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Original Paper
Effects of Resistance vs. Aerobic Training Combined
With an 800 Calorie Liquid Diet on Lean Body Mass and
Resting Metabolic Rate
Randy W. Bryner, EdD, Irma H. Ullrich, MD FACN, Janine Sauers, MS, David Donley, MS, Guyton Hornsby, PhD,
Maria Kolar, MD, and Rachel Yeater, PhD
Department of Human Performance and Applied Exercise Science (R.W.B., J.S., D.D., G.H., R.Y.), and Department of Medicine,
School of Medicine (I.H.U., M.K.), West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia
Key words: resistance training, weight loss, resting metabolic rate, very-low-calorie diet, diet
Objective: Utilization of very-low-calorie diets (VLCD) for weight loss results in loss of lean body weight
(LBW) and a decrease in resting metabolic rate (RMR). The addition of aerobic exercise does not prevent this.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of intensive, high volume resistance training combined with
a VLCD on these parameters.
Methods: Twenty subjects (17 women, three men), mean age 38 years, were randomly assigned to either
standard treatment control plus diet (C1D), n510, or resistance exercise plus diet (R1D), n510. Both groups
consumed 800 kcal/day liquid formula diets for 12 weeks. The C1D group exercised 1 hour four times/week
by walking, biking or stair climbing. The R1D group performed resistance training 3 days/week at 10 stations
increasing from two sets of 8 to 15 repetitions to four sets of 8 to 15 repetitions by 12 weeks. Groups were similar
at baseline with respect to weight, body composition, aerobic capacity, and resting metabolic rate.
Results: Maximum oxygen consumption (Max VO
) increased significantly (p,0.05) but equally in both
groups. Body weight decreased significantly more (p,0.01) in C1D than R1D. The C1D group lost a
significant (p,0.05) amount of LBW (51 to 47 kg). No decrease in LBW was observed in R1D. In addition,
R1D had an increase (p,0.05) in RMR O
ml/kg/min (2.6 to 3.1). The 24 hour RMR decreased (p,0.05) in
the C1D group.
Conclusion: The addition of an intensive, high volume resistance training program resulted in preservation
of LBW and RMR during weight loss with a VLCD.
Obesity is a major health problem in the United States
affecting more than 34 million Americans [1]. Weight loss
through dieting alone has been shown to result in a dramatic
and sustained reduction in resting metabolism [2,3]. Very-low-
calorie diets (VLCD) are often recommended in cases of ex-
treme clinical obesity [4]. Their use has primarily been limited
to persons who have failed to lose weight in more conventional
diet programs and whose body mass index (BMI) is greater
than 30 [5]. The problem often associated with the VLCD is the
significant loss of lean tissue and a subsequent decrease in
resting metabolism, especially in the early phase of the diet [6].
Endurance exercise in combination with severe energy restric-
tion has been shown to result in less decrease in fat free mass
(FFM) as compared with dieting alone [7,8]. However, a num-
ber of other studies have reported that endurance training in
conjunction with very-low-calorie diets have either produced
no effect [9–12] on the retention of FFM, or even caused an
augmented loss compared with the very-low-calorie diets alone
It has been suggested that resistance-training may be more
effective than aerobic exercise in preserving or increasing FFM
and resting metabolic rate (RMR) [15], especially in conjunc-
tion with a VLCD [16]. This combination, however, has not
been extensively studied. A limited number of studies have
Presented in part at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, May 27–31, 1997, Denver, CO.
Address reprint requests to: Randy W. Bryner, EdD, Department of Human Performance and Applied Exercise Science, PO Box 9227, 8317 HSC, Morgantown, WV 26506.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 18, No. 1, 115–121 (1999)
Published by the American College of Nutrition
combined resistance training with a VLCD and reported no
added benefit for the retention of FFM compared to the VLCD
alone [12,17]. However, resistance training during severe en-
ergy restriction and large-scale weight loss has been shown to
produce significant hypertrophy in the skeletal muscle in which
training occurred [18]. It does not attenuate the loss, however,
of FFM in non-exercised tissue. It is possible that previous
studies using resistance exercise protocols have utilized an
insufficient volume of exercise. A review of several weight loss
studies involving exercise concluded that those which produced
the greatest weight loss involved either intensive training pro-
grams or were of relatively long duration [19]. The purpose of
this study was to compare the effects of an intensive high
volume resistance training program with a standard treatment
control aerobic training program in subjects consuming a
VLCD for 12 weeks. Changes in body weight, FFM and RMR
were compared between groups.
