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Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high-sucrose diet during weight loss


Abstract and Figures

In response to evidence linking obesity and high amounts of dietary fat, the food industry has developed numerous reduced-fat and nonfat food items. These items frequently derive a relatively large percentage of their energy from sugars and the effect of these sugars on weight regulation is not well known. We studied the comparative effects of high- and low-sucrose, low-fat, hypoenergetic diets on a variety of metabolic and behavioral indexes in a 6-wk weight-loss program. Both diets contained approximately 4606 kJ energy/d with 11% of energy as fat, 19% as protein, and 71% as carbohydrate. The high-sucrose diet contained 43% of the total daily energy intake as sucrose; the low-sucrose diet contained 4% of the total daily energy intake as sucrose. Twenty women aged 40.6 +/- 8.2 y (mean +/- SD) with a body mass index (in kg/m2) of 35.93 +/- 4.8 consumed the high-sucrose diet; 22 women aged 40.3 +/- 7.3 y with a body mass index of 34.93 +/- 4.4 consumed the low-sucrose diet. Mixed-design analysis of variance showed a main effect of time (P < 0.01), with both diet groups showing decreases in weight, blood pressure, resting energy expenditure, percentage body fat, free triiodothyronine (FT3), urinary norepinephrine, and plasma lipids. Small but significant interactions were found between group and time in total cholesterol (P = 0.009) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (P = 0.01). Both groups showed decreases in depression, hunger, and negative mood, and increases in vigilance and positive mood with time (P < 0.01). Results showed that a high sucrose content in a hypoenergetic, low-fat diet did not adversely affect weight loss, metabolism, plasma lipids, or emotional affect.
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908 Am J C/in Nutr l997;65:908-15. Printed in USA. tO 1997 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Metabolic and behavioral effects of a highsucrose diet
during weight 1oss13
Richard S Surwit, Mark N Feinglos, Cynthia C McCaskill, Sara L Clay, Michael A Babyak,
Brenda S Browniow, Claudia S Plaisted, and Pao-Hwa Lin
ABSTRACT In response to evidence linking obesity and high
amounts of dietary fat, the food industry has developed numerous
reduced-fat and nonfat food items. These items frequently derive a
relatively large percentage of their energy from sugars and the
effect of these sugars on weight regulation is not well known. We
studied the comparative effects of high- and low-sucrose, low-fat,
hypoenergetic diets on a variety of metabolic and behavioral
indexes in a 6-wk weight-loss program. Both diets contained
=4606 kJ energy/d with 1 1% of energy as fat, 19% as protein, and
71% as carbohydrate. The high-sucrose diet contained 43% of the
total daily energy intake as sucrose; the low-sucrose diet contained
4% of the total daily energy intake as sucrose. Twenty women
aged 40.6 ± 8.2 y (i ± SD) with a body mass index (in kg/rn2) of
35.93 ± 4.8 consumed the high-sucrose diet; 22 women aged
40.3 ± 7.3 y with a body mass index of 34.93 ± 4.4 consumed the
low-sucrose diet. Mixed-design analysis of variance showed a
main effect of time (P < 0.01), with both diet groups showing
decreases in weight, blood pressure, resting energy expenditure,
percentage body fat, free triiodothyronine (FT), urinary norepi-
nephrine, and plasma lipids. Small but significant interactions
were found between group and time in total cholesterol (P
0.009) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (P 0.01 ). Both groups
showed decreases in depression, hunger, and negative mood, and
increases in vigilance and positive mood with time (P <0.01).
Results showed that a high sucrose content in a hypoenergetic,
low-fat diet did not adversely affect weight loss, metabolism,
plasma lipids, or emotional affect. Am J Clin Nutr l997;65:
908- 15.
KEY WORDS Sucrose, weight loss, metabolism, behavior,
Both epidemiologic and experimental evidence link the high
incidence of obesity in the United States with the high fat
content of the American diet (1-6). Consequently, health ad-
vocacy groups, including the American Heart Association and
the American Diabetes Association, have recommended reduc-
ing dietary fat to achieve as well as maintain weight loss (7, 8).
The food industry has responded with a cornucopia of reduced-
fat and nonfat food items, many of which derive a relatively
high percentage of their energy from sucrose or other sug-
ars. However, questions regarding the prolonged effects of
dietary sugars on weight loss or weight maintenance remain
unanswered. Epidemiologic evidence suggests that obesity,
insulin resistance, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) are associated with high-fat diets (1-6, 9), whereas
carbohydrate intake, including sucrose, is negatively correlated
with the incidence of these problems (1, 9). Animal research
has shown that sucrose feeding enhances hepatic lipogenesis,
probably because of the metabolic effects of the component
fructose (10). Some studies in rodents have shown that sucrose
consumption increases adiposity independent of energy intake
(11), whereas others have shown that it does not (12, 13). A
recent review by Hill and Prentice (14) emphasized the need
for experimental data to define the effects of prolonged high
sugar consumption on weight regulation and body fat in
Another potential problem with low-fat, high-sucrose diets is
that high intakes of carbohydrate, especially sucrose, are pur-
ported to lead to metabolic derangements, particularly with
regard to lipids. A high carbohydrate intake has been shown to
result in elevated plasma triacylglycerol concentrations in some
individuals (15, 16) and to exacerbate hyperglycemia and hy-
perinsulinemia in patients with NIDDM (15). In rodent species,
sucrose or fructose feeding causes an increase in plasma triac-
ylglycerol concentrations (10), and sucrose feeding has been
shown to impair insulin action in comparison with starch
feeding in rats (17). In humans, sucrose has been shown to
decrease plasma concentrations of high-density-lipoprotein
(HDL) cholesterol in normal young men (1 8) and to increase
fasting tnacylglycerol concentrations in NIDDM patients with
hypertriglycendemia (19). Fructose has been shown to increase
plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol and cholesterol (20,
21). Other studies, however, suggest that increased dietary
carbohydrate leads to elevated triacyiglycerol concentrations,
hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia only when fat and en-
ergy contents are not reduced (13, 22). These conflicting re-
IFrom the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, the
Department of Medicine, and the Sarah W Stedman Nutrition Center, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, NC.
2Supported in part by NIH grant 5 K05 MH00303-l3 from the National
Institute of Mental Health; The Sugar Association, Inc; and the Kellogg
Company, mc, Battle Creek, Ml.
