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A Scale for the Assessment of Hedonic Tone the Snaith–Hamilton Pleasure Scale



Hedonic tone and its absence, anhedonia, are important in psychopathological research, but instruments for their assessment are lengthy and probably culturally biased. A new scale was constructed from the responses of a large sample of the general population to a request to list six situations which afforded pleasure. The most frequent items were reviewed and those likely to be affected by cultural setting, age, or sex were removed. A pilot study led to an abbreviated scale of 14 items, covering four domains of pleasure response. This questionnaire was subjected to psychometric evaluation in new samples from the general population and psychiatric patients. The scale was found to have a score range that would distinguish a 'normal' from an 'abnormal' response. Validity and reliability were found to be satisfactory. The new scale, the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS), is an instrument which may be recommended for psychopathological research.
British Journal of Psychiatry (1995), 167, 99—103
The role of hedonic tone, that is, the ability to
experiencepleasure,hasattracted attention in the
study of psychopathology (Loas & Piersen, 1989).
In the presentcentury,thesignificanceof hedonic
tone had beeneclipsed(Snaith, 1993),but attention
to it was revived by a study (Klein, 1974)which
proposedthat low hedonic tone isa central feature
of a type of mood disorder which is likely to respond
to antidepressantmedication.An alternativeview
had been proposed(Meehl, 1962), which considered
that low hedonic tone is a personality trait pre
disposing to the development of schizophrenia and
depressive disorder. Interest in the significance of
thestatewasincreasedbyitsinclusionasoneof the
central features of major depressivedisorder in
DSM—III—R(American Psychiatric Association,
The significance of hedonic tone requires further
clarification. For this to occur theremust beprecise
definition and the provision of accurate methods for
screeningand assessment.Several‘¿pleasure'scales
exist, the bestknown of which arethoseof Fawcett
et a! (1983)and Chapmanet a! (1976).There is also
a pleasure scale for children (Kazdin, 1989).
Problemswith thesescalesarise from their length
and probable cultural bias: for instance,items
include such statements as “¿Poetsalways exaggerate
thebeautiesof nature―(Chapman),“¿Whilefishing
you feel a tug on your line andwatcha six-pound
fish jump out of the water with your bait in its
mouth―,“¿Yourneighbours rave about the way you
keep up your house and yard―(Fawcett), “¿Your
teacher makes you the King/Queen for the day
Thereisa needfora simplerscale,unlikelytobe
affectedby socialclass,sex,age,dietaryhabitsand
nationality. It should be capable of ready translation
intootherlanguages.Sinceit willbea self-assessment
scale the statements must be simple and easy to
understand. The scale should cover a wide range of
domains of pleasure.
The construction of such a pleasurescalewasthe
purposeof this study.
Selection of items
In order to obtain a representativesampleof items,
100 members of the general public were asked to
submit a list of five situations which causedthem
pleasure.Theywereinformed of the purposeof the
study and asked to avoid items which were unlikely to
beapplicabletomostpeople,forexamplea particular
sporting activity, alcoholic drinks, sexualactivity,
andparticulararticlesof diet.The respondentswere
of both sexes, of age range 15—80years, and from
a widerangeof socialclass.Fifty-five replieswere
returned, and from thesea provisional list of 20 items
wasdrawnup. The itemscoveredthedomainsof
socialinteraction, food and drink, sensoryexperiences,
achievement, and pastimes. Subjects were instructed
to indicate the degree to which each item caused them
pleasureon a four-pointscale;inorderto avoid
response set, some items were phrased in negative
This questionnaire was given to a number of
people from the general population and some
A Scale for the Assessment of Hedonic Tone
The Snaith—Hamilton Pleasure Scale
Background.Hedonictone andits absence,anhedonia,areimportantin psychopathological
research, but instruments for their assessment are lengthy and probably culturally biased.
Method. A new scalewas constructedfrom the responsesof a large sampleof the general
population to a request to list six situations which afforded pleasure.The mostfrequent items
were reviewed and those likely to be affected by cultural setting, age, or sex were removed.
A pilot study led to an abbreviated scale of 14 items, covering four domains of pleasure
response. This questionnaire was subjected to psychometric evaluation in new samples from
the general population and psychiatric patients.
Results. The scale was found to have a score range that would distinguish a ‘¿normal'from
an ‘¿abnormal'response.Validityand reliabilitywere foundto be satisfactory.
