
Halotherapy for Treatment of Respiratory Diseases

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This work elucidates the questions upon the development of a new drug-free method of a respiratory diseases treatment. Halotherapy (HT)--is mode of treatment in a controlled air medium which simulates a natural salt cave microclimate. The main curative factor is dry sodium chloride aerosol with particles of 2 to 5 mkm in size. Particles density (0.5-9 mg/m3) varies with the type of the disease. Other factors are comfortable temperature- humidity regime, the hypobacterial and allergen-free air environment saturated with aeroions. The effect of HT was evaluated in 124 patients (pts) with various types of respiratory diseases. The control group of 15 pts received placebo. HT course consisted of 10-20 daily procedures of 1 hour. HT resulted in improvements of clinical state in the most of patients. The positive dynamics of flow-volume loop parameters and decrease of bronchial resistance measured by bodyplethysmography were observed. The changes in control group parameters after HT were not statistically significant. The specificity of this method is the low concentration and gradual administration of dry sodium chloride aerosol. Data on healing mechanisms of a specific airdispersive environment of sodium chloride while while treatment the respiratory diseases are discussed.

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... In contrast, in the studies conducted by Chervinskaya and Zilber [8] and Sandell et al. [9], distinct concentrations of HT were administered based on the type of respiratory disease experienced [8] and the level of treatment dose. ...
... In contrast, in the studies conducted by Chervinskaya and Zilber [8] and Sandell et al. [9], distinct concentrations of HT were administered based on the type of respiratory disease experienced [8] and the level of treatment dose. ...
... At the level of the pulmonary membranes and the mucociliary system, the action mechanisms of the dried NaCl nanoparticles are direct and inverse osmosis and an ionic change process, with a revitalizing and detoxifying effect. Dried aerosol optimizes the camera's temperature and humidity parameters [8]. This makes it possible to prevent the bronchial spasm and mucosal edema in the respiratory tract, which are common responses in individuals exposed to wet aerosols. ...
Halotherapy (HT) is part of salt therapy derived from speleotherapy/speleoclimate, which comes from using a micro size of dry salt in aerosol form (such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium chloride) with stable air temperature (18–24ºC) and moderate to high humidity (40–60%) for inhalation inside a cave/imitation cave since the nineteenth century. The benefits of HT as an adjuvant may help patients with many medical conditions, especially respiratory and dermatology diseases. This therapy is believed to alleviate inflammation and the immune response and improve respiratory function, etc. The clinical benefits of HT are advocated, but the mechanisms still need to be explicitly elucidated. This study’s main objective is to critically review and evaluate the evidence from existing literature of HT efficacy as an adjuvant therapy for respiratory disease in a narrative review. This review used a systematic approach and narrative synthesis. PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) were searched. Based on preset selection criteria, two reviewers separately looked over abstracts and chose relevant papers. HT improves mucociliary elimination, diminishes airway inflammation, and improves pulmonary function. This adjuvant therapy is safe and does not cause serious adverse events. Therefore, this therapy should be considered an adjuvant therapy for respiratory diseases because of its potential effects. However, scientific evidence of the effectiveness of HT is limited. High-quality further research is required to ascertain the effectiveness of this treatment for respiratory conditions. Keywords: adjuvant, halotherapy, respiratory diseases, salt therapy, therapy
... Currently, the effect of the environment in the salt mines is known, where along with the saline aerosols, the internal energy field of the rock salt block has a beneficial role on the human body. The therapeutic effect of the halosalt mining climate and the Slatina Springs (natural salt solution/brine) is given by the set of physico-chemical and microclimatic factors/agents, which manifest as an integrated system, with complex effects on the human body [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. ...
... The therapeutic role of the saline environment has been recognized since the 19th century, following some observations, noting the absence of chronic bronchitis and asthma in the miners of the Wieliczka salt mines, as well as the rapid healing of these diseases in the new employees, when the improvement of asthma attacks in chronic patients was observed [1][2][3][4][5]. ...
... In the past, halotherapy involved a visit to a salt pan, but nowadays there are artificial surface halochambers both in polyclinics and hospitals, as well as in hotels with swimming pools and SPAs [1][2][3][4][5][12][13][14][15]18,[25][26][27]55,56,[60][61][62]. ...
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The paper presents the evolution of the concentration level for four particle size groups of microaerosols (1.0, 2.5, 4.0 and 10.0 µm) in correlation with the microclimatic characteristics (temperature, humidity, lighting, pressure and concentration in CO2 and O2) in three active areas of the Targu Ocna Saltworks, currently used in treatments with solions (hydrated aerosols): in the vicinity of the walls of the old mining salt room, where there is a semi-wet static regime (SSR); in the transition area between the old rooms of exploitation with the semi-wet dynamic regime (DSR); and in the area of the waterfall and the marshy lake with the dynamic wet regime (DWR). The first and last halochamber are the ones recommended for cardio–respiratory, immuno–thyroid and osteo–muscular conditions, as well as in psycho–motor disorders. Based on questionnaires carried out over the course of a year, between 1 September 2021–31 August 2022, in two periods of stationing/treatment: a cold one (15 September 2021–15 December 2021) and a warm one (1 May 2022–30 July 2022), correlated with the data from the Salina medical office, achieved the profile of the improvement rate of the patients’ ailments depending on the type of treatment (working regime in halochambers). These studies have allowed the optimization of the treatment conditions in the artificial surface halochambers in order to reduce the stationary period and optimize the treatment cycles.
... First described by the Polish physician Felix Bochkowsky in 1843, it has been used in Central and Eastern Europe for centuries to alleviate chest conditions. 1 It mimics speleotherapy, and its therapeutic environment is similar to that of a natural salt cave. The therapy has been recognized as a highly effective, drug-free method of treatment for various pathologies such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis. ...
... 2,5,6 Its mechanisms of action in these diseases aren't fully understood, but studies have shown its potential complementary effect in addition to standard treatments. 1,5,6 Additionally, HT has been shown to have a positive effect on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in chronic respiratory diseases. 2 Clinicians need be aware of its potential benefits, with relatively few or no adverse effects, and consider its use as an adjuvant therapy to standard care. ...
... Air is purified of dust and allergens, dried, and kept at a temperature between 18 and 22°C. 1 The air crosses walls made from salt-release microelements, such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, selenium, and bromine. The size and amount of dry sodium-chloride particles are controlled in each treatment. ...
Context: Halotherapy (HT) is a form of speleotherapy, a respiratory therapy involving breathing inside a cave, and its therapeutic environment is similar to that of a natural salt cave. Natural crystallized salt is inhaled via aerosols or from the environment directly to enhance breathing and respiratory health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Clinicians need to be aware of its potential benefits, with relatively few or no adverse effects and consider its use an adjuvant therapy for standard care. Objective: The current review intended to compile the existing literature on HT's use in various chronic respiratory diseases. It examines the use of dry salt inhalers; the use of saline nebulizer therapy is already well established in the literature. Design: The research team performed a literature review to identify all articles published in the English language between January 1980 and December 2018 that used HT or heliotherapy and speleotherapy in the title. Pseudonyms such as salt cave therapy and salt mine therapy were also included. The source of data was the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE/PubMed. Setting: Literature search took primarily from the main campus of Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center and the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. Results: Literature search and review yielded a total of 13 manuscripts that were completely assessed and incorporated into this review. Overwhelmingly studies comparing various methods of halotherapy showed improvement in various pulmonary function measures including forced expiratory volume in one second, forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow. Other measures were also seen to improve such as HRQoL as assessed by questionnaires. Conclusions: HT has been found to have a positive effect on patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases, improving mucociliary elimination and lung function in common chronic respiratory diseases and also HRQoL. Currently, no official guidelines exist on the use of HT in the form of salt rooms (halo chambers) or dry powder inhalers, but evidence exists for its use as a possible adjuvant therapy. More structured research in the form of randomized clinical trials is required.
... La densité des particules est variable de 0,5 à 9m g/m 3 .L es propriétés thérapeutiques se basent sur différents critères :p ression, humidité, ionisation de l'air,c oncentration en particules, radioactivité, contenu gazeux (CO2, H 2 S, N 2 ,O 2 ,S O 2 ), contenu en éléments chimiques (Na, Cl, K, Ca, Mg…) et microbiologique. La composition du sel utilisé en halothérapie doit répondre àc ertains critères (Tableau 1) [6]. Un système optique laser permet de mesurer la dispersion et la concentration de l'aérosol en sel rocheux [2]. ...
... Une étude portant sur 124 patients âgés de 16 à62ans (34,3 ±2,5 ans) porteurs de maladies respiratoires chroniques suivant un programme musical psychosuggestif associéàune halothérapie a été menéee n Russie [6]. Elle conclut àl 'amélioration de l'état clinique et des paramètres respiratoires associés àu ne diminution des résistances bronchiques en comparaison à un groupe témoin de 15 personnes qui suivent uniquement le programme musical psychosuggestif (10 séances). ...
... dans des grottes karstiques à9-18°C et 4dans des grottes thermales àdes températures supérieures à2 4°C[5]. Dans les mines russes, la température de 18-22°C et un taux d'humidité de 45-55 %e st maintenu par un système d'air conditionné[6]. En raison des caractéristiques propres des mines et de la variété des programmes de traitement, la spéléothérapie ne peut être considéréec omme un seul traitement mais plutôt comme une classe d'intervention[7].Dans les années 80, des grottes de sel artificielles visant àr eproduire les effets des mines de sel ont vu le jour.D es salles dédiées à l'halothérapie ont été créées en lien avecl 'offre thermale comme à Saliesde-Béarn.En Roumanie, la société de spéléothérapie aorganisé, depuis 1969, quatorzeconférences de spéléothérapie. En octobre 2011, àT urda (région de Cluj, Roumanie) aé té organisée la première conférence de spéléothérapie dédiée à un projet d'étude médico-biologique pour l'utilisation innovante des effets thérapeutiques des mines et grottes de sel àd es fins de santé, de tourisme balnéoclimatique et pour le développement de la spéléothérapie en Roumanie[5]. ...