3Address reprint requests to RS Surwit, Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, Box 3842, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
NC 27710. E-mail:
Received April 8, 1996.
Accepted for publication October 14, 1996.
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
group left the study because of hunger (1) and one other
ports indicate that the metabolic result of long-term con-
sumption of high amounts of sucrose (or indeed complex
carbohydrate) on weight loss is not known.
Finally, the effect of sucrose on behavior has been disputed
for many years. Sucrose consumption has long been blamed for
hyperactivity and other alterations in behavior (23-26). Most
studies, however, have focused on the short-term effects of
sucrose. In one long-term study, Wolraich et al (27) found no
differences in the behavior or cognitive function of children
consuming sucrose over an extended period, compared with the
same children when sucrose had been replaced by aspartame or
saccharin. However, the conditions of that study provided
=22% of daily energy intake from sucrose, considerably less
than that potentially consumed by an individual using the
low-fat food items available in the market today.
Although there is little theoretical rationale to support the
notion that sucrose produces behavioral arousal, there are data
to support a theory making the opposite prediction. Carbohy-
drate consumption, in conjunction with a minimal amount of
protein, has been shown to cause an increase in the ratio of
plasma tryptophan to large neutral amino acids (28), which in
turn is associated with an increase in central tryptophan uptake
and brain serotonin synthesis (29, 30). Furthermore, sucrose
has a greater effect than starch. (28). This carbohydrate-in-
duced change in central serotonin activity would presumably
have a tranquilizing effect as opposed to the exaggerated
arousal and hyperactivity typically attributed to sucrose (31).
To determine both the safety and efficacy of high-sucrose
foods during weight reduction, we studied the comparative
effects of high- and low-sucrose, low-fat, hypoenergetic diets
on a variety of metabolic and behavioral indexes in subjects in
a controlled weight-loss program.
Sixty women 130-200% of their ideal body weights (32)
were recruited through advertising. Volunteers were excluded
if they took any drug that affected the autonomic nervous
system or metabolism (including nicotine) or any psychotropic
agent; if they had a history of significant cardiopulmonary,
neurologic, gastrointestinal, or endocrinologic illness; or if they
participated in a regular exercise program. Subjects were in-
structed to not change exercise patterns during the diet or the
month preceding the diet. Health was assessed at baseline by
history and physical exam, blood counts, serum chemistry
analyses, and electrocardiogram; these procedures were re-
peated at intervals throughout the diet period.
Eight women were eliminated at baseline for the following
reasons: two for smoking, one because of obesity-related sur-
gery, one for being > 200% of ideal body weight, one because
of thyroid abnormalities, one because of a desire to continue a
structured exercise program, and two because of scheduling
conflicts. After the diet intervention began, eight women were
lost from the high-sucrose group: one because of a death in the
family, one because of a work conflict, three because of a
problem with the food, one because of a problem with the study
structure or food, one because of corticosteroid therapy, and
one for unknown reasons. One woman in the low-sucrose
because of a work conflict. The data reported are for the
remaining 42 women (Table 1).
All procedures were approved by the affiliated medical cen-
ter’s Institutional Review Board.
Study design
The study was a 6-wk weight-loss trial that compared the
efficacy, metabolic effects, and behavioral effects of two hy-
poenergetic diets: a low-fat, high-sucrose diet and a low-fat,
low-sucrose diet. Subjects were paired to control for body mass
index (BMI), age, and menstrual status, and were randomly
assigned (within pairs) to either the high- or low-sucrose diet.
The trial was conducted as a controlled feeding study in which
subjects were provided with all meals and snacks for the 6-wk
period. Subjects also received a list of beverages and season-
ings that could be consumed freely. Weekday dinners were
served in a communal dining room with unrestricted seating at
the Sarah W Stedman Nutrition Center; all other meals were
precooked and packaged as “take-out meals.” All subjects
completed a one-page daily diary to document deviation from
the study diets, hunger, health problems, or concerns. A staff
monitor was present daily during dinner to review the diary,
record blood pressure, answer questions, and give support.
Prediet evaluation included measurement of body composi-
tion, resting energy expenditure (REE), thyroid hormones [thy-
roid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (FT),
and free thyroxine (FT)], fasting plasma lipid concentrations
[total cholesterol, high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol,
low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triacylglycer-
oh, fasting serum glucose, and 24-h urinary norepinephrine and
nitrogen. Subjects also completed questionnaires measuring
psychologic characteristics, and a performance task assessing
attention and vigilance. Measurement of thyroid hormone, Se-
rum glucose, and urinary norepinephrine concentrations and
questionnaires were repeated at the midpoint of the diet inter-
vention. Blood pressure was measured twice weekly; weight
was recorded five times weekly. All measures were repeated
during the final (6th) week of the diet.
Subject characteristics
High sucrose
Low sucrose
Whites 12 12
Blacks 8 10
Age (y) 40.6 ±8.2’ 40.3 ± 7.3
Body mass index (kg/m2) 35.93 ±4.8 34.93 ± 4.4
Percentage of total body
weight lost 7.3 (4.3-1 1.4)2 7.7 (3.5-11.3)
Menstrual status
Normal cycles 14 14
Oral contraceptive use 1
replacement therapy 3 1
No menstrual cycles3 2 7
‘1 ± SD.
2Mean; range in parentheses.
3Includes women taking continuous estrogen or progesterone.
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
,RE, retinol equivalents; NE, niacinamide equivalents.
Experimental diets
Two diets, each containing ‘4606 kJ/d, were developed by
using the Minnesota Nutrition Data System (NDS, version 2.5)
and served with a 7-d cyclic menu. As shown in Table 2, both
diets contained similar amounts of most essential nutrients
except for starch, total sugars, and sucrose. To ensure that all
subjects received at least the recommended dietary allowance
(RDA; 33) of all essential nutrients, a women’s One-A-Day
multivitamin (Miles, Inc. Elkhart, IN) was taken as a supple-
ment three times per week. As shown in Table 3, conventional
and fresh foods were used to design the menu for both diet
groups. An effort was made to keep the menus for both diet
groups as similar in variety, taste, and appearance as possible,
eg, both diets contained Rice Krispies (Kellogg Co, Battle
Creek, MI) cereal as breakfast on 1 d. However, one cereal was
double-frosted with sucrose whereas the other was coated
white for appearance and treated with aspartame for sweetness.