Conclusions. The new scale, the Snaith—HamiltonPleasure Scale (SHAPS),is an instrument
whichmay be recommended forpsychopathologicalresearch.
populationscoring>4 onGHQ127-111Psychiatric
psychiatricpatients.It becameclearthat the negative
wording caused confusion, so these items were
deleted;theproblemof responsesetwasovercome
by varying the order of responses. The resulting
14-item scale appears in the Appendix. Instead of
using a Likert-style scoring device, it was decided to
adopt the simpler method, used in the General
HealthQuestionnaire(GHQ), in whicheitherof the
‘¿Disagree'responsesscoresI point andeitherof the
‘¿Agree'responses scores 0 points. Thus, the score
range is 0—14.
Establishment of the revised scale
This was undertaken among members of the general
public and selected psychiatric in-patients.
of 102 members of staff, students and hospital
visitors.Itwas importantto establishscoreson
an emotionally healthy sample, so the GHQ-30
(Goldberg, 1972) was also administeredand the
responses of those scoring over 4 on the GHQ were
discarded, reducing the sample to 82. For the
purpose of a retest reliability estimate, 30
respondentsrepeatedthe questionnaireafter a few
days, without sight of the previous record. The
samplewas approximately equally divided between
menand women,coveredtherangeof socialclass,
and had an agerangeof 20—80years.
Since the purpose of the study was to establish
scalescoresfor hedonictone, clinicians were asked
to put forward names of patients who clearly
suffered from a defect of this state and who were
willing and capableof completing a self-assessment
scale. The majority, but not all, of the patients
suffered from a major depressiveillness. Forty-six
participated (18 men: 28 women range 17-81). Those
patients who during the study had undergone
considerable improvement in their clinical state
were asked to repeat the ratings, and 30 patients
did so.
The patientswere assessedby pairs of raters
using the Montgomery—Asberg(1979), not to
provide an overall depressionscore,but because
the set of 10 constructson the MADRS, all
ratedon six-pointscales,includesan ‘¿Inabilityto
feel' item. The researcherswere instructed to use
thisitemtoassesshedonictone,which isprobably
the manner for itsuse in routineapplication
of the MADRS. By summing the scoresof the
two raters,scales(0—12)of relevantpsycho
pathologicalconstructswere produced:depressed
mood, depressedappearance, inner tension, appetite,
sleep, lassitude, ability to concentrate, suicidal
preoccupation,pessimism,and hedonictone.Raters
remainedblind to the patients'completionof the
pleasure scale.
Non-parametric statisticswere usedincluding, for
the measuresof correlation,the Spearman rank
method.A levelof 1 in 50 (P<zO.02)was accepted
as indicating statistical significance.
The face validity of the pleasure scale rests upon the
wordingof its items.The contentvalidityis based
on its coverageof arangeof domains of pleasure.
The distribution of the scale scores is shown in
Table 1.
2, whereasthe majority of patients with reduced
hedonictonescoredmorethan2. Inspectionof the
itemswhich weresometimesselectedby membersof
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
thegeneralpopulationasfailingto elicit a pleasure
responsedidnotrevealapreponderanceof anyitem.
No sexdifferencewasapparentin responsesto the
Criterion va!idity(i.e. that the scaleisa preferential
measure of hedonic tone rather than some other
construct) is indicated by the following correlations
with the MADRS item ratings: hedonic tone + 0.36
(P< 0.02), suicidalpreoccupation+ 0.38 (P<0.02),
anxiety + 0.34 (NS), depressedmood —¿0.04 (NS),
lassitude+0.08 (NS), appetite+ 0.10 (NS), sleep
+ 0.01 (NS), and pessimism + 0.27 (NS). The rating
of suicidal preoccupation probably represents a
measure of overall severity of illness and thus the
significant correlation is explained; the borderline
significance of the correlation with anxiety is
interestingand requiresconfirmationina different
sample and setting.The absenceof a significant
associationwith depressedmood was somewhat
and low hedonictonearedifferentconstructs.The
receiveroperatingcharacteristics(ROC)(Fig. 1)show
the performanceof the scaleat differentcut-off
pointsagainsttwo levelsofdiminishedhedonictone:
(a)‘¿perceptible'(ratingover2 on theMADRS item),
(b) ‘¿clinicallysignificant'(ratingover 4 on the
MADRS item).The ROC aresatisfactoryat both
levels,witha confirmationthata cut-offscoreof
1 - specificity
2 provides the best discrimination between ‘¿normal'
and ‘¿abnormal'levelof hedonictone.