Twenty subjects (17 women, three men) with a mean age of
36.7611.5 years, weight of 95.1613.0 kg, and a BMI of
35.262.9 kg/m
were recruited through newspaper advertise-
ments to participate in a 12-week diet and exercise study. The
criteria for participation in the study were no involvement in a
regular exercise or weight loss program for at least 6 months
prior to the first visit and no known cardiovascular, endocri-
nologic or orthopedic disorders. After informed consent was
obtained, all potential subjects underwent a complete medical
examination to determine their ability to participate. Eligible
subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups: stan-
dard treatment control plus VLCD (C1D, females58,
males52), or resistance exercise plus VLCD (R1D, fe-
males59, males51). Each subject was given a maximum stress
test, body composition analysis, and RMR determination prior
to the start of the study. Subject characteristics can be found in
Table 1.
Resting Metabolic Rate
The RMR of subjects was determined at baseline and week
12. Following an overnight fast of at least 12 hours, subjects
reported to the Human Performance Laboratory for the deter-
mination of RMR. Subjects were fitted with a Hans Rudolf face
mask which was connected to an Aerosport metabolic system
for the determination of breath by breath oxygen analysis.
Subjects rested quietly in a supine position for 30 minutes in a
thermo-neutral environment. The mean oxygen consumption
) was calculated over the final 5 minutes and was used to
determine the RMR. A menstrual history was taken for each of
the female subjects at the start of the study. The goal of the
study was to keep the phase of the menstrual cycle constant for
the baseline and week 12 RMR test. However, since the study
was exactly 12 weeks in duration, three of the females (one in
C1D; two in R1D) who had a regular cycle during the study
were post tested in the alternate cycle phase due to variations in
cycle length.
Peak Oxygen Consumption and
Hydrostatic Weighing
Peak oxygen consumption (PVO
) was determine at base-
line and at 12 weeks by a symptom limited treadmill graded
exercise test (GXT) using a modified Balke treadmill protocol
[20]. Participants received a verbal overview of the GXT pro-
cedure and were fitted with a noseclip and a Hans Rudolph
non-rebreathing mouthpiece for collection of expired air during
the GXT. Breath by breath oxygen analysis was done with an
Aerosport metabolic system. The protocol was initiated at a
comfortable but brisk walking speed at 0% elevation. Treadmill
speed remained constant throughout while the elevation was
raised 1% each minute until volitional fatigue. Criteria for
considering the GXT a maximal effort included at least two
of the following: a plateau in maximal oxygen consumption,
a respiratory ratio greater than 1.0, or voluntary discontin-
uation by the participant despite urging from the staff.
Hydrostatic weighing was used to determine percent fat and
fat free mass at baseline and at 12 weeks by a previously
validated method [21].
All participants were given the same diet for the entire
12-week study period. The VLCD consisted of a liquid formula
(40% protein, 49% carbohydrate, 11% fat) ingested five times
a day yielding a total of 800 kcals daily. Two multivitamin
tablets were also consumed daily. Diet and vitamins were
provided by Health Management Resources Inc., Boston, MA.
Participants were asked to refrain from other food or non diet
beverages. All subjects met with an investigator weekly and
Table 1. Subject Characteristics at Baseline (Mean6SD)
Age (years) 39.0611.6 35.8613.2
Body weight (kg) 93.8615.1 97.7615.2
BMI 35.263.9 35.562.0
Fat (%) 44.567.0 46.266.8
LBW (kg) 51.4610.6 51.667.9
Peak VO
(ml/kg/minute) 21.262.6 21.164.2
RMR (kcal/day) 1569.26202.39 1737.16393.4
RMR (ml/kg/minute) 2.260.5 2.660.5
C1D, standard treatment control plus VLCD; R1D, resistance treatment plus
BMI, body mass index (kg/m
); LBW, lean body weight; VO
, oxygen consump-
tion; RMR, resting metabolic rate.
Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass and RMR
116 VOL. 18, NO. 1
were questioned about their medical condition and their com-
pliance to the dietary protocol. Only 1 week worth of supple-
ment was given at a time requiring subjects to be present at the
weekly weigh-in and meeting sessions. Adherence to the diet
was questioned if weight loss was less then 2 lbs per week.
Each subject was asked to give a verbal declaration of adher-
ence to the diet at each weekly meeting. Self-reported compli-
ance was excellent.
Exercise Training Protocols
Resistance Training plus Diet. The Resistance Training
(R1D) group performed resistance exercises 3 days/week at 10
stations which included four lower body and six upper body
exercises for 12 weeks. The initial 2 week were used to famil-
iarize subjects to the resistance training apparatus and to de-
termine the maximum weight that could be lifted either once
(1RM) or eight times (8RM). The 1RM was determined as
follows: Subjects performed one set of six to eight repetitions
with a weight that could be lifted 12 to 15 times. A second set
of two to three repetitions with a slightly heavier weight was
performed. The weight was then increased to a cautious esti-
mate of the 1RM at which time subjects attempted a single lift.
If successful, the weight was gradually increased until the
subject could not complete the one repetition lift. The 1RM test
was conducted during week 2 and again at the end of week 12.
The training protocol was as follows: During the initial
training session, subjects exercised by lifting a weight that was
considered light for one set of approximately 15 repetitions per
station. For the second workout, subjects performed two sets
using the same weight as the first workout for each station. A
gradual increase in weight was used until subjects were lifting
a weight that could be lifted at least eight times but no more
than 12 times as determined by the 8RM for two sets by the end
of week 2 of training. Three sets were done at week 6 and four
sets at week 9 all utilizing the same intensity and number of
repetitions as described previously. Rest periods of approxi-
mately 1 minute were given between each exercise throughout
the training session in a circuit-type workout. Careful monitor-
ing of subjects was done to insure that once an individual was
able to lift a weight 12 times on the final set, additional weight
was added on the next training session. In addition, heart rate
was monitored during the 1-minute resting periods periodically
throughout the exercise session by radial artery palpation. This
procedure was used throughout the 12-week training period to
maintain a consistent level of training intensity. Training ses-
sions were scheduled three times per week with a mandatory
1-day rest between visits to eliminate soreness and insure full
recovery due to the aggressive nature of the protocol. Very few
subjects complained of fatigue or soreness throughout the en-
tire 12-week period.
Standard Treatment Control plus Diet. The Standard
Treatment Control (C1D) group exercised 4 days/week by
walking, biking, or stair climbing. Exercise duration began at
20 minutes/day and increased 10 minutes/day/week until sub-
jects were exercising 50 to 60 minutes each session. A self-
paced protocol was used to simulate the HMR program in
which exercise intensity is not prescribed but exercise is en-
couraged. In addition, heart rate was monitored approximately
every 10 minutes during exercise by radial artery palpation. All
participants were individually monitored at each exercise ses-
sion to assure compliance with both the resistance and aerobic
training protocols.
Data Analysis
A series of independent repeated measures analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) calculations were used to assess the degree to
which exercise training (resistance vs. standard treatment con-
trol) produced changes in cardiovascular fitness, metabolic, and
weight variables over two time points (pre-post training). Be-
cause of the low number of male subjects, data were analyzed
both with males included and excluded. Results were similar,
therefore the following results reflect the entire subject pool. A
probability level of 0.05 was selected as the criterion for
statistical significance.
No differences were observed between groups at the start of
the study for body weight, percent fat, LBW, Max VO
RMR (Table 1). Compliance to exercise sessions was excellent
in both groups during the 12-week study, averaging
92.5%617.9% and 91.4%621.8% for the C1D and R1D
groups, respectively with no difference between groups. The
C1D exercised at a greater (p,0.01) heart rate intensity com-
pare to R1D during the daily training sessions (78.4%65.9%
vs. 69.0%67.7%; mean6SD percent of max HR)
Maximum VO
and treadmill time to fatigue was measured
during the pretest and immediately after the 12-week study
period (Table 2). There was a significant increase (p,0.05) in
peak VO
for both of the C1D and R1D groups (C1D:
21.262.6 to 27.663.4 ml/kg/minute; R1D: 21.164.2 to
27.465.5 ml/kg/minute, mean6SD) which was of similar mag-
nitude. There was a significant group by test interaction
(p,0.05) for the treadmill time to fatigue. (C1D: 12.063.7 to
17.562.8 minutes; R1D: 10.962.7 to 13.866.1 minutes,
mean6SD). The C1D group had a significantly greater im-
provement than did R1D.
