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34, 107–129 (1997)
Cognition and Life: The Autonomy of Cognition
Alvaro Moreno,* Jon Umerez,* and Jesu
´s Iban
*Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science and †Department of Languages and
Information Systems, University of the Basque Country, Donostia, Spain
In this paper we propose a philosophical distinction between biological and cogni-
tive domains based on two conditions that are postulated to obtain a useful character-
ization of cognition: biological grounding and explanatory sufficiency. According
to this, we argue that the origin of cognition in natural systems (cognition as we
know it) is the result of the appearance of an autonomous system embedded into
another more generic one: the whole organism. This basic idea is complemented
by another one: the formation and development of this system, in the course of
evolution, cannot be understood but as the outcome of a continuous process of
interaction between organisms and environment, between different organisms, and,
specially, between the very cognitive organisms. Finally, we address the problem
of the generalization of a theory of cognition (cognition as it could be) and conclude
that this work would imply a grounding work on the problem of the origins devel-
oped in the frame of a confluence between both Artificial Life and an embodied
Artificial Intelligence.
1997 Academic Press
In the second half of the present century modern science has witnessed
an apparently contradictory process. On the one hand, the classical ‘‘field
disciplines’’ have become fragmented into a variety of significantly special-
ized subareas with increasingly narrower scopes. On the other hand, hetero-
geneous scientific communities have developed around multidisciplinary
ideas, integrating the different epistemological, methodological, and techno-
logical contributions of their members and creating what have been called
the sciences of complexity (see Pines, 1987; Cowan, Pines, & Meltzer,
The authors arevery grateful to Arantza Etxeberria for hersuggestions and ideas to original
drafts and to Andy Clark, Pablo Navarro, and Tim Smithers for their comments and discussions
that helped to clarify some passages of the final draft. This research was supported by Research
Project PB92-0456 from the DYGCIT-MEC (Ministerio de Educacio
´n y Ciencia, Spain) and
by Research Project 230-HA 203/95 from the University of the Basque Country. Jon Umerez
acknowledges a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Government. Address reprint re-
quests to Alvaro Moreno, Departamento de Lo
´gica y Filosofı
´a de la Ciencia, Universidad del
Pais Vasco UPV/EHU, Apartado 1249, Donostia/San Sebastian 20.080, Spain.
107 0278-2626/97 $25.00
Copyright 1997 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
1994). The first significant milestones of this phenomenon were founded
almost in parallel by cybernetics (Wiener, 1948/1961; Ashby, 1956) and by
general systems theory (Bertalanffy, 1968, 1975), and as a consequence we
can today speak about adaptation, autonomy, communication, information,
second order (observation-dependent), and, specially, complexity sciences,
although in some cases the title is far from having a sound tradition. Un-
doubtedly, the quick and huge development of computer science has been
and is still an important factor in the spreading of these new disciplines,
since it has provided empirical and experimental counterparts to the formal
approaches necessary in the attempts to abstraction of these ‘‘complexity
Let us just mention some of the main conceptual issues which might help
in drawing the wider context within which the subject of the paper is em-
1.1. Artificial/Natural
The extreme position in this direction has been the development of a new
scientific strategy that (transcending the previous and well-established prac-
tice of engineering and other technological disciplines) has given origin to
the sciences of the artificial (to borrow Simon’s, 1969, denomination). This
strategy consists of the study of complex systems by means of their artificial
creation, in order to experimentally evaluate the main theories about them.
The computational technology is central (although not necessarily unique)
to this new experimental paradigm, and its most outstanding applications
concern precisely those fields where it becomes not just an alternative to
other empirical approaches but a first-order validation tool (since the enor-
mous complexity of their scientific objects makes it extremely difficult to
render the traditional experimental approaches operational). Untilnow, there
have been two main research projects that have resulted from its application
to psychological and biological problems: Artificial Intelligence and Artifi-
cial Life, that is, attempts at ‘‘explanation through recreation’’ for the natural
phenomena of intelligence and life.
1.2. Functionalism
The application of this paradigm to an existing scientific field (the host
science) has two consequences that will be relevant to the discussion in the
present work. First, the change in status of the epistemic relationship between
scientific theories and reality: the pervasive comparison of models and artifi-
cially created systems renders what has been called the deconstruction of
science’s traditional object (Emmeche, 1994). This situation is clearly exem-
plified in Artificial Intelligence, where it is very common to find arguments
against its comparison with natural cognitive processes whenever it fails to
account for them adequately. This defense strategy of a research program’s
framework can also be detected in Artificial Life researchers, and its natural
fate is to evolve into extreme functionalism by explicitly giving up in the
attempt of modeling real systems (Umerez, 1995).
1.3. Universality
Another issue concerns the universality of the host science. Sciences such
as physics, chemistry, and thermodynamics either do not assume ontological
restrictions about their field of study or include a framework to reduce any
constraint in their scopeto the physical level. Moreover, they provide a meth-
odology that operationally includes their target objects and its direct manipu-
lation. Thus, they can be considered universal sciences ofmatter and energy
since their laws are intended to be valid up to contingencies. Unlike them,
biology studies phenomena about which we only have intuitive and empiri-
cally restricted knowledge (if any) and whose complexity is a barrier to its
reduction to the lower physical and/or chemical levels (Moreno, Umerez, &
´ndez, 1994). Thus, biology (not to speak of psychology) can be in-
tended only as a science that studies the phenomenon of life through the
experience of the living systems as we know them, and so we still have no
means to distinguish, among the known characteristics of these systems,
which are contingent and should not be required for the characterization of
life or cognition in a generic context (Moreno, Etxeberria, & Umerez, 1994).
In this case Artificial Life has been more radical and more mature than
its predecessor, AI. While Artificial Intelligence states as an explicit goal to
attain a general theory to explain intelligent behavior but implicitly assumes
the anthropocentric perspective of considering that what we have is the most
we can expect, Artificial Life (Langton, 1989) has had from its birth a clear
and explicit attitude toward contributing to extend the actual biological realm
(life-as-we-know-it) into a universal theory of the living organization that
could go beyond our empirical experience (life-as-it-could-be) as a conse-
quence of the generalization provided by the artificial models.
