the physics of liquid crystals. In the third example we outline using a simulated magnetic quantum dot array and an evolutionary algorithm to develop a pattern matching circuit. Another example we describe exploits the micro-scale physics of charge density waves in crystal lattices. We show that vastly different resistance values can be achieved and controlled in local regions to essentially construct a programmable array of coupled micro-scale quasiperiodic oscillators. Lastly we show an example where evolutionary algorithms could be used to control density modulations, and therefore refractive index modulations, in a fluid for optical computing.
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Evolution in Materio: Exploiting the Physics of Materials for Non-Classical
Simon Harding and Julian F. Miller
Department of Electronics
University of York
York, UK
Edward A. Rietman
Physical Sciences Inc
20 New England Business Center
Andover, MA 01810, USA
In this position paperwe report on our work on program-
ming materials for non conventional computing, using an
evolutionary algorithm as the programming technique. The
aim is to use the complexity of the physical world to allow
sophisticated computation, and in particular as a platform
for non-Von Neumann computation. We have demonstrated
this technique using liquid crystal for signal processing and
robot control, however we believe that there are many mate-
rials that could be programmed in a similar way. It is hoped
that such a methodology will provide a general technique
for extracting useful computation from matter, possibly at a
molecular level.
1 Introduction
There are many physical processes that can be described
as a computation. For example, crystal growth from nucle-
ation, corrosion-dendrites on an electrochemical electrode,
a drop of ink dispersing in a glass of water, are all physi-
cal/chemical processes of increasing complexity that can be
thought of as a computation. Further, since biological sys-
tems are part of the physical universe then the development
of an organism from a fertilized egg is also a computational
process. The common element in each of these processes is
the fact that the computation is taking place only between
nearest neighbours. There is no global clock, or central pro-
cessor to distribute tasks to the individual processes com-
prising the overall system.
Many of these processes are either difficult or way be-
yond current computational abilities for modelling. It is
likely given a supercomputer and the set of differential
equations and boundary conditions that describe some of
these processes we would find that our computed results are
only an approximation of the real-world system. We find
that the world is a better model of itself than the models we
can induce from our data. Many of these problems are not
only computationally intractable, but also computationally
undecidable [15] [11].
As an example, consider an array of magnetic spins in
which each site takes on only one of two spin states. At
a high temperature the spins will be randomized, but as
we cool the array down to much lower temperatures we
will find spatial correlations among the spins. This sys-
tem is computationally tractable only if we make certain
simplifying assumptions. But even then, we cannot com-
pute the exact spatial correlations, only the general picture.
This example is a particularly interesting problem because
we can compute correlations either using detailed quantum
mechanics and differential equations, or we can utilize au-
tomata theory and obtain essentially the same result (more
on this later). Of course the automata theory approach is
computationally much faster then the differential equation
approach, and the real-world process is even faster. Feyn-
man has implied that the automata theory approach is a po-
tentially more realistic description of the dynamics at the
meso- micro- and nano-scale, than systems of differential
equations. The tiny ”computational agents” at those scales
do not compute differential equations. They simply interact
with their nearest neighboursand swap information,Garzon
cites a Feynman quotation[4]:
”It always bothers me that according to the laws
[of physics] as we understand them today, it takes
a computing machine an infinite number of log-
ical operations to figure out what goes on in no
matter how tiny a region of space and no matter
how tiny a region of time. How can all that be
going on in that tiny space? Why should it take
an infinite amount of logic to figure out what one
tiny piece of space-time is going to do?” (Richard
If the only process taking place is information being
Figure 1. Schematic of proposed computa-
tional system with bulk matter
swapped by nearest neighbours, then as Stephen Wolfram
proposes, there may be a universal rule set that governs
nearly all the dynamics observed in the universeat allscales
As Yashihito [17] and many others, have pointed out
that as the device sizes shrink and the level of integration
in microcircuits increases we will more closely approach
the nanoscale. What was clearly articulated by Yashihito is
that we should be able to use matter itself for our computa-
tions. We should be able to exploit the molecular dynamics
and meso-scale physics for computations. Yashihito did not
make explicit suggestions on how to undertake this task. It
is amusing to note that in the 1950s an eccentric scientist
was conducting experiments to grow neural structures us-
ing electrochemical assemblages[12, 13, 1]. Gordon Pask’s
goal was to create a device sensitive to either sound or mag-
netic fields that could perform some form of signal process-
ing - a kind of ear. Using electric currents, wires can be
made to self-assemble in an acidic aqueous metal-salt so-
lution. Changing the electric currents can alter the struc-
ture of these wires and their positions - the behaviour of the
system can be modified through external influence. Pask
used an array of electrodes suspended in a dish containing
the metal-salt solution, and by applying current (either tran-
siently or a slowly changing source) was able to build iron
wires that responded different to two different frequencies
of sound- 50Hz and 100Hz.