Body weight, body fat, LBM, BMI, and percentage of fat
measured during the pretest and post test can be found in Table
2. Although both groups lost a significant amount of weight
(p,0.05) there was a significant group by test interaction
(p,0.01) for body weight. As can be seen in Table 2, C1D
experienced a significantly greater decrease in body weight
than did R1D, (19.4 vs. 14.7%). Each group experienced a
similar reduction (p,0.05) in body fat (C1D: 40.869.1 to
Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass and RMR
28.066.5 kg, R1D: 44.9610.9 to 30.465.3, kg), fat percent-
age (C1D: 44.567.0 to 37.166.0, R1D: 46.266.8 to
37.664.8), and BMI (C1D: 35.263.9 to 28.662.8, R1D:
35.562.0 to 29.761.7). There was also a significant (p,0.05)
group by test interaction for LBW. Lean body weight decreased
(p,0.05) in the C1D group (51.3610.7 to 47.367.0 kg,
mean6SD). No reduction in LBW was observed in the R1D
group (51.667.8 to 50.769.0 kg, mean6SD).
There was a significant group by test interaction for the
RMR expressed either as ml/kg/minute total weight (Fig. 1) or
ml/kg LBW/minute (Fig. 2). As can be seen in Fig. 1, RMR
increased (p,0.05) in the R1D group and was greater after 12
weeks compared with C1D. The RMR was also significantly
greater (p,0.05) in the R1D versus the C1D group after
12-weeks expressed as ml/kg LBW/minute (Fig. 2) or 24-hour
RMR (Table 2). The 24-hour RMR (Table 2) decreased signif-
icantly (p,0.05) in the C1D group (1569.26202.4 to
1358.56297.1 kcal/day, mean6SD).
The 1RM test results for leg press (LPRM), leg extension
(LERM), bench press (BPRM), and shoulder press (SPRM)
determined for R1D can be found in Table 3. There was a
significant (p,.01) increase in strength in all four measures pre
to post. The increases in strength ranged from 23.063.7% for
SPRM to 48.0630.1% for LERM. The average intensity during
Fig. 1 Resting metabolic rate (RMR, mean6SD) expressed as ml/kg/
minute for the resistance plus diet (R1D) and standard treatment
control aerobic plus diet (C1D) groups. RMR increased significantly
(p,0.05) pre to post in R1D. It was also significantly greater (p,0.05)
in the R1D than in the C1D group after 12 weeks. No change was
observed in the C1D group pre to post.
Fig. 2 Resting metabolic rate (RMR, mean6SD) expressed as ml/kg
LBW/minute for the resistance plus diet (R1D) and standard treatment
control aerobic plus diet (C1D) groups. RMR was significantly greater
(p,0.05) in the R1D than in the C1D group after 12 weeks. No
change was observed in the C1D group pre to post.
Table 2. Changes in Body Composition Data, RMR and Peak VO
C1D(N510) R1D(N510)
Pre Post Pre Post
Body weight (kg) 93.8615.1 75.7610.6* 97.7615.2 83.3612.6*†
BMI 35.263.9 28.662.8* 35.562.0 29.761.7*
Fat (%) 44.567.0 37.166.0* 46.266.8 37.664.9*
LBW (kg) 51.4610.6 47.367.0* 51.667.9 50.869.0
Fat (kg) 40.869.1 28.066.47 44.9619.9 30.465.3
Peak VO
(ml/kg/minute) 21.262.6 27.663.4* 21.164.2 27.465.5*
Treadmill time (minutes) to fatigue 12.063.7 17.562.8* 10.962.7 13.866.1*†
RMR (kcal/day) 1569.26202.4 1358.56297.1* 1737.16393.4 1800.46362.0†
C1D, standard treatment control plus VLCD; R1D, resistance treatment plus VLCD.