... This additional availability of 40 K does treatment in potash mines and sylvinite speleoclimatic rooms very successful, scientifically proved on tens of thousands of patients. The typical sylvinite speleoclimatic room consists (see special Fig.) of a ward (1) made of salt blocks (2), changeable bulks of crushed salt rock (3), a fan (4), patients' places in the ward (5), and an air conditioner (6). Salt surfaces and air preparation system provide for the following medicinal factors inside the speleoclimatic room (vital salty air): finely dispersed salt aerosol; low bacterial contamination; absence of allergens; high ionic content with prevailing small negatively charged ions; stable temperature and humidity regime; trace microelements; favorable psycho-emotional effect. ...
... Curative environment (salty air) is maintained through the following means. The outdoor air is allowed through the changeable bulks of crushed salt rocks by the use of an air conditioner (6) and fan (4). At the same time, the temperature is monitored, allergens and dust are removed, and small, charged salt clusters are introduced. ...
... Şöhretin zirvesinde iken bunun manevî hayat için büyük bir tehlike olduğuna karar veren Gazzâlî, ailesine yetecek miktardan fazla malını fakirlere dağıtmış, 488/1095'te Şam'a gitmek üzere Bağdat'ı terk etmiştir. 6 6 "dünyada sanki bir yolcu gibi ol! Düsturuna uygun olarak, kendisini ilimden, öğrenmekten, manevi hazzı edinmekten alıkoyacak ne kadar sun'î bağ varsa onların tamamından kurtulmakla yola koyulan Gazzâlî, erdemin de bir örneğini fiiliyata geçirmiş oluyordu böylece… Akılda "ne olduğu ya da ne olacağı" sorularını barındırma sebebi olacak bir dünyalık meta ile ilmin erdemine ve bulmanın/olmanın hazzına erişilemeyeceğini de fiilen ders olarak vermiş oluyordu bu seyahat başlangıcıyla. 7 Mahmut Kaya, İslâm Filozoflarının Felsefe Metinleri, "Gazzâlî" s. 337-338 çok farklılık gösterir. ...
Conference Paper
Tourism, which contributed to the society economically and sociologically, is a set of events and relationships. In terms of regional attractiveness to tourism, attitudes and opinions of the local people are very important. This study was carried out to evaluate the views and attitudes of local people to the tourism of Iğdır Tuzluca Salt Cave. The salt cave is located in Tuzluca district of Igdir county. Since salt caves treat various diseases, they also act as a therapy center. In this context, a survey was conducted to evaluate the opinions of the local people on the economic, psychological, sociocultural and environmental impacts of the salt cave tourism. The survey consisted of 25 questions. The survey was conducted with 320 people living in the region. Various analyzes were made on the data. KEY WORDS - Salt Cave, Tourism, Economic Impact, Tuzluca
... Each patient who becomes breathless when Walking or at an easy pace on level ground, should be provided with rehabilitation, which should particularly include resistance training and daily activities, further respiratory gymnastics, respiratory physiotherapy, positional drainage and physical therapy, as well as nutritional support. is used as climate therapy for poor health 9 . The unique properties of the micro-climate in caves are the constant air temperature of moderate to high humidity, the presence of fine aerosol elements, as well as the lack of pollutants and pollen in the air 10 . Nowadays, salt caves are used for treatment at health centers in Austria, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine 11 . ...
... liters to 1.67±0.68 liters 9,10 . Nurov, in his studies, reported improved immune function after completing Speleotherapy, but did not report specific tests on lung function in patients with COPD. ...
... During the past decades, salt rooms have been developed and used for drug free treatment of respiratory illness, skin diseases [38] and lung cancer cells [39]. The treatment consists of sitting in salt rooms, salt caves or at the seaside and breathing air saturated with salt particles (aerosols) [40,41]. Several studies focus on the positive effect of treatment with a saline environment [39,[41][42][43], but unfortunately no research has been conducted about how salt as construction material impacts the quantity of aerosols in indoor environments and health. ...
... The treatment consists of sitting in salt rooms, salt caves or at the seaside and breathing air saturated with salt particles (aerosols) [40,41]. Several studies focus on the positive effect of treatment with a saline environment [39,[41][42][43], but unfortunately no research has been conducted about how salt as construction material impacts the quantity of aerosols in indoor environments and health. ...
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Sustainable materials and additive manufacturing have the potential to increase material efficiency and minimize waste in the building process. One of the most promising materials is salt (sodium chloride). It is highly available as a residue of desalination and potash production processes and attracts attention due to its material properties (storage of humidity and heat). This research presents an investigation and evaluation of using salt as an alternative material in additive manufacturing. Thus, the focus of the study was on small-scale 3D printing with paste extrusion. Experimental studies of different salt mixtures with different binders, printing properties and other parameters were analyzed in three stages. In the first phase (P1) the mixing ratio of salt and potential binders (clay, gypsum, cement and starch) was defined; in the phase two (P2) the most promising mixture was selected, modified by additives and investigated by 3D image scan measurements; and in the last third phase (P3) the potential applications of salt in additive manufacturing were presented. As the research shows, the salt in material extrusion processes can substitute the main material by up to 70%, is successfully manipulated with different additives (to improve the workability of the printing mortar) and is highly dependent on the printer`s settings. For future full-scale 3D printing with salt many steps still have to be taken. However, incorporating salt in additive manufacturing showed a potential of saving material resources, addressing environmental issues and initiating new construction processes.
... One of those potential materials is salt (NaCl), which is a by-product from the potash and desalination industries in a quantity of up to 3 billion m 3 per year [13,14]. Typically, salt waste is discharged directly into the environment where it causes negative impacts (change in salinity, increase in temperature, and loss of biodiversity) [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. However, salt can have advantages as a building material in increasing resource efficiency; it is also antibacterial [19] and inflammable [19], has no odour [20], and can store humidity and heat [19,21,22]. ...
... However, salt can have advantages as a building material in increasing resource efficiency; it is also antibacterial [19] and inflammable [19], has no odour [20], and can store humidity and heat [19,21,22]. In terms of health, salt caves and salt rooms across Europe have been shown to positively affect human lung cancer cells, depression, respiratory, and skin-related diseases [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]. Salt has already been used as a building material in the past [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44]. ...
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Salt (NaCl), as a by-product from the potash and desalination industry, can be the solution to the scarcity of building materials and might replace more energy-consuming materials. However, salt carries the risk of deliquescence in humid environments. This study conducted fundamental research on the hygrothermal performance of salt for internal surface applications in the building envelope in six different climate conditions. In addition, salt's performance was also compared with that of gypsum in similar applications. The simulation models (using WUFI®Pro, WUFI®Plus) and in situ measurements were applied to investigate the hygrothermal consequences of the incorporation of salt on the thermal envelope, indoor environment, and energy consumption. Our studies revealed that salt provided the best hygrothermal responses without Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in very hot-dry and the worst in very hot-humid climates. With an energy-efficient thermal envelope and HVAC, salt can also find an indoor application in temperate, continental, and subpolar climates. In comparison to gypsum, salt has a slightly higher energy demand (heating, cooling, and dehumidification) due to its higher thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. This study fills the knowledge gap on salt's hygrothermal performance and shows the potential in its utilization.
... The massive use of halite as rocks, crystals, powder or salt solution (brine) and of natural locations with NaCl aerosols (maritime environments or salt mines) with various therapeutic purposes led to the creation of certain devices or installations. It also led to the elaboration of procedures for the generation of nanostructured aerosols, dry or humid, with high therapeutic action and with possibilities of in situ treatment in habitats (Chervinskaya et al. 1995(Chervinskaya et al. , 2007Hedman et al. 2006;Pascu 2003Pascu , 2008Poryadin et al. 2002;Sandu 2003Sandu , 2004a. Such proceedings represent a reconstruction of the principle of the treatment system through saline halochambers, known in Romania and in many other countries in the world (Chervinskaya 2007;Sandu et al. 2006). ...
... Controlled-placebo studies have shown that the inclusion of halotherapy in the rehabilitation course of patients with pulmonary pathology improves outcomes for 82-96% of patients, when used in addition to optimal pharmacotherapy. The stronger positive effect is manifest with numerous patients suffering from: mild asthma -83%, moderate asthma -83%, severe asthma -67%, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases -91%, simple bronchitis -95%, acute bronchitis -93%, pneumonia -82%, pneumoconiosis -96%, pollinosis -81%, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis -85%, chronic pharyngitis and laryngeal tracheitis -71% and even skin diseases -61% (Alfoldy et al. 2002;Chervinskaya et al. 1995Chervinskaya et al. , 2007Hedman et al. The Mankind Quarterly 2006;Poryadin et al. 2002.) ...
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This article presents the use of salt water springs in the Moldavian sub-Carpathians (eastern Romania) for treating certain diseases. The authors take into consideration archaeological discoveries and ethnographical surveys, correlated with known facts from the literature in the field. A special focus is on the presence of archaeological sites next to salt water springs, where specific objects were noted that are used in the extraction, storage, manipulation and use of salt waters. Nevertheless, what distinguishes the Romanian region under discussion from similar regions of Europe is the intense, unexpected continuity in the use of a traditional, non-industrial water supply from salt water springs. Among the uses of salt water and halite in the area, we will mention numerous traditional halotherapeutic practices. The concordances shown between ancient and current traditional halotherapeutic practices in eastern Romania infer the existence of a strong halotherapeutic element in prehistory. This aspect is generally neglected by archaeologists who deal with the evolution of human communities in an area rich in salt. The ancient and current halotherapeutic practices in eastern Romania are proof of an authentic ethnoscience acquired by human communities with salt outcrops and salt water springs. The analysis of these practices demonstrates their scientific validity from the current biochemical and biophysical standpoint. The scientific explanation of the various effects of salt upon the human body is, in fact, given by the influence of NaCl aerosols and nanodispersions. Parts of these practices are being adopted by a series of recent halotherapeutic procedures, with reliable scientific and technological bases. Keywords: Ethnoarchaeology; Ethnoscience; Halotherapy; Salt water springs; Halite; Aerosols.
