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Randomized Trial of Aromatherapy: Successful Treatment for Alopecia Areata

Randomized Trial of Aromatherapy
Successful Treatment for Alopecia Areata
Isabelle C. Hay, MRCP; Margaret Jamieson, SRN; Anthony D. Ormerod, FRCP
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of aromatherapy
in the treatment of patients with alopecia areata.
Design: A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of
7 months’ duration, with follow-up at 3 and 7 months.
Setting: Dermatology outpatient department.
Participants: Eighty-six patients diagnosed as having
alopecia areata.
Intervention: Eighty-six patients were randomized into
2 groups. The active group massaged essential oils (thyme,
rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood) in a mixture of car-
rier oils (jojoba and grapeseed) into their scalp daily. The
control group used only carrier oils for their massage,
also daily.
Main Outcome Measures: Treatment success was
evaluated on sequential photographs by 2 dermatolo-
gists (I.C.H. and A.D.O.) independently. Similarly, the
degree of improvement was measured by 2 methods: a
6-point scale and computerized analysis of traced areas
of alopecia.
Results: Nineteen (44%) of 43 patients in the active
group showed improvement compared with 6 (15%) of
41 patients in the control group (P= .008). An alopecia
scale was applied by blinded observers on sequential
photographs and was shown to be reproducible with
good interobserver agreement (k= 0.84). The degree of
improvement on photographic assessment was signifi-
cant (P= .05). Demographic analysis showed that the 2
groups were well matched for prognostic factors.
Conclusions: The results show aromatherapy to be a
safe and effective treatment for alopecia areata. Treat-
ment with these essential oils was significantly more
effective than treatment with the carrier oil alone
(P= .008 for the primary outcome measure). We also
successfully applied an evidence-based method to an
alternative therapy.
Arch Dermatol. 1998;134:1349-1352
WITH THE recent re-
surgence of inter-
est in alternative
medicine, aroma-
therapy (aroma,
from the Greek meaning spice) has at-
tracted great public interest in its health-
promoting or medicinal properties. With
herbalism as its basis, aromatherapy in-
volves the use of essential oils and es-
sences derived from plants, flowers, and
wood resins, which are generally mas-
saged into the skin. These essential oils
have been used to complement tradi-
tional medicine with some benefit.1As with
other forms of alternative medicine, sci-
entific bases for the claims made are few,2,3
but in dermatologic studies, physiologi-
cal and psychological benefits were found
after treatment of psoriasis with aroma-
therapy.4Significant, consistent improve-
ment in behavior occurred in 1 of 4 pa-
tients with dementia5in 10 repeated
experiments. Aromatherapy is also use-
ful in hospice care.6
As examples of proven therapeutic
benefit, use of sandalwood oil has been
shown to significantly inhibit skin papil-
lomas in mice.7Tea tree oil is an effective
bacteriocide8and fungicide, especially for
Malassezia furfur.9Use of essential oils can
also alter the barrier functions of the skin10
and induce contact dermatitis.11
Cedarwood, lavender, thyme, and
rosemary oils have hair growth–
promoting properties. These oils have been
anecdotally used to treat alopecia for more
than 100 years. To date, there have been
no controlled trials to evaluate this treat-
ment. Our experience using aroma-
therapy provides anecdotal evidence that
several patients have had marked improve-
ment with this form of therapy. Our aim
in this study was to test the hypothesis that
pharmacologically active stimulants for
hair growth are present in these oils and
that use of these oils can be therapeutic
in patients with alopecia.
Alopecia areata is a common con-
dition affecting 1% of the Western
world. It can cause substantial social
and psychological distress and is often
highly detrimental to the patient’s well-
being and self-esteem. In 1 study,12
From the Department of
Dermatology, Aberdeen Royal
Infirmary, Foresterhill,
Aberdeen, Scotland.