1.4. Relation between Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life
In any case, we can see that, despite the efforts made by most Artificial
Life founders to make it an epistemologically different discipline from Arti-
ficial Intelligence (stress on the bottom-up methodology), both research pro-
grams have relevant similar traits and have had to some extent similar atti-
tudes in facing the study of their respective main scientific targets (Pattee,
1989; Sober, 1992; Keeley, 1993; Umerez, 1995). In this sense, their method-
ological differences are contingent: each one has chosen its particular work-
ing hypotheses and, up to now, these have been proven the best ones in their
respective fields for universality purposes. We obviously do not want to say
that they are perfect, not even that they are any good. We simply want to
point out that they have not at present better alternatives for producing gen-
eral theories of life and intelligence.
The true differences arise when these researchers deal with a subject that
lies partially in the scope of both, and that is precisely what happens with
cognition. On the one hand, Artificial Intelligence has widened its scope,
especially through its insertion into cognitive science, and has started to
study processes that do not necessarily imply the classical knowledge ap-
proach (e.g., perception instead of recognition) (Brooks, 1991). On the other
hand, in addition to dealing with specifically biological problems, Artificial
Life has evidenced capability of producing systems that are close to model
low-level cognitive processes. Cognition is not the main target of any of
them (and for the moment we do not have a research program aimed at
artificial cognition), but a secondary objective in both.
The approach to the cognitive phenomenon is different from the perspec-
tives of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life. The former, though claim-
ing a physicalist and mechanicist stand, has tended to consider cognition in
an abstract and disembodied way. The latter, notwithstanding, has brought
a new sensibility: an effort has been made to address the understanding of
the cognitive phenomenon from the bottom up and to insert it in an evolution-
ary and embodied frame. From our point of view this constitutes a consider-
able advance but it has been reached at the price of creating confusion be-
tween what is generically biological and what is properly cognitive.
In this context it is legitimate to make the comparison between both ap-
proaches, their respective methodologies, theoretical models, and experimen-
tal results. Moreover, this is probably the most interesting comparison test
(if not the only one) that we can have between Artificial Life and Artificial
Intelligence. This paper attempts a critical review of the subject.
Cognition is not a concept standing out there, ready to be handled by any
discipline. There is considerable controversy about its definition and nature
(Churchland & Sejnowski, 1993; Gibson, 1979; Pylyshyn, 1984; Smolensky,
1988; Van Gelder, 1992/1995; Varela, Thompson, & Rosch, 1991), to the
point of altering its meaning depending on the starting epistemological as-
sumptions for its study. In this sense it is worth remembering its philosophi-
cal origin, which denotes an essentially human feature in whose realization
awareness, acquaintance, and knowledge should be involved. Today’s situa-
tion is that most explicit definitions of cognition can be perfectly correct,
though contradictory among them, simply because they address the same
word to different concepts.
However, there are two aspects to this controversy. On the one hand, there
is the problem of the boundaries of the idea of cognition. Given that there
is no scientific disagreement about considering human intelligence a form
of cognition, the upper boundary seems to be delimited without controversy.
Therefore, the main problemto deal with concerns the lower limits of cogni-
tive phenomena.
On the other hand, there is the methodology of the question, i.e., what
kinds of definitions are we looking for? We suggest that in spite of arguing
in favor of one or another type of definition, it is more useful to discuss the
methodological implications that such definitions convey. In other words, a
precise definition of cognition should not be sought but a useful one, that
is, one that allows the correct framing of a research project centered on it,
should be sought.
What is being discussed is mainly a conflict between two types of research
programs about cognition. On the one side is a research program that at-
tempts to make cognitive phenomena emerge from a purely biological back-
ground. On the other is the more traditional research program in Artificial
Intelligence, which seeks mainly to reproduce high-level cognitive functions
as a result of symbol manipulating programs in abstract contexts (Newell,
1980). This second position has the advantage of dealing with a distinctly
cognitive phenomenology by focusing on high-level cognition without any
condition. As a matter of fact,most of the best models in AI are of this kind.
Nevertheless, this perspective has well-known but very serious problems: it
implies an abstract and disembodied concept of cognition whose foundations
(‘‘symbol grounding problem,’’ Harnad, 1990) are by no means clear.
Thus, according to these former considerations, we propose that a useful
characterization of cognition should fulfill two conditions:
(a) Biological grounding—to establish the biological conditions under
which cognition is possible and so to relate the understanding of cognition
with its origins.
(b) Explanatory sufficiency—any plausible minimal conditions to charac-
terize cognitive phenomena should include all the primitives necessary for
utterly explaining its more evolved forms, the higher-level forms involved
in human intelligence.
Therefore, in the next two sections we develop a concept of cognition
simple enough to be derived from a biological frame and, at the same time,
endowed with an autonomous
identity that permits it to be useful also for
supporting high-level cognitive phenomena.
As we have stated before, an important prerequisite for any research pro-
gram involving the theoretical addressing of a complex phenomenon such
In this paper we use the concept of autonomy in two senses, which will be discerned in
each case, i.e., as a general idea of self-sustaining identity and as the more concrete result of
some kind ofoperational closure. See Smithers (this issue) fora fuller and more encompassing
treatment of the plural and different uses of the concept and its related terms.
as cognition is to work out an explanation of that phenomenon along with
a characterization of the mechanisms that make it possible and originate it.
Cognition only appears in nature with the development of living systems.
The inherent complexity of living processes renders the relationship between
life and cognition a very interesting and difficult problem. In particular, it
has been traditionally very hard not only to identify precisely the origins of
cognitive activities, but even to distinguish which biological activities can
be considered cognitive (Maturana & Varela, 1980; Heschl, 1990; Stewart,
1992). We will try to trace the different stages associated with the origin of
cognition addressed from the perspective of the origin of life itself.