Snacks were included on some days; pretzels were provided
with the low-sucrose diet and a sugar-sweetened powdered
drink mix was provided with the high-sucrose diet. Common
recipes such as tuna salad (lunch) or meat and vegetables
(dinner) were used to enhance compliance. Food was procured
by using the same sources and brand names whenever possible
to ensure consistent nutrient quality. Every food item was
weighed to an accuracy within 0.5 g.
Body composition
Total body and regional body composition were measured by
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) (model QDR-2000,
software version 7.10 b; Hologic Inc, Waltham, MA). DXA
estimates fat tissues, lean mass, and bone mineral content.
Resting energy expenditure
REE was measured by indirect calorimetry with a ventilated-
hood system (CPXIMAXD; Medical Graphics, Minneapolis).
Subjects were tested as outpatients after a 12-h overnight fast.
Each subject was placed in a supine position, the ventilated
hood was positioned over her head, and she was instructed to
relax, remain motionless, and breathe normally, but to avoid
sleep. Ventilatory data were monitored continuously for 45-60
mm, but REE was estimated by using only the final 30-mm
segment. Energy expenditure was calculated by using nude
body weight and the Weir formula (34) with adjustment for
protein metabolism based on 24-h urinary nitrogen output. Pre-
and postdiet measurements were scheduled at 8-wk intervals to
control for menstrual variation. Prediet REE was measured 2
wk before the start of the experimental diet; postdiet REE was
measured during the last week (week 6) of the diet interven-
tion. All subjects (except two) underwent a preliminary REE
orientation to practice the procedures and thereby reduce anx-
iety, promote relaxation, and yield more valid data during the
actual measurement.
Subjects completed baseline measures, including the state
form of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Mind
Garden, Palo Alto, CA) (35), the Beck Depression Inventory
(Center for Cognitive Therapy, Philadelphia), and the Positive
Macronutrient and micronutrient contents of the experimental diets-average of a 7-d menu’
High sucrose Low sucrose
Total with Total with
Nutrients Diet alone supplements Diet alone supplements
Energy (Id) 4552.2 -4840.9 -
Protein (% ofenergy) 18.7 -19.3 -
Fat (% of energy) 10.8 -10.6 -
Carbohydrate (% of energy) 73.3 -70.9 -
Sucrose (% of total carbohydrate) 58.0 -6.0 -
Sucrose(g) 121.2 -11.8 -
Total sugars (g) 165.8 -57.9 -
Starch (g) 30.5 -127.7 -
Total fiber (g) 10.4 -14.9 -
Iron (mg) 15.9 27.47 17.9 29.47
Magnesium (mg) 197.2 -226.3 -
Phosphorus (mg) 702.0 -896.8 -
Zinc (mg) 6.84 13.27 6.98 13.41
Calcium (mg) 409 602 638 831
Copper (mg) 0.6 -0.83 -
Selenium (mg) 77.5 -I 10.0 -
Vitamin A (Lg RE) 1218.5 -1009.7 -
Vitamin C(mg) 65.6 91.3 110.0 135.7
Thiamine (mg) 0.95 1.59 1.57 2.21
Riboflavin (mg) 1.44 2.17 1.44 2.17
Niacin (mg NE) 15.51 24.08 19.2 27.77
Folacin (f.Lg) 286.9 458.3 302.8 474.2
Vitamin B-6 (mg) 1.3 2.16 1.4 2.26
Vitamin B-12 (,.Lg) 3.2 5.77 2.7 5.27
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
High-sucrose diet Low-sucrose diet
Aspartame-coated Rice Krispies
Skim milk
Orange juice
Toasted bagel
Sugar-free jelly
Kellogg Co. Battle Creek, MI.
2Kraft General Foods, Inc., White Plains, NY.
Sample daily menu for the high-sucrose and low-sucrose diets
Double-frosted Rice Krispies’
Bran Buds cereal’
1% milk
Kool-Aid powder’
Thin-sliced white bread
Deli-sliced luncheon beef
Iceberg lettuce
Gelatin dessert
Sweet iced tea powder
Spicy baked cod, cooked
Spinach (salad)
Green onions
Egg whites
Fat-free Italian dressing
Meringue cookies
White bread
Deli-sliced luncheon beef
Iceberg lettuce
Canned peaches, juice pack
Spicy baked cod, cooked
Spinach (salad)
Green onions
Fat-free Italian dressing
White rice
French bread roll
I 37
I 3.5
and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) (36). The Beck Depres-
sion Inventory and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inven-
tory are well-validated measures that were used to determine
the participants’ state (anxiety and depression) during the in-
tervention period; higher scores indicate higher levels of de-
pression or anxiety. The PANAS, which provides separate
scores for positive and negative affect states, was repeated
weekly to quantify short-term changes in mood.
The Modified Continuous Performance Task (37) was used
to assess the subjects’ attention and impulsivity. This paper and
pencil activity measures the ability of subjects to concentrate
on a task that requires alertness and accuracy for an allotted
period of time. Scores indicate the percentage of correct re-
sponses. Hunger was rated in the daily diary each evening as
I=not a problem, 3 =moderate problem, or 5=significant
Laboratory methods
Serum glucose was measured with a Kodak Ektachem 250
analyzer (Johnson & Johnson Clinical Diagnostics, Rochester,
NY). Urinary nitrogen was measured with the Boehringer
Mannheim Hitachi 91 1 apparatus (Indianapolis). Urinary nor-
epinephrine concentrations were measured by using HPLC
with electrochemical detection (Bio-Rad Acclaim; Bio-Rad
Laboratories, Hercules, CA). FF3 was quantified by using a
coated-tube radioimmunoassay with an analog tracer (Becton
Dickinson, Orangeburg, NY). Automated chemiluminescent
immunoassay and microparticle enzyme immunoassay meth-
ods were used for measuring TSH (Access Immunoassay Sys-
tem; Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur, Chaska, MN and Immulite;
Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles) and FF4 (Ac-
cess Immunoassay System; Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur and
Imx; Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, IL). Plasma lipid con-
centrations, including total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol [after
precipitation of the sample by dextran sulfate (molecular
weight: 50 000) and magnesium], and glycerol-blanked triac-
ylglycerol concentrations were determined enzymatically on a
Hitachi 91 1 analyzer. LDL-cholesterol concentration was cal-
culated from total and HDL-cholesterol concentrations.
