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Mineral Concentrations in Hair as Indicators of Mineral Status: a Review



Mineral content of hair is affected by season, breed, hair color within and between breeds, sire, age and body location. Seasonal effects may be due to stage of growth of hair and to changes caused by perspiration, surface contamination and diet. Breed and sire effects on mineral content of hair complicate prediction of nutritional status based on hair analyses because, in many commercial cattle, neither breed nor sire is known. Hair from young animals may be lower in Zn, Mn and Fe, but is higher in Na, Ca, Cu and K than that from older animals. Pigmented hair apparently is higher in Ca, Mg, K and NA than white hair, but trace mineral concentrations are similar in hair of different colors. The effect of body location on mineral content of hair may be due to differences in surface contamination, differences in hair growth cycles and differences in texture of the hair. Concentrations of Ca, P and Cu in hair are not affected by dietary intake of these minerals. Zn and Se contents of hair may reflect dietary intake. Information on other required minerals in lacking. Pb, As and, possibly, Cd levels in hair may be related to dietary or environmental exposure. Because of the many factors that cause variation in mineral content of hair, hair analyses are not likely to be precise indicators of the mineral status of animals. Hair analyses may help to detect severe deficiencies of some required minerals or exposure to some heavy metals. However, if hair analyses are to be conducted, care must be taken to compare values from test animals with those from animals of similar breed, sex, season, sire and color. In addition, new hair growth should be analyzed, environmental contamination should be minimized and the hair samples should be cleaned before analyses.
D. K. Combs, R. D. Goodrich and J. C. Meiske
a Review
Mineral Concentrations in Hair as Indicators of Mineral Status:
1982, 54:391-398.J ANIM SCI
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D. K. Combs, R. D. Goodrich and J. C. Meiske
University of Minnesota, St. Paul 551081'2
Mineral content of hair is affected by sea-
son, breed, hair color within and between
breeds, sire, age and body location. Seasonal
effects may be due to stage of growth of hair
and to changes caused by perspiration, surface
contamination and diet. Breed and sire effects
on mineral content of hair complicate predic-
tion of nutritional status based on hair analy-
ses because, in many commercial cattle, neither
breed nor sire is known. Hair from young
animals may be lower in Zn, Mn and Fe, but is
higher in Na, Ca, Cu and K than that from
older animals. Pigmented hair apparently is
higher in Ca, Mg, K and Na than white hair,
but trace mineral concentrations are similar in
hair of different colors. The effect of body
location on mineral content of hair may be due
to differences in surface contamination, differ-
ences in hair growth cycles and differences in
texture of the hair. Concentrations of Ca, P and
Cu in hair are not affected by dietary intake of
these minerals. Zn and Se contents of hair may
reflect dietary intake. Information on other
required minerals is lacking. Pb, As and, pos-
sibly, Cd levels in hair may be related to dietary
or environmental exposure. Because of the
many factors that cause variation in mineral
content of hair, hair analyses are not likely to
be precise indicators of the mineral status of
animals. Hair analyses may help to detect
severe deficiencies of some required minerals or
exposure to some heavy metals. However, if
hair analyses are to be conducted, care must be
taken to compare values from test animals with
those from animals of similar breed, sex, sea-
son, sire and color. In addition, new hair
growth should be analyzed, environmental con-
1 Dept. of Anim. Sci.
2Paper No. 11595 of the Scientific Journal Ser. of
the Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta.
tamination should be minimized and the hair
samples should be cleaned before analyses.
(Key Words: Hair, Mineral Concentrations,
Mineral Status, Trace Minerals.)
has been proposed that body stores of
minerals may be estimated from hair analyses,
because growing hair is metabolically active and
is a sequestering tissue. Thus, hair may reflect
concentrations of minerals that were in the hair
follicle at the time the hair was formed. Analy-
ses of hair for mineral content may also reflect
surface contamination by minerals in urine,
feces, sweat, feed and airborne matter. Because
of an interest by researchers and commercial
nutritionists in using hair as an indicator of
mineral status, we prepared this literature
review in an attempt to determine which fac-
tors influence hair analyses and, hence, to iden-
tify instances when mineral analyses of hair
may be useful in predicting mineral status.
Hair Growth
The hair shaft is a keratinized filament that
develops from matrix cells of a hair follicle in
the epidermal epithelium. Each follicle is a
miniature organ that includes smooth muscle
and glandular components. The glands asso-
ciated with hair follicles are either sebaceous
or apocrine. Wysocki and Klett (1971) and
Hopps (1977) proposed that sweat secreted by
the sebaceous glands may be an important
source of minerals in hair and that fatty secre-
tions of apocrine glands may provide physical
or chemical means by which exogenous mineral
may bind to hair.
Hair is formed at a rate of .2 to 5 mm/d in
humans (Hopps, 1977) and, during its forma-
tion, is exposed to circulating blood, lymph and
extracellular fluid. As the hair shaft approaches
by guest on July 13, 2011jas.fass.orgDownloaded from
the skin surface, it is removed from sites of
metabolic activity and undergoes keratiniza-
tion. Keratins contain disulfide bonds that may
be major binding sites of minerals in hair (Hin-
ners et al., 1974; Hopps, 1977).
Hair growth in most animals is cyclic, with a
period of active growth followed by a resting
phase. In cattle, hair growth cycles are regu-
lated by length of day (Hopps, 1977) and a
follicle normally produces two or three hairs/
year with a resting phase between each growth.
When the winter coat is being maintained, most
follicles are in a resting state. In Germany,
Anke (1965) found that the most suitable per-
iods for sampling hair were from December to
mid-February and from July to August. Mid-
February to mid-May and September to
November were not suitable periods because
hair was in the process of being shed and new
growth was being produced during these
Growth of hair occurs in four stages. The
anagen phase is the period when hair is actively
growing. The follicle matrix is fully differen-
tiated and is exposed to circulating blood,
lymph and extraeellular fluid. As the anagen
phase ends, the catagen phase begins. Cells of
the follicle matrix rapidly degenerate, causing
the follicle to shrink. This leaves only a small
group of undifferentiated cells, which form a
new follicle when the next growth phase begins.
The telogen phase is the resting stage of the
growth cycle. The hair shaft may be easily dis-
lodged during the telogen phase and often will
fall out.