The utility of a scalerefersto the easeof admii
stration and acceptanceby the population for which
it is designed.No respondentsexpresseddifficulty
in comprehension of the scale or returned incomplete
The sensitivityto changeof clinicalstatuswas
examined by inspection of the ratings of those
patients who had repeatratings of normal hedonic
tone.At initial rating, themedianscorewas5(range
0—13);themedianscoreon repeattestwas0 (range
0—2).The significanceof the change(McNemar
x2=18.05, P<0.001) indicates that the scale is
sensitive to change in clinical status of hedonic tone.
Scores on a mental state measure should vary
according to clinical status. Therefore the test
retest procedure to establish reliability in the patient
sample is not possible since clinical status may change
over a few days. Therefore this aspect of reliability
wastestedby inspectionof the scoresof members
of the general population who repeated the scale after
severaldays:of the30respondentsonly two recorded
a ‘¿normal'(2 or less)scoreon oneoccasionand an
‘¿abnormal'(> 2) scoreon the otheroccasion.The
split-halfcorrelationin thesampleof patients(first
seven with second seven items) was significant
(r= 0.74, P< 0.01). The estimation of internal
consistency of the scale was estimated by the Kuder
Richardsonformulaapplicableto non-parametricdata
(Guilford, 1954) (comparable to the Cronbach
method): for the sampleof patientsthis figure was
0.857, which shows satisfactory internal consistency.
Relationshipof the scalescoreswith agerevealed
no significance in either sample.
The study presents a brief assessment scale, to be
calledtheSnaith-Hamilton PleasureScale(SHAPS),
for estimation of the degree to which a person is able
to experience pleasure or the anticipation of a
pleasurableexperience.The items relate to experiences
likely to beencounteredby mostpeople.It is thought
thattranslationinto otherlanguagesfor use in
oftheSHAPS, althoughthisremainstobeestablished.
The phrasing of the items is expected to overcome
thedifficulty whena subjectisnot ableto experience
thesituationcurrently. Thereisonecircumstancefor
which the SHAPS would not be valid, and this is
its use with blind people, since four of the items
depend upon visual experience. The effect of removal
oftheitemsand useof a partialscalecannotyetbe
recommended but may prove to be valid.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. I Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) of the SHAPS at
two levelsof diminishedhedonictone(cut-offpointof 2/3, -—
and *; cut-off pointof 4/5, -- -- and **).
The SHAPS covers four domains of hedonic 2. I wouldenjoybeingwith myfamily or closefriends:
experience: interest/pastimes, social interaction, Definitelyagree [
sensory experience, and food/drink. Each of these Agree [ I
is based on only a few items and it is not at present Disagree [
recommendedthat subscoresindicatingthesedomains Stronglydisagree [ I
should beused.Further study is now required,but it
is likely that the SHAPS will prove to be a valid 3. 1wouldfind pleasurein myhobbiesandpastimes:
measure of hedonic tone. Strongly disagree I I
It should be noted that children's scoresremain Disagree [ I
to beestablished,but for adolescentsand adult age A@ee [ I
and sexhave no major effect on scores. Stronglyagree [
Performanceof the SHAPS among physically ill
peoplemust beestablished;theability to experience 4. I wouldbeableto enjoymyfavouritemeal:
pleasure is certainly an important aspect of the con- Definitely agree [ I
cept of ‘¿qualityof life'; the relation of scoresto more A@Jee [ I
generalmeasuresof thisconceptwill beanimportant Disagree [ I
area of study and possible application for the scale. Strongly disagree [ I
Hedonictoneiscertainlyanimportantaspectof many
aspects of psychiatric disorders. It may be that 5@I would enjoy a warm bath or refreshing shower:
hedonictoneprovidesanimportant link constructbe- Definitelyagree [ I
tweendepressiveillnessandsuchstatesasobsessional Agree [ I
disorders; Andreasen (1982) recognised lowered Disagree I I
hedonic tone to be one of the components of the Strongly disagree I I
‘¿negative'phase of schizophrenia. The SHAPS may
