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This paper provides an overview of the electrical stunning systems and their implementation in modern-day broiler slaughter plants. The application of low voltage electrical stunning systems in the U.S. is reviewed and contrasted with European experiences within the context of differing slaughter technologies, practices, and regulatory constraints. Finally, the impact of electrical stunning on traditional carcass and meat quality attributes of broilers is examined.
Received for publication August 5, 1997.
Accepted for publication July 23, 1998.
To whom correspondence should be addressed: sbilgili@acesag.
Abbreviation Key: EEG = electroencephalograms; NELS = New
Enhanced Line Speeds; SEP = somatosensory evoked potentials; SIS =
Streamlined Inspection System.
Recent Advances in Electrical Stunning
Department of Poultry Science, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849-5416
ABSTRACT This paper provides an overview of the
electrical stunning systems and their implementation in
modern-day broiler slaughter plants. The application of
low voltage electrical stunning systems in the U.S. is
reviewed and contrasted with European experiences
within the context of differing slaughter technologies,
practices, and regulatory constraints. Finally, the impact
of electrical stunning on traditional carcass and meat
quality attributes of broilers is examined.
(Key words: electrical stunning, slaughter, carcass quality, broiler)
1999 Poultry Science 78:282–286
Electrical stunning is the most universally accepted
and utilized method for immobilizing poultry prior to
slaughter. The equipment is relatively simple, inexpen-
sive, takes up little space, is compatible with the current
kill-line speeds, and for the most part, is easy to operate
and maintain.
Electrical stunning systems for poultry were primar-
ily developed to render the bird unconscious long
enough to allow automated neck cutting and to reduce
carcass damage due to slaughter-induced struggle and
convulsions during bleeding. Although considered more
humane than killing without stunning, electrical stun-
ning has often been questioned, especially in Europe, on
animal welfare grounds (Fletcher, 1993). In contrast to
European recommendations, which require specific con-
ditions to assure that poultry be “instantaneously
rendered insensible to pain until death supervenes”
(Kettlewell and Hallworth, 1990), the Poultry Inspection
Regulations do not mandate stunning conditions in the
U.S. (USDA, 1984).
Regardless of differences in cultural, religious, and
regulatory practices governing slaughter of poultry, the
application of electrical stunning principles in slaughter
plants and the effects of stunning-killing on end-product
quality are of concern to processors worldwide. Excel-
lent reviews have been published on electrical stunning
basics (Richards and Sykes, 1967; Ingling and Kuenzel,
1978; Kuenzel and Walther, 1978; Schutt-Abraham et al.,
1983; Veerkamp and de Vries, 1983; Gregory, 1989;
Kettlewell and Hallworth, 1990; Bilgili, 1992a) and
slaughter-bleeding of poultry (Newell and Shaffner,
1950; Davis and Cole, 1954; Kotula and Helbacka, 1966;
Abram and Goodwin, 1977; Scott, 1978; Heath et al.,
1981, 1983; Heath, 1984; Warris, 1984). The scope of this
review will be to highlight the recent advances in design
and application of electrical stunning technology in
modern-day broiler slaughter plants.
Electrical stunning is accomplished by passing a
sufficient amount of electrical current through the
central nervous system of birds for a given amount of
time (Bilgili, 1992a). The state of unconsciousness
induced by electricity results from the inhibition of
impulses from both the reticular activating and the
somatosensory systems (Heath et al., 1994). Loss of
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) and spontaneous
electroencephalograms (EEG) have been directly related
to brain failure and instantaneous insensibility to pain
(Richard and Sykes, 1967; Lopes da Silva, 1983; Gregory
and Wotton, 1989, 1990). The stunning current reaching
the brain must be adequate enough to induce an
epileptic seizure. This current is usually lower than that
required for ventricular fibrillation and, hence, death by
electrocution. Insufficient currents may physically im-
mobilize the bird, but may not prevent perception of
pain, stress, or discomfort by the animal. Hence, if the
bleeding is not rapid, birds may regain consciousness
prior to scalding (Fletcher, 1993).
Stunning Equipment
and Electrical Circuits
Although there are many makes of commercially
availableelectricalstunners,forthe most parttheir design
and operation are similar. A fiberglass brine-water bath
cabinet is supported under the overhead conveyor line
from which chickens move suspended on shackles. The
cabinet is vertically adjustable and usually set at a height
that allows the heads of the birds to be submerged in
brine-bath water. An electrified metal grate is submerged
in the bottom of the brine-water bath tank. Although the
shackle line isconnectedto earth, aground bar contacting
theshacklesisoftenusedto complete theelectricalcircuit.
procession, typically either 140 or 180 birds per minute in
the U.S., depending upon the inspection system used.
When a voltage is applied between the submerged
electrode and the earth (ground), the current flows
through the immersedchickens in the cabinet to complete
the circuit. Chickens in this type of circuit represent a
series of resistors connected in parallel. Although birds
contacting each other in this circuit can create other
resistive pathways, the significance of these pathways is
not well established (Kettlewell and Hallworth, 1990;
Sparrey et al., 1992).
