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Reduced intravenous glutathione in the treatment of early Parkinson's disease


Abstract and Figures

1. Several studies have demonstrated a deficiency in reduced glutathione (GSH) in the nigra of patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD). In particular, the magnitude of reduction in GSH seems to parallel the severity of the disease. This finding may indicate a means by which the nigra cells could be therapeutically supported. 2. The authors studied the effects of GSH in nine patients with early, untreated PD. GSH was administered intravenous, 600 mg twice daily, for 30 days, in an open label fashion. Then, the drug was discontinued and a follow-up examination carried-out at 1-month interval for 2-4 months. Thereafter, the patients were treated with carbidopa-levodopa. 3. The clinical disability was assessed by using two different rating scale and the Webster Step-Second Test at baseline and at 1-month interval for 4-6 months. All patients improved significantly after GSH therapy, with a 42% decline in disability. Once GSH was stopped the therapeutic effect lasted for 2-4 months. 4. Our data indicate that in untreated PD patients GSH has symptomatic efficacy and possibly retards the progression of the disease.
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Pn$~NeumPsy&qAmmd&Bfdpsychlat 19!+6.VoI.!2O.p~. 1159-1170
Cqyrl@t 0 1996 Ekvter Sdena Inc.
PlintcdintheusA. Allrlghtsresemd
0278~5846/96 $32.00 + .OO
ELSEVIER PII 802784846(96)00103
‘Department of Neurology, *Division of Internal Medicine, and 3Chair of Clinical
Biochemistry, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy.
(Final form, July 1996)
Sechi GianPietro, Maria G. Deledda, Guido Bua, Wanda M. Satta, Giovanni A.
Deiana, Giovanni M. Pes, and Giulio Rosati: Reduced intravenous glutathione in
the treatment of early Parkinson’s Disease. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol &
Biol. Psychiat. 1996. 20, pp. 1159-1170
1. Several studies have demonstrated a deficiency in reduced glutathione
(GSH) in the nigra of patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). In particular,
the magnitude of reduction in GSH seems to parallel the severity of the
disease. This finding may indicate a means by which the nigra cells could
be therapeutically supported.
2. The authors studied the effects of GSH in nine patients with early,
untreated PD. GSH was administered intravenous, 600 mg twice daily, for
30 days, in an open label fashion. Then, the drug was discontinued and a
follow-up examination carried-out at l-month interval for 2-4 months.
Thereafter, the patients were treated with carbidopa-levodopa.
3. The clinical disability was assessed by using two different rating scale
and the Webster Step-Second Test at baseline and at l-month interval for
4-6 months. All patients improved significantly after GSH therapy, with a
42% decline in disability. Once GSH was stopped the therapeutic effect
lasted for 2-4 months.
4. Our data indicate that in untreated PD patients GSH has symptomatic
efficacy and possibly retards the progression of the disease.
Kevwords: Parkinson’s Disease; reduced glutathione.
Abbreviations: Columbia University Rating Scale (CURS): Parkinson’s Disease
(PD); Patients Global Impressions (PGI); reduced glutathione (GSH); resting
tremor (RT); Webster Step-Second Test (W.S.S.T.).
1160 G.P. Sechi et aL
The mechanisms underlying dopamine ceils death in the zona compacta of
substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease (PD) remain unclear. However, current
concepts of this process indicate that free radicals generated by oxidation
reactions may play a key role (Jenner et al., 1992). Indeed, in postmortem
tissues from patients with PD there is evidence for inhibition of complex 1 of
the mitochondrial respiratory chain, altered iron metabolism and decreased
levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) (Riederer et al., 1989, Jenner, 1993). Of
these defence mechanisms implicated in the prevention of free-radical-
induced tissue damage, only the reduction in the levels of GSH in substantia
nigra appears to be specific to PD (Jenner, 1993, Sian et al., 1994) and,
noteworthy, this reduction has been also found in cases of incidental Lewy
body disease (presymptomatic PD) (Perry et al., 1982, Sian et al., 1992). In
particular, the magnitude of reduction in GSH seems to parallel the severity of
PD and, in advanced stages, in the nigra, GSH is virtually undetectable
(Riederer et al., 1989). In addition, data from animal studies have shown that
an induced GSH depletion in mice produces morphological changes in nigral
dopamine neurons resembling those seen in normal aging and in MPTP (l-
methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6_tetrahydropyridine) neurotoxicity (McNeil et al.,
1986). These observations have led us to determine the effect of intravenous
(i.v.) GSH in patients with early, untreated PD.
After giving informed consent, 9 consecutive patients with idiopathic PD
were enrolled in the study. There were 6 men and 3 women, age 66 k 9 years
(mean + SD) (range, 49 to 77); Hoehn and Yahr stage of parkinsonism 2 f 0.9
(mean + SD) (range 1 to 4), with a disability duration of 13 + 4.5 months (mean
f SD) (range, 8 to 24). The patients were considered eligible for the study,
provided that they had not been treated previously with any antiparkinsonian
drug or other agents active on the central nervous system including deprenyl or
vitamin E. The patients with dementia (Mini-Mental State Examination), or
depression (Hamilton Rating Scale) were excluded.
GSH was administered i.v. 600 mg in 250 ml saline, as l-hour infusion,
twice daily, at 8.00 A.M. and 4.00 P.M, for 30 days, in an open label fashion. The
patients were assessed at baseline and 30 days after the treatment. Then, GSH
Intravenous GSH In PD 1161
was discontinued and, if the patient status improved, a follow-up examination
was carried-out at l-month interval, until the patient’s clinical status
returned to baseline, or when the patient felt he or she was worsened.
Thereafter, the patients were treated with carbidopa-levodopa ( 25250 mg ),
half-tablet three times daily, and a new examination carried-out after 30
days, about two hours after the intake of the drug.
On each visit, the clinical disability was assessed according to a modified
Columbia University Rating Scale (CURS) (Yahr et al., 1969), and to the Webster
Step-Second Test (W.S.S.T.) (scoring method: time in seconds to stand and walk
a prescribed course and sit again) (Webster, 1968).
The subscores evaluated at the modified CURS were: speech, hypomimia,
tremor at rest, action or postural tremor of hands, rigidity, finger taps, hand
movements, pronation and supination of hands, foot taping, arising from chair,
posture, gait, balance and hypokinesia.
For the W.S.S.T., three sequential trials were performed for each patient, at
baseline and at each control, with a fixed intertrial interval of 15 s. In the
tabulation of the results the authors used the mean (k SD) of the three W.S.S.T.
values obtained, for each patient, at the beginning of the experiment and after
each of the trial periods.
Clinical response was also self assessed by patients according to Patients
Global Impressions (PGI) (Guy, 1976). This scale (ranging from 1 = very much
better, to 7 = very much worse) was used to assess the change in severity of
the disease from the beginning of the study and from the previous visit.
All patients were evaluated by the same examiner throughout the study. On
each examination, they were observed over two consecutive days. In addition,
in patients with tremor, at baseline and at each examination, at approximately
the same time of day, tremograms were recorded using an accelerometer
transducer attached to the index finger of the hand and recorded on an EEG
polygraph. Tremor frequency (in Hertz) and visual mean amplitude (mean value
of tremor estimated visually in microvolts) were measured from the tracings.
Laboratorv Assessments
The following laboratory tests were performed at entry and after 30 days of
GSH therapy: routine blood chemistries, liver function tests, blood counts,
urinalysis and ECG. A chest X-ray and a brain CT, performed without contrast,
were conducted in all patients before study entry.
1162 G.P. Se&l et cd.
r nalvsrs
A statistical analysis of W.S.S.T. values was made, for each patient, by
Student’s t test for paired samples. A nonparametric statistical method was
used to compare clinical parkinsonian scores (Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed-
ranks Test) and the PGI (McNemar’s Test). In addition, the sums of clinical
parkinsonian scores for each patient, at baseline, were correlated either with
the percent improvement calculated through the same scale, or with the
percent improvement at W.S.S.T. after GSH therapy. The percentage of change
was calculated by the following formula:
prestudy value - treatment value / prestudy value x 100 = % change. The level
of significance was p c 0.05.
All 9 patients enrolled completed the study. There were no serious
complications from i.v infusion of GSH. Two patients during the third week of
i.v GSH treatment had fever (axillary, peak temperature, 3&2”C), erithemia of
the skin, irritation and hardness at injection site, likely due to infusion
thrombophlebitis. The irritation and fever cleared up after 5 days of antibiotic
and antiphlogistic therapy. Patient 6 after completion of the wash-out period
suffered a thigh-bone fracture. GSH did not induce clinically significant
changes in any laboratory test compared with basal conditions, The brain CTs
showed a mild cortical atrophy in two patients and no definite abnormalities
in seven of them. The frequency of resting tremor (RT) was 5 to 6 Hz. In patient
1, the mean amplitude of RT, compared with the baseline period, was reduced,
approximately, by 50% after GSH therapy, and by 25% after carbidopa-levodopa
(Fig 1). No definite variations in the mean amplitude of RT were noted in the
other patients, in the various sequences of treatment, with respect to
baseline, or to the wash-out period. At W.S.S.T. all patients improved
significantly after GSH, with respect to baseline (from p < 0.05, to p c 0.01);
instead, after levodopa-carbidopa, only five patients improved significantly,
with respect to the wash-out period (from p < 0.02, to p c 0.01). (Table 1). In
our opinion, for the dosages of levodopa-carbidopa and GSH used, the transient
improvement induced by these drugs was roughly comparable. The total scores
for parkinsonian disability (modified CURS) were significantly lower either
after GSH therapy, with respect to baseline (p < 0.007 ), or after levodopa-
carbidopa with respect to the wash-out period (p c 0.01). (Table 2). A
significant improvement after GSH therapy, with respect to baseline, of
modified CURS subscores, was evidenced for speech, hypomimia, rigidity,
lntravenoue GSH in PD 1163
pronation and supination of hands, foot taping, posture, gait, balance and
hypokinesia (from p < 0.02, to p c 0.007).
Fig 1. Representative resting tremor recordings in patient 1, at baseline (A);
30 days after therapy with reduced glutathione (B); 60 days after withdrawal
of reduced giutathione (C); and 30 days after carbidopa-ievodopa (D): Vertical
calibration is 200 microvolts; horizontal scale is 1 second.
A similar improvement was noted after carbidopa-levodopa, with respect to
the wash-out period (from p c 0.04, to p < 0.01). As seen from Tables, the
values of the modified CURS scores and the values of W.S.S.T., after
withdrawal of GSH therapy, reached the baseline values after 2.6 k 0.7 months
(range, 2 to 4 months). The correlation coefficient between total CURS scores
at baseline, and the percent improvement calculated through the same scale,
after GSH therapy, is shown in Fig 2. in Fig 3, is shown the correlation
coefficient between total CURS scores at baseline and the percent
improvement at the W.S.S.T. after GSH therapy. The slope of this late
correlation is significantly different than zero (r = 0.6813; p = 0.0433), while
the correlation shown in Fig 2 is non-significant.
Table 1
Webster Step-Second Test (W.S.S.T): Scoring Method: Time in Seconds to Stand and Walk a Prescribed
Course and Sit Again (mean + SD, of 3 sequential trials).
W.S.S.T. W.S.S.T. % Wash-out W.S.ST. After WSST. After %
Patient At Baseline After GSH Improv.1 (months) V&&out Lev.+DCI Improv.2
46.8 f 1.6 41.2 f 0.3** 1 2
58.7 f 0.6 57.2 z!z 0.6* 3
34.0 f 0.1 33.0 f 0.5* 3
34.3 + 0.5 33.3 f 0.3* 3
59.0 + 1.8 52.0 + 1.8** 1 2
32.9 f 4.3 25.6 f 1.5’ 22
44.3 f 1.15 39.7 + 0.58** 10
51.7 + 0.8 49.4 f l.O* 4.5
25.0 + 0.1 22.7 + l.l* 9
3 45.5 rt 0.86 43.0 f 0.5** 5.5
4 65.7 _+ 1.1 63.7 _+ 1.1 3
3 37.7 f 0.58 34.7 f 0.57” 8
2 42.7 k 0.58 42.0 + 0.5 2
2 51.2 f 0.3 50.0 f O.l*’ 2.5
2 32.3 + 2.6 -
2 45.0 f 1.2 39.6 f 1.9*** 12
2 52.0 f 1.2 48.2 + 1.3”’ 7
3 24.3 f 0.6 24.0 f 0.1 1
Lev.+DCI=Levodopa+Decarboxylase Inhibitor; W.S.S.T. values after GSH were compared with baseline;
W.S.S.T. values after Lev.+DCI were compared with the wash-out period; *p<O.O5; **p<O.Ol; **‘p<O.O2
(Student’s t Test for paired samples).
Table 2
Modified Columbia University Rating Scale: Total Scores in 9 Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Treated
with GSH (600 mg/day, I.V.) or Levodopa (375 mg/day + DCI, per OS).
Baseline T. Scores % Wash-out T.Scores T. Scores %
Patient T. Scores After GSH Improv.1 (months) After W&-cut After Lev.+DCI Impr0v.p
25 15 40 3 24
12 3 75 4 16
29 20 31 3 27
15 7 53 2 18
35 17 51 2 30
42 26 38 2 42
20 15 25 2 21
31 19 39 2 32
34 25 27 3 35
14 42
3 81
20 26
7 61
14 53
14 33
21 34
26 26
Mean + SD 27 +lO 16 f 8* 42 f 16 2.6 f 0.7 27 f 8 15 f 7** 44.5 f 19
Lev.+DCI=Levodopa+Decarboxylase Inhibitor; T. Scores=Total Scores; T. Scores values after GSH were
compared with baseline; T. Scores values after Lev.+DCI were compared with the wash-out period;
*pcO.O07; **p<O.Ol ; (Wilcoxon Matched-pair Signed-ranks Test).
1166 G.P. Se& et aL
Total Scores of CURS at Baseline
Fig 2. Correlation coefficient between total CURS scores at baseline and the
percent improvement calculated through the same scale after therapy with
reduced glutathione (r= - 0.5027; p=n.s.).
. .
/ .
Oi I I L
10 20 30 40 50
Total Score8 of CURS at Baaeltne
I I I 7
Fig 3. Correlation coefficient between total CURS scores at baseline and the
percent improvement at the W.S.S.T. after therapy with reduced glutathione
(r=0.6813; p=O.O433).
Intravenous GSH in PD 1167
Total scores of PGI were significantly lower either after GSH therapy, with
respect to wash-out period (or, baseline) (p < 0.0039) or after levodopa-
carbidopa, with respect to the wash-out period (p c 0.0039), where, no
significant difference was found at PGI between GSH therapy and levodopa-
carbidopa. One patient (n.9) with a marked sialorrhea, reported the
disappearance of this symptom after GSH therapy. After withdrawal of GSH the
benefit lasted for about 3 months. Levodopa-carbidopa therapy was ineffective
on sialorrhea in the same patient.
The crucial observation, that In idiopathic PD the magnitude of reduction in
GSH in substantia nigra seems to parellel the severity of the disease, may
indicate a means by which the nigra cells could be therapeutically supported
(Riederer et al., 1989).
GSH and the Blood-Brain Bar&r
GSH is a tripeptide (gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) which in
physiological conditions is belleved to be extracted in minimal amount at the
blood-brain barrier (Cornford et al., 1978). In addition, as it is a naturally
occurring peptide, the possibility exists that there may be a breakdown of
glutathione in plasma by peptidases, as in other tissues and at blood-brain
barrier itself (Meister and Tate, 1976). Therefore, its clinical value as a
therapeutic agent, if administered by a peripheral route, should be minimal.
However, since recent investigations support the concept of a selective
transcytosis for many peptides across an intact blood-brain barrier (Pardridge,
1986) and since the finding that in idiopathic PD the locus coeruleus, which
helps to preserve the integrity of blood-brain barrier functions, is damaged
(Tomonaga, 1983, Harik and McGunigal, 1984) the authors administered GSH as
l-hour infusion two times daily for 30 days in PD patients, to investigate a
possible therapeutic effect of this peptide, after peripheral administration.
Actually, recent experimental evidences have shown blood-brain extractlon of
circulating GSH in a brain perfusion model, and the transcytosis of intact GSH
into the brain parenchyma without breakdown (Zlokovic et al., 1994).
Effects of Intravenous GSH in Parkinson’s Disease
The results of our open study indicate that in PD this peptide given i.v. may
reach its specific target in the brain (i.e, the nigra cells) and may have a
significant beneficial effect on several parkinsonian signs. In particular, as
1168 G.P. Sechi et cd.
shown in Fig 3, the therapeutic effect of GSH on hypokinesia appears to be
correlated to the severity of the symptom. This peptide was also effective in
reducing the RT in one patient, but failed in other four. In this patient, GSH
apparently improved the RT more than levodopa-carbidopa. In our opinion, since
the dosages of levodopa-carbidopa and GSH used are not comparable, to draw
this conclusion is incorrect. Once GSH was stopped the therapeutic effect
lasted for 2-4 months. This finding, in our opinion, is a strong evidence against
a placebo effect and this may indicate a protective effect of the drug on the
rate of progression of PD. However, this does not necessarily exclude a
symptomatic effect of GSH. These concepts are supported by the results of two
double-blind studies on the use of selegine, or bromocriptine versus placebo in
PD (Teychenne et al., 1982, Myllyla et al., 1992). Indeed, in these studies, the
mean CURS scores in the placebo group returned to baseline after about l-
month, and the symptomatic effect of bromocriptine, once stopped, did not last
for more than four weeks (Teychenne et al., 1982, Myllyla et al., 1992).
Hvoothetical Mechanisms Underlying the TheraDeutic Fffect of GSH
The mechanism underlying the therapeutic effect of GSH in PD is unknown.
According to the most basic neurochemical abnormality in the brain of PD
patients (i.e., the marked loss of dopamine in the nigrostriatal neuron system)
(Ehringer and Hornykiewiez, 1960), an action of GSH at dopaminergic synapses
(presynaptically or postsynaptically) can be hypothesized. In particular, based
on the theoretical notion that decreasing the oxidative load in substantia nigra
may slow disease progression, it would seem that GSH, because of its
antioxidant properties (e.g., reduced formation of hydrogen peroxide), may be
able to protect the striatonigral cells and foster dopaminergic activity
(Jenner, 1993). Recent evidences of glutamate uptake inhibition by oxygen free
radicals in rat cortical astrocytes fit this hypothesis (Volterra et al., 1994).
Another important biological function that has been ascribed to glutathione is
the role in translocation of amino acids, and possibly also peptide, across cell
membranes (Meister and Tate, 1976). This function may be important for the
transport of substrate and specific proteic neurotrophic factors into the
dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (Tooyama et al., 1993). Given the
reduction in the levels of GSH in cells of substantia nigra, in PD this function
is likely impaired. A replacement therapy with exogenous GSH may contribute
to its reinstatement. A controlled study of this peptide for the treatment of PD
seems warranted.
intravenous GSH in PD 1169
The findings indicate that in PD GSH given i.v. may reach its specific target
in the brain (i.e., the nigra cells), it has a significant beneficial effect on
several parkinsonian signs and possibly retards the progression of the disease.
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Inquiries and reprint requests should be addressed to:
GianPietro Sechi, M.D.
Neurological Clinic
Viale S. Pletro, 10
... Moreover, these findings provide a potential early diagnostic biomarker for PD and suggest a therapeutic role of GSH, its precursors and analogues, or other antioxidants molecules of intermediary metabolism, such as thiamine and ß-Hydroxybutyrate, in PD. Notably, some experimental studies documented that GSH may cross the blood-brain barrier intact by a saturable, low-affinity transport process [29], and in a Sechi et al. study in 1996, the administration of large doses of GSH intravenously to untreated, early PD patients, improved bradykinesia and other PD motor symptoms significantly [30]. In support of this finding, a mild symptomatic effect of lower doses of intravenous GSH on PD motor symptoms in patients not adequately controlled with their current medication was shown by Hauser et al. in 2009, in a randomised controlled trial [31]. ...
... As a result, the peculiar morphological and electrophysiological properties of the dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra make them particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress and to biochemical or structural cellular damage [107][108][109][110][111]. In PD patients, considering the likely interaction of many different pathophysiological mechanisms, the use of compounds with definite multi-target activity should be highly promising. In particular, among the brain-specific small molecules of intermediary metabolism in PD previously discussed, reduced glutathione and the micronutrients ß-Hydroxybutyrate and thiamine seem to have these characteristics [30,36,52,54]. Indeed, all three of these compounds can target multiple mechanisms such as oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial damage, and cellular apoptosis. ...
... Thiamine via activation of the intracellular glucose metabolism in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria through thiamine pyrophosphate, and ß-Hydroxybutyrate via activation of the ketolytic pathway. Thus, these micronutrients may replenish, in dopaminergic neurons, ATP stores when depleted and protect them against oxidative damage [30,36,54,134]. Also, these micronutrients may interact directly with α-syn in specific, different regions: Hydroxybutyrate with the positively charged N-terminal amphipathic region of α-syn, while thiamine with the acidic C-terminal portion of α-syn [39,42] (Figure 3). the peculiar morphological and electrophysiological properties of the dopaminergic neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra make them particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress and to biochemical or structural cellular damage [107][108][109][110][111]. In PD patients, considering the likely interaction of many different pathophysiological mechanisms, the use of compounds with definite multi-target activity should be highly promising. In particular, among the brain-specific small molecules of intermediary metabolism in PD previously discussed, reduced glutathione and the micronutrients ß-Hydroxybutyrate and thiamine seem to have these characteristics [30,36,52,54]. ...
Full-text available
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive age-related neurodegenerative disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Essentially, it is characterised by selective degeneration of dopamine neurons of the nigro-striatal pathway and intraneuronal aggregation of misfolded α-synuclein with formation of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. Moreover, specific small molecules of intermediary metabolism may have a definite pathophysiological role in PD. These include dopamine, levodopa, reduced glutathione, glutathione disulfide/oxidised glutathione, and the micronutrients thiamine and ß-Hydroxybutyrate. Recent research indicates that these small molecules can interact with α-synuclein and regulate its folding and potential aggregation. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge on interactions between α-synuclein and both the small molecules of intermediary metabolism in the brain relevant to PD, and many other natural and synthetic small molecules that regulate α-synuclein aggregation. Additionally, we analyse some of the relevant molecular mechanisms potentially involved. A better understanding of these interactions may have relevance for the development of rational future therapies. In particular, our observations suggest that the micronutrients ß-Hydroxybutyrate and thiamine might have a synergistic therapeutic role in halting or reversing the progression of PD and other neuronal α-synuclein disorders.
... 49 In patients with acute hepatitis due to alcohol use or hepatitis infection, administration of glutathione injection (600 mg) for 7 days was tolerated well and significantly improved liver enzymes. 34 In small-scale study involving 9 patients with Parkinson's disease who received intravenous GSH (600 mg, twice daily) and assessed over a period of 30 days, 53 showed improvement in clinical outcomes with a 42% decline in clinical disability caused by Parkinson's disease. 53 The therapeutic effect of GSH reportedly lasted for 2-4 months. ...
... 34 In small-scale study involving 9 patients with Parkinson's disease who received intravenous GSH (600 mg, twice daily) and assessed over a period of 30 days, 53 showed improvement in clinical outcomes with a 42% decline in clinical disability caused by Parkinson's disease. 53 The therapeutic effect of GSH reportedly lasted for 2-4 months. 53 In 2009, Milla et al. assessed the use of intravenous GSH (1500 mg/mL) in managing neurotoxicity caused by oxaliplatin infusion in 27 colorectal cancer patients. ...
... 53 The therapeutic effect of GSH reportedly lasted for 2-4 months. 53 In 2009, Milla et al. assessed the use of intravenous GSH (1500 mg/mL) in managing neurotoxicity caused by oxaliplatin infusion in 27 colorectal cancer patients. 51 They observed a significant decrease in neurotoxicity compared to the placebo group, without any adverse events. ...
Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and sepsis are life-threatening conditions marked by severe oxidative stress. Chronic alcohol use triggers oxidative stress and inflammation that damages liver cells. Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide consisting of gamma glutamyl cysteinyl glycine possesses a thiol group and participates in oxidation reduction reactions, acting as a principal cellular scavenger of free radicles. GSH is present in large concentrations in the liver, and its endogenous levels are depleted in ALD, exacerbating the condition. Intravenous GSH supplementation has shown promising results in improving liver function and reducing fibrosis markers in ALD patients. Intravenous GSH treatment has demonstrated the potential to reduce oxidative injury and mortality rates in patients with sepsis in the intensive care unit. The versatility of GSH in mitigating oxidative stress, inflammation, and tissue damage and proven safety and tolerability profile make it a valuable adjunct to current treatments. Further research is imperative to comprehensively unravel the therapeutic benefits of GSH injection adjunct to standard of care in patients with ALD and sepsis. Keywords: Glutathione, Alcoholic liver disease, Sepsis, Antioxidants, Intensive care unit, Intravenous
... After that, the patients were treated with carbidopa-levodopa. Intravenous glutathione was associated with marked improvement in all patients, and resulted in a 42% reduction in disability [10]. ...
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Glutathione, a tripeptide consisting of cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid is present in high level in most human cells. The cellular concentration of glutathione is similar to that of glucose, potassium, and cholesterol. Reactive oxygen species are associated with cell damage in a variety of conditions and disorders. Therefore, they have to be scavenged by antioxidants. Reduced glutathione has been increasingly considered as the most potent intracellular antioxidant. However, low levels of reduced glutathione has been observed in a variety of clinical conditions Therefore, effectively restoring the effective intracellular level of glutathione with the use of parenteral glutathione to serves as an adjuvant therapy in a variety of conditions has been increasingly reported.
... GSH is the most abundant nonprotein peptide in the body and is responsible for maintaining cellular redox status. The application of GSH as a therapeutic agent is limited by its very short half-life in human plasma and its difficulty in crossing cell membranes [116]. Under physiological conditions, the cellular availability of cysteine is considered to be the rate-limiting factor in the synthesis of intracellular GSH [117]. ...
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There are currently no disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s disease (PD), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with dopaminergic neuronal loss. There is increasing evidence that endogenous dopamine (DA) can be a pathological factor in neurodegeneration in PD. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the key rate-limiting enzyme for DA generation. Drugs that inhibit TH, such as alpha-methyltyrosine (α-MT), have recently been shown to protect against neurodegeneration in various PD models. DA receptor agonists can activate post-synaptic DA receptors to alleviate DA-deficiency-induced PD symptoms. However, DA receptor agonists have no therapeutic effects against neurodegeneration. Thus, a combination therapy with DA receptor agonists plus TH inhibitors may be an attractive therapeutic approach. TH inhibitors can protect and promote the survival of remaining dopaminergic neurons in PD patients’ brains, whereas DA receptor agonists activate post-synaptic DA receptors to alleviate PD symptoms. Additionally, other PD drugs, such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and anticholinergic drugs, may be used as adjunctive medications to improve therapeutic effects. This multi-drug cocktail may represent a novel strategy to protect against progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration and alleviate PD disease progression.
... The final component of the Healthspan protocol was micronutrient therapy in the form of both IV and IM supplementation. Micronutrient therapy can have a variety of effects based on the specific micronutrients administered, with benefits including, though not limited to, antioxidant protection, glucose homeostasis, amino acid synthesis, reduced hypertension, and improved cognitive function [48][49][50][51][52]. These micronutrients can work both alone and in conjunction with the other therapies in the Healthspan protocol, further enhancing the wellness-centric approach to health. ...
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Wellness-centric proactive healthcare is increasingly sought after, with individuals frequently embracing complementary modalities to achieve this goal. In this six-month study, healthy adult participants (n = 25) received specific therapies, including whole-body cryotherapy, infrared sauna, and photobiomodulation, along with guidance on physical activity, diet, and alcohol intake. Serum biomarkers were measured for all participants, while a subset also received biometric assessments for body composition (n = 10) and heart rate variability (n = 7). Over the course of the study (mean (SD) follow-up days = 174 (130)), participants exhibited significant improvements in health. LDL cholesterol (−9.77 (15.43) md/dL) and hsCRP (−1.75 (2.66) mg/L) decreased significantly (p < 0.05). HbA1c increased slightly (p < 0.05), but the effect size was small (0.12 (0.13)%). The body composition subset lost overall body weight (−3.29 (3.75) kg), primarily body fat, while preserving lean muscle mass (p < 0.05). Heart rate variability increased for those with existing cardiovascular risk factors (p < 0.05). In conclusion, participation in the multimodal Healthspan protocol is associated with substantial improvements in health-related biomarkers and biometrics.
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Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are life-altering diseases that are characterised by progressive memory loss and motor dysfunction. The prevalence of AD and PD is predicted to continuously increase. Symptoms of AD and PD are primarily mediated by progressive neuron death and dysfunction in the hippocampus and substantia nigra. Central features that drive neurodegeneration are caspase activation, DNA fragmentation, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, amyloid-β, and/or α-synuclein formation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) increase these central features. Currently, there are limited therapeutic options targeting these mechanisms. Antioxidants reduce ROS levels by the induction of antioxidant proteins and direct neutralisation of ROS. This review aims to assess the effectiveness of antioxidants in reducing ROS and neurodegeneration. Antioxidants enhance major endogenous defences against ROS including superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione. Direct neutralisation of ROS by antioxidants protects against ROS-induced cytotoxicity. The combination of Indirect and direct protective mechanisms prevents ROS-induced α-synuclein and/or amyloid-β formation. Antioxidants ameliorate ROS-mediated oxidative stress and subsequent deleterious downstream effects that promote apoptosis. As a result, downstream harmful events including neuron death, dysfunction, and protein aggregation are decreased. The protective effects of antioxidants in human models have yet to directly replicate the success seen in cell and animal models. However, the lack of diversity in antioxidants for clinical trials prevents a definitive answer if antioxidants are protective. Taken together, antioxidant treatment is a promising avenue in neurodegenerative disease therapy and subsequent clinical trials are needed to provide a definitive answer on the protective effects of antioxidants. No current treatment strategies have significant impact in treating advanced AD and PD, but new mimetics of endogenous mitochondrial antioxidant enzymes (Avasopasem Manganese, GC4419 AVA) may be a promising innovative option for decelerating neurodegenerative progress in the future at the mitochondrial level of OS.
Malodorants comprise notoriously smelling mercaptans and might be applied for crowd control. Because exposure to malodorants may lead to irritation of the respiratory system, choking, and coma, bioanalytical verification of poisoning might be required in a medical and forensic context. We herein present the detection and identification of novel biomarkers of exposure to ethyl mercaptan, n ‐butyl mercaptan, tert ‐butyl mercaptan, and iso ‐amyl mercaptan. These alkyl thiol compounds were found to form disulfide adducts in human serum albumin (HSA) in plasma in vitro with the only non‐disulfide‐bridged Cys ³⁴ residue and with other residues being part of the disulfide‐bridged pattern in HSA. After proteinase K‐catalyzed proteolysis, adducts of all mercaptans were detected simultaneously as the tripeptide Cys ³⁴ *ProPhe and the dipeptides Cys ³⁶⁹ *Tyr, ValCys ³¹⁶ *, and Cys x *Ala (x denominates either Positions 91, 200, 253, 361, and/or 448) by a sensitive micro‐liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (μLC‐ESI MS/MS) method working in the scheduled multiple reaction monitoring (sMRM) mode. Time‐ and concentration‐dependent adduct formations while exposure and proteolysis were investigated and the suitability of adducts as biomarkers of exposure was elaborated. Adducts at Cys ³⁴ showed the lowest limits of identification (LOIs, 6 nM to 1.2 μM mercaptan in plasma) and superior stability in plasma at 37°C. Therefore, Cys ³⁴ *ProPhe appears as the most promising target to prove exposure to mercaptans at least in vitro.
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Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder globally, significantly affecting the quality of life of affected individuals. Systemic drug delivery to the brain is inefficient because of first‐pass metabolism, the blood‐brain barrier (BBB), and the blood‐cerebrospinal fluid barrier. This inefficiency necessitates increased dosage as the disease progresses, leading to severe side effects that compromise the efficacy of the medication. Nose‐to‐brain (N2B) administration bypasses the BBB, allowing delivery of both small molecules and large protein substances to the central nervous system. Compared with systemic administration, this method enhances brain bioavailability, reduces enzymatic degradation, and minimizes systemic adverse reactions. However, the N2B delivery system is associated with several critical challenges, including mucociliary clearance, enzymatic degradation, and drug translocation via efflux mechanisms. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current research progress in intranasal treatment of PD, considering both preclinical and clinical studies, and discusses the physiological aspects and limitations of its delivery system.
Objective PEMF is an emerging technique in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) due to its potential improvement of movement speed. The aim of this study was to investigate the metabolic profiles of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) in an SH-SY5Y cell model of PD. Methods The SH-SY5Y cell model of PD was induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP⁺). Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC‒MS)-based untargeted metabolomics was performed to examine changes in the PD cell model with or without PEMF exposure. We conducted KEGG pathway enrichment analysis to explore the potentially related pathways of the differentially expressed metabolites. Results A total of 275 metabolites were annotated, and 27 significantly different metabolites were found between the PEMF treatment and control groups (VIP >1, P < 0.05), mainly including 4 amino acids and peptides, 4 fatty acid esters, 2 glycerophosphoethanolamines, 2 ceramides and 2 monoradylglycerols; among them, 12 metabolites were upregulated, and 15 were downregulated. The increased expression levels of glutamine, adenosine monophosphate and taurine were highly associated with PEMF stimulation in the PD model. The enrichment results of differentially abundant metabolite functional pathways showed that biological processes such as the mTOR signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, and cAMP signaling pathway were significantly affected. Conclusion PEMFs affected glutamine, adenosine monophosphate and taurine as well as their functional pathways in an in vitro model of PD. Further functional studies regarding the biological effect of these changes are required to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of PEMF treatment in PD.
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The blood-brain barrier separates brain interstitial space from blood and is formed by brain capillary endothelial cells that are fused together by epithelial-like tight junctions. Study of the blood-brain barrier traditionally has been a relatively arcane field, even for neurobiologists. However, advances over the last 10 years in understanding the transport physiology and cell biology of the brain capillary endothelial cell now provide insights into the pathogenesis of such problems as brain glucopenia, hepatic encephalopathy, therapeutic efficacy of alpha-methyldopa, brain edema in diabetic ketoacidosis, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, and lupus cerebritis.
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The blood-brain barrier separates brain interstitial space from blood and is formed by brain capillary endothelial cells that are fused together by epithelial-like tight junctions. Study of the blood-brain barrier traditionally has been a relatively arcane field, even for neurobiologists. However, advances over the last 10 years in understanding the transport physiology and cell biology of the brain capillary endothelial cell now provide insights into the pathogenesis of such problems as brain glucopenia, hepatic encephalopathy, therapeutic efficacy of alpha-methyldopa, brain edema in diabetic ketoacidosis, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, and lupus cerebritis.
Reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) levels were measured in various brain areas (substantia nigra, putamen, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, and cerebral cortex) from patients dying with Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple-system atrophy, and Huntington's disease and from control subjects with no neuropathological changes in substantia nigra. GSH levels were reduced in substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease patients (40% compared to control subjects) and GSSG levels were marginally (29%) but insignificantly elevated; there were no changes in other brain areas. The only significant change in multiple-system atrophy was an increase of GSH (196%) coupled with a reduction of GSSG (60%) in the globus pallidus. The only change in progressive supranuclear palsy was a reduced level of GSH in the caudate nucleus (51%). The only change in Huntington's disease was a reduction of GSSG in the caudate nucleus (50%). Despite profound nigral cell loss in the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease, multiple-system atrophy, and progressive supranuclear palsy, the level of GSH in the substantia nigra was significantly reduced only in Parkinson's disease. This suggests that the change in GSH in Parkinson's disease is not solely due to nigral cell death, or entirely explained by drug therapy, for multiple-system atrophy patients were also treated with levodopa. The altered GSH/GSSG ratio in the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease is consistent with the concept of oxidative stress as a major component in the pathogenesis of nigral cell death in Parkinson's disease.
The distribution of noradrenaline und dopamine (3-hydroxytyramine) in human adult and newborn brains has been investigated. The greatest amounts of noradrenaline were found in the hypothalamus, the central gray matter of the mesencephalon, the reticular formation and in the area postrema. The highest amount of dopamine was found in the neostriatum.
Blood-brain barrier penetration of leucine-enkephalin, methionine-enkephalin, and other peptide-like compounds was measured after intracarotid injection of three isotopes and was found to be non-saturable over the nanomolar range of concentrations tested. No significant differences in brain regional extraction of leucine enkephalin (or morphine or heroin) were observed. In contrast to previous reports, the brain extraction of enkephalins was minimally low (E = 2-3%) and about the same order of magnitude as other putative neurotransmitters. Brain extractions of other peptide-like compounds were similarly small: TRH, E = 1%; glutathione, E = 0.5%; beta-alanyl histidine, E = 1%; and thioacetyl coenzyme A, E = 2%. Extraction of the non-diffusible reference dextran was determined to be 1%, suggesting that the blood brain barrier tends to restrict peptide penetration.
Current concepts as to the cause of Parkinson's disease (PD) suggest an inherited predisposition to environmental or endogenous toxic agents. Study of the substantia nigra after death in PD has highlighted three major changes: (1) evidence of oxidative stress and depletion of reduced glutathione; (2) high levels of total iron, with reduced ferritin buffering; and (3) mitochondrial complex I deficiency. Which of these is the primary event, generating a secondary cascade of changes culminating in nigral cell death, is unknown. In presymptomatic Lewy body-positive control brains, the nigra shows depletion of reduced glutathione content and, possibly, a reduction of complex I activity. Whatever the significance of these various abnormalities, be they causal or secondary, they provide novel targets for the development of new strategies to treat the cause of PD.
To investigate the efficacy and safety of selegiline in the early phase of Parkinson's disease (PD), we carried out a placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel trial. De novo PD patients were randomized to receive either selegiline (10 mg/d) or matching placebo. We continued selegiline or placebo until levodopa therapy became necessary and assessed the disability using three different rating scales at baseline, after 3 weeks, at 2, 4, 8, and 12 months, and at every 4 months thereafter. Fifty-two patients were eligible for the analysis, 27 in the selegiline group and 25 in the placebo group. The median duration of time before levodopa had to be initiated was 545 +/- 90 days with selegiline and 372 +/- 28 days with placebo (p = 0.03). Disability was significantly less in the selegiline group than in the placebo group up to 12 months. The period of time during which the mean total Columbia University Rating Scale score stayed below the baseline was used to express the initial symptomatic effect of the treatments. The difference in this initial improvement time between the two groups was about 3 months and did not alone explain the difference in the delay of the need to start levodopa therapy. Selegiline was well tolerated and there were no severe side effects. We conclude that selegiline delays the need to start levodopa in de novo PD patients, has symptomatic efficacy, and possibly retards the progression of the disease.
The regional distributions of iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and calcium in parkinsonian brains were compared with those of matched controls. In mild Parkinson's disease (PD), there were no significant differences in the content of total iron between the two groups, whereas there was a significant increase in total iron and iron (III) in substantia nigra of severely affected patients. Although marked regional distributions of iron, magnesium, and calcium were present, there were no changes in magnesium, calcium, and copper in various brain areas of PD. The most notable finding was a shift in the iron (II)/iron (III) ratio in favor of iron (III) in substantia nigra and a significant increase in the iron (III)-binding, protein, ferritin. A significantly lower glutathione content was present in pooled samples of putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, nucleus basalis of Meynert, amygdaloid nucleus, and frontal cortex of PD brains with severe damage to substantia nigra, whereas no significant changes were observed in clinicopathologically mild forms of PD. In all these regions, except the amygdaloid nucleus, ascorbic acid was not decreased. Reduced glutathione and the shift of the iron (II)/iron (III) ratio in favor of iron (III) suggest that these changes might contribute to pathophysiological processes underlying PD.