©1998 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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patients with alopecia areata had an increased risk of
developing a psychiatric illness. An autoimmune
cause is widely accepted. However, it is thought that
stress can affect its course. Current conventional treat-
ments have limited success or unacceptable toxic
effects. The course of alopecia areata is unpredictable,
but factors affecting prognosis are well established.
A poor prognosis is indicated by the long duration
of the condition (.1 year), associated autoimmune
conditions (eg, thyroid disease), atopy, and family
Eighty-four patients entered the trial; 28 (68%) of the pa-
tients in the control group and 35 (81%) of the patients
in the active group completed the trial (Figure 2). The
patients were well matched for the important demo-
graphic indicators that might affect response to therapy
(Table 1). The distribution of patients by the 4-point
scale was similar in both groups.
The improvement was statistically significant in all as-
sessments undertaken. The primary outcome measure of im-
provement vs no improvement showed improvement with
essential oils (P= .008, x2)(Table 2). The degree of im-
provement shown in the photographs was assessed by the
Mann-Whitney Utest and was significant (P= .05). The re-
sults of the alopecia scale, which scored the degree of im-
provement (from 1-6), are illustrated in Figure 3. The mea-
surement of traced areas, which could be performed in only
32 patients, showed a mean±SD reduction in area affected
of 103.9 ± 140.0 cm2compared with −1.8 ± 155.0 cm2in the
control group (Figure 4). This was significant, with P= .05
(Student ttest). A relative risk of 2.6 (95% confidence lim-
its, 1.2, 5.6) was calculated for the likelihood of improving
on the active therapy. Weighted kstatistic was 0.84
for agreement between scorers on the assessment of the pho-
tographic scale, showing good interrater correlation.
This indicates that this is a reproducible method of
assessment. One patient who received active treatment
and had an excellent response (ie, a score of 6 on our
scale) is pictured in Figure 5.
Eighty-six patients diagnosed as having alopecia areata were
invited to take part in this randomized, controlled trial. These
patients were interviewed, and they completed a question-
naire. Patients with a medical history of hypertension, epi-
lepsy, or pregnancy were excluded. Two of 86 patients were
excluded because they had androgenic alopecia. Topical
medication and intralesional corticosteroid therapy for the
alopecia were discontinued before the trial.
Eighty-four patients were randomized into 2 groups
by the aromatherapist (M.J.). All patients signed a written
consent form before the trial.
The trained aromatherapist explained how to use the
oils and demonstrated the technique of scalp massage. The
oils were massaged into the scalp for a minimum of 2 min-
utes. A warm towel was then wrapped around the head to
aid absorption of the oils. Patients were advised to use this
technique every night.
There were 2 arms to the trial. The active group re-
ceived the essential oils: Thyme vulgaris (2 drops, 88 mg),
Lavandula agustifolia (3 drops, 108 mg), Rosmarinus offi-
cinalis (3 drops, 114 mg), and Cedrus atlantica (2 drops,
94 mg). These oils were mixed in a carrier oil, which was
a combination of jojoba, 3 mL, and grapeseed, 20 mL, oils.
The control group received the same carrier oils with-
out added essential oils, and the oils were identical except
in smell, which could not be mimicked in the control.
Initial and 3- and 7-month assessments were made by 3
1. A 4-point scale, such as that described by MacDon-
ald Hull and Norris,17 was used to check that the severity was
similar in active and control groups, as follows: 1 indicates
vellus hair or no hair; 2, sparse pigmented or nonpigmented
terminal hair; 3, terminal regrowth with patches of alopecia
areata; and 4, terminal regrowth in all areas.
2. A standardized professional photographic assess-
ment of each volunteer was taken at the initial interview
and after 3 and 7 months. Changes in these photographic
assessments formed the primary outcome measure, with
improvement as the most important factor. These changes
were scored independently by 2 dermatologists (I.C.H. and
A.D.O.) who were unaware of the therapy administered.
Improvement in photographic assessment was graded us-
ing a numerical scale (Figure 1).
