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Abstract and Figures

Of the estimated 22.5 million people participating in in-line skating in the United States in 1995, about 100,000 were sufficiently injured so as to require emergency department care. We investigated the effectiveness of wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, and helmets in preventing skating injuries. We used data from the 91 hospital emergency departments participating in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a national probability sample of randomly selected hospitals with 24-hour emergency departments. Injured in-line skaters who sought medical attention between December 1992 and July 1993 were interviewed by telephone. We conducted a case-control study of skaters who injured their wrists, elbows, knees, or heads as compared with skaters with injuries to other parts of their bodies. Of 206 eligible injured subjects, 161 (78 percent) were interviewed. Wrist injuries were the most common (32 percent); 25 percent of all injuries were wrist fractures. Seven percent of injured skaters wore all the types of safety gear; 46 percent wore none. Forty-five percent wore knee pads, 33 percent wrist guards, 28 percent elbow pads, and 20 percent helmets. The odds ratio for wrist injury, adjusted for age and sex, for those who did not wear wrist guards, as compared with those who did, was 10.4 (95 percent confidence interval, 2.9 to 36.9). The odds ratio for elbow injury, adjusted for the number of lessons skaters had had and whether or not they performed trick skating, was 9.5 (95 percent confidence interval, 2.6 to 34.4) for those who did not wear elbow pads. Non-use of knee pads was associated with a nonsignificant increase in the risk of knee injury (crude odds ratio, 2.2; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.7 to 7.2). The effectiveness of helmets could not be assessed. Wrist guards and elbow pads are effective in protecting in-line skaters against injuries.
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November 28, 1996
The New England Journal of Medicine
A. S
, M.D., M.P.H., C
M. B
, P
.D., G
W. R
, P
W. R
, J
., M.S., J
A. S
, M.S., M.P.H.,
, B.S.
Of the estimated 22.5 million people
participating in in-line skating in the United States in
1995, about 100,000 were sufficiently injured to re-
quire emergency department care. We investigated
the effectiveness of wrist guards, elbow pads, knee
pads, and helmets in preventing skating injuries.
We used data from the 91 hospital emer-
gency departments participating in the National Elec-
tronic Injury Surveillance System, a national proba-
bility sample of randomly selected hospitals with
24-hour emergency departments. Injured in-line skat-
ers who sought medical attention between Decem-
ber 1992 and July 1993 were interviewed by tele-
phone. We conducted a case–control study of skaters
who injured their wrists, elbows, knees, or heads as
compared with skaters with injuries to other parts of
their bodies.
Of 206 eligible injured subjects, 161 (78
percent) were interviewed. Wrist injuries were the
most common (32 percent); 25 percent of all injuries
were wrist fractures. Seven percent of injured skat-
ers wore all the types of safety gear; 46 percent wore
none. Forty-five percent wore knee pads, 33 percent
wrist guards, 28 percent elbow pads, and 20 percent
helmets. The odds ratio for wrist injury, adjusted for
age and sex, for those who did not wear wrist guards,
as compared with those who did, was 10.4 (95 per-
cent confidence interval, 2.9 to 36.9). The odds ratio
for elbow injury, adjusted for the number of lessons
skaters had had and whether or not they performed
trick skating, was 9.5 (95 percent confidence interval,
2.6 to 34.4) for those who did not wear elbow pads.
Nonuse of knee pads was associated with a nonsig-
nificant increase in the risk of knee injury (crude
odds ratio, 2.2; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.7
to 7.2). The effectiveness of helmets could not be as-
Wrist guards and elbow pads are ef-
fective in protecting in-line skaters against injuries.
(N Engl J Med 1996;335:1630-5.)
©1996, Massachusetts Medical Society.
From the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta (R.A.S., C.M.B.-D., G.W.
Ryan, J.A.S., J.O.); and the Directorate for Epidemiology and Health Sci-
ences, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. (G.W.
Rutherford). Address reprint requests to Dr. Schieber at the National Cen-
ter for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Mailstop K-63, 4770 Buford Hwy., NE, Atlanta, GA 30341.
The views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent those of
the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
N-LINE skating is a fast-growing recreational
sport in the United States. In-line skates, with
three, four, or five low-friction wheels set in a
single row, afford greater maneuverability and
speed than traditional quad skates, which have four
wheels arranged in two rows. An estimated 22.5 mil-
lion people participated in 1995, reflecting a 79 per-
cent increase over the 1993 figure.
During the same
two-year period, the estimated number of in-line
skaters injured badly enough to require emergency
department care increased by 169 percent to an an-
nual level of 99,500 (in 1995).
The most common
site of injury is the wrist, accounting for 37 percent
of all skating injuries, and two thirds of wrist injuries
are fractures.
Wrist guards are designed to prevent
sudden extreme hyperextension, to absorb shock
and dissipate kinetic forces by enabling the skater to
slide forward on the guard’s hard volar plate, and to
prevent gravel burns. Helmets, elbow pads, and knee
pads are designed to absorb shock during a fall. The
use of all four of these items of safety gear has been
but their effectiveness, although
had been untested. We surveyed a rep-
resentative sample of injured in-line skaters who re-
ceived emergency department treatment in order to
identify behavioral and environmental risk factors
for injury, the mechanism and nature of injury, and
the degree of protection afforded by safety gear.
Sample Design and Data Acquisition
Subjects were drawn from a sampling frame consisting of all pa-
tients injured during the study period who were wearing in-line
skates and sought treatment at 1 of the 91 hospital emergency
departments participating in the National Electronic Injury Sur-
veillance System (NEISS).