Recently, Miller suggested a variety of physical systems
that might be configured to carry out computation[9]. One
of the suggestions was liquid crystal. This has recently
be shown to be possible; Harding and Miller [6, 5] have
demonstrated for the first time that liquid crystal can be
evolved to do analogue filtering. This will be discussed in
the following section.
Figure 1 shows a schematic of the proposed technology.
Basically we will utilize a block of matter (solid, liquid, or
gas) for which we can change its properties/behavior by ex-
ternal forces. The external forces induce property/behavior
changes, which we will call the ”computer program. So
there is a direct link between the external forces that we
have control over and the induced changes in the block of
matter. Now by measuring the behavior of the altered block
of matter we can essentially submit input data to the sample
and receive output data. In this way we have performed a
type of computation.
Of course we cannot directly program the molecular dy-
namics and we do not have control of the molecules, at least
not directly. The molecules will interact with their near-
est neighbor and we can exploit this phenomena along with
the state changes in regions of the block of matter, in or-
der to perform computations. Figure 1 shows a nanoscale
schematic. In this work, we use liquid crystal as the bulk
matter, and demonstrate a technique that can be used to
”program” liquid crystal to perform computation in the
form of signal processing.
2 Evolution In Materio
2.1 Introduction
Miller and Downning[10] argued that the lesson that
should be drawn from the work of Thompson[14] is that
evolution may be used to exploit the properties of a wider
range of materials than silicon. They refer to this as evolu-
tion in materio. Thompson had found that an evolutionary
algorithm used some subtle physical properties of an FPGA
to solve a problem[14]. It is not fully understood what
properties of the FPGA were used. This lack of knowledge
of how the system works prevents humans from designing
systems that are intended to exploit these subtle and com-
plex physical characteristics. However it does not prevent
exploitation through artificial evolution. Miller suggested
that a good candidate for evolution in materio was liquid
crystal[10]. Recently this suggestion has been vindicated
by recent work by Harding and Miller[5] who showed that
it is relatively easy to configure (using computer controlled
evolution) liquid crystal to perform various forms of com-
2.1.1 Liquid Crystal
Liquid crystal (LC) is commonly defined as a substance
that can exist in a mesomorphic state [3][7]. Mesomorphic
states have a degree of molecular order that lies between
that of a solid crystal (long-range positional and orienta-
tional) and a liquid, gas or amorphous solid (no long-range
order). In LC there is long-range orientational order but no
long-range positional order.
Figure 2. Equipment configuration
2.2 An Evolvable Motherboard with a FPMA
An evolvable motherboard(EM)[8] is a circuit that can
be used to investigate intrinsic evolution. The EM is a re-
configurable circuit that rewires a circuit under computer
control. Previous EMs have been used to evolve circuits
containing electronic components [8, 2] - however they can
also be used to evolve in materio by replacing the standard
components with a candidate material.
An EM is connected to an Evolvatron. This is essentially
a PC that is used to control the evolutionary processes. The
Evolvatron also has digital and analog I/O, and can be used
to provide test signals and record the response of the mate-
rial under evolution.