The amount of current that flows through each
individual bird is dependent upon the voltage applied
and the electrical impedances of the birds in the brine-
bird resistance ofbroilers ranges between 1,000 to 2,600 V.
More recently, sex differences in resistance were also
reported, with females exhibiting higher resistance than
males(Rawles etal.,1995). Asthebirdsenterandleavethe
stunner cabinet, they constantly change the total
resistance of the system. At a given constant voltage, the
birds receive a current in proportion to their own
resistance. In addition, the resistance provided by the
water or brine solution is also critical and has been shown
to vary under commercial conditions (Bilgili, 1992a).
Commercialstunnersprovidea choice ofalternating or
direct currents, either low or high frequency, half or full
rectified, sine or square waveforms, constant or pulsed
currents (Ingling andKuenzel, 1978; Griffiths and Purcell,
1984; Bilgili, 1992a; and Heath et al., 1994). The effective-
ness of an electrical stunning system is dependent upon
notonly the electrical variables used(i.e.,current,voltage,
waveform, frequency, and duration), but also the biologi-
cal factors that affect bird impedance (i.e., size, weight,
sex, composition, and feather cover) (Kettlewell and
Hallworth, 1990). Woolley (1986a,b) has shown that
individual birds, as well as different tissues within a bird,
vary in their resistance. Given the typical biological
variationobserved amongthebirds withinor between the
flocks processed, it is not surprising that the research and
development of stunning technology have been driven
primarily by defining and standardizing the electrical
variables used in stunning.
Overview of Stunning
and Slaughter Practices
Itis important toemphasizethat stunning, neck cutting
(killing), and bleeding operations are inseparable and
interrelated steps in the slaughter process. The evolution
of electrical stunning technology in modern-day broiler
plants, for the most part, has been driven by other factors
in the slaughter process, such as type of neck cut
performed, bleed time, scalding and picking efficiency,
andextentofautomationinevisceration.Inthiscontext, it
isimportantto highlight thevaryingcommercial practices
in the stun-slaughter process.
evisceration lines in the U.S. Typically, each kill line
supplies carcasses for two evisceration lines. Depending
upon the inspection system utilized, evisceration line
speeds are limited to either 70 or 91 birds per minute, for
Line Speeds (NELS), respectively. A U.S. plant with four
NELS evisceration lines will typically operate two kill
lines, each at 180 birds per minute, which is in contrast to
European plants,in whicheach evisceration line is served
bya separatekillline, usuallyoperatingat 100to140birds
per minute. The kill line speeds are important in terms of
dwell time in the stunner (i.e., length of the stunner
cabinet), as well as efficiency of kill and bleeding
IntheU.S., the blood vessels withinthe neck of the bird
(both carotid arteries and jugular veins) are severed
usually by a deep ventral cut within 8 to 12 s of stunning.
This methodology is accomplished by automatic neck
cutters and by back-up personnel (Heath et al., 1994). The
ensuing rapid drainage of blood causes anoxia and often
prevents birds from regaining consciousness during the
subsequent80 to 90 sbleedtime.In Europe, the neck cut is
performeddorso-laterallyor ononesideonly.Becausethe
rate of blood loss is slower, the bleed times are usually
extendedto120to180s.Thistypeofcutoftenleaves major
blood vessels thatsupply thebrain intact, giving birdsthe
opportunity to regain consciousness when the cut or
bleeding is incomplete (Gregory, 1992). This potential for
regaining consciousness has been the major reason from
the humane standpoint that current levels of 120 to 150
mA per bird have been suggested in Europe to insure an
instantaneous and irreversible stun, i.e., “stun-to-kill”
(Fletcher, 1993). Contrasting with Europe, the electrical
currents used in the U.S., have been traditionally much
lower (25 to 45 mA per bird). Also, the deep bilateral neck
cuts often severe the trachea and cause the heads to come
offinthepickers.Concernovertheremovalofa section of
trachea that is usually left attached to the neck has
prevented many processors in the Europe from using
deep ventral neck cuts in the past.
Recently, new evisceration systems have been ap-
proved in the U.S., wherein the viscera are completely
removed from the carcass during evisceration and
inspection (Bilgili, 1997). These systems operate at
Stork Gamco Inc., Gainesville, GA 30503.
Cantrell-Meyn, Gainesville, GA 30503.
evisceration line speeds of up to 140 birds per minute.