NEISS is a national probability sam-
ple, stratified into four levels according to the annual number of
emergency visits, of randomly selected U.S. hospitals with 24-hour
emergency departments. The study period had two parts: Decem-
ber 25, 1992, through April 7, 1993, and July 1 to July 31, 1993.
We developed a list of possible risk factors for injury by con-
ducting focus-group discussions with skaters
and by interview-
ing novice and experienced skaters. We constructed a 20-minute
questionnaire to gather information on the characteristics of in-
jured skaters, the circumstances surrounding the injury, and the
use of safety gear.
Injured skaters were interviewed by telephone by Dr. Schieber
during August 1993 after providing informed consent. If the
skater was a minor, consent was obtained from the participant
and a parent. Children were interviewed directly (although a par-
ent was present in a few instances); the parent was then inter-
viewed privately to verify the child’s reported level of experience,
the account of the injury, and the use of safety gear at the time.
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 1996 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 335 Number 22
The study was conducted with approval from the Office of Man-
agement and Budget, which authorized the Consumer Product
Safety Commission to conduct confidential, selective telephone
surveys of persons with product-related injuries to learn of the in-
teractions among the product, the victims, and the environment.
Definitions and Analytic Design
Subjects were assigned to case and control groups for our anal-
yses of the relative benefits of the use of wrist guards, elbow pads,
knee pads, and helmets. To enhance precision, we defined four
risk groups according to the four anatomical sites shielded by the
various types of safety gear: the wrist, elbow, knee, and head (or
face). Subjects were classified in a particular risk group if the giv-
en anatomical region had been exposed to injury in the subject’s
fall. For example, subjects were included in the wrist risk group if
they fell on one or both outstretched arms or otherwise struck
the wrist or lower arm during the fall. Within each risk group, we
defined as case patients those skaters who injured the specified
anatomical site seriously enough to require medical attention.
The controls were skaters in the risk group who did not injure
the specified site, although they did injure another part of their
body. The main exposure variable was the self-reported use (or
*The percentages given are calculated for an esti-
mated 6331 persons treated in emergency depart-
ments nationally during the study period. They are
based on data from 161 injured skaters, weighted ac-
cording to the hospital in the NEISS sample in
which they were treated. These values do not include
subjects for whom the following were unknown:
ability level (1 percent of the total), number of les-
sons taken (2 percent), or condition of skates (1 per-
†Subjects could give more than one reason.
‡Of subjects who gave this reason, 34 percent
were injured while playing roller hockey.
§Of subjects who gave this reason, 40 percent
were injured while doing tricks.
Ability level
Novice 10
Beginner 34
Intermediate 37
Expert 18
No. of times in-line skating
1–5 25
6–12 12
13–99 26
100 37
Reasons for participation†
To get exercise 75
To play roller hockey‡ 37
For transportation 35
To perform tricks§ 31
No. of lessons taken
1–5 37
Ownership of skates
Owned 72
Rented or borrowed 28
Condition of skates
Good 85
Fair or poor 14
*The values given are calculated for an estimated
6331 persons treated in emergency departments na-
tionally during the study period. They are based on
data from 161 injured skaters, weighted according to
the hospital in the NEISS sample in which they were
†The hazard was usually a defect or debris in the
‡Collisions usually occurred with another skater,
and less than 1 percent involved a motor vehicle.
§More than one response was allowed. Percentag-
es given for key-cause citations are of those who cit-
ed the factor.
¶Thirteen percent of skaters had more than one
Seventy-two percent of wrist injuries, 48 percent of
elbow injuries, 38 percent of head injuries, and 34 per-
cent of knee injuries were major. Six percent of patients
with major injuries were admitted to the hospital.
Location of fall
Sidewalk or driveway 26
Street 22
Park or bike path 19
Indoors 10
Parking lot 9
Other 14
Proximate cause of fall
Spontaneous loss of balance 41
Striking a stationary hazard† 40
Striking a moving object‡ 11
Swerving to avoid hazard or collision 4
Other 4
Special factors§
Hazardous road condition†
Cited 53
Cited as key cause 63
Skating out of control
Cited 25
Cited as key cause 67
Poor visibility (twilight or darkness)
Cited 17
Cited as key cause 6
Cited 11
Cited as key cause 37
Anatomical site of primary injur
Wrist 32
Lower leg (including ankle) 13
Face (or chin) 12
Elbow 9
Knee 6
Head 5
Other 23
Type of injury
Wrist fracture 25
Face or chin laceration 10
Wrist sprain 6
Elbow fracture 5
Lower-leg fracture 5
Ankle sprain 4
Severity of injury
Major 51
Minor 49
Safety gear worn at time of injury
Wrist guards 33
Elbow pads 28
Knee pads 45
Helmet 20
All the above gear 7
No gear 46
The New England Journal of Medicine
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Copyright © 1996 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
November 28, 1996
The New England Journal of Medicine
nonuse) of the appropriate safety gear for the specified anatomical
site. The outcome variable was the presence or absence of an in-
jury to that anatomical site, as reported by the skater and con-
firmed by the NEISS record.
Selected characteristics of the skaters were considered as covar-
iates. The subjects were classified according to age into groups:
elementary-school children (6 to 12 years), junior or senior high-
school youth (13 to 18 years), and adults (19 years or older).