Near the end of the telogen phase, an inter-
mediate phase begins and a new follicle forms
from the remainder of the follicle of the pre-
vious hair cycle. After this formation, a new
hair forms and the anagen phase starts again.
The new hair shaft normally will push out old
hair remaining from the previous cycle, but
occasionally two hairs (one from the previous
cycle and one from the current cycle)will pro-
trude from a single canal.
Growth of hair may be altered slighdy to
induce more hair growth. Plucking of hairs is
one of the most effective ways to increase hair
growth (Hopps, 1977). Cutting hairs, without
damaging the follicle, has little effect on growth
of hair. To stimulate hair growth, the follicle
must be damaged (Hopps, 1977). This causes an
increase in amount of hair growth because the
resting cycle is shortened. The actual rate of
hair synthesis is not altered. Several chemicals,
including barium sulfate, increase hair growth.
The binding of metals in hair is believed to
involve S (Hinners et al., 1974; Hopps, 1977).
Hair is composed principally of protein and, in
humans, between 11 and 18% of hair protein is
cysteine and cystine (Hinners et al., 1974).
Methionine-S is also present in small amounts.
Controversy exists over the stability of metal-S
bonds. Some investigators consider these bonds
highly stable and resistant to breakdown and
subsequent loss of the metal (Kopito et al.,
1967; Weiss et al., 1972). Others (Senning,
1972; Hinners et al., 1974) note that the metal-
S bonds are not particularly stable and may be
broken by dilute acids.
Carboxyl groups have also been proposed
(Hinners et al., 1974) as possible metal binding
sites in hair. It has been reported (Bate, 1966;
Hambidge et al., 1972) that hair will absorb
more metals at pH 6 than at pH 4. Unbound
carboxyl groups of proteins would be pro-
tonated to a high degree at a low pH and would
present fewer anions for binding with metal
Factors Affecting
Mineral Content of Hair
Hair has many properties that make it a
likely biopsy tissue. It may be collected easily
with little trauma and it can be stored until
analysis is convenient because it does not
deteriorate readily. Trace elements are accumu-
lated in hair at concentrations that are at least
10 times higher than those present in blood
serum and urine (Maugh, 1978). Hair acts as a
recording filament because elements are de-
posited in the hair matrix within a short time
and are removed from active metabolism as the
hair shaft grows from the follicle. The major
disadvantage of using hair as a biopsy material
is that many factors other than diet are known
to affect mineral content of hair. Factors that
have significant effects on mineral concentra-
tions in hair include season, breed, age, hair
color and body location.
Season. O'Mary et al. (1969) collected hair
from Hereford cattle in March and August and
found higher concentrations of Na, Ca, Cu, Mg,
Mn and K in the August samples. They reported
that Zn and P contents did not change between
seasons and that Fe concentration was lowest in
the samples obtained in August. Wysocki and
Klett (1971) found higher concentrations of Ca
and P in pony hair in the summer than in win-
ter. They speculated that this may have been
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due in part to increased perspiration during
summer months. Strain et al. (1966) also re-
ported that Zn content was higher in samples of
human hair collected during the summer than
in samples collected at any other time of the
year. Miller et al. (1965) reported a seasonal
pattern for Zn accumulations in hair of Hol-
stein cattle. Hair collected in November was
lower in Zn than hair collected at any other
time of year. Seasonal effects on mineral con-
tent of hair may also reflect dietary changes
unless care is taken to ensure a uniform feed
Breed. Few trials have been conducted com-
paring mineral content of hair from different
breeds of cattle. O'Mary et al. (1970) compared
white hair from Holstein and Hereford cattle
and found Holstein white hair to have more
Na, Ca and K than that from Hereford cattle.
Holstein black hair contained more Na, P, K,
Mg and Ca than red hair from Herefords.
Combs et al. (1979) also showed that hair of
Angus calves produced by different sires dif-
fered significantly in K, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn
Age. Hambidge et al. (1972) reported that
Zn concentrations in human hair decline
sharply after birth, remain low for 2 or 3 yr
and then increase toward original values. Miller
et al. (1965) reported that Zn content of cattle
hair may be affected in a similar manner. They
found that Zn content of hair increased sub-
stantially as calves increased in age from 8 to 15
wk. Zn content of hair from 5-mo-old heifer
calves was also higher than that of mature cows;
however, diets of the two groups were differ-
ent. O'Mary et al. (1969) evaluated the effect
of age on mineral composition of hair from
Hereford cattle and reported that hair from
calves had higher concentrations of Na, Ca, Cu
and K, but lower concentrations of Mn and Fe
than hair from mature cows. O'Mary and co-
workers did not find significant differences in
Zn, P or Mg content of hair from cattle of
various ages. As is also true for effects of sea-
son on hair analyses, changes in mineral content
of hair may reflect change in age and diet.
Color. Davis (1958) observed that Cu defi-
ciency in cattle caused depigmentation of hair
and Stirn et al. (1935) found that Zn deficiency
caused depigmentation of black hair in rats.
These findings, along with the observation that
ash content of white hair is lower than that of
pigmented hair (Anke, 1965; O'Mary et al.,
1970; Hall et al., 1971), have led to the as-
sumption that mineral content of cattle hair
varies because of color. Mineral contents that
appear to be influenced most by color are Ca,
Mg, K and Na, all of which are higher in pig-
mented hair (Anke, 1965; O'Mary et al., 1970;
Hall et al., 1971). Data to date indicate that
trace dements are not greatly influenced by
hair color. Anke (1965) and Hall et al. (1971)
reported that Zn content of pigmented and
white hair from Holstein and Hereford cattle
did not differ significantly. However, Miller et
al. (1965) found a significant difference in Zn
content (124.1 vs 112.2 ppm) of black and
white hair from Holstein cattle.
Cu concentrations in hair apparently are not
affected by hair color. Cu contents of red and
white hair from Herefords (O'Mary et al., 1970;
Hall et al., 1971) and black and white hair from
Holsteins (Anke, 1965) were similar.
Body Location. Body location also influ-
ences mineral content of hair. Anke (1965)
found that black hair from the forehead of cat-
de contained higher concentrations of Fe, Zn,
Mn and Cu than black body hair. Miller et al.