Since its origin, life has provoked a set of continuous changes in the earth.
Thus, living beings have had to develop several adaptive mechanisms to
maintain their basic biological organization. On a phylogenetic scale, the
solution to this fundamental problem is given by evolutionary mechanisms,
but we also see that when we focus on organisms on their lifetime scale,
each is able to adapt—in a nonhereditary fashion in this case—to changes
in the environment. Even the simplest biological entities known at present
possess some sort of ‘‘sensor organs’’ that evaluate the physical or chemical
parameters of their environment that are functionally relevant for them to
trigger structural or behavioral changes to ensure a suitable performance of
their living functions.
At this level, ontogenetic adaptability consists of functional modulation
of metabolism triggered by molecular detection mechanisms located in the
membrane. Any biological system, no matter how primitive, includes rela-
tionships among different biochemical cycles that allow the existence of reg-
ulatory mechanisms that can imply modifications in different parts of the
metabolic network. In this very elementary stage of the relations between
organism and environment, the basic sensorimotor loops that constitute adap-
tive mechanisms do not differ significantly from the rest of the ordinary
biological processes of the organism, e.g., its metabolic cycles. For instance,
flagellum movements involved in oriented locomotion in certain types of
bacteria can be equivalently characterized as modifications in metabolic
paths. From this starting scheme, evolution has developed organisms pro-
vided with more and more complex metabolic plasticity, whose control by
the organisms themselves has allowed in turn more and more complex viable
behavior patterns. However, as far as the variety of possible answers was
based only on the metabolic versatility of the organism, the complexity of
the behavioral repertoire would remain strongly limited. That is why, ac-
cording to the second condition assumed in the previous section, those kinds
of adaptive responses to the detection of significant environment variations
through molecular mechanisms (certain membrane proteins) are essentially
nothing but biological functions and only in a very unspecific sense could
such behavior be considered ‘‘cognitive.’’
The history of life shows, though, that the aforementioned limited re-
sponses have not been an insurmountable obstacle for the creation of progres-
sively more complex organisms, when in the course of evolution some such
organisms began to form pluricellular individuals. There is, however, an ex-
ception for those forms of life based on the search for food through move-
ment, where speed in the sensorimotor loop is still crucial. In this case a
process of cellular differentiation was induced, leading to an internal special-
ized subsystem that could quickly link effector and sensory surfaces. This
process was the origin of the nervous system. In turn, the operation of such
a system implied the development of an internal world of externally related
patterns (coupled with sensors and effectors) organized in a circular self-
modifying network. As we will see in the next section, in the organisms
endowed with a nervous system (henceforth animals), instead of through
metabolic mechanisms of self-control, adaptation takes place through an in-
formational meta-control on metabolic–motor functions.
When we study the evolution of pluricellular organisms whose strategy
of life was based on the search for food, the development of such neural
subsystem represents two significant advantages: higher speed and finer
flexibility in the coordination of the sensory motor loops. Moreover, the or-
ganic changes attributable to nervous processes represent only a small num-
ber (in terms of energetic costs) of the physiological processes that occur in
the lifetime of the individual. For these reasons selective pressure determined
that the development of pluricellular organisms whose adaptability relied on
motor behaviors would become impossible without a neural subsystem.
As the neural system becomes more complex, animalsuse neural resources
‘‘off line’’ for exploring virtual, mentally simulated situations before taking
actions in their real environments (Clark & Grush, 1996). Hence, the funda-
mental factor in the development of the nervous system has been not only
the relation between the organisms whose way of life is based on movement
and their noncognitive environment but also the co-evolution—cooperation
and competition—with other cognitive organisms. Co-evolution is essential
(not just a contingent fact) for the emergence of meaning and cognition be-
cause the ‘‘autonomy’’ of the cognitive agents, and of every organism as
biological organization, cannot be understood without its collective dimen-
As to the suggestion that the immune system could be considered cognitive, we would
say that, rather than being cognitive, the immune system is a system where processes similar
to those of biological evolution take place, but inside an individual and in the lapse of a
few hours or days (instead of populations and millions of years). Its functionality and speed
notwithstanding, it is more a case of a very complex adaptive system in somatic time than
cognitive. Functionally it is not in direct relationship with sensorimotor coordination (not
functionally linked to directed movement). Furthermore, the immune system has only been
developed within the frame of some cognitive organisms (vertebrate animals) and does not
exist in noncognitive evolved organisms. It is therefore possible to pose the question whether
it is not precisely following the development of complex forms of identity like the one oc-
curring through the entanglement between the metabolic and nervous operational closures that
the appearance of the immune system was propitiated.
sion (and vice versa). ‘‘Movement,’’ for instance, as has been pointed out
by the Ecological Realism (see Turvey & Carello, 1981), is not to be taken
as a mere physical concept, but mainly as a network of interactions among
other organisms equally endowed with a nervous system. Accordingly, the
development of cognitive capacities occurred as a collective phenomenon
which took the form of a ‘‘bootstrapping’’ process.
3.1. Blending Approach and Its Evaluation
So far we have discussed the origin of cognitive capacities within an evo-
lutionary frame. However, among those authors who agree with the idea
of the necessity of a biological grounding of cognition, there is a (rather
philosophical) discussion concerning the nature of life and cognition. As we
see it, the clue to this discussion is the controversy over the significance
of the gap between what we have called mere adaptation and the world of
phenomena arising from the development of the nervous system.
Some authors (Maturana & Varela, 1980; Stewart, 1992; Heschl, 1990)
consider that life itself necessarily involves cognitive abilities. Although sig-
nificant differences exist among them, the positions of these and other au-
thors share the assumption that life and cognition are, if not the same concept,
inseparably linked phenomena, and in the ongoing discussion we refer col-
lectively to them as the blended approach (BA).
According to the BA, all these adaptive processes constitute the simplest
forms of cognition. Thus, there would not be any explanatory gap between
life and cognition (the existence of biological systems is linked to the pres-
ence of cognitive abilities), and, moreover, the understanding of the nature
of cognition is linked to an explanation of its own origin and of the origin
of life (the simplest forms of cognition, and thus the easiest to understand,
would be present in the earliest organisms).
