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In Scalar-Tensor theories of gravity, the expansion rate of the universe in the past may differ considerably from the standard one. After imposing the constraints coming from nucleosynthesis, CMB, type Ia supernovae, and solar system tests of General Relativity, we consider the expansion rate of the universe at WIMP decoupling, showing that it can lead to an enhancement of the dark matter relic density of some orders of magnitude with respect to the standard case. This effect may have a deep impact on most popular candidates for dark matter, as the supersymmetric neutralino.
arXiv:astro-ph/0406152v1 7 Jun 2004
Enhancement of Dark Matter Abundance in Scalar-Tensor Dark Energy
R. CATENA(1), N. FORNENGO(2), A. MASIERO(3,4), M. PIETRONI(4) and F. ROSATI(3,4)
(1)Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN - Sezione di Pisa,
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56125 Pisa, Italy
(2)Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Universit`a di Torino and
INFN - Sezione di Torino, via P. Giuria 1 I-10125 Torino, Italy
(3)Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Padova, via Marzolo 8, I-35131, Padova, Italy
(4)INFN, Sezione di Padova, via Marzolo 8, I-35131, Padova, Italy
In Scalar-Tensor theories of gravity, the expansion rate of the universe in the past may differ
considerably from the standard one. After imposing the constraints coming from nucleosyn-
thesis, CMB, type Ia supernovae, and solar system tests of General Relativity, we consider the
expansion rate of the universe at WIMP decoupling, showing that it can lead to an enhance-
ment of the dark matter relic density of some orders of magnitude with respect to the standard
case. This effect may have a deep impact on most popular candidates for dark matter, as the
supersymmetric neutralino.
Dynamical models of Dark Energy (DE), in which the energy component responsible for the
acceleration of the universe evolves on a cosmological time-scale, generically require ultra-light
degrees of freedom, with masses of order H01033 eV. Scalar-tensor (ST) theories represent a
natural framework in which massless scalars may appear in the gravitational sector of the theory
without being phenomenologically dangerous. In these theories a metric coupling of matter with
the scalar field is assumed, which preserves the Einstein equivalence principle.
Moreover, as discussed in 1, a large class of these models exhibit an attractor mechanism
towards General Relativity (GR), that is, the expansion of the Universe during the matter
dominated era tends to drive the scalar fields toward a state where the theory becomes indis-
tinguishable from GR.
ST theories of gravity may be defined by the ‘Einstein frame’ gravitational action
2Zd4xgR+gµν µϕ∂νϕ2
and the matter action, where the scalar field ϕappears through a purely metric coupling,
Sm=Smm, A2(ϕ)gµν ].(2)
Notice that, in this frame, masses and non-gravitational coupling constants are space-time de-
pendent, and that the energy-momentum tensor of matter fields is not conserved separately, but
only when summed with that of the scalar field. On the other hand, an observer measuring
time and lengths with non-gravitational (e.g. atomic) clocks and rods would be coupled to the
‘physical’ metric
˜gµν =A2(ϕ)gµν ,(3)
and will not measure any space-time dependence of masses and non-gravitational couplings,
while she/he will generally see some differences in the gravitational sector. We chose to solve the
equations of motion in the Einstein frame, because they are simpler, and we then translate the
results in the physical frame to compare them with observations, or with the non-gravitational
rates responsible for the WIMP annihilation and nucleosynthesis.
If A(ϕ) were a constant, the action above would be undistinguishable from the standard
one. A crucial quantity, measuring the ‘distance’ from GR, is then
α(ϕ)dlog A(ϕ)
α0 being the GR limit. The Friedmann equations in the Einstein frame have the usual form
2while the scalar field evolves according to the equation
¨ϕ+ 3 ˙a
2(ρ3p) + V
∂ϕ (5)
One of the relevant quantities in the discussion of the WIMP freeze-out is the physical expansion
rate, which is given by
(1 + α(ϕ)ϕ)2
where primes denote differentiation with respect to the logarithm of the Einstein frame scale
At first sight, during radiation domination the scalar field would not move, since the potential
energy density is suppressed while the first term in the RHS of Eq. (5) vanishes due to the
relativistic equation of state, ρ=p/3. However, when the temperature is around a particle’s
mass, the combination ρ3pfor that particle is momentarily sizable (before becoming Boltzmann
suppressed for T < m), and gives a ‘kick’ to the field evolution. This effect is crucial for what
follows, since it allows an effective evolution of the system from a situation far away from GR
at the WIMP freeze-out temperature, to one much closer to it at nucleosynthesis.