3. A further secondary outcome measure was per-
formed. A map was traced onto transparent film wherever
the alopecia occurred in patches. These tracings were then
transferred onto flat acetate sheets. A computerized image
analyzer was used to calculate the areas of alopecia at the
initial assessment and after 3 and 7 months.
We calculated that if improvement occurred in 20% more
patients with active treatment than in the control group it
would require 47 active and 47 control patients to detect
improvement at a 5% significance level with a power of
80%.18 Statistical analysis was performed on an intention-
to-treat basis. A pooled variance estimate Student ttest for
independent samples was used to test improvement in the
patients’ alopecia with the map-tracing method. The x2test
was used to detect improvement in the active and control
groups. A Mann-Whitney Utest, corrected for ties, was used
to assess the significance of the degree of improvement in
scored photographic assessment. The level of agreement
of the alopecia scoring scale between 2 assessors was ex-
amined using the Cohen weighted kstatistic.
The trial was approved by the Joint Ethical Commit-
tee for the Grampian Health Board and by the University
of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland.
©1998 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
on October 19, 2010 www.archdermatol.comDownloaded from
The responses were variable but showed a clear and sta-
tistically significant advantage to treatment with this stan-
dardized regimen of aromatherapy. Although the tradi-
tion of aromatherapy is to combine several oils, it seems
likely that 1 of these agents has a stimulatory effect on hair
growth. One male patient also had severe androgenic alo-
pecia, which was not included in the assessment of effi-
cacy, and within this area there was some moderate re-
growth of hair and improvement in alopecia areata.
There was a higher dropout rate in the control group,
which could be explained by the fact that the volunteers be-
came discouraged with the 7-month protocol. The control
oil was not odorless because the carrier oils have some smell,
and patients did not know what aroma to expect. However,
they may have surmised that their treatment was inactive
and withdrew from the trial. The control group’s relative lack
of response again suggests a pharmacoactive property of the
topically applied therapy as opposed to an effect arising from
the comforting, relaxing effect of massage and of the appli-
cation procedure, which was the same for both groups.
Previous studies of alopecia therapies have used only
subjective scales of improvement, such as those de-
scribed by MacDonald Hull and Norris.17 We found these
scales less helpful because there are large intervals be-
tween the points in the alopecia scale. We validated the
method of sequential photography with a standardized
approach using a professional photographer’s studio. Im-
ages were judged by blinded observers and showed good
agreement. This proved to be the most blinded and un-
biased approach because there was no possibility of smell-
ing which treatment had been applied.
We encountered no significant adverse events from
this treatment, which makes the therapeutic ratio high
Scale Description Hair Regrowth, %
1 Worse NA
2 No Change NA
3 Slight but Definite Improvement 10-30
4 Marked Improvement 31-50
5 Very Good Improvement 51-80
6 Excellent Improvement 81-100
Figure 1.
The scale used in the photographic assessment to measure
changes in hair growth after intervention with active essential oils compared
with the control. NA indicates not applicable.
Registered Patients
Not Randomized
Reason: Did Not Have
Alopecia Areata
Standard Intervention (n
Did Not Receive (n
Followed Up (n
Withdrawn (n
Completed Trial (n
Withdrawn (n
Completed Trial (n
Followed Up (n
Intervention (n
Did Not Receive (n
Control Active
Figure 2.
Flow diagram showing the randomization of patients to the active
and control groups.
No. of Patients
Active Treatment
Improvement Score
Figure 3.
Results of the photographic assessment of the degree of
improvement in alopecia on a 6-point scale (see Figure 1).
Reduction in Area Affected, cm2
0Active Group Control Group
Figure 4.
Results of computerized analysis of traced areas of alopecia in
active and control groups. Bars indicate SD.
Table 1. Demographic and Prognostic Factors
in the Active and Control Groups*
Active Group Control Group Total
Age, mean ± SD, y 38.9 ± 14.6 39.3 ± 13.6 . . .