The main advantage of this position is that it is able to give account of
the biological origins of the epistemic phenomena. However, as we have
pointed out, the concept of cognition proposed by the BA becomes reduced
considerably in its operational meaning. This is because it renders as ontolog-
ically equivalent the aforementioned basic sensorimotor loops, that is, inter-
action processes between organism and environment through metabolic nets,
and much more complex and evolved interaction processes that explicitly
involve other cognitive organisms. In other words, the kind of processes
considered in the BA paradigm are closer to other biological functions than
to higher cognitive abilities.
In addition, there would be no profit in carrying the BA to its most extreme
consequences: either cognition is reduced to life, and this leads to abandon-
ing the term cognitive because of its lack of specific meaning, or a more
pragmatic argument is adopted in order to state that life and cognition repre-
sent operationally and epistemologically different concepts. In the first case
those processes (like the basic sensorimotor loops) that are presented as cog-
nitive can, in fact, be characterized as purely adaptive process, in which the
specifically cognitive dimension is not functionally distinguishable from the
whole of the biological operations of the individual. In the second case,
the problem is how to determine which biological processes could be catego-
rized as specifically cognitive and which not. Thus, we would not have sim-
plified the concept of cognition, but merely translated the boundary problems
to the biochemical level, since it is at that level where earlier cognitive mech-
anisms are identified. Finally, it seems very hard to ground the primitives
of cognitive science (like open-referential information and representation)
without assuming the necessity of the aforementioned gap between purely
biological phenomena and cognitive ones.
The existence of an important gap between purely adaptive behavior and
high-level cognition suggests the importance of an explanation of the origin
of cognition as an autonomous phenomenon with respect to biology and the
necessity of raising the lower boundary of cognition. If we claim (as in fact
we do) that cognition is not epistemologically equivalent to the basic biologi-
cal functions, we need to identify not only its specific phenomenology but
also the (harder) biological conditions to produce this phenomenology.
This leads us to address the question of the origin of the nervous system
(NS) in a new manner, namely, as a radically different kind of organization
arising in a biological frame. As we have mentioned before, the emergence of
the NS was the result of an evolutionary process carried out by pluricellular
organisms whose survival depended on obtaining food through movement.
This strategy ultimately resulted in the formation of a specialized subsystem
of the organism for quickly channeling the sensorimotor couplings. The orga-
nization of the nervous system is oriented toward density, speed, precision,
plasticity, pattern number maximization, and energy cost minimization. The
combination of these features expresses the specific identity of the NS as
the material support of the cognitive capacities in animals.
Functionally speaking, the specificity of the role played by the NS lies in
the different way by which adaptive mechanisms take place. Organisms with-
out NS, when faced with biologically significant changes in the environment,
trigger a set of functional metabolic reactions, preserving the biological via-
bility of the organism. Here adaptation occurs essentially as a result of bio-
chemical changes induced by sensor surfaces that constrain the metabolism.
Instead, when animals interact cognitively with their environment, sensorial
flow does not directly constrain metabolic states (the body), but a flow of
nervous patterns within a recursive network. Effector organs are thus con-
nected with sensors through this network, which allows for some internal
patterns to be coupled with not only the present features of the environment.
For this reason, itseems more convenient to speak about this kind of coupling
between nervous internalpatterns and external events in informationalterms,
whose meaning we discuss later.
As we will see, the specificity and potential open-endedness of the internal
patterns arising in this network will open the specific phenomenology of
the cognitive domain. Thus, the NS is the material support of the cognitive
phenomenology as an autonomous level with regard to the rest of the biologi-
cal domain. Cognition appears as the consequence of the emergence of the
nervous system.
When we describe the NS as a functional network it is worth distinguish-
ing it at different levels. At the bottom, we have complex patterns of meta-
bolic processes. However, some of these processes at a higher level produce
simple discrete events, and at even higher levels, patterns formed by groups
of neurons. As a result of the functional interactions that an animal has with
its environment, a history of couplings between internal states (underlying
complex metabolic processes) and events of the environment arises. Thus,
meaning or cognitive information occurs at different hierarchical levels, im-
plying both activation patterns of discrete units and insertion of these patterns
into a body frame endowed with an evolutionary history (Umerez & Moreno,
Here is where cognitive information appears. The fact that the sensorimo-
tor loop is mediated through informational processes is precisely what distin-
guishes cognition from generic adaptation. However, information is also a
concept central in biology at large; for instance, essential processes such as
self-maintenance and self-reproduction depend on the specific sequence of
discrete units stored in DNA molecules, i.e., genetic information. Now, this
information, though generically ‘‘epistemic’’—because of its referential-
ity—is bounded to self-referentiality. Nevertheless, if information has to be
a useful concept for cognition, it needs to convey open referentiality.
More precisely, let us compare these two senses of the term information.
When we try to account for both its genetic and cognitive meanings, informa-
tion should be understood as a set of patterns with causal effects that connect
meta-stable states with physically independent events or processes by virtue
of some interpretation mechanisms autonomously constructed by the very
system. Therefore, in the case of both the genetic and the neuronal informa-
tion, we are dealing with self-interpreted functional information and not with
just a series of discrete units which have a certain probability assigned and
whose meaning is externally attributed with independence of its formal struc-
ture. In the frame of the NS the term information corresponds to the func-
tional description of those metabolic global patterns that in turn modulate a
flow of chemical and physical processes connected to the outside through
diverse organs, sensors, and effectors, in a circular manner.
The dynamics
This leads us to interpret the information in the NS as metabolic global patterns that in
turn modulate a flow of chemical and physical processes in a circular manner. The NS is
connected to the outside through diverse organs, sensors, and effectors (two levels of exteri-
ority: outside the nervous system and outside the whole organism, the latter being the most
of the informational flow is constrained by both the requirements of sus-
taining the entire organism’s viability and the constraints of the structure of
the environment.
