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Menstrual cycle and appetite control: Implications for weight regulation


Abstract and Figures

Hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle influence appetite control and eating behaviour. Energy intake varies during the reproductive cycle in humans and animals, with a periovulatory nadir and a luteal phase peak. Patterns of macronutrient selection show less consistency but a number of studies report carbohydrate cravings in the premenstrual phase, particularly in women with premenstrual syndrome. The cyclical nature of food cravings are frequently, but not invariably, associated with depression. Fluctuations in appetite, cravings and energy intake during the menstrual cycle may occur in parallel with cyclical rhythms in serotonin, which can be accompanied by affective symptoms. The premenstrual phase can be considered as a time when women are especially vulnerable to overconsumption, food craving and depression; this is often associated with low serotonin activity.
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Human Reproduction vol.12 no.6 pp.1142–1151, 1997
Menstrual cycle and appetite control: implications for
weight regulation
and J.E.Blundell
prior to the onset of menstruation and which are relieved at
or shortly after commencement of menstrual flow. In its most
BioPsychology Group, Department of Psychology, University of
severe form this is also known as premenstrual dysphoric
Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
disorder (PMDD) (Gold, 1994)*. Although a large range of
To whom correspondence should be addressed
symptoms have been associated with PMS, the more common
symptoms which can be said to characterize the syndrome
Hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle
influence appetite control and eating behaviour. Energy include depression, irritability, mood swings, water retention-
intake varies during the reproductive cycle in humans and
based symptoms such as breast tenderness and bloating,
animals, with a periovulatory nadir and a luteal phase
changes in appetite and food cravings. These symptoms can
peak. Patterns of macronutrient selection show less consist-
be measured using subjective rating scales. The distinction
ency but a number of studies report carbohydrate cravings
between PMS and PMDD relates to the severity of the
in the premenstrual phase, particularly in women with
symptoms. PMDD is less prevalent than PMS, affecting ~5%
premenstrual syndrome. The cyclical nature of food crav-
of women. To be clinically significant, it is generally accepted
ings are frequently, but not invariably, associated with
that the symptoms of PMDD that a sufferer experiences must
depression. Fluctuations in appetite, cravings and energy
endure consistently, at a severe level, for at least two cycles
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). For the purposes
cyclical rhythms in serotonin, which can be accompanied
of this review, the term PMS is used to encompass mild and
by affective symptoms. The premenstrual phase can be
severe forms of premenstrual symptoms. Over the years a
considered as a time when women are especially vulnerable
number of assertions have been made about the relationship
to overconsumption, food craving and depression; this is
between the existence of this syndrome and changes in food
often associated with low serotonin activity.
consumption which could influence weight regulation.
Key words: appetite/food craving/menstrual cycle/serotonin
Eating behaviour and appetite control
Particular physiological and psychological characteristics of
the menstrual cycle and PMS could influence the expression
In this last decade of the twentieth century, obesity is becoming
of appetite through a variety of mechanisms and processes
an ever increasing public health problem. In turn this has
which influence the control of food intake. The overall regula-
stimulated the current epidemic of dieting (Blundell and Bauer,
tion of eating is complex and can best be envisaged as a
1994). At the same time people are confronted by a vast array
psychobiological system which serves to integrate biological
of food products, and food consumption is heavily promoted.
and environmental influences (e.g. Blundell, 1991). One
Dieting is particularlycommon in young women. It is estimated
important feature of the environment is, of course, the nutri-
that 40–50% of women are on a diet at any one time (Polivy
tional composition of the food supply. Human food intake
and Herman, 1987). Factors which influence the ease of
can be assessed by means of quantitative aspects of food
overconsumption and the difficulty of underconsumption are
consumption such as the energetic value of food and its
likely to be important in the maintenance of a stable body
macronutrient composition (proportion of fat, protein and
weight and in the prevention of the development of obesity.
carbohydrate). Appetite is also represented by qualitative
The regular hormonal fluctuations associated with the men-
aspects such as food choice, food preferences and appreciation
strual cycle may influence appetite control and eating behavi-
of the sensory aspects of food (taste, palatability, mouth-feel
our. In addition, particular conditions associated with the
etc.). In addition, subjective phenomena such as the perception
menstrual cycle, most notably premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
of hunger, fullness and hedonic sensations which accompany
may predispose women to changes in appetite control. It is
therefore important to identify any changes in eating associated eating are also important (Hill et al., 1995). Along with these
with the menstrual cycle in general, and with PMS in particular,
characteristics of consumption are particular food cravings
in order to be able to deal effectively with any implications
and urges to eat food in general or specific food products.
for health and well-being.
Consequently, the phenomenon that scientists and others call
*PMDD replaces late luteal phase dysphoric disorder (LLPDD) in
What is the premenstrual syndrome?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edn
The premenstrual syndrome is a collection of behavioural,
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994). LLPDD appeared in a
research appendix to the third edition of this manual.
somatic and physical symptoms which occur in the 7–10 days
© European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
Menstrual cycle and appetite control
Figure 1. The fundamental elements influencing the control of food intake. The diagram illustrates how hormonal fluctuations underlying
the menstrual cycle exert direct and indirect effects on the homeostatic system controlling food intake and the pattern of eating.
food intake can be analysed in terms of structured patterns of rhythms, energy balance, and adjustments in various com-
ponents (qualitative and quantitative) of food intake. It followseating (meals, snacks etc.) and nutritional components (selec-
tion of fat, carbohydrate etc.). Subjective sensations (the that hormonal changes could directly alter the biological drive
to modulate eating or could exert an indirect influence byexperience of a drive to eat) accompany these patterns and
may be thought of as causing these adjustments. It follows physiological adjustment so as to make individuals more
susceptible or vulnerable to facilitating or stimulating environ-that any changes induced by the hormonal fluctuations of the
menstrual cycle or by PMS may be detected in various aspects mental forces.
of eating, including changes in hunger, cravings for certain
foods, alteration in meal size or snacking, adjustments in
consumption of fat or carbohydrate and an overall change in
Menstrual cycle changes in food intake
energy intake.
Animal studies
The schematic diagram in Figure 1 indicates how food
intake forms part of a homeostatic system whilst also being Cyclical changes in hunger motivation or food intake have
been observed in many animal species during the oestrusadapted to environmental demands. Two particularly important
features of our current environment are the prevalence of cycle; studies indicate a consistently lower intake around the
time of ovulation. In rodents, feeding is depressed coincidentdieting as a lifestyle for many women, and the abundance of
high-fat, highly palatable foods in the food supply. The with oestrus (Brobeck et al., 1947; Jennings, 1969; Herberg
et al., 1972; Wade, 1972; Leshner and Collier, 1973; Tarttelinhomeostatic system does not operate in symmetrical fashion.
