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The effect of boredom proneness as measured by the Boredom Proneness Scale (R. F. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986) on college students' psychosocial development was investigated via the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA; R. B. Winston, T. K. Miller, & J. S. Prince, 1995). Low boredom-prone students had significantly higher scores on the following SDTLA measures: career planning, lifestyle planning, peer relationships, educational involvement, instrumental autonomy, emotional autonomy, interdependence, academic autonomy, and salubrious lifestyle. Gender differences on boredom proneness and psychosocial development measures are discussed.
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Boredom proneness and psychosocial development
John D Watt; Stephen J Vodanovich
The Journal of Psychology; May 1999; 133, 3; Research Library
pg. 303
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... This is supported by Hebbian learning experiments, which show that repetitive engagement with art leads to cognitive satiation, diminishing stimulus impact and reducing interest (Citri and Malenka, 2008;Robbins et al., 2007). This reduction in emotional engagement parallels digital interactions where user interest wanes after repeated cycles of expectation fulfillment and information saturation (Watt and Vodanovich, 1999). Preferences for surreal art among those prone to boredom highlight the need for complex artistic expressions to prevent cognitive satiation (Furnham and Avison, 1997). ...
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Introduction: This paper introduces the concept of Sustainable Digital Rent (SDR), highlighting the shift from traditional economic rent based on tangible assets to rent derived from digital platforms. At the heart of this shift is the "value state," a dynamic balance between constructive expectations and destructive information. As digital platforms generate increasing amounts of information, expectations are increasingly met and shared more efficiently with all users, leading to a reduction in individual and general motivational, emotional, and cognitive engagement. These platforms, now essential to modern life, facilitate online activities that reduce as well physical engagement and natural interactions, thereby impacting cognitive function and physical health. By extracting rent directly, digital platform operators limit the benefits users could gain to support their mental and physical well-being. Methods: This paper empirically defines and estimates SDR using the collective estimates of price, cost, and income (PCI) as practiced in North American real estate appraisal, demonstrated through abstract art rent. Our approach provides a new perspective on valuing intangible assets, such as knowledge, by showing the shift from expectation to information, governed by the value state in cognitive evaluations. Emphasizing interdisciplinary relevance, the method underscores the need for an efficient mechanism to redistribute SDR benefits to digital platform users, supporting fair and equitable digital development. Results and discussion: The results show that digital rent is driven primarily by cognitive and informational content, demonstrating the need for redistribution mechanisms to address the growing inequality on digital platforms. The use of abstract art as a case study provides a convenient and illustrative way to explore how intangible assets, like digital rents, can be evaluated and redistributed. SDR offers insights into how digital rents can be captured and redistributed equitably, ensuring that platform users and creators benefit from the knowledge economy's growth. The findings underscore the relevance of measuring SDR to guide policy recommendations aimed at reducing digital monopolization and promoting sustainable digital development.
... • Boreout sendromu yaşayan çalışanlar kendi kendini motive etmede zorluk yaşayarak sorumlu olduğu işlerde isteksizlik hissetmektedir (Watt ve Vodanovich, 1999). ...
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Boreout sendromu günümüz iş dünyasının yaygın sorunlarından birisidir. İşyerinde yaşanan boreout sendromu çalışanları ve işletmeleri olumsuz etkilemektedir. Kendisi ile çalıştığı işin anlam bütünlüğünü kavramakta zorlanan çalışanlar boreout sendromu yaşayarak düşük motivasyon ve performans ile çalışmaktadır. Bu sendrom sonucunda işletmeler verimlilik ve kalitede bağlamında ciddi kayıplar yaşamaktadır. Bu durum işletmeler için oldukça maliyetlidir. Bu bağlamda işletmeler, çalışanlarının boreout sendromu yaşamasını önlemek için personel seçme ve yerleştirme politikalarını uygularken çalışanlar ile iş arasındaki uyuma dikkat etmelidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı boreout sendromu kavramına değinerek, boreout sendromunun belirtilerini, çalışanların işyerinde boreout sendromunun yaşanma nedenlerini, boreout sendromu yaşayanların yapması gerekenleri, işyerinde yaşanan boreout sendromunun sonuçlarını ve boreout sendromunu önlemek için alınacak önlemleri sunmaktır.
... For instance, Smith, Cohen, and Stammerjohn (1981) found that workers in monotonous jobs reported more musculoskeletal, visual, and emotional-health complaints than those achieving non-monotonous work. Thus, as reported by Watt and Vodanovich (1999), persons highly vulnerable to boredom are less psychosocially developed, and thereby they are less able to deal with different situations. ...