In a way similar to the generic biological organization, the nervous system
produces primarily its own internal states as an expression and a condition
of its self-coherence as an operationally closed network (Varela, this issue).
However, this autonomy is in its turn not independent of that of the whole
organism. Once emerged and developed, the nervous system subsumes
purely metabolic adaptability functions. In this sense, the epistemological
autonomy of the nervous system is the continuous production and reproduc-
tion of an informational flow coherent with the viability of the autonomy of
those organisms that generate precisely these internal meta-autonomies.
Along with this, the nervous system is essentially immersed in (and coupled
with) the external environment (mainly other cognitive organisms). The au-
tonomy of the nervous system can also be stated in that frame of informa-
tional relationships.
Thus, the appearance of a new phenomenological domain whose primi-
tives are these informational patterns is one of the most outstanding features
of the nervous system. This domain relies on a set of features that configure
the deep specificity of this system with respect to the rest of the organized
structures of the individual organism.
As a consequence, the external environment of the organisms endowed
with a NS is composed of informational interactions rather than functional
ones. However, as this environment mainly consists of other cognitive organ-
isms, the world of cognitive agents becomes progressively a communication
We have previously pointed out that the nervous system constitutes in its
performance an operationally closed system, and this fact supposes a funda-
mental problem: How can we understand the relationships between the ner-
vous system and the rest of the organism (what we usually call body) if the
whole of it is to be also characterized as an autonomous system? If the self-
maintenance of the body is expressed by means of metabolism, how can we
interpret the set of constraints performed by the nervous system on it?
This is a difficult question. Those who stress the embeddedness of the
cognitive system normally blur its autonomy and ontological distinction with
respect to the biological level, which hinders their ability to generate a useful
research program in cognitive sciences. However, those who stress the auton-
important). Accordingly, we cannot interpret correlated functional states with external pro-
cesses as informational when these states are merely metabolic ones (e.g., bacteria, parame-
cium, plant). However, in the case of adaptive metabolic changes that take place in animals,
surely both levels (metabolic and informational patterns) are strongly interconditioned.
omy of cognitive phenomenon from the biological level tend to disembody
it in greater or lesser degree.
If we want to avoid the problems involved in the disembodied theories
about cognition, it is necessary to assume that the NS is subsumed in the
wholeness of the body. As the latter is itself an operationally closed system,
we would have to interpret ‘‘the whole organism’’ in its turn, as a higher
form of an operationally closed system in which the body would perform
the dynamical level and the nervous system the informational one, in a way
similar to the concept of semantic closure proposed by H. Pattee (i.e., 1982,
1986, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1995; see also Thompson, this issue) to explain the
complementary relation between DNA and proteins in the cellular frame.
This interpretation seems to us more suitable thanthat dealing with the body
as an ‘‘environment’’ for the nervous system (Clark, 1995).
How is this complementarity between body and nervous system reflected?
The answer to this question could be in the sense that functional meanings
emerge precisely through a self-interpretation process of the nervous infor-
mation. The body (metabolic–energetic–functional system) specifies or de-
termines the ‘‘readiness’’ of the informational relationships. What is func-
tionally significant for the animal constrains the performance of the nervous
system, and the converse. The body controls the nervous system, and the
The autonomy of the body is, in a generically biological sense, more gen-
eral and global than that of the nervous system. The body is energetically
connected to the environment, while the nervous system is connected infor-
mationally. This does not mean that they are independent processes: in fact,
what is informationally relevant for the organism depends on its internal
state—thirst, sexual readiness, tiredness, etc. (Etxeberria, 1995). In addition,
the phenomena of pain and pleasure are not understandable unless we con-
ceive of the relation between the NS and the rest of the body in a globally
entangled manner. The functional output of neuronal activity is not only
a set of motor actions (which constrain sensorial inputs), but also a more
encompassing effect of metabolic constraining action (hormonal secretion,
etc.), which, ultimately, accounts for the whole sensorial flow (including the
meaningfulness of ‘‘painful’’ or ‘‘pleasant’’ feelings in animals). So, the
body biologically constrains the nervous system, for instance, determining
its basic functioning, but also the converse is true: the (operationally closed)
logic of the nervous system in turn determines how the biological functioning
of the body will take place. The nervous system has phylogenetically be-
stowed on the body of the animal fundamental evolutionary constraints, thus
conditioning the development of the different bodily structures.
Functional self-interpretation of the information (the question of the emer-
gence of epistemic meanings) is possible only through this complementary
relationship. The informational nature of the relation maintained by the ner-
vous system with the environment expresses its autonomy and operational
closure, whereas the entanglement between the biological and the cognitive
structures expresses the embodiment of this latter.
What confers informational character to some of the patterns produced at
certain levels of the nervous system is its operational closure. In the nervous
system the neural patterns that assume an informational nature are those that
establish causal connections with physically independent events due both to
the operational closure of the nervous system and to that formed globally
between the nervous system and the body. The first of these operational
closures renders autonomous the process that connects the sensor surfaces
with the effector mechanisms from the rest of the biological processes, thus
constituting them as cognitive. The second is the mechanism by which the
processes that occur at the nervous level acquire a functional meaning: in
the end, the global biological self-maintaining logic is responsible for the
functional interpretation of the information of the nervous system.