The system appears tobe strongly defended against undereating and Gorski, 1973). However, human and other primate men-
strual cycles are distinctly different to the oestrus cycle of thebut only weakly protected against overconsumption (see Blund-
ell, 1996). Therefore, whereas dieting to lose weight is rodents. Primates have a prolonged luteal phase following
ovulation, which is characterised by elevated levels of circulat-extremely difficult, overconsumption is relatively easy and can
occur passively. In turn, this passive overconsumption is likely ing progesterone (Rosenblatt et al., 1980).
Studies in a number of primate species (see Table I) indicateto lead to weight gain and possibly obesity (Lawton et al.,
1993). This means that any overconsumption (either via that highest food intake occurs consistently in the luteal phase
with the nadir of food intake around the time of ovulationgenerally increased energy intake or involving cravings or
urges for particular foods) which occurs premenstrually is (Krohn and Zuckerman, 1938; Gilbert and Gillman, 1956;
Czaja, 1975; Rosenblatt et al., 1980). An ovulatory decreaselikely to lead to incremental weight gain which, in turn, will
engender accompanying psychological problems. in food intake has also been observed in other mammals
such as pigs (Friend, 1969) goats (Forbes, 1971) and sheepFigure 1 illustrates how hormonal changes underlying the
menstrual cycle can modulate the principles of homeostatic (Tarttelin, 1968).
Initially, elevated food intake in the luteal phase wasregulation. This means that hormonal rhythms will influence
the capability of people to undereat (to maintain dieting), and attributed to increased concentrations of progesterone (Gilbert
and Gillman, 1956). Later, the ovulatory decrease in intakethe ease of overconsumption. It seems appropriate to use this
model to account for the relationship between hormonal was attributed to the appetite-suppressant effects of oestrogen
L.Dye and J.E.Blundell
The time of ovulation represents the nadir of food intake
Table I. Cyclical patterns of food intake in mammals
during the menstrual cycle (Lyons et al., 1989; Gong et al.,
1989; Fong and Kretch, 1993; Johnson et al., 1994). Moreover,
Intake phase
it has been suggested that these changes in eating parallel
Species Highest Lowest Reference
changes in basal metabolic rate across the menstrual cycle
(Solomon et al., 1982; Webb, 1986). Specifically energy
Baboon Luteal Follicular/ Gilbert and Gillman
ovulatory (1956)
expenditure has been shown to increase in the postovulatory
Rhesus monkeys Luteal Ovulatory Rosenblatt et al. (1980)
phase (Webb, 1986). This could be due to separate hormonal
Rhesus monkeys Luteal Ovulatory Czaja (1978)
action on energy intake and expenditure respectively, or to the
Pigtail monkeys Luteal Ovulatory Krohn and Zuckerman
driving action of energy intake on some aspect of energy
Pig Pre-ovulatory Friend (1969)
expenditure (such as diet-induced thermogenesis).
Goat Ovulatory Forbes (1971)
One potential explanation for the fluctuations in food intake
Sheep Ovulatory Tarttelin (1968)
Guinea-pig Ovulatory Czaja and Goy (1975)
is alterations to insulin sensitivity during the menstrual cycle.
Rat Oestrus Herberg et al. (1972)
Marsden et al. (1996) assessed carbohydrate metabolism and
insulin sensitivity at receptor and post-receptor level in women
(Czaja, 1975, 1978), the luteal phase increase being thus due
in the follicular or luteal phase of an ovulatory ovarian cycle,
to the inhibitory action of progesterone on oestrogenic activity.
in the physiological target organ adipose tissue. They found a
Given the relatively similar reproductive cycles of primates
reduction in insulin receptor binding in the luteal phase but
and humans, it is to be expected that similar fluctuations in
no change in overall insulin action on adipocyte glucose uptake
food intake should occur during the menstrual cycle, under
and lipolysis. The effect of menstrual cycle phase, i.e. of
natural conditions.
hormone concentrations on insulin binding, is congruent with
impaired insulin sensitivity in conditions where concentrations
Human studies
of oestrogen and progesterone are raised either artificially, as in
In humans, when food intake has been examined in relation
oral contraceptive use, or naturally, as in pregnancy. However,
to the menstrual cycle a distinct pattern of fluctuation has
although receptor binding is altered in the luteal phase,
been observed. Generally, energy intake is higher in the
compensatory change in the post-binding sites allows overall
postovulatory or premenstrual phase of the cycle than in the
insulin action in adipocytes to remain normal.
preovulatory or follicular phase (see Table II for review of
research). Examination of these phases has usually focused on
two 10 day periods either side of ovulation.
Macronutrient intake
In the majority of studies luteal energy intake is significantly
In contrast to cyclic effects on total energy intake, reports
higher than energy intake in the follicular phase. Of 30 studies
about the patterns of macronutrient intake during the menstrual
that compare cycle phases in 37 groups of women, 25 studies
cycle are less consistent (see Table III) and sometimes have
report significantly higher luteal energy intake than follicular
achieved celebrity status.
intake. The remaining 12 comparisons show no significant
There has been some suggestion of significantly increased
effect, though the trend for similar groups in each study is
carbohydrate consumption premenstrually (Dalvit-McPhillips,
invariably in the same direction. The two exceptions are
1983; Hrboticky et al., 1989; Lyons et al., 1989; Brzezinski
Wurtman et al. (1989) and Krakow (1992) who show follicular
et al., 1990), reductions in protein and carbohydrate intake at
energy intake to be non-significantly greater than luteal intake
ovulation (Lyons et al., 1989), and premenstrual increases in
in subjects with no premenstrual symptoms and women not
fat intake (Anantharaman-Barr et al., 1988; Tarasuk and
taking oral contraceptives respectively. Both of these studies,
Beaton, 1991; Johnson et al., 1994) or in fat and protein
however, have some inherent methodological weaknesses. For
intake (Gallant et al., 1987). The increase in carbohydrate
example, in both studies participants were aware of the
consumption has been referred to as carbohydrate craving and
menstrual cycle focus, a factor known to influence reporting
has been regarded as an index of a particular type of eating
(Ruble, 1977), and in Wurtman et al.s study screening for
disorder (Wurtman, 1993).