BMI, body mass index (kg/m
); LBW, lean body weight; VO
, oxygen consumption; RMR, resting metabolic rate. * p,0.05, significantly different from pre test values;
†p,0.05, significant differences between groups.
Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass and RMR
118 VOL. 18, NO. 1
the final week of training for the R1D group for these four
measures was 75.968.3% of the maximum 1RMs.
The results from the present study indicate that the addition
of a high intensity high volume resistance training program to
a VLCD can attenuate the loss of LBM and increase RMR
while still producing a significant weight loss. Combining
aerobic exercise and a VLCD resulted in a significant decrease
in body weight, LBM, and RMR. Resistance exercise was also
associated with an increase in peak VO
similar to changes
seen in the standard treatment control aerobic group.
Other studies have reported that weight loss through the
combination of diet and aerobic exercise results in significant
loss of both body fat and LBM [9–12] similar to the present
findings. The percentages of fat and lean body mass lost on
VLCDs has been reported to be approximately 75% and 25%,
respectively [22]. These percentages can fluctuate and may be
affected by the amount of protein intake [23] and the amount of
physical activity performed during the VLCD period. The diet
used in the present study was composed of 40% protein or
approximately 80 g/day. Froidevaux and others [23] reported
that a low-energy diet supplemented with protein (7764g
protein/day) resulted in a body fat mass decrease of 1164kg
corresponding to 83619% of weight loss. This would indicate
that a diet supplemented with protein may contribute to the
maintenance of LBM during periods of severe energy restric-
tion. However, although diet composition can potentially affect
the type of tissue lost during conditions of negative energy
balance, such effects are usually very small given the short
duration of most obesity treatment programs and therefore of
minimal significance during the weight loss period [24]. Some
evidence indicates that aerobic training concurrent with VLCD
can cause greater loss in FFM than occurs with a VLCD alone
[13,14]. Resistance training may be more advantageous to use
during periods of severe energy restriction as it has been shown
to have a low metabolic cost and to create a smaller energy
deficit then aerobic training. This ultimately could help pre-
serve FFM.
The relative percent change in weight after 12 weeks of
VLCD was significantly greater in the standard treatment con-
trol aerobic training versus resistance training group. The
scheduled exercise sessions per week for the C1D and R1D
groups were four and three sessions, respectively. Subject
compliance to exercise was excellent for both groups and did
not differ. The resistance training group only exercised three
times weekly because the aggressive program necessitated a
day of rest between workouts. The C1D group exercised 4
days per week because this has been the experimental design
used in past studies with VLCD [12,17] and because the pur-
pose of this group was to serve as a standard treatment control.
In addition, subjects in C1D exercised at a greater intensity per
session (higher percent of maximum HR) as compared with the
resistance trained subjects. Therefore, it is likely that these
subjects expended more energy throughout the 12-week train-
ing program compared with R1D contributing to the greater
weight loss. It is also possible that subjects in C1D were under
a greater influence of catabolic hormones such as epinephrine
during and immediately following each workout. Previous
studies have reported that exercise can stimulate the sympa-
thetic nervous system and that the release of catecholamines,
especially epinephrine, during exercise is an intensity depen-
dent process [25,26]. There is a possibility that subjects in
R1D would have lost more weight had they exercised four
times per week as opposed to three. However, what is known is
that resistance training three times per week while consuming
a VLCD was associated with a significant large loss of clini-
cally relevant body weight and that this loss was almost entirely
fat weight.