Because the transfer from kill to evisceration shackles is
automated with these new systems, each evisceration line
is suppliedby aseparate killline, operating at similar line
speeds. The two systems currently being used, Nu-tech
and Maestro,
both utilize automated kill machines to
severe the neck on one side, leaving the trachea and
esophagus intact. The bleed time is extended to 150 s, as
the rate of blood loss is reduced. Both systems require
specialized head pullers to separate the head together
with trachea and some crops. This separation of head,
crop, and trachea is a crucial step in these total
evisceration systems, whereby the visceral organs are
loosened for later separation by the specialized eviscera-
Recent Advances
in Electrical Stunning Systems
There have been significant advances in electrical
stunning systems in the last few years. Development and
implementation of low voltage (10 to 14 V, Pulsed direct
current, 500 Hz, 10 to 12 mA per bird) stunning systems
forbroilershasbeenwellreceivedby the industry(Wayne
Austin, 1997, Simmons Engineering Co., Dallas, GA,
30132, personal communication). This low level of
stunning has been accomplished by significant changes
not only in electrical circuitry, but also in the actual
stunning process. The most significant change has been
ft(1.8 to 4.3m),in anattempt toincreasedwelltimeandto
reduce thetotal resistance in the stunner. The cabinets are
designed with rump-bars to limit the movement of the
birds and to prevent birds from avoiding the brine-bath.
Overflowofchargedbrineattheentryendofthe cabinetis
eliminated by elevating a secondary entry ramp. This
secondary in-feed ramp is extended 4 to 5 cm over the
primaryrampto allow quick capture ofbirds at entry into
the brine solution. Breast rub pads are utilized industry-
wide to calm the birds from live-hanging through the
stunning. The feet-shackle contact is sprayed with water
or brine solution to assure current flow. The metal grate at
the bottom of the stunner cabinet is immersed roughly 1
cmin brine solution(1% NaClrecommended) at the entry
end of the cabinet. More importantly, ground bars are
designed to assure continuous and uninterrupted flow of
current through the system. The stunner control panels
have also been redesigned for continuous display and
monitoring of the voltage and current levels.
The popularity of low voltage electrical stunning in the evidentinasurvey publishedbyHeathetal. (1994).
Of the 329 poultry plants surveyed in the U.S., 92.1%
utilized electrical stunning as the method of preslaughter
immobilization. Low voltage (10 to 25 V) and high
frequency (500 Hz) systems were used in 77.4% of these
plants. Suchlow voltageis incontrast to high voltage and
current systems utilized in Europe and other parts of the
By design, all the “communal brine-bath” stunning
systems suffer from the same fundamental constraint in
that many birds are connected to the same circuitry at the
experienced by individual birds cannot be controlled.
Severalattempts have beenmade inrecentyears todesign
“constant current” stunners for broilers. The electrical
circuitry is available to measure the resistance of in-
dividualbirdsandmeterthedesiredcurrent(Rawles etal.,
1995). However, the application of these systems in
commercial slaughter lines has been limited. On the kill
line, the birds are suspended on shackles approximately
15 cm apart. Given the commercial kill line speeds, it is
extremely difficult, if not practically impossible, to isolate
each bird long enough to measure its resistance and
deliver precisely the preset current.
Electrical Stunning
and Product Quality
The quality of end-products, whether whole birds,
parts, or boneless-skinless meat, is of great importance to
the processors. Bruising, discolorations, and broken or
dislocated bones are the primary defects often attributed
tothestunning-bleeding stageofslaughter (Bilgili,1992a).
Application of high voltages during stunning has been
associated with broken bones (Gregory and Wilkins,
1989), exploded or damaged viscera, bruised wing joints,
and red wing tips (Heath, 1984), hemorrhages on the
breast meat (Veerkamp and de Vries, 1983; Veerkamp,
1988), and split wishbones and separation of shoulder
muscle tendons (Sams, 1996).
Under commercial conditions, it is extremely difficult
toisolatetheeffectsofelectricalstunningfromthat caused
byother factors,suchas catching, hanging, wing flapping,
typeofcut, efficiency ofbleeding, andpicking (Gregory et
al.,1989; Gregoryand Wilkins, 1993). Although there isno
clear relationship between stunning current and the
traditional whole carcass quality attributes (Griffiths,
1985; Bilgili, 1992b,c), hemorrhages on deep breast
musclesofbroilershave beenshownto increase withhigh
stunningcurrents(Veerkamp,1988;Gregory and Wilkins,
1989). On the other hand, high stunning voltages have
been linked to increased incidences of red wing tips and
tails (Veerkamp and de Vries, 1983) and broken bones
(Walther, 1991). High stunning current frequencies have
been shown to reduce the severity of thigh and breast
hemorrhages, and result in fewer broken bones (Gregory
et al., 1990; Hillebrand et al., 1996). It has been postulated
(Veerkamp, 1992; Bilgili, 1993) that causes of muscle
hemorrhages in broilers were multifactorial and may
(Kranen et al., 1996), the extent of disturbances in blood
circulation created by low rearing temperatures did not
correlate with occurrence of hemorrhages in breast and
thigh muscles. In the same study, whole-body stunning
caused more severe hemorrhages than head-only stun-
The electrical stunning systems currently being used
in modern-day broiler slaughter plants have evolved in
response to regulatory, as well as technological changes,
in processing technology. Low voltage electrical stun-
ning systems have been an effective method for
immobilizing broilers prior to slaughter in the U.S.
Personal observations in commercial broiler processing
plants indicate that traditional whole carcass defects
often attributed to stunning damage arise only in the
presence of day-to-day operational problems.