PMS was based on retrospective reports which are likely to
There are however, inconsistencies both between and within
amplify any cyclical pattern (Warner et al., 1991).
studies. Results may differ depending on whether actual intake
In contrast, such statistically significant cycle-related trends
(in grams) of a macronutrient or the relative proportion that a
are not observed in women using oral contraceptives
macronutrient contributes to total percentage energy intake is
(Anantharaman-Barr et al., 1988; Krakow, 1992), or women
considered. While absolute intake of a macronutrient may
with anovulatory cycles (Barr et al., 1995). In both of these
increase significantly from the follicular to luteal phase (e.g.
conditions, cyclic fluctuations in hormones are absent or
Barr et al., 1995), the percentage of energy intake as, e.g., fat
minimized. In addition, eating trends across the menstrual
or carbohydrate may fail to differ. The well-publicized view
cycle are not seen in women with highly restrained eating
has been that it is carbohydrate intake that increases in the
patterns (Schweiger et al., 1992). This could be due to the
luteal phase (Wurtman et al., 1989). However, there are an
effects of low energy intake on hormonal cycles, or because
equal number of studies which document significant increases
of a tonic inhibition of eating which obscures any underlying
physiological influence. in fat intake at this stage of the cycle. Such results may
Menstrual cycle and appetite control
Table II. Cyclical patterns of energy intake in women
Study Sample size Days measured Energy intake (MJ)
Luteal (L) Menstrual Follicular (F) Ovulatory L versus F
Abraham et al. (1981) 23 35 (whole cycle) nr nr nr nr L . F*
Anantharaman-Barr et al. (1988) 22–8oc 7days pre/7 days post nr nr ns
14 noc nr nr L . F*
Barr et al. (1995) 45 29 ovulatory 333 days (pre/ovul./post) 3.27 8.01 nr L . F*
13 anovulatory 7.91 8.21 nr F . Lns
Brzezinski et al. (1990) 17 PMS meals 1 day pre/1 day post 7.28 6.04 L . F*
snacks 3.86 1.80 L . F*
Dalvit (1981) 8 10 days pre/10 days post 8.12 6.02 L . F*
Dalvit-McPhillips (1983) 8 10 days pre/10 days post 7.22 5.22 L . F*
Fong and Kretch (1993) 9 1–28 (whole cycle) 10.46 10.31 9.87 9.39 ns
Gallant et al. (1987) 18 –9 control 233 days (pre/post) 8.09 6.27 L . F*
–9 PMS 6.56 5.71 L . Fns
Giannini et al. (1985) 20 whole cycle nr nr nr nr no cyclical
Gong et al. (1989) 7 1–28 (whole cycle) 8.54 7.89 7.67 7.39 L . F*
Hill and Blundell (1989) 12 PMS whole cycle nr L . F*
Hrboticky et al. (1985) 8 1 day pre/1 day post 7.72 7.52 L . F
Hrboticky et al. (1989) 10 1 day pre/1 day post nr nr L . F*
Johnson et al. (1994) 26 1–28 (whole cycle) 7.84 7.6 7.15 7.15 L . F*
Krakow (1992) 98 47 noc whole cycle 8.23 8.64 8.803 F . Lns
47 oc whole cycle 8.86 8.64 8.58 L . Fns
Lariviere et al. (1994) 8 231 days (pre/post) 8.29 7.39 L . F*
Lissner et al. (1988) 23 10 days pre/10 days post 9.77 9.41 L . F*
Lyons et al. (1989) 25 1–28 (whole cycle) 9.13 9.05 8.45 7.87 L . F*
McCoy et al. (1988) 12 7 days pre/7 days post 8.95 8.27 L . F*
Manocha et al. (1986) 11 10 days pre/10 days post 6.74 5.44 L . F*
Martini et al. (1994) 18 3 days pre/3 days post 7.98 7.32 L . F*
Netter et al. (1993) 40 disturbed eaters 9 days pre/9 days post nr nr L . F*
non-disturbed nr nr L . F*
Oram (1987) 6 10 days pre/10 days post 11.56 8.74 L . F*
Piers et al. (1995) 13 5 days pre/5 days post 7.12 7.12 ns
Pliner and Fleming (1983) 34 1 days pre/1 days post 8.42 7.49 L . F*
Rogers and Jas (1994) 42 (snacks) 25 L/17 follicular 3.35 1.46 L . F*
Schweiger et al. (1992) 21 13 unrestrained 12 days pre/12 days post 9.42 9.08 L . F*
9 restrained 7.21 6.99 L . Fns
Sophos et al. (1987) 9 7 days pre/7 days post 7.79 7.44 L . Fns
Tarasuk and Beaton (1991) 14 10 days pre/10 days post 8.00 7.62 L . F*
Wurtman et al. (1989) 19 control 1 day pre/1 day post 8.46 8.72 F . Lns
9 PMS 1 day pre/1 day post 10.02 7.92 L . F*
*Significant difference between luteal and follicular phases (P . 0.05). nr 5 measured but actual intake not reported; oc 5 oral contraceptive; noc 5 no oral
contraceptive; PMS 5 premenstrual syndrome; ns 5 non-significant.
represent general increases in appetite rather than specific or behaviour. This problem is compounded when multiple
phases are compared and degrees of freedom reduced. Further-increases in intake of a particular macronutrient.
more, few studies have taken account of menstrual cycle-
related symptoms, which are most commonly reported in the
Methodological issues
premenstrual phase. These symptoms may influence behaviour
All studies on the menstrual cycle are confronted by formidable
in an indirect way (in contrast to direct hormonal influence).
methodological problems. Studies of food intake and the
Consequently, in our view, research on the pattern of eating
menstrual cycle often contain some serious methodological
and motivation accompanying the menstrual cycle should be
flaws or inconsistencies. These include techniques for recording
critically examined and cautiously interpreted.
food intake, inadequate determination of menstrual cycle
phases, the failure to consider more than two (rather long)
Premenstrual syndrome and food intake
cycle phases and the frequent ‘averaging’ across menstrual
cycles. These methodological problems will reduce the PMS is characterized by the dramatic occurrence of symptoms
in the premenstrual phase, which are relieved following thesensitivity of experiments and may jeopardize the validity of
the conclusions made about the nature of fluctuations in food onset of menstruation. Increases in appetite and/or food crav-
ings are considered characteristic of PMS. A frequent dilemmaintake during the menstrual cycle.
One frequent problem concerns those experiments using which arises in studies of PMS is whether PMS is an extreme
of the normal experience of the menstrual cycle or is asmall numbers of subjects; these studies may not have had
sufficient statistical power to detect small effects in motivation qualitatively different phenomenon.
L.Dye and J.E.Blundell
Table III. Macronutrient intake (% of energy intake) in the follicular (F) and luteal (L) phases
Carbohydrate Fat Protein
Study n FL FL FL
Abraham et al. (1981) 23 nr* nr* nr* nr* nr* nr*
Barr et al. (1995) 29 ovulatory 57.5 56.1 28.9 31.3 12.7 12.4
13 anovulatory 56.3 54.1 30.5 32.9 12.5 13.1
Tarasuk and Beaton (1991) 14 43.8 43.07 36.01 37.56* 14.56 14.12
Dalvit-McPhillips (1983) 8 39.9 55.8* 44.4 32.6* 15.7 11.6
Fong and Kretch (1993) 9 44.2 44.5 41.9 41.7 12.9 13.0
Gallant et al. (1987) 9 43.1 40.9 36.6 37.7* 13.9 15.7*
9 PMS 34.6 40.0 48.8 43.6 15.0 16.0
Johnson et al. (1994) 26 47.5 47.9 35.4 37.4* 15.4 14.7
Lyons et al. (1989) 18 47.0 45.9 35.8 36.8 13.5 13.4
Oram (1987) 6 46.5 42.2 37.1 38.1 14.5 16.4
Schweiger et al. (1992) 9 unrestrained 42.0 43.0 41.0 40.0 13.0 14.0
9 restrained 45.0 39.0 39.0 40.0 13.0 14.0
Sophos (1987) 14 47.3 46.1 36.4 33.7 15.2 15.1
Martini et al. (1994) 18 51.3 50.1 33.1 34.2 15.6 15.6
Hrboticky et al. (1989) 8 54.02 54.09 28.03 28.31 13.35 13.4
Brzezinski et al. (1990) 17 PMS
meals 28.6 32.5* 48.65 48.1* 21.1 17.01
snacks 27.9 32.8* 52.3 50.5* 17.7 15.2
*Significant difference between luteal and follicular phases (P . 0.05). nr 5 measured but actual intake not
reported; PMS 5 premenstrual syndrome.