Statistical analysis
Analyses of treatment effects were conducted by using a
mixed-design analysis of variance (ANOVA), with diet group
(high- compared with low-sucrose diet) as the between-sub-
jects factor and time of measurement (eg, baseline and mid-
and posttreatment) as the within-subjects factor. The test of
principal interest in all analyses was the group-by-time inter-
action, which addresses the question of whether the diet groups
differed in the amount of change over time. The estimated
power for detecting a medium-sized effect (‘ 14% of the
explained variance or a 0.5-SD difference in the treatment
effect) for the time-by-group interaction was 0.70, given a =
0.05 and n=42 (38).
In addition to the traditional Pvalues for ANOVA effects,
we present the effect size, ‘rj2, which is a measure of the total
variability “explained” by the given effect in the model (38).
The i2 value is similar in interpretation to R2 in a multiple-
regression model, and provides a means of assessing the abso-
lute magnitude of the effect, and also the relative importance of
effects within and across ANOVA models. Effect sizes are
bound by 0 and 1, with higher values indicating stronger
effects. Five individuals in the high-sucrose group and four in
the low-sucrose group had missing data for one of the seven
measurement times for the psychologic variables; the missing
data point was replaced by the group mean.
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Significant time effect, P<0.001.
21 ±SD.
Time (wk)
FIGURE 1. Changes in body weight during the diet intervention. Group
means and SEs are shown for the high-sucrose ( 0 )and low-sucrose ( #{149})
There were no significant differences between groups in
baseline age, baseline BMI, or percentage of total body weight
lost during the intervention (Table 1).
Weight, REE, percentage total body fat, and percentage
trunk body fat
Change in weight for the high- and low-sucrose groups
across the course of the study is shown in Figure 1. There were
no significant differences between groups in mean weight,
REE, percentage total body fat, or percentage trunk fat (Table
4). The time effect was significant for weight (P < 0.001, r2
=0.88), percentage total body fat (P < 0.001, rj2 0.51),
percentage trunk fat (P <0.001, rj2 0.50), REE (P < 0.001,
2 0.54), and diastolic (P >0.001, i2 0.10) and systolic
(P > 0.001, 2 0.10) blood pressure; all scores decreased
over the duration of the study. All group-by-time interactions
were nonsignificant (Table 4), indicating that the groups did
not differ in the magnitude of this decrease over the duration of
the study, ie, there were no treatment effects. As also shown in
Table 4, the proportion of variance explained by the interaction
term was uniformly small for all variables.
Fasting glucose, TSH, FT3, and FT4
No significant group differences were found for fasting
glucose, urine norepinephrine, TSH, VF, or VF4 (Table 5).
There was a significant time effect for norepinephrine (P <
0.001, 0.15) and VF3 (P <0.001, ij2 0.51), with
concentrations decreasing over time. There was a small but
significant increase over time in Ff4 (P =0.001, ‘rj2 0.13).
No significant group-by-time interactions were detected
(Table 5).
Plasma lipids
Mean concentrations of fasting total cholesterol, LDL cho-
lesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triacylglycerol were not signif-
icantly different between groups (Table 6). The time effect was
significant for all lipid measures: total cholesterol (P <0.001,
2 0.63), HDL cholesterol (P <0.001, ij2 0.73), LDL
cholesterol (P <0.001, ‘q2 0.32), and triacyiglycerol (P
0.04, 2 0.10). The time-by-group effect, however, was
significant for total cholesterol (P = 0.009, ‘r2 0.16) and
LDL cholesterol (P =0.014, j2 0.15), with the low-sucrose
group exhibiting a larger decrease than the high-sucrose group
for both of these measures (Table 6).
Psychologic and behavioral variables
There were no significant group differences in mean levels
of hunger, negative affect, positive affect, depression, or anx-
iety, or in the vigilance task (Table 7). The time effect was
significant for negative affect (P < 0.001, tj2 0.47), depres-
sion (P <0.001, q2 0.29), positive affect (P <0.001,
0.43), and the vigilance task (P =0.005, q2 0.13), with all
subjects improving on these measures. The time effect was also
significant for hunger (P =0.008, ij2 0.08); all subjects
reported lower levels of hunger at the end of the study than at
the beginning. No significant time-by-group interactions were
Three major conclusions can be drawn from this study. First,
a high intake of sucrose from a low-fat, hypoenergetic diet did
not adversely affect weight loss or other metabolic indexes
when compared with an isoenergetic diet in which sucrose was
replaced by starches and aspartame. Both diet groups showed
equal significant reductions in weight, percentage body fat,
Weight, body fat, resting energy expenditure (REE), and blood pressure (BP) at baseline and posttreatment
Baseline Posttreatment Interaction
term (P)
effect size
(i2)High sucrose Low sucrose High sucrose Low sucrose
Weight (kg)’ 96.69 ± 12.622 96.10 ± 13.68 89.74 ±12.51 88.73 ± 13.20 0.64 0.02
REE (kJ/d)’ 6901.09 ± I 104.24 6795.03 ± 1 129.01 5973.92 ± 787.18 5998.27 ± 720.82 0.62 <0.01
Percentage total body fat (%)‘ 49.71 ± 3.52 48.67 ± 3.01 48.54 ± 3.68 47.07 ± 3.81 0.38 0.02
Percentage trunk fat (%)‘ 48.84 ±4.94 47.51 ±5.40 45.93 ±5.84 45.26 ±6.44 0.66 <0.01
Systolic BP (mm Hg)’ 139.5 ±16.02 131.82 ±13.52 127.95 ± 14.59 129.67 ± 11.28 0.99 <0.04
Diastolic BP (mm Hg)’ 74.85 ± 1 1.08 72.82 ± 9.02 71.5 ± 1 1.95 69.10 ± 8.29 0.14 <0.01
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
Urinary norepinephrine, fasting serum glucose, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (FT), and free thyroxine (‘F,) at baseline and
Baseline Posttreatment Interaction
term (P)
effect size
High sucrose Low sucrose High sucrose Low sucrose
Norepinephrine (mg/24 h)’ 36.61 ± 15.372 37.83 ± 8.97 30.60 ± 10.96 26.05 ± 8.83 0.34 0.03
Fasting glucose (mmollL) 4.97 ±0.70 4.92 ± 0.58 4.87 ± 0.31 4.65 ± 0.03 0.54 0.02
TSH (U/L) 1.44 ± 0.76 1.55 ± 0.74 1.43 ±0.97 1.34 ± 0.59 0.51 0.02
Fr3 (pmol/L)’ 0.06 ± 0.01 0.06 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.21 0.04
Fr4 (pmol/L)’ 14.7 ±2.45 15.44 ± 3.22 16.47 ±2.57 17.25 ± 1.93 0.38 0.02
Significant time effect, P<0.01.