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This study examined the effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) in reducing boredom proneness and improving intrinsic motivation among a sample of high school female students in Jordan. Participants were 30 female students in the eleventh grade. They were randomly assigned to two equal groups: The experimental group received SFBT and control group didn't receive any treatment. All participants receiving SFBT met for six treatment sessions. The sessions were 80 minutes long and took place twice weekly over the course of three weeks. To achieve the objectives of the study, a scale for measuring boredom proneness and another scale for measuring intrinsic motivation were used. The data were analyzed using t-tests and a one-way MANOVA. Results showed that there were significant differences between the two groups in the mean scores on both scales at the posttest, where the experimental group scored lower on the boredom proneness scale, and higher on the intrinsic motivation scale. In light of these results, suggestions for future research and counseling were presented.
... • Boreout sendromu yaşayan çalışanlar kendi kendini motive etmede zorluk yaşayarak sorumlu olduğu işlerde isteksizlik hissetmektedir (Watt ve Vodanovich, 1999). ...
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“Her seher Besmeleyle açılır dükkanımız Ahi Evran-ı Velidir; dâhi Pirimiz, Üstadımız” ve “Dükkân kapusu Hak kapusu, Hakkına yalvar, çeşmim gibidir çeşmeleri akmasa da damlar” düsturu ile başlayan meslek teşkilatlarından kitlesel çapta iş gören büyük işletmelere döndüğümüz günümüzde örgütsel faaliyetlerin kalitesi sadece hizmet ve üretimden ibaret olmanın ötesinde içerisindeki üyelerinin varlıkları ve işe dokunuşları ile de şekil almaktadır. Örgütsel yaşamdaki her bir üye, örgütte yaşayan sadece bir organizma olmanın ötesinde, aynı zamanda örgütsel sunumun da bir mimarıdır. Bu açıdan Örgütsel Davranış’ı yalnızca örgüt içerisinde gerçekleşen davranışlar bütünü olarak görmek bir eksiklik olacaktır. Örgütsel davranış bütün örgüt üyelerinin davranışlarının neden ve neticelerinin incelendiği, örgüt amaçları ile bu davranışların uyumsallaştırılmaya çalışıldığı, aynı zamanda sürekli kontrol edildiği çalışmaları içeren bir disiplindir. Davranışları birey, grup ve örgüt bazında ele alarak davranışlar arası ilişkiler ve örgütsel yaşamdaki etkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Örgütsel yaşam insan yaşamı gibi çevreden etkilenmekte, çevreyi etkilemekte ve onunla birlikte değişmektedir. Bu açıdan örgüt yaşamı hem daha önceki yaşamını olgunlaştırmakta hem de yeni durum ve gelişmelerle öğrenmektedir. Bu durum sebebiyle örgütsel davranış gündemi sürekli değişen bir konjonktür sergilemektedir. Bu kitap örgütsel davranışta güncel konuları ortaya koymaktadır. Kitabın öncelikli odağı değişen örgütsel davranış literatüründe yeni olan konuları kavramsal manada ortaya koymaktır. Kitap araştırmacı ve yenilikçi akademisyen bölüm yazarlarının birikimlerini de ortaya koymaktadır. Bu açıdan güncel konular takip edilerek örgütsel çerçevede sunumu yapılmıştır. Kitap uzun soluklu ve titiz bir emeğin ürünüdür. Örgütsel yaşamı araştıran ve yönetenlere, ayrıca soluyanlara bu kıymetli eserin katkı sağlaması dileğiyle, Dr. Yasemin GÜLBAHAR ANKARA, 2023
... • Boreout sendromu yaşayan çalışanlar kendi kendini motive etmede zorluk yaşayarak sorumlu olduğu işlerde isteksizlik hissetmektedir (Watt ve Vodanovich, 1999). ...
