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The Benefits and Ethics of Animal Research

  • WellBeing International

Abstract and Figures

This is a brief introduction to a collection of three articles addressing the ethics of animal research. The first article is a summary of the issue by a Scientific American reporter and the other two reflect pro and con positions on animal research. The four articles taken together provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the animal research debate in the United States at the end of the 20th century.
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or the past 20 years, we have witnessed an intense but
largely unproductive debate over the propriety and
value of using animals in medical and scientific re-
search, testing and education. Emotionally evocative images
and simple assertions of opinion and fact are the usual fare.
But we do not have to accept such low standards of exchange.
Sound bites and pithy rhetoric may have their place in the
fight for the public’s ear, but there is always room for dispas-
sionate analysis and solid scholarship.
When it comes to animal research, there is plenty of reason
for legitimate dispute. First, one has to determine what val-
ues are being brought to the table. If one believes animals
should not be used simply as means to ends, that assumption
greatly restricts what animal research one is willing to accept.
Most people, though, believe some form of cost-benefit anal-
ysis should be performed to determine whether the use of an-
imals is acceptable. The costs consist mainly of animal pain,
distress and death, whereas the benefits include the acquisi-
tion of new knowledge and the development of new medical
therapies for humans.
There is considerable disagreement among scientists in
judging how much pain and suffering occur in the
housing and use of research animals. More atten-
tion is at last being given to assessing these
questions and to finding ways of minimizing
such discomfort. Developing techniques that explicitly ad-
dress and eliminate animal suffering in laboratories will re-
duce both public and scientific uneasiness about the ways an-
imals are used in science. At present, indications are that
public attention to the animal research issue has declined
somewhat; however, the level of concern among scientists, re-
search institutions, animal-rights groups and those who reg-
ulate animal use remains high.
There is also much room to chal-
lenge the benefits of animal research
and much room to defend such re-
search. In the next few pages,
you will find a debate between
opponents and supporters of
animal research. It is followed
by an article that sets out the
historical, philosophical and
social context of the animal-
research controversy. We leave
it to you to judge the case.
director of the Tufts Uni-
versity Center for Animals
and Public Policy.
The Benefits and Ethics
of Animal Research
Experiments on animals are a mainstay
of modern medical and scientific research.
But what are the costs and what are the returns?
by Andrew N. Rowan
Scientific American February 1997 79Forum: The Benefits and Ethics of Animal Research
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
he use of animals for research
and testing is only one of many
investigative techniques avail-
able. We believe that although animal
experiments are sometimes intellectual-
ly seductive, they are poorly suited to
addressing the urgent health problems
of our era, such as heart disease, cancer,
stroke, AIDS and birth defects. Even
worse, animal experiments can mislead
researchers or even contribute to illness-
es or deaths by failing to predict the tox-
ic effects of drugs. Fortunately, other,
more reliable methods that represent a
far better investment of research funds
can be employed.
The process of scientific discovery of-
ten begins with unexpected observations
that force researchers to reconsider ex-
isting theories and to conceive hypothe-
ses that better explain their findings.
Many of the apparent anomalies seen
in animal experiments, however, merely
reflect the unique biology of the species
being studied, the unnatural means by
which the disease was induced or the
stressful environment of the laboratory.
Such irregularities are irrelevant to hu-
man pathology, and testing hypotheses
derived from these observations wastes
considerable time and money.
The majority of animals in laborato-
ries are used as so-called animal mod-
els: through genetic manipulation, sur-
gical intervention or injection of foreign
substances, researchers produce ailments
in these animals that “model” human
conditions. This research paradigm is
fraught with difficulties, however. Evo-
lutionary pressures have resulted in in-
numerable subtle, but significant, dif-
ferences between species. Each species
has multiple systems of organs
the car-
diovascular and nervous systems, for
that have complex interac-
tions with one another. A stimulus ap-
plied to one particular organ system
perturbs the animal’s overall physiolog-
ical functioning in myriad ways that of-
cannot be predicted or fully under-
Such uncertainty severely under-
mines the extrapolation of animal data
to other species, including humans.
Animal Tests Are Inapplicable
mportant medical advances have been
delayed because of misleading results
derived from animal experiments. David
Wiebers and his colleagues at the Mayo
Clinic, writing in the journal
Stroke in
1990, described a study showing that
of the 25 compounds that reduced dam-
age from ischemic stroke (caused by lack
of blood flow to the brain) in rodents,
cats and other animals, none proved ef-
ficacious in human trials. The research-
ers attributed the disappointing results
to disparities between how strokes nat-
urally occur in humans and how they
were experimentally triggered in the an-
imals. For instance, a healthy animal
that experiences a sudden stroke does
not undergo the slowly progressive ar-
terial damage that usually plays a cru-
cial role in human strokes.
During the 1920s and 1930s, studies
on monkeys led to gross misconcep-
tions that delayed the fight against po-
liomyelitis. These experiments indicat-
ed that the poliovirus infects mainly the
nervous system; scientists later learned
this was because the viral strains they
had administered through the nose had
artificially developed an affinity for brain
tissue. The erroneous conclusion, which
contradicted previous human studies
demonstrating that the gastrointestinal
system was the primary route of infec-
tion, resulted in misdirected preventive
measures and delayed the development
of a vaccine. Research with human cell
cultures in 1949 first showed that the
virus could be cultivated on nonneural
tissues taken from the intestine and
limbs. Yet in the early 1950s, cell cul-
tures from monkeys rather than humans
were used for vaccine production; as a
result, millions of people were exposed
to potentially harmful monkey viruses.
In a striking illustration of the inade-
quacy of animal research, scientists in
the 1960s deduced from numerous ani-
mal experiments that inhaled tobacco
smoke did not cause lung cancer (tar
from the smoke painted on the skin of
rodents did cause tumors to develop,
but these results were deemed less rele-
vant than the inhalation studies). For
many years afterward, the tobacco lob-
by was able to use these studies to delay
government warnings and to discour-
age physicians from intervening in their
patients’ smoking habits.
Of course, human population studies
provided inescapable evidence of the
tobacco-cancer connection, and recent
human DNA studies have identified to-
bacco’s “smoking gun,” showing how
a derivative of the carcinogen benzo(a)-
pyrene targets human genes, causing
cancer. (It turns out that cancer research
is especially sensitive to differences in
physiology between humans and other
animals. Many animals, particularly rats
Animal Research Is
Wasteful and Misleading
by Neal D. Barnard and Stephen R. Kaufman
80 Scientific American February 1997 Debate: Animal Research Is Wasteful and Misleading
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
and mice, synthesize within their bodies
approximately 100 times the recom-
mended daily allowance for humans of
vitamin C, which is believed to help the
body ward off cancer.)
The stress of handling, confinement
and isolation alters an animal’s physiol-
ogy and introduces yet another experi-
mental variable that makes extrapolat-
ing results to humans even more diffi-
cult. Stress on animals in laboratories
can increase susceptibility to infectious
disease and certain tumors as well as
influence levels of hormones and anti-
bodies, which in turn can alter the func-
tioning of various organs.
In addition to medical research, ani-
mals are also used in the laboratory to
test the safety of drugs and other chem-
icals; again, these studies are confound-
ed by the fact that tests on different spe-
cies often provide conflicting results. For
instance, in 1988 Lester Lave of Carne-
gie Mellon University reported in the
journal Nature that dual experiments
to test the carcinogenicity of 214 com-
pounds on both rats and mice agreed
with each other only 70 percent of the
time. The correlation between rodents
and humans could only be lower. David
Salsburg of Pfizer Central Research has
noted that of 19 chemicals known to
cause cancer in humans when ingested,
only seven caused cancer in mice and
rats using the standards set by the Na-
tional Cancer Institute.
Indeed, many substances that ap-
peared safe in animal studies and re-
ceived approval from the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration for use in humans
later proved dangerous to people. The
drug milrinone, which raises cardiac
output, increased survival of rats with
artificially induced heart failure; hu-
mans with severe chronic heart failure
taking this drug had a 30 percent in-
crease in mortality. The antiviral drug
fialuridine seemed safe in animal trials
yet caused liver failure in seven of 15
humans taking the drug (five of these pa-
tients died as a result of the medication,
and the other two received liver trans-
plants). The commonly used painkiller
zomepirac sodium was popular in the
early 1980s, but after it was implicated
in 14 deaths and hundreds of life-threat-
ening allergic reactions, it was with-
drawn from the market. The antidepres-
sant nomifensine, which had minimal
toxicity in rats, rabbits, dogs and mon-
keys, caused liver toxicity and anemia
in humans
rare yet severe, and some-
times fatal, effects that forced the manu-
facturer to withdraw the product a few
months after its introduction in 1985.
These frightening mistakes are not
mere anecdotes. The U.S. General Ac-
counting Office reviewed 198 of the 209
new drugs marketed between 1976 and
1985 and found that 52 percent had
“serious postapproval risks” not pre-
dicted by animal tests or limited human
trials. These risks were defined as ad-
verse reactions that could lead to hospi-
talization, disability or death. As a re-
sult, these drugs had to be relabeled with
new warnings or withdrawn from the
market. And of course, it is impossible
to estimate how many potentially useful
drugs may have been needlessly aban-
doned because animal tests falsely sug-
gested inefficacy or toxicity.
Better Methods
esearchers have better methods at
their disposal. These techniques in-
clude epidemiological studies, clinical
intervention trials, astute clinical obser-
vation aided by laboratory testing, hu-
man tissue and cell cultures, autopsy
studies, endoscopic examination and bi-
opsy, as well as new imaging methods.
And the emerging science of molecular
epidemiology, which relates genetic,
metabolic and biochemical factors with
epidemiological data on disease inci-
dence, offers significant promise for
identifying the causes of human disease.