therefore be of aid in unravelling interconnections 6. 1would fmdpleasurein thescentof flowersor thesmell
ofa freshseabreezeorfreshlybakedbread:
between different psychiatric disorders. Further
progress in research into psychiatric disorder will Strongly disagree [ I
certainlybe aidedby more accuratedefinitionand Disagree [ I
measurementofpsychopathologicalconceptsaswell Agree [ I
asby theredefinitionof diagnosticcategoriesbased Stronglyagree [ I
upon combinations of symptoms (Birley, 1990; Van 7. I would enjoy seeingother people'ssmiling faces:
Praag, 1992; Costello, 1992). Definitely agree [ I
Agree [ I
Acknowledgements Disagree I I
Strongly disagree I I
We are gratefulto otherswho assistedin assemblageof data:
Dr L. Almond, Dr T. Oakleyand Dr M. Radcliffe. 8. I would enjoy looking smart when I have made an
effort with my appearance:
Strongly disagree I I
Appendix. This scale may be reproduced under its Disagree [ I
proper title for personal use and research. Reproduction Agree
in any book or manual or for commercial purpose must Strongly agree [ I
be negotiatedwiththeBHtlshJournalofPsychiatry. 9. I would enjoy reading a book, magazine or newspaper:
This questionnaire is designed to measure your ability to
experiencepleasurein thelastfew days. Definitelyagree I I
it is important to read each statement very carefully. Agree I I
Tickoneoftheboxes[ Itoindicatehow much youagree Disagree [ I
ordisagreewitheachstatement. Stronglydisagree [ I
I. I would enjoy my favourite television or radio 10. 1would enjoy a cup of tea or coffee or my favourite
programme: drink:
Strongly disagree [ I Strongly disagree I I
Disagree [ I Disagree I I
Agree [ I Agree E I
Strongly agree I I Strongly agree I I
I I . I would find pleasurein small things, e.g. bright sunny ANDREASEN,N. C. (1982) Negativesymptomsin schizophrenia:
day, a telephone call from a friend: definition and reliability. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39,
Strongly disagree I I BIRLEY,J. L. T. (1990) DSM—III:from left to right or from right
Disagree [ J to left? British Journal of Psychiatry, 157, 116—118.
Agree I I CHAPMAN,C., CHAPMAN,i. P. & RAULIN,M. L. (1976)Scalesfor
Strongly disagree [ I physicalandsocialanhedonia.Journalof Abnormal Psychology,
85, 374—382.
I 2. 1would beable to enjoy a beautiful landscapeor view: COSTELLO,C. G. (1992)Researchonsymptomsversusresearchin
. syndromes. British Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 304—308.
Definitely agree I I FAWCETF,J., CLARK,D. C., SHEFThER,A., el al (1983)Assessing
Agree I I anhedonia in psychiatric practice. Archives of General
Disagree I I Psychiatrv, 40, 79—84.
. GOLDBERG, D. (1972) Detection of Psychiatric Illness by
Strongly disagree I I @uestionnaire.Oxford: Oxford University Press.
13. 1 would get pleasure from helping others: GUILFORD,J. P. (1954) Psychometric Methods (2nd edn). New
York: McGraw Hill.
Strongly disagree I I HARDY,P., JOUVEN,R., LANCRENON,S., et al (1986) L'échellede
Disa ree@@ plaisir-désplaisir.L'EncEphale, 12, 149—154.
g KAZDIN,A. E. (1989) Evaluation of the pleasure scale in
Agree I I the assessment of anhedonia in children. Journal of the
Strongly agree [ I American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 28,
14. 1would feel pleasure when I receive praise from other KLEIN,Ii F. (1974) Endogenomorphic depression. Archives of
people: General Psychiatry, 31, 447—454.
LOAS, G. & PIERSEN, A. (1989) L'anhédonie en psychiatric: revue.
Definitely agree I I Annaks Medico-Psychologiques, 147, 705-717.
Agree E I MEEHL,P. E. (1962)Schizotaxia,schizotypy,schizophrenia.
Disaoree I I American Psychologist, 17, 827—838.
. MONTGOMERY, S. A. & ASBERG, M. A. (1979) A new depression
Strongly disagree I I scale designedto be sensitiveto change. British Journal of
Psychiatry, 134, 382—389.
References SNAITH,R. P. (1993)AlihUlOma:the forgottensymptomof
psychopathology. Psychological Medicine, 23, 957—966.
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRICASSOCIATION(1987) Diagnostic and Statistical VAN PRAAG, H. M. (1992) Reconquest of the subjective: against
Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (3rd edn) (DSM-1Il). the waning of psychiatric diagnosis. British Journal of
Washington, DC: APA. Psychiatry, 160, 266—271.