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“Her seher Besmeleyle açılır dükkanımız Ahi Evran-ı Velidir; dâhi Pirimiz, Üstadımız” ve “Dükkân kapusu Hak kapusu, Hakkına yalvar, çeşmim gibidir çeşmeleri akmasa da damlar” düsturu ile başlayan meslek teşkilatlarından kitlesel çapta iş gören büyük işletmelere döndüğümüz günümüzde örgütsel faaliyetlerin kalitesi sadece hizmet ve üretimden ibaret olmanın ötesinde içerisindeki üyelerinin varlıkları ve işe dokunuşları ile de şekil almaktadır. Örgütsel yaşamdaki her bir üye, örgütte yaşayan sadece bir organizma olmanın ötesinde, aynı zamanda örgütsel sunumun da bir mimarıdır. Bu açıdan Örgütsel Davranış’ı yalnızca örgüt içerisinde gerçekleşen davranışlar bütünü olarak görmek bir eksiklik olacaktır. Örgütsel davranış bütün örgüt üyelerinin davranışlarının neden ve neticelerinin incelendiği, örgüt amaçları ile bu davranışların uyumsallaştırılmaya çalışıldığı, aynı zamanda sürekli kontrol edildiği çalışmaları içeren bir disiplindir. Davranışları birey, grup ve örgüt bazında ele alarak davranışlar arası ilişkiler ve örgütsel yaşamdaki etkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Örgütsel yaşam insan yaşamı gibi çevreden etkilenmekte, çevreyi etkilemekte ve onunla birlikte değişmektedir. Bu açıdan örgüt yaşamı hem daha önceki yaşamını olgunlaştırmakta hem de yeni durum ve gelişmelerle öğrenmektedir. Bu durum sebebiyle örgütsel davranış gündemi sürekli değişen bir konjonktür sergilemektedir. Bu kitap örgütsel davranışta güncel konuları ortaya koymaktadır. Kitabın öncelikli odağı değişen örgütsel davranış literatüründe yeni olan konuları kavramsal manada ortaya koymaktır. Kitap araştırmacı ve yenilikçi akademisyen bölüm yazarlarının birikimlerini de ortaya koymaktadır. Bu açıdan güncel konular takip edilerek örgütsel çerçevede sunumu yapılmıştır. Kitap uzun soluklu ve titiz bir emeğin ürünüdür. Örgütsel yaşamı araştıran ve yönetenlere, ayrıca soluyanlara bu kıymetli eserin katkı sağlaması dileğiyle, Dr. Yasemin GÜLBAHAR ANKARA, 2023
... Without going further, the following myths are two typical responses to the question: why don't we know almost nothing about boredom? Of course, we don't know anything because the study of boredom is still in its infancy and because boredom has not been paid the attention it deserves (see e.g., O'Hanlon, 1981;Smith, 1981;Farmer and Sundberg, 1986;Damrad-Frye and Laird, 1989;Pediaditakis, 1991;Fisher, 1993;Leong and Schneller, 1993;Scitovsky, 1999;Watt and Vodanovich, 1999;Martin et al., 2006;Pekrun et al., 2010;Thompson, 2020). I am not surprised that those who are not engaged in researching this phenomenon think that boredom has . ...
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We don't know almost nothing about boredom . Even though the experience of boredom has been part of our daily life for centuries, we are far from being clear about what its suffering consists of, what its main causes and consequences are, or how we can satisfactorily escape it. This is one of the most repeated myths about boredom among some boredom scholars; one from which many others derive, causing unnecessary confusion about a phenomenon around which there exists, in fact, a whole corpus of scientific knowledge. Most of them are harmless, simple narratives from our popular culture; others, however, have the power to condition the way in which we perceive reality, to the point of becoming stigmatizing. Breaking with some of our most ingrained beliefs about boredom is not an easy task, although it is necessary to understand the true nature of this state. In my essay, I will try to disprove some of the contemporary myths that circulate about the experience of boredom. Starting with the first myth, I will explore the scope of other related myths such as those that say that the study of boredom is in its infancy , that boredom has not been given the attention it deserves , that the experience of boredom is born in modern societies , that boredom is an exclusively human condition , that boredom only happens in leisure time , that being bored is the same as doing nothing , that it is desirable to have moments of boredom , that boredom helps our brain to rest , that boredom makes us more creative , and that those who get bored is because they want to or, what is worse, that only fools get bored .