Consider the success of research on
atherosclerotic heart disease. Initial epi-
demiological investigations in humans
notably the Framingham Heart Study,
started in 1948
revealed the risk factors
for heart disease, including high choles-
terol levels, smoking and high blood
pressure. Researchers then altered these
factors in controlled human trials, such
as the multicenter Lipid Research Clin-
ics Trial, carried out in the 1970s and
1980s. These studies illustrated, among
many other things, that every 1 percent
drop in serum cholesterol levels led to at
least a 2 percent drop in risk for heart
disease. Autopsy results and chemical
studies added further links between risk
factors and disease, indicating that peo-
ple consuming high-fat diets acquire ar-
terial changes early in life. And studies
of heart disease patients indicated that
eating a low-fat vegetarian diet, getting
regular mild exercise, quitting smoking
and managing stress can reverse athero-
sclerotic blockages.
Similarly, human population studies
of HIV infection elucidated how the
virus was transmitted and guided inter-
vention programs. In vitro studies using
human cells and serum allowed re-
searchers to identify the AIDS virus and
determine how it causes disease. Inves-
tigators also used in vitro studies to as-
sess the efficacy and safety of important
new AIDS drugs such as AZT, 3TC and
protease inhibitors. New leads, such as
possible genetic and environmental fac-
tors that contribute to the disease or
provide resistance to it, are also emerg-
ing from human studies.
Many animals have certainly been
used in AIDS research, but without
much in the way of tangible results. For
instance, the widely reported monkey
studies using the simian immunodefi-
ciency virus (SIV) under unnatural con-
ditions suggested that oral sex present-
ed a transmission risk. Yet this study
Debate: Animal Research Is Wasteful and Misleading Scientific American February 1997 81
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
did not help elucidate whether oral sex
transmitted HIV in humans or not. In
other cases, data from animal studies
have merely repeated information al-
ready established by other experiments.
In 1993 and 1994 Gerard J. Nuovo and
his colleagues at the State University of
New York at Stony Brook determined
the route of HIV into the female body
(the virus passes through cells in the cer-
vix and then to nearby lymph nodes) us-
ing studies of human cervical and lymph
node samples. Later, experimenters at
New York University placed SIV into the
vaginas of rhesus monkeys, then killed
the animals and dissected the organs;
their paper, published in 1996, arrived
at essentially the same conclusion about
the virus’s path as did the previous hu-
man studies.
Research into the causes of birth de-
fects has relied heavily on animal exper-
iments, but these have typically proved
to be embarrassingly poor predictors of
what can happen in humans. The rates
for most birth defects are rising steadily.
Epidemiological studies are needed to
trace possible genetic and environmen-
tal factors associated with birth defects,
just as population studies linked lung
cancer to smoking and heart disease to
cholesterol. Such surveys have already
provided some vital information
connection between neural tube defects
and folate deficiency and the identifica-
tion of fetal alcohol syndrome are no-
table findings
but much more human
population research is needed.
Observations of humans have proved
to be invaluable in cancer research as
well. Several studies have shown that
cancer patients who follow diets low in
fat and rich in vegetables and fruit live
longer and have a lower risk of recur-
rence. We now need intervention trials
to test which specific diets help with var-
ious types of cancers.
The issue of what role, if any, animal
experimentation played in past discov-
eries is not relevant to what is necessary
now for research and safety testing. Be-
fore scientists developed the cell and tis-
sue cultures common today, animals
were routinely used to harbor infectious
organisms. But there are few diseases
for which this is still the case
methods for vaccine production are saf-
er and more efficient. Animal toxicity
tests to determine the potency of drugs
such as digitalis and insulin have largely
been replaced with sophisticated labo-
ratory tests that do not involve animals.
A Rhetorical Device
nimal “models” are, at best, analo-
gous to human conditions, but no
theory can be proved or refuted by anal-
ogy. Thus, it makes no logical sense to
test a theory about humans using ani-
mals. Nevertheless, when scientists de-
bate the validity of competing theories
in medicine and biology, they often cite
animal studies as evidence. In this con-
text, animal experiments serve primari-
ly as rhetorical devices. And by using
different kinds of animals in different
protocols, experimenters can find evi-
dence in support of virtually any theo-
ry. For instance, researchers have used
animal experiments to show that ciga-
rettes both do and do not cause cancer.
Harry Harlow’s famous monkey ex-
periments, conducted in the 1960s at
the University of Wisconsin, involved
separating infant monkeys from their
mothers and keeping some of them in
total isolation for a year. The experi-
ments, which left the animals severely
damaged emotionally, served primarily
as graphic illustrations of the need for
maternal contact
a fact already well
established from observations of hu-
man infants.
Animal experimenters often defend
their work with brief historical accounts
of the supposedly pivotal role of animal
data in past advances. Such interpreta-
tions are easily skewed. For example,
proponents of animal use often point to
the significance of animals to diabetes
research. But human studies by Thomas
Cawley, Richard Bright and Appolli-
naire Bouchardat in the 18th and 19th
centuries first revealed the importance
of pancreatic damage in diabetes. In ad-
dition, human studies by Paul Langer-
hans in 1869 led to the discovery of in-
sulin-producing islet cells. And although
cows and pigs were once the primary
sources for insulin to treat diabetes, hu-
man insulin is now the standard thera-
py, revolutionizing how patients man-
age the disease.
Animal experimenters have also as-
serted that animal tests could have pre-
dicted the birth defects caused by the
drug thalidomide. Yet most animal spe-
cies used in laboratories do not develop
the kind of limb defects seen in humans
after thalidomide exposure; only rab-
bits and some primates do. In nearly all
animal birth-defect tests, scientists are
left scratching their heads as to whether
humans are more like the animals who
develop birth defects or like those who
do not.
In this discussion, we have not
broached the ethical objections to ani-
mal experimentation. These are critical-
ly important issues. In the past few de-
cades, scientists have come to a new ap-
preciation of the tremendous complexity
of animals’ lives, including their ability
to communicate, their social structures
and emotional repertoires. But prag-
matic issues alone should encourage sci-
entists and governments to put research
money elsewhere.
EN R. KAUFMAN are both practicing
physicians. Barnard conducts nutrition
research and is president of the Physi-
cians Committee for Responsible Medi-
cine. Kaufman is co-chair of the Medical
Research Modernization Committee.
Debate: Animal Research Is Wasteful and Misleading82 Scientific American February 1997
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
xperiments using animals have
played a crucial role in the de-
velopment of modern medical
treatments, and they will continue to be
necessary as researchers seek to allevi-
ate existing ailments and respond to the
emergence of new disease. As any med-
ical scientist will readily state, research
with animals is but one of several com-
plementary approaches. Some questions,
however, can be answered only by ani-
mal research. We intend to show exact-
ly where we regard animal research to
have been essential in the past and to
point to where we think it will be vital
in the future. To detail all the progress
that relied on animal experimentation
would require many times the amount
of space allotted to us. Indeed, we can-
not think of an area of medical research
that does not owe many of its most im-
portant advances to animal experiments.
In the mid-19th century, most debili-
tating diseases resulted from bacterial
or viral infections, but at the time, most
physicians considered these ailments to
be caused by internal derangements of
the body. The proof that such diseases
did in fact derive from external micro-
organisms originated with work done by
the French chemist Louis Pasteur and
his contemporaries, who studied infec-
tious diseases in domestic animals. Be-
cause of his knowledge of how contam-
inants caused wine and beer to spoil,
Pasteur became convinced that microor-
ganisms were also responsible for diseas-
es such as chicken cholera and anthrax.
To test his hypothesis, Pasteur exam-
ined the contents of the guts of chickens
suffering from cholera; he isolated a pos-
sible causative microbe and then grew
the organism in culture. Samples of the
culture given to healthy chickens and
rabbits produced cholera, thus proving
that Pasteur had correctly identified the
offending organism. By chance, he no-
ticed that after a time, cultures of the
microorganisms lost their ability to in-
fect. But birds given the ineffective cul-
tures became resistant to fresh batches
that were otherwise lethal to untreated
birds. Physicians had previously ob-
served that among people who survived
a severe attack of certain diseases, recur-
rence of the disease was rare; Pasteur
had found a means of producing this
resistance without risk of disease. This
experience suggested to him that with
the administration of a weakened cul-
ture of the disease-causing bacteria, doc-
tors might be able to induce in their pa-
tients immunity to infectious diseases.
In similar studies on rabbits and gui-
nea pigs, Pasteur isolated the microbe
that causes anthrax and then developed
a vaccine against the deadly disease.
With the information from animal ex-
obviously of an extent that
could never have been carried out on
he proved not only that infec-
tious diseases could be produced by mi-
croorganisms but also that immuniza-
tion could protect against these diseases.
Pasteur’s findings had a widespread
effect. For example, they influenced the
views of the prominent British surgeon
Joseph Lister, who pioneered the use of
carbolic acid to sterilize surgical instru-
ments, sutures and wound dressings,
thereby preventing infection of wounds.
In 1875 Queen Victoria asked Lister to
address the Royal Commission inquiry
into vivisection
as the queen put it, “to
make some statement in condemnation
of these horrible practices.” As a Quak-
er, Lister had spoken publicly against
many cruelties of Victorian society, but
despite the request of his sovereign, he
was unable to condemn vivisection. His
testimony to the Royal Commission
stated that animal experiments had
been essential to his own work on asep-
sis and that to restrict research with an-
imals would prevent discoveries that
would benefit humankind.
Dozens of Vaccines and Antibiotics
ollowing the work of Pasteur and
others, scientists have established
causes of and vaccines for dozens of in-
fectious diseases, including diphtheria,
tetanus, rabies, whooping cough, tuber-
culosis, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps
and rubella. The investigation of these
ailments indisputably relied heavily on
animal experimentation: in most cases,
researchers identified candidate micro-
organisms and then administered the
microbes to animals to see if they con-
tracted the illness in question.