5.1. Representation
The present perspective is, in our opinion, the only one that allows a satis-
factory approach to the problem of representation in cognitive science. This
concept, in its classical formulations within the computationalism, has been
heavily criticized in the last decade, especially for its alleged incompatibility
with connectionism (see Andler, 1988). Recently, even its abandonment has
been proposed (Varela, 1989; Van Gelder, 1992/1995; Brooks, 1991). Nev-
ertheless, the problem of these radical positions is that they throw the baby
out with the bath water, for without the idea of representation it is hardly
possible to build a cognitive science able to explain cognitive phenomena
of a higher level. Therefore, even if it is possible to discuss whether represen-
tation is dispensable in explaining a certain level of behavior, the crucial
problem is that without a concept of representation it is not easy to see how
a research program in cognitive science could be articulated that went from
its lowest to its highest level without cleavage (as we put forth in the first
It is true indeedthat a fair number of the debates aroundthe dispensability
of representation are due to disagreements with respect to what is cognitive,
but there also are serious discrepancies in and confusion around the very
meaning of representation itself. Clark and Toribio (1994) hold, however,
that behind this diversity a basic implicit consensus exists around the defini-
tion proposed by Haugeland (1991). This definition states that representation
is a set of informational internal states that hold a ‘‘standing for’’ (referen-
tiality) relation toward certain traits of the environment which are not always
present and which form a general scheme systematically generating a great
variety of related states (also representational).
Most of the objections to and difficulties posed by this definition proceed
from its abstract and disembodied character. However, if we situate the idea
of these referential internal states in the context of the informational patterns
generated by the operational closure of the nervous system, we think that
these difficulties can be solved.
Thus, the mechanism of self-interpretation of the information inside the
nervous system is achieved by the complementary relationship between the
body and the NS within the organism as an integrated whole. This is
the radical meaning of the statement suggesting that the biological is a lower
ground of the cognitive level.
In the previous section about the relations that hold in natural cognitive
systems that we know between the properly cognitive system (the nervous
one) and that which globally provides for the identity of the whole system
as an autonomous being (the body) we have seen the deep interrelation be-
tween both. Should we infer that any cognitive system must be based on a
similar relationship? This question can be approached in two different ways.
The first consists of asking, within the frame of the universalization of
biology, what conditions are necessary for the appearance of natural cogni-
tive systems. It is possible to argue that the conditions we have indicated in
previous sections are only the instantiation of a phenomenology, a particular
case of the various possible histories of generation of cognitive systems in
nature. Nevertheless, the main features we have used to define the cognitive
phenomenon satisfy the requisites posed at the end of Section 2. Also, in
any biological setting, it is logical to suppose that any kind of natural cogni-
tive agent, as it might appear in any circumstances, could be conceived only
as the result of some sort of evolutionary process from previous organiza-
tional and generically lifelike stages. According to this, the relationship
framework concerning cognitive and biological levels would have guidelines
similar to those of the previously described scheme.
The second way to address the question of how to generalize a full theory
of cognition universally valid is the attempt to build artificial cognitive sys-
tems, what is commonly known as Artificial Intelligence. In this frame, one
of the more important questions to investigate is the way to determine the
series of conditions, structures, and material processes (what Smithers (1994)
has called ‘‘infrastructure’’) required to support the emergence of cognitive
abilities in artificial systems.
So far AI has tried mainly to simulate and build expert systems or neural
networks that accomplish certain kinds of externally specified cognitive
tasks. Despite the success attained in this research one could disagree with
the idea that these systems are truly cognitive because, as we have previously
argued, cognition is a capacity that should be understood through its own
process of appearance and development. This implies their embeddedness
in a whole biological background.
Recently, however, there has been increasing interest in relating cognitive
and biological problems, due mainly to promising research that studies and
designs robots capable of developing (different degrees of) autonomous
adaptive behavior—the so-called behavior-based paradigm (Maes, 1990;
Meyer & Wilson, 1991; Meyer, Roitblat, & Wilson, 1992; Cliff, Husbands,
Meyer, & Wilson, 1994). The fact that autonomy should be considered the
basic condition for cognition is precisely one of the bridges between Artifi-
cial Intelligence and Artificial Life.
Artificial Life poses questions about cognitive phenomena from its own
point of view, as something that must be considered inside a biological frame
(not necessarily within a terrestrial scope). Mostwork in AL related to cogni-
tion attempts to develop cognitive abilities from artificial biological systems
(whether computational models or physical agents). In this sense, it can be
said that these abilities, though low level, are generically universal because
they are generated from biologically universal systems. Furthermore, in all
this work it is essential that cognitive abilities appear not as a result of a
predefined purpose but as an ‘‘emergent’’ outcome of simpler systems.
Thus, if we consider that the preceding argument about the lack of univer-
sality of biology can be translated to cognitive science, it would be a natural
step to produce a research program to fill the gap between cognition-as-we-
know-it and cognition-as-it-could-be in which the development of artificial
systems would play a major role. This fact poses a number of interesting
questions the answers to which could be of great interest in the search for
a general theory of cognition. First, it can be asked if artificial cognition of
any kind is a specific target for Artificial Life. The question arises because
of the difficulties of joining together this problem with other ones more es-
sentially biological, such as origins of life, evolution, collective behavior,
morphogenesis, growth and differentiation, development, adaptive behavior,
or autonomous agency. Second, should the answer be positive, there would
be a problem of the methodological status of the studies on low-level cogni-
tion: since it can be a common interest area for Artificial Intelligence and
Artificial Life, it is not clear which methodology should be applied. Third,
the study of the emergence of cognitive abilities in simple lifelike artificial
systems might enlighten the evolutionary conditions for the origin of special-
ized cognitive systems to take place. This could be essential in the correct
approach to more complex forms of cognition.
However, within Artificial Life itself we may distinguish two basic per-
spectives in facing the problem of designing cognitive agents: the ‘‘exter-
nalist’’ one and the ‘‘internalist’’ one. In the externalist position cognition
is understood as a process that arises from an interactive dynamical relation,
fundamentally alien to the very structure (body) of the cognitive agent, while
according to the internalist position, cognition is the result of a (more) funda-
mental embodiment that makes it possible for evolution to create structures
that are internally assigned interactive rules (Etxeberria, 1994). Most of the
work done in computer simulations—and practically all in robotic realiza-
tions—belongs to the first perspective. For practical reasons, the ‘‘inter-
nalist’’ view hardly could be, by now, developed otherwise than by means
of computational models.
In both positions autonomy and embodiment are established gradually.