... Основен лечебен фактор е натриевият хлорид с размер 2 до 5 милимикрона на частиците в аерозола. Проучване на Червинская, включващо 124 пациента с различни белодробни заболявания, показва значително подобрение в клиничния статус при по-голямата част от тях след пребиваване в солна стая за един час в продължение на 15 -20 дни (3). Подобни резултати представя и друго проучване, базирано на хемолуминисцентен тест, при 49 пациента с хроничен обструктивен бронхит. ...
... Препоръчително е халотерапията да се повтаря до 3 пъти годишно, за да chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cystic fibrosis shows that halotherapy leads to a decrease of neutrophils and pathogenic microorganisms, and increases the alveolar macrophages. Halotherapy has mucolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and hyposensitive effect (3). Halotherapy can successfully be combined with other physical therapy methods. ...
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1800 година до наши дни, от учени в цяла Европа и Далечния Изток. През последните десетилетия са публику-вани множество проучвания, които доказват ефек-тивността на халотерапията и приложението ѝ при различни заболявания. Солта като средство за лечение е документирана за първи път през 1843 година, от полския терапевт Феликс Бочковски. Той забелязал, че хората, работещи в солните мини в Полша, се радват на отлично здраве, въ-преки тежките условия на работа и недоимъчното хранене. Освен това, те почти никога не страдали от простуда и всякакви белодробни заболявания, които били често срещани при останалото населе-ние. Това накарало лекаря да направи проучвания, при които се установява, че това се дължи на на-ситения със сол въздух, който миньорите вдишват ежедневно. Така постепенно солните мини в Пол-ша и Източна Европа стават популярни санатори-уми, привличайки посетители от целия свят. ABSTRACT Halotherapy is an alternative method of treating respiratory diseases. This kind of treatment has become more and more popular in last decades. Sodium chloride has a proven an-tibacterial, antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effect and is of great importance for the normal function of the bronchial ciliated epithelium. This article reveals the benefits of salt in regard to the respiratory system, indications and contrain-dications for this kind of treatment and the possibilities for combining it with some other physical therapy methods.
... Основен лечебен фактор е натриевият хлорид с размер 2 до 5 милимикрона на частиците в аерозола. Проучване на Червинская, включващо 124 пациента с различни белодробни заболявания, показва значително подобрение в клиничния статус при по-голямата част от тях след пребиваване в солна стая за един час в продължение на 15 -20 дни (3). Подобни резултати представя и друго проучване, базирано на хемолуминисцентен тест, при 49 пациента с хроничен обструктивен бронхит. ...
... Препоръчително е халотерапията да се повтаря до 3 пъти годишно, за да chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cystic fibrosis shows that halotherapy leads to a decrease of neutrophils and pathogenic microorganisms, and increases the alveolar macrophages. Halotherapy has mucolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and hyposensitive effect (3). Halotherapy can successfully be combined with other physical therapy methods. ...
... The massive use of halite as rocks, crystals, powder or solutions (brines) and of the natural gas systems with NaCl aerosols (maritime environments or salt mines) with various therapeutic purposes led to a creation of certain devices or installations. It also led to the elaboration of certain proceedings de generating nanostructured aerosols, dry or humid, with high therapeutic activity and with possibilities of in situ treatment in habitats (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995;Chervinskaya, 2007;Pascu, 2003a;Hedman, et al., 2006;Pascu, 2008;Sandu et al., 2003;Sandu et al., 2004a and b;Poryadin et al., 2002). These proceedings are a reconstruction of the principle of the treatment system through saline halochambers, known in Romania and in many other countries in the world (Chervinskaya, 2007;Sandu et al., 2006). ...
... This happens for 82-96 percent of the patients along with the optimal use of pharmacotherapy. The stronger positive effect is seen in case of numerous patients suffering from: mild asthma -83%, moderate asthma -83%, severe asthma -67%, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases -91%, simple bronchitis -95%, acute bronchitis -93%, pneumonia -82%, pneumoconiosis -96%, pollinosis -81%, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis -85%, chronic pharyngitis and laryngeal tracheitis -71% and even skin diseases -61% (Alfoldy et al., 2002;Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995;Chervinskaya, 2007;Hedman et al., 2006;Poryadin et al., 2002). ...
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This article presents the use of salt water springs in the Moldavian Oriental sub-Carpathians for treating certain diseases, based on archaeological discoveries and ethnographical surveys, correlated with known facts from the literature in the field. Nevertheless, what differentiates it from other similar area in Europe is the intense, unexpected continuity of traditional, nonindustrial water supplying coming from salt springs. Among the uses of salt water and halite in the area, they are mentioned numerous traditional halotherapeutic practices. The Greek, Latin and current halotherapeutic practices in the East of Romania are evidence of an authentic ethnoscience acquired by human communities with salt outcrops and salt springs. The analysis of these practices demonstrates their scientific validity from the current biochemical and biophysical perspective (NaCl aerosols and of NaCl nanodispersion). Parts of these practices are taken over by a series of recent halotherapeutic proceedings, with reliable scientific and technological bases. Key words: ethnoscience, Greek and Latin texts, halite, halotherapy, salt springs
... Механизмы действия сухого аэрозоля хлорида натрия, применяемого в методе ГТ, обоснованы в ряде научных исследований [7, 10,11]. Механизм его лечебного действия во многом связан с влиянием на дискринический компонент обструкции [11,12]. Аэрозоль хлорида натрия, увеличивая осмотический градиент в просвете бронхов, вызывает приток жидкости и изменение реологических свойств бронхиальной слизи, что способствует повышению скорости мукоцилиарного клиренса [11]. ...
... Стимулируя удаление бронхиального секрета, содержащего экзогенные включения, сухой солевой хлорид натрия повышает эффективность системы саногенного очищения респираторного тракта [13,14]. Улучшение дренажной функции и уменьшение воспаления дыхательных путей способствуют снижению гиперреактивности и уменьшению бронхоспастического компонента обструкции [12,15]. Таким образом, сухой высокодисперсный аэрозоль хлорида натрия оказывает саногенное, муколитическое, бронходренажное, противовоспалительное и иммуномодулирующее действие на респираторный тракт. ...
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The primary focus of medical rehabilitation is the approach of model simulation of natural environment. Halotherapy is one of the nonpharmacological methods widely used in Russian public health care delivery including prophylaxis and rehabilitation in children. This method is based on the recreation of the air environment of a natural underground salt mine. The article presents an innovative method using a next generation of equipment for halotherapy: a guided halocomplex where the control on dosage regiments and aerodisperse medium parameters is implemented. The mechanisms of the effect of halotherapy are considered, the data of the clinical effectiveness for various paediatric diseases are outlined.
... Salt also can dilute the thick mucus in the lungs. 6,7 Speleotherapy or staying in salt cave or salt mines have been done in Russia and Eastern Europe, but recently similar spaces and salt rooms or cabins were made and used in other parts of the world [8][9][10][11] . Some studies have shown the effectiveness of therapy in upper airway disorders, skin repair and even improvement of growth. ...
... A similar study by Abdullaev et al., that evaluated the effect of salt cave staying in asthmatic children and showed the improvement of clinical findings, immunological parameters and pulmonary functions in children with atopic asthma. 6 However, in our study clinical findings such as wheezing, cough, Dyspnea was not significantly changed. ...
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The asthma treatment and control might be associated with significant burden on family and community thus exploring other therapeutic plans could be desirable. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of salt space on clinical findings and peak expiratory flow rate among children with asthma. In this randomized crossover trial, 34 patients aged 6-14 years old with mild to moderate asthma were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The first group went through a period of salt therapy by staying in the salt room for one hour, three times a week for 3 consecutive weeks and then was under observation for three weeks. This process was reversed for the second group (three weeks under observation followed by salt therapy). The wash-out period was one week. During the study, the morning and evening peak expiratory flow (PEF), the frequency of coughing, wheezing, dyspnea and use of rescue medications were measured. Salt therapy had a significant effect on raising the morning and evening PEF in the second week in both groups (p=0.028 and p=0.032, respectively). However, there was no significant effect on PEF variabilities cough wheezing, dyspnea, and the frequency of rescue medication (p>0.05). No side effect was observed during salt therapy. This study showed the significant effect of salt therapy on PEF rate of the patients in the second week. However, further studies with different frequency and time of salt therapy on respiratory disorders are recommended.
... XX wieku. Do głównych zalet subterraneoterapii należą: nieinwazyjność, bezpośredni dostęp do narządu docelowego (drogi oddechowe, skóra), szybki początek działania oraz mniejsze ryzyko niepożądanych działań ogólnoustrojowych [47,53]. Ponadto uzyskuje się poprawę skuteczności równoległego leczenia innymi metodami oraz ogólne polepszenie stanu psychofizycznego pacjentów [47]. ...
... Ponadto uzyskuje się poprawę skuteczności równoległego leczenia innymi metodami oraz ogólne polepszenie stanu psychofizycznego pacjentów [47]. Według danych naukowych [53], natychmiastowy efekt subterraneoterapii obserwuje się u ok. 15%, a po zakończeniu turnusu pozytywny rezultat leczenia obserwowany był u ok. ...