Similar work continues to this day.
Just recently, scientists developed a vac-
cine against
Hemophilus influenzae
type B (Hib), a major cause of meningi-
tis, which before 1993 resulted in death
or severe brain damage in more than
800 children each year in the U.S. Early
versions of a vaccine produced only
poor, short-lived immunity. But a new
vaccine, prepared and tested in rabbits
and mice, proved to be powerfully im-
munogenic and is now in routine use.
Within two months of the vaccine’s in-
Debate: Animal Research Is Vital to Medicine Scientific American February 1997 83
Animal Research Is
Vital to Medicine
by Jack H. Botting and Adrian R. Morrison
CHRISTOPHER BURKE/QB (left); CORBIS-BETTMANN (center); GEOFF TOMPKINSON SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc. (right)
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
troduction in the U.S. and the U.K., Hib
infections fell by 70 percent.
Animal research not only produced
new vaccines for the treatment of infec-
tious disease, it also led to the develop-
ment of antibacterial and antibiotic
drugs. In 1935, despite aseptic precau-
tions, trivial wounds could lead to seri-
ous infections that resulted in amputa-
tion or death. At the same time, in both
Europe and the U.S., death from puer-
peral sepsis (a disease that mothers can
contract after childbirth, usually as a
result of infection by hemolytic strepto-
cocci) occurred in 200 of every 100,000
births. In addition, 60 of every 100,000
men aged 45 to 64 died from lobar pneu-
monia. When sulfonamide drugs became
available, these figures fell dramatically:
by 1960 only five out of every 100,000
mothers contracted puerperal sepsis, and
only six of every 100,000 middle-aged
men succumbed to lobar pneumonia. A
range of other infections could also be
treated with these drugs.
The story behind the introduction of
sulfonamide drugs is instructive. The
team investigating these compounds
Gerhard Domagk’s group at Bayer Lab-
oratories in Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Ger-
insisted that all candidate com-
pounds be screened in infected mice
(using the so-called mouse protection
test) rather than against bacteria grown
on agar plates. Domagk’s perspicacity
was fortunate: the compound pronto-
sil, for instance, proved to be extremely
potent in mice, but it had no effect on
bacteria in vitro
the active antibacter-
ial substance, sulfanilamide, was formed
from prontosil within the body. Scien-
tists synthesized other, even more pow-
erful sulfonamide drugs and used them
successfully against many infections. For
his work on antibacterial drugs, Do-
magk won the Nobel Prize in 1939.
A lack of proper animal experimenta-
tion unfortunately delayed for a decade
the use of the remarkable antibiotic pen-
icillin: Alexander Fleming, working in
1929, did not use mice to examine the
efficacy of his cultures containing crude
penicillin (although he did show the cul-
tures had no toxic effects on mice and
rabbits). In 1940, however, Howard W.
Florey, Ernst B. Chain and others at the
University of Oxford finally showed pen-
icillin to be dramatically effective as an
antibiotic via the mouse protection test.
Despite the success of vaccines and
antibacterial therapy, infectious disease
remains the greatest threat to human life
worldwide. There is no effective vaccine
against malaria or AIDS; physicians in-
creasingly face strains of bacteria resis-
tant to current antibacterial drugs; new
infectious diseases continue to emerge.
It is hard to envisage how new and bet-
ter vaccines and medicines against in-
fectious disease can be developed with-
out experiments involving animals.
Research on animals has been vital to
numerous other areas in medicine. Open-
heart surgery
which saves the lives of
an estimated 440,000 people every year
in the U.S. alone
is now routine, thanks
to 20 years of animal research by scien-
tists such as John Gibbon of Jefferson
Medical College in Philadelphia. Re-
placement heart valves also emerged
from years of animal experimentation.
The development of treatments for
kidney failure has relied on step-by-step
improvement of techniques through an-
imal experiments. Today kidney dialy-
sis and even kidney transplants can save
the lives of patients suffering from renal
failure as a result of a variety of ailments,
including poisoning, severe hemorrhage,
hypertension or diabetes. Roughly
200,000 people require dialysis every
year in the U.S.; some 11,000 receive a
new kidney. Notably, a drug essential
for dialysis
heparinmust be extract-
ed from animal tissues and tested for
safety on anesthetized animals.
Transplantation of a kidney or any
major organ presents a host of compli-
cations; animal research has been in-
strumental in generating solutions to
these problems. Experiments on cats
helped develop techniques for suturing
blood vessels from the host to the do-
nor organ so that the vessels would be
strong enough to withstand arterial pres-
sure. Investigators working with rab-
bits, rodents, dogs and monkeys have
also determined ways to suppress the
immune system to avoid rejection of the
donor organ.
The list continues. Before the intro-
duction of insulin, patients with diabe-
tes typically died from the disease. For
more than 50 years, the lifesaving hor-
mone had to be extracted from the pan-
creas of cattle or pigs; these batches of
insulin also had to be tested for safety
and efficacy on rabbits or mice.
When we started our scientific ca-
reers, the diagnosis of malignant hyper-
tension carried with it a prognosis of
death within a year, often preceded by
devastating headaches and blindness.
Research on anesthetized cats in the
1950s heralded an array of progressive-
ly improved antihypertensive medicines,
so that today treatment of hypertension
is effective and relatively benign. Simi-
larly, gastric ulcers often necessitated
surgery with a marked risk of morbid-
ity afterward. Now antiulcer drugs, de-
veloped from tests in rats and dogs, can
control the condition and may effect a
cure if administered with antibiotics to
eliminate Helicobacter pylori infection.
Common Misconceptions
uch is made in animal-rights pro-
paganda of alleged differences be-
tween species in their physiology or re-
sponses to drugs that supposedly render
animal experiments redundant or mis-
leading. These claims can usually be re-
futed by proper examination of the lit-
erature. For instance, opponents of ani-
mal research frequently cite the drug
Debate: Animal Research Is Vital to Medicine84 Scientific American February 1997
LONNY SHAVELSON Impact Visuals (left); UNIPHOTO (right)
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
thalidomide as an example of a medi-
cine that was thoroughly tested on ani-
mals and showed its teratogenic effect
only in humans. But this is not so. Sci-
entists never tested thalidomide in preg-
nant animals until after fetal deformities
were observed in humans. Once they ran
these tests, researchers recognized that
the drug did in fact cause fetal abnor-
malities in rabbits, mice, rats, hamsters
and several species of monkey. Similar-
ly, some people have claimed that peni-
cillin would not have been used in pa-
tients had it first been administered to
guinea pigs, because it is inordinately
toxic to this species. Guinea pigs, how-
ever, respond to penicillin in exactly the
same way as do the many patients who
contract antibiotic-induced colitis when
placed on long-term penicillin therapy.
In both guinea pigs and humans, the
cause of the colitis is infection with the
bacterium Clostridium difficile.
In truth, there are no basic differences
between the physiology of laboratory
animals and humans. Both control their
internal biochemistry by releasing endo-
crine hormones that are all essentially
the same; both humans and laboratory
animals send out similar chemical trans-
mitters from nerve cells in the central
and peripheral nervous systems, and
both react in the same way to infection
or tissue injury.
Animal models of disease are unjustly
criticized by assertions that they are not
identical to the conditions studied in hu-
mans. But they are not designed to be so;
instead such models provide a means to
study a particular procedure. Thus, cys-
tic fibrosis in mice may not exactly mim-
ic the human condition (which varies
considerably among patients anyway),
but it does provide a way to establish
the optimal method of administering
gene therapy to cure the disease. Oppo-
nents of animal experiments also allege
that most illness can be avoided by a
change of lifestyle; for example, adop-
tion of a vegan diet that avoids all ani-
mal products. Whereas we support the
promulgation of healthy practices, we
do not consider that our examples could
be prevented by such measures.
A Black Hole
ur opponents in this debate claim
that even if animal experiments
have played a part in the development
of medical advances, this does not mean
that they were essential. Had such tech-
niques been outlawed, the argument
goes, researchers would have been forced
to be more creative and thus would have
invented superior technologies. Others
have suggested that there would not be
a gaping black hole in place of animal
research but instead more careful and
respected clinical and cellular research.
In fact, there was a gaping black hole.
No outstanding progress in the treat-
ment of disease occurred until biomedi-
cal science was placed on a sound, em-
pirical basis through experiments on
animals. Early researchers, such as Pas-
teur and the 17th-century scientist Wil-
liam Harvey, who studied blood circu-
lation in animals, were not drawn to
animal experiments as an easy option.
Indeed, they drew on all the techniques
available at the time to answer their
questions: sometimes dissection of a ca-
daver, sometimes observations of a pa-
tient, sometimes examination of bacte-
ria in culture. At other times, though,
they considered experimentation on an-
imals to be necessary.
We would like to suggest an interest-
ing exercise for those who hold the view
that animal experiments, because of their
irrelevance, have retarded progress: take
an example of an advance dependent on
animal experiments and detail how an
alternative procedure could have pro-
vided the same material benefit. A suit-
able example would be treatment of the
cardiac condition known as mitral valve
insufficiency, caused by a defect in the
heart’s mitral valve. The production of
prosthetic heart valves stemmed from
years of development and testing for ef-
ficacy in dogs and calves. The artificial
valve can be inserted only into a quies-
cent heart that has been bypassed by a
heart-lung machine
an instrument that
itself has been perfected after 20 years’
experimentation in dogs. If, despite the
benefit of 35 years of hindsight, critics
of animal research cannot present a con-
vincing scenario to show how effective
treatment of mitral valve insufficiency
could have developed any other way,
their credibility is suspect.
