This research was conducted in an attempt to embrace the following points:
1- Monitoring the residues of the following pesticides
Organochlorine (Dieldrin, Chlordene, Dicofol - Endosulfan , O,P´ –DDE - P´P´-DDA -P´P´-DDT - DDD - Endrin -Heptachlor BETA HCH - gamma HCH - DELTA HCH - Chlordene Dicofol and Endosulfan )
Organophospate (Dichlorvos Acephate, -Dimethoate, Diazinon, Chlopyrifos-methyl, Fenitrothion, Pirimiphos-methyl, Malathion and Azinphos-methyl).
Carbamate and pyrethroids (Oxamyl, Bendiocarb, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Methomyl, Thiocarb, Permethrin, Deltamethrin, Fenvalerate, Esfenvalerate and Cypermethrin). On different vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, scald, cabbage, lettuce and squash) and fruits including (apples, grapes, peaches and plumes) collected from different markets in eastern part of Libya (Derna, Elbaid and El maraj) also monitoring of some heavy metals (copper - lead - zinc and cadmium) in the same fruits and vegetables in different seasons in order to.
2- Determine the expected daily intake(EDI) and compared it with the acceptable daily intake (ADI) .
3- Determine Risk ratio of each pollutant
4- Determination residue level for some pesticides and heavy metals in soils and water in different sites in eastern part of Libya.
The results of tested chlorinated pesticide residues and heavy metals in vegetables and fruits samples in all seasons (autumn, summer , Winter and spring) at all regions (Derna, Albaida and Almarje) show that, all residues for tested pesticide were less than maximum residue level (MRLs).
Statistical analysis of data showed that highly significant differences between seasons and vegetables the highest polluted area was in Derna followed by El Beida and the least polluted was Al Marg. The highest vegetable samples contaminated were tomatoes, followed by lettuce, cucumbers and differed significantly than squash, peppers and cabbage.
The results of expected daily intake of pesticide residues and heavy metals in vegetables and fruits in the eastern region of Libya showed that no hazards ratio were observed in all tested pesticides and heavy metals But must have routine analysis to more pesticide and fruits.
Residues O.P. pesticides in seven different vegetable samples and four fruits species collected from four major markets located in each area (Derna, El Beida and Al- Marg) at four seasons. The results can be summarized as following: Derna samples showed that Residues of Acephate in tomato, pepper, and cucumber was exceeded MRLs.
Vegetables collected from EL Bieda market show that squash, cucumber, pepper, cabbage, lettuce, and scald were found above MRLs with Acephat, Dimethoate, Dichlorofos and Diazinon.
Vegetables collected from AL Marg markets show that Fenetrothion residues was detected in cabbage and lettuce and Acephate in cucumbe were found above MRLs.
Analysis of variance to all results showed that O.P. insecticide residues are more significant in spring and summer than winter and autumn. Also results showed that pepper, cabbage, cucumber and tomatoes were contaminated with Malathion, Chloropyriphos, Chloropyrifos methyl and Acephate with the high level of contamination. Primefos methyl has lowest.
Fruits collected from Derna Market show that Fenitrothion residues were above MRLs in (grape and peache) and fruits collected from EL Bieda Markets indicated that Diazinon and Dichlorvos residues were above MRLs in (grape and plume) also fruits from EL Marg Markets showed that from all analyzed samples 35% were free from pesticides (not detected) and 65 % from the samples were contaminated and among of these samples (28%) were found above the MRL values. There are significant differences between seasons and crops showed that anO.P. insecticides residues is more significant in summer followed by spring fruits. The least residues were found in autumn fruits.
The data of fruits illustrated that the intakes were much lower than the ADIs and the exposure level to whole pesticide residues was below the level to produce health risk.
Analysis of carbamated and synthetic pyrothroid pesticides in vegetable samples collected from Derna market showed that, Carbofuran, Esfenvalverate, Carbaryl was detected in cucumber and cabbage more than the maximum residues limits (MRLs) and vegetables collected from EL-Bieda market showed that samples of lettuce were contaminated with Methomyl and Fenvalerate, Carbofura, Esfenvalverate, in concentration more than MRLs. in cucumber, squash and cabbage.