21 ±SD.
REE, urinary norepinephrine, and FT, as well as an equal
increase in FT4, suggesting that the metabolic effects of these
diets were similar. As noted earlier, there was sufficient statis-
tical power to detect treatment effects of at least a moderate
size, ie, 14% of the variance could be explained-serum lipid
results confirm this. The effect sizes associated with treatment
differences for the remainder of the outcome variables ex-
plained only 1-4% of the variance in the models, suggesting
that the treatment differences were unlikely to be clinically
The second major finding of this study was that neither
high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet had an adverse effect on
plasma lipids. Although subjects in the low-sucrose group had
a somewhat greater reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, the
main effect of the total reduction in both LDL and total
cholesterol for all subjects was much greater than the group
differences. The interaction effect sizes for LDL and total
cholesterol were small (‘q2 0.16 and 0.15, respectively), and
the low-sucrose group had higher baseline LDL and total
cholesterol concentrations. Thus, the meaning of this difference
is questionable. Although we did not assess glucose tolerance
in our subject population, the observed decrease in fasting
glucose argues against any carbohydrate-induced deterioration
in insulin sensitivity in either diet regimen. Women in both
dietary conditions showed similar significant reductions in
systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Interestingly, one 53-y-
old subject who displayed the typical pattern of markedly
elevated plasma triacylglycerol and hyperglycemia at the be-
ginning of the study showed significant decreases in fasting
glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triacylglycerol
concentrations, and an increase in HDL cholesterol during the
6 wk of the high-sucrose diet. These findings are consistent
with epidemiologic data (1, 9, 22, 39) and animal data from our
laboratory (13) that clearly show that high sucrose or complex
carbohydrate consumption does not cause obesity, hyperglyce-
mia, or insulin resistance in the absence of dietary fat. Al-
though it is quite possible that sucrose or complex carbohydrate
consumption may produce different effects when total energy
intake is greater, the use of sucrose or other carbohydrate in a
low-fat, weight-reduction program appears both safe and
Finally, our study shows conclusively that there were no
behavioral sequelae accompanying high intakes of sucrose.
Subjects consuming 43% of their total energy intake as sucrose
showed no differences in any behavioral index measured corn-
pared with those consuming <5% of their energy intake as
sucrose. All subjects also showed significant improvement
over time in indexes of mood and attention span; hunger
decreased equally in both groups and anxiety ratings did not
change significantly. These results confirm numerous other
studies that have failed to find any behavioral effects of sucrose
consumption in humans or animals (40-42). They extend re-
cent findings by evaluating chronic consumption at about twice
the dose of sucrose (percentage of total daily energy intake)
used by Wolraich et al (27). It is therefore clear that sucrose
ingestion does not cause attentional deficit, mood disturbance,
or appetite problems.
In summary, our study failed to find any adverse metabolic
or behavioral effects of high sucrose consumption in a low-fat,
weight-loss diet. The total daily energy intake of our subjects
included a greater proportion of sucrose than would result from
diets incorporating the low-fat, high-sucrose foods on the mar-
ket today. We therefore conclude that the use of sucrose in a
Plasma lipids at baseline and posttreatment
Baseline Posttreatment Interaction
term (P)
effect size
(tj2)High sucrose Low sucrose High sucrose Low sucrose
Total cholesterol (mmol/L)’ 4.63 ± 0772 4.92 ± 0.84 4.14 ± 0.75 3.94 ± 0.62 0.009 0.16
LDL (mmollL)’ 2.70 ± 0.50 3.04 ± 0.74 2.60 ± 0.62 2.38 ± 0.55 0.01 0.15
HDL (mmol/L)’ 1.35 ± 0.34 1.29 ± 0.22 1.06 ± 0.19 1.03 ± 0.19 0.68 <0.01
Total triacylglycerol (mmol/L)3 1.19 ±0.94 1.29 ±0.71 1.08 ± 0.59 1.05 ± 0.45 0.60 <0.01
Significant time effect, P<0.001.
2g ±SD.
3Significant time effect, P=0.04.
by guest on July 14, 2011www.ajcn.orgDownloaded from
Psychological and be havioral measures t baselin e and posttreatment
Baseline Posttreatment Interaction
term (P)
effect size
(p2)High sucrose Low sucrose High sucrose Low sucrose
Hunger’ 1.93 ± 0.892 1.58 ± 0.63 1.62 ± 0.85 1.26 ± 0.61 0.53 0.02
Vigilance task’ 32.00 ± 7.60 28.52 ± 5.78 33.15 ± 6.71 32.33 ± 4.90 0.19 0.04
Positive affect’ 29.40 ±4.47 29.40 ±6.01 37.09 ± 9.01 36.44 ± 9.05 0.56 0.02
Negative affect’ 21.65 ± 7.55 22.32 ± 12.53 11.71 ± 3.20 14.51 ± 9.44 0.46 0.02
Depression’ 9.05 ± 10.19 6.23 ± 4.00 3.58 ± 4.90 3.57 ± 4.90 0.30 0.03
Anxiety 31.95 ±12.53 30.27 ±9.87 33.82 ± 10.55 29.54 ± 11.52 0.34 0.03
Significant time effect, P<0.01.
2g ±SD.
weight-loss regimen is unlikely to cause problems for the
average patient, as long as total energy intake is restricted. fl
We acknowledge the efforts of Kimberly P Hoben, the Sarah W
Stedman Nutrition Center, Duke University, for her assistance in the
development of the experimental diets.
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... Still approaching the issue of caloric amounts, old study from 1997 treated two groups of obese individuals for six weeks with hypocaloric diets (~ 1100 kcal. day-1) [4]. However, the diets contained an average of 70 % carbohydrates in two ways, one with 57 g of sugar (n=22) and another with 165 g of sugar (n=20). ...