During matter domination ρ3pρand, as long as the potential energy density is sub-
dominant the field evolution depends on the form of the coupling function α(ϕ).
It was emphasized in Ref. 3(see also 4) that the fixed point starts to be effective around
matter-radiation equivalence, and that it governs the field evolution until recent epochs, when
the quintessence potential becomes dominant. If the latter has a run-away behavior, the same
should be true for α(ϕ), so that the late-time behavior converges to GR.
The evolution of the field during the last redshifts depends on the nature of DE. We con-
sidered two possibilities: a cosmological constant and a inverse-power law scalar potential for
Now we come to the discussion on the phenomenological bounds on this model. From the
expression of the expansion rate in Eq. (6) we see that a variation of A2(ϕ) can be interpreted as
a variation of the Newton constant. Imposing that the maximum allowed variation of expansion
rate during Nucleosynthesis with respect to the standard case is that equivalent to an extra
neutrino family, we get the bound
A(ϕ0)<1.08 .(7)
Then we consider the post-newtonian limits coming from GR tests in the solar system. Using
the new results on time delays of radio signals obtained from the Cassini spacecraft we obtain
the following bound on the value of the function αtoday,
α2(ϕ0) = (1.0±1.2) ×105.(8)
Figure 1: (left) Numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation Eq. (9) in a ST cosmology for a toy–model of a DM
WIMP of mass m= 50 GeV and constant annihilation cross-section hσann vi= 1 ×107GeV2. The temperature
evolution of the WIMP abundance Y(x) clearly shows that freeze–out is anticipated, since the expansion rate of
the Universe is largely enchaced by the presence of the scalar field ϕ(right). At a value x=m/Tϕa re–annihilation
phase occurs and Y(x) drops to the present day value.
The bound from the Cassini spacecraft turns out to be quite strong when used in connection
with the one on the equation of state wϕfrom SNe Ia 5(wϕ<0.78 at 95% c.l.). Indeed, the
more the equation of state is close to the cosmological constant value wϕ=1, the shallower
the scalar potential must be. This implies a very small evolution of the function αduring the
last redshifts, so that for wϕ1 it would be increasingly difficult to see any deviation from GR
from observations of the cosmic expansion in the recent past.
A variation of the gravitational constant at radiation decoupling would in principle have an
impact on the locations of the peaks of the CMB power spectrum. However we have checked
that, once the bounds on BBN and GR have been imposed, the field evolution after BBN is
strong enough as to bring the scalar tensor theory at recombination so close to GR as to leave
no signatures on the CMB spectrum.
Let me finally show the results of the calculation of the relic abundance of a DM WIMP with
mass mand annihilation cross-section hσannvi. As already mentioned, laboratory clocks and rods
measure the “physical” metric ˜gµν and so the standard laws of non-gravitational physics take
their usual form in units of the interval d˜s2. As outlined in Ref.
6, the effect of the modified ST
gravity will enter the computation of particle physics processes (like the WIMP relic abundance)
through the “physical” expansion rate ˜
Hdefined in Eq. (6). We have therefore to implement
the standard Boltzmann equation with the modified physical Hubble parameter ˜
dx =1
eq) (9)
where x=m/T ,s= (2π2/45) h(T)T3is the entropy density and Y=n/s is the WIMP
density per comoving volume.
The solution of the Boltzmann equation is formally the same as in the standard case, with the
noticeable difference that now the Hubble parameter gets an additional temperature dependence,
given by the function A(ϕ). This can be translated in a change in the effective number of degrees
of freedom at temperature T. A numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation Eq. (9) in a ST
cosmology is shown in Fig. 1 for a toy–model of a DM WIMP of mass m= 50 GeV and constant
annihilation cross-section hσannvi= 1 ×107GeV2. The temperature evolution of the WIMP
abundance Y(x) clearly shows that freeze–out is anticipated, since the expansion rate of the
Universe is largely enchaced by the presence of the scalar field ϕ. This effect is expected.
However, we note that a peculiar effect emerges: when the ST theory approached GR (a fact
which is parametrized by A(ϕ)1 at a temperature Tϕ, which in our model is 0.1 GeV), ˜
rapidly drops below the interaction rate Γ establishing a short period during which the already
frozen WIMPs are still abundant enough to start a sizeable re–annihilation. This post-freeze–
out “re–annihilation phase” has the effect of reducing the WIMP abundance, which nevertheless
remains much larger than in the standard case. For the specific case shown in Fig. 1 the WIMP
relic abundance is h2= 0.0027 for GR, while for a ST cosmology becomes h2= 0.12, with
an increase of a factor of 44.