Subjects comfortable standing up on skates were classified as nov-
ices; beginners were those who could make a simple turn on two
skates; intermediates could perform a crossover turn (made with
a sequence of short, alternating cross-steps); and experts could do
two or more stunts. In-line skating experience was classified ac-
cording to the number of times the skater had participated in the
sport. Ice hockey, ice skating, alpine skiing, roller skating, bicycle
racing, and mountain bicycling were defined as cross-training
sports. Lessons were defined as prior training with an instructor
or accompaniment by a more skilled skater. The levels of per-
ceived exertion at the time of injury, as assessed by the skaters
themselves, were warming-up, cruising, and fatigued. Other covar-
iates in the analysis were sex, handedness, and whether the skater
performed tricks (as a covariate, considered a proxy for risk-taking
behavior). Characteristics of the fall that were considered as co-
variates included the subject’s reported inability to stop just be-
fore injury and the severity of injury. A fracture, a dislocation, or
an internal injury constituted a major injury; a laceration, abra-
sion, contusion, sprain, or strain was a minor injury.
We evaluated the possibility that selection bias might result
from the use of controls who also were injured while skating. For
example, many subjects treated as case patients in the analysis of
wrist injury were used as controls for the analysis of elbow injury.
If nonuse of wrist guards was highly correlated with nonuse of
elbow pads, then these subjects might be less likely than the gen-
eral population to wear gear and have protection. Therefore, sep-
arate covariates were defined for each type of gear used as well as
for a composite variable indicating the use or nonuse of any ad-
ditional safety gear not related to the injury site.
Statistical Analysis
All data reported have been weighted according to the proba-
bility of hospital selection from the four levels based on hospital
size in the total NEISS sample. All analyses were conducted with
SUDAAN statistical software to account for complex sampling.
no. (%) no. (%)
Age group
Elementary school
Junior or senior high school
1357 (55)
558 (23)
557 (23)
696 (24)
608 (21)
1629 (56)
765 (44)
377 (22)
582 (34)
1149 (39)
643 (22)
1192 (40)
993 (40)
1478 (60)
1638 (56)
1295 (44)
728 (42)
996 (58)
1783 (60)
1201 (40)
Dominant hand†
2100 (86)
337 (14)
2711 (95)
137 (5)
1492 (94)
87 (6)
2676 (90)
291 (10)
Ability level
317 (13)
978 (40)
849 (34)
327 (13)
310 (11)
891 (30)
1181 (40)
551 (19)
188 (11)
574 (33)
687 (40)
275 (16)
249 (8)
1124 (38)
950 (32)
661 (22)
No. of times in-line skating
479 (19)
196 (8)
1013 (41)
783 (32)
764 (26)
421 (14)
573 (20)
1176 (40)
420 (24)
179 (10)
678 (39)
447 (26)
384 (13)
361 (12)
849 (28)
1390 (47)
No other sports
One or more other sports
188 (8)
2283 (92)
343 (12)
2590 (88)
120 (7)
1605 (93)
335 (11)
2649 (89)
No. of lessons taken§
1346 (54)
799 (32)
327 (13)
1355 (47)
1218 (43)
283 (10)
496 (29)
824 (48)
404 (23)
1748 (60)
909 (31)
249 (9)
Performed tricks¶
300 (12)
2171 (88)
377 (13)
2513 (87)
69 (4)
1613 (96)
532 (18)
2452 (82)
Level of perceived exertion at time
of fall
205 (8)
1949 (79)
317 (13)
214 (7)
2361 (81)
358 (12)
120 (7)
1383 (80)
222 (13)
256 (9)
2308 (77)
419 (14)
Fall related to difficulty stopping
455 (20)
1784 (80)
919 (32)
1945 (68)
585 (35)
1071 (65)
480 (17)
2315 (83)
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Copyright © 1996 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 335 Number 22
Log-linear chi-square tests were used to test for association be-
tween groups and for significant differences in proportions.
Association was assessed with unadjusted odds ratios and 95 per-
cent confidence intervals. Logistic regression was used to com-
pute adjusted odds ratios with control for confounding factors.
Population-attributable risks were calculated with established
A P value of less than 0.05 (two-tailed) was consid-
ered to indicate statistical significance, with the use of variances
derived from the weighted sample.
Demographic Characteristics of the Skaters
and Circumstances of the Injuries
We interviewed 161 of 206 eligible subjects (for a
78 percent response rate
); their data were weight-
ed, on the basis of hospital selection, so as to repre-
sent the distribution of characteristics of the estimat-
ed 6331 in-line skating injuries treated in emergency
departments nationally during the study period. The
skaters ranged from 6 to 59 years of age (mean, 20.8;
median, 15). Forty-eight percent were male, and 89
percent were right-handed (other characteristics of
the skaters are provided in Table 1; data on their falls
and consequent trauma are provided in Table 2). The
most typical fall involved young novice or beginner
skaters wearing little or no safety gear, who either
spontaneously lost their balance while skating out-
doors or fell after striking a road defect or debris.
The falls typically occurred on outstretched arms
without any attempt to stop. The wrist was the most
common site of primary injury (32 percent); 25 per-
*The values given are calculated for two subgroups of the estimated national sample of 6331 injured in-line skaters:
5404 case patients and controls in the wrist risk group and 4708 case patients and controls in the elbow risk group.
Values are based on weighted data from 141 interviewed subjects in the wrist risk group and 122 interviewed subjects in
the elbow risk group. The values shown do not include subjects for whom data on a given variable were missing. For
categories within each variable, the values may not add up to the totals in the estimated national samples (N values)
because of rounding involved in the estimating process or missing data (see below). P values are for the comparisons of
case patients and controls by the log-linear chi-square test. Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100. ND
denotes not determinable.
†An additional 85 subjects in the wrist risk group and 85 in the elbow risk group were ambidextrous, and data on
handedness were missing for an additional 34 in the wrist risk group and 77 in the elbow risk group. The subjects were
not included in the analysis of handedness.
‡The small number of left-handed subjects precluded chi-square analysis.
§Data were missing for an additional 77 subjects in the wrist risk group and 77 in the elbow risk group; they were not
included in this analysis.