... Many studies have shown in different strains of rodents that, after exposure to a HFD, some animals become obese (DIO) while others remain lean (DR). [38][39][40] Before the onset of obesity, outbred DIO-prone rats manifest several abnormalities of nervous system function, which might predispose them to develop obesity when offered a 31% HFD. 34 Previously, we reported blood-brain barrier (BBB) alterations, neuronal loss, astrogliosis, and microglial cells activation in the FC and the HIP of DIO rats compared to the CHOW. ...
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Evidence suggests that transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels dysfunction significantly contributes to the physiopathology of metabolic and neurological disorders. Dysregulation in functions and expression in genes encoding the TRP channels cause several inherited diseases in humans (the so-called ‘TRP channelopathies’), which affect the cardiovascular, renal, skeletal, and nervous systems. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of ion channels in the forebrain of rats with diet-induced obesity (DIO). DIO rats were studied after 17 weeks under a hypercaloric diet (high-fat diet, HFD) and were compared to the control rats with a standard diet (CHOW). To determine the systemic effects of HFD exposure, we examined food intake, fat mass content, fasting glycemia, insulin levels, cholesterol, and triglycerides. qRT-PCR, Western blot, and immunochemistry analysis were performed in the frontal cortex (FC) and hippocampus (HIP). After 17 weeks of HFD, DIO rats increased their body weight significantly compared to the CHOW rats. In DIO rats, TRPC1 and TRPC6 were upregulated in the HIP, while they were downregulated in the FC. In the case of TRPM2 expression, instead was increased both in the HIP and in the FC. These could be related to the increase of proteins and nucleic acid oxidation. TRPV1 and TRPV2 gene expression showed no differences both in the FC and HIP. In general, qRT-PCR analyses were confirmed by Western blot analysis. Immunohistochemical procedures highlighted the expression of the channels in the cell body of neurons and axons, particularly for the TRPC1 and TRPC6. The alterations of TRP channel expression could be related to the activation of glial cells or the neurodegenerative process presented in the brain of the DIO rat highlighted with post synaptic protein (PSD 95) alterations. The availability of suitable animal models may be useful for studying possible pharmacological treatments to counter obesity-induced brain injury. The identified changes in DIO rats may represent the first insight to characterize the neuronal alterations occurring in obesity. Further investigations are necessary to characterize the role of TRP channels in the regulation of synaptic plasticity and obesity-related cognitive decline.
... The final solution was supplemented with 2% sucrose to represent a low sugar diet. 34 Rectangular beams (5 × 1 × 18 mm 3 ) were sterilized with a 15 min immersion in 70% ethanol and air-dried inside a biological safety cabinet during UV light exposure. ...
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The clinical utility of a model of normal emotional functioning (vs. psychopathology) and the moderating effects of neuroticism (N) and extraversion (E) on mood were examined during a 6-week weight-loss trial. Participants were 40 obese women who completed measures of negative affect (NA) and positive affect (PA) weekly during the diet and measures of anxiety and depression (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]) at pre-, mid-, and postdiet. Results indicated that (a) average NA and PA were each uniquely related to postdiet BDI scores, (b) N was significantly related to NA during the diet and postdiet BDI scores, and (c) N and E interacted to predict PA during the diet. The results suggest that assessment of personality and normal mood variation may be useful additions to weight-loss intervention and research.
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Before mentioning calories, it is becomes very important to know that, besides calories, there are other weight loss determinants, that go beyond the numbers, the behavioral determinants has been demonstrated by a synthesized recent literature on weight loss determinants for individuals with overweight and obesity, that searched in PubMed and PsycINFO from 2006 to 2016 founding 124 important determinants to help these individuals lose weight, which 5 were demographic, 59 were behavioral, 51 were psychological/cognitive and 9 were social and physical environmental determinants [1]. That is, there are other things that influence the weight loss of individuals, although this work will approach Nutrition science, it is impossible to forget that weight loss is also influenced by these other determinants. The last study about determinants weight loss don’t mentions what each determinant is, but a recent study with fourteen healthy adults can brings this subject about another way [2]. The authors randomly assigned to two groups—one experimental and one control, where all subjects exercised three times a week in prescribed workouts and followed an isocaloric diet, but the experimental group subjects were told that your food plan was low calorie. In the study results in average values, the experimental group lost 9.25 kg against 2.25 kg of the control group, this may be an idea of a possible placebo effect on the behavioral side of weight loss, since the individuals followed similar calories and did the same amounts of physical exercise. Perhaps, the experimental group, from what they were told, was more dedicated to dieting and training correctly, resulting in better results. Thus, there is a perspective that calories, along with behavioral determinants, become the most important marker during the decision-making process of individuals’ weight loss.
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Whether food source or energy mediates the effect of fructose-containing sugars on blood pressure (BP) is unclear. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of different food sources of fructose-containing sugars at different levels of energy control on BP. We searched MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library through June 2021 for controlled trials ≥7-days. We prespecified 4 trial designs: substitution (energy matched substitution of sugars); addition (excess energy from sugars added); subtraction (excess energy from sugars subtracted); and ad libitum (energy from sugars freely replaced). Outcomes were systolic and diastolic BP. Independent reviewers extracted data. GRADE assessed the certainty of evidence. We included 93 reports (147 trial comparisons, N = 5,213) assessing 12 different food sources across 4 energy control levels in adults with and without hypertension or at risk for hypertension. Total fructose-containing sugars had no effect in substitution, subtraction, or ad libitum trials but decreased systolic and diastolic BP in addition trials (P<0.05). There was evidence of interaction/influence by food source: fruit and 100% fruit juice decreased and mixed sources (with sugar-sweetened beverages [SSBs]) increased BP in addition trials and the removal of SSBs (linear dose response gradient) and mixed sources (with SSBs) decreased BP in subtraction trials. The certainty of evidence was generally moderate. Food source and energy control appear to mediate the effect of fructose-containing sugars on BP. The evidence provides a good indication that fruit and 100% fruit juice at low doses (up to or less than the public health threshold of ~10% E) lead to small, but important reductions in BP, while the addition of excess energy of mixed sources (with SSBs) at high doses (up to 23%) leads to moderate increases and their removal or the removal of SSBs alone (up to ~20% E) leads to small, but important decreases in BP in adults with and without hypertension or at risk for hypertension. Trial registration: NCT02716870.