Will animal experiments continue to
be necessary to resolve extant medical
problems? Transgenic animals with a
single mutant gene have already provid-
ed a wealth of new information on the
functions of proteins and their roles in
disease; no doubt they will continue to
do so. We also anticipate major progress
in the treatment of traumatic injury to
the central nervous system. The dogma
that it is impossible to restore function
to damaged nerve cells in the mamma-
lian spinal cord has to be reassessed in
the light of recent animal research indi-
cating that nerve regeneration is indeed
possible. It is only a matter of time be-
fore treatments begin to work. We find
it difficult to envision how progress in
this field
and so many others in bio-
logical and medical science
can be
achieved in the future without animal
R. MORRISON have been active in
the defense of animal research since the
1980s. Botting, a retired university lec-
turer, is the former scientific adviser to
the Research Defense Society in Lon-
don. Morrison is director of the Labo-
ratory for Study of the Brain in Sleep at
the University of Pennsylvania School
of Veterinary Medicine.
Debate: Animal Research Is Vital to Medicine Scientific American February 1997 85
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
here is no question about it:
the number of animals used in
laboratory experiments is go-
ing down. In the U.K., the Netherlands,
Germany and several other European
countries, the total has fallen by half
since the 1970s. In Canada, mammals
have largely been replaced by fish. The
figures for the U.S. are unclear. The U.S.
uses between 18 and 22 million animals
a year, but exact numbers are unknown
for roughly 85 percent of these
mice and birds. Primate use has stayed
constant, whereas the use of dogs and
cats is down by half since the 1970s.
No one reason accounts for the de-
cline, but several factors are obvious. In
1975 the animal-rights movement ex-
ploded onto the scene with the publica-
tion of
Animal Liberation by the Aus-
tralian philosopher Peter Singer. The
book’s depiction of research, and a se-
ries of exposés by suddenly vigilant ac-
tivists, threw a harsh spotlight on scien-
tists. In the following years, public per-
ceptions of animals became increasingly
sympathetic. Dian Fossey, Jane Goodall
and other ethologists related to an en-
thralled audience tales of love, sorrow,
jealousy and deceit among primates. Al-
though not so popular with scientists,
such anthropomorphic views of animals
fueled the passage of laws regulating
And the scientists have changed. Those
entering the biomedical
profession in re-
cent decades have imbibed
at least some
of the concerns of the movement, if not
its ideals; many are willing to acknowl-
edge the moral dilemmas of their craft.
Some experiments that were applauded
in the 1950s would not be done today,
because they would be deemed to cause
too much suffering. Oftentimes biotech-
nology is allowing test tubes to be sub-
stituted for animals. And a few research-
ers, cognizant that only their expertise
can help reduce the need for animals,
are avidly seeking alternatives. All these
efforts are bearing fruit.
The Philosophers
he underlying force behind these
changes appears to be society’s
evolving views of animals. These per-
ceptions owe a great deal to philosophy
and to science
and very little to reli-
gion. The Bible is unequivocal about the
position of animals in the natural order:
God made man in his image and gave
him dominion over all other creatures.
And although Hinduism and Buddhism
envisage a hierarchy of organisms rath-
er than a sharp division, their influence
on the animal-rights movement is limit-
ed to vague inspiration and vegetarian
recipes. The real roots lie in secular phi-
losophy. In 1780 the English barrister
Jeremy Bentham asked what “insupera-
ble line” prevented humans from ex-
tending moral regard to animals: “The
question is not, Can they reason? nor,
Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?”
The question became more poignant
in 1859 with the advent of Charles Dar-
win’s theory of evolution. The theory
provided a scientific rationale for using
animals to learn about humans, and
Darwin endorsed such use. But he also
believed in an emotional continuum be-
tween humans and animals and was
troubled by the suffering that experi-
mentation could cause. This dichotomy
inspired clashes between animal lovers
and experimenters in 19th-century Eng-
land, culminating in the 1876 British
Trends in Animal Research
Increased concern for animals, among scientists
as well as the public, is changing the ways in which
animals are used for research and safety testing
by Madhusree Mukerjee, staff writer
The Evolution of Animal
Use in Research
in U.S.
the theory
of evolution
86 Scientific American February 1997 Trends in Animal Research
British anticruelty act introduced
by Richard
donkey). He
later founded
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
Cruelty to Animals Act regulating ani-
mal experimentation. But the phenom-
enal success of medicine in the next cen-
tury made the animal-protection move-
ment recede into the background.
It rebounded in the 1970s, with Sing-
er’s attack. A philosopher in the utilitar-
ian tradition of Bentham, Singer holds
that in all decisions the total amount of
good that results
human and animal
should be weighed against the suffer-
human and animalcaused in the
process. Not that to him the interests of
humans and animals have equal weight:
life is of far greater value to a human
than, for example, to a creature with no
self-awareness. But if there is something
one would not do to, say, a severely in-
capacitated child, then neither should
one do it to an animal that would suffer
as much. Ignoring the interests of an an-
imal just because it is not human is, to
Singer, “speciesism,” a sin akin to rac-
ism. Invoking the connections between
humans and the great apes, Singer,
Goodall and others have issued a call
for these creatures, at least, to be freed
from experimentation.
Although Singer started the modern
animal-rights movement, it takes its
name and its most uncompromising
ideas from Tom Regan’s The Case for
Animal Rights (University of California
Press, 1983). Regan believes that all hu-
mans and most animals have inherent
rights, which he describes as invisible
“no trespassing” signs hung around
their necks. They state that our bodies
may not be transgressed, no matter how
much good might thereby result. Regan
does not equate humans with animals
to save survivors in a lifeboat, a dog
could be thrown overboard before a hu-
man would
yet he states that animals
cannot be experimented on, because
they are not merely means to an end.
Many other philosophers have lent
their voices to the animals, but few have
come to the aid of researchers. One who
did so, Michael A. Fox, author of The
Case for Animal Experimentation (Uni-
versity of California Press, 1986), later
declared himself convinced by his crit-
ics and became an advocate for animals.
Attempts to refute Singer and Regan
usually involve pointing to morally rele-
vant criteria that separate humans from
animals. Raymond G. Frey of Bowling
Green State University has written that
animals cannot have interests, because
they cannot have desires, because they
cannot have beliefs, because they do not
have language. Regan counters that a
dog may well believe “that bone is tas-
ty” without being able to formulate the
phrase and that a human infant would
never learn to speak unless it could ac-
quire preverbal concepts to which it
could later assign words, such as “ball.”
Another supporter of research, Carl
Cohen of the University of Michigan,
has argued that rights are not inherent:
they arise from implicit contracts among
members of society, and they imply du-
ties. Because animals cannot recipro-
cate such duties, they cannot have rights.
This argument meets with the retort
that infants and the mentally ill cannot
fulfill such obligations either but are
not left out of the realm of rights: Why
omit animals? (One response is that hu-
man rights are based on characteristics
of “typical” humans, not on borderline
cases, prompting animal advocates to
ask what these special qualities are
so on and on.)
Some research proponents also note
that nature is cruel: lions kill zebras, cats
play with mice. Evolution has placed hu-
mans on top, so it is only natural for us
to use other creatures. This argument,
which some say elevates “survival of the
fittest” to a moral philosophy, falls prey
to a proposition called the naturalistic
fallacy. To paraphrase the 18th-century
philosopher David Hume, what “is”
cannot dictate what “ought to be.” So
natural history may well illuminate why
human morals evolved into their pres-
ent form, but humans can transcend
their nature. One animal advocate de-
clares: “Killing and eating [meat] is an
integral part of the evolution of human
beings. Not killing and not eating [meat]
is the next step in our evolution.”
Many philosophers fall into the trou-
bled middle, arguing for interests or
rights to be ordered in a hierarchy that
allows some uses of animals but bars
others. Such distillations of animal-lib-
eration ideas have been finding their
way into legislation. The U.K., Austra-
lia, Germany and several other nations
require a utilitarian cost-benefit analy-
sis to be performed before an animal ex-
periment can proceed. And in Novem-
ber 1996 the Netherlands passed into
law the statement that animals have “in-
trinsic value”: they are sentient beings,
entitled to the moral concern of humans.
The Public
ot that, of course, all the Dutch are
vegetarians. Rational argumenta-
tion may have influenced public opin-
ion, but as Harold A. Herzog, Jr., a psy-
chologist at Western Carolina Universi-
ty, remarks, the average person’s stance
on animal issues remains wildly incon-
sistent. In one survey, questions phrased
in terms of rats yielded a far more pro-
vivisection outcome than those mention-
ing dogs. Jesse L. Owens, a neuroscien-
tist at the University of Alaska, protests
British Cruelty
to Animals Act
Diphtheria antitoxin produced
(serum is being drawn from a horse)
Tetanus antitoxin found
Louis Pasteur (at patients
right) develops rabies vaccine
Scientific American February 1997 87
Trends in Animal Research
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
that medical research is “the only use of
animals that is essential” and like other
researchers is bewildered by people who
eat meat and in the same gulp condemn
Not surprisingly, the animal-libera-
tion movement has coincided with soci-
ety’s becoming increasingly distant from
and shielded from the reality
behind dinner. Those who grew up on
farms often see animals as objects to be
used, whereas those who had pets tend
to express more sympathy. One line
along which attitudes divide is gender.
In all countries surveyed, women are
more pro-animal and antivivisectionist
than men, and three quarters of Ameri-
can animal-rights activists are women.
Also noticeable is a generation gap. Sur-
veys by Stephen R. Kellert of Yale Uni-
versity find that those who are older or
less educated are more likely to see ani-
mals as resources, whereas those who
are younger or more educated tend to
view animals with compassion.