(1965) reported that Zn concentrations in hair
from various parts of the body were similar,
except that hair from legs contained less Zn.
Miller et al. (I965) emphasized that body loca-
tion may not influence mineral content of hair
as much as the fact that hair on different parts
of the body may be in different cycles of
growth at the time of sampling.
Miller et al. (1965) found higher concentra-
tions of Zn in white tail switch hair than in
black or white body hair. Miller et al. (1965)
cited literature indicating that Zn contributes
to stiffness of hair in rats and humans. Tail
switch hairs of cattle are stiff and coarse in
comparison to body hair.
Hair as an
Indicator of Mineral Status
The effect of diet on mineral concentrations
in hair is of considerable interest. Several
laboratories conduct hair analyses and make
dietary recommendations for livestock based on
these analyses. Utilization of hair as a biopsy
material for this purpose is controversial. Re-
search to date indicates that concentrations of
certain trace elements in hair may be related to
dietary intake.
Ca and P. Ca and P are important elements
that are frequently deficient in livestock diets.
The use of hair analyses to monitor intake of
these elements has generally been unsuccessful.
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Cohen (1973a) found no correlation between P
concentrations in pasture and concentrations of
P in hair from grazing steers. Later, Cohen
(1973b) found that drenching growing steers
with P did not change hair P or Ca concentra-
tions. Wysocki and Klett (1971) reported low
correlations between intakes of Ca and P by
ponies and Ca and P contents of their hair.
Anke (1966) reported that dietary supplemen-
tation with Ca and P significantly increased
concentrations of Ca and P in pigmented hair of
dairy cattle. He also reported that dietary Ca
had an antagonistic effect on P content of hair.
Because the major site of mineral deposition in
hair is thought to be the follicle, it appears that
changes in Ca content of the diet should not be
discernible by hair analysis. Ca concentration in
blood is homeostatically controlled and concen-
tration of this element in blood is elevated or
depressed for only short periods of time by
changes in diet.
Mg. Mg deficiency in ruminants is asso~
ciated with grass tetany. Cattle suffering from
grass tetany are commonly observed to have
blood serum Mg levels below 1.0 mg/lO0 ml,
compared with a normal level of 2.1 mg/lO0
ml. Because blood Mg levels are low, hair may
have low Mg levels following a Mg deficiency.
Anke (1966) reported that Mg levels were
higher in hair from cattle when the diet was
supplemented with Mg. Hall et al. (1971) com-
pared Mg content in hair from cows that had
grass tetany in previous years with that in hair
from cows that had no history of grass tetany.
Samples were taken five times during the year
and no significant differences were found be-
tween the two groups. No cows in either group
suffered from grass tetany during the trial, and,
to date, little information is available to indi-
cate how hair responds to a Mg deficiency.
Cu. Cu deficiency in ruminants is often
associated with depigmentation and impaired
keratinization of hair. Cu content of hair from
mammals has been studied as a potential index
of Cu status. O'Mary et al. (1970) reported
that level of dietary Cu affected concentration
of Cu in hair of Holstein and Hereford cattle.
White hair from both breeds was affected more
than pigmented hair, and Cu content of black
Holstein hair was not consistent with increasing
levels of dietary Cu. Anke (1966) reported that
pigmented hair of dairy cattle was not in-
fluenced by dietary supplementation with Cu.
Van Koestveld (1958) observed that hair Cu
concentrations below 8 ppm were associated
with Cu deficiency, but Cunningham and
Hogan (1958) found little relationship between
Cu content of hair and that in the diet or liver.
Anke (1966) concluded that Cu status was best
indicated by Cu levels in the liver. Also, Cu
content of hair may be affected by dietary S
and Mo concentrations. This interrelationship
may complicate the use of hair analyses to indi-
cate Cu intake.
Zn. Zn contents of feeds may vary con-
siderably due to production factors, but, in
general, concentrations are higher in protein-
rich feeds than in cereal grains. Cattle fed diets
composed largely of cereal grains and supple-
mented with urea may be marginally deficient
in Zn (Miller, 1970). The reduced use of gal-
vanized water pipes and pens has also decreased
the amount of Zn in the environment of cattle.
Many trace mineralized salt mixtures contribute
insignificant amounts of Zn in relation to the
animals' requirements (Miller, 1970). Severe Zn
deficiencies in cattle have been reported to Fin-
land, Guyana and other areas. Borderline Zn
deficiencies are difficult to diagnose (Miller,
Several researchers have attempted to deter-
mine the relationship between hair and tissue
levels of Zn and nutritional status. Strain et al.
(1966) found that levels of Zn in hair from men
with severe Zn deficiencies were significantly
lower than those in hair from normal men (54.1
vs 103.1 ppm). Zn content of hair also in-
creased (54.1 vs 121.1 ppm) when the deficient
men were treated with oral ZnSO4. Hambidge
et al. (1972) found that preschool children
suffering from Zn deficiency, diagnosed by
lower growth percentiles, had lower hair and
blood serum Zn levels. Controlled experiments
conducted with animals indicate that hair Zn
may reflect dietary Zn intake, but it does not
adequately assess the status of Zn nutrition as
measured by growth and feed consumption.
Reinhold et al. (1968) and Deeming and Weber
(1977) reported that rats fed diets severely
deficient in Zn (2 or 3 ppm) had substantially
lower concentrations of Zn in hair than rats fed
Zn-adequate diets (12 to 20 ppm). Deeming
and Weber (1977) reported that Zn additions to
an adequate diet resulted in increased amounts
of Zn in hair from rats. Reinhold et al. (1968)
and Deeming and Weber (1977) concluded that
Zn levels in hair are related to dietary Zn levels
but do not necessarily reflect the severity of Zn
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deficiency, as manifested by impaired growth
In resear~:h with ruminants, Miller et al.
(1966) and Miller (1970) reported that Zn con-
centrations in hair reflected dietary Zn levels of
cattle and goats more consistently than concen-
trations in any other tissue. Miller et al. (1966)
noted, however, that because of variation
among animals, Zn deficiency could not be ade-
quately diagnosed by hair analyses. Similar
results were reported by Beeson et al. (1977)
who conducted a series of trials in which basal
diets that contained approximately 20 ppm Zn
were supplemented with 0 to 620 ppm of Zn.