In relation to food intake, the former view would imply that more calories, protein, fat and vitamin B
Increases in intake for the PMS subjects were smaller than forPMS sufferers experience similar temporal fluctuations in
appetite and intake to ‘normal’ women but at a greater intensity. controls. These data are in contrast to the findings of Dalvit-
McPhillips (1983) which show an increase in carbohydrateThere have, however, been few objective studies of intake in
PMS sufferers. Two studies report luteal intake to be signific- intake premenstrually. The macronutrient data reported by
Dalvit-McPhillips (1983) does not correspond to total energyantly higher than follicular intake (Hill and Blundell, 1989;
Brzezinski et al., 1990), one a non-significant trend in the intakes reported previously from the same women (Dalvit,
1981) and Dalvit’s subjects were not reported to be PMSsame direction (Gallant et al., 1987) and one a non-significant
reversed effect (Wurtman et al., 1989). Both studies which sufferers. Rogers et al. (1992) have suggested that foods which
are preferentially consumed premenstrually tend to be highlyfail to detect effects (Gallant et al., 1987; Wurtman et al.,
1989) are based on far fewer subjects than the studies which palatable and with high hedonic properties. These foods tend
to be high in both carbohydrate and fat. Indeed, the 12%confirm the similar pattern of increased luteal energy intake
in PMS sufferers as non-symptomatic women. Giannini et al. energy increase reported by Hill and Blundell (1989) was
mainly due to a rise in the number of high fat/high carbohydrate(1985) reported a positive relationship between caloric intake
and severity of PMS symptoms. Women who reported more snacks consumed. It is therefore difficult to draw firm conclu-
sions about specific changes in macronutrient consumption.severe symptoms recorded higher caloric intake. However,
while caloric intake was measured by daily intake diaries,
PMS symptoms were assessed by retrospective questionnaire
PMS, mood and food cravings
at the end of the study, a method which tends to exaggerate
symptom reporting. Studies of food craving during the menstrual cycle have
produced a range of findings about both the pattern and natureMore recently, Both-Orthman et al. (1988) found an increase
in subjective ratings of appetite in the premenstrual phase as of food cravings. The predominant trend, however, seems to
be an increase in both the frequency and severity of foodcompared with the postmenstrual phase in both PMS and
control subjects. Levels of reporting in the premenstrual phase craving in the premenstruum. This is clearly depicted in Figure
2, based on data from 5546 women who reported symptomswere significantly higher in the PMS subjects than in the
controls. Concurrent ratings of mood and depression were in a retrospective questionnaire (Dye et al., 1995). Even
allowing for some elevation in reporting given the retrospectivesignificantly correlated with ratings of appetite in the premen-
strual phase for the PMS subjects only, suggesting a relationship nature of the study, a clear increase in food craving in the
premenstrual phase (compared with postmenstrual) is evident.between mood and appetite which distinguishes this group
from the control (non-PMS) group. This coincidence of appetite This pattern is true for severe and moderate food cravings.
Interestingly, for mild food cravings the opposite pattern isincrease and mood change has led to suggestions that these
may be causally linked. observed. This suggests that food cravings are more frequent
and more severe premenstrually, but they can also occur in aConcerning the intake of specific macronutrients Gallant
et al. (1987) found that both control and PMS subjects much weaker form at other points in the menstrual cycle in
the same women.increased carbohydrate intake postmenstrually but consumed
Menstrual cycle and appetite control
Figure 2. Percentage of subjects reporting food cravings (varying
degrees of severity) at three stages of the menstrual cycle. These
Figure 3. Relationship between the incidence of food cravings and
data show a greater frequency and intensity of cravings in the
three phases of the menstrual cycle in three groups of women. The
premenstrual phase. This figure is based on data from a sample of
graph indicates non-depressed women (square symbols), women
5546 women (adapted from Dye et al., 1995).
with chronic depression (diamonds) and women with depression
only during the premenstrual phase (circles). The vertical axis
This tendency for increased food craving in the pre-menstrual
indicates the degree of reported food craving on a scale from 1
(mild) to 4 (severe). (Adapted from Dye et al., 1995.)
phase has been observed in varied samples of women (e.g.
with and without PMS and/or premenstrual depression), sug-
gesting that the experience of PMS sufferers is more severe
but not necessarily qualitatively different from that of normal
women. There does not seem to be a difference in the foods
which are craved (as opposed to frequency or severity) by
PMS or non-PMS subjects. However, it is worth considering
closely whether the craved foods belong to any particular
nutrient category (e.g. carbohydrates).
This is important because of the known effects of food on
mood and the well-documented incidence of mood change
(particularly depression) in the premenstrual phase, especially
in PMS sufferers. Consequently, a relationship between food
craving (possibly for carbohydrate-rich foods) and depression
could occur. The logic of this relationship is that women crave
those particular foods whose consumption would ameliorate
the depression. Some studies have indicated that these two
symptoms may co-exist premenstrually (Cohen et al., 1987;
Figure 4. Relationship between the incidence of food cravings and
Bancroft et al., 1988). A more recent study has clarified the
the severity of depression in three phases of the menstrual cycle.
relationship between food craving and depression.