Public support of animal experimen-
tation, though higher in the U.S. than in
Europe, has been slowly declining. In
1985, 63 percent of American respon-
dents agreed that “scientists should be
allowed to do research that causes pain
and injury to animals like dogs and chim-
panzees if it produces new information
about human health problems”; in 1995,
53 percent agreed. Even in disciplines
that have traditionally used animals, the
trend is unmistakable. A survey by Scott
Plous of Wesleyan University finds that
psychologists with Ph.D.’s earned in the
1990s are half as likely to express strong
support for animal research as those
with Ph.D.’s from before 1970. (Part of
this result comes from the increased pres-
ence of women, but there is a significant
drop among men as well.)
Opposition to animal experimenta-
tion is often said to derive from antisci-
ence sentiments, aggravated by poor
public knowledge of science. But accord-
ing to a 1994 survey led by Linda Pifer
of the Chicago Academy of Sciences,
negative attitudes toward animal exper-
imentation in the U.S. correlate only
weakly with lack of knowledge about
science. And in Belgium, France and
Italy, for instance, greater scientific lit-
eracy is connected with an increased re-
jection of animal experimentation.
Sociologists agree that opposition to
vivisection derives primarily from sym-
pathy for animals. Almost all animal
rightists are vegetarians; many are “veg-
ans,” eschewing milk, eggs, leather and
other animal products. “My philosophy
of living as softly on the earth as I can is
my life,” one activist told Herzog. In
striving to cause the least suffering pos-
sible, these individuals labor under a
heavy moral burden that sits lightly on
the rest of us. Some activists have in-
dulged in threatening researchers, break-
ing into laboratories or even arson. But
the number of such illegal acts, listed by
the U.S. Department of Justice, dropped
from about 50 a year in 1987 to 11 in
1992. (More recent figures are unavail-
able but are believed to be small.)
Many animal experimenters are also
animal lovers. Surveys by Harold Ta-
an, a sociologist at Fordham Uni-
versity, reveal that biomedical research-
ers have the same mixed feelings about
animals and animal research as does the
general public. (The groups that gave
animals the lowest rating and vivisec-
tion the highest were farmers, hunters
and the clergy.) Thomas M. Donnelly, a
veterinarian at the Rockefeller Universi-
ty’s animal center, also runs a shelter to
which he takes cats that are no longer
needed for research. Almost all the tox-
gists and pharmacologists at a 1996
on alternatives to animal ex-
perimentation had experience with us-
ing animals and were moved enough by
it to seek substitutes. Scientists choose
to use animals because they feel it is the
only way to help humans. Donald Sil-
ver, who did cancer studies on mice at
Sloan-Kettering Hospital in the 1970s,
recounts that whenever he had doubts
about his work, he had only to think
about the terminally ill patients in the
children’s ward.
The Scientists
f course, scientists’ perceptions of
animals have evolved as well. In
the early 20th century Darwinian wor-
ries about emotions were dispelled by
the rise of behaviorism. Because thoughts
cannot be measured, but behavior can,
practitioners such as C. Lloyd Morgan
and, later, B. F. Skinner sought to de-
scribe animals purely in terms of their
responses to stimuli. Bernard Rollin, au-
thor of The Unheeded Cry (Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1989), argues that at some
point, the animal psyche went from be-
ing impossible to measure to being non-
existent. The test of a good theory,
“Morgan’s canon,” required all actions
to be interpreted in terms of the lowest
psychological faculties possible. In prac-
tice, this meant that a rat would not be
feeling pain even if its “writhes per min-
ute” were being used to test the efficacy
of an analgesic. Its neurochemistry was
merely inducing a physiological reflex.
“We were taught as undergraduates
not to think of animals as other than
stimulus-response bundles,” asserts Mel-
anie Stiassney, an ichthyologist at the
American Museum of Natural History.
“The dogma is you can’t credit them
with feelings.” In turn, it is often thought
undesirable for a researcher to have feel-
ings about the animal under study: emo-
tions can impair professional judgment
and also make it hard to perform cer-
Trends in Animal Research
88 Scientific American February 1997
Humane Society
of the U.S.
Jonas Salk
polio vaccine
Christine Stevens
founds Animal
Welfare Institute
in U.S.
Albert Sabin
develops live,
attenuated polio
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
tain procedures. Arnold Arluke, a soci-
ologist at Northeastern University who
studied animal laboratories from 1985
to 1993, reports that some technicians
were deeply disturbed when a playful
dog or a roomful of mice had to be put
down. Such distress was officially dis-
couraged and therefore kept secret. But
after being “burned” by the death of a
favorite animal, laboratory workers
learned to avoid emotional connections
with the creatures.
The resulting dissociation, which is of-
ten likened to that of a surgeon from a
patient, allows a researcher to function
with a minimum of stress. But given the
emotional separation, a scientist may
not realize when an animal is in pain
especially if the very existence of pain is
in doubt. Nowadays, many researchers
are aware of dissociation and seek objec-
tive ways to detect distress. And animal
pain has come into its own. At a 1996
meeting on the Guide to the Care and
Use of Laboratory Animals
a collection
of guidelines that all researchers funded
by the National Institutes of Health have
to follow
veterinarian Gerald F. Geb-
hart of the University of Iowa stated that
the pain-sensing apparatus is the same
throughout the vertebrate kingdom and
offered this rule of thumb: “If it hurts
you, it probably hurts the animal.”
Increasingly, animal experimenters try
to balance scientific imperatives with
humaneness. Keith A. Reimann, a vet-
erinarian at Harvard University’s ani-
mal facility, does AIDS-related research
in monkeys. He insists that a macaque
be euthanized as soon as it becomes sick,
even if additional information might be
gained by following the course of the
illness. Franz P. Gruber of the Universi-
ty of Konstanz in Germany, who serves
on a board overseeing animal experi-
mentation, says his committee does not
allow “death as an end point”
in which the animal dies of the disease
or procedure being studied. Instead the
committee works with the researcher to
define a stage at which the creature can
be put out of its misery.
One area of concern to American vet-
erinarians involves paralytic drugs. These
agents immobilize an animal for surgery,
for six or more hours at a time; anesthe-
sia, however, may wear off in an hour or
two. A few researchers are reportedly
reluctant to administer additional anes-
thetics for fear that an overdose could
kill the animal before the experiment is
over, leading to a loss of data. But with-
out such “topping up,” the animal may
become conscious during the operation
and not be able to convey, by twitch or
cry, that it is in agony. And some scien-
tists object to using painkillers because
they do not want to introduce a new
variable into the experiment.
Compassionate feelings for animals
also influence studies, although research-
ers rarely admit to such unscientific, if
creditable, motivations. When asked
about their choice of species subjects, for
example, three neuroscientists
on monkeys, rats and frogs, respective-
replied unhesitatingly that it was de-
termined by the scientific question at
hand. But later in the conversation, the
frog experimenter confided that he, per-
sonally, could not work on “a furry an-
imal,” and the rat experimenter said he
would not work with a cat or even with
a rat in a more painful protocol.
The Three Rs
cientists’ concern for animals first
became visible professionally in the
1950s, when the behavioristic paradigm
came under attack. British zoologist Wil-
liam M. S. Russell and microbiologist
Rex L. Burch published The Principles
of Humane Experimental Technique
(Methuen, London, 1959), in which they
put forth the “three Rs.” This principle
sets out three goals for the conscientious
researcher: replacement of animals by in
vitro, or test-tube, methods; reduction
of their numbers by means of statistical
techniques; and refinement of the ex-
periment so as to cause less suffering.
Although they took some decades to
catch on, the three Rs define the mod-
ern search for alternatives.
Starting in the 1960s, humane orga-
nizations and governments began to
fund studies in alternative methods. Eu-
ropean governments, especially, have
invested considerable resources. For the
past 15 years, Germany has been giving
out about $6 million a year in research
grants alone; the Netherlands spends
$2 million a year (including overheads
for its alternatives center). The Euro-
pean Center for the Validation of Alter-
native Methods, a body set up in 1992
by the European Commission, requires
another $9 million annually. In the U.S.,
governmental interest has been com-
paratively low; the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences (
is now offering $1.5 million worth of
grants a year, for three years. And indus-
try provides the $1 million a year that
the Center for Alternatives to Animal
Testing (CAAT) at Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity disburses in grants. (Although
15 federal agencies have recently formed
the Interagency Coordinating Commit-
tee for Validation of Alternative Meth-
ods, this venture is as yet unfunded.)
All this effort has yielded a variety of
means for reducing animal use. Statisti-
cal sophistry, for example, is allowing
the classical LD50 (or lethal dose 50
percent) test for acute toxicity to be elim-
inated. This test requires up to 200 rats,
dogs or other animals to be force-fed
different amounts of a substance, to de-
termine the dose that will kill half a
Trends in Animal Research
Scientific American February 1997 89
William M. S. Russell
and Rex L. Burch state
three Rs of animal
Animal Welfare Act
(AWA) passed
in the U.S.
Dorothy Hegarty founds Fund
for the Replacement of Animals in
Medical Experiments in U.K.
Peter Singer publishes
animal-liberation philosophy
to AWA
cover warm-
blooded animals
and require
pain relief
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
group. Although in vitro alternatives are
still far away
because the mechanisms
underlying toxicity are poorly under-
protocols currently accepted
worldwide call for a tenth the number of
animals. The Organization for Econom-
ic Cooperation and Development, for ex-
ample, asks for between three and 18 an-
imals to be used: if the substance kills the
first three, it need be tested no further.
Another unpleasant procedure is the
LD80 test for vaccines. Experimental
animals are vaccinated against a dis-
ease; they and a control group are then
exposed to it. The vaccine passes only if
at least 80 percent of the experimental
group remains healthy and if 80 percent
of the control group dies. Again using
statistics, Coenraad Hendriksen of the
National Institute of Public Health and
the Environment in the Netherlands
found a way of testing diphtheria and
tetanus vaccines that requires simply
checking the level of antibodies. Apart
from greatly reducing the suffering, it
uses half the number of animals.