¶Data were missing for an additional 43 subjects in the wrist risk group and 43 in the elbow risk group; they were not
included in this analysis.
Data were missing for an additional 301 subjects in the wrist risk group and 258 in the elbow risk group; they were
not included in this analysis.
**Data were missing for an additional 17 subjects in the wrist risk group and 18 in the elbow risk group; they were
not included in this analysis.
††Data were missing for an additional 34 subjects in the wrist risk group and 34 in the elbow risk group; they were
not included in this analysis.
‡‡“Additional gear” refers to safety gear intended to protect anatomical sites other than the site by which the risk
group was defined (e.g., the use of both wrist guards and elbow pads in the wrist risk group).
N 2933)
(N 1724)
(N 2984)
no. (%) no. (%)
Wrist guards worn at time of fall
154 (6)
2317 (94)
1356 (46)
1577 (54)
446 (26)
1278 (74)
755 (25)
2229 (75)
Elbow pads worn at time of fall**
360 (15)
2094 (85)
1058 (36)
1875 (64)
111 (6)
1613 (94)
1056 (36)
1910 (64)
Knee pads worn at time of fall††
780 (32)
1657 (68)
1495 (51)
1438 (49)
652 (39)
1038 (61)
1305 (44)
1679 (56)
Helmet worn at time of fall
403 (16)
2069 (84)
499 (17)
2434 (83)
336 (19)
1388 (81)
420 (14)
2564 (86)
Additional gear worn at time
of fall‡‡
865 (35)
1606 (65)
1563 (53)
1370 (47)
720 (42)
1004 (58)
1399 (47)
1585 (53)
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1634 November 28, 1996
The New England Journal of Medicine
cent of all injuries were wrist fractures. Seven percent
of the injured skaters wore all four types of safety
gear; 46 percent wore none. Of the total, 45 percent
wore knee pads, 33 percent wrist guards, 28 percent
elbow pads, and 20 percent helmets.
The CaseControl Study
Case patients and controls in the wrist risk group
and in the elbow risk group are compared in Table
3. The projected national total in the wrist risk
group (5404 persons) was estimated on the basis of
weighted data on 141 interviewed subjects; the pro-
jected total in the elbow risk group (4708) was es-
timated on the basis of 122 subjects. Case patients
and controls in the wrist group differed significantly
in age distribution (case patients tended to be young-
er) and in their use of wrist guards and elbow pads.
Case patients and controls in the elbow group dif-
fered only in their use of elbow pads, the number of
lessons taken (case patients tended to have taken
more lessons), and history of trick skating (controls
had more frequently performed tricks).
Analysis of crude odds ratios indicated that among
those at risk for wrist injury, skaters who did not
wear wrist guards had a likelihood of actually sus-
taining a wrist injury that was 12.9 times that among
those who did wear wrist guards (95 percent confi-
dence interval, 4.5 to 37.1) (Table 4). Among skat-
ers at risk for injury to the elbow, those not wearing
elbow pads had a risk of sustaining an elbow injury
that was 8.0 times that among skaters who did wear
such gear (95 percent confidence interval, 2.1 to
30.1). Nonuse of knee pads was associated with an
increase, but not a significant increase, in the risk of
knee injury (crude odds ratio, 2.2; 95 percent con-
fidence interval, 0.7 to 7.2). The association be-
tween not using a helmet and sustaining a head or
facial injury was also not significant (odds ratio, 0.9;
95 percent confidence interval, 0.1 to 6.8).
Bivariate analysis showed a significant association
between the likelihood of wrist injury and both the
use of wrist guards and age and an association be-
tween the likelihood of elbow injury and the use of
elbow pads, the taking of lessons, and a history of
doing tricks (for all associations, P0.05). The rela-
tion between wrist injury and the use of wrist guards
was confounded by age and sex; the relation be-
tween elbow injury and the use of elbow pads was
confounded by having taken lessons and a history of
performing tricks. When we controlled for these
confounders, the multivariate analysis indicated that
the nonuse of wrist guards was associated with a risk
of sustaining a wrist injury that was 10.4 times that
among skaters who did wear wrist guards (95 per-
cent confidence interval, 2.9 to 36.9), and nonuse
of elbow pads was associated with an odds ratio of
9.5 for sustaining an elbow injury (95 percent con-
fidence interval, 2.6 to 34.4) (Table 4). The use of
wrist guards was not significantly associated with in-
jury to the elbow (data not shown).
In calculations of population-attributable risk, the
nonuse of wrist guards accounted for 87 percent (95
percent confidence interval, 84 to 96 percent) of all
wrist injuries. Failure to use elbow pads accounted
for 82 percent (95 percent confidence interval, 78
to 95 percent) of all elbow injuries. Failure to use
knee pads accounted for 32 percent (95 percent
confidence interval, 27 to 79 percent) of all knee in-
Our analysis of several environmental and behav-
ioral risk factors for in-line skating injuries in a na-
tionally representative sample of skaters found that
wrist guards and elbow pads afforded skaters a high
level of protection, but that their rate of use among
injured patients was relatively low. The degree of
protection afforded by wrist guards and elbow pads
is similar to the degree of protection afforded the
head by bicycle helmets (85 percent) in a study of
bicycle crashes.