In the experimentspresented here, a standard liquid crys-
tal display with twisted nematic liquid crystals was used as
the medium for evolution. It is assumed that the electrodes
are indium tin oxide. Typically such a display would be
connected to a driver circuit. The driver circuit has a con-
figuration bus on which commands can be given for writing
text or individually addressing pixels so that images can be
displayed. The driver circuit has a large number of outputs
that connect to the wires on the matrix display. When dis-
playing an image appropriate connections are held high, at
a fixed voltage - the outputs are typically either fully on or
fully off.
Such a driver circuit was unsuitable for the task of in-
trinsic evolution. There is a need to be able to apply both
control signals and incident signals to the display, and also
record the response from a particular connector. Evolution
should be allowed to determine the correct voltages to ap-
ply, and may choose to apply several different values. The
evolutionary algorithm should also be able to select suitable
positions to apply and record values. A standard driver cir-
cuit would be unable to do this satisfactorily.
Hence a variation of the evolvable motherboard was de-
veloped in order to meet these requirements.
The Liquid Crystal Evolvable Motherboard (LCEM) is
circuit that uses four cross-switch matrix devicesto dynami-
cally configure circuits connecting to the liquid crystal. The
Figure 3. The LCEM
switches are used to wire the 64 connections on the LCD
to one of 8 external connections. The external connections
are: input voltages, grounding, signals and connections to
measurement devices. Each of the external connectors can
be wired to any of the connections to the LCD.
The external connections of the LCEM are connected to
the Evolvatron’s analogue inputs and outputs. One connec-
tion was assigned for the incident signal, one for measure-
ment and the other for fixed voltages. The value of the fixed
voltages is determined by the evolutionary algorithm, but is
constant throughout each evaluation.
In these experiments the liquid crystal glass sandwich
was removed from the display controller it was originally
mounted on, and placed on the LCEM. The display has a
large number of connections (in excess of 200), however
because of PCB manufacturing constraints we are limited
in the size of connection we can make, and hence the num-
ber of connections. The LCD is therefore roughly posi-
tioned over the pads on the PCB, with many of the PCB
pads touching more than 1 of the connectors on the LCD.
This means that we are applying configuration voltages to
several areas of LC at the same time.
Unfortunately neither the internal structure nor the elec-
trical characteristics of the LCD are known. This raises the
possibility that a configuration may be applied that would
damage the device. The wires inside the LCD are made of
an extremely thin material that could easily be burnt out if
too much current flows through them. To guard against this,
each connection to the LCD is made through a 4.7Kohm re-
sistor in order to provide protection against short circuits
and to help limit the current in the LCD. The current sup-
plied to the LCD is limited to 100mA. The software control-
ling the evolution is also responsible for avoiding configura-
tions that may endanger the device (such as short circuits).
It is important to note that other than the control circuitry
Liquid Crystal Display
8x16 Analog Switch Array
8 External Connectors
LCD contacts,
32 per side
- 64 in total.
Figure 4. Schematic of LCEM
for the switch arrays there are no other active components
on the motherboard - only analog switches, smoothing ca-
pacitors, resistors and the LCD are present.
2.3 Systems Evolved In Liquid Crystal
2.3.1 Tone Discriminator
A tone discriminator as a devicewhich when presented with
one of two signals input signals returns a different response
for the each signal. In [14], on which this experiment is
loosely based, the configuration to differentiate two differ-
ent frequencysquare waves, giving a low outputfor one and
a high output for the other. We have evolved a system in
liquid crystal that was also able to perform this task. It was
found that it was easier to evolve solution in liquid crystal
than it was to evolve a circuit in an FPGA. An example of
the evolved response in shown in figure 5.