Needless to say, such potentially (very) large deviations entail new prospects on the WIMP
characterization both for the choice of the CDM candidates and for their direct and indirect
detection probes. A thorough reconsideration of the “traditional” WIMP identified with the
lightest neutralino in SUSY extensions of the SM as well as the identification of other potentially
viable CDM candidates in the ST context is presently under way.
Similar effects on the relic abundances as those presented in this talk can be induced by a
phase of kinetic energy dominance during the WIMP freeze-out 7.
1. T. Damour and K. Nordtvedt, Phys. Rev. D48, 3436 (1993); T. Damour and
A.M. Polyakov, Nucl. Phys. B423, 532 (1994).
2. R. Catena, N.Fornengo, A. Masiero, M. Pietroni and F. Rosati, astro-ph/0403614.
3. N. Bartolo and M. Pietroni, Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 023518
4. S. Matarrese, C. Baccigalupi and F. Perrotta, astro-ph/0403480.
5. A. G. Riess et al. [Supernova Search Team Collaboration], Astron. J. 116, 1009 (1998);
S. Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 517, 565
(1999); J. L. Tonry et al., Astrophys. J. 594, 1 (2003); B. J. Barris et al., astro-ph/0310843;
A. G. Riess et al., arXiv:astro-ph/0402512.
6. T. Damour and B. Pichon, Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 123502.
7. S. Profumo and P. Ullio, JCAP 0311 (2003) 006, and S. Profumo, talk at this conference.
We consider the possibility that a massive fourth family neutrino, predicted by a recently proposed minimal technicolor theory, could be the source of the dark matter in the Universe. The model has two techniflavors in the adjoint representation of a SU(2) techicolor gauge group and its consistency requires the existence of a fourth family of leptons. By a suitable hypercharge assignment the techniquarks together with the new leptons look like a conventional fourth standard model family. We show that the new (Majorana) neutrino N can be the dark matter particle if mN∼100–500 GeV and the expansion rate of the Universe at early times is dominated by an energy component scaling as ρϕ∼a-6 (kination), with ρϕ/ρrad∼10-6 during the nucleosynthesis era.
In the context of scalar-tensor models of dark energy and inflation, the dynamics of vacuum scalar-tensor cosmology are analysed without specifying the coupling function or the scalar field potential. A conformal transformation to the Einstein frame is used and the dynamics of general relativity with a minimally coupled scalar field are derived for a generic potential. It is shown that the dynamics are non-chaotic, thus settling an existing debate. Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Class. Quantum Grav
The homogeneous expansion history H(z) of our universe measures only kinematic variables, but cannot fix the underlying dynamics driving the recent acceleration: cosmographic measurements of the homogeneous universe, are consistent with either a static finely-tuned cosmological constant or a dynamic `dark energy' mechanism, which may be material Dark Energy or modified gravity (Dark Gravity). Resolving the composition and foreground noise to reduce their large systematic errors.dynamics of either kind of `dark energy', will require complementing the homogeneous expansion observations with observations of the growth of cosmological fluctuations. Because the 'dark energy' evolution is at least quasi-static, any dynamical effects on the fluctuation growth function g(z) will be minimal. They will be best studied in the weak lensing convergence of light from galaxies at 0<z<5, from neutral hydrogen at 6<z<20, and ultimately from the CMB last scattering surface at z=1089. Galaxy clustering also measures g(z), but requires large corrections for baryonic composition and foreground noise. Projected observations potentially distinguish static from dynamic `dark energy', but distinguishing dynamic Dark Energy from Dark Gravity will require a weak lensing shear survey more ambitious than any now projected. Low-curvature modifications of Einstein gravity are also, in principle, observable in the solar system or in isolated galaxy clusters. The cosmological constant can only be fine-tuned, at present. The Cosmological Coincidence Problem, that we live when the ordinary matter density approximates the 'gravitational vacuum energy', on the other hand, is a material problem, calling for an understanding of the observers' role in cosmology.