With the expansion of further-processed poultry
products in recent years, there has been a renewed
interest on the influence of electrical stunning on end-
product quality. The influence of stunning current
(Craig and Fletcher, 1997) and its relationship to
electrical stimulation during bleeding on early rigor
development and final meat quality attributes have been
the topic of recent research (Lyon et al., 1989; Sams et al.,
1989; Papinaho and Fletcher, 1995a,b; Sams, 1995).
There is no question that stunning technology will
continue to evolve as quality standards for poultry meat
change in parallel to the development of new product
forms and ever increasing consumer expectations.
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... The birds' heads are then dipped into an electrically charged water bath, closing the circuit and causing current to flow through the head and body to the shackle. As such, birds are potentially stunned as soon as their heads enter the water (Bilgili, 1999;Devos et al., 2018;Prinz et al., 2010a), which allows for automation and high throughput, but shackling is still done manually. While electrical water bath stunning can, in theory, result in immediate loss of consciousness, several major welfare concerns are associated with this approach. ...
... The opposition between carcass quality and humane electrical stunning appears to be unavoidable. While allowable electrical current and frequency parameters are set by law in the EU, the desire to promote meat quality has led to the global use of less effective currents that do not protect bird welfare (Bilgili, 1999;Hindle et al., 2010). For example, in the United States, electrical stunning for broilers routinely involves low current (10-45 mA per bird), high frequency (350-500 Hz), pulsed DC, which is unlikely to result in effective stunning (Shields and Raj, 2010). ...
... Bunlardan birisi olan elektrikle bilinçsizleştirme yöntemi, uygulama kolaylığı, düşük maliyeti ve kısa zamanda göstermiş olduğu etki nedeniyle birçok ülkede uygulanmaktadır. Kullanılan elektrik akımı, özel tasarlanmış panolar tarafından; AC/DC akım şeklinde, yüksek/düşük frekansta, yarım/tam doğrultulmuş, sinus/kare dalga tipinde ve sürekli/pulslanmış olarak üretilebilmektedir (Kuenzel ve Ingling, 1978;Griffiths ve Purcell, 1984;Bilgili, 1992;Heath ve ark., 1994;Bilgili, 1999;Lambooij ve Gerritzen, 2007). Uygulanan elektrik akımı bir süreliğine piliçlerin beyin ve kalp fonksiyonlarını bozarak bilinçlerinin kaybolmasına yol açmaktadır. ...
... Ancak, elektrik uygulaması etin parlaklığının artırmasına yol açmıştır (P<0.05). Öte yandan, bilinçsizleştirmede kullanılan yüksek akım değerlerinin, piliç karkaslarında rigorun erken gelişmesini engellediği fakat olgunlaşmış etin toplam kalite değerini etkilemediği bildirilmiştir (Bilgili, 1999 Hz değeri duyusal yönden değerlendirildiğinde sertlik, aroma ve kabul edilebilirlik açısından en az beğenilen özelliğe sahiptir. pDC 400 Hz değeri ise çalışmada incelenen birçok parametre açısından daha doyurucu sonuçları ortaya çıkarmıştır. ...
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Abstract This study was conducted to determine the effect of pre-slaughtering electrical stunning on some meat quality characteristics of broilers. In total, 144 broiler chickens were divided into 9 groups. Chickens were applied the electrical current in the different types (AC and pDC) in various frequencies (50, 200, 400 and 1000 Hz) of 120 mA during 4s. Then, pH and color in samples of breast meat taken from chickens were measured. Also, the sensory properties of these meats were evaluated by 49 panelists. The results had revealed that the effects of frequencies and current types applied during the slaughtering on the characteristics of pH and color of breast meat of chickens were not significant. But, when the values of pH and color of chicken meat were considered together with some sensory properties, it was determined that the most appropriate electrical value to be applied during the slaughtering was pDC 400 Hz. Özet Bu çalışma, etlik piliçlerin kesim öncesi bilinçsizleştirilmesinin bazı et kalite özellikleri üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. Toplam 144 adet piliç 9 gruba ayrılmıştır. Piliçlere 4 saniye süreyle 120 mA seviyesinde, farklı tipte (AC ve pDC) ve farklı frekanslarda (50, 200, 400 ve 1000 Hz) elektrik akımı uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra, piliçlerden alınan göğüs eti örneklerinde pH ve renk ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, bu etlerin duyusal özellikleri de 49 panelist tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, kesim sırasında uygulanan akım tipi ve frekans değerlerinin piliç etlerinin pH ve renk özellikleri üzerinde önemli bir etki yaratmadığını ortaya koymuştur. Ancak, piliç etinin pH, renk ve bazı duyusal özellikleri birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, kesim sırasında uygulanabilecek en uygun elektriksel değerin pDC 400 Hz olduğu belirlenmiştir
... Bunlardan birisi olan elektrikle bilinçsizleştirme yöntemi, uygulama kolaylığı, düşük maliyeti ve kısa zamanda göstermiş olduğu etki nedeniyle birçok ülkede uygulanmaktadır. Kullanılan elektrik akımı, özel tasarlanmış panolar tarafından; AC/DC akım şeklinde, yüksek/düşük frekansta, yarım/tam doğrultulmuş, sinus/kare dalga tipinde ve sürekli/pulslanmış olarak üretilebilmektedir (Kuenzel ve Ingling, 1978;Griffiths ve Purcell, 1984;Bilgili, 1992;Heath ve ark., 1994;Bilgili, 1999;Lambooij ve Gerritzen, 2007). Uygulanan elektrik akımı bir süreliğine piliçlerin beyin ve kalp fonksiyonlarını bozarak bilinçlerinin kaybolmasına yol açmaktadır. ...