“Data mining”
the sifting of moun-
tains of information for relevant new
has also proved astonishingly
helpful. Horst Spielmann of ZEBET,
the German center for alternatives to an-
imal testing, surveyed decades of indus-
try data on pesticides and concluded
that if mice and rats prove sensitive to a
chemical, it does not have to be tested
on dogs. Spielmann anticipates that 70
percent of the dog tests can be dispensed
with. Klaus Cussler of the Paul Ehrlich
Institute in Langen, Germany, reviewed
data on the “abnormal safety test” for
vaccines (called the “mouse and guinea
pig safety test” in the U.S.), which in-
volves vaccinating mice and guinea pigs
and watching for untoward reactions.
Their findings led to the test being
dropped for vaccines checked in other
standard ways. “It was so senseless,”
Cussler shakes his head.
In 1989, after observing that produc-
tion of monoclonal antibodies in mice
with tumors causes much suffering,
ZEBET funded industry research into
test-tube alternatives. Consequently, the
antibodies, used in cancer therapy, are
now rarely manufactured in mice in
Europe (although mice remain the norm
in the U.S.). Production of polio vaccines
is another success story. In the 1970s the
Netherlands used 5,000 monkeys a year;
now kidney cell cultures from just 10
monkeys provide enough vaccine for ev-
eryone. Hormones or vaccines manufac-
tured in cell cultures are also purer than
those made in vivo (that is, in the ani-
mals themselves), so each batch need not
be tested as before for safety and efficacy.
In 1993 the Department of Transpor-
tation became the first U.S. agency to
accept in vitro tests, for skin corrosivity.
The traditional test requires placing a
substance on a rabbit’s shaved back to
see how far it eats in. The test’s replace-
ment uses reconstructed human skin or
a biomembrane such as Corrositex
testimony to the role played by venture
capital in finding alternatives. Several
cosmetics manufacturers have entirely
eliminated animal testing: they rely on
in-house substitutes or use ingredients
that have been tested in the past.
As yet, most researchers in the basic
sciences see little hope of replacing ani-
mals. They stick to reduction or refine-
ment, such as using an animal lower on
the phylogenetic tree. The next spate of
cuts in animal use, Spielmann predicts,
will come in the field of medical educa-
tion, for which alternative teaching tools
have been devised. British surgeons, in
fact, have not trained on animals since
the 1876 act banned such use; instead
they practice on human cadavers and
later assist experienced surgeons in ac-
tual operations. In the U.S., more than
40 of the 126 medical schools do not
use animals in their regular curricula.
The most significant change has been
in mind-set. Since 1985 in the Nether-
lands, every scientist starting research
on animals has been required to take a
three-week course. They learn hands-
on procedures, proper anesthesia, spec-
ifications of inbred strains and so on
as well as the three Rs. First the students
design an animal experiment; then they
are asked to find ways of answering the
same question without animals. The re-
sulting discussion and hunt for infor-
mation induces a new way of thinking.
“It gives them time for reflection,” says
Bert F. M. van Zutphen of Utrecht Uni-
versity, who pioneered the course. “It’s
of utmost importance. To know how far
I can go for my own conscience.”
The Laws
nother source of change in scientists’
attitudes has been legislation. In
the U.S., laws tend to derive from iso-
lated incidents. The Animal Welfare Act
of 1966
the federal law regulating an-
imal use
came into being because of
Pepper, a Dalmatian believed by its own-
ers to have been stolen and sold to a
lab, and a Life magazine article depict-
ing starving dogs in dealers’ pens. Per-
haps the most significant change came
in 1985, in the wake of two exposés in-
volving primates. In Silver Spring, Md.,
macaques belonging to Edward Taub
of the Institute for Behavioral Research
were found to be chewing on their limbs,
to which the nerves had been cut. And in
1984 videotapes from the University of
Pennsylvania Medical Center displayed
laboratory personnel mocking baboons
whose heads had been smashed in dur-
Center for Alternatives to Animal
Testing founded in U.S.
European Center
for the Validation
of Alternative
First World Congress
on Alternatives
held in the U.S.
Second World
on Alternatives
held in the
Amendments to AWA
result from
Silver Spring,
Md., and Penn-
sylvania pri-
mate exposés
Trends in Animal Research90 Scientific American February 1997
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
ing experiments on head trauma. The
outcry following these revelations al-
lowed Senator Robert Dole of Kansas
to bring an amendment to the act. It es-
tablished institutional animal care and
use committees (IACUCs) at each fa-
cility using regulated animals and re-
quired laboratories to exercise dogs and
to ensure the psychological well-being
of primates.
The “well-being” clause can be con-
sidered an instance of the public’s im-
posing a scientific paradigm on scientists.
An inspector from the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, which administers the
Animal Welfare Act, sought expert ad-
vice at that time on primate psychology.
There was no such thing, he was told.
Now, just 10 years later, primates have
emotions. At the 1996
NIH meeting,
Gebhart listed fear, anxiety, boredom,
separation and isolation as conditions
to which experimenters should attend
in their subjects. And a few labs are even
trying to enrich the lives of their rabbits.
The laws have generally had the ef-
fect of driving up the costs of animal re-
search. Animal protectionists complain,
however, that the Animal Welfare Act
and its amendments invariably get di-
luted at the implementation stage. The
act, for instance, refers to warm-blood-
ed animals, but the regulations written
by the
USDA exclude rats, mice and
birds. The agency says it does not have
funds for inspecting the laboratories
that use these creatures, which is true;
animal welfarists, however, say the
omission originally came from lobbying
by the biomedical community. In 1990
humane organizations sued to have
these animals included. Although they
initially won, the suit was thrown out
on appeal, on the grounds that animal
protectionists have no legal standing:
only those who are injured
that is, the
rats, mice and birds
can bring a civil
suit. Dale Schwindaman of the
has promised, however, to include these
animals within the next five years.
Another controversy has to do with
so-called performance standards. When
writing regulations for the 1985 amend-
ments, the
USDA refrained, for example,
from stating how many times a week the
dogs had to be walked. Such specifics
are referred to as engineering standards.
Instead the agency allowed each facility
to come up with its own plans for dog
and primate well-being, the “perfor-
mance” of which was to be evaluated.
(Because these plans are kept in-house,
and not with the
USDA, the public can-
not obtain them through the Freedom
of Information Act.)
Researchers are enthusiastic about the
flexibility of performance standards,
whereas Martin L. Stephens of the Hu-
mane Society of the U.S. calls them “eu-
phemisms for no standards.”
USDA in-
spectors are divided. Some argue that
the standards are vague and unenforce-
able. Among others, Harvey McKelvey
of the
USDAs northwestern region says
they let him use his judgment: “If I see
Trends in Animal Research Scientific American February 1997 91
The Numbers of Research Animals
se of animals in European laboratories has been
slowly declining (a). In the U.S., the available statis-
tics (b) include primates, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits,
hamsters and others but exclude rats, mice and birds
estimated 17 million additional animals per year. Primate
use is roughly constant, although the numbers of cats and
dogs (c) is declining. (In many instances, dogs are being re-
placed by pigs, calves and other farm animals. These have
been counted since 1990 but are not included in the
chart.) The National Institutes of Health supports research
into invertebrate models (d); however, funding has been
increasing more steeply for vertebrate (and human) stud-
ies. In Canada, animal numbers (e) have hovered at around
two million a year, but fish have replaced mammals in
many areas, especially toxicology.
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
an animal is bored with its toy, I can
write that it needs a new one. I couldn’t
do that with engineering standards.”
The new
NIH guide also embraces per-
formance standards.
The animal care committees have em-
powered those scientists who wish to
cut down on wastage and improve con-
ditions for animals. “If you have an in-
stitution with conscientious people, the
IACUC system works fairly well,” says
Ralph A. Meyer of Carolinas Medical
Center. Cathy Liss of the Animal Welfare
Institute in Washington, D.C., agrees that
some committees do far better than the
law. But there is concern about the re-
mainder. In 1992 an audit of the
enforcement activities by the Office of
the Inspector General revealed that out
of 26 institutions selected at random,
12 “were not adequately fulfilling their
responsibilities under the act.” Everyone
agrees that enforcement is inadequate:
at present, there are only 69 inspectors,
who may not be able to visit each of the
1,300 regulated laboratories (and also
animal dealers, transporters and exhibi-
tors) every year.
As a result, the inspectors rely on whis-
tle-blowers. “We need eyes out there,”
McKelvey explains. It might be an ani-
mal-rights activist who has infiltrated a
laboratory: groups such as People for
the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
prepare detailed case histories that they
present to the
USDA or the NIH.
Or it might be a researcher or
Still, the
USDA can offer few
reassurances to informants. A
former member of the animal
care committee at New York
University Medical Center claims
to have been fired in August
1995 for protesting irregulari-
ties in N.Y.U.’s labs and cooper-
ating with the
USDAs investiga-
tions. The university states that
his position became redundant.
But the scientist, along with an
administrator who was also dis-
missed, is suing N.Y.U., as well
as the
USDA—which, he says,
failed to provide whistle-blower
protection. (The agency did fine
N.Y.U. $450,000 for assorted
violations of the Animal Wel-
fare Act.) Several
USDA inspec-
tors express frustration with
their agency’s provisions on in-
formants. “We can’t protect a
whistle-blower,” McKelvey says.
“The regulation is weak.” Un-
like civil-discrimination suits, which re-
quire only a concatenation of circum-
stances, the
USDA needs to prove that
the person was fired because of having
blown the whistle.
Also controversial are the statistics
on pain and distress provided by the
IACUCs to the
USDA. They indicate that
in 1995, 54 percent of the regulated an-
imals had no pain or distress, 37 per-
cent had distress alleviated by painkill-
ers, and only 8.8 percent suffered unal-
leviated pain or distress. The data have
been widely criticized for being unreli-
able, because the
USDA does not specify
how to classify pain. Andrew N. Ro-
wan of the Tufts University Center for
Animals and Public Policy has noted that
some rather painful procedures, such as
toxicity testing or antibody production,
are commonly placed in the nonpainful
category. Although the
USDA proposed
a pain scale in 1987, it was withdrawn
after objections by researchers.