The NEISS data set permits the estimation of the
national incidence of an injury with known vari-
Even using unweighted data (thereby convert-
ing the probability sample to a sample of conven-
ience), we found that the adjusted odds ratio for
wrist injuries associated with the failure to use wrist
guards was 5.9 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.8
to 18.8), and that for elbow injuries associated with
the failure to use elbow pads, 7.9 (95 percent confi-
dence interval, 2.2 to 27.5). To bolster the strength
of our analysis, we used a single interviewer and
multiple lines of inquiry, sought parental confirma-
tion for important data, controlled the analysis for
many potential confounders, sampled a wide age
range, sought (and achieved) a high response rate,
and increased precision by restricting the selection
of case and control patients to those exposed to the
risk of injury to a specific anatomical site.
Our study, however, has several potential limita-
*Odds ratios are for subjects not wearing appropriate gear as compared
with those who were wearing it. CI denotes confidence interval.
†Odds ratios for wrist injury have been adjusted for age group and sex.
Odds ratios for elbow injury have been adjusted for the number of lessons
taken and whether or not the subject performed tricks.
(95% CI)
(95% CI)†
Wrist: wrist guards not worn 12.9 (4.537.1) 10.4 (2.936.9)
Elbow: elbow pads not worn 8.0 (2.130.1) 9.5 (2.634.4)
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Copyright © 1996 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Volume 335 Number 22 1635
tions. Selection bias may have resulted from our use
of emergency department patients as controls, rather
than skaters drawn from the general population.
Controls who have sustained a skating injury may be
more similar to case patients than population-based
controls would be, which would have biased our re-
sults toward the null hypothesis. However, any po-
tential bias of this type would not have altered the
public health consequences of our findings because
the point estimates of the odds ratios are so large.
On the other hand, had a significant correlation
existed among the use of different kinds of safety
gear, our results might have been biased away from
the null hypothesis. The use of more than one type
of gear was not a significant confounder, either when
use of a given type was examined individually or when
we assessed a composite indicator (data not shown).
Forcing these variables for use of more than one
type of gear into the final model decreased the point
estimate of the odds ratio for wrist injury minimally
and increased the odds ratio for elbow injury sub-
stantially, but it did not change the significance of
these ratios. However, the level of precision was re-
duced considerably (data not shown). To recruit
geographically matched, population-based controls
would have been prohibitively costly; controls from
a single area only might not have had attributes
(e.g., skill level) that properly matched those of the
case patients; and seeking to select controls from a
random national telephone survey might not have,
in 1993, yielded many in-line skaters.
Information bias may be present because these data
were reported by the skaters themselves. The recall
period ranged from several weeks to eight months,
and some respondents may not have remembered de-
tails well. Some variables, such as skating frequency,
were difficult for the youngest children to quantify.
Lifetime person-hours of skating experience, the ideal
measure of exposure to possible injury, was crudely
approximated by the number of times a subject re-
membered having skated. This number may not have
been recalled accurately. The study lacked sufficient
power to detect a significant association between
knee injury and the use of knee pads (the point esti-
mate, however, was elevated) as well as between head
injury and the use of a helmet. Some potential con-
founders could not be assessed, including skating
speed, crash forces on impact, cross-training experi-
ence with cross-country skiing, the use of poorly fit-
ting safety gear, and household income.
The nature of in-line skating has some practical
implications for the use of safety gear. The wide-
spread availability of gear in child and adult sizes and
its relatively low cost should facilitate use. Automatic
braking devices, which slow the wheels or apply a
heel brake without dorsiflexion of the foot, may re-
duce the injury rate; such devices became available
after the conclusion of the study. Currently, wrist
guards may not be practical for participants in roller
hockey because the wrist guards interfere with the
player’s ability to hold the hockey stick firmly or
make a wrist shot. This limitation warrants further
attention on the part of product designers, given the
popularity of roller hockey and the large proportion
of the skaters in our study who were injured while
playing hockey.
In conclusion, we recommend that in-line skaters
wear wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, and hel-
mets. Although the small number of skaters who
sustained a head injury did not allow us to deter-
mine the degree of protection afforded by helmets,
other studies
indicate that helmets that meet ex-
isting standards for bicycle helmets
are strongly
protective against head injuries in physical environ-
ments quite similar to that of skaters.
We are indebted to the NEISS coding nosologists from each hospi-
tal, who retrieved the information needed to contact injured persons;
to the adult skaters, parents, and children who permitted interviews;
and to Marcie-jo Kresnow, M.S. (National Center for Injury Pre-
vention and Control) and instructors Tammy Kesting and Liz Mil-
ler for their assistance in developing the questionnaire.
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The New England Journal of Medicine
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... The ESIN or flexible intramedullary nailing (FIN) is minimally invasive, in contrast to an open approach using plate and screw fixation, and leads to less soft tissue damage upon later implant removal. Standard nails are titanium elastic nails (ESIN) which are generally removed in a second surgery after sufficient bone healing has occurred [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. ...
... Fractures are prevalent in the paediatric population, accounting for approximately 25 % of all childhood injuries [1]. Radial and ulnar fractures have the highest incidence, making up 36 % of all childhood fractures [2,3]. The mechanism of injury is mainly accidental trauma resulting from sports or leisure activities. ...
... Team ball and wheel sports such as cycling, rollerskating, and skateboarding were the most common, making up 42.4 % and 34.9 %, respectively. That study found distal radius fractures to have the highest incidence and soccer and rollerskating Original Article to be the most common sports and leisure activities causing the injury [3,[14][15][16][17]. The study also observed that of the fractures that occurred in schools, 45 % happened on the playground. ...