The German philosopher Hans Blumenberg always advocated the need to adopt an open and integrating view of the wisdom from different disciplines of knowledge when delving into the intricacies of the reality in which we find ourselves immersed, not only as a formula to try and embrace it in theoretical terms, but as a necessary resource to live in a meaningful way. Particularly when speaking of the human being, Blumenberg warned that the aspects that make up our life experience can only be apprehended based on a methodological approach in which there is room not only for scientific rationality, but also for humanistic and even spiritual contributions. This vision coincides with the commitment to what has recently been described, based on the various calls for multidisciplinary research made by Pope Benedict XVI, under the term ‘expanded reason.’ A review of Blumenberg’s methodology in the pursuit of knowledge of things can help us to better understand what is at stake in the demand that this term has been making since the mid-twentieth century and, more than ever, in the present era. In this chapter, I will explore what it means to approach the human phenomena that take place in the reality in which we live from the perspective of expanded reason. However, I will also observe how the philosopher has put into practice this expanded reason approach to the study of an aspect of human life to which he attributed unparalleled importance in the history of humanity: the experience of boredom.
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ÖZ Can sıkıntısı, birbirini tekrar eden aktivitelerden duyulan veya uyarıcılar arasındaki çatışmadan kaynaklanan tedirgin edici duygusal durumdur. İş yaşam kalitesi ise bireyin iş ve özel yaşamını bütün olarak değerlendiren bir yönetim felsefesidir. Sağlık hizmetlerinde can sıkıntısı eğiliminin görülebileceği ve can sıkıntısının iş yaşam kalitesi düzeyinde olumsuz sonuçlara neden olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma ile hastane çalışanlarında can sıkıntısı eğiliminin var olup olmadığına cevap aranacaktır. Ayrıca hastane çalışanlarının can sıkıntısı ve iş yaşam kalitesinin demografik değişkenler açısından anlamlı farklılık arz edip etmeyeceği ve can sıkıntısının iş yaşam kalitesi boyutları ile ilişkisinin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişki Pearson korelasyon analizi ile ortaya konulmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak nicel araştırma yönteminden anket tekniğinin kullanıldığı çalışmanın evrenini, Isparta il merkezinde bulunan Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Hastanesi ve Isparta Şehir Hastanesi çalışanları oluşturmaktadır. Kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle toplam 610 hastane çalışanına ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmada “İş Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği” ile “Kısa Can Sıkıntısı Eğilimi Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Demografik bilgilere ek olarak iş memnuniyeti, yaşama dair amaç ve hayatın anlamına yönelik sorulara da yer verilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; hastane çalışanlarında can sıkıntısı eğiliminin uyarıcılar arasındaki çatışmadan ziyade birbirini tekrar eden monoton faaliyetler sonucunda ortaya çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Korelasyon analizi sonucunda hastane çalışanlarının can sıkıntısı eğilimi ile iş ve kariyer memnuniyeti, genel iyilik hali, işi kontrol edebilme, iş yaşamında stres, çalışma koşulları ve aile iş yaşam dengesi boyutları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda yaşamda belirli bir amacı olmayan, hayatı anlamlı bulmayan hastane çalışanlarının can sıkıntısı eğilimine daha yatkın olduğu ve işinden daha az memnuniyet duyduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Can sıkıntısı eğilimi, can sıkıntısı akış diyagramı, iş yaşam kalitesi, hastane çalışanları.
American car-dependent suburbs in modern society are often stigmatized as “boring” in media, discussions, and general perceptions, depicted as dull places lacking excitement and vitality, embodying themes of discontent, conformity, and a longing for more. However, despite this usual judgement a comprehensive understanding of how urban planning influences the experience of boredom is sorely lacking. The complex relationship between urban design and boredom is examined here in detail, focusing on the potential for planners and policymakers to design socially connected, more engaging, and visually stimulating communities. By analyzing the design of communities and the effects of this design on boredom and undertaking a systematic review of the research conducted on the relationship between urban planning and boredom, the multifaceted problem of boredom in urban planning can be addressed through the creation of a framework to incorporate measures of boredom into urban planning.
This chapter explores what psychology and psychiatry, including psychoanalysis, tells us about the experience of boredom and boredom’s antithesis—the experience of “interest-entertainment.” In addition, this chapter permits the assessing points of convergence/divergence of knowledge claims about boredom deriving from the perspectives of psychology and psychiatry (including psychoanalysis) relative to knowledge claims emanating from the review, in the previous chapter, of contributions emanating from Western literature and philosophy. For a variety of reasons, the task of assessing what psychology and psychiatry have to say about boredom/interest is neither easy nor straightforward.