Introduction: Due to dynamic industrialisation smog became a frequent phenomenon in most developing cities. According to the last WHO report from Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database, Krakow has been classified in the 11th place among the most polluted cities in Europe. It seems to be an urgent issue because of the influence of air pollution on the condition of upper respiratory tract. Materials & Methods: In December 2015 there were 141 patients aged 17-91 years with upper respiratory tract diseases admitted to the phoniatric outpatient clinic in the University Hospital in Cracow. They suffered from cough, hoarseness and periodic aphonia. On the basis of the results of videolaryngostroboscopy 60 patients with exacerbation of the chronic laryngitis were selected into two numerically equal groups: from Cracow and from other places at least 60 km away. The groups were equal to each other also in three categories: sex, age and voice usage. The patients were referred to the Pedagogical University in Cracow for laryngography to evaluate the movement of the vocal folds and to trace a voice profile. Finally, there were two possible types of treatment - conventional pharmacotherapy or subterraneotherapy in the underground Health Resort in the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine. Results: Pearson correlation coefficient between the distance from the place of residence to Cracow and the scale of exacerbation of inflammation of upper respiratory tract presenting as vocal fold dysfunction was observed (r= 0,617; p<0,05). Conclusion: The place of residence (in or out of the industrial area) and exacerbations of chronic laryngitis are highly correlated. Air pollution seems to be the main factor influencing on the condition of upper respiratory tract. In our local conditions of Lesser Poland Voivodeship subterraneotherapy may be an interesting, non-invasive method preventing from exacerbations of upper respiratory tract diseases.
... Although the claimed effects of halo therapy are plenty, i.e. bactericidal effect, improvement of immunity, improved rheological properties of secretion [9] only a single study has looked at immunological changes during halo therapy and suggested changes in T-lymphocyte activity [10]. However, halo therapy has been shown to relieve symptoms in smokers [11] and in patients with respiratory symptoms in general [12][13][14]. It has been argued that halotheraphy is beneficial in treatment of COPD patients [15], but, as concluded in a recent review, further research is needed on the effect and impact on the quality of life of halo therapy in COPD [16]. ...
... The existing literature on halo therapy is sparse. Chervinskaya et al. has investigated a group of patients with various respiratory diseases and found a 3% improvement in lung function, judged by FEV1 [12]. Hedman et al. has investigated the effect of halo therapy on FEV1 in asthma patients and found no improvement in FEV1 during treatment [26,27]. ...
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Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterised by progressive airflow limitation associated dyspnea and impaired quality of life. Halo therapy has been suggested to relieve respiratory discomfort in patients with COPD.
... A healing factor of speleotherapy -a complex of procedures based on the use of salt as a healing component -is related to a specific microclimate in a speleological infirmary (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995;Alföldy et al., 2002). The air temperature is 18-22° C, the air humidity is about 75%, the air is flowing, and there is a high concentration of light ions in the salt mine atmosphere: about 760-960 light negatively charged ions per 1 cm 3 of the salt mine air, in contrast to 115-160 air ions per 1 cm 3 of the atmospheric air. ...
... Speleotherapy is used for the treatment of chronic lung diseases, which accompany disorders of secretion and excretion of phlegm, acute chronic bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, inflammation of nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract, immune deficit in children, and allergic skin diseases. The main effects of speleotherapy consist in the promotion of antiinflammatory, broncholytic, and mucolytic actions, immune correction, sedation, normalization of functioning of the central nervous system, blood pressure reduction, and metabolic stimulation (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995). ...
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Natural geochemical anomalies can both adversely and positively affect human health influencing the balance of trace elements in the organism. It is obvious that content of trace elements in a particular terrain is controlled by a combination of various climatic and landscape characteristics, which, in turn, depend on the geological, mineralogical, and geochemical features of bedrocks, as well as endogenous and exogenous geological processes. Endemic diseases usually exemplify links between human health and geological processes. On the other hand, humans have used geological products for healing since time immemorial. A major portion of both endemic-disease areas and balneological resorts are located within geodynamically active regions. This chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we present a model for the development of geochemical halos in geodynamically active regions. We distinguished three interrelated ore-forming systems playing a crucial role in the epigenesis: catagenetic, exfiltration, and infiltration. Fluid degassing via faults is the main factor responsible for the concentration of elements, mineralization, and formation of ore deposits. In the second part, we review health effects of natural abnormal concentrations of trace elements (i.e., F, Si, Co, Zn, As, Se, Sr, I, and U), Rn, and volcanic gases in the environment. In the third part, we address healing effects of natural geological products, such as mineral and thermal waters, clays, muds, moor, sapropel, sands, flints, shungite, salt, and shilajit. An assessment of health risks or benefits caused by geological materials should be started with the study of geological settings responsible for the concentration of trace elements and their geochemical features. It is important to map territories in terms of both epidemiological and balneological states, and to model their spatio-temporal dynamics under distinct environmental scenarios.
... Innymi czynnikami, jakie mają wpływ na efekty haloterapii są: -temperatura powietrza, -stopień wilgotności, -obecność innych pierwiastków -potas, magnez, czy wapń, -obecność alergenów i drobnoustrojów chorobotwórczych. 3 Sesje w grocie solnej W grocie solnej przeznaczonej do celów terapeutycznych panuje specyficzny mikroklimat imitujący naturalną grotę solną. Zarówno ściany jak i podłoga, tworzące przestrzeń groty pokryte są kilkucentymetrową warstwą soli, która działa jako bufor dla powietrza. ...
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Cel: Przedstawienie jednej z metod wykorzystywanych w wodolecznictwie, jaką jest haloterapia, analiza przydatności jej zastosowania w leczeniu schorzeń. Metody: W celu analizy poszczególnych składowych dotyczących haloterapii przeprowadzono przegląd dostępnych treści w bazach artykułów - PubMed, Researchgate oraz Google Scholar. Wybrane artykuły dotyczyły historii haloterapii, jej zastosowań w kontekście leczenia chorób oraz potencjalnych przeciw wskazań do jej stosowania. Wyniki: Stosowanie haloterapii, np. jako formę leczenia uzdrowiskowego, przypisuje się istotny wpływ na poprawę stanu zdrowia. Ta metoda wodolecznictwa prowadzi do poprawy wentylacji płuc, zwiększa odporność organizmu, a także pozytywnie wpływa na poziom rekonwalescencji pacjenta w wielu chorobach. Aim: Presentation of one of the methods used in hydrotherapy, which is halotherapy, examination of its usefulness in medicine. Methodology: In order to conduct a thorough analysis of the halotherapy, a review of available scientific contents of scientific articles’ databases - PubMed, Researchgate and Google Scholar had been performed. Chosen articles concerned history of halotherapy, its applications connected with treating diseases and potential contradictions to its use. Results: The use of halotherapy e.g. as a form of spa therapy, is associated with crucial influenze on improving health. This hydrotherapy method leads to improvement of respiratory ventilation, increases immunity and positively influences the patient’s health recovery in many diseases.
... Modern-day halotherapy involves the use of artificial salt caves, which are climate-controlled rooms made of slabs or bricks of salt that have salt nano-particle diffusion. These facilities can be found in some spas and standalone centers in the US and Europe [69]. Though the literature on halotherapy is limited, a study reported in Table 4 suggests that it can be effective in reducing inflammation and the risk of infection. ...
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The rapid spread of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 has become a global pandemic. Although specific vaccines are available and natural drugs are being researched, supportive care and specific treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve patient quality of life remain critical. Chinese medicine (CM) has been employed in China due to the similarities between the epidemiology, genomics, and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. Moreover, the integration of other traditional oriental medical systems into the broader framework of integrative medicine can offer a powerful approach to managing the disease. Additionally, it has been reported that integrated medicine has better effects and does not increase adverse drug reactions in the context of COVID-19. This article examines preventive measures, potential infection mechanisms, and immune responses in Western medicine (WM), as well as the pathophysiology based on principles of complementary medicine (CM). The convergence between WM and CM approaches, such as the importance of maintaining a strong immune system and promoting preventive care measures, is also addressed. Current treatment options, traditional therapies, and classical prescriptions based on empirical knowledge are also explored, with individual patient circumstances taken into account. An analysis of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the integration of complementary and Western medicine (WM) in the treatment of COVID-19 can provide valuable guidance, enrichment, and empowerment for future research endeavors.
... The earliest reports of humans using the underground environment for disease treatment or medical research dated back more than 100 years. It started in eastern Europe, then prevailed in eastern and central Europe, and was primarily used to treat respiratory diseases [8,9]. Similar to the Chinese concept of Halotherapy, this discipline was known as Speleotherapy [10], which currently refers to the treatment of diseases by using some of the inherent characteristics of the underground space and environment. ...
... In Eastern Europe, natural salt caves have been used to help relieve the symptoms of chest conditions. The temperature inside the cave is stable, the humidity is moderate, and it is rich in fine aerosol elements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) and devoid of air pollutants and allergens (25). Natural crystalline salts are inhaled via aerosols or directly from the environment to promote respiration and breathing. ...