There are difficulties with assessing
animal distress. Nevertheless, many Eu-
ropean nations, as well as Canada, Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, have developed
pain scales in which each procedure is
assigned a grade. As a result, their re-
ports are more informative. The Neth-
erlands listed in 1995 that 54 percent of
animals had minor discomfort, 26 per-
cent had moderate discomfort, and 20
percent suffered severe discomfort.
A pain scale would make it easier for
IACUCs to rate the suffering involved
in different schemes for doing an exper-
iment. At present, the committees are
required to certify that the animal re-
searcher has looked for alternatives and
that the number of animals used is rea-
sonable. Alan M. Goldberg of CAAT
wishes that they would also evaluate the
experimental design. “Right now, using
method A, they check: Is it the right
number of animals? They don’t look at
method B or C”
which could involve
in vitro techniques. Nor
unlike com-
mittees in Germany, Australia and else-
are they required to weigh the
benefits of research against the suffer-
ing or to include representatives of ani-
mal-welfare organizations in the review
process. (The IACUCs do have to in-
clude someone unaffiliated with the in-
stitution, but who fills that position is
again a source of controversy.)
The Propaganda
hange in the U.S. has been slow
and painful. Notwithstanding some
evolution of practices, the ferocity of the
attacks by the most fervent animal right-
ists has led to a sense of moral outrage
and an unwillingness to compromise
on both sides. Almost all activists insist
that animal research is unnecessary; to
them, investigators using animals are
cruel and corrupt, consumed by a desire
for ever more papers and grants. One
antivivisection tract is entitled Slaughter
of the Innocent, and the cover of an-
other features splashes of blood. To an-
imal liberators, the killing of more than
six billion animals a year, mostly for
food, represents a holocaust, and Adolf
Hitler’s doctors are proof that experi-
menters can be inhumane.
Many animal researchers, in turn,
think of animal rightists as being brain-
less “bunny huggers” at best and dan-
gerous fanatics at worst. Leaflets pub-
lished by the American Medical Associ-
ation represent the animal-rights position
as equating humans with animals; a
quote from Ingrid Newkirk of PETA,
“A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy,” is of-
fered as evidence. (Newkirk claims her
statement was “When it comes to feel-
ing pain, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”)
In an essay entitled “We Can’t Sacri-
fice People for the Sake of Animal Life,”
Frederick K. Goodwin, former head of
the National Institute of Mental Health,
has argued that the issue of animal rights
threatens public health. In this vein, re-
Trends in Animal Research92 Scientific American February 1997
nales behind animal research.
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
search advocates sometimes portray pro-
posals to control animal research as be-
ing attacks on human life. For instance,
one organization advises this response
to a query about experimentation on
pound animals: “How would you feel
if the one research project that may
save your child’s life was priced out of
existence because pound animals were
banned?” Some writers invoke Hitler as
proof that animal advocates are antihu-
man: he was an animal lover who passed
anticruelty laws in 1930s Germany.
Finding itself under moral
and some-
times physical
siege, the research com-
munity has often retreated behind elec-
tronic surveillance systems
and an eth-
ical code that frequently denounces
internal dissent as treason, “giving am-
munition to the enemy.” One scientist
interviewed for this article said that if
his criticisms became known, he would
be fired. In 1991 two animal researchers,
John P. Gluck and Steven R. Kubacki of
the University of New Mexico, wrote a
treatise deploring the lack of ethical in-
trospection in their field. Gluck testifies
that the article quickly changed his sta-
tus from an insider to a distrusted out-
sider. Arluke’s studies revealed an ab-
sence of discussion about ethics: in 33
of 35 laboratories, moral positions were
defined institutionally. Newcomers were
given to understand that senior scien-
tists had answered all the difficult ques-
tions, leaving them little to worry about.
The insulation has made it difficult
for changes in other branches of the life
or from across the Atlantic
to filter in. Primatologists, for instance,
have been discussing complex emotions
in their subjects for decades. But many
American experimenters still refuse to
use the word “suffering,” because it sug-
gests an animal has awareness. Even the
word “alternatives” is suspect; instead
NIH describes these as “adjuncts” or
“complements” to animal research.
Some researchers seem to regard the
three Rs as an animal-rights conspiracy.
Robert Burke of the
NIH has stated: “To
argue that we must refine our methods
suggests that they are currently inade-
quate or unethical.... In my view, it is
intellectually dishonest and hypocritical
to continue to advocate the original three
Rs as a goal for science policy. It is also,
without question, dangerous to give our
enemies such useful tools with which to
pervert the scientific enterprise.”
Of the 17 institutes included in the
NIH, only the NIEHS has been active in
researching alternatives. Following a di-
rective by Congress, the
awarded about $2.5 million in
earmarked grants between 1987
and 1989. But F. Barbara Or-
lans of the Kennedy Institute of
Ethics at Georgetown Universi-
ty charges that the money did
not constitute a special alloca-
tion for alternatives: 16 of the
17 grants went to studies that
had traditionally been funded.
(Like other public health agen-
cies worldwide the
NIH supports
research into invertebrate, in
vitro and computer models that
are not billed as alternatives.)
In 1993 Congress directed the
NIH to come up with a plan for
implementing the three Rs. The
resulting document, entitled
“Plan for the Use of Animals in
Research,” is an overview of
biomedical models, with some
emphasis on nonmammalian
systems. “The central message of
the plan,” explains Louis Sibal
of the
NIH, “is that scientists
have to decide for themselves
what the best method of solving their
problem is.” Whereas the European
Union plans to cut animal use in half by
the year 2000, a 1989
NIH report stated
that animal use is not likely to decrease.
One arena in which the propaganda
battles have been especially fierce is the
classroom: both sides see dissection as
the key to the next generation’s sympa-
thies. Animal advocates say dissection
in schools is unnecessary and brutaliz-
ing and that the 5.7 million vertebrates
(mostly wild frogs, but also cats, fetal
pigs, pigeons and perch) used every year
are procured in inhumane ways. Re-
search advocates fear that without dis-
section, instruction will be inadequate,
and fewer students will be attracted to
or equipped for the life sciences.
In 1989, when the National Associa-
tion of Biology Teachers (NABT) an-
nounced a new policy encouraging al-
ternatives, it provoked a violent reaction.
Barbara Bentley of the State University
of New York at Stony Brook, for in-
stance, denounced the monograph on
implementing the policy as “an insidi-
ously evil publication
evil because it is
a barely disguised tract produced by
animal rightists.” An intense campaign
followed, and in 1993 the NABT issued
a new policy statement, warning teach-
ers to “be aware of the limitations of al-
ternatives.” There is no high school dis-
section in most European countries.
“It is possible to be both pro research
and pro reform,” Orlans says. She and
others in the troubled middle have a
simple message: the impasse must end.
Animal liberators need to accept that
animal research is beneficial to humans.
And animal researchers need to admit
that if animals are close enough to hu-
mans that their bodies, brains and even
psyches are good models for the human
condition, then ethical dilemmas surely
arise in using them. But the moral bur-
den is not for scientists alone to bear.
All of us who use modern medicine and
modern consumer products need to ac-
knowledge the debt we owe to our fel-
low creatures and support science in its
quest to do better by the animals.
Trends in Animal Research Scientific American February 1997 93
Further Reading
In the Name of Science: Issues in Re-
sponsible Animal Experimentation.
F. Barbara Orlans. Oxford University Press,
The Monkey Wars. Deborah Blum. Ox-
ford University Press, 1994.
The Animal Research Controversy:
Protest, Process and Public Policy.
Andrew N. Rowan and Franklin M.
Loew, with Joan C. Weer. Center for Ani-
mals and Public Policy, Tufts University
School of Veterinary Medicine, 1995.
More coverage of the animal-rights debate is
available on-line at
MEDICAL NECESSITY of animal experiments
is emphasized in a pro-research poster.
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.
... There is also an ongoing debate of the usefulness and applicability of animal tests [200]. Barnard and Kaufmann [201] suggested that animal experiments are poorly suited to address medical research needs and can even mislead researchers to wrong conclusions. ...
... It replaced the traditional tests where the substance is applied in on a rabbit's shaved back to determine how far it eats into the skin. This debate is indeed difficult to settle and time may tell how this will be resolved [200]. ...
Zinc has been identified as one of the most promising biodegradable metals along with magnesium and iron. Zinc appears to address some of the core engineering problems associated with magnesium and iron when applied to biomedical implant applications; hence the increase in the amount of research investigations on the metal in the last few years. In this review, the current state-of-the-art on biodegradable Zn, including recent developments, current opportunities and future directions of research are discussed. The discussions are presented with a specific focus on reviewing the relationships that exist between mechanical properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility of zinc with alloying and fabrication techniques. This work hopes to guide future studies on biodegradable Zn that will help in advancing this field of research. Statement of Significance: (i) The review offers an up-to-date and comprehensive review of the influence of alloying and fabrication technique on mechanical properties, biodegradability and biocompatibility of Zn; (ii) the work cites the most relevant biodegradable Zn fabrication processes including additive manufacturing techniques; (iii) the review includes a listing of research gap and future research directions for the field of biodegradable Zn.
... Animal tests are the most common type of these tests and commonly include implantation of test materials into the animal body to assess local reactions; indeed, animal experimentation is essential for biological testing. Before an endodontic material can be utilized clinically, it must be tested in several species to establish its cytotoxic and systemic properties (Rowan, 1997). Animal studies help to anticipate the possible toxic hazards that may be encountered in human beings, but there were some notorious exceptions including thalidomide experiments (Stanley & Pameijer, 1985). ...