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Introduction Forearm fractures are common injuries in childhood. Completely displaced and unstable fractures require surgical intervention. Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN) is widely used in treating these fractures. Although stainless steel and titanium implants are the most widely used, resorbable nails are becoming an option. Aim To present our initial experience in treating forearm fractures in children with Resorbable Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ReSIN). Methods The authors present several cases treated with ReSIN, their summarry and describe the techniqual steps. Results The series included 4 patients operated on with ReSIN. Bone union with anatomic and functional recovery was stated in all cases within the period of 5-7 months after surgery. Discussion More and more paediatric fractures can be treated with absorbable implants and result in good outcomes. It can be said that the new methods enabled similar stable fixation as with metal implants, which is considered the gold standard. A distinct advantage over metal implants is that there is no need to remove the implant, thus avoiding a second operation and reducing the risk of surgical complications. Another positive thing is that absorbable implants can be sunk the level of the cortical layer of the bone, they can easily be dropped under the skin. The only drawback of the method is the price of the implants. Conclusion The management of paediatric diaphyseal forearm fractures with bioabsorbable intramedullary nails is a promising emerging alternative to the gold standard ESIN technique.
... In addition, this study shows that the injury patterns in scooter accidents are similar to accidents involving skateboards or bicycles when compared to the existing literature, as falling on the outstretched hand or the head was the most common [1]. In this context, studies showed a decrease in injuries by using wrist protection gear in snowboarding or inline skating [24,25]; therefore, the use of wrist protection gear may also be beneficial for scooter riders. Especially, children doing tricks in parks and on ramps should be instructed to wear wrist protection like skateboarders. ...
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The aim of this retrospective study was to present an epidemiological overview of paediatric nonelectric-scooter-related injuries, focusing on changes in injury mechanism and frequency. A retrospective, descriptive data analysis at a Level I trauma centre, including patients aged from 0 to 18 years injured by riding nonelectric scooters, was performed. The observation period ranged from January 2015 to December 2022. The total study population consisted of 983 (mean age: 7.9 ± 4.0 years) children and adolescents, with most patients being male (800/983; 81.4%). The frequency of nonelectric scooter injuries was relatively consistent over the observation period. Patients sustained mostly minor injuries (lacerations, bone contusions, sprains) (527/983; 53.6%), followed by head injuries (238/983; 24.5%), limb fractures (166/983; 16.9%) and trunk injuries (52/983; 5.3%). However, a few patients sustained severe injuries, including skull fractures (7/238; 2.9%), intracranial haematoma (4/238; 1.7%) or lacerations of abdominal organs (4/52; 7.7%). This study presented a consistently high frequency of scooter injuries in children. Children under 15 years were the most affected by scooter-related injuries. Although most injuries were minor, serious injuries occurred that should not be underestimated. Hence, we emphasise the use of protection gear and recommend raising awareness among parents and children.
... The motivation for wearing splints during these kinds of sports is to prevent upper extremity fractures. This is possible due to the splint providing structural support (Lewis et al., 1997), and preventing wrist hyperextension (Schieber et al., 1996). ...
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Currently patients with wrist ailments may be prescribed wrist splints to aid in their treatment regime. The traditional fabrication process of custom-made splints is skill dependent, time-consuming and the splints themselves pose numerous problems with regard to patient compliance. To overcome this, the use of Additive Manufacturing (AM also known as 3D Printing) has been proposed in recent years and there has been an increase in public awareness and exploration. Many of these developments have been as a result of the Maker-movement, the Internet-of-Things and development of more accessible technologies and infrastructures to enable production of AM builds; hobbyists, industry and academia are exploring the use of AM in creating splints, all with strengths and weaknesses. One of the main weaknesses of most developments is the lack of acknowledgement of whether the lattice type designs with cutout patterns are strong enough. To address this lack of validation, this research aimed to generate and evaluate design rules that allow for the creation of safe and effective wrist splints through a digitised splinting process for production using AM. This research first investigated what variables of a lattice type design had a significant effect on the stiffness of a splint. This was done using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Design of Experiment (DoE) methods. Initial FEA results were verified using physical testing. These results were then brought into the next study where they were optimised to gain a better understanding of the effect the variables have on the displacement response. Finally, these results were applied to different regions of the splint to create unique rules for each region of the splint, with the aim of creating a splint that is optimised for material use versus stiffness. All results were collated and a set of design rules for AM splints produced using Laser Sintered PA 12 were created.
... The use of wrist guards and elbow pads have been shown to protect against wrist and elbow injuries in adult inline skaters. 18 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of helmets, knee pads and elbow pads while using scooters, and with the addition of wrist guards while using skateboards. 19 Manufacturers of safety equipment and retailers of AMDs should consider these key areas when designing and promoting safety equipment. ...
Introduction: Wheeled recreational devices (WRDs) include tricycles, bicycles, scooters, inline skates, skateboards, longboards and waveboards, and can cause significant morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and nature of injuries sustained by children from WRD use, and risk factors for severe injury. Method: We described injuries relating to WRD use in children <18 years who presented to the emergency department of an Asian tertiary hospital between 2016 and 2020. Demographic data, site and nature of the injury, and historical trends were analysed. Risk factors for severe injury (defined as fractures or dislocations), Injury Severity Score ≥9, and injuries resulting in hospitalisation, surgery or death were evaluated. Results: A total of 5,002 patients with 5,507 WRD-related injuries were attended to over the 5-year study period. Median age was 4.7 years. Injuries related to bicycles (54.6%) and scooters (30.3%) were most frequent, followed by skateboards and waveboards (7.4%), inline skates (4.7%), and tricycles (3.0%). Injuries occurred most frequently in public spaces. Soft tissue injuries (49.3%) and fractures (18.7%) were the most common diagnoses. Upper limb (36.4%) and head and neck (29.0%) regions were the most common sites of injury. Among the patients, 1,910 (38%) had severe injuries with potential morbidity. On multivariate analysis, heavier children of the school-going age who use either scooters, skateboards or inline skates are more prone to severe injuries. Involvement in a vehicular collision was a negative predictor. Conclusion: WRD use in children can result in severe injuries. Wrist and elbow guards, as well as helmets are recommended, along with adequate parental supervision.