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Background: Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) providing excess energy increase adiposity. The effect of other food sources of sugars at different energy control levels is unclear. Objectives: To determine the effect of food sources of fructose-containing sugars by energy control on adiposity. Methods: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched through April 2022 for controlled trials ≥2 wk. We prespecified 4 trial designs by energy control: substitution (energy-matched replacement of sugars), addition (energy from sugars added), subtraction (energy from sugars subtracted), and ad libitum (energy from sugars freely replaced). Independent authors extracted data. The primary outcome was body weight. Secondary outcomes included other adiposity measures. Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) was used to assess the certainty of evidence. Results: We included 169 trials (255 trial comparisons, n = 10,357) assessing 14 food sources at 4 energy control levels over a median 12 wk. Total fructose-containing sugars increased body weight (MD: 0.28 kg; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.50 kg; PMD = 0.011) in addition trials and decreased body weight (MD: -0.96 kg; 95% CI: -1.78, -0.14 kg; PMD = 0.022) in subtraction trials with no effect in substitution or ad libitum trials. There was interaction/influence by food sources on body weight: substitution trials [fruits decreased; added nutritive sweeteners and mixed sources (with SSBs) increased]; addition trials [dried fruits, honey, fruits (≤10%E), and 100% fruit juice (≤10%E) decreased; SSBs, fruit drink, and mixed sources (with SSBs) increased]; subtraction trials [removal of mixed sources (with SSBs) decreased]; and ad libitum trials [mixed sources (with/without SSBs) increased]. GRADE scores were generally moderate. Results were similar across secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Energy control and food sources mediate the effect of fructose-containing sugars on adiposity. The evidence provides a good indication that excess energy from sugars (particularly SSBs at high doses ≥20%E or 100 g/d) increase adiposity, whereas their removal decrease adiposity. Most other food sources had no effect, with some showing decreases (particularly fruits at lower doses ≤10%E or 50 g/d). This trial was registered at as NCT02558920 (
Schistosoma mansoni-induced granulomas result in severe damage to the host's liver, as well as neurological and metabolic disorders. We evaluated the biochemical and behavioral changes during schistosomiasis under three diet protocols: ad libitum (AL), alternate-day fasting (ADF) and a high-sucrose/caloric diet (HSD). Healthy male BALB/c mice were divided into noninfected, matched infected and infected/treated [praziquantel (PZQ)] groups. Caloric intake and energy efficiency coefficients associated with diets were measured. Behavioral (exploratory and locomotor) and biochemical (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, AST, ALT, ALP, and γ-GT) tests and histological analysis were performed. Fifteen weeks postinfection, HSD and PZQ promoted weight gain, with higher caloric consumption than ADF (p < 0.05), reflecting serum glucose levels and lipid profiles. HSD and PZQ prevented liver dysfunction (AST and ALT) and significantly prevented increases in granuloma area (p < 0.05). HSD and PZQ also significantly improved mouse physical performance in exploratory and locomotor behavior (p < 0.05), reversing the impaired motivation caused by infection. These findings showed that ADF worsened the course of S. mansoni infection, while HSD and PZQ, even with synergistic effects, prevented and/or attenuated biochemical and behavioral impairment from infection.
Background: High intake of added sugar have been suggested to impact the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Knowledge on the subject can contribute to preventing CVD. Objectives: To assess the effects of a high versus low-added sugar consumption for primary prevention of CVD in the general population. Search methods: We searched Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S) on 2 July 2021. We also conducted a search of and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) Search Portal for ongoing or unpublished trials. The search was performed together with reference checking, citation searching and contact with study authors to identify additional studies. We imposed no restriction on language of publication or publication status. Selection criteria: We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs), including cross-over trials, that compared different levels of added sugar intake. Exclusion criteria were: participants aged below 18 years; diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2); and previous CVD. Primary outcomes were incident cardiovascular events (coronary, carotid, cerebral and peripheral arterial disease) and all-cause mortality. Secondary outcomes were changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting plasma glucose and adverse events (gastrointestinal symptoms and impaired dental health). Data collection and analysis: We used the standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. Main results: We included 21 RCTs (1110 participants completing the interventions) examining the effects of different levels of added sugar intake with a mean duration of 14 weeks. The study participants were generally described as healthy and the mean age ranged from 22 to 57 years. No studies reported on cardiovascular events or all-cause mortality. There was minimal effect of low intake of added sugar on total cholesterol levels (MD 0.11, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.21; I² = 0%; 16 studies; 763 participants; low certainty of evidence) and triglycerides (MD 0.10, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.17; I² = 3%; 14 studies; 725 participants) but no evidence of effect on LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol. There was minimal effect on diastolic blood pressure (MD 1.52, 95% CI 0.67 to 2.37; I² = 0%; 13 studies; 873 participants) and on systolic blood pressure (MD 1.44, 95% 0.08 to 2.80; I² = 27%, 14 studies; 873 participants; low certainty of evidence), but no evidence of effect on fasting plasma glucose. Only one study reported on dental health, with no events. No other trials reported adverse events (impaired dental health or gastrointestinal symptoms). All results were judged as low-quality evidence according to GRADE. The risk of bias was generally unclear, five studies were classified at an overall low risk of bias (low risk in at least four domains, not including other bias). Authors' conclusions: No trials investigating the effect of added sugar on cardiovascular events or all-cause mortality were identified in our searches. Evidence is uncertain whether low intake of added sugar has an effect on risk factors for CVD; the effect was small and the clinical relevance is, therefore, uncertain. Practical ways to achieve reductions in dietary added sugar includes following current dietary recommendations. Future trials should have longer follow-up time and report on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in order to clarify the effect of added sugar on these outcomes. Future trials should also aim for more direct interventions and preferably be more independent of industry funding.
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This study aimed to systematically review the relationship of obesity-depression in the female sex. We carried out a systematic search (PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase) to quantify the articles (controlled trials and randomized controlled trials) regarding obesity and depression on a female population or a mixed sample. Successively, we established whether the sex specificities were studied by the authors and if they reported on collecting data regarding factors that may contribute to the evolution of obesity and depression and that could be responsible for the greater susceptibility of females to those conditions. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we found a total of 20 articles with a female sample and 54 articles with a mixed sample. More than half of all articles (51.35%, n = 38) evaluated the relationship between depression and obesity, but only 20 (27.03%) evaluated this relationship among females; still, 80% of those (n = 16) presented supporting results. However, few articles considered confounding factors related to female hormones (12.16%, n = 9) and none of the articles focused on factors responsible for the binomial obesity-depression in the female sex. The resulting articles also supported that depression (and related impairments) influencing obesity (and related impairments) is a two-way road. This systematic review supports the concurrency of obesity-depression in females but also shows how sex specificities are ultimately under-investigated. Female sex specificity is not being actively considered when studying the binomial obesity-depression, even within a female sample. Future studies should focus on trying to understand how the female sex and normal hormonal variations influence these conditions.