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Background: Airway remodeling and inflammation are considered the main characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cigarette smoke promotes the occurrence of inflammation, oxidative stress, and pyroptosis. Halotherapy has been shown to dilute secretions in the airways and promote drainage, but the mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of halotherapy in COPD rats and investigated the underlying mechanism. Methods: A COPD rat model was constructed by cigarette smoke and lipopolysaccharide tracheal instillation. A total of 120 male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into control, model, halotherapy, terbutaline, halotherapy + terbutaline, and Ac-YVAD-CMK (Caspase-1 inhibitor) groups. After modeling and treatment, the pulmonary function of the rats was measured. Pathological changes in the lungs were measured by hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining. Serum interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-4 (IL-4), and nitric oxide (NO) levels were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the lungs were determined by biochemical tests. The levels of cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4+) and CD8+ T cells in the blood were determined by flow cytometry. The expression levels of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), gasdermin-D (GSDMD), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3), apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a C-terminal caspase recruitment domain (ASC), Caspase-1, and IL-1β in lung tissues were detected by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, or quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Results: Halotherapy recovered the clinical symptoms of COPD rats, and reduced lung inflammatory cell infiltration and air wall attenuation. It also relieved oxidative stress in the lung tissue of COPD rats, reduced CD4+ and CD8+ T cell accumulation in lung tissue, and decreased inflammatory factor production in the serum of COPD rats. Furthermore, it inhibited the TLR4/NF-κB/GSDMD and NLRP3/ASC/Caspase-1 signaling pathways. Ac-YVAD-CMK could not completely inhibit the therapeutic effect of halotherapy on COPD rats. Conclusions: Halotherapy improves lung function by inhibiting the NLRP3/ASC/Caspase-1 signaling pathway to reduce inflammation and pyroptosis in COPD rats, and may be a new option for the prevention and treatment of COPD.
... Regular speleotherapy treatment is thought to be promising in the care of children with asthma (Horvath, 1998). Examinations of patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases show, that salt therapy can be very effective in treating respiratory diseases (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995). On the contrary, Beamon et al. (2001) state that although speleotherapy is widely used, there is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness. ...
... It is used as an alternative to speleotherapy (gr. speleos = cave), a special form of climatotheraphy that uses certain conditions found in salt-mines to treat the respiratory and skin-related conditions (4,9,25). The Equine Asthma Syndrome (E.A.S) is a term that describes a variety of signs ranging from mild (Inflammatory airways disease -I.A.D) to severe (Recurrent Airways Obstruction -R.A.O. and Summer Pasture-Associate R.A.O.) and has been introduced in 2016 by the ACVIM Consensus Statement (13) as a new understanding of I.A.D. describing noninfectious, inflammatory, recurrent (chronic), and reversible disorders of adult horses. ...
... In Eastern Europe, natural salt caves are used to alleviate the symptoms of respiratory diseases [27]. A stable air temperature, air humidity between moderate and high, the presence of aerosol elements (potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium), and the lack of air pollution are unique features of the caves' microclimate [28]. Treatment with halotherapy using NaCl salt in various forms is associated with the alleviation of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis [27]. ...
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The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of locomotor system diseases in salt miners compared with that of other occupational diseases. Methods: An analysis of diseases reported by salt miners working at different mining levels was carried out. All miners were asked about back pain in the past five years. The Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Scale-Polish Version (OLBPDS-PL) and Neck Disability Index-Polish questionnaire Version (NDI-PL) were used to measure the functional disability of the lumbar and cervical spine. In contrast, the severity of low back pain was assessed using a 10 mm visual analog scale (VAS). In all, 62 miners were included in the study. Results: The most common diseases of salt miners are locomotor diseases involving the lumbar spine. The study showed a significant correlation between the occurrence of pain changes in the thoracic spine and the extraction level (p < 0.05). The extraction level also correlates with the reported level of pain in the thoracic spine (p < 0.05). The incidence of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes depended mainly on the age and weight of the subjects (p < 0.05). Hearing loss depended on the age of respondents and years of work in the mine (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Due to significant problems of miners in the field of the motor system, the list of occupational diseases in Poland, specified in the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 30 June 2009 on occupational diseases (Journal of Laws No. 105, item 869) should be extended for example, to diseases affecting the spine. As there are no articles on the health of salt miners, further research should focus on complementing this knowledge to guide interventions to reduce the risk of chronic and occupational diseases. Extensive research is needed, including ergonomic measurements, to verify our results for the Polish salt mining industry.
... Regular speleotherapy treatment is thought to be promising in the care of children with asthma (Horvath, 1998). Examinations of patients with chronic nonspecific pulmonary diseases show, that salt therapy can be very effective in treating respiratory diseases (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995). On the contrary, Beamon et al. (2001) state that although speleotherapy is widely used, there is insufficient evidence of its effectiveness. ...
... The specific heat capacity of sodium chloride in its pure state varies from 0.853 J/(gK) 28 to 0.859 J/(gK). 29,30 Salt can deactivate the growth of microorganisms 31 and is used not only therapeutically in various respiratory treatments 32,33,34,35,36 but also for skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis 37 or human lung cancer. 38 For 7,000 years salt was mostly used in cooking and the conservation of food and later for trading, while currently it can be found in 14,000 different applications in the chemical and food industry. ...
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Identifying materials that can substitute rare natural resources is one of the key challenges for improving resource efficiency in the building sector. With a growing world population and rising living standards, the amount of salt (sodium chloride) produced as waste through seawater desalination and potash mining processes is increasing. Unfortunately, most of it is disposed of into nature where it causes environmental pollution. On the other hand, salt is affordable and can be used therapeutically in various respiratory treatments and to store humidity and heat. It was, therefore, necessary to determine salt materials already in use in building construction. The aim of this research was to identify those that have been used in history and analyzed in scientific studies, to investigate their physical and mechanical properties, and to identify the most promising applications in the construction field. This was accomplished via literature review, classifying the salt materials into three groups (raw salt, composite salt, and processed salt). It was found that salt has been used as a building material for centuries and has potential for future applications.
... Several studies on HT have been conducted to suggest that this alternative treatment yields impressive results [5]. Alina and Nora, 2009 [2], performed similar experiments with larger samples in the respiratory disease group, while the control group they took the placebo. The results showed that overall HT treatment resulted in improved clinical status in most patients, but not prevailing significantly. ...
... This method is based on the effect of natural therapeutic factors occurring in a specific environment on the human body (Horvath 1986;Liu et al. 2018). The beneficial effect of salt spray was noticed as early as 1843, when one of the Polish physicians noted that employees of salt mines do not have respiratory problems or suffer from lung diseases (Chervinskaya and Ziber 1995). Since then, underground salt spray treatment has been constantly developing in many Central and Eastern European countries such as Poland, Austria, Germany, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (Horowitz 2010;Simionca 2013;Ernst 2019). ...
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The composition and distribution of airborne particles in different locations in a salt mine were determined in terms of their origin, the distance from the air inlet, and the adaptation of post-mining chambers and corridors for tourists and general audience. The composition of aerosols in air was also evaluated from the perspective of human health. Air samples were collected on filters by using portable air pumps, in a historical underground salt mine in Bochnia (Poland), which is currently a touristic and recreation attraction and sanatorium. The particulate matter (PM) concentration was determined using the gravimetric method by weighing quartz filters. The content of carbon, water-soluble constituents, trace elements, and minerals was also determined. A genetic classification of the suspended matter was proposed and comprised three groups: geogenic (fragments of rock salt and associated minerals from the deposit), anthropogenic (carbon-bearing particles from tourist traffic and small amounts of fly ash, soot, and rust), and biogenic particles (occasional pollen). The total PM concentration in air varied between 21 and 79 μg/m ³ (with PM 4 constituting 4–24 μg/m ³ ). The amount of atmospheric dust components coming from the surface was low and decreased with the distance from the intake shaft, thus indicating the self-cleaning process. NaCl dominated the water-soluble constituents, while Fe, Al, Ag, Mn, and Zn dominated the trace elements, with the concentration of majority of them below 30 ng/m ³ . These metals are released into air from both natural sources and the wear or/and corrosion of mining and tourists facilities in the underground functional space. No potentially toxic elements or constituents were detected. The presence of salt particles and salty spray in the atmosphere of salt mine, which may have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, is beneficial to human health. This study will allow for a broader look at the potential of halotherapy in underground salt mines from a medical and regulatory point of view.
... Saline aerosols in the form of nano dispersions in gaseous environments behave, as far as concentration levels and lifetime, in the form of trimodal Gaussian distributions: fine Aitken particles (below 50 μm), medium (between 50 and 500 μm) and coarse or large (between 500 and 1000 μm) respectively [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. The fine and medium ones have the stability over time depending on the active surface of the porous granules of the source of generation (diaphragm), the shape (cylindrical or parallelepiped diaphragm), size and structural profile of the diaphragm, number of generation centers, particle size and position of superficial fluorescent microcrystallites. ...
... The number of sessions depends on the patient's condition and the disease treated. Twelve to twenty sessions for 45 minutes each and for a short period of time are recommended for patients with chronical pulmonary diseases like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, COPD, allergic disease (3). ...
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Salt has been used for millennia in different parts of the world by different cultures because of its health benefits and therapeutic effect. Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy that is provided in environments, with special equipment called a halogenerator. In the last decades halotherapy has gained the trust of more and more people around the world and has been spreading quickly in many countries. The positive results from the therapy last for more than a year. The possibility to combine it with other physical therapy methods, as well as with pharmacological therapy, makes halotherapy a treatment of choice in mild and moderate forms of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, post-pneumonia states and various other respiratory and skin diseases. The insignificant side effects, together with the conduction of this treatment in a cosy environment , have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of adult patients and children. The aim of the article is to reveal the benefits of halotherapy as an alternative method for treating pulmonary and skin diseases and some other conditions. Technology and application method are mentioned as well as main therapeutic factors, the positive effects, contraindications for its application and some side reactions that may occur during treatment.
... The microclimate inside the halochamber must have a constant humidity (a relative air humidity of 40-60%) and a temperature of 18-24°C; these parameters create favourable conditions for patients, and constitute a stable medium for solvated aerosols [29,30]. ...
The saline aerosols generated in gaseous media, as nanodispersions, behave, with respect to the concentration levels and the lifespan, as trimodal distributions (the three domains with Gaussian distributions: fine or Aitken under 50 ìm, medium between 50 and 500 µm and, respectively, coarse or large between 500 and 1000 µm). The generation in latent state is dependent on the active surface of the source (number of generator centres, the size and position of the fluorescences, the porosity, size and shape of the source, etc.), the climatic parameters, but also on a series of other characteristics of the gaseous medium. Our team has demonstrated experimentally that saline aerosols, NaCl type, besides the ability to prevent and treat broncho-respiratory and cardiac conditions, through coassistance of saline aerosols of other cations than sodium, and of the iodine anion, have for certain levels of concentrations propitious effects over the immune, bone and muscular systems. Similarly proved has been the positive influence on the development of children, as well the determinant role in increasing athletic performance and of other human subjects performing intense activities.