Zn content of hair of beef cattle increased sig-
nificantly in only a few trials and was generally
an inconsistent indicator of increased dietary
Se. Se deficiencies in domestic livestock have
been reported in many areas of the world
(Gardiner, 1966). Hidiroglou et al. (1968) re-
ported that cows with hair Se concentrations
between .06 and .23 ppm produced calves with
white muscle disease, while no white muscle
disease was found in calves from cows with hair
Se greater than .25 ppm. In a study with feed-
lot cattle, Perry et al. (1976) found that con-
centrations of Se increased from .3 ppm in hair
from cattle fed no supplemental Se to .49,
.58 and .60 ppm in hair from steers fed diets
supplemented with .1, .2 and .4 ppm Se. Olson
(1969) reported that continuous intake of 5
ppm Se by cattle may result in selenosis and
that concentrations of 5 to 10 ppm Se in the
hair of cattle may indicate Se toxicity.
Hair as an
Indicator of Hea~y Metal Status
Hair analyses have been proposed as a meth-
od of assessing exposure of humans and ani-
mals to Cd, Pb and As. Hammer ct al. (1972),
Petering et al. (1973), Klevay (1973), Orheim
et al. (1974) and Dorn et al. (1974) reported
significant correlations between Cd, Pb and As
contents of human and animal hair and ex-
posure of humans and animals to these ele-
ments. Hammer et al. (1972), Klevay (1973)
and Petering et al. (1973) emphasized, how-
ever, that the extent to which hair predicts
environmental exposure to heavy metals de-
pends on factors such as age, sex, length of hair
and chemical treatment of hair. These factors
influence heavy metal concentrations of hair to
such an extent that only individuals or groups
that are similar in age, sex and place of resi-
dence may be compared.
It is well documented that Pb and As con-
tents of hair are useful as indicators of dietary
Pb and As intake and as a diagnostic aid in Pb
and As toxicity (Kopito et al., 1967; Under-
wood, 1977). Cd content of hair appears to be
poorly related to dietary intake of Cd.
Cd. Cd is widely distributed because of its
use in industry and as a contaminant in phos-
phate fertilizers and sewage sludges (Friberg
et al., 1971). It is toxic to nearly every system
in the body and is considered a serious health
hazard to humans and animals. Cd interacts
with divalent cations, most notably Zn, Se, Cu
and Fe (Neathery and Miller, 1976a), and it
appears that this is a major cause of Cd toxi-
city. Symptoms of Cd toxicity include anemia,
retarded testicular development or degenera-
tion, enlarged joints, scaly skin, liver and kid-
ney damage, reduced growth and increased
mortality (Neathery and Miller, 1976a).
The deposition of Cd in hair may occur via
dietary, pulmonary or surface routes. Under-
wood (1977) reported that pulmonary absorp-
tion is a relatively unimportant route of Cd in-
take in animals and nonsmoking humans. Fri-
berg et al. (1971) indicated that the intake of
Cd in nonsmoking humans is less than 5 ug/d
from pulmonary routes. Underwood (1977)
reported that the average dietary intake of Cd
by humans is between 26 and 96 ug/d.
Several researchers have proposed that hair
may be a useful tissue with which to monitor
environmental exposure of humans and cattle
to Cd. Hammer et al. (1972) and Petering et al.
(1973) reported that significant correlations
existed between Cd content of human hair and
exposure to Cd. Dorn et al. (1974) examined
Cd content of hair from cattle grazing on a
farm located within 800 m of a Pb smelter and
compared them with Cd content in hair from
cattle grazing on a farm that was free of indus-
trial Cd exposure. The authors found signifi-
cantly higher Cd levels in hair of cattle on the
farm located near the smelter than in hair of
cattle on the control farm. Cd content of hair
was affected by season. Hair collected from
cattle near the smelter had the highest levels of
Cd in the spring, while hair collected from
control cattle had the highest Cd concentra-
tions in the winter. In both groups of cattle,
hair collected during the summer had the low-
est levels of Cd. The higher Cd in hair of cattle
located near the lead smelter may have been
due in part to exogenous airborne contamina-
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tion. Nishiyama and Nordberg (1972) found
that they could not differentiate exogenous
from endogenous Cd once the exogenous Cd
had been adsorbed onto hair. They reported
that various treatments could remove Cd from
hair, but found no treatment that would
separate exogenously from endogenously de-
posited Cd.
Hair has generally been found to be a less
accurate indicator of dietary Cd intake than of
exogenous Cd. Several experiments showed that
kidney, liver and small intestine are good indi-
cators of dietary Cd intake in ruminants (Miller
et al., 1968, 1969; Neathery et al., 1974; Doyle
et al., 1974). Miller et al. (1969) reported that
only .0165% of a single oral dose of radioactive
Cd was deposited in hair. Doyle et al. (1974)
reported that Cd levels in kidney and livers
from lambs increased as levels of dietary Cd
increased from 0 to 60 ppm. Cd concentrations
in wool from lambs fed various amounts of
dietary Cd were similar. Cd levels in wool from
lambs were similar to Cd levels found in human
hair (Friberg et al., 1971) and were slightly
higher than concentrations in hair from calves
fed normal diets (Powell et al., 1964).
Pb toxicity is one of the most frequently
reported causes of acute poisoning in farm ani-
mals, especially cattle (Neathery and Miller,
1976b). Major sources of Pb are Pb-based
paints, waste motor oils and Pb-arsenate pesti-
cides. It is also possible for domestic livestock
to become chronically poisoned from environ-
mental Pb exposure. Cattle grazing on land
treated with sewage sludge or located near Pb
mines or smelters may inhale significant
amounts of airborne Pb or ingest high levels of
Pb deposited on grasses (Neathery and Miller,
Human and animal data indicate that en-
vironmental Pb exposure is positively correla-
ted with concentrations of Pb in hair. Hammer
et al. (1971, 1972), Petering et al. (1973) and
Klevay (1973) reported that humans have hair
Pb levels that corresponded to environmental
Pb exposure. Dorn et al. (1974) reported that
cows grazing within 800 m of a Pb smelter had
higher concentrations of Pb in their hair than
cows grazing on a farm that was free of Pb ex-
posure. It appears that the major source of Pb
in the hair of cows grazing near the smelter
was exogenous contamination. Blood Pb levels
were low and not correlated with hair Pb levels
of cattle grazing near the Pb smelter. Riissel
and Schoberl (1970), however, found a signifi-
cant correlation between hair and liver concen-
trations of Pb in cattle with chronic Pb poison-
ing. Suzuki et al. (1958) reported a positive
correlation between Pb in hair and Pb in blood
and urine of workers with acute Pb poisoning.