R. P. Snaith, FRCPsych,S. Morley, PhD,Division of Psychiatryand Behavioural Sciences,Clinical Sciences
Building, St James's University Hospital, Leeds; M. Hamilton, MRCPsych,A. Humayan, MBBS, D.
Hargreaves, MBChB,P. Trigwell, MRCPsych,Leeds Regional Psychiatric Rotational Training Scheme
Correspondence: Dr R. P. Snaith, Division of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Clinical Sciences Building, St James's
University Hospital, Leeds LS9 7TF
(First received 14 February 1994, final revision 20 September 1994, accepted 22 September 1994)

Supplementary resources (2)

... On the other hand, the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale (ACIPS; Gooding & Pflum, 2014), the Fawcett-Clark Pleasure Scale (Fawcett et al., 1983), the Pleasant Activities List (Roozen et al., 2008), the Pleasant Events Schedule (Macphillamy & Lewinsohn, 1982), the Physical and Social Anhedonia Scales (L. J. Chapman et al., 1976), and the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS; Snaith et al., 1995) evaluate the inability to enjoy or experience pleasure in general (i.e., anhedonia). ...
... Prominently, we found the TEPS (Gard et al., 2006), which measures different aspects of reward processing: reward "wanting", referring to the motivated approach of and feelings of desire for reward, with a putative basis in mesolimbic dopaminergic functioning, and reward "liking", referring to feelings of enjoyment or satisfaction upon reward consummation, with a putative basis in forebrain opioid circuitry (Berridge et al., 2009). Interestingly, the TEPS, together with the SHAPS (Snaith et al., 1995) and the Chapman Social and Physical Anhedonia Scales (L. J. Chapman et al., 1976) are popular measures of reward, although almost exclusively explored in samples of subjects with mood disorders and schizophrenia. ...
Full-text available
Objective Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs) and disorders due to addictive behavior (DABs) are prevalent conditions that share common neurobiological and behavioral characteristics. This scoping review aims to identify and map the range of subjective assessment tools (e.g., interviews and self-report instruments) for assessing Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and related constructs underlying DABs and OCRDs, such as impaired response inhibition, habit formation, and compulsivity. Method A scoping review was performed following the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA ScR). The search was conducted in Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and EMBASE databases. No constraints of data or document type were adopted. Results The search yielded 615 instruments, of which 79 were deemed transdiagnostic and capable of assessing at least one of the target constructs. Noteworthy tools included are the Cambridge-Chicago Compulsivity Trait Scale, the Self-report Habit Index, the Reward Probability Index, the Threat-Related Reassurance-Seeking Scale, and the recent Positive Valence Systems Scale. Conclusions Despite the growing body of literature on OCRDs and DABs as new diagnostic chapters and the number of tools with the potential to assess their transdiagnostic constructs clinically, most instruments were designed to capture dimensions or psychopathology not directly (or primarily) related to OCRDs, DABs and the concepts of impaired response inhibition, habit formation, and compulsivity in the context of these conditions. Further studies exploring the correlation between subjective assessments, corresponding behavior paradigms, and neuroimaging data would be of great value in the translation of RDoC constructs and domains into clinical settings.
... Participants allocated to the attention control group were asked to complete 5 additional measures, including a Symptom Importance Rating Questionnaire, the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire [48], the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [50], the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale [51], and the Fatigue Associated With Depression Scale [52]. These measures are not reported in this study. ...