Associated conditions
Thyroid disease 14.0 12.2 13.1
Atopy 18.6 17.1 17.9
Stress 48.8 53.7 51.2
Family history
Alopecia areata 18.6 17.1 17.9
Autoimmune thyroid disease 18.6 24.4 21.4
Values are expressed as percentages unless otherwise indicated. Ellipses
indicate not applicable.
Table 2. Contingency Table of Improvement With Each
Intervention: Active Essential Oils vs Control Carrier Oil Alone*
Improved Not Improved Total
Active 19 16 35
Control 6 22 28
Total 25 38 63
= .008 (
©1998 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
on October 19, 2010 www.archdermatol.comDownloaded from
compared with other therapies, such as diphency-
prone,14,16 squaric acid dibutylester,19 and systemic or in-
tralesional corticosteroid injections.
Populations in other trials may differ in prognostic
factors. Shapiro et al20 and Gordon et al14 found a 38%
success rate in producing cosmetically acceptable re-
growth in patients with alopecia using diphencyprone.
A review of psoralen–UV-A therapy for alopecia areata
by Taylor and Hawk21 revealed that phototherapy was dis-
appointing, with minimal benefit. Therefore, this aro-
matherapy trial, with an improvement rate of 44%, is com-
parable to and possibly of more benefit than trials of
conventional therapies for alopecia areata. Compared with
these other treatments, its safety is also greater, offering
a better therapeutic ratio.
Accepted for publication April 16, 1998.
The Soropotomists International of Aberdeen, Scot-
land, provided financial support for the trial.
We thank Jill Mollison, BSc, for statistical advice and
the members of the Aberdeen Alopecia Self Help Group for
their participation.
Corresponding author: Isabelle C. Hay, MRCP, De-
partment of Dermatology, Ward 48, Aberdeen Royal Infir-
mary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZN, Scotland (e-mail:
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Figure 5.
A patient showing an excellent response (6 on the scoring scale) to essential oil therapy.
©1998 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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... It is employed for male and female baldness. It prevents dandruff, improves scalp health, and purifies the blood [34]. ...
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Alopecia refers to the scientific word for diminished hair growth or balding. It describes a disease in which hairs falls off from one or more parts of your body, most commonly the scalp. Losing your hair might be triggered by a variety of factors, including hereditary traits, external factors, chemical exposure, medication, dietary insufficiency, chronic tension, or prolonged sickness, among others. Alopecia is categorized into different types depending upon its pattern of diminished hair growth and its genesis. The pursuit of effective treatments has led to the exploration of both synthetic and herbal medications. This study examines the performance, mechanisms of action, tolerability profiles, and limits of synthetic and herbal remedies for alopecia. Synthetic medications such as minoxidil and finasteride are commonly prescribed and have demonstrated varying degrees of success in clinical trials. However, concerns regarding adverse effects and long-term efficacy persist. Conversely, herbal medications, including saw palmetto, ginseng, and pumpkin seed oil, have gained popularity due to their perceived natural origin and potentially fewer side effects. Nevertheless, the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy remains limited and often inconclusive. Additionally, challenges in standardization and regulation pose significant barriers to the widespread adoption of herbal treatments. This study aims to provide healthcare professionals and patients with a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of synthetic and herbal medications for alopecia, highlighting the need for further research to elucidate their therapeutic potential and optimize patient outcomes.
... Topical herbal therapy stimulates hair follicles and it is proved as safest way to cope up with different type of hair loss (alopecia), however perfect pharmacological actions of these herbs and oils are yet not known. [48] 4.Aloe vera L. (Liliaceae):- ...