Jaworowski et al. (1966) also reported that
radioactive Pb injected subcutaneously was
taken up by hair of rabbits.
Exposure of livestock and humans to As
can occur via arsenical sprays that are used for
insect control and by the burning of coal that
releases large amounts of As into the air.
Arsenic is also widely distributed naturally in
the environment. It is found in soils at levels
between 1 and 40 ppm and certain plants are
known to accumulate As (Porter and Peterson,
1975). Arsenic has also been used as a growth
stimulant for swine and poultry. It does not ap-
pear to accumulate in internal organs (Under-
wood, 1977) and the best tissue and fluid with
which to assess As status may be hair and urine,
Arsenic is distributed throughout the body
in low, but variable, concentrations. Peoples
(1964) reported that cattle fed .05 to 1.25 mg
of As/kg body weight for 8 wk had no detect-
able quantities of the element in blood or bone.
Wagner and Weswig (1974) also reported that
blood As levels were not good indicators of As
exposure in humans. Hair and urine As contents
are currently used for assessing the exposure of
individuals to As. Browning (1961)' and Peoples
(1964) reported that urinary As levels increased
with increasing As intake and that total As
excretion is a good indicator of As exposure.
Hammer et al. (1971), Chattopadhyay and
Jervis (1974) and Orheim et al. (1974) reported
that As levels in hair from humans and cattle
are positively correlated with As exposure.
However, Hammer et al. (1971) noted that
levels of As in hair are affected by many fac-
tors, including sex, age and hair length of the
Literature Cited
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as an indicator of Ca, Mg, P, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn,
Cu, Mo and Co. 3. Effect of additional supple-
ments on mineral composition of cattle hair.
Arch. Tierzucht.16: 57.
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... Unlike blood or organ sampling, hair and feathers collection are non-invasive procedures, and their storage (at ambient temperature) does not require a complex logistic chain. Hair accumulates elements throughout its growth period since the last molt, which allows the assessment of an animal's status in chemical elements over a wide temporal window (Combs et al., 1982;Combs, 1987;Cygan-Szczegielniak et al., 2014;Tête et al., 2014). Element concentrations in hair are therefore expected to reflect element contents of the habitat (Demesko et al., 2019). ...
... Thus, in each sample, the accumulation of chemical elements during hair growth was complete, and we do not anticipate any bias in accumulation due to the time of hair collection. All these sampling conditions allow to avoid the effect of hair colour, collection site and seasonal changes in hair growth on element concentrations (Combs et al., 1982;Combs, 1987;Wells et al., 1990). ...
... In our study however, we did not find evidence for age nor for sex-specific differences in element concentrations, except for Cu. Our results are congruent with those of another study, which also revealed no age-related differences in Mg and Zn concentrations in cattle hair (Combs et al., 1982). Nevertheless, potential age-and sex-related differences in element concentrations should not be discarded at this stage, since proper identification of these effects might require specific investigation (i.e. using data from known-age individuals rather than from individuals assigned to reductive age categories). ...
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Most chemical elements are crucial for life maintenance, but the intake of non-essential elements or inadequate concentrations of essential ones can have major consequences on wildlife health. However, concentrations of minor and trace elements remain largely unknown in free-ranging animals. This study aimed to establish the first reference values for 22 essential (Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Se, Zn) and non-essential (Al, As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sr, Ti, Tl) elements in roe deer hair (Capreolus capreolus), to assess the degree of covariation between elements, and to investigate how individual characteristics and environmental context influence minor and trace element profiles. To do so, 758 hair samples from 542 individuals were collected between 2016 and 2019 in five roe deer populations (i.e. Ain, Chizé, Châteauvillain-Arc-en-Barrois, Jura and Trois-Fontaines) inhabiting contrasted habitats in France. Compared to the scarce literature on minor and trace elements in roe deer hair, concentrations were generally lower, and correlations between elements were mostly positive. Element concentrations were also heterogeneously distributed among populations, with overall greater heterogeneity in two (i.e. Jura and Châteauvillain-Arc-en-Barrois) of the five populations, which could be explained by their specific environmental characteristics (e.g. vegetation, climate, altitude). Overall, minor and trace element concentrations did not differ according to age and sex. Further studies on element bioavailability are needed to clarify whether the observed heterogeneity of element concentrations in roe deer hair is primarily driven by individual or by geographical characteristics.
... Due to the high informativeness of hair in studying the elemental profile, the findings of this research have found broad applications in hygiene, toxicology, and medical investigations, particularly in identifying cases of poisoning by toxic elements [41][42][43][44][45]. ...
... In turn, the elemental analysis of hair offers several advantages: the collection of samples for analysis is extremely simple and nontraumatic; samples do not require cialized equipment for storage and transportation; hair can be stored for almost an in inite period without losing its informational value; the concentration of most chem elements in hair is greater than that in physiological fluids traditionally used for cli In turn, the elemental analysis of hair offers several advantages: the collection of hair samples for analysis is extremely simple and nontraumatic; samples do not require specialized equipment for storage and transportation; hair can be stored for almost an indefinite period without losing its informational value; the concentration of most chemical elements in hair is greater than that in physiological fluids traditionally used for clinical and biochemical analyses, allowing for a significant expansion of the available chemical elements for analytical determination; additionally, hair analysis represents integrative information, reflecting the averaged state of biochemical processes during the period of hair formation (growth), thus significantly mitigating the influence of short-term factors [41,44,60,61]. ...