The vertical axis indicates the severity of reported food craving on
Figure 3 is based on 919 women, selected on the basis of
a scale from 1 (mild) to 4 (severe). Bars indicate concurrent rating
their clear patterns of depression rating during three menstrual
of depression from none to severe during each of three menstrual
cycle phase (horizontal axis). The figure is based on data from a
cycle phases. From the figure, it is evident that depression is
sample of 5546 women (adapted from Dye et al., 1995).
positively related to food craving. In women with ‘chronic’
depression (i.e. depression reported as severe or very severe
in each cycle phase examined) ratings of food craving are food cravings of this PMS group are identical to those of the
‘chronic depressed’ group when their depression ratings areelevated to a ‘moderate’ level at each phase. This contrasts
with the low ratings of food craving observed in women who also the same, but the level of craving falls to that of the non-
depressed group when depression also no depression at any phase of the cycle (‘non-depressed’
group). This latter group, however, do show a cyclical pattern The relationship between food cravings and depression in
Figure 3 clearly suggests that these menstrual cycle-relatedin their reports of food craving, indicating that a rhythm of
craving can occur in the absence of depression, but at a lower symptoms are not independent. These data, however, are based
on approximately one-fifth of the original data, i.e. thoselevel. The pattern of craving shown by those women who
reported severe or very severe depression only in the premen- women with relatively easily classified temporal patterns of
depression (n 5 919). Figure 4 shows the relationship betweenstrual phase (a feature which characterizes the PMS) confirms
the relationship between food craving and depression. The depression rating and food craving rating during each phase
L.Dye and J.E.Blundell
of the menstrual cycle for a large sample of unselected women 1984) and in response to oestradiol administration (Kato,
1960). In humans, concentration of serotonin (V
) is lowest(n 5 5 546). A positive linear relationship between depression
and food craving is evident in each cycle phase. The more premenstrually (Taylor et al., 1984; Tam et al., 1985). There
is evidence that serotonin levels in whole-blood, and plasmasevere the rating of depression, the greater the degree of food
craving. The occurrence of more severe food cravings in and platelet uptake and content are lower premenstrually in
women with PMS (Rapkin et al., 1987; Ashby et al., 1988,the premenstrual phase (in contrast to the menstrual and
postmenstrual phases) is also clear. The interrelationship 1992). Similar fluctuations have been observed in melatonin,
which is synthesized from serotonin (Parry, 1994).between food craving and depression is maintained at all
phases of the menstrual cycle and the size of the sample Neuroendocrine challenge tests have been used to measure
changes in serotonin function. Normally, infusion of thesuggests a robust relationship between these symptoms at all
phases of the menstrual cycle. serotonin precursor
-tryptophan (or fenfluramine) produces
an increase in plasma prolactin. In women with PMS, prolactin
responses to a neuroendocrine challenge test are blunted
The role of serotonin in food intake and food craving
premenstrually (Halbreich, 1990; Bancroft et al., 1991). The
neuroendocrine response can be affected by dieting in womenIn recent years, research has identified the neurotransmitter
serotonin [also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] as a (Goodwin et al., 1987), a factor not controlled for in these
studies.particularly important component of the biological system
influencing eating (Blundell, 1977). Serotonin is implicated in The serotonin agonist, buspirone, has a high affinity for 5-
receptors. Yatham et al. (1989) found that the prolactinthe effects of dietary composition on brain function (e.g.
Fernstrom and Wurtman, 1971) and in the control of meal response to a buspirone challenge test was greater during the
luteal phase and suggested that this is due to supersensitivitypatterns and the urge to eat (Blundell, 1992). Since serotonin
is also implicated in physical and psychological symptoms of 5-HT
receptors at this time. These results were confirmed
by Dinan et al. (1990) who excluded the possibility of variableoccurring during the menstrual cycle (and especially in PMS),
a consideration of the role of serotonin may help in the absorption during the menstrual cycle. Buspirone has also been
reported to have beneficial effects on premenstrual symptomsunderstanding of appetite changes related to PMS.
Serotonin has been implicated as the mediating factor in the (David et al., 1987; Rickels et al., 1989), as have other
serotoninergic compounds such as fluoxetine (Rickels et al.,relationship between mood and appetite (Wurtman, 1993).
This hypothesis is based on the evidence that low levels of 1990; Stone et al., 1991; Menkes et al., 1992; Wood et al.,
-Fenfluramine has been shown to be effective inserotonin induce dysphoric mood. It is argued that craving for
particular food products (containing carbohydrates) occurs in suppressing luteal increases in appetite in PMS sufferers (Hill
and Blundell, 1989; Brzezinski et al., 1990). However, theseorder to raise the levels of serotonin in the brain and it has
been suggested that this may be an adaptive mechanism to studies conflict in their findings on mood symptoms.
Thus studies in women with PMS show a consistent trendcompensate for a relative lack of serotonin premenstrually.
Therefore eating CHOs serves as a form of self-medication to toward decreased levels of serotonin premenstrually (Severino,
1994). A recent study (Ulrich et al., 1994) has demonstratedraise mood. The mechanisms through which the carbohydrate
content of the diet influences the uptake of tryptophan into the that central, hypothalamic regulation of follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) and prolactin release involves serotonin, spe-brain and in turn increases the synthesis of serotonin has been
well described elsewhere (Fernstrom and Wurtman, 1971). cifically 5-HT
receptor-mediated processes. There is also well-
documented evidence of serotonin’s role in the regulation ofIt has been demonstrated (Wurtman et al., 1989) that the
deliberate administration of carbohydrate can relieve premen- the oestrous cycle in rodents (Vitale and Chiocchio, 1993).
These data, coupled with evidence of rhythmicity in peripheralstrual depression in PMS sufferers, defined by retrospective
symptom ratings. The consumption of a carbohydrate-rich, serotonin, suggest that while ovarian steroids may modulate the
serotonergic system, serotonin also modulates gonadotrophinprotein-poor evening meal improved mood in PMS sufferers
in the late luteal phase but had no effect on mood in the secretion.
Serotonin is also implicated in the aetiology of depression,follicular phase or in non-symptomatic control subjects. This
is consistent with a carbohydrate-induced increase in serotonin and neuroendocrine findings in women are consistent with a
higher incidence of depression in women than in men (Meltzer,occurring during the premenstruum. However, as noted earlier
there is little evidence for a selective craving for carbohydrate 1990). However, we cannot infer that peripheral serotonin
levels predict central levels in humans, although such afoods premenstrually or for a preferential intake of carbohyd-
rate. Consequently, the idea that individuals attempt to medicate relationship has been demonstrated in non-human primates
(Raleigh and McGuire, 1980). On the basis of the findingthemselves by eating carbohydrate is not yet substantiated.
However, there are other reasons to consider a role for serotonin (McGuire et al., 1983) that the serotonin system of the vervet
monkey may be affected by environmental factors and socialin premenstrual food craving and increased energy intake.
Ovarian steroids may have a modulating role in the sero- interaction, Rapkin (1992) has developed an appealing theory
of physiological deregulation of the serotonin system. Thistonergic system, affecting metabolism, activity and receptors
(Rapkin, 1992; Severino, 1994). Animal studies suggest proposes that physiological down-regulation, i.e. reduction in
serotonin, may produce negative somatic and behaviouralchanges in serotonin levels during the oestrus cycle (Biegon
et al., 1980; McEwen and Parsons, 1982; Fischette et al., symptoms such as those which characterize PMS, whereas
Menstrual cycle and appetite control
women without PMS may be able to minimize deregulation concerned about their weight and shape and are likely to be
dieting. Given the increased susceptibility to risk factors forvia for instance, environmental interaction.