... Ancak, elektrik uygulaması etin parlaklığının artırmasına yol açmıştır (P<0.05). Öte yandan, bilinçsizleştirmede kullanılan yüksek akım değerlerinin, piliç karkaslarında rigorun erken gelişmesini engellediği fakat olgunlaşmış etin toplam kalite değerini etkilemediği bildirilmiştir (Bilgili, 1999 Hz değeri duyusal yönden değerlendirildiğinde sertlik, aroma ve kabul edilebilirlik açısından en az beğenilen özelliğe sahiptir. pDC 400 Hz değeri ise çalışmada incelenen birçok parametre açısından daha doyurucu sonuçları ortaya çıkarmıştır. ...
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Abstract This study was conducted to determine the effect of pre-slaughtering electrical stunning on some meat quality characteristics of broilers. In total, 144 broiler chickens were divided into 9 groups. Chickens were applied the electrical current in the different types (AC and pDC) in various frequencies (50, 200, 400 and 1000 Hz) of 120 mA during 4s. Then, pH and color in samples of breast meat taken from chickens were measured. Also, the sensory properties of these meats were evaluated by 49 panelists. The results had revealed that the effects of frequencies and current types applied during the slaughtering on the characteristics of pH and color of breast meat of chickens were not significant. But, when the values of pH and color of chicken meat were considered together with some sensory properties, it was determined that the most appropriate electrical value to be applied during the slaughtering was pDC 400 Hz. Özet Bu çalışma, etlik piliçlerin kesim öncesi bilinçsizleştirilmesinin bazı et kalite özellikleri üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. Toplam 144 adet piliç 9 gruba ayrılmıştır. Piliçlere 4 saniye süreyle 120 mA seviyesinde, farklı tipte (AC ve pDC) ve farklı frekanslarda (50, 200, 400 ve 1000 Hz) elektrik akımı uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra, piliçlerden alınan göğüs eti örneklerinde pH ve renk ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, bu etlerin duyusal özellikleri de 49 panelist tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, kesim sırasında uygulanan akım tipi ve frekans değerlerinin piliç etlerinin pH ve renk özellikleri üzerinde önemli bir etki yaratmadığını ortaya koymuştur. Ancak, piliç etinin pH, renk ve bazı duyusal özellikleri birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, kesim sırasında uygulanabilecek en uygun elektriksel değerin pDC 400 Hz olduğu belirlenmiştir.
... Broadly, meat has become more important, while keywords such as meat, tenderness, breast, meat quality, pH, objective color, and myoglobin have started to be sharp in density map and appeared closely together, mostly in the green context. Really, in this time period developing slaughter technologies (Bilgili, 1999;Fletcher, 1999), and poultry meat processing (Sams, 1999) were mainly interested in PS. Antibodies, and sheep red blood cells (SRBC) are nominates of immune system performance which assumed major importance close to the central keywords. ...
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To have a better contribution to the poultry production community, the Poultry Science Association founded journals including Poultry Science (PS) at 1921. Now, after 100 years of publishing, PS ranks between the top ten journals in the category of “agriculture, dairy and animal science”. One hundred years after publishing the first paper in PS, the poultry industry have been completely revolutionized. Hence, it will be interesting to establish scientometrics study of the PS development during the last century. Therefore, based on findings of the current study, among countries/authors’ collaborations, future research fronts, and possibility of hot topics in the coming years may be predictable. Accordingly, a total of 22,451 articles were retrieved. For content analyses, according to the PS categorization for subject areas, 14 different subject areas were developed, including “behavior, breeding and quantitative genetics, education and extension, health and welfare, immunology, management and environment, metabolism and nutrition, microbiology and virology, modeling, molecular biology, physiology and anatomy, production, products, processing and marketing, and reproduction”. Considering the 100-years of PS, the most frequent subject area was “nutrition and metabolism” (14,109 articles), and “modeling” (1,114 articles) attracted less scholarly attention. However, considering the last decade (2011-2020), the most important subject area was “molecular biology” (1,420 of 2,466 articles; 57.58%), followed by “modeling” (544 of 1,144 articles; 48.88%). Moreover, the most frequent poultry species/strains were broilers (retrieved in 6,156 articles), followed by laying hens, turkeys, and quail. Considering collaboration of countries and researchers, it can be said that a total number of 108 countries contributed to PS, with the most prolific country being USA (with 9,421 articles; 43.16%), followed by China, Canada, the Netherlands, and Japan. Among the authors, Harms RH (287 articles), and Siegel PB (208) were the most prolific authors, and Siegel PB and Dunnington EA (71 articles) had more collaborations. To study keyword trends, including 3 time periods broilers was the central co-occurrent keyword, while the importance of chickens and turkeys declined during the time. Salmonella spp. was a constant representative of poultry microbiology during 100 years. While “nutrition and metabolism” was the most important subject area, nutrition-related keywords (major items) were not concentrated and co-occurred with a variety of keywords from different subject areas. While “molecular biology” ranked 1st over the past decade, the importance of “nutrition and metabolism” should not be ignored. In fact, in recent years, molecular basis of the nutrition has been studied. In big-data era and due to developing the molecular biology technologies, it seems that using mathematical modeling and computational methodologies will increase and probably remains as one of the most attractive research areas for scientists at least in the upcoming future decades.
