In the phase III of the french national study on OCD, 155 patients suffering from-art OCD (full DSM III-R criteria, score on NIMH-OC greater than or equal to 7, not treated or undertreated) had entered a naturalistic follow-up of 12 months duration. Obsessions, compulsions, depression, anxiety, impulsivity and global functioning were assessed by using NIMH-OC, CPRS-OC2, MOCI, MADRS, HAD (-A, -D); BDS (Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale), CGI and GAS (DSM III-R). From the initial population (155 patients), 130 (84 %) had been treated with drugs and were completers,, and assessed at M6 and M12; 18 (11,6 %) were lost to follow-up and 7 (4,5 %) had droped out because of treatment refusal, side-effect or improvement. Only 19 % of patients had received a behavior therapy. In spite of selection of patients with severe and chronic OCD associated to depression (mean MADRS score = 25), 85 % of treated patients had been treated with one anti-OCD drug (105 with fluoxetine, 17 with clomipramine and 17 with other antidepressants), 4,5 % needed a treatment substitution and 4,5 % a bitherapy (combination of 2 anti-OCD drugs); 84 % of patients were considered as good compliant,, with Visit agenda and treatment. At the end of follow-up, global improvement was observed in 77 % of patients treated. Clinical improvement was assessed by different response criteria (final NIMH-OC score, 30 % decrease on NIMH-OC, 35 % decrease on MOCI, final GAF score greater than or equal to 70) which showed 4 patterns of response to treatment: " positive response on M6 and M12" = 43-64 %; " only M12" (slow response) = 13-24 %; " only M6 (escape or relapse) = 4-6 %; " negative response on M6 and M12,, (resistant OCD) = 19-33 %. During 12 month treatment, 31 patients (22,5 %) had presented an adverse effect in which 7 cases (5, 1 %) with "serious adverse event" and 5 cases (3,6%) who required treatment drop-out. Predictive factors of clinical response to anti-OCD drugs were explored : 1) " lack of insight,, was the best factor to characterise the resistant group; 2) high base-line of impulsivity,, predict better response at M6 ;3) important to severe slowness was associated with a longer delay to response (between M6 and M12). The results of the phase III from the french multi-site study will be compared to the international data on longterm treatment of OCD.