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The assessment of iron levels in cattle muscle tissue is crucial for livestock management because it influences both animal health and meat quality, key factors in sustainable development. This study aimed to develop an optimal model for noninvasively predicting the iron content in Hereford cattle muscle tissue, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the animals’ elemental status. The research involved the atomic absorption analysis of muscle tissue and hair samples from cattle. A regression model was constructed using the least squares method to identify the most effective approach. These findings have ecological applications, aiding in evaluating environmental health and establishing acceptable iron thresholds for animals. The proposed mathematical model utilizing biomarkers (levels of Mg, K, Fe, Al, Cr in hair) will allow for the assessment of iron levels in cattle muscle tissue throughout the period of productive use, with the possibility of adjustment and tracking the changes in elemental status over time. The utilization of the developed method will enable the diagnosis of animal elementosis and assessment of the iron level burden. Subsequently, this will allow for the improvement of the qualitative characteristics of the final product. Thus, the obtained data contribute to fundamental knowledge regarding the content and variability of iron levels in the muscle tissue of cattle.
... (4) Elemental profile of hair is used in the assessment of deficiency or excess of elements in the body. (4) It is also known that the content of elements in hair is affected by many factors e.g., sex, age, natural and occupational environment, nutritional habits (including diet supplementation), addictions, state of health, stress, medications used, (9) season, body location, (10) color of the hair and the site of growth, shampoos, dyes and other hair treatment. (11) Various studies have utilized a wide range of human specimens including, human serum, blood, tissues, urine, and saliva as biomarkers for effective biomonitoring of trace element concentrations. ...
... Human scalp hair has lately become more preferable to the analysis of traditional human specimens, (4) because many trace elements are more concentrated with longer residence times in hair compared to other human specimens (3) that estimated at least 10 times higher than those present in other biological samples. (10) Thus, human hair samples have been effectively used as biomarkers for the determination of trace element concentrations in environmental and bioanalytical studies, clinical and medical diagnosis, occupational health, recreational and therapeutic use, and forensic science. (4) Elemental hair composition was also examined in patients with various disorders e.g., renal failure, some types of cancer, cerebral palsy, diabetes mellitus, endocrine pathologies, and drugs addiction. ...
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Heavy metals are a class of non-biodegradable pollutants in the environment that can enter into human bodies through different routes, many of these metals are essential micronutrients (such as Fe, Cu and Zn), but they could be toxic at higher concentration, whereas some non-essential micronutrients (such as Cr, As, Cd and Pb) are toxic even at very low concentrations. The analysis of trace elements in human hair for use as biomarkers continues to generate considerable interest in environmental and bioanalytical studies, medical diagnostics, and forensic science. The objective of this research was to determine the concentrations of some essential and toxic elements as Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) using microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (MP−AES 4100) in human scalp hair obtained from selected 40 female samples living in Misurata, Libya. And compare the results with certified normal value. The sample has been digested by acidic method. The average values of metals in hair were as follow (in μg/g): Fe (37.35), Zn (161), Cu (42.95), Cr (0.27), Pb (0.01). Chromium and lead concentration had the lowest value in the samples, zinc shows the highest concentration, while iron and cupper had a value in between the previous metals.
... 5,28 In addition, these previous studies measured hair samples, and such samples do not necessarily correlate with lead in tissues or blood. 11,26,45 The Virginia opossum is the only native marsupial with a natural range in North America extending north of Mexico, and it is a common species in central Illinois. 33 Throughout its natural range, it is an abundant species with a lifestyle of foraging that makes exposure to soilborne contaminants likely. ...
The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is the only marsupial in North America with a natural range north of Mexico. Its range is widespread throughout the United States, including Illinois. Virginia opossums are opportunistic omnivores that will eat a variety of fruits, grains, insects, and even carrion. They are a ground-foraging species, with frequent soil contact allowing for potential exposure to heavy metal contaminants in terrestrial environments. They are also opportunists that thrive in human-altered ecosystems, including peri-urban environments. Lead is a naturally occurring element and highly toxic metal that is abundant in the soil, primarily due to anthropogenic factors such as fossil fuel use, paint, industrial production waste, and battery recycling. Furthermore, carrion and offal piles containing lead bullet fragments remaining from hunting result in environmental contamination of this heavy metal. Few studies exist on lead exposure in the Virginia opossum. This pilot study evaluates the blood lead burden of 16 free-ranging Virginia opossums presented to a wildlife rehabilitation facility, compared with 16 wild-caught Virginia opossums trapped in grassland, maintained forest, or mixed ecotones. In other species, lead toxicosis has been associated with cognitive dysfunction that may increase the likelihood of trauma or injury in a free-ranging setting. In addition, a high incidence of Virginia opossums presenting for wildlife rehabilitation do so as result of human-animal conflict. Therefore, it was anticipated that individuals presenting for wildlife rehabilitation would have significantly higher blood lead concentrations than their free-roaming counterparts. In this study, every Virginia opossum had measurable blood lead concentrations and the average blood lead concentration of the rehabilitated group was 2.7 times higher than that measured in wild-caught Virginia opossums. These results suggest that Virginia opossums are exposed and susceptible to lead toxicosis due to their diet and foraging behaviors, making them more prone to subsequent injury and presentation to wildlife rehabilitation centers.
... Cattle suffering from such conditions have been observed to have low concentrations of serum Mg (even below 1.0 mg/100 ml). Hair Mg levels are higher in cattle that were supplemented with Mg [41]. It is important to monitor the concentrations of elements in various tissues and body fluids of animals to control the health state of the animals as it can be a sign of certain diseases. ...
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The quality of nutrition and environmental pollution are crucial chemical indicators influencing animal health, reflected in element concentrations in animal tissues and coats. This study investigates the concentrations of biogenic elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, and iron) in sheep wool from various regions of Slovakia to compare concentrations and identify possible correlations between individual elements. Samples were collected from six different regions, and concentrations of elements were measured using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in element levels among the examined regions. Calcium concentrations ranged from 729.2 to 4065 ppm, with the highest concentrations in the Kysuce region and the lowest in the Šariš region. Potassium concentrations ranged from 2315 to 3282 ppm, with the lowest values in the Zemplín region and the highest in the Liptov region. Magnesium, sodium, copper, and iron also exhibited varying concentrations across the regions. Correlation analysis identified significant associations between several elements. The findings suggest that regional environmental differences influence element concentrations in sheep wool, highlighting the importance of monitoring biogenic elements for assessing environmental pollution and animal health. Further research is warranted to explore the underlying mechanisms driving element accumulation in wool and its implications for animal welfare and environmental management.