... In commercial poultry processing plants, electrical water bath stunning is commonly applied. In this method, an electrical current is passed through the body and causes direct muscle stimulation [13][14][15]. ...
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With an emphasis on the global meat market and considering the ritual requirements and quality aspects, four types of slaughtering treatments were compared: (1) NSHS (without electrical stunning, halal neck cut, and subsequent bleeding for 180 s), (2) LSHS (electrically stunned at 250 mA for five seconds, halal neck cut, and subsequent bleeding for 180 s), (3) MSHS (electrically stunned at 500 mA for 10 s, halal neck cut, and subsequent bleeding for 180 s), and (4) HSHS (electrically stunned at 1000 mA for 20 s, halal neck cut, and subsequent bleeding for 180 s). Four hundred 36 day-old Ross 308 broiler chickens (body weights of 1.4 to 1.8 kg) were divided into four random groups of 100 birds each (ten replicated pens of ten birds). This study examined the liva- bility, bleeding out, Pectoralis major and Flexor cruris medialis proximate composition, cholesterol content, fatty acid profile and post-mortem pH, microbial loads, and oxidative stability. The livability and bleeding out were higher in NSHS and LSHS than MSHS and HSHS (p < 0.05). The Pectoralis major and Flexor cruris medialis proximate composition, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile, post-mortem pH, and microbial loads were unaffected by the slaughter treatments (p > 0.05), but the oxidative stability of Pectoralis major differed during the eight-day post-mortem period (p < 0.05). The results suggest that for capturing the global meat market, the meat industry can consider NSHS and LSHS because the ritual requirements are fulfilled, and there is no negative impact on the nutritional aspects.
... Hamdy et al. (1961) suggested that 90% of all bruises on broilers occur within the last 12 h that the birds are alive and most of them are due to initial steps in slaughter processing, such as stunning. In this context, our results obtained for BUW incidences are in agreement with data reported by other authors who observed that using high voltage currents (over 100 V) resulted in significantly more hemorrhages in the breast (Veerkamp & Vries, 1983) and bruised wing joints (Heath, 1984;Bilgili, 1999). However, Ali et al. (2007) noticed that the application of an alternate current with moderate voltage (53 to 63 V) presented better results on carcass damage. ...
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The effect of electrical parameters (intensity and voltage) to obtain an effective water-bath stunning in a commercial poultry slaughterhouse was studied. A total of 390 broilers were randomly divided into six experimental groups according to the intensity (150 and 200 mA) and voltage (51-60, 61-80 and 81-100 V). Statistical analysis showed a significant (p<0.001) effect of electrical parameters on the cloacal reflex since the response rate was 8 s for 96% of broilers. On the other hand, the stunning treatments suppressed the palpebral reflex up to 12 s in 80% of broilers. All stun-treated broilers showed breathing response after 27 s with an average time between 45 and 50 s depending on voltage and intensity of the current. Regarding voltage, the percentage of complete neck cutting increased with the increase of voltage, presenting the highest levels in broilers stunned at 81-100 V (100 and 92.8%, for 150 and 200 mA, respectively). Concerning to intensity, the best results were obtained in broilers stunned at 150 mA, showing mean percentages of 94.83 and 87.30%, for 150 and 200 mA, respectively. The bruises on wings were significantly (p<0.001) affected by voltage, observing the highest values in broilers slaughtered at lower voltages. An opposite trend was observed on bruises under the wings since the lowest voltages showed (p<0.001) lower levels (1.34 and 1.42%, for 150 and 200 mA, respectively). Finally, bruises on dorsal winds and on back were significantly (p<0.001) influenced by intensity level, showing the lowest percentages in broilers stunned at 150 mA.
... The instrument used to perform slaughtering must be extremely sharp to facilitate the quick cutting of the blood vessels. The rapid drainage of blood causes anoxia and often prevents birds from regaining consciousness during the subsequent 80 to 90 seconds [17]. ...