... The number of sessions depends on the patient's condition and the disease treated. Twelve to twenty sessions for 45 minutes each and for a short period of time are recommended for patients with chronical pulmonary diseases like asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, COPD, allergic disease (3). ...
Salt has been used for millennia in different parts of the world by different cultures because of its health benefits and therapeutic effect. Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy that is provided in environments, with special equipment called a halogenerator. In the last decades halotherapy has gained the trust of more and more people around the world and has been spreading quickly in many countries. The positive results from the therapy last for more than a year. The possibility to combine it with other physical therapy methods, as well as with pharmacological therapy, makes halotherapy a treatment of choice in mild and moderate forms of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, post-pneumonia states and various other respiratory and skin diseases. The insignificant side effects, together with the conduction of this treatment in a cosy environment , have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of adult patients and children. The aim of the article is to reveal the benefits of halotherapy as an alternative method for treating pulmonary and skin diseases and some other conditions. Technology and application method are mentioned as well as main therapeutic factors, the positive effects, contraindications for its application and some side reactions that may occur during treatment.
... Sever medication's side-effects and allergic responses, made physicians prefer to use natural salt to cure COPD [12]. Halotherapy known as speleotherapy is a compartment, applying normal salt in a reserved atmosphere as a therapy for disease treatment [13,14]. In Europe, natural salt chambers are used to relieve respiratory diseases [15][16][17]. ...
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Abstract Objectives: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a liberal illness requires constant anti-inflammatory therapy. As praise of conventional treatments, patients often turn to alternate therapy. Current study aimed to evaluate the first study in Iran emphasizing on halotherapy influence on improving lung function testing results and relieving symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients, presented at respiratory referral hospital, Tehran in 2016. Materials and Methods: In this double-blind clinical study, 84 components suffering from COPD detached to two experimental and control groups. Following two months treatment with salitair or placebo, one month clearance phase was carried. Eventually, groups were treated with salitair and placebo for next two months. Influence was determined assessed6-minute walk distant, arterial oxygen saturation drop of six minutes walking, CAT enquiry and spirometry FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC parameters. Results: Current study revealed that halotherapy might exert a positive effect on 6-minute walk distant and arterial oxygen saturation drop of six minutes walking parameters, since has no effect on CAT enquiry and FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC parameters. Conclusions: Advice for containing halotherapy as a healing treatment for COPD is doubtful. More studies are recommended to be done, including a larger study group to supply the best evidence. Keywords: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Spirometry; Vaporizers; Halotherapy; Spleotherapy; Salitair References 1. Youssef D, Shams WE, Elshenawy Y, El-Abbassi A, Moorman JP. Pulmonary infection with caseating mediastinal lymphadenitis caused by Mycobacterium gordonae. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2014;3(3):220-3. 2. Bayram H. Effects of air pollution on respiratory health. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2015;4(1):59. 3. Mirsaeidi M, Sadikot RT. Gender susceptibility to mycobacterial infections in patients with non-CF bronchiectasis. 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Halotherapy for treatment of respiratory Kimia Taghavi, et al., Journal of Respiratory Medicine and Lung Disease Remedy Publications LLC. 4 2017 | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Article 1029 diseases. J Aerosol Med. 1995;8(3):221-32. 14. Abdrakhmanova LM, Farkhutdinov UR, Farkhutdinov RR. [Effectiveness of halotherapy of chronic bronchitis patients]. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2000;(6):21-4. 15. Gorbenko PP, Adamova IV, Sinitsyna TM. [Bronchial hyperreactivity to the inhalation of hypo- and hyperosmolar aerosols and its correction by halotherapy]. Ter Arkh. 1996;68(8):24-8. 16. Farkhutdinov UR, Abdrakhmanova LM, Farkhutdinov RR. [Effects of halotherapy on free radical oxidation in patients with chronic bronchitis]. Klin Med (Mosk). 2000;78(12):37-40. 17. Hedman J, Hugg T, Sandell J, Haahtela T. The effect of salt chamber treatment on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in asthmatics. Allergy. 2006;61(5):605-10. 18. Endre L. [Theoretical basis and clinical benefits of dry salt inhalation therapy]. Orv Hetil. 2015;156(41):1643-52. 19. Gelardi M, Iannuzzi L, Greco Miani A, Cazzaniga S, Naldi L, De Luca C, et al. Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial on the efficacy of Aerosal in the treatment of sub-obstructive adenotonsillar hypertrophy and related diseases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;77(11):1818-24. 20. Ehteshami-Afshar S, FitzGerald JM, Doyle-Waters MM, Sadatsafavi M. The global economic burden of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016;20(1):11-23. 21. Bar-Yoseph R, Kugelman N, Livnat G, Gur M, Hakim F, Nir V, et al. Halotherapy as asthma treatment in children: A randomized, controlled, prospective pilot study. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2017;52(5):580-587. 22. Rabbani B, Makki SSM, Najafizadeh K, Vishteh HRK, Shafaghi S, Karimi S, et al. Efficacy of Halotherapy for Improvement of Pulmonary function Tests and Quality of Life of Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectatic Patients. Tanaffos. 2013;12(2):22-7. 23. Buttini F, Pasquali I, Brambilla G, Copelli D, Alberi MD, Balducci AG, et al. Multivariate Analysis of Effects of Asthmatic Patient Respiratory Profiles on the In Vitro Performance of a Reservoir Multidose and a Capsule-Based Dry Powder Inhaler. Pharm Res. 2016;33(3):701-15. 24. Zajac J, Bojar I, Helbin J, Kolarzyk E, Owoc A. Salt caves as simulation of natural environment and significance of halotherapy. AAEM. 2014;21(1):124-7.
... Due to the bacteriostatic effect of the salt, the amount of macroand microorganisms in salt mines is significantly lower than on the earth surface. The number of microorganisms in the mine air is also determined by a degree of dust in corridors and chambers, the microclimate conditions and the people staying there (Chervinskaya 2003(Chervinskaya , 2007Hedman et al. 2006;Czajka et al. 2006;d'Obyrn and Rajchel 2014;Rashleigh et al. 2014). ...
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The aim of this work was to determine the genera or species composition and the number of colony forming units of airborne bacteria and fungi, respectively, in two salt mines in Poland ‘‘Wieliczka’’ (Lesser Poland) and ‘‘Polkowice–Sieroszowice’’ (Lower Silesia). Both of them are working environments characterized by extreme conditions, and additionally ‘‘Wieliczka,’’ officially placed on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites’ list, plays a role of tourist attraction. There are also some curative chambers located in this mine. Air samples were taken once in December 2015, between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. There were nine measurement points located about 200 m underground in ‘‘Wieliczka’’ and six measurement points located in the working shafts about 400 m underground in ‘‘Polkowice–Sieroszowice.’’ The total volume of each air sample was 150 L. Air samples, collected in individual measurement points of both salt mines, were inoculated on two microbiological media: potato dextrose agar and tryptic soy agar using the impact method. We identified 10 and 3 fungal genera in the ‘‘Wieliczka’’ Salt Mine and in ‘‘Polkowice– Sieroszowice,’’ respectively. The most common were fungi of the Penicillium genus. In both mines, the Gram-positive bacteria of genus Micrococcus were detected most frequently. Among identified microorganisms, there were neither pathogenic fungi nor bacteria. The most prevalent microorganisms detected in indoor air were Gram-positive cocci, which constituted up to 80% of airborne microflora. Our results showed that microorganisms recorded in the air samples are not a threat to workers, tourists or patients. Neither pathogens nor potentially pathogenic microorganisms, listed as BSL-2, BSL-3 or BSL-4, were detected. The microbes identified during our analysis commonly occur in such environments as the soil, water and air. Some of the detected bacteria are component of natural microflora of human skin and mucous membranes, and they can cause only opportunistic infections in individuals depending on their health condition.
... Based on the experimental results acquired [1,2], the "Inception medical indications for the selection of patients with certain chronic respiratory pathologies for experimental halotherapy treatment" were elaborated. ...
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Halotherapy (HT), derived from speleotherapy in salt mines, is also a drug-free therapeutic method. HT effects vary depending on the therapeutic method and the structure of halotherapy environment. The purpose of this article is to show the HT effects of " halotherapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment " of the National Institute of Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneoclimatology (INRMFB), on patients with bronchial asthma and other chronic, infectious-inflammatory and allergic respiratory diseases, describing the clinical effects on certain nonspecific resistance factors, on markers of inflammatory processes and on certain immunological changes. Patients were clinically assessed, with the application of hematologic investigations, analysis of nonspecific resistance to infection and of inflammatory process markers, immunologic assessments, analysis of sodium and potassium concentrations, of mineralocorticoid function and other biochemical tests. For the experimental HT therapy performed in the " halotherapy chamber with artificial salt-mine environment " of INRMFB, 15 patients suffering from bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy were selected, based on specific medical indications and contraindications and applying ethical principles, as well as 4 patients with similar pathologies for the control group, who underwent in-home drug treatment. After the specific halotherapy treatment on patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, which also showed other chronic, infectious-inflammatory and allergic respiratory pathologies, triggering of anti-inflammatory (and also anti allergic) mechanisms and healing effects on inflammatory process were noted. Data acquired also proved the halo therapeutic effect causing the reduction of sensitiveness of body in patients with bronchial asthma.