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In recent studies of the structure of affect, positive and negative affect have consistently emerged as two dominant and relatively independent dimensions. A number of mood scales have been created to measure these factors; however, many existing measures are inadequate, showing low reliability or poor convergent or discriminant validity. To fill the need for reliable and valid Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales that are also brief and easy to administer, we developed two 10-item mood scales that comprise the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The scales are shown to be highly internally consistent, largely uncorrelated, and stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month time period. Normative data and factorial and external evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the scales are also presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
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The effects of sucrose supplementation on body composition and heat production were studied in lean, dietary (cafeteria diet) and genetically (Zucker fa/fa) obese adult (60 days) rats. Sucrose supplement (29 kJ) for 10 days did not result in significant changes in the pattern of energy (fat) deposition or carcass composition. There were no alterations, either, in heat production measured by direct calorimetry. Under the conditions studied, sucrose intake did not affect lipid deposition or thermogenesis.
Objective. —To study effects of variation in carbohydrate content of diet on glycemia and plasma lipoproteins in patients with non—insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM).Design. —A four-center randomized crossover trial.Setting. —Outpatient and inpatient evaluation in metabolic units.Patients. —Forty-two NIDDM patients receiving glipizide therapy.Interventions. —A high-carbohydrate diet containing 55% of the total energy as carbohydrates and 30% as fats was compared with a high—monounsaturated-fat diet containing 40% carbohydrates and 45% fats. The amounts of saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, cholesterol, sucrose, and protein were similar. The study diets, prepared in metabolic kitchens, were provided as the sole nutrients to subjects for 6 weeks each. To assess longer-term effects, a subgroup of 21 patients continued the diet they received second for an additional 8 weeks.Main Outcome Measures. —Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, lipoproteins, and glycosylated hemoglobin concentrations. Twenty-four-hour profiles of glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels.Results. —The site of study as well as the diet order did not affect the results. Compared with the high—monounsaturated-fat diet, the high-carbohydrate diet increased fasting plasma triglyceride levels and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by 24% (P<.0001) and 23% (P=.0001), respectively, and increased daylong plasma triglyceride, glucose, and insulin values by 10% (P=.03), 12% (P<.0001), and 9% (P=.02), respectively. Plasma total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels remained unchanged. The effects of both diets on plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride levels persisted for 14 weeks.Conclusions. —In NIDDM patients, high-carbohydrate diets compared with high—monounsaturated-fat diets caused persistent deterioration of glycemic control and accentuation of hyperinsulinemia, as well as increased plasma triglyceride and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, which may not be desirable.(JAMA. 1994;271:1421-1428)
Objective: To examine the effects of sugar on the behavior or cognition of children by using meta-analytic techniques on reported studies. Data sources: Studies were identified through a literature search of the MEDLINE and PsychINFO databases and the authors' files using sugar, sucrose, and attention deficit disorder as the search terms. Study selection: Studies were required to (1) intervene by having the subjects consume a known quantity of sugar, (2) use a placebo (artificial sweetener) condition (3) blind the subjects, parents, and research staff to the conditions; and (4) report statistics that could be used to compute the dependent measures effect sizes. Data extraction: Variables included publication year, study setting, subject type and number, gender, age, sugar and placebo type and dose, prior dietary condition, measurement construct, means and SDs for the sugar and placebo conditions, and direction of effect. Data synthesis: Sixteen reports met the inclusion criteria for a total of 23 within-subject design studies. The weighted mean effect size and related statistics for each of the 14 measurement constructs revealed that although the range for these means was from -0.14 for direct observations and up to +0.30 for academic tests, the 95% confidence interval for all 14 mean effect sizes included 0. Conclusion: The meta-analytic synthesis of the studies to date found that sugar does not affect the behavior or cognitive performance of children. The strong belief of parents may be due to expectancy and common association. However, a small effect of sugar or effects on subsets of children cannot be ruled out.
Previous research in our laboratory has demonstrated that the C57BL/6J (B/6J) mouse has a predisposition to develop severe obesity if placed on a high-fat diet. In the present study we assessed the role of physical activity in this phenomenon. Obesity-prone B/6J and obesity-resistant A/J mice were placed on one of four diets; high fat/high sucrose, high fat/low sucrose, low fat/high sucrose, and low fat/low sucrose. After 4 months, all animals on the high-fat diets had gained more weight than animals on the low-fat diets, and this phenomenon was greatly exaggerated in B/6J mice. Despite the fact that B/6J mice gained more weight than A/J mice on high-fat diets without consuming more calories, spontaneous motor activity was elevated in B/6J mice compared to A/J mice. There was no effect of the diets on activity either within or across strains. These data suggest that predisposition to diet-induced obesity is not explainable by reduced levels of physical activity.
The author describes and discusses the allergic tension fatigue syndrome and some of the other common 'allergy masquerades' of the many pale, tired, nervous children with headache, abdominal pain, leg ache and other systemic symptoms. Over 4,000 suffer from non IgE mediated food allergy.
Studies in rodents have shown that short-term increases in dietary fat result in fat cell enlargement and insulin resistance. In humans, although high-fat diets have been associated with obesity, little is known about the specific metabolic effects of these diets. In this study we explored possible associations between habitual dietary composition and insulin sensitivity. Twenty-two lean and 23 obese subjects were characterized by dietary history (food frequency questionnaire), anthropometrics, oral glucose tolerance, and insulin sensitivity (SI, from the minimal model). As shown previously, body mass index was positively correlated with percent of energy intake as fat (r = 0.47, P = 0.001). Increasing fat intake was also associated with diminished SI (r = -0.41, P = 0.01). In contrast, SI was positively correlated with fiber intake (r = 0.43, P = 0.007). Multivariate analysis confirmed the importance of dietary fiber for SI. We conclude that habitually low dietary fiber intake, along with elevated dietary fat, correlates with diminished SI in otherwise healthy lean and obese subjects.