Introduction Recreational cycling is gaining popularity in Singapore but there is a lack of literature regarding the spectrum and severity of these injuries and their impact on the utilisation of healthcare resources. We aim to characterise these injuries, as well as to review the healthcare resources required by injured cyclists. Methods A retrospective review of patients with recreational cycling-related injuries presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) between August 2018 and December 2020 was performed. Information about demographics, circumstances of injury, injuries sustained, clinical progress, and outcomes were collected and analysed. Results There were 214 patients, with an increase in monthly attendance towards the end of the study period. The median age was 48 years old (interquartile range (IQR) 31 to 60) and 165 (77.1%) patients were male. In the ED, 35 (16.4%), 142 (66.4%), and 37 (17.3%) patients were triaged as P1 (emergent), P2 (urgent), and P3 (ambulatory) respectively. Blunt injuries occurred in 210 (98.1%) patients. Soft tissue injuries involving the upper and lower limbs were most common. One hundred and eighty-one (84.6%) patients had a minor to moderate injury classified by an Injury Severity Score of 0 to 8. One hundred twenty-four (57.9%) patients were admitted to the hospital with 40 (18.7%) requiring surgery. Conclusion Recreational cycling-related injuries are increasingly encountered in the ED. These injuries are associated with morbidities which require utilisation of healthcare resources. Legislation and education efforts to promote safety in recreational cycling are required to reduce accidents and minimise the impact of the injuries sustained.
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Aims The purpose of this study was to attempt to quantify the impact of skateboarding-related injuries on our local orthopaedic service. Method Every presentation to the emergency departments of Gold Coast health public hospitals was retrospectively reviewed to determine whether these were skateboarding-related injuries. Between 2008 and 2018, 5,026 injuries were identified. Patient demographics, mechanism of injury, anatomic location of the injury, treatment, and medical specialty providing treatment were collected and analysed. Results Our investigation demonstrated that skateboarding injuries are common and cause significant trauma in a large percentage of cases. These injuries place a high demand on orthopaedic and emergency departments. This cohort demonstrated a male-to-female ratio of over 4:1. The most common injury type was fracture (44%), of which the upper limb (56%) was the most commonly affected anatomical region. Injuries to the wrist and hand account for 57% of all upper limb injuries, and ankle injuries account for 45% of lower limb injuries. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions account for 62% of all head injuries in this cohort. The mean age was 19 years, with a predominance of 18-25 years old. Only 14% of injuries occurred in those 30 and older. Definitive orthopaedic care, involving inpatient admissions and/or outpatient clinic follow-up, was required in at least 48% of cases, whilst 50% were able to be treated in the emergency department. Additionally, 86% of head injuries were able to be managed in the emergency department, and 11% required specialist neurosurgical management. Conclusion Skateboard-related injuries represent a significant burden of trauma to the local community, predominantly musculoskeletal injuries within the adolescent and young male adult population. This research may direct future strategies for harm minimization, specifically targeted at this demographic of patients.
Background In the past decade scholarly attention has shifted away from examining injuries from nonmotorized scooters to injuries from electric scooters. This has resulted in a knowledge gap concerning current levels of injury due to the use of nonmotorized scooters. This study presents recent trend data and demographics of patients treated for injuries from nonmotorized scooters in US Emergency Departments (EDs) from 2005 to 2020. Methods The study examines data from a probability sample of hospitals with an ED under the auspices of the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS). NEISS generates annual national estimates of the incidence of injuries related to nonmotorized scooters. The NEISS data set includes demographic and diagnostic information about each patient as well as a narrative surrounding the circumstances surrounding the injury. Results Injuries from unpowered scooters in the United States have undergone a decline in the past decade. However, as data from this study reveals, injuries from nonmotorized scooters still constitute a substantial source of morbidity in the United States, totaling approximately 40,000 annually. Males and children in the age group 5 to 9 were found to be most likely to be injured. The most frequent type of diagnosis was “fracture” (26.4%), followed by “laceration” (21.4%) and “contusions/abrasions” (21.7%). The most common site of injury was the head, neck, or face (32%), followed in descending order by the forearm (28%), the leg (17.3%), the arm (9.8%), and the thigh (7.7%). The gender disparity in injuries to the head region was particularly pronounced. Among those who sustained a head or facial injury, more than two-thirds (68.6%) were male and this disparity persists even when controlling for age. Over time, the geographic location of injuries has shifted downwards from the home and increased in “places or recreation or sport” or “other public places.” Conclusions Injuries from nonmotorized in the United States are still sizeable in number and can be prevented by greater use of protective equipment. Injuries predominate among males and children in the age category of 5 to 9.
Introduction As E-scooter use is increasing with the introduction of urban rental schemes in the United Kingdom, associated foot and ankle injuries will become more prevalent. The aim of this study is to assess the injury pattern and injury severity of foot and ankle trauma associated with E-scooter use. Methods A retrospective case analysis of all E-scooter foot and ankle injuries presenting to three London hospitals between 1st January and 31st December 2020 was conducted. Data including demographics, mechanism and location of injury sustained, management, duration of hospital stay and mortality were collected. Results 20 patients were identified with a total of 27 foot and ankle fractures. Eight patients had fracture dislocations, four sustained open injuries and 45% (9//20) of patients required surgical treatment. Those travelling over 15.5 mph were significantly more likely to require operative intervention (70%) than those travelling below 15.5 mph (20%) (p < 0.033) and were more likely to have an open fracture (40% compared to 0%) (P < 0.0886), however the latter was not of statistical significance. 85% (17/20) of rider’s injuries involved the foot and/or ankle only. There were no mortalities at 30 days. Conclusions E-scooter use can cause serious foot and ankle injuries. Robust guidelines and legislation restricting top speeds and enforcing the wearing of protective clothing could be implemented. This may protect the E-scooter user from significant foot and ankle injury.