The externalist position is well represented by the aforementioned behavior-
based paradigm, one of whose main characteristics is the fact of building
physical devices for evaluating cognitive models. This represents an advan-
tage in many aspects, because the interactions in real, noisy environments
turn out to be much more complex than simulations.
In the externalist position, the parameters for controlling the agent are
measured from the perspective of the agent itself, and the results are put in
dynamic interaction with the effector devices. Performance is controlled by
adaptive mechanisms that operate from the point of view of the agent itself:
but the agent’s body is essentially only a place. Although this position sup-
poses a significant advance with respect to the position of classic Artificial
Intelligence and even with respect to some connectionist viewpoints, in fact
it is still inside the traditional endeavor of designing cognitive agents disre-
garding the conditions that constitute them as generically autonomous, i.e.,
(full-fledged) biological systems. The consideration of the body essentially
as a place means that the co-constructive (co-evolutionary) aspect of the in-
teraction between agent and environment (Lewontin, 1982, 1983) is ig-
nored. Autonomy (seen as the ability of self-modification) is restricted to
the sensorimotor level (what Cariani (1989) has called the syntactical level
of emergence). Thus, the plasticity of its cognitive structure is ultimately
independent of its global structure (which is neither self-maintained, nor self-
produced, nor evolutionary). As long as the autonomy in the solution to the
cognitive problems involved in these agents is considered fundamentally
external to the processof constructive self-organization of the very cognitive
system (Moreno & Etxeberria, 1992; Etxeberria, Merelo, & Moreno, 1994),
their ability to create themselves their own world of meanings (their auton-
omy) will be very limited (Smithers, this issue).
In the second perspective the cognitive autonomy of the agent is ap-
proached in a much more radical way, since its frame is the very biological
autonomy. Nevertheless, we will see that positions that have been criticized
in previous sections for their strict identification of the cognitive and biologi-
cal mechanisms may reappear. We certainly have to agree with the idea in
Varela et al. (1991) that the design of agents with cognitive functions should
be understood within the frame of the very process that constitutes the agent
as an autonomous entity (that is, its biological constitution). But as we have
earlier said, this ability is not enough to explain the emergence of cognitive
Biology shows that the emergence of autonomous agents does not take
place without (1) a process of constitution of a net of other autonomous
agents and (2) a process that occurs through variations in reproduction and
selection at its expression level. It is evident that in the biological frame the
environment of a cognitive agent is mainly the result of the action (along
with evolutionary processes) of the cognitive organisms themselves and
other biological entities with which they have co-evolved. This is important
because it means that, while the environment of biological systems is itself
a biological (eco)system, the environment of cognitive agents is, to a great
extent, a cognitive environment (communication).
Thus, the study of cognition in natural systems leads us to the conclusion
that the functionality or cognitive meaning of the world for an agent emerges
from this process of co-evolution. If we propose to apply this idea to the
design of cognitive artificial systemsit is because only from this perspective
can a research program that ends up in the creation of true autonomous cogni-
tive systems, i.e., that define their cognitive interaction with their environ-
ment by themselves, be established. This leads us to the necessity of adopting
an Artificial Life research program in which evolutionary processes can have
a fundamental role in the constitution in the agent of its own cognitive struc-
The so-called ‘‘evolutionary robotics’’ research project has tried to ad-
dress this problem by redesigning the cognitive structure of the agent from
an evolutionary perspective (in the current state of technology this cannot
be made but in a purely computational universe
). In these models a pheno-
type and a genotype are considered the fundamental primitives of an evolu-
tionary process. However, the phenotype as such is reduced to a nervous
system scheme (that is, a neural net) (Floreano & Mondada, 1994; Yama-
uchi & Beer, 1994; Nolfi et al., 1995; Jakobi, Husbands, & Harvey, 1995;
Gomi & Griffith, 1996). One of the most interesting aspects of these re-
searches is the different attempts to evaluate in a realistic, physical context
the evolutionary design of the cognitive system of the agents. In some cases
there is even on-going physical evaluation of the computational evolutionary
design, as in Harvey, Husbands, & Cliff (1994).
All this work means a significant advance, but it has a problematic identi-
fication between the phenotype of an agent and its nervous system. That is,
the complementary relationship between nervous system and body, which
we have argued is fundamental in previous sections, is still absent (because
it does not exist a proper body). Hence, the problem of designing, in an
Due to the impossibility of artificially buildingagents capable of self-production and self-
reproduction and, even less, of disposing of the necessary long periods of time, we are obliged
to resort to the computational simulation of evolutionary processes.
evolutionary scenario, agents having their structure set up as a complemen-
tary interplay between metabolic and neural organizations remains basically
Some authors (Bersini, 1994; Parisi, this issue; Smithers, 1994) have pre-
sented critical proposals regarding thispredominant approach of considering
the phenotype of an agent only as its nervous system. However, the solution
to this problem is linked to two deep questions very difficult to solve. One
is how to generate from a global evolutionary process of the organism the
structure of a system such as the NS. The other is how to generate cognitive
abilities through a process of coevolutionary interaction among agents. We
think that research about the origin of cognition must undertake as its main
task the combined resolution of both kinds of problems.
However, the research program of evolutionary robotics is based on physi-
cal realizations. This circumstance conveys, given the level of current tech-
nology, a series of limitations for the exploration of the above-mentioned
issues. Therefore, the study of such problems must be done fundamentally
by means of computational models.
With respect to the first issue, some recent work offers interesting insights.
This work develops models in which neuronlike structures are generated
from evolutionary processes that produce cellular differentiation. The model
by Dellaert and Beer (1995) shows an effort to avoid direct mapping from
genotype to phenotype. This is achievedthrough the implementation of three
successive levels of emergent structures (molecular, cellular, and organis-
mal). In that sense, it represents an attempt to design epigenetic (ontogenetic
or morphogenetic) processes to develop more realistic phenotypic structures.
More recently, Kitano (1995) has developed another model in which the
structure of a system similar to that of the nervous system appears through
a process of cell differentiation. The most interesting aspect of Kitano’s work
is the generation of a ‘‘tissue’’ made of cells which are connected through
axonal structures. Nevertheless, none of these addresses the emergence of
cognitive functionalities.