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Do emotions influence the eating patterns of obese individuals? This paper reviews 30 years of clinical and experimental research in order to answer this question. The result is a picture of considerable complexity in which emotions appear to influence eating by obese subjects, but only if individual variability and several qualities of emotional eating are considered. That is, unlike Kaplan and Kaplan's (1957) simplistic anxiety‐reduction model, current research indicates that individual differences in food choice and in type of emotion precipitating eating need to be considered. In addition, secrecy surrounding the eating and an episodic quality related to overall level of stress need to be taken into consideration. When these parameters are included, it appears that in certain emotional situations obese people eat more than normal‐weight individuals. Such eating appears to have an affect‐reducing effect, especially for negative emotions such as anger, loneliness, boredom, and depression. Problems with current research including methodological shortcomings are discussed.
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This study investigated the factor structure of the Boredom Proneness (BP) Scale. Previous research on boredom indicates the existence of at least five factors that comprise this construct. Data from 385 participants on the BP scale items were analyzed through a principal components factor analysis with a varimax rotation in which five factors were requested. The results supported the hypothesis that boredom proneness, and therefore the BP scale, consists of at least five factors that are conceptually similar to those discussed in the literature. The findings are discussed in terms of how they provide a more precise measurement of the construct, and how this may have implications for counseling, education, and industry.
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We describe across three studies (N = 628) the development and initial validation of the Sexual Boredom Scale (SBS), a self‐report measure of the tendency to experience boredom with the sexual aspects of one's life. The 18‐item scale demonstrates high internal consistency (rs = .92 to .95) and one‐month test‐retest (r = .81) reliability. Validity evidence for the SBS is supported by positive correlations with the following measures: the Sexual‐Depression and Sexual‐Preoccupation subscales of the Sexuality Scale (Snell & Papini, 1989); the Index of Sexual Satisfaction, a measure of dyadic sexual discord (Hudson, Harrison, & Crosscup, 1981); the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986); and the Boredom Susceptibility, Experience Seeking, and Disinhibition subscales of the Sensation Seeking Scale (Zuckerman, 1979). The SBS was nonsignificantly correlated with sexual esteem, thrill and adventure seeking, and social desirability, and negatively associated with global life satisfaction. Overall, men possessed significantly greater sexual boredom scores than did women. Age differences, clinical applications, and directions for future study are discussed.
The validity of a newly developed Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) was studied by relating alienation, as measured by Gould's Manifest Alienation Measure, internal‐external control, as measured by Rotter's I‐E scale, assertiveness, as measured by the College Self‐Expression Scale, and sleep patterns to susceptibility to boredom. The significant positive relationship between boredom and alienation and the significant negative relationship between boredom and assertiveness supported the scale's validity. Only for females was there a significant relationship between amount of sleep and boredom. Some indication of greater boredom in males as compared to females also was found.
As theories of developmental psychology continue to define educational goals and practice, it has become imperative for educators and researchers to scrutinize not only the underlying assumptions of such theories but also the model of adulthood toward which they point. Carol Gilligan examines the limitations of several theories, most notably Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development, and concludes that developmental theory has not given adequate expression to the concerns and experience of women. Through a review of psychological and literary sources, she illustrates the feminine construction of reality. From her own research data, interviews with women contemplating abortion, she then derives an alternative sequence for the development of women's moral judgments. Finally, she argues for an expanded conception of adulthood that would result from the integration of the "feminine voice" into developmental theory.
The reasons that high school students give for their use of each of nine classes of licit and illicit substances are examined cross sectionally and over time. The data derive from the Monitoring the Future project, which involves annual surveys of large, nationally representative samples of American high school seniors. Reasons for use are found to vary substantially by drug, and also by degree of involvement with the drug; but reasons vary only to a rather limited degree by sex. An analysis of trends between 1976 and 1984 shows only a modest degree of change in the reasons given for using the various substances, despite the fact that prevalence rates for some drugs have changed substantially. Among the most commonly mentioned reasons for substance use are experimentation, social/recreational reasons, and relaxation.
This article uses time-sampling data to evaluate fifth to ninth graders' experiences of boredom both as a state, related to specific school and nonschool activities, and as a trait, related to individual dispositions that students bring to school. Data come from a study in which 392 youths carried pagers and reported on their activities and emotions at random times over a week when signaled. Results show that, while boredom is reported frequently during schoolwork, it is also prevalent outside school and the same persons report boredom across these contexts. High rates of boredom were correlated with high ability and, when ability is controlled, with oppositional behavior, but not with onset of adolescence. These findings suggest that individual dispositions are an important contributor to boredom. Nonetheless, variations in rates of boredom across school task situations suggest that schools might be structured to reduce, though not eliminate, student boredom.