... While it is not yet clear if massage therapy could provide benefits to patients experiencing atopic rashes, for patients with stress-related hair loss, light scalp movement combined with the use of specific oils and additives could stimulate hair growth. (127) Additionally, massage may contribute to increases in blood flow, skin softening, and cellular repair and regeneration, (128,129) which have been implicated in increased hair density. (130) Thus, massage therapy techniques, particularly those that incorporate scalp stimulation, may be ben-eficial to patients struggling with hair loss related to Long COVID Syndrome. ...
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Background A major complication of infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus responsible for COVID-19, is the potential for Long COVID Syndrome. While the pathophysiology of Long COVID Syndrome has yet to be described, the disease presentation is characterized by long-term symptoms with debilitating effects on human health. A better understanding of Long COVID symptomology may open up new avenues for patient treatment such as massage therapy. Methods From the PubMed database, cohort studies that examined post-infection COVID sequelae published between January 1st, 2021 and April 30th, 2021 were selected to investigate patient demographics and symptoms. A review of massage therapy literature since 2000 in conjunction with identified Long COVID symptoms was performed. Results This systematic review identified 17 cohort studies across the world that investigated the symptomatology of patients suffering from post-COVID sequelae in multiple organ systems. We identified the pulmonary and nervous systems to be the organ systems most affected with post-COVID sequelae, with PTSD, fatigue, dyspnea, cough, sleep disturbances, loss of smell, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite as the most common symptoms reported by >20% of Long COVID patients. Massage therapy was historically found to provide benefits to patients experiencing similar symptoms to those identified in Long COVID. Conclusions Recognizing the need for new approaches to treatment for Long COVID Syndrome, we identify massage therapy as a potential therapeutic treatment to positively impact the organ systems affected by Long COVID, especially the high-incident symptoms, and improve patient quality of life.
Numerous variables, such as genetics, autoimmune diseases, hormone dysregulations, and environmental factors, might contribute to the development of Alopecia. Understanding the morphology of hair and its growth cycle is essential for comprehending the mechanisms underlying all types of alopecia and creating effective treatments for them. Androgenetic alopecia and Alopecia areata are the two most prevalent forms of Alopecia. Therefore, to treat these conditions, numerous synthetic drugs are being used. However, with the use of these synthetic drugs, it was found that they potentially cause severe adverse effects. Researchers have therefore investigated natural substances for their anti-alopecia properties, which have less or no side effects, while being cost-effective alternatives to chemically synthesized medications with economic benefits grounded in their sustainability, mainly due to their minimal clinical trial expenditures and patent protections. This review will provide a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the underlying causes of Alopecia, the prevailing treatment modalities, and the natural remedies used to treat Alopecia.
Objectives: This study compared the effectiveness of temporalis muscle pain management using three topical ointments in patients with headaches attributed to temporomandibular disorders. Method: 30 female patients (mean age 27.1±13.4 years) diagnosed with headaches attributed to temporomandibular disorders participated in a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. They were either treated with Ping-On ointment (G1), Vaseline with menthol (smelling placebo) (G2), or colored Vaseline (odorless placebo) (G3) for eight weeks. Outcome measurements were as follows: (i) pain intensity at the temples as assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS); (ii) anterior temporalis muscles pressure pain threshold (PPT) obtained with an algometer (Somedic ®); and (iii) maximum tolerable pressure pain (MTPP) in anterior temporal muscles recorded with the same device. Measurements were performed at baseline (T0), repeated after 4 weeks (T1), and 8 weeks (T2). Results: At T0, all groups had similar scores in the outcome variables. Based on VAS values, all topical medications reduced the perception of pain at the temples (P<0.05) without any significant differences between groups. As for PPT at T2, only Ping-On and Vaseline with menthol increased pain threshold and maximum pain tolerance compared with the colored Vaseline (P<0.05). Conclusion: Ping-on topical application on temporalis muscles is effective in the management of temporalis muscle pain in patients with headaches attributed to temporomandibular disorders, with significantly different treatment outcomes as far as objective PPT measurements are concerned. Patient expectation and natural course of symptoms might explain the subjective improvement in VAS pain levels in placebo groups.