Residues of carbamate and pyrethroids pesticides in vegetables from Al-Marj Markets indicated that only Oxamyl insecticides detected in cucumber above MRLs.
Residues in fruits collected from Derna market during different seasons indicated that from all tested samples 88.64 % were not contaminated and 11.36 %were contaminated and 6.81% from these samples were exceeded or equal MRLs limits.
Residues of carbamates and pyrethroids pesticides in Fruits from El-Beida Market during different seasons indicated that From all tested samples 90.09 % from the samples were not contaminated and 9. 91 % from these samples were contaminated but not exceeded MRLs values except Carbofuran in grape samples was exceeded MRL limits.
Fruits collected from AL- Marj Markets at different seasons. Bendiocarb and Carbofuran were detected in apple and plume with concentrations exceeded MRLs limits.
The analysis of variance to all results collected from all markets to all tested fruits in all seasons showed that no significant differences between seasons, crops and markets. The potential health risk associated with the exposure to these pesticide residues was calculated and results obtained showed that only the Carbofuran and Oxamyl are showing the health risk associated with vegetables and fruits. Thus, Carbofuran appears to have some health risk (1.8) associated with it and Oxamyl (1) also while rest of pesticides where found to be under safe limit.
Determinant of some Organchlorine pesticide residues in soils in some regions at El-Gabal El-Akhdar Were determined for samples collected from four seasons from different locations of Jabal Al Akhdar (Al Hania, Al Wasita, Marawa , Al Marj Plain, Butraba and Al Abyar). Using the HPLC, six pesticides were estimated (2,4-D, Dieldrin, DDA, DDD, Endrin, Dicofol) Only 2,4-D pesticide was detected in all seasons and in three regions (Al Hania, Marj Plain and Butraba), all values were less than the permissible limit in soil (0.05 µ / ml) according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. The results of the electrical conductivity and pH number showed that there is a strong relationship between these indicators and the presence of the pesticide in the soil
.Evaluation Of Soil Contaminate By Some Heavy Metal (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd) In Different Altitude Levels from Al-Jabal El-Akhda . The results show that all elements did not reach the maximum limits according to the World Health Organization (WHO) but there are a significant differences between cultivated soils and uncultivated soils at (P<0.05),
Determining the levels of some heavy metals in surface and groundwater collected from different regions in seasons (dry and wet). Results showed the presence of heavy metal residues in two seasons (dry-wet) in the regions during the study in surface and groundwater. The zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and Copper (Cu) values were below permissible limits, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), Libyan National Center for Standardization (LNCSM), and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Monitoring of some pesticide residues in surface and ground water in some regions at the eastern of Libya. This study was designed to monitor residues of organochlorine (OC) pesticides (2,4-D, p, p′-DDE, p, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDD, Dicofol and Heptachlor) in surface and groundwater The results showed that 74.07 % of the surface water were contaminated with 2, 4-D. and it was higher than the MRL’s (maximum residue limits) according to WHO (World Health Organization) and LNCSM (Libyan National Centre for Standardization Metrology) in the following regions (Wadi Darna, Karsa, Aldabusia, Apouloana Shahhat I, Saylun Massa III and Tolmeita II).
In groundwater detected 80.95% of the samples were contaminated with 2,4-D residue. 26.98 % of the 2, 4-D residue was above the MRL’s (maximum residue limits) in the following regions (Shahhat II, Shahhat III, Qandula I, Qandula II, Marawa II, Wasita I, Wasita II, Tolmeita I, Alabyar I, Alabyar II and Alabyar III). The results suggested that the inhabitants in the eastern region of Libya are exposed to concentrations higher than the permitted limits of pesticide 2, 4-D which can be associated with chronic diseases. Based on the results of this study, the responsible bodies such as environmental protection and public health should follow pesticide residues in surface and groundwater water to protect the individual from the unintended use of pesticides. Furthermore, a long-term future study is required to know more in-depth information on the extent of surface and groundwater compatibility for human consumption.