... Lastly, the natural salt-cave climate has been used for the treatment of respiratory conditions, particularly in Eastern Europe, with artificial caves now in operation (known as halotherapy). 26 Improved respiratory function among patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been noted in 3 case-control studies. 27 The time sequence of this case-continuous, treatment-refractory symptoms for 1 year, thorough workup, then improvement on complementary treatmentwas helpful for gauging treatment effect. ...
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The association between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asthma, although well established in adults, is less strong in the pediatric age group. Benefits of proton pump therapy are limited across age ranges. While there is a growing body of literature on the use of complementary treatments for both asthma and GERD, few studies have focused on treatment benefits for the GERD-asthma association. We present the case of a 2-year-old boy with asthma and GERD who was not responding to inhaled, low-dose corticosteroids, beta-mimetic therapy, and a 6-week course of proton pump inhibitor treatment. We noted a gradual disappearance of symptoms when he was given an oral preparation of Pulvis stomachicus cum Belladonna, an anthroposophic medication containing Matricaria recutita, Atropa belladonna, bismuth, and antimonite. Matricaria recutita and bismuth have known gastric protective properties, and Atropa belladonna contains anticholinergic agents that have a bronchodilatory effect. These complementary medications appear promising in terms of relieving the symptoms of GERD-associated asthma.
Tuz, sağlığa faydaları ve tedavi edici etkisi nedeniyle binlerce yıldır dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde farklı kültürler tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Tuz madenleri ve mağaraların ikliminin kullanımı olan speleoterapi, özellikle astım ve KOAH olmak üzere birçok kronik solunum yolu hastalıklarının tedavisinde kabul görmüş ancak yaygın olarak bilinmeyen bir terapötik uygulama şeklidir. Bazı mağaraların ve tuz madenlerinin mikro iklimi solunum bozukluklarını olumlu yönde etkileyebileceği ve karmaşık solunum rehabilitasyonu için en uygun ortam olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Tuz madenleri ve mağaraların temel tedavi endikasyonları solunum yolu hastalıklarında, özellikle de astım hastalığı ile temsil edilmektedir. Klimaterapinin özel bir şekli olan Speleoterapi, mağaralara ve tuz madenlerine özgü belirli koşulları, özellikle solunum ve ciltle ilgili olmak üzere çeşitli tıbbi durumları tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Bu, her türlü tahrişi azaltır ve böylece hasta tuz madenine yerleştirilirken hastalık semptomları hafifletilir veya tamamen ortadan kaldırılır. Bazı kaynaklar Hipokrat'ın tuzlu sudan buhar solumak da dahil olmak üzere tuz bazlı terapilerin solunum semptomlarını hafiflettiğine inandığını iddia etmektedir. Roma döneminde ve orta çağda madencilerin nefes alışverişlerinde iyileşmeler olduğuna dair iddialar vardır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, speleoterapinin terapötik amaçlı kullanımına yönelik faydalarını tartışmaktır.
Tuz, sağlığa faydaları ve tedavi edici etkisi nedeniyle binlerce yıldır dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde farklı kültürler tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Haloterapi, halojeneratör adı verilen özel ekipmanlarla ortamlarda sağlanan kuru bir tuz terapisidir. Son yıllarda haloterapi dünya çapında giderek daha fazla insanın güvenini kazanmış ve birçok ülkede hızla yayılmaya başlamıştır. Terapiden elde edilen olumlu sonuçlar bir yıldan fazla sürmektedir. Diğer fizik tedavi yöntemleri ve farmakolojik terapi ile kombine edilebilmesi, haloterapiyi hafif ve orta dereceli bronşiyal astım, kronik obstrüktif bronşit, post-pnömoni durumları ve diğer çeşitli solunum ve cilt hastalıklarında tercih edilen bir tedavi haline getirmektedir. Haloterapinin cilt üzerindeki iyileştirici ve kozmetik etkileri bilimsel çalışmalarla doğrulanmıştır. Bu tedavinin rahat bir ortamda gerçekleştirilmesiyle birlikte oluşan önemsiz yan etkileri, hastaların psiko-duygusal durumu üzerinde de faydalı bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, solunum yolu hastalıklarının tedavisinde tamamlayıcı bir yöntem olarak haloterapinin faydalarını tartışmaktır.
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Halotherapy, also known as dry salt therapy, involves inhaling a negative ion-rich salt microclimate. Hypertonic saline solutions are used to help clear mucus in inflammatory respiratory conditions by dehydrating the periciliary layer. Objectives of the study are: To evaluate the level of airway clearance among patients with Respiratory problem in experimental and control group before administering halotherapy, To assess the effect of halotherapy on level of airway clearance in experimental group, To find out the association of airway clearance with selected demographic variables. A quasi-experimental study at IMS & SUM Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, involved 60 respiratory patients to assess the effect of halotherapy on airway clearance. The study used total enumerative sampling to form experimental (n=30) and control (n=30) groups. Data on socio demographics was collected using a self-structured schedule, and airway clearance was evaluated with the Airway Clearance Assessment Scale. Study resulted significant difference between the pre-test score and post test score after giving intervention (i.e. 3% hypertonic saline Nebulization) as evidenced by t test value at p=0.000 which is extremely significant. Considering the experimental group patients were reduced 6.4 symptoms score with t value =13.9,p value =0.000 which is highly significant but in control group reduction score was 2.2 with t value=6.5,p value =0.06 which is not statistically significant. The chi square analysis showed statistically significant association between airway clearance after giving Halo therapy. Halotherapy was effective in improving airway clearance in patients with respiratory issues. Future studies with larger samples and varied interventions could provide further insights.
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Salt has been utilized for countless years in different regions worldwide for its health-promoting and therapeutic properties. Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy administered in settings with specialized equipment known as a halogenerator. In recent decades, halotherapy has gained the trust of an increasing number of people worldwide and spread rapidly throughout many countries. The positive effects of the treatment last longer than one year. Drug-free treatments for dermatoses and skin rejuvenation are gaining popularity in the health and beauty industry. Rehabilitative dermatology, cosmetic surgery, anti-ageing procedures, and detoxification regimens all use these techniques. Skin diseases are a significant public health issue that affects a large number of people all over the world. Halotherapy is the treatment of choice for some skin diseases due to the potential for combining it with additional physical forms of therapy as well as pharmacological therapies. The treatment’s minimal negative effects, combined with its delivery in a soothing setting, are beneficial to the mental and emotional health of both adults and kids. The re-profiling of post-mining areas benefits greatly from the growth of different kinds of mining tourism, including medical tourism. Even in today’s salt mining, which frequently combines conventional rock salt extraction with public access to the mine, these types of facilities remain popular. Halotherapy shows promise in treating a wide range of skin conditions thanks to the dry sodium chloride aerosol’s adaptable physiological effect. The healing and cosmetic effects of halotherapy on the skin have been confirmed by scientific studies, but despite the incontestable advantages of halotherapy, additional and more in-depth research on the curative effects of salt on a variety of skin conditions is currently required. The halocomplex serves as the foundation for this technological platform.This article aims to demonstrate the advantages of halotherapy as a complementary therapy for certain skin diseases and discusses the distinction between halotherapy and salt therapy, the technology behind halotherapy, the different application methods, its health benefits in dermatology, the most common indications for using halotherapy in skin treatment and cosmetology programs, the most common skin diseases that it can be used to treat, certain contraindications, as well as the possible negative effects of using halotherapy.
L’halothérapie ou spéléothérapie dans les mines de sel désigne le traitement par séjour dans les grottes de sel. L’indication thérapeutique principale concerne les affections respiratoires (bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO), asthme). Les effets bénéfiques ont été découverts empiriquement en 1843 par Felix Bochkowsky chez les mineurs de la mine de sel de Wieliczka. Des centres de cures ont été structurés dans différents pays d’Europe de l’Est, en Allemagne, Autriche, Turquie et Russie. En raison des caractéristiques propres de chaque mine et la variété des programmes de traitement, la spéléothérapie est considérée comme une classe d’intervention. Dans les années 80, des grottes artificielles ont été créées. La spéléothérapie s’inscrit comme une offre de soins complémentaires de la médecine conventionnelle dans différents pays européens pour le traitement de la BPCO. Depuis 1969, la société roumaine de spéléothérapie organise régulièrement des conférences scientifiques sur le sujet. L’aérosol de chlorure de sodium et d’oligoéléments provenant de l’érosion des murs de la mine liée aux mouvements de l’air humide constitue le principal élément curatif. L’inhalation de cet aérosol salé hypertonique induit une stimulation hyperosmolaire, augmente la clairance mucociliaire, a un effet bactéricide et agit sur l’inflammation bronchique. Le sel et l’humidité permettent aux sécrétions bronchiques de se fluidifier et améliorent leur rhéologie. Les effets bénéfiques de la spéléothérapie dans la BPCO et l’asthme, l’amélioration des performances respiratoires des sportifs ont été montrés. L’évaluation du service médical rendu justifie la conduite d’études cliniques basées sur les méthodologies de la médecine fondée sur les preuves avec suivi à long terme. La création de centres de santé et de sports dans certaines mines de sel représente des modèles vertueux de reconversion environnementale de sites industriels.
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Treatment and post-treatment rehabilitation of COVID-19, which first appeared in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die, has become very important for both patients and scientists. Some chronic health problems, especially in healing patients, have led to the emergence of alternative treatment methods. Significant studies have been conducted on COVID-19 triggering chronic respiratory diseases in patients recovered because of the effects on the respiratory tract. In some studies, it was found that individuals who recovered could not use the functions of the lung with their pre-disease capacity. Halotherapy, which is a treatment method applying by be delivered a fine powder to the upper part of the lower respiratory tract of a person, is a natural and reliable therapy method for respiratory infections, asthma, allergic and chronic bronchitis, colds, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and various skin diseases. Halotherapy has an important place in alternative medicine. Many studies have been carried out on the benefit of Halotherapy, which is considered both Salt Therapy and Cave Therapy, in chronic respiratory diseases. In this context, it is considered that Halotherapy can be useful in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases of individuals with COVID-19 disease in our study based on these studies. Also, scientific studies are recommended treating patients with COVID-19 in areas where salt therapy and speleotherapy are involved in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.