... Cattle suffering from such conditions have been observed to have low concentrations of serum Mg (even below 1.0 mg/100 ml). Hair Mg levels are higher in cattle that were supplemented with Mg [33]. It is important to monitor concentrations of elements in various tissues and body uids of animals to control the health state of the animals as it can be a sign of certain diseases. ...
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The quality of nutrition and environmental pollution are crucial chemical indicators influencing animal health, reflected in element concentrations in animal tissues and coats. This study investigates the concentrations of biogenic elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, copper, and iron) in sheep wool from various regions of Slovakia to compare concentrations and identify possible correlations between individual elements. Samples were collected from six different regions, and concentrations of elements were measured using flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in element levels among the examined regions. Calcium concentrations ranged from 729.2 to 4065 ppm, with the highest concentrations in the Kysuce region and the lowest in the Šariš region. Potassium concentrations ranged from 2315 to 3282 ppm, with the lowest values in the Zemplín region and the highest in the Liptov region. Magnesium, sodium, copper, and iron also exhibited varying concentrations across the regions. Correlation analysis identified significant associations between several elements. The findings suggest that regional environmental differences influence element concentrations in sheep wool, highlighting the importance of monitoring biogenic elements for assessing environmental pollution and animal health. Further research is warranted to explore the underlying mechanisms driving element accumulation in wool and its implications for animal welfare and environmental management.
... Hair sampling is challenging as there is significant mineral contamination from soil, detergents, seasonal hair growth, and other factors. 83,84 Hair may be an indicator of toxic mineral exposure such as with Se. Hair mineral analysis coupled with other methods may be a reasonable use. ...
... Hair sampling is challenging as there is significant mineral contamination from soil, detergents, seasonal hair growth, and other factors. 83,84 Hair may be an indicator of toxic mineral exposure such as with Se. Hair mineral analysis coupled with other methods may be a reasonable use. ...
Range mineral supplementation is based on providing trace minerals not adequately provided from grazed forage in meeting beef cattle needs throughout life cycle stages. Supplementation programs should be developed with consideration of ranch production goals, economics, and practicality for implementation. Factors such as season of grazing, forage analysis, water analysis including antagonistic elements, and measured animal responses are used in mineral supplement formulation for range cattle. Mineral intake is a critical factor to a supplement program's success. Salt-based mineral products are most used under range conditions, yet there is much individual intake variation.
Trace minerals are commonly supplemented in ruminant feeds as many common feeds are deficient in one or more of the trace minerals. The requirement of trace minerals needed to prevent classic nutrient deficiencies is well established, thus those cases most commonly occur when no supplement is provided. The more common challenge for the practitioner is to determine if additional supplementation is needed to enhance production or decrease disease occurrence.
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Ссылка для цитирования: Первые данные о микроминеральных формах нахождения элементов в волосяном покрове млекопитающих Приморского Края /С.С. Ильенок, Н.В. Барановская, А.М, Паничев, И.В. Серёдкин, А.И. Беляновская, И.Ю. Чекрыжов, Р.А. Макаревич, Б.Р. Соктоев // Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов. – 2023. – Т. 334. – № 2. – С. 34-45. Актуальность работы состоит в необходимости изучения вариативности химического состава организма млекопитающих в зависимости от геолого-геохимических факторов среды на территориях их обитания в условиях нормального функционирования и при наличии патологических процессов. Выполненные исследования привносят новые знания в понимание процессов миграции обширного набора химических элементов из горных пород в живые организмы. В рамках выполнения гранта РНФ изучен волосяной покров благородного оленя (Cervus elaphus) и дикого кабана (Sus scrofа), добытых в Тернейском районе Приморского края, на территории, прилегающей к Сихотэ-Алинскому государственному биосферному заповеднику, а также – домашней свиньи (Sus scrofa domesticus) из частного подворья в п. Терней. На некоторых участках территории заповедника развито явление геофагии среди диких копытных, следствием которого является формирование характерных ландшафтных комплексов – кудуров. В последние годы в качестве причины геофагии все чаще рассматриваются редкоземельные элементы, причем возможен как их дефицит в организме, так и избыток. Как следствие у животных может возникать необходимость либо пополнения редкоземельных элементов, либо – избавления от них. Источниками редкоземельных элементов для животных могут быть вода, кормовая растительность, а также коры выветривания горных пород (в Сихотэ-Алине это преимущественно риолиты, их туфы и туффиты). Химические элементы, включая редкоземельные элементы, при поступлении в организм млекопитающих могут накапливаются в тканях организма, в том числе в волосяном покрове. Именно поэтому изучение в волосяном покрове животных состава микроминеральных включений вызывает интерес. Цель: поиск и определение микроминералов в волосяном покрове животных с территории Тернейского района Приморского края, выявление мест локализации микроминералов. Методы. Образцы волосяного покрова животных изучались на сканирующем электронном микроскопе Hitachi S-3400N с энерго-дисперсионным спектрометром Bruker X@Flash 5010. Полученные результаты интерпретировались с применением современных интернет-баз минералов. Результаты. Электронно-микроскопические исследования показали, что в волосяном покрове домашней свиньи содержатся алюмосиликаты сложного состава, оксиды меди и железа, ильменит, кварц, галенит, мусковит, кальцит, калиевый полевой шпат, альбит, барит, циркон, пироксен, апатит, фосфаты редких земель. В волосяном покрове благородного оленя выявлены кварц, мусковит, плагиоклаз, оксиды железа, кальцит, титанит и монтмориллонит. В волосяном покрове дикого кабана обнаружены кварц, плагиоклаз, мусковит-иллит, каолинит, силикат титана, кальцит, оксиды железа, хлорит, титанит, рутил, ильменит, никель самородный, сильвин, оксиды церия, Ce-Al фазы, фосфаты редкоземельных элементов и комплексные фазы Si-Al-S-Na-O. При этом существенная часть перечисленных минералов обнаружена в толще кутикулы волос у всех животных, что позволяет предполагать их эндогенное происхождение (за счет поступления химических элементов из крови). Выводы. Изучение внутренних срезов волосяного покрова животных и их поверхности выявило существование как экзогенного, так и эндогенного факторов в накоплении элементов в виде минеральных включений.