Background Mental health problems in university students are associated with many negative outcomes, yet there is a gap between need and timely access to help. Single-session interventions (SSIs) are designed to be scalable and accessible, delivering core evidence-based intervention components within a one-off encounter. Objective COMET (Common Elements Toolbox) is an online self-help SSI that includes behavioral activation, cognitive restructuring, gratitude, and self-compassion. COMET has previously been evaluated in India, Kenya, and the United States with promising results. This study tests the acceptability, appropriateness, perceived utility, and efficacy of COMET among UK university students during the peripandemic period. Methods We conducted a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of COMET compared with a control group, with 2- and 4-week follow-ups. Outcome variables were subjective well-being, depression severity, anxiety severity, positive affect, negative affect, and perceived stress. We also measured intervention satisfaction immediately after completion of COMET. All UK university students with access to the internet were eligible to participate and were informed of the study online. The data were analyzed using linear mixed models and reported in accordance with the CONSORT-EHEALTH (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials of Electronic and Mobile Health Applications and Online Telehealth) checklist. Results Of the 831 people screened, 468 participants were randomized to a condition, 407 completed the postintervention survey, 147 returned the 2-week follow-up survey, 118 returned the 4-week follow-up survey, and 89 returned both. Of the 239 randomized, 212 completed COMET. Significant between-group differences in favor of the COMET intervention were observed at 2-week follow-ups for subjective well-being (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale; mean difference [MD] 1.39, 95% CI 0.19-2.61; P=.03), depression severity (9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; MD –1.31, 95% CI –2.51 to –0.12; P=.03), and perceived stress (4-item Perceived Stress Scale; MD –1.33, 95% CI –2.10 to –0.57; P<.001). Overall, participants were satisfied with COMET, with the majority endorsing the intervention and its modules as acceptable, appropriate, and exhibiting high utility. The self-compassion module was most often reported as the participants’ favorite module and the behavioral activation module was their least favorite. Qualitative analysis revealed that participants found COMET generally accessible, but too long, and experienced immediate and long-term beneficial effects. Conclusions This study demonstrated high engagement with the COMET intervention, along with preliminary short-term efficacy. Almost all participants completed the intervention, but study attrition was high. Participant feedback indicated a high level of overall satisfaction with the intervention, with perceived accessibility, immediate benefits, and potential long-term impact being notable findings. These findings support the potential value of COMET as a mental health intervention and highlight important areas for further improvement. Trial Registration NCT05718141;
... Anhedonia. Anhedonia was examined using the 14-item Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS; [40]). The Spanish version of the scale has been found to have good internal consistency and construct validity [41]. ...
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Accumulating evidence indicates that unpredictable signals in early life represent a unique form of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) associated with disrupted neurodevelopmental trajectories in children and adolescents. The Questionnaire of Unpredictability in Childhood (QUIC) was developed to assess early life unpredictability [1], encompassing social, emotional, and physical unpredictability in a child’s environment, and has been validated in three independent cohorts. However, the importance of identifying ACEs in diverse populations, including non-English speaking groups, necessitates translation of the QUIC. The current study aims to translate and validate a Spanish language version of the QUIC (QUIC-SP) and assess its associations with mental and physical health. Spanish-speaking participants (N = 285) were recruited via the online market crowdsourcing platform, Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), and completed an online survey that included the QUIC-SP and validated Spanish language assessments of physical and mental health. The QUIC-SP demonstrated excellent psychometric properties and similar mean scores, endorsement rates, and internal reliability to the English language version, thus establishing its validity among Spanish-speaking adults. Higher QUIC-SP scores, indicating greater unpredictability in early life, predicted increased symptoms of anxiety, anhedonia, depression, and poorer physical health. Given significant racial and ethnic disparities in health, the QUIC-SP may serve as a valuable tool to address the public health consequences of ACEs among Spanish-speaking populations.
... For all participants, symptom measures were obtained using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17) [24] and Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS) [25]. ...
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Background Intermediate phenotypes, such as characteristic neuroimaging patterns, offer unique insights into the genetic and stress-related underpinnings of neuropsychiatric disorders like depression. This study aimed to identify neuroimaging intermediate phenotypes associated with depression, bridging etiological factors to behavioral manifestations and connecting insights from animal models to diverse clinical populations. Methods We analyzed datasets from both rodents and humans. The rodent studies included a genetic model (P11 knockout) and an environmental stress model (chronic unpredictable mild stress), while the human data comprised 748 participants from three cohorts. Using the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, we identified neuroimaging patterns in rodent models. We then applied a machine-learning approach to cluster neuroimaging subtypes of depression. To assess the genetic predispositions and stress-related changes associated with these subtypes, we analyzed genotype and metabolite data. Linear regression was employed to determine which neuroimaging features predicted core depression symptoms across species. Results The genetic and environmental stress models exhibited distinct neuroimaging patterns in subcortical and sensorimotor regions. Consistent patterns emerged in two neuroimaging subtypes identified across three independent depressed cohorts. The subtype resembling P11 knockout demonstrated higher genetic susceptibility, with enriched expression of risk genes in brain tissues and abnormal metabolites linked to tryptophan metabolism. In contrast, the stress animal-like subtype did not show changes in genetic risk scores but exhibited enriched risk gene expression in somatic and endocrine tissues, along with mitochondrial dysfunction in the antioxidant stress system. Notably, these distinct subcortical-sensorimotor neuroimaging patterns predicted anhedonia, a core symptom of depression, in both rodent models and depressed subtypes. Conclusions This cross-species validation suggests that these neuroimaging patterns may serve as robust intermediate phenotypes, linking etiology to anhedonia and facilitating the translation of findings from animal models to humans with depression and other psychiatric disorders.
