Sulcular temperatures were measured on 35 clinically stable and restored osseointegrated dental implants and compared to 50 remaining natural teeth in 9 partially-edentulous adults using the PerioTemp temperature probe (ABIO-DENT, Inc., Danvers, MA USA). Replicate peri-implant sulcular measurements showed a mean difference of 0.1 +/- 0.15 (SD) degrees C. Implant temperatures varied from 0.41 to 3.9 degrees C below sublingual temperatures measured on each patient, and maxillary implants were significantly cooler than mandibular implants (p < 0.001, t-test). A posterior-to-anterior temperature gradient was found in both the maxilla and mandible, with anterior implants significantly cooler than posterior fixtures. No significant differences were found in sulcular temperatures of osseointegrated dental implants and natural teeth located in anatomically-equivalent oral sites. Similarly to natural teeth, sulcular temperature may serve as a valuable diagnostic tool in evaluating dental implant status.