In recent years organic sulfur chemistry has been growing at an even faster pace than the very rapid development in other fields of chemistry. This phenomenal growth is undoubtedly a reflection of industrial and public demands: not only was sulfur recently in overall surplus for the first time in the history of the chemical industry but it has now become a prin­ cipal environmental hazard in the form of sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfide. Another reason, discernible in the last fifteen years, has been the desire, on the part of individual chemists and all types of research managers, to move away from the established chemistry of carbon into the less well understood and sometimes virgin chemistries of the other elements which form covalent bonds. As a result of this movement the last decade has seen the development of sulfur chemistry into a well-organized and now much better understood branch of organic chemistry. Enough of the detail has become clear to see mechanistic interrelationships between previously unconnected reactions and with this clarification the whole subject has in tum become systema­ tized and subdivided. The divalent sulfur chemistry of thiols, monosulfides, disulfides and polysulfides is a large area in itself, much of it devoted to oxidation-reduction and the breakage and formation of sulfur-sulfur bonds, although interesting discoveries are now being made about the reac­ tivity of certain sulfur-carbon bonds. Of course, this area has its own mas­ sive biochemical branch involving enzymes and proteins.
The effect of phosphorus supplements of 35 and 70 g per head per week on the calcium and phosphorus contents of bone and hair and on plasma inorganic phosphorus levels of steers was compared with those of unsupplemented steers which grazed carpet grass (Axonopus affinis) pasture of low phosphorus content at Grafton, New South Wales. The supplements had no effect on plasma inorganic phosphorus concentration. Hair phosphorus content was not affected by either dietary phosphorus or season. Hair calcium was not influenced by pasture calcium but was related to season, with highest levels in summer and lowest in winter. Supplementation increased the amount of phosphorus in dry fat-free rib-bone (P < 0.05) but this effect was not apparent in the first three months of supplementation. The amount of calcium in bone (Y) was influenced by pasture calcium content (X1) and bone phosphorus content (X2). This relationship was described by the equation: Y = 51.0 + 140.81X1 - 3.33X2(R2 = 0.71; P < 0.001) It is suggested that bone phosphorus levels below 14.3, 13.5, and 12.7 per cent of dry fat-free bone may represent a phosphorus deficiency state in 15-27-month-old steers when pasture calcium levels are 0.18, 0.15, and 0.12 per cent respectively. Further, when estimates of the calcium status of beef steers are made from measurements of bone calcium content, corrections should be applied for bone phosphorus content. It is concluded that measurement of bone phosphorus and calcium provides the most sensitive indication of the phosphorus and calcium status of beef cattle and that when phosphorus supplementation has no effect on liveweight of beef steers its effect on mineralization of bone tissue may justify its use, particularly in areas where poor bone development and lameness occur.
Recently, there has been a great concern about mercury as an environmental pollutant. The release of mercury vapor in the electrolytic preparation of chlorine and caustic soda is the greatest potential source for contamination of the food chain and subsequent human toxicity. Inorganic mercury is poorly absorbed, but organic mercury is readily absorbed, accumulates in tissue and can cause toxicity without forewarning. The metabolism of mercury is discussed. In contrast to inorganic mercury, intestinal absorption of organic mercuries may be as high as 95% in some species. Data on methylmercury absorption in goats and cows are reviewed.
For two consecutive years, ewes were fed a selenium-deficient hay obtained from an area of northern Ontario where numerous losses of calves and lambs have occurred in the past from nutritional muscular dystrophy (NMD). During the first year, only 8 of 113 lambs from the selenium-depleted ewes were affected by the disorder. This is in marked contrast to previous findings that myopathy was readily produced in first-generation beef calves from dams fed low-selenium hay harvested in the same area. A high incidence and severity of muscle degeneration occurred in 4-month-old lambs born in the second year, accompanied by very low tissue selenium levels in both the ewes and lambs. Supplementation of the ewes’ diet with selenium and vitamin E during gestation was only partially effective in preventing NMD in the lambs. The selenium levels in the tissues of lambs from ewes fed dystrophogenic hay were considerably lower than in lambs born from ewes fed a hay which contained an adequate concentration of selenium. In ...
Cadmium metabolism was studied in six 2.5-month-old goats following a single oral or intravenous tracer dose of 109Cd. Whereas, more than 90% of the oral dose was excreted in the feces within five days after dosing, only 5.6% of the intravenous dose was excreted via feces during this time. Feces was the predominant route of excretion regardless of method of dosing. Following a peak level of endogenous excretion on the second day after intravenous dosing, there was a very sharp reduction ia rate of endogenous excretion so that 12 days after dosing endogenous excretion was only 7% of the peak. Fourteen days after intravenous dosing, highest concentrations were observed in the liver, kidney, and spleen, in descending order. In contrast, following oral dosing highest concentrations were found in the small intestine wall, kidney, and liver. A much higher level of 109Cd was found in the liver, heart, and spleen of intravenously dosed animals relative to other tissues than in orally dosed ones. It is theorized that intravenously administered cadmium is transported in a different form from that absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and that this materially affects cadmium metabolism.
Blood and milk from two groups of dairy cows were analyzed for lead and arsenic by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; hair samples from the same cows were analyzed for arsenic only. Those cows within 15 miles of the copper smelter showed a twentyfold increase of arsenic in hair over those more than 35 miles removed.
The phosphorus content was measured every three months in pasture and in blood, hair and bone of beef steers that had grazed pastures of low phosphorus content for 12 months. This was done to determine the effect that changes in pasture phosphorus levels had on the phosphorus content of animal tissue. The correlation coefficients between pasture phosphorus content and either the phosphorus content of hair or the concentration of inorganic phosphorus in plasma were not significant. The relationship between the phosphorus content of pasture (x) and dry fat-free rib-bone (y) was given by the equation y = 9.5 + 33.3x (r = 0.97; P < 0.05). It was concluded that bone phosphorus content could provide the best estimate of the phosphorus status of grazing cattle because it significantly reflected variation in the phosphorus content of pasture whereas blood and hair failed to do so.