One of the challenges that architects and designers are confronted with in contemporary contexts is the need to address an ethical responsibility towards the health of the environment through understanding the energetic processes embedded in materials and their compositions. A scientific explanation of material fundamentals, including chemistry, physical structure, and embodied energy, provides the greatest insight to material property performance values and relative environmental impacts. This information aids architects in making informed decisions about building materials in the design process. This chapter addresses the book topic of reusable and sustainable building materials through the position that all matter is a form of energy, just as living systems are the transmutation of matter and energy. The seven major material groups, which include natural materials, non-technical ceramics, technical ceramics, metals, polymers, foams and elastomers, and composites, are presented with examples and applications discussed.
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The aim of this study is to provide insights into the touristic potential of European salines and their transformation from salt production facilities into touristscapes as destinations have started to diversify their usage. Benchmark case studies from European salt destinations are utilised to demonstrate the heterogenous spectrum of touristic purposes that salines are currently being used for. Primary research conducted in Germany is used to investigate the role of salt graduation towers and salines in generating tourism and their importance as tourist attractions for the destination; considering market segments and future developments within these destinations. The study indicates that tourism saltscapes are often primary attractions for their destinations, offering their guests a wide spectrum of aspects of health and wellness, heritage, education, sightseeing, events and entertainment, as well as elements that contribute towards environmental friendliness and sustainable tourism. Several studies exist that are concerned with single case destinations of salines but the wide variety of touristic saltscapes, their continuous development, innovation and the important role they play in attracting various touristic market segments has not encountered much acknowledgement within the academic literature, a gap, this research is trying to fill.
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Celem artykułu jest próba wyodrębnienia listy czynników, które z jednej strony stymulują samorządy lokalne do uzyskania lub utrzymania statusu uzdrowiska w Polsce, z drugiej zaś stanowią dla nich bariery, oraz wykazanie znaczenia posiadania statusu uzdrowiska dla rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej. Artykuł oparto na wnikliwym przeglądzie rozporządzeń i ustaw z zakresu prawa uzdrowiskowego, krajowej literatury przedmiotu, a także studiach nad uzdrowiskowymi dokumentami strategiczno-planistycznymi, stanowiących podstawę przeprowadzonej dyskusji i wnioskowania dedukcyjnego. Aby osiągnąć cel pracy, przeanalizowano warunki ustawowe, jakie muszą spełnić miejscowości, które chcą uzyskać lub utrzymać statusu uzdrowiska w Polsce, oraz wynikające z nich korzyści i ograniczenia dla samorządów lokalnych. Wskazano na rolę statusu uzdrowiska w kształtowaniu popytu i podaży turystyczno-uzdrowiskowej.
Question: Many children suffer from respiratory disorders such as asthma. Should speleotherapy (the use of subterranean environments such as caves and mines for treatment of obstructive airway disorders) be offered as a complement to conventional medication for children with steady-state chronic asthma? Answer. Speleotherapy may transiently improve lung function and lower drug requirements in children with asthma. However, effectiveness of speleotherapy is still unclear due to a lack of sufficient and well-controlled data. High-quality, double-blind, randomized trials are needed and speleotherapy can not currently be recommended as part of asthma treatment for all children. Data on speleotherapy long-term effects, risk factors, and safe dosage schedule is needed. Asthma should still be primarily treated with conventional medications.
Basis: The artificial salt-caves were builded in Slovakia from year 2005. The basis of this therapy is halotherapy (halos = salt). The patient inhales micro-element NaCl (1-5 μm) as a dry aerosol. It effective interfuses to respiratory systém and it has strong local anti-inflammatory effect. There is utilised next-to 100% NaCl, but The halotherapy needs standard temperature relative atmospheric moisture, aerosol NaCl and increased iodine-concentration for specific aerosol microclimatic conditions. Of course, itsn't comparable with microclimate of natural caves. And today, we must differentiate natural spelotherapy or natural speleohalotherapy in natural salt-caves and halotherapy in artificial conditions. Method: Several countries accepted halotherapy as a inhalative therapy and the study informed about foreign know-how. The author described self-observation in 12.689 cases. Results: The register of indications and contraindications, eventual unwanted effects, service informations. She advised continue in study of halotherapy and its legal certification.
What are hypersaline environments? Geologists or geochemists define saline lakes sensu lato as bodies of water with salinity more than 3 g/l (0.3%), while those sensu stricto (hypersaline) are bodies of water that exceed the modest 35 g/l (3.5%) salt of oceans (Williams 1998). Many microbiologists use the term hypersaline to denote the well-known salt lakes, such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake or crystallizer ponds of solar salterns, environments almost saturated with salt.
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To assess non-specific bronchial reactivity the effect of inhaling ultrasonically nebulised solutions of distilled water and hypotonic (0.3%), isotonic (0.9%), and hypertonic (2.7%, 3.6%) saline was investigated in 10 asthmatic patients and nine normal subjects. Expired ventilation and the maximum percentage fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were recorded. The sensitivity to the inhaled solutions was determined by measuring the ventilation required to induce a fall in FEV1 of 20% from the prechallenge value. Hypotonic and hypertonic but not isotonic solutions caused a significant fall in FEV1 in the asthmatic subjects. Normal subjects showed no response to either distilled water or 3.6% saline, the only solutions with which they were challenged. The method used for this challenge is rapid, simple, and inexpensive and provides a new means of diagnosing non-immunologically mediated bronchial hyperreactivity.
1 The efficacy of a mucolytic agent, 2-mercapto-ethane sulphonate, administered in the form of an aerosol was evaluated in a group of eleven patients with chronic bronchitis in a controlled, double-blind, crossover study. 2 Saline aerosol isotonic (1.21M, 7.1%) to the drug was used as a placebo. 3 Approximately 1 ml drug/placebo was inhaled by the patients twice a day for 3 days and a final dose was given on the mornings of the drug/placebo trial runs. 4 There was no improvement in this group of patients in lung function or subjective well being attributable to the drug. 5 The viscosity of sputum, dry macromolecular weight and N-acetyl neuraminic acid/fucose ratio remained unaltered throughout the study. 6 An enhancement of tracheobronchial clearance was obtained following the administration of either placebo (31%) or drug aerosols (24%) Statistical significance (P less than 0.01) was only achieved for the placebo and was attributed to an increase in sputum volume.
The radioaerosol method was used to measure the effect of saline aerosol on the rate of clearance of secretions from the lung. Two trial runs were done in each of 7 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (mean +/- SD ratio of 1-sec forced expiratory volume for forced vital capacity, 50 +/- 15 per cent), a control run and a saline run. In both runs, 5.0 +/- 0.7-micron polystyrene particles tagged with 99mTc were inhaled under controlled conditions by the patients, and their subsequent clearance was monitored for 6 hours by whole lung counters. Scanning was also done with a gamma rectilinear scanner. The saline run was identical to the control run except that 30 min after inhaling the radioaerosol the patient inhaled an aerosol of hypertonic (1.21 M) saline for 11 min from an ultrasonic nebulizer. Although the initial distribution of the radioaerosol along the airways was the same in both runs, whole lung clearance during the first 50 min was twice as fast after the inhalation oft he hypertonic saline aerosol as in the control (P less than 0.01). The mean weight of sputum produced was higher (P less than 0.05) in the saline run. The number of coughs in the 2 runs was the same.
In this review, I focus on how airway epithelia transport electrolytes and what regulates this transport. This is a relatively new topic in physiology. Researchers have recognized only recently that airways are more than conduits for airflow to the alveoli, the first work on airway transport properties having been published in 1975 (118). I primarily review the literature but also emphasize uncertainties and gaps in our knowledge. This approach may help focus important but unanswered questions. I occasionally refer to other epithelia, when a comparison or analog may help our understanding of airway epithelia. At the end, I briefly address the pathophysiology of airway epithelia because abnormal electrolyte transport is part of several airway diseases. I do not cover mucus secretion.
This article has no abstract; the first 100 words appear below. IN recent years the technic of transtracheal aspiration of pulmonary secretions for microbiological examination has been increasingly used for ascertaining the cause of acute pulmonary infection. The technic involves attempting a direct aspiration of the endobronchial contents. If this effort is not successful, 2 to 5 ml of sterile saline is instilled into the catheter to promote coughing, loosen secretions and provide a vehicle for aspiration.¹²³⁴⁵ The saline may thus become the major component of the material recovered. The most convenient source of the small amounts of saline required for these procedures is often the multiple-dose vials available at nurses' . . . Source Information From the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine (address reprint requests to Dr. Mandell at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Box 251, Charlottesville, Va. 22901).
Experimental assessment of dry sodium chloride aerosol action on alveolar macrophages. In Clinical-epidemiological problems and prevention of nonspecific pulmonary diseases. St-Petersburg
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Normy a hodnotenia plucnych objemov expiracnych prietokov a plethyzmografickych hodnot
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Relation between sputum sputum solphase composition and diagnosis in chronic chest diseases Effect of halotherapy in patients with bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis Cytobacteriologic examinations of brush samples from nosopharynx mucosa and immune status of patients in halotherapy
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Article PhD Address reprint requests to: Alina V
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Article received on June 21,1993 in final form April 24,1995 Reviewed by: Malcolm King, PhD Juraj Ferin, MD, PhD William D. Bennett, PhD Address reprint requests to: Alina V. Chervinskaya, MD, PhD JSC Aeromed 15, Novolitovskaya 194100 St. Petersburg, RUSSIA Fax: (7-812) 245-2697
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