2.3.2 Real-time Robot Controller
We have recently demonstrated, for the first time, that it is
possible to evolve a robot controller in liquid crystal. A con-
troller was evolved that allowed a simulated robot to move
around an enclosed environmentwith obstacles withoutcol-
liding with the walls, as shown in figure 6. The task is sig-
nificantly harder than that of our previous work with liquid
crystal (if only because the number of inputs and outputs to
the display device has been doubled). Yet we found that it
was relatively easy (in evolutionary terms) to evolve a so-
phisticated robot controller.
Figure 5. Tone discriminator response. Dark
areas indicate 5kHz input, light 100Hz
Figure 6. Path of an robot controlled using
liquid crystal
The quality of results when compared to previous work is
also high. The environment is more complex than that of
comparable work, and unlike much work on evolving GP
robot controllers or neural network controllers, we solve a
real-time control task. The results also indicated an evo-
lutionary computational effort that is comparable to other
examples of evolved controller (with simpler tasks).
2.3.3 Logic Gates
We have recently demonstrated that it is possible to evolve
logic gates exhibiting digital behaviour in liquid crystal. As
expected, they operate at much slower speeds than conven-
tional devices and the behaviour can be intermittent. We do
not feel that systems such as liquid crystal should be used
in this manner, and that they are much more suited to non-
classical computation.
2.4 Conclusions
We have only explored a tiny fraction of the potential of
computational matter. We have demonstrated that it is pos-
sible to program material systems, in this case using evo-
lution, to provide computation in both classical and non-
classical senses. At present our experimental set up is rather
crude. In the future we will construct field programmable
matter arrays that will allow us to control the material in
more sophisticated ways. We believe that this will enable
the development of computational devices that offer advan-
tages over conventional devices. It may be possible to build
small devices operating at a molecular level, that require
low power and may be more resistant to environmental fac-
Such devices may be more appropriate than existing tech-
nology for un-conventionaland non-Von Neumann comput-
ing. The work with liquid crystal has demonstrated the vi-
ability of programmable materials and that an appropriate
programming technique exists in the form of evolutionary
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... Other less-known prototypes include analog computing schemes using microwaves [20], plane tessellation in gas-discharge semi-conductor systems [10], learning networks of memristors [31], logical circuits in liquid crystals [22], and glow discharge systems computing the shortest path [27]. ...
We experimentally demonstrate that supersaturated solution of sodium acetate, commonly called 'hot ice', is a massively-parallel unconventional computer. In the hot ice computer data are represented by a spatial configuration of crystallization induction sites and physical obstacles immersed in the experimental container. Computation is implemented by propagation and interaction of growing crystals initiated at the data-sites. We discuss experimental prototypes of hot ice processors which compute planar Voronoi diagram, shortest collision-free paths and implement AND and OR logical gates.
... But couldn't such an abundant and yet complex mineral -or a 'compendium' of such a mineral -suggest potential for emergent autonomous computing and thereby providing a code to offspring? (Harding et al., 2006;Bartlett and Beckett, 2019) Can we envision a convergence of endeavours cleaving the emergence of life research with aspects of Alife? (Cardoso et al., 2020) ...
... Thompson demonstrated that unconstrained evolution on a silicon chip called a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) could utilize the physical properties of the chip to solve computational problems. Inspired by this, Harding and Miller showed that unconstrained evolution on a liquid crystal display could also solve a number of computational problems (Harding et al. 2004(Harding et al. , 2015Harding and Miller 2007;Harding et al. 2008). Indeed, it seemed to be easier to evolve computational functions with liquid crystal than it was with silicon (Harding et al. 2004). ...
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Modern computers allow a methodical search of possibly billions of experiments and the exploitation of interactions that are not known in advance. This enables a bottom-up process of design by assembling or configuring systems and testing the degree to which they fulfill the desired goal. We give two detailed examples of this process. One is referred to as Cartesian genetic programming and the other evolution-in-materio. In the former, evolutionary algorithms are used to exploit the interactions of software components representing mathematical, logical, or computational elements. In the latter, evolutionary algorithms are used to manipulate physical systems particularly at the electrical or electronic level. We compare and contrast both approaches and discuss possible new research directions by borrowing ideas from one and using them in the other.