We review the evidence for recently accelerating cosmological expansion or "dark energy", either a negative pressure constituent in General Relativity (Dark Energy) or modified gravity (Dark Gravity), without any Dark Energy constituent. If constituent Dark Energy does not exist, so that our universe is now dominated by pressure-free matter, Einstein gravity must be modified at low curvature. The vacuum symmetry of any Robertson-Walker universe then characterizes Dark Gravity as low- or high-curvature modifications of Einstein gravity. The dynamics of either kind of "dark energy" cannot be derived from the homogeneous expansion alone, but requires also observing the growth of inhomogeneities. Present and projected observations are all consistent with a small fine tuned cosmological constant, with nearly static Dark Energy, or with gravity modified at cosmological scales. The growth of cosmological fluctuations will potentially distinguish static "dark energy" from dynamic "dark energy" with equation of state w(z) either changing rapidly or tracking the background matter. But to cosmologically distinguish Λ\LambdaCDM from modified gravity will require a weak lensing shear survey more ambitious than any now projected. Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati modifications of Einstein gravity may also be detected in refined bservations in the solar system or at the intermediate Vainstein scale. Dark Energy's epicyclic character, failure to explain the original Cosmic Coincidence ("Why now?") without fine tuning, inaccessibility to laboratory or solar system tests, along with braneworld theories, now motivate future precision solar system, Vainstein-scale and cosmological-scale studies of Dark Gravity.
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We address the fine-tuning problem of dark energy cosmologies which arises when the dark energy density needs to initially lie in a narrow range in order for its present value to be consistent with observations. As recently noticed, this problem becomes particularly severe in canonical quintessence scenarios, when trying to reproduce the behavior of a cosmological constant, i.e., when the dark energy equation of state w{sub Q} approaches -1: these models may be reconciled with a large basin of attraction only by requiring a rapid evolution of w{sub Q} at low redshifts, which is in conflict with the most recent estimates from type Ia Supernovae discovered by Hubble space telescope. Next, we focus on scalar-tensor theories of gravity, discussing the implications of a coupling between the quintessence scalar field and the Ricci scalar ('extended quintessence'). We show that, even if the equation of state today is very close to -1, by virtue of the scalar-tensor coupling the quintessence trajectories still possess the attractive feature which allows to reach the present level of cosmic acceleration starting by a set of initial conditions which covers tens of orders of magnitude; this effect, entirely of gravitational origin, represents a new important consequence of the possible coupling between dark energy and gravity. We illustrate this effect in typical extended quintessence scenarios.
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Scalar-tensor theories of gravity provide a consistent framework to accommodate an ultra-light quintessence scalar field. While the equivalence principle is respected by construction, deviations from General Relativity and standard cosmology may show up at nucleosynthesis, CMB, and solar system tests of gravity. After imposing all the bounds coming from these observations, we consider the expansion rate of the universe at WIMP decoupling, showing that it can lead to an enhancement of the dark matter relic density up to few orders of magnitude with respect to the standard case. This effect can have an impact on supersymmetric candidates for dark matter.
Cosmological models within general tensor-multi-scalar theories of gravity are studied. By isolating an autonomous evolution equation for the scalar fields, one shows that the expansion of the universe during the matter-dominated era tends to drive the scalar fields toward a minimum of the function alpha(phi) describing their coupling to matter, i.e. toward a state where the tensor-scalar theory becomes indistinguishable from general relativity. The two main parameters determining the efficiency of this natural attractor mechanism toward general relativity are the redshift at the beginning of the matter era (or equivalently the present cosmological matter density) and the curvature of the coupling function alpha(phi). Quantitative estimates for the present level of deviation from general relativity, as measured by the post-Newtonian parameters gamma-1, beta-1 and (G dot)/G, are derived, which give greater significance to future improvements of solar-system gravitational tests.
Supernova Search Team CollaborationSupernova Cosmology Project Collaboration]
  • A G Riess
A. G. Riess et al. [Supernova Search Team Collaboration], Astron. J. 116, 1009 (1998); S. Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 517, 565 (1999); J. L. Tonry et al., Astrophys. J. 594, 1 (2003); B. J. Barris et al., astro-ph/0310843; A. G. Riess et al., arXiv:astro-ph/0402512
) 006, and S. Profumo, talk at this conference
  • S Profumo
  • P Ullio
S. Profumo and P. Ullio, JCAP 0311 (2003) 006, and S. Profumo, talk at this conference. Rev. D48, 3436 (1993); T. Damour and
  • S Perlmutter
S. Perlmutter et al. [Supernova Cosmology Project Collaboration], Astrophys. J. 517, 565 (1999);
  • T Damour
  • K Nordtvedt
T. Damour and K. Nordtvedt, Phys. Rev. D48, 3436 (1993);
  • N Bartolo
  • M Pietroni
N. Bartolo and M. Pietroni, Phys. Rev. D 61 (2000) 023518
  • T Damour
  • A M Polyakov
T. Damour and A.M. Polyakov, Nucl. Phys. B423, 532 (1994).
  • J L Tonry
J. L. Tonry et al., Astrophys. J. 594, 1 (2003);