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Slaughtering is an unavoidably sensitive issue among Muslim and Jews. This paper gives an outlook on possible detection methods in resolving the dilemma of religious slaughtering status. It will be rather easier to differentiate meat of different animal origins due to the exclusive genetic blueprint. However, in the case of adulteration in slaughtering procedure, the meat was taken from a similar source, thus, complicating the detection process. Therefore, an alternative approach employing proteomics were developed to identify protein expression patterns after external stimulation with electrical treatment. In the slaughtering process, the pain which is triggered by an external stimulus is expected to influence the protein profiles. Therefore, variations in stunning treatments which result in different patterns of protein profiles will pinpoint the specific biomarker for over stunned animals. This will inevitably help to detect adulterations in slaughtering procedure.
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Kesim öncesi etlik piliçlerin sersemletilmesi, piliçlerin sadece bilinçsiz bırakılması için değil aynı zamanda kan kaybını, tüy yolmayı ve et kalitesini de etkilediğinden önemli bir uygulamadır. Kesim öncesi etlik piliçlerin elektrik akımıyla bilinçsiz hale getirilmesinde yaygın olarak kare dalga tipine ait akım, frekans ve uygulama süresinin kombinasyonları kullanılmaktadır. Bu araştırma, kesim öncesi etlik piliçlerin 120mA’lik AC ve pDC akımın kare ve chirp dalga tiplerinde, 50 (düşük) ve 400 Hz’lik (yüksek) frekanslarda elektrik akımına maruz bırakılmasının, bazı refah parametreleri ve karkas kusurları üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma her birinde ortalama ağırlığı 2628±333g olan, 44 günlük yaşta 10 piliç (5♀: 5♂) bulunan toplam 8 deneme grubu ile yürütülmüştür. Deneme gruplarında yer alan piliçlerde elektrik uygulamalarına bağlı solunumunun durması sırasında ortaya çıkan ayak ve kanat titreme tepkileri, kanat çırpma davranışları incelenmiş ve devamında kesilmişlerdir. Kesim işleminden sonra, akan kan miktarı ve karkas kusurlar saptamıştır. Kesim öncesi piliçlere uygulanan elektrik akımının, ayak-kanat titremeleri, kanat çırpma tepkisi ve kanattaki spot kanama miktarı üzerindeki etkileri önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). AC akımın kare ve chirp dalga tipinin 400 Hz’lik frekans düzeyinde piliçlerdeki bilinçsizlik etkinliğinin, uygulanan diğer elektrik değerlerine göre daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır (P<0.05). Kare dalga tipi piliçlerin göğüs, but ve tüy kökünde, chirp dalga tipi ise kanatlarda daha fazla kanamalara neden olmuştur. Chirp dalga tipinin incelenen bazı parametreler üzerinde daha olumlu sonuçlar ortaya koyduğu anlaşılmıştır
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The Effects of Different Waveforms and Frequency Values in Pre-slaughter Stunning by Electricity on Some Welfare Parameters and Carcass Defects In this study, the effects of electric current application including different wave types and frequency values on welfare parameters and carcass defects in order to be rendered unconsciousness of broilers before slaughtering were examined. In study, a total of 180 forty three-day-old broilers were divided into 9 treatment groups with 20 chickens (10♀-10♂) each. Treatment groups consist of a control group without electricity and eight groups stunned by using the electric current. Broilers were stunned in water bath with the electric current AC (sine wave alternating current)/pDC (pulsed direct current) of 120 mA and frequencies of 50, 200, 400, and 1000 Hz. To reveal the condition of chickens after the electric treatment, electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded. Simultaneously, the reflexes of eye, comb and foot besides the responses of spontaneous of breathing, wing flapping and shaking, cardiac fibrillation determined in broilers were also determined. Amount of blood loss in chickens during bleeding was measured. Also, carcasses defects assessed. The results of research showed that chickens were better effectively stunned at AC 50 and 200 Hz frequencies. It was realized that carcasses defects occurred as hemorrhagic spots in the middle part of wings and thighs. It was understood that the alternating current (AC) of 120 mA, at 50 and 200 Hz frequencies among the values of electricity applied for pre-slaughter stunning of broiler chickens provided more effective results in terms of parameters examined. Keywords: Stunning, wave type, frequency, animal welfare, carcass defect
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A variety of possible electrical circuits can be fabricated to stun poultry in processing plants. At the present time a lack of uniformity in terminology exists when describing the electrical features of stunners. Electrical output from several stunners is described including: AC, 60 Hz; AC, variable frequency; and pulsed DC. In addition sine wave and rectangular wave outputs are compared. When measuring the voltage output of sinusoidal and full-wave rectified sinusoidal waveforms, the average value is .63 6 times the peak value and the effective value is .707 times the peak value. For half wave rectified sinusoidal waveforms, the effective value is 0.50 times the peak value and the average is 0.318 times the peak value. For rectangular AC waveforms, with no off time, the peak, average, and effective values are all equal. A procedure is described for determining the output of a given stunner within a poultry processing plant. Two instruments are required, a multimeter and a cathode ray oscilloscope. The procedure includes an accurate description of the waveform output and a direct measure of the peak, average, and effective voltage used to stun poultry.