... This is because these platforms are now easy to design and construct using affordable and open-source hardware and software. For example, bespoke closed-loop systems can be used for the robotic exploration and assisted evolution of physicochemical systems, expanding from the fields of engineering and robotics, and inspired from the realm of biology (20)(21)(22)(23)(24). The variation in droplet behaviors as their composition varies can be vast and unpredictable, despite having only a small number of inputs. ...
Significance Exploring and understanding the emergence of complex behaviors is difficult even in “simple” chemical systems since the dynamics can rest on a knife edge between stability and instability. Herein, we study the complex dynamics of a simple protocell system, comprising four-component oil droplets in an aqueous environment using an automated platform equipped with artificial intelligence. The system autonomously selects and performs oil-in-water droplet experiments, and then records and classifies the behavior of the droplets using image recognition. The data acquired are then used to build predictive models of the system. Physical properties such as viscosity, surface tension, and density are related to behaviors, as well as to droplet behavioral niches, such as collective swarming.
... Harding et al. [3] continued this work, refining the technique and introducing new substrates, such as a liquid crystal display, magnetic quantum dots, a crystal lattice and an optical device. More recently, the EU-funded NASCENCE project [4] developed new evolvable nanosystems and unconventional hardware interfaces, including carbon nanotube based composites (with static and dynamic structures), disorganised gold-nanoparticle networks, and a bespoke computing platform [5]- [8]. ...
Conference Paper
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Recent work has shown that computational substrates made from carbon nanotube/polymer mixtures can form trainable Reservoir Computers. This new reservoir computing platform uses computer based evolutionary algorithms to optimise a set of electrical control signals to induce reservoir properties within the substrate. In the training process, evolution decides the value of analogue control signals (voltages) and the location of inputs and outputs on the substrate that improve the performance of the subsequently trained reservoir readout. Here, we evaluate the performance of evolutionary search compared to randomly assigned electrical configurations. The substrate is trained and evaluated on time-series prediction using the Santa Fe Laser generated competition data (dataset A). In addition to the main investigation, we introduce two new features closely linked to the traditional reservoir computing architecture, adding an evolvable input-weighting mechanism and a reservoir time-scaling parameter. The experimental results show evolved configurations across all four test substrates consistently produce reservoirs with greater performance than randomly configured reservoirs. The results also show that applying both input-weighting and time-scaling simultaneously can provide additional tuning to the task, improving performance. For one material, the evolved reservoir is shown to outperform – for this task – all other hardware-based reservoir computers found in the literature. The same material also outperforms a simple evolved simulated Echo State Network of the same size. The performance of this material is reported to be both consistent after long time-periods and after reconfiguration to other tasks.
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The assumption that there was a “water problem” at the emergence of life—that the Hadean Ocean was simply too wet and salty for life to have emerged in it—is here subjected to geological and experimental “reality checks”. The “warm little pond” that would take the place of the submarine alkaline vent theory (AVT), as recently extolled in the journal Nature, flies in the face of decades of geological, microbiological and evolutionary research and reasoning. To the present author, the evidence refuting the warm little pond scheme is overwhelming given the facts that (i) the early Earth was a water world, (ii) its all-enveloping ocean was never less than 4 km deep, (iii) there were no figurative “Icelands” or “Hawaiis”, nor even an “Ontong Java” then because (iv) the solidifying magma ocean beneath was still too mushy to support such salient loadings on the oceanic crust. In place of the supposed warm little pond, we offer a well-protected mineral mound precipitated at a submarine alkaline vent as life’s womb: in place of lipid membranes, we suggest peptides; we replace poisonous cyanide with ammonium and hydrazine; instead of deleterious radiation we have the appropriate life-giving redox and pH disequilibria; and in place of messy chemistry we offer the potential for life’s emergence from the simplest of geochemically available molecules and ions focused at a submarine alkaline vent in the Hadean—specifically within the nano-confined flexible and redox active interlayer walls of the mixed-valent double layer oxyhydroxide mineral, fougerite/green rust comprising much of that mound.