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Cilt sağlığı
Background Alopecia areata is an inflammatory, autoimmune, non-scarring, common patchy, hair-loss condition. Many treatment lines are used to treat alopecia areata, but all are palliative. Alternative medicine, like aromatherapy is expected to promote hair growth, but they are still lacking the scientific basis. Hemp oil is one of the aromatherapies that comprises polyunsaturated fat in approximately 76% involving “essential fatty acids” mainly omega-6 fatty acids” and lesser amount of “omega-3 fatty acids.” Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate hemp seed oil effect in the treatment of patients with alopecia areata. Materials and Methods This was a clinical trial planned to evaluate the efficacy of hemp seed oil in 20 patients with localized alopecia areata for 2 months. Plant material is hemp oil extract, applied at night daily for 2 months. Regrowth of terminal hair was evaluated by clinically and by trichoscope examination to evaluate the pathologic changes response. The assessment was done at 0, 4, and 8 weeks of the treatment. Results After 8 weeks of the treatment, the response was marked in five (25%) patients, moderate in eight (40%) patients, and mild in two (10%) patients. Five (25%) patients revealed no response. There was a significant increase in the response of patients who were under the marked improvement group between 4 and 8 weeks of treatment ( P < 0.05). Conclusion Hemp seed oil can be considered as a promising therapeutic agent for localized alopecia areata. Additional clinical trials are advised to adjust the dose and determine the period of time, which is required to obtain a better result.
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Delusional parasitosis has been described as a rare syndrome, often involving elderly women who respond poorly to treatment except to pimozide. Nineteen cases of delusional parasitosis given antipsychotic treatment other than pimozide were followed up and the responses assessed in a structured manner. The frequency of the syndrome was higher than generally reported and the patients were younger and had been ill for a shorter period. There was good response to antipsychotic treatments using trifluoperazine, haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and electroconvulsive therapy, and 11 cases showed complete remission, five of them maintaining the recovery for more than 3 years. Delusional parasitosis is not as rare as described: it does not need to be chronic, and can involve young patients. Antipsychotic treatments other than pimozide are equally effective in delusional parasitosis especially if the patients are young and seen early in the illness. The frequency and nature of the disorder observed could probably be due to regional cultural factors.
Thirty-six patients with alopecia areata of 1–54 years duration entered a study of treatment with the contact allergen diphencyprone for 8 months. Following sensitization the diphencyprone was applied to one half of the scalp at weekly intervals, the other half acting as a control. Once hair growth was established on one side, the other side was treated. Seven patients did not continue treatment and one patient showed spontaneous regrowth. Of the remaining 28 patients who persisted with treatments, fourteen (50%) regrew hair on the treated side; eight (29%) had a cosmetically acceptable result with the regrowth of terminal hair over the whole scalp. No statistically significant differences were found in age or duration of alopecia between those who regrew and those who did not. We have found diphencyprone to be an effective stimulator of hair growth in patients with severe and long-standing alopecia areata.
One hundred thirty-nine patients with alopecia areata were treated with diphenylcyclopropenone. Before treatment, 85 patients had subtotal or total hair loss (greater than 90% bald area) and in the remaining patients scalp involvement was between 40% and 90%. The following three factors were found to be of prognostic significance: type of alopecia areata as documented before treatment, duration of the disease before therapy, and presence of nail changes. Other factors such as age at onset, sex, presence of atopic features, the extent of variation in the range of diphenylcyclopropenone concentrations during treatment, and sleep disturbances caused by pruritus did not influence the prognosis significantly.