The effects of lowered serotonin are most likely to be overconsumption likely to be present just before menstruation,
dieting will be even more difficult to sustain during this periodobserved in those behaviours most closely regulated by the
neurotransmitter. It can be suggested that the fluctuation in and there are likely to be more frequent occurrences of counter-
regulation (Polivy and Herman, 1985).appetite and energy intake observed in women during the
menstrual cycle reflect cyclical rhythms in serotonin, which To date, however, these hypotheses remain untested because
the prevalence of PMS in dieters, the ease of adherence to amay be accompanied by affective symptoms in women with
PMS but which are present to a lesser degree (or are better diet during the premenstrual phase and the effect of dieting
on premenstrual symptoms have not been studied. This is antolerated) in women without PMS. Serotonin has been shown
to influence both satiation (meal size) and satiety (post-meal area which merits further research.
Since this review concerns the relationship between appetiteinhibition) (Blundell, 1992). During the premenstrual phase,
serotonin activity is relatively low, and therefore there will be control and hormonal conditions linked with reproductive
function, it is worth drawing attention to a possible role forrelatively weaker control over appetite. Indeed it can be
deduced that altered activity at particular serotonin receptors the ob-protein (‘leptin’) (Halaas et al., 1995). It has been
proposed that leptin serves as a signal linking adipose tissue(5-HT
and 5-HT
) modulates the ability to resist risk factors
for overeating and a positive energy balance (Blundell, 1996). to central neural pathways. In animals and humans the plasma
concentrations of leptin correlate well with body mass indexConsequently, during the premenstrual phase individuals will
be more susceptible to many stimuli (internal and environ- (BMI) and percentage body fat. Consequently, this ob-protein
could be the much sought after lipostatic factor. In addition,mental) that facilitate eating and elicit food craving. Thus, the
premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle can be considered it has been demonstrated that injections of leptin can restore
fertility in mutant mice (ob/ob) which have difficulty reprodu-a time when women are especially vulnerable to overconsump-
tion and craving, and also to depression (due to low sero- cing (Chehab et al., 1996). Injections of leptin also cause an
early onset of reproductive function in normal female micetonin activity).
(Chehab et al., 1997). These effects may occur because leptin
signals the amount of body fat and because reproductive
Dieting and the menstrual cycle
function is normally switched off when levels of body fat fall
too low. In humans it is known that leptin levels are very lowMost of this discussion has been concerned with the effects
of hormonal changes on food intake. It should be borne in in patients with anorexia nervosa (Grinspoon et al., 1996) and
that female athletes with amenorrhea fail to display a diurnalmind, however, that food intake also affects hormones, and
therefore food intake will affect the rhythm of the menstrual rhythm of leptin (Laughlin and Yen, 1997). Although the role
of leptin in appetite control in humans remains to be verified,cycle. One major dimension here is the concept of dieting,
which may involve ~40% or more of the female population. some interaction between leptin, serotonin and reproductive
hormones could shed further light on appetite fluctuationsDieting can be defined as self-induced attempts to restrict food
consumption and to control the pattern of eating. Therefore within the menstrual cycle. However, at the moment this idea
should be considered speculative.dieting is likely to influence measured food consumption, food
choice and other aspects of eating. Pirke (1987) and Pirke
et al. (1989) have shown that dieting causes menstrual irregular-
ities. The ovarian cycle was disrupted by either disturbed
follicular development, i.e. the lack of development of a It is clear that PMS is a clinical phenomenon with implications
for health and well-being. However, considerable methodologi-dominant follicle and low levels of oestrogen, or by luteal
phase defects, i.e. impaired progesterone secretion by the cal problems face researchers who investigate PMS and other
phenomena associated with the menstrual cycle. A wide varietycorpus luteum. The former effect results in absolute infertility,
the latter in significantly compromised fertility. In addition, of characteristics and events have been attributed to the rhythm
of the menstrual cycle and to the premenstrual phase inepisodic luteinizing hormone secretion during the follicular
phase was altered by dieting. Three major factors which particular. Definitive statements cannot yet be made about
certain issues. However, we feel that the following generalinfluence this relationship have been identified: (i) age: younger
women are more susceptible to diet-induced menstrual irregu- conclusions can be drawn from the published body of research;
(i) Orderly fluctuations in eating and other measures of foodlarities; (ii) amount of weight loss: the greater the weight loss
the higher the likelihood of menstrual irregularities; (iii) the consumption do occur during the menstrual cycle. Generally
there is an increase in energy intake and appetite during thenature of the diet: vegetarian diets affect the cycle more than
a non-vegetarian diet, even when both cause the same amount pre-menstrual phase (when compared to the ovulatory or
postmenstrual phases); (ii) This increase in energy intake andof weight loss.
It follows that any studies on the relationship between appetite during the premenstrual phase also occurs in women
who suffer from PMS. In these women the appetite changeshormonal state, food cravings and eating should take into
account the prevalence of dieting among women in the study may be experienced with greater intensity and given increased
psychological emphasis; (iii) During the premenstrual phasesample. This is particularly important in studies on PMS since
it is known that a large proportion of PMS sufferers are food cravings are increased in frequency and intensity. Food
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... Elite Judo Athletes (N=20) In strength sports, research has shown that female athletes often exhibit higher maximum weight losses before competition compared to their male counterparts [7,9] . This trend may be influenced by the natural weight fluctuations that women experience due to menstrual cycles, making them potentially more vulnerable to the effects of aggressive weight loss strategies [29] . Consequently, these factors could predispose female athletes to more pronounced performance detriments related to rapid weight loss practices. ...
... Exogenous sources of sex hormones or highly variable endogenous levels are likely to affect metabolic outcomes. Moreover, hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle can affect appetite [91][92][93], food intake [94], nutrient metabolism [95], and circulating concentrations of many metabolites and micronutrients [96]. The process of menopause induces changes in gut and sex hormones [97] and circadian rhythms [98], in turn affecting nutrient metabolism and disease risk. ...
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Suboptimal nutrition is a leading cause of cardiometabolic disease and mortality. Biological sex is a variable that influences individual responses to dietary components and may modulate the impact of diet on metabolic health and disease risk. This review describes findings of studies reporting how biological sex may associate with or affect metabolic outcomes or disease risk in response to varying dietary macronutrient content, Mediterranean diet, Western diet, and medical very low-calorie diet. Although few dietary interventions have been specifically designed to identify sex–diet interactions, future studies improving understanding how sex influences dietary responses could inform precision nutrition interventions for disease prevention and management.
... p=0.003) is also consistent with Dye and Blundell, who found that dietary habits and cravings can exacerbate PMS. 11 A study has shown that women with PMS problems are more likely to consume foods high in simple sugars, which increases the risk of PMS. Therefore, a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates and low in simple sugars has been recommended to prevent PMS. 12 In another study, poor dietary habits were associated with more severe PMS, suggesting that dietary interventions may be beneficial for women with PMS. 13 A high prevalence of PMS was found among university students, with smoking and high consumption of foods high in calories, fat, sugar and salt identified as strong risk factors for PMS. ...