We present a method that is capable of implementing information transfer without any rigidly controlled architecture using the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction system. Chemical wave fragments are injected into a subexcitable area and their collisions result in annihilation, fusion or quasi-elastic interactions depending on their initial positions. The fragments of excitation both pre and post collision possess a considerable freedom of movement when compared to previous implementations of information transfer in chemical systems. We propose that the collision of such wave fragments can be controlled automatically through adaptive computing. By extension, forms of unconventional computing, i.e., massively parallel non-linear computers, can be realised by such an approach. In this study we present initial results from using a simple evolutionary algorithm to design Boolean logic gates within the BZ system.
The ability of the processes in Nature to achieve remarkable examples of complexity, resilience, inventive solutions and beauty is phenomenal. This ability has promoted engineers and scientists to look to Nature for inspiration. Evolvable Hardware (EH) is one such form of inspiration. It is a field of evolutionary computation (EC) that focuses on the embodiment of evolution in a physical media. If EH could achieve even a small step in natural evolution’s achievements, it would be a significant step for hardware designers. Before the field of EH began, EC had already shown artificial evolution to be a highly competitive problem solver. EH thus started off as a new and exciting field with much promise. It seemed only a matter of time before researchers would find ways to convert such techniques into hardware problem solvers and further refine the techniques to achieve systems that were competitive (better) than human designs. However, almost 20 years on, it appears that problems solved by EH are only of the size and complexity of that achievable in EC 20 years ago and seldom compete with traditional designs. A critical review of the field is presented. Whilst highlighting some of the successes, it also considers why the field is far from reaching these goals. The chapter further redefines the field and speculates where the field should go in the next 10 years.
This chapter describes some of the work carried out by members of the NASCENCE project, an FP7 project sponsored by the European Community. After some historical notes and background material, the chapter explains how nanoscale material systems have been configured to perform computational tasks by finding appropriate configuration signals using artificial evolution. Most of this exposition is centred around the work that has been carried out at the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the University of Twente using disordered networks of nanoparticles. The interested reader will also find many pointers to references that contain more details on work that has been carried out by other members of the NASCENCE consortium on composite materials based on single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Conference Paper
Evolution-In-Materio, an unconventional computing paradigm exploiting physical properties of materials for achieving computations, is addressed here as a system which exhibits dynamical hierarchies. A description of computations is provided to show that computations within Evolution-In-Materio systems arise from the dynamics at different hierarchical levels. An information theoretic approach to formalising the notion of dynamical hierarchies is used. The approach is based on the descriptions of the system at different hierarchical levels. The concrete material addressed in this paper is a carbon nanotube / polymer nanocomposite. The choice of material is based on previous work motivated by a number of experiments conducted on such material samples. Presented findings are valuable for several reasons: better understanding of computations within Evolution-In-Materio systems, useful hints to modelling this kind of unconventional computations, useful ideas for further development of similar unconventional computing systems such as using quantum properties of charge carriers within the material and the magnetic field for guiding the search for the solution of the computational problem at hand.
These notes are intended to provide a brief introduction to the recent progresses on the physical understanding of the equilibrium properties of spin glasses (in mean field theory). In order to try and make them more accessible, I have systematically avoided all the computations, which are described in many good recent reviews (see for instance /1–4/) in which one will find also more extended references. An introduction to the replica method, from which a large part of the following results have been deduced, can be found in /4/. Parts of the following text are inspired from a “pedagogical” article I wrote in french recently /18/.
We show how evolutionary methods can help in the design of single-electronic circuits with an example of evolving a simple NOR gate. Evolutionary algorithms, capturing the bare essentials of Darwinian evolution, work differently from conventional design methods, and have the potential to explore new territory. Our preliminary evolved circuit is far from an ideal NOR gate, but has interesting properties. It was evolved to work at a temperature of 340 mK, and its performance deteriorates if the temperature is lowered, as well as if it is increased. This is contrary to the usual behaviour of single-electronic circuits, which generally improve with decreasing temperature. We hypothesize that the circuit exploits or relies upon the simulated effects of the particular thermal energies of the electrons at around 340 mK.