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Social anhedonia is characterized by a diminished capacity to derive pleasure from social interactions, which may result in a lack of interest in establishing social relationships. The absence of an appropriate scale for measuring social anhedonia in the Persian language has prompted the present study, which aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale among Iranian university students. A total of 540 students from Shiraz University participated in the study during the academic year 2021-2022. They responded to the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale (ACIPS), the Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale (SHAPS), and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were employed to assess the validity and reliability of the data. Both analyses confirmed a three-factor structure. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the overall scale and its three subscales were 0.88, 0.84, 0.78, and 0.52, respectively. Convergent validity was established through correlations between the IPS and the SHAPS (r= 0.41) and the extraversion-related items of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (r= 0.45). Furthermore, the internal consistency of the scale was also satisfactory, with inter-item correlations of 0.90, 0.78, and 0.53 for the three subscales and the total score, respectively. These findings provide support for the three-factor structure of the Interpersonal Pleasure Scale and demonstrate its adequate validity and reliability for use among university students.
Appetitive and aversive conditioning seemingly plays a role in the development and maintenance of various psychopathologies, including anxiety, mood, eating, and substance use disorders. However, studies on conditioning typically only study either appetitive or aversive conditioning in the context of psychopathology, and they are poorly integrated. In this study, 80 healthy volunteers performed both an appetitive and an aversive conditioning task, in which they associated complex 3D objects with appetitive or aversive tastes. An individual measure of learning asymmetry was calculated by comparing their expectancy ratings for these tastes, which was examined in relation to self-report scales on psychological distress, substance use frequency, impulsivity, and anhedonia to determine whether stronger learning asymmetry is associated with more symptoms of psychopathology. It was found that learning asymmetry was significantly associated with psychological distress (R ² = .05). Aversive learning showed no difference related to distress, but weaker appetitive learning was associated with higher distress. Substance use, impulsivity, and anhedonia showed no relation to learning asymmetry. These findings suggest that relative differences in appetitive and aversive learning may play a role in the sensitivity to psychopathology.
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"I hypothesize that the statistical relation between schizotaxia, schizotypy, and schizophrenia is class inclusion: All schizotaxics become on all actually existing social learning regimes, schizotypic in personality organization; but most of these remain compensated. A minority, disadvantaged by other… constitutional weaknesses, and put on a bad regime by schizophrenogenic mothers… are thereby potentiated into clinical schizophrenia. What makes schizotaxia etiologically specific is its role as a necessary condition… . It is my strong personal conviction that… schizophrenia, while its content is learned, is fundamentally a neurological disease of genetic origin." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Devised 2 true–false scales to measure anhedonia, the lowered ability to experience pleasure: a 40-item Physical Anhedonia (PA) scale and a 48-item Social Anhedonia (SA) scale. After scale development using 371 college students, the final version was given to 505 normal adults stratified by social class, age (18–45), and sex, and to 123 male schizophrenics. The potential artifacts of social desirability, acquiescence, and random responding were ruled out. Coefficient alpha values for PA and for SA were .74 and .85 for male normal Ss and .82 and .85 for male schizophrenics. Schizophrenics scored more anhedonic than normal Ss on both PA and SA. Schizophrenics' scores on PA fell into 2 clusters of scores, one resembling the total distribution of the normal Ss, and a 2nd cluster consisting of scores that were more anhedonic than those of the normal Ss. Anhedonics were more often poor premorbid and hedonics more often good premorbid. The PA scale may be useful for testing the hypotheses, advanced by several theorists, that anhedonia is genetically transmitted and that nonpsychotic anhedonics are at high risk for schizophrenia. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This report reviews conflicts in delineating the phenomena of depression with an emphasis on the central criterion role of the symptomatic pattern of the nonprecipitated (endogenous) depression. Depressions with similar symptomatology, regardless of precipitation or severity, are labeled endogenomorphic. A specific causal model is presented that has testable consequences in drug treatment and maintenance studies. This is a mixed model, combining both categorical and dimensional constructs.