There is another important question not addressed by these models: in the
process of constitution of cognitive structures (and, in general, in the whole
morphogenetic process) the interaction with the environment is not consid-
ered, and, therefore, the role that co-evolution with other cognitive organisms
plays in the genesis and development of the cognitive system is ignored. If
we want to understand in which way and under which conditions some or-
ganisms give origin to a cognitive system, it is necessary to have as starting
point a collection of organisms that have developed a considerable complex-
ity level. An interesting work that confronts the development of cognitive
abilities in an artificial world from a co-evolutionary perspective is that of
Sims (1994). In contrast with the previously mentioned models, in this case
the stress is placed on the emergence of cognitive functionalities. In this
model there is a bodylike structure formed by rigid parts. Better than inspired
in biochemical-type processes, these parts behave more as physical mechani-
cal structures. The fitness function is based on a contest in which organisms
compete with each other.
An innovative advance of this model is that the neural net (though it is
not metabolically embedded) is structured in two levels (local and global).
However, this structure is introduced more in function of considerations
about the physics of cognitive processes than of globally biological ones. In
this sense, Sims’ model conveys a greater abstraction of a series of processes
situated in the interface between the metabolic and the neural level. Although
it includes energetical considerations in the development of its cognitive
functionalities, these considerations ignore the basic relation with the meta-
bolic level (the network which ensures the self-maintenance of the whole
system—the ‘‘infrastructure’’).
The problem is how to integrate these works with each other. In Kitano’s
model the emergentfunctionality is manifest through the formation of aneu-
ronlike structure. Maybe, what is still lacking istwo new levels in the model:
first, a level at which newly formed neuronlike structures perform some con-
trol task—constraint—over the whole of the body; and, second, the appear-
ance of a new level derived from a co-evolutionary process among organisms
able to generate new functionalities as very basic cognitive behaviors.
This task becomes one of great complexity. It is difficult to determine
which fundamental elements must be part of the model and which are dispos-
able. The same happens at different levels, making the development of the
model even more complicated. One of the biggest difficulties consists, surely,
in searching transformation rules of genotypic structures into nonarbitrary
phenotypic expressions (morphogenesis), which requires linking them to the
realization of new functionalities. This, in turn, is linked to the generation of
forms of ‘‘downward causation’’ (Campbell, 1974). All this implies serious
difficulties, because the appearance of functional abilities cannot be facili-
tated by means of an artificial simplification of the rules at the high level
(‘‘complex’’ parts) of the model.
What has been said to this point is more a review of the approaches to
the problem of cognition within AL than a clear proposal of solutions. Never-
theless, we think that a correct estimation of the fundamental frame (underly-
ing levels of complexity, etc.) within which the issue of the appearance of
cognitive abilities is posed constitutes by itself an important advance consid-
ering the current context of AL (and AI too). It is true that in the research
program on AL there is a characteristic emphasis on bottom-up methodology,
as well as a greater insistence on the principle of embodiment with respect
to the classical positions in AI. However, when reviewing most of the work
that confronts the study of cognitive functionalities from the AL perspective,
it is easy to see the lack of unanimity and even the absence of clear criteria
regarding which kind of problem we ought to solve in order to adequately
state the emergence of such capacities.
We have seen that the complexity of the relation between the system sup-
porting cognitive abilities and the whole organism has entailed frequentmis-
understandings. Sometimes the deep embeddedness of the cognitive system
in its biological substrate has been ignored (as has happened and still happens
in classical Artificial Intelligence, where the construction of disembodied
artificial cognitive systems is attempted); in some others the autonomy of
cognitive phenomena has been neglected, subsuming it in a generic adaptive
At the root of these difficulties is the fundamental problem of the origin of
cognition. The answer given to this question determines the kind of research
program in cognitive sciencesand, even more, the autonomyof the cognitive
sciences with respect to biology, on the one hand, and its grounding, on the
other. The problem is that neither biology nor cognitive science now provide
a satisfactory theory about the origin of cognitive systems. AL research can,
however, help in developing such a theory. In this way, the knowledge that
we gradually acquire about the conditions that make possible the arising
of cognitive systems in artificial organisms will be endowed with a higher
generality than classical biological studies.
What we have proposed here is that the origin of cognition in natural
systems (cognition as we know it) isthe result of the appearance of an auton-
omous system—the nervous system—embedded into another more generic
one—the whole organism. This basic idea is complemented by another one:
the formation and development of this system, in the course of evolution,
can be understood only as the outcome of a continuous interactions between
organisms and environment, among different organisms, and, especially,
among the very cognitive organisms.
The possibilities of generalizing this conception of the origin of cognition
rest in AL. AL offers new tools that make it possible to establish the founda-
tions of a theory about the origin of cognition as-it-could-be. This should
be, precisely, the bridge between Artificial Life and Artificial Intelligence.
Our suggestion is that investigations in AL should satisfy the two previously
mentioned conditions—autonomy and co-evolution—in order to connect
with the foundations, in turn, of a new research program in AI.
It is conceivable to hope that the results of all this might influence the
research programs of both Artificial Life and Artificial Intelligence so that
they gradually converge, though not necessarily in a global merging process,
but finding a well-established common research area. This mutual finding
seems today more likely since within Artificial Intelligence there is increas-
ing research on situated systems, with more and more degrees of autonomy,
and whose main ability does not concern the solution of very complex prob-
lems but the ability to functionally modify the statement of easier prob-
lems—that is, on agents capable of doing simple things in a more autonomous
way. In turn, systems that could be considered part of ‘‘the primordial soup’’
allowing theemergence of agents with primitive cognitive functions are start-
ing to be taken into consideration within Artificial Life. Should this conflu-
ence be achieved, Artificial Life would have contributed not only to estab-
lishing the bases of biology as the science of all possible life, but also to
establishing cognitive science as the science of all possible cognition.
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