We have characterized the dielectric relaxation of the charge-density wave (CDW) in K0.3MoO3 at temperatures between 60 and 101 K through measurement of the complex conductivity between 5 Hz and 13 MHz. The dielectric response is described well by a general expression which allows for a distribution of relaxation times which is not symmetric about the mean relaxation time. Between 60 and 101 K, relaxation times decrease in a manner characteristic of Arrhenius behavior. The dielectric response of the CDW for dc biases below the threshold field for nonlinear conductivity is suggestive of critical behavior. Above the threshold field, the ac conductivity shows structure at frequencies equal to the "washboard frequency" of the sliding CDW.
Technologies differ in their explicit utilization of quantum mechanical behaviour. A transistor, despite its roots in energy band structure, does not invoke quantum mechanically coherent transmission between terminals. The impressive progress in the past decade in mesoscopic physics, when combined with studies that have analysed a totally quantum mechanical computational process, suggest that we may be ready to move toward more quantum mechanical procedures for information processing. This paper is a warning signal; this possibility is beset by problems. The case will be made via two separate but complementary arguments. First, by summarizing this author's published comments on computation via totally quantum mechanical coherent Hamiltonians. The computation is likely to suffer from localization, i.e. from reflection of the computational trajectory, causing the computation to turn around. Additionally, small errors will accumulate and cause the computation to go off track. This is supplemented by analysis of specific proposals that suggest more detailed machinery than invoked in the general literature on quantum mechanical Hamiltonian computation.
The d1 layer metals TaS2, TaSe2, NbSe2, in all their various polytypic modifications, acquire, below some appropriate temperature, phase conditions that their electromagnetic properties have previously revealed as ‘anomalous’. Our present electron-microscope studies indicate that this anomalous behaviour usually includes the adoption, at some stage, of a superlattice. The size of superlattice adopted often is forecast in the pattern of satellite spotting and strong diffuse scattering found above the transition.Our conclusions are that charge-density waves and their concomitant periodic structural distortions occur in all these 4d1/5d1 dichalcogenides. We have related the observed periodicities of these CDW states to the theoretical form of the parent Fermi surfaces. Particularly for the 1T octahedrally coordinated polytypes the Fermi surface is very simple and markedly two-dimensional in character, with large near-parallel walls. Such a situation is known theoretically to favour the formation of charge and spin-density waves. When they first appear, the CDW's in the 1T (and 4Hb) polytypes are incommensurate with the lattice. This condition produces a fair amount of gapping in the density of states at the Fermi level. For the simplest case of 1T-TaSe2, the room temperature superlattice is realized when this existing CDW rotates into an orientation for which it then becomes commensurate. At this first-order transition the Fermi surface energy gapping increases beyond that generated by the incommensurate CDW, as is clearly evident in the electromagnetic properties.For the trigonal prismatically coordinated polytypes, CDW formation is withheld to low temperatures, probably because of the more complex band structures. This CDW state (in the cases measured) would seem at once commensurate, even though the transition is, from a wide variety of experiments, apparently second order.A wide range of doped and intercalated materials have been used to substantiate the presence of CDW's in these compounds, and to clarify the effect that their occurrence has on the physical properties.The observations further demonstrate the distinctiveness of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds, and of the group VA metals in particular.
Chaotic dynamics resulting from a macroscopic breaking of charge density wave coherence are investigated in NbSe3. The ac-dc electric field induced period doubling bifurcation is associated with a new noisy precursor effect, the virtual Hopf phenomenon.
One of the goals in the intelligent materials area is to develop material systems that can process information by using the material's own properties. To develop such systems, we must first find an information-processing method that is achievable using the material itself. Several potential distributed information-processing architectures are described.