• Recently, a renaissance of interest in "negative symptoms," eg, affective flattening or impoverishment of speech and language, has occurred. Although some investigators believe that these symptoms are important indicators of outcome, of response to treatment, and perhaps of a distinct, underlying pathologic process, research on the negative-symptom syndrome in schizophrenia has been handicapped because no standard instrument existed to assess it. This investigation reports on the developed Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms. When symptoms are defined by objective behavioral indices, they have excellent interrater reliability. Furthermore, the five symptom complexes defined by the scale (affective flattening, alogia, avolition, anhedonia, and attentional impairment) have good internal consistency, which indicates that the conceptual organization of the scale is also cohesive.
• In two studies of depressed, manic, schizophrenic, and normal subjects, a scale for measuring the intensity of subjects' pleasureable responses to normally enjoyable situations (the Pleasure Scale) evidenced good internal reliability and moderate agreement with the Chapman Anhedonia Scale and indexes of depressive symptom severity. Only the depressed patients showed extremely anhedonic responses. Although more than half the depressed patients evidenced pleasure scores in the normal range, about 18% of them seemed more anhedonic than any normal subject. A mixture analysis resolved depressed patient scores into two distinct distributions: a normal-range distribution (88% of depressives) and an extremely anhedonic distribution (12%). The findings provide some support for the existence of a qualitatively distinct subtype of major depression that has been variously defined as "endogenomorphic" or "melancholic."
The construction of a depression rating scale designed to be particularly sensitive to treatment effects is described. Ratings of 54 English and 52 Swedish patients on a 65 item comprehensive psychopathology scale were used to identify the 17 most commonly occurring symptoms in primary depressive illness in the combined sample. Ratings on these 17 items for 64 patients participating in studies of four different antidepressant drugs were used to create a depression scale consisting of the 10 items which showed the largest changes with treatment and the highest correlation to overall change. The inter-rater reliability of the new depression scale was high. Scores on the scale correlated significantly with scores on a standard rating scale for depression, the Hamilton Rating Scale (HRS), indicating its validity as a general severity estimate. Its capacity to differentiate between responders and non-responders to antidepressant treatment was better than the HRS, indicating greater sensitivity to change. The practical and ethical implications in terms of smaller sample sizes in clinical trials are discussed.
Psychiatric research over the past three decades has now acquired the esteem it clearly deserves. Since empirical research presupposes definition of the object one studies and availability of instruments to measure it, operationalisation of diagnosis and development of psychometric instruments have become major concerns for psychiatry. This progress was promoted to a large degree by biological psychiatry. The search for biological underpinnings of abnormal human behaviour and the study of the efficacy and mechanism of action of biological treatments are both contingent on the use of standardised diagnoses and objective measurement. Biological psychiatry moved in recent years from a minority position into the mainstream, and its methods became the standard approach, especially in research.
Research on symptoms may often be more fruitful than research on syndromes because: (a) the validities of psychiatric diagnoses remain questionable; (b) interview assessments of a large number of symptoms are inadequate; (c) the diagnostic approach results in problems of misclassification and confounding; (d) the dimensional/categorical issue may be more readily resolved with research using a symptom approach; (e) useful animal models of symptoms are more likely to be developed than useful animal models of syndromes; and (f) symptoms may be better phenotypes than syndromes in genetic research.
DSM-III has largely been based upon essentialist notions of increasingly accurate and 'valid' definitions of diseases. A nominalist approach would facilitate study of aetiological factors and variables in the natural history of diseases.
The Pleasure Scale for Children, a measure developed to assess anhedonia in school-age children, was evaluated. Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of the scale were evaluated with 232 child psychiatric inpatient children (ages 6-13) and their parents. Based on prior research with adults, predictions were made that children with a diagnosis of major depression would evince greater anhedonia on the scale and that anhedonic children (low Pleasure Scale scores) would show a negative attributional style in relation to rewarding experiences. The results indicated that the Pleasure Scale was internally consistent, yielded moderate to high item-total score correlations, appeared to reflect a single dimension, and correlated positively and significantly with other measures of pleasurable affect. Depressed children showed greater anhedonia, as reflected in lower total Pleasure Scale scores and in their pattern of responding to individual items on the scale. Children high in anhedonia, independently of their diagnosis, showed less active involvement in seeking rewards, were higher in their expectations of negative outcomes, and were more likely to attribute unrewarding outcomes to their own behavior than to external causes. Overall, the results provide initial support for the construct validity of the scale. Further research to evaluate nonclinic samples, to develop alternative assessment strategies, to examine developmental differences in reporting pleasurable experiences, and to study the relation of anhedonia to subtypes and clinical course of depression is briefly discussed.