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Background: Working women, especially teachers, face unique challenges in managing health issues that impact their professional lives. Premenstrual symptoms (PMS) significantly affect their physiological, behavioural, and psychological well-being, potentially influencing their classroom performance. This study aimed to assess the severity and correlations of PMS across physiological, behavioural, and psychological domains among 100 working women teachers in Kalaburagi. It also explored associations with socio-demographic variables such as menstrual cycle duration and food cravings. Methods: Data were collected using a cross-sectional correlation research design. Mean scores and standard deviations were calculated for physiological, behavioural, and psychological symptoms. Chi-square tests analysed associations between symptom domains and socio-demographic variables. Correlation analyses assessed relationships between symptom domains. Results: Physiological symptoms scored a mean of 55.60 (SD=2.4, 70% of max. score), behavioural symptoms 45.32 (SD=2.5, 78% of max.), and psychological symptoms 46.90 (SD=2.3, 80% of max.). Overall mean score was 150.15 (SD=2.4, 75% of max.). Positive correlations were found between physiological and psychological symptoms (r=0.810, p<0.001), physiological and behavioural symptoms (r=0.729, p<0.001), and psychological and behavioural symptoms (r=0.627, p<0.001). Conclusions: This study highlights the prevalence of PMS among working women, especially teachers, and their potential impact on professional performance and emotional well-being. The findings underscore the need for effective detection and management strategies to enhance the quality of life and work efficiency of affected women. Targeted interventions and workplace support can improve personal and professional outcomes for women experiencing PMS.
... Drinks were avored with 0.25 tsp (1.07g) of non-sweetened cherry avoring (Kraft Foods Kool-Aid® Unsweetened Cherry Drink Mix) to improve palatability. Females underwent MRI visits during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle to reduce variability in hunger 29,30 . ...
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Introduction: Sucralose is a non-caloric sweetener commonly consumed to provide sweet taste without calories. Yet, some studies suggest that non-caloric sweeteners stimulate appetite, possibly due to the delivery of a sweet taste without the post-ingestive metabolic signals that normally communicate with the hypothalamus to suppress hunger. We tested the hypothesis that acute consumption of the non-caloric sweetener, sucralose, would stimulate greater increases in hypothalamic blood flow, an MRI correlate of hunger, compared to caloric sugar (sucrose) and water, and would alter functional connectivity between the hypothalamus and other brain regions. Additionally, we expected sucrose, but not sucralose, to raise blood glucose levels, inversely affecting hypothalamic blood flow. We anticipated variations in hypothalamic responses based on weight status. Methods: Seventy-five young adults with healthy-weight, overweight, or obesity from a random-order crossover design study (NCT02945475) with acute consumption of a drink containing either 75g sucrose, sucralose (individually sweetness matched to sucrose), or plain water were included in this analysis to compare the effects of sucralose relative to sucrose and water on changes in hypothalamic blood flow, circulating glucose levels, and ratings of hunger. Hypothalamic blood flow (measured by pulsed arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI), hunger ratings, and glycemic responses were concurrently measured fasting, +10, and +35min after drink ingestion. As a secondary outcome, functional connectivity was performed using blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI to explore changes between the hypothalamus seed region and other brain areas after ingestion of sucralose relative to sucrose and water.Linear mixed-effects models were used for comparisons of drink contrasts. Linear regressions were used to examine associations between peripheral glucose levels, hypothalamic blood flow, and hunger ratings. Models were adjusted for age, sex, BMI, and race/ethnicity. Post hoc comparisons were adjusted for multiple comparisons using a Bonferroni correction. Results: There was a significant effect of drink on hypothalamic blood flow, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and race/ethnicity (F = 5.05; p<.007). Compared to sucrose, intake of drinks sweetened with sucralose produced greater hypothalamic blood flow (Mean diff = .079, ± 0.03, p < .018) and greater hunger responses (Mean diff = .575 ± 0.16, p < .001). Sucralose vs water also increased hypothalamic blood flow (Mean diff = .078 ± 0.03, p < .019), but produced no difference in hunger ratings. Sucrose, but not sucralose, produced increases in peripheral glucose levels, which were associated with reductions in medial hypothalamic blood flow (beta =-.005 ± .002, p < .007). Sucralose, compared to sucrose and water, resulted in increased functional connections between the hypothalamus and brain regions involved in motivation and somatosensory processing. Conclusion: These results underscore the notable differences in sucralose, a non-caloric sweetener, on hypothalamic signaling pathways linked to appetite regulation when compared to sugar or water. The findings suggest that non-caloric sweeteners could affect key mechanisms in the hypothalamus responsible for appetite regulation.
... For instance, studies have demonstrated that circulating concentrations of most metabolites and micronutrients vary significantly at different points throughout the menstrual cycle with many metabolic pathways changing in rhythm with the female cycle [89]. Hormonal fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle can affect dietary intake [90], nutrient metabolism [91], and appetite in women [92][93][94]. For example, during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, women report an increase in protein intake and food cravings [95]. ...
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Suboptimal nutrition is a leading cause of cardiometabolic disease and mortality. Biological sex is a variable that can play a role in individual response to nutritional factors and may modulate the impact of nutrition on disease. This narrative review explores the intricate interplay between sex, nutrition, and health outcomes, and the consequent importance of considering sex in nutrition research, dietary recommendations, and disease management. We examine the impact of sex on how various dietary patterns, including the Mediterranean diet, macronutrient content and quality, Western diet, and energy restriction associate with or affect metabolic health and disease risk. Understanding how sex influences the response to the diet can inform precision nutrition interventions and approaches for disease prevention and management.
... 25,[27][28][29][30][31] These discrepancies may be explained by methodological inconsistencies, particularly for how menstrual phase is characterized. 10,11,[32][33][34] Despite other narrative reviews, 11,49,54 no study has statistically synthesized the available evidence to determine if energy intake is affected by menstrual cycle phase. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to determine if there are differences in energy intake between the FP and LP while considering the methodological inconsistencies that exist between studies. ...
Context Energy intake may differ across the menstrual cycle, with some studies identifying greater energy intake in the luteal phase (LP) compared with the follicular phase (FP) and others finding no clear differences. To date, no study has systematically synthesized the available data to draw more definite conclusions while considering any methodological inconsistencies between studies. Objective The aim was to conduct a systematic review/meta-analysis in an effort to determine if there are differences in energy intake between the FP and LP. Data Sources A systematic search strategy was developed and the search was conducted in 5 databases for studies that investigated any changes in energy intake across menstrual phases. Data Extraction Using Covidence, studies were identified and included if they contained individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 years, maintained an average body mass index (BMI) of 18.5–25 kg/m2, had no history of disordered eating, and included energy intake and menstrual cycle measurements in the FP and LP. Data Analysis Effect sizes were calculated for each study and a random-effects model was used to pool the results of each study. Results Fifteen datasets were included consisting of 330 female participants with a mean age of 26 ± 4 years and mean BMI of 22.4 ± 2.3 kg/m2. Overall, there was a statistically significant difference (standardized mean difference = 0.69; P = .039) with increased energy intake in the LP compared with the FP (crude 168 kcal⋅d−1 average difference between phases). Conclusion Energy intake was found to be greater in the LP compared with the FP, providing insight into the effect of the menstrual cycle on energy intake. However, there were repeated methodological inconsistencies and future work should strive to utilize best practices for both energy intake measurement and menstrual phase specification.