There is a general move towards greater emphasis on point and interval estimates of treatment effect in reporting of clinical trials, so that significance testing plays a lesser role. In this article we examine a number of issues which affect the use and interpretation of conventional estimation methods. Should we accept or avoid the stereotypes of 95 per cent confidence? Should the abstract of a trial report include confidence intervals for major endpoints? Are frequentist confidence intervals being interpreted correctly, and should Bayesian probability intervals be more widely used in trial reports? Does the timing of publication, such as early stopping because of a large observed treatment difference, lead to exaggerated point and interval estimates? How can we produce realistic estimates from subgroup analyses? Is publication bias seriously affecting our ability to obtain unbiased estimates? Is the emphasis on estimation methods a powerful tool for encouraging larger sample sizes? Can we resolve the controversy concerning fixed or random effects models for estimation in overviews of related trials? Our arguments are illustrated by results from recent trials in cardiovascular disease.
Thirty-six patients with alopecia areata of 1-54 years duration entered a study of treatment with the contact allergen diphencyprone for 8 months. Following sensitization the diphencyprone was applied to one half of the scalp at weekly intervals, the other half acting as a control. Once hair growth was established on one side, the other side was treated. Seven patients did not continue treatment and one patient showed spontaneous regrowth. Of the remaining 28 patients who persisted with treatments, fourteen (50%) regrew hair on the treated side; eight (29%) had a cosmetically acceptable result with the regrowth of terminal hair over the whole scalp. No statistically significant differences were found in age or duration of alopecia between those who regrew and those who did not. We have found diphencyprone to be an effective stimulator of hair growth in patients with severe and long-standing alopecia areata.
Forty-two patients with alopecia areata were treated with local applications of dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB); We used DNCB in two forms, an acetone solution applied weekly or a cream used every day, employing a wide range of DNCB concentrations. The concentration used was varied at the time of each application to produce a contact dermatitis. Seven patients experienced complete and lasting hair regrowth, 17 had poor results, and in 18 patients the treatment was a failure. Acquired tolerance to DNCB was observed in six patients; in five it was abolished by the administration of cimetidine. Certain factors such as the delay in appearance and the intensity of the sensitization reaction influence the hair regrowth. Poor prognostic criteria for treatment effect included a history of previous systemic corticosteroid therapy, atopy, and the presence of alopecia areata in close relatives.
The relationship between psychiatric disorders and alopecia areata has not been well studied. Although previous reports have been unable to correlate psychiatric illness with hair loss, a recent study determined that 74% of patients with alopecia areata (AA) under evaluation had one or more lifetime psychiatric diagnoses. Two hundred and ninety-four community-based patients with alopecia areata responded to a detailed questionnaire distributed by Help Alopecia International Research, Inc. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was determined using diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IIIR). Major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and paranoid disorder were all present in patients with alopecia areata at rates significantly higher than in the general population. Alopecia areata patients are at a higher risk of developing psychiatric comorbidity during their clinical course.
Topical diphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP) and minoxidil have been used in the treatment of alopecia areata with variable results. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of DPCP alone or in combination with topical 5% minoxidil for the treatment of chronic severe alopecia areata. The effect of therapy on cutaneous T-cell and Langerhans cell subpopulations and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression was also examined. Fifteen patients with chronic (more than 2 years), severe (more than 50% scalp involvement) alopecia areata participated in a 24-week trial. Half of the scalp was treated with DPCP once weekly and with either 5% minoxidil solution or a vehicle solution twice daily in a randomized double-blind design. Skin biopsy specimens from each half of the scalp were obtained before therapy and after 12 and 24 weeks of therapy for histologic and immunophenotypic analysis. Thirteen patients completed the study. Five of 13 patients (38%) showed marked regrowth of coarse terminal hair after 24 weeks of treatment with DPCP. The addition of topical 5% minoxidil did not produce any significant clinical benefit in this 24-week trial. Immunophenotypic analysis showed no differences between responders and nonresponders at baseline. During treatment, Leu-4, Leu-2, Leu-3, and keratinocyte ICAM-1 expression were significantly reduced in biopsy specimens of responders versus nonresponders. DPCP treatment showed a 38% success rate in producing cosmetically acceptable regrowth in patients with chronic severe alopecia areata.