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Three electrical circuits were utilized to stun male broilers prior to the slaughter process. Before and after stunning, four physiological variables were measured: blood pressure, brain waves, and heart and respiratory rates. Based upon maximal bleed-out, the circuits were rated in the following order (maximal to minimal percent bleed-out): high frequency (HF), alternating current (AC), and direct current (DC). An attempt was made to correlate maximal bleed-out with the rate of change in heart rate and blood pressure following stunning for each electrical circuit. No correlation was found. It is suggested that the distribution of blood after stunning may be a more significant factor than the effect of a stun on heart rate and blood pressure. Perhaps both the high frequency and AC circuits effect better bleed-out by shunting more blood from peripheral regions to the viscera. Data suggest that the current industry practice of allowing a 10—15 sec. time interval between stunning and the severance of neck blood vessels is a reasonable one, in that it allows heart rate to return to normal levels prior to venesection. Brain waves were monitored before and after electrical stunning. In addition, simple sensory stimuli tests were conducted in an attempt to ascertain the humaneness of the slaughter process. The sharp decrease in brain activity following stunning and lack of response by broilers to painful stimuli suggest that it is a humane practice to electrically stun broilers as the initial step of processing poultry.
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IN PROCESSING poultry for market, the total and relative amount of blood lost through bleeding has always been of interest from the economic standpoint as well as with respect to the appearance of the dressed poultry. Since a large percentage of the blood of the chicken’s body is located in the small veins and capillaries, much of the blood remains in the body of the bird after death. This blood is present in the carcass of the bird when consumed, the larger blood vessels appearing as black strings. The accepted value for the loss of blood and feathers is 10 to 11 percent of the body weight. The loss due to blood alone is very seldom separated from total loss. Vernon (1923), quoting U.S.D.A. Bulletin 1052, shows a loss of 3.3 to 4.0 percent due to blood for hens and broilers, respectively. Mitchell, Card, and Hamilton (1926) report similar results . . .
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This study investigated the parameters involved in the stunning of market weight chickens. Researchers used a prototype constant current stunner, designed and produced by the Department of Electrical Engineering of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, to electrically stun broilers with 8, 29, or 50 mA/bird. Three weight classes existed, controlled by age: Broiler males grown for 34, 43, or 50 days or females for 37, 44, or 51 days. Pre-stun levels of 3, 5, or 8 hr of feed and water withdrawal were used for each weight class and sex. The effects of sex, weight, and feed and water withdrawal on stunning efficiency, recovery time, blood splatter, and bone breakage were determined. The experimental unit, determined by sex, weight, and feed withdrawal, was a “pen” of ten birds. A total of 130 birds of each sex were used for each of two repetitions. Results indicated a significant (P≤.001) gender difference in resistance, recovery time, and prevalence of defects in broilers.
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BIRDS incompletely bled during killing operations are often unacceptable to consumers. Blood trapped in the small blood vessels under the skin, and particularly in the larger veins and arteries in the wings, make the birds unattractive. Good bleeding has come to mean a step toward good quality. In commercial operations thorough bleeding within a very limited period of time is often difficult. It would thus seem that attention should be directed toward methods of draining more blood from the birds in this time interval. Latimer and Pederson (1923) cited Zaitschek’s studies to show that when the jugular vein of chickens whose average live weight was 1096.8±12.3 gm. was severed, they lost 3.8 percent of the average live weight as blood. Turner (1948) found that decapitated White Leghorn hens varying in weight from 1803 gms. to 2043 gms. lost from 3.2 to 2.3 percent of their live weight as blood. The . . .
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INTRODUCTION INTEREST in the removal of blood from animals which are to serve as food antedates the birth of Christ. Moses, among others, prescribed a ritual in order to obtain maximum blood loss when slaughtering animals. Orthodox Jews presently advocate that blood vessels be cut away from the forequarters and hindquarters of larger animals to further ensure adequate blood removal. These customs stem from the precept forbidding the consumption of blood. Some of the rituals of slaughter have persisted through the centuries while others have fallen victim to the expediency of newer techniques. Today the most economical slaughter technique, one that reduces time, labor, or product waste is likely to be adopted by processors as long as the volume of blood lost by the animal is considered adequate. A chicken carcass is considered adequately bled if it does not exhibit redness on the skin surface, engorgement of the visceral blood . . .
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Electrical stunning continues to be the method of choice for immobilizing broilers prior to slaughter. Recent research as well as personal observations in commercial broiler processing plants indicate a rather broad spectrum of ideas, concepts and approaches to stunning broilers with electrical currents. Basic concepts of electricity, electrical circuits and the physiology of electrical stunning are reviewed in parallel with current research data. Maintenance of humane slaughter conditions and carcass quality attributes of broilers require integration and application of this knowledge in modern-day processing plants.
The regulations for the slaughter of poultry for human consumption in the United Kingdom and in European countries which export to members of the EEC are reviewed. Physical methods of killing are described. The advantages and disadvantages of electric hand-stunning devices and high voltage and low voltage automatic stunners are discussed. It is suggested that the use of carbon dioxide and oxygen mixes for the anaesthesia of poultry in processing lines prior to venesection could be of economic advantage.