Few studies have been conducted that combine resistance
training with weight loss and even fewer have examined this
type of exercise in combination with a VLCD. Ballor and
others [27] reported that resistance training can increase fat free
mass in subjects consuming a diet of approximately 1200
kcal/day. However, most studies that have combined a VLCD
(800 kcals or less) have reported that resistance training does
not attenuate the loss of LBM or decrease in RMR. Resistance
training combined with severe energy restriction (approximate-
ly 520 kcal/day) showed no greater retention of FFM than when
severe energy restriction was used by itself [12]. In a similar
study, Donnelly et al [17] reported that resistance training alone
or in combination with aerobic training showed no greater
effects in increasing weight loss or decreasing the loss of FFM
or RMR compared to VLCD alone. The same study also
reported no differences between aerobic and resistance training
for any of the aforementioned parameters. Comparisons with
these and the present study are difficult due to the different
experimental designs used in each study, especially the resis-
tance training protocols. The present study incorporated a pro-
gressive intensive resistance training protocol of high volume
designed to not only prevent the decline in FFM with weight
Table 3. Changes in Strength after 12 Weeks of Resistance
Training in the R1D Group (Mean6SD)
Pre Post % Change
SPRM (lbs) 62.7616.3 76.5622.0* 23.063.7
BPRM (lbs) 67.9616.5 95.0625.5* 42.4623.4
LPRM (lbs) 333.0670.4 468.5672.7* 38.7622.4
LERM (lbs) 94.2635.0 135.7632.6* 48.0630.1
R1D, resistance treatment plus VLCD.
SPRM5shoulder press one repetition maximum; BPRM5bench press one rep-
etition maximum; LPRM5leg press one repetition maximum; LERM5leg ex-
tension one repetition maximum.
*p,0.05, significantly different from pretest values.
Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass and RMR
loss but enhance it if possible. Maintaining FFM and RMR may
be very important during periods of weight loss.
Previous research has shown that significant muscle hyper-
trophy is possible in an individual undergoing severe energy
restriction. Both slow twitch and fast twitch cross-sectional
fiber area increased significantly in muscles that were resistive
trained for 90 days in individuals who were consuming a
VLCD [18]. Similar to the present study, dietary intake was
approximately 800 kcals/day. However, hypertrophy was only
seen in exercised muscles and the resistance training was
unable to prevent the loss of overall FFM any better then diet
alone. Muscular activity during severe energy restriction may
decrease protein catabolism by decreasing the sensitivity of
working muscles to catabolic hormones [28]. However, it is
possible that some baseline level of dietary intake (i.e., 800 to
1200 kcals) is necessary for significant muscle hypertrophy to
occur with resistance training. Studies have reported that a
dietary intake of 1,000 to 1,500 kcals is needed to see the
positive benefits that exercise training can have on RMR and
FFM [29,30]. Alternatively, it is also possible that a more
aggressive resistance training protocol which incorporates
more muscle groups could attenuate this loss of FFM so often
seen during severe energy restriction. Results from the present
study showed, in fact, that this type of protocol was able to
maintain FFM in individuals who were consuming a VLCD
and losing a significant amount of weight.
A significant increase in peak VO
was observed in both the
aerobic and resistance trained individuals. Previous studies
combining resistance training only with a VLCD have not
reported increases in peak VO
[12,17]. The present protocol
required that the subject not only be challenged to lift more
weight but also to maintain a minimal rest period between sets
to incorporate a circuit type workout. This approach most likely
contributed to the increased oxygen consumption noted in the
resistance training group and may have contributed to the
maintenance of FFM.
Subjects in the R1D also experienced a significant increase
in both upper body and lower body strength as measured by the
four 1RM tests. The 1RM testing was conducted at the end of
the second week of training. This was done to allow for the
initial strength gains so often seen at the beginning of a resis-
tance training program, particularly in previously untrained
individuals. The causes of these increases have been associated
with the optimization of motor unit recruitment patterns or the
so called “neurological training” [31]. Subjects in the C1D
were instructed not to participate in any resistance training
during the course of the study. For this reason, 1RM testing was
not performed on these subjects because a single lifting mea-
surement would most likely have been invalid and not compa-
rable to those obtained from the R1D group.
In summary, the addition of high volume aggressive resis-
tance training to a VLCD was associated with a significant
weight loss while preserving LBW and RMR. The preservation
of LBW and RMR during the consumption of a VLCD did not
occur with a standard treatment control aerobic training pro-
gram. These results indicate that high volume resistance train-
ing may be beneficial for patients who use a VLCD to lose
large amounts of weight at least for periods up to 12 weeks.
Future clinical studies need to determine its efficacy in long
term weight loss programs and the maintenance of this weight
loss for extended periods of time.
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Received April 1998; revision accepted August 1998.
Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass and RMR