ABSTRACT Twenty-four,high,producing,Holstein cows,(14 primiparous,and 10 multiparous) were,fed,concentrate,mix,containing heat-treated,soybean,meal,without,or with,15 g of added,DL-methionine daily provided,as 50 g of ruminally,protected methionine,product,during,wk,4 through 16 postpartum.,The 15% crude,protein mixed,diets,contained,30% (dry mat- ter basis) corn silage, 15% alfalfa hay, and 55% concentrate,mix. Covariant adjusted yields of milk (34.6 and 33.1 kg/d), 4% fat-corrected,milk,(28.4 and,27.6 kg/d), and solids-corrected milk (29.0 and 28.5 kg/d) were,not,increased,by feed- ing supplemental,methionine.,Percentages of fat (2.81 and,2.92) and,protein,(2.88 and 2.92) were similar, whereas total solids (11.49 and,12.69) and solids-not-fat (8.68 and,8.77) were,higher with,supple- mental,methionine.,Dry,matter,in- takes,(20.2 and,21.0 kg/d) were,higher when,cows,were,fed supplemental,methi- onine. Ruminal pH, volatile fatty acids, and,ammonia,as well as blood,serum,urea and,glucose,were generally unaffected,by methionine,supplementation. Concentra- tions of methionine,in arterial and venous