Aims Recent studies show that body composition is one of the most important factors in the menstrual cycle. The purpose of this study is to investigate more comprehensively the effect of body composition and anthropometric indicators on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Materials and Methods This study is a secondary study that is considered a systematic review according to the implementation method. The statistical population is all the studies that have dealt with the issue of the effect of anthropometric indicators on PMS from different aspects. Results The final synthesis was performed on 7 articles after screening the studies. The synthesis of articles related to the relationship between anthropometric indicators on PMS showed that 47.8% of women in the world have PMS, with the highest prevalence being reported in Iran at 98%. Studies have shown that the incidence of PMS, increased appetite, and weight gain in women with a BMI greater than 25 kg / m2 is more common. Weight gain causes endocrine disorders that lead secretion of more sex hormones in obese or overweight women, which in turn leads to the symptoms of PMS. Studies have shown a direct and significant relationship between PMS symptoms waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WTHR), and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), which according to the results, more central fat mass in women causes more severe symptoms of this syndrome. Also, studies showed that the risk of depression and anxiety in women with PMS with a higher BMI and body fat mass is higher. Conclusion Weight control and improvement of eating habits, can be effective in reducing the incidence of PMS symptoms. Furthermore, the high prevalence of PMS in studies requires further investigation and principled interventions with regard to physical and mental factors in this period.
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Based on previous research on the effects of emotional arousal on eating behavior, it was predicted that clinical depression would not result invariably in appetite suppression and weight loss. Normally restrained eaters were expected to show weight gain as a consequence of emotional distress, whereas normally unrestrained eaters were expected to show the traditionally predicted weight loss. Nine female and 3 male 21-44 yr old clinically depressed patients were designated as restrained or unrestrained eaters, and it was found that the former tended to gain weight (as indicated in self-reports) in conjunction with their depression while the latter tended to lose weight. It is concluded that weight changes bear a complex but systematic relation to emotional distress and well-being. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Although its etiology is unknown, it has been hypothesized that premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is linked to a deficiency of central serotoninergic activity. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of fluoxetine, a specific serotonin uptake inhibitor, on PMS symptoms. Following extensive screening, including several psychological inventories, eight women with severe persistent PMS participated in a 6-month double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study which included three months each of daily fluoxetine 20 mg or placebo, administered in a randomized order. Symptoms were evaluated using the Calendar of Premenstrual Experiences and other psychometric measures. Compared with placebo, treatment with fluoxetine was associated with an improvement in PMS symptoms as judged by highly significant decreases in behavioral (P less than .005), physical (P less than .05), and total (P less than .005) Calendar of Premenstrual Experiences scores; Beck Depression Inventory scores (P less than .005); Profile of Mood States subscales scores including depression (P less than .005), tension (P less than .005), and anger (P less than .01); and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scores. The use of fluoxetine was associated with a greater mean reduction in behavioral (75%) than in physical scores (40%), with a mean decrease in total Calendar of Premenstrual Experiences scores of 62%, which rendered these scores similar to follicular phase values. Thus, the luteal phase symptomatology of PMS was effectively abolished. At this dose, no significant side effects or complications were noted during treatment. Fluoxetine appears to be a highly effective, well-tolerated treatment for the psychological and physical symptoms accompanying severe PMS.
The effect of menstrual cycle phase on dietary intake and body weight was investigated in nine healthy females. Daily food intake, basal body temperature and body weight were determined throughout one menstrual cycle. Mean daily caloric intake as well as protein, carbohydrate, fat, and calcium intakes during the follicular phase were compared to those during the luteal phase. No significant difference in any mean nutrient intake was found between the two cycle phases. Subjects showed various individual patterns of food intake and body weight fluctuation. No characteristic pattern of body weight change or nutrient intake was observed for the group.
Pyridoxine and magnesium status of nine women with premenstrual syndrome was compared with that of ten asymptomatic women. Three-day food intake records were analyzed for selected nutrients in both the pre- and postmenstrual phases. Plasma magnesium was the measure of magnesium status, while plasma pyridoxal phosphate and erythrocyte aspartate aminotransferase stimulation were used to evaluate pyridoxine status. Average magnesium intake was significantly higher among controls in the premenstrual phase, but there was no significant difference in plasma magnesium levels between the two groups. Pyridoxine intakes did not differ significantly between groups during either phase of the menstrual cycle, and both groups showed adequate pyridoxine status according to biochemical measures. A significant positive correlation was found between aspartate aminotransferase stimulation and ratings of both anxiety related symptoms (p=0.078) and fluid retention symptoms (p=0.0001).
Observations during the rhesus menstrual cycle confirmed that adjustments in food intake accompany changes in ovarian condition and indicated progesterone antagonism of estradiol's ability to suppress primate feeding. Food intake was significantly higher during the luteal phase, when progesterone is high and estradiol low, than during the early follicular phase, when levels of both these hormones are low. To test antagonistic effects of progesterone, ovariectomized females given 4 consecutive daily injections of either 15 mg progesterone or vehicle received 20 μg estradiol benzoate on the second and third treatment days. Progesterone did not modify the decline in feeding and body weight which followed this acute estradiol treatment. In an additional study, females chronically stimulated by subdermal estradiol capsules showed no systematic changes in food intake or body weight when injected for 9 days with 15 mg/day progesterone. This treatment did reduce sexual activity during heterosexual mating tests. These females also responded to 15 mg/day dihydrotestosterone propionate with significant weight gains. A fourth study showed that progesterone treatment of 15 mg/day is adequate to raise circulating levels in ovariectomized rhesus above those of intact females. Overall, these studies failed to confirm a role of progesterone in the adjustments of food intake which accompany changes in ovarian condition of primates.
A review of evidence indicates that experimentally induced changes in the activity of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) systems are associated with pronounced changes in feeding behaviour. In general, treatments and procedures believed to lead to an increased availability of 5-HT in the synaptic cleft or which directly activate 5-HT receptors reduce food consumption, while procedures which either directly or indirectly decrease 5-HT receptor activation bring about the opposite effect. Interpretation of findings is hindered by methodological difficulties involved in the experimental manipulation of serotonin metabolism, by the lack of precise behavioural measures of feeding, and by the presence of large stores of serotonin outside the brain. However, available data favour the idea that serotonin systems play an inhibitory role in feeding, possibly in the mediation of satiety. This proposal has implications for further experimental investigations of the control of food intake, and for the aetiology and treatment of obesity.