Skating includes several types of ice and roller skating. Injuries from skating are typically traumatic injuries or overuse injuries. Novice and less experienced skaters fall more often and sustain concussions and fractures of the wrist and ankle. Experienced skaters fall when they attempt risky techniques, but tend to get more overuse tendinitis, bursitis, blisters, and patellofemoral pain.
Chapter 3 applies basic methods of inference to two-way contingency tables. It shows how to construct confidence intervals for association parameters (such as the odds ratio) in 2-by-2 tables, presents chi-squared tests of independence in two-way contingency tables, shows residual analyses and other ways to follow-up chi-squared tests, and presents more powerful methods for tables with ordered classifications. It also discusses small sample methods for tests and confidence intervals, such as Fisher's exact test.
Objective.-To describe the estimated relative frequency, types of injuries, and demographic features of people injured while in-line skating, rollerskating, and skateboarding in the United States. Design.-Case series. Setting.-Emergency department visits to hospitals participating in the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System. Participants.-All persons treated for a product-related injury involving in-line skates, rollerskates, or a skateboard between July 1, 1992, and June 30, 1993. Results.-Approximately 30 863 persons (95% confidence interval, 23 073 to 38 653) were treated for in-line skating injuries during the study period. For every in-line skating injury, approximately 3.3 rollerskating and 1.2 skateboarding injuries occurred (P<.0001). The median age of those injured in these three sports was 15, 12, and 13 years, respectively (P<.0001). Sixty-three percent of injured in-line skaters had a musculoskeletal injury, including 37% with a wrist injury, of which two thirds were fractures and/or dislocations. Five percent of all injured in-line skaters had head injury and 3.5% of the injured in-line skaters required hospitalization. Conclusions.-In-line skating and skateboarding injuries resulted in a similar number of emergency department visits, but fewer than that for rollerskating injuries. Because wrist fractures were the most common type of injury in all three sports, wrist protection is needed. Head protection by helmets is recommended.
Injuries from in-line skating (rollerblading) accidents are being seen with increasing frequency in emergency centers as this new sport gains popularity. To determine the types of injuries occurring with in-line skating accidents and the role of radiology in their diagnosis, a retrospective review was carried out. Between January 1, 1990, and October 15, 1994, 56 patients were identified who had been examined in the Emergency Radiology Division of the Massachusetts General Hospital for an in-line skating injury. The radiologic examinations and patient records were reviewed, and follow-up information was obtained. Thirty-five patients had injuries detected radiologically, including 18 with upper extremity fractures or dislocations, 7 with soft tissue injuries alone, including 1 case of ultrasound-diagnosed testicular trauma, 5 with lower extremity fractures, 2 with pelvic fractures, 2 with sacral/coccygeal fractures, 2 with head trauma, 1 with thoracic spine fracture, and 1 with clavicular fracture. The likelihood of injury was associated with the skill level of the skater and use or lack of protective gear.
"A Wiley-Interscience publication" Incluye bibliografía e índice
To estimate the potential benefits from more widespread bicycle safety helmet use. Review of death certificates and emergency department injury data for 1984 through 1988. Categorization of deaths and injuries as related to bicycling and head injury. Using relative risks of 3.85 and 6.67 derived from a case-control study and varying helmet usage from 10% to 100%, population attributable risk was calculated to estimate preventable deaths and injuries. Entire United States. Numbers of US residents coded as dying from bicycle-related head injuries, numbers of persons presenting to emergency departments for bicycle-related head injuries, and numbers of attributable bicycle-related deaths and head injuries. From 1984 through 1988, bicycling accounted for 2985 head injury deaths (62% of all bicycling deaths) and 905,752 head injuries (32% of persons with bicycling injuries treated at an emergency department). Forty-one percent of head injury deaths and 76% of head injuries occurred among children less than 15 years of age. Universal use of helmets by all bicyclists could have prevented as many as 2500 deaths and 757,000 head injuries, ie, one death every day and one head injury every 4 minutes. Effective community-based education programs and legislated approaches for increasing bicycle safety helmet usage have been developed and await only the resources and commitment to reduce these unnecessary deaths and injuries.
Bicycling accidents cause many serious injuries and, in the United States, about 1300 deaths per year, mainly from head injuries. Safety helmets are widely recommended for cyclists, but convincing evidence of their effectiveness is lacking. Over one year we conducted a case-control study in which the case patients were 235 persons with head injuries received while bicycling, who sought emergency care at one of five hospitals. One control group consisted of 433 persons who received emergency care at the same hospitals for bicycling injuries not involving the head. A second control group consisted of 558 members of a large health maintenance organization who had had bicycling accidents during the previous year. Seven percent of the case patients were wearing helmets at the time of their head injuries, as compared with 24 percent of the emergency room controls and 23 percent of the second control group. Of the 99 cyclists with serious brain injury only 4 percent wore helmets. In regression analyses to control for age, sex, income, education, cycling experience, and the severity of the accident, we found that riders with helmets had an 85 percent reduction in their risk of head injury (odds ratio, 0.15; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.07 to 0.29) and an 88 percent reduction in their risk of brain injury (odds ratio, 0.12; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.40). We conclude that bicycle safety helmets are highly effective in preventing head injury. Helmets are particularly important for children, since they suffer the majority of serious head injuries from bicycling accidents.