Full-text available
Materials used for endodontics and with direct contact to tissues have a wide range of indications, from vital pulpal treatments to root filling materials and those used in endodontic surgery. In principle, interaction with dental materials may result in damage to tissues locally or systemically. Thus, a great variety of test methods are applied to evaluate a materials’ potential risk of adverse biological effects to ensure their biocompatibility before commercialization. However, the results of biocompatibility evaluations are not only dependent on the tested materials, but also the used test methods due to the diversity of these effects and numerous variables involved. In addition, diverse biological effects require equally diverse assessments on a structured and planned approach. Such a structured assessment of the materials consists of four phases: general toxicity, local tissue irritation, preclinical tests, and clinical evaluations. Various types of screening assays are available; it is imperative to understand their advantages and limitations to recognize their appropriateness and for an accurate interpretation of their results. Recent scientific advances are rapidly introducing new materials to endodontics including nanomaterials, gene therapy, and tissue engineering biomaterials. These new modalities open a new era to restore and regenerate dental tissues; however, all these new technologies can also present new hazards to patients. Before any clinical usage, new materials must be proven to be safe, and not hazardous to health. Certain international standards exist for safety evaluation of dental materials (ISO 10993 series, ISO 7405, and ISO 14155‐1) but researchers often fail to follow these standards due to lack of access to standards, limitation of the guidelines, and complexity of new experimental methods, which may cause technical errors. Moreover, many laboratories have developed their testing strategy for biocompatibility which makes any comparison between findings more difficult. The purpose of this review is to discuss the concept of biocompatibility, structured test programmes, and international standards for testing the biocompatibility of endodontic materials biocompatibility. The text will further detail current test methods for evaluating the biocompatibility of endodontic materials, and their advantages and limitations.
... In the next step, biological analysis depend on animal experimentation to a great extent. Before a dental material can be utilized in practice, it must always be assessed comprehensively in several species of laboratory animals to establish its local and systemic impact in the body (Rowan 1997). Moreover, in vivo tests help to anticipate the potential toxic risks that might be encountered in man. ...
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Objectives: A wide range of compounds are utilized in dentistry such as dental composites, resins, and implants. The successful clinical use of dental materials relies on theirm physiochemical properties as well as biological and toxicological reliability. Different local and systemic toxicities of dental materials have been reported. Placement of these materials in oral cavity for a long time period might yield unwanted reactions. An extensive variety of materials is used in dentistry including filling materials, restorative materials, intracanal medicines, prosthetic materials, different types of implants, liners, and irrigants. The increasing rate in development of the novel materials with applications in the dental field has led to an increased consciousness of the biological risks and tempting restrictions of these materials. The biocompatibility of a biomaterial used for the replacement or filling of biological tissue such as teeth always had a high concern within the health care disciplines for patients. Materials and methods: Any material used in humans should be tested before clinical application. There are many tests evaluating biocompatibility of these materials at the point of in vitro, in vivo, and clinical investigations. Results: The current review discusses the potential toxicity of dental material and screening of their biocompatibility. Clinical relevance: It is essential to use healthy and safe materials medical approaches. In dentistry, application of different materials in long-term oral usage demands low or nontoxic agents gains importance for both patients and the staff. Furthermore, screening tests should evaluate any potential toxicity before clinical application.
... Although there are ethical and moral considerations, the lack of sufficient animal research can have a drastic negative impact. For instance, in 1957 lack of thalidomide drug testing in animal models resulted in severe consequences in humans including deaths and suffering of millions of children and families around the world (Rowan, 1997). From an evolutionary perspective, humans and animals share over 90% of the genes, and studies derive from animals can benefit humans and the animals as well. ...
The aim of this essay is to identify the significance of animal research, and how such research can help us to understand the functioning of the human brain. Although techniques such as Electroencephalography (EEG), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) uniquely contributes to brain research, this essay will focus on the advantages of conducting research using animal models, a brief historical perspective, and ethical issues and limitations surrounding this technique. Overall it will evaluate how such research technique has contributed to improve our knowledge of the human brain functioning.
... Testing on animals simulates a near clinical scenario especially on the systemic and cytotoxic properties. [28] Animals such as ferrets, [29] dogs [30] and even non-human primates [3] are among the tested specimen. The ISO 7405 guidelines classify the duration for testing as short term (7 ± 2 days) and longterm (70 ± 5 days). ...
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Toxicity of a material upon placement in patient's oral cavity triggers the immune system to elucidate an appropriate response. Thus, one of the many fundamental responsibilities bestowed on the dentist is to shield patients from any untoward reaction. A plethora of dental materials is currently available in the market. The material has to advance several tests in order to be safely introduced for clinical practice. This review highlights the spectrum of tests routinely practiced for evaluation of biocompatibility.
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Álvarez-Díaz JA, Cardozo C. Ética de la investigación biomédica que usa y cuida animales experimentales. En: Lolas F, Quezada A, Rodríguez E. (Ed.). Investigación en salud. Dimensión ética. Santiago: Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética, Universidad de Chile; 2006. p. 239-248. ISBN 956-19-0501-9. Texto completo en:
All dental materials are subjected to biocompatibility testing prior to their commercial release. The American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association 41 and the ISO 10993 and ISO 7405 are the standards for the testing of biocompatibility of dental materials. The biocompatibility tests are divided into three basic phases: primary phase ‐ initial in vitro tests; secondary phase ‐ involves animal tests; and usage phase ‐ involves tests in a clinical situation or set‐up. The testing may be done in two ways ‐ linear progression or nonlinear progression. Prior to animal and human testing, a material has to undergo a series of in vitro or laboratory test. For in vitro cytotoxicity screening, the different testing methods include direct cell culture test, barrier screening test, agar diffusion testing, filter diffusion testing, tooth slice culture assay, micronuclei test, Ame's test, style's test, and hemolysis test.
Full-text available
Dental treatment is provided for a wide variety of oral health problems like dental caries, periodontal diseases, periapical infections, replacement of missing teeth and orthodontic problems. Various biomaterials, like composite resins, amalgam, glass ionomer cement, acrylic resins, metal alloys, impression materials, bone grafts, membranes, local anaesthetics, etc., are used for dental applications. The physical and chemical characteristics of these materials influence the outcome of dental treatment. It also impacts on the biological, allergic and toxic potential of biomaterials. With innovations in science and their positive results, there is also a need for awareness about the biological risks of these biomaterials. The aim of dental treatment is to have effective, yet safe, and long-lasting results for the benefit of patients. For this, it is important to have a thorough understanding of biomaterials and their effects on local and systemic health. Materials used in dentistry undergo a series of analyses before their oral applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and original review that discusses the reasons for and studies on the toxicity of commonly used biomaterials for applications in dentistry. It will help clinicians to formulate a methodical approach for the selection of dental biomaterials, thus providing an awareness for forecasting their risk of toxic reactions.
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Ante situaciones de emergencia debemos tomar decisiones para saber cómo ayudar a los que lo necesitan. Aparentemente, no resulta problema que la solidaridad entre miembros de la especie humana sea entendible. Cuando se trata de ayudar a los animales afectados ante las inclemencias del entorno, como los sismos, entonces la solidaridad como prescripción exhibe sus alcances y se hacen distinciones. Cabría preguntarse ¿hay distinciones justificables para distinguir una consideración moral entre animales de calle y mascotas? Podemos enunciar que, los intereses básicos de animales no humanos se han subordinado frente a los intereses humanos. Más aún, los intereses básicos de animales de calle se han invisibilizado frente a los animales de compañía. Mientras prevalezca el reconocimiento de estatuto ontológico de inferioridad, entonces los actos de solidaridad se verán limitados frente a quienes también necesitan ayuda.
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Introduction: Prosthetic constructions retained by magnets play an important role in the application of dental removable prosthesis and orofacial epithesis. One of the issues during the introduction of these magnets into clinical practice is that they may exert some negative impact on the surrounding tissues. Therefore, the effect of the indigenous dental magnets on the cellular changes needs to be qualitatively evaluated. Aim: To check the effect of indigenously fabricated dental magnets on the cellular changes in the dermis and epidermis of rabbits. Materials and Methods: A total of five New Zealand rabbits were selected from the animal house of SDM Medical College, Dharwad. A small sub cutaneous incision was made on the back region of the rabbit on right and left side with a no. 15 Bard Parker (BP) blade under phenobarbitone anaesthesia. The skin layers were slightly dissected under the incision creating a pouch. Bare magnet without casing (control) was embedded in the pouch on one side and the teflon encased magnet (test) on the other side. Sutures were placed and post-operative care was taken. The obtained tissues were paraffinized and sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin. The parameters assessed were thickness and keratinization of epidermis and arrangement of fibres and type of infalmatory cells in dermis. Data was subjected to statistical analysis. Mann-Whitney U test was performed. Results: Statistically significant difference was observed in keratinization at 28 days and was still observed after 3 months. There was no difference in dermal fibres arrangement or chronic inflammation at the end of three months between the two groups. Haematoxylin and eosin stained sections from control and test showed mild chronic inflammatory response at 28 days. Inflammation subsided in three months in the test sample, whereas focal aggregates of inflammation were evident in control sections. Persistence of inflammatory cell reaction in control samples indicates mild cell toxicity induced by the magnet. Conclusion: To conclude indigenously fabricated dental magnet did not show host inflammatory reaction in the animal study model over the control magnet.
5 0 '95 '93 '91 '89 '87 '85 '83 '81 '79 '77 '75
0.5 0 '95 '93 '91 '89 '87 '85 '83 '81 '79 '77 '75 1973 MILLIONS OF ANIMALS USE OF ANIMALS IN U.S. (EXCLUDES